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8/058/62/000/006/04/06 Inelastic scattering ...... A061/A101 respectively. The mchanism of (n, 22n) reaction on Be connOsts in the neutron emission by the excited 2.43-yev Be9*nucleus foming after inelastic neutrort scattering. The latter is due to the fact that the reaction does not progi-Iiss in the range of 1.8 - 2.7 Mev, where it is possible from the energy conditions, but its cross section grows rapidly, starting from energy En -'2.70 Wv, above'Aich the excitation of the 2.43-Mov level Is possible. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 AIli; !'I ;%Ii Ililt 111;t ENT", I., 11imilhil"Filh-iII 16111-7 il i~ j 32998 8/641A1/000/000/025/033 DIP2/B138. 96- 1?021/12 AUTHORS: Zubovj Yu. G., Lebedeva,N. S., Aforo~,ovl M. TITLE: Inelastic neutron scattering at 3.2-4-5 114v in beryllium SOURCE: Krupohitskiyt P. A., ad, Neytronnays, fi2ika; abornik'statey. Mosoo*, 1961, 298,-305 TEXT: The cross sections of the readtion,30(n,2n) IBe8wore measured in dependence on the energy of the bombarding neutrons~' . The neutron's 'ource was a deuterium gas target irradiated by electrostatically, accelerated I deuterons. The proportional gas counters (BF,) were arranged in threes concentric rings of 9, 18 and 27 counters (Fig. 1).~ The~,pulses from the counters were recorded by radio with a coincidence, time tenolutionlof 200 Asee. For neutron spectra scattered elastically in carbon the,~ efficiency of the detector was 5-5, 4.5 and 4.4 forLaeutrons of 3.7,' 4.1 and 4-5 Mev, respectively. The total cross section,d was taken at them t sum of the elastic scattering cross section cr the cross.section d of e 2ft the (n,2n), and cr of the (n,a),'reactions. L1 and o a "ere determit ied Card A -Z P998" s/641/6-1/000/000),025/033 Inelastic neutron scattering at... B102/B138 from the number of counts with the Be and with a standard specimeni, and from coincidence counts. 62n was found to be 0.8"t 0.1, 0.73 ~t 0'09'i 0.53 � 0.07 and 0.45 � 0.05 barn for En 3.2, 3-7, 4.1 and 4.5 Mov, respectively. The results indicate that the~(n#230.reactions take place a3 cascade processes (n; n', n"). The first stage ls~an Inelastic neutron scattering with formation of an excited state of B'd (elcoitation energy, 2.43 Mev). Deexcitation leads to neutron emission4~and formation of Be L. G. Kondratlyev and L. A. Molodov are thanked for assistance. There are 3 figures and 12 references: 2 Soviet and 10 non-Soviet, The four most recent references to English-language as follows: Hughes, Schwartz Neutron Cross Sections. N.Y., 19581 Steloon# F. H~f Campbell, E. C. Phys. Rev. 106, 1252 (1957); Fischer,, G. J, Phys. Rev. 108, 99, (1557); G. Weber et al~ Phys. Rev. 104, 1307 (1`956). Pig. 1. Experimental arrangement, Legend: ~1~ noltrow ,SDUTCe, (2) paraffin collimator, (3) cadmium filter, M spluoimen 1 (5) modekati ,ng block of detector, (6) gas counters, (7) paraffin containeTj (8) layer of amorphous boron. Card 2 112 ;206 71 Uti 6v, Yar.-L-; kNietamme, I L. ~----TITM Ifivestigation of the eviergy apectra of the e1ftii1;rvnx trid tons petristrating the face of a magnetic mirror apparatus SOLME: Zhurnal tekhatchaskoy riziki, v. 33, no. 6, 1963, 666--02 TOPIC TAGS: plasma diagnostics, plamm compression ABSTRACIN The ectre of the t1tetroam tnd tons In a pargy sp kph:^ in it -magnetic mirrqz~iapparatuz vera measured ulth a Simple "Initarat.1 "llector" comitisting of three grids and a collecting plate In a 'n mm bre-se tube. 7ha flrs*~ two grids were held at ground potential, a SALW-t(-'C~t~.j Yo'~.tAjr" VQ81 11pplIed t-t) the third grid, and ~Jhe ~-oilectar current letta !--hen - microanuerom) ven measured, LAb- s4rac',or's no": Tht -3~erLments appa4x t4) "Ym boier. unAtirt-Akiin at :east "nar'-4 ~.c ',#-s* 'Ahe usefulnes.'s of %his !111Up1.,- 7ht hy'!Xvilvill P211811W VMS ramled Ln a sour,7,~ alm-A.'er to ',he' describ,-.K! t-f -- Vw-ithal oAll 11ha Second Intor- on,16ro5net% or Ptacil'ul '.sea of Atomic Snergy, Cle-iieva, 1958.) av! injdtated cm di&Lmeter stainiews steal ttzbm 2.00 an long. 'The tubsi, was located In a constant magnetic field of IGO to 200 oe. A pulse field that roem in 250 miamsec Card 1/2 to 6 koe at the cenUr of the tube and 10 koe in the mirror rnglons provided adiabatic empression. Two notsuring collectors wore looated, one at Uie canter of the tube and the other at the mnd, '- tA:, 15 mu InchIM the !t*117nitic all.rror. :~~ff^-rero -ol'e-clors w-ra uL,-ve, to rjnmyur~, *-.')lg mIm-I..rem !-)e ~~I! c x a 9 r o i~r ams a nt' a r ry 11 A'.r i !)u t,l on 4 un