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CZEI.IHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Producte,and H Their Application. Food rndustry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 44943. (drying, pickling and salting of mushiQOM8,'!=U- facture of mushroom powder) mushroom extractp and canned mushrooms). it is propose'd t6~'~utiliie,the waste of mushroom procegaing as feed for cattle and fish Card 2/2 36 4, CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Prodtl~te arA, ~R-28i; Application. Food IMustry. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimlya) Ito 8) 1958) 26* Author Zvara Vojtech Inst Title At What Stage of Maturity Should Pokberries be Harvested' and Processed. Orig Pub Prumysl potravin, 1957, 8, No'% 484-485' Abstract Instructions are provided concerrang the~periods of, harvesting of foxberrieoo depend1bg'uponithe degree Of' maturity. It is not recommended tdcan unripe foxberries. Card 1/1 CZECHOSLOVA?MUChomical Technology. Chamical Products anO Their Application.~. Food Industry. .Lbs Jour Ref Zhur-Rhimiyal No 6, 1959, 21244 Author Zvara, Vojtech Inst 11-- Title Reprocessing Raw Material Growing Wild in the Food Industry of Slovakia. Orig Pub Prumysl potravin, 1958, 9, No 69 304~-309 Abstract s No abstract. Card 1 1/1 H ERRKIN.. Ya.; ZVARGUIZ, A" vneshtatW instruktar;, I ARITIONOVAO Vot do*ranyy vraoh; 9AVELIMA, G.., inzh.-tekl oloj.I WIKOLAWA, A., starohiy instruktor; SKMNITSKATA, re.; KO L'OV1.0 V. Chanpa for the,better, Okhrotruda i sotalistiakh. 5 no.4t2O-Z2 Ap 62. 1. Predmadatell obshcheatven~ogo'soveta 4,-j~ob"ya'dinennqy bollnitsy .g. Rigi (for Barkan). 12e ReepubllkanskiT~0'0"t ~r1ofspynorl Latviyakoy SSR (for 'Zvargule,.Nikolaymva).'~ 3. Plahchaviya laboratoriya g. Yurmla (for,Savellyeva). Ko~rmspondent ~azety * LeAviyall (for Smitrnitakaya). 3. Sphtniallpyy I korrespondent shurnala "Okhrana truda i sotsiallhoye strakhovabiya" (for Khmlaya), (Latvi&~Sanatoriumq)' _aAASJJ,WUI'MER, R. Analysis of the mortality and morbidity duolito malignant neoplasms of the urogenital system. Bratiola~ lek.:11sty 45 no.10085-597 30 N 165. 1. Katedra urologie !Akarske takulty'Univat~ity Xommskeho v Bratiolave (veduci doe. Mr. V, Zvara, Ck.) aifttedra organizacie zdravotnictva Lakarske fakulty UnIverzity Ko- menakeho v Bratialave (veduci zest. doe. WDr.. J. Dedek). 7" 11 j Acade-ic Gir ch-l-laf cf Gyn2colo,-V, ana Coctit-,iC3 Gr-lel;ion' Afflliaticn: Ionic) of Jll-hc OU-iZ [O'=eziry un;v'~I-av nazc~Inc!hc Cozor, NO 3, 51, iv 153-3155 Data, Disorderz -'"n Practical;Gyno-colou(" ZVARIKO &d1 Our experience with parturient, women with pUmonWry tuberculosis! Ceak.gyn.25[391 no.51397-399 Je 060. 1. Gyneko-porod. odd. OUNZ-Martinp prednostAWDr* Emil Zvarik. (TUBERCULOSIS PULMONARY in pregn), (PREGNANCY compl) Results of uaingnewoplegic drugs in obstetric analgesia, Cask, a!n$ 23[371 no-7:528-530 Oat 38, doe. Dr 2 Mh6so 1. Gyn.-por klin. sakladna SUX v Martineo.p"duostal (AUTONOMIG MUOSO ther$ use neuroplegic dru", adjur "'to IA~ labor (0s)) (WORP aneeth. & analgesia adjuvant neuroplegic drugs (G:Z),) ZVARIX,, Boil i;-e-aim-en't of nrinOX7 incontinenae In women by vesicaftginal inter- position. Ceek. gyn. 2q38] no-5060-361 ALuo 59. 