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rob 4 0090 000000, T-- I:H-i I I T IT. r r I 44 ~rlll': IM. I 'ta PW MIR WE m in" ".1mm ... ........ . . p "'I ~m I IV u ,b0 v Ii1 46 ~ I i CHERNMORDIK, Grigoriy Illich; ZUBOV, 1,V,, inzll,,p retsonzsnt; FELIDMAN, E.D.p kand. retse~zent;'ZABE=, M.L.j kand. tekhn.naukp red.; BOEPMA, T6:.N.p tekhn. red. (Increase of train speeds] Povyshenle skarostei dvizheniik poe%dov. Poskva, "Transport," 1964. 200 pe (MIFLA 17:2) 7 111 U 71-, ~J I 111111 F i-~ I I -,j I I I TIT ;11 1 1 IMMEPAW, 4 '1 i - - i 71 ~ : I[--, . : I Itl I 1 0 -m I iN llulli flow regulationt; ol' train movemmt and mvi~iuvertnj? , Zhol. dor, transp. 1#6 no.7:51~--61 JI 164. 17~38) 1. G]aVTiyy i.nzh. Glavmgo upravleniya dvilehon3ya RLntsterp~-Va putey uoobshcheniya. BORISOV, Georgiy Nikolayevich; RUSKIN, Seraf1m Dmihrly6lab; -zlinny. I-I., Inzh., retsenzentj TSAMNXCj,'!,A.P.j,, inxh., red.; USENKOj LA ,.tokhn. red. [Accelerated handling of tfie flow of local carS. experience of the Moscow-Kursk Division or. the*mcow Railroad] Uskorennyi propusk mestnogo vagotopotoka; opyt Moskovsko-Kurskogo otdelenila Moo4uFvskoi dorogi., Mo- skva, Transzheldorizdato 1963. 29 p. (MIRA 160) (Railroads--Management) jI Prospects for increasing the weight of freight trains# Zhel# dor.transp. 42 no-7:37-39 JI '609 13 S 7) le 7,ameetitell glamogo insheners Olavnogo upravlonlya dvizhenlya Hinisterstya putey soobabohenlyao (Railroads-Train load) ZUBOV,,, inzh.; BEGAN, L.I., Inzh.j MIKHAYISNKO, B.In., inzh. Mechanization and automation of ateel propartionAng in molten- metal pressing. Mashinostroenie no.6:72-73, N-D 1165. (MIRA 18:12) ) IF ~ .1 .1 .. I ... I ;, , .1. 1 --l' - ~ I .; i . ~ - I F-i 3 '5 1 - f I SMIPIIOVI D.N., kand. takhn. nauk; ZUBOV, L.B., imh. Solving problems of indirect water hamier in a slightly viscous liquid. Trudy Gidrav. lab. VODMtO xio.lOtISO-196 163. (MIRA 17: L 10902-66 EWP(Y11M(M)/ET1 P(t) I.111(c) WW/JD/f!~/ A~c NR, AP60'1-9-0-60 SOURCE CODE: UR/0198/66/000/001/00$9/0040 AUTHOR: Zubov, L. A. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Stamping thin-walled parts from molten steel SOURCE: Liteynoye pfoizvodstvo, no. 2, 1966, 39-40 TOPIC TAGS: metal stamping, metal press, molten m ABSTRACT-. A stamping press used to mold thin-walled caps (V-110'zin, wall W61metso 6-8 mm, cavity depth 50 mm) from molten steel was modified to permit.reduction of ihe pouring time from 5-6 see to 1.6-2 see, to provide better control of the tinte lag between the end of pouring and the application of pressure, as well as to reduce the prassure requind for proper filling and a dense structure from 14.6 to 5.8 kg(f)/mm2. T11a design modifications ake de- scribed in detail. Spring operated "cold" stops, which reduce the contact between the hot molA ed part and the ram sleeve, were incorporated and resulted In, longer service life of the punch and Its sleeve. