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y IM, V V.X Ii I 11 4~ ~; 011 k
Uir .iothvi for incrt!asing, the rate col' drIjUrp, Usf tianik 2 no.7:4-3
il 1517. WLRA 10., 8)
Lzutor KraginokutxkG7 kontory turbinnogoo burenlya.t
(Oil well drilling)
L 04271-67
ACC NRt AP6013297 SOURCE CODEs M/0413/66/000/006/0090/0091
AUTHORSt -GurQvich. A. M.: ZtWev,.V.,4.;. Oleynikovt P. P.1;
ORO: none
perature of reflecting
TITLE: Automatic radiation pyrometer for meas"g actuai tem
non-black bodies. Class 42, No. 180832 /announded by Central U-N-orstory of Automa-
tion TsentrallWa, laboratoriya avtomatiEi 7
SOURCEs Izobreteniyat promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyys!'muLk1j no. 8, 1066, qo~_qi
TOPIC TAGS: pyrometer, radiation jqrometer, pyrometry, timperature measurement
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents an automatic iadiation pyrometer for
measuring the actual temperature of reflecting non-black ~,adiesl* 'The pyrometer con-
tains a radiation receiver, a comparator in the form of an' incm~tdesoent 184p or a
black body, and an optical system, To diminish its inertia and to oimpliiy tho
construction of the head and the placing of the head at aldesiied distance:from the
investigated surface, the pyrometer is provided with an a4diticmiai comparMor (an
incandescent lamp or a black body) connected in series orIn parallel 4th.Ahelbasia
comparator unit. The radiation characteristics of the two comparators areridentical.
To make the utilization of older pyrometera possiblep the sAditional cooparstor mV be
placed in a separate holder,
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 16Jul63
Card 1/1 5~6, )21.()67.d
AUTHOR: Z""Vv V. -M.
ORGs none
a 42 No 7 60 by.0ea ral
ir, Glas
J gosadAretydano 01021tostIL-11.
under Gosplan SSSR (TsentrallAV& laboratorlya avtow4tik
P0 chernoy i tsvetnor metallurgii pri 0osplans S~SRW
SOUXF,-. Izobreteniya,, proWshlenWe obrazteyo. toverMs zrAkil AQA; 1.. 1966, 90
TOPIC TAGSs photoelectrio pyrometer, temperature MeaswemeaV.
AB=ACTt This Author Certificate presents a, photoelectric' ~yromawr for meapux-ing
the temperaLAwe of nonluminous objects* The pyromatar cont-orna~ad-O~Sjoetivo,"4bich'
projects the image of the obJect through a field diapbrap: 0"nto & sensing 9182303t)'
wA an. incandescent sighting IAMP (vae Fig, 1),, To incroulk: thailghting &OUMY
Fig, L, 1 - field diaphragm; 2
3 - sighting law; 4 - Strivel am; -'sensing
UDC: 53~.521.2~
Card 1/2
rd 2 2 4f
ANANOYEVAp L.M.; ZUYEVI V.M.j DZLPRDZ&EVU1Y~ B.L.0 Orof . joty. red.
CGANOV.%ITi-Piff-*# -m4"#
(Materials on glaciological researcht Zagors~j he.vt balancej,,I~&~
terialy gliatsiologiobaskM iseledovanlis U .gorek;teplovoi bd-
lans. Mookvas No.4. [Temj*rature, of the soii and 'tlw snow cover]
Temperatura pochV i snezhnogo pokrova. 1961. Ua Pe
(MIRA 14--11)
I Akademiya nauk SSSR* Inatitut, geografii.
bagorsk-Soil temperature) (Zagorok--~-Snow.~~-Tompbrature)
SHESTOPAL, V.M., doktor tekhn. naukj BE&ql, L.Ya.,j,dokto,r ekono
nauk, rats enzent; __ZjOZV.,-V.LA. , inzh., ret6enzeat,; IVANOV,
D.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, retgenzent; XqibV, VA., in2h.,
red.; BARTKOVA, G.I., red.izd-va, SOFIFLIOVA, G.V,,, tekhn.
(Specialization and the design of foundry.,shopoland plants),
Spetaializatsiin i proektirovanie liteinfth took-hov i zav6-
dov. Moskva, Kashgiz, 19631, 223 P. ~(MIRA 16t10)
J. tili:f
110V !;A t'll
u! :o ip. ,J
D. jt:;(juil t4~
n n
19 6)
4~12, ~
z. sl 11
.1. q~ ,
!r -
ZUY-EV, Vasiliy Ni Lforovich
ZIN EV, lasiliyNikiforovich~ Acsidemic degrao of Doctor oP Oadic-U Sciencee',.basOd
on his defohneq 29 June 1955, in the Council of the Tashkikit Ha(I inst imeni~e
Molotov, of hi's dissertation entitled: "Etiology and path6genosiie of chronic
gastritis in the hot climate of Central Asia.11
For the-Academic Degree of Doctor of Scienedd
Byulleten' HInisterstva Vysshego Cbrazovaniya SSSR, 31, il,iarch 195-6,,
Decision of Higher CertificatIon Commission done6ming AcaAemic Degrees arlaidtles.
