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USSR/Human and Animal Physiolou, Metabolism. Nutrition'p Abs Jour: Bef Zhur-Biol-, No 19, 19 55322- Author Belenlkiy, N.G., Krylovap~N.N., Chertkov~, I.L~~p, Bazarova, K.I., Zuyeva, LiD., Sevoett Dt;Ao" Inst : All-Union'A6ade*'of'Agiioult-ariml Sci~- Title : The Influence of ThirrAl Treatment' on' tfi~: AsaiiiLlAtion of Meat Protein. Orig Pub: Dokl- VASKKNIL,' 1957): No 23 -29 Abstract: During'a'~perlod bf'6'ddyC :261ratWof~l O~ 200 gl, body Ifeight, eA'ch,, ' re'ceiv64! daily 10 gr;. (If " beell meat W'ith~methiohine.~S35 prot4lns Sev6AI: 6ont-fol Nine 1 i~ts *,rs rats were given raii gr6undL,mant fed ground meat 'wgich. has !'been; heated itf'an uitrai- thermostate at 80 R 7 f6r* ofid'hour) and, 10 ;Ots Card 1/2 21 ZUYEVA., L.I.; SOKOLIOSKIY, D.V. Low tomperature hy&ogenation of vegetable oi~a on,platinum group catalysts on carbon. Trudy Inst., khba. rAuk AN la SSR 13:146-164 165, (141RA 18 t9) IN 4 Y-.,! pr o f L OV k ju n i zn ft d nauk- ZJYYFVA ZH flv~nnizatlozi of a department and 1theral;eIltic reivI.ts in totanus eases treated there. Klin. khir. 116.30G-74 165. (KIRA 18*8) .1. Kaf,2clra goapittilltoy khIrnnUi I (zav. p!rof. DI.Ta, Ydiorc-aYamnenko) Dnepropetrovckogo inedit:dImskogo lmttltuta otdelerdye DneprolyetravAcy oblastnoy klIniche--koy bcllrjt-ny. ZUYEVA, L.S.; BELOGUROV, 0.1. Nev species of trematode from the black-belliod plaver SquatarOla squatarola of the Far Eaat. Zool. zhur. 44 no,11.V22-1723 165. (MIRA 18:1~) 1. Kafedra zoologii Dallnevootochnogo gosudaroWennogo universitetit, Vladivostok. 82484 031/6~/600/008/003/00;3 AUTHORS: Zuyeva, Lo Ss, Godina# ffol= relerl E. K. quium Its Silid Solutions TITLEt The Properties of nd a Withkalcium- and Strontium Oxide-A PERIODICAL: Ogneuporyp 19609 110. 891pp- 368-371 TEXT: The physical and technological properties of,Ae atove-mentioned; compounds have not been investigated so far. The rb~ults;of the au'ib~orsi studies in this field are shown in the paper under rieviei.:The condltio~q of the synthesis of the solid solutions Ce02 with.q~O and BrO have.' been! investigated earlier. Chemically pare :cerium carbonate and -nitrat~;~ as vell 41V as calcium- and strontium carbonate were used as ba sic m4erial CoO 'was produced first from the cerium salts by annealing, :The pToduct o%tainid con- tained 98% CeO and about 2% oxides of other rare-,earthl'olements. Three mixtures of vagious granulation were prepared frw;this,material: a coarse, medium and fine one, the granular composition of.ibich is mentioned in Table 1. The chemical and granular composition of the masses investigated is shown in Table 2. Samples of the masses i veqtigaWivere fired'in,a Kryptol furnace at temperatures of from 145yto 16oo c In order to select Card 1/3 The Properties of Cerium Dioxide and Itb Solid $1-13116,01000100810031603 Solutions With Calcium- and Strontium Oxide B021/B058 the optimum temperature. The shrinkage and apparent::p~orosity may be:$~een,' from Table 3, The influence of the granulation on thm siniering proc6ss,of cerium dioxide is shown in a fi res The elasticity was dOA6rnined by the ultrasonic method and the Ysocr,3219) lnstrument6 The invOetigatioli of de- formation under load was conducted according to rocT(G0#) 4070-46.1~ The investigation results of the fired samples are lista"d inTable 4. The ttm- perature of the deformation under load of the samploa from COO and'solid solutions with CaO is shown in Table 5. The chemical resiatanci of'oerium dioxide and the solid solution C90 with SrO may be~lseen'from Table"6. The authors state in conclusion that iintere'd highly rofraotory products with a porosity of up to 0.1% and a compressive strangWof U;) to 2000,kg/CM2 can be produced from cerium dioxide and its solid solution with oalcluj%_ and strontium oxide. In order to obtain well sintered products from pure cerium dioxide, the material must be finely groundo, Products from solid solutions of CeO 2 with strontium- and.:oalcium oxidm also minter mail with a coarser granulation of COO * Produc~s from COO dind iis solid solutions can be fired at a temperaturg of 1500 C. Samples 2fiom 000 and itsoolid solution with strontium oxide show a high chemiual:resihtince in contact, with other highly refractory oxides at temperatures of *from 16000t0' 1700% The fields for the application of refractories frOm cerium are to be de- termined by further studies, There are I figure, 6 tables, and Card 2/3 824% The Properties of Cerium Dioxide and Its Solid sl~1311601000100810631M Solutions With Calcium- and Strontium Oxide B021/BO58 BURNASHEVA, S.A.; YEMMENKO, M.V.; CHUMAKOVA, L.P.;._?.,MEVA I.."L.V. Isolation of contractile proteins from the cilia of Tetrahymena pyriformis and the study of their properties. Biokhiodia 30 no.4s765-771 Jl-Ag 165. (MA MS) 1. Inatitut biokhimii imeni AA Bakha AN 85,$R, Mollkva. 2~8799 S/138/61/DW/(X*/003/011 A051/A129 AUMORS: Kuztminskiy,,A. S., Abramova, T. YA., M. V. TITLE: Radiation vulcanization of butadiene-nitrile rubbers PEiUODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 9, 1961, 12 15 TEXTi The Nauchno-issledovateltskiy Institut rezlnovoylpromyshlennbsti, (scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry)~has carried out a labor~a- tory study on conditigns for radiation vulear4zation of butadiene-nitrile',rubber mixes and the properties of the vulcanizates obtained. The best results vere;a- chieved with two-component mixes consisting of rubber and car6on black. Channel black prov d to be the most efficient filler, The optImlim radi&tion done'~wasl 15 - 20. Pr. Increase In the acrylonitrllo content in K*obboi~ Inoredsed! i;ha L~en- n1le strength and relative elongation of the vuleanizatelij but reduced thkr iwel ling in gasoline-benzene mixtures. Softeners, such as~pkt'affin and stearin, -tm- proved the strength properties of the vulcanizates. Com1barlson of the pr6perties of irradiation and sulfur vulcanizates of CKH-26 (3M-26) and 310-40 rubbers showed that the former have a higher elasticity, a lower melting point and a hi6er coef- ficient of low-temperature resistance. The two types of vulcanizaten exlAbit si- Card 1/ 3 2879 9 138/6 VOW/009/oo 11 S/ 3/0 Radiation vulcanization of butadiene-nitrile rubbers A051/A129 milar strength, hardness, swelling and abrasive properties. The laborat;ory ~re- sults were confirmed by industrial tests of packing rii%s matie with irradiation vulcanizates. The use of such vulcanizates in the mwifactu~e of industrial rub- ber products malces possible a temperature range of -60'~~to +1~OOG for the applica- tion of butadiene-nitrile rubbers instead of -40 to +1000C.