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Proceedings (cont.) CZECH/2433 Arend, H.T. Polarographic Study of Basic Trivalent Chromium Salt Systems 395 Krivanek, M. Complexes of Iron with Saccharo~e ~599 Dratovsky, M., and M. Ebert. Effect of Gelattti and Thymol un Cathodic Deposition of Cations at a Droppll ig me roury Electrode 404 Russian Translation) [Germay) Translation] 41o Kuta, J. Study of Hydrogen Overvoltage W~th a Mercury Electrode With Controlled Dropping Time, 413 Dvorak, J. Effect of Capillary Constants on the Maximum of Oxygen 418 [Russian Translation] 421 (German Translation] 423 Vavruch, I. Attempt to Classify Refined Sugars by the Polarographic Method 427 Card 5/ 14 Proceedings (Cont.) C=H/2433 J. Spalenka,, M. Some!Examples of Using Polarograp'hy In Industrial Laboratories 433 Novak, J.V,A . Determination of Phosphates' 438 Russian Translation] 439 German [ Translation) 442 Komarek, K. Polarographic Determination of Skill Aisounts of Thorium 444 Komaiik, K. Polarographic Determination of Babies 455 Koreck;, J., .00 F. Nademlejnskvs and B. Neliba. Experience ~n the Use o f the'Polarographie Method in Steelmaking 461 Mojzis, J. Polarographic Determination of Manganese a Triethanol amine Medium 464 Linhart, F, Polarographia Determination of Gold 470: Card 6/ 14 Proceedings (Cont. CZECH ~2433 Prchlikj J. Polarographi- DeterwInation of OX~ Illuminating Gas ygewin 478 Jelinek, T. Use of Polarographie Methods in Control Analysis of the Treatment of Metal Surfaces 485 Zabransk~, Z. Determination of Thallium in Biological Material 490 fRussian Transleition] 493 (qeman Translation) 495 Dookocil, Polarographic Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Catalysts, That is$ Complexes of Iron' With Catechol, Pyrogallol and Ascorbie,~,Acid 498 Majer, F., B.G. Simekp afid 0. Sebor. Polarogravhia~. Analysis of Benzoic Acid and Phthaiia. Anhydride 5o4 Capka, 0. Polarography of Coumarin 509 Card 7/14 Proceedings (Cont.) Trnka, J. Polarographic Study of the Degradation of Glucose by Alkalies Russi'an Translation) German Translation) [ Zuman, P. Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds With Primary Aminds Suchy, K. Polarographie Determination of CyanuricAcid, Cyamelide, and Rubeanhydride Pleticha, R. Some Complexes of Amino Acids Wit4 Metals LRussian Translation] Laerman Transatl0n] Roubal, J., and J. Zdrazwil. Polarographic Determination of Phenol in Water and Urine Domansky, R. Upe of Polarography for the Determination of Pentosans in Cellulose Card 8/14 CZECH/2433 512 516 518 520 530 534 536 539 50 546 Proceedings (Cont.) CZECH/2433 Kalvoda, R., and J. Zyka. Polarometric Deterii-nation of Derivatives of Barbituric Acid With the Aid of Mercuric Salts 550 Blazek, A. Polarometria Determination of Some,Unsaturated Organic Compounds 5 (Russian Translation) Pleticha, R. Determination of Diacetyl (Russian Translation] (German Translation) Buchnieek, J. Content of Colchicine in the Devielopment of the Meadow Saffron Sandholee, B. Use of Polarographe in the Paper and: Cellulose Industries Zuman, P. Polarographic Determination of Sulthydryl Substances in Fruit Card 9/14 -566 309 572 570 579 58 Proceedings (Cont.) czEcR/2433 Russian Translation 6o1 Engliph [ Translation] 603 Knobloch, E. Hydrolytic Decomposition of the Oxidation Product of 2 -methyl-1.4-aminonaphthol (Vitamin X5)" 607 Bitter, B. Polarography of Ascaridole 04 Kleinzeller, A., and Z. Fenal. Muconic Acid,in Bacteria 619 (Rubsian Translation] 62o [English Translation] 622 Nosek, J.J., 0. Krestynova, and R. Podivinsky.! Polaro- gr~tphy of Steroids 624 Russian Translation 698 [English Translation] 63o Santavy, F. Polarography of Cardiac Poisons 4ith FiVe-or Six-member Lactone Rings 632 Card 10/14 Proceedings (Cont.) CZECH/2433 Santauy, F. Polarography of the Oxidation Products 635 of S ome Morphine Derivatives Russian Translation) 637 [ German Translation] 638 Simane, J. Polarographic Determination of Oxygen In Blood .640 Doskocil, J. Polaragraphic Study of Some Biological Redox Indicators 645, Russian Translation 648 English Translation] [ 649 J. Polarographie Study of Some Peria4datic Doskocil, . Oxidations 651 657 (Russian Translation) [English Translationj 659 Y Homolka, J. and V. Krupicka,' Study of BrdickVs Viltrate Reaction in Ser*-'-'-. 