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SOBOLEVSKIY, M.A.; ZUBOVSKIT GoA&#,~~,- Labor hygiene in work with sources of iq~,2ing,;radiultion. Fsll~il i akush. 28 no-4:12-18 AP163. (~MA 16:8) 1. Nachialnik otdela radiitsionnoy gigiyony Plibisteistva zdra~ vookhraneaiya BSFSR (for Soboletskiy). 2. G1 yy iadiolog ZUBOVSKIY, G.A., Teleganma therapy. Med.sestra.21 no.7:6-12,J,1~162,; (NIRA 1$:8)1 1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo reatgenoradi6- logicheskago instituta Hinisterstva zdravookh-ranedjtk RSFSR) Moskva. (GAMMA RAYS-THEWEUTI 0 USE) S]MGBLI, O.S.; ZUBOVSKIT, G.A.; IVANIT64YA, L.A. liffect of indicator doses of cortain radloaottve Isotopee out,~o luminescence of blood and bone marrow. VesC- ~ont~ ~:L r" 34 no,U; 59-61 ja-1 159. (NDA 1. Is radiologichookogo otdola. (sav. - prof,"A,V, tdsloys) "eldd"--- 4y-annogo nauchno-iselodoyatellskogo lnstituWrantga.itIclogii i~iiadlc- logii (dir. - dots* I.G. Iagunova,). Adres wrtorat 'Moskva, D-167, 1-y Aeroporta. d.1, kv. 23). (IODUM, radioactive eff of indicator dose on luminlesosic* of-bloodi& bo;; marrow (Rail) (SODIUM.-radiloactive 0100, off. of radiatlow on radioiodlne & sodium. 1ndicat6r doundp on lumixisooswe q (Rnd)) (BOXX HaROW eff. of radiatidne ou~ same) ! : i ~ 1 1. 11 I i . . i ~~ ~ ~ ,,,: ~! . ! ! 1 ZUBOVSKTY G.1.1 MIKILULREM, V.A. Study on the state of the rou,llg of lymphati* outflow from the breast by means of convid Am Yad. rad, 10 no.9s8-16 S 165. i (min latio) 1. Radiologichaskiy otdal (zar. prof* AJOSOSIOG) Gouudavsltvea~ nogo nauchno-iosledovateliskago riantgeno-radologicheskogo i-,qtitU!t& Ministerntva Mravookhranenlya RSFSR (diraktor - prt)f. I.G.IAOM07a)l Moskva. ------------ ARKHANGWODSKIYj L.A.; BUK311TEMI, Ya..A.; VOROBIYEVp GATEDIKO$ P.A.; DOLGOV, Ye.N.; ZRIGLI11p A.A:; LVIelO, .T G.P,; A ISHKOV, I.G.; KRYMANOVSKAYA, G.L R.I.; MOROZOV, N.P.; OSTROZETSER, A.S.; PAVLOV, N.A,;.,-PETROV, L.M.; POP0Vj V.N.; TARTAKOVSKM 5,14A.; TAUBE):D.1f.; KWIN, L.T.; SHAPIRO, TS.S.; SHV;.YTSBURGy1.A.; SSHBVT~Mp V.D.; DENISENKOVAp L.M., red. [Assembler's handbook on performing mechanical asuembly and special work on grain elevators and grain pr6cessing enter- prises] Spravochnik montazhnika; po proizvodstvu ma'khano- montazhnykh i opetsiallnykh rabot na elevatDrakh I'prodpri- iatiiakh po, pererabotke zerna. Moskva~ TSentr. iri-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii i tekhtiko-ekon. issl., 1963. 519.P. (MIRA '17:7) SVF,RDLOV, M.P.; YETRIAHIN. N.N., Y#SLAVSKIY, L.I.; T L.1 GUROV, V.S.,! TARAKANOVA atv. red,b,- BAT KOVA, TTT.' red, (New TT-17P and OTT-2S voice frequency telegraphy 4pparatus using transistor devI,-,6&j Novala apparatura toinalla'Offo te- legrafirovanila na pollaprovodnikovykh pribomkh TT--17P i OTT-2S; Informat.s1horn/i sbormik, Sq-faz,, 1965. U5 p.. (MRk: 18:7) NOVIKOVp VasilI7 Vasillyevich; NNVS 111Y Leonid ImakovirbI 8. --54-1f"UT vna. f,,Oh. Kor ,A, PRAMNEX, German Frits viah; KOGO10 a ent o 4iaglo KLYKOV, Semen Ivenovich; NAUMOV,. Pavel Alek~syevl~bp YMMLIYANOV, Gennadi7 Alekseyelvich; VORONIR~" Nik6l&y Isidorovichl SERGEYCMM, ILYA:., red.1 GRIGORIYEV,J!