- There are14 tables, 3 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 nonzSoviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows-.__~A. Chapiro, Ind.'Plast. Mod., 9, no. 1, 41 (1957); R. Harrington, Rubb. Age, 77, 865,(1955); D..J. Harmon, Rubb. Age, 86, no. . 2 (1959); W, Jackson, D. Hale, Rubb._A&,, M .865 0~55) ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut rezinov Ioy promyshlennosti (Scien- tific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) Card 2/3 287" S/IW61/000/009/003/011 Radiation vulcanization of butadiene-nitrile rubbers A051~04 Fig. 1. Relation of the magnitude of the equilibrium module of4arious rubbers to the radiation dose Legend: 1 - SKN-40 2 -sKN-26 CU S 3 -SKB .4 -sKr ~ 5 -SKS-30 6 -SKP-32 44 ' 0 0 7 -NR It 0 s 14 20 - 2 0 0 . to - 4 4 JO -?a -to 40; Ap h0ja O& a Yve'Y'V , APA radiation dose, Wa~d i/i ACCESSION NR: AP4041458 S/0138/64/000/006/0014/001a r AUTHOR: Smagin, Ye. N.; ~~~V-; WtkILUs, F. A.;~Xuz'=Inskiy, A. S.~' TITLE: Some aspects of the technological system for making technical rubber products i by the method of radiation vulcanization .'SOURCE: Kauchuk I rezina, no. G, 1964, 14-16 TOPIC TAGS: resin, rubber product, rubber, synthetic rubber, vulcanization, :radiation vulcanization, dime thyl siloxane, fluororubber, butadlealo-altrIle, cobalt 60, GamMa radiation ABSTRACT: One of the promising variants of the technologicoL I. system for mal g technical rubber products by radiation vulcanization is to use a flat irradiator, containing Co 60 as aj-rayemitter. This techaique is discussed in general termiand some prelim- ~nary Oata 1' are presented. Data on the capacity of the Irradiator for molds of various materials: (iron, aluminum) and dimensions are tabulated. The advanUL%es of the new device, having lighter weight and smaller dimensions compared to those used previously, are discussed. Radiation vulcanates based on rubbers for special purposes (dlmethylsiloxane, fluoro- rubbers, butadiene-nitrile, etc.) have a higher thermal stability than the chemical vulcan- ates, but a lower strength. Since no vulcanizing agents or, ca,talyst4 and no other ingredients I-Cordl/2 ACCESSION NR.- AP4041458 are added for radiation vulcanization, the consumption of raw miteria.1 is reduced and the preparation of the mixtures is simplified. Molding is carried out at 100-200C (depending ontho type of rubber) for 5-10 min. , with subsequent cooling undor pressura to removo the expansion stresses. The calculation of the Irradiation dose:'In the mold is diacusadd, and it is concluded that special molds must be developed for radiation vulcanization to increase the capacity of the irradiator. Orig, art. has: I figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatef s1dyinstitut rezinovoy promy*sblennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry). ENCL-. 00 SUBMITTED- 00 SUB CODE: MT NO REP SOV, 008 OTHER: 001 Crd M;6 10, I-Ppeo"M SMAGIN, Ye.N.; ZLPfl,:VA, M.V.; MA101111S, F.A." KIrl"Ki'NSK111, A."j" Some elements of the technological flow sheet,for the production of Industrial rubber goods with the method of radiation vulcanization. Kauch. I rez. 21 to. 6: 14-16 Je 164. (141RA 17:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinoviiy promyshlennosti. L "06 9-63 ACCESSION M AP3001210 AUTHOR: De G~.G., Eahele, m, A. Te.1 Zorin, A. D., Uyeva. K. TITLE: Solubility of volatile hardrides of group IIT,'fj',' edemimts in ceirtain solvents SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii. Y. 8, no, 6, 1863. 1307-1313 TOPIC TAGS: solubility, hydrides, group Ill-VI olemsifts. 11ii.s-liquid partiVion ch-romatography, separating vdxturev, exLractive rectlf~aatlnn, distritintion coefficient, B; C, Si. Ge, Sn, P. As, Sh, S, So A ?S'RACT 3as-1!a-,qd partItion qhroma~Ml -loaf; ms(M to detem1ne the solubility P ~5, Sb, S -uA Se lh~rirtdes in ii, vartoty of soll'ants, Since -L' a S I 't I- r t, 4rq qfl~e~ivoj n ,o ,-A sifj:r~-is ar ij-1r-ider., this af- fltractlve r-i- a metnod r'!c ')r' .4;rk was lone t.- :I.- -is"rimt;'Orl coeff"',-. tentof the hydrides ard thel.- nuui-n.-ar bond boiling and critical temperatures. Orig. a rt . na 9 "'.glaz~t tions. Card L 10659-63 ACCESSION Mt: AP3001210 ASSOCUTIO14: none SUEHITM: 100ot6g SUB CODE: 00 DATE ACQDs OlJul63 140 UP savt 005 E111"W'L: 00 01!HMi O3jD kes/2-- Card 2/2 ------ LL -4,; KUTXNAV L.S.; HANOOVA1,L.P.1 PRATUSUICHO R.M.L,~ZLUV A,j$!Y J*A'OVA E. A. RODSHTEYN O.A.; CHE Data for the study of the epidemic outbreA or oercu.3 meningitis in Monchegorsk In Murmansk Province during 196Q, . Trudy Lo~. Inst. epid. I m1krobiol 26tl99-210 t64. 041RA l8sl2) 1. lz Hauchno-iseledovatellskogo inatitut* detakikh infoktady,, Instituta. epidemiologil i mikroblologli lxtni Pastore, Letilngrad I Gorodskoy bollnitsy goroda MbnchegorsRa. AIMOYEVA, V. V.,- BATAYEV,, P. S.; STAVROVSKAYA, V, I.; MEYE?IXD,: G. 14; BEZZUBOVA, V. P.; VOROBIYKVA.9 Z. G.; GLADKIKE, V.' F.; ZHUKOVA, Lb; I.; ZUYEVA N K ; KOROGODINA, ru. V.; KLIM07A, L. F.';, KMOV, A~ S. -ff=GV-~ A, 7.-; PEYKRE, A. E.,- SADOVSKAYA, ~G~ Tu,,- SMAITSKAYA, V; 11,; SOLOVEry V. Ya.,- TURCHINS, M. Yo.; SHAMRAYp Ao Fv~-$ SHIP"TSINA, N~ K.; SHIfWXnCH, M. A. Field trials of new repellents. Med. paraz.