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ACCESSION NRi 03000969 .9 / Old 72 /~ 311000 /006 /Oa2 3 /0026
AUTHOR: Chernyu,_K. 1- (CandifAlita of tach-n1cm.1 vftancem); ZabeiviL., 3, K (En-
TITLE: Change IYA the qUbility cX Claiis ftber-s &(E!Lnj;
SOURCE: Steklo i keram1ka, no., 6, 1963, 23-26
TOPIC TAGS: fibeir glass, aluninum-borosilicate glams, s,-milum-calciuml-silleata
glass. breaking strength, binders, sizers, polymer-imatiom, R.
ABSTRACT: The authors t-.qted n~anples of glass fl~bmvi friml k1 uninum-bar(!~HILli Cate
l 11E - 1 a 1;'~j Z I'll E -,ith 1~7 two
Card L/1
I ! . i
;( - ---l
I W,
WCESSION NRt AP3000969 $/GD?2/(1A(00O 75-
,kUTHORt CherVak, H. G., (Candidate of Ucimic4hl srlunc'40; Zmbova-, A. (Fn-
7 ITIt- :Change in the stsbtlity of glass ftboL4 durtn"i &10
SOURCE: Steklo I kermika. no. 6. 1963, Z~-Z6
TOPIC TA.GS: fiber glass, abudAum-borazilicate, glaso,
glass, breaking strength, binders, sizers, polymerizil.tion. qgAmg
A.BSTRAM The authors tested samples of g~.,tss Mom frost &luainum-bavos:L1Ac&te
and sodium-calciu=- sil Ica to glass. The :-,hiinges in thm '-ritVk;5qF rtrerlgt~~ -.7: "w0
kinds of easq fibors was 1.eFtg~d lur',nir 7ro'.onzild ~touvu,~q .r. ~nools ir. '.akbora,~ory
~-we we,-, -'al"11 3tindard
L A _e,.;in +r nolma-
")!.a L wi
:.;L ~r '-!;n~' R--DeC!A-iy Ln tho i:~&Se of ttte qtft&ll tiize of the 4ibers. '~Itl s
-iffect --an be apparently due to the polynerl7atl-on or ti-ipir rttader-slzer. :5oma
of the 5amplas ~LJ s-Llayed z. tende=7 tr lawqr tne si-r-briw
th 1'.,tey tttain-d pruviously
AUTHOR: Rapoport# S. Ya.;
ciiange~of the
TITLE: Role of serotonin in permoabilit
hematoencephalitic barrier in ionizing radi'tion
Gisto-gematioheskiyo barlyery* i Iohizix*,u~nishchay
labc~,'atorii fizlologii, Moaccrw~ AN SSS11v
radihtsiya. Sbornik rabot
1963o 186-197
TOPIC TAGS: serotoning hematooncephalitic, b6rier' permeability,
X-irradiation, brain tissue,, froo~serotoninf~lboun~d:serotonin$:;
reserpine administrationp Vanels serotonin oontent.~methodi,
ABSTRACT: In the first of two experimental ieriersq:~rats were
X-irradiated with a single doso 1, 000 r (11UPM'1 unit* focal,'le th
40 amo 53 r/min) to determino the sorotonin I4onteht of brain tissue
.and its effect on hematoencerkalitic barrier;~! perm6abilityp In' the
second series serotonin eontont in the brain~'vas r:educed b
reserpine Injection and its offeet on hemat6ioncephalitic barrior
..,Dermoability was studied under -normal and radiation conditions'.
Card 1/3
Reserpine was injected in single doses (9-4 v4Vkg)!1 6-8 hra ~qr 19-22
hrs before irradiation or as a daily dose forj~ dalro before lrr~dia-
tion. Radiation dose was 6 singlo 600-1000.1 do*O and lr~aAiaLIng
conditions wore the same as in the first series, After the ~ato were
decapitated at different periods serotorin coAtentiwas doteximin'd in
0 1(l
acetone extracts of brain tissue aceardins Z!Nanols moth C 997).
Results show that on the first day' after irra ation serotohin level
of the brain tissue increases and coincides a i period of~ hi~,her
hematoencephalitic barrier permeability. Aft6r 241'hi-s in r~oot oases
the serotonin level of the brain tissue decr6al'ses 'and hemoeni:epl~aii-
tic barrier permeability decroasesp and furthO~r seiotonin lo el!
decre.ases are accompanied by further hematoencephalitio barr~ier~,l
decreases. The second series of experiments 445 ciri-iod out~l to
determine whether there is a cause and,,effoot ~'ela-6ion betweOn total
serotonin level and hematoonoopbalitic barrior'~ pemielxbility.~i I~ was
found that homatoencophalitio barrier pormabilityJiloreason! and
serotonin.lovel dectoases after a single roeoroine Anjectioh~ With
ionizing radiation after a single resorpine injectiori,, hematoencephal-
itic barrier permeability does not,inerease but the' Morotoniii level
increases* It is known from the literature th4~ se'rotonin in the
COM 12/3
tissues ia found in a bound atate4nd is not~~ubje6t to the! a0tion of
its decomposing enzymes monoaminooxydase. Wiatibn reducoi total
serotonin level in the brain by freeing bound'~'serotonin, The f:~oo
serotonin in turn'affects tho central nervoua~'systom and hem4toopneeph-
lalitic barrier permeability Results of these~studioi are d~Xficult
to interpret because there is'no existing method fb.rJdontir'yihq free
serotonin and bound norotonin,, With total sorotonin:~lovelsTthe~sames
Jt is possible to have different ldvels of fre6 pha~rnacologi4aliy
active serotonin and different effects on hematooncephalitidibarrier
penneability, Orig. art, has: 6 figurosp 5 t4blesill
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziologii, Moseotori~ AWSSSR
(Physiology Laboratory. AN SSSR)
00 9 ACQ:~ 070ot63
SUB CODE: AM NO REF SOV: 007 OTHM,~; 1~1014
LIVINOVA, T.P.; LYMI[ENKOVO A.G. [deceased); PriniMali:uohastiye:jAITSKAYA,
V.Yat# students.; ZUBOVA, T.F., studentka; DBUISaVA., I.D.J. siudeitka;
KUtZOYEVAq Ye.Kh , -studentka; 013= ISKAYLP L*V0 studenticat BELYA P
Z.D.,,- studentka; BOPMICHv Kh.D. , studentira; OKUNEVA$ N.F.,' studentka
Determination of the amount of water retaii~ted in plant raivmat~rial
iLin proparing infusions and decoctions, Ap~. delo 10 no. 8-3.1 3-0
161. ?L111 14:12)
2. Fermatsevticheskiy fakulitet I Moskovokogo ordena Lenina meditsin-
skogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova.
Iterbioiden had helped. Zaohcho~ rast. ot vr6d'. i b,61.. 6 noJi42
MY 161, (MIRA 1516)
1. Starshiy Wonam po tashchite rasterAy ~i;rovskaigo oblastn6c'o
upravleniya sallskogo khozyayotva,
(Kirov Frovince-Flaz-Dim6avea &W J*Oto)
GLADKOV, N. , zaffluzhennyy master oporta.; RATSEIGYA;UP 140 zasluzhenn~yy
master sporta; ILICHMIKO, V., zasluzhonny~ mantor sportaj ~
VERSTENNIKOVO H., master uporta; CSTROVSKI'Y, P.~, master sporta;
,ZUB IVA, V., master sporta; CIMRNOV, B.) m4ister oporta;
ZAYTSEV, S., master sporta; PISTOIENKO, V', master sports;
FOCIIERIIINx V., master sports,
Toward new sportive achievements. Krylacid. 13'no.4:7 APA62.
