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-7 ~Zr IF - im-hener; BALAKMTN~ B.S., doktor tekhlicheii-Rikin nault, 1-rofen!.ior; PA3TI-M) G.E., fmzhonor; BEIRDICHEN;Zly, Ya. G., irmb-!ner; 13OF-MV) fl.i%, M.A., kandidat tekiinicheskilib nauk; MVAH) doktor tekhnic"le- V. skikh nauk; profe3aor; KORSAKOVP VoJop doictor 1,00michesUkh nauk; KOSILOVA, A.G., kandidat teklinicheskilch riajk; EUMMUrISEV, N.T., do%tor khimicheskikli rutiuk; professor; l0JRT!:3'Hl-X,',p Ile. S., i-rizilener; UAM"liil) Yn.M., doktor tckhnich~!oklkh naul~) rxcll'enor; MAYMMAN) 11I.S.) inzhonor; I.MKOV, M.F.j h-andidat teldmichi,~s'kikli naul.~ FAMY SKIY, M.S., inzhener; PERET011OV, 14.11., inzbmor, FOPILOV, L.Ya., Irtzhoner; POPOVA V.A., kandidat tehliniclieskikli nauk; SAMEHIllf, M.1,11., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professor; 13=10'1, Y.V., kandist tcklini- cheskikh nauk; MEL') E.A., dolftor tekNilcheskiku nauk, professor; SOKOLOVSM, A.P., doktor tekhnicheskilch nauk, professor) (deceased) STAMUNICH, V.G., inzhener; FRUM, Yu.L., :Lnzlio,-,n(:,r; 19RUNDY, M.I., inz-herrier, 11SEITLID, L.B., inzhener; SHMITIOV, Yu#V., kandidat tekhniclieskikii nauk; DADMI, S.T., kwiditiat takanicineskilkh nauk; VOLKOVY S,I.l kandidat teklinicheakikh imik; GORTICIMMY, doktor tokhrtichekikii nauk, profea3or; CADMATUN, A.K., inzInimer; DOSCEAMIV) V.V., kandidat teklmichoskil:b riank; 2T.MoVIIIII) V.S., itizirioner; ISAIMN, A.I., doktor tekhniclieskikh nnuk; FIDIROV~ Kandidat tekhnicliuskikil nauk; ILU~OV, A.11., Imnd1dat tekhrticheskikh nauk; 1-90DAITYAN, 1M.Ye., inzhener; PANCIMI), K.P., kandidat teklmiche- skikh nauk; SEPM- EV) D.I.I., irtzhener; ISTAT',"Vp K.?,, kandidrib tekluli- cheskil-li nauh; STROVATCHEMM), P.V., lnzhemr; Til.11RITj GVE., inzlicner; IM"YASTIZVA, 1M.A., kandidat teklinicheskikla, raulf.. (Continued or next cw-d) '111. 11 Hi~ il F lil AUTI?OY, K.F. --t(-oatirmati) Carr', ` r cb'i t i r -h -(14K U-1 v d-,-,jlh ta!n*zh, rfad.sovat V-~;- v- I dr. ~la,--k-rj Vol'. 1. (Pod red. 1 104 1. Si4 (1,t,, -1 orr Inl ZUB09,j.,~~f., inshener, redaktor; UKNTAGIN, M.G., inshner, redaktor; EUSATSIRR, H.S. inzhoner, redaktor; SHM13, S.M., radaktor; TWIN, A.T., redaktor; THRONOV, A. Ts., teknicheekly redAktor. Elxperience in introducing advanced technology, in factories engaged In heavy machine building) 'Opyt vnedrenits poredovoi takh- nologii na. zavodakh tiathelogo mashinastranniia. Roikri,*Gas.U&L14hA*- tekhn.izd-vo mashinastrait.lit-ry, 1955,306 p. (H12A 9:4) 1,Koscpw. Vessaiusnyy proyaktuo-tekhnalogicheekly ixetitat. (Machinery--Construction) 7INKSLISHTBYN, Bentsion Takorlevich; BURMISTROV. P.L. kaaUdat takhoiche- skikh nauk, Inzhener, retwontent; I - - -- - - -XASSAT37TAR. Wh6ner, roUktor (deceased]; TIJRWOT,- A.-Yaos takhnicaeakiy redaktor [Technology of hoisting ana transporting machine building] Tekhno- logiis pod0emno-transportnogo cashinostroanits. Mcak+e, Goss nouchno- taichn, Isd-vo amehinostroit, lit-ry, 1956. 379 P. (MLRA 10:2) