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EXC A IMICA Sec.12 Vol.U/9 OphthalmoloEy S4t 57' 1492. ZUNDE A.A. *Senile exfoliation of the anterior capsule 0 ~thel-e-n-*--(Russian text) VESTN.OFTAL. 1956, 6(34-35) )f 'his Is a resumd of the monograph pt Dr. Zunde o(Odlo an the eubje~t'~ The fivinor iound flakes on the pars plan of the ciliary body and loose flakes on ihe politerior surface of the lens capsule, along the axis from the posterior attachment of the zonule. Single nakes were In the angle of the anterior chamber. The~exroli~ted particles an the anterior surface of the capsule, at the equator and hialoid inam. brane were probably formed in situ and are not carried to other plac4s by the aqueous. Zunde disputes the name of 'glaucoma capoulare' given by Mailing. lie believes that glaucoma is primary and in Independent of extoliation of the capsule. Sitchevska New York N.Y. 23599'~ S/081/61/600/008/003/017; BllO/B2O;2 Ire AUTHORS: Shvartq, K, K., Valej G. K.j Zunde, B.~!Ya. TITLEt Study of non-emitting transitions in the luminescence centers of alkali halide crystal phosphors PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaq no, 891::119610 32, abstroct 8 5 234 (8B234) (Tr. In-4s. fiz. i astron, ANdEstSSRv 19~00 no. 12, 77 - 110) TEXTt The authors studied the non-emitting transitions in the lumines"!, cence centers of the NaGl, KC11 KBjTba;e+phosptLors -~rhich! had been ;ad'ti'-~ vated by means of the ions Tl+t Pb f n I Bnz"Oa The possible .MeO~nis'm of thermal transitions is discussed. The analysiS,Df th6 6xperimentall results shows that the thermal transitions take place according td thef concepts of J. Frenkel (Phys. Rev:v 1931P EP 17; 1276) and N. Mott' (Proc. Roy. Soo., 1938, 167P 384) LAbstracter's notol Complete trpins~,T lation Card 1/1 ~16962-63 Ek-r W /BmtEr, (b)-2 itFrvr,.AsrAv~-31/.qW 11'-4 A-C_E-~S73N NP! %R3^_-63:2 )C,/r007,A)086/D0B6 SOURCE: RZr,. F;.zika, lws,. 7Z)623 A':T F0 _7,,-arj 4e, p 1-fit I], I . K M . F J. 7S I :'f'n': e. FTa (I if S.~ 41 1, ":u ,:I -IE,- SOURCE: 3b. F; z . t,,: .!i.. Riga, 962,1 116-122. Diskus., 122 TOPIC TAGS: phosphor- , alkali-halide crystal liamiinescence wttenu- atior, t-,me, luminescence quantum yieild, i_ritrih,::ent4tr luminascemce TPUMNSLATION: Using Csl-Tl and KI-In as exainjiiles, a compairison is T-ade ~~--w,aen Pxperimeni: and the the