(Aerial sports)
V. A
"The Fats in the Organism of the Oak Silkvomll Canfl Ghtsm Sal! ~.,Ibgcow
State Pedagogical Inst imeni V. I. Leitin.' 27 Doc 54 17 bad 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dlwertatioris~ llefeiidcd at U.- ;-3 11
LiC.her Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
USSR Fa rm AnIm4'ls*, The' Sfl~ikr'idl,
Abs Jour t-. R Of ht
Author Donyanovskly, Si,,Y~4,ZubQ,va V A'
Title 0t
N gi
Fats -In, the -:Orq~hism ~or this',06kI
Orig Pub: BIPkhIm! .0 6~ ~0,6~'66 v
Abstract: The amount' of 'f at r Ing: the tim b
d 7du e
m et am6 tphos' 1- s, anidl,' eibt6~dgienes i a
' ~wel 1* ~'is -the
16f regpirstion
coeff ck~
' ~.t3 144H69
d iihow thatIfats T.,eprii
p e r ent 'OrLe of the
basic substances for the energy metabolism of the:
pupa (P) and the egg, At age V. citerpillars of
males are richer In fats than CdtC0pIllar3 Of
females; the fats of females are rtcher in un.-
breakabl e acids; the P fats of feitalles contain a
larger quantity of linolenic acid than F fats of
Card 1/2 r7 -TA; S-/'-
m Animals. Silkworm.
Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biole, No 9, 1958, 40571.
Author Zubova, Vo A*
Inst :-Not given.
Title Fats in the Organism of the Oak~-Feeding Silkworm.,
Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Mosk. gosil ped. in-t,.:1957:, 98, 3-Z9.
Abstract: The quantitative changes of fatti dur ing the life
cycle of the oak-feeding sillcnora were invest-
igated. In the periods of active feoding of the
larvae, and especially vigorously during their
later growth, the accumulation of fats takes
place. DuriAg the moult of the.'larvae, fats,
mainly unsaturated fatty aoldsj~'are used up, :In
the periods of embryagenesis and metauorphosis,
the content of fats decreases sharply, which per-
mits to assume that they constit 1ute the main
source of energetic metabolism during~these phases'
Card 1/3 77
USSRI Farm. Animals. Silkworm.
Abs,,Tour-. Ref,Zhur-Biol., 1;o,~9, 1968 40511
Abstract: of the de,veloj=ent.'., Xoid.ifjer~,~es A the
change,of,,the, amount,of fats iap,aus-
ing.,and in the., non-diap''ausilig, 4~otalev' j cocoons
were notib'ed.-~ ~ unlike'', other ~~ iid6i6ts; "in the
coco * ns 'of, the, males! of'the odk-f eeding ~ (and
0 ll,~
Of the mulberry-~feeding as well)l sW.Wbrim the';
content-6f fats in higher thaft4n tho., oocoons'
of the,femal.est, The study,of the. aaastants
of the fat show'ed that in tile 61~toge~e6is the'
acid number, saponification nurab'er as'wel
*bar and ether humbl',
as iodine num or, change
little.1 In aboordande.with.thode constants.
the sex differeno~esvere deteriailnede! In the
fats of the oak-4eeding silkworal, th4 41yoor-I
:derioa are
ides of the fatty acids of Cle
Card 2/3
TER-MAIMSOV, Ya.G,; GTATTA, T.r.; Room, YuOr.; owu F
Method and equipmentmed in foreign counteips in aaragvophy4ical~
prospecting for uranium deposits, Atom. ener~,. Su:pplezent no~.6t146-160
157. (KM 11:7)
(Aeronautics in surveying) (Prospecti. ng-Geqphysical- ma~hod~)
(uranium ores)
FOMICHEVAq A. j ch rtezhnit6d (Tula),-' SERDW takhologl ~MCHENKdt X
olebar I-lekeal Ishchikj ZUBOVA - Ye. I in;h. (G~I:Krasn~y luch v Lugansko7
oblasti); SIJJPAIIER B.-m'4t-
, in ~.;'Kriasnyy Lu~h, Lugabskoy obUsti);
GIDON9 L.9 inzh. tMoskva) Avramovaq L.v app4tratchituag(g. Lislichansk)
Our readers' coments,on worknominated for~~ nim.Prizea. So%,*
profsoiusy 17 no.6:31-32 Mr 161. (111RA 14-.~)
1. Tullakiy zavod "Shtemp" (f~r Slerdy4). 214~ KirOvakiy Zavadr.
Leningrad (for Kharchenko).
(Lenin Prizes)'
(Russian 31terature),~
Seroprophylaxis of Betkluls disease. Zhur.milcrbbiol.#spld.i imtnn.; 30
no.llrll-15 N 159. (mr~A 131 r3)
1. Is Kirgizekogo inetituta epidemlologii, mikroblologil i9191yany i
kafedry organizatell zdravookhtanoniya Kirglimkogd~msditminskago insti-
(HOWTITISt INMTIOUS Provo control)
AUTHORS: in, L. F and Zub&~aj ye.'!V'' (196-1-29/4d
elements on the periodic
Dependence of the shear force of
number at high pteo6uxes.~ (Zavi'Sim6-jtt1 S~Iy, 6dvigc[
elementov ot poryadkovogo nolmera Pri~bollbhikh davleni~akch).
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metal1ovedeniye,,'il957,L,
pp. 171-173 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Bridgman, P. W.-(Refs.1 and 2) detei-kneel,the shear Jtdrce
for a number of elements,;at pressurem of 25 000 aid, I
50 000 atm. The authors!'of this pap6i htive contiIedi
these investigationsi and~for this pur'pose' alpparattl *A8
built Which is similar to that used' 1~r B~i(lgman. 11 or
some of the elements which were inveltigated. by BridE#an
- 1~ith the I
data were obtained which 'are in agre4llfaent
nilmerical values of Bridgman. However the question arose
~ween t:
whether a relation exists bel 4po
hear force:0
.pressure and the p'eriodic'humbdr'similari'to,that
elevated 8
which was established by one of the',authore and
ce,of the
A, I. Likhter (Ref.3) for the depend,'
compressibility of elements at ele ed *i6taperatu~cps on
the periodic number of the element' Z. It'can be~ been
from Fig.1 that the shear force 6n elements shows a ~
periodic dependence on Z and its a~soluto value inereiises
Card 1/2 with increasing pressures. It is of interest top ;oint out
AUTHORS: Zubovay Ye. V., Korotayevat L*.Ad ;i 807 76-32-7-'18
TITLE: The Phenomena Observed in Chemical Solid Ohlise Tran~iormlitions
at a Pressure of 50 000AC/cm2 and at SiLlw;ltaneous gh~ear~
Stress (Yavleniya khimicheekikh Frevrashcheniy v tve:r~doy
faze pod davleniYem 50,000 kg/cm pri odno
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 320~ Nr 7, pp,~576-1579
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the possible tr4nsfotmationa ift~solld
phase under the conditions in questi6n ar4 investigated I
employing the method suggested by Bridgman (Ref 4).~~n t6
introduction the assumption rm4a by A4' Fe taputainski~r~ (X
ef 1)
as well as the experiments car--.1od o~t by!.Loi 0. Berg; O.~ K.
