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Ar. A400 Z/043/621000/0014/002/002 D291/D304 AUTHORS: Gaiperik, Juraj, Professor, Doctor,~ Zvachoy(L-Supp- mannovi, Klfira, Ezigineert and~Zvachl-,Jan, Engineer TITLEs Processing technical miitureslof multivalent,phen- ols to resinous products - 111. Condonsationior pyrocatechol residues with formaldehyde in alka- line medium PERIODICAM Chemick6 zvesti, no. 1-2, 196Z, 56 59 TEXTz This article, a continuation o.f previous stud-ies on phenol condensation, investigates the polycondensation of pyroca-, techol residues and the mixed polycondensation otpyroaatechol refaid- ues and diphene with formaldehyde in alkaline medium to resoles.~the quality of reaction products was determined by refraction index,,Yis- cosity, and specific gravity measuring. The tests,showe'd thatpyrodat- echol residues are generally suitable for preparing acid-hardenable resoles. The optimum refraction index of obtained resoles, lies at, Card 1/2 V~ z/03/62/000/001,1'~/002/002 Processing technical mixtures ... D291/D3o4 i.484o - 1.488o. The optimum pyrocatechol to formaldehyde ratio is 1 1 0.989 at a content of 0.01 moles N&OH in respect to the phenolic component. Most advantageous weight ratios of pyrocat-ochol residues and diphene in mixed polycondensation are 30 t 70 and '10 s 30. Due to the high reactivity of the two phenolic components, I the condensa- tion with formaldehyde requires special care, especially when larger quantities are involved. There are 2 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc refer- ences. ASSOCIATIONt Katedra organickej technol6gie Slovenskoj vysokej bkoly technickej v Bratislave (Departmerd of'Organte Techno- 1OF(at thl Slovak Institute of Technology in Bratisla- va J. Gasper1k); Kovo smalt, n.p., Trn'ava (Kovosmalt,~ National Enterprise in Trnava) (K~ Zvachovfi-Huppmannovr& aric] J Zvach) SUBMITTEDs August 15, 1961 Card 2/2 Chemical Technology, Cheinical Products~'H ion, Part 3. Ind- and Their Applicat ustrial Orgahio Synthesi~4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyai No 18t 1958,A1842!, Author Jan Zvach. Inst :,-Noz KT%Fev-- Title Continuous Production of Tort-Butyl Hydroper-, oxide and Di-Tert-Butyl Peroxide~ Orig Pub: Chem. pr=ysl, 1957, 7, No 2. W- 79to, bare pre-, Abstract: CH ) COOH (I) or(CH ) COOC(CH Aii)" pagea of (C113) CSO R ~Iii ng bo the schem.0 (CH3) 3CN ~~ 0 111 ~H 0 17.9? kcal per mole; III li 0 80 85 .77.65 kcal per mole; I / III 1I H 844 ~~ 0 kcal per mole. The process is gar ied out in a glass installation consisting ot a loading part, a reaction column (800 mm high, 12. MM Card 1/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemical Technology, Cheinical Products; H~l and Their Application, P~rt 3. Ind-~ ustrial Synthesis, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimlya, No 18, 1958,A1842t Abstract: inside dia.) packed.with porceWn rings (1600" rings, each 4 mm high, 1 mm inside did.j walls~. 1 mm thick) and a collector ofl~ieactlon prod- uets. All the part conneetions~~are ground andt lubricated with concentrated It" or graphite~ I~OA (but not with fat). . Water is idit-into the Col.*_ umn cooler (4 liter per m:Ln.) be-gore'1he start! of work, then 7 g of equimolarb~ixtur;e of iii'~ solution per m with H20 in. is_~fbd through two', cooks Multaneously. The reaction proceeds ra- pidly on the great surface of tb.6.packing, a ~ short time later the upper layer~~of 1in the dol- lector is separated. 2,500 g of~!! iiproduced' in 6 hours. The product puriflea andrdried over Card 2/4 .51 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Cheaical Teohnology', ChWnicai Products' H and Their Ap~pliaationi P4rt Ind- ustkial Organid Synthesis. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khitaiyaj No 18, 19560~ 61842. Abstraoti Ila S04 contains 13.2% of active~oxygen, which" 2 answers a 75%-ual content of The' atelting point of the prepared I is 3.8 to 4 its b~61ing point is 4.5 to 50/2.0h" dj is 0.896, n D is 1.4013, MRD is 24.42,~tf~e i~sooiation heat is 39 kcal per mole. 11 is,prepared In a,' similar way, its properties are: malting po BO W -41 t bg6ling point x 12 to 1$,0 / 2mm, d4 ~= 0.793, n D = 1.3872, MRD z 43.36, dissociation heat = 36 kcal per mole. The plroposqd:method~;. and installation guarantee the s6fety possibil- ity (siol) and the continuous pr6duction of Card 3/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemical Technology, Chemical'Froducts H and Their Application Pqrt 113 Ind-~, ustrial Organio Synthesis. Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya, 140 18, 19580~~imu.~ Abstract: other peroxides from liquid rdwil mato~riais. I'~ and II are polymerization initiatorb and are'', used for the preparation of polyest6r resins. Gard 4/4 52 GASPERIN, Turajp proft dre; ZVACHOVA-11UPPKANNMA11 Xl"*p, inz*; Processing of technical mixturea of rwItivalent Tbenolt into*bitminous prodwts (IV). Effect of i*lezine on the polycondensation reactions of di~henyl and't W06atechin residue with formaldehyde mid alka3ine eatdlyst. Cbem zvesti 16 no.7:516-525 JI 1.62. p Is Katedra, organickaj technologial SlovensIm vy;6o)m skola, technicka~ Bratiolava KoUarovo nameoti 2,: Chemicky avilon (for Gaaperiki- 2. Kovo t, Tvwva r Zvachova and Zvach). M GASPERIK, Jurajy profop drej ZVAGHGVA-WFMN()VAJ, IOA") im.; IYACH, Jan. inz Processing of technical -Ixt-0 of mtativalon Vwnola into bituminous products (V). Cohdananuoh of diphanyl and pyrocatechin radidue with fomaldehyde.~~ in prosence or acid catalysts ard without catalyst* Cheml,gvesti 16 n0.7:526-531 n 162. 1. Natedra, organickaj techno.logies, Slovoh~,~ Vooka skolal technickas Bratislava Xollarovo, namati 2~~ Chemicky avilon (for Gasperiki. 2, Kovosmalt.. nop,*.