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PETRI)SMI, C.L.; CIMOVSKAYA, M.Ya.j ZUTKOVA, UNA* Effect of ionizing radiations on the coura~;of pregnancy. Aht'mh.~ i gin. no.6t94-98 161. (Mlik 14-112) 1. Iz radiologicheakogo otdola (zAv# - Proj.A.V4; Koziova) Gosuda-rstvennogo nauchno-insledovatellskog6~rentgortoradiologichookogo instituta (dir, prof. I.G.Jarynova). (PRMNPJIGY) (RADIATION.-PHYSIOLOGICAL EMOT) ZU7KOVA, Ye.A.; CIUVOVSXILYA, X.Ya,; PMOSYAN, S.L" Affect of Ionizing radiations on the progaiV of animals Irradiated during the last days of pregnancy. rad. 34 no.5t34-41 M 159. 04M 13:3) 1. 1z radiologichaskogo otdola (say. - prof A.V.,iKozlova) Oosudarst- vennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute, r ent4o ,enologit I radiolo- gli (dir. - dots. LG# Lagunova) Kiniaters~va zdravookhraneni~ra RSIPM Adres Zuykovoy.- Balashikha Rookovokoy oblauti, P/0 Leowvo, T,$e3o7Uzw oel'skokhozyayetTennyy Institut vaochnogo obrazovanlya, korpus 8, kv.10. (PMS ra(iiation effects) (ROTATION NYFMS experimental) v 4-clv'f , Ve, Ii. ZMOVA, re.A.; XASIYANOT, ~I.S. Intestinal intussunception as a compllcatt~_n of J.'adiation siqkneps (with summary In Xngliehl. I ra. 32 ho,5.089-92 ;~O 1 7. (MIRA 11:2~ 1. Is radiolologichookogo otd6la (sav. - proof. A~V.Xoslovs) imachno- inaledove tell skogo instituta rentganologii i radLolocli (diTilp-40te. I.G.legunova) (RORM29 RAYS, effects, massive doses causing intuseusceptionAn dogs (Rus)) (IRPUSHESCRnION, exper, caused by x-ray large doses in UP (RUB)) nMAVBTS, V-V-, ZUYMVA, Yejue, MOTOTA, N.A. Comparative evaluation of varifte methods~*f bac~eriol'Dgieai analysis of the air at low ttmperntures [with swimary In h6ieh3 (KIRA Mikrobiologiia 27 no;5t646-651 S-0 158 1*' Inatitut obehohey I komminallnoy gisy OV ANN SSSR. (AIR, microbiologyo In cola temperature, comparioon of various methodo of determo (Rue)) (COTZ air microbiol. In cold teftpeuturds, comparinon ot determ. technics (Rua)) ZUYKOVAI Ye'TU. Method for staining m1crocoloulem and aepa~4te oells on membrand filters, 10b,delo 5 no.205-)7 Mr-A-P 159. (MIRA 121~) le Is laboratorit saniturnoy baktorio logiilxav*~ - prof. L.I.Mats) Instituta obahchey I Immmunal!noy~ gigiyouy Iment A.U.Sysina AMN SSSR. Moskva. (STAINS AND STAINING (MICROSCOPY)), ZM()VA. Ye. Tu. as a method for ridding the ali of microbes. kg. i san. 24 no.6:72-73 Je 139. (KIM 12:8) 1. Iz Instituta obehahey i kommitnallnoy glgiyeNv~ Iment A.Ii-;S~MtZa AM SSSR. (AIR purification of microbesl~by filtration (4us)) (MICROORGANISMS filtration as 110thod ofparifloation of al~ of iderobeis Mtn)) i~ VLODAVETSO V.V,,,; ZUYKOVA Ye*IU*l mia4hAy muchnyy aotinWnik; KICIMIKOO M-,G. . kand.mod.nia-j,-H0T,, L. f, , pr~r. I ItATANSON G.L& Prof. (deceased]; PERTSOVSKAYAp Mil., kand.bi6logicheskikh nauk; PETRYANOV, X.V.; WUMOV, A.S., prof. [deceaseidh SAMMY, Bj.,: kand-1-hfinicheskikh nauk Use of a now type of "miorotild filters fortku concentratim'.and indication of bacteria from the air, water and soil. Gig. i. 6ti-Vt. 27 no.3151-55 Hr 162. (MIRA 1544)' 1. Iz Instituta, obsbehey, i kommumalnoy gigiylo'ny Imeni A.M.Syajna AM MR i Fiziko-khimicheakogo institute. imea L.Ya,,Karpova 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSSR~(for Petryanov).' (WATEH-;-wM1CA0BIM0GY (AIR--MICHOBIOLOGY~ (SOILS-MICROBIOLOGY (BACTLMOLOGY~NUXPIEW AND SUPPLIES)! SADOVSKIY,, B.F.; VLODAVLrl'S,, V.V.; ZUYKOVAp Ye.Yu,j L.I.; PETRYANOV, IS. Use of a nerw "mikrofil" type filter for the 1hdication of bacterial aerosols. Mikrobiologlia 32 no.2t3:0-326 Mr-Ap 163 (MIRA 17 t9j 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakiy fizika-khimichophy institut imoni Karpova i Institut obshchey i kommunallnoy giglyeny Imeni Sy6lmt A141 J'SSR. ZUYTJSR I.K. fZuJus J.1 (Villnyito); KARTIUM-9p A.Tu.l (Kanalorls, A.) Main trends.,in.reference,and infomation work of the Lithuanian Instituto.of Scientific BnA TBrluwlogical InformtIon and Promotim. NTI no.20-13 1640 (MA 17sts) ZUZA, Z. 1. Comparative study of the indices or Lite state of ooruiective tissues in experimental arthritis. Pat. fizi6l. i-ekap. terap. 