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. S CODE: 1V SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG RE F: 004/ OTH REF-. 000 ; Card 1/1 UDC.- 621.73.043:666.14'! 0 a/i83j6i/000/006/001/002 BIOI/$110 AUTHORS: Zelentsov, I. Go, Zpbov, L, Not Pikhmahp V. Do TITLE: Properties of polyvinyl chlorid* fiber* PERIODICAL; Khimioheekiye vQ1Qkn&j noo 6p 1961, 9-10 TEXT: A detailed report on the properties of polyvinyl~ebloride fibers manufactured in western countries is g iven on the bisis of western ~ubl'ica- tion data. In the USSR, a pilot plant will produce 1! such ~ fibers in the near future. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 12 non-Bovietireferenceso ASSOCIATION: VNIISV Card 1/1 SOME COM IAUTHORS: Zubov, L, Yao (Engineer); Began, L. Ip (Kn9inaeW);-M#MY-JL rika.18'. ORO t 05687-67 7,W(k)/Ewr(m)/EwP(t)/Kri IJF(c) J-D/11W ACC NR. JM&Fec- 56M-Mrs- AUTHORs,'Zubov, L. A. (Engineor)i Began, Lt L (Engineer) ORGs None maohine ui 'steel TITLE: Press forging of parts by using liqj SOURCE: Tekhnologiya i organizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 21~1 19661' 37-38 TOPIC TAGS: marhine industryp metal forging, hot forging# molton motal for&W, stainless steel / lVhlW9T stainless steel. ABSTRACTs An improved device .~or krelWfOrg-inff Of 14cluik.0tainI so steel in described. I -!iI -M~--"'.t ... j :,- .- UNM This device was designed by the Kramatorsk'Inatitute "n : ; i NIIPTmash and is shown in Fig. 1# The liquid metal in 1 poured into a special chamber (5) located under the the (3) and then squeezed through the diaphragm (4) under the pressure of the header punch (1 and 2) and the com- pression of the spring (6) Pig. 1 shows the initial p6sition (a) and final position (b)o By using this method of molten metal forging, various articles and machine parts of 1 to 10 kg of high mechanical and anti- corrosive properties can be produced. Orig. aro haat 1 figure* b, so C011E 1 13/ SM DATNI None r ird irl 'W -d UM 621.73.04 0 a 0 a a a a At a .at In a a CP A A 0 Jo IS )1 :? 1A M V Vtomplorow 44 40 .1 1~ 4 a 00 a a f a 1 1, .1. v 111VA., L 1. AA 0 CC W 01 1 1-t ..V 41. -AD 'Scllbu" am 4 tatthad for d4olroyies 4allussplAut in Ilechil. A. VaAll'trAil and 11. Zulitiv_ S.'stj. L 4NAISf.,* Isit". NO. M "SCUr" ion flk.44nd ,.-h; sns, , its tile PA4. aftq ill's A.11 .1 ell.-S to olf mit" tinder vixhlilum% 0 she ivalval Nit 4-1 V, N~[' ,. H. in the ttst~xv- W C.svical A~u JJ4 ~d,,j-jjjVjj.- Amrditig tu AlAm was 73 41% (tit 1% dru. un ill&- 3id 0: z anti Otis day and 45% sm list- 00 dAy. it 0.7% will. uf bw It 14ii.W 4.1 ~t to d'Ays. "Wbasr" mulidwe S wrlil 14 ctioal w 104) ill ot% U09 06 toxic P"JWT~klpv W. lt.