~'[ i bol. no 4: 457-464 '61. PTMI~IIRIIA- 14:22)~ 1. Iz entomologicheskogo otdola i otdola alhtetidheskikh pre:~arotov Instituta meditsinskoy paratitologii I tro~lcheskO7 meditsiInjr iz,6ni Ye. I. Martsinovskogo Ministerstva zdravookhraneaya SSSR (dir. instituta - prof. P. G. Sergiyev, zav. otdolami prof. V Beklemishev i Prof. V. 1. Stavrovokaya) (INSEGT. BAITS AND RVELLMITS) 8/020/0/148/006/009/02 B 1 12/B 8'6 T AUTHORS: Gel f and, I. M., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Gr&XGVI Mikh 9. S" morozovo A. 1. a'yl olva, r I f iel dbaving no~ i -TITLE: The structure of a magnetic to oida magnetic surfaces PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. D6klady, v. 1481 no-~' 6) 1963s~1286i-1289 TEXT: A large number of force lines of the field ~1 h I Or~sin 3(j + 3 + +0 Hoz + z) hof r) in 3i, 3 3 3 6 0 have been calculated numerically.for -i 1,h 3 h ~-~O.120, .125, 110 3 0' 0.130. Prom their plots a series of qualitative and quantitative properties of fieldaWith collapsing magnetic surfa~os are derived:.'~ There. are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: October 30, 1962 Card 1/1. L .. .... L 522,5-66 SWT(l)/ETC/FPF(n)-2/EwG Lill r, NgtPA (w) -2 AGO NRI Ap5o26924 P413 COM UR/W 3 3AW6 AUTHORS Y) PlAtm JUA; i~c ow ~i M_P'__r oRrjz none TITLEt Establisfunpint o? section -channels '7V SOURCEt AN SSSR. Izvesti ya. MPknankk 6 . no* 15, 1965. 4, TOPIG TAGSt plasma flow, , . Milo mgneUc oreisisur( conductivity _7 A13STRACT t ThG Drablem f Statim flow es~otbllsluettt' 10i xva~6616 crosti ;~Ijecti planar dmr; teas Ing! 1) with Puma the wo'rkla~ f14 A Ca 113 r IN '7- L 5225-66 ACC HRi AP5026924 cally. The magnetic tiold-13- APPj:,: t*1 In--- ~he -t4ir44ctl~q VIS to obey the perfect ga's law. :Tlm eats iniio' AM j4i"_- n-- with th ti ~iialiAion ;mut one as functions of tno &-coordinme only aio~ e mo a L The follow.1 Ou-ea boundary conditiorto a*4 sitteriod P 0.3, 11 0, it together with the initial conditions The equations are solved numericalll for t~ Op 0 < x 1i WA; ~~6 ingi additional condition in the suporsonic re! ';o Go a T4,1 Ox. ie=0 g fmo: f ]L, The channel cross sectioa was varied according to Ihe (1: Z~ I i P ~j O.S - and the solution was obtained for thr6e ~alu6s of He ) imamg 04;i0' field; simi I two I laws of electric conductivity as a function of, the toV IOJ,&t*ajj The at~ ion4a7'M flow state is found to depend inversely on the -Welociii ~ftd 4:U"edtlly O!L~hm electric conductiyitjr (r. For large V;W.tas of cr WO itlaw ~js adtablia TJUT 71 CIA Od quickly, The authors thank 1jeQjL.P khim for cut tile rimiarri computations in thim vork, 00g, mt4 Card 2/3 MIN, 28769 10, k0ob 3/05-7,161/031/1)10/002/015 B1 1 1,'I!' I W AUTHORSt Gellfand, I. M.. Grtty'ev, M. -1. Z Uy 13V a 11, Morozovo A* Lp and Soloviyevo L. TITLE: Magnetic surfaces of a twistud holical: magnetio:fisl& perturbed by a cor-.-~I"~:~Itvd !*:J.Old. PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no.~1110, 1961, 1164 111' TOM The authors investigated a magn ei b. i cfield. ~fe3ol~-ibed' in cylindricvil coordinates by the scalar potential r- 14 z f. 13 sin 3( -f -06z.);! where H. is a I'longitudinal" homogeneous field; h 3 iq.~,the amplitude o,fn, helical mag7netic fieldi I is a modified th~rd-crdai: loosel functioni': 3 06- (2T)Aj L is the pitch of the helix.~ Thia typo cl 'AisId is of greal interest for thermonuclear systems. The magnetic eq-,Apot6ntial surftces~ may be of two typest telescopic tubes or surfaces *hioh do not enclose the axis of the system and are far away from it. The aim of this article was to 'give a general description of the affect~of a norrugrited field.9 Card 1/11< i28769 S/C)5;, 61 /03 1/0 ~1 010(j2/1101 5. Magn6tic surfaces of a triply twisted ... i.e., a perturbation of the form i. -C4 - I (k(4r) sin ~k(e,% 01'1 ?corr C'. magnetic surfaces at different h and k. Since tho total field (1) (4)' 0 is not symmetric, magnetic surfaces can only Nt The dependence of the angle of climb of the -lines afA~orcelon a :0vtRin characteristic radius must usually be investtgat,:4d fieparato1q. are made for z + h 3 13 (3r) sin 3 z) 4. h 0 1 (kr) nin kz . k*:. and k - 3, h 3 at different h . The Interval in rhich onii lino 01 3 0 force was considered, was taken as 0& z4 NI; ~N - 215j'tand 0 1.: Integration was performed by the Runge-Kutta mk~thndl (Ath the stej)s 2R, 2%- , and 2 v . In particular, the following caso~ Iwere aiacussedi ~0' 80 160 1, ho - 0.3 and 0.6. The magnetic surfacus approach on,? anothor with increasing h and tubes not enclosing tho si-axiof Iare fortned at~ 0 ho - 0.6. 2) k - 3, ho M 0.05, ho - 0.1, and ho - 0.125. Alpericdi~--ity in z with the period 2 S/3 was found in theao oases,~ For R h(~) M 0. 1; .the mapetic surfaces coincide with thos6 obtained atA 1', ho C1. 6. Card 2~Al- 28769 S /057/61/0~1/01 ()/0~02/015 Magnetic surfaces of a triply tivi~tod B111/3112 Inside.the fully dovelopod surfa6un there occurtj a -dejv; ouriace with throe-leafed arose section. -Aia confi -~-ation donei !tot roitate but merely vibrates. The magnetic surfacea under the aetioil of strong mturbations, -and the pointo lic on oliil',ros with helical Orono sections Fig. 9). The figuras indicate tho Ijull?J1030ion of the li durvo points. Thore are 10 fig e9 gur. -and 5 Soviet referoncea. SUBMITTEDt November 17, 1960 Card' 3X 8/020/62/143/001/014/036 BI 00100, AUTHORS: Gellfand, I. M., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Grayev, M. Slikhaylova, M. 54j and Marozov, Ap I, .