8 no.5:45-50 S-0 16$, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Diboratorlya eksperimentallnoy terapil otdola ravmatalogil (rukovoditall raboty - deyatvitollnyy chlen MIN Slolli,H prof. M.A.Ynoinovskiy i doktor med.nauk A.F.Leshchtnokiy) Ukrainskogo Instituta kurortologii I fizioterapil, Odeawk. Suldlitted May 2)g, 1963. LESHCHITISM, A.F.; ZUZA 2.1. Comparat-l-ve eirroO, of ex~sreticn or I7-KPtl0.9t(-rL-!4.-,. J'irm. i ~S-0 162 (11;j IIAI 1. laboratorlya (#.5pariaonta*0n,~,y Lel--lp"ll (rukavoditell - zanluz-h-eiviy-y -hLp,--.r-.,I' nnukL jtvt)t.`. O.L*- skiy) Ukrainskoga ~ur)rl~I loall i fizJ-iterapLi. ZUZANF,K, Jaroslav, inz. Flame guard. Automatizace 7 Mo. 70185-186~ JI, 164,. T Reliable resistors and potentiometers for induettrial electronics. Ibid.tl9O-l9l Exhibitions of the Honi~~ell Factorl. Ibid.sI95 1. Zavody prumyslove automatizace National Entarpries, Branch Enterprise in Nova Paka. ZRANFI-7) J. LDE-1; "L;. 2-11" j. . . . ...... .............., 11-Uninture vacuun. tubes of Czechoslovak make* n. 451 TECIII"KA PRACE Slovenske nakladatelstvo technickej lit-~rntur7) Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct. 1956 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia SOUR','E: East Europenn List (BEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 LESHCHINSKIYO A.F., kand, med. Significance of the functional state or the a~Lrenal cortex In. the pathogenesio of experimental arthritia enI in the phalmm codynamics of antirheimatio agents. Probl, enlink.i jr0m. 9 noo5tZ.5-29 3-0163 OCIPA 16 t12) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy terapii OW(Pla revmatologii, (rukovoditell - ahlen-korreap~mdont ON SSSR ouslunkohnn do-' yatell nauki prof* M.A. Yasinovskiy) Ukrainokogo naijohno-18819- dovatellskogo institute, karortologiA i fizioterapiii(dir. dotsent F.Ye. Kurkudym). ZUZANEK, Jaroslav, in2. GRUND, Mir.; HAZS, X., ins.; New design of a mdtch for aisman point recorder.. Automatimace 6 no.ltl7-18 Ja, !63e CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Electronics - Electron Tubes. A Abs Jo-ur : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 9, 1959, 20690 A.ithor : Kratochvil, Vladimir.,Lu~~~ Inst Title Czechoslovak Line-Fed Receivina-funplifying Tubes 1957 1958 Orig Pub Slaboproudy obzor, 1957, 18, No 12, 86o~-865 Abstract The w'thors give the principal parameters and propertiel of Czechoslovak receiving-ampliiying tibea, fed from the line. It is noted that thanks tolthe h1di qoalitiell of modern miniature eight and nine pin. rec6i,"g t-.-ibes of Czechoslovak manufacturej; recelvers can be,cons- tructed fory Iorld-vide reception in all,sizes. The im~, provement in the technoloS7 of tube man6facture are indi- cated. Bibliography, 22 titles. Card 1/1 67 MANEK, Jaroslav, inz. Conference on building elements of el-5ctrnriln obdIgAnealling. Automatizace 7 no. 6066-167 Jo 1640 zz -7- ACC NR, A P6010967 A06- -7; MUM: Zuzanekj Jaroslay (Enkine6r);. jfrn.~.JJL~,. st:bidlf ORG: Nova Palka Plant Howti !Paka (Z& v Industrial Automation' Plantsj~ no d. zac no p. zav(xi lova 7, Lka prumyslove automaE TITLE 1f:mD6 guard for m asur points '6 ZOMCE: Automatiz a no 3, 19 5, -7 a e. 6 n+ TOPIC TAGS: remote control, electric motor,' ocnputer s~ t i ABSTRACT: The article describes the &56 for' It 6v ngi bints witij ~otqr switching of the measuring.points~and remote .cIantrol '. to' itni~ ~Ii data and ! diagram are given and applications are.indicated*, Url.g. 6~;ii 2 ig'ui- e 8 ~SUB CODE: 3-9 SUBM DATE: none jj T T. Card k- ZUZANEKjJ. TECHNOLOU Periodicals SDELOVAGI TECINHKA, Vol, 6. no* 8,, Aug. 1901,* Z'JZANEK5 J. The E18OF wide-band pentode. p. 284m z Monthly List of East European Accession (E W Lao Vol, 8~ A0.3 March 19t.