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CHUVAYEV, V.F.; IVALNCVA, L.V.; ZUBOV, P,.I. Nuclear zagnette renonance otudy~ of the procooij of hil-denir-T of An unsaturated polyester resin. VyBokom.sced, 6 no,8'-l5!)l--l5(4 Aj 1'64-1',,~ (MIRA 1-7:10) 1. Institut fizicheBkoy khimii AN SSSR. J0 l A UTUORt SukharqV4 10 : (110 d~00'1 ~.'V6 ton ki) :'A -~wj L, Ye :,,Qf0qc:4W)j-K1Tjt lttatov H F(07 te oradta0va off ii~;#T rM -OR G TITLE: Javes tik he -4, Y SOURCEs HekhanLka-:pol ttiero*j, no 5 1'1065 ~-11 L 3 0 1 !~ A, r L!'d or, synt eittcl-r~'V 4 C ei T6P I CTAGS i ~o 1 satom" b Vs~ 0 ei~ olyvtni d~ ~ Dirt ABSTRACT: -PhysLcomechanical' and ~iq; a -C 0 --- thoir 9 y -ou-the-h-asts--of n le - systinii W rat~i4i I th f f a an ternary polyamide, polyvinyl chloiride (PVC), and rubber have beeln invo tioated, The binary and ternary systems with optimal tdoertiev 1 were chosen on the basis Of compotition property diagFMWj& A i tnion*t- onoua change of physicomechanical properties of Li law. W's c 4~ Irl It a i a ratio of the PVC and nLtrilo-aerylic acid was ohnerved and is tacribed to chemical interaction. It was shoun that stabtLizmtion of mqc1t0nLcsl properties of polyamide Ln thermal aging can be accomplished b~ cdlalAa- Card ki- ---!Lqq J WHOM --------------------- -- --- ------ " ---------- - - 0 39 35 ation with-binaryi syttensi !'Ort ~ 4'r t iuthoOv ($$$ad oh -sb4ir'sc l SUB-CODWI~07/ SU BM - DATE C SA p ' Al cc_ Card tiz l ~t~ACC:Mr AP6013477:--- Li --AUTHOR*.- Zmb_q_V.,,4.Exj. Rhareva L 4 ozinsk n v D. 1%. Rz ; ~ ORG: Institute of Physical Chemistry Arj.Mlem4 of ~tcl 'Cm eh khimii )Nacre~nTf naUZ S�dO TITU,' Study of the st*ra 6011RCM. Mekhanika polimerov,. no-4 2,:1966, 292-295 tOPIC TAGS.- polymer structure. 1votisctive CoAirji t lid v mechanicalproperty~ dhesion a .ABSTRACr: A two- t~np -djAde In tli_6 -proportion of*l:l at 60'*C vitbout~ catillyst 6~ ~!i ted b the inte,,A mechanism~of foming was invest1ga study1iig'' of the coatings, and the strength :and *adhesion!, charilcteriis't ternal stresses showed that tile form1tlg.procer.6;1G pra6tica' ,of curing and that 0 m ng.valut~ of theses sttte'sses s .1i iti un r effeci oxfi tions de which the coatings were forliled.'~ Ti~_ structure was studied by IR spectros6o caiingo. formed PY C i UDC.;-1 .Card, 1/2 iN Fo F 7, OP OD2?O. rt~' M. 001f< it, - "t c1lb Llbafii~ I Cal p~8pdrty 6141 n il~yrnld, W.1th-ma. ic:~An litI34 atud# .4he I rt 4ige's, tbe truiture ~.v . K tri6tic datih on n- M ~liatd_ afte; 16nalhour C Idepeo ldljit~ 6f t14. can M3.q~ on the it~m~eratui ~ I i ~in ae., Onb solu; ns ere ACC NRi AP6022869 sw= com Wo o3/66/ooo/o02/o030/0034 aylovskiy, Yu. N. Zuboy, P*J0 44-7- AUTHORS Naumova, S. F.; Mikh ORG: none TITIZi Effect of the vapor and gas permeability, of polymmr f ns on their properties SOURCES Lakokrasochnyyo mAterialy I. ikh pr~imeneniye, no.;2, i9t56v 30-34 TOPIC TAGS: protective coatingp polymer filmo hydrogen chloridoo metal oxidationg polyethylene j teflon, polyvinyl chloride p magnesium t; t 1~ e- 156 Aj O~ A) a ABSTRACTS The affect of the permeability of loose polymer film coatings oil' th' d&- 0 oxi tion rate of a metal in a moist atmosphere in the aboanceJof ati adhesive bond%etween t d the metal was studied. The polymop. f ilms were PE-500" igh Asuro poly- at lone 70 p thick)p lvtotrafluoroothylonst(Ktoflon) (55 _IArp -and V-1i8pgolyvinyr- POMMVI f7 c or a 160 p). A now method of moasuring slow oxidation rat0a of "i-etTrA wain ~ue whieff-I olved the recording of changes in tho eloctronic!conduio:tivity during 9xidatio of a thin metal film (- 10' cm) under the polymor film. :In order to increase ~tho son sitivity of the method,, the metal employed was magnosiump becauiss of its high ieactiv- ity. It is shown that In a pure