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R0V0MUIDV',, Mikhail Galaktionovich, Prof., doktor teklvinftk,, Prildwal ucWtlys H&SHCHERrAWp A,,I,, dotsouts ZUUPVI rizoo Prof.1 retsenzent; ORIOtv 'levImt~'otv*r'ed6; XOMi Xlm;;.rluiT~lzd-vaj i K A# L.Sh6 l tekbnarods; BOLIMIUSVAo roA. p :t-okbn,rsd. [Open-pit minin ] OtkryVe gotzWe raboty. Moskvaj~ (!ps.uauobzo- tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po go=om deluo 1961. 474 P. OGRA 14s6) (strip -mini ILMOOLID, V,T&,; POPOV, A.Av; ZUMV4 P.,loo doto, I Stripping operations at the Sokolovlm open tAlt irom ore mine.~ Gor.zhur. no.11:16-21 1 148. 09RA 11:11) 1. Nachallnik Sokolovikogo shelazorudnogo ka~~Irsra:(6r Kl;nlfd~ P.-Glavny7 Inzhener Sokolovskogo zholezorudiol knily ra opov 90 . 0 (S0kDI0VkR(KU8tanaF Provincs)-Strip mining) sov/127_56-li-4/16 AUTHORS: Kleyngolld, V,Ya., Director of thsi~Mino, Popov, A.A.,!Head Engineer and Zurkov,.eP.E., Doteent TITLE: Stripping Work at the Sokolovskoy4 Opelftcaa~t Iron bre Mine (Vakryahnyye raboty na Sokolovsko~'z'nel~;eznorudnoth'karI .yore) PERIODICALs Gornyy zhurnal# 19500 Nr 11, PP 1 21 (us S.R) ABSTRAM The timely execution of strippin 1workal tind the 0~epa iation of a normal working purf4ce for ooonca4t mining 1~ th 4 so- kolovskoye-Sarbay trust were the:ij at important 6ctois in Po ~ starting the production of iron oTo in~,the quaintitios'fore- ~ 5100010001 ton's and seen by the plan (Sokolovdkoye dep6sits * ' the Sarbay deposit - 10,000,000.1cts nt yoar). By~l January 1958o 17,000,000 tons out of the 28,000,000 tons of overbur- den were removed at the Sokolovsk6ye ddposity. The daily volume of stripping,operations gradually increased from - 12 pOOO cubic m in 1956 to 50,000 ~aubl c! m at the ~ end of 1957, This increase was the result of the utilizationi6f now trans- portation machines &nd of an impioved~organizatidn of work at the mine. Roads for trucks and railways woroibuilt. The Card 1/2 authors describe in detail different ~ypss of expavatorep SOV/127-58-11-4/16 Stripping Works at the Sokolovskoye Opencast Iron Oie Mine bulldozers and trucks used,as weli, as the organizAtion, of working brigades., During'the fikil~ ~t 6months of 1,958,~'a to- tal of 425,963 tons of iron ore wam produced at the Sokolovs- koye deposit. There are 6 tables,~~l photo and 2 Soviet re- ferences. ASSOCIATIONt Sokolovsko-Sarbayskiy Kombinat (The Sokolovskoye-Urbay Komb:Lnat) Card 2/2 1. Mining engineering--USSR ZUMOV, P.Ye., prof.; BOGATSM, V.P., inzh. Prospects for developing the mining of B"al slaerite ores lay. Tya, uch. save; gore zhure 5 no.60-8 1%2. WU 151,9) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometa llurgichsskiy;~'nstitIUt imeni GJI Nosova. Rekomendovana, kafedroy razrsbotk~ meat6rozhdonij, polesnykh iskopaysmykh. (Bakal region-.31(Wril,e), ZURKOWSKA., Janina; BUDZYNSKA.4 Maria; (VAROWSKI# A.Iaksandoor Cardanolid-e gl7cosidese II. The content of 4uptive bodies in Digitalis purpurea L. lbaves of domestic orilgin. Arita pol. pharm. 20 no.2:109-114 163. i 1. Z Zakladu Zwiazkow Naturalqch Instytutu Farmaoutyanego w Warazavie Kierownik Zakladui!Dr A. OzarowpVi. (DIGITALTS GLYUSIDES) (CILEMISTRY, MMIACAUTICAL). ZUHKW'3KAp JanInal LUKAJZEWSKIO Mlo"yildw; MAROW15PU., Alokoander CardenoUde glycosides Ill. Qxmnti-tative and qualitAtIVO thin-Jayer chromatogra;hy of digitaliA glycomIdes. Ar~ta p01. pharm. 20 no.2:315-120 163. 1. Z Zakladu Maskow NaturaInych 1astytutu:Fmrmac*utycznego w Warazawie Kierownik Zakladu; Dr A,, Ozarowsk;L, (DIGITALIS GLYCOSIDES) (CHROMATOdRAPHY) ZUIRKMAI -TaAi""UDMNSnj, MkIrial XR(k;ZCZYNSIUP,, WOJ*If)Oh$d eikMIKI, Alakmader Cardaiolide glycosides. V. st~dles Ox a eftplex a active bodies isolated frm Ccavallaria. nutjalla Lo Aeta -pal. pharm. 20 no-4:329-337 163- 1. Z Zakladu Zw:Lazkow Natura3itych btstrtutu Parma-zlentyazuego w Warazawle Kierownik Zakladut dr, A. Ozarawaki. (CONVALLARIA) (CHMMntYv MARPUMICAL) KTftAA;49WSKT, Wbjclenh, ljlr.ASZWXT, !-tlvow, Algi-lu-0--lLn Cardenolld glycoWfie. Via N-t*mAnatlim at' Mgitalie purpiram leavao- after t%e lsolat!o or gltnlin trac'-lonsc Acia role pham. 