*)9 UnclAss. NAM I B= 10MAOMMT CXIIPW)9)08 zuzkwkt Jamolavp Ugineer.. and, Dembsoll) Jw 6askosioreaskd mwaturn~ eleeroaky. cfAlo 1: BeFUam4 elektronky. (Czechoslovak Ministure Elect= Wm. Nr. I- B*kode Electron Toes) StArd nakladatelst-rf techaield literatury, praohay EMP 1959. 235 V. T,f2OO copies printed. Revievert ZdenAk TuXakp Engineer; Rssp* Rd.,: lUdi-319 Major; Chief Idot Pranti~lek XhIper.. RWIneer. PMUIM: This wanus3 Is intended for dsoignen,, toWmiedi"'O and repair vorkers desling vith electron tubes. COVEMO: The book presents a ecuplete picture cr~~Czechoalov& Miniature haptode electron tubes, aza describes their ohm%ateristies ands , applications. rartber vol=es on other sialatuxis eleftron tubes I an in preparation. The authoca niftna- tba foU*Win# Onaeboslawak plants PW=W receivIng Ubes: Role ca (Greater h1aA.) lead MP~O&in (Greater Praha)1both ;rodacing older types of eloctron tubes of the A and 2 series. Tl~e Tesla plants in Vrchlobf (since 3,950) and later Card 1/12 CzedhOsloVsk KILUturo Xlectron Taboo (Coat.) CZXC1V40W V in ROznoV pod Radhostem vare the flxpt to M)djoe mintlatu" twwl. Today more than thirty typo of minUture heptAdes are produced. in Czechoslovakia. Tbe authors than1c Engineer VU~im~ Xmtochfj~ chief desIgner of the Tesia vrchlahi plant., 03A;~ich W&,& of t JL4'5;'FOpov Ressexch In3titilto of, CO=MwJc&t1j3h twineerirg, and Engineer Zden'ek Tacelk, There am 83 references: 32 ftoch,, 14 English,, 2 French, 25 German,, and 10 Soviet. TABIA OF CON7EM: Forevord 5 TAtter Symbols for neet-rcu Ttibe Elactriena (~VLUUUOO n 1. Introduction 15 n- De'VeloPwat of Electron Tubes 17 1. General information 17 2. Dmlopment of tabs typea 3. Dmlolment of electron tube structures 17 19 Card 2/L2 i I i i i i .i i I I i f I i I lilt. ' Z/039/60/021/08/01O./039 E140~'E'563;; AUTHOR: Zuza'nek, Jaroslay, Engineer TITLE: ~fr 'eu ~en ~r~P e~ n td, 3 so Vol 211~: PERIODICAL: Slaboproudy' obzor, 1960, No~8, pp 491.49~ ABSTRACT: The article discusses modern hig frame-gridi i pentodes. There are 12 figurest A tables and 24'referenceA, 4 of which are Czech, 2 Soviet4 14,,Gerinan and 4~English. ASSOCIATION: Energovod, Prague SUBMITTED: March 16, 1960 Card 1/1 5 41:10 CZECHOSLOVj%YI,"~/F2(3atronies - Electronic %bes U-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Flzikaj, No 71 1958,- No 16028 Author Zuz-awk-aroslavy Deutsch Jiri Inst :_Not _Given Title Miniature Vacum Wbes of Czechoslovak Mahufacture Orig Pub Techn. pracay 1956, 8., No 10, 451-453 Abstract Brief description of-the development of miniature VaCUM tubes in Czechoslovakia and the use of moLdim types of such tubes. Tables are given for the values o ithe basic electric parameters of theuniversal vacuum tube (12P31, IMli 12BC32; 35L31i 35Y31) and special gas-discharge (lM31., 11TW1) 14TA31i 21TE31) miniature tubes. The basic types O:r Czechoslovak miniature tubes are compared with the equiv~alent foreign tubes (US.) USSR) Europoan standards) and Hungarian). Card 1/1 V CZECHOSLOVAKIfVElectronius - Electrcnic Tabes H-5 Abs Jour Ref,Zhur - FizIka *56, No 16029 No 7., Author Zuzanek Jaroslav Inst 7-3-Ert r Ins U15 -for Telecommunication., Ciechoslovakia Title Czechoslovak Nine-pin Vacuum Tubes Orig Pub Slaboproudy obzor.j 1957, 18) No 1, 36-40 Abstract A survey is given of miniature vacuum tubes of toteign and Czechoslovak manufacutre. A description is given of the structural formulation of the nine-pin vacuum tubes. The types of tubes used abroad areindicated, and the, nine-pin vacuum tubes developed and produced in Czcc~hoslqvakia are listed (along with brief technical data). Card 41214 S/194/62/000/007/064/160 D295/.D3013 AUTHOR: Zu?