JFRS 512
AUTHORS: Kooterin, A. V., Zuyev, V. It., Shevileyevakiy, 1. D;. 7-1-9112
TITLE: On the Zr-Hf Ratio in the Zircons of Som�.Ianeous Rooka: of
North Kirghizia,(Ob otnoshenii Witt v tzirkonakh)
nekotorykh izverzhennykh p~orod severnoy.kirdizii)
PERIODICAL: Geokhioiya, 1958, ITr 1, pp. 66-89 (ussn)
ABSTRACT; In the rocks of the acidic aeries J.,irconiun, and t0gother
with it hafnium, is almost only foi,and Ljj z'ircon. Vhus4he
Zr-Hf ratio of the zircon can be ti3ken as that of.the:rock.
Thin ratio depends on the'origin4 ~~The itineoun rocke of the
southern slope of the Zailiyakiy.Alataii viere inves~tlg4ted
because there all types from gabbtos to alashite!4rtnites
are found. According to Til:honirovo Luyk'and othO~rG the rocks
of this reC;ion were formed in the:,followinj oe~ue, Iice:'
1~ Proterozoic cycle, Gneissoid alaskite granitos~
2, Caledonian cycle, gabbro, dioritenj:-r odiorites~
.1 U an
porphyroid biatitc hornblerde,r~ranitai;
3) Variatic, cycle, rose-colored biotite hornblend~e 0,ranitea,
oyenites, alaskito granites;
Card 1/3 There io a j;enetic connection between the Variotic alaskite
On the Zr-Hf Ratio in the Zircons of Some IC:neou:3 Rocks 7-1"9/12
of North Kirghizia
granites and zircon-beating hydrotheimal voins.
The Zr-fff ratio of the different~lrocks milld of thO hydro-
thermal voinc was doterninod by X-ray:,analy .mis: the relative
error of the ratio waa %1% T_`~e 4atti ~~jro jivi~n ir. a tdble~ a,
besides are shown in a diagram.
The investigations have shown:
1) In the zircona of tho Variatic Proterozoic altqokite
Cranites the Zr-Hf ratio is oqualilahd a;uounts to:.j6.
2) In difforentiation this ratio is ~t hanadd accordin,3 to.~
certain laws fro-a 71 in the gabbr6 :to 36 in the alash'iteo
and 29 in the corresponding hydrot,hermal veins;
3) In zircons of rocks of the same co4pounds certain
variations in the ratio were statdd. Wi th th4t an over-
lappin- of the Zr-Hf ratio of rocks of difterent compounds
was observed, but these rocks are .1 jilaaceil closely to,3ether
in the series of magmatic differehtiatibn. There~are I
fig-ure, 1 table, and 4 references, 3'o'f which are sl~~Vic.
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Geochemistry and Analjtical Chemistry~i=eni
V. I. Vernadskiy Alt USSR, Moscow (Institut;geokhi-,aii I
Card 2/3 analiticheakoy khimii in. V. I. Vernadalcoeo Alt' SSSR, Moskya)
Zr/Hf rntio in zircons of eome,igneoun rockd of Notthern Kirghisistan.
Geokhtmlia no.1:86-89 158. (MIRA 11M
1. Institut geokhimii i annliticheakoy khimillm. Y.I.Yernndsko 0
All SSSR, Moskva.
(Kirghizistan--Rocks, Igneous) (Eiroonium) (Hafuiui)
7tpf cv, v.
M-"11, Ir- "The ~'HOIDU arv! Pritho, unr;cr
!anni., or
Cc,ne4l.ticncj of t~r,, flot Clinate of Cantral Asl~!!~-" Toslikeryt, l0ec'
(Dinse&,ation for the Degree ofl CanOidate itl'iXediral. c i en n c c! s
Sri: Knizhnaya Le-topis'. NO 1) 1956
F. P. I I I a FR. w 0-6 1; R i LZ 1. a 4 M.
le*z:Lne mineralizati on ~a Aolj~3antft dopoloits 6f eaatsrn~
Traw"b6lkslia Wy IGEM n6.834.,$05-522 16%, ;i(IIIHA l6sll~
r L 2256-55 E
5swItInko A. V.
_Akq!_v# If. 0.
