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S~ 138/61/000/011/004/007 The effect of-fIllers and softeners on... A051/A1215 in the presence of fillers and softeners. The naturo of tba re .1~~ion T*U does not vary to any great extent, and the relation q- a opo of fluct)a ti ao, (where E is the deformation, Scr - critical deformatl6n). 1he active fillarej 191 rubbers based on non-polar rubbers (NR) shift the ttse grekbtr. deformations, and in rnibbers based on polar raw walerialj :they Ealre a weak effect (SKN-40), or have no effect at all (nairite) On the Sar- ~Vle f"Llers n p01ar-1bajP.-,4 !"ubterz~ (chalk) do not effect the 6cr. The softener shifts the I towards the lower deformation. 'itentlition le &-relOP&I In two-fold deformation, 0 to a lesser degree than in the caae of a single deformat,16n, arv). the r;"tb Ec~r disappeare almost entirely. The ratio, ICU/C; (conditional'i alnee 141, dep-qmAz on the thickness of the sample), for samples of eqLal thickneos 4.-Aptms, Only Very. 3114ht- ly on temperature and concentrattion of 'the ozouv. IT'him r1flAo 0.110 C~'IVW_ge~S~Very slightly in the presence of fillers and softeners, vtheret~y in thitee ca-vie, Iru. Ili oich smaller than Z-p for the Investigated thIcknesses. it it ~9,wxmed th~~t~the. ac- tive fillers sharply increase the Inter-molecular aotivitj J.n I;be nan-polax rnintec% arA only slightly in the polar anes. Therf" are 8 f Lgureqp 2 tllblee, and 10 r-qf- erenaess 7 Sovie.-blco and 3 non-Soviet.-bloc.. lbe rsf&r1f,PnC6.3 "W, t~he 3 mOmt P"Prit English-language publications react as followsi J. Crab tT#e, A. 'R. Kemp, Ind. FJ19 Card.2/3 S/138/6i/coo/on/064/007 The effect of fillers and softeners on... A051/Afa-) Chem., 38, no, 3, 850 (19116); Van Pul, Trans. IF11, 314, n Thompson, R, fl. Baker, R. W. Brownlow, Rubb, Chem. Techllol;~4 9-11; V'( (1952). ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy instiiut rezinovoy gomyshIlctnnozt i(,qdien!l tific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) Card 3/3 Ei 6 - - ---- J1 1. w S11 90J 61/00~/002/001/ 01' 2 B130/B202 AUTHORS: Auyev YU S Borshchevskaya, A. Z., P-raveanikova, S. I. Wu Yu-rc~h~-c TITLE; Temperature effect on the durability.of rubber in the case of crazing due to corrosion PERIODICAL; Vysokomolekulyarnyye soy6dineniya, v. no. 2, 1961, 164-1:173 TEXT: The authors studied the corrosion destruction Q al Vulcani4ate liro- duced, on the basis of a carbc~A-containing divinyl ':styre,ne rubber CKC-10-1 (SKS-30-1 ) under the action of 1 N HCJ , 0.24 N C11 COWI and easeous AC1 3 (0.82 mmole/mole) and ozone* On corr6sior., the vix1caniring agent,MgO ~assa into solutionj the reaction kinetics 1 can be inferred f r-pm the con6ent+ation i of Mg** in the solution. It was determined phctoc~!lorimebrically *ithi titanium yellow. ir, the time passing until 'the n'pture was assumed to be the fundamental characteristics of the process~ D~Iformel;"ion &was ikept constant. The spei:imens were chosen such that thp~ had~~the same thickness in deformed state. The apparent activation energy,u of the effect;of RCl Card 113 81-0016110b3100210011012 Temperature effect on B130%,202 on the non-deformed rubber specimens was determin6d from the inclination ccf the straight line which is obtained when plotting~~W' e kilnetic curve of the accumulation of Mg" in the coordinates o.0 rr, FcrE - co .ast double bands applied to frames were investigated and the mean,ilalues'were determined from 16-40 experiments~ Swelling in HC1 is 0.6-1~,9116 at~a temperaiure~of 25-400C during 2 hr. It was 2-7-14~.~in acetic aci,a under equal coAditions. The temperature depandenoo of ir for E_ const and.,C- const canbe ex- pre-ssed by the Arrhenius equation c; Ae'/'o The rate of the reaction between hon-d4formed rubberland Tr ~ rroding medium is determined by diffusion.. The rate of destruction of ~ deformed rubber is determined by the rate of thelchemical react:Ion with the medium. The apparent activation energy (u) hail,dly changes in!thel region of deformation of 30-8q4j it amounts to appilroximately 20 ~6al/mole. On passage to deformation from 500-76Wot howeverl It inareasestoJ ^-'30 kcal/Mole. The temperature coefficient of th e rurtu Ire depend!a oi the type of the destroyed bonds and on the ability of the corroding medium of being adsorbed by rubber. On rupture in a gaseous:meditim'the apparent activation energy is lower than in solutions of th'a eam ieIagent. T ihe time Card 2/9 0 S /I 9YO6~~100~16 2/001 1' Temperature effect on ... B130 B2,02 ng 1,until the" i '6i:.the,rub er. dbpe ruituii V I Plex 6ra .44 a'' Oil co 0 re on~.', r ~~Jtiins a,,minir.:;a -in, Ah gi of:'o itiqsi~. di depdn' dh~ on .,,.-,tempera ure, on the ~~ha ~tt~te (gas,: s;l~ ul~t'j *f them tion) of the medium. Anomalies may:occur as a- res displacetien 0 f EW in the case of temperature changes. in the cato of lover tagpora"I'l* ture a the time passing.until t e rupture may be ahortir thah in thi aui h 'Urttn6v, of higher temperatures under a ual oondi;tiono. q 0. Br~ukhanovas 3. N. garzulayev ara entio'ned. There S. N. Zhurkov, L. S. m ;t blot and 1' non-Sov i et- are-11 figures, 1 table, and 15 references: 14 Sovi bloc. The reference to English language publication roads as' fbllowa:~ B. D. Cadlef S. Schadt, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. JAY 6=o' 1952;'J. Chem. Phys. 21p 1631 1953- ASSOCIATION:,` lt~uchpo;- i~sledovatellakiy'institut reiihovoyl;~romyshlennosii (Scientific Regparch Institute of thellulbber'Industry) SUBIMITTED: Juno 30t 1960 'Card, 313 %ghl 7 -3/138/62/000/003/005/006 ('t A05 I/A 126 AUTHORS: Zuyev,-Yu.S., Pravednikova, S.I,, Kotel',nikova, 1".V. TITLE: Effect of wax-like substances and anti-ozone airing media on the rubber resistance to ozone~oracking PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 3, 1962,,21 - 24 TEXT; An evaluation is given of the rubber resistanco. to ozone;c 'racking, when certain,protective substances (waxes and anti_oza~e aging .r,,,edia)' arvq Ini- eluded in the composition. The time factor prior to t~e appearance oficrac~s and that of tearet at various deformations are used as criteria. The e.~,`ects of paraffin, ceresin and anti-lux were investigated for rubbers of NR,rt,C-30 (SKS-30) and MI-1-40 (SKN-40), under conditions of static de,formAtion. :The val- ues are given of the !~j/_'t~ relation to the values of deformation in NRIvulcini- zates with 30 weight parts of channel carbon black, in; the pivesence of. cere~in and without it. The results show that the waxes increase the 'ej in allrdef6rma- tions. The disappearance ofi-:cvit. (critical deformatlon), and the occurence of an unchanging relation Z& when 5 vr.P. of various waxes or anti-o-"oh,e aging agents are Introduced into the SKS-30 and NR mixtures,11s explained by the tact Card 1/2 S/I138/6 2/000/003/1)0 5/006 Effect of wax-like ...... A051/A126 that in the presence of these substances the number of cracka are reduced, es~- pecially within the range of deformations greater than the critical:value. .1~ is experimentally concluded that waxes increase the time prioll, to the appearance of cracks under all deformations; the time prior to tear Increases in the r Iange of 20 - 40% deformations and decreases within the deformati6h range higher thAn these values. The anti-ozone aging agents increase the tirm~prior to the appear-' ance of cracks and.thetime when the tear occurs under all der'ormations, but their' protective effectiveness decreases with an increase of the d6formation. The rilet relation Increases with the introduction of protective,substances into the vulcanizate. The exception is that case where neozone.D is,introduced into nairite rubber. When protective substances are introduced ih quafttities of 5 to 100 w.p. of rubber, the relation '.