~~ek ~Ja miLay_. T IT tn: High-reliability electron valves PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i`~radi6elektronikaop' vo: 50 no. 7, 1962, abstract 7-3156 b,(Aqtomatizacet no. 1, 1961i'5-10.[Czech. TEXT: The specifications to be met'by Lgh-raliability election; ,calves are consideAdp as well as some methods of slitisf,'Fing,high- rdliability criteria and individual examples ofiappli6ation or sdch valves. Soviett,77est German and Czechoslov~6k pvoduction~is re- vie,.,ied. Two tables o the parameters of high-re'liability valves na" nufactured in Czecho'flovakiag USSR and Last Germany are given,.A ' , graph of the distribA'tion of the value of transoonductance for 100' electron valves, several circuit diagrams of d6viceb using high-rev liability valvest etc, are given, It is pointed out that, owing,to~-. the comparatively high cost of high-reliability vallvest a satisfacr tory equipment-reliability level can in many cases also be onautedl by using ordinary valves selected according to,:more stringent cri- Card 1/3 S/194/W060/007/064/160' High-reliability eiectron valves D295/D$08 teria. (see for Iexample the Soviet" 69CM (BESM) Mid the. Czechosiovitk measuring instrument of the firm ~ESL~). The main atiteria of;high- reliability valveslare discussed s- reliability '(1,5 1,16 failures:), i life expectancy (10jOCO to 100,000 h)j narrow toler'ances (� .10 to 15 %), high resistance to shock and'vibratiori (muit be able to' withstand 2.5 g in three positiond;foi- 32 houtd at 50-c/s. 500 g for a short time)# the presence of'ca~hode without formatilon,'of in- termediate layer, the absence of mier6phonic effecto' shock-stabili- ty-of*the cathode heaterp the absence of nois6.and ground noise. Methods of satisfying the above criteria are ,iven (carrying'out special tests, introduction of spe6ial technJdgy, Uze of high-,: quality materials, and special design of the circuits using elec- tron valves). It is pointed out that high-reliability valves~can be sub-divided into two large groups: high-quality:valves with long useful life for use in national-economy plantso and valves for in- dustrial electronics. The main criteria of grou Ps of valves- are givenp as well'as the methods-'of classifying these valves, used by some West German firms (Valvop-Siem6ns-Halskep Telefunke4ti). The operation of a contactless thickness-gauge oirPuit and of t h~a SMP- P2 electro-hydraulic printing equipmetit is cor~sidered, in which; high Card 2/3 ~ t,, ZUZANEK, Jaroolav, inz. Pracision measurement ins trtunants made by the Itar-ma F-9tAory. Autome.izaco 8 no.2i53 F '65. ZUZANEK, Jaroslav,-inz. , floncontact tachometer. Automatizaad 7 no.12:331' D t64, SOV/123-59-23~056155 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mash Inots troyen ly~?, 1956, Nr 23, P;3 (USSR) AUTHOR; Zuzanov, G. TITLE, The Principal Stages,of Development and Most Impdrtant Trends of'Activity of ENIMS (on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary.of This Grganiration) PIKRIODICAL: Vestn. tekhn. inform. Eksperlm. n.-,. in_~ metaljorezh, staftRov,:1958, Nr 4, pp 1 - 19 AMTRACT: The author described the principal stages of devolopment and'!the'~actlvities of the Experimental Scientific Research rAstitute. of Metal Citttimg Machine Tools (ENIMS). Amongthe number of princip Ial tronds of activity Iof the In&'titute the fqllowing are mentioneds deV,Oopme'nt of machUe t6olkA standardizationVin correspondence with the,demands of ustfT, work on standardization and normalization in machine? tool c=struclUon, 'putting Into production transfer machines and autommtic 11nes. The, tnstttute developed the first complex automatic proddlatloni* existing In mathine construction - an automatic plant for the manufacture of pistons'. Con- -3.rd siderable work was carried out in developing