&S., redi; FORTUSHENKO, A.D.v red.~ IIOVI,XOV, V. V. ot.voll red.;; PWLYANI G.L.,, red.; MARKOCH, K.G., takhn. red* [Manual on elsetria cozmunicationsl tolegraoV] Inshonerno- tekhnicheskii spravochnik po.elektrosvUsI;'Aelatr&fiia, JBYI V.V.Novikov,i dr, Moak-va, SVIRSIltdif, 196). 6514, P. WRA 160) (Telecom ="nication-Handbooks, manual$.. stebl).! -(Telegraph-ffandbooks, manualoo 4tco), ACC NR, AN603691o (N SOURCE CODE: PO/900 Woo /9 6~4 AUTHOR: Zubowicz, T aptain', Master engineer)i ORG: none TITLE: TV on a helicopter (Use of TV on helicop.4cris ilia' combat) SOURCE: Zolnierz wolnosci, no. 288 o6 Dee 66, Colo. 1-~4 TOPIC TAGS: TV camera, ground TV receiver, alrborne'TV transhttter, TV system, military communication ABSTRACT: TV cameras were first usqd in helicopters~during militAry operations by the Warsav Pact Nations during the~Vlthva maneuv~rso' An helicopter was equipped with 2 TV cameraEj;;4 mon'itors, and 2::tran M i nitters. Pictures were taken vertically and from the:aide, an.d wOre transmitted by ultrashortvaye to a receiving vehicle,,,Iand from there trans- by cable to a transmission center. From this 0~nter they we re, mitted to a station from which the exercises w-bile being, condu'etedi.and to a general TV network. The use of TV in military maneuvers iperinits an objective observation of friendly and enemy torceal'in action ahd aide' in the crossing of streams, in camouflaging fri6ndly forces and their positions, and in artillery and tank operations; SUB CODE: 1T, 15/ SUBM DATE: none -Sard ;'65. KC j: Plathemstleal Klet*ry, Xr all Pas-30., 195a, 792~0. 3.000 OOPIGG printed. Ads ( tie pago4jg~dnj UP. w4 luohkeviah, A.F.j IM. (rome lk I Konop A.A.1 TOCh. Mt.1 OW69hovat W. Y&0 l~ x Vhle b*3k In lnt~mdal for mathematinlone md afters int re ed in the history or matminattea and may serve " t3w 0 It basts for 4 ndtabio wdrorsity text on 6a history at mitlimiatums: th reby filling the most serious &V in Soviet mathsl~40043 CCVVA=t We book oont"no r"orts NWO an the history of malhomati.. , the Congress Which dIwumW problows of the history or mathemattO mA Various artioles an the algairivi of us me" Of NOWASIOdt' cut 2/8 P. (v4soow). The We* go of Monte avoome -("t2ons 4m,"tw P. 111M I MM MCMWATICW Sol/13% I~toriko..m&tm&tIehd#JdY* 1681fdoMITA, WD. 80644rch M JUStOrY, 0 11) Ibe'low"FIRMAtSIS, Me* T92 P. LOW 4"166 printed. gds. ( tle ga&* 04 Tuftifildh. A fit W. (V"Ido boouns Kw4PIY'.W,'nA..A!;'T'ech. IN.i 10washav's# 0. Ist nplpmt we b** to imtrw, Izr mathemat4oluns W4 others'~ 0 pt*d in the history of