% Trn&va r Zvachova. and Zvach)e M CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemi0al Toohnology, 0hiomiaAl ProduotO H and. Th4ik, pl'~O*ation; !Vavtl~& Ind'-!, us trial 6 Syb thd Abs Zour: Ref zhur-xhimlyaj No 180 Author : Klara Zvachova-HupS~mnnavk Inst : f0"t-z6`=Vea-, Title :Now Equipment for li~et` -,Butyl ~Pt.,O,ParAtfion- orig Pub: Chem. Prumysl,,, 1957 p .7. No Abstraot: The bquipmeini*for tret-butyl;p~,dparjiti6n~a d- ocor ing to the'authbreit ~meihod, :' i Ithe fg,going abstraot)~is,described.'-As o~44 with oth6r methods, ~ that; ~ proc~is ~ distingi4,~thus 11tself b safety contl.iuityand~~'.i-emc)td~d'6]atr6l~ (CH CS04H ~ 1: mole) 'and 30%-ual " Hgo~"' (1. * iaole) arg fed through calibrated, oapil Fies -*i,th elect rio- magnetio valves into the paokod Col.* cooledi Card 1/2 34400 Z/043 62 0001001-2/002/002 D291 YD30~ Ar. toll.- AUTHORSs Gagperik, Juraj, Professorv Do ctor,~ZvachovA-HUPE- mannovAt Klfira, Engineerl and Zvach,-,Janp Engimeer TITLEs Processing techniial:mixturediof multivalent~pben- eta If t Conae"neation iol ole to resinous pr,,4u pyrocatechol resi Idue with foA aika- ,Inald6h a in Y4 line mediuid. PERIODICALt Chemi'ckfi~ zvestio 1 no 1 -2 t~: 1969ili 56~!' i-59 TEXT: This article, a dontinuation d~ previous studies on phenol condensation, investigates the polycondensation of pyrdca-~' techol residues and the mixed polycondensation of~pyro'catechol resid- ues and diphene with formaldehyde in alkaline medium to resolea~ The quality of reaction products was determined by refraction index, 'via.; cosity, and specific gravity measuring. The teats shoved that pyrocat- achol residues are generally suitable for preparii4,r acid-hardenable resolea. The optimum refraction index of obtained,resoles lies at Card 1/2 Z/01%62~00/0'0 1-2/002/002 Processing technical mixtures D291 D30 i.484o - 1.4880. The optimum pyrocatechol to formaldehyde ratio is I s 0.96, at a content of 0.01 moles X&OH in respe'at to the phenolic component. Host advantageous weight ratios of pyrocatechol residues and diphene in mixed polycondensation are 30 0 70 and 70 : 30. Due to the high reactivity of the two phenolic components, the condensa- tion with formaldehyde requires special care, eaped~ially when larger quantities are involved. There are 2 tables and 2,~Sovizit-bloc refer- ences. ASSOCIATIONs Katedre. organickej technol6gie Sloveiaskej,vysokej 6koly, technickej v Bratislave (Department 6f Organic Techno- lof (at thl Slovak Institute of Techzology In Bratisla- va J. Gasperik); Kovosmalt, np,,,~Trnava (Kovosmalt, National Enterprise in Trnava) (K. Zvachov~- Huppmannovi arid J. Zvach) SUBMITTEDs August 15, 1961 Card 2/2 GASPERIK, Juraj, prof,., dro; _ZY-UC LOYA--VfHj-A"qA) FA4.0~z ZVACH, Jan. inz, Processing of technical mixturts of multiv nt p1mols into bituminous producto (XV). Effect of miamino* oil the polycondenBation reactions of diphanyl and pi~rocatbchin residue with formIdehyda said alkaline catal~at. Cham zvesti 16 no.7:516-525 JI 162. 1, Katedra organickaj technologio., SlovenskA vysoka skola technickay Bratislava Kollarovo nmee 2P.6hemicky avilon (for Gasperiki. 2o KovoamaltNp.i Tmava r Zvachova and Zvach)o M GASPERIK, Juraj, prof ZVACH, Jano inzo Processing of technical mixtures of multivalkit P11011018 into bituminous products (V). Condenaatioh'd di0honyl and pyrocatechin residue with formaldehyde in prodence of acid catalysts and without cat&lyst* Chem z~mati,16 n0.7:526-531 Jl 162, 1. Katedra organickaj technologie Slorvenokm vysoka skola, technicka, Bratislava Kollarovo Inameati 2j, ~hemiclcy avilon (for Gasperiki. 2o Xovosm<,, n,p, Trnava r Zvachava and Zvach)* M GASPERTK, Jurajp prof., dr.j ZVACH(')VA-HUPPYARROVA,I;Xlnra~,o ~Inz.; VIAO.P., jan, Jnz. Processing of techrical mixtures of mu3titiilent p'henols W6 1-Itur.inous products. Part lt Dipheris and p~mcatachin residti e. Chem zvesti 15 no.11/12:909-913 W-D 161. 1. Katadra orgarIckaj tachmologle SloveTinkipj, vyo'okej: 6ko1y!teahfiIckejv Bratislava. Authors' addressi Bratislavaolollar6vej nameati Rj Chemicky pavi3on, Slov"ska vvsoka skola iolahniika (for Gasr6rlk); Kovosmalt, n.p.p Trnava (for Zvachova and 21vach). j ,JR1nrii inzo; ZVAOH, Jany GASPERIK, Juraj, prof., dr.; ZVACHCiVA-MMPI-IAMHOVA Inz. Processing of technical mixtures of multivalent rhenois W01 1-ituminous products. Part 1:.Diphione and j~rocatachlm remid4e. Chem, zvesti. 15 no.2.1/12:909-913 I-D 161# 1. Kat3dra orparickej techrologie Slo7enskoj vyiokej skoly,~ecbnLickaj, Bratislava. Authors' addreast Bratislavao )t~llarm namesti 2, :; Chemicky paviloni, Slovenska vysoka. skola teAri,3ka (for Gasrelrik); Kovosmalty n.p., Trnava (for Zvachova ard,Z4ach). GASPERIK, Juraj, prof,, &,I ZVACIIOVA-HUPI?JJM, At.~nj inz, (Kovo=u'lt, n,p.,, Trnava)l n-p-0 Tnava) Processing of technical mixtures of multivalent phenols into bituminous products. Part 3t Condensation of p1rocateehin residue with formaldshydes in alkaline medium. Chem zvesti 16 no.1/2s56-59 Ja~F 162. 1. Katedra organickaj technologie Slovenskaj vysokaj skoly technickej, Bratislava. Gasperik's addreso~, Brat.Islava., Koiiarov~o namesti 2. Chemicky pavilon Slovenskaj v1sokej skolV technickei. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Cheaical Technology, Chemical Product's H and Their Applioation, ~Axt ;5.. Ind-I ustridl 0 i4id 'Synthedl~~. 9 Abs Jour:,Ref- Zhur -Khim ya No. 1 1958 i%~, ifup~! ,vach,. a6 a', v~oh Author Xan 2, ire no". 