-t becomes monotonous.~ Viere are five .figures, 1 table and 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and P non. 'Soviet-bloc. The: reference to the most recent English-language publication reads as follows: 4) H.A. Vodden, M.A., Wilson, Trans.Inst.Rubbilnd., 35, 82 (V)59). ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry). Card 2/2 ZUYEV, U.S.; PRAVEDNIKOVA, S.L$ KOTELINIKOVA, G.Vl Effect of wWike subetAnces and ozone-aging''inhibitors on the reaiatance of rubber to ozone cracking. KnuoliJ m. 21 no431 21-24 Yx 162. (MM 15:4) 1. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy inotitut rezina~oy promphlennoiti. (Rubber, Synthetic-'resting) n 24 1111361WO00100410081OWt A051/A126 /57 9 .3 V 6 Zuyev, Yu.S. AUTHORS; Kirshenshteyn, N.I.; Matveypv, AiA6 TrIW: Rupturing machine with contactleso moasurement oP deforwatlor asid automatic tension recording PERIODICAL:. Kauchuk I rezina,, no.. 4, 1962, 44 - 47 TEXT. Machines for automatic measurement of det~rmatlonused at t1he P~re- sent time are said to have the following shortcomings.,:' In all cases the. measure-; ment between the clamps does not correspond to the def6mation of the 14'rorking section for which the tension In expansion is being meksured An Amerioan Patent' with additional attachment for recording the expansion!'of the working sOction. is also mentioned as having not given positive results. The Sel"ntific Relisearich In- th automatic record.. stitute of the Rubber Industry has designed an instrurdent vd. Ing of force and distance between the indications of~the wovk-Ing acptio,n. le instrument makes it possible to simulaneously measure,and test two samples, n a wide temperature range. Its dimensions do not depend on the number,of samples tested. The introduction of a second parallel line fbr recording the magnitude 1, of force on the second sample, is the only complication inthe Instrumont (Fig. Card 1/4 S/138/62/000/004/008/0081 Rupturing machine with contactless .... A051/AI26 1). TherICP-1 (PSR-1) potentiometer is used as the re$lsterlng device of the tension balance discord. Measurements of the working 4ection length of the~test-~- ed sample, under action or expansion force, are record0d on a "Kiyev 16(;-2t': (163-2) movie camera film. The latter has a filming s~aed or 16 to 64 tram4s perk second, or can be used for single shots. Figure 2 repriesents the diagram of the electrical system of the special device for recording the relative elons'ation. =-27 (DGTs-27) semiconductor diodes are used. The device which records the curve, load-moment of time, corresponding to the filmig of:the given ftamej has a mobile recorder IICP-1 (PSR-1), registering the defoxmation load, --Vp- plied with a light-weight electromagnet whi6h removes',the recorder from the paper' when disc'Onnected,thus creating an intermittant lineAnstead of a solid one. The electromagnet is connected through.the time relay,DB-234 (EV-234):by the col-, lector which cuts in the lock of the movie camera. Inie average quadratic Orror I of measurement when calculating the rupturing tension~'of the instrument, within a! temperature range of from 1000C) is 9.7%. There are 2 figures and 11 ref- erenceat 8 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovoy pMmyshlor'ajosti (Sol- entiflo Research Institute of the Rubber Ind~u~try) Card 2,/4 4 8113$16V000100 Rupturing machine with contaotlesa A051/AI26 Figure 1: Block Diagram of the Appa,7.., ratus for testing rubbers in expan- 12 sion: I - cylin- to der; 2 - panel; 3 - lower clamp; 4 . II I q 4 - upper clamp; ' 5 - traction; 6 AY lower spring; 7 17 ------- -------- double-spring rod; 8 - upper spring; c- 9 - u er tr a pp ' i tion; 10 - motor; o 11 - pulleys; 12- worm gear; 13 X prisms; 14 MA 0 .......... clamps; 15 tD tested sample, 16-1, thermo-chamberl V ~ IDS Card 3A 17 - weighted blocks; 18 - balancing weights; 19 - elactrohr,%ater; M,;Pthe, - insulating layer; 21 - ventilatori 22 - viewing windov; 23, - SPring-1 lar with transmissions; (1) thermocouples; (2) feeding block; (3) movie camera "Kiyev 16S-2); (4) time relay; -(5) collector drum; (6). motor; starting upIthe collector drum; (7) reductor; (8) potentiometer; (9) 4natruiments of the thormo couple, correspondingly Trr, and Trr2 (TP). Figure 2t Electrical circuit of the devioe',--- .... ... for recording the relative elongation. 1 - clamp of the movie camera; 2 - movie: #A camera; 3 - stand; 4 electromagnet; 5 - sliding contact; 6 collector drum; 4 4 7 - motor; 8 - rheostat; 9 transform- er; 10 redtifier. Card 4/4 8/020J,62/144/004/026/-624--~--t~, A INHORS t Zuyev, Yu. S., and Borshchevskayaj A. Z, TITLEt Influence of the concentration of chemically aggressixe' media on the durability and creep of rubbers PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dbkladyt vo 144# no.' 4, 19621,849 e52:, TEXTt The dependence of the breaking time T otrubbor on the abncentra- br tion C of the aggressive medium (0~ or acids) wao~ studied Under oonstant stress 6. Determinations were made of i ther.'creeo rate W, ihe durabil.- brP D, the relative creep GR and the "concentration threshold" -P at which ity the aggressive medium begins to Intensify the'damagb., Resultall, (A) The -curves for W - W(C) and i are made up of thiae sootioho. Ifi,tho first. br section -C (w) is constant upto a certain value of C. In the tr~anfjition' br k section the function is curved and finallyj,~,,C ,1i const. (k ro 1 (2) W can be expressed as the combined effect Of''olteady fatigue (iuch w;uld Card 1/f S/026/62/144/004/026/6241 Influence of the concentration... B101/0138 occur in theebsence of an aggressive medium) arid Chemical. oorroeiotiv, Fin m this it can be deduced that t W - oonst., wherein:.,the oxponent M 40ea~ br not depend upon C until 0 0. (3) Plots of log W igaindt, In X arid. of n/W k/ against log X1 are linear (X . 1: + k C t.; I X 1, + T C k logbr eh 8 St Ch the index at relates to the steady process and the 'index' ch to the, oh eoicd, process). (4) P may best be determined from the inters6etion of the two C curves W W(c) and -c being the lowest concentration at br " T(Ol PC which D rst/'Tbr and CH become greater than unity4',; The relation log D m log CR is valid. (5) For CKC-30-1 (SKS-30-1) vulcanized rubbOr and nairit, the influence of 0 acetic acid and hydro hlorle acid on. the 39 ratio log W /wet was studied (Fig.