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Chemical ocuposition of laeq'uer dspooits~ !~Khlm,,; L -tokh.
tople i maeol 8 no.9t6ij," 3 163.
Ofrm 16 3 11)
ACCESSION-NR: AT4008702 S/2982/63/000044/0105/01D9
AUTHOR: Tishkova, V. N.; Isagulyants, V. I.; Papok, K; K.; Nieva, B.I.
TITLE: Synthesis of a new antioxtdative~fuel oil additive f6r'engines1operattnq
under a loading
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut neftekhimiches~oy I*ohlennosti, Trudy*,
no. 44, 1963. Neftekhlmiya, pererabotka neftl I qaza,~105-109
TOPIC TAGS: lubricating oil, EP, extreme pressure, ektreme 1)ressure lubricant,
antioxidant, lube oil additive, detergent additive , plosphorodithloic acid.;
diester-. calcium salt, dithiophosphoric acid.diester~-.~calcluim'salt, AN-22KI:
additive, phosphorodithioic acid.octylphenol diester,.6ctylp!ienol, SB-3.detergent
additive, detergent oil, detergent lubricating oil, lubricating oil detergent
ABSTRACT: The authors synthesized lube oil additive AN-221(,~a neutral caldum
salt of the dioctylphenyl ester,of dithiophosphoric ae(d, in~jfour stages: I) al-
kylation of phenol with diisobutylene In'the presence ~f theicat.lonic reagent
KU-2; 2) preparation of octylphenol disulfi4le by,reacilon of octylphe6ol with
sulfur monochloride; 3) preparation of the diester of"dithlbphosphoric acid by
reaction of the octylphenol disulfide with phosphorus pentasulfide; 4):Ineutra-
lization of the acid obtained by calcium hydroxide. The additive is a solid of
cinnamon color tion, becoming yellow when powdered, anj:has a~ mol. weight 00,
1200. It was t:st~~d with lube oilIKT-16. It Produced 64 bes2t~ resultsi,whenlused'
as a composition additive in a 1:2 mixture with the sul'tonate additive S'0-3'and
exceeded the performance characteristics of the phospli6rus-containing additives
MN I-IP-22k and vniinp-360. OrIg. art. has-$ 2tables~'and Fillustratfor..t
I qaZ1oVoY P
ASSOCIATION; Institut neftekhimicheskoy. roTs h onno COW
(institute for petroleum chemistry and the gas Industry,
Card 2/2
ij~ r _jT" r
---Cc__----,----AP6005336---- SOVIM OD 56[000/001 674 0074
INVE14TOR: Pg Lk, K. K.; K S' A I
r E 1 11 cd~
qLo '~. t r4 tti G-vto t
MR-r--b - 7 ' -- . - -:. zzz -444~
--I -Ye. Af'&wQsfyev#'A-.- 4)a qmlta~ A. ,
Botkin, P. P.; ~LLkiy�y2_ AL. H. Ze alova
ORG: none
TITLE:- Preparation of Motor all, ClawM~ No.An~74~
SOURCE: Izabretenlya, promyshlennyye obr4zts~; toyam' z n al! 1" 1100 1, 66, 74
TOPIC TAGS: motor oil antiwear m d~fttve
dditive, AeteT'gent: a
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been f uet for a: ~ara,~ j!e :method! ~or ioto
oil, Involving addition of a deteegent ~nd ~an ~~ ;tkwe'ar :S~ I K10 ~the 01 Th
method provides for the use of an alkyl-fortialdehyde c' fln;akioin produc~iavdiof a
dialk I dithiophosphat6 based On C12-C16 al~ Oh 11
y c old as the ~diti*OA. 450)
77t 3, ~:'j
'31:71 ]AL., - 7 T, "i
jj 0010 .00 hWTkM)/T, r)JA4E
ACC NR, Ap6o;%2V ---goURCS.-COM, --UR/dYi8-/66/66b/6C4/6611'/0094
AUTHORS Botkin, P. P.; VIERmL A. B.; Zuseva, B. 8,.; 30 go Papo
5010V Vs As
----I . A!
ORG: none
TITIE I Raw composition of diesel oil additivej
SOURCES Nefteparerabotka i neftekhimiyav~no. 41 1966o,tt-24
TOPIC TAGS1 diesel oilf antioxidant additive$ lubricants additivo
ABSTRACTS A composition of additives to motor fuels was~Aeveloped in order t~ match
imported additives in their effectiveness when taken 4n ilar concentrat'ioni. The
, BVK W)"ar
composition includes the additives xi LMII-3i7 0*2~%). The Bk additive
F-.~ 1 1
is the barium salt of the products of condensat on of allcy ph6hol with formaldehydes
and the LANI-317.additivo is,zinc dialkyldithiophosphate,~in isopropyl alcohol and
C127C16 alcohols. In wetting and antioxidation properti6s, the new composition is
practically equivalent to-foreign additives (those of the Monsanto Co.) designed for
oils of the 'first series of the invrnational classification. i The new composition
also has advantages over antiwearfland wetting seents in'the operation of &.diesel
motor on low-sulfur fuel. The use of the now composition of a&itlves increases the.
motor potential of fast diesel engines and,roduces their,oll oonsumption. Ori art.
Card 1/2 act 665.066.o22.3t6zi.8
Translation from: Referativrjyy zhurnai. Miimiya' 1959, Nr 16, p,414 (USSR)
AUMORS3 Isagulyants, V.I., Tishkova, V.N,, Papok, K.K.'!Zuseva, V.S.