0 ~~nov'~ 4.,.4L Inst Not given. Title New Equipment for Ttet-Butyl PrOparation. Orig Pub: Chem. Prumysl,.,1957~ 7j.No 121~404 -i6`55. Abstract: The 6quitiment.for tiet-butyl pr6para ion aoco~r4- ing to. the. a'uthokbt zetb 'd (se6 A going o :~ed th:othe~, abstract), is~ descri 'bed. ~- As 004~~ methods, that,pro6es's aistinguikos Welf b !i safety continuity i~d remote c8htroL~, (CH3f CS04H 11 'ole) and ual it 0 1 '1( '' I' ) 1.262 e -764pilfah6b wijti electro- fed throug# o6libraMd i ipaoked, magnetic valves ihto~the oolu=-.cooled CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemical'Tochnology, Chomical Proaucts I and Their Application, Part 3. Ind- ustrial Organic Synthesis. j Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 182 1958, 61843. Abstract: with water. The process tomperature is m6asurie(' with a contact thermometer' 'Munic switche.s in, the raw material feed, when'the upper tempera~- ture limit is overstepped,~~Me,product runs down into the collector emdlsion'~~from where it passes into the,separatin&41essel.' The separa- tion of layers is carried o6t periodically~,usiN electromagnetio.valves., The,product is let ouA into 5%-ual NaHOO solution,~ after which if, b6- comes safe. The installatioln is:a'pp1icab16 to the preparation of other hydroperoxides of'licL'- Uid substances. Card 2/2 53 GASPERIX , Juraj, prof., dr.; ZVA,"ffCVA-)IUFMANVDVA~ KI.arh# inz.; ZvkH, Jan, inz. Processl"g of technical mixtures Of MIJItiVAj,0nt Ph(MOIO intol~ bituminous products. Part 2vCondensation,ofdiphene with for- na3dehyde in alkallno xediuip, Chem zvestI15 no,11/12-.914-911 F-D 161. 1. Katedra organickej tochnologie Slovenakej vys6kaj skoly technickejp Brati4lava. Author's address: Btatiollavaj Kol3arovo 'flamesti 2, Chemicky pavilon, Slovennks, vyeo 6 skola technicka (for Casperik); Kovusmalt, n.p., Trnava (for Zvac6ova and Zva'ch),. STDGER, F. Congenital hernia with dyotopic liver tiosUe in ths umbilical stump in a newborn Want. Cook. pediat. 20,no.1600,4-895 0 165, 1. Detake oddeleni (vadouci WDr, J, Zem&nek) a pLtclogickoanato- micke oddeleni (vedoud WDr.,P. Stbger) nastoonice v Novem Yeats na Morava, ZVAG SUTA, V.N.; SHMMALID, Ts.Ts. -2VAG4SUT~. 7inds of Sp, latyahovi In rodents in Usbeklat'a, 1 parax. bol. uot2:180 Ap-47a 054. I* Iz Tashkentakogo inatituts, spideadalogil 14ilcr~biologii, (SPIROCRAETAN Olatyahavi, in rodents) (RODMIS# *~pirochaata latyahovi in) KHODUKIN, V.I.; SHURROOLIDO To.Yaq SHIXMMO J.'I 2166AIRATA Ikpartance in the preparation of vaccine againot Q'~ftver. Zhiir mikrobiol.opido I Immun. 27 no.7:22-23 JY 156. (XLM ;:g) 1. Is Tashkentakogo iustituta vaktoin I syv6r1Ptok,;. (q rzm, pray. add control vaccine prop, from spleens of whio mice) (SP . ;i prop# of q favor vaccine from spleVIA of 'White micaj ACC NRj AP60160451 (A) 5MCE'CODEs URM85/66/611/oWo 520/0 526 AUTHORS: Zvyahin, A. Ye emeako, Vol V, Skorobohatova, I. V#--t-Skorobogq~tova V, ORG: Physicotechnical Instituteor Low Tempera tUre 3 jAN UhSh, - Khar1koy (Fizykotekhnichy~yy Ne ytut nii, 1krkh tpmp ii~. a.'GF-AN 61~30 TITLE: Infrared absorption spectrum of crystals of aft,tiferromagnet,ic cobalt compounds. Part III. Absorption in CoCO~,and CoCl e SOURCE: Ukrayinelkyy fizchnyy zhurnal, vo 11, 116, 50 1966, 5eo-5p6 TOPIC TAGS: co lt compound, IR spectrum, IR absorption, electiont! transition, antiferromagnetic material ABSTRACT: A study has been made of light absorption by CoC03 and cOcle in the 600-9000 cm-1 region and in the 10-300-K,tempariLture ranges! It has been shown that,the formation of more absorption bands than~expecte from splitting the ground term 4F9/ of the Cc4* ion in the cry6talline field, taking into consideration SpEn'orbit intoract,ion, can be' explained by the presence of vibrational (and, posisibly, electron- vibrational) bands. Using Lines arrangement (Lines, M, E., Phyi I# R ey#1 131, 546, 19631 for splitting the lover triplet of the'ground term ACC NRt AP6016045 4F9/e of the Co"'+ ion in COCIp and proceeding from the ident'iffcation of absorption bands in the CoCle spectrum, it vaa,lpossible to define the parameters of the intercrystalline field and.,spin,orbit. inter- action. An analysis was made of the effect of the antiferromagnetic transition on electron and vibrational absorption~bands. During the transition of the CoCl crystal to the antiferromagnetic state, anomalous frequency changes in the electron absorption bands were observed, the magnitude of which is chiefly attributable to thelsplit- tiag of the ground state of Co++ ion In an exchanle field. No~dhanges were observed in the maximum, shape, and halfwidth of,vibratibAlbands 'a COC03 9 Cocl , and MnC03 spectra during the traMsition of cryatal,a to a magnetoorsered states The authors thank B. I, Verkin, corresond- Ing Member of the AN UkrSSR f or his interest in this - York,-'and V. 1. Kuttko for his help in carrying out measureaente,,~l Orige art., has: 6 figures# jBased on authorsO abstract] ENT) SUB CODEs 11,,*,90/ SUBM DATE: lhjunOVORIG REN005~/ OTH REFt 00 5`1 4 VOYTOVICHO B.A. (Kiyev); .~VAGOLISKAYA,., TeV. (Kiyev); TUHUOVA, MI. (Kiyev) Interaction of thionyl chloride with certain impurktien In commercial titanium tetrachloride. Izv. Ali MR. 14j)t. no.6: 46-51 N-D 165- (WHA 191l) VANADZINS, Z.; BAUGIS, P.j MICE, M,O KCVj',,l,:AEp V., red.; MACULEVICA, S., red.;..Zi~ jj,, red. [Soviet lAtVJa fadomju latviJ4, LOVitskala 1AL"'V-11a. R-ga, Liesma, 1961/5. (MIRA 18: 10) Contribi-.ttlor. to nothods of antl atTuottire. Pi c d lilt 5e OJIAA~ 12:11) no. 7:25-30 JI 159. 1. Vyssha,,.,a sWcola, Brt-"; 01'ek-fic 61ovald7a. (Soil, -p~:rslcs) BLOKHIN, N,N.,, prof,j ZVANTSEVA., V.A.#*and. mad; ndukt MUKHINAI Me?,, kando mad-0-'-n'--a'W;:-"=tffA*IK0VA N*V#j k~t** ned, muk Some pbysicochemical, bioebemical and c7tologi-pa% changed in the spovial fluid of tuberculous onovitiep pstlents. Frobl. tub. 42 no.l-.64,68 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Ioningradskiy institut khirurgicheakogo tubsrkule';a (dir. Prof. Del, Khokhlovp nauchnyy rukovoditell doystvitel'M chlen AMN SSSR Oct. P.O. Kornev). i ZVANSKIY, G.Ye., inzh. Effect of the feed force on the speed of drIllinuvith the .BU-1 machine. Shakht. stroi.l no.12:19-21 W63, (141RA 17s 5) 1. TSentrallnyy Lauchno-issledovatellskiy 1. p'royektito.