662 Russian Translation] .664 [German Translation] 66~, Card 11 /14 Proceedings (cont.) CZECH/2433 Svatek, E. Study of Catalytic wDropping Mercury Electrode 667, Koryta,, J. Decomposition Rate of the.Complek of Nitrilotriacetic Acid With Cadmium Smutek, M. Slow Electrode Reactions 677 Russian Translation .683 English Translati,n [ 1667 Hanusp V. Polarographic Study of the.Recoubtnation of Phenylglyoxylic Acid 691 Koutecky, J. Linear Systems of Electrode Regotions in Which a Chemical Reaction in Solution Takeellaae': 699f Pliva, J. Contribution to the Theory of Difidsiork Cur~ ,....) rents 108: Russian Translation] [ 712, English Translation) 717 Card 12/ 14 Proceedings,.(Cont.) CZECH/2433 Tockstein, A. Derivation of the Extended Eq~ation'of the Polarographic Curve 721 Russian Translation] 725 [German Translation] 727 Vogel, J. A New Apparatus for Osaillographic~,Polar~ogr aphy 731 (Russian Translation] 736 (German Translation] 739 V Riha , J. Polarographic Derivative Curves 743 , (Russian Translation] 746 [German Translation] 748 Neavadba, 0. Artificial Regulation of the Drop Time 751 Russian Translation [ 757 English Translation , 758 K. Vacuum-tube Polarograph g2~r, 76o Russian Translation] , 763 German Translation) 767 Card 13/14 I CZECHOSLOVAKIA SUE-YUAN TANG; ZLTh1ANj P. Polarographic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemicai CoT~municationsf No 6, 1963, Pp 1524-1533 "A New Type of Maximum on the Limiting Currlent,of the Reduction Wave of Phenacyl Sulfonium Ions." z/ow/65/boo/4al- 307319535 ,kUTHOR: Zuman, Petr I -- TITLE: -Ca-,-f-eence on applying correlation equotions in organic chemistry PERIODICAL: Vestnilc eeskoslovenak4 alceidemie v61, no.1, 1963, 151-152 TEXT: Miniqterstvo 'S'kolstvi (The MiniAtry of' Education), Odde'leni chemick~ch v6d Akademie v4d SSSR ~The C-hemical 1,-tences Section of the Acadenty of S--,ienceia USSR) &nd Stgttl,a Universita v Tartu (State University of Tartu) heldi a conference on this topic on September 11-16, 19-j2. Tharo ifetire 200 delegates and 34 papers were read. The main work of tho confarance c;onaiisted -i4clissions, which were very live'.y, The paperq; road ere of a standard. Dr. 0. Exner, .)olarografi.cK)1'1 ustav 9.9,A.V !P..:,a;--,~raphic Instittite, C7(-.choijlov0c AS), pretteintod a papeir on .:i ant i ta t ive evaluation of the induc 7 ive e ffac t x ri aroillat.1c, systems. Dr. P. Zuman (Polarographic Instituta, Czechoslov&D: AS) discussed tn,~ relitions between the structure, the lineeir re).ations governing -ie free energies and polarography; -)oth authors participated in Card 1/2 . ..... NIP-, - Conference on applyling ... z/002/611/nOO/001/001/001 8073/853-5 the discusrAon. The number and "111allty Oir top spe(lialists studying .-liartitative relations between structure and reactivity in the is considerably higher than woul.d appaar froin superficial uf the appropriate scienti"tc literature (Profetisor S..atr-ns.,,tein, Professor Ginzburg, Pr,)1'essor Efros, Professor Litvineiiko, Dr. PAlin, Dr. ELntelis, D -. Rudakov) ; the number of able and wall informed scientLfic workers iiii also remarkable. 'v-inilst in *.~'estern Euroue this type o* rf-s(ttArch doeti; not receive 'ucn attention, in the Soviet Union the number of ~I-Irotjps working ;..-i this fielc' is growing continuouFjINr and if the Okcilities in Czechos)ova*tia are also taken into c.insidfnration, it can be stated .siat soon t:-.ese facilities will equal the best American faCilit.LeS, to relatively recently has enjoyeo a practical rionopoly t I I I _' LL~1,__ 0, )r ClIeMiStry. Apart from thEl Soviet Unic~n, Czk-c_-I~,val~ia is tne only country of the Soviet ElLac which pays to these prohle'11S. This conference was organizod by Dr. V. Palai of Tartu University. ard-2/2 C MANOUSEK) 0.; ZMAN, F. Direct polarographic. detatnizAtion *f lrjrid6xnl Ma the preafonce of pyridwnl-5-phosybate. Co.11 Cz Chem 27 n6,24:486-47 F 162, 1. Central Recoarch Institute for Food indt Intry ~krA Polarogriaphic Institute,, Czechoslovak Academyol! Sciences~ Prague. ,2- 71.19 gin vim T zum" ?.I CHODKOWSKI., T.; SARTAVr., Polarograpbjr of nonbens9nold'aromatic. and r6lated substancev4 U1. A polarograpbio study of the adid-base properties of tropyliumlion# Coll Cz chem, 26 no.21380-391 F 161. (EW 3.0 19) j 1. Polarographic Institute, Oxechoolovak Ac~4emy of Science ;Pre.' V cue and Chemical Institute, Medical Faculty, h3:Ac)qf;jj ~,Universit ,yo : Olomouc (for Zu= and Santa:q) 2. Stftdivit Addrang I Inatititte of PbyBicochemical Analytical Mathadop Polish Acadw' of Scieno~, Virsavp Poland(for Gbodkoweld). (Polarograph and polarograp (Aa-61matid compounds) (Tropy-lium compoundsT Z/oo8/66/054/012/003/00,4 E112/E335 AUTHORs Zuman, Petr, TITLE: '_1TT-eFF of-Substitution on the PoIldrographic Charac teristics of Organic Compounds. Repoi*t on Research Work at the Polarographic Institute, eS,AV, Prague PERIODICAL: Chemicki listy, 196o, Vo34 54, Noo 12, pp1244 - .1264 TEXTs This paper-was written to commemorate the seventieth' birthday of Academician J. Heyrovsky'* The contribution of polsrography~ u organic..chemistry is'', briefly outlined-, J.