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68277 SLW/81-59,40-36M5 Effect of Some Conditions of Catalytic Cracking in a Bibblir Ij% Layi~-r of Synthe'~.ic Alumo- silicate on the Formation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the C6!nposlf.lon of of paraffins from 49.2 - 43.9 to 35,2 - 30.11%~~ Gasolines elblAlned In the firit siage at 4800C after paasing through the second stage have a contetit of -ol-efiftes Of 3.8 - 3.9%, aromatic hydrocarbons 35 - 42.5%, naph-thenes 26.0 -1 t-~3,2%, . parat f tns 35.2'.. - 30.4%. It has been established by the methods of clear-oul-, gasoli-Tie into narrow fractions, by the det-ermination of their physjcA1.-i)heWi,C.h1 conitant'-= and by spectral analysis that the ratios of the individual aromatle, hydro,.,~arbons chang~e little with a change in the cracking temperature. A Card 2/2 ZULFUGARLY D. and ZIZINj V. "Spectral Method of Deterirdning Sodium in Aluminvii Silicate Catalystsv"~ Novosti neft,, tekhniki.9 Ho 2,. 19531 pp 9-3-1 A simple method for detecting Oal 1.0% Ila in &Ivlminux. silicate catalysts is based on measurement of absolute intensities or lines 3302 and 3303 A of the Na doublet. The amount of Na is forwA from a graduated curve expressing the relation of opticel density of b1makeniing or the photoplate to the logaritbm of Na concentration. R2'hFizj No 3j 1955 MITUGARLY.D.I.; ISKAILM,I.K. Analysis of coke elements In a depleted alumosilicaticatalyser. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 11 no.2:97-102 055. (XXHA 8:10) titu~ nefte- 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy nsuchtio-iseledovatellskly It$ pererabatyva,yushchey promyshlonnosti im. V.T.Kuybyshava. Pred- stavleno daystvitellnym chlenom Akademit nauk AierbayAshanskoy SSR K.P.Nagivevym. (Oracking process) to il. PA4 4P 4"11" Ir't 101 a e- LA -Hi j xr-J.iA'. 'Am Is In hi t4 14 i2inqi! 1 -P 14 H R4 A. ai . v NZ I'm to 23 M4.1 t 4"JULIFUGARLY~ D,,I,; UHAKBNOVA~ U.S. Copper Im the Daghestan oile. Azerb khim.zb~r. .104 '59. 0-11RA 14: 9). m MAMEDALTYEV, Yumf Geydarovich, Laureat Gouvdnrstvel~moy pIromii, nagrazhden o,denom Leninat chlen-korresponeJent All SSSR" (1905-1961); NAGIYEVI M.F.y akademikp red,; KULIYFV, A.M.0 akademikp red.; ZULIFUGARLY prof., ivd. (Selected works in three volumes] Izbrannym proilzvede- nila v trekh tomakh., Baku, Izd-vo AN Azerb SSR. Vol.1 1964. 578 p. (IGA 111:10) Err-1-11DIYBV$ G.Kh.; ALUFFMOV, II.A.; M14YEV, A.N..1 ZULIFUGARTY,, D.I., prof., red. (Problems of the geochemistry of radicacLI've 61erranto in oil fields] Voprosy gookhImil radiockti M.,.kh plementov neftianykh rentorozMenii. Bakuj, lzd-ve AN hzerb.'N' M 1964. 11+9 P. FMDIYEV, G.Kh.; ALEKPEROV, A.A.j NURIYEV, A.N.- .Z_ZULIFUGARLY, prof., red. [Problems in the geochomiotry of radicaotivO, elem6uta in oil fields) Voprosy geokltimii radioakctlvrqkl~ alementov neftiaMkh mestorozhdonii. Baku, Izd-vo AN'Azerb*:;SI%I, 1964 149 p. (MIRA 17:7) 11 . I i ZULIFUG=, D.I.,- ABDULIAYEVA, X.I.j AGATEV, A.I*.~ I I ,--ft --------------------------- 1: RLSIROT, A.B.; UUTYMA, V.S.; ZU.TIIUGiMT, D.I. Chemical composition of gaeollne from two-b".'t" ciltalytic cracking. Sbor.trad.AsMIX NP ~no.2:56-69 &.~ 8.; 1 OdA 12W (cracking process) (Gasoline--Anal"W RASIROT, A.B.; GUHM. V.S.; RMI)WARLY. Iffect of certain variables of catalytic cr~aklnd In a fluldized~ !forna~tlon of aroMatI6 bed of artificial aluminum Ilicates on tbe, b7drocarbohe in gasoline. Sbor.trudAsNII W no.