'a no,381257-2611 1 C'4 a Pitelatkew Nnlturexly~'-ll -w 1-kraiawla (Klnrvwmflk3 dr. Z,. (kAvviki). BUDZMISKA, Maria; Z(!~FWT~ Janinaj , OZAROWSKI Aleksan der Cardenalid, glycooides. 11. Chromatographia,analygis of mixtutt of digitalis glycooides remaining after tho~sepaxation of lanatosides. Acts, Pol. pharm. 21 no.6019-520 164, 1. ZZakladu Zviaskow Naturalnych Tnstytut-a Farmaciputycznego~ v Whrozawie (kierowniks*dr, A. Ozarowski), 'j,rinq- WD3,YV3FA, VAria; OZA.IrUj"KT, AleRvander ("Urtle-nolid glyccoldes. ZVI. Datel=L-intion of tho purity of digi- toxin from various suppliers. Acta. Pol, pharin. 2tno*30CY7,308 164 1, Z ZARTada'Aow 'NaturaInych Ins tytu Lit Farmimityemago w 1,4urazawle (Klerownikt dr, A. Otarawski), Canlmnolld glyconido.s. VIII. Akallne of Imiatovidl C, Acta 1'ol- 21 nc-11055-358 I Z i ru 1-1 Z t; la o -.r I'o t: u -i.1 y c, h -in s t t I t - 'Tif mar-,o:.f rlardonol',,~] glyno r,.otbod for qu, tntl-,ro 1.11 terxin un Jeteini,nat[on In impponit,-,rArm Acta Pol. pham. 21 110,4: 3611-364 164. 1. Z Zakladu Pzi azk-c-,w Naturrdnych histyLutil w Wariz-min (MorrunlIc'. dr. A. ozaruwak04 ZURKOWSKA Janina; OZAROWS"'ll, Aleksapdar Cardenolide glycosides. X11. Quantitative thin-layer chromato- graphy on talcum of a mixture of lanatavides A,9,(,' and D. Aeta Pol. pharm. 22 no.1283-85 165. 1, Z Zakladu ZViazkow Haturalnycl) Inatytixtm Farmaceutyawego v Varsza,wie (Kierownik Zakladut dr., A. Ozar:0lakl)w' KROSZCZYNSKI, Wojciech; LUUBMSYI,, Miecz7mlaw; ZU,-,40,dSKA, Janina; KUWISZEWSKI d Henryk; OZAROWSKr, Alakran ar Cardenolide glycosidea,,IV, Production of ac*Vldig:,'ltdoxin i through aelective acet7lation of digitaxin. A,(~ta P61. pharm. 20 no.2tl2l-129 163. 1. Z Zakladu Zwiazkow Naturalnych Inetytutu Y~rmace~tyeznego w Warazawie Kierownik Zakladu: Dr A. Ozarovski, (DIGITCIXIN) (CHMISTRY, mmcgumr,AW (DIGITALIS GLYCOSIDES) POIAND General and Spocialited Zoology. lnsoetil.~ Posts of Food P Stuffsq Z* Abe Jour Ref hu~ - Bio164iyal, N'6 16,t 1958, 'K6 73 91 Author Mlodeold, i Herwyk; Zurkanka) Terusa- Natgiven In8t Title Data on the Hygienic Eftluation of FOW- ia~sted with Bread Mites - U*'!~ StiAk on the Patho*,okiic Ohntractor- Istics of Food Infeatedivith Broad RI~op ji Orig Pub Roczn. Panstv al zakle,higo) 1957, 8); 116 1, 19-~6, a leas than 2 retard tho',davelbp~ient of Abstract Temperature J~o mites in food. The optin= tomperat4d for~their development is 240 - 290 with 15% humidity ~f,tho products. For 12 days 10 white ratsl~ooetTold In their food daily 20 additional g. of flour O~ontaiiling 146 mites. When the rats were dissected 4ter 12 day-a., no characteristic anatomic or pathoh~ltoloslc changeal C ard 1/2 ~KOSMIDER, Stanislaw; ZURKOWSK1 Andr2 jj WEGIEL, Antoni In vitro effects of Hg, KCH And CO on grariulocytlc:'alkallne~ phosphatase. Pol. arch. med.'.wevnet. 35 no~.~1477~41 165. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Wewnstrznych i Zawndowy~olh Slainkinj Akademil Modycznej w Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. W.:Zahorski)., !I]!! i O-L 1111--P`41 11; if ik,V~ml Ull 1 - 111]"i1i 1 1 lit' Ifl Oi: it SROCZ7NSKI, Jan; PR4OW$Kl..,,,Atdrzej; OMKI., Janusz A case of WFW'syndrome in auriculo-vantrielilar blolc1c. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 33 no.3.1:1289-1296 t63. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych i Zawodawydh Sladkiej AM. Kierownik: prof, dr, mod. MAborski. SROCZXMKI,, Jan; ZURKOWSKI, Andrzejj SWGLA, ftaty~~; A case of Lesniowski-4rohn diseaoe with an aVVical (Iolves and intestinal hemorrhage, Pol, archo sod. v4imet,33 n0.8: 97,U977 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzij,* 81, AM v Tiabrzd Kierovnikt prof. dr med. W. Zahorski 7. Zakladu Anatomli Patologicanej S1. AM w Zabr-zu Kierownik: prof. dr mad. W. Himpoloaski i z Zakladu Radiologii S1. AM v Zabrzu p.o. Kierownikavdr vied, H~ Romanowski. (ILEITIS, REGIONAL) HEMCRRHAGEp GASTROINTESTINAL) ~AUTOPSY) KROL, Vladyslaw; KMA,-F7DIAleksarxtr4L,, TABFA7]r Jerv Mj, Karisnj~, , 0 ZURMSKI, Gwslav. The circulatory systan In shock in recent rdypeardial infarc- tion. Fol. tyg.lek. 18 no.45tl669-1675 4 W63. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Vownetrznych A14 v Krakowie. Xierownikt' Country : POLAND v Category: Pharmacology. Toxicology. Narcotics and i-."notics. Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 6, 1959o No 27655 Author Bojanoviez, K.; Torzecka, W.; Urkowski) W. Inst Title Three Casco of Intoxication with Trichloroothylene Taken Internally. Orig Pub: Med. paracy, 1957, 8, No 6, 405-4io Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 v-4 R- 4A " '4 OR 1.0 .00 lz 0 .3.0 -4 d I. on 44 coo a , d Kc 9.0 .-a wig-" 0 0 ".JA 2 E 0;2; 1 -. 9 - W :xf; 1111-4d!1 pi; 4 r4.3pojjo4 A 0 HIM -0 BWAROVIOZi Kil MITXVSXA, Z.1 ZUBKOWSIX, JO Studies on the behavior-of soolnophilis and lnvgarii~ perlphe~' blood and of serum cholesterol and cblorldds~ln p~pftd ulcer~uder the:influence of desoxycorticasterome therapV, Polskle,' wevn.' 30 no.6:813-815 160. 1. Z I 111niki Choro'b Vownetrznych A.M# w *11 poTovniki P'V" Ot dr nauk mod. J.W.Grott i % 14boratartum P,6,Xo NrI4 Varovalki dr mod* A Viortbovoka, iBLOOD SUGAR pharmacol) (IOSIXOMLS pharmacol) (CHOLISTIROL blood) (CHLORIDIS blood) (PBPTIC ULM ther) (IMSOXYCCRTICOSMM tber I t-I,r. .I I ZUIMKOWSKI, Witold Hereditary polyposis of the large intestine. ?o1, t:rgb lek. 31 no~Z7t 1065-1068 2 J1 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznogo Instytutu Onlcol.o:~~R wMarszowie; Iiierownik Oddzialu: prof. dr. mod. T. Koszarovski; dyrektor Instytutu: 'of. dr pr mod. J. IAskowski. (POLYPI) (DITESTINAL NEOPLASMS) (COLouic I)ISEMES) ZURFADZHIO V,A*oispolnyavushchiy obyssannosti doteonta Youndations for thin-walled composite structlLTes. Trudy RISU no.4:"'I 48 '55. NM& 12: 1) (POWAS-tions) ZURNAWHI, V*A,, dotsent Dedigning foundations of structuras accordino to rated limitfig conditions# Trudy HISI no.6123-34 '58. -kItIRA 12:6)1; (Foundations) Ooil mechanics) ZURKADZHI V. A., Candidate Tech Sci (diss) "Pro'blems'of designing and con- struction on severely deformed foundations". Dneptpoetrovsk, 1959., 12 pp (Dnepropetrovsk Inst of Railroad Watsport higinetrs), 150 copies (Xt No 250 1959, 133) ZURNADZHI, V.A. (Rostov-na-Donu) r i l~ I I : i ii , , , - ;1 1 i i ; 11 IH i~ ~ t II :, -- -- - AM IYEV, V~;evolod ZVF~NADZIII V.A., otv. i,od.; (Mineralovical composition and propert-lea 0k loesol Filneralogichookil sostav i sv4)Jstva lunsovyk-h Forod Rostov-na-Doriu, IId-v,3 RosLovokGgo univ., .1964. 14,) p. A i13; 1) (Roeto7--ne-Vcnu) Ya.D. "Whnual for denignin Ig foundation bpds 4nd 'rolind;iticrl'; rr buJ]dings and structures on *4gging iwllr,,l 14, ~-.A. rtrigorian. Oan., fund. I mekh.grun. 8 nt-.L;~;8 466. (WT, 19:4) DEZHIN, Yurly Vyachaslavovichj ZMMIDZHI, V.A. p dots., kand. tekhn. nauk . nauchn. red 4-SAAK "W" T u. L, red. (Pile. foundations for large-Panel building6lilon stlitglng soil in Rostov Province) Sven" fundamenty', ,krupm~panell- rqkh zdanii v usloviiakh proandochtVkh paUt Rostovskoi oblasti. Rostov-na-Donup Rostovskoe Jmivlu~b'* i 1964. 45 P. S03 ZUR014SKI. M. Adaptation of the brine underlayer metliod in Oreat ~oland',Fat Industry Works in Szsmotuly. p. 203. (MMMYSL SPOZYVICZY. Vol. los no& 5.t may 1956s Wars~vom, Poland) Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No.r. bed. 1957. Uncl. ZURNADZHI M I A,D. Manufacture of composite span girdero viWdry joints Transp. strol. 13 no*5tl7-18 W 163- (MMA 17) I- Nachallnlk mostopoyezda No. 404, (Bridges-Design and construction) (Precast concrete construction), ZURNADZHIYBV, A.D. Adjusting head for fixing vibration drivprs td rolaforaad~ concrete piloo. Suggdated'by A.D.ZurnudzIiisv,4tsA ioohre predl,v Rtroit no,8:68-69 158. 