moist atmosphere the oxidation rate of the metal In practically independent of the nature of the polymer film (in the case of a nonadherin film). This is because the rate-determining stop In the oxidation in tho4nhibition o the anodic process of metal ionization (hydration)p not the difirusion, of moisturo L-Card 1/2 ACC NR, AP66-v869 through the coating. In a moist atmosphere containing RM Vapor, which easily pene- trates through the film and activates the anodic procasat' the protoctive proparties of polymer films are completOv determined by, their mosturo permalibility. bi thii cadet the chemical nature of the polymer material and its structure itre the basio' factors determining the protective properties of the films. A quantitttive description of the protective effect of polymer films is given. Depending upon the nature of, them films moisture content of the atmospheres and content of Mls the protective effect changes b.v 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. Orig. art. has s 6 figuroo, vid 3 tormulass~ SUB COM II/ SUBM DATRI none/ ORIO RS?i 014/ OTHUPPI 003 Card 2/2 L--= C NRI A P6017859 (A) SOURM CODE.14 UR/0069/0/0281003/0399/0403i AUTHOR: Zubov. P. 1. - Kaftrov, M. Sh.; Playnik, 0.MGrozlnskaya~ Z.P ORG -.. Institute of Physical ChemistEX, AN SSSRO -Moscow (Institut fistcheakoy'. khimfl AN SSSR) -q& TIT LE.- Investigation of the wear reststanceof epoxy coatinxO -SOURCE: KoU6idnyy zhurnal, v. 98, no. 3, 1966, 399.403' TOPIC TAGS: ear'resistance, friction, resin, titanium dioxide, chromium oxide, 4oxy_cdating I0A.A :5 r/ f_ r/14 ABSTRACT: -The 14yar resistance of epoxy coatings has been inviestigated. The wear value of _ED- 5resin coatings with sliding friction is lower when wear products are removed because the protective lubricating layer forined is,removed. The addition of talc and cement reduces the coating wear while'the addition of titanium dioxide and chromium oxide increases it. The intensive wear of a counterbody was Card i/2 UDC: 541.183 43719=0 APSOMW observed In the wearing of coatings filled with cement aiid chro'mium oxide'. OM9,-, art. hast 6 figures and 4 formulas. laa:sed on &'uthora*'0mtrmct) SUB CODE., 11/~ SUBM DATE 29rulas/ OWG REPI, 606 1, 171 IP j CaM MW It 44585-66 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/T IJP(c) W/RM KOM Ws AP6015668 SOURCE COM3.1 UR/0413/60FO 009/0075/0075 r? 31 INVENTOR: Zubo D. A. Rzayev, Z. M. Sukhareva I, A. Kochkin, .j _Am==g" ORG: none TITLE: Method of obtaining copolymeral Class 39, No. 181289'k~~ SOURCE- Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye vinki, no. 9, 19660 75 TOPIC TAGS: copolymer, styrene, ether, maleic anhydride, copolymerization, esterification, dehydration ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of obtaining copolymers by esterification of styromal or maleic anhydride, with subsequenf copolymerization of the ether obtained with ~styrenejj nd eaterificiation reago'nts., To t,v,t obtain copolymers possessing bactericidal activit tin ori~ organolead hydroxyl~- containing compounds or byproducts of their dehydration are used as esterifying reagents. [Translation] INT1 SUB CODE: 11./ SUBM DATE: 15May64/ -card l / i A 2v UDC: 678,746, 22-JaC 193, 81 j ACC.NR AP6030605 (AVY~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/0.16/0093/0003 il INVENTOR: Yellseyeva, V. I.; AvetJoyati, 1. S, Drexqlls, S, S Zubq~ , P.~ L# Popdv, V. A. - Makarov Yu. A. ; lZmaylova, 1. S. ; O.rlo -earasi W,- yg, G. A. S. ; Gordo;T.