~uyeva, K. 11. , TITLE: Example of a toroidal magnetic lield having no magnetic surfaces PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 1, 1962, 61-(33 TEXT; The existence of magnetic surfaces can be proved and their exact, equations derived only if the relevant magnetic fieia has oome sym 4try' 1 in, - ; In unsymmetric magnetic fields, the equations of these surfaces can~onlj be approximated. An unsymmietric magnetic field with the scalar potential 1P = z + hsf,2 (3r) sin 3 (y z) hole (3r) sin 3z~ has been calculated numerically in a previous study (ZhTt, L1 , no. 10 (1961)). The magnetic surfaces of such a field were shown to decompose at h 3 - 3, ho W 0.125- In the present studyt this phenome,non is investigated in detail. The course of the lines oftforco is calculated Card 1/2 S/620/62'/143/001/014/050 Example of a toroidal magnetic B10,41B1018 and it is shown that the lines of force which shoals form the maghdtic! suj?faces do not lie on a closed curve' Accordingl~# no m*gnetic aurfa~e exists in this case. There are 3 fi~ree and 3 references: 2 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication r~ads';as i followa: M. Spitser, Proo. of the 11. Geneva Confe.rence. on the Nis~ae Uses of Atomic Energy, 1958- SUBMITTED: Deceiaber I 1, 1961 Card 2/2 '051/62/032/007/012/013 SY B194/B102. AUTHORS: Zuyeva, N. M., Morozovq A# I.j and SolovIyeiv, L. S. li a TITLE: Existence of magnetic surfaces of a poriodib magnetW field having large longitudinal oompo~6nts,' accurate to terms of the 4th order PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32) no- 7o 1962, 89749% TEXT: Magnetic surfaces are shown to exist, in fourth approximation, in the general case of a periodio field which has large I-ohgitudinil component H11. Magnetic surfaces not found by onmerical-mothods either occur in higher approximation, .,or their wf Gott, "'re, lje~pon-`,e~tlally i0alL 1he'lines]i The equations averaged according to N. Ns:3ogolyub64.for~' Of force of a magnetic field have unique integrals whanll,ter" 'of the order! are taken into accoun (Hj /1111) 4 t., SUBMITTED: March 59 1962 Card 1/1 GELTAND, I.M.; GRAYEV, M.I.1 UYVAI! 14IMAYUN4i 14.5.j MOROZOV A. 1. Example of a toroidal magnetic field lacking in~gneti'c surfaces. Dok-1, AN SSSR 143 no.16.8143 Ur 0696~' (bLTRA ~5 t2) 1. Mlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for GellfandY (Magnetic fields) BRUSULINSKIY, K.V. (Moskva); ZUYEVA, N.M. (Moskva); MOROZOV$ A.I. (Moskva) Establishment of a quasi-one-dimenoicnal plaama flow in a shaped channel. Izv. AN SSSR. Mokh. no,50-6 B-0 165. (KM is do) L 06977-67 EVIT (1) IJP(c) ACC NR: AP6D1834~-- ~SOU.RCE MDF,.'-."UR/O()89/0/020/003/03'96/0d----~, 1AUTHOR: Zuyeva, N. M.; Polov'Yevo L. S. OM'. none ITLE; Helical magne,40 configurations with minimum B SOURCE: Atomnaya, eneigiya, v. 20, no, 5, 1966P 396-401 1 i ITOPIC TAGS: helical meZnetic field, magnetic mirror madhino 1ABSTRACT: The authors present general equations for m4p'otio 6crov-symmetioical configurations with minimum B (i.e. t f iolds in which the 1'spocifie volume'is inaid, ~Mal on the system axis). An approximate analytic exprossion Is obtained for the ; pecific volume Vl(o) in the vicinity of the helical magri'atic *4s,, Exact formlas f or the spooif io volume V1 (0) and for the average twist ailiao of the f or-6.o 11nos it = 2nxl(o) are expressed in terms of single integrals., Olotsiot VIM and X'(0) up to the separsitrices of the magnetic surfaces are obWn,od on the basis of numeri cal evaluation of these integrals. The calculations demonstrate that a magnetic configuration with a region of minimum B can be produced,~at loast near the sop- aratrizj_g. the distance from the axis of the helical windings to the e card 1/2 UDC: 533-9 Li Idir, ;: ..", ji fl.. w ZUYEVA ff N Case of metastase9 of pbeochromoblastoma In tha bunijs:~, rent. i rad. 40 no.2s62-63 Mr-Ap 165, M l8r6)~ oa 1. Fakulltp-tskaya kbirUrgicheakoya klinikiL 6L(Nl'4-- 0'0~.P, V *I Kukosh) Gorikovskcgo maditsinskogo lnstituta'~J~~imi fi~-oya I Gorlk--V8kays, g6rodsMya MinieboAa7a. bollnits'4,0 I I. I U USSR / Weeds and Wood Control. N Abe Jcur Ref Zhur - Biologi~u, No 13, 1958, No- $8823; Author Moyseaval'o Pe; zueva.. N.; butvievalklyl 0. inst Sumy Agriculturerl-st"Itron, Xwev Exper.~iStation' Ukrainian figriculti"l inste Title Wood Control with ilaiiia ids a Orig Pub Kolgoopnik Mcrabws 1957., No 6) 28 Abstract These era Papers by three authoxg urder~!the Sims! title. In the first paper, (author-Zveva) them r~esults:of experiments carried out at the Sumy Agricultuzlal Station; to test isoprowl-3-ohlorphonyl ceirbamato (CVC) for the control of weeds in eowipgo of osri~ts) 6 welaver and sugar beat are given. The treatmea was yory effective for the first tvo crops. Rdw6ver)t1be herbicide (4-8 kg/ha) lzd a negative 01f,Toot a'n:tbe sugar beet. The sprouts 'became lass d.o,k'zo ani the yield Oard 1/2 Abe JOur Rof Zhur M0108i7a, NO 13, 1958, No. 58823, of roots dWnishod by U-89 M/ha. ~ in th*:siocond paperp (authcr-Matviovs'kiy).ths oxperimonts~cArried out by the -Meev Experimental Station 6a the'use of herbicides 2*4-D,sodium Pentachlorphoti~late OInd isoProPylphanylearbanate (IPC) and (C.00) arol desoribed.~ The best results for the control of V*a iwgardens were obtained with a mixture of ]:[?C (146 k9) 'ard 2.4-D (1-5 kg/ha). In the third paper, (author-MO$VO6v&) the results Of experiments on the testing~af,2.4~D,and 2M-4X for the control of weeds In flax !carrlod out by the Ukrainian Institute of Agrioultuj'~o inaq* are given. The beat results were obtained with OM-4X in doses of 0.9 kg/ha. In this caso)rth'o yield of fiber was higher than in the moo of 1 vooding. R. A. Safra Card 2/2 178 J J ;J USSR / Woods and Joed Control. Abs Jour Rof Zhu-- - Biologlyal Vo 12 15590 146. 1950 Author O' ZuyoV~j L' ' Inst . - . Title Control of Anaual Grass Noods Orig Pub Sad i ogorod, 1958, No 4, 28 Abstract In 1956-1957 tho Sumsk Llgricult ural Station studied the influence of chloro-PC (I) and TCL (II) on woods of graso faiAlioa'in so-rinos of carrots of the Gornad vnrict y. X in doses, , of 4 and 8 kg/hactaro and II in dos os of ~ 12 ;: ka/hoc-Laro of active Ingradlarit's were applied, prior to the sowing of the cariots Irith a fixed harrow. Tho,standard output Of liquid was 500 lituAcataro. I inflliuncod.tho groirth of the carrota, and Minhibitod gemination of Card 1/2 YzVA,H.P. Microdetermination of citric acid and malle acid In plAnts. Fisiol.rast. 1 no.1 91-93 3-0 154. (KLRA;8t'1O) 1. Nauchnyy institut po udobreniyam i Insaktottinglaudam, Moscow. (Plants--Chemical analysis) a USSR/Weeds and Their Control. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., 110 15, 1958, 68485 Author : Zuyeva, N.P. Inst : Sumy Stato Agricultural Teetiftg Statiofti Title : A New Preparation for knnual Grass Wce6. Control. Orig Pub : Byul. muchno-takh-ri. informm. Stumsk. gos-0 S.