13:3) 1. Nachallnik prolsvodstvenno-tekbuicheakogo Wela, mosto,pyesda No.404 Mostotresta. Po materialam Ministo.rstva transporthogo Btroitelletva SSSR. (Piling (Civil engineering)) (Vibrators) KOWSKI J. It. Klin, Pied., Lodu Ztkl. Mikrobwk., Wroclaw. *40ulyninx anly M!wourowIcy8-mleMIjc2no odilecks. Anti-M agglulltillib In the serum of an 8-moath-ofd child POL.TYQ.LEKA955~ 1010 (M2-1614) Tables 3 The serum of a boy with poliomyelitis of blood groups 0. C, D. E. X. N. P. Le ld#b) contained an unusual antibody, Nine samples of 0 M, 15 of 0 N and 15 of 0 14H were tested. Agglutination took place in 0, 2 and 14 samples respective ty.' IM agglutination was somewhat stronger In serum thain in 'saline. The aukhor'bq,1J*v** that the tested serum contained anti-M antibody and some undefined additional tuati. body. Ntligrom - Zabrxe-Rokitnica (IV 76) DZINCIOLOWSE, Zygmwt; ZMMNSXI, Jany Jr& The role of insulin in dIabetei & attempts tci~repLace it with orally administered drugs, Polaki tygod. lak, 13 na.0083 -889 9 ilune*O. 1. (Z I Kliniki Ghorob Wown. A. K. v lodsi; kisrowriik: prof. dr. na;4k med. J, W. Orott)lodz U, ul. Waryriarsko. (ANTIDIABITIGS oral antidiabstice, comparison wii~Anzu-hn,, reviev~ (Pol)) ULU (114S comparison with oral antldiabeticfhj~ reviow (Pol)) ZURKOWSKI' Jan Anti-K salutinins in an 8--manth-old infasto 1.0alski tygod,limk:.~~ 10 no.50:1612-1614 12 Dec. 0556, 1. Z Il Iliniki P*&iiLtrycxnsj w Lodsi; kisrowitik: prof. dr 1. Redlich I s Zakladu Khrobiologii we Wroclawlit: klar6vaik: prof. dr L. Hirssfeld. Lodz lipcinskiage 40 a. (BLOOD GROUPS, Anti-M amlutinins In inf.) =now- ZURIIA.DZHI, V.A., inzh. Methods for building on highl7 deformable~loundAtlons, Muio atr'oi. tekh. 15 no.6:8-11 Je 158. I.Rostovakiy-na-Ilonn inzhenerw--L~ trot tall r'Iy intitituto (Foundations) (Reinforced annereto conatruction) "Preservation of Fertile Fish P- 13p (GOSPWAMR-IMIA, VoL 6, ~i j I; NO- 1, Jan- 1954. '~,i'arszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East Buropean Acaussiong (MAL), LC,I Vol. 31 No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. AIEKSANDROWICZ, Julian; KEPINSKI,, Antoni; SXOTIIRM~y AMa; ZUROWSKA, A.11na Attempted psycho-aociological &nalyois of lsukamia~,Plltiente. Pol. arch. med. wevnet. 33 no.10:11.17-1121 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrlznyoh AM v KrOowia -Kierownik: prof, dr med. J. Aleksandrowiez i z Kliniki Pw'ychinAxycznej AM w Krakowie Kierownikt prof. dr med. K, Spett. LEUKEMIA) (PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS)", CIAL CONDITIONS) (STATISTICS)~. M ZUROVSKA,, V. (Riga) Effect of molybdic and molyixtic-boron fertilitattain-on changO of~ soil x1cronora. Vestie Laty ak no.,W39-144,i*60.'~ (UX~ 10il) I., Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, SiologijasAnstituts. (molybdenum) (Boron) (Trace elemOnts) (Microflora) (keotabacter) (Clo~tridixm) (Soils) KAHL, Wladyslaw; ROSZKOWSKI , Andrzej; ZTK~) sSajj '~t andin Determination of escin conte nt in various.~tagee' 'of sprouting chestnut seeds by chemical and biochemIcal methods. Chem anal 8 no.4-575-578 163. 1. Department of Organic Chemiatry, Aoadem~-Of Medicine, Warsaw. to' go 6, 94 to a -to 00 RON jt!l 0 -4 #1 1- 44 11 H loi i N N, !~~ I, i .1 71 1; -i;i lih uALli ~i- I i I Czeslaw DIMKIIWICZ, Vladyslaw Yluorescein test in determination of circttiation'ritte In normal subjects*' Polski tygod. lok.I12 no.24-.9?4*q2?tl0 inn# 11 z I Kliniki Phorob Vownetrzrqch AA wtl~akowto; kierownw prof. dr. Leon Toebowles. Adieso. Krakov. ul~~ Kopernika 17. (BLOOD CIRCULATION, doteirminIatton, fluorescein toot (Pol)) (FLUORISCMIN, blood eirc. ratelezt,(Pol)) POIAND/Human and Animal Physiology - Blood C.'reulationo Abs Jour Hof Zhur - Biole, No 7, 1958, 31674 Author Zurowski Czealaw, Denikiavicz Wladynlav~',~ In3t Title ~-afa-R-Bl-oodCir~ulation Determined by Means oC Fluorescein in Healthy Peopleo Orig Pub Polski. tnod, lekaro, 1957, 12, No 241 Oi--921. Abstract No abstract* Card 1/1 LUXV,ISXI ZURNSKI, M. Hickiewicz and Woot European romantialimIji roriwothors' Oic AM the romantio monthettes, P, 11#3# Vol 1, no. 2/3, Apr/ bept. 1956 GACM OBS&WRYWA, V.1.14-M. Warwav, Poland So: tast buropean Accession vol 6, no. March 190 ZUROWSK1, S. Still more about Michal kUdsner, a papemaker in Eldinan In the slxtepnth~ centgry. p. 281. PRZEGLAD PAPIERNICZY. Lodz. Vol. li, no. 911 Sept. 1935 SOURM I I i Tasks of the reading rooms in technical schools and centem P. 34. (LAS POMKI. Vol. 26, no. 3, Mar. 1952. SOt Monthly List of East European Accessionev L. C. Vol. 3, Rc~~* 4, Aprii,, 19.54 I I. I So: rastern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956 - 1 ,; Still more aboul. lachal Eldsnev.. a sixtoenth-centar-y pap~-iiliaker in ?oznan., (To be contd.) P. 185. P12"DGLAD Wars=,,a, Vol. 11, no. 6, Jum, 11~5 5. 