T Metics of photoconduetwty In ladoomiuctom-1410-i m1swity Carlo
ture levels on the surface
SOURCE: Ukrayinalkyy fizycbnyy mWirnal., Y. 10p mo* 3t IS&
% 27$
TOPIC TWO t semicondactor,, minority csrrier~ rhotocon4w
Warf ace state
ABSTRACTt The dependence of plaoitoconftetivity 06 nwdW quent
JiLtion fieque=7- on
the aemiconduaWr paxameters is detemilned fbr the case of sd=#0J,dmljr I&tdd
and ctrongly absorbed ligK. Mcaunt Is taken of' the bend-ling of the barAda t the
gurfacet due to the exlitence of gewerml mul7kide lavela. 116 is asimmmd t cap-
ture of adnority carriers and adhesion of uajorlty caxTlerai an the irurfage exe
possible. The problem is solved in the Uneu, appro:&oationt umtor oweral muLM711-
fying assumptions. The empranalon obtalned is the ffma ar Ilia bitaUw phcftean-
ductiTity and the zonapmUw phatemiftiativit1r. like c*ntrilintions of these tvo
Card 1/3
ACM81ON NRs 'AP5007687
~ rf~
caqments are -different: for dlffei~mt b 6f: the bii~ w4i' 0
an~ at
tio of the lifetimes of the C'G~rrier w- In the bands iiis etefime levelso. An
analysis of several limiting cames; Is preseated. The nowtiitlomi-y pato*-aadXftt-
ivity produced in the case when strougly eftorbad Ught produces carriers of b*Lh
signs is awsidered for ainusoidany moWated jightj~ &M the dopendence of the
complex photoconductivity on the frequency of wdulation sind an the parametera of
the aemIconductor is determined. The readta show that thm frequonwX dependelice
of the photoconductivity depends epprealably an the ratio t4rtwei(In the Volume tail
surface parameters of the aemiconductor =d can Tarr In prvportlon to the fre-
quency raised to negative powexa 1/2, 1, 3/2, or 2. The t:ransitten from onle tylle
of fall-off to the other depends on the nemiceneDictor parainaterv. It Is alto
shown that, depending on the surface kinetic par(mietaire, e(wriers of vW out, poo,
larity can accumulate on this awfwe. Uie wTroaeloas obtained can be used. to
luterlwat photoconductivity-kinatics experiments In ithich the trurf1des has a stmg
effect, and alao to determine the parameters of the auxftco centdrs. "The stathd
thank Candidates of Pbyalatt Mb-ftatical Siatemis T&.JL_M
Onitko, for interest to the wwk." OTig- aft. Milt 3 figulals wid 11MUWAS.
Card 9/3
M- lam-- i
Ised1mants of tho
Nev data on the gas potentlal of the Pale6~,iic`l
Samarkand megasyncline. Neftegaz.geol. i g9ofIZ. no,,V-0-5 63.
1. Institut geologli i razrabotki neftyanykh i''~Itzovyvjl meutoro2hdeMy
Aka&miya nwA 6SSR. Instittrt minaralogii, goollUdi i
Voprony =inaralogil, Coothir-ii i geration r---3torv-.bdcniy rodl Wd% c14
(Proble= in 12=raloal Ccocbm-mintr7p drA Darosit ro=otdon or Rare Blon,nta)
Yozcav, 1--d-vD All CS"n, 1950. 2" p. (florleat Ito: "ru4p rn.'ji) Errata
Printed on the inside af bwk covero 2;2209 copies prluteit4
Chief Ed.1 K. A. Vlaaoy, Carreaj;=AinS V-'~t-%2r,t Arc4=q or Saioncea ~MM;
Reap. Ed.: V. V. Lyalthovich; Ed. of Publiahlaa S=ei L4 D. Tuiwov;
Tech. Ed.z P. a. Kwhims.
MGM This book is intended for Ccolcaista, minamloc;1atap MA
COMM : This is a collection of 23 artiblea an ths for-rationj C0010M,
tinoralogy, 'r3troSraphy, and anoctamiatry of deroults of imm elar--tuta in
Maria cza t5o*-Letl Cantr*1 Anim. Tbe d1utributian and Owractarictica of
rare cle=nts fatind in th-3ca area* am wOU an some qv=t1tat1v* n:4 q
tive =thodo of larostipUng the rocks azd minarals in vUeh thay *re foundt
Card 116
Problers in lliroralo= (Cott.)
or with which they an craociated, &m d1acusnod. Two iwtdclas ~-Titzult an cctmrziia.~i
invantlZation of the poooibilition of ln~-,aztrial extraztUn crA utA3A=t1Cn o:r
celemiun, ttl3uri:um, =d harnl=.. ITo 1cruonaaltion nimt-loned. E=b artiab
in =companiecl by refc-rencoa.
TA= OF C01 S:
I M-Ma
Gar-.-zh, A. A. Peculicritlea in t1= Diatribution of rtam rinflauto
In Polymatallic Depoaits of tim Zmaino~or~k RaCion of Rudnlj~'Altay
SemanoT, Te. L On the Content of LWUL3 and lhibldi= in 111neralu,
of Alkaline Fogmatitea of the Wvozarakiy Vuaif
'doochemistry of Golba=
132daloT, So To, and So Ru=tor. On t1zj
Telluriua In tka Ore Deposita of Al=alyk 2k:
Goroldtova, V. No On the Content Of Mcmi-am, in Iblybdanite a IX3 tba
-Mgqrr~=opW~r4"olybdcn= Daposits
Card 2/6
Problem in Mineralogy (Cont.) 6F0746
Teo'L-=,, To. It., arA 1. 1. llaz=nko. PyroOlon of tha V1212111MO
1::=tniw, Ito Parzonnotic, Ascociationa, arA t1= Naulindtion of Ito
Che=lcal Cozpositlou
ZImbin, A. G., G. V. MkUtdinov, and 11. To. M=aJvm. r4reanunio
AaacclAtions of Accasoory IU=raU of Rao 3larmais in rbwcantd4%
7enitized ItUwcite Intrualve Moc2= of tba Vish=arwo, nauuteuo!~
Zhobin, A. G. On the Soparation Tim of tho Mwrmls Vioblun, Urcoallwo
and the Rare Earths in the Granito PacmUte of tho BlqatovokV~ XLDO
00=07, Is. 1. Calzircon:fin in Alkaline Fba=titod
Korkin, V. I., In. A. Pyatankop and A. V. Dykaws, On BrithoUto of thb
Alkaline Rocks of goutb=tern Two.