-,, M. D. Illchenko, G. 1. Shrevner. S,~. A ORG: none TITLE: Method of obtaining alkyl a r late copolymeral 'I Class 39, No. '1'850$7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 93 TOPIC TAGS: copolymer, copolymerization, monomer, alkyl acrylate ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been sued for a method of obtainingi i alkyl acrylate copolymers with a vimyl acetate by emulsion copolymerization of the 11 proper monomers in the water phase in the pr sence of a! n anion emulsifier. ':, To obtain stable dispersions, 1-5 mol % unsaturated carbo ,xylic acid, such as metha- .Srylic acid,j if; introduced into the initial monomer mixture. (Translation) (NT] SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 16Jan65/ .,[-Card 1/1 UDC: 678.744,32-139 L OA-67 BWT(m)/3e(j)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(a) JDABI~K WeC NR, AP60016M SOURCE CODES 0363 11 -16-0010-01100 too 44 AUTHOP-1 Sokolovaj, le. M.1 Haumory a. S., F.; Mlk~~cv ~2~, ~11* OROS none TITLE: Now rapid method of evaluating the protective propertiespf po3ymer qqtiMs on metals in corrosive media SOURCES LakokrasochnYA materialv i ikh primenen1yel, no. 1 0 1966v 33-33 TOPIC TAGS1 protective coAtingp corrosion AMTRACTa A rapid method is proposed for evaluating the protective properties of coatings on metals in arW corrosive media (i.~e.v'liquid elsctrol~toap nonelo'etrolytes or gaseous media). It involves the re(prding of the,,ohango'~! hit resistance o;,the 11 ,v ~0 40 riderand metal Base during the te ting. FE-500 po1Y2jb..len9,j7PVKh-25P jyviral chlo TefloMhmre thus tested 4n the form offilms 909 190 and 60 ji thiok respeotive4) In TW -And HNO~-vapors. Me polymer films were bandod with p*Wisobutylene adho3ive to magnesium films evaporated onto glass (magnesium was chosen an th* metal bass because of its high corrosion activity). In the HCl atmonphere# migytaslu~i begins to dissolve immediate4 after the sample comes in contact with the HC1 vapor. - The protective properties of the polymer films studied Inoreasa in the series po3yvirql chloride, - Teflon - polyethylene for both'IM and 11N The results lead the ikuthors to recom- mend this method to &*means of evaluatingte''protootive propsrtiox'af pAint, and p t~ 1/2 nat .667.61 C ard ACC NRs AP 031651 SOURCE CODEt UR/002 66/170/001/0139/0142 4isele.v, A. V. Kryl.ova, L. M.; Sukhareva, L. A.; Lygin,, AUVOR: _Lubov P. I~, V. 1. .ORG: Institute of Physical Chemistry, AcadevV of ScienceoSSSR (Anstitut fiiiche 'skoy khimii Akademii naUk SSSR), Vbscov State University im. M. V. Lonx)s6v (Ylosko4skiY, gosudarstvennyy 4niversitet) TITLE: molecular interaction between polymers and solids in the, mechanical properties of polymer coatings SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 1, 1966, 139-142 ,TOI~IC TAGS: polymer-coating, molecular interaction, `0.0 internai~ stress, a Veingth, -Qa=Wiag adhesion 04 V, Ax&z.-) ~k~ x -4-A tA14 A-- AB,SIETACT: study ~as been made of ,the0interaction of polymer functional groups with filler surfaces, and of the effect of this interactionoa, the internal stresses, strength, and adhesion of'poly'mer coatings. The experiments Iwere conducted with ~~ PN-l polyester resin or FL-50 aky-d resin, and aerosil filler~l .both' nonmodifieA or modified with actadecylamine. 'The interaction was studied by XR spectroscopy.~ The results of the experiments given in graphic form indicated that -the mechanical properties of polymer coatings are highly dependent on the nature 6f the molecuilai interuction between polymers and solids. Orig. art# haoi 4'figurimss SUB CODE: 11, 2q/ SUB14 DATE: 07Dec65/ ORIG REF: oo8/ oni RE P:'~ 001 Card 1/1 UDC: 5h'.68. ACC NRj AT7002112 -CA SOURCE CWE-$--UAJOOOO/~.,6/000/000/~0.269/ .:0273 AUTHORt Zubov, P. I.; Sukhareva, L. A4 ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of internal stresses in polymer, coatings SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po polyarizatsiorho-opti~heakoitiu metodu Lssledo- vaniya napryazheniy. Sth, Leningrad, 1964, Polyariziit6i6nno-.