TITLE: Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis of~,Admixtures to Petm'leum
Products. Communication I. The Synthesis of Flienolates of Sulfides:and
Disulfides of Substituted Phenolg
PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-t po pererabotke nefti I gaza I pdlucheniyu Iskusatv.
zhidk. topliva, 1958, Nr 7, pp 378-389
ABSTRACT: With the aim of studying the syntheBis of phenolates of sulfides anddi-
sulfides of various substituted phenols and theleffect of the composItion
and the structure on their properties as admixtures fo lubricants, the
authors synthesized and investigated several aUylphenolater. containing
various quantities of S in the molecule, varlo~is alktrl radicalo anti var-
ious metals. It has been found *that the solubil,lity 0V the phenoLated de-
pends on the nature of the substituting radical~'tand increases with an in-
crease In the length of the side chain in the avoinatir, ving. Phenolates
Card %/2 with a long chain of C), or contAining an aralicyi raditc~L do not disisolve
Investigation in the Field of the Synthesis of Admixtures to Petroleum Products. com-
munication 1. The Synthesis of Phenolates of Sulfides and Disulfi(leit of Substituted
in mineral oil. The most efficient admixtures are phenolates~of alkali or alWi oarth
metals. An increase in the amount of 3 UP to 13 - 15% 1mprovos the antioxidation Pro-
perties of the phenolates. One most active admixtures are ph*nolat~s containlnig a,
tertiary alkyl radical with 8 - 10 carbon atoms. The initial'~~ substituted phenolates
for the preparation of efficient admixtures should be substituted phenols obtained in
the alkylation of phenol by Isooleflnes, but not by chlorinatod paraffin.
S Rozenfel, d..
"A Tiny Plagnetometer for the keasurament of:,VLry 4`eak ~iagnetlp
Fields" I'loscow
Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena,
kay 1956, Svardlovsk, USSR
Au-~11110RS i Vitolin'sh, A., Zush Ya.
TITLEs An experimontal investigation of the of a
trigger made of diffusion-type transistors
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR, Izventlya, no. 3(176),:,1962,
33 - 38
TUT: The construction of triggers made of diffusion-ty-po transist M
with starting frequencies > 10 Mcps is studied. In analojU to vacuum-'ube'
triggers the band width of such triggers is eatimatod to
3/2nC (120.... 240-10 cps. S aI -(30-.,.19) ma/v, is"
2/'UIIU conot
the sum of shunting capacitances (C ~~25 pf). The~~Maxirftum pulse rbpo~itiori
frequency is 1/2 Ty being the recombination time. The quick bperaticiv
of diffusion-type transistors makes quick-acting a,tartiiig and clam'in'
show, in
diodes necessary. The maximum starting frequency ()r tho triggerl n
Fig. 2 is 20 Mcps. The starting-pulse height at the input of t 0 pulde
Card 113
An experimental investigation of ... B100102~i
shaper should be 2.2.v, the pulse height at the trigger output is 2,4 V.:;
A 402 (P 402) and 11403 (P 403) triodes and,diodes wi,
Wi a rocombinati,on
time of 3-10-8 see were used in the circuit. The recombintition timea;,of~
the diodes limit the frequency band. There are I table and 3 figurna'.
ASSOCIATIONj Institut fiziki All Latv, SUR (Institute of Ph. 0U 910
AS Latviyslcaya 33R)
SUBMITTED: may 3o, 1961
Fig. 2. Trigger with pulse ahaper. Legendt (-I tr igl~Pi r; (2) pulse
shaper; Input; (4) output -to second trigger.
Card 2/3
An experimental, investigation of ... B104/810~
Fig. 2 aq
Bxvd L r
Card 3/3.
VITOLINISHS A. [Vitoliner A.)I~Z ~Hl~. [Zuoaj Jj~
Experimental study of the response time of atrigger circuit using
drift transistors. Vestia Latv ak no,,30~--" 162.o
1. Institut fizl3d AN Latviyskoy SSR.
ZUSHM110TICH, L.B.* inxh; TOGUSHOT, LT#I Insh,
Diagram of operating conditions of turbines with double
automatic extraction of steam. Toploonor "tika 7, no.2:
24-30 7 16o. 114M 13
1. Donetskoye otdalanive Goeudarstvannogo tresta. po organizatsii
I ratsionalizataii elektroutanteiye
(Steam turbines)
AID P 4013
Subject USSR/Power
Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 2/31
Authors Zusin S. 1. and Krigmont, V. D.T Engs-0
Title Improving anthracitelculm combustion.:
Periodical : Elek. sta.p Ili 4-71 N 1955
Abstract : The authors report on the remodeiing'of a double-drum
boiler unit at one of the southe rn power p lants. The
work performed on the boiler is explained in great
detail. A two-stage combustion system was Installed.
Seven diagrams.
ZUSIN,E1.1, inzhener; KRIGNONT,V.D., inzhener
Better combustion of anthracite culm. glek,stk.26 no.11:4-7 4155.
(Combustion) (Boilers) (MM 9:1)
Aul 4,'
.. - . 1. jiw;.