- konstruktornkly instltut podzernogo i shakhtnogo stroitellstva. MOKOVICIT, Ilikolay Mikhaylovichl MIXISMV, Valeriy SamlMovich; ZVAITS 3Y-.,,,,Grigorly Yefiravich; IMEDVEDEV, I.Fop kand, t6khn. nauks retsenzent [Rotary percussion machinery for driMng )iketq] Vra- shchatellno-udarnye ustanovki dlin burenlialchpurov. Mo- skva)' Izd-vo "Nedra." 1964. 157 p. (MURA I?s6) ALEKSEYEV,, G.P.; AUDONIYEV,, V.S.; ARNGOL'Dp A.V.; BAI;KlNp $.H.; BASHMAKOV, N.A.; BEREZIN, V.D.; BERWv Y.A,~; BIYMIDV, T.F.; GORBACHEV, V.N.; GRECHKOp I.A.; GRINBUKH, G;S.; G110MOV, 14.F.;~ GUSEV, A.I.; DEMENTIYEV, N.S.; DMITRIYEV, V.~,P.,- DULIKIN, V.Y&,; ~.YPPKIY,-M.L; ZENKEVICH, D.K.; IVANOV, B#V.; INYAKIN, A.Ya.; ISAYENKO, P.I.; KIPRIYANOV, LA.; KITASHOVi j.S.;,KOZHEVNIKOVP N.N.; KOINYAGIN, B.V.; KROXHIN, S.A,; KUDOYAJIOV, L.J.; KUDRYAVTSEV, G.K.; LARIN, S.G.; LEBWEV , V.P.; LsvCHENKOV, P.N.- LEMZIKOVv A.K.; LIPGART.. B.K.; LOPARHVP A.T HALYGIN , G.F.; MILOVIDOVA, S.A.; MIRONOV, P. I. i MIKIIATLOV$ ~B. V. , kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSTAFINO Kh.Sh., kand. tekhr6 inauk;~NAZIHOV,, A.D.; NEFEDOV, D.Ye.; NIKIFOFOV, I.V.; NIKULINO I.jl.; OK-OROCHKOV9 V.P.;~ PAVLENKO, I.M.; PODROBINNIK, G.M.; FOLUK0#,'4.Ya.; PUTILIN, V.S.; RUDNIK, A.G.; RUMYANTSEV, Yu.S.; SAZONOV, M.N.; SAZONOV, X.F.; SAULIDI, I.P.- SDOBNIKOV, D.V.; SLIWOV, N.k; SKIUPCHINSKIYI I.I.~; SOKOWV, N.F.; STEPAROV, F.P.; TARAXANOV, V.S.; TMUBOV, A.I.; TRIGER, N.L.; TROITSKIY, A.D.; FDKIN, F.F.1 TSAREVO B.F.; r4TSTiLIN, N.A.; CHUBOV, V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; ENGEL', F.F.j YUROVSKIT, : Ya.G.,- YAKUBOVSKIY, B.7a., prof.; TASTR8BUVj~m.P.;lAMZINP l.v.#-0;r0f.j glav, red.; MALYSREV,, N.A., zam. glav, red.1 MELIMOV,, A.M.2 glav. red.; RAZIN, N.V., zamo glav,.red, i red, tomo VARPAKMVICH, A.F., red.; PETROV, G.D., red.; SARKISOV, M.A*, prof,i red.; SARUKHANOV, G.L., red.; SEVASTIYANOV, V.I... red.; SMIRMOV, K.I., red.; GOTHAN, T.P., red.,- BULIDYAYEV, N A. t9khn. red. (C;ntl'num,d on next card). kLEKSEYEV, G.P.-(continued). Card 2. (Volga Hydroelectric Pover Station; a technical report on Thai design and construction of the Volga HydroeUctrio Power Sta-.~ tion (Lenin), 1950-19581 Volzhokaia. gidroel0trostlintoila, tekhnichenkii otchet o praektirovanii i stroitelistva Volzhakoi GES imeni V.I.Lenina, 1950-1958 gg. V dvukh tomakh. Moskva,, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.[Organization and execution of conotrution and assembly work] Organizatsiia I proizvudstvo stroitellno- montazhnykh rabot. Red. toma: N.V.Razin, A.V.Arn olld., N.L. Triger. 1962. 591 p. NRA 16:2) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Razin). (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)--Design and construction) LUSHIN, B.D. ZVANSKIYI._�A Compensation level gauge. Mash, i.neft. obor, no,1.1:137-38 164. (MM 1921) 1. Movogroznenskiy ne ftepererabatyvayushchiy~zavod4 34210. VIANT3.7'lA, V. A. i MUSAELYAN, S. Kh. 0 blolo,ficholAny nktivro"Stl perifericheskoy krovi bollnykh atradayushchikh soaudiatymi pboUrvontyaml rflovno-,o moz,-,a a gemiparozami. v sb: Problemy Xortilco-v1stserallnoy patologil. M., 1949, 9. '126-33. SO: Fnizhnaya Letopis' do. 6,1955 VERESHCHAGIN, A.P., kand. m3d. nauk,, VANT9M, V.A,., kand. med. nat~k Radical restorative surgery In ostooarbic-ular tulmroulosis and Its sequelae; a review ol contemporary foraijKn literature Ortop., travm. i protez. 25 no.9j75-80 11 f64. 1, `--1 avtorovi LenIngrad K-21, Institutskmya ulltsa, dam 6,' Inititut khirurgicheskogo tubarkuleza. VA V.A., kandidat meditminskikh nauk (Zsn1*sA,, Iftleovskir P;r~~* 44"M kv 0 39) History of physical and *11matic therapy of o0teoarticular tu)Wrou~ losis In Russia. Test. Mr. 74 no&6375-79 9 954. (MA, 7110) 1. Is Goeudaretyannogo nauchno-losladovatellstogo instituts, khixurgt- cheekogo tubarkuleza I kostno-sustwrafth mabolovaniy (dir, prof'! P.G.Kornev) (TUB11 CULOSIS, OSTIGARTIOULARO thsmpy~j clinatic & physe there, hists in Ruiiia) (PHYSICAL TMMAPY,, In various dissasast~~ tubeml ostsoarticulAro hist. in Ai6i&Y ZVANTSEVA V.A. (Leningrad, Kiravskiy prospekt, d.7,13/75p Ttame'rov, V.A. Pigmental villose nodular synovitis. Ortof., *01ram.,I i protez. 25 no.6:64 Je 164. (PIRA JW) 1. Iz Leningradskogo Instituta kh1rurgicheskoijo tub.irkuleza (dir. prof. D.K. Khokhlov, naurhnyy rukovoditelf d,eystvAtelinyy chlen AMU SSSR prof. P.G. .. ....... .. 00 A -009 $1949 6 ' IMSTIGAT105 OF MOLECVUR CO"ITIDU OF rRiU"014 OF SMaC VOO 00 : 00 UR BT MEMO OF COUDIKATIOM =TTMUNO OF LIM. 'Z 1410 0* V. (Bull* Acodo Sai., VoS.Seltoi Sere ftysos 1947, +oke 111, 374;1;'$Tbj! 004 0 10 abstr. In Chomo Abstrv, 1946, Vol., 42, 4333)~ Cnl:r rmotions O~th ' a boilin oint of less than 210* woulO be *jj* % e4 %i& a thl .041 00 . c e o yx g p u: i ld b t d f e b t b fl tt di I i Ti '06 -00 1. uoresc ou e ree rom nt su s ances mul t a i l ' , 3 - 7 W ZOO .004 in vacuum. In these fractions were idontifted 50- o . Mw ~ . A CO -004 1 p-xylone. nositylous, pasudocunenes 7-8% of 4piompourlds with CO roe -00" group; 20-30% of olerins. Diorins waro absetit in frootlon b. ire 0 04.11 180-210% We 0 !so J, 4 be e 6 6 84 L A SCIA&LW4KAL &MR41400 C -0 INS-3w *it 06 Clot Ir W ' N IN 0 A 1 13 'N 1 4 o 0 0 0 0 0 0,40 0 0 0.6 0 0,40 40.0 0 0 C* 41 40 40 0 0~ 40 0 4 a 0 1 2 41,4 k 0; 0 0 W : 1 0 0 *.0 0 1, 0 0 Ole 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 0 ill AUTHORt 1307/55-58-6!