~ I It fill 04 o4 00 014D ~0641ljr. 00 lie 0 so -ILA OffAMINW49 UVIFOA4411! CAISWKATKol to too W F. A u o "031,10 is "lot, 4144 an a w a cat ts 14 1 to 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Its 0, 4i j 0 40' Its to 9, lot& te $111lu" w 11 16 it 0 r9 a fl a 0 -.L a r Q , I I v TI.I.-A, 1-7, W IS Q; M Ufa I j 6 A 0 C' A fAct#i 01 0 Solbu Instead of Bordeaus iWiltute. A. VA.411'evilkh (U. S. S. R.) 1940. No, lj~ rCentmots of APPIts Afreviltil with Prob c4l"I. P, r ut P dia on control apple treti still on t"vq irtaled with 1% llordeout Hquld, 1% 0AW 114A. still 15% villar *Ali : Overt rcv.f 17.0, 6.0. J.2 and 0.6%. Act %ho vullim ' 0 0 ifato of OrOW Itsyrs. of Arive.1cl fr2&t R;;Z tin PImt oo applcil, of Irt S& lipples &n4 of rejected appki wi IX A , AI VI MU M rev A;, It. after I 14 and 5 2; , affm A 78 mmil r +0 ) O JAsO 2% 0 zoo 0 0 , . . . . . 4 Iforticaux ficiuld 8.1. J2,01. 6o.1 still 11.11 contrill silph O r0 0 0 w fruio free* IM).3, 14.0 and VA. The ov. wts..4 (' O If 16 11f) d "I W 14 i 1 zoo 00 w . r"l, . . to l wrtp sli . , 600 00 9 foe .00 0 40 he* 0 it 0 A 10, 1 k A of TAILUAGOCAL LITIRAIWst CLAIPPKA119" woo tvicri it oi, ct( -4w 4 4 I'l A 1-11 u It AV m us -r-M: --.- -' ~ -:. -" ~:. u MI A S 4 a v it la, wig trust UNKAII liza St 1* 1) da 41 0 0 0 # 000 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 e 0 to 000 0 a 0 00 0 * 0 ::'F 06 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 as 0 #1 at a A t 00 00 *0 09 A This uses of sollbst (add tuals4tesints tul(Att) 11141110 00 it kies (as cuturnbers). All, JUIN-Y sil A. t'4%flsvkA 60 6 two k 1-111 ACV I W 41'NOW114"s 44 'Aphidt, We '%*41, it Olvi % vit-44 O,M:j" UAIMV M),414) -4 0.14e. 00 1.1% "bar M.36-75.70: 0.4% u-lbar +0.2% anal-A-4ist., 25: OAS% "lar +0.31,Tq anAliesilm, tulfalt,' % Whar +0.2% anOwine.iteliate KIM: I J11 e... 010 anabsevine oulfake MUNI 0.11% green westri +0.21, isnabs-dric *11fald 09M, O.Se7t, Srstra stop +0 3% 041 artabserme stelfale IMA). Stpis. were alw pinde an Ille, =0 0 049 destruction of coctember mildew causes! by 1--'rytire rk,~6i - e raeedpaox, Pr. The percentsips of Ile not. 0 d1ret.161 ro 0 Go a leaves and of the surface of this heavers were* with (bi- E;* 00 i f ranted "bar 2.8 and 0.20; with 1j)%, stispenrled viii,ni 2 A isrid 0.19: with 11A4 decuttd 4olhar +0.3% AlUbt a* 11111e Oultale 2A and 0.19. T1w ro4p. values f4w timftt~l, use 0 %veto -MA and 24.11%. A cumbination of uglur and iraii X-sine %ulrette can IM 11Vd with qoccr~h 14r the -lie's ullmne. us destruction of cucumlxT mildew and of sphid. too W. R. lien" Is* 0 0' F too t -1 --l-,M4 7i .4 1 u 9 IV -0 If it ex Otpoly(W411 sit Its "IT it 1 4101* V 0 *00 0. 411190000,01111196 0 000 a 0 00 0 0 ~o 0 0 0 94 06 4 0.00 *600 0 0 Ole * 0 0 is Go* 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 0 '40 0 to 00. * 0 0, 0.0 04 0 0 0 ZUBOV, 14.Ae ReducJng the retardation of n)r1rally tied ~~nots I: L." winding of -twist yarn. Izv. v-ju. ucheb. zaii.'