Yanatlyeva and Ye. M. Savitskiy (Rer.~12) aAd;Hoffman;(Ref,3)
are mentioned. IThe experiments are carried out by means ~Df
an apparatus described in another paper, using disk',Aap~,ed
samples which are, under pressure, eiposed. ho a she0ind ac-
tione The curve representing the fuhttionlof the she
force vs. the pressurn in the case oT a change of the in,'ternal
Card 1/3 structure of the sample displays a bveak.!Thie way the authore
The Phenomena 0 served in Chemical Solid Phase Tranljforn~tiolne at 'a' Pressure
of 50,000 kg/cm and at Simultaneous Shear Stress
decomposed the sulfides of Cut Nit C,cland Vejand synthesized
phosphides of Mg and Znp and decomposod leiid oxides'ahd MnO
The explosion observed in certain sultide Oyntheses was oau;ed
by the formation of oxides due to the.oxygen absorbed by~
the sulfur, an was illustrated by the results of the ~exp~ri-
ments. The authors carried out a quantitatlv'e analysis 16
the formation of magnesium phoophidelland they found:thai
the transformation percentage is 42, The e~perimsntO~on the
oxide decomposition showed that a trannitilon. took place from
MoO tito MoO 2, while in the case of Pb 0 the formation of,
metallic Pb was found. Finally the au hors.thank L&I's
Vereshchagint Professor, an& the mechanic S. T. Vlaoo'v. There
are 8 figures and 4 reforenoool.2 of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATTON: 14ookovskiy gosudarstvenh~yy universitet im. At. V. Lomanoabva;
Akademiya nauk ISSSR,,,Labdratoriya fizl'k'i i ~kbimil vy$Q~klkil
davleniy,IIoakv!- (Vow!ovi State Univer4ity 1:2-wnt M. Vi ~Loinbnonov
Laboratory offtypico ~nd tha Chemistry of Ifigh Prefl:~-Orec';t-~;
Card 2/3 USSR)
The Phenomena 0 served in.Chomical Solid Phase TratWordations at'i Pressure
of 50 000 kg/om and at Simultaneous Shear Streac
SUBMITTED: Karcha8g -1957
.1. Jntermetallic compounds-TransformtIons ~:'2. :Metal O~Ifios
-Decomposifton 3. Internsta3.lia,compi6unds"i)hase studies
4. PreBsure-Metallurgical ef feats ~.~41etai Iffiosphideb-Sytithesis
Card 3/3
AUTHORSs Vereshchagin, L.P., Zu bova, Ye.V.!;,Ond shaEochki ntV.A.
TITLE: Apparatus and Methods for the Meaiurement of Shear in
Solid Bodies at High Pressures4l~,~
PERIOD I CAL: Pribory i tekhnika 19,60, Nob 54
PP. 89 - 93
TEXT: Referring to a publication-by Vdrealk~~*gih and Shap6chkin
(scheduled to appear in Zh.fiz.matallov i m6tallqvadeniye)~
J on
measurements of shear stress in pure element,h at:pressures~up
to 50 000 atm. in which certain regularities'~wer-d reveale&
improvements in apparatus are described which per,'mttted an,
extension of the range of measurement to 500!0OVakm. A plate.
of the metal under investigation is placed betwein the polis1ied
faces of two truncated cones pressed againstleach other. 'The,
combination of axial pressure and friction 'causes! the metal platy,
to flow in a manner which creates a bi-convex! lea's shape. whilst
the initially flat faces of the conical pistons become concave,
Two such assemblies are placed In line insicie tho press an'd the
middle part between the two specimen metal P'late~ Is provided'
with means of being rotated about the axis. Xhifl: createsa
Card 1/3
Apparatus and Methods for the Measurement of'iShear-in Solid
Bodies at High Pressures
plastic torsional deformation in:thelspecimol~,, Dvyond a
certain axial pressure the deformation takesJthe ',Nirm of
internal slipping inside the specimen. The,torquo was appli ed
by a rack and pinion mechanism at the rate 'Olt I degree/seC'and~
rieasured by a piston-type hydraulic dynamomef4ir . Plates 6t
3 - 5 mm diameter and various thicknesses between 0.03 anll~
0.3 mm were used as specimens. Steps were to en,to reduce:the,
contact between the specimen and the conical~surf'acle of thel
plungers or else to measure the error caused,A)y such contAtt.,
Several tests were carried out with each specimen and if the
first of these tests gave singular results,lit was ignoredh
Therelation between the torque and angle of notation was ~i
determined for each value of the pressure applied by the press,
so that the resistance torque to shear defor ation. was found to
grow with increasing pressure. An example Zows;the increased
of the torque with pressure for 0.45% carbon steel and another.
example the same relation for molybdenum oxide. ~The latter
Card 2/3
Apparatus and Methods for the Measurement of:Sbear' in Solidt
Bodies at High Pressures
Illustrates points of~chemical transformation~by -6he preseate
she 'r stresse~s'
of steps in the curve. The evaluation of the, a
from the torque is shown. The presence of hyorostatic suppbrt,~
at the point of contact and the mounting of the plungers in~l
tapered holes of large steel rings have madeit possible toi
increase the strength of the plungers made of~a stellite-ty0e
material by a factor of 10 (details to be published by
Shavochkin. V.A. In Inzhenerno-fiz. Zh.. ig6o
There are b figures and 3 Soviet referencesa;,~
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davl,e4iy AN SSSR
(Institute of High-eressure Ph~sic4 of the
SUBMITTED: August 28, 1959
Card 3/3
s/im/6o 002/011/017/P42
3 0 J40 .2108 B006/BO5~
AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L. F. and Zubov
ij i
TITLE: Measurement of the Resistivity of loditie and Black Phoo-
phorus Under Pressures of up to 200,000 atm.
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Val. 2. No.4 11,:pp. 2776-2777
TEXT: The resistivity of iodine and red phosphcras af.pressures of
I - 200,000 atm was measured at rocm temperature. The~4 ullrAhigh probsures
were measured with a devioe designed at the Institut ~Iziki v7sokikh
davlenly AN SSSR (Institute of the Physics of H!,gh Fx-ossuros of the As
USSR) and a compensation method. The pressure depeAdez~ae at resistivity was
measured in both direations. Fig. 1 shows that the reiiisti-rity of iodine
decreases quickly with g--owing pressure, and approaclies that of metal.
at a pressure a'& about 70,000 atm. After pressure ia ramolrod1resistivity,
increases until it reaches almost its initial value; .,khe Yesistivity of
iodine changes by 1o5 times. It may thus be assumed that ati such high
pressuxes a semiconductrir goes over into a metal. Analogou6 phenomena are
found in black phosphorus. At a pressure of about 43,000 atm, red phospho-
rus irreversibly goes over into black phsaphorust whi~ih in, accorapanie,d by
Card 1/2
Measurement of the Resistivity of Iodine S/181166/002/611/017/64'2
and Black Phosphorus Under Pressures of up t~') B006/b656
200,000 atm
a resistivity jump. The resistivity of the latter further detiribases if t h
groving pressure until at pressures cf -110,000 atm %lie met~allic stat4 is.
reached. If pressure Is again allowed to drop, res1stNv1%y,jncreases:'nd
reaches almost its initial value; black phosphor,as, however, remainsis.
metals It may therefore be said that at presoures of 150,00 - 200~000 att'a
iodine and black phosphorus are good ccnductors. Ther4 ar(4;:2 figures
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysrjkikh davleniy AN S13SR hidskva
(Institute of the Phjsioa rf High Presmuree of the AS USSR;
SUBMITTED: June 16, ig6o
Card 2/2
yaoo E073/E535~!
AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L.F#j Shapochkin, V.
TITLE% On the Question of Friction and Shear.:,'at Ifigh Contac't
PERIODICAL: Flzika metallov I metallovedeniye,11196o, Vol. lo, No. 1,
TEXT: Bridgman (Ref.2) and the Authors of this gaper
(Refs.3 and 4) used pressures of up to 5 000 k4~;/CM4 in thei.r.
experiments in order to study the changes in t.1,te friction f6rces
and internal shear (sliding) at very high pressures and to study
the phenomenon of "freezing$' (seizing) of contilict ~U.rfaces.,the,
principle of the operation of the test machine~uaed- by the
authors of this paper for bringing:about shear Undor the effOct,
of pressure was described in an earlier paper~,'(Refj5). A sketch
of the test-rig for applying normal pressure apid a.torqtje s.,
shown in Fig.l. A thin plate of the investiga~ted ma .terial is
placed between two carbide pistons'and pressed down and, following
that, the pistons are turned each,otheri. The rotatton
was proceeded with until the torque stopped increasing. Thereby,
Card 1/3
on the Question of Friction and Shear at High'Contact PressUrest
the speed of turning was constant and so small~that the thermals
effects could be disregarded. The dependence Of the turnink,lanile
on the torque for various specific.ipressures in the normal
direction were determined. Under the effect o~f the applied 'normal
pressure the plate assumed the shape of a double concave lens,
whilst the surfaces of the pistons~remained c:on'vex. The results
are plotted in Figs.2, 3 and 4 andlentered in ~t Table, p.138' *The
increase in internal sliding with increasing p,ress-dre was measured
up to pressures of 200 000' X/cm-W whilst the increase in thf;-ft
friction force and the change in the friction~lcoefl'icient (ilia 2
absence of seizing) was measured for pressurefl'up to 100 006 kg/cm
for the following rubbing pairs: the carbides'VXB atainst VX&,
the steel ShKhl kragaInst the steel ShKhl5, the carbide VK8 a,gaiiist
the steel ShKh15 (Fig.4, Table, P.138). Furthermore, the
"freezing" phenomenon was investigated which,ts caused by trans-
ition from external friction to internal slipso For most of the
chemical elements,steels and commercial alloys'' thelcriticall
pressure range at which the transition from eitern :al friction o
Card 2/3
On the Question of Friction and Shear at High~Contadt Pressures
internal slipping takes place varies between 15 and~50 000 kg/cm
and depends on the'nature of the invoztigatediniater~mlw nam4ly,
its crystal structures. There are 4 figuresi',;~l table and
5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy~4N SSSR
(Institute of High Pressure Physi~i, A~j' USSR)
SUBMITTED., January 3, 1960
Card 3/3
AUTHORSt Vereshchagin.L. F., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, and
Zubova Ye V
TITLEt The Measuring of the Shearing Stress in.''a Series of
Substances at Pressures of:up to 1OOtOO6 Atm;
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR:V 196C, Vol.'154, No. 4,
PP- 787 - 788
TEXTt To determine the applicability of graphite, silv r hloride,land I
of a number of substances as lubricants~for high-Rreds lants their
behavior on plastic deformation must be known. Shearing stress was
measured in a number of materials at pr,essures of uplto 1000000 atmlimit
the two substances mentioned above, even up to 500,900 atal. The testtng I
apparatus was constructed at the institute mentions d~under' Association.
The substances investigated (0.1 mm thick disks or ppvder) -were pressed
between two pistons. One piston could be rotated around its longitudinal
axis, the pressure was produced hydraulically. The f o1rce ithich was
necessary to rotate the piston was measured by a dyns~momet6r with
Card 1/3
The Measuring of the Shearing Stress i&a S/020/60/134/004/004/03
Series of Substances at Pressures of up to B019/BO67
100,000 Atm
automatic recording. Fig. i graphically shows the ahpdring stresses, bf
AgCl, Mg, Armco iron, graphitep Katlenite, and pyr6p~yllite an a function
of pressure. The corresponding values of moseurement;sre isummarized 'in i
Table 1. Up to 100,000 atm the shearing stress inoreases'~rom
2 2
450 kg/mm (Ag) and 2,700 kg/mm (graphite) at 25,000 atm,to 1,8001k;g/m4l
2 : I 11!
and M,600 kg/mm (pyrophyllite t ~10O)OOO ~atm.' It wap Aemo ne tta~t ed
M 2,
that `above -10 0,000-at (a 60-~-. mm. Araph t.13
rapidly risea to 135,000 kg/mm ~at' 500?'000,'atm~ The! 16~ear~Ag stress ;of::
AgCl increases almost linearly to 14,000 k#/mm: atlbotooo:atm. Hehqol
the following may be concluded: In the'substances studied, the shearing I
stresses increase linearly with pressure in the pres,'sure Tange of up to~
100,000 atm. Pyrophyllite has the maximum shearing!stres~es, silvers!
chloride the least. The strong shearing~istres~ses for gr,t'phite
above 100,000 atm indicates a change in the forces Of interaction 16 th4
.interior of the crystal lattice. S. S. Kabalkina (R~f. 3) is mentioih~ed-
Card 2/3
The Measuring of the Shearing Stress in a 6/020/60/134/604/004/025i~
Series of Substances at Pressures of up to BOlq/BO6?
100,000 Atm
There are 2 figures, I table,.and 3 Soviet references.i
ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy Akademii nault SSSR
(Institute of High-pressure.Physice of the kcaaemy of
Sciences US$
SUBMITTED: June 20, 1960
Vereshcha me
-,,'AUTHOR: - - gin, L.,' F6 (Corresponding mberCmt ssskii r Zub jv5; Ya
Burdina, K. P.- i 4400w
ORG: Jnstitute of High-Pressuce PhyMicG0__ACAde!x of sci-ftliteas $01 (Iftatitut Itteiki
vysokikh davlenly Akadevit nauk SSRRY
-gervant -and ~--i It ~tj -b 'Oil
-TITLE4. dense
d i~atlon-~ -11
-pressure aftd shear stress
SOURCE: AN SSSR..Doklady, v. 168 0 _314-315_~ 11 i: 7-
n ~2,:1966i
----TOPIC TAGS: germanium,:silicon~~:Iphase trangitioln- high ~~,J4 Sur& ieieirch,i rys
ABSTRACT. A study was made of.the,.high pressure:and;sheir 4 tre;J~4~dticed le
transitions in germani ;ei or
um and silicon and -of ~the crysial :Jt,.*6ctu~,W~of den M
Y simultaneous appdcigtion '0 t'high-prTi,sure )-a
_Ge Iand SiIII,which were obtained b and
shear stress. Earlier,this highly sensitive method of detodting p Ise trahditi~ns
enabled Western scie;atists to discover Ge and Still, but the limits of ~~abiiity
of these dense forms remained unknawnb T4'e'hxperimenta wiavta cooducted to *0 apoara-
tus developed at the Institute of High-Pressure Physics, Mademy of Scienceei US~R.