-Ith. opytil. st., 1957, No 3) 51-55- Abstract LI 1956 the Sumy Agricultural Testing Station'tested the effect of the herbicide, isopropyl I-N-3-chloxThcny1c:arbn-'. mate, for use against greca foxtail atid .chicken panic grass in sovings of Gerand carrots and Saratovskiy Iz- sunflower. The herbicide was applied) 41 dosages ofl and 8 kilograms of the agent (per hoctarlo), to carrots before harrowing, and to aunflower La t~c prenaving cul- tivation on the day of sowin6 with a poptable sprayer. Card 1/2 _-15 HAGIIITSKIY. Konstantin Pnvlovich, doktor melt skok:ho%y*ystvennykh nauk; SHUGAROT. Yu.A., starshly nauchnyy sotrud.; WilM,T.K., nouchnif so trud. ; prinimali, uchs at iye I., ZUYffA IL.P,. nau~linyy blotrud.: GOSOARVA,A.G., laborant; FXDORMO,K,G.0 I0('Irant;iKAYUN.P.K-., red.; BACWHINA,A.M., tekhnred.-'PROKOV'YVA,T,;N., [New methods of plant and soil analysis) NOT78 ~metody analiza rastanii i pochv. Moskva, Goa. isd-vo ssllkhon.lit-ry, 1959. 239 p. (KIM 14:3) (Soils-Analysis) (Botanical research) ZUTEVAI X. p "The Effect of Various Forms of Hitrate and Potassium rertill-, zers on the Accumulation of Alkalot(Is in Pl"t~g. : ~~Clhad Agr &.-I, All-Union Set Res Inst of Yertiliters, ASrIc%tltaral,'2n&InoerIn~g, and Soil Science; All-Uhton Order of Lenin Acadeo of 14xicultural. Sciences imont V. 1. Lenin, Moscow, 1955- (KL. No 12, Mar 53~ ,SO: Sum No. 670, 29 Sep 55, - Survey of Scientific 4md Technical Dis- sertations Defended at IJSSR Hi&er EducationA InWtutione (15) ZU"VA, 0. Vadim Aleksandrovich XondakOv, obituary, 06og.vishkdlo 22 no-5:73 S-0 159. (IORL 1312) (Kondakov, Vaclim Alsksandrovich, IM64959) KMKHli)VA, A., konstruktor; FOROMAUTA, T. lipparorao To], j master; BUBEN, Antonina. [Buban, Antaninal, iontrolar; ZUT9VA, U., Duleva, Vollga Danilonal, mastnr; XURITAWYA, ,inn Ifs work at tha tractor plant. Rtxb.i sial-t 34. li*-1117-8 9 158. (WRA 11:12) 44 -nnoli "' t kh'(for 1. Minekiy trqopj~m 47*y-od .(for,all)j 2f-tfj'ju&"-- 'toylqy s~ Ponomrava)"f. M " z ~ forlu~on, 1rur lvauova). a TralctorMy tsekWltdi 4. Pressovyy teekh-4for-Ijoya). Ninaw 'Ind st W u r3r on~~kx ACC NRs AFbUJDVb0 SOURCE CODE: UR/UAzi9j06jOUUj01U/UO69jOO7Q AUTHOR: -Bernahteyn, M. L. Zuyava,_O. M, 1 ORGt Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys 6 ut stali i (Ho4*vokLy instit splavov) TITLE: Recrystallization of manganese and nickel st6oel _j)~ in high-t temperature thermomechanical treatment SOURCE: Metallovadaniya L tormicheikay& obrab6ika abtallov,, n'04 100 19660 69-70 TOPIC TAGSt metal rearystallization, =dmil-recrystallization tempera- iure, steel thermomichanical treatment, high temperature thermomalchani ical treatmentv manganese steel, nickel ateal 'I '?C21FA AIRSTRACT: The effect of manganese (V49 6 andA%) a0d nickel~(4 8o 11 and 16%) on the recrystallizationlof steals contalning O.Ox-o'.8% chrbon during high temperature thermomechanical treptnent (11THT) has I been investigated. Prior to HTMT, manganeee st~el/%Ipoclmens '~eC4 fully annealed at 800-850C for 105-2 br, and nicke.listael:specimens were tempered at 500-550C for 7-10 hr, HTMT const6ted'of heating to a tea- parature 70-90C above the AC3 point, holding for 20 tain# rolling with a reduction of 50% and subsequent water quenching, ;It was foluadithat Ccrd 1/2 UDCt 669.241,74t621.9,77t,620.10603 ACC NRr AP6035960 manganese and nickel delay the recrystallizatid~, paIrticularly in steals with a very low carbon content. Increased,carban cokitent coutributes to the development of:recrystallizatione Mangmlxese'~steels containing 0,01%C and 6-8% Min may be subjected to,HTMTO mince theme Xt*41 &exhibit a considerable.delay of at least 10 see in,rodOystallization Vith 50Z',- deformation.,, Orige art. hast 2 figures# SUB CODEs 13p III SUBM DATE: none/ ORIGlREF& 002 4 irnrA NR, '-MOVOY-3-59 S0 URCT;--~ 0-Ift"T6 i ~'-()TWOTG- "IIWOT AUTHOi: Bernshteyn, Ho Lo; Uyevai 0. H. ORG: Moscow InstLtuto ot GLILO. Alloya (1:")1i!-'Ov"kLy inotitut stallL splavov) tITLEt Recrystallization of mangatteso and nielt!"I Steels in:high- temperature thermomachanical treatment SOURCEt M 'etallovedeniye L termich~skaya obrab~tka metallov,:ao..' 10# 1966, 69-70 TOPIC,TAGSt metal recrystalILzation, nretnxdt rre!~C~ryat'ftllizatioq ti.mpera- tuxep steel thermom~chanical treati~ant I high t~wperacure thelinam'achan- idal-treatmoot-, manganese steel, nickel 1~.iFVWeiN'64k rm le A.)r A'ASTRACTt The effect of mangunese,(2-, 4, 6 and 8%) and nickel 8p, 12 and 16%).on the recrystallization of ateelilcontaining 0.61-0.8% ckrbon during high temperature thermomechanical troatment (11THT). has been investigated, Prior to 11THT, manganese e'teel'specimeno were fully annealed at 800-850C for 1.5-2 hr,-and nickel stael specimens were tempered ai 500-550C for 7-10 hr. 11THT conslated of beating to a tea- perature.70-90C above the Ac 3 point, holding for 20 min, rolling with a reduction of 502 and subsequent water quenching. It was found that Card 1/2 UDCt 669.24074t621.971i420.186.5 ACC NRi AP6035960, manganese and nickel delay the recrystallizati", particularly in steels with a very low carbon content. Increased carson content contributes to the development of recrystallization, HangAnesa.steels containing 0.01%C and 6-8% tin say be subjected to IITHTO:iince~these steel exhibit a considerable delay of at least 10 see in retrystallizatLon with 50% deformations Origs act* hast 2 figures# BUD COM 139 111 SUBM DATEs none/ ORIO REIN 002 Card- 02 - r ESTRINP E.J.; ZUYEVA, O.M.; MAKSIMOVA, O.P.; PI J11ZOV, xu.v. !~irect!and reversible Effects of internal friction connected with. martensite transformations* Piz, met. j Mulloved. 11 no, ~ 2:252- 260 F 16l. 1. Institut meta3-lovedeniya i fiziki metall v TSentrallnogoi nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta chernoy met&11urgii* (Internal friction) (Phase rule and e~uilibrlum) 0 s/i26/61/011/002/012/ 25 'To b . 1 AUTHORS: Estrin, E.I., ZuZeVa.,11 Makmimovil O.P. and "'I'm Piguzov~ Yu,v.