~ tokh. toks. prom. no.3:75-79 164. (MIKA 17:10) Is Ivanovokiy tekstillnrj Instltut Jmenl h.-unze. I I i ZUBOV M.A. ! ; KALASHNIKOV, K.Ya., kand. nallakokhoz. nauk; ERIJDNAYA, A.A.~ kand. sell. 9khokhos. nau~j ZUBOV M.F. kand. onIlakokhoz#,' naukj, KOROLEVT.A,,: inzh.-khImIk; ~W'Y6kdV'P-`A' . M. Questions and ansvers. Zashch. rast. ot vred4~ I bol. 9 no.804-35 164. (MIRA 17t.12) ZUBW, 1-1. F. "Sulfur Preparations on Fungicides." Cand Agrr Sci, Scientific Imt of Fertilizers and Insectofungicides, Hoscow, lgyp. muXhino No 22, Nov! 54) Survey of Scientific alid Technical Dissertations DeNmded at USSR HU-her Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. 110. 521* 2 Jun 55 ZUBOV, M.F.1 GOLYSHIN, N.H, Results of testing the preparation zineb':~&s aXungicide ro'r greenplants. (Trudy] VIVIF no.171ill1~1422 161. (KP~U 15-0) (Fungicides) Narbamlc~acid) MELINIKOVp N.N.j.-0107V MM..F~tj TRUNOV, P.N.; SANINjilM.A.;' 13DOSEYEA00 LdG.j --VAROVA, T.M. N St~ UKRAINETS, N.S.; VO Fungicide forcontrolling powdery mildew fogi. Zashch,. rast, ot -tv~bd. i bol. 8 no.*1:31 Ja , 163. (KMA 16: 5) (Fungicides) (HildeO ZUBOV FEDOSEYENKO, L.G.; SAIIIH, M.A.; PIVOVAROYA, T.M.; ZIL'BEPAINTS, I.V., kand. biolog. nauk; FADEYEV, Yu.N., k"d. s9'skokhoz.,nauki ZHURAVLEVA, L.M.; KIPIANI, A.A., aspirant; RELINIKOV, N.M.; BOCIIAROVA, L.P.; SIIVETSOVA-SIIILOVSKAYA, K D. SHAPOVAIDV, G.K.; SPIRINA T.A.; SEDY)GI, A.S.; ZINCHENKO, V:A. aspi rantka From experiments in the use preparations. Zaahch. rant, ot vred. i bol. 8 no,lW24-26 0 163. :,(MIRA 17$6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut khimicheskikh sredstv zaBhchity rasteniy (for Zubov, Fedossyenkoi Sanin, Pivovarova). 2. Gruzinskiy institut sashchity rashenly (for Kipiani)i 3. Moskovskaya ordena Lenina sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya im Timiryazeva (for Zinchenko). A KINUMOV, AA, agronaml ZUB fitapatololl Quantions and answroo Zashah, rest. ot *rsdo ibol. 7 no.1240 D 162. (WrU 160) L Nauahzo-iosUdovatallskiy inatitut Vo udobrsaioz i irisokt*-~ fungiaidan imeni Y&*Vo SawVlova, nqwt M. P. xThe Toxic Fffect of Solbar as an Insectil Aiiideiidf i~ivakokhoziaisti I& Nauk .; ime pp. 30-35. 20 A)a Sot Sirs. - Si-90-53j, 15 Dec. 1953 MINEW amov, m. F. Diseanes nnd Pestn Utilizing organic-sulfur preparation egulm7t wl,ltv rot i.n s Vill. 13:1SEL 12. 1952. Monthly List of Russian LecessLars, Library of Congress, Aiijrust 1952. UI;CL.A$SIr-rED. 7 It m I '~ " 11 . - I . - .1 0 1 A -I . ~j --i I I A . " ~:. :' Op .11va'"Wrov-19W Nth 1. 31.% X'iow' )f.-Ppla, lhmp~ a* 190, No, 0. WI W V. 1, 35, fwu-..--SAwr a PAYVUI, We of 114) ftvwns HAS am ticult"Itily S. ; 11 to xpvjlW f I " a spray, the Sulu. 1wing 111jult up fillmothaittly Wort l1w, Tvits 111441f with cWtillist of the lifildtif fullo R 10111111 tin llwm. cliku"llirtp RIO md"Imlliv* 4butlovil IhAl .*a 100 vi atialmi hivitobt i.A.