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dr inz.; AUGMS)TYN, Aleksanderi mgr inz.; KORNECKI, Jan, mgr M. Research on water separatqrn f6r thi) draihitg:~Iveb ori paper machkires. frzegl papier 21 no.4%93-97 Ap 165. 1. Wroclaw Technical University. Submitted Ootober '1964. m Doncentration.Of '02 in j~ases of a rota'7 Purnacri. Ue decompo3ition: an IWdrite. p. 481. (PRUTMM c'I:E-I,!ICZiY, Vol. 3.0, liolo Sept. Iarstm-ra, X: I',:onthI7 List of East Em-opean Accessions, (ZEAL) I-C, Vol. Dec. 1954, Uncl, z IJ 1","iV, Jn,,h, r) vc, j -hrit.r. 35 nci.7; ~ -L r, ionn Ili-16 J1 164. I. Inott-tilt cbm-lont',j irs-,ttilbiv I.Q.."anlymnip 1"chlokala llar(rlnnyn~ "27A 2 f8 Zuraoar;hvl.],i, A. L. X Vopromi Co Zx1';11tij1onnqy '.t'sikhwtr11 Trudy, (Tailis Gos. Ved. In-T) , T. V. Ir C. ;'5"1'.'--55-?1a 3rwi. a Joz"alme Ile 'Rus. Yoz SO: Letopist, No. 30, 1949 ZURAWSKI,, L. : CREODRASZCZUK., M. Centrifugal Blowers in Cupola Furnaces, p. 2060 SILIAK, Karel; BOWWICZ. Kurt Wol; OODLWSKI, -Julian; ZUWSXI. Ludwik Gas* of Graves-B&sedow disease treated with riidloloflifts.~ Pollski. tygod. lak. 12 no-15:560-564 8 Apr 37, -(Z Zakladu Indokrynologii w Pradze, kisrowoiiik: "c HUDr Karil"Silink I 's III Kliniki Chorob Vownetrzo0ch. ANN. 4 Krakowle; kier-ownik: profq dr. Julian Aleksanorowics). Adres: Krakow. III Kl.'Chor. 'We4n. A.M. ul. Upernika 17, (HYPEURTIOIDISK, therf WAftollodim (P01)) (IODINE, radioactive tier. of bnpertbyroidism (Pol)) ZUitA-'dj'Ki , Zbigrilew SLudlas on Vie catarmination of the poridanible nut-.U.-r of' rotittLorw ror tae cqu--Ic ot a thrue-,Iav latte the 1-*u,rm 1-250 type. Mealmaik 37 no.b.Supplemants Biul inst obrob Araw 12 no.5056 JO 164. nz rn the crrctrlA,--~,,cn of sa,-,-t,lcns in Rt, 1. Tec!in DURAN, Taroolav; MUSIL, Rudolf; SEKANIIIA, Josef; ZVMN VI :Plirj v4lt UIVULurlir TRACHTCUC, Jan; VCDA, Oldrich; CHLU~PAC I PWEX, Jiri; ZAN, Lubor; GASPARIK, Jan Activities of the branches of the Czechoslovak Socisty for Mtneralogy and Gfkologyin Brno., Most., Olomoue-I Ostrava,, Praha and Zilim. Gas min geol 7 no.3085-392 164210~ t"44 ZUREK, Atold; ZAORSKI$ Mchal; STAIIISUPS, Studles on the laboratory method of deLe.mlming th~ yield of ocoured wool. Przegl w1okien 18 no.lt5-10' JOU ZUREK, Witold Standards of American Upland Cotton (Universal Cottqn Standardo) in the light of laboratorial research. Przegl w1okien '17 no.8s255-259 Ag 163. i i SZEMK, Halina; ZUREK, Witold Correlation between the type of the pattern and the friction drag of tissues. Przegl vlokien 17 oo.7s230-235 J1 163. 1, Technical Universityo Lodz, ZURKOWSKIl Maciej Investigation of the parentage of cattle baalod on-the knowledge of blood groups. Postepy nauk roln 6 noAs5949 N-D 159. (EEA1 9S?) 1. Zaklad Hodowli Doawiadozalnej 2wierzat Polsklej Akademdi Nauk (Cat e), (Blood) J, 1)), Zurakowski M. 13. Se. Janicki J., Prof. Dr. and Zurakowski M., B. Sc. (Eng.