theories on the~ratlng of 301/123-59-211 1~5 96 The Princl.pnI Stages of Development and Most Imoortant Trendm:of Activity of ENDO' (on the Occazion of the 25th Anniversary of This Organization)! machine tools, their rigidity and resistance tolvibration. The author elucidates the work of the institute concerning hydraulic and pneumatic devicleB for! machine tools, and also on problems of improving the technology and organizationAn mathine tool const~uctlon, Twelve figures. L.A.I. Card 2/2 MERZERT, M.P., at. nauchnyy sotr,; RIVKIN,. A.I.; 'g- QY -A. I red.; KRYNOCHKINA, K.V.p tokfin. red. (Survey of technological developments in the mtnufactve of machine tools abroad; grinding machines] qbgOr tokkM- cheakogo razvitiia sarubezhnogo stankostroonils-; shk~fo'vall- nye stanki. Moskva-, 1959. 116 p. (MIRL 16W 1. Moscow. Eksperimentalinyy nauchno-isoledovaiellekly in- stitut metaUorezhushchikh stankDV, 2. KOnBtrW~,tor Eksperi- mentallnogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo inatituta metAllo- rezhushchikh stankov (for Zuzanov). 0 chines-Techhological inn v,a (Grinding ma tioto") VLADZIYEVSKlYl A.Pop doktor tekbae nauk; ZM9 V.L)!~ZUZANOV G.I.;.,FVMW- TSUj P.G.; SVIRIDENKOp S.Kh.1 SECEMLIKOVA, red.; KOGANj F.L.g tekbn. red. [Machine-tool industry in Italyl suirvey] Stank*'atroemie Italli; ob-; zor. Moskvav TSeatr, In-t nauchno-tekhn. infoftats:Li mashinostiloenlia, 1961, 172 p, (MIRA 3As9) (Italy-Ma4hine-tool industry),-; VLADZIYEVMaY, A.P., doktor tokhn unk rod.1 1-7~. BORUSM40Y, I.V.,, red.; NOVALISKAYA, I.F:p tekL. re4,0' (Survey of the foreign machine-tool industry]6,bzor zairu- bezhnogo stankostroeniia. Pod red. A.P.Vladzi~.vskogo. No- skva, TSBITINASH, 1962. 160 (Seriia, III: ~ Itatal.1pia- zhuahchie stankci i instrumen4o (MIRA 15911) (Machine tooln) ZUZAN0VA,, V.I.., doktor med.nauk Dyskinetic disorders of the gastrointestinal ~inal:iu intoxica~icui in infants. Vop. okh. mat. i dot. 6 no.8:44-48 Ag!161. OURA 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii pediatiicheakogo fa6~lteta' (zav. V.I.tuzancva) Odeeskogo meiditainakogo InstAuta imeni N.I.Pirok4va (d1r; zaeluzhenn deyfitell nauki Ukrainsko SH r,6fo LY&.0eynaka), YfINTESTIAS-DISEASES) fZ48111UMNAL MOTILITY) DIYAKOVA R.M., dotsant; prof.; LlIVOO-JIX0, A.G. t P, A. H 1', P Lyt,rymenkc. G.D. (PirmInabiw3lka, H.D.]; BFAOHOVA2 prof.; BEILYT, O.F. jal.aly1r, PRIMAKOV, S.V.; YUNKO, M.A.; GOLIDISP S.N. [~Iolldlii:, S.N.1; BARANY M.A.; KOSACIEVSKAYA, P,I, [Kosachevallca2 P.'I,)., dotsent; SHTPJIIKO, L.V.; GAGARINOV, V.S. (Ilaharynov, V.S.] Annotations and author's abstrcts. Ped. Akud~i. i gla. 24 no.6:33-36 t62. Om--A 17:4) 1. Kafedra pediatj~li Zaporozliskogo institul.IL usovot'nthenst- vovaniya vrachey (for Dlyakova). 2. KaEedra pedialxii Odosskogo meditainskogo instituta (for Zuzanova). 3. l(linilQ'l Infektsionnykh bolezney Odesskogo meditsinskogo inotituta,(ror Utvinonko), 4. Kafedra detskikh infektsiozmykh bolemy KhWkovskogo modital.n- skago instituta (for Pesnyachavskaya). 5. lClInIka~detskikh infektsionnykh bolezney Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Bezsonova). 6. Kafedra fakulltetskoy pediatii.Li KrymBkogo meditsir~- skogo instituta(for Belyy). 7. Sknkhternaywbollnitua g. Bokayo-l' Antrasit (for Primakov). S. $taro sambors kayh~ rayolinaya bol Iiiitna ~ LIvovskoy oblasti (for Yunko). 9. Vinnitsk4a dethkaya bollnitua: No.2 (for Gollcils). 10. Kafedra gigiyony Ki3revakoj*,To inatituloa usovershonstvovaniya vrachey (for Baran, Kaisochevl3kayrl.). U Kafedra urologii Kiyevskogo meditainskogo fiintitli:UL (for Shta .nlko). 12. 9-ya gorodskaya bollnitsm g. DnoprodzarllUn.,kA (for Gapiinov)a w Sot East European Accessions, Vol. 5y No. 5t May 1956 _U G 0 34L AV I A ZUZIcr S., ot I-,] ..1nono 11qntMF~_1P/- "The Enonornic 319.nificanca cf Gooeo ijajqjjjp.11'; BalFro6e Vatavinavakl_.