t7a!:L,,Tlah, 7, V.p =d A, Do 0' z2rvtr,~:7-7a~lb Ca t!~:i 01=wtoi of Vn'
Vlatrit-ation of Amce2cory SU:.-ala In Umutto J".mcifij
L7a=mvich, V. To =d T X z3o cm V:3 ZZ-On of W2
r.-COOSOO 0:2 tt* :W C.
mitalo no
17;7=,# V. V.,p =& 0# To, 'Dinav-,,ary c2 17=3talt~
Z"'-mT V 11 ma A Ve Kbatorb, 7tt=nzarlta Y,=k tt3 Z-4zsita er
pollprIz-3p yas to 7---s of Wmtlza r= UO
of t,::j Ted!WUl=qv' C-.111
c::7.= AM V = zz"41=3 C7 wa M-tw==
1".-, t=11:01 119 Vo cznOtt* 7ma of 12pulta =4 on grWentaUxam
of Mabi =- =d Tc4tavm
Zbukova, A. 5 On the Trablea of Corot.10 -L7200 Of C-0-r=,a1=4jpxu4
Tikhonankay, 1. P.,U& R, P. Tith-oatnimm. COAUat Roak-3 d ~U*
to7ozerakil Mancif, Their Gotcals cmd tl,.o Peculiaritien of Divtrl-
butiopt in Them of Ram ll*tal MaiaarAizatian
Tolochkarich, K. L. On t1w 11k-obl= ccr the Structuid Positloi of tha
Gornoaltapkiy Ram Mtol Pravlzca
I=m 07 nwmm-ma O= lm=m
Ubedaava, B. 1. Rationza Iratbod of quantitcLtlv~ Dmtorz~=tl*o~: of
Diasaminatod Ber7lU= in Groican Ores 209
Rodionov, D. A., a. F. gobol"s D. k. Zolot--rmv, =4 Ye.,V, vu 4lym.
On Accidental Errors of q=ztltAtlva lanoraloXicol AniUsis of Ota,
$11=9 and Concentrates 2A
carA 516
PLmb34= in IU=ralogy (Con-t.)
l4ainova, L. A. rxpari=nt In I:nv=U,,p tta 0,,.Otlcal Conattnto ~e
(Mr--anita and. Renierits 2,24
ECC.1=3 0.7 rJull M=,83713
TAkain, V. V. Proap3cta in tha Tildnatrial ]!.,ctrwtlcn ocr flavinlull
and Te2lurlua Fr= the Products of CojTnr-.I!oljbdcz~= Or* 11,xvc3noing 'M
Kaganovich, a. TA. T~~ (Economic GUMA
AV,%ILA=: Library Of Congroas
Caz~ 616
Hydrothemal huttonite,
~MV _ItP.1 SAULI~A,V.V~;
Obtaining low croBB-linkage active furnace Uack. 144,.1 rem*
22 no.4t25-27 Ap 163. .(MIRA 16s6):
14 Nhuchno-issledovatelfskiy institut shinndy~pronyshlennostil;,
(Carbon black)
4 o
j k4
-, Gilyazetdinov, L..P. And Tevreinovap:
The Ohemio&l Oozipioslti6n of Crude. ~,Iqtroloum Producti Used
in the Manufacture of Carbon Black~!(O khl2ioheskom
sostave neftyanogo syrlya',dlya pr6tzvo(1stva",8qh0
PERIODICAL: Knaahuk I Razina,.1958' Nr 8, pp 12 - 14 VOSSR)
ABSTRAOT*:- The kerosine -gas-oil fkaotioh (obtUned during pyrol:rsis
O raW; nateriaX ~f or, t4e
and coking of petroleuis) Is used a
preparation of'jet,oarbon blao,k 161the VOSR, In'the'173A
and England aromatised!gas-oil fra6tionooobtained'dtifth'a
-and6atalytio prooebs!Wr of ~etroletfii,ar~,e used
-the thermal &
for.the manufacture of the'activat6d oarbons-HAP'ISO and
SAP. tionO h6ve been publighed-on
-No detaije& investiga
of the rait material
the effect of the chemical, composit-lon
-on the,yield aftd-Propertids of thelearbom black.: The nat-
ure of --the gas-oil fraction of crude petroleum ard Its
-products'is definedbr~ the GrozNI1i method by whidh the
percentage of arovatio,v naphtheniip, paiatfinic wid olefin-
to h7drocarbons It determined. ThO'auOors'used.the n-d-M
method (Ref.3) for'definining the dompo'sition ofiths' pyro-
Aysis and of th6 coke distillate. They by xPeri
th6 tafractive Index n2p and
ht M
ments the mo
ar w g
Card 1/3 ~- The hydrooarbon'content4as de-
the specific weight d
The Chemical Composition of Crude Petroleum Prc~duota Used In.the*anu-
facture.of Carbon Black
"fined by chromatographic analymis-,66cor4lng to the TjIATIM
method (Ref-6) and the degree of u~iatuvatlon oftho7sam%-
pies was determined iodometrioalll.~Thelphysioo-ohemi~oa1
characteristics of the samples oflaw %Lterial are listed
In Tables 1 and-2# and vesults O*f -the chromatogra0hio
analysis in Table 3. The total abntenti~of pure paraffins
and olefins In the-pyrolysis fraotton d6e3 not exceed