~ 11polish Tanning Materials and the Prospects of Exploiting Them." (Krajawe 13urowce garbnikmv oraz mozliwosci ich eksploatacji) . Przej,,lad Skorzany, No. 5-61 1949, ~pp. 2-8" 10 tabs. Description of results of experiments vith bark dried preserved by sulphonation. INecessity and possibility of building an extraction plant i~ Poland. Authenticated data of the quanity of tanning materials available in the country.- SO: Polish Technical Abstracts No. 2 1951 0'7 C 1 !-1 1 Zurakowski ff. 7urakowski M., B. Sc. (Eng.) "Research as to the Valud'of Oksr Bark ford Tanning Purposes." (Badanie wartosci kory wierzb krzaczastych d1a prz*Mtslu garbarskiago). Przegla Skorz No 1-2, 1950o pp. 2-7, 2 figs.., 8 t1lbs. The article gives full details of the research work cariied out in 6rder~ to de- termine the utility value ot osier bark from species gri,~Ywn i~ Poland. R48earch was carried out with the bark of one-year shoots from two of the ispecies most cos6mon in the country, i.e. Salix viminalle and Salix americana. I The following data were deter- mined: proportion of bark to wood, moisture content in'the bark, quality and quantity of tanning material., optimum drying conditions.. method of stripping the barkt;and con- ditions for obtaining tanxiing extracts. A draft of comnerical standardo'for.osier bark for tannage purposes has been drawn up. It was found that Salix Viminalis is much more valuable for the tanning, industry than Salix americana. SOI Polish Technical Abstracts No. 2,1 1951 AKM4ANY K.; ZURAKOWSKIp S. "Cyclone heat exchangers for heating the klin batch in the.production of sulfuric acid from calcium sulfate." p. 427 (Przemysl Chemiczny) Vol. 12, no. 8, Aug. 1956', Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EUI)~LC. Vol. 7, no. 4P April 1958 =UVFMV, Te. G., periodicals: WDY Vol. 6, no. 3, nar. 19513 ZUREK, F. Increasingcapacity of a ball mill. p. 100. Yonthly List of Last European Accessions (EEAI) LC ITol. P,, no. 5 Mvi~ 1?59j, Unclass. 7UREK, V. Preliminary report on the geologic mapping of the northtrn prtzt of the Trtiov basin. p.133. (GEOLOGICKE PRACE; ZPRAVY, No. 9, 1956, iratialava, 6,'echoslavakia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessirns (EUI) I.C) Vol. 4p no. 12, D~-cembe r 1~57. Incl. CHOKICZEWSKI, Jan; MNCIKOWSKA, Alicja; KUIARSKA, Irflon; LRWICKA, jola!ata; LUFT, Anna;'NOWAK, Krystyna; STSTKUMICZ, N't-unislawo, 44, nw,"TIIIJ MkWwi Characteristics of Cor~nebactarium diphtheria* stralr.s from end"'Mic' focus in Lodz in 1955 & 1936. Przegl. epidamoo' Wnrot 11 no,4:317~-)ej 1957. 