- Heyrovsk-f. won the~fiiit tb :demonstrate.the relationship between the number of conjhgaiied d6uble-bofi~z JUn a'compound-and its reducibility at the drdjping~:mercury electrode. Shikata et al introduced-the rule of'electro" negativity to explain substitution effects~,upon;the half-wav:e potentials of organic compounds having pol*rogrltphically~ active groups in the side chain. The terms "induction effects" and"tautomeric effects" (I and T) were later introduced to polarography in accordance with developments of theoretical organip chemistry. Induction effects are static and refer to CarFd Wil E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Po.larograpti.ic,,Characteriatics of Organic Compounds. Re ort on Research Work at the Polarographic Institute, 9SAV, Prague a shift of electrons caused by a substitueni, while tautolmeric effects are dynamic and produced by an external.field. The principal group of substituents organic chemistry are listed and- signs of their !'I" or "TOO; effects are indicated,-relative to hydrogen. The follorwling~conventions are used.throughout the paper: groups more,negative than hydrogen (electrophilic) will exert negative effects (-I, -T), whilat less negative groups (nutleopbilic) will produce positive effects (1, T). Reductions are nucleophilic processes, for which the following rules apply:., 1) groups with -I and -T will move the~half-wave potentials towards more positive valuesq whilst groups with positive I and T will produce the opposite effect. Card 2/11 z,/ooII/6o/o54J012/O03/0O4 E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Polarographic~Characteristics of Organic Compounds. Report on Research Workiat the Polarographic Institute,'dSAV, Prague II) Ortho- and pir^derivativesiin the benzene series, with groups, exerting _T effects will be re4uce4i in the ranges of more positive potentials than the m-isowirs. ~The opposite' U will hold true for compounds with positive ~T flitherto described methods only permit qualitative interpretationl6f polarographic processes and are not applicable t,q~aliphatic compounds. The author summarizes quantitative methods developed by the Czechoslovak School of Polarography. ~or t~h* study -6f substitution effects upon the polarographicIbehaviour of 1 organic compounds. The new methods are basod on the assumption that although electrodic processes are hete~ogeneousq they can be nevertheless if their~Aiatics were homogeneous, The paper is divided into four main sectionsi A - effect of substituents on half-wave potentialm, B - effect of substituents on limiting currents. C - analysis of unstable intermediates, Card 3/11 z/oo8/6o/o,54/012/003/004 E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Polarographic' Characteristics of Organic Compounds, Report on fleas-arch Work at the Polarographic Institute, CSAV, Prague D - study of homogeneous kinetics, ad A: experimental details are discussed. It 18: essent ial that the electrode mechanL.a of all'the compounds vhich are being studied and compared should be identical. Transfer coefficients, as determined from the current/voltage and halfwave potential/pH curves should be practtrally identical for all compounds of the series of comparablo derivatives. According to the work of Taft, describing tho effect of substituents on the kinetics of homogeneous reactions, three main factors contribute to the numerical vaUte of the velocity constant, namely, P (polar), S (steric) anrl M: (mesomeric)v~ as expressed byi log k P + S M 00' Card 4/11 Z/008/60/054/019/003/001f E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Po,larographicl,C-haracteristic.3 of Organic Compounds. Report on Research Work At the Polarograp6ic Institute, 6SAV, Prague The of polarographers have developed for half- wave potentials for irreversible electrode proceases the equation: 0 E1/2 !!T/anFln 0.87 k f \(t.,/D (2) 0 where k is the velocity constant of the'llectkddic process: and a Cxpresses the numerical value of the:~ charg Ie-trans.fior constant. Other symbols in the equation havle thoir conventio nal meanings. Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) the author~arrives at the expressions E1/2 P + S + M (3), for the change of half-wave potentials produced by polar, :steric Card 5/11 z/oo8/60/054/PI2/603/004 E112/E335 Effect of Subsitution on the Polarographic Chara4teristica~ofi organic Compounds. Report on Research Work at the,Polaro raphic Institute, CSAV, Prague and mesomeric effects of substituents. A detail*d descrip~ioh is given of how the above equation is utili~~ed for,' the inter-1, pretation of substitution effects. Series of compounds are taken in which it is assumed that only one ei~ffect will be operative, e.g. polar effects will be studied, wiih Imodel s6b-i stances where steric effects between reducible groups and -pub stituents can be excluded. Para-substituted'beniene derivatives are examples-of compounds where both mesomerlic and polar 4ffects way be exerted. Steric effects stud i~nd in aliphat i~c compounds having bulky substituents in the vicinity of polaro" graphically active groups, such as ailyl bromides, disulphides, hydroperoxides and 4-amino-N-dialkylani.lines, su6stituted .in the o-position. Finallya o-substituted beniene derivatives can be taken as examples of reactions in which all three effects : are operative. Various qualitative observations on the effect Card 6/11 z/oo8/60/054/012/003/004 E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Polarographic' of Organic Compounds. Report on Research,'Wark tit the Polarographic Institute, 6SAV, Prague of substItuents are alsoiAcluded, cases which cannot be supported by sufficient quantitative data. This! author summarizes-and assesses critically polar6graphic wprkl carried out by a Czechoslovak research teani'and'publishe 1d:in, Czechoslovak publications. Thefollowing studies are inr-JLuded.- polarographic, reduction of pyridine derivatives~j* ease ofi reduction increases in the order of the 3,: 1Z and 4 isomers. It is assumed that the heterocyclic nitrojelh extirts a -T~ effect, producing highest e1ectron density~*n the 3-position4 Eaters of phthalic acid show the interestin'~ phOnomenon that the mononethyl-phthalate was reduced at PH 9-j8 at more negative potentials than the dimethyl-tater,;, This is 'Dimethyl- explained as being due to the effect of COO terephthalate is reduced at more positive potentials than the dimethyl-phthalate. The half-wave potentials of some', sterole derivatives, particularly the cardiac gJycosidea', Card 7/11 Z/008/60/05.4/012/04)3/004 EL12/E335 Effect of Substitution on tha Polnrogritph,ict!Chatacteriatice of Organic Compounds. Report on Research Work ait the Polarographic Institute, dSAV, Prague are compared and the effects of substituentp in.,rings C and D on the reducibility oC ring A are notaki. Naphthoquinones(f4l,4) showed the interesting' behaviour of substituents*in positions 5-8 having additiv* .characte ristics while those substituted In 2 or 3'displwyed-cons'iderable, deviations. ad B. The polarographic study of limiting currents permits the determination of equilibrium constants,~.while velocity constants can be calculated from mensuringllimi~in& kinetic currents. Examples of equilibrium constants detormined ,polarographically from limiting currents irk 'clud4i :the reaction products of carbonyl compounds with primary amilles. One'of the earbonyl compounds studied and for which thoqquilibr:ium constant was established was pyruvic acid And It was seen that its reactivity with different amines decreAaed in the following Card 8/11 A/008/60/054/012/603/004 9112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Polarographio~Characteristics of Organic Compounds. Re Drt on Research ifork at the Polarographic I"titute, NUV Prague orders met4ylamine, histamine, glycine, histidi,xie, alanine and ammonia. In a series of reaction products of ketones' with amines, the stability of the compounds increases, on the. other hand, in the following order:: methylcycl6hexanone, -acetone-, cyclohexanone-, cyclopentanoned. Theloffect of nuclear substitution on the equilibrium constant of the reaction product of benzaldehyde and glycine wah investigateo, showing increasing values of the equilibrium constant in the, order, p-OH, p-OCH o-CH.0 F1#,o-0H. 3' Velocity constants of fast chemical reactions can be determined from the measurements of kinetic limiting,e~urrents. The effects of constitution on the values of these tonstants can be studied. The problem of adsorption on the a6rcury p electrode is discussed and particular attention:is paid to the adsorption of the depolarisator, An attempt is made to Card 9/11 z/oo8/6o/054/0l~/oo3/P04 E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Po:larrigraph.ic,'Chatacterist,ics of Organic Compounds. Ile ort on Research Work ~t.the Polarographic Institute, ESAV, Prague correlate adsorption currents with constitutJon,1 Examples are, however, restricted to a few sterole dr ivii t ives. ad C, Detection of unstable intermediates..,;,Pola.rographytmakes it possible to detect unstable intermedia ets in.reactions~ proceeding by proton transfer. It was poss 'ibleAo establishi from changes of limiting currents with pH the existence of certain cations, the existence of.which ha~s~so far boon unknown. Compounds which were shown polarographically proton acceptors included Some at P unsaturated*,atones, acetophenone, phthalic acid, azulenes and others, It was:also established that it was possible to distinpiish, by means,of polarography the cis- and trans-forms of di'bonzoytethyleno. The formation of unstable intermediates in olec~rodic processes was also demonstrated.polarograph.ically - such as. for example, the formation or free radicalst, which then may Card 10/11 Voofl/60/05.4/012/003/0041 E112/E335 Effect of Substitution on the Polarogi-aphic- Characteristics ofOrganic Compounds Regort on Research Work at,the Polarographic Instit~te SAVt Prague undergo dimerisation. The free radicals may also undergo protonation, as in the case of phthalimide. ad D. Study of homogeneous kinetics, This work rpfers ' a~aong others, to the polarographic study of reactioti mechanism and effect of constutitionypelocity constants of,*~the-d-ecomposIitiob of dithiocarbamates, of the oxidation of dioles With periodic: acid and alkaline hydrolysis of Isothiouren- There are 101 referenceal 48 Czech and 53 ~ion-Czech, ASSOCIATION! Polarograficki 11siav ESAV, 'r la (Polarographic Institute, Z?SAAV' Prague) Card 11/11 ZUMK P. KUIIC#yo Catalysts of hydrogen separation In proIOnce of oom sulttir derivatives of Wantoin and pyrimidineftoll Oz chom 25~ . no.12:3861-3880 159. (RIA1 9:6) 1, Polarographisches Institut, Techoshoolovakische Akademle der Wissenschaften, ftag. i (Catalysts) (Hydrogen) (Sulftr) (Elydantoin) (111rimidine) COUVITRY : C ZVECH OSL OVAK IL B CATWORY t Physical Cherdstry. 'Elootroahamistry ABS. JOM,. i RMim.j No. 1 196o, No. 624 AUTHOR Banyaj, H. ;.,, ~Z=a IVST. TME i Polarographic B~ehavior of 44nino-41-MethoXY- diph-en-ylamine (Variaminblau) I ORIG, PUB. i Collect. Czechosl. Chern. Communs, A959s 21~,: He 2, 522-5?5 ABSTRACT In the o;tidation of 4-amino-41-netho;qdiphonyl-' anine (I), the quinone of p-anisyldlimine it formed. Tlio polurographic staidy of this rcao- tion showed that at pII 2-14i oxidation proc6eda with the participation of two, electrons; (dFa/dpH) = 0.056 v. The holt;ht of the wave is proportional to the concentrntion~of I and to Y-h (h - height of Hr, coluDm'). 91,he oxidation of I proceeds reversibly,,-- 0, Knesul CARD: B749 DIstro: Van tk a r Ilk stlu y 4, yo. 0 In it ;i0lowod i, N-0 till In it mol. to 4e tilt molt riw it K ized.:; it V A4,11FARU41410 W I pholyl flitch-.1ji in the )1i 1 1" X a fill Oll I Vrmsp 14 the Itiom led to v inarktil truni 11 kin cd he (Ilic d ..; IM(I It mlli i4offthq cill in Wo to be i to Am Mat I IR91,161011101 TqWktl(*Atl 1*1 " 16, I Ikiow wictil i tsir4wi, tilt; comilso~ owl M11,11 i~ )k potdmws 011 Ilotil-oub Itu i a-owhyloyd 1( 10. t icio f :thus miublisheit that t c r1rocti-ou q1teirl 11 Ilia syll 101111 ring 6 four 04 mobilk that Ill 01W w"Cia, k Wompdi ; I schin Chit b cmd"le "as do w M4. I I unbul 6*4 1HAU. ( 5 414muo Will it IVESUV M jhLixiMill IN su gl%v4,a odc-4 :k -'1'.7"vTfr=by3fusttm4trps -3A uldn-1. ~C.v 'retp, lmiq. 1 *ftorFI01 it Live a (40b" stdoction stq3 at -1 wt Inv 6-Ing 4,1 ~le I., I tmuq. "Cempulloid Ill it "fil a I to V. t '0 former sup wm stiri ft and to ir, m I calloilt dn4 the laminlt = edcuills. Of 4 WT 4 tq* dixivii. muld be oil ju,'ox. 4ttd. CZECHOSLOV.MaA/Physical Chemistry - Surface n16613ena:' Adsorption. Chrormtographyb Ion Mchanaa. Abe Jour :Ref Zhur Khimiya' No 19, 1959o 67393 Author :Zurmi, Pet~,- Cerny, Vadlay List Title Polaroaraphy of Ster:oids. III. PolaroCraphic Redv-ction of Steioids Contaihing the Alde*,6'GrPup in position 18. Orir,, Pub Chem. listy, 1958, 52) ro 8) 1468-:1473 Abstract The polararraphic bphavior of dehydro-5~&-dih~drot,4:ra- mothy1holarrhiraine (I), its oxlnei~(II),idehydrotetrh- methy1holarrhimiae, and dehydrottiianot6y!t.,,olarriiidiiie (III) was investigated. Theae stiroids4afch contain the aldehyde group In position 18 cind!