maths"M46 wve km the l bnastirmlor a inUtable ImLversitY test an tho-hl=ry of obtfimatles, ths"107 fIIUA9 the Met serious VW is Scvl*t ""the'satios' literature. CCWXU=i This book 4antains reports AW* W mnb*r$ at the 44,1tion an the history of malhemtfos at the IUM All-Won FAthwatio4a whish dIwAMf problems of the history of mathimmatids =&Kielae an the sivitivends at Uw Us" of mattwoAtIes cud 2/8 44 the Trestles by W. onswe 710 SolubIlity of 9,reenjous oXide in saueog oolutions-of alit.UtroWIE. J6refdWier. 5. Witekowa.# aneW. Zubronsks (Roczn. Chem. ~ 1950, 24, 64-~f ~6). -~Iile solubill ty ~of A nitratetlip end dulphBtecd A 8203 is investigated in aq. solutions of ha,lidell, :;( ~ 1 ;4 ard of alkali end alkaline-earth metals. The plot of Ing ~-qlub~lity of 11821, against concn. of added electrolyte Is not Anear as it a tild be If the tjj~ory'of Debye and Mchulay were valid in this case. ;The experim='sl dq~tm may be eipreased by an empirical formula 103 S'- log $0 1 ao:- bc2; where Si is t1in solubility of AS203 for a given concn. of eleatrolyto, So tha solubiliii of AdP-03 In purl) ~ sol+eat' c the conon. of electrolyte, and a and b are empIrical c4~'tstantd. Values f g. *nd b for different salts ore given. In the case of nitrateo Iliad viilplhatas thiiiampirical formula log 3 = log So 4 go - IW:__, where t to 4 2, mny ~b.6 Appilod oray up~ to toncn. 2-2*5N. The simplifying assumptions of Debye and McAula7 mFre n6 longer valid tD;r more complicated ions. The deforming affect of the olectk6lyte ~ ions on t"~Imol#~. of the non-ioni6 solute and the solvent is more pronounced It' thinioate becausa of,! their dipolar structure. ALITGAUZEN, M.N.; GIIIZBMG, I.I.; DUBOVSFAYAj, M-V-j IjMSHCfi~, A.D.; MELOV, V.G.; OSIKIN,, R.I.; ROZHWVA, Ye.V,~-,"ST?J-WWV, llx.;~ ov~ :~ IMUSTICHOV, H.A.; SMMCHKOVi I.V.; SUCI "D.I.; YAVSHIlip A,L.; MUYA3LAIIOV A,A.;, =wj KOROVUKOV, I.A.; ORLOVAO P.V4 PASOVAI F.G.J SAAKTANj P#S.jj~ TMNTOYEVA, K,F,o- SIIAROBSKIY, LA; CAFMOSVITOVI' Yu.L.; SHCIMRBIIVL, V.V. lUrii Konstantinoviob Goretskii; obituary.: Sov.pol. 4 no.12.- 153-155 D 161. WTRA (Gorstakii, lurii Kbnstantinovich~~ 1912,4961) ZUBREV, I N.; "JAVELIIEV, A.K. ; RKrIlrdt,"N, Ye.Yfi.i OtV. X,(A. -er depoolt jeology and prospecting for pl,,.i,- " 1962) Gery- ioglia,, poi8ki i ravedkn roEaypnykh mestoroz),denil,, 125 P. 17:j?) GIAZKOVSKIY, Aleksandr Alekgandrovich; ~ IERSHOV, A.D. glavhyy red.; ZUBREVI-i liop zamestitelf glavnogo red.; ROGOVE-R, m., red.; ON SHROV B. Ya, red.; red.1 KORE red.; MOMM1111i G.S.0 POZHARITSKIY,, K.L., red.; SMIMOV, V.I., red,- SOLOW A.P., red.; TROYANOV, A.T., red.; FILIPPOVSKAYA, T.B., red. (Ni6kel. I flikelto Mookwa, Gooyeoltekhizdat,'. 