~3)- Action of HRO on butyl;rubber~ mean 3 gave.p -5.6,10-3 mmole/mole and on fluorine-pont inin~ rubber ot,Kel-F a type 11 4-5 mmole/mole. If, however, 0 in increailed -to 4 1 hef Hilo Card 5/020/62/144/004~02P/024 Influence of the concentration... value of D.for butyl rubber increases andD begins Ao dopond on C 3 (6) There is a continuous transition from steady fatigue of rubber ~inddir the effect of stress alone to its destruction under'~the oombined erfeot of stress and an aggressive medium. There are 4 figures', ASSOCIATIONj Hauchno-issledovateliskiy institut rotinovoy, Oromyshlohnosti (Scientific Research Institute of theAtubber~ lndustry)~ PRESENTEDi January 15, 1962f~by P. A. Rebinder, Abridemician SUBMITTEDs December 12, 1961 Fig. 3. Influence of C on the relative, durability and ortep of rubbors 2 at 350C. '(1) SKS-30-lo 0 9 6 434 kg/cm (2) nairit j 0 d so 43449/cInj 3 3 (3) SU-30-1, acetic aciid, 6 91 kg/emll (4) SKS-301~,I, hj~drdahlorib.'Acidt 2 ;V 84 kg/cm (5).SKS-30-1 vulcanized with sulfurj~h~drochlo'ric acid, 2 50 kg/cM Card 3/f ACCESSION M AP4011042 9/0190/64/000*1036/0328 AUTHORBi ;vyjy#_X4. 4~'j.,Borshchevek"j A, Z, TITLEt Dependence of rubber darability upon concentrat medium' 16 of, chomiod4 6011!roeiy~ ,:i:: SOURCES VY*13okomoleku1YarnY*Ye soredinenlya.' Ye 6# no. 2p 1964, 323-328 TOPIC TAGSt. rubber, corrosive mediump polymer hardeningi activation energyp rapture, reaction rate, qdsorption interaotion, streavedistate ABOTRACTs The effect of Ptress on the threshold conoontkation p has beeii deter- mined and the relationship -r. - kc- was evaluated (C . ~concehdation of gorr"Osive maierial, rP breakdown time),** UfOrmtia6s clost to ruptu~* -TP decreases with an increase in tr-, and for intermediate re r noreas6as Under #ionu lymer hardenin streeireeg P shifts towards lower oonoentratiJ with a rise' in P 0 0 _4 streas., In regions of oorrouire concentrationt where th relationship T ka- `.is satisfied', the slopes of the straight lines lgr, - lgo are Independ;Ator the* stress (or - constant) p and -the apparont activation en*rMr; becomes indepandent,6f the ~;-,.',oouoautraticn# The chemical intwaation between rubber and the oorrosive Itedlux in 6rd 1/2 ACCMSION NR, AP4017642 represented by 11 -VqA - nAj, where rpq - oonstantst Ir -sotiv* part of rubber. &~7- yAll When T' is determined from the rate of growth of aracksi.snd the latter in torn is orthiul to the chemical reaotion rate betwesh th or ahd the xediumt,,the rop p coefficient oi depends on the absorption interaction Pthe order of ths,ohWul 'reaction q, and the concentration of the stressed regioncof the polyser POP Orig. art. has 1 4 formulas and * figures. AMUTIONs Nauohno-iseledovatellsk4 inatitut rezino"'Y' ~Vrov*shlamost i. (Institute of Scientifia Research in the ftbber Industries) `00 UOU 90BUITTED, 04Jan63 DAU ACq 23" JrO MW sag' OTMS SO COM XT J.. 7., k 'Ccfd 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4045429 AUTHOR: Zuyev, Yu. S. ,Barteney, 0. M, Kirshen'ahteyn If. 'TITLE., Longevity and strength of rubberlike polymers SOURCE: Vy*aokomolekuIyarny*ye soyedinenlya, v.. 6, no. 9, 1004. 162D-1636 TOPIC TAGS: radiation vulcanization, polymer longevity, polymtt stranjoh, filler, synthetic rubber, vulcanized rubber, nitrile rubber, polymer str I o ir ~1 tt 0 'ABSTRACT.-, An Investigation of the longevity and strength of unfifle'd radiation vulcanizaboo 'from nitrile rubbers (SKN-18,26, 40) (equilibrium modulus = 3, 7~ :12 and 24 kg/sq.' cm) and filled vulcanizates from SICT and SKF rubber showed that under the Influence of a constant stress, the rolatiodr. f ( d) can be expressed by the forinuld-(. B 6-n(l). In many cases, however I the sa e experimental range of longevft~ withip the limits of variation, the rclatio~~'=Ae-vi ~2) is valid; thus, a ~nllcanlzate'of BKN-26 filled with carbon black complies with relation (2). The logZ~-Iog Ccurves Ara usullRy paralled at high temperatures (100-150C). On decreasing the temperature to 40C, the 25* angle of Inclination of the curves decreases. The apparent activation energy of destructionat Mgbi temperatures Is Independent of the stress, and for radiation vulcanlzates,, the order of Card 1/3 ------------ --------- ACCESSION NR: AP4045429 magnitude of the activation energy corresponds to'the energy of Antorinolecular Interaction of the segments of flow. In the presence of relatively weak cmislinM, they paru6lpate to a considerable 6xtent In the rupturing process and -the actlvatl~n energy Increases, Over' the temperature range 25-40C, the apparent activation energy Increases with Increasing stress. The latter can be explained by the fact that with Increasing'stresq, either the destruc-~: tion of the supermotecular structure increases, or the contribution of the ruptured chemical bonds increases. With Increasing temperature, for many vulcanizates lauch as SKN.40, ISKN-26 and SKN-18, an Inversion of longevity and'strength is obsorved.' This is pr0ably due to the fact that at Increased temperatares, the strength properties are'determin6d by the imperfection of the molecules, which Is greater for SKN-40 ftn fora SKN-18, while', I at normal temperatures, the negative influence of the Imperfoctio in of tho molecules to overlapped by the I;psltive effect of the Intermolecular interaction and the supermoloculat structures. On increasing the density of the three-dimensional helviork, the longovity (as well as the -strength) varies according to a curve with a maxim~xm. Tholocationof this maxiinum does not change with Increasing temperature. AnUareane in temperature, I Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4045429 diminishes the effect of the dedsity of the network and the eff6bt or tho,amount of, Inte'r*-- molecular Interaction on the longevity. Finally, the longevity of vutcanizates char- acterized by the nature of the crosslinks . Is much greater when the crosslinks have 3 formia a~s. a greater mo-bility. --Oric-art..has.- 7 f1gures,-Z,Wles and ASSOCIATION: Naucbno-Issledoviterskly Institat rezinovoy,, a.: (Scientifici promy~sblenno Research Institute of the Rubber Ladustry) SUBMITTED: 2GOct63 'ENCL: 00 6" CODEt OC, UT 140 REF SOVI 010 OTIIERt 001, '!Card. 3/3... BWENEV, Georgiy Vikh-aylovich) dnkimr khITll, muk, prof.; ZUYEV) Yuri (4. Xg y Serge kand. kl0m. nauk) NEFOINYA311cilly, [Strength and deterioration of highly ulwatio materialul Prochnost' i razrushenie vysokoelanticheski.4b maOrialov, Moskva: Khimiias 1964. 387 P& MA 18tl) 1. Probleminya laboratoriyu fJzikl 1.,,ollmarU4 Pw3kovokogo gorodskogo pedagogicheakogo Instituta (for I'~artenlw) 0 2. Nauchm-issledovatellskiy institut rezincilvay Pror"Y811- lennosti (for Zuyev). J, ZWEV YU PJ~OTUVSKAYA~ A.F, Effil-cit of tatramathyl thlurab dinuIrlde on the ozone and photowno aging of rubber* Xauchg I reze 24 no,5:18-20 My ! 65, is $q) 1. Nauchno-issledovatollakly r~kzinovoy promythlennouti. ZUYT,,V, Yu.S., KOSHELVI, F.F.j OTOIIKOVA, M.A.; MTKIIAIYVA, 5,13. Effect of antiozonants on the ozonizatio~ or rubbor at var,ious temperatures. Kauch, i rez. 24 no.8tl2-16', 165,' (MIRA 18110), 1. Nauchno-Isaledovatellskiy inatitut rs%lln~voyprovqsblennost'L. JDZ zt Ak;r.