5%; thereforep-this fraction oonii4ts of aromatic an4
naphthenic-arofisatio'hydrooarbons two-o6rdensed rings
and partially unsaturated side oWns. ~The oontent 6f
paraffinio-naphthefilo hydrooarbon'in thb.ooke distillate
fraction. ~varle s between 40 - 53%. ~ !Appr6ximately- BOX;
of this quantity, represents pure p4raff.1nio and olefinio
hydrocarbons and It comprises 27X dicyolio aromatic hydro-
Card 2/3 carbons. The degree of aromatiiatipn itioreases in b6th
SO 138-58-;d-2/11
The'Chemical Composition of Crude Petroleum Produr. ..s Used An the
M-anufacture of Carbon Black
1. porature. is ralsed (Tabl'e .5).
fractions -tihen the ton.
The deerce of aromatlz&t Alon and'i~cycl~sation can be
increased in the coke Cstillatij,fraO tion by ~oostins
the content of hlCh;boilint~-fraqtlons. There are~~ 5
Tables and 7 61ercricest 30 30,1160; and :4 EnClish.
A330CIATION: Naiichno-issle(lav,,4~,(-llslciy jnstlj~#ut shinnoy pronly-,
shlennosti (%-search Institute of the' Tyro Indust~ry)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Gilyazetdinov, L.P.; Zuyeri V.P.; Lirshite, P,'B.; Saulinla, V.~V.
TIM: The Production of Low-Module Furnace.Carbon Bla4ka From 14qitid Shale
Raw Material
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960p.No. 8, PP. 32
TEXT: The effect of the chomical composition of the raw material ion the
properties of the carbon black was studied on shale oil;f shale softener and Its
mixtures with green oil. The experimental procedure for theiproductiorn of furnace
carbon black with an output capacity of 20kg/h was das~ribediim Refs. 1,2. Tile
content of oxygen and oxygen -containing compounds in the 11qjiij shale raw, material
is 10.9 and 77.8%. respectively, which Is a significant diffogrence from kreem oil,
It was established that with an equal specific surface 'the t:i%rbon black precD.Leel
from shale raw material has significantly lower oil numbers than carbon blacks
from green oil. Rubbers containing carbon blacks derived from a sbale Eafti-ner
and its mixtures with green oil are close to rabbers with ganeous &uumel carbon
black in their physico-mechanical properties. The carbon blaicks from ahale'raw
material produce rubbers with low modulae ane. high relative elongations. I Tests
were carried out on semi-active and active c&rbon blachs arvl' it was no*,od that the
Card l/ 2
The Production of Lower-Module Furnace Carbon Blacks Froin Liqdld Shale flaw' Material
vulcanizates of the standard mixtures based on Ckg(SKB)j CV( - 30 AM IS ~ -30kh!)
containing shale carbon black had low modulae at high Yaluea Of the tena,~Ity 114MIt
and the specific elongation. With an Increase of the sWe softener ia the !Aitlal
raw material, the tensile strength changei within Vie 11itts 220 - 257 IWIM2,
whereas in modUlae with 300% the elongation and 2peaifI1",4longa4,1cns arele .qUal 4,0
130 - 56 kg/cm~ and 47o - 667%, respectiyely. The low siructumlizablon.ot th-e
carbon blacks produced from shale raw material and the 161if mod,.t1ap) -If tho vu1c. ul-
zates using these carbon blacks is explained by the speolfic efffs-1-1-t of the oyTq"-~
organically bound with a raw material moleaule on the fGriWiott ~OrcaezE ofithe,
carbon black particles in a turbulent flatne. The authors point ou-, th%-. th.1F. me~h-
anism has not been completely Investigated. They stress the fact thAt the!ahale
oil and the shale softener can be applied as raw material,to the produc%iorv of.
special low-module carbon blacks or as a component part o~ raw material, 141,do6.
gives the carbon black a low struoturalIzation with a wido raftety of prop6rtles.