1963 281 (Otserfim-mosurozbdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkOh Ii, ~ 24 OMA 1715) EGELI, Lev Yevenlyevich; YERSHOV, A.D.,, glavnyy red.::ZUBREVi, I H. zgw. p glayn ed GUDALIN, G.G., red.; KRAS11IK6r,77.T."i7red [-de- ,Zlo r. c,ea I SBKGVP B.ya., red.; MOMDZHI, G.S.j~ red.p POZHMTSKIY, K.L., red.; 6MIRNOV, V.I., red.; POLIDVOV, A.11~0 red.1 TROYANOV,! A. T., red.; FILIPPOVSKAYA, T.B., red.; KHRUSUCTIOVO N,A., red.; CHER- NOSVITOV, Yu.L., red.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.vy~uska; PROKOFIYEV,1~ A. P.,, red.vypuska; SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ye.Ta., red.izd -va; OYKOVA, V.V.', (Rare-earth metals.] Radkezemalinye metally.1toskva'' takh is-.; _T" Gostop dat, 1963. 332 p. (Otsenks. mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvodkokis no.21). (MIRA 1712), KRASNIKOV., VIO-4m-4.- Tvanovich (1906-196~), SURAZHSKIYD#Ya,~doktor geol.-m;n-m&uk,otv.r-d.; F&ULIMANI A I d6k~4r gdo.I.- ~,V- kand 1.-Ininer.,' nauky miner. nauk) red.; ZU=Vj_,~,,4 : ie, 0 red.; PCHELINTSEVA, G.M., red. (Geological prerequisites for prospecting foiuranlum deposits] Geologicheakie predposylki poiskov mastor:ozWenil 1718) urana. Moskva, Atomizdat) 19U.. 186 p. ZUMSV) Ivan Petrovich; GUROV; Sap rod.; KUZUETSOVA, Aw'~O tolth~* rodo ClAore production per unit of eqUiprantjBol1sWj,prodjiktsii a edinitsy oborudovaniia. Moskva, Monk. rabochilp 1962. 38 PO (MA 15: 11) (Moscow-Wire industry-Technological innovations) (Socialist competition) MOR's Zubrev, I.P. 130-3-1/22 ME: Production quality must be improved# rejects~greatly ;reduoed. (Povysit, kachestvo;,Produ1ctsiit rezIco sokratit' brAk)., .TJO.0511'"Na~39 PP-1 2 (U.B'OS*OM:.) RIODICAL: "MetallurgLf X%tollbi&jo STRACT: amples 'are ~ given of poor qi4alit~ and~high reject rates hampering -increases- in the ptoduction of, usable irony~ steel - and rolled products;- In'19561 17 950 tons or pig-iron,,.199 '.710 tons of steel and.*173 007 tons of rolled,proauatB were loptin this"way in the South'alonb. In.`l956APP,8_iro,r4. rejectBLamb'Unted. to 0'. 108% -, (0'. 032% - in 1955 'the, sub;.q Ity, ~ig.,;4ron:-beim. U&I 2,74% of thi total production'. - At t roSbilovekiyV4.., ho Vo K n Atornkly works the pronounced doteri(6ration of-iran~qwaity can be'attributed partly to the poor and'variable quality~of the sintert but.poor practice is also-to blage. -Poor'ingot quality: ab6otnts 'for'.A%_lILvge_:q)art of the,high 1956 std-el t6jedt-fit' '19 re~ 2.70% at:Dzerabin- 7~%,,- Whichq e..g. !~ e ski3r "(compared -with % for -1955) ' ~61-e the absolu~a C daa .r tity 87sr of reject steel was g dater lt~~ th6t at. All the, o,.H .,,Shops of-th Kuznetsk abd.Magnitogorsk'Matal io. Combineel,and is 7-.45%:'for-'tube and-5,A* for,chtomium- -.'steelsq,respect- ively. At the Makeevka'eLnd Voroshilovskiy steel* melting, shops Cexd 1/2 high reJect rates prevail, - atttibutable ~ largely to poor indus- trial -discipline and -organization -and lack a f ~ management :~ action. Rolling rejects increased in 1956. cQppaxed with 1955. at the Produdtion qual'ity =at be h1provedt' rej1pots greatly rsdgded. 