--- r TITLE-. On the Problem of Internal Frir;,t;l.on 'Effects Associated Wtth the Direct and Rever'sob Marten~itlc Transformation PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, 1961,,i~No.2, lip.252-260 TEXT: The object of the present investigilktionjras to stu* -the phenomena of I.e. the a trurtural 'changes "phase work-hardeningtv brought abou , t in tile Y-phase of' tile 73,5 1'e4-23,7' Iti-2.8 b(a alloy during the m artensitir, tratififormation, T thl,~ end, th variation of the klnati;~s of the martotlsitti:: transformatipn Ouring cooling was studied as wfill as the OiAra,t~~ of !the temperatare dependence o f internal fri--tion of apatininns. subjected to one of the followin g heat treittments- (1) y-~L 2~cr,drkiiformatiod, carried out to vario us degrees of completioni (2) y-4,, 4y ti nsf: rmation k A 0 carried out to att.aijl various degree; of btabiltity of aus'teriite; (3) Y-)a-4Y transfortnatton, followed by ettimealing under, co~dit ions Card 1/4 5/126/611'/011/002/012/025 On the Problem of Intern~il ensuring the maximum supplem6ntary stabIliza,tion,of the y-~haae (1 h at 525'C). Tits kinetics of the martsOlsitic' transformation were studied by the magrieto4trictiou melkslkr4jalentts, the tbr~sional vibration method having been used to deteratine the temperatur~e dependence of internal frir-tion, Tn both'~asea!,.wire specimens (0.7 mm in diamoter) preliminarily va-zuum-,M~irkiaal.lad at 1100*C *ere used, extra precautions having baen taken To avoid Ally plastic deformation of the Kper-xmen.~ handlin,~,. Specimens, con-taining varloiia proportions (11, 24. 28 bind 48%) of martensite, were. prepared by rapid quenchtllj.4 in nitrogen, followed by heating 'to ro4nVI temperatur* tit, .~!,ra r.t qu.a heating rates. The a-4y tran3foritk3tion uaa icarritid out by Airunersing them specimens for 10 setc in a fialt bath tit 540"C, and water que'nching. The results of the atudy of the hinetics (it thv~y-4a transformation in wire speciatens confirmed the retwultm obtainod edrlier on standard specimens (Ref.2 and IL)a With ilicreaming degree of "phase work-hardening" the stability of ak~L,kenite increased after both y--)a and y-~a-4y tralififorIllatiol)'. I'lle , !t.I)Jlity of 8; A martensite was further Increasod by atknealing at 525"Co The Card 2/4 S/-126/6i/011/002/012/025 On the Problem of Internal E193/E483 0 results of the study of the temperature deptinden'co or intdrnal friction can be summarized as fdllows:~ (O'Ino ahomalies1were observed on the internal friction Curves for the' fully anheaied specimens; (il) curves for specimens thav;:bad suadergoft6: partial y~4a transformation had the following apecafic features: I ia peak (A) at 1702C, the magnitude of which increased With increhsilig proportion of martensite in the,Bpecimens a peak (B) at 290 C, a ledge 8011C a ledge (D A sharp peak (E; at (C) at 5 9 ) at 730 V 81o"ci (iii) after the transforma ''tion, the specific features (A) and (C) disappeared compltt,-~l and"the led ~ (D~ almost Y, Kai completely, peak (B) bee-oriting mor* pronomifeejr kind shift*4 tb. a lower temperature (approx 250)0,~ (J-V) aftltr ;x supplementary annealing, the height of peak (H) detreasftd, Since the specific featurn.*4 (A), (0) and hav'e no direct bearing an the problem under investigat:ion$' peaks (13) and (C) are discussed in detail. It 1-q shown that th4i intotrnal frfc~tion' peak at 250% is associated with the re-orltnta~Aan of pairs,of carbon atoms which takes place aA a ra.-jult of atroi3svs;, set up'In the alloy, it being postulated thal: the. relaxhtLon processes leading to the appearance of peak (B) cannot talve j)lace it) the absence of Card 3/4 s/i26/61:/oil/002/0l2/025 On the Problem of Internal lattice distortions, Regarding the P09kk flie fact th at it was observed only in specimens contaitung iji*rten~ite and 'that, it occurred in the temperature range of the roverse'wartensitic transformation indicated that this peak is~ 4kae t1o the inctease in the internal friction, caused by tho a-4y trnnsfiormation~ K.H.Rozin, B.N.FinkelOshtedyn, T.Ke -arid Ch,j6ten ilre Mentidned for their coritributiotis in thim field. Ther eare 4 fistires, 1 table and 20 ref erences ~ 13 Soviet and 7, hon-Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut metalloveden-iya j fi~rlk-i metallov TsN11ChM (Institute of Scierice of hinials and~:Ph:~sicz of Metals, TaNIMM) SUBMITTED March 12, 1,960 Card EOZLO79 P.V,; ZUnffA. P,V. Structure and properties of film mda from ethet cellulose.. Trudy NMI U0,70-12 147. (MIU' 1116) 1. Zaboratorlyi tokbuoigil plenok 3huchno-I'Doledovatellskogo klno- foto-Inetitutag Moskva. (Photography-4ij~mm) DONSKOV,*Vasiliy Yefimovich, dotsento kand.ekon.n~*j 27WA YOV12 - i 9 Vey- isa VaRilo r1o'eiHoln *nsuk;x'b11'-4" 0;.,1rand.ekoa.nauk; KM=OVA,;Ra 0 1 T. Yuriy Konsta~tinovich. dotoent, kand.okot.naWt; KOXMW,~Pmti Nikitich, dot sent, 'kand. ekon.nauk; PON011AIMi, Irina Andreyevua, knnd. ekon.nauk; KRINKIS, Lev Akimovich, starahiV:propodAvatell; IUMITSIR, 34766, kand.ekon.nauk, rieteenzW& nauc1myy,md.j.MG40T, QaTeo,kando ekon.nauk. retsenzent-,.SILVARTSO V.M. invhw-~6nomlato retsenz'eilt; TYXIMA. L.A., red.; SOKOLOVA, L.A., takima [Production organization and planning in foootindustry enterprises] Organizateiia i planirovenie proixrodetva na predpriiatiiakh pishchevoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva. Piahchapromisdat, 1959. ~605 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Food industry) ZIMANKOV, A.G.; R.V.; KOZIOT, P.V*; SAVXL',mA, Z.V. Molecular interactiono in polymers.- Part Is Application of infrared spectroscopy to tha study of acetylcellulose fibers. Vysokom. soed. 2 no.8:1270~2279 Ag 160. (Him 13:9) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSSR i Bauchno-issladovateliskiy kino- fotoinatitut. (Cellulose--Spootra) %J \i ~-,)\-K , N4 , . ZUYEVA, R.T., Imnd. ekon. nauk. Status of production standards in the foodiindustrr. Trudy XTIPP no.7s276-282 157. (14hi 10A2) (Food indumtry-Production~atandarda) ZUYEVA, R. V. Kozlov, F.V. and Zuyeva, R.Y. 05tructure and compositlo~ of eallulo,-e-ether f ilms, " r eport 55, Trury NIKFI (Nauch.