[L. F. Vereachchagin, V. A. Shapochkin and Ye. V. Zubova., ftlibory- i tekhnik4. 'Jaks eri-
menta, no. 5, 89 (1960)], Phase tranwitions weru detected by repdrding dL66ontinvi
ca 1/2 UDC.- 53 4M'l
ACC NRi: -,AP6015608
ilJi~. J!, i! ~i-
In the wAgnitude of shear stress,@ X--~r# dtffrixction pati~q'r"-Ii ot'i4e:samples after
see i
relaxation of pressure showed Ae p~esencd 0i a tetragonA4 ind 4 66a,
centered cubic Sill, phase in the samples which were subaiiOdd tci 1,00 and IV ibi ire
respectively, for less than 3 hr at room temperature and umadr staultaneous ~,heat
stress. The earlier determined crystal structure and lattite patauteters of C.,ellt
and Sim were confirmed. A complete transformation of Ce wnd SI oamples into d4tmse
forms was achieved by application of shear stress in 25 steps and oubsequent 3 hj-
retention under pressure and shear stress, 1*1
SUB CODEs 20/ SUBH DATE: 18Feb66/ ORIG RM 001/ =I kHF: 0041 ATD P4$$6qlf'~
______KP602 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/661169/001/001*[OOT6
CC NR, ~4409
AUTHOR: Vereshchagin, L. F, (Corresponding memble'O AN SSSR); ZubovaL
Ye, Ve; Burdina, 9, Fat; BUYkoV&q 1. P*
ORG:. Institute of High Pressures,.Academy,o IfSciences SSSA (Institut vysokikh
davleniy Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Measuring Rreasures up to 100 kbar/by the' frie-plunger; *;ethod
AN SSSR. Doklady v
SOURCE: 169l no. I
TOPIC TAGSt pressure# high pressure: pressure iie,;asurtment, his-
pressure meanuremento pressure gage,:high pressure re*earch, o'ets,
OM ~ V
ABSTRACTs A pressure gage based on the free-plunger prlnclple,~for
measuring pressi-iis-'up to 100 kbar, has been deslgned~and builV. The
pressure in the high-pressure chamber is measureA dir6ctly bya Ispring
dynamometer connected to a free plunger (see Fig$ 1).. The fric tion of
the plunger is reduced to an insignificant value,lby the speciallcon-
figuration of the plunger, and by a special lubricant:filling~clearance
C. The top and bottom ends of the plungerare coaxial cylinder vhich
ensures the stability of'the plunger and preventi,~a runoff of:t.he con-
pressed substance. The pressure gage vas used for measuring the
pressure of the polymorphic transformation of f-so4:: metals. The
card 1 /2 UDC: 539.89
ACC NR, AP9024409 0
D obtained values agree well with those fo
~ und by
I In tie transfor
other scientists for poly orpl tutigns
C Bi 1-11, Bi 11-III, and Ti II-ITI (25.4$- 26 90
36.7 kbar, respectively)a~'~ Tha~gage facilitmted
the measurement of pressuras above ho kbarvfor
instance# for polymorphititransformatio'n'li.siL n-in
and Bi VI-VIII. measuremodto yielded pressures of
58.5 and 89.3 kbar, respe6tively, Orig. ar b hast
.figureas tWWj
B ,
~ SUB CODEI 20/ SUBM DATE:* 18reb66/ ORIG REViO05
Fig, 1. Scheme of
a piston-type
A - Plunger;
B - dynamometerl
C . clearancel
Card 2/2
3/05 62/0)2/002/016/022.
AUTHORSs Vereshchagin, L, Fe$ Zubovao Ye. Y.w AM Shapachkin, It. A,
TITLEs Electric contact resistance at high normal 'pressures
PERIODICAM Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, iio. 29: 1962~ 230i,- 2~2
TEXTs The pressure dependence of the electric contact reoistance:df pis.-
tons made OfLUX15 (ShKh15) steel and of a powder-metallurgical, hard alloy
of the typeSK6 (VK6) was examined at pressuresof up to ',100,000 k6/=2
using the high-contact-pressure method developed at~the authord institute,
The purity and the quality of the contact surfaces.41are kept constant In
all experiments. The diameter of the rated contact~area of the pistons
was also constant and equal to 3 or 6 mm. The electric oontact was,calcu-
lated from the change in contact resistance measured witli a potenti ometer
of type ffTN-1 (PPTN-1) and a high-eensitivity galviinometer of +.ype;M2i/4
(M21/4) with low internal resistance. Heating of tiie cobtact and the
relevant change in resistance were excluded by using i- to 2-ma currents.
The voltage drop was measured for two current directionsi and the average
value was determined. The contact resistance was calculated from
Card 1/3
Electric contact resistance ... B124/B~102
RX . n x , where R is the standard resistance, U is -the voltage drop on
U n n
the standard sample, and U x is the voltage drop on, the sumple examined,,
2 2-----
Pressure was gradually raised by 19000~to 10,000 kg/em up to 100,060 kg,&,,
Voltage drop measurements were repeated 15 to 20 timles, and each teit
4 times, with the first test results being neglected, as-a rult. The re-
sults shown in Fig. 2 are in good agreement with those of other authors.
There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh~davleniy AN SSR,~Hoskva (Institute
of High-pressure Physics, AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTEDt February 6, 1961
Card 2/3
3/67/hA32~00`2' /1`01 6102~
'Electric contact resistance ... B12016 2
Fip. 1. Circuit diagram for.the,
.mensurement of contact resistance.
A-),oil switc
h;-'(0 o era~ting
current battery of the potentiomew-
ter; (;-i-0 standard cell for the
operating-durkent device; (r) gal
vanometer. Legends (1) PPTN-1.
Fig. 2. C6htact resistance
versuP normal presouret (1)
for.the coupl'e VK6-VK6 with a
rated piston diameter of 3 mq
(2) and (3) for the couples
VK6-VK6 and ShXhl5-ShKhl5,
11pectively,' with a rated diame-
ter of 6 mm ~agend (A) R,
10 kp,,/cm
ohms; (B) p
0 to. 1# 30 40~i 10 Fa 18. do iv 0
10 J, I
Card 3/3
iciiii~'S.otulinup_ Anatoxin Feb
t~'6r'_#e_-Iz=nogenic __ Activlty.df.' m-
9 Anatoxins of - Types-A- -M-d-Bj,!~_Y_.A. Chertkovai_
Zubova, T.V. Shapovalova -Sta&.e
era aid Vaccines imeni L.A. Tarasevicii' ;'__XOsCOW__
/of gpidesiol and 14icrobiof imeni 1. 1.
Kikrobiol, 4iclemioi., lia 2.~
ion of i=unogenic ~~r
linus -azmtoxlxj~_~~ be 6arri~i-lbo
r2UL_-tq3tft;-'l-- Tau as
tho& -'Cawl !I
of~ ~,34jwWy~--( vhei2 the
p gw~
6d for a
testL beence - of-'zOrmal.
aj~iit-aft~4=tftt - f cued in'the blood of
iok~e: 'Pigs im-=ized wit'h_'_`a~xin eharacterims-
reilistance to toxin, viz. Lthe effe~i-fiveness*%or-
thiiuiatoxin. Quantitative -data -obtained by tbi~_"
*Oth6ds described indicate vhetber the anatoxine
tre snitable for hyperinmnization of horses....