-rat. "06 ,00 00 MFUW -d 4314-U111WO. allawlet,8110%. s-11t),A)ikhrom cirwiltrill. too" glut briptril A1411 on W11141--t, 411141 Its 1. A 000 "*mt Arpiou 41.6044wits" W 4UL%jlllIwl'~ st Imove'll SpA W tuillatiorl pustopkin. mms. distiatiii. 44mlis dM Spitlitt Mitt'd OU nbAU1111*10, hotits Slist 01111% f(Ults 11 sow *a" very wilwilive. W. 19, Hers goo do* .-Ifill tie 0 r7 11, Ami i 't, i'! ~if a W, t 'w lit 'w 194 U 0 to I io IF (w W 0 dc III It it it Of a ki or HAD Is 0 d I a 00 6 0 * 0 0 & *a cs a 6 0 0 0,a a 0 0 :0 0 00 :100 0000 a a 00 0 **so* so 910 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 a T w W w W w Is W w in 9 ill W IV Ill m, a W a W, Ill -1, %; wqu is a w 4) w W T w w ww - is it is in 7 )1 i t Is It Lj 11 14 is 6 v 0 1., * Ad so 9 1 -06 - " :.So 10 0 tivistmeas at mAtorw soil Timnic'400 u1 COPPOIF mer'1101 3 A t f f , rip"t. ac /nit. oti iwrl R.I 11"Pe. 1 y 4 4 so S Nil Not, 133, 1:14 -1111111.1110 jetki(IIIII to-, is Pk. '239 Nu h ,, ~ so j . ~ , , (A ils"I 4tke (:it -,k* Inclin. ctmAisling of ctmspkx As -m11 4 it 4 Ifif $U11410,111,1 s arwi Cis with admixts C go . i %WlW mclatity k mfx~ edfvtivr thask flind"411% Iffitf. ASAIllikstluddew. tkablitsm: was P-mits(gif by,"11Y I mmjilv, so whivh hail a With c-mili-tit o( A 10. -U-nolk-ir ' 1.14-tite4 als-P is min rifir,-fivi, sti-vii6ir asiussiO stri4m- so '410 0 '00 '00 A I a. I L A INCTALLUJIM AL LITISAIVIt CL&S11PICAM" 11101.) it '*v 411 sit "L,. '.-ii u is AT Pr.)t I it; ~d 0* 01 At a is I a I IS it st or 0 0 0 0 0 g :L 0 0 09 eie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 goo, 0 a O's 0 0 0 0 4.0 4 n .41, ta~tbI~; off '04 -go far wAffro to U01146 "Ot so uU. 1'k mss jpolplimm fill 6, 041 'rat wAlkov 64 11COZ 114sk-111 so* we w"t tested in thoir urisitimil colft da (d 1,1, r. 0 1 ta. 1:9 and I ~ 10. Thor unilsir 7.47 9. of V*Iatik mud 5-14 9- 111 F*IV0IA1i$` a*: pherbob f 1. A 40 $ fornman tstsim. in a It3wan. wm%:~ PC 0 J t ;jad"4. The juxk- proMiks of car ~; used " cm r0l at wa cra were fated on Ole& W Pittoksolve milieumms and 01, wheat "It. Tat water is In"It effective than Is 1:34m, coo 00 X lactualin Wit, The N in ur water is utilited by the and .00 nul,kni (im the pUnts and piles" as a d6infectant lot I 9 f list Imild, W. It. Items 400 via a coo _tS M. I L AtTALLUIPSOCAL 1,111111A CLAJSWICATICS I slam IuTivi;74 Iota Is 0 It VP 91 V It It III K a it 9 K a TTm I If I V 11 9 A fl~ 1 7v PON! P. 0 00 60 0 a Os 0 go 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 IN, Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 IN I M~~ - at w V w V a a's 0 a V 9 v w v I I I 1 0 - 6 r. f I I v fillfluli.. $too 0 pop 9 0 ) 7 VY j 4 AA I* LL ~v If. JY . , . All, lwzj.~ 1114, .41. q1 I. Alt, .6 NIIVW~ 0 for Tat wairs fcqn real ta In , : woo 1141lik tro ' "I l .1 00 S s I . vokililt, rustier ..14f itts. Lacu 7.47, ilotiv . r &1 w utolut l by dMilt I l 1 0 * of i t rte O ts 4 4t resu 14 Ibial N 2. ;. w let t jitqis W water. A, A. P-hillugk t liu pi 00 di~ L . 