There are 4 tables and 7 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy plicayshlennosti. (Saient1fir;
Research Institute ofthe Tire industry)
Card 2/2
AUI?HORS: Zuyev, V.P.; Oilyazetdinov, L.P.; Teen
The effect of the structural group composition of.hydroaarbon"oll$
on the yield and Properties of carbon black
PERIODICALt Kauchuk i rezina, no. 2, 1961,~29._ 32
TEXT: The authors have investigated the possibilV4, of u6ing.a new~cqmplex
index for characterizing the raw materials 'the factor of~~M*omatization A, ~ddch
is the product of the total number of rings'in the molecule and'Ahe carbon con-~'
tent in aromatic structures: A - Ko - CA (1), where K. is the,total number of,
rings in the molecule (aromatic + naphthene), CA In the carlion content in the aro-
matic structures, %. The aromatization tactor is additi ~with respect to the
molecular parts of the mixture components. The diaadvantap of this indexIs
that it cannot be applied to low-aromatized oile, which, however, are hardli used
in the production of carbon black. The authors show that this aromatization fac-
tor A characterizes the effect of the composition of oil and coal raw materials
on the yield and the properties of the carbon black in the pame way. With an in-
crease in the aromatization factor, the yield, specific surfice And oil number ot
Card 1/4
The effect of the structuraL... W51/4029
the carbon black increase at the same timei Various forM4 of petroleum and coal
oils and their mixtures were burned experimentally, usingloquipment with a,pro-
ductivity of 20 k&/h based on the raw material. The relationship of the specific
surface of the carbon black S determined by the kinetic method to the rolzatiza-
tion factor is expressed by the equation: 3 . 30 + 8.13 - 10 4 -,O.A M,/g (2).
The intensity coefficient of the process of carbon black,formation I calculated
on the basis of data on the yield and dispersion of the carbon black. Thialcoef-
ficient is the number of carbon black p rticles formed from one ;gram of carbon
raw material: I - 3.1 - p - 106 . s3 9!1 (3), where p lithe d'arbon black~~yield,
The logarithm of the intensity coefficient has a lineal~ relationship to them
logarithm of the aromatization factor of the raw matgrial This rdla'-
tionship is expressed by the equation: I - 8.5 . 10 - A.3' 9- (4). The re-
sults showed that the number of carbon black particles foreed depends to al6reat
extent on the aromatization factor. The authors point out,~ -that hn aromatization
factor of no less than 140 must be used in the production of Jet'.and lamp oil cai-
bon black with a yield of 56 and 63%, respectively. They;EaBo p4~lnt out that
compounds containing sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen Increasethe spoicific gravity of
the raw material, but their action in not equivalent to the~increaae in the de-
gree of aromatization of the raw material, There are 4 figures, I table andJ5
card 2/4
W138/61/000/001 0061008
The effect of the structural....
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Bhinnoy~~piomyiihtennosti,(~cien-
tific Research Institute of ihe Tire Indub-Cry)
FIgure 3s Relationshi of the intensity coefficient
of the carbon black formation process to the aro
matization. factorlof raw material,
The effect of the structurali, ,
i~ A051/AI29
PigEre, 4. %RelatIonship.of the yield 6f
sok to ths~
W jot 04'rift bl
A- ,
tization factor ~f the raw materid Un_
CC dustrial production or. carbon blstck)s'~
-H a
A- lamp cirbon black with a mpeci;ftc
of 14 i6 m%,
m 2 jet carbon black with a specific W-
face of 20 - 21.5 m2/gj'
W 4
carbon black With a specific sl~r-I
3 Jet
- 22 - 22.
ace o
oP 4
o r-
a spec
o S
aromatization ta~ctor A face.of 23 25 InVg-
i I
- I I I : I I . . I . 1 . I I
'i . . I . . I I , I . . i i ~t , 1! ~, I I -
AUTHORSt GIlyazetdinov, L.P.; Zuyev, V.P.; Bernshteyn, I.D.," I Suyetenko,
L.P. ............
TITLE: The production of active furnace carbon blacks froin mixtures:of pe-
troleum and coal oils
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I rezina,,~no. 1. 19620 5 - 6
TEXTs Tests were carried out to determine the optimum composition of pe_~
troleum and coal oil mixtures and the prodintion of active furnace carbon :bla,--Iv-
The experiments were made in a single-chamber cylindrical reactor with an Inter-
nal diameter of 500 mm and 3.5 m In length. The reactor'leapacity was 25 ~9/h..
The experimental carbon blacks were analyzed according to physico-chemical meth-
ods and tested in vulcanizates based on OKC-30 AM (SKS--3,0 AM) (standard cb,mpobi-
tion). Experimental results showed that the active furnace carbon black output,
the total air consumption and the process temperature c6rresponded to the aroma-
tization factor. The obtained relation points to the expediency of a wide in-
troduction of the aromatization factor for characterizilig tho'raw material and
for correcting the production methods of the active fumace carbon blacks, 'Pe-
Card 1/2
The production of active furnace carbon blacks A051/A196
troleum and coal oil mixtures are recommended. 'There Is 1jable and I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskly institut shinnoy pr'omysblmnn osti (861en-
tific Research Institute of the Tire Induatry)
Card Z/2
AUTHOR, Zuyev, V.P.
TITLE: Investigation of the carbon black formation pro~ceas in a , turb,ulent
flame and the development in -the produbtion ot active furnace car-.
bon blacks from liquid raw material
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I rezina, no. 11, 1962, 6~- 11
TEXT: Series of experiments were conducted toldevelop the production tech-
nology,of active furnace carbon blacks from liquid:raw materials - by4.rocarbons.