Ronal excretion of tIck-borne, encephalitis virus talmmunised
horses. Zhur* m1kroblole epid. I immu. noaoil5s-59,o r54.
WU 811)
1. Is Gosudarstvannop kontrolloogo Institutm 'vaktAn I syvorot*
tuent L.A.Tarasevicbs, (dire B.LDidanko) i Kookovskogo Institnta
imai Nechnikovs, (dire N.I.Sokoloy)
In urine In ta-ume horses)
encephalitis virus In I-wun. horses)
encephalitis, in urine of Imune hor~sem)
Investigations of the concentration and purification ofserum
agMnst encephalitis. Zhur.mikrobiol.epia. i imuAl. no.~:20-230
my '55. (kM 82-7)
1. Is GosudarstTennogo kontrollnogo'linstltuta btis4 Tarnmevichn
(dir. S.I. Didenk6) I Kookovskogo Instituts vaktain I skyorotok
ineni Nechnikova (dlr. A.P. MMebanko)
(XHCXPHAMTIS. WIDIMIC, prevention and c6mitrol.
immane serums, concentration & pu-rlficiiion)~
anti-ecephalitle, concen.tration & PuWlcatl6n)
0 v A,
Obtaining immune serums against epidemic ancephfilitia,,,yopeviruso
2 no.4:248-251 Jl-Ag '57. IRA 10:12)
Russian-tick borne. prod. of immune- O,era (Rum))
Ya.; BOCILA11OV, Yea.
Serological properties and pAthogenicity at the R-virus in
suckling mice. Top. virus 9 no,4462-468 JI-Ag 164
1. Institut virusologil imeni D.I. lvanoyakbp AIIIISSSR,
Mookovskly nauchno-lanledovatellakiy inatItIA vir,ilanykh
preparatov i Novoulbirskiy maditsinakiy instltut.~
.11 1i
Antiopasmodic action of substituted glTcollc~acidtaryl hydrazldes*7
Farm, i toks. 27 no,3s287-292 My-Je 164. 11
(MIRA i$:4)
1. Kafedra farmakologii. (zav,,- prof, Yu.SvG~ooman) Pemskogo~
meditsinskogo instituta i yestestvennonauchr~7 indtitut pri
Permskom gosudarstvannoin universitets,
So: East EvroDean Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, My 19116
Selection of ECHO virus strains for the preparation pf ~ tvp-
specific rabbit serums. Vop. virus 8 no.2t2ll,.-217 Ifr-Ap 163
(MIA 16M)
1, Moskovakiy naufto-isaledovat6llakly instittet vir~maykh
preparatov i Gosudarstvern-y7 kontroltnyy ixistit6t ma<sizakikh
biologichookikh preparatov imeni LoAsTarasevlohap Moskraa
by stulto I or
COve, m1mitooilogi an vollM COAMXM (0111141140 1 MA
2W 14. M. 0.1, FnIt" SlArl. of tIW sol". Its
so L " View vW lwd at 0.1%u ifte
can the "am, of I
was Ihd tsl I
40: final C4W)A,,*W thit 011hit 20d tM(d
PC..# (~,Or. Cd#f', lte*1041; tra4+11. A +. T ~ Not.
no. of C. MIA. 'A subgrale-triladiwowd "ilm ~ rhe III
"W was strild 7 04acted 110111111 .40
04 Wtivity of oliar m see
0 td morimber. saill two. eadid W44 El"I tl* %I list
004 fW cattlaw (decou on. ld IIA) or oxwaw (cmidstikamol of 41* IN
000 pW. the &Mo. of 0. 900
was enhanced. For'lium
OOU In (). I ro, PC tho oddado" Will
vul iic;~ta~med the catsbam 13 thoms. 16"Itm.
00 m ,,
mor"uk dimilimt wen almotel jo itka CM111111331" UK 111111111
fivity hooriume Im, splimmiching imit * it
WVA rd:VdlY tt*W, Will 111fu amy 1114lidy MVI; RNOM
migin Inamu. Tlw phornomarms wen me OmObt ri,14 1 404
to) the auto of adiarptloo of the I". III a holuamm" InIs
medium the pbormem-ma may bit Ed
Ca to Pa not ady WhitAts culakeir, but Waarm
mWAm. 71*m pbeno"Wwas 11 lur Of
;Wm-.rmJ muh "elect 44 t"Oft" bi Ill
!rUlmirt"m to ib* expWilatio" 4 fu it io 6-
lowfl. ThAVISIM, 4M14 Me MO.
LAi -dgtA'
17- 1011OW7 Wgr ~,f -OUNG"';
"is- -1 - , IF -
III it 109 1 go
0 60 00's 0,411 0 0 WO 0 0 Is 111) 400 0.0 .0. 0 ilil .40 kill 4111 4111 0
0 0 0-0 0-010-0 0 0,00 * 0 0 0, W* 0 0 o,111 47 0 011/1
i ~ j 1 . J
The pmbko 4t c" MIN 0
(crev" maddem as activat" of cstmo* 470itno
A. tobov" 044 N. L Kaboary (Mtme.** UnW.K
d. C-4. 43, 01012%
admorptiolt catelyi1i owsimed al. I% Pei' xn4
ka" $Pa.) lwm At* Imawarmall., After t6w olo*$ lion
mot'1011. of aft. "*or
of the catalym 'Orms solo dqtd~ A two 2 i
activities sbmrvd the w"Iffall"d Of WhOwting rt at
do" all the IK41vwy .1 mi HIS
(11#141) medrowd. the coWyels whit"" W v tit
A~ 6 ktitswit, i* o 6114, tnw
of Aellm in Wkws by the taktotmommulml lsgamcll
pkat morry Tbt xv, madvallos Not by
g1bytobannomm an t1w CU. Air. ishif Fit catalysis 29.
anti I I Fatty OW stomatk news a dictive:
Allplial 116Y NeWif utda) ON", laacti.
talysu. &C, scilvAwd the! j vau.
wAtell thit CU 0
lyst. but W*s ivitbout off4ct om the Fit cmlmdpl.~ "t1ba acti.
of shwirption cawris by, I W:
Ittoly m"wred, suad the tewlto IN"* ONUTIt wil-I
thtm ptovidibit A I
r==bk Ayschem.
actmutwo, lot
USSR/Cbemistry Magnetochemistry Sep, jZ.
"Magnetochemistry of Active Centers: 1. Magnetic
and Catt~ytic Properties,9f Dilute Films," N.I.
KobV ev, 0, V.BmJevdokitov,-`I.A. Zubovich, ana,
A.A. Malltsev, Moscow State U
Zhur Fiz Khfm, Vol 26, No 9s PP 1349-1373
investigated- catalytic and magnetic properties
of dil films of Pt, Ag, and other paramagnetics
on various carriers as a function of the degree
of filling of the surface. Found that all
ithe& a paramagnetics an all carriers (Ft/ailica.