7 -s
"AUTHOR: Zusin, S.I. -nd Parfenov, Ye.N.; Eng ineera,
TITLE: Measures for Economizing on Firing Mazut (Meropriyatiya"po
ekonomii rastopochnogo'mazuta)
PERIODICAL: Energetik. 1958, Nr 9,ipp 10-12 006SR)
ABSTRACT: To ensure the proper a upply of air to thd firing choLmbe.r,
necessary for the economical burning of mazut during the
firing of a boilert the draft fan may be:switched on. Re-
gulations, however, forbid this betore tl ie temperitilre of
.the exhaust gases has.reached 120OC',,for,'fear of causing gas-
corrosion at the cold end of the air-heater. A study of old
air-heaters, removed after 25 years~service,.reveal4d no
trace of gas corrosion. The author concludes thai Torifiring
a boiler which has been on reserv6l~!for ~;ess than 24 hou'rsq
the fan may be switched on at the beginning of the~process
with resultant saving in nazut. Where a boiler is.being re-
peatedly shut off on reserve, rapid cooling takes place
through natural draft. To prevent"thisi a swinging valve
can be installed in the inlet of the flue'-gas pumps au:toma-
tically cutting off any natural draft. :Wben firing from cold,
Card 1/2 after a long stoppage for general inlaintonance or major re-
Measures for Economizing on Firing Mazut SQV-91-58-9-4/29:~
pairs, a metal cone may be fitted in~q the nozzle of~the'
burner to assist firing, instead of. txaing~an nil flare.
The cone is heated by the burner flace and causes immedi6te
reignition if the burner flame to exiinguial.ied due to puj-
sations in the mazut supply (Figure's). An-even better Ota-
bilizing device is shown in Figure 4,and consists of~a per-
forated metal cap designed to fit over the end of the burner
nozzle. There are 4 diagrams.
1. Boilers--Operation 2. Fuels--Economto aspe6to
Card 2/2
AID P. 4 1148
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 1/31
Authors Zusin, S. I., Eng. and Krigmont, V.fiD..1 !Eng.
Title Efficient method of elimination of!Mlag
Periodical Energetik, l1,, 1-4., N 1954
-Abstract The authors describe thin method of i.6mov~rig slag f` pomp
furnaces in a molten or:hal1-molteniJdtato4: ~The a~84 i~'
quenched and broken up by water jet4.and!carried away;
by sluicing, which is done continuotinly.,' Five phAo-',
graphs and drawings.
Institution None
Submitted No date
J,Umofts (Engineer)
TITLE: The heat lost by mechanical imder-combustion 10 relation to boiler
operating conditions (IzmeneniyO potf?ri tepla it neld IwAcl i e skim
nedozhagom v zavisimosti ot rezhima raboty kotloagregata
PERIODICALs Teploenergetika, 1058, Na.101 PP. 17-18 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The relationship between the heat loss this to~piochanical under-
combustion and the lon-ath of time of operatimi of Oles,boiler IMS
investigated together with other operating con~ditioiis,oa boilers of
150 tons/hour burning pulverised anthracite. Oe boiler and fuel a :re
briefly described. Men the boilers &re in good condition and
operating normally the loss due to mechanicalunder-combustion is
3 - 4%.- this value in attained 50 - 200 bourfl.after lighting the
boiler. Immediately after lighting the boilme, the lose is 6 - 20,4:
it decreases gradually as the set heats up nuik,as slag is depos~itad
in the furnace chamber. Graphs of 'the relatii~uship botween the beat
loss due to mechanical under-combustion andtll~e lenZ1h of time that,
the boiler has been in operation are given in~Fig.l. The lossr
highest immediately after a major o-verhaul (6trve.l-), is soin6wh4t:
lose after current maintenance (Curve.2.), anil is 'till less after
shut-down, for reserve for 6 It-oars (Curve.3.),~ For a large parli of the
year the boilers under consideration operate itt pen:k:1oad, bu.t~thv
Card 1/2 irregularity of the loading is increasing yoor by bear. A short
,The heat lost by mechanical under-combustion in relation to boiler operatini,
shut-down in reserve increases the lose Irom,3.- 6%F; and recovaq is
not complete until the boiler ha a operated f6i 60 hours. Data ivers'
collected relating to boilers that had been, ftbl-up Wore than 506
times. Study of the data shows that vUen, the time of operation of
the boiler is less than. the time required to attain;ta minimum loss
value, there is a straight-line relationship,botween the heat loss
due to mechanical under-combustion and the number of times that!the~
boiler has been lit. The torresponding graphs~axe given in Fig.2.
The data given in the article should be usefuL in determining the best
way of operating a number of boilers serving P'P'ak loads.
There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATIONi Donbassonorgo
Card 2/2
ZUSIMe_Xjs g, insh.
Dependence of the Amount of heat loss caused by *chanical
underburning on operating con(litione of th6 $oiler unit [with Bummary
in Inglish). Taploanergatika 5 no.10:17-18 0 '584 (HIPA!11:10)
(Boilers) (Combustion)
ZUSIN, S.I., inzh.; FARYMV, Te.l., inzh.
Measures for saving fuel oil. Inergetik no.9:lD-12 6 '58j.,
(MIRA 11t1j)
(Protroleum as fuel)
DOBROTINA, Z.A.,;.,ZPSI V.Ya., Inzh.
Shielded electric cutting of thin MUM otseL varbproIzv. na.3.1313-15
N 164. (W RA 18 s 1)
1. Udainvokir metallurgiahookly inatitut,
Depoaltion of n steel layer on gre-y cast it ron. Avtom. avor.