1. Ze stacj~ Sanatarno-Spidemioiogicinej M. t~djzi (Itr:rektor: Ar~! J. Unak) przy wspoludziale: Inboratorium Gzpitala Zakstwageo imi 3, Bieganskl,4go i labor;torium SzIpalh Dzieciecego im. J. Kor(rsllka.:L (GOffnUCT]IRIUM DIPHTIMIAI characteristics of Polish strains (POI)) MARKOVIA, Janina; RAFXK, Alfred; POPIELA, Taderuoz~ ZURHKi Wieslava Studies of non-bacterial ostoomyelitls and~arthvltis. Chir, narzad. ruchu. ortop. Pol. 28 no.7t997-1005 163 1. Z' 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademi:L Redyeznej'w Krakovie (Kierownlks prof. dr. J. Oszacki) i z III gliniki Chirurgicz- nej Akademii Medycznel w Krakowle (KierawiLki prof, dr, J.Jasienski, (deceasedJ), I il -1 If 0 1, 41 1 ;If i Is F r-t, 'I., GI t, I ztrmwsfa~ 1z. A Sinple Method of Kjasuring Static Stiffness of bithe-Work-Tool SysU.,ma Source PRZ~GLAD 1,!.--,'CIIANICZNY (Mechanical Engin-Bering Review) ~Ioland Volw XII, No. 10 Octob,,r 1953, 339,- 170 ImmmmmmmIlImmmumm ZUREK, B. "&-peri?wnts in BaieL~zing Ro~d Tarstrl tto be contd.) P (3:L6c-3l6d) (DROGOrMITIM0, Vol" 8, No. 12,. Dee, 1953. Warmaim, PoIQ)., so; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (HM)#lLC, Vol. 41 No.~ 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. 8/1 37A M000/00-1/0 17/2-17 AM64)/AlOi AUtHORSt MazMek, Jan, ifirek,'Irantliek TT=r Dlsp4ried ilemonts �d ore ooncientration PERIODICAL: ReferativW zhurnal, Metallur giya, no. 1, 1~62,- 6, abstract~iaW ("Rudy", 1961, '2','no. 8, 288-291 (Cheah.;- Xifis., derm. aumm",r) TEM The authbm studied the location of certain rare and dispersed: elements (In, Ge, Ga, Tl, So, To, Co, B1, Cd) in Cz'sohos.lo'vak p*~Iymetalllc sulfide ores aiid- their course and distrilyution in various!: concentration products and"wastes', and-also in the metallurgical r4duction of metal concentrates. The, d6finition bf*the term'"d1speraed element" is given. Aw Shmeleva [Alstrdater's notes Co6plete translation] Card 1/1 z i Lines of development of mechanization in sea fisherJes. p. 219 (Technika I Gospodak., I-Iorska. Vol. 6, no. 8, Ajr. 1-956. G&n:~k, Pol.-~d) Monthly Index of East Puiropean Accessions (FUMI) IC. Volo 7s~ noo 1) February 19,q ZUM, B., KOKOSINSKII J. "Research on'the application of coal dust and offahore.vand an mateaial for pitch mLxtare." Diuletyn p. 1c. (MCGMIICTvrOt Vol. 8, no. 6l June 1953, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Month],y List of East Earopean Accessions# L. C-s Vol* 3, No. 5, E~Y 1954. Uncl'~' i ~17, BAK, Stefan, ZURIK, WissUm, Krakow Action of pendiouid in endarteritis oblitarmm, rrsegi.limk. Krakow 11 no.8:247-250 1955. 