~L),&,L qpK4, Vol 17, Z10 31 'A" .0 P 2 1 2 Abstract: The aut hors clescrIbe the gcoae ao the mor3t Pro"Itr;,ble type C-f POUltl'.'r. WIU-1 17UELran-5f3FJd (QfjOrt: OIPO$- --igary an.1 Poland, goon ()rcdui,,14 - A Fj In lit- 'Icti In Yk 5 1 air I P_ 1 q asel on che a aictor, but prof I tab'La I b prciaz,3 proiltiction If3 alac po.,.i3lblo Ln the 3oaiallst: ~ec'l ,or. 'DIN i;cjt,_brm Beona are In Lh,3 vIcinify of thfli tO*,iYt11 Of , " n -nil ("P - so I "r '11,0 ;, f- 1-3nta Av~:on, a 1 .7.0 111 Slidta, IS'Outhk nalu-, on-! Bztranja &r3 (-,)f' ata,111w.11 zlIze; t[ioas in:~85erb~a proper and -ilovania are sinal"Ler. Western 09rivany 19,the larrest imoortor of Ylx~~oalav goose rcoat and, along with tho,U�, of Yu~osiav goose feathers. The countries of the Common Mar- ket are not, goose p."Oluceva; the beldIng iwlui3try In Ger- many, for example, Is dependent on gooi-quall,ty goooie to Eastern E arone No referenoos. 7feathirs frcm Mh AUTHORt Zuzik, D.T., Dotsent 99-6-~19 ~'TITLEt "System of Technical-Economic'al Indicators on which Yeliota- tion 6onstruction Brojecta Ate Based". (katemia tekhniko- ekonomicheakikh pokazateley qlya obonnovaAiya prbyektov meliorativnogo stroltelistva) PERIODICAL: "Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya"g 1957, Nr 61 PP,25-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: "Instructions for the Preparation of Proj~cts And Estimates for Melioration" were issued on Sep 1, 19% by:"GOSSTROY SSSR11 by order of the C ouncil of Ministers of.tile USSR. These dir30t- ives request that the technical and econoinic s6pects of new projects be confirmed, whereby the following data has to 'be supplied for each construction project, 1. Condensed re, port. 2. General section, 3. Economic sectl&n. 41. Organization of farming industry and area to be improved. 5. Technical section. 6. Operation of the melioration sysitom, 7. drgani- zation of construction workb~ 8. Estims~e of~constructibn costs. The "Economic Section" was now and very 4etailad in these direc- tives. Detailed analysis of technical Arid economic conditions of the projects has to be carried out, with sgaoial considera- Card 1/3 tion of expediency And profitableness, 'A system of 6 tephni co- 99-6-3/9 "System of Technical-Economical Indicators on which Melioration Construction Projects Are Based". economic indexes was established, which form an:obligator-,f~par't in the planning of every new project, and 6n which all other I economic aspects of the projects are based~ Thil six (6) basic groups of indexes ares I Group - indices;ahowing the stage of execution of planned work. II Group - dattl on capital invOtments. III Group - data on yearly expenditures, XV Group - indices of utilization of means of production. V frroup:- data on 'labor employed and productivity of labor. VI Group -:Indices of ec6no- mic efficiency of the planned constructioniL Th,4 relative values of the system of te.chfileal-economia indices are represented by figures giving the production per hectare, capital investment as well as the income per hectare, the yeeily production per ruble of capital expenditure# the production cost per hundred weight of goods produced, the quantity produced on 1 workdayt the quantity produced with 1 cu m of irrigation water ate.: These data serve in the first place to establish the'relation of individual indices within each group an wis1l as' between indice of different groups, i.e. between producti :on and coBtf between cost of output and net cost, between net~profitsand capital investments (amortization pe~riod)p between net Iprofits and not Card 2/3 coats (level of profitableness) etc. Bealdes, :relative ttidic~*B 99-6.;3/9 System of Technical-Economical Indicators on which He iorat;icn Constr:u7ctiin Projects Ais Based, serve as basic material to compare