~_17/31 Zvara TITLE: On the Energy Distribution of the'90coil Atoms in the Reactions (nil-)(Ob anorgeticheskon Ii Tas~IreIdelenii itomov otdachi pri reaktoivakh (nt PERIODICALs Vestnik Moakovskogo universitsta. Serip iftatematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khi('aiit 1958,13gr 6 A pp 127-138 (USSR) ABSTRACT: after radio 6tive con- Radioactive atoms have the proper , version, of entering.''Anto chemiohl:reactlon~-wiWsuch molecules as still contain mothor:atoma. In this4art;gamma : din 'to their products are produced which can bo analyzed accor 9 radioactivity. The effect of activ~A:tioi has been!4uantitatively investigate4 only on halogens an& alkyl halides.' Theiresults obtained as well as,thetheories~deduc4d from thisin ate# how- ' ever, rather contradictory.- For:~he ia* Oetigati6~ ofiprocesseff ' p6rtant to 'determine caused by the "burtting" atoms it Is lm the real energy distribution of ~,he rdcoll atom,:df the (at T,) reaction, which may be caiiaulated from th4 ro-6apture ~ spectrum. Pigure 1 shows the schvma of -the levels cc ourring Card 113 In I'-capture, which was set uplealcording to datalgi*en by On the Energy Distribution of the Recoil Atoms in the tOV/55-5&6~~-17/31 Reactions (nor) Groshev (Ref 19)9 and figure 2 shows that which was SO I upi~by A caBoade the authors on the basis of,this achome'i on a~ground level Is then mathematically investigntpkj whAch does AdIt, ~s hitherto in publications# correspond t6~only'two I-quaiita with different values or to three, fourg. aaU~slx yt',-quanta with the same values, but whicht for the first ti~moo corresponds to throe p-quants. with different energy values. Calculations are 'then carried out separately for.oneo two, and~~ithroe quanta, looording to the formulas obtained the energy distilbutiot of tho,recoll 35(n, T-)C,36 32 33 atoms of the reactions Cl. anit 3 (nt HS (Vigs'06o7) is calculated. It Is shown that only inAal the binding Onor Igy is so great that the phenomenon of the ~%'trning atom cannot occur, which means that the anergy~of the recoil atom in not sufficient to bring about such a disruption (Figs 61' 9). The author thaike Docent An. N. Nesmeyanoy for his intorast~in the carrying out of this work. There are 9 figures and 25 reiiarenolls, 5 of vhich~,are Soviet. Card 2/3 NESMANOV, An.N.; BORISOVf Te.A.;,ZVARA I, Chemical action of radioactive bro-qine ato'~Js fo~mf)d in the re- action of bromine with neutrons in haloian'derivatives of methane, Radlokbinila I no 3:325-335 59- 041RA 12:10) (Bromine) (Me;hane) VTO/60/000/004/003/005 .4. ~2-2'3 0 noi/AoM AUTHORS: Pod691, Milani zvhra, lvo_~_, TITMz Water Suspension Fleactors Af PERIODICAM Jadernfx energie, 1960,~Ro. 4, pp. 120 104 TECT: and sooo feren~es,,,,` the Based on materials of the first 6~1~Gen644 con article presents a review of chemical and enginetrin$,pi-obl4m~ encountered In the designing of suspension nuclear reactors. A SovI4~t pro'~ofoal submit~,ed at the, conference was based on extensive experimental and sia~ll-scalo model btudiem. These stiidies included the behavior of uranium oxide ijuspenbions during lo ~-term ng heating and the conditions neaessary to preserve the~homogenieity during boiling. They resulted in the development of equipment for the ~! decon-tamination of vsporalp originating in the active region, with a coefficient of 1010, and in -the so'lution of the recombination problem of fission product gases;~. Soviet experts have &I so succeeded In keeping fisslon-product poisoning down ~ to I - i2~- At the:'second Geneva conference in 1958, Byakov submitted a raport I(Ref.;8) containi~ Physi- ng cal and material-economy calculations of a reactor with a rated power 'of 1,200 - 2.000 Mw using natural-uraaium oxide in heavy-water auspennion. The projectpro- Card 1/2 03 ~/6o/000/004/003/005 Water Suapension Reactors ~A201 ;A026 vides for a continuous, chemical fuel-reprocessing with'~recydtlng of thelsepa- rated plutonium and continuous replenishment by fresh ftel. An output of about 220 million kwh per ton of uranium is assumed. - In a roport on' the Soviet prog- ress in nuclear engineering development, Yemelyanov (Ref. 9) litated that* 35 Mw homogeneous reactor with either suspension or solution f*91 was being built on the Volga river. - A Czechoslovak report (Ref. 1) deicribed it prellmtnarf de- sign of an experimental, circulating-suspension reactor~usinglenrlched uranium oxide in light-water suspension. Principal technical dita of;this reactor pro- ject are shown in Table 1: thermal output: 10 Mw (th)jl.ela~trical output,. , 2.5 Mw; active region volumes 500 1; susponnion ook6iitratlo:t V5% bi weii~hU U-235 enrichment; 2.2 x 1613 n/im2-tec, produced 17%] average neutron fluxs steams 2550C, 44 atm. (Edited by J. Ber&nek.) There iu,6 2 figures, 2 t .ablest, and 16 referencest I Czechoslovak, 3 SovIet and 12 non-soviet-I)IOC ASSOCIATIONs Ostav Jadernbho v~zkumu OSAV (Inatituta'af!~;NucleiaO hesearciii~ CSAV) Card 2,12 ZVARA, I.; TARASOV, L.K. (Studying the interaction of gaseous ZrCl., h0l t NWI and TaC15 with KCI by meano' of radio6ctive tracorbi &61104110, Vz4L-,&- deistviia, gazoobramrykh ZrC , H-rcl VbCl i~ T ACI o XCI a po- 14 4-0 5 5 moshchliu radioaktivnykh Indikatorov. Dulma, Obtledirteanyi In-t laderzWkh issledovanii., 1962. llpd (MIRA 15:6)' (Nuclear reactions) (Radioactive trmaers) B I 44[B 16'0; AUTHORS: Zvara, I., Tarasov# L. K. TITLE: Radioactive indicator study of the interaction between KC1 and gaseous ZrCI Hb and TaCl 4' HfCY C15 PEHIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7,f no..'12, t962, 2665-2670 TEXT: The system volatile chloride - alkali-metal chloride was studied with the aim of extending radiochemica.1 methodO'.i Mettil oxides taggid with. 95 181 95 182 -2 Zr , Hf Nb or Ta (10 Vcu per test) * mixed with 1U.' -10 oxalate solution as carrier, surfactants and powdered oarbon (20 mg),were added, the mixture was dried and then heated .to"5000C in a dry Cl flow. Chlorination proceeded at 600 - 600 0C at a volu Ime ra.te of (4 -,30),41091/min and the gaseous mixture was then passed into ainarrow tube containing KCI and having a temperature gradient of 20 0C/cm, When 60% of the oxide had been chlorinated, the activity distribution in theACI layer was coasured with a scintillation counter. The experiment,ally.found;ohape of the entrapped chloride zone agreed with that calculated r~6m: Card 1/3 S/078/62/007/01,0!1'00.5/02~ Radioactive indicator study of the f(x) kr-/(T lr~x )2. 