1. Z Il Klinlld Chirmrgleamj A.M. w Krakowis. Kimrowniks Prof. dr. X.Nichejda. (AIMMMIC DEUGS, %berapeutia use pendiould in endarteritis obliterans) (MM&REM?IS OBLITWAIS, theraW, pendiould) zum, 14 "Endurance of wool yarn in the functions of texUle parpmet-eis.11 p~ 252 (Przeausl 111okienniczy, Vol. No. 11/12. Novo/Dec.j 19530 Lodz) SO: Monthly Lipt of East European Acceosions, Libr-ary of Con ~rsss,'Vol- 3, No-~ 60 June. 9 1954,; ''incl. i I I . , I ; t r 11 . I i , 1 : I i i MARKOWA, Janina; ZURMC-GOMULKA, Wieulawa A A 00 00 'A lee 00 00 t -00 -so 00 '"m R&U*W Haituilk cut" 16ir Open-Umth rffmo~ P40k; *0 )('Ipptuky and A. Zu;lxaka.,,. (Stal, 193,13, No. [0, pp. 334m).' The authors criticise the curves suggestal by other invetilgators 00 01 and prewnt a new curve for Oe hosting Wopen.hp*rth rumace 0 00 rooto. The complete cycle takes ftm "M to 70 hr. ((6r dinu J ~6 bricks contalWult VV% tMymfIe) W 100 fir, (for briekii onmCnining! IIX)-l. cyistobafii~), (in Russian). SOIN it-fiI Me we i4i too 1_!.!. 111111.1,4041CAL LOWMAN CLAWMAISON W40 0,1so m A S A V IP a a x a Or aPI'd it 0 0 im00 im 04, 0 0 0 0. 000 q 0 woo wo 0.0 0: wo-O 0 w4p 0.000 !G 00 00 oo OOA I a 008 004 SOU *Sol p a 7 751 #mope UN0j, tb* mWWWvA I L A 00 and kfAm W14h mug, J" Wit A !Q 1 04C 1 000066100600006 0 a 0.0 WO a 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 4 G 0 0 0 04 :00 00 t 0 LP k smi4 0* I t" too ~m x 0' it- 4 on '00 CA4 4W"W, Is. moo Vol, ao* b.p. I at irkieb.4viatmimpo lap"00001UN 4cose Po- goo b"dom ra to tiv I ).Mm I with ROOM goo 1600" "1 b A!, a k see If A with .9 0 0 0 MCO 0 1 00" WOO Not ....... &W owl a Co 04 W W 00 00 00 00 00 00 Okla 00 00 P4*mf* , t 10A SIV* -i 00 io 00 00 00 00 tam 00 00 00 00 00 14 T. V. I,.;, 00 00 so 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 oo 0 0.01 o olov o u so 0 wo 0 0104 1 0 MAIRAW IFXX N MxZX-A Igm I : : zM11111OV, . G. "A-Thermal Investigation of One-Component Systetis ?orw.--d trf the lfifrher Monoacld Triglycerides," Acts, Physic., No. 2. Vol. XXI, 1946. Acad. $ci. USSR, Kurnakoly Inst. of Gen. (Inorg,) Chem.j Moscowj C1914.5-i ZURINOV, G. "A Contritrition to the Discussion of Polymorphism or Higher. Monoadd Trlglycer~deo' Dok 101, NO. Is 1946 Vol. XXI. Acad. of Sci., Kurnakov Inst.' of Gen. Inorg=16 Chem., Lab. of Ph.;sico-Chemical Analysis of Organic Systems, Moscow. c1945-, nj fI I 1 0 0 16 it It 1) 14 11 kiI -J.-L- I., Ais 'r.. a.- A, I, 1 t ~2. of 00 00 L loo 0of Malmo two" i" as W -G. RavitVA "I :00 dL 190 OL 321-434. Ct, I 4IM- IAN 010 k davio Mitt -00 b"i I ptikwo-Im 09 st wu 40"If.. 40 - - W. 4181hootd* duywo: 466, "0 16-W 67'80 M w1r, too 0 (Ow ntp. of the v OW Ow" an thow p"olov* tam ed a 0 -W. -4v to jo 0 to 0 Iwo "Pi -1 1.~LvrOCAL Ut(Offlott .$VfocjTfcp ii't 44 to V .4 'IA w 0. 