30: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, (EVQ, LC, V01. 4, no. 10, Ott. 1955, Uncl. SIAII raort, abotit, 1,101'al 1*1.41~,,crwi%11~111 in ?cjztuL!I- (To be contd.) p. 217. Warszawa, Vol. no. 7, July 1955. 30: Monthly List of &ast Suropean Acc*ssiorts, (f,"'i-Q, LO, Yal 4, no. E), Odt., 1955, Uncl. ZMZYCKA ZURZYCKI, J. Photoocydative bleaching of chlorophyll pigments.In vivo caused by chromatic radiaticoo AcU soo botan Fb1 35 noolsIZ-132 '(4 The effects of simultaneou aotion of the Oort and long wave parts of speotamm on the movemients of chlorolplastoo Ibido 1. Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Jagelloniam Universityp Krakow. USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and p~etroleum. Motor fu6lo. Lubricantsp 1-13 Abot Journal: Referat Zhur Xhimi~a, No 2, l957) 5560 Author: Papok, K. K., Zuseval B. 'S. Institutions. None Title: Effect of Metals on lAqqu.Ior Foms~tion Pr4e4ies ~of oils Original a.0 No PublidatiOn: Mximiya i tekhnol. topliva,, 1956., 5 Abstraci; Foxmation of lacquer in a tbin layer -(150A of oi la HK-22~ AS-20, Avtol-10 and paraffin-naphthenic fraction;df MS-20 oil, on.iteel 20, Va stainless steel, duraluminumo alumlmum,, br!Dnze ixd, copperj'' a itudied by the method of GMT 5737-53 in the rangoi of 250-3000) vith a dura- tion of heating of the oil of 30 minutes-~ Xt who found thit t~e cat&- lytic action of metals on the process of lacquair forvation,depands on the chemical composition and. volatility or thatil and on the tempera- ture. In the case of MK-22 and MS-20 011 Smd th#. paraffin o,:vaphthenic ,Card 1/2 ....................................................................................................... ................. USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Thair Application -- Treatmen 't of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya.. No 2., 1957., 5560 Abstract: fraction of MS-20 oil the strongest ca"st is;steel 20, w ibile for Avtol-10 it is copper and bronze. With Increase In volatility of the oil the catalytic action of metals on the.proceus of lacquer forma- tion decreases. The greatest difference it catalytic action of metals on lacquer formation Is observed at 250-2800. Z USSR/Chamit:al Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. HoUr fuels. Lubricantso 1-13 Abot Joumil: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya) No 2., 1957., 5559 Authtn: Papok, K. K., Zuseva,, B. S. Institution: None Title: Critical Temperature of lacquer Formation OzdgirWIl Publicationt Xhimiya i tekhnol. topliva, 1956., No 3; 70-191 Abstract: An investigation, by the method of GOST 5737-53., of dependence. of lacquer formation, in a thin layer, on beating temperature (Im~the, r range 220-2800), of various oils,, as such and vithl additives. : It Is shown that at a definite tempetatural that id, tritical for each spb- cilic oil, intensive lacquer formation sets in. According to the critical temperature of lacquer formation a cculparloon was made of the effectiveness of various additives f or comiercial oils. Of the Investigated additives the most effective was found to be ZIT-2., which on addition in an amount of 1.5% raised the dritical tem Card Vi pura-bure from 235-2450 to 275-2800. ISAGULTMITS, V.I.; RISHKOVA, VJT.; PAPOK, K, S7ntheoln of pbsnolates of mulf1des and dinolft dgro of *ubstituted, phenals. zv.vy8.ucheb#sav,j naft' i ps I no,11197-103 158, (HIRi 12:5) 1. Moskovakly institut neftekhtmicheako7 I gazovoy prorVi3bleanosti im. akads I*MaGubKna, (Phonoxidee) ISAGULTAMS, V.I.; TISHKOVA, V.H.; PAPOK, K.K.; ZMWA, B.S. Research in the field of the synthesis of additives' for petroleum products. Report No.l: Synthesisvf phenolates of sulfides and disulfides of substituted phenolot TVlAy W no.23;31-41 '58, (MIRA 12:1), (Phanoxides) (Petroleum products--Additivoo) IMP PAPOI, K.K.; ANISIMOV, X.N.; ZU43YA, B.So: IWLOBCVA, KIOY*. Iffect of eaters of unsaturated phoffphinic acids on %be antioxidizing properties of mineral oil. Zhur*'Prikl'khim. 32 no-1:180-186 Ja '59- (MiRIL 12:4) 1. Inatitut elementoorpnicheekikh soyedineniyAX SSHR. (Mineral oils) (Phosphinic acid) (Oxidation') Orwive"A.P.01 FOARRMIPA& ,ii 1~ I. SOV180-5 9-1 --29[4-4- AUTHORS; Papok, X.K.