~-44-55 Ag 158, i ~kRA 12:6), (Cracking process) (Gasoline-Anal sis (Arolskilc compounds ZULIFWARLT, D. at UPAXWO% V.S. PAUENOVA. T.S.; MHAPARLI, R,Ko;l RUSETUATA, To.A#'; FOGOSOV, A.G. :,w--4WIIA6 -clarification vith bentorAto gtly6u' ~Lws rrom, Sh ~ Ovikh~ and Gookmalf deposito in Azerbaljan,, Trud~ ~'Imst. I 1~~hiw Ajr-Aibrb.' SSR 16:27-39 ~15- ?,,,; il-l-, '' ' "'*'- - :9Y Uxolrb~lAnr'~'Bent*~*" t~'ite) (wine A~tl vine so~/81-59-8-28958 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhumal..Khimiya, 1959, Nr p 50~ (USSR) AUTHORS: Nasirovi,A,,4.,. Gutyrya, V.S., Zullfugarly, D.I. .TITLEr tHLexamethylenes of Gagoling.of Two..Stage Catalyfi6, Cra~king PERIODICAL: Sb. tr.Azerb. n.-i. in-t neftepererabat. prom-st 19~8, Nr 2, ppi~70 76 (Azerb. summary) ABSTRACT: The characteristic is cited of naphthene-paraffin residues remaining after chromatographlo,extraotion of aromatic hydi,,ocarbiZa from a"oliiies -which are products of the two-stage catalytic cr~okW of the gas-~oill fractions of Balakhany heavy and Surakhany ahoi" petroleum. Inds- pendently of the nature of the initW raw ma~erW, ei temperature in- crease in the first stage leads to a decrease i~~'tha corAtent of mdthyl- cyclohexane and 1,3- and 1,4-dimethyloyalohexanem and'ecosequently of the total content of hexamethylenes in the product. Card 1/1 21,005 ZbL'-vU,-,AqL'-,'*. D. 1. OmjJrroolemcrtd0i nurakhan5fdAi Doklal:t (Mad. naW, Azerbaydzh. SJSR) p 1919, Illo. 6, s 205-IP - Ro,.'.yuz,,o r.,a a7crW7dzh. Yaz. - Diblioor: 11 Ilazv, SO: Lotopis, No. 32, 1949. GUSEYNOV, S.D.; ~U.,,.'M &1.4; ABDULUMA, M.L~ Ixtraction of Iodine from apsheron brines byjmeann of air desorp-~ tion. Report no.l: Desorption of iodine In wi aciditc medium (in Axerbaijant with suwwry in Rusian]. VcheseT.AOU ho-3:17-25~6.35. (Apsheron Peninsula--Iodine) .(Desorption) OILU q.- 12) ZULIFUGARLIO-D~L4. GIJIZAMA, L.A.,* red.; VISEWVITIB=k~ I.A.,, q red.izd-va; JAMRSDOV, S,,,, tokhn. red, (Distribution of minor elamblnts~in caustobiolitIls, orprium sedimentary rocks and formgtion.wateral~gdeprolitrananie tik~ow; 0 1 110 elementov v kaustobiolitakhp organizmakh sado6hWkh porod.*h 0 i plastovykh vodakh. Baku., Izd-vo AzerbWzhanjjk*go univ.#' 1960. 229 p. (MIRA l5t4.) (Trace elements) ZULIFUGARLY j. D.I.; MADATOV,, M.N. Distribution of acme trace ei ements in zoAh~ of Uohln Dashkestan districts. Azerb: khjn. zkwr. ii60:llj-121 161. (Lashin District-Soils-Analysis) (Dashkestan District--Soils"Aq~lysia) 11.13,.; FITNII[YE7, O.Eh.; Kll;I,YAY(IVA, 1A Yl-:!!A F. t -trdum ar,,il iullurtum In pyrites. Azerb. ib,fm. i'hllr. r1c.2: 9 5-99 165, PTIRA 1,802Y 1. Institut khimii AN A"orSSX. ",'ub,dttt%d Jimo 15, ~190). I - ZULIFUGARLY) P.D. . i i I ZULIFUGAROV T.Kh, Annual variations of thd surface. temperaturP, of ~aterv, ini western part of the Middle Cdsplan. Izv.AN'~Iserb,SSR* Ser. geog.nauk no.lsl.18-123 165.~ L 1792-66- 3W(m)/-a,1FWA; if 11 1, ACCMSIOR M AP5024480 ~a/OM VOW' 516 06!1*00()32 2Z I AUTHORs Kullyev, A. 14,; Zul' aVa, Ellovich,111. 1;4 A/ _T~ TITLE: Synthesis and study of the anti-vear propertiem of W(Utives frdm cdnden- sation, proftets of alkyl2henols With C 10 a' SOURCE: Azerbaydzhanskiy kh1miLeskiy ilturnal, no. 3,; 1.9654 4.16-32 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant additivej ant1we4r additive, aWxot,0010n adOt NO ABSTRACT: Seven anti-corrosion and anti-VOnt. adilititAiavq 1~edii prnP4.ed. )T the condensation of various alkylplienols =uih in sdmit cases$ submelluent treatment with phosphorus pentasulfide. The phenols ilmed v&rl~ lsoprotqx-, 1~-tert- butyl-, and p-tert-pentylphenols, and a technical alkylphenol.. Condeneia~,Ion with chloral was carried out with stoichiameiric wounto of the reactants In Inooctane solution at 80-85C In the pre9e[LCO of fth)nca 112004. Thm ct-midt-nnat ion produj!te were treated with P285 inddarommtited ligroin at 95-10OCt Card 1/2 - - - - - - - - - - -.. . .. ... . . . ...F. ........ . L 1792-66 4* 8o ACCESSION HRI AP502411 For both reactions yields ranged Irrom 66 to 06%; prodiLAI~ meli&fig points tiro~ 42 to 162C. The producte were tested As anti-wesaxAnd wti-oo-oal,om ftdditille~ In ',=voved tW [Soviet) NAMI- th d tmd a Gvlds-m6thoil (kild'eno oimo~ U17the pro(x+ V9 Vate showed good anti--coirlblslon and anti-weer ropertlen . i.U candenvationprod- ucts increased the anti-wesr factor frodi 23 50.P Wix sn(I Che (Iithiophiomohateo increased it from 23 to 102.5 max. Corrosioel' goad illtTipit (IIA141 metboll) Ui&S fully prevented. OrIg. art. has: 2 rormulam a ~ VtMlles. ASSOCIATIONt IMMP AX Azerb SSRq.. SUBMTTED: WanO EIWCt.,: 00 NO REF GOVi 003 oTftAt 001 .Cad 111 M M SUD COUFAs PIP, OP 4TD PMIS~t 'A L 101-66 3n(m)1W(c)1WP(J)1T AC CMS1ON URI. AP5022083 -T. 2 t5/021/00 AUTHORSi KmjjtgyA A. Of' Zullfugamvap a*; NVOTICS 1o 14 TITLEt Synthesis and investigation 6f antiwear additiVO,h f ro.-I the VMro of's a lbenzenes-chloral condeneation -965-.46-4 -301URCE:-- AN LASSR klady TOPIC TAGS% a11q1 benzene antiieax ad iti ondertiA 'on re tion ABSTRACTi Ten new compounds,.synthenized a~6id c6ndejij~tion:dt jo~*Ioral t-~ ,~i r1coll" various alkylbenzenes, w!Te tested for their antiwea:r an;& anti ci~roedve nroveo~t~es as lubricant additives The work was undertaken in vi bboerva Yepeleva, (Prisadkil~k mai;lam i ,iv It, I 1~~ Ihoot pteljtdzd~tt P. f. Sanin and Ye. S. S t;iol Un 0 196110 p. 61) that the antiwearing properti0o of many othdir or4jmjo compotin~s qim be related to their content of CC13 group, The reaotiob was p(ittotmed at for 5-6 hours in the presence of concentrated 112S~4 (40% by weight, of The white crystalline products were recrystallized from hoptand!, ftsical; properties, yieldsp and elementary analyses oC the follotbg coagounds are, presenteat I"Trichloro-292t-bia-diphe",.'Iethane; . 101 Card 1/2 L 1631.Z6 ACCESSION NRs AP5022083 ltl 1-Trichlorojf2f;-bis. 1, 2.4i~otil~lp 11~ I h lilgl-Trichloro 2t2t-bis- 1,3-didtoth4wylp Wit ltl-l-Trichloro-2t2lbis- 44-4imethYlphenyl hanfj~ l,ltl-Trichloro.4.2t_bis- I-ethy~lphenyl)et I oro-2,2 bis- 1-isd pylphOnyl illtl-Triohl )e. Pro 1,1,l-Trichloro-2,2:-_b1s- 1-teitobutylpfien l,lil-Trichloro-2,21-bis 1-ae6 aaWipheVl tIinegi .b Condeneation product of polyalliylbenzena wit !hlo~al. The anti-wear properties of the compounds did not diffipil r=Mio, hi otheo to QCW extent but an addition of -3% of either ofthem to the 4t"Ot Vk-22 i~~"#~ed its general wear index 3 to 3o5 tivieso A, Swiss test if"We-Wil ormaito proper-; ties indicated that an addition of 3% of either coinpoujail to Us Wwic*~t Ak-15 contains corrosion of steel plat-ss within normal limitso OvIgis art. hU4 4 tables and I equatione ASSOCIATIONs NIDP SUMTTEDs - 3OJun64 WC1,11 .00 NO REP SOWt 004 '001 card 2/2 ZU LIFWI~-ROV, G. A. "Ex,*rimintal C-Unics! akta on th, 4ffect of dirwUn on Cand 'xa'ojd ;cl Azorbaydzhin ;t3t* !iodicyl. illatituto Baku 1,954. (R*ftrativV;r -hvrnal- hhimiyal NO-11, Lomcuvl, Jun 54) Usc SO: AM 318, -"'3 1954 ZULIFUGAROV, M. A. ZULIFUCIAROV,# H, A. i "Methodology cf teaching the geographj~ of kzurbayfthan $U (in the seventh class)% Balm.. 1955. Azarbaydzhan Stilts hdagogical list imeni V. I. Lenin. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogilaial Siciencess) SOs Knizhnava 16102181 No. 50, 10 December 1955. Moscovo' -777 USSR Farm Animals, Hogs Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7199 ~Author :-,A. Zullfugarov Inat Not-M-en Title An Experiment in the Fattening of Hogs oln' the Bakinskiy Meat Plant, Orig Pub: Sots. Azerbaydzhana, 1957, No 2, 34-37--~ Abstract: A comparison of the results of fattening,local unimproved hogs (from a weight of 67-70 kllog~ams to a weight of 101-111 kilograms In 85 to,J23 days), hybrids (from 70 kilograms to 142 kilograms in 110 days), and White Ukrainian Steppe.h6gs (from 51 kilograms to 158 kilograms in 141~days), determined that localhogs bring the poord,st results as to gain in wi~ight and componsatlon for expenditure of feed. Card 1/1 25 'A 4 ZULIFUGAROV, S.A.~, Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) I'meat productivity of iWIvigs Of the Ukrainian steppeSof~the white, local (Azerbaydzhan) br4d and their hybrids fed YQV3. industrial waste, yamdavts f rom 'the city of Baku.$' 11bakul, 'M--,b 27 PP. I sheet of table5 (Min of Agr USSR. Azerbaydzhan Agr Inst) 150 copies (KL, 23-58, 109) 96 281,08 Vzalmodyeystvii gumbrlnp- I eyernintykh voyedinyonly, pri konti!ktirD~6nii. TrudV' 14-te. 1-himil (Ake-d nalik azyerbayd2h. 1q). T. VII, 1949, s. 69-74, Pqet~ut*re na anyqrba~dzh. Trtz. - Bibliogr: 10 ITazv. SO: Irr;TO?IS ITo- 34 211LIO Isslyedovaniye r,,egyeV erntall otrabotannogo gpm~rlna. Trudyln-tr~ kIllmli (Akiid. ':!TAuk nvyprbvdzh. 89R), T.Vil, 1949, S. M-go - Ryeg7urVe L~j arye'i-bfWd::.b. Yaz. -,.bibIlorr: 9 m. Toyellyuloznnya proirVo'hlyennoutb. BumashAova pronVahlyenn6stb. SO: LVTOPIS ITo. 14 28409 0 byeystvii alyumosil ikstnykh I khromonlyumoallik-strtykh kAtal izqtorov nit teltdopyktAd- tyeno-graksilyen6vuyu fraktatyu byenzolbuoy golovki. Trudy iln-ta %himil (Ako-di ITauk ttr.ver'bFtydzh. SSE), T. VII, 1910 S. 110-16-nibliogr: 16 llEizv SO: LSTOPIS No. 34 J ZUL I FUGUOV, Z G. 32370 ZULljrUGAROV,j Adsorbtelonnoya Sposobnost' Bentonlln- JVulk"Ichoskikh Pioplov No'-Otopykh MeAoroakideniy Azerbaydzhp-na. Imstlyn AkAd. ItaUk AzdrvRAzh. S$R, 1949 NO. 9, a. J8-LO--Rej7=G NA.Azerbaydzh. Taz--BLbliogr*. 8 Na;~&T# SO: Letoptsl Zhurnaltrifth Stmt~,-, 7oL. Ll i ~7 '7 1 TI -1 1 1 1; -11 IF! -I Fj I I? III I, -IV 11-11! IT"' 111' tT S~HWA I LnMHAIN fd fill If LMt3IIIM I I I IN HIL HIM III 1111141,41 h 1111,111,11111 IIIIJ lip LMH 1:1 il C,A awa Wl4b gumwn. $u cactat MW /Ago. plikka. K.1'sm 4j. Awrk*n isin is pelloilive to ibc OM4,., tho toll of It gir I pt t~ tlw Activity Nht =t4w V~Ab It betiog gmatwin inth I th bi it k4 s And 1114, Art c"'Wrd dtWdidl on on ftltW 10, A"-d ing; witbout fun '1w AM litm. gulu'Xi" C-Al M"Akmbk in fr 04. gulutor 4, Iwo ,lema, of the of ou tim 1. dtl9p(tlY.tO tb'd 0,radvai toy the mo" of Warm -AxwbWjiw alutitmillimW jtkj4" olmd tl&y$) .,,,.4Amb*I)4n Art& M.), :Z 1 -74. A .4 PPIW tlemi;. tt.S.& M. tie StIll 01 MUCIX slim I.-VAP"m of aft Unkild. K6 rr 1:4 ug "" to brawaso light oil We abomb"I In varrit b fly "MISIts twl Tokanle N%h alid "Ittl1ral op 4ttj"t*tt1)'*OIIt4*t. "it-sul,P"f1MI In a mt4hirt above the HquM. A610,Al"I Kh.,tnLkr bentionito IkIwwbq As much am fula t III bl%lHltu- hom m 9. 41( (be. thy In V days Ito furm a coborvil how clondc"ute having At hightr & aml ot and 4 mach hower I dov I'MYInctizAltm 1,Lken pUcr during thr wilunpi hoot jrjkj-o,, The Ittelloo wo *ubjectird too walylk iminicat,IwIth Khattlar bentualle at 2509 at a Plow ratt of 0.26 vol. 4 cuttlyst per hr. The remilts Indicate 83.5% tronvorAm id the mono. aml diolefias chkily lot Ilmns drid COV4111. matil. bytirocutbiwoo sothillifl., ,p,,,,iblw a C. Nfewet USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Applicatipin -- Treatment.of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricswta, 1-13 Abet Journalt Referat 2hur - Xhimiya, No 2,, 1957., 5511 Authort Zullfugarov, Z. G. Institution: Academy of Sciences Azerbaydzban SBR Title: Catalytic Cracking of Naphthenic Acids and G" Oil Over Oxid6.,Catalyste Original Publication: Izv. AN AzSSR, 1953., No 5., 37-50 Abstract: No abstract Card V1 ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------- -------- . . . . . . . . . . 