0 41 0000 0 040 0 0: X A y A V po ":If vt 00 W IW oft 4114 tot! it" 40,14117 -The 00 dc go 00 do-to It" 44 4&-401; Log MLP. at phammis am nc"4*4 -d the ~dj~o$~ 40* to ~dd4r 60 0 1 too too 100 t- 1r 9-0 -7,-- q- IV o -w- 1 3- - V A It o"T"It" - I*. 'S' 41 A 5 ft py It m ME 49 A A a PC ti U ki $9 14 0000 0 00 000 0 00 0o0 0 09 * 0 a 0 oses 0 a 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0 49 0 o: 6 of. 0 00 0 0 Vf- AUTHOR: Not given FA - 2874 TITLE: Dissertations (July-December 1956) Department of Technical Sciences (Otdolenile tookhnichi-skikh nauk, Russian) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSRp 19579 Vol 27t Nr 4i pp 132-133 (U.S.S.R.) Reoeivedt 5 / 1957 RevIeweav 7/ 1957 ABSTRAMt The following dissertations were hold at the Mining Institute: V.G.DERKACHs "On the Causes of the Process of Itagnetio Enrichment of Weakly Magnetic Ores". In the course of thfis dissertation the mathematical dependences existing in oonnectiom with the characler- iatic features of the processes of magnetic separatim were deter- minea. M.U.CHMOKOV: "On the Investigation of Rational Methods for the Utilization of Granite Deposits for the Production ar Piece Material". In the Institute for Complex Transport P=blews N.SeZURKOVs "The Investigation of the lnflueno~ of -the Proper -Ut11U-aT1-6n of Transshipment- and Reloading Polnta",. Card 1/2 PA 28X Dissertations (July-Deoember 1956) At the Institute for Meta-Mrat S.M.ANDONIEV3 "The Evaporating CooUng of Metallurgical Furnacoe. A.J,POLIAKOV.- "The Physical-Chemical Rulais goir-arving the Produotion of Vanadium from Castings containing VanaAiMP,' ASSOCIATICK: Not given PMENTIM BYt Sm wrl t AVAIMLEt Library of Congress card W2 o Zo, Fir, I t te,- 3--6 IL, f r I m 1 r* 4r: t'jo. f tit lildili -A 1 47'r prmi C,~ W Marl- Zurkov, P,,P, "The Irtforking of Iron Ores Hagnl-togordk Mining Hetll- Popov, S,I by the Open Pit Method" lurgiatil Institiate Iiieni Golovin, G.M. I.Tosov Karpov, A.F. Nikollskiy, N.A. Shitov, I.S Mychev, V:V. Ogiyevskiy, VX. Treyvus, Y.H, Shtrpmt, A.A. Trof imov, G.V. Fushkarav, G.I. Markman, N.Ye. Tikhovidov, I.I. ZITRY=0 'E. BULYGM, T.T.; GMVIN, G.R.; Zwor. URRN~ III- XOL'MaT, N.A.; OGIYW 17 'V.977""O. s I.;!!' VOWMI. X.N.; WITOT, I.$.; 212M , A.A.; ZUMOV, ~P.I.: 165*4idat'i tekhul- cheeklkh nauk, redaktor; ICOMPAINTM, T.P., b&Oldat lekhni- chaskikh mauk, reteenzent; MOOT, P.T.. kavdid&t t~lffinichglkikh nauk, retsenzent; IZONNIKOV. A.M., lmndidat ts0iMc6okikh nauki retmenzent; SAUMT, I.G.0 kandidat takhniche4lkh iwk, reteen- zeni; RIKOLATXV, S.I., retsentent. (Kining Iron ore by the opencast nethod] Rasr's6bo tka ighe Is znykh rucl otkrytyx spooobou. Pod. obahchei red* pe 2.%urkov'u, Overdlovok, Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chervol itavoinoi matallui- gii, 1953. 