-,,,Anis1mov, KX.t ~uoeva, 2.S. *and 7olobova, IT.Ye. TITLE: Effect of Esters of Unsaturated Phosphinot,is Acids on,~~ Anti- oxidation Proportion of Vineral Oil efitov n4pre- dellnykh fosfinovykb kislot na artio1,.1slPtol'nyye avoystva minorallnoo-o masla) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vrl~l, pp 180-186 (USM) ABSTRACT: Phoaphorus-oreanic compound:7-, improvo the~;propertids oflubri- cating oils. In the present paper~the aulthors describe the effect of esters of ursaturated phosphinotis acids'on tile antioxidizing properties of the 11$-,2C m,nerai oft~.' Th6- ; evaluation of these propertioij wast~perf6rmed by the four .methods: 1. thermal bxi dizinG stability,:. 2. volatilityg 3- working fraction and 4- varnish,~formation (GO~T.:5737-53), and the results were compiled iuto:'' Theiranalysis leads to the-following conclusions'i l,' The antioxidiniing 3f unsaturated phosphivious doid, ester 'are'~Jm_ properties 0 S~ proved: a. with the introduction~~61' the-phenyl ioup in - Ur diethyl, diallyl and dihoxyl este'~s; b~ with'the Presence of the indenyl group in,diethyl a" diallyl este,r,s; d. with of the*ilydroParbon radibal,.' an increase in the length . (frbm C A1 2 to C6) in diallyl and dihexylesters; d' with an increase in the length of the chain of the ester:groiiping Card 1/2 radical (from C2 to~C6). in esters of t qhe fl-butoxiviilyl- 1*00V/6,0-5 9*7 1 -1' '03/44 ~;f,'Lect of Eatern of' Unsaturated Phosphinoun Acidu on the AntloxidaLiop Pro- perties of Mineral Oil phonphlnou3, h 7phanylvinylphosphinotio and ex" phoGphinous acia:3. 2. Auon(; the comliouridd 'A i(p~t ed ai- hexyi ezters of unoaturated phospUnous acids posoess the hi~,Im;f antlaxidizing proportion. Therdaro 5 tables and 2 references I of vbich S sovi04 and 1 American. AS'Q'OCIATIONt Institut elementoorg6icbeskikk soyemv~yvf BSMS(I*L- tute of Elemental Organic Compounds,, e AS US RY SUBMITTED; Uay 23, 1957 Card 2/2 41OV/80-32 2 22/56 AUTHORS: Papok, K.K., Anisimovq K.N., Zuseia, B~,"'S., Tolobova, AN.Ye.: TITLE: Effect of Tetraalkyldiami,des and Dipiperidi4es of Unsaturated Phosphine Acids on the -Antioxidation Properties of Mincrttl Oil (Vliyaniye tetraalkildiamidov i dipipe~ididov nor-redell- nykh fosfinovykh kislot na untioklalit~ullnyye svoystva minerall- nogo masla) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol,XXXIIo Or 2, Pp 358-363 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of diamides and dipiperidid0s of unsaturatea phos- phinic acids on the antioiidizing pro irtied of the oil MS:40 is investigated here. The dipiperidide radical in the compounds increases their anticxidizing property's Phenyl and ph6noxy groups increase the antioxidation prop6,rties only in te~tra6thyl- diamides, but not in'other compounds. "The lengthening~of ~he carbon radical in the group (I-IR2)2 from C to C reduces anti- . ; L i f oxidation in tetraethyldiamides and tetra T6tra- d amide's ti Card 1/2 alkyldiamides and piperidides of unsaturated phosphinia: acids SOV/80-32-2; 22/56 Effect of Tetraalkyldiamides and Dipiperidides of Unsatuiratea PhosphinelAci,ds on the Antioxidation Properties of ffinera.10il have higher antioxidizingiproperties than the'esters of unsatur- ated phosphinic acids. There are 4 tables and I Soviet refereiioe. A530CIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyeditteniy'AN SSSR (institute of Element-Organic Compounds of the U31.1t Academy of S,~Iences) SUBMITTED: May 23, 1957 Card 2/2 5(3) All. U1,11ORS IPapok, K.K., AniSiLXVI K.H., TITLE - The Effect of Thio-Compounds of Uvioattirutekl Amld,3 on the Anti-Oxidation Froperties of *.,kneral Oil tioooyedineniy neprode) I nykh f o:3f inciv~,Ich kialot .%f3io'ki3li- telIny e evcystva minurf.11no,','o magia)~ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy k1himil, 1959, N r 3, 6 5,'j '55 AB3TRACT: The effect of the ditmioethpl othaksli of and thiophoaphinic acidi ap~l rf tht', ~-tler- of phosphinic acids on ~hi~ antioxidratWr. .,;Wupertiwa M~; 'If-, ,,. -20.ia lnw:3ti8ated here, Thr- boUlt Teflult Ulf.. Ilithiont;iyl et!