18 no.5125-28 Illy 165. (MIRA 18:6)
1. ftdanovakly vnetallurgich8skly instltut~
Inzb.; BrKIICYVsKjy, D.G., kand. tekhn. ~ naukr rukovoditol
~Ay; DOBRrjrlNA, Z.A.p kand, tokhn. naukj~lrukovoditell rab6t'T
Nomograph for determining the optim&l opecd,of gai; olactric'm Ietal
cutting. Svar. Proizv- 1203-U D 163, (Mh '-8:9)
1. ZYAanovskiy motallurgicheakiy institut (por Zusin, DobrotirA).
2, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy Inslitut elektrosvexa,~hnago
oborudovanlya (for Bykhavskiy).
11 J-
, , " --: fl-41"
UDOSSIff, Nip, 176USIM daktorf SAVVATSTXV, k#'# reduktor; VYSRKIOTSKrT,D.
tekbu ches; PTYAr+ewo;
ClIlactrLc welder Boris OhapurAoi: a sketch] Zekt rou'varshchik,, Boris
Chepurnoi; ochark. [Xuibyaheyl ftibyshavskoe',oblo' 6s. izd-Y ~ 1952.
14 p. 00
(Ileotric welding)
BAVTATXM,A.; ZUSINA. A.. redaktor; KArAtOT, S., CO'khnichoskir redaktor"
[Mikhail Tolchkov; a sketch) Mikhail Volcbko*-, ochork. (Kyubyshev,~
Xuibyshevskoe oblo goo. isd-vo, 1952 30 p. 0:0
(Volchkov, Mikbail, Movlevloh)
YUIJTBT, A.P;; reda ktor;. SPIRIDON074 N.Y., ~ekhnlcheekiy
redak o A.L,~tskbnicheskly'~redaktor
[Uperience in applied science instruction, in the schools] I'opyta
politekhnichookogo obuchaniis v sbkole. Cru'hysbev] luib7shev~slms
kn-vo, 1954& 113 p. OWA 9,: 10)
1. XWbyshevskaya oblast I Institut usovershoustvovaniya uchiteley
(Science-Study anct teaching)
KOVALXV, Lev Romanovich; ZU-S-INA, A.I., rodakto r; Sliammay, A.I..
takhnichookiy rsdak-07-
(The assault on the Vol-,a] Shturm Tolgi. [X~ibyshev-) lulbyahs~vskoe
kn-vo, 1956. 31 P. (MMA 9 -.9)
(Volga River-Hydroalectric power stAtions)
-AM-M-AP6006 n )2 01,
iswlll re. rv; i 1:11"/06 #6 VIM/( 6/03
AUTHOR: Zuska,, K.
ORGst. fleurology Department,, OUNZt,Kartin og e (~JIM
-TITLE-t-Throwb6phlebitio-of-the--sinUI3 cavernmIff
SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neurologle'o no*' 4 jil jq0!jj'2q,9-3P1
TOPIC TAGS: circulatory syst'aim diseaso, blood!
~a~ ir~Lb6d'whejl
..thrombophlebitie of the: cavemoug oinu~ ext enE. ng lhto! the i
-jugular vein& cau3ed'lnjtaisevere albu'rse Mot4si .4tio", 41, emiw,-4.
tiork. Xt; is shown that even duah a4 appardlntlj,4~ hOPM1080 Oaso loan
be saved by couprehensive treatment and a, full reo0veV.,y a0hieV6d
with the patient becoming again fulty aotive alm,11 capable of
working. [JPRS1
JAY'k.of D.; ZUSKIN Eugenija
Occupational dernt * )aei in pe-troleum refiniAg. Arh. h1g. rad .i
15 no.1:15-25 tC4.
.L. Yedicinski fakultot lijekal I. Skrla narodr%og zdt-avlja
A. Stampaill, Mediclnsk! fakultot SNsw,~.ista uZagrpba.
~Eu e_,njja_Z.U,%)~; [Affiliat;lon not given]
IlLead Intoxication - A Problem of Public Health."
Zagreb, kijAcr~i
~ki aoj~r!_Lk, Vol 85, No 21 1963; p 487
Abstract-: Whila industrial saturnism is not found~la aW 'in Yugoslavia
at present, lead intoxication continues to be frequent due to lead 3~aze
used on domestically made earthenware potil: 11 Caselm were tecorded In
Zagreb in the last 3 months (Vov 62-Jan 63). Revie%'i of literature from
1616 through 1963: 29 references Including 8 Yugoslav, 1 Soviet; rest
Western languages.
CHILMIN, M,G,, prof., red. -'ZUSPAN kand. takhn wa*, I~ad.;=HXOWI
red.; IARI(NOV, Gou, ,talmo red*
[Machine tool eleatrio eq~#pment. A110 2!101'~trlcl machineo arid av'partue
for machine * toolel Vlektrooboru~vanie mst~llor*Or~nhohUft ' stanksoy.
Moskra$ (Fos, quarg. ftd-ro. Ptoll# 391ektrithesIde,mabiny 1. Goaraty
dIJA matalloreshushchikh stankor. 1958 BT . (KIU 1187)
(whohirie ;001$3*
ZUSMUt A D SHADASHOV, S.P.p kand. takhn.nauk, rwt)
OV, G.V,, kand. takhn. nauk., red.
tekhn. red.
(Machining holes on drilling iaachites] Obro~otka otieratii
na everlillyVkh stankakh. Moskva) Mashgimi!4963.~ 129 p.
(~IIRA 1713)
--- 'A.S. 1-1
ZU'WKAN, P.S., iuzhener; ROZZMAM, inthoner.