09 0 00 op .00 woo tie 0 U00 U00 ~0-10610` it I #I If if a It It It 1 14 41TO 0- 4 4440 0 0 0 4 6 e, ~- 1016; # Ow 491 00 0 so 0 0 W 0 0 0 1 0 111 9 0 111 9 - . III - - - - - - - - if 1$ 0 is A ." 01 u 0 ~ $I A, x u (A 0 u A,!) 4. 1. 00 A 410 00 1:7 Trestmessf of lipman stilds to OWIPOt molds. M, Zil - N'M~j NUN0.1,11ps 103j. No~ to 01, h 41-W. 'RI'llff"Ift"I. I'I't vt tit 0 0 kilo 111 fit lxwsas. SAlmr. squa Laurtwelati, 14- lee 410'~ d"'1 OMM"All I It "Ill f-, ll.alsm"s t"t "Mill* %%tlr t)bts14wtI with ,!;. 14"4% OLMI 30'j. -iAmr. fit Olly timlif-ut 1.1-1 IrM11% "'tv w~ in Ohr ami. wilb 01amovill 111161 1111"; Bill) 144".11"11411 it, 0o tf'~. tit .11 X.jNK. 14 Illp %vil". %;4risit"ati'm ..I Ow -1-A. dt-'~ 41"Iti-A4. %ltA-411 [IV 10 I-Y';, itfirt Ow wvt itratills-tit. %, Alive its., dly (IrAttot-111, 11 go# 00 *4111 ;Joe 0 00 00 =101~0091 so 400 00. 0 see 00 see 61-%t6 PITALL1jrGKAL L ire 0 o 5;5 ~.sf- Bit u n 0 it 1*11044, *AI1 oil 111% p9tat" 11M to A 1 14 AA 0 j 000000 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 0, 0: 0 : 0; 0; 0 40 0 6 4. 0 '6'~ _~0000 i A 0 41 0 0 000 000e00040,0 0: 0 v C 0 00 0 0: 0 0: 00 0 0 6 0 6 0 ZUBOVj M,FI SANINO M.A.; MOS?4YENKOv.L,G,; UKRAXHETS~ Me; FIVOVAIWA, F.M.; 14ATVIYEVSKIY, kandobiolog.nauk;'ROOLAVTSEVA, SoA. From practices in the use of poLsonous chemicals. Zashabi*'rasto ot vrede i bole 8,novllt23-24 N 163,,, ("!IRA! 17 9 3) k 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel ski3r, institat khimic)x6skikh sredstv zashchity rastenty.(for allp exappt Kitviy'evs 7 1* 20!Mle" yevskaya opytnaya stantsiya nadovodotva im. L#P#Simir nk4 Chn'rkan- Akaya oble, Gorodishche (for 14atviyovskly). NIKIFOROVp AaM, p agronom po zashchite rastaniy; KALAOIIHNII"OV p K. Ya.; kand:. sell - skokhoz. nauk (Fushkin, Leningradskoy obI4)j ZUIIOY, !4,F.0 k6M*. sell- skokhoz, nauk Questions and answers* Zashch. rast, 9t vred, i bol. 9 nc.9i34-15 164. (ki !7tU) 1. Voesovuznyy nauchno-issll3dovatellsk.ty institut khimicheakikh aredatV 2ashchity rasteniy (for Zuboy),, USSrVpJant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivated Plahts. 0 Abe Jour; Ref Zhur-Diol... No 5, 1958, 2o695. Author Zubov, M.P. Inst Title rarthrosis in Potatoes. Orig Pub: Zaahchita rast. ot vredit, i bolemsy) 195t.1, No 4, 55- GOLYSHIN, N.M., ZUEOV, M.7., XRIJTITKATA, XONOI O]MOVO Tot# Coqwative fungicidal activity of sow basic copper and sine malts. [Trudy] Niaip no.167-.186-192 160. 1 : (XVIL 13:8) (copper salts) (Zinc malts) (Fungicides) SKALOV, Konstantin Yur 'Yevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, rf,,,d. J, ZUBKOV Mikhail 14ikolayevich, inzh.j KRAVCHENKO, Vladimrr- :=~- . '-"ffiTU'e-vV5;-'2 a-.WftI.