7 i 17 Eil MAO -------ZULIFWAROV, Z,G.; TOPCHIYEVA, K.V. Catalytic activity and structural characteriotloo of Magnesium: aluminum silicate catalysts* Ewith English slamm4ry ih insert]. Zhurtfiz.khimo 30 no.9-.2011-2015.S 156, (HLRA 9112Y 1. Xoskovskly goeudarstvannyy univers itet imeni N.V. Lomonosova,: Akademiya nauk Azerb4dzhanskoy SSR, Inotitat khimii, Baku* (Catalysts, guminum silicate) ZULIFUGAROVt Z. G. Doe Chem Sei (diss) "Studylof physi Ia4l and chemical properties of natural and synthetic ~metallosilicate contactsJused in refining and crackin of '0*1 products.", d Bakuq 1957, 47 pp with graphs 20 am. ca einy of 13e,*re~ces Us.,"-q)j Potzo "-um-Jaet,~j 100 copies (KL, 21-57, 99) GAROV, 2.G.; GUTYRYA, V.S.,,red.; HEMLADZI, G99 red.1%d.-ra; POGOSOY,lt., CEffect of synthesis of catalysts in cracking and thati P17sico-~ chemical properties] Tlitante uslovii,stutess, trakiritiushchikh katalizatorov na ikh fisiko-khimicheakie evoititys. Uka, lid-vo Aksclo nauk Azerbaidthanskoi M, 1957. 221 p. (MKRA 11:2) (Catalysts) (Cracking process) ZULI;-UGAI2",O,- GTJTYRYA, V.S., profaosor, radaktorl PJVZIVR, X-1.0 ,NOW&-- . - _&I,_ takhni6hes"y redaktor [Studies on the physical and chemical cheroot-driettco and refining Properties of Azerbaijan clays and gumbrin) Isuledovanie fittko- khimichesfcikh svointr I otbalivaitahchat oposohnouti glin mesto- roshdanii Aterbaidshanskoi SSR i gumbrins, Maku, IM-ro Akad,' ' nauk Aserbaidzhanakot SSR, 1957. 247 P. (KLRA 10'.8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akedemil nauk SSSR. (for Gutyryi) (Azerbaijan--Clay) -,-,ZULI-FUGAROV Z.G. - BALLOD, A.P. Relation between the bleaching capacity and the sbructtlre of, natural and activated clays. Axerb.neft.khozt. 36 n0.1:34-36 L . -Ta '57. 10:5) (Clay) TARLAAMOT, B.P.; ZtYLOYWAROVO Z.G. lffect'of't~e origin of water Class on proaLlIetioa w tho4o fbti al~udno- silicate catalysts. As6rb.neft. khos. 36 nollp$t3l,~)4 Ry 157.1 (Aluminum sl1loates) (Solublo glaM4) 11. -d RASULOVA, S.H.; KHALILOTA. R.G.; DZHAYARLI, R.M,: MURADOVA,: investigation of means of Inciossing otabtlellactb~lly of ths~ cracking catalyut'Okhaularit" Lin Aserbaijani with suxmry In RUSNiAnj. 12V. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-takh. I khim. nauk ~ noo5:81-95 158. (HIRA 12:1) (Cracking process) (Catalysts) TAVOSOV. 6.P.: doktor Wmaauko red.; MIXYLAD231 Go i red.izd-va; AGAt-ffA-jSh*j takhaoredo [Study of electrochemical methods for obtaining.10ine from oil field waters) Iselodovanle elektrokhintIchookikh metodov~ poluoheniia ioda iz neftianykh vodo Baku, Izd-vo Aked.nauk Azerbnidzhanskoi SM, 1959. 188 ~P* (MIRA 12:12) (Iodine) (Oil field brines) ZULIYUGAROV Z.G. - KMDOVA, S.A,; GUSITNOVA, Z.A. Manufacture of vitreous magnesium silicate ca~tal7sts for the ciacking of heavy, petroleum fractions [in Astarbaijani with sumzary in Russian]. Izv. AN A2erb. SSR. Bar, fiz.