~~'tichitakiy metcd~issiedo- vaniya napryazheniy (Polarizing-optical method of investigat ing stre 589s); trody kon- ferentsU. Leningrad, lid-vo Leningr. univ., 1966, 269-273 TOPIC TAGS: stress, stress analysis, plastic coating, optic metho4l, adhesiont plastic film ABSTRACT: The adhesion, physical properties and wear of plastic coatings depend on the internal stresses due to variation in the number and distribution of the cohesive and adhesive links between the coating and the substrate. The influence of formation and aging of the coating, its composition and thickness, the'compo6ition of'this plas- ticizer, the nature of the substrate, and of other factors on~the generation.of 16. ternal stresses in the coatings is the subject of inv.astigation reported in the arti- cle. The internal stresses were determined at the interface of a glass substrate with the particular coating. The internal stresses increase: at a constant rate durinj card 1/ ACC NAt AT7002112 the formation of the film up to a limiting value, and then ir~lax itiring the siorag;e ~~',t roc-u temperature untii a certain steady'stateval I mac ed.; ror instance,14n stresses reach thutr :.1mum value after 4 1hrs of the 250 P thick films the Internal formation, but in thicker films the maximum value Is ~"chod~after 12 to 14 hrs. The speed of stress relaxation is also related to the thibkness o(If the: wating, as well as to the absorption of water vapors from the air. The magni~tuds of internal stresse can be regulated through variation of the compositionjof th*111m- Certain types of plastificators can decrease the stresses. The conditlow of hardening have a substan- tial effect on the rate :f formation and the number of links 'due to the evaporation of the thinner and the rite of condonsating and polyuprizing *cessoss and thprefpre, on the generation of internal stresses. The modification of the substrate surfacc through additives which affect the nature of the links L t the interface, can eltheri speed up or slow down the rate of growth of internal 0'resses 0~- The authors include tabulated data and graphi on the effects of the vario4s factors oninternal stresses. Orig. art. has: 0 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODEt ti ZO/ SUBM DATEt 14Jun66/ ORIG REF: 0041~ Card 2/2 11 Al.; -A AP037o26 SOURCE CODES WO)1,?4j66joO0/oo3/O63jjO638 ACC NR. (N AUTHORS Grozinskayag Z. P.; Kadyrov, H. Sh.1 Zubovs P. 1. ORGt Institute of Physical Chemistry Acadawl of Sciencesi SSSR Moscow (D4titut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSRJ TITLES Relation of the wear resistance of polymer coatings to tlaili~ physicomochanical properties SOURCES Mhanika polimerovp no* 5. 19669 651-658 TOPIC TAGSS wear resiatancet plastic coating# elastic modultas ABSTRACT: An experimental study of the wear resistance of a~sori6v~of polymer coit- ings exposed to the action of metal counterbodies of various!physicomachanical tr*- parties has shown an increase in wear with increasing elastic moddlus of the poiy~ar coating and a decrease in wear with increasing elastic modulus of the counterbody4 The introduction of a fil-ler into the film-forming agent has,'diffetent effects on.the. wear resistance of the coatingst mineral fillers increase the modulus and decrease wearv and organic ones decrease both the modulus and wear, The wolir resistance of Coatings based on ED-5 epoxy resin depends on the type of cuAng aijent and curing' time and diminishes with increasing elastic modulus. The mainitudo of wear is, ex- pressed by a two-tam analytical equation which treats the wear of,the polymsr coating as a function of the counterbody. The magnitude of wear as ifunction of the'physical Card UDCt 67BM9.375~;,~ T~-1 :111 %W I I . I 111MIMMMIalwirmsr-11 Nil Mill 11 111~ 1111 card ~f2 .