New products for electric installations, Vest,elektro-4rom,28
no.7:77-78 JI 157. (nu In: 9)
1. ZAvod "Blektrosvet."
apparptue and applinm~ces)
ZUEEM, A. S., and SaIlTsevich, L. A.
"Electric Lighting Equipment for Buildings Liable to'Explosions"
report presented at the All-Union Scientific and Tethaical. Cohferemee on the Electrical
Equipment in Buildings and Outside Installations LiEtble to Exjilosi0as"., 14-19 April'1958,
(Energet. ByuUeten', 1958,, No. 7, PP 29-33)
AUT13DRS:Zusmany A'S-. (Engineer) and Rozentall, E.S. ineer).
TITLE: -New electrical fittings 1. (Nov-ye elektroustano 7/30
PERIODICAL: "Vestnik Elektropromis blennost ill ~(Jouiiial-of -the
Elect=rca -Industrylp Vol'.28~'.No.7v . i957 t ~ pp*~77-78 (USSR)'.
ABSTRACT: The Elektrosvet works has devel d a series of news
ure m2ellio
electiical fittings'. ThOse a f , =vr mat er ial s
such as steatitep amino-plastiest exA etc~.Od or nickel-
plated brass'. -The article describes !a niinber of fittinim
such as switch-socketsp push-button switc~hes, plug-~-
sockets with cover, a delay switch that Leaves staircase
lights on for a limited timeo connecting boxesl lamphold,-
ers with chain-operated switches, lighting fittings for
refrigerators and others'.
There are.8,figures.
ASSOCIATION: Elektrosvet works.
Card 1/1
(Zavod "Elektrosvett)".
MATINj David Osipoviah EdsceasedliPrl n1mali uchautiis's SLAYIN, LoD.N.
insh.; ZUSM, 1,G., Inxh## red.; TATURA, G.L.'s teWwarede
(Technolog7 of metals and other materials] Takhnologiia metallow
i drug1kh materialov. gookva,,Goo.uchabno-padegogoizd-vo X-ys'
pronvimu!sR, ig6o. 44 p. (HIIIA 13.-10)
VAtallurgy) (Metalwork) (NO=Stallic materials)
TSYNKOV, Valeriy Mendelevich; ZUS11-M, Illya louifovic~q ZUIIKOVA,
M.S., red,
(.1afety manual on the tonsioning of reinforc~6mentj Tekh-
nika bezopasnosti pri natiazhenii armatury. 1:~ 1,100kva,
Transport, 1964. 30 P. (MiNk Vi 5
Amino acid composition oE the protein mamb.mrje of Teotudo grae~a
eggs. Dokl. AU SSSR 160 -no.1:232-235 Ja 1654i
(MIRA 18::2)
1. Institut norfologii ;,5hivotnykh Im. A.N. BE, vertsovu AN S3SR.!
Submitted June 15, 1964.
Time'af the formtIon of a communication betweeh the,ttaahea
and pharynx during embryageny in reptiles and llr;-~J~, IiPo4l.
AN SSSR 157 no.5sl261-1263
Aig 164. (WRA 170)
1. rnstitut, morfologii thivotnykh im. A.N. Seve~fsov:~ AN SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom A.'H. Bakulevym.
r.aoloeicAl wid funotioral nigniftermoo of t~a prothin MeAl."e"i
of the egg In the aztzyagansals of Testuda gra-~G,,.' Jzv. AV
SSSR, Sero Vial. no.6:89"08 ~ 1!~Z 165. paw", Istil)
1* Instit'it marfologli zhivoty7kh -1m. Adl. %"rtzova AN SESSR"
7. U.~
Translation from: Refer.-tivnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957,, Nr 12, p 7 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zusman, L.
.............. ...
TITLE: Possib:Lllit-ins :!or Siviring Raw Matefta:La ruld",uprUtio JA Foriv" 1~dtal-
l'Argy (Rezervy ekonomii syr1ya i materialov vthernoym efallu rgii)
PERIODICAL: Plan. kh-vo, 1957. Nr 5, pp 70-76
ABSTRACT: One of the irrevocable lossea in the metallurgical industry,is t6e
waijte of Fe contained in the escaping blast-furnace dust, 'in th~
slags of electric and blast-furnace production, in the waste of Fe
ore during the concentration process, in the scrap intermixed
with debri,-, in irori scale, in hearth cinder, and in the fLue gwi es of
the steel- mak.,Lng The recovery of Fe at Sovietimetal-
lurgical plants increased by 4.4 percent in 1955 over that of 1951.
This improvement waa achieved through the increased recovery
of Fe in every branch of metallurgical production. It is essential
that maximum Fe losses, perminsible in the concentration process
be determined from careful e3timatez. It is also necessary to
improve the quality and the proportion of the agglomerate in the
Card 1/2 charge, to reduce the spoilage and scrap~in the bla4st furnace shops
Economy Reserves of Material 'An& Raw. (cont.
to 4-6 kg, and to improve blast furnace pvoduction in the course of
the next-few years to an average utilization levell of 0.950-0,960,
instead of 0.923, of the Fe contained in the raw'material. The
open-hearth shops should Increase their annual output by 160-14 .5
percent on the average, L e., they should raise. the utilization of
Fe to 92.5 - 93 percent. A reduction or complete elimination of
shrinkage edvitiesin cast steel should be achieved either by rais-
ing the temperature of the --~ -lill-head - of the , ingot or by means
of electric heating. rhe improvement of the purification process
of the blast-furnace gases and the maximum reclamation of scrap
is essential, as well as the solution of the' problem of utilizing.the
primary open-hearth slags, the scaling, aind the hearth cinder
A. ~h.
1. Metallurgy-USSR 2, Materials-Control 3. Production-Control
C;ard 2/2
and A. LEVIN. ...Dnepro-3talle S predIisl. ljo(I Fra:~ora4
ekhn. izdvog 1931- 166 p. (Nauhl 07ikiltir,
Voskvat Gos. nauchn.-t
SO: LC Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl.