`:,gel, re/cw~bon~ CoC12.6%0/silica gel, - Ni(NOP
26kO/cexbbn, Agl/BaSO410 Agl/BaCO,) show a P
abnormally high paramagnetlem superparamag-
natism") in dil films equal t6 iseveral times
7-10 Bohr-nagnetons -per-atoin- __ As ribe tiiis
paramagnetism to a change in thec statistics
of the Langevin "paramagnetic gas" in adsorp
tion- films. Found that Fe on C in respect to
-ago tism, behaves e-nalogously to paramagnetic
..Pt.~ This accc to the authors, demonstrates
of dil fTlms of a nojW&:j 17
h_1:4sses ~rougb a.max with increasing dens-ity'-
,of the film. In fil=. of high concn, Ag is diayrag-
~_netic. This indicates the formation of atomic
ensembles of Ag. __fo=L_ O]t_A=". -in-:_1__-7__
The paramagnet
;--films also-
catalytic hydrogenation -of ethylene on Ail films of.
magnetism and hydorgenation activity. This was also
true.of the catalytic activity,of AS. Catalytic
activity did not depend on the magnetic properties of-
'the carriers.
ACCESSION NRf -AT4O29932------ 3004621/001.1/064101113/0203,
AUTHORt Zubovichp I.A.
TITLE: The activity of atocrion composite metal adsorptioa ca,talyzera wit'li tba par-[
ticipationiof lanthanides
SOURCE: Yaroslavl's Takhnologichaekiy institut. Xhimiya i khImicheskay4l teklhno-
logiya, v. .1, (8), 1962~ 195-205,
TOPIC TACS: lanthanides, adsorption catayst,.metal catilyst'lcomposite'lietal
catalystj atomion catalyst#-oxygen reduction reaction
ADS MCT: This article is the first of a 'series of artioles 60'author d0votis to
the study of the regularities of the catalytic effect o fjanth~nides (f-eAeme:*ts) in
the catalysis of oxidation-reduction reactions ' The autlior'exomines tbelscti4ity
(Pt+ Ln3+) and (Pd+Sn3+) on barium sulphate and decalcifted su~sai charcoal. Spec-
ially synthesized chlorides of lanthanum praseodymium, hoodymi6m, sam&riuff~, europium,
gadolinium, lutetium, all with a high degree of purity ~,Wtre uOed as variAble';com-
ponents (LW4). The adsorption of the chlorides of triivi4ent lanthanides in
barium oulphate did not have a substantial effect on thw~aetivtt~ of Ln 3+ The
adsorption Of LaC13 in sugar Charcoal appeared in the activity'af Ln34. ~The 4atalysts
Card 1/2
lxll*/ sugar charcoal, to arule, had greatic activity boll the~:cirrier ftielfl Data
bn the cataly~fc effect of ions of La-" ln4ingle com=lnt (6301 carrior) *0 Cow-
P031te Ofe+Ln ) catalysts in the decomposition'of hydrojon peiozide permitted the
well-known differentiation of catalytic properties of the'eleu4imts to be noted with-
in the series of lonthanides itself. The distribution ot 6Lecir*'Qs for the la'Pth*n-
ide ions, alonS with the spectral state and the I ion radf~~ in "~zs trq= was presented
in a table. It was found that the unique freedom of the 116rbieill of I the 41 f -layers
In lanthanides, as distinquished from td-el~ment ~ ions by Mving ~L~ns by hiv'ing! pro-
duced a reflection in the magnetic properties of Ln3+, W~a q~slitstlire ekfect on
the catalytic action of trivalent lanthonide ions in dilu~dd 1qors of at~t~iciote+
LR3+) adsorption cat#ysts. In subsequent articles, the ~nslysla of catelytic4nd
magnetic properities of diluted layers of c"Vosits metal idsorp,~Aon, catal,~its ~111 b6
continued an the exa_m h th* Pair4cips ~t Un-
.ple of separate systemi,wit -of ad
thanide,ions (Ke+ln3+), 'Or st'arta had: Vtable.
SUMMMS 00 BAT19 A0Qt ;29A#t64 WUIA~l VU,
dUM& i 02t
~M No R& 5"t 073
C"d 2/2
WTILIV, I.Te., kand.teldin.vauk; ZUBOTICHo Sol,
Results'of investigating sectional concretizig mothoas on the
experimental polygon of the Kakhovka HydrooloctrIc Power Stabton~,
Izv.VIUIG 59:164-175 158*
(Ooncrete construction)
ZUBO.TICS,,S.L;, 7AMOZ113TS, X.D., red.;, SHITNIXOTA. O.$. tekhn.rad.
[Using vacuum techniquea In treating conorel'tt tola used in,
constructing hydroelectric power stationsj Irakautdrovenis
betona pri vosvedenii sooraxhonli GES. Moskva, Gon.energ iod-vol
1959. 166 p. (HRi 1301
(Vacuum apparatus) (Hydrool:ctrie poiar stations)
(Concrete construe ion)
ztjDcVICH, S. 1.
Z5 2nv UoT-43nxq-quo3 -
. . 1. 1 ~ -
. I
ZUBOVICH, V,K,, kand. med, nauk
Content of five and bound vitamin B6 in blood of the umbi3ical
cord in normal and complicated prognancy andAabot4* AImsh, j~
#(IRA 17:8).
gin. 39 no.5:44-/+7 S-0 163.
1. Iz Nauelmo-iseledovatellskogo inatituta cIEbrarW naterinstva
i detstva (4r. - kand. mod. nauk G.A. Kalyuzlhin) Ministerstu
zdravookhranoniya B&M,
On the effect of aidtashe on:the contractilo activity of the!utenes
Akusb,l gin. 35 uo,4:48-53 JI-Ag 159. (RtA 3~111)
1. Is kafedry akusberetya i ginekologii (sa+, - zaaluxhetuyy dayatoll
nauki BSSR prof. L.S. flereianinov) Hinakego,',wdithibskogo Inetituta
I Lushskoy sellskoy ucbastkovoy, bollnltsy Plimakogo rayona Wolod4oh-
nenskoy oblasti (glavuyy vrach
(UTARUS pbarmacal.)
(Woodpulp) (Filters and filtratIon)
I i
1 :1,
On the effect of amirazine on the coutractIle activit7 of t40: utiruo.
Akash,i glu. )5 to,4:48-53 JI-Ag 1599 12a1)
1. Iz kaf edry akusherstya i ginekologli (zaI4. zmaluzhenVy dayatel
nauki BSSR prof. L.S. Parelaninov) Kinskogo~~Imeditisinskogo luitituta
i Luohokoy sellskov uchastkov oy bollult*7 Plisakogo rayona Mdlodsiob-
nonskoy oblaoti (glavnyy vrach V*Xv Zabovlc~).