- MR, --- ~,AP502889977-7 SOMOK 6 Zuyev,: Yu. S Borsh~he44kaja, ORG: Scientific Research Institu Ite akiy institut rezLnovoy promyshlenno Of the Aubbor lodusi r TITLE: Relationship be tween the-C-Ailure and c te r p of rui)tiers III '-Orr 06 Vdme -SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezinas no, 110.1965, 10'13 TOPIC TAGS*. material d rubber$- creep, mterigl failure ABSTRACT: In the interacti go, rubb r cortojli~ the 'and' Of Con on betweeti, stant stre processes: of:fail6re 'an&jefoi~~w~t Mnder re formular 0r1W m 2 A. Parameter ri~l~ted- b~i *he characterizes the~relatio inthe rates of failure and the~creep rate o rubbers ova "p bl~t*edn the centrations Of the medi cer~,a,tn range coil_ ums stress, Or temperature. As th .fts towa, 0 00ceMis oE failu~6 sh rdd More "brittle" rupture or. the rubber, m > 1, and A decroses; in the cals of a more "plastic" rupture, m < Is and A increases. A shitt tovird a r rupture is observed when the Concentration threshold .1 =e f1brLttle" Of thd~ corr4mive med 0 d 6D$0 JZ11W and when there is an increase in;the intermolecular interadt ~Jtlns 00 to mol a'j orientation at high deformations or when acti~.e fillers are ~j'6tro+wea. Certain antiozonants decrease the failure and creep rX as without 40-actioa their ratto both at different ozaneconcentratjonsj~and different stresses. Tit I* ratio of 4h6 rates of t NO processes may cha COrd 112 he Re In the same medium (m tonat.) at a C064tant ~iiv% -A ---A=-_ WN _~-A P A stresi And te p4iiWre-whem-lh"tuve 6f the _!~tteml~Ah M~116.at4ii --7taft-co-n-centiations of ~thcli liedism: b In the 'a saw ~p On"etlan, 0 M cons t,-. the- ciethad - of - calcu lating ~ the dukabillt- f cod i"he we 4 Qrlg. art, htso I y lOured crC4 rat.a c4iii be used 2 ~&blea and~i 5 fdrwlma. SUB CODEt 11 SUBM DAT92 none V jw L2 A. 2 ACC NRs a6oi690 (A SOURCH CODE.- M1101381(56/000/001/002VO028 T-ACC NR, AAE6908 AUTHOR: ZuY1_1_V1__YU-6-; Borshchevskaya, A. Z. (Nauchno-is'aJedpvatel'skiy ORG: Sclpntific Research Institute of the'Rubber InduLti institut rezinavoy promyshlennosti) i!: 4 TITLE: The effect of fIllersion the durability of rubb, e~~n %BV'esoive meaia SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 1, 1966, 23-28 TOPIC TAGS: rubber, filler, durability, chemical stability, rupture strength, .creep ABSTRACT: Fillers may have the following effect on the durability of rubbe-ri: 1. they may change the number of chemically active centers in thellriate~; L). they-my (Lf feet the rate of diffusion of the aggressive medium into the'kAber; ~'3. they imay change the stress distribution in a deformed specimen. 4. they, liw change the relationship between deformation and fatigue. Experiments are performil using.various types of rubber, fillers 'and aggressive media. Results show that .J.~ the.~aJority of cas6a there is no change in the exponential nature of the relation' nshlp~between the' dura- bility of the rubber and stress in an aggressive medium vh6n fillers are added. ~,Never-l- theless fillers do have an effect on the parameters of this'relationship. Wien rubber is subjected to the simultaneous action of stres4~and an Ag4ressive medium,4he stress grows while the filler increases the chemical statillty and streng64f the APAr"I rubber. The intensity of the relationship between dur&,Ultyand stress:aue to fill- ~ng is determined by the ratio between rupture and creeps, The sequential arrangement of filled rubber with respect to rupture resistance is caIrrelated irith the sequential arrangement of this rubber according to durability, vher6 durability is determined at high stresses. Orig. art. has- 5 figurest -1 table, 1 :r~'rmula' SUB CODE: 07LIlL SUBM DATE: 26mar641 611IG FURF: 001j~~ OTH REF: 000 Card L2 2 SM= ca~,! WV038166/000~66~fODZI/0024 AUTHORI &Zevj Yu. .9.1 Dorfmang T. 1. ORGi Scientific Research Institute of.the Wbber &Imsttky (No4ohno-isslodavatell skiv insUta_r_v&TwyV -pr*Wshlennosti) TITiSt Influence of defects on the life of rubbers SOMS1 Kmoliuk i resinat no. 39 19669 21-24 TOPIC TAGSt natural rub~erj, butadiene styrene rubberp filler ABSTRACTs The Ufa r of a rubber acted upon by a IffteuW tensile',stress cr is'"Aaseribed. by the empirical formila -T = Bo-bp where b and B are constants characterizing the life of the rubber., The extent to which defeats affect constants b and B was studled,~~ Do? La feats of various types (punctures, cutsq, fissuresp inert fillerp Aolecular miarod*i_', feats) qualitatively influence constants b and B and also d"1 ~ (fl = B-bj i. So I the ` stress at which the specimen tears in I sea) to the same extsnt. An active filler af- fects consUnts b and B to the same degree so an inert one' Lponstonts b and B~of, ~i filled vulcanizates decrease as do those of an unflUed rubber. lhoxalue of d'i in- creases sharply upon introduction of an active filler$ and doe 'reasea w-hvn an inert one is introduced. Qdng to the change of b upon introduction of rillers~3staridard'~IohoA- time stE!!jjth tests give an idea of the comparative effect Of WE7.9r.-eand defects.. .1 L'46164-66 L 05650-67 -EW~( .)/Wr(m) 1JP(c) RM -7C-C NRo Ap6Og7_6j__ AUTHORI Gr AEhMj_ ~Ye~ Zwevs Yu. S.; Elkabideep E. V. ORGS Scientific Research Instituto of the Rubber Wu (OWuohn6_issl*dov*iol'nkiY institut razinovoy pr~vvwennoitl) TITLEt S~Udy of the chemical stability of cured rubbers frodi i-xv butodiene-st. yrens rubbers ,~WRCEI Kauchuk I rezina, no. 5P It 1966j, 24-27 TCPIC TAGSt butadiene styren's rubber, carbon blaokp corrosio"" ABSTRAM The behavior of cured rubbers prepared from SPL3.JqRP &4d SP13-30ARM-1 raw 3 ubbers charged with furnace, IxV and channel gas black ya* studied In Mitier acids (20% HC1, 50% HzSQ+, 75% 83P04) at 700C by, deterzining the swolling and strength characteristics after 25 days of-oontact with the aq;Jda, HCJ;wa3 :rmu~o to be the moot corrosive medium. The cured rubbers from SKM-30RPrand SMM Ows-1151'6harged vith, lamp black were equivalent in pUsticity and heat and chemical sta-b=tv to the rubber from SKB, and somewhat superior to the latter in reoistance to 20% sa.. Since SKHS- 3ORP raw rubber had a set of properties superior to SHES-30ARIM-151, it-was charged.wit! lamp black and used -. iin further studies. The optimm amount 6f lamp black was, fo=d to be 80 Pts. by wt. Rosin softener in the amount of 5 Pts. by wt* was added with law, black in order to Improve, the plasticity of the rubber. After 25 days of contact with Card J/2 =9 A7_89_76_2oA-_1YiA6VjM_.O L 05650-67 ACC NRs AM026?6f- 6 20% HC1 at 700CP the tensile strength of thin experimental inibber ~emadnsd und'bangeds whoreas.that of cured rubber from SKD decreased by 40%; the jorcent deorsaw~d *long tion in the experimental rubbor van one-half that of the rubber from SKB.. and its swelling was 12*5% versus 42% In the rubber from SKB. Orig.