130.3-1/22 Enakievskiy .(from 0'.78 to 1'.43%)i Dzerz4!nsXLY. (from.. 48. 'to 1-55%) and im-eni Kominterna (from 2'48, to.1-66%) wo The rk.6 H s at the Petrovskiy &2A Zaporoahstoa wpirks, (2 # l and l,.,r9%et respectively) are lower than in 1~65 Vut still cossive. A considerable,'part of these rejects.can,be traced to:stell meltirg foults.' card 2/2 The qua3-ity of rails'and axle blank at 'the Dzershitakly works a=iety. SBOCIATION: Chief Ipspectorate, of Produatian qual itr~ contpol. of Milnilitry of Ferrous Metall of the U.S.S'.R.: (GlajPmyei'inspektsiya p0 ffetyestvu produktsii M Ch M SSSR). MAILAM 'jai PI -Lii-iL-7,11i 0 ~ ,ft." .R ;.g ,I I'fq CZ7,-CEOSLOVAKIA Plant Phys le:ipil'~~Ion;ahd Ifetabolisa. .Abe lour; Ref Zhur'-~fo''I* 116' 2j ~141591 Author Kaldy, A,4,.;, Zubrfoky'~~ T,.'~! Inst itle i Not--g iven., tint'of Oermina -The-Carotene. on I . tion. ~,rig Pub: Vateria. oasop., 1958j 7, No 1 ~0-8d.:i Abstract: Barley was gerainated under vatibUs light expo~' ' during sures. The carotene content in6~easod germination up to the t1ae when :Iofkf tips began to turn brown., The greatostca~otene ooa"~ tent was observed under natural,,11ight,exposure while lesser aad least carotane~!oont64ts were Oard 1/2 2 Country : USSR CATEGORY : vana Animals. Dog3 A33. JOUR. i RZ81014, -10- 13, 1958, No- 59599 AUTHOR Zubrikov, N. .TITLE The Layka Dog in Krannodaraldy kray ORIG. PUB. 01chota i okhotn. kh-vo, 1957, No 7, 33-34 A33TRACT 'No abstract. CARD: 10 T Z:. 0 R y 'G rl t t 10 1959, 110 3s A83 J Go. A U V C ~'ubrJ !~Ovili -'*'Pvm~t tnztitijto of StrAc The al ric" of So Inf orm "1 1G 0 hw)-tolditle WJT) 1957 ' j for tl ..S~ f o t)TI .wv .16 :3 I T, ay . f TrOn Bidden! ~.) al"; t 0r ,n t ml mn& ar, 0, to IrL t i~ ng tbvi-rds qP nolult u., I r Of ti's tho thic~nfjsd to 16.6 an(] L7.9 nus (I I 06 c 1 t o # amodLI'nted pilinr laV~~r to " layer ral; of the !/2 La 3 USSR/Far73 Animals. - Small Homed Stock Abe Jour i Rof Zhur - Biol., No 60 lWq No 26178 Author Zubrikova Ye. 14. Inst Title 3 The Effact of Improved Feeding on Wool ProduW1on in Sheep. (VlihL-.niyo uluchshennogo kormleniya na obrezovm1ye shersti U ovots) Orig Pub i Ovtoovodstvol 1957, No 9y 29-32 Abstract t No abstract Card t 1/1 --41 N T--TT Pi J~ ZUBRILIN, Alekso& Allskise evichn, professora, BXUYUKOV,110.M., redaktor; a. MF,,II It ikiy redaktor [Aheiling forage crops] Silosovante komovykh,lkxd't~ur. Hoskyaj Izd-vo *Znanie,n 1956. 38 P. (voesoiusnos obs'110hest-rd po rasprd- straneniiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii..tBar.5, no-23) (MIRA ZU3111LINI, A. A. et al. ~~ The Silo, A"foscow, 1950, 280 pp. STVANMO, B.S.; ZUBRILMAo O.To XHATM j L.P. OVA Studlee on glycogen,netabolism in normal conditions JwA In all0an diabetes with the eld of radloaotive carbon, D~~al, 0SSSR 100i, (MLRA'80) noo);521-524 Ja 155. 