6J2 p. WaA 7:6) (Iron mines and u1ning) ZURKOVj_?_jL,-doktor tekhn. nauk,. zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki i tel-amiki RSFSR; BOR(RCHOVICH, A.I., kand. tekhn. neuk Type and size of pumping stations for coal afid orO mines. Shakht. stroi& 8 no-4t8-9 Apt6l+ (MIRA 17.-1) 1. Nagnitogorskly gornometal:Lurgicheskiy institut, T TROFIMOV, Georgiy V.~ad Lm" lij:: Jy !1~ ~Hkvl. red. dAto: n. ral [Calloction oe pr,)blem.9 on m~.mi heMlagel Jbarriik za-. dach pi) karlernomu tranoportlu. Ilookimp NeAl-ij, tvl p" ~1. 18: -U) prof.,-dokto eyu!~oj-'; xi~.u toklhniki ZURKOV,, P.f r- takhn,*,:navl~~ ZUOIU2:6=~!~!O _WS11; TOGUNOVp Tu.v#j- d0tvant!jAcindi tivkh"I"~1nauk~ 1~,,Iymsxiy~ kand. tekhn. nauk; KONDRATENK01, V..P..; TIMOV~DDV dotso~t; RUDNIK, M.I., gornyy,inzh.;. KOfiKUNOV, 608.,,: iiornYY:ihzh.'; Rk~'ITSKiMr L.Gop gornyy inzh.;,ZAGIIRAYEV,, G.s gornyy f!ekhni't', Concerning the book by N.V. Mellnik v an MatoWnko Enoigy of the blast and constrkiction or the churge'1,4, UgOl noolot. 2- 63 0 164, (MRA 117:12) 1. Ifachallnik kombinuta,~Ghelyabinskugolt (i4lon~'I nko). 2. Glavnyy inzh. 1,%gnitogorskdgo riidnika. (~,cj-~iik&odov). 3. Permakly politekhnichealdyInstitut (for ~adnl~, Korkunov 4. Beremikovskiy sodovyy zavdd (for Racbitulkhj U rayev)' 9u MMINIKOVP N.V.; SLEDZYUK, P.Ye.j ZAVOYAIDV, S.S.; BUJIINP A.I.; VASILIYEV, M.V.; NOVOZHIWV, M.G.; ZURKOV,-,P,~~E.; ILIIN, M.V.;~ VILESOVI G.I.; POPOVp S.I.1 SANDRIGAYWv N.F,; SHILIN,, A.N.; ZUBRIWV.. L.Ye.; TSIMBALENKO) L.N.; VLOXII, NI~Pq OMELICHENKOp AX' Mikhail Lazarevich Rudakov, 1912-1964; an obituary, Gor. zhur. no.9:78 S 164. (MIRk 17t12) BUAREV, Vladislav Mikhaylovich, kand. tekbn. rwdc: Vladim,li, Vasillyovich; ZURKOV, P.E., doktr,.-tekhr,. rauk, prof., otva red, (Efficiency of mining apatite and nephtdina iorot; by the induced level cavine, oystem] P~'fraktivncatl eazraI;*tk.1 apatito-nefellnovykh rud Bistemoi nogo obrusheniia. Mos~va., Izd-vo "Naukn," T9611. 97 p. --TY-0, 17- F3) ZURKOVp,P.E.j: doktor tekhn. nauk, prof,; YELENSKIY, S.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOTOVJ V.N.; KONDRATENKO, V.P.; SOLOVIYEVY PA. Book reviews and bibliography. Dozop. bruU V proih..S no.11: 56-59 N 164. (MIRA 180) 1 Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut im GN, Nosbya (~or Zurkov). 2. Nachallnik otdela tekhniki bezopts6osti Yuzbno- Ural'skogo noveta*narodnogo khozyaystva (for YelenAW. 3. Nachallnik Gornogo upravleniya Magnitogorikogo metallurgicboskogo komb1nata (for Kotov). 4. Nachallnik kombin&ta Cholyabinskugoll (for Kondratenko). 6L 1 ZURKOVY P.E.,, prof*.; DUSYM'V, VJI., inzh. Study of the efficiency of grizzly and scraper,haulalte of ores. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.:gor*zhur* 7 no. 1:19-24 164* (H IM 17: 5) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheakiy Institut " G.M. Nosova (for Zurkov). 2. Kollskiy filial ImentS.M.Brova AN SSSR (for Busyrev)* Rekomendovana kaCedroy podzemnq razrabotki gornometallurgicheskogo instituta im. G.M.Nosova. ZURKOVJ, P.E., prof.; SLASHCHILIN, I.T., inzh. Drawing ore through end workings. Izv.vys.uch6b.zav,*;gorozhur'N~~ 6 no.11:13-15 163., (MIRA 17:14) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut imeni Nosova,,:' Rekomendovana. kafedroy podzemnoy razrabotki, me6torozMeniy poleznykh iskopayemykh. ZURKOV., P.R... prof.; POSOKH07p YuAp assistant Determining the depth limit of open pits for thick pitching deposits. Tzv. vys. ucheb. zave; 90r. zhur. hoi,5:19-424 161. :(Mi 16:7) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometanurgichaskiy institut imeni G.I. Mosova. Rokomandovana kafedroy otkrytay razmbotki mestorozhdaniy polesnykh iskopaywWkh. (Strip mining) SPIVAKOVSKIY, AlekBandr OnisimovIch; POTAPOV, Mlkhail,:~Oennadiyevich, kand. telbn. nauk; AIMMEV, Alekacy Vladi:=Uovich kand. tekhn. nau k; -praf.g doktor tek6. nai'*, re- teenzent; MORIN.. IT.G., otv. rod.; WINSWA, G.M., tekbn. red. [Tranuportation in open-pit mines) Tranaportlina oi,krvtykb razi-abotkal-.h. Moakva., Gosgortekliizdat.. 19620~- 392 p. 1. Cblen-korreopondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Spivakovskiy).. t (14ine haulage) ZURKOV P.E, profq BOGATSKIY, V.11,, inzh.; SIASIICIII~ LINY IoTop inzh* Determining the stabLUty of the side elope'6f a pit, Izv.VYBW ucheb.zav,; gor.zhur. 5 w.202-96 162.. ~11 (KM; ~594) lo Magnitogorakiy gornomtal-lurgicheakly instttut irwni G.I.Sojwva~: Rekomendovana kafadroy otkrytoy razrabotki pole znykh iskopayeqrkh. (strip ndaing) tRocks-,Testinr,)~ V.To; GMTIN, GX; ZMXOTO P,Xf $,F, XI- KOLOMEIT, N.A.; OGIIWSKIT. V.9*1 POP", 6.10. ii"An"O N.V.; SHITOV, I.$.; 212mm. A.& p katkidat ~j t*khni- chosidkh nauk, radaktor; t~x& 0 k" idat~tokhni- chaskikh nauk, retvansent; VAGANOV, ?.Vol MA itt t4k~aiohaskikh nauk. rateanxent; IOURROV. A.S4. Imadi"t tik~mcllo''vkikh VAUk.1 ratmensent; OAUMAT. I.G., ka"1dat takholchookikh wmk, reteem- sent; NIKWATIV, Sol., retaensento (Mining Iron ore by the opencasCuethod) R&sr&botka 6oblesnykh rud otkrytyu sposobon. Pod. abehAei red. P.ZA~wkova..Sverdlo'atc T 1 9 Goo. nauchno-takhn. 1xd-vo Ilt-rv po chermal i''Asystniol vetallur~- gill 1953. 02 p. (KLRA 7: (Iron mines and odning) ZURKOV, P.E., doktor teleam.nauk, prof.; POSOMBOVy,, k11nd.tekhn.navk "Basic calculationo in strip mining of coal ON. )ositz A S Fidelei,. Reviewed by P.E, Zurkov.. M.N. Posokhov. Ugol! 36 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Strip mining) (Fidelov, A.$.)