(UTXRUS pharmacol.)
a 11,11111"Allifillil Flip DR I "]ml In" ];I
ix H
,ZUINVT -r,,Sw--
DMHMKIY, S. I. T MJ-qHKARCHUKj pri uchastift~'YOROUTS017M) G.~ AO
XOPYLP P. S... vrach; ZUBOVICIIA vraeb P
Treatment of dermatological patients at "Oemirov" Hea'lth
Resort. Vest. derm. i ven.' no.6i74-.76 1161. (MIRA.15W
1. Iz LIvovskogo oblastnogo dermatologl~chaskogp dis
(gl.avnyy vrach T. G. Kovallohina) i kurorlta "Nomirov," (glig-Aly
vrach A. D. Tuvrenko)
;Nko -2vol 12/8 Physloloey ILF
Zubov A and T o n g u r V. S. Inst. of Exii. Blol.; UBSR Acad.
e . Sets, Moscow - VOPR, MED. KIUMLI 1954, 4/4 J439-443) Tables 3
glum. 2
Bbth intact and damaged granules are able to synthetize protmj~, In the absence of'
cofactore protein synthesis does riot take place either in the intact or'1in the damap
ed mitochondria. Dinitrophenol inhibits protein synthesis III both typts of mito-
chondria, indicating the participation of oxidative phospharylatLan in the sy"theate
of protein. NaF does not affect the synthesis of protein. (U. 1, 5. 16)
Studies on proteift synthesis in-dqstr*V*ad mitochondria., 'Alui. ekePs
biol. mad. 47 no.2:56-59 1 159. (WIlli 12:4)
1. Is Instituta ekeperimentalluoy b a106111 (4ir. prof., X*N6. Nayskly)
AMN SSSR, Mook-ra. Predstavlena days tvit.011 rqi ohlonou A* MR ILL
(PROTAIM, metabolism$
synthesis in destroyed xito6bondrla~ (Pne
protein synthesis in destrojad mitoahondrial. (ftis;
Effoot of various pbonothiazine derivativep on reapiratoryi
'phospharylation in the ugrocardial tioaua,of rabbitoll Biulp;
ekop. biol, L mod. 49 no* 4t6043 Sp 1604i UIRA psJO)
L Is laboratorii blakh'all (zava - de7atmiUllmy c.hlau AM
SM S.1so Severin) Instituta famkologill'i khiMotevapil:
(dir, deyetvitallm" chlen AM SSSR V.V.,'ZQwa*v) AMN
MR Mookva
Redpiration and associated Phosphorylatibi in himi6ganates 'AM M~to-
chondria of the heart mua*16 in ~oqperimehtal my6c~z&tis in~rabbits.
58 Mr ~,~,,161. RA ~,I),t 5)
Biul. eksp.,biol. i mod. 51:no.3s55-
1. Iz laboratorii biokbimii (zav. - days ~V'~bsl 134y eblen Alai ssiR
Sjs. Severin) InstitUta Urmakologii I khludotei-apii (dir.
daystvitellnyy chlei DIN 663'R V.V.Zakuov) AlW skvi,
Effect of chloracizin on the coronary circulation, hodirt oxygen.
consumption and oxidative phosphorylation. Fare, i toks. 27 no-41
446-451 JI-Ag ?64. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Laboratori~a famakologii serdechno-sosudistoy statemy (7av.'-
doktor med. nauk N.V* Kaverlna) J laboratorlya blokhtmit (ZaV.
deystvitaltnyy chlen A14N SSSR prof. S.Yq. Saverbi) Instittita
farmakologii i khJ.mloterapli Al-21 SSSR, Moskv&.~
ARKWOORODSKIT, L., inshener; ZUBOVSKIT,_,~~zhenor,
Construction and assembly of a drying and cUaning.tower, 23 no,2:6-9 F 157. 10:5)
1. Voesoyusrqy spetsializirovanxTy montazhny.,i treat Spot$-
(Grain elavator$)
...l.". .
A case of acute radiation d"a to the skin.lTeste rent,1 radi
noo'6t83-85 N-D 135
(Huli 914)
1. Is radiologichaskogo otdola (sayw-prof. A.Y6 Kouloya)
Gomudarmtvennogo n&uchno-isoledovatellskogo;iu*titut4 rentganologii
i radiologil inoni !'.Me Molotov& dir.dotsent t#G. tapnova.
(IWOROSCOPY, inj. eff.
skin lesions)
(SKIN, dime
Jesions, caused by fluoroscopy
ZUBOVSKIYp-G.A.. naachnyy sotradnik
Use of a betatron In medidinal revew of materials Prom forelgn~
literature, Yeaterento I rod., 31 no*4:76-86A-Ac 156. (MM 9110)
I, Is radiologichookogo Wait (save Prof* A.Yolloxlo~,a) Goeudaretvall-
nogo nauchno-tooledovatel ,skogo inatituta. rentijamologit I radiologii,
imeni Y.M.Nolotova (dire doteenfl.G.legunovm)~
(RADIOTMMA". appar. anti'instruments
betatron useo review)
BUNIM R, 1. fessor; ZUBOVSKIY, G.A., nauehOy sotrudmik
Use of radioactive isotopes in stonstolev., reviov ofi Russian aqd: j
foreign literature. i red. 31 no.&O~?o ii4D 156.
1,,.Is kafedry rentganologii i radiologit (Zav. prof ~ I.Ao0bakhter)
Noskovskogo moditsinakogo stomstaiogiehemkogo 106titUla (dir.
dotsent G.H.Beletskiv) i radiologt"eskogo (zov., - profea,mor
A.T.Kozlova) GosudarstTennogo nauchno-issledovatellskago instituts
rentgqnologii i radiologii Im. T.H.Holotora (diro - dotsent 1.0.
on mouth &
(1ZENTH, d~f, of radiations: on (MOOTA, 4ff of radiatio6m on
review) ravLw)
ZOP RV, V.V#, prof.; MUMMY, V.T., starehiy nmuchW.sotrudn1k;
,nauchay sotrudnik
Radiography. i red, 32 no.6:14-16 N-D Ili?. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Iz Gosudnrstvennogo nauchno-isaledovatell,iskogo institute
rentgenologit i radiologii (dir.-doteent 1.O.LsVncwP),
ding. vnlme (Rua)
ZUBOVSKIY. Me, nauchUy sotrudnik
Features of the clinical course of burn shock in ~irradlatioiiof
the organism IT ionizing radiationse Vest.-rent. L red. 33 n6~2:
W~~6 Mr-Ap 158* JHIRA llt6) i
1. lz radiologichookogo otdele ("v. - prof" A.V.96~lovs) N6~chao'
an logil I radiolo ii (Cll.
inaledovatellakogo Inatituta rentg .9 r.
doteent I.G.Iabunova) Ministerstva zdravooklul*anen~ya RSFSR.
(RADIATIONS. eff. inj. eff.
burn shook, clin. course In ra~l!'its (4uo))
,~POVSKIXI -G.-,A., "Features of Burn Processes During, Aciifie Radtation, Sickness.
ACIII delays the onset of cardiovascular deempensation Id -the welling stage of
burn traum in both irradiated and r.-orml rabbits.
tv j Lu r,
--v tin..
c,. 'aa -e:3ewx1I
IIL Ovl p-jv?~Phnral Llno,:j Irl
omrl r t rl"c% f 1.1 ': n w40 c' 3, cri La
a I't 'ra.
r;-~ 0 o .0 Ja 163.
pi-cf. V.V4
elcim'.1'esf- otfiol:rl (.-uv.
ll,,3 tL-a t1t 1,~A!tcq r L!i r:1
KOVANOV, V.V*., prof*p red.; ZUBOVSKIY red.; OUX01t$
-q, !A
N.A., tekhn. red.
[Nurse's manual on nursing) Spravochnik meditpAnskbi,zestry
po ukhodu. Izd.2. Moskva,, Izd-vo "MeditsinaOl 1964, 420 p
1. Chlen-korrespondent MIN SSSR (for Xovanov)`~