~ art. has: 2 fiowes tables. SUB CODEt II/ SUM DATE, 31&765/ WG REFS 007/ OM*WI 001 2/2 1, 0111 ZUYEV, Yu.S.; BARTENEV, G.14.; KIRSHENSHTEM, N.I. Analyzing the lasting quality of rubber under Yarious methods of testing. Kauch. I rez. 23 no.9:14-16 S 164-~ (MIRA 1701) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovo~- promyshlennosti. REZNIKOVSKIY, Mark Moiseyevich; LUKOMSKAYA, Aleksundra~lllimllchna; ZUYEV, Yu.S., red. (Mechanical testing of crude and vulcaitized r%xbber I I-lekha- nicheskie ispytaniia kauchuka i reziny. Movkvap ~bildiao 1964. 525 p. (MIRA 2) OVIKOV;~ BOGAYEVSKIY, A.P.; GOIRFLIK, B.M.- ZUYEVt__Lu.S.; KUZ'Xrl(SKIY, A.S.; 11 A.S. Sow rasults-of the research work conducted 'bj the $aientific.Ra- search Institute of the RublAr industry. Kaucb, i r;aze V. no*1111 1-10 N 163. (IURA 17.t 2) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy Institut rezinovoy prmyshlennosti, ESS1011 H_R'. AF3004131.3-7 ACC 3/06 AUTHOR: Z!!YGv' Yu. S. TITIX: Exposure standardization of polymeric ituitarial, samplais undler natural conditions SOURCE: Standartizatsiya,, no. 7, 1963, 27-28 TOPIC TAGS: polymeric material, exposure standaird , nalaural -condition ABSTRACT: Witlh the inareasLng use of polymerf,4i itia-vairials iLa mriour, .nd~.Istr_'as, exposure standards shoulal be, davelalpe~d ti:) effects -:if sun, heat, molsiturei, ozona,, Lndustria.! :;-q 0:_ 7~':a_r Sea'. a)_!r:. in Dr':);)vrti0s. --.n as - a r - -9 Ej '-a ("Onj si, 1ei z_'.e ;i I Wl j T 0fl ~:T 91 13 II.Tip .011 _q 0 '11 J, -niq 1a abape T ACCBSS~--,N !t-?,: AP3004337 sLmplify testing the reverae side a' the samplai aftoi, ld not bo coverej. In testin- areas, sample ozone cancimr-rat'.-r', aggrelsalve 3 , S - I T' r. 7 , 'fl- 3 t 3. 1 1-113 -.10 a R,.X f.-I d j 11 tt~M it:- r,o e a r-g, r-- 11 ml ";a -ew rali~,-o a, a., - ~ f;, lknv AcQ; 2- o A,,,&6 E MIG Ir 0- GO SUB CODE: MA YO RHY S 0 V 000 OTM 000 Card 2/ 2 IdG. AP ATI-MOR., 9,1 PL8~-Ow-klon&A ILI o,torie-!: t,'-Indmcq-4 ermakli R atej fit-, 1. ~,11 t Arl firm - Q~ t T-e 1311 I I I fl 11:f berr, it if El )n ro "e mi '~ lie '21e WIn't-11 tba- mrtt'IAtin4j OTfe t f t tn r~e. '!fx" rim, Im Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP3OCk253 modulufi of tmdeformed vullamiza"..a. Remiatttuica to otoxim cruklmq omd IiN, wEU) det-~rmined 'ram !ata or U)e '~!mmv es'apfio,,' n* t*.!%e amse! -i' -rit(lik(l sne! "'he lilt :)r o :,f-H-C'a ~)" 1.11m 11111-iy, in *.tie q )XI J.jj.:~ ')I! 1! F":*, ~k A, 11 y -1!~; pre 9:.,*1 A:-, a 0C TAT 10 Ix NeucbLnc~-iseledoy,atallisklir insttitut retinrivW prjI(jMj'"hjeMGGiA (Sclentific Research rnstitute of the Rubber Industx7l 3UPTva=- 00 BM AO;: V5Aigf)3 Enmr 00 SUB CODE: CH, PIT NO rw SOV: 009 OTEM: (DOI C.rd 2/2 ! MIODICAL: Kauchuk I rezina, no. 2, 1963, 22 25 TEM Certain aspects with regard to the use of wakes and wax-llke~dub-' stances (mixtures of isomer, or related com0oundsp regardless of the chemidal structure, having the consistency of wax or the protection of rubber against'; f ozone cracking are discussed. A quantitative comparison is made of the objective characteristics of dbstruction (the time prior to the appearance of maximumi num- -ber of cracks, %n max; time prior to~ the tear -tt, rate '.of foi-ce reduction dP/dt in the-sample, and the number n of for'Med aracks). C,KO -30 (MS-30) ru~bbei,,~ non-filled and filled with 30 W-P- channel carbon black and containing 0.~ jind 5 re: . p. ceresin was attdied using a hermetically-sealed cham6ii. kpials we W. e passed through a ~hree-channel amplifier AM-2 (W-2) to.ein automatic M-09MI i (EPP-09-Ml) electronic potentiometer. The 'tenit" camera,kas used to film, thr~07 samples simultaneously. The number of cracks, both In filled Od non-filled Card 1/2 . ....... ... ~/138/63/000/002/0015/WT The action of wax-like substances in .... ~PWA126 rubbers is always less in the presence of wax. The lesathe quantity of,the formed cracks and the later their formation, the faster the force drops In'the sample and the sooner Is the rubber destroyed. This ism6ted In the region o f large deformations of the rubbers, in the presence of wdiand that the moro, the I more wax is present. The comparison showed that in largqldeformations the'~wax~p s'lowing down the formation of cracks on the rubbers, reduces their serviceJlfe~, ',~;:.'the'more, the greater its dosage. In small deformations 'the protective action! th ber a: fa of the wax is connected with the formation of a solid film on e rub Ur ~01 with the formation of single cracks, and with the wax migration on the sample surface. There are 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovov promyshlennosti7(Soi- entifio Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) r Card 2/2 I i i I f I I i I I . I MON 1 Likhtman, T. V., AUTHORS: Zuyev# Yu. S., Pravednikova) TITLE: Stress dependence of rupture time 1111 ~ho cracking of rubbers in aggressive media 1 UIODIIIIAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineni~a, vo 5# no. 2p 1963, 262-.26a TEXT, The correlation between static fatigue and~torroolon arav~.irlv: -F. examited by determining the dependence of the lifot'Ime 'V~ oil the at Oo,00.1-0.002 ozone concentration in natural and a: IrnthetA r, r%fllb, r4~j 'with and *44holA filler or plasticizer# The tangent b. 'Of. ~the ary, 0 of iael i tiom. 4, to attraisht line log v f (log 0) was doiarminr-d. The defo*toVio;,li was kept so low that its effect on the 6,txuct~ro wa3 nog1&g;ftKi* Resultes In natural rubber &n& CKG(B~B) romper wlth-,~O filler ~tv W68 JO-35j in polar rubbers, such as CKH -26 iio u"a; b wad 0480 and 0-75# respectively, With hiSher pollll~,Ityf in CKH-40 (SKN-40) rubber*0 b increased to 1.45. Dilution of the rubbcr'r,0-1P Cdrd 1/2 S/!9O/63/005/002/010/04 Stress dependence of rupture B101/B102 filler inert to ozone resulted in an increase or b. This ill dua to~! changes in the stress distribationg chemical aotiVity aM intermoilecular Literactions. b a b aexp(-kv Oj where b is the b 'of the non-filleld r6bberl 0 and v, ss (v - vt)/v; v is the 'volume of the rubber, v1 ie.the volume Of the Ingredient. A distinct parallelism was observed between ozono~- cracking and static fatigue. For both i Ba-b ',,Thus$ the corrosive, breakdown of rubbers under stress in only a special case of statia~'pfatigue. There are 8 figureso ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy inetitut reisinovoy promyshlenno 11 ti (Sdientifio Re8.08LTeh institute of the Rubber Industry) SUBMITTED: September 71 1961 Card 2/2 8/1-69/61/000/008/005/053 A006/AIOI AUTHORSt Telazhenko, V. P,, Uyev, Z. A TIMEt A vibration-measuring capaoitor for Im-Tiest'4#11-Ing piezoelectric smi-tters and receivers during selemle a!=ali&f*,Lon PERIODICAL: ReferativW zhurnal, Oeoflzlka, no. 6, 196ii i 8, 0r.'raot BA65 ("Tr. Sibirek. n.-i. in-ta geol. geofiz, I mineralln. syrlya", 1960, no.~ 9, 138-142) TMU: Information Is given on a d-wrin,4 to d*tarmina: -'146;.4hapes of an emit- tad pulse ana ta study frequency properties of piezoeleatria re6aivers and. i, emitters. The capacitive method in employod to mbaoure~t,~e dij1phragm oscillat!cns. Tha piezo-transmitter diaphragm is ueed &a one of the plAa4 oapaoitor plates,: the other one is a special massive plat-e plaaed in an ep6.