-Ukh. ilhims'nauk no*lt 113-124 159. (mlu 12:6) (cracking process) (14agnesium, silicates) (Catalysts) AGDAI,1.9KTY, T.A.; AGAYFVA, S.G.,-_,KULIFUGAROV. Z.G. Promoting capacity of the oxides of Srp bit Mot C401 Cot Gd i added to the catalyot of dehydrogunation of n-~buta" to butylenes. Dokl. AN Azerb. SM, 20 no,7321-24; 164.7 (MIRA Vill) 1. InstJ,%ut khimij AN A2erSSR. Pre4stavleno siWevikom AN AzerSSK M.A. Dalinym. AIEKPEROVA, S.A.; ~U AKHUNDOVA, T.B.,-'I)ZHABABOVA, R.D. Effect of the discharge of activating acid on,the activitv of.. gilyabi of Bayram-Ali and Kobystan deposits. Azerb. Idii.m. zh,,rId no.3:96-100 165. (MIRA 19tl) 1. Azerbaydzhanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitek imeni S.M. Kirov&. L 22230-6k EWP(J)/EWT(m)/T IJP(c) RM ACC NR' AR60043'14 SOURCE CODE:. UR/0081/65/1000/015/8027/S027 AUTHOR: Zul I f~&argy,,,Z Zullfugarova,, L. Sh.; Muradova,, A. /7~ Alimardanov,-'G TITLE: Effect of the chemical composition ofihe carrier and~promoter on the catalytic activity and form of chromium In pojymerization~ SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 1~S160 REF SOURCE: Sb. Nauchn. oanovy podbora i proiz~-va ~a~alizatox~ov.; Novosibirsk, Sib. otd. AN SSSRI 1964,, 288-295 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization catalyst, chromiw,oxidelnicokel, 0HO-10--niom cobalt, iron, ABSTRACT: The effect of the chemical composition of the carrier,i the amount of Cr~3in hydrogel, Cru' K2CrO 4LJP Mi, ~ Co and Fe on the activity and form of chromium oxides as a compound 'M~chromalumosili- cate, chromalumomagnesiumsilicate and a chromomagnesiumailicate catalyst, were studied and the relationehip beti4een the factors deter- mined. The synthesis of the carriers wa- carried out by coprecipitatic or substitution, and the synthesis of catalysts, by the method of, L 2953o-66 ACC NRi AR6004374 depositing chromium hydroxide On the carrier and by-enriching !,the, chromium-containing carrier with chromium anhydride.: The activatIon of the catalyst was performed by oxidizing it by air,for 5 hours at 480-5100 with a speed of air flow equal to 400 volume units of air for one volume of catalyst per hour. The yield of 061yethylene per lkg of the catalyst obtained in one working cycle 'was used as a criterion of catalyst efficiency. V. Agasandyan. SUB CODE: 07/ suBm DATr..-. none F;i ~1~ si I i;!A Card 2/2* is L; L 32964-66 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/T IJP(r,) R!ViVW Rs_A~ (A) ACC SOURCE CODE: LtR10249/65/021/010/0019/0022 017331 AUTHOR: Zultfugarov IORG: Institute of Chemistry, VNIIolgalfin Unstitut khimii'likIolefin) ITITLE: Low-temperature copolymerization%f ej~ylenelvith, Ugylene(~and alpha-butylene using a chromium-chromic oxide catalyst SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Doklady, v. 21, no. 10, 1965, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: ethylene, propylene, copolymerization, polymerlizaion. catalysto!poly- ethylene plastic ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect of adding propylekie and alpha-butyle;ne during polymerizaion of pure ethylene at low temperatures where the resiiltant product is a copolymer of extremely high molecular weight. For this purpose,.ethylene was copoly- merized with proplylene and alpha-butylene at low temperatUrep, :The catalyst was made up of chromium oxides on an aluminosilicate carrier. The fiolventwas "Ekstra" essute of gasoline. The polymerization was done at a temperature of15-800C and a pr 35 atm. It is found that copolymerization of ethylene with lower olefins atloV temperatures on a chromic oxide catalyst may be ur-d to reduce the molecular weight of polyethylene while simultaneously reducing its crystallinity and increasing its elasticity.1 It was found that the catalyst has a clearly marked induction period of u. Card 1/2 L iI I . I - I ..... .... I ~.. - .2ULIJUGAROY, Z.Go; DAMUVAp S*H.; AMYST, A* Investigating the relationship between the chomical oom- position, the thermogramo and the structure of gilpbi having cracking and bleaching Troperties. A"ib.1chim.shur. U0.2:61-75 159. (M]?A i3sO (Azerbaijan-Bentonits) S/D81/16O/OOO/Oq7/005!