Experiment's showed that It is possible to produce highly-di sperBed carbon blacks
in Incomplete combustion of,diffused liquid raw material In a highly,turbulent
flame. The present article describe6 the major aspects of the relatlons!~between
process conditions and the proper-ties of the furna66 carbon blacks.~Active-and
semi-active furnace carbon blacks can be produced.with a;wide range'of proper-
ties in a cylindrical single-chamber reactor. With the growing specific'air con-
k dispersion ine
sumption at constant distribution, the carbon blac reases, and its
yield dedreases. At a constant specific air consuluption, an increase in the air
Card 1/3
Investigation of the carbon black formation process..,. A05IA126
quantity supplied to the tangential channel, reducestexture and dispersion of
the carbon black. With an increase in consumption dhd raLe of the dispersing
air and also of the air supplied to the base orthe~t6rch,',the carbon-black-yield
drops and its dispersion increases. An Increase in~the air-supply rate to' the
tangential channel has no significant effect on the j)roduction proces~Land on
properties of the carbon black. The optimum consumption and rate of the dis-
persing air were found to be 1.0 nm3/kg of raw material and 80 m/seco~respec-
tively. With an increase in the reactor load of rawlimaterlal, during~the pro-
.duction of ITM-70 (PM-70) carbon black, the heat losties, otthe reactor and the
specific air consumption are both dropping as a resuit of this. The optimum
specificload of the cylindrical reactor, in the production of PM-50 and PM-70
from green soap, was found to be 225 -AW and 44o kg/m2 --,h of raw material.
The experimental carbon blacks PM-50, P14-70 and FM-100 were found to be equiva-
lents to their imported counterparts in physico-mecha~ical tests of stAndard and
tread rubber mixtures, based on CHO -30 AEM (SKS-30AIRM) and CHO -30 AM (SKS-
-30AM). The possibility of producing FT4-70 carbon bl~dk with a lowera4 strue-
turalization in a cyclon reactor was proved. The car~on-black yield increases
by 1.3 - 1.5 times as compared to that in the cylinde! reacior. RecommandAtions
Card 2/3
Investigation of the carbon black formation procei A051,/A126
have been made and industrial production processes,developed for pro6cti6n, re-
covery and processing of active furnace carbon blacks. There are 9 table&wid 4
ASSOCIATION't Nauchno-issledovatell skiy insti tut shltuioy pr~xqshlennoj-~l (Scien-,,
tific Research Institute of the Tire Ifi6stry)
Card 3/3
I HIT jr
ACCESSION fIR: AP5016635 165 1
go 04
A eve Ve P Gijjazat4ivov,,- L.- 2
ni-Riy-n. 1-70.1 Glag I Tayrqp!;pva koIoVag
Ya.; Ve '016V' V. IL 11 Scko,o
Distrovp K. Ho; KhokhloyL B P
TITLEt Some pecullaritias of the production of carbdn bl"k PM'70 in cyclozme
re by using tharmocatal7tio eas all
type reacto
~SOURCZs Kauchuk i rezinal no. 6. 19650 19-44
TOPIC TAGS: gas oil fractiont carbonblack~ catalytic cfdjeking! P14 70
The production of-actiye carbon b a 10': mixt
thermocatalytic gas oil and grben oU was tnVerMa7af-OTIWI(dorr~4t, o;ertaiini Ifoh
nological parameters and to determine the behaVlor of c4ri4n b~Mik'during~ 08 i-e-
covery and processing. The tabulated phyalco-cherdoal propertlen of grem3 6:a~
and their mixture show that the thermocatalytic gas oil iis diMliogmaished t4r a jiigh.--:I
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contont. Tho analrio of iseve.,tal gas oil frac-~-
tions showed that its kinamatto viscosity at 50C varies diver a riango of
I Car 1/3
-2 M2/000:
9.5-11.8 x: 10 The 'viscosity or ifie !16.,i mj.xt~40 ~irari4q! oinM %o,
-2 2
kinematic viscoditj plotted agabWt h04LUne tei
3.9 % 10 m /see. The _-W
shows tha tthe green oil and gas oil have the come vistoalty oif~7 at a ttjm~qra~lture
-300C, The viscosity value of 1.05 X10-2
of 280 m2/soa to rea0hod for gVeon oil
only at 100C, and for gas oil and green oil mixture at 141)3. Pure gan oil han
this viscosity at 185C. The high viscosity, high boilil~j; poinb, and the wida
fractional composition of the gas oil make It necessary to prelient it by 80-IOOC
higher than the green oil at minimum 160C before its introduction into tl:e
actors. The average diameter of the droplet of' raw rmterial W plotted agal-t
j the vaporizing air flow rate and the temperature before UJ3 at*mizer. With an
increase in the air flow rate from 0.45 to 1.0 m3Aao the dianater of the droplet
decreased 2.0-2.2 times. During the experiments the gas oil content in the mix- I
ture, the heating temperature, and tho apealfla flow rat* of viij:orising Or vare
varied. The other tecbnolqf~ical parameters were alnost emnstaint (total qecifia
air flow rate of 4.8-5.1 Wlkgt gas flow rate of 0.25-0.28 m3/41- of raw mterial,
reactor temperature of 130-U+000. Tabulated data iphotir that I.Or increafting the
air flow rate and temperature the specific surface and tl~m oil oontent of carton
black were increased# wEtUe the optical density of tbs bibuzene oixtrmat of carton
black decreased. The tachw1ogical data am-d properties of caxlb*n black M-70
Crd 213
-are tabtdaiad and discusised., It %4as :esta shed that tko,'6&rbo~ ~bUck 'i'P --I
-Almost the same as that obtained from pure green oil. 760, therlwph7aical r- I
ties of the gaseous reaction products of carbon black fiotlotion, are compO
Vulcanizates obtained with M-W carbon black lLtve a h1ghor tear Istrength to
the larger specific surface and oil content, E)Tarimatall dats efliow that ai car-
bon black'plant equipped with cl -type reactors and m dry sliotem of c0bon
black recovery can be altered to use a mixture of gas oil mW rpeen oil, An in-
crease in the vaporizing air flow rate leaft to an increamod diopernal and oil
content of PH-70 carbon black and to the decreaoo in cokim, of reactors. It Is
reco=ended to increase the air flow rate to 1*0 m3/irg ollo Tho addition a gE~'q
oil to green oil results in the stabilization of the grahulatiov operation on the
MA I drum, Orig. art. hag, 4 fiewas and 3 tableo.