-.Cr ('f t!lu ,A,.ool,hinic ac1d;.,. e no ly, ' The othern, f._" t i,.! o v j. o,;; 12 The."!Iffect of Thio-Compounds of Uzlz~aturatcd rhorplhi nic AeJ."i Oxidation l-roperties of L"ineral Oil There are 2 tables and 2 Soviet referencen. 0 LTBA?.' I T TE DDecember 17, 1957 Card 2/2 28(5) ATITHORS: Sinitayn, V. Papok, K.K.. Zuseva,BisilsoT/32-25-11-34 69 TITLE: Method for the alassifioation of the Ulatility of Plaltia Lubricants PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya, laboratoriya# 1959, Vol 25, Hr 11 ,pp 1349`4351 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A number of methods of lubricant quality do'ntrol used;at present possess-a low reproducibility'., , Aniaeceleratled method based on the measurement of the loss In weight of a lubricant sample has been developed. The latteIr is applied to' a standard vaporizer (diameter 21-4 mm)'(GOSt 573T-53) In a layer of I mm thickness and kept for,'1-3 h6urs in a special the=ostat at a certain,temperature,_ A thermostat with film formation as it is normally usea for::the Volatility determination of oils was used (Ref 1). Vaporizers,with: ring-shaped shelves (Fig 1) were used besidba standard vaporizers. The ToIATIM-201 lubriceat wan tested and It was 4ffe;~:exit In the.' as,09 of found that the weighed :portions are 1 different vaporizers$ which in also .,refl 9!:t ed in the volatility measurements (Yig 2). A eatisfactov,y reproducibility of the Card 1/2 measurement results is,achieved with wei4had portions of the Method for the Classification of the 20V/3~--25-11- 4/691 Yolatility of Plastic Lubricants lubricant of 0-3 - 0-32 9 only. It ras',observed that,the location of the vaporizers in the thorri6stati(loes not affedt the measuremont results (Fig 3), Tolatitlity'determinations of the MVP and MK-8 lubricants, thickened :I.n onp 'Caae by means' of aluminum stearate (sample liquid and in theT other case. with lithium stearate (sample plastics gave diffei~-eat measur'eme~t results under the same conditions, The'duration of the~test is reduced by increasing the test tempe~ratuxa (Table 1,: X-,-' lubricants of types OXB-122-7--5* OXB-12.2-5aq:TsIkT111-201, and 2TsKPa), which, however, must not exaaell tht~,malting point of the thickenini; substance. A eartain no 'kkinbr, teehnique,~ which yielded well reproducible determination;rosults, is recommended (Table 2, results for lubricants of typL"s TatATIM-201, GSA, OXB-122-7). There aro 3 figures, 2 tablbs, find 2 Sovie t references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut goryuche-Omazoohnvkh' materialoy (Salantif1r, Heae rah Inutitg4e, of;Yixels md. Lubricants) Card 2/2 SINITSYII, 7-7-; PAPOIC, K.K.; ZUSEVA, B.S. Method for evaluatirg the volatility of plai;tic Idbricantso iav.lab. no.11:1349-1351 159. 111:4) 1, Nauchno-Iseledovatel"ekly institut goryuche-smm%*chnrkh mterialov. (Iubrication and lubricAnts) Vf I 1 '0' _(~" - ISZAGUIJANC, V.I. [Isagulyants, Vol*] (Leningrad)-. TISIOTA. V.N. [Tishkovs, V9Y*1 (Leningrad); PAPOK, Kell, (Leningrad); [Z va, !!e B.S.] (Leningrad) Investigation of the synthesis of additives Of mi-neral-all products, 1. Preparation of substituted phenol-sulfide and phenol-dieultide~' metal salts. Tr. from the Russian. Xez.tud.k)Dsl.MTA 12 no 39257-264 159. iLul 914) 1. Leningradi Tudomalwagyatem. (Mineral oils) (Phenols) (Sulfides) (Salts) PAPCII, uebastlys: 3WWBIX, A.P.; UAMAROVi A.-V-; Properties of MT-16 olle obtained from differvAt crudes. Xhim. I tekh.toplel masel 5 no1606-39 is 160. (NDA 3J:7) (lubrication and lubricants) S/081 62/000/005/083/112 B162YBIO AUTHORS: Papok, K. Kop Zarubint As Pop Zuseya B 1 3 Daniling V. P.i Zakharov, G. V., Kuznetsov Ye. V.1 23fia-vtesiijj~ A. Go TITLEt Set of methods for evaluating the effects. of'additives on the operating properties of motor oils PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiyal no- 5, 1:1962, 528-5299' abstract 5M216 (3b. "Prisadki k maslamA t6plivam"'O M,j Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 251j-263) TEXT; It is proposed that the operating