&y resin insulator. Constant voltage is applied to the dapacitor platee th-otgh a strong resistance. Resistanae R is dttermined by the Internal resls-~"*6 of~e poi~- 'supply iouraej It prevents short-circuiting of tha power supply aource Whiah:omld oocur:at in approach of the capacitor platas. The variable componari~, of voltage U, caused by changes in the capacitance during the diiiph.-agm ozoIllations, Is supplied V/ Card 1/2 $/,169/61/000/008/005/053 A vibration-measuring *apacitor ... 4000101 through the separatirA capacitor to the input OJP f 25H (251) syn,.~nrosoope with 100 cycles - 2 Megaftyales frequency band. 74he !Investlgats'd is. excited from outirat pulse gens.rator YX -2131 ONS-2/30 ".'hu aa2embly a: carefully proteoted against ele2trlo At a oo.,~Atn depeAdenos b,ntwioen I and U (where 1 Is the distanze bet-woon tht p"Lates and 'i is the voltage to be recorded), the amplitude of diaphragm osoilUationa can ~o do-wi.,mined. Such ,. dependences *are detarmined for a pack of bgLttery-typ6 Seignat*t~els salt crystals of 2 x 2 x 2 o~3 dimensions a. a duration of the exo1tation palse equal to +ho period of natural osaillationa of th# pack, :information is also given 0111 frequency characteristics of piezo-emitters, reaerdid with thb aid of the,afore- mentioned device proposed. By applying to the piezo-eI4!mant ,tin external IOxci.ta- tion, which varies according to the harmwic law, and by studying the charao-ter- istics of changes on the capaoitor plates, formed by tbb diaphilagm and metal plate, it Is possible to eatablish the dspendenoe,~on fieluenoy of ~he ratio of the harmonic oscillation amplitude at the Inprat andiarminal of the piezo- element. The same method Is suggested to obtain phaso,ch&rabtoristics. V/ V. Obukhav (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 31618 S/194/61/000/010/009/QB2 (A ro P 13" D256/030t AUTHORS: Telezhenko, V.P. and Zuyev, Z ~A. TITLE: A capacitive vibration-measuriql arr Iangement. for investigating piezoelectric vibr'atdrs used in seismic modelling PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatij"'a ir'adioelektronika, no, 10, 1961, 22, abstract 10*A172 (Tr. Sibirpk.~ n.-i. in-ta geol., geofiz. i mineralln.. syrlyg, 1960, no. 9,.138-14 2) TEXT: The membrane of a piezoelectric'~ vibrator wasu~sed as one plate of a flat plate capacitor, the other one. being a solid metal plate. The voltage applied to the plates~~would show an alter- nating component depending upon the changes in'6apacitance cau Ised' by the vibrations of the membrane. The voltagei'was investigated by means of a synchroscope type 25 M (23 1). In order to investi- gate the frequency characteristics, harmonic oscillations were:ap- Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/010/00?/092 A capacitive vibration-measuring... 0256/D301, plied to the piezoelectric receiver, and from,the vottage changers observed across the plates of the'capacitor it:'was.possible:to det- X ermine the dependence upon frequency of the r1litio of,the harmonic amplitude-at the input of the receiver to that of the output'. 3 figures.. 1 reference. fAbstracter's note; Complete trans,lation,7 Card 2/2 Miffiiffim~ i ZUYEVAp A. An oral magaIzine.,-' Rabotnites. no.lil6 A 16 (milu 16 3) 1. Predsedatel"zhenskogo sovetA Oktyabrlmko~q rayoza Dnepropetrovsk, ALEKSLIM,filaksandr Terjellyanovich; ZUTETA, A.A., rsj~d.; SOWLSVA. To.H., tekhn.rmd. [Design of electric machinery] Konatruktniial elekbrkhmnkikh mashin. Moskva, Goo. onerg. izd-vo, 1958. 426 p. : (14111A 1211) (EInctric machinery-Design and construction) ----ACC Ms Pb00730 TAR 0 1---- 66ilp 003M ~6~ B ii OnHol ~osi_~ill- .0. AUTHOR: Karpin, Ye, (Ca~dldate of i te A__ b -o-f - t e-cH-- H16-al Candidat 1) But xe ru .1.4-41 11, Nngineer); Sokolov, V. S.: (EngilicleTI ORO: HSI-KTZ TITLE: Calculation of unateady,staie t, q~mperato':, fl I'd 0 In gate and- shells uning a computer SOURCE: Teploenergetika,'.n6-3, 1966, 53-57 TOPIC T!~GS: temperature 0 ui~k, ~~roanl~ ABSTRACT: The article proposeo app:~.oxlwate: Mejllj~~ds ~ciilc4ltixlg tin- steady statetempera he cai A on -ture fields jhIqh gv - tly 0 tip i Y i~ac(11111!4dy 'for" ;ra tical purposes. The mathematical davelopm'ent:,ox the 6~thoi' aoiwlde'r~3 Rjehell of arbitrary chapo and variable tllickneza, with! !e P :to a 0 irvilinear-, 41 - orthogonal coordinate syutem, The kema1nde..i,- o1A.1- ~:rt,lala c i to 01 the working out of a detalled-.0omputer ',p Irogram t .1319 lVan ~.Iot 01. The method and the program were usedi~, :to iriveoti~.t:'t 'erfect of diffe 'ane a ent factors on the temperature fi eld:; aindl the atitil-Good -ill Lurb 1'-a~ ;The so Aidin of and disks. Calculated results 2. In a Ure J~ are scowl I ~r- 00 1. 1-4 MEN 110 STAVITS11Y, I.K.; BORISOV,,. S.N.; POROMARMIKO. V.A. STIRIDOVA. N.G.: UTITA, G.Ya. Polydimothylgeroannelloxanos. Vysolcom.soetL. 1 no.10t 15102-1506 0 '59- ()GRA 1313) 1. Voeso7uznr/ nauchno-isele4ovateltaki)p,institut sintoticheakogo kauchuka i Institut oronichaskoy ldiimli Ali SSSHP (Sil6xanes) (Germanium compound!0 YEGOROCHKIN, A.N.; KHIDBKELI# M.L.; PONOMARENKO,, V.A.I,,90MA, G.Ya.; SVII$FJMEVA,, B.S.; 'RAZUVAYEVp G.A. Proton magnetic resonance spectra of some substituted cermanium: bydrid6s. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.khim. no.lOtl865-1868 0 163. (MIRA Vol) 1. Hauchno-iiialedovatellskly institut khimii pri Gorliovskom gosudarstvennam univereltet, Institut khimichesitoy fizl3d AN SSSR i Institut, organicheakoy khimii im. H.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. YEGOROCHEIN, A.N.; KRIDEKELI, M.L.; PONO]OMNKOO V.AP; ZUMAJ G.Y&,; RAZUVAYEV 0. A. Certain regularities in proton magnetic reso ance UpOctra of a number of germanium compounds, Izv*AN SSSR.S Ahim. no.2sM-'~ 375 F 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Nauchno-issladovatblskiy institut khimii P~ri Gor.lkovskom gosudarstvennom universitate im, Lobachavskogo, Inatituta khi-~: micheakey fiziki AN SSSR i Institut arganichokay khimii im. NO.Zelinskoge AN SSSR, VLADIKRSKIry X.V.1 ZUYEVA, G.Ya.; LABZDV, B.A. Chemical shift in nuclear magnetic rssonanc.e~ "etra of tetra- methylgermane and tetraxwthylsilane, Opt. ilopekt.r.' 7 no.4i 522-523 AP '62 (MIRA 15;5) (iuclear magnetic resonance ahd relaxAtion) (Germane-Spectra) (Silane-Spectra) LEYTES, L.A.; YEGOROV9 YU.P.-, ZUYEVAJ O.Ya.; PONOMARVIRO, ViA. Dependence of the oscillation frequency of ~O~e Ge C tond in spectra of alkylgermanes on the nature of substituOnts. lzv,~'Au. SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.12:2132-2140 D 161. (MIRA :14,n) 1. Institut organicheakoy khlmll Im. NaMelinskogb Akademil dauk'i SSSR i Fizicheskiy institut im'. P.N.Lebedeva~,Akadeiiii nauk SSSR. (Germanium organic compouhds--Sp6atra) 'ACC NRt AP7013159 AUTHOR: Kadina, M. A.; Zuyev4o G. Yo. Kochina, A. G. .............. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry Im. N. D. Zellnsklyo~4 SS~4Ptln~stltut organicheskoy khtmil M SSSR); Physics Institute'im. P, Nv' LabeldeeY, AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy Institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Comparative study of the photochemical chlorination of'ethyltrlchloroo,~Iermana and ethyltrichlorosilane SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Serlya khtmichoskayap Ao.,112,, 1-966, 2215-22i6 TOPIC TAGS: chlorinationy photochemistry, silane SUB CODE; 07 ABSTRACT; -In the light"of iirlie'r'studie6' indi cating tha thi'orienting effect Ge group is substantially greater than that of the Cl Si of the C1 roup in the 3 3 ,chlorination of ethyltrichlorogermane and ethyltrieblorosilane vith,sulf4~yi chloride in the.presence-of benzoyl peroxide, the aid.thors Investigat1d. the photo- chemical chlorination of ethyltrichlorogennane in 66piparison with ethyltrichloro- 'silane, comparing the orienting abilities of.the C13Ge and CIP groups of these compounds under the'conditions of photochemical chlorination. In:-the photochemical chlorination of ethyltrichlorogerma~e, 0(-,~ and 6-O'loroethyl- +542.957+546.Z89+546.287* 1.f45+546 13 , ,~ . . ! , : , , , . ". 1. ., 1 1 #,1!,, . i~ 7 1 . Sr.62,/62/000/002/001/017 1008/1208 AUTHOR: Shevchenko, L.A. and Zuyeva, 1. A TITLE: Analysis of schematic diagrams of a locomotive gas-turbine prime-mover PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy Vypusk. 42. Silofflic ustanoviii, no. 2. 1907, 24-25, abstract 42.2.156.'7r. Vses. n.-i. In-ta zh.-d. trwtsp."j~no 214 1961,19-28 TEXT: The installation or a regenerator increases the efficiency of a gas-(, urbine plant more than the instal- lation of an air-cooler having the same surface area. In the hrst case the efficiency reaches 26.5 Y., while in the second - only 23 %. The use of a second beat inlet increases signiflcantly the efficiency of the gas-turbine plant. In this case also a regenerator is more effective than an air cooler. The inJitallation of a regenerator in a. two- shaft gas-turbine plant, between the turbine driving the compressor and the main turbine, decrease& the specific work of the gas-turbine plant and higher x, are needed; however the tempanture head increases and the losses in the regenerator decrease. On the whole, this design of the gas-turbi*e plant'does not show Appteciable advantages. With gas temperatures of I00D-I 100*K it is worthwhile to use a two-oompressor gas-turbine plant in order to obtain an optimal value of a,. The efficiency ofthe most advameed gas-turbine plant, which has a double beat-inlet, a regenerator and an air-cooler and whose main turbine Is an intermediate or low prtnure one, is 28-30%. Formulasfor thedetermination ofthe perccntageof regeneration and intercooling are obtained- [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 FINKELI, V.M.; SAVEL'YEV, A.M.; ZUYFV,L.B.; SEREBRYARM, KOROBOT, TO.M.; ZUYEVA I.B. Interaction between a crack and dislocation bimnditries. Fiz. L-mr. tela 7 no.521402-1412 M7 165. (MIRA118:5) 1. ssibirskiy metaUtirgicheskiy Institut line, mi', Clrdzhord-ki d ze, ~m kuznetsk. lr(I)Aw( Wp(*)/tpf IJP(d) ... JID/JN/Ga AURSM MR': AP50125W U0101831413100710"IlAO211412 AUTHORs rinkel. VO M41 Bayelly"j A. M. I Korobov, N. M. eye is A--!.- W JN Ynterw Cion of a crack with qftjM%t1cnAb*wd&r1e1 T BOUM Iritika tvardogo tela, Y. T, no. s, lq6t,' ihw-Aie TOPIC TAOSI rsok Propagatio crystal lAttled anergyp lit "I quq~dp crirpW ABSTRAM This research we* motivated by the lack of publimbod*data, an the kinotici of Interaction between a feet crack and boundaries or gubbouadaries h&*41rg differ.- eat energy levels, or data an 'the influence of the spied of 1-be crack an the proce" of overcoming such barriers. There Is likevise no Information on the tine necessuT for the crack to break through. a subbounderr. the authors thtrvforq investigated by polarization- optical ug cinematrogrephic methods the bre*MhTov%h of Blow MA fast cracks through screw and inclined subboundaries vith different orientations. The investigations werevarried out on rock-"It and lithitmi-fluorlde crysta].86 Gamples measuring 0-3 x 0.6 x 2 a* with initial crack 5--T W long Vere tested wA without enwLUng. The time in#,crfas aftentary for 06 crackto ovese uvwxua old the ft=W ImiatIv" In We Poe as M detombW 01Mkimestaw C!!A I F'-71 L L 1307-66 ACC ACCESSION NRt AP5012550 calculated theoretically. The notion of a track van witasm both n air and In red I &A etching solution. Fast crack riotion van recorded by two wittins) Photmlectric and by high speed photograft. The mthods are briefly des~vfbtd. ~ Crack proMsm, ton I I $tWd by the subboundary for a timis miging frm 65 x 10*0 'fee to An wm6 ft 1! 5W x 10- seep depending on the angle and other ftetoft'L JA the case of scr*WL boundaries the stepping time did not exceed 16 x 10'a see. The relAtlon betveen . I the time necessary to break through a subbomdary we the enera twmlyed to iuqs~ trated in rig. i or ae Enclosure, where the contiamus eux-Oit is thm "wdt of tbe. oratical calculations Lad the borlsontal lines an experimiedtal vaUes. 'Tbe xt- cats confirned the theoretical deduction that such uare Offbit, to h"OSAW7 to push a cra4k In the etching solution than In Mr. Orig. *rS4 b"i :9 flawas a" 7 forwilas. ASSOCIATIONs Bibirskiy wtallargichemkIr institut Ims Sergo Drabonikidat, Movo- kuznetak (Siberian Hatallumical Znatitutel-- mmmr= i olDeA IMLs 01 8A NR MW ROVI Ook OMM i OOT MOMMAC09 V.O.j ZUTEVAO I.P. Spectropbotometrio imetigation of aquo'ow! luti~ao of iodooly;-~ rihri- alcohol, Diok].* SM 136 MO,4:83"3, I 1161v 1. Botenicbsokiy imstitnt is, V.L. Nomaro-ft Aitism ilustituVl obsbehey i neorgmAchaskoy kbbdi Imni N#S.~' Ittirns6va AN S804 Predstavieno ekademikom L.I. Che"v avtlvm AccEssim n: Ap4o3o783 6/0020/04/15~/004/0846/0848 AMMOR: 11okhnach,, V. 0.; Zu;~0.1 I* P-.- ZTM*. Spectropbotomatric investigation of aqueous Golutione of i0dopolivivi borate SOURCE: AN SISR. Doklady*., Y. 155,t no. 4.. 1964.. W-W48 TOPIC TAGS: iodopolyvinylborate)absor ption spectrum., apect.r4i analyrjisj, reaction mcchaaism~ antiseptiep toxicityo iodopolyvitW1 alcohol reaction., iodopolyvinyl alcohol boron complex, boron contaiai~g po4var JUMRACT: The absorption spectra of the systedu (1) r -HffgvvA-Aq and (2) 12 -ia -H BO 3-PVA4~20 vas invoutigatcd in the 220~0 m nicro range to determine I mechanism of reaction and formation of iodopolyvinylborateo U-1, clusion of boron to form a complex vith the high polvmer moledule t* give In- creased antiseptic actioq and reduced toxicity to preauxed anagous to tha inclusion of iodine as 1P. The shift in the absorption spectra of the so of the bond at about 610 -13 lindcrona to 660-660 m' I "microns !4s attributed -t-07 the exchange of H3PO, for Iodides In tZe lodopolyvinyl,alcobol. reactlone no Card 1/2 MKHNACH V.O.; ZUMA, I.P. .......... do Changes in the aboorption. "etra of aquOouP~O*IUtIO12G Of $a -,POIYVIV71- pyrrolidinone and iodopolrirql alcohol in 06 prouiess of their dialysis. Zhur.noorg.kWA. 8 no.3z66&-67l Mr 1163, (MIRA 16-4) (P~Trolidlonone"Absorption spectra) (Vinyl alcohol polymirs-Aboorption "etra) (Dialysts) kand.1sel'ske OMMENDION, S.R., ~kand.tekhn.nauk; PAINADIADI, A.D. ikhou~nat&; TARUSMNI X.I., insh. Prinimls uchastlys TIMBAC16", le*G.