- 1 t ~ ~ `~. ~'- , ". '. . I z AVETISYMNt ..S.. K.A.; -'M"V PIT. Itn lal,ax filmLl al On the molecular weight. Lio.3:2V,-?F-- 163o (W RA! 173 36) 1, lnWtuL M'L~.,.Kuskcy Ulmli AN SJSR, Mcokllu~o Y,2;:,;'r.DKAYA, Yp-.A.j ZUBUT, P.I.; lVATOVA, L.V.; LIFAT011" yt.,'Ps. Temperature dependence of light scattL-ririg wti, 7.rl:s(;.GfWy of polymethacrylic acid solutions. Vyvokom. rocili 6 mj.6:-~ w-t--9e? Je t64/ IS s2) 1. Inqtitut fizichesk-,yikhImU AU SSSRO of precipl'.'atIrm of f. I Vy-,36ko.m. sof'-d. 6 110-6910i.2-1015 Jo 164 (MIRA. 18t2) ACCESSION NR: AP4040314 S/036~/64/000/003/00281003i AUVIOAs Zubov, P. I Sukharova, L. A.; Paturoyev, V, V.; KovWchuk, L..M. TITLE: Influence of fillers on the mechanical and adhoiiim properties ofpolypstor coatings primeneniyo, 3o 1964, 28-31'! .30URCEs Lakokrasochny*yo materialy* i ikh TOPIC TAGS: polyester resin, polyaster coating, adhesions filler ABSTRACT; 'The.object of the study wa's the'polyester resin; P14-1. It was found',that internal stresses in fiUod polyester coatings depend on ithe 5-'t-rancth or t~o bonding (adhesion) between the particles of the ~ filler and,, the ~blnder. As'the 4 ~ content of active filler inareasod in the polyester coati6gs, ~ha intern I stresses, adhesion of the coatings to the,base and comprossion i;trongth Ucreased while the breaking strength decreased. It was shown thatItho internal stirolssel; in Vjlled po3,yester coatings be reduced by modii~dzg the finors wit6 i atwoO !n'tho. fille surface-active agents causing a docrease, i-A the adh-bsion~~, particles and the binder. An Increase in the breaking st.~angth, of the ralled coatings was associated with a 1.3 to 2-fold redaction it' interniLl stresses, When Cord 1/2 wwv GROZINSKAYA, Z-P-; SANZHAROVSK 12.1 Up A*T. 8~ Effeat of the duration of heating on the d6formation propertie i;of polymer films. Koll.zhur. 25 no-5033-M S-~O ~163. (MIRA 16:10) BABUSHKINt A.A.; GOLIKOVA, V.S.; KRYLOVA, L.M.; KINOMID, Ta.M.; ZUBOV P I -W Use of infrared 6pectrometryIn studying t~~M kin6tics of tba~~' formation of polymer coatingq. Izv. AN S.'Wft*, Ser. fis. 27 ho.7078-980 163. (MIRk"16:8) 1. Institut fitichaskoy khimil AN SSSRO (Solid film) (Spectrum, Inftared). KANEVSKAYAI D.A.; LIPATOVp Yu..S.; ZU.BOvj, P-I, Effoot of addition agents on the structuralli4lacoility of cofi6entriltOd solutions of polymethaorylic acid. Vyqokom~~'moed,,': 5 no.41587-592 Ap .163. (MIkA 160) 1. Institut fizichaskoy khimii AN SSSR i Imititut'lobahchey i neorganichoskoy khimii AN BSSR. (Yietbacrylic acid) (Via,4;O81ty) J N ge, ji 1i 7 AM HM 8 ~roz P., Uselev M. R1. and Ubov, T.- 1. TITLE Method of (ket~rl~iafag wear of' polymeric TWA-Lvi-,~ FMIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratariya, Y. Leq, no. 5, 1961, 61o TEXT. A method of determining the wear resistance of polymeric coatings and films is proposed, based an a combination of friction -- vlLdLng to-wid-fro motion and vIbrating notion of a rubbLag body in a directLon 1,perpendicular to the abraded surface. This ums accomplLshed vith an electTicawl device which ill described; the wear on a given ta-st pia.(.,e varied liaeaLrij, with the o.,Ime, amd the results of tests of several materials agreed with reoults olit&iried by otho.- methods. There is one figure. L TIONt--1wtLtwtif ASSOCIA em Card 1/1 M10. Pti-01 1111'r-4 /Po'fi. ACTIHOR: Z,tbov Sukhareval L. .I Smirnova, Yu. P. T ME - Influence of internal stresses an "Ir4ngevity" of pajyma3- "*tinge SCURMF - AN 333a. Doklady, v. 150, no. 2, 1963, 359-YC 11 OPIAC TA'jS: internal atressas, pol.ymitr (toatings, egIng 0.51"FLICT: Dependence of duration on the adhosive stress olli coatings has be!en measured by o-o~Acal wllnC, CU*~=EtIC 1'-~C,3rdLTIF appeArrt-U3, dttsaribed and A, -cpl- k1ne ty sliv.inr i!i g ,,-e -r7urcs enc f or-Mul a. i,'.i~stn' k. -'q S03?, nc. 3,, Authors EL ~izfl,ian c,'A' t" aver, a pnr wrt- hasr ASSOCIATION. Institut firsicheakay IdAnkii Akademli nauk S,( R. qS _(Inpi.