1. Laboratorlys, fistologiahaskoy khinti Akademil nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akadexdkom A.I.OpartMv. (CARBON. radioactive', p labeled glycogen, met6be in normal cond.& Ailloxan diibotss) (OLYCOM. metabolism, in allosan diabetes & normal cond., rafto"rbon labeled glycogen) OIAMM MILLITUS. experimental. glycogen metab. in radiocarbon labeled glycogon) I AUTHORSi Pervushin, S.A,p Doctor of Economic Soi6hoes,'Professor; go-~ vozhilov, B.F.; Zubrilov, L,Y ndidite of' Technical,Soi4n- ces TITLE: Bases for the Appraisal of Minerial Depotits Ui ne a(Osnoi4y otsenki mestorozhdoniy poleznykh iskopa~emykh il rudnikov) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnall 195,8, 'Nr 8, pp 18-27 OSSR) ABSTRAM Professor K.I.. Pozharitsk pUblished ~jtjcie:i= aa der the laboie- mentioned title, for discussion in bWO (1957) of thiolper ilo- dical, This article is an answer by Y'difforpnt authoriser, Professor S,A. Pervushin says that Poi:~axitski;y . bas a; wro, ng conception o.C the economic appraisal di min6ral deposits and mines.because he does not sharply sepa'rate ;the sociali:st a .co- nomy from the capitalist economyt coniideri ng the problem,~of appraisal without reference to the baO to r~las of dev4loptient of the socialist economy, in partioullir the Soviet mi,nerall and raw material economy. PozbArltsk4 ignorod the experiepoe of Soviet projects institutions as G-proichim (A.M. Levilif A.,D. Shapiro and others) Givrotevetmet (Ya.S. Oolldinj Yu.B. Malev- skiy, D.D - 0 nev) GiPr04$UMit4 (G.A'.Mikhollson, M.F. Purits), Card 112 Gipronikelf ~L.S. Kullnitukiy, DoM.'~ura)p~ Gipromez,(V-O~ Bases for the ASSOCIATION: Card 2/2 Appraisal of Mineral Deposits ana Mines S07-127-56-8-3/27 Chernyavokiy) and others. The seoond authorl:B.F. Novozhilov, bases his criticism on the same lines &51the Pirst author. The third author, L.Ye. Zubrilov, finds all propositions,made by Pozharnitakiy to be highly controvers,ial. There are 13 references, 11 of which are soviet and 2~Amerivtn. Moskovskiy inetitut tavatnykh metallov ii~zolota (The Moscow Institute of non-ferrous metals and gold), Gosplan Kaz.SSR The Kazakh SSR Gosplan). Gorno-geologidheakiy inatitut'tTFAII he UFAIN Mining-Geological Institute). R 1. 14inerals--Economic aspects 2. Mines-Ee,onomic aspects ZUBRILDEL, 2. 1. Changes in the carbohydrate and nitro&vnons owplexas of oil&" prepared from different plant:*' Trudy VNIIX 3004-JI 15 Ensilage) (Carbohydrate (Nitrogen coinpound-~(M& 10~0#0 I t 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongrOM.-, APRIL 053~~ Uncl. I ~i !;; ; t;~ I t . I i I I lassified. cboiikw M~~~ i0t, cm r ft-tfi~m AZU (U. S. S. R.) to", No. 43).