/b'16 AbO~IAOO 1! Translation f romt Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Xhimiya, 1960, No 17, P, 63, 686a9 A UTHORS t Smirnova, V.Ye.P Topch eva, KSVOP zuilf~~ar;!~ ZA., .................... he Ilymtheale Djedi M-E Sha Effeat of the Chenical. Composition, pH of t um and the Nature of Initial Sols~on -the Activity of.Alumo_&lia~alte Catalysts FERDYDITAL: Azerb. khim. zh. 1959, No. 1, pp. 83-95'(Azerb.' summary) rm,?, The autl,.-~,rs investigated the effect of pff thqj natur'e of initia 1 s.,_1u-t,1cns and the chemical composition on the activity and~,pore Otructure of alur.c.silicate catalysts, prepared by copreolpitation of water glhss solution's anId softum aluminates (series I) or aluminum sulfates (series 11). Xt,was found that the nat~ire of inillial salts manifests itseltonly in the 6~8-10,8 pH range; at 1,:gc-r r .,H values 'r-he catalyst activity of series I does not''change and that of serles Il dz_~~reaees. At an,equal chemical composition and''pH of.the aol, th~ cataly3ts of series II show a relatively higher pore diameter (d). An increased A120 p6r~ar~4;jga in the catalysts of series I causes an indre&set of d and a de. crea?e in -t:qe Initial activity, but promotes a higher stability in respect!'to Card 1/2 3/00 60/PW/017/b05/016' 0 AOO~ A 01 The Effeot of ths Chemical Composition, pff of the Synthesi~ Medium and tholuture of !nitlal Sc,12 cn !~he Activity of Alumo-Siiiaee Catalyst6 pr----5,s;-21rg wita water vapor. After processing with H20 vaoor, the activity:of all ~s-alyst,5 drcrs bul. their specific activity increases. ~; The specific activity, :-f eerles I is hleier.than that of catalysts of series II. V. is h lud i ed th a-~~ a c~rrssponding chemical composition of: the initial solutions,; PH of the me"-~-drt plays a decisive part In the f0l'MatiOn of active con- V. Yasserberg Translatc-'s ni~-'~!n This is the full txansla~,Ion of the orfglnali!A~Isslan abstract. Cand 2,/2 ZULIYUGAROT, Z.G. Chemical composition# porous structure and acttvity of Azarpaijani bentonite clays, Trudy Inst.khim.AN Averb.SSR' 17:946 159. O(M 13:4) 1. Institut khimii. AN AzerSSR, 3/121/60/000/018/OOZ/009 AOO~/AOO1~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Kh1miya, 1960, No~: 9, P, 65, 72595 AUTHORS: Guseynova, Z. A., Topchiyeva, K, V., Zullfugal",ov, Zl~ r, TITLE: The Effect of Activating Cations on -the P osity of!the Structure and Activity of Metal-SIlicate Catalysts PERIODICAL; Azerb. khim. zh., 1959, No. 6, PP. 47-55 (Azoi~lb., Russian summary) .10 TEXT: On the example of Mn-, Zn-, Cu-, and Sr-ailicate catalysts it shown that more active contacts with larger specific surfades &N).ob ned'w,henI the inlicated cations of basic metal-silicate compounds arlp~ partially substi,tuted by cations of activating Al nalts. The introduction of AM$ aotlvator catloh into the composition of the catalyst anunem a widnning of tho 1)41 iv diamotar. Tkie~ i,~19 activity changes only slightly, Benzines fok-me~d on the ca'1,'&lysLh activated with an Al cation, are more aromatized and contain less non-satiWated,hydrocarbcns than benzines formed on initial catalysts and on catalysts Activated with Mg cations. Pros the author's aum IMary. Translatorls note: This is the full translation of the orlginaL Hiissian abstract. Card 1/1 ZUL ?TTnA Rny 7 a Nature of the activit7 of aluminosilicate Cahalysts used in the refining andcracking of petroleum products [in Azorbaijani with summary in RussianI. Aserb.neft.khoz. no.l~,s3l_34 D159. (NIPA 13: 10) (Aluminum silicates) (Petroleum--Refining) 3/081/61/000/010/002/029 B110207 G_ AUTHORSs Zulfugarov, Z. R.p HUSOJnOVap Zo E*f tlimerdanovp H.,t. TITLEt Study of the activity of oxide oataly.sts ir~ the transforma- tion reaction from gas condensate int6 uns6,turated hydro- carbons PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10t 1961, 71, abs,traqt i 109512 (IOB512). ("Azerb. khim. zh."