-nauk; NIKITINA, Ver~a NW)layevna, inzh.j URSIANOVj Vladimir Alaksandrovich, kalid. Lekhn. nauk; DLUGACII, B.A... red. (Port junctions and terminalal-their layout and operation) Portovye uzly i stantaii; untroiatvo i eksplultLtatslia, Moskvap Transportj 1965. 197 p. (MTIIA,.18: 4) 1~,.6 2 S/0130 S/08 /62/05/004/0d8/022 D202/:P3,01 AUTFiORS: Kudryatsev, N. T. Kruglikov, S.' ~i Ij c i- b"yev6'* G 14 -P. 0 and Zubox.,_N. S. TITLE: A study, of the ~*,c4 othing off ec t :of s6,1 Q~ taining h 6 ic compounds PERIODICAL: Zhurnal pri.10.A, khimii, v. 35t!' no4~4, 1962,; ;~77~1_781 TEXT: The authors tested it line, me thy 1-(16I.Y101ftli Un' loaj.~ep' quinaldine and acriflavin as 'boothing agentg~~in nli.~kel elOtr6- plating and worked out optimal conditions, f oi-'~ 1;heir' use. 1711,1 the ir opinion only quinaldine may be of.practical Use, Qeoause quinoline. and its methiodide have. i*tq&y.&ti*ely small silloothing effe6ts And give brittle deposits. Acri.-fl.4-win: produces a lavoxabie aff,lerlt but only in a very narrow rango, which ~kkos it Vhsuitable for.practical purposes. An,Tor, ion of saccha, rin;t-6 alectr. dlyt~as con-'Gaining.quinoline or its TAW ivative gives~a lesia brittle':plaitep~ :L but markedly lessens the VMvii.. ng effect of ";'theab,compoarids. Zx- perimental,details and,the izied: results; are g~LVen. Thai~e 4re Card 1/2 MIN ZUBOV, N. , starshiy inzh.-metodist Control ovor the industrial training of ne~ vorkbra. Prof.-, tekh. obr. 18 no-5:29-30 My 161. (WRA 3J,-.;8) L TSentralInyy uchebno-metodicheokiy kabinet, (Cholyabinsk-43chool supariision) i . . I i i -, - I ----m I . , : - ! : ---- - --- - ---- zumvl 11jid. med. nauk (Tpxiu Ii it'A'.* li4wPlAidi'llp 135 kv.46) lourgary* on tho liver III opia-thnxi'll I6t. 92.no4'4t '137-1410 Ap 161 1. Iz Pamzito.1Gg1c1WskOy 1UtA-,r4:Lt01'1i filiala Wsko& prircd~- V.N. Shplllko) V 'DjmIrmil L bol*- witsy Qlavrsyy vmtch V zuMov, N.A. I I I r Tho M-20 droo-type milling mohine. Siul.tokho-ekon.inforso no.2118-20 160. ~ (KTw13%6) (Killing maabiass) ZINOVITWO A. S. , kand. med. nauk; MMOV Pl. A' Two cases of primar7 cancer of the liverla ebildran, Pediatriti no.lls65-67 161. (KM 14132Y 2. Iz patologoanatomicheakogo otdoleniya (t4v. A. M. Zakjmj:,ova). Tyumenskoy oblastnoy bollnitay (glavW vrach A.. A. Moiseyefiko)~. (LIVER-QUICER) (CHILDRO-DISUSES) ZINOVIUVp A4, p kaWsmadecaukl ZUBOVI X,A pathoiogiva anstow of mo-asned idiojAWo 4wardttiss, Vrache delo noo2sl33-134 7 f62, (MIRk 15 13) It Fatologmatomidheskoo otaslenLys (204 do "iON. Zakhi~-~va) Tytmouskoy obUstnoy.bollpitsys ZUBCVP Yoko ftthamorphology of tho liver AW panoreats 1~ cato vith oplatharchosis treatad vith hwcaahlorparujio0i. Rod. paraz.', i paras. bole 34 zo#2tI6/eI6() Mr--Ap 165, (NM Wtll) o 1, Pars zitoloRichatkAyu labomtoriya filt-OA Ouakcgo w, uehno-, issladovatallskop instituta prirodnowbAgotykh lmeakt-siyf Tyman1j, i Klinichaskiy btdal Inatituta maditalmlivy jAra2itp.