-Thwarovitrot tbIj Mvcwj~y* .0's "wYfftv Mr the Ckm , d prawns f* etwis fmWer dwftiks Tbetj; kiWc sm tW ftvWyjL, 01 ',Of mmptrod with the um Pit t* 46-0,42. The S 01 The &5 cs" I* tffet-W with IM, but tbt p, k1w qh#t* dtcr the nAstmOged. A w9a. cmtg.i ~~7% mb ,I Ila "rwWD"&d U . too Baddidwy mals.04 'adder ptewnsm, zoo 00 00 400 tie 0 oe Ao lie 0 tie -4 -j T u 0 At 91 If it a It (4 7 (I a to or K 10 a je 0 1 pse!" 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 ;* *ill/ 0*004,00004s l #:~ 0.0 0 0 10,1.p.ol IS I) II, I a " It it 1-1. A _c t 9 a --I- I-AA 09 "0 of cma(cus in the orldafto systom of PUS *0 0 taunt of fte dewia"two In the dr d Voss. A. A. 06 ZuLvilin stul L. 1. Aff 00. 'No. 7/A I 27-31(in RUWAS)., - stpict fvview awl tliwuukm~ 23 m(emcm N. Tbon 00 00 00 9 see 00 u to 0 too coo a .1. 10-1 4.9 4 31 It U m if IP If "ifft" Ira Ot ff Oc ts n It it MW It 1 10, 0 0 0 !01 0 0 j6, 4 0 0 i0 : : : 0 : --~40 0 : 0 : a 0 000 : p 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 As 0 0 0 qpjp so OOA 06 008; so Sot oe-t 1--bal The ditaf of mikk Ab". SOlo-Skes. i, ask ink. V. 1. DOW No. 7 IOU),-Ahet a tkumiiral 41muoilma on I 000 tba In o o Ldl al ftH40 oou dhlllm=4ntt4ow~.: I IL lairi Sti (hi- FV~'UAi VIA - V, I [to ... &SM-SLA RITALAVOGOCAL ~~Atlllt OAUWWJ;j~ au 5 -WOO is ft 0 W YA a a WO 0 *Soo 0 00000 604 0006 044 0 0010000 1e Oi of v 0 0 0 0 0 S T44010 We 0 0 0 0A 0 We a 0 0 G'o-0 0 *:.,O,o 0.6 0 0 0 o 4 0 o 41:0 #000-0-s 0 7-! -00 .00 00 10 SO No =00 Ce 0 go* *00 age we 0 goo, Ire* ZUBRILIN, A.A. 25134. ZUBRILIIT, A.A. X Teorll Sushkl Trauv Na Sonlo. V~l SBt V*proty Kormdobyvaniya. Vyp.2, M.. 1949, S. 192-9? SO: Letopts' Nol 33, 1949 - ZUBRILIII~ A. A... ZUBRILITIA, 2. 1., GOLIDBERG, S. 00 Feeding and Feeding Stuffs New method of preparing protein vitamin. paste* Sov. zooteldl:.. 7 nd. 7~ 1952.: Vsesoyuzrrly Ilauchno-Isr3ledovatell skiy Institut Xormleniyii Ull skDlch,)zj-ajstv#*llnrWkh Zhivotnykh Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress) Selitembc'r,1952. OCEA511FILD. A 21M 11 TIN X, "Basic problems of feeding animals And produclftg pasttweCill Tr4 from the Riissi~n. P. 73; Monroot additional feeding ofthe sugar-beet." :p'.. 81; ~"rha fight igalist the potato beetle." P. 85; vYellow lupine mixed in pristi"s sovni after th~ crop Ro ni harvest." p. 86; "Souring fodder in pits and heaps.0 pi 87. (jig% I Vol. 2, no. 8, Aug. Warszawa.) SO: Month2Z Mat SLf Dist EuroveM Aggesslons, Vol. 3, No, 2,P Libr ary of Go nkresso Feb. 1954, Uncl. L , I I D ZUBRILIN,, A.A.; HISHUSTINs Ye*N, Urgent probleme in the theory and prutla4of tied ensilaie,o, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. nod' 4:574-591 n-4 160. (14IRA 13:$) 1. Institut mJkrobiologii Akademii mAuk =Mv (EMIIAGE) ZUBRILIN, G.I. "Designing automatic block system fsr r4i~road' b7 NX N N.M. 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