1. Z Pbr. gyn. klinicej -takladne SUM v Mart Loa, preduosta doe. dra IL Whos. (MM&T.I01 DISORMS, Aurg. vesicov~gifial interposition in Incontinence in women (oz)) ZVAIIIK,E., MUDr.; RADAKOVICIM., MUDr.j SEDLAK,J.0 pmm. leltar. The significance of obeerving the fibrinolytio activity in gynecological and obstetrical practice, Cesk, gynek. 30 114-118 Mr'65. 1. Gyn.-por. oddzeleni (veducii MUDr. E. Zv~arik),' OTS (veducit MUDr. M. Radakovic) a Centralnn laboro (vediici: Jo. Sedlak,promo lekar) Obvodniho ustavu narodniho, zdravi v kartihoo ZVARIK Eul Experiences with repeated gyn(,cological lapMrotomles. Cesk. gyn. 28 no-5:323-327 Je 163.~ 1. Gyn.--porod. odd. OUNZ v FArtine, ved. Mr. E.,Zmrik. (LAPARGrOMr) (PREGNANCYt ECTO-M) (GYNECOLOGIC NEOPLASMS) (8TERIUTY, F101ALB) (URINARY FISTULA) BARANOVA, G.; BRAVDSMTR$ I.; DRUM$ V.; TEHMMY# Y;,; :VMBMUj~ KRZHIVANEK, M.1 MALY$ Ya.; POLMMOV, So,; SU W (Su Hung-kuei] 256 238 22 [Production of Md t1wough irradiation of:'U' with No OW# study of some Qf its chemiaal properties] Poluchenie''Md 256 pri U238 obluchenii on=, No I IZUchanie egos vskoto~ykh Wind- cheakikh svoistv* Dubnat ObIledinennyi in-t! iademfth isa~..,p:1962,, 11 P. (KMA 15i I) (Mendelevium) (qranium) (NSOA) V.; BVIVANEK, M.; 13RAIIDSHTETR, I.; WARA, I.; ZIIAROIIA,: T.; KNOBLO, I IIALT, Ya.; SU Determination of the fi:3sion yield of' holIVY;; mitc:10 i1ni1xiced 110141ply charged ions. Part 2t Fission of g238 indiia0d by,4,122 ions. Radil>- khImIla 6 no-4:479-4,314 16/.. (MIRA 18W ACCESSION NRi AP4009947 8/0186/63/005/006/b694/p6" AUTHOR: Brandshtetr, Xo; Zvarova, To So; Krzhivane1c..: 140; Mal~% Ya. TITLE: Chromatographic separation of rare-earth elements an.4cer'tain actinides on cation-exchange resin in the prem6nee of radioactivo isotopes precipitated with LaF sub 3 SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v- 5. no. 6,' 1963.. 694499 TOPIC TAGS: multicharge ions, rare-earth elemohts);actinides~; ra io- elements, a-active isotopes, gadoliniumj.gadoll~iuni~~,numbers,~,tation- exchange resin, lactate, Dow-X resi 'n, lanthanuOl.actinium, atinonium. lactate, elution, chromatographic separation ABSTRACT: The experiments revealed that the c6affidlents of,olerhent separation on Dow-X resin 50x12 are'different from those cited in literature. The gadolinium numbers and coeffidents of rare-Oarth and actinide separation were determined, as well ag1theielution place of a-active elements which can model actinides on.the resins used in this work. The gadolinium numbers of Md and FM were~detaziained by~the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4009947 methods described by G. Beranova et!al (Nucle'on'lka,~77/8, ~65,t. 1962). The resulting data on Dow-X,re;in 50XIZahoW that theielement- separation factors in all cases are'somewhat different from i~ose, cited in literature although results of earlieilexpeirlments with': American-made Dovi-X 50xl2 resin did agree with' the rAtblished tiVres. It appears, therefore, that the gadolinium ntunbo is not an 16iria- ble characteristic of a given brand of resin, lite place of dluti"On has been determined In the chroMatographio sep4ratioh of the~6erlOs or a-active elements which can hinder the detemin4tion. of the trans- uranium elements. "In conclusion, the