~raaclled chain in po- sition'17 are reducible within th6 pH ranae 7-10.5 to give a single wave of -1.65 which is independent of pH. The fact : , that El. i~ independoht of'pll is explained by steric hindrance.due to hydration. II is not Card 1/2 AdsorptIqz=&iC8trv Surface a . Chromaio4;raphy. on ledorjena:. Abs jour Ber zhur MIIMIYa, 110 1. 13 91 1959, 67393 reducible* The nitroae lower the overvoitat.6 onlcontalni,4 ster~'Ids 1,, reduction w4 R 1,011 V064C'Mted .2 evolut hi Ve combines wit,, the c6 # 04d tile dier concentration. talytic. % steroid Vhel, OxYcen z: Rolarrhedine, qi ~ wave at ces investiC.M10-xima are depressed t' ' 18 Much less active P' tod. plas h4n the~Other subat~,._ .a2) were determl oclatIon cons ntg~ (.pr,., a stren&th. 1 9. --d In 7 alcohol at r. ndl 75 aild'9-7- ,I ather low Ionic; rfilmine 75 and 9,5; IT 5 6-deh Otetrawth and ov 9 -3. 8.4 Y111014r- and 'te 9 1XX 'v 8 - 3 See Communicat1w, 11 In R Matousek zhMin -19$3~) SO 231 54749. Card 2/2 34 -------------- 7- SUKAY. P.; ZUKANOTA. A.; SOMAK. B. Fol,^~rographlc determination of carbon bioulfldlo',by "MIOAS rays Lin German with summary In Russian].' Sbor.ChskhAdAv.r&'b. 18 no.3i632-447 0.'53- (MU ?:6) l..TSentrallnyy polyarograflohaskiy ine\,itut lAnstitut profeablonsIlAfth zabolevaniy I trudovoy giglyany. (Carbon bi'slulfida) (Polarogiaphl'and C, v"',,- 11 . ; ZU"VAN, , P . " 7CU =-.,, "Polarographic Detemiraticm of C-arbcn Disulfide Witll!Thc 41(r$ of Arc(I'L Uaves", P. (32, (CCUECTICE CF Vol. 18, Vo. 5, Cctobcr 1953, Prahn, Czech.) 110: Y-nthly List of East European Accessioxis IX, 76!. 4, '0. 31 March 1955, Uncl. U- 111-im, r n7l; I CZECHOSLOVAKIA Physical Chemistry. 1,91eet.rochemistry. B Abs Jour: ilef Zhur-KIMM176j No lgo1958, 63904 Author Z R; Teisinger J; ZuMan P Inst f-got give-n Title The influence of Albumens on theiPolarographic Behavior of Metals and Their Compounds with 2-3-Dimercaptolpropanol. Orig Pub: Chem. zvesii, 1957, UP No 517-527 Bi ~Zn) Cd and Pb Abstract: Waves of Au, Ag) Hg, Cu, Sb~ are reduced in a citric bufter solution (pH 64-3) with the addition of albumin (I),during which the dependence i on the I,~concentration is gr exponential. Th Be data are explained by the Card 1/3 OZECH03LOVAKIA Physical Chemistry. leatroohemiatty, P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-XhjmiY;a, No 19, 190, 631904 AbBtract: complex formation of metftls~1(14) with (1) vin It , om addifton~ the'~Au'p'Ag'j H#-AhdiS d. Plexesigre not reducible and in the abeendelof I the waved' of thene M didapo6g~, WM16 Cu,.~~?,Id tihil Pb 0"PloXes are reduced) and', their waves I are. Toduced w1th 'the addition of I to.a somewhat 11mited valuej'whieh is determined by,thd coeffictont!:ot diffusion,of these complexesoT;ArVaddorptlon ret6r*datioh~of the process simultAfteously ~Opear;'O-~ which -i Indicate s the' character'' of 1 the'i-i t depsndei~ce of thellreduced waves: on' ' them! height Oif Pthoi ~6kervblr ~ US arid the reduction,,of theiCu. wave only in the limited area of potentials (trough), With theiaddition~of I to the solutions of complexe6~of Kwith 2.5- -dimereaptolpropanol (II), the M waves are also reduced but only because of the adsorption~ card 2/3 // MY 0 V/1 .41 ~ TBISINGER,vj.; ZUKA.NOVA, R.; ZMTA, L Effect of calcium salt of ethyldiaminotetri~dtlc Acid on lea& binding In erythrocytes and blood proteins. ~;Praco-mi lek. 9 no.4v 277-280 Sept 37. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob % povolani 4,11rass, reditel prof.; MUDr J. Teisinger*, (MATHAMIL, off, on lead binding In erythrocytes 6 blood protelzu (00) (MIYTHROOTM, eff. of drugs on edathamil on lead binding (0t)) (BLOOD PROTEINS, off. of drugs on Sams) ZUMANOVA R. Effects of proteins on the polarographic behavior ofimetal~ ad their compounds with 2 -dimer-captoprop-anol. P. 517 (Chemicke Zvesti. Vol. ll,, no. 9. Sept. 1957., Oratislava, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions OTAI) CL. Vol. 7,j ~io. 2, February 1958 ,41~ 'f~ 1 71[l 1-*:~ '!'11-11: "Polarographic detemination of ciLrbcn disulphidc from itvanc-dic wave." P. 17811 (cm4T-cKE Lim,, vol. 47, 112, Feb. 1953, Czechoslovakia) ZUMBADZE, D-11-; 114VROTSYAYA. V.S. Comparability of the results of studios on dry stindq obtalnod on the basis of difforont criteria. Trudy~OGHI~ no.I9:31-54 159. (Min 13 -.5) (Vinds) AKHLIADZE. G. L. DLO LMAIRM-MAX.