~Atmtd of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSRJ' SUBMITTED: 24Jan63 DANT AM 12JUn63 NG L t 00 SUB CODT: C14 90 RE? SOY: 007 OTHMI.- 001, card 1/ SUKHAREVA, L.A.; SMIRNOVA, Yu.P.; ZUBOV,, ZAMXOVft~ A.V.; KHVILIVITSKIT., R.Ya, Internal stresses in reinforced systems based on polyester acrylate binding agents. Plast. massy no.10931-~4 t65. ip '41 (b) L 13075-66 EICW m W71M ACC NR- AP5028915 soum, .00 02~ DE un/o AUTHOR: Kabanov, V. Ya.; Grozinsicaya, Z. P. Zubo~v, 0~ Sp116yn,Nikt.L e R~ itut fi?',c,~68k~y ORG: Institute of Physical ChemistLy _qdol m!L Set ence~ tns't .............- khImil Akademil rfat& R), amlnlxm~bqses dix TITLE: The study of adhesion of polyethylet e cdatin 6 ort a irradiation SOURCE AN ISSSR. Daklady, v. ~161, no. 1965, 6,4.64~~,~ TOPIC TAGS: adhesive bonding, 'poly~Ahyl~"ne pri'6.ltlvo~" 4;~Ifliling, ir~ diat an g I effec 9,DNv5-*oA-), FILIE40,PVOA~ UV.,~W' ADSTRACT:_ It Was found earile r by aut ors. (V~6ok 41, c) 00. a t~yl 1A ~ - I - . . #.~ In.P ; t prolonged low Intensity Iriadi.,itionof polye ene conti U, Wi'n ~R:Col) W bte increise In adhesion. The present paper dbscrIJ)VeK-tW MV11! "'t I clitlgaiion 6~7~licb adhesion on samples subjected to a beam of accelerated elOctronfl. 94mples~werei prepared from nonstabilized low-pressure j~~ethylpnvbjjosited by meltfng;~n Soil- t thick aluminum foil snports. Ile heatinglaste. no 0t 2300 h a SU686quek if application of 0 kg/cm of pressure. ResOlls are sammsr1med ojs Table 1. I Card PDQ, 041. 6 Iowa= BAGRINOVSKIT, A.D.,Inzh.; ZUBOV, R-V.,insh.; SHPAAX, OVV-,ihzh. Slectric model uoed In deoigning mine ventilation sysbems. Basop.truda v Prom. 3 no-2123-25 1 159. (111PA 12:2) 1. Inatitut gornogo dela AN SSSRO (Mine ventilation) ZOOT, S.A. Cedar groves Pr1roda no.6$84 -To 160# (Nxu 1.) 16) 1. Urallskiy lesotekbnicheskiy institat, Svordloymk.~ (Nizhmysqa Salda-Godar) I ~' 0;i DErIAF, T.A.; ZUBOV, S.E. Correlating the duration of the,perioes of md~ixratidn and ermbrjOnie~ development in the otxwgeons Acipenner galden6taedtfi and As stellzi- tus, Dokl. AN SSSR-W no.3t7l+6-748 Mr 162. (MA 150) 1; Institut morfologii zhivotnykh Im. A.N.,Severksoyn AN Predstavleno akademikom Yu.A.Orlovm (Sturgeons)(Temperature-Physiologioal eftaat)lx ZUBOV, S. M. ZUBOV, S. M. -- "Geomorphological Structure of th6 'Takh4u, River.Val~e7 in Connection With Cet-tain Features of tho T ography of South', Pridarvazlya.11 Sub 26 Apr 52, Moscow OblaBflledagogtcal Inst.1 (Disnertation for the Degree of Candidate in Ceologicalmd Minerklogical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 ------ --------- - 3(5) :!j;S0V/l2-9l-3-12/l4 AUTHOR: 'Zubov S4M. --: 1. J TITLE: The Organization of;the;Traini~~,atithe Depax~ments of Geography of the1Ped4gogioa1jns6itutes in China PERIODICAL: Izvestiya VG01 1959j;Vol 91 Nr;)l ~3 pp, 298-299 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author was in Rbd China from 1954 to 19566 Ae renorts on the training method6~used. lit the c~110ges of geography annexed to the Institute's of Pea4$o4ry in China.