authors:4xprs~s their iratiLtude to V. As Yermakov and Su Hun-Gui for their assi4tanca in the eXpelli- ments.11 Orig. art. hast 2 figures and 3 tableso'~, ASSOCIATION: none SUM4ZTMD: o3may62 DATE ACQ: OTI?eb64~~ ENCIA 00 SUB CODE: CH, EL NO REP SOV: OMM: '006 006 BRANDSHTETRP I.; LWAIROVA, T.3.; KR;911VAW'K, M,; MAEYIP YA. Chromatographic separation of rare-earth elements aild sere actinides on cation exchangers in tbe aCtIVO 150tOP03 COPMipltatillg With LuFt. IthAlokmMun 5 no. 6:694-699 163. ll. 7) BRANDSHTETH, I.; VOLKOV, V.V.; ERMAKOV, V.A.1 VARNA, Tos'.; KIIZfIIVANrK, M,j MALY, Ya.; Ijlf 011111-GH Study of the prodacts of reactions of heavy 4116'mnta with maltichargo ions. Part 21 Yield of aorm lsal.oj~O of' valifornium and fermium darinsy thn Irradlatiodr or Uoft-wm and uranium by 0161 018, and 45~2 ions. Radtokhlm~ja 5 6:706-711 163. (XI R A.1.7 t?) S/02b,/63/148/063/014/037 131 O8/B1 80 AUTHORS: Zvara, I., Tarasov, L. X. Krzhivanalk, ti., Su Hung-kuei Zvarova, T. S.' 97 TITLE: Formation of, Zr Cl when fissioa fra:gmerito are elo*ed'down 4 in gases conta'ining.chlorine PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SAR. Dokladys' v.' i46, no. 3, 19631:555~-557 TEM Experiment: A U 0 layer (target) an aml~d backing was cover*ed' 3 a with a thin fluoroothylene-film and.placedi~ a~fluor6e~hylcne-4;ampoule Gas.containing inactive-ZrCl was passed t~rough:lthe ampoule while the 4 target was bombarded,with neutrons from a standa;rd.Po~-Be source.; The gas was condensed-at the outlet.and radiochemically 41halyned for Zr 9.7 97 Results: Above' 1700C, the fiscion-fragment Zr i ostabili'zed in' tho form of Zr97Cl This process involves exchange of!tho hot Zr97 atom (io5n) tor 4 'Card 1/2 J, 3/020/63/146/003/014/937 Formation of'Zr97Cl when fission,... B1081BI80 4 97 97, the ZrCl molecule. Zr Cl forms from primary fit;tsion~-fragment Zr 4 4 as well as that arising in the beta decay of Y97. :The method out'l ined 97 here can be used to enrich Zr There are I figure ana I table. ASSOCIATION: Obllyedinenn~ry inatitut yadernykh isuledovanly (Joints' Institute of Nuclear Research) PRESENTED: August 11 1962# by V. X. Kondratlyov ~0&40mician SUBMITTED: June 13, 1962 Card 2/2 AP6029794 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/021/002/0083/0084 AUTHOR: Zvara, I.; Chuburkov, Yu. T.; Tsaletka, R.~ ZvarovA# T. S.; Shalayevskiy, M. R.; Sfill-ov--,-F.- V. ,ORG., none TITLE: Chemical properties of the element 104 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 21, no. 2, 1966, 83-84 TOPIC TAGS: transuranium element, chemical ptoperty, nuclear~reaction, fission product, Isotope separation ABSTRACT: Chemical identification of the new element 104 has been attempted in~a comparative study of the curium, californium, hafnium and iiew element chlorides Previously, the 104260 is t identified b o ope as y physical means only (G. N.'Flerov - et al. Atomnaya energiya, 17, 40, 1964). The authors applied their own mthod, earlier developed, of a rapid, continuous separation of the elements of the 111' B and IV B groups of the Periodic Table to a mixture of gaseous "chlorldes of the elements pr9duced by nuclear reactions. A PU02 target was bombarded with Ne22 ions In al Y-300 acqelerator of