- logit i tropichookoy maditsiq imni Yq#Ig Martsiouvikogo Minintarstva %dtavoelthransuip SSSR) %)sk-ma~ --LOW YJ NO Category USSR/Solld State Physics - Phase,Transformation In Solid Bodies !C-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3800 Axithor Zubov, N.G. Ilast Moscow State University) USSR Title Simple Method for Observing the Phase Transition in Single Crystals of Quartz. Crig Pub Kristallograflya. 1956, 1, xo 2) 243-245 Abstract The method proposed is based on the rapid tempekature Vwlation of'the inclices of refraction ofA and (-Atwtz In -the imiltediaie. vicinity of the phase-transition point. A specimen of quartz in,the form of a cube., with linear dimensions of 20 -- 25 m, was placed in 8,~' cylindrical VacuUm oven and was exposed to a beam of rays parallel to the axis of the'~ovea. A shadow image of the specimen was obtained on the screen. The oven pro- duced small temperature gradients (approximately,0.1-0.20/cm) in the ;: transverse cross section, making it possible to obtain Iftee-trans.iiion fronts that a-re parallel to the light rayn. When,a center of the nev phase was formed, large gradients of the index of t%fraCtIon occurrid in its vicinity., and consequently the screen desplayeq a distortion of~1he; Card 1/2 Category USSR/Solid State Physics Phase Traw formatiow, In Solid Bodies' Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 21 1957 No 3800 contours of the shadow of the specimer.:and a dark region was formed U'ear the center of the new phase. Parts of the/frontl~' of the phase tmns- formation, parallel to the beam of the rays,, were observed on the ~' screen in the form of bright lines. Using this method,Ahe author investigated phase transformations in a free crystal of quartz and in a crystal) lo- cated in a de and in a high-frequency electric field. The method described makes it also-possible to determine*the character of the variation of the temperature field in the specimen during the time of the phase transition and can be used to obtain a more accurate value of the tttmperature~of the phase transition. Card 2/2 ZUBOT, N.Me; POPOV, S.S., radaktor; TROFIMOT, A*Vvi tekbnichaskiy rsdaktor. (Now machinery for mechanization of laying pipdlin~oj Itovye mdlhitq dlia makhanizataii truboprovodnykh rabot. Moskva, Goa. nauchno- takhn.izd-vo naftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1930. 53 pe I (Pipelines) (MIRA. 800 DIW,R, A.I.; WBOV, N.M.; KLIHOVSKIY, Ye.M. Investigating the operntion and use or DZK separatora.,Stroi. trubopiov, 9 no.100-12 0 164. (MIRA 1$17) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno"Issledavatellskiy institut po stroitellst.,ra Magistrallnykh truboprovodov. turd;1/7 -1 1 GOLCWKIN, ~.M.; IKONNIKGV~,~.M,; TELEGIN V L _' , , p Posoibility of using screv anchorr in laying pipelines lji~ Western Siberia, IVoi. truboprov, 10 ro. 111.8-10 N 165 . (MIRA 18:12) M,