ZUS)UN, L. Dniprostall. Z peredmovolu ta za red. S.V. Prapom. "Kharkiv,
Hospodarstvo Ukrainill, 1932. 59 p.
DLC: Unclassi.
SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1. 1951 Uncl.
0.0000 771518
-,_-,(Candidate of Economli,~. Sc 1~.'?
Zusmaqj_';t"._'L rices), and Bro-
A. (Engineer)
TITLE., Economy and Organization of Productlon. Iron Balancei,
in National Economy
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, Nr 2, pp 160-164 (USSO~ !)
ABSTRACT: The balance of iron in the national economy is in'dicitted
by the growth of the national metal reiOxnre relat6d to
iron supplied from natural resourc6s, mi.~tal scrap and by
total iron waste at different staglis oV productic;n and in
the functions of metal fund durirtithe period review
.In 1956, the balance of iron in t i,:, national economy~ was
based on the balance of iron in sul,.-h phalles of industr"j
as: agglomerate, blast furnace, op ,~n-hearth fumacej'
Bessemer converter, electromelttng~ rolling, pipe rdlling,
steel melting, foundry, hardware, electroferroalloys,
metalworking, and construction. It was also based on
Card 1/2 'A'und and
the statistical data of both the natlohal metal
Economy and Organization of Produ .ction. iron 7161.8
Balance in National Economy SOV/133-6o-2-18/25
the foreign trade in ferrous metals~:and metal product's.
In 1956, the amount of iron ore minoi.1 and other rLidi-:
mentary raw matevials px,oduoed co'11,40ned" 145,600,000 tons of
iron ore including 40,900,000 tons that were processed.
In the same year, all stages of productibn and develop-
ment of ferrous metals salvaged 2'70A!,00,000 tons of,
reusable metal scrap containing 24 600,0(0 tons of ir6
P on.
In the field of foreign trade, 4,700,00o,tons of irom
ore, together with 4,000,000 tons ot iroh contentin cast
iron, rolled iron, and other metal jitloduqtsj'Were~
exported; in the same period, 2,100,"000 cons of iron
content in cast iron, rolled iron, 4ind other meta1pro-
ducts were imported. Therefore, W1956, iron exports
exceeded iron import by 6,600,000 tons. The investiga-
tion of the iron balance In ferroLis~metallurgy was per-
formed by A. A. Tsvetayev, and the kialante of scrap w1th
the participation of M. P. Lapitsicaya and N. F. Sklokin.
There are 8 tables; and 6 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metal-
Card 2/2 lurgy (TsN1IChM)
BRODOV, A*A*;..~~ MAN, L.L*
Balance of managanese in the U.S,,S.R. Stitt.' 25 hoi-W68-
172 F 165. (MIRA 1813)
1. Ventralvnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy
metallurgii Imeni I.P, Bardina,
ZUSKW, L.L., kand.ekou.nauk; BRODOTO A.A.,, inxb.
Iron balance in the national economy, Stall 20 no.2:160-164
P 16o. OMM 13:5)
1. TSontrallny7 nauchno-Issledavatel'skiy irletitut chornor
metallurgii. (Iron)
AUTHOR: Candidat~e of Economical Science
TITIE: On the Problem of the Ratio Between the Production of
Iron and Steel (K voprosu o sootnoohenii mezhd-u_
vyplavkoy chug-una i stali)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 4, pp 358-363 (UOBR)~
ABSTRACT: The relationship between thevolumes of production of
pig iron and ateol is discusaod.~It is concluded that
in 1965 the production of steel Will be either b~r 38 or
36% higher than the production of,pig iron depending on
the total output of steel which may be"either 8O.or:90 mil.
tons respectively. In'the ratio.o~ the production of pig
iron and steel the U.S.S.R. is on the sate level:as:
capitalistic Europe as a whole but lags behind Great
Britain and the U.S.A.
There is one table.
1. Steel industry--USSR. 2. Iron indutry--USSR
Card 1/1
1>2 d /z/ 4 -
AUTHOR: Zusman L.L. Candidate of Economic Science so 133-7-21/28
TITLE: Economy of Raw Materials in the Iron alld Steel Industry'
(nonomiya syrlya y-chernoy metallurgii)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957, No-?, pp. 6W~ - 650 CUSSR)
ABSTRACT: On the basis of data obtained from ~ron:balances prepared
by enterprises of the Ministry of Iron a .~id Steel for 1939 51
and 55 on sintering, blast furnace, steel-making and rolling
outputs as well as on reports on the operation of beneficiation
plants, the progress in the degree of utilisation of iron in
the industry is discussed. The following; data are collected in
the form of tables: Table 1 - the composition of materials used
in 1955 in the iron and steel industry:,' Table 2 - iron balance
for 1955 according to the Ministry of t3ge Iron and Steel
Industry; Table 3 - the distribution of, iron according to the
individual branches of the industry; Table 4 - dynamics of
the distribution of iron in the iron and stepl industty i-n a
single production cycle; Table 5 - dynamics of the utilisation
,of iron in the individual production cyoles (without,taking
into consideration the use of by-products); Table 6 1 mean
coefficients of consumption of metal, kg/ton for rolling pro-
ducts; Table 7 - dyAa-iics of the distribution of iron in the
uardl/2iron and steel indudtry in repeated production cyclej3; Table 8
New prices for ferrous metAl scr4p and discardi. SUP 24
no.lOt935-940 0 164. (MIRA l7tl~)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy.insti,tut chernoy
metallurgii Imeni I.P. Bardina.