the JQint Institute for Nuclear Research. R4dioactive isotopes pro- duded were chlorinated by a mixture of NO; and Zrc-f-4va faro it'a the 220-350c,range 4 P in;the chamber of the cyclotron. The curium, californium, and scandium isotope chlorides were adsorbed on the walls of the chamber and itt the special filters' while 1--Cq,4 112 UDC: 541.9:541,627 --AICC-NR' AP6029794 Zr, Hf and 104260 isotopes were transported In a stream of t~itrogen to a fission event detector. The presence of the 1042GO is'otope was recorded by the detector in the gaseous stream transporting the IV B group element chlorides.-A total of 12 atoms of the 104260 isotope was recorded during a series of experiments. Rdcurrence intervals of a11-12 spontaneous fission events confirmed the earlier established half-life of the new element (0.3 1 0.1 see). Thus, confirmation w4s obtained of the earlier advanced hypothesis of a sharp difference in the chemical ptoperty between the 104 element and transuranium elements which were discovered in the past few i years. The atomic number of the new element was determined 4tnd the element 104 was shown to be close to hafnium, hence to belong to the IV b group of the Periodic Table of the Elements. Thanks are expressed to G. N. Flerov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences SSSR. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: l8May66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 krD A"4~ Card 212,z:k mishhnarodny naystar, chsmpiyanks, SSSR. Hasorable encounters. Rab, i mial 33 no,,292i! IF 157. (XLRA'10:3) (Chess-tournamants) tUSSR Fram Animals. General Problems Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 2141T Author Merkurlyeva Ye X., Kudryashov N. V.P: Zvaygzne 0. F Kuznetsov N. V. Inst Title The Breeding of Cattle of the Jersey"Breed (Razvede- .'niye krupnogo rogatogo skota ftherzeyakoy'pprody) Orig Pub: Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 6. 6o-69 Abstract: In order to increase the fatI-milk pr6duction of East Friesian crossbred cattle by way of~interbreeding with sires of the Jersey breed, Jers6ys we're brought into the USSR in 1955. 110 heifers:0nd 34oung bul.1s were sent to the state farm "Nekraso~o" in the Rya-:. zan' Oblast. During a period of onoj 105 heifers ,year,, produced 107 calves which developed,Uell 4nd posses- sed early sex maturity, a characterirstic trait of Card 1/3 ,TJSSR / Fainn Animals. General Problems Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958o 21417 Abstract: 28 Jersey cows, the fat content of milk reached 6.8%. The Jersey cattle brought in deseended frcrm:several~ inbred lines (III-II and nearer)., as wlel3az from Inter-line crosses. The Jersey cows,l~unddr c6ndi- tions prevailing in the Ryazan' Oblast;', retained the characteristics of their breed, i.e. milk fat pro- duction, steadiness of milk yield and'early matur- ity. They developed well. Card 3/3 ZVEDERp L.N. Routen of the transportatlon~of and the coi ditlohn governing the' acoumulfition of diamonds in the inner field' of Qe Irkutsk amphitheater. Geol. 4A geofit. no.1202-2C 164.:, (MIRA l8t6)' 1. Thatitut zemnoy kory Sibirskogo otdol(MOCI kff,~ SGR., Irkutisk. . I i . i. ~ J. I i i i - ZVr-,DsRj L.N. I I I I . I ViRfb i"L viedrisp L.),, deputat Verkbovnogo Savvta Latylyntair Riga); SMTORj, M. (HiRa) You are talcing a r0t, in the *ItIc Sam re on. Sbv. profsoluV 19 no;WO41 Ap""631 (HrIIA' 16: 6) 1. Glavnyy vmch sanatoriya NKemerO (for Z~ddria). 