~ no-1,4 1960P 75-82) TEXT: A method was studied for producing active oxide catalysts to~ trans- form the broad and the small (700-1400C) fraction of,ths:gias oonden~sate into gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbons. The activities of Lin-, zn-', Ca silicate and Mg metal silicate, as well as Un-, Zn~:, and;Cu alumosilicite catalysts were shown to be inconsiderable,and of the same order of.:. magnitude. The activity of molybdenum catalysts pibpared.on the basis-of (HAISiO ) hydrogels is 40-46~* lower than that of the sam.4 molybdeaqm 4 catalysts prepared on (Na(K)AlSiO hydrogel basis. A profounder.sub. 4 x Card 1/2 8/081/61/000/010/002/02911 Study of the activity of oxide... B117/B2O7 stitution of hydrogen ions in the alumosilicate composition by K(Nn) ions contributes to a certain increase in the yield of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The Ito-, K(Na) alumosilicates are the most active ott.talysts. This type iof catalyst secures a yield of unsaturated hydrocarbons amounting to 29A b' Weight of the initial substance, among them 11.3ia GthYlenni 15,9;o' propylene, and 1.8~4 butylene. j'Abstracter's notes Complato tr~tnslation.j Card 2/2 ZULIFUGAROVII L,Sho; MURADOVAv SsA.; SHIRINOVAp 9,84 AGDkOKIYp T~Ao; SKIRNOVAq V.Ye.,- VEZIROVA.. VA.; MLIFUGAINO Z.6. Effect of the condiions of,polywrization~.~nd of the porous structure on the activity of chromium-alvaidnius-aullesium silicate catalysts* Azerb.khim.zhur. no*5,%87-90 161. 15:5) (Polymerization) (Porosity) (Catal~ots) s10811611=100610151015 B101[B201 AUTHORS: 701fiuzarov, Z. G., Zullfugarovap L. Shi, Muradova, S. A. 'FRYI-no-v-a, -E.B. , A gd am ski y, T. A., A I i~: ev, 1. S. Y TITLE: Study of the activity of c hromium alumilhum ma,gnesium silicate catalysts in the,polymerizati6n reaction of ethylene to polyethylene PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyap no* 6,~~1961~ 711-712,~ abstract 6P87 (6R87) ("Azerb. khim. z p 19601, no. 2t4 107-115) TEXT: A study has been made of new types of chromium aluminum magne,fsium silicate catalysts (Cat) in the polvverizatinn of ethylen~o to polyethylene, and of the activity of Cat as depenaent upon tile Met ,hod of 1heir introdpe- tion into the chromium oxide. The activity of Cat has been shown egosen!- tially to depend on the method of synthesi$, the chomical tompositi6n of the carriers having no appreciable effect upon such:aotivity. The bptimum. 6+ 3+ ~-atio of Cr and Cr oxides in the chromium metasilica,te catalysts concerned has been found to be 40-55 :45-60; the maximum polymer yfeld~per Card 1/2 s/o8l/61/000/006/015/01.5 Study of the activity of chromium... BIOI/B261 g of Cat has been 92 and 114 g, respectively. No relationship has been observed between the catalytic activity of Cat and their thermograms,, their porosity, snecific pore volume, and apparent density. AlIthe polymers obtained have been founJ to have a highly crystalline' stru v Lure. The authors assumed the acLive par'. of chromium catalyst$ to coria-iat of Oalth of chromous acid or acid salts of chromic acid. [Abi~tracferla note; Complete translation.1 Uard 2/2