-O Certain surgioal forms of crucallosis. Xhirurglu, Monkft no#12:55-39 Dec 1933, (GIKL 25:5) 1,, Candidate Medical Sciences for Akhalafts. 2. Of lasbapk BAYOU Hospital (Real G. L. Umbadze), AKHALADZE, G.L.. kandidat moditsinakikli nauk; ZMADZEj (;.L, Certain ourgical formo of brucelloois. Xhirvrgila rio.12:55-59 D '53. 1. Iz Kasbegskoy rayonnoy bollnitoy (zaveduyushchly G.L.Zumbaifte). STMIME, Milda; MISEVICS, V.., kand. ~ekonom. naO... red. I red.; BITARS, A. p tekhn. red. (Waya of Improving tboa overhaialing of ivdus4xial 6,quipwnt i~: the metalworking industry of the Latvian SA R. ]Razos anas iekartu kapitalremorita pilaveidoswas iespe~&s Latv*Ls Pqt metalapstradasanas rupdeciba. Riga., Latvij" PSR Unatnu akademlJas, i%devnieciba, 1961, 91 P. (111M 15:3) (Is.tvia-44otalworking machinery-Maintenmee =d repairs) ~ 1 VALDM,VIIS, Andrejs; ZUMBERGA, M.t zed.; PILADM-0 ?4.p tolft. red. t ~i 4 ZVMRIS, Arvi-' Indrikoviohl kbn~ red. _~ ~IRCI~LAtj red.1 FARGIM, J.1 to 41 - i ~ - - 0 CIPENS, Gunars; ZUMBERGA, M., red. I . I v-w LChemical foundationo of heredity and mustltlonij ledzim- tibas "A mainibas kimiskie pamati. Rigap Lat Iviias PSR Zinatnu akad. izd-ba. IC)til- lnA n- fTh iTjifvih-n CIPEg Kalmansj GULANS9 P,, kand. ekon. nauk, redq~,JIRZINA,~L., kand. jur. nauk; ATUEMI,-T. I red.; LEMIGA, A.' takhn. p red. [Cash paMnt for the labor of collective 4=erdij Kolbos- nieku darba samaksa nauda, Riga, Latvijas PSR zinatnu ,511, A.[Rasins, A.]. atarshiy nauchnyy sotr.i SAVILIM 'A, J.), red.; ZUMBMGA, M., red.; BONDILRE, A.., tokhn. rW, (scientific and tecbnical ta~rminology)Neaphlnaia~i tokbni- cheskaia terminologiia. Rigd# Izd-vo Aks.4.3hauk Latviiskoi SSR. lio.3.[Plant protectionlZashchita ra6tmnii. 3.960. 591 P. (link 15.- 10) 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskas RepublIllas Zihatnu Akndamija.~ Latviesu valodan terminologiJas komiaija.'!. Pribaltiyskvqa, stantsiy" zashchity rasteniy (for Rasinuh). (Plants.. Protection of-Dictionari6rj) OZOLSO A., akademik, otv. red.; PETERSONS,, Z.v kahd'4seliAozo nauk, red.; ROMANOVSKA, O.,Aand. selfkhd'z',,nauk, red.1 SPOLITIS, A., kand, sellkhos. nauk, red.j-."f-qip---m-v red.; PILADZE, Z.p tekhn, rod. (Possibilities of im rovingUe winter hardiness and f V resistance of plants~ Augwziewietiba, ai.~atumizturibaousn to kapinasanas iespejago Riga, Latvijas PSR Zin4tnu akad. izdevnieeiix, 1962. 186 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Latvijas PaOomju Socdalistiskas ftepublikas zinatnu Akademijav Biolo- gijas instituts. 2. Akademiya~ nauk Latviys~oy SSSR (for Owls). (Plants-Frost resistance) red. 1 131 GALENIECEp K.; TAUKA,, L.; Z!RjM8qAL_M TARS A. tekhn, red. [Guide to Sphagnum moeses In th-9 Latvian: $,S.R,'~;'a brief survey with tables for the'determination of Sphagnum see- tiona and species] Latvij%s PSR sfagnu suft notaieeje; iss parskats ar sfagnu seioiju un 'sup notalkmanas tabulam. Riga, Latvijas PSRS Zinatnu akad. i%devniecibaPi1962. 109 (MIRK 16 3 (Latvia-Mosses) red.; EOMNIS,.Al., takhm. red. MIKELSONE, Ausimjj~~XXA #,pg beans] grmu pupinas. Riga, LatVIjas PISR Zinatnu [Sti Akad. izdavniscibap 1963. 50 po (MIPIA 160). (Latvia-Beans) N, - : I VIWIANE, M~; ZU14BMGA, M.,, red. Norclasuses) flarciscoo High.. Latv.ljas N11IZinatva aked. lzd-ba, 1963. 39 [In Latvian] (MIM 11 7) JUYJIA, rturp; ZIEDIN3, Indulls; oZ,,,)LM dia; 7WIRERGA, M., red. . .......... (New illaterial,, fror'. "10013 wa.3Q') inun-I atlilkao. Rig., j,ajvj no koksnel 130 p. [in iatvu,,) jan J)qj Mnatntj akild. lzi-I)RO 1901 171 I 1 l~ I CUDARSj Jazops; ZU14BEROA rod.; TXMIMRGA, A., tlokhn. Tod. ~ -~- -fm -j il. OAVEL'YEVA,J., red.; ZUH39RGA, H., red4l INKIS, H,,~, toldmo red. (Scientific and technical terminology) HAuabnaid I tekbnichol- okaia torminologiiao Riga$ lzd-*io had, zt,&~k La~viiskoi SSRV No.1 [Technology of metals and machine parts; Natvian- Russian., Rusolan-Latviaa)] Tekhnologiia xw~allov, i eleme nty ahin; [Latviisko-rueskiiO ruasko-latviiskii) 19~~8,,MI20 p 0 a V Y Zinat 1. Latvijas Pad=ju Socialistiskas Republi,~Aa ak ~~Ja'l Teiminologijas komisija. (Russian languoqe-Dicti~,noxi~s- an), (Latvian lk%ruage-Dictfo'wie6--RUsOi&UY VALDMANIS# A.p doktor biol. nnuk, tail.) ZUxOV6UPA;0 takhn. red. (Methods of vitamin and microelement detOzination] Vitamitu UA mikroalementu notoWanas matodes. Mp.. Latvijas PS11 Ziluitnu a'ka- demijas izdevniecibap 1959. 