10 exp(-A/(T -,?X))# X;;Px IMO A 0 1 ~X Where 0 0 'trio the gradient 0K/cm and k a numeriCILI OOOffiCiQftt. Thif. method: can be used.for determining the temperature dependence of the decomponition pressure of binary systems und the saturated vapor prestiure of single compounds. Vapor pressures, decomposition i.-: ;ureo. entbalpies and entropies are indi-;steii ['or K 2 ZrCl 60 k HfCl KNbClj 2 6' and the KCI-NbOCI !;vTte-~ It. va.S, found that NbCI can be Aepar,ated from NbOUI 3 5 by KC1. TkQ (1,~-jilibTiLum diagram of the 14bOC1 -XCI ~aystem was studied. 3 The 1,5w-st ppi7tsal pre-aure reached was 10-4 mm Hgo The shape of the zone -,aCII 5 f rom -3 d began io cnang~, 10 mm Hg# for Nbacl from 10 um Hg-, an 4 3 for ZrCl and IifCl f rarN 10 mm Hg. Chloride adsorption increased. 4 4 gradually along the KCI layer and then fell sudden.1y. Tht adsorption Coefficient rises when the temperature falls. Theidiscontinuity of the zone shifto to higher temperatures when the partial preosure decreases I and in also test time-dependent. Although not eq'U.41 that, of An. fl~. Neameyanov (Davieniye Para khImicheekikh Plementov~(Vapor pressures ,of Card 1/3 5/018J62/007/012/003/022 Radioactive indicator study of the ... B144/BISOI, chemical element' 12cf-vo AN S$SR, . 1961 , s), Moscow, 39~ In accuracy, the method can be used for a variety of substances and at extrembly_'loi pressures. Disadvantages are the limited pressure r6hge and the possibility of ambiguous interpretation in some eases.' There are 4 figures and~2'1 tables. ASSOCIATION: OblyedinenW inetitut yadernykh issledovaniy,Laboratokiya~ yadernykh reaktsiyjjoint~ljistitute 0t $Ucle,t Research Laboratory-of Nuclear Reactions SUBMITTED., April 16t 1962 Card 3/3 MATIA Jj; VARovA, T. TUV MAKOV, t --Ol Su Hung- I ,TR I.; WAN -SEM- Y91 Ya.; rRZHIVANEK, 14-; 14A"Y) KNOBLOM V.; kusil of some fraponts t Fission etermination Of the YielLd e1jons Pflrt 1", 6s D f heav y mul~jcharg 11adjokhtmii4 5 110 y nliclOi Ind,""' ,d Ne 2 long. 0 17-0) of Th232 induced 018 715-720 163. B108/0180:~ AUTHORS: Zvara I., Tarasov, L. K., Krzhivanek, M-,' Su Hung-kuei,l Zvarova, T. S. TITLE: Formation of,Zr97cl when fission fr4gmenta~are slowa:d d, own 4 in gases containing,chlorine PEHIODICAL: Akademiya nauk,S51-R-. Doklad;k,' v.' 146, no. .,3, 1963, M5'557 TEXT, Experiment: A U 0 layer (target) on a mica backing was toveiid 3 8 -4: with a thin fluoroethylene film and placed,in' a fluor ethylene ~ampou Gas.containing inactive ZrCl was passed tl~roug~,the ampoule while the 4 target was bombarded,with neutrons from a standa~4 Po-De source.i The gas 97 was c.ondensed-at the outlet and radiochemically 4nalyzed for Zr Reaults: .Above~ 170 OC, the figsion-tragment Zr97 i a stabilized in the form 97 97 of Zr I Thia process involves exchange of the h.a tZr atom (i,6n) for 4* Card 1/2 97 5/020/63/146/003/014/03"7 Formation of Zr Cl when fission ... BIOS/B1130 4 97 '97 the ZrCl molecule. Zr C1 forms from primary fiFdnion-fragment Zr 4 4 97. as well an that arising in the beta decay or Y The method outlined~ 97 here can be used to enrich Zr There are I figure and 1 table.; ASSOCIATION: Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh issiledovaniy (joint', Institute of Nuclear:Reaearch) PRESENTED: August 1, 1962, by V. N? Kondratlyev; Academician SUBMITTED: June 13, 1962 A PERFLYGINI V.P.; TRETIYAKOVA, S.P.; ZVARA, I. Recording nuclear fission with the altj of amorphous ".0did co.ntaining S102- Prib. I tekh. Oksp. 9 no.4081,80 JI,iAg 064. (MIRA 17t.lP) 1. Ob"yedlnennyy Ins'.1tut yadernykh insledovaniy. FMOV) G.N.; DRUIN, V.Aot kAnds fize-irat. nauk; (11141MVOI Yu.Ts.., kand, fiz,-mat, nauk; POLIKAITOV, S.Ill.v kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; DOMS, Ye.D., nauchne sotr'~Ij ZVAf~4, Ivop nauchn, sotr.: CHEMIOV, A.G.; WNBOD100. j [Prospects for the synthesis of* transurani" eleo'kits. Ninth discussion. Participants in the discussion: Flerov, G.N. and others] Perspektivy sinteza trans~~anovykh ele- mentov. V besedo, uchastvulutt G.W,Flerov i dr, Mosikvat Znaniep 1965. 39 p. (flovae v zhiznip nauke~ tekbnike. IX Seriiat Fizikaj, materatika., astronomii(a ,,,,x,,o.10) ACC NA- AP6029794 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/021/002/008-37OUB47- ~AUTHOR: Zvara, I.; Chuburkov, Yu. T.; Tealetka, R.; Zvar~V~4T.