ASSOCIATION: - Mauchno-issledovatellakiy institut nhinnoy'V~bzyolia~nnosti 061en~-
tific Research Institute for the Tire Induatry); 11ovo-T,&rdflAvMU:r sazhev37
(901 ~-Taro~ala-vl ~CaF565 I
NO W SOVt 005 OTHER 1 001
Card 313
Some characteristics of the production of PM 70 darbon Okok'An
cyclone reactors with the use of thermogas 41. Xnuch. i rez4 21+~
no.6219-24 Jo 165. MR& 14~7)
1. Hauchno-Issledovatel'okiy institut shinnq prqq shlannostj I
Novo-Yaroslavakijv sazhovyy zavod.
Extracts or catalytic gdo Oil$ as raw gta'dk forlthe production
of furnace black, Xhim. i tekh. topl. i mm,;sel 9 no.12t6-11'~ D !64.
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shin6oy pr*uVshlennosti,
Omskiy naucho'-issledovatel'skly konstruktorskago tekhnologiaheakiy
institut shitinoy promyshlennoisti, Omskiy sathev" zavod i
Kudinovskiy sazhevyy zavod.
Investigating the formation of car o' tlhk in t1te 1,-alveri2~ation
of hydrocarbon stock in,the turbulent flow 'Of combi~stion pro(,Iuctip,
Gaz. prom. 8 no.8:35-40 163. (MIRA 17ill.)
Testing thermocatalytia gas oil in the produ6tion of furnace black.
Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.12:17-19 163* (MMA 107:4),
1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po parerabotke
nefti i Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut shinnoy,promyshlennostLo-
. I i
I i
.!, ; iI
zum I-Y.J~ . 7 .
-7:---- tt
1 1 1 1, t
1 i i . :
I I I , . I
I , I i
~ 1 1 . r
I i
; i
ZUYEV V.p, . ~l I :
. t I I i
I .
i 1 ~
k-"q I V'V I- V 0
FlUSE, I Treasure Island Bibliortrnphic Report AID 't_*-~,5
BOOK Cq I I ','k T 1,7-'1,4 1.53
Author: ZLrfz-V. V. S. , and INOU14TSEV, 14. V .
1-ransliterated Title; Aviatsionnyye gazotQrbinnyye d7if~,mi-xlu
Publishing Data
Originating Agency: None
Publishing House: State %blishing Jouse of the Defense InJustiry (Oborcnlr~~Z)
Date; 1949 No. pp.: 467 110. of Copies: Z,
Editorial Staff
Editor: None
Tech. EJ.: None
Ed.-in-Chief: None ~Appralsor; None'
Others: Gratitude for valuable assistance is expronne-C,to
Professor Doctor M. 1-1. Yaslennikov.
Text Data
,as turbinea'.are:
Coverage: Materials on the theory-and calculation of avia~,Jon it
classified and processed. The order of classi ficatio'n 1.9 as followst
methods of determination of the force of thrust~l genexal charactarief)ICS
of reaction engines, themodynamic calculatim of the, gr-F turbi ft~e'
,Ine, method of determination of specific for(-~ of th st and Specific
eng I ru
con~umptlon of fuel, characteristics of gas tur".1ine etivines, method3
of calculation of speed and altitule characterts'tics, ~ principles ' f
adjustment of gas turbine engines and thearetfc~ al promiises of con-
Card 2/2
'AID 135 1
ca I IN16 "719"1 9
Text Data
Coverage(cont.): bustion in the gas.flow.~ At the end mtthe hook the de6aription
of vnricus forms of gas turbine enain6 is given.
Comments: Diagrams which ap,3ear in the second part of taill bO(-,,'