~' kullturtakhnlko ZMTA; Jr.A.,i.redj SURN(Wilp T6* tokhavtidepo p t ZMILINIt 2. . 0 [Practical work for a course in tho operatiott of i~rlip tion alid, drainage eystem"I Prakticheakidi raboty po i~irmu alcloluatatsli gidromeliorativnykh mistem. Noskvtl, Gos.izd"~o aWkhot.lit-4y, 1959. 270 P. 0410A 14-.4) (Drainage) (IrrigatiWO BMXKO, Igor' 11sksandrovich, prof,# akadoisik; ISTMANOV, YlAdimir Vidlayevich, prof.; ZUMA, X.N.. red.; SUM(OVA, Te.A., tokhn.ivd.; B~Uwv Awles to khn. re'd7o-- [Blootric lines and networks for agricultural purp6sesl Elekir~-~ chookiallinii i seti seliskokhosiaistvatmogo~,;'ftatnalcheniia. Kol Goo.isd-vo sellkhox.lit-ry, 1958. 487 p. (KIRA l2a ; 16 1. Yseeoyuznaya akadomiye sellskokhosyaystvailaykh iialik im T.I* niria . (Rural electrIfication) SIDOILOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich, dotsent; IVAYOVSKIY, Kik611 IIIkoIa74michq dotsont; 2UYAVA, X.Y., red.; MMIZkANOVWtA, G.I., rod.; GLrAWICHi-RvJh,v-4-t#khh. red. [Hydraulics and hydroelectric power a tation Gidravlike I $idrp- silovyo untanovki. Moskva, dos.isd-vo eel khost'.Ut-ry' 10% 487 p. (K6A 12:12)' (Hydraulics) (Hydraulic -power nta~lons) BUD2XO, Igor' Alakeendrovieb, prof., daktor tskhn.,imkj red.; ZUnNA, X,N , red.; ZUBBILINA, X.Po'k4khm~red,, [Rural electric networks) Sellekle olaktriehemkio noti. 12d.209 Impr. L dop. Moskva, Gos.1od-vo sellkhoi.lit-ry. 1939. 30 P. 1. Daystvitalinyy chlon-akademik YeasoyusInoy skademli sellsk-o- khozyaystvannykh nauk imeni T.I.Unina (ford Budska). (31sotria networkO POYARKOT, Mikhail Fedoroyich; POTAFfOYA, TatlyaIna mikhay~ovnmi Prinimal uchastiya BUDZKO* I,A*o ZUfIMA, KY*, red,'; 0111TINA, Y.N., red,t BACMIRINA, A.M., I., (Rural electric power stations and substatiofis] Sollskie elGktrI- chaskie stantaii i podstantaii. I2d.2. Koskva, Oos.izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1959. 351 P. (KIRA 13:4). (Electric pover plants) U/Y)C- VA" IT, /I,/, POPOV, Viktor Ivanovich; GIZBOVICH. A.A,, opetsiallroly'red.1 ZUYEVA, LL, red.; SOKOLOVA, N.M., (Ilectric drive and'automstic control] Alektriciieskil privod i avtomatike. Koskya, Goo. Izd-vo selikhoz* lit-~y, 195?. 442 P* (Automatic control) (MIRA llt4) Ollectrie driving) IMINOTO NlbiWl Grigor,lyevichi doktor-teldin, MO. 0 r*do';,GWMXOTO. Aif.; ITANOT,'T.It; IATXW'YAT,,AslejOrJMTs VASKMM, akMsm*,'r9d.; WA20Y.O.Ze gipo~ss. red,;:-;ZUW4 red.; YA]MOVA, I.Na, takha. red.; YjawoutliA.Y.,~ tektn. red, [use of electrio power in wi~ulturel'Priv~n'enim. elakt rich Oldikol energli v sallskoin khatialetys. Paskval Gon' ind"mo sellkhov.' lit-ry, 1958. 499 p~ 1. D9ystvjtsj'nyy chlen Akadetail nauk SSM. (for Vialftil), (Ilectricity'ln sgVicultiav) URMOUG ale an Artenlyevichi prof* j ZUTVAV ILN redst IINMOVA, A.F.*, viem#40MA30410004.4-F Slectrio power plants and substations "itg a&lnultural i pod:9 stations] Blaktrichookie stantaii tantaii iellskokhosl4i- stvennogo nasnacheniia. Koskva, Goo, imd-vo sellldios. lit-rY-o 1958. 670 p. (Ilectricity in mj;rIculture) (MIRA 11:5) (Blectric power plants) POPOV, I.P.; AYAWIYNVA, V*L,; SMOVA, G*T*; IWWAI~ K.P New method of bleaching laundry. GorkhozIvX6sk.29 no.104D -T P35. (Bleaching powder) (HLU 8: 3) ZF I/ Z_ --ILISSR / Cultivated Plants. Grains. Legumes. Tropical M-1 Cereals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioloelya, No 2, 1959, No. 6215 Author : Musiyko, Z.; Zueva, L Inst : Odessa Hydro-04; lal Indtitute Title : The Effect of Agrometeorologi6al Conditions on the Yield of Wheat Bowed DuririS Various Periods* OrIG Pub Tr. Odeeek. Sidrometeorol. ln*~ta, 1958, vyp 16, Abstract Experiments were started in the fields of the All-Union Selection-Genetic Illatit4te in the, fall of 1955 to study the effdat of the periods, of sowInS of winter rye on th6 yield of the green mass in the,south of,thb Odessa oblast'. The seeds of winter rye of the Odeaskays, 1 Variety were, at intervals of 10 dam' sowla over the Card 1/2 8 MUSITKO, A.; ZUUTA, L. Iffect of agrometecrolsgical conditions on yield* of rye am at different times. Trudy OGMI no.16:3-8 158. (MMA 12:9) (Odessa ProviAce-Ays) (Sowing) -#-JSSR Cultivated Plants. Grains. LeSumes. Tropical MI-1 Cereals. Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biologlya, No 2, 459,'No. 6215 black-fallows In seven different periods between August 20th and October 20th.', The depth of~sow- Ing was 6 - 7 am. The Breen Imass was harvested', twice; the first timowas m,Ndy 15th for all periods of sowing. The second tim6, the plants~ were harvested during the phaie of',ear forma- ~ tion; the harvesting was carrIL ad out separately, for plants belonging to different periods oV sowing. The best period for W~nter rye sowing was between September 10th and',20th, The re4_ sons for the lowering of the yield corresponding' to other periods of sowing are~analyzed. B. I. Kazachek Card 2/2 - ------------ BAMASH, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk; DIRGUDOVA, A.A., starshi.7 iiauchn77 ootrudnik; Dn=P, V.K., Imnd.bilogichaskikh nauk; DUMOVINA, L.I., mladshi7l nauchny7 ootrudnik; TRUDOLTUBOVA, G*B.; JU4UTXVt T.N.; T ra:bote prinimali =hastiye; IAVROVA, L.P.; MZIMRISUTA Lo$,; UTMA, LoD.; ULITA, L.At$ IIESLTUZOV, A.?.; GOLIDYAN, To.l.; STIWANOV, A.F. Use of blood in oausage manufacturing and ca=In& Trudy- Wil Do no.g163-74,159, (MIRA 130) L Yeasoymnyy nauchnoy-insleamtol tokly 16titaf v1d4snor I*Ow-~ shleanoati (for Iavrova, Pbshariskaya, Zuysv~o ralita, ffeskvu'zlov)~ 2. Spetsialisty 14ookovskogo mysookombitats. (for Golldmanp Mak:6yeva# Stefanov)., (Blood au food or med 'Leine) (Sainages) (Conning and proaerving),~ BILINIKIT, X.Gl, akadealk; KRUM, Lt., kandidat bialogicheakikh na-uk; CEZR~KbVo IeZ-9 kandidat maditsinakikh nauk.- R&WOYA, K.I.; Zurz*A, L.De-- E3VOST'YAIIOTj B. U6~ nce"of'heat"on the protein content of meat. Dokl. Akad sellidias. g? ng:.~.4.Mng? --'37. 10:6) 1. ii;BOMW nauchno-iosle&oyatellekly,lnititut oyannoy pro ahlen- MY nosti. (Keat) (Proteins) BELENIKIYp N.G.9 akademik; POLOIISKAYA,'L,B., otarshi,,:mau,.-JjAyy sotrudni,k, kand.tekhn.naA; ZUYEVA, L.D., 'al'adshiy maii~Lnyy ootr#daik Technology of tho mamufacture.of ahymotrypsi,m pro~arations rom cattle pancreas inactive according to the i4suliftaontent. im* VNII11P no.14t99-102 1620 (MIRA ~16:8) 1. Ru*ovoditel' laboratorii Vsasoyuznogo . iss.ixiichno.-Aissledovatel'skogo, instituta mayanoy prd$jshlenB'osti. (for Selw~!Ilkiy)., (Chymotryp~an) KRYLOVA, R.N., kandidat biologichookikh nauck; L D mladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik. owl 11,101-mila 1, Using the labeled atom sethod in studying theiate of salt penstra, tiou in the process of curing meat. Trudy VVIIV no.7:23-29 '55. i (KWA 9: 8) (Rmtosetive tracers) [a r"di'mebwo wdlhL kldlcn I a I G R.a.-A 4 grylivii, 1 1. Cli-ql:*u, mwl L. L- 7.,evi .1W, (city I' Ir" d ib I 'klr'r*(l#tA:tn Millit 101 V - I~Ng"Il I* No. 4. SM lota4lll I- 'n" vqutwo ai rm*IA wrut. tmkilld witb I ~- u1sand -in ~11611~1 usif MUr 4s k" The b(bod -MI"inct 110,12, If tl,. rmdtmct-lvitr 1,.nd , $