~S;; Shalayevokiy,, M. - R. SITI-ov-,37-r. ,ORG, none TITLE: Chemical properties of the element 104, SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 21, no. 2# 1966, 83-84 TOPIC TAGS: jeivWM-=W--4, transuranium element, chemical p,r6perty,', nuclear reaction, fission product, isotope separation ABSTRACT: Chemical identification of the new element 104,hA's bedn attempted~ina comparative study of the curium, californium, hafnium and ne'v element chlorides-' Previously, the 104260 i0ot p ,Vas identified by physlcal~maans Only (G. N. Fler6v et al. Atomnaya energiya, 17, 910, 1964). The authors appiied their own mqtbtod,~ earlier developed, of a rapid, continuous separation of th~ elem4nts of thi III B and IV B groups of the Periodic Table to a mixture of gaseous chlorides of the elements prqduced by nuclear reactions. A PuO2 target was bombarde4l with Ne22 ions in a:Y-300 accelerator of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Radioactive isotopes pro- du~ed were chlorinated by a mixture of -,qbCl$-wt-fd--ZrC1jj vapors iii the 220-350C riange in"the chamber of the cyclotron. The curium, californiuool and ocandium isotope chiorides were adsorbed on the valls of the chamber and In the special filters, while UDC: 541.9.541#~27 ACC NR, AP6029794 ,Zr, Hf and 104260 isotopes were transported in a stream of nitrogen to a fissILon event detector. The presence of the 104260 isotope was rec~ortded by,the detector in the gaseous stream transporting the IV 8 group element chlorLdes. A total ot 12; atoms of the 104260 isotope was recorded during a series of experiments. Recurrence intervals of all*12 spontaneous fission events confirmed the~earlier established ' half-life of the new element (0.3 * 0.1 sec). 1bus, confirl'mlltion~.was obtained of~the earlier advanced hypothesis of a sharp difference in the chemical property between the 104 element and transuranium elements which were discovered in the past few years. The atomic number of the new element was determined and the.element 104 WAS shown to be close to hafnium, hence to belong to the IV b gira~up of'the Periodic Table of the Elements. Thanks are expressed to G. N.'Flerov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences SSSR. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 18Hay66/ ORIG REFi 004/ OTH Rip: 061, z V/V~9 J., Coiuitry t CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Category Plant Diseases, Diseases~of CulfiVated; Plants. 0 Abs Jour RZhBiol.,, No 69 1959) No 25204. Author Zvaraj J& Inst Title Fungus Diseases of Narroe-Leavedltupifi6. Orig Pub t Za vysokou urodul 1958, 6t No. 9jj 212i213 Abstract Considerable harm to the narro caved lupine is inflicted by pcnidery mLdevr_ grysiphe) fusarium wiltq brown leaf mold~Aiacroaporla- sis, and rhizoctoniaAisease* the~preven- tion of the disease,:it is rcco~~ended to sow lupine with Well-riponedt healthy needs and to treat them by a fungicide, --i;P* M~ Shte- renberg Card 3,/1 j ZVARA, Jaroslay; PRIBYSRwiolf; JWDIL, njet Changes in the region of ventral spinal 003111ii~jo in 11tats irradiated by a lethal dasis of,X-zsyo. Cesk.'I',MOrf,,1l2 40-49 v64. 1. Histologlsko-"nbr7ologicky unitar Lakarake XU r Hradai Kraloce (prs&ootat prof,, dr. Vladtlmk~ Vrtlb). Predneseno na 6. ajamba S6, anatclujq*e 800180~,Osti Te 77- sokych Tatraoh ve dnech 24.9, 27,9. 1962. ZVARA, J2Lef; KOLEKI Jozef Disorders of nutrition and the apoplexy of pea.;chm, BIkologia 14, no.12: 881-887 139- (EKAI 9: 7) 1, Oddelenie fyziologis rastlin Biologickeho ulstavu Slovenskej skkadbmie vied. Bratislava. (PEACH) (PLANTS) LA0197-66 ACC NRs AP60300" SOMCE CODE: CZ/0049/65/000/01()/0721/0730 AUTHOR: Zvarar Jozef--Zvara,, Y. (Bratislava) ORG: Department of Plant Physiologyo Botanical Institute,ISAV,~Bratislava (Oddelenie fyziologie rastlin, Botanicky ustav SAV) TITIE: Some factors affecting the adsorptive ability of roots SOURCE: Biologia, no. 10, 1965; 721-730 TOPIC TAGS: adsorption,-ion exchangep plant chemistry AB�TRACT: Study with barley, pea, and corn roots, dippad'.in dil%pts hydrochloric' nitric, sulfuriap phosphoriep or acetic acido to determinakthe etfact, on cation exchange capacity. Theri was no qualitative difference betvten the' various' acids, but increased concentration or duration of exposwe did inerease;the cation exchange capacity. Origo art. has: 9 tables. [Orig, arta~',In E~g'0,3 CJPRS'." 3315001 SUB Cq~E,-. 06 aWX.WX% lgJun65 CRIG REN 001 07H IMF: 019 ae~ -N49 j, ZVARA V.; KOTULA, V.1 ZVOLENSKY, 14. Ureterocele and its clinical significance. Cook. raftol. I 9 no.2tl3O-l36 Mr 065. 1. UroloOcka klinika (Prednostat Mr.F.164115); detska. klinika (prednostat prof. dr. J. Michalickovi) 14kitrokej fakulty University Karlovy v Bratinlave. ZVARA, V.; BRUCIII (XVAj V. Appendicovesical. fistula in 2 children. CoO, pedlat, 19 noo8j705-706 Ag 164o 1. Xatedra urologia (vadudi doo. dr, V, zvmrr~j CSC.),a IT. pediatrloku katedra (vaduca prof. dr. J. Michialickbva) Lekarokej fakulty University Komensksho v Bratislava, r ,I r il rl I Y A', ca In 1: s lt.a rernLO y SI; j 1.1", 09', t-);~ I' $ql 4 f, r 1 1, r a L k I J i~ Vo. 1, f -. r t !~ c, w e c s r o r v ..i f I- Ci 1 IS C f~ C. 'J t t 0 11 W Z It'. Cs. ca CC r, 0 ZVARA, Josef; LACM, %vol; tOLYX, JQzqf ftsiological properties of wants in the production of peniet Ilin. Blologia 15 uo,Zt23m3I '60, (IRAI 9:5) 1. Biologicky ustav Slovenskej akademie vi.ed, Oddelenie tyxiologie raotlin, Bratislava (PE110ILLIN) (HrOlILIUK) IMLIK, Josef; LACOIC, Pavol; ZTAAA, Josef A study of the pbysiologleal properties of~colrn lye. W0114 15' no.2s66-71 160, AUX 915) 1. Biologicky ustay Slovenskej almdemic vlod~ Oddelonle fyziologis rastlin, Bratislava. (CCHN (NALU)) (MOLUCETId ACED) ZVARAI J. "Research on plant nutrition in the German Demoeraticlepublic.11 BIOLOGIA,, Slovenska akademia vied, Bratislava,, Czacho6lovaRia, Vol. 13.9t Ko.~ 12, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EC-AI)p LC, Y61. 8,, No. 8., August,1959- Uncl. rr5J,,7,rILy r CuItivdtor. plantal. 63-701 Bordipum M%tLxr4b for the Control, of ftv onos po ra OFIG. n3- vinizatyi, 1--)56,- 49, No. 7, IDI-102 6'a-sD'ek.) A L-j 7 IRA C'. T Tej ta of 1.3% Bordeaux mixt~tre , O.