properties,of motor oils,' cohtaining additives be evaluated by a series of laboratory methods consisting of 3 groupst (1) micromethods (total coAsumption of oily 10 ml)p (2) tests on Pi'-12 (PZV) and (PZZ) apparatus (tohal contsum-ption 6f oil, 0.5 1) and (3) tests on the0-19-5 (IT9-5) andilr9-3 (M-~) single,~ cylinder engines (total consumption of oil, 2.5 1)~ The first grot 1P covers determination ofs thermooxidizing stab*lity and coefficient of' lacquer formation 00(-T4953-49 (GOST 4953-49 ) and V6CT9352-60 (GOST 9352- -60)), motor volatility, active fraction and tendency to form lacquer Card 1/3 s/o8ij6'2/o0O/0O5/OB3/112 Set of methods ... B162151 01 MCT573~-53 (GOST 5737-53)), thin-layer evaporation:of the oil c:fj,r 6674-58 (GOST 8674-58))t oritical~lacquer forma~tionztbmperature ~Method described) and the scale-forming properties by ovopprating 0 1.2g of oil in an aluminum cup at 4000C until a carbon reDlidue is formed, (method described). On the P7,V apparatusi they evaluate -the washing properties of the oil according to 1"'XT5726-52 (GOjr 5726-52) and j~the emulsifying properties (method describodi). In the 'test on the PZZ: apparatus tha oil is mixed with air and circulated at 1500C through'a cell with lead and copper plates, and after 2 hrs circullition the corrosion of the lead plates is determinedl the sediment in the 6il on diluting:*,'ith isooctane and the evaporation of the oil during theltestl(method depcribed~ I out by the HII GSM.20 On the IT9-5 engine primary motor tests are carriedt method for 20 hra, evaluating the formation of laaqaer on, the pisto~n and the corrosion properties of the oil from the loss in weight of the!lea& plates in the cell through which the working oil oi;raulates. On the IT9-3 ongino the soale-forming capacity of the oil is,evaluat6d by the PZ1 (method described), by which the quantity of zoalo~on aluminum surfaoes' Card 2/3 S/081J62/000/005/083/112 Set of methods Bik/BlOl in the precombustion chamber of the engine is determined, the oil being added in a quantity of Y;4 to the fuel (T.'-l (TS-1) or white spirit) and 4 five-minute tests being carried out for each oil sample.i The results of the evaluation of oils with different additives Ubing t~eae methods are given. I-Abstracter's notes Complete translation.) CArd 3/3 :A_ 5-m :31'_.21 .39531:~ S/065/62/ooo/008/003/003 9 "7 00 E075/El35 AUTHORS: Papok, K,K., and TftLE: 'A new method for evaluating the det*,rgent~ effectiveness or additives PERIODICAL: Khimiya I tekhnologiya topliv i.masell no.8, 1962 66-70 TEXT: The reserve of detergent potentiall,:of lubricating oils was-evaluated by the proportion of a standard deposit- forming substance which the oils can contain without:forniation of large insoluble aggregates. The tests were:conducted in ek cylindrical steel vessel, 50 mm high, 27 mm, in~diameter, covered with a metal cap with a central hole 1 mm in diaiteter. The: cylinder is filled with 5 m? of oil and heated at 250 *C for 30 min. The oil Is then dissolved in 45 M e or benzine and filtered through a filter "UJOTTR 11 ("Shotta"),J'no.4. Increasing amounts of 5% solution in mineral oil of the~standard contaminant -353 (B-353) (ester of dialkylphenoldittiophdisphoric acId) 'are; added to the investigated oil and the maximum~rpropbrtiqn of :the contaminant found at which the filter is not coloured or only, Card 1/2 SUN A new method for evaluaiing the ... S/065/62/000/008/003/003 E075/E135 slightly coloured. The detergent potentiai is given:'by X 10 100 where is the maximum quantity of the standard conAaminant In percent weight added to the oil under investigation.: Yo ens-ure that a given detergent oil performs satisfactorily im.thermally stressed engines it should have a high thermooxydatio'n stabilit (above 80), good detergent properties as determined by fl,113 (Pzv) apparatus (0), and high detergent potential (above 60)., There are 3 figures and 3 tables. Card 2/2 4:iali, i il" k, PAPOKI N.H.; ZUSEVA, B.S. Grade estimation of various kind of olla b7Uboratory methodo'o KItim. i tekh. UPI. i masel. Sjno.3t62-" ffr~t63.~ (MIRA 1634) (Lubrication and lubrican-te-Te8*1,J) -