-Istled. kino-f oto-in-t),: Issue 7, 1947, (column title: 1944), P. 5-12 -,Bibliog: 14 items SO; U-2888, Letopis Zhu=allnykh Statay, No. 1, 1949 ZUYETA, T., sootekhnik AA letter to N. Sm1rnov, Zhivotnovodotvo 19 no!0~11:91 N '57. I (KIRA 10:3.2) 1, Xolkhoz Imeni Sver~dlova, solo InIdno.,Kolpitshevskogo reyonat: Tomakoy oblasti; LOPUSHANSKAYA, A.I. (Chemovitay); ZU797A,,, t.8. (Chornovitsy)j PAMFUMA, L.A* (Cher,novitay)l PARnWV, AOT~ fbierno~itsy), II Almorption spe4tra of CrOllicomplaxes, Mmr. f Iz. kidm. 39 n 13 68-71 Ja P65 1921) 1. Chernovitakiy universitet. Suinitted Twillary 29p 1964. DONSKOV, Vasiliy Yefimovich, prof.; ZUYEVA Raisa Vad.117map kand. ekon. nauk; KRUZHKOVA I MESHKOV, Yuriy Konstantinovichs kand. ekon.~~:nauk; KiOMAREVAJ Irina Andreyevna, kand. ekononauk; KHINXI8pjLev Akimovich., st. prepodavatelf; SHANIV, Andray Nikolayqv~Lch,, A4 propoda.-' vatell; KAMF21ITSER, S,Ye,, dbktor ekon. nmu:k, prof., retsenzent; SHVARTS, V.M.t inzh.-ekon., retsenzenti RIKS, VA.; rod.; PECHENKRIA, O.P., (Production organization and planning InTodd industry ent6i- prises] Organizatslia i planirovanie proiz~odsto Ia na predpri- iatiiakh pishchevoi promyshlennosti. (blilY.E.Douskov i dr Moskva, Pishchopromizdat, 1963. 454 p. (VIRA 17.2) L 35903-66 EWT(M)/T/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k) IJP(c) JD ACC NRi AP6007351 SOURCE CODSt UA/0126/66/021/0W/0228/0234 AUTHORSt Poyzulayev, Sh. Lj Konovalov) E. Yo.; 0110i none TITLE: Methods for the determination of the off active dirAributlon coofficiant of additives during alloy crystallizations 2. Zone mold "n It SOURCE: Fizika matallov I moti-.11ovedon1,vo, v. 21, no. 2, i966) 02B-234 TOPIC TAGSi zone melting, metal zone melding, bismuth alloy ) bV-S.r'603V;r"P'j C',1 f AJ r*, Aviv:Sr. YAMA)VrIdAJ ABSTRACT: Two iiethod:; for the di.-Larmination of the ofractive distribution coefficient of additives dur--*ng zona xelting of al)oyi; aro prooontod. 11lis.papor supplements tile rosulLu of ai. earliar publication by Sti. L reymilayov) 0. Tp* Konovalo-~ 11 and L. I. Kondratlyova (A'.ri, 1965, 19, 707). I'lie first method lconsiAs' in dotorinining the distribution coof ficiont from tile position of the trantiition~ point. The position of the transition point xi after n transitiotis was calculated af-~or 14. Braun. Wdi S' Marshall (Brit. J. appl. Phys., 1957, 13, 157). y) e,('-') dl + CM 0 < p~ C- (N Q, np" X L 35903-66 'Ot' ACC NRI AP 7351 m and 14. P3 the length Oritho ingots j j (the the initial Zolle point It0l' o f. (wrors. ono 0 where r is the dis~anca to ,raph for th Inbe of %one tile zone length* A 9 cludodt~~6t as the Ilu both in units Of ed. It is con Andj:to the limiting: A stribution coefficient) is prosent lie transition point I Tile SecO~d di increases the position of t 1,1, Dk,tailurgizduty iq6O)- Of tile passages n pfann (Zonr-iY,'X plavka) I , tho dotertilinatiOn Position of 'L DZh- -lied tile integral InOthod) iG basod on~ ulayerv and Es is ca after Sh. I- method, Wilicil r itapurities,concentration KI 1155) cloefficient OJ 963) lbs khIldi) I Konovalov (Zhurnal analit- k W J'K NCO and Vq 8) 1 - ( + -him-O) d1wing Wd&d 16 U ire on the distribution of is presented. us at s were tested The method natic, of the zone refining 6 A sche, 81 Ing. in graphs and table ii 000 zone melts are presented, experimental results A~W L 35903-66 Nits AP6050-7-3~1 47 'Fit. 1. GraP16 f or tho jcu 48 .06 Points; r 0~0/srx, lCd longth of ing6ts 170 (a) AM 1.72 mm (b) 1 0 isoll. 7 um ZWMA, T. F. ZUT811A, T. F..- "Pneumonia among newborn children's (146,rpholbgical investigation). Sverdlovsk, 1955. Sveerdlo7sk Sb#e Medical Inst. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidato of Nedical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopist, No. 52., 24 December, 1955- 1461scow., HIMIRM MTH N I'm "I'M 1 ;-4 Mr "I MIMI I I &w iidd MATVEYEV, M.A., doktor tekhn. nank; ZUYEVA, V,F., inzl).~ Structure and properties of alkall-rvaistant~f~lterict-.ramics made of serpentinite. Stek. i ker. 20 no.121t-20 ~'D~fO. (MIRA 17:1~ 1. Mookovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskly institat imoni D.I. I hno-issle. Mendeleyeva (for Matveyev). 2, Gosudarstvenn;y naue dovatellskly Institut stroltellnoy keramIXI 06astrn~a SSSR (for Zuyeva). MATVEYEV - MA., prof... doktor tekhn. r,,ukp otv.. red,j BUDNIK(7 P.P... kadepiko red.I.TOROPT , N.A... red.4 GLIJSIIKOVA, V.B., kand, khim. nauk) red.j ZVYEVA, V.F~? nauabn. red. (Silicates and oxides in the'chemiatry of high temperatures] Silikaty I okisly v khimii vysokikh temperlitur. Moskva, lz-~ t khimli silikatov im. I.V.GrebenshchikoTa4 1963., 382 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Akadoiniya nauk Ukr,SSR (for LWnikov). 2, Chlen- korrespondent All SSSR (for Toropov). 1.!. 016 -~V, ACC -N-R-1 _A_P__6008264___'_ SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66,1039/002/0299/0293 a, V. F. AUTHOR: Matveyev, M. A.. Zuvev OAG. none TITLE: Serpentinite alkaline filters SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimli, v. 39, no. 2, 1966* 289-293 TOPIC TAGS: ceramic material, sintered filter, chemical ag6nt filter ABSTRACT: The properties of roasted alkaline serpentine rock are,:~investigated witha view to its use in ceramicfilters.j~ The determined properties ar4 used in designing a technique for manufacturing ceramic filters from serpentine: rock. Upon roasting, ser- pentine rock becomes highly porous. A clay filler cionsistiq of either bento0ite, ar- gillite or an argillo-bentgnite combination is added to the :leerpent.