-f.51t cuirtleo", (1.1 Win aclutions of Cu oxide against Orowwipora t 0A gVU:PO PIH.'It i0hf~Wd t1ke ftJVIWtVtV0V Of W3T~*JIUX 41j.'irtUrit. vobheycy Card-. V1 camoswv,MM/chemical Technology - Cellulose and Its Derivatives, Papero Abe Jour Ref Zhur Khirdya., uo,16, 1958o 56068 Author Khrz. Zvara Inst Title Production of SaAcellulose and Its OOMMrcial SiGaift- cance Orig Pub Drevol 1957, 12, No 12) 363-365 Abstract Data are examined concerning ~he pro 4uctiall of swi- cellulose in various countrice # M*11ad 0 111 placed on the need for establishina the proocition 6f semi-ceaU- lose from leafy varieties in Czechd6lovakia,for the purpose of preservation of its foreat resources* Card 1/1 dotsent~ kandomed,nauk; FAN TIT., A.1kand. Experimental study of %-ydlls~ operation in~ b'laddei~ ~extrophy. Urolog:Ua 28 no.206-39 Mr-Ap'63. (MrRA'16t6) 1. Ir urolog:Lcheskoy klinW (zar. - dateent V. Zvara) medi.- tainskogo faku3ltata Universitata imeni U 0AAomepakogo i neyrokhirurgichatskoy kliniki (zavo, - prof. I#Petr) zedi- tainsko o fakulfteta v Gradtim Kralove. NLADMI.-DISPUMMT) (SUGERY, 11=16.) ZMARA, V,; HORNAK, M.; JAKES, F.; IABADYI F.; AUGPYAL,,A.; STEM, A. Results of the treatment of epithelial bladder tumorp in the light of 10-year experience. Bratisl. lak. lUty 45 no.10.- 627-637 30 N 165. 1. Katedra urologis Lekarske fakulty Univerzf~y Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci doe. MDr. V. Zvara, Ua.)'~ ZVARA, V.; WUNDER, R.; LUKACOVSKY, M. The status and prospects of urology in CzecWalovt~lan socialistiO health services. Bratial. Lek* Lioty 42 no-6059-~72 162. 1. Z Urologickej kliniky Lek. fak..Univ. Kotnbrkskel~) V' Bratisla-Vey veduci MUDr. P. Jakes, a z Ustavu organi-zaciO"-zdra,'rotnictva Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava, veduoi Mr. T. Dedek. (STATE MEDICINE) (UFOLOGY) ZVAR&q V; WUNDER, R; LUKOOVSKfo LT. Czechoslovakia U1.010gioul Olinio Uri tho tjodioai 1111w.1 Univc~rsity -- B~~atislaVa (Utologit, Lek. fak. Univ. Komerisk6ho'-- Brat Institute1or th6 F. JAICE99 14UDr; Sanitation of theIledical Faculty: University - Bratislav.6 (Ustav o:ry, Lek. fak. Univ. Komensk6ho':- Bi-al J. D=, MUDr.;-~(fori:a1l)-; I Bratislava Bratislavakd lekArske 116 pp 359-377- "Assignment and Tasks.of Urology in th T- tiy 4 k1lbAka I a layli); 'Dire dtor:~- on~q Orgajaizati ldf 1 ~ Koja6nsky fiiz6i,.I*e'zdra,~dtn:rctva, slavji)t; .7 lit ;6t 1962,1 !Cze6ho~lova~ Z- V M V~A~ 03 '1110SLOVAKIA C Z HE G ZVAEA4 V; JAKES, F; DZURIXt R; KALOCkjq J. --'1. Urolofical Clinic (Urolbgicka klinika)i! Bratislava for Jakes)j 2. Third Internal 111odicine Clinic (III. interni klinika)t Bi*-tislhva (for all) Bratislava, Lekarsky obzor, No 2t 1963v P~ 99-105 "Chronic Renal Failure in Urological Practice.01 &k*--V.; BRUCHAGOVA, V. Bacteriology and morphology:of chronic pyci~6neph'rltis in cw&O;n. Cesk. pedIiat. 17 no.!/8:694-697,Ag 162. 1. Urologioka klinika, Lekarakej fakulty UK' -v Br~tlslave , prodn".; ta MUDr. F. Jaken IL detska klinika Detskoj fl*kuliy UK v Bratis3AVO, prednosta. prof. dr. J. Michdlickovit. ZVARA, V. H, Vosico-ureteral.rof in childron. Bratiti Loi.,Llsty 42 .1 no 152-160 1621.- -7 B"IlUIA, Jan; LIVAU, Vlaciimir TreatUat of exatvro4q of the bladder. Rosh!, chIr. Aik; 6. 14 Z urologicke koi.&4 VIA JSvP v Hrudol 141m),ovag I~roduostn. Jan Badma, (BUDITAR, abuorw. ex2tro-Aq, Burg, (Cz)) _E'-'CERFTA Sec 16 -Vol'6/10 0 c t 513 ~i j;gayd lo W),11's operalion) 0 implawArii mobwoduv do btufW-br) i ~cj nasIcdkoch (s osobitnym zt-etel'orn Nlay(Ilov(i Operarlllj,~ /Z%V"~A,% AV, Be'(d. Aled, ~Cct- Slovnk,elcad. Sci. (AfeiL series) 1956 (127 V111P) The V1.1rious methods orimplantation of the urcters into Ow colon .6-0 dvi(,riIwd and yacd, with Specia r'-ference to the mediod descrilwd in ONl-1, by ilie Czvch I anal surgeon Maydl, The principle or this operatioti is Ill(, iinplatitati(;n (dali, c1liptical ,-Jlap of tile urinary bladder with both urOCITiC Opcillng'.3 into flit! %igilloid fli-xurc ill such a Nvay that tile long I%is or tile ell i pw is parallel to t lie lon!" axi-4* of 11, 1-, i it I c"t i lie. This rhethod is often employcd in the wrong way. Although has repeatedly bren carried out successfully by Maydl ancl als(;,by lk-drna, it was rimentally tested in dogs by the authar. It was found that (lie grafthig,'of a wider ellipse is of advant, )f (hC' pA(iVII age (important for licaling and inncrvation)~ 4' ts operated on by Maydl, one man has sm-vivcd tile operation and is entirely capable of work. The implantation is followed by chronic acidosi.!i with ;ill clevated chlorine level in tile plasma and a decreased alk-ali reserve. 'I lie cause Li not renal darnage, butan Increased chlorine absorption throngh theintestimil wall. Bacteriolo- gical examinations revealed that oily Protcus vul6aris Ilas decNive urqolytic pro- -is. The minoval oi*,tli:As inicro- pertics and thus contributes to the increase ofacidos ?rganisin from tile intestinal flora may reduce theacidosis. 1,'or j tonex in dextrine SUPP03itorics was used, bu.1 without success. 010111011C FORM '1 7,' :--1 CAPUBKOVA, V.; ZVARA~L ~V- Pyuria in childhood. Cesk.pediat. 15 no.3:219-229 Mr 160. 1. 11. detska klinika lekarskej fakulty UK *;Brattelave, predriosta doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Kichalickova. UrologiCkIL klin:lka UE v Brm.tisla- ve, prednosta Mr. 7. Jakes. (PYEMU in infancy & childhood) zvlq~k CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemiea3. Technology. chemical P1,.od~ucte and Their Application. Food IrAustry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Ehim., No 131 1958, 44943- Author Zvara V. Inst Title Processing of Edible Mushrooms in th6,:,rood Industry and the Utilization of Waste. Orig Pub: Prumysl'~ potravin, 195T, 8o No 6, 3031,306- Abstract: Nutritive value of mushroom is considered,,'Eind also the possibility of their utiliza~lcn as.rav material in the food industry. Gathering, shipping and storage of wahrooms are discusae4o Ades- cription is given of the processes whoreby;mish- rooms are converted to the finlehed4nAucts Card 1/2