-'Pedagogical institut6s ot ShanghaV Mm Tmg), Kanton Uuang;'chm), and INAing are namea~. ` 'Pa- pers of the lecturers are repr .oiduced. prior tbi th4 lecture. Students attend 36 ld,ctur6s per wel e~ aiid are required to work 3 hours daily O.xcept S~Vard~y. Colleges of geography are usually a -lipped vjith 6e- veral workshops, e.g,. methodold geosrap~j, ~eo- Card 112 graphy of soils, geography of pliant!'i cartojjr~,aphy f 66374 2.4, W20 SOV/120--, 5 9- 51-27/46 AUTHORS: Zubov, V.A.9 Petrash, G.G. and SushchinAikiy, M.DL TITLE: A Double-beam Spectrometer for theiStudjr of Combinational (Raman) Scattering of Light PERIODICAL: Pribory i teldinika ekaperimental~iMi, Nr 5. pp 119 - 120 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A photo-electric spectrometer is do Iscribed, which'usps a diffraction grating having a disp ,ersion of 5-5~ The instrument works both in tile single beam and doutle- beam modifications. In the latter case.' the ratio of the Intensities of lines in the spectruiii under invesiigation to the intensity of the exciting lifts is recorde&, which excludes instabilities in the photoinultiplier anal~thik light source. The instrument is i.llustr~ated in Pigure 1. In this figure, 1111 is the main Uoam~ 2222 J~ the comparison beam, P is the diffraciion1rating,~,!o and 0 are the collimator objectives, ~S naiad S~ iara !Pthe 2 2 input and output siits'~ J3Y is th~ phd't6multiplier~ is a mercury lamp, K is a contifiinei With a o'clattering Cardl/3 substance, OK is an optical wedge M is an int,errimpter, 66374 SOVt190-k9--~--27/46 A Double-beam Spectrometer for the Study of'lff6mb nit ional (Itaman) Scattering of Light rXY is a pre-amplifier,~ Y is a sdilectiLve amplifier;, Ca is a synchronous detectort 'is It photo-t4dsistor which is used to obtain signals wl4ch synchroaiie~ the work of the detectort Y controls tho revorsing mot Ior,i np is a recording device (pan recorder);, i gi a condenser and n 2 is a lens which focA49'es theilgh rt beam onto the photomultiplier photd-eathode. A change in the photomultiplier v6ltago'of + 55 which in the single-beam set-up gives a c~ hangii irC-the reco~rded signal by a factor of 2,, has no ff ct:on the doubl6-beam apparatus. Figure 2 shows the 43;81 mi:ircury line obtained with the apparatus. The curve on the 146ft shows the~line under normal working conditions of *the lamp. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet r0r0reACOS. Card 2/3 AUTHORS t Zotrash, G,00 and Sush'hiaskiy,~~MM. Zubo ~Vv !~ " ' _ TITLS s Some Applications of a Spectrometer with flig6 Vi4ansion in Md,loa~~Iar Analysis Uaing Ramxn Speotra (WA_1r:3cryye pillp'4nen4a spektrom ItT a P 0 bellshoy dtsperst--.kydly% molokulyWnogh ana'16a p6 spektram kombinatsionAor,:1 rasseyantya Ovosta) MRICOICALt optika I spoictrosicopi7a, 11059, Vol 6, Rr Pp J ARS TRACT t The authors describe a sl~6etrometar for stildJ of Zxnan rspectr~%' at the Optical Laboratory of the Phy3i,,-s riviltitabo,,Acadamy of 3ctw,:vs, U.8 S R. A plane diffraction grating was i~sed ait the diaper aing~ element, . It was an oihelette grating, vith 600 line-s/411n, rult6d area 140 x 1.10 rm and it ?as prepared at the State Optical Infitibitf). Callimtorm :h%4 objectives mad* at the State Optical lomtit4te (fcwal lengt4 160d relative aperture W2). Trio Instrument van meab:t for uset In tma . sa=d order in the blue region andbad dispersion 01f 5 9,/zm. A phd tcwltiplier FEU-17 Yes used ais a receiver. A RK lamp 6r a lov-pressuro'lamv, could be used as a source. There ars two mv3 of 'uelnd this Apsettomater I One is the 2-boam method dev*rib%d in detlia earlier (Ref 4)t' IA this came one records the ratio of the light itlgp'sl caming from a ~ call with tho scattering substance to the light signal pt~~Oosedftg direct4y4rcm th i Ca rd 1/2 lamp. The other way Is the so-cailed difrtreatis.1 mathcd show1n SOV/51-046-3d ;4 Some Applications of a Spectrometer with High Dlsporivlqa'~, in M~.ldccular Anaipii Using Raman Spectra schematically in Fig 1. Li&ht from tyo dirklbront~. sources is, i1iricted alternately by a rotating mireor onto the olitry alit of the I~s~*ctLtwieter. When the intensitias of the t-ro litht beans i1kre t6.aama the, Ohoto- multiplier mirrent Is unmodulated and, tharefora,'~blockad by, a. selective amplifier