2. Koirespondent %ditsinekoy gazsW po hlbaltlymkim respublikam (for Spektor). (Latvia-Health resorts., watering placoo., etc.). G-r-nnization of the technical prot-r!f-tion of. p. ;j.901. kWOVA y1wd,n] a-ria) PliCIZ70MIA, Vol. 5, no. 314, Sopt. 1954. Ljubli,11'irll W: lbnthly List of Z'- st Europemi D.';, V,,-].. 4p 4 Apr 1955, Uncl. MIN 111110MISM41WHICE11 Hum! 91.M1111 [if 3111HIFIN1111 1111.11111 Ulf 1:11111 11111111JU111111IN1111111 r7- 'Tj IJP(d) JD1HW t L 0912 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/L ACC NRe AP.6O'32-6'1-T'-_ SOME COM AUTHOR: Kirenskiy, L. V - Pyn%ko1'V.-G.;1Sukhanov&, R. V.1 SiVkoV, N. 1.;iPYn1ko, V. ve nt;;IV477, 06 G..P-w; Edelwman, I. 'Ken, 6 ORG: Institute of Physics 60 AN SBSR (Institut fisiki 60 AN BUSH); KrasaUarej p*U- son arski pe titut) 40gical Institute tKr Y y dine TITLE: E2itaxial fill 'Nf Iron?lickellld cobalelropox-t predented a .t tbg C!2gference -ion PhYbiC8 OfFerro-and AiTti-ferr&iag-netiamo-gverdloyck,iL5-7 July 19651 'ISOURCE: Fizika-metallov i metallovedeniye, v.-22, no. 30 1966v 380-391-.0 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic anisotropy, epitaxial growing, hysteresis loopi'metal film ABSTRACT: The authors study the spitaxiai growth of iromi,,nickel:antd cobalt films 1 thermally vaporized onto ionic crystals split in air and'in a vacuum. It Is shown thal when the substrates are heated in a jacuugg of 10-4 mm Hg~ the Surface state is changed with a favorable effect on epitwW. The phase composition of the film MAYT be control- led-b~r proper selection of,the substrate. The fields of anisotropy of tbe~filas are measured and the effect which application of a magneti~jrield during taporization has on the magnetic anisotropy of the films is studied. The~domain structure of theefilms awd its dynamics are analyzed and the results are used'as a basis for explaining the ~A shape of hysteresis loops., The coercive force is measurid in films of varloux'thick- ness. It is shown that the coercive force of the films is alveys such Isis the'n the field.of anisotropy and is approximately Inversely proportionil'to the etization. Orio. art. has: 13 figureml I tablep 5 forloulas., UB COM 11o 20/ 8M DMo 3Wul65/ '.(RIO Piwi 004t om Rat 007 card 1/1 not ........... VIASOVI A. T~4,; POPOVA A.V.; ZVEGINTSLrv A.G.; RO DXCMA E0K. Palomagnetic investigation of Devonian sediin~anta strata in~the: central Part of Krasno7arak Territou. Izvw~ AN Usne Ser,.ei6ofii I no.7:1022-1024 J:j 161, I* Akademiya nauk SSSRp Sibir~koyv otdslanVo, Ilaotitut f1silrd, (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Rocks ~Mangetia prope tide;) r "190 24 WN/B201 .Zvegintsev~, A~G. AUTHORS: Kirenskiyt L. V.f Burdvikitin, V. A.i andi TITLE: Domain structure and coercive force! ~of thin ferrom Iagnet~ic films PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. S~rlya,ftzicheskaya, v. 25, no. 5, 1961, 577-580 TEXT: The present investigation was the subject of a le.