projects i&the planning stage with similar projects~already in 0 pprati n. Finall;7, these indices enable to carry out.generaliwati,bri of relatives values and the preparation of approximatd'~norm,sf. indispensable for the planning and realization of improi4emewts at operating installations# The article contains 1 tigure 'And 7 table.s, ASSOCUTIONt 11GOSSTROY SSSR11 AVAILABLEt' Library of Congress Card 3/3 BADARIYAN,, G.G.j TIUTIJ,, V.A.; CMDIUSUB S D.;,I!j . .7,190-jDjL4 i KHODASIXICH.. B'JG.; PRAYER). SOVOP* 6AA~N, TAWSKIY.' A.M.; KASSIROVg L.H.; KARAYEVj, S.A.; AIRMW V.A';~ Y Y. i VASILIYEV, N.V.; BUGAYEV.. H.Poij SAPILINIXOV~I&G.j IWTORIN, A,A.j RUDNIKOV, V.N.j YAKOVLL'Vp- VOA.; PSIEMY011 V.1.1 ISAYEV, A.P.; KUZIMICITV, N.N01; WIN, PROWN~ V.A.; LUKIYANOV~ A.D.; SHAJQIOVI Ya.K.; ILOICIMVt AA,'., kaild. aell- khoz. nauk; KOGANp A.Ya.; TSYNKOVI M.Yu.; U131Y, L.I..' GORBUIIOV, I.I.; KOVALEV, A.M.1 ROILUxMONO~ O.R.; M.L., red.; IVANOVA, A.R., red.; MFMICH, K.H.9 ieldm. red.; TRUKHINA., O.N.; tekhn. red. J, [Economics ofagriculture]Ekonomika sotsialistichdak,ogo self-!~ skogo khoziaistva; kurs lektaii. Moskva., 8cIl0khoz'izd*tp 1962~ 710 p. OMIA 15310 (Agriculture-Economic itapects) ZUZTK, Dmitrii Tim-oTe-eff-l-cff-.- ZU'lIK, Dmitkii Timofeevich. ...ProbleirA Nizhneiro G'nopra. Pod ved. i s prediuL prof. V.M. Shteina. Moskva, Gos. sots.-ekon. izd-vo, 19)2. Ll p, (IrriZatsionnye problemy SSSR.) (Gosudarstvennyi institut po proektirovaniiu gidro-tal~inichezkikh i vodokhoziaistvennykh sooruzhenii (Giprovod)). NN SO: LCI,Soviet Geography, Part Ij 1951j Uncl. w1k Im li ';lk F I ZUZIK, Dmitriy Timofeyevich; GOLIDBERG, H.L., red.;,KALAMIKOVA, T.So, red. Elconomic aspects of water management] Skanomike vodnogo khoziaistva, Monkra. Gos.izd-vo aellkhox.lit-ryi 1939. 413 P. (MIRA 13.2) (Irrigation) (Drainage) ----------- MATROVSKIY, O,L; ZUZUKy F,V. Scme characteristics of pyriia from sulflde~ ore Awill"ea tatiotis III the Czr.4ozynaRle MountAins. 14in.obor. 18 no4i,'llc)j-,103 164. 3., Gosudarstvannyy universitat, imeni burialrankof L'Tov i lvanc-' Frankovskly r1lial Llvovskog,o polltekhnlc,h4~, 1~skogo instituta. ~~2. VA C .E;j f Ractinik, optically 'if N It d alkYlamma aftotitilts-' i4axWUW4v&&k. Cz.6. an .199. jam 4 i 5, Ora, NITOF(Fic I k- W d M f xt o 22 r. C"If e C 0 cont(K. 2 % tn i ~ e all orit ~ 1y act , racemic henyll t;Wrbinfril~ ant 7 * added th c(Mling to in]. hIcOlli U, , 110(CHAN11, Wils 30 g. actlye C. and: MCI 8( 70 nil. S 4n, (1 - NO,), the in t l l I U d I i 20 f ixt. te 111ced V.3 hvv.~ ' i d th l a a n t a a ) n premure cataglys t lower-boiling prvxlt t iU cmd fin., t ten coo i e , j tcts distd. at 10 tnfin.~ 11 . and bath temp. 70". the rtaidue (225 g,) licured with molliij it v i t 400 2 JIM d t f ith OtO l 1 th I J t:xtt . w o n o e c m , uc . . y pro C411j, flit sepd. 9q; layer matle strimor elk,: with Nitoll ot qr4 k I flit base extd, with 4 po"Imits NMI the 0" ti ! llitti. moidue (70 g) trestied ivit h; 15 t as ustuil, and the it tit4 1 EtOH and 700 nil. EtsO to give ~ i I"O d i ) 1 l t l l r ne ( anot (q (~acetija e). n irt expl, ), m. 9$ crude etal contg. 25% cablitol, [a] 79") "tkitil up - vi 1 above,the rupydisin-resIdue(Mg. litatedwith(CO:11 'in MejCO and Ihe cmde acitt oxalate crystil from MtO )l 1l . , and 1-5 lvfeOH-Ue,CO vve 12-13 1 oolate, in. lv u,i It W ht l t1 o h d t f i w s d I S l) f i l - atnitio rix a e -pr n t i or t o a ne n -X~ iy c y 143-40 drox lien laceit learbin m ield from 10 m i , , y yp y y y o Distr: 4EN V cooling 96 g, freshly illod. furfimA In M) g. AcIO to 175 g, 11NO, (d. 1.51) and 575 9. AcA ketping 5 l the xtikt. nt 0' l l ng on.3. kg. cnuh"l lcq 15-20 [its., pour 11 given C oil roduct thoroughly with lvate l andwu ng file kilde opt JO) . . y p trince (it, utad lene, tit. 11 the yellowish moist product tritated %vifli Ntirriog with 01 i~ mi. pyridine and let! ~~n that the Wup. di-x,-s not excet'd ' 20' 9 within 30 inin. a light-beowit v)ln.