~ine. Graphs are presented of the % porosity and the density of the resulting mixt4re as a function of the roast temperature with the various clay fillers as paraiieters:. The optim= roast- ing temperature is set at 12500C. Desired properties after!roastlng include; alkali- nity, up to 99%; porosity, up to 36-45%; mechanical stability upon deflection, 160- -180 kg/CM2, and upon compression, 250-650 kg/cm2. Experizib.ntatioln. reveals that heat- ing at 1200-12500 increases the mechanical stability upon dmflection by 6-8 times and also increaseb the air and water permeability threefold. M-sults~ of x-ray analysis of UDC; 552.47t642.67 ACC NRs AP6008264 the roasted products, with optimum temperaturen producing two crysWline phases of forsterite (2&4gO-SiO2) and enstatite, with quartz as an insIVLLficbnt impurity are pre sJnted. The effectiveness of the product as a filter for acid and.b4se solutions is platted. The mixture of serpentine rock prior to roasting has a plastic number of 1-3 but is easily molded into tubes of 300 = with an outer diam6ter of 120 mm. This elas ticity, however, is lost upon roasting. A rough step-by-steo method for the develop- ment of serpentine rock as filter material is given. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 07, SUBM DATE: none IM f Wf Card 2/2 __~kHEV, M.A., doktor MA FYEV, M.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; ZUYEVA, V.F., inzb, Structure and properties of alkali-resistant tilteroeramics .1 made of serpentinite. Stek. i ker. 20 no.12 17-20 ~~D 163. (mIRA 17il) 1. Moskovskly khimiko-tekhng~ogicheakiy inatitut im6ni D.I. Mendeleyeva (for Matveyev)'.'_-j' osudarstvennyy naubhno-iasle-~ dovatellskiy institut stroite?4~oy keramiki Cosetroya SSSR (for Zuyeva). -". I 1, 1, -, -14 , W %j. ,:11 KGROBOVAt LA.; ZUYEVA. V.L. Conference on Analyt1cal Chemistryat Cbe1y*b1nsk.' 2av. lab. 31 no.11:14U, 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Zaveduyuahchiy kmfsdroy analitichaskoy khiati-Chelyabinskoglo politakhnicheskogo instituta (for Korobova).i 2. 74tvadu7u15hcbi7 khimicbeskoy laboratoriyey Chelyabl. nmko~n nauchno-Isoladovatell- okogo instituta metallurgii (for Zuyeva J PAYWY, B.Lo ZUYVA, T.S. Modification of cerebral chollneatornso actitrity In certain b*cterlal intoxications. (with siumAry ~ In llnglishl 'Blvd.oUnp.blol i mod. 45 no.3:60-63 Mr'58 1, Is otdols, eksperimentallnoy khtolotarspi I (sav, -chlon-, korrespondent AUX SSSR Kh.Xh. Planallyes) In4tituto farmakolo$ii I khImloterapli (dirs-deystrvitelOt*7 chlen jOIN S6SR V.Y. Zak~sov) AUK SSSR. Moskva. Predotavlena daystvitel'rWm chlenom AMN SSSR V.V. Zakuaovym. (BRAIN, metabolism. cholinesterase, off. of Clostridium tetani & ShIgella dysenteriae toxins (Rus)) (SHIGELLA DYSEMIAM, toxin, eff. on cerebral choliaeotersae (Rua)) (CL408-rRMIUM TRTANI, same) (CHOLIMTUMB, in brain, eff. of Olgtridiun tintani'Vshigellft dysenterias toxins 8)) SOLOVIUN, V.11.; ZUYELA, V.S. Significance of heterogeneous call" Oenaltivity in J;M woakenjo of the antimicrobial actiod of'Penicillin iiihe pve~ence ofah increae in the number of microbes. AntibiotW 6 =410:930-936 0 161. (14111A 11~1~ 1LOVIYEV, V.N.l NOW 14A, 11 4 VIIS.) Koj N.V. som[OVA' y.y.- Y'U"'ll" 1~ Antibact-3rial i).cL!v!ty c., j,jjq etle (hgropyreno) find rAir.1,111.11. Antlolotikl 10 40.20,561-1,V) F I* OLdel 1(hip.,iot.H WIRA 1815) . . ,&%r. - pr~uf. A.M.0 ill6rnuhh) ln$tjtu4ta farmakologii i."xSR i 11160ratorli tonkogee orpanlchos~og(, o.4,,,jtpza G,iv. prof, V.F.KljOierov) lnj;t!tuta~ organicheckoy khtinti AN S.'1A, Mol!kva. ZTJYKVA, V.S. Effearof the plipicachemicial conditiou of 4110 medilun of the antiminrobial action of colizycin. lutibiotlllt P, n 5: 438-4" Kyl-63 (hTRA rlo) 1. Otdel eksperlmentallnoy kbimi3terapil ( mvp pmfs AX& Chernukh) Instituta farmakologli i MArdotera'OU A10'sSSR, SOLOVIYEV, V.N.; ZUYWAS V.S. Significance of the functional condition orimicrpbes for thelanti- bacterial action of tetracycline, Antibiotiki 61,no.6:- 08-51) Je"161. MiA '15:1) 1. Otdel eksporimentalinoy k4Woterapii ("~V. prof. A.H.ChernUkh) Instituta farmakologli i khimioter(Lpii AIM WSR. (BACTERIAsEFFECT OF DRUGS ON) (Ti'TILACYICLINE) SOtPlistil-lV7 V.11.,- MrIbIA, V,,!, Changes ln the apnilti-Ity, of Mycotjitit,3,rl.~x ~'zAbprtiilnslv 1,, animal. argarisms to cl,emntherapy. Vrnbl. ttil,~. nc,.~F.6z."~6 OCKA 1. laborutorlya mikrablolopli kivindot.41rapili (Okv, prqr.. P.M. Chernukh) Irstiluta farmakologif I khlpitektori~jlil O:r, ~ deystvitsI.Irrfy chler, AMN S~~,R pvc% V.V, Ink-,isert'd' PMll S~;;")Pr, ~103kn&, ACC NR: -AR6011876 AUMOR: Vyak:hlrov, D. A Zabotip,,,-K. P. ~p[~~Xe x*U4 B. 4o Pogl,:.~~44 V- 11. -olayeva,. lit. V. Vyjh1nzkiy, N. X.; NU .7 161dre. iva, L. V TITLE: Gas chromotogra . %tudy of imInirities ia qs~!MLT!!~ ~WAVEt-e tMalysim of i their effect on the proceaG of Vinerization SOURICE: Ref. zh. Khimiya., Abn. 16S214 TOPIC TAGS: methanol, methyl=ethacrylste, glycol, polym6tLiatij)n Vite., mo~ocuilar weight, monomer ABSTRACT: With the use of the. gas chromatogir4aphy method:i 41n7 an OF,-~00 brl~k wl:,th a selective liquid phase of polyethylene glyqol 1000, it hhAi beevi 4eterminelthaV the basic admixtures in industrial methylzethacrylate ar* dlmi144yl 0~4er,' metl~~,L-*~mate, et . ~iea ~i m -hylpropionate, methanol, methyl I0-metboxoropionate, riJJ4~ thrijo uadent. ~sub- stances. An investigation was made of the effect of sul)P41twentling the de14 ,cte4 ad- mixtures to me ethacr_ylate on the pol merization rate aa-3 the molecul4Lr we;ght of the polymer obtained by standard. methodsl in, ezu1sion i400'.11; ;~t:, v". "VU-- hat -up--to 2%-meth 6t anol increases-the.:polnaeri t-; z lAbQVO-- 1% methylformate decreases the mole.cular we~ght`and 'abov-31 A =r:L-'-.+ zation rate. 1-14ethylpropionate sharply decreaaem the mo>."lar 1-re~46at ihaloly- merization rate at a concentration of 0.5 to 1%. Acetaldilbyd-ehas no eff*(t 04 the Card 112 HOW "11 MI. MMWNI Ji ZVOLARKOVA, k* 190-tituto tor 1-fatritional Izess"WI Nottwip 4-sw vyz~c%-, V;fzlv.r lidu) Vruirwj (ror all) rL,~~qo alivi-O 11 1 OT F.--mcianalve `I-aatiag or Puto :10h iWIRIlmal BISHK, T.; gUMCVA, Ye.S.; PROSKURUKOV, R.I. Cyptine reductaset of wheat embrym, Nauch.dokloryu.shkoly,; biol.nauki no.1:153-156 '59. OGRA 12:5) 1. Itakomendovanix kafedrojv,biokfilmii rantenij Moskmakogo gosudaretvannogo universitsta. Im. 14.V.Lomohhova. (CYSTIIM MMUCTASE) (WMT)