-ture delivered at a symposium on thin ferromagnetic films (Krasn~',Iyarsk, July 4 to 7, 1960). The authors studied the dynamica of tho doinain,31ructurea~of ferromagnetic films in a magnetlo~ rioid and oxamij'~01 fl~l.eieffeot 0t tho film thickness upon the dynamics. A relationship'~was qziablished~betiNeen the coercive force and the chaxneter of this dyra.~ica.. The experiments were conducted witb iron and cobalt films, and wifilt filmo of a nickel alloy (80A Iii, 17~10 Fe, and 3~,, 51o). The films Werill prepared by sputtering in vacuum (8-10 -6 mm 11g) onto polishod glauj, ::ip~jtterl nif took place In a magnetic field (100 oersteda) produced by a pair Of Helmholtz colln. The Card 1/5 25790 S1041-816 1/02 5/605/0,014/024 Domain structure and coercive 1310,il/B20' An axis of direction of the magnetic field was in the film p~lane, easiest magnetizing was formed as a result, During pftduction of~ t lie films on which the domain structure and the coer-Are farce were studi:,ed as functions of 1-114okness, the glass backings wero heated to a teInperature of 3000C. Other films were sputtered at room tar-.j')erati;irP, The domains were found to increase wilh a dimin-a-Lon of %he f:tlm taickness, ahd t:he boundary curvature3 to become more pronounced. V*~io struc,~ure of the ~ domains is not modified up to a certain critical i'leldistrength "Ti lich~ in dependent upon the film thickness. In a field a 6ve L~Le critical~field strength, a magnetization at thicknesses of 800 '~~and over cauneara displacement of boundaries. New boundaries, beinjr almost perpendicular to the main boundaries, appear in films ranging from 5(10 ,to 60c, ~'~on an increase of the field strength beyond the critical onelin domaino oriented unfavorably with respect to the field direction. ~12his~is explaino'd by a formation of "subdomains". 11o boundary displacemt~nts were establisheO in films having thicknesses from 500 to 150 L "Sub(iomai~;s" under equal'con- ditions as above could be observed. Pigs 4 and $ gra&Lcally prosent the coercive forces of the three film types a; functions of their thitkness. In Fig. 6, the coercive force for the three -film types:iz shown a6 a Card 2/5 2 5790. , 04~024 5/04~ 61/0p.',~/005, 0 Domain structure and coercive B104/U01 function of the temperature of a vacuum. anhealing (1 hr)! in a magnetic:: .oersteds. As results from a d he diagrams, field of 500 incussio~i of t er the, the coercive force attains a maximum if only one dbinain 4xtends dv .film thickneuo. The diminution of the coercive' force wi;ttl a rise,of the ' by the elimination of. internal films annealing temperature is explained htresses whi6h are particularly strong in films produced on unheatdd glass babkings. If the direction of the magnetic t1eld In the annqaXifig iest rragiilotizCng, the I ~ter. proceo3 does not coincide 'with that 0t eaa ' ing t4,isast *lAch V disappears, and a now direction of eaqiest magnetln coincides with the direction of the magnetic field in the annealind proceas. There are 6 figures and 10 ref~rentes: I Sovielt-bloc and 9 non-Boviet-bloc. I i ~ i JSR : ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniY& Akad~emii n4uk, ~ (Institute of Phy, sics of the SiberiAn,,Dep~lltment, Atddem.V;~ of Sciences USSR), izrasnoyarskiy go~il pedageigicheskiy t (Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogic,IneWiute) institu Card 3/5 ;V4, VLASOV A.Ya.; A.G. Temperature lag of magnetized magnetite. Iiv. AN SSSR. Ser,',~ geofiz. no.8tl230-1233 Ag 163. (MM 16:9) 1. Institut, fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Predstavld no chlenom reddktsionnoy kollegii Izvestiv AN 61SR, ISeriya geoftIzi-:: cheskaya, B.M.Yanovskim. (Magnatite-Thermallprope~rties) VLASOV,, A.Ya.; BOGDANOV* A.A.; ~~OI!MEV, A.G. Temperature changes in the magnetic propertlpo~of aatural hematiteb, Izvo AN SSSR. Ser.qeofix, no,2024028 F (MIRA 16b) 1. Inatitut fiziki SibIrBkogo dtAoIsniya AX,S~M. (Hematite-Magnotio PrOortion) VLASOV, A.Ya.; ZVEGINTSEV, A.G. Stability of thermoremanent magnetization*~mag4eiite to i ilmul, taneous effect of temperature and a rever4ed ma0etio fleld.~ Im All SSSR. Ber. geofiz. no.10:1522-1524 0 Ift. (KaA114:9) 1. All SSSR, Sibirskoye otdoltitiye, Institut! rwki-i (Magnetite) KIRENSKIT, L.V.,* BURAVIKHM, V,A.; ZVDGIINTSEV A.O.j~~ Domain otructure and coerciva fares of tt"Iferrdm4guetic flllmo~ Izv*AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 25 no~5:577,~580 W4,061.1 ~- (KM 3.415) lo Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdolenlya Alta,demii oauk SURI Krasnoyarokiy gosudarotvennyy pedagogicheAly WtItuto (VAtanic film --HsLgrLetic propertim) (J%gnstooptics) D.I.,, inzh. Proteptive booths for blasting operations tr) bf3 c4rried out +r. hmsing development &reau. Strol. i dor. mah, 9 :nc,.1:29-20. A 164, (.MIPA 18:7) A Inth,.0awhan Odo BRODSKIY) A#Ta. kandetakhn.nsuk-,iT SUORTS&Z I.P., red. Im [Electric are and slectria slog butt weldi of eowrete reinforcements) Blektrodugovaim. i alektroahlakovnia evark^ *tykov *matury thelenobstona. Moskva, Gos. ltd-vo lit-ry po, strott., arWhit. istroit. matorimlem, (MIRA 1958, 140 p. (Mleatric welding) SUBJECTs USSR/Welding 135-2-6/12 AUTHORSt Antonova, V. F.0 Enginserp Zaksp 1.3,# Inginberp and Zvegintesvp S.K., Engineer. TITLEs Proporties of metal coating made withvlaotrodseL46 -2 :and, L~14 -3, (Iseledovani a evoysty motalla# napXavlennogo .elek- trodami LO-2 i %~4 PERIODICAL# "Byarochnoys Proisvodetvollg 19571 No 2i:~PP 18-21 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The experiments idescribed in the arti*14' had the purp6se of finding a replacement for the scarce and cos tly cobalt Y~eed to coat sealing surfaces of valVoo and otkor at Iman turbineI and boiler parts, where the service conditions require extremely high resistance to corrosion and erosidn, andhardness in temperatures over 500`C- The L;HUWTHAJ(T~NIITNASH)# and apeolfioAlly Y4A. Lapidu at Candidate of Technical Sciences, deyeloped k now alsotiod*:- theL04 -3 - and r9commtnd64 it as fully repL&6ing the 14H-2 (containing cobalt). Up to nowq sealing surface coating which most closely corresponds to tech~ical'conditionslis Card 1/4 obtained with cobalt-containing "etellite B-)X." The recon- TITLEt Properties of metal coating made with,91ectr6des L~14-2 and W4 -3. (Isoledovani a evoystv metallai naplavlannoge ilek- trodami W4-2 1 10 135-9-6/12 mended electrode composition (in %) istj for;k~14-2 (with rod B3K.U,t,-):' 1.7-2.1 C9 2.0-2.5 Si, 28-32 Oro 59-65 Coo 4-5 Wi remainder Fej fort~li-2 (with rod B3K), ~1-0-1-5 C,