~which yields, oo V : i 5 l F g f l er addn. of -ultrC ut uta I , I cc (aFprox. 600 g.), 173 g, ';EtOII) di t lA itl t 8041 ( 3W 1(173 (I) ace a e vi:ts iv s .m. . j g.) added with stirrilif to 180 will. 731/o 1101', Mier a0 rtlin. J the solit. heated to V) , kept 10 nil",, cooled, Oured MOOO I' cryst. product Filtered off, waslitil with water tile c " l e V , 'I" i quors extd. with C411j, worked up as nsual, unif the t l combined products distd. in vile u-* In a (71), stmi gives S) C. i &nitrofurfumI, in. 35-6', b,,- it 140-2'. L. J.'VrbAwtL-- ,-.HrAHA9 L.; WRICHET, J.;-ZVACEX,,- ~.~MOLIK. S.; RAW.,., Be Synthetic experiments In the group of hypotenaive alkaloidso YII, Preparation of (t)-deserpidine and (*)-i3OdO3*rpidine. Coll Ca Chen 25 no.ls237-244 Ja 160. (mw 9t12) 1* Forachungsinatitut fur Pharmazie und Dioobatdej, Prag. (Alkaloids) (Hypotension) (Deserpidine) (Inodeserpidins) CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical . Products and Their Applications# Medicinal Substancoaq Vit,aminsi. Antibiotics. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiyal No 6, 1959, ~204951 Author Zvacok J Inst Title : Mercury Diuretics. Orig Pub : Ceskosl. farmac., 1956, 51 N6 9~ 538-546 Abstract : A reviev. Bibliography, 233 t~itles- Card t 1/1 -A ,%-,)du~-tit, nad Miei~ CZECTIOSLOMIM/Cl.orlical Teel lnol-1)k%3r C1101-11cai ~~ i . AWlication. Feroontition, Xt&:Id,~bry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur mlimiya, Ito 10, l959,i36737 Author lbrta, ii Zvacali,.,~ 0. Inst J i . ............ Title A Recent-1-Tothad ill tile. StruNile, Aglinnit iYeact lli~~ctia,n Durinr, Al.c.Y1.11alic, Parmil-tatioll Orir, PWb Kvasny prutiValt 1908, 1~, Ito 01-18T,0 ,',,bstract In the strw,;~~c aj:,A*-ist thei pasta Vj fy4wlt! cultuxiO dut. inC; alc6holic :Carme.,.,tation of iieplaimes 1 it is reciaimided t3 act tq)oa tte necesnary-f aCpata, usually prese."t ill the d6tolysis 3P yeast 4~ilO. Ill the fcri:,cntU.C; m1asseso VIC V(:c P,%t c;jAr-:)1 mct:10~, 'Watl verified in Individwil ammrineato, mid ~~at fe mentatioa. Tile :,)aratilil W11A3 C1.1 L%ct(",l oll tbaass6ti, at- luted to 12-12.10 of 5.3.6 wit-i tile addition of V16 yeast's aut,'Ayuis 04Pj-0-5~jY~ Card 1/2 zvAcEK, o.; am, j.; VINTIKA, J. New trends in the evelugtion of malt barley. p. 26. ~,(Kvasny 1rumysi, 701. 3. No. 2, Feb 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAT,) I,C, Vol. 6,' Nos 8. Aug 490, Uncl, u, T. - ---------------- of mola 3e3 -Ilcbhol p, ~,Jj 1,ilth 1..~ Institute of D-Jolov, Acadepty of -.3,joncer, vo,.I.2 no 1Y SO: Yonthly lrni4ie;. of i~azit, Euruvean Acoe3al-ns (LLII) L., Vol.. rl-o ll',v 195-8 GASPERIK, Juraj, prof,,, dr,j ;VACHOVA-HUPPXANOVA,, ~Klara, Inz, (Kovoomalto n.p., Trnava)j VIACH# noj),~ Trnava) Processing of technical mixtures of mulLivalent phenols into bituminous products. Part 3t Condensatiou of Ofrocateahin, residue vith formaldehydes~in alkaline mtldum.~ Chem zvesti 16 no.1/206-59 J9,-F 162. 1. Katedra, organickej techoologle Slovenskaj vymokej skol~,i technickaj, Bratislava. Gasperik's ad&186at &atislava, KbIlarovo i namesti 2P Chemicky paviloil Slovenskej vyalokej 'Bkoly technickej. GASPERIK , Jurajv prof.t dr.1 ZVACHCVA-IIUPPHAHVOU~~ Kl&rnp inz.; ZUCH, Jan, Inz. Processing of techrical mixtiuren of multivii'lent ~,Ph(mol nInW. bituminous products. Part 2: Condensation t~f dip'bone with for- naldehyde in alkalino rediurp. Chem zvesti 15 no.11/12:914-917 X-D 161, 1. Katedra organickej tachnologle Slovenskobj vyabkej skoly technickejp Bratialava. Author's address: Pratis,lava$ Kollarovo flamesti 2, Chemicky pavilon, Slovenska vysoka sl6ola technic" (for Gasperik); Kovosmaltp n.p., Trnava (for Zvaj~~hova and Zvach),