ZUSHAV, L.L., kAndidat ekonomicheskikh nauk.
"M ~X=Onomlc advant#ges In the productIon of lightwolght rolled seciions.
Stall 16 no.12:1099-1103 D '56. (mu 10:9)
1. TSentrallnyv nauchno-issledovatellskiy inst1tut *hornoy metAllurg'il.
(HollIng (Metmlwork)) (ste4l, Structurni)
ZU-;11A~~ndidat ekonomichaskikh nAuk.
Reonomy of raw materials in the iron indvstu. -'Ital' I? no, ~:644450
J1 '57. LU 10:8)
LTSentral'ny7 nauchno-iseledovabollskir ipstitat choruoy ~nOtal~urgii.
(Iron industry) (waste products)
ZUMWO Lev Lazarevich- GOMIN, I.G., red.; BRUMOV. A.Io, red.izdova;
[Economizing farrorau metals] Nkonomiia chirtykh matallov. Roskva,
Goelmauchno-tekhnsizd-vo lit-ry po ohetno14'tsv*bnoi metallurgilo
1958. 255 P. (ULDA 12t3)
(Iron) (steel)
TITLEs Iron Balance in Blast PumacO PrOauOti0n#~ (Balana thelaza ~v
domennom. proizvodotvel Russian)
P2RIODICALs stall , 1957# Vol 17* Nr 3# pp 264,267
Received: 5 / 1957 Reviewed.- 6 1957
ABSTRAM 5730% of production costs of
The costs of crude iron ore amount to 2
pig iron. The iron content in 1he iron ore which is used In the fur-
nace varies from 35 - 56%- Also the metal additions in which the iron
content amounts to from 50% (relaing slao) to 75-90% (chipp, ~pig
iron 9 oraps) play a cartain part. Also bv. open hearth slag ( 12-1 A I
and mensenese ore (about A, tome iroft is added to the burdevs It is
useful to refer the consumption of allikinds 6f craw watarial and
material to one ton of pig iron arA to oalcuUts it in relation to the
iron contained in the latter* The relation oUthe avvrage~ocntent of
ohtent of izvn U the
iron per ton of usable pig iron to the to+Aa O
raw material used for the proauotion can be taken as a b"is for the
detexmination of the level of iron consu
wption. The investigations
demonstrate that the influence or the blest :hirnaos produ'ation on the
composition of metal has increased, Tblil sho*j mn importAnt pbsitive,
trend in the development of blast furna6e production in the USSR.
In 1955 also 1.462.000 t steel chips were used in the production of
casfj iron and open hearth pig iron &park from pig iron . soraps and
pig iron chips. It would 'be better to UID's the'so for steel production,
Card 1/2
?A 2422
Iron Balance in Blast Puraace Productioru
The sintering of the crushed iron ore is of deolsive imporkance~for
the saving of pig iron ore. The increase of'gas:pressure at; the
furnace top in an important factor for them Increase of the produ-
tion an it reduces the losses due to dust by 20-50% wA at the eirA
of 1955 it resulted in the production with Increassa gas pressure
of more than 70% of the total pig iron outliut. Compared with the los-
ses in flue dust those caused by waste tom on4,& minor part, but
according to their value they foM 1/3 of the toW looses.
0 Tables).
AVAIIABUt Librax7 of Congress
Card 2/2
S11 33/62/000/005/'), "It', 08
AP54/A Zt
AUTHOR; Zuwan, L.L., Candida to of Tachnical~ Sciences
TITLE: The metal stock of the USSR
PZRIODICAL: Stal', no. 5, 1962, 461 466
TEXT. An analysis covering the Soviet ~t~tiona~ oconomy s~upplios shows
that the percentage of ferrous metals (cast and rollpd pro'ducts as well ao: tubes)
IA. ti
amounted to IL4 - 15%, whereas machlner-j, implement'$ meann of, transporta , on,
apparatus and instruments made entirely of ferroils me tale, represented 25.5% of the
total value of the national economy (1st of Januajj'1960/figures). ~Xf construc-
tion and transmissiorr equipmqnt were included in this group, then tM P*,'centage
of ferrous metal increased to 52.4%. Besides, thei'available geological /metal
reserves and metal scrap is also an important source of,~ supply. The sc,rap metal
consumption rate is steadily rising as the result!of a general increase' in metal
stocks and the shorter service life of machine ry, by rapid ;Uch-nical prog-
reess. At present about 15% of the ferrous mztal, products are made~ of obsolete
scrap metal. For 1965 this percentage is expact~d to,increase to 23%;and in 20
~C~ard V15
The metal stock.... A05VA127
~years' tire to 30%. 'Ahis, of course, will lu).ve a considerable e f fe ct Oni, tYR
entire structure of ferrous metallurgy and n7lated Jnd~iutriez, According to
Giprostal' and TsNI1ChM the development cif the Sovitat,ithital.stock Is chlraelperized
by the following data, (numerator: million tons, dwOminatorl
1928 1932 1937 l941 1951 1955 1959, iq6q- 1961
.8 46-7 79.1 120.0 188.0 323,0 )48.0,'' 375,01 404.0
.0 1'47.0 377.3 *~91 .0 W.0 1095,0, 1180.0 1270.0'
'Z,,c per capita z~e ta Istock was 212 1-g in 1928, 700 ~'g in 19110, 9W kg in 1950 and
1870 kg in 1960. In 1928 the Soviet stocks of rwtal,were lower than thoap- of t~-a
USA by a factor of 16 - 17, by 1940 the avrca, rs had dropp-ad by a factor of 7,
1950 by a factor of 5 and in 1960 by a factov of 2."(. Ning to thu rapid advance
in Industry and agriculture, t~4 structure of the Opviat tir-tal stook also under-
went great changes. -Industrial expansion rose frcm 43.-r% (i.j.