96 p. (In Latvianj~ (HIM 340.~) 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialiotiskas Republikas Zinatnu akadeaIjis Biologijas inatituts, (VITAMINS) (TR=~$LEHUTS) FUKARAK, lAF'R, T.,- MSTRGVI,p S.; KIJEp D.; LWJICEX Z.; & WANX,, D. v JIG , p p SEVNIKp F.; ZAGARO B.; MIKLAVZIC, J.; HU, A.; PIPAN, R.1 FUIIY.L, L.; SVETLIGICP A.;_~Ul R,_L,; KP.110, Ft. Revoiw of poriodicals; silvicultize. oul,i::c Youg 9 r0.4/5:144-. 145 Ag-o 64. A, , . - ZMO ; 91RCA *1 F. MR, M.; SIRCA, F. i : I SO: Monthly List of East Euroepan Accessions, (EEAL), LO, V4. 5, ';No. 3 t March, 1956 . j BUICp 4,3,; Goiac' L.1 PETERMO P.1 SIMR, J,;Z il"M. mi. ~Slovlom dr 9 the CaO Al.,)(~ at lov temperatures, Watt .1 nooV,2t27-32 la;%Te 162,, 1. Laboratorij za anorgansko komijo, Instittit za kemijo Vniverzo v Ljubljani'p I ~Jjjt~U-24qm And L"L"L-.Uj"- -t it 0 ritm9killi 110NIM1.11, "tpi ob "afte"llwo SIRCA, F.; DOBOVISEK9 Bogomir, docent, dr. inz.; GWENAUER, S.; KOBOVIITC, I.; HAMRIAI B.; VODOPIVEC, F.; KUSCERp D,; Kfi'RNCp J.; DROBINEF F.; PAVED, D.; CAZAFURA, K.; TURKp St.; OCM4, Drup, docent, dr.:inz.; ROSINA, A.; LUMER .j4q SOVINCr 1. New books. Rud met zbor 4i431-457 163,. MER M : 51RCA) F. ZUM, M ; SIRCA, F. ZUMKINA, T,14, LUERSKIY, A.P. Photolonization abnorption In alkali hillidd trysuili In uic 23-196 range. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.5t1455-1461 1,14 !65. (MIRA 1 11 81 0 1. Loningradskly gosudarAvennyy unIveraltet" ZUKHAYAp Ye.M. Case of multiple osteochondropathy of the ~piph~vojs of the phlanges of the hands. Vest. rent. i rad. 37 no.2:67 Mr-Ap 162,(KM 15'4) 1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdoleniya (zav. Te. Ydnlc~vich) Mediko-sanitarnoy chasti. Chelyabinskogo traktornago zavoda. (nachal.1nik L.L.Scredinina). (FINGERS-DISIPA-11 A060^000 AUTHOR: Zumpe, Guenter TITLE- Introduction of the elementary load funatica,and,the equalizing Dinction into the solution of problems relating to flexure of' beams -PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 11, 1~62, 7,6, abstract 1IB316 (Wiss. Z. Techn. Univ. Dr6sd.en, V)61, v. IOP no. 5, 108c) - 1092, German) TEXT: The essence of the method proposed by the "thor for flndlng'~the extremum of a certain Riemann..;Stieltjes integral consist I~ in poplacing the, class of admi.5sible sufficiently smooth comparlson llne~ by a ~~lass of functions! coli- taining plecewise constant functions of elementary loadsl~and the concentrated~ load function. The character of the solution of the variational problem obtained In the manner Indicated Is not Investigated. L, Ya. Talaf (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Cartl 1/1 S/04YO~/1000/POS/048/M CIII 03 3 t; 3 AUTHOR: TITLEt The application of the.matrik,calculus at the deduoiian: of the extromal values 0U0ontinuoua':beam' cutting Powera PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnalq Matematikel n0$ 8, 1962t 36 it abstract 8V184-'.(WiRs-i Z. Teohn6 dniv. Dr.eaden"s, ;90 10, not 6p 1339-1,344) -:TEXT: One d6scusses the reductio]*W of boundary value problems .for ordinary differential equations toga sequih4e of iroblems iith initial values; the reduction i's done by aid oflhe Green's fu~citios. Thereby the matrix calculus is highly used.,t,~ [Abstracter's notes Complete tra'nal'ation*3 'Card 1/1 rMl 8/04 62/000/608/049/073 AUTHORs Zumpeg G. TITLE; The formation rule of the elements 6f tho transformed matrices and the leap quantities ofithe reduction me- thod'and its application PERIODICALs Referativnyy zh .urnall Matematikap nIo' 8,,1962p 36p, '('fWiss. Z. Te''ohn. Vnive Dreaden't abstract SV185- iq6i~~ lop no. 69 1377-1379) TEM, This is the continuation of the premeding paper of the author.(see Ref. 8VI84)- [Abstracterts note: Complete translationl'. Card 1/1 B1111,116,11,1 1 11 41A d HIMH Moffitl 11 )1 SKA , Parma; all Faraiti r1logical tund ierologicn.1, Invintiption cX nomi-Onfccl.lont.1 Yo-jpltit'. pailenta in ',!aiiisw In 1%3, I'v2egl, ep-MeirIcL 1. 87 -f,) 216 6~1 -JI ~~~ SPELINA, V. Treatment and diagnostic use of intrix-arterial oxygen insufflation in ischemie conditions of the extremities (Pr6liminw report)f Rozhl. chir. 42 no.1:30-43 Ja 163. 1. 1. chirargicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU:* Pl- ii, Mdnoota doce dr. J. Spinka. (OXYGEN) (EXTREMITIES) (VASCULAR DISEASES) (ANGIOGRAPHY) (DIABETIC ANGIOATHIE3)