tuned to the modulation frequency. ~, When'!one of the, ilight bows is more intense the resulting photocurrent hike an alternatint'icomponent which is amplified and recorded. The apectrolnoter clin be used to stidy line ahapos (Ref 2) and structure at: bands carAisting of closely spaced lines. Other Dossible application-s includet ~,I, (I) studies nears thel~ wave- length of the ;xciting light (Fig 2), (11) siudles~ of mixtures, (subtraction of the apectrum of one component from,the spectrilm of'i the mixture), (iii) studies of small changos. of line widths and intensities4 There are 2 figures and 5 refereacee, 4 of which ara Soviet and I I Englimh. Card 2/2 ----------------- V05f/6 2/Oi3/oo6/ol7/O27, E039/EI'20 AUTHOR s Zubov,, V. A. TITLE i A study of the degree of depolarisation lor Raman~ lines an a ftinction of the exciting light'jrequency PERIODICALs Optika i spektroskopiya$~V.13, bo.6~1962j b61-8o2 TEM This work, which is-a continuation of earlier. experiments, is imp4rtant in investigating theAiatur.e.of the,itama'n e~rect and provides information on the istrue"tural tensor derived' from polarisationo Measurements were made on the dej;tee of de'polarisation in the ultraviolet region near t6 'e self absorption bands for a aeries of materials (excitation line's 3132, 3126:and 3021 A). A grating spectrometer with a dispersion or 6.5 A/mm im the second order and 4.3 X/mm in the third order was~usedj together with a. +~~Y-18 (FEU-18) photomultiplier an a detector., The apparatus together with the polaroids was calibrated',using thei=14 lines. Results obtained for the above ultraviolelt lln~n and alsot for the 4358 and 5461 X lines are fully tabulated. The degrea~,oC7 depolarisation is given byi Card 1/3 5,'051/62/013/006/017/027 A study of the degree of E039/gl2o 5b,2 + .where b' and are tensors derived from P'"arialkiiOn This is defined in terms of the JU and a electronn, an follows., Pik Pik"" + Pik(" The dependence of on the frequency tof the ex4iting lig~ht is estimated qualitatively. At low and high val6es 0- C *%) the depolarisation is almost independent of V ~ehile at inter- ~ntributiO6 mediate frequencies o is proportional to the c to due to 3r-electrone increasing with increase in 131 order observe the change in with ",-) the following 'conditions must be fulfilled: 1) measurements must be~made near to.el6ctron absorption band; 2) the degree of depolarimatio'n of:the inv stipted lines must not be too great. Reasonable, agreement is Mained with the results of other -.corkers. card 2/3 SUSHCHINSKry, M. M.; ZUBOV, V. A, Relation betvaen'Raman speoti-a and sloota-6n' abs6iTtion ape t Opt. i "kir. 13 no.68766-774 D 162. (MRA, :16t1) (Raman effect) (Rjaotrons-4eatr(O A- -A-UTI(OR: Zubov, V.A. T ITT.r Dependenc e of t: Pir.- I n I. en s I t y of Rarna n I I n o!t i n t.ha C11 t, group on th v tra illienr e x c: it q I 1.;zI1 t C , p t. k.% 1. 9 1%,~ k t r o 51, if .) 1) 1 ya 110 w) 9 TEXT: Th Is i m a c on t irw at. ion of' a pro gr4im 0 1[' oti thc Subject a n d I s c a r r 1. e,i ouL in cho rango 5461 La W21. I ustngj ii grating spec t ro.Tr a p I i in t n(? s aco nd and t lit r d or d c r q. . C11 I-roup lines were gelected as it is expected tt,,iar ri-eloctronm will L phsy the dominant role. The results show that the Intensity a f the 2812 cr.1-1 I ime of cyclohaxlinc. chanres iir;Lth the fourth pow-er at th-v rrequorley of' ' It ) . the exciting lizl-,t and arama,tzc hyd.r(:)- c irrr?ct ons hrP, ainr~iikj Cor chan~zea in the ibsorpt,_-or, roCractive ind,lx: airld t".C. f9frect or photo,hemici4l reaci:i.ons. itxperimental. ex-r-)-r i.s rv:-t. ninre thaxt JIM' but Lecauc;e of correctLons t I'l ePufn (-.)!' OrrOr-8. 1.71 lw(ir,,;t case J'a about 30~ '- The ratio aC t h c, In tens Ltj.c s of' t:,i