1960), the stocks involved in railway traffic doar~ased frorl 54% to
2o,d. (i.i.ig6o); the stocks involved in sea, rliv4r, roAd transport, and," com-mun Ica-
tion -vquipment from :~4% (1.1.1939) to ~?8.1% (1.1~.1960)1. In-ra por,esplta ratio of
metal Iconsumption in agriculture (machinary and,equip.-w-At) rose ki" before
collectivization to 300 kg (be,;Inninglof 1960).,:~ Tim j~ercent,age,of agi-icultural
machinerj of the national r,;ctal stock, was !5% Iii 1929, 7.5% in ~939 4nd incr-c-ased
8/1 )316 2/000/00 5/00 8100 8
The metal stock.... A654/AL27
to 10.3% at the beginning of 1960. Consurnor commodititit made! of metal increa,sed
from 17 kg per capita (1.1.1938) to 6o-7o kg (1.1.1960). -,na.:azructure,accordin&
to the function of products shows two remarkable change~~i the percentage of:'
domestic commodities increased from 3.0% (1.1.1939) to~13,7% (1-1-1960) ,and that
of unfinished metal in stock, under transportation, eta. incre-ased from,:2.41734,
1939; containing only stocks of metallurgical plan'ta and consumers) to:;9,0%
(1.i.iq6o), 1.e. 6.o%, if excluding the metal construi,,tions and machinery on
building sites and in unfinished buildings,, The rise~"in V,Aase latter,~flrgures
is partly explained by the increased rate of metal c6nsump~~i*n In general and
partly by delays in the building industry. Due to the raj~id development of the
Soviet industry, the age of the metal stock is fairl'.' youzigi 2/5 of this,quanti-
ty is nct older than 5 years. A remarkable shift took place in -t;he g6ographical
distribution of metal sources, According to the 19~9 fi;ures, about,42%:of the
metal supplies was deposited in the -central and north- we 4 te rn areas of t~e SU,
about "20% in the DoneW Basin, Caucasus and adjaconi regtons, about, 11% 1~n tile
Dnepr area, about 10% In the Ural, 17% in Siberia,; the #ar-East and Oentoral Asia.
At present 20 - 25% of the metal stock is concentrated in the eastern areas of
the Soviet Union, (Ural excluded), whereas those of the central a:~d north-western
areas dropped to 30 35% (1960). Up to this y6ar the.:wtal supplies of the
Card 3/5
The metal stock ..... A054/Ai,27
Ural increased by a factor of 4 as compared with the 19 1Y) fi&uiv, while the
general rate of increase in stocks was 3 for this perlod~~ Tm, developmxnt of;
the USA and the USSR metal stock can be compared by the Colla4lng data: :(In
million tons annual increase)
Years 1950 1954 1955 1956 1957, 1958 190; 196o
USSR 11.3 20.0 22.0 23.4 23.0 25.0 27.0 ai .0
USA 22.0 29.0 21.0 18.0 19.0 9.0 15,0~ 16.0
T, data on the rRtal consumption of both countries are r,,Iven in a 4-able.,
s.1;,,,,,.,s that the absolute values of cast iron production acre hi&har In
w ' (2,~.
hem,as the irretrievable matal losses are conalderably louer in the USSR; 1,
for 1960 as compared to 111.0%, 1957 and 511 -N, 1958 of tb3 total, caot iron: pro~iuc-
tion) . This means that the USA has to use a greater part, of its zetal stock -to
make up for these losses and that the Increase in Sovie 4inetal tupplies I z gnaatoalr
than in that of the USA: in the USSR from every million ton.;!of cast ii!oo ~Ijljjc~00
tons contribute to t-Ae increase of metal suppLics, whahtas in t1y.- USA only ~.bD,OCD
tons out of 1 million tons ofcast Iron (in 1957).. It ioi eatinated t1-zt Tina USSR
metal stock will amount to 600,000,000 tons in 1965, to "r,20,000,000 - 780,0(3d,coo
tons In 1967-1968, i.e. to 60-65% of tile IMA-stooRs estimated for 'this period.
It is the aim to raise the annual Soviet m*tal prcductlo~n to250,000,oco tons
card 4/5
The metal stock ..... A.4)$4/Aj1Z( i
steel in 20 years' time, which will increase t1le metal siocks ;of this courAtry'to
1,800,000,000 tons. There are 3 tables. The Engliah-languajo reference reads
as follows: A survey and analysis of the supply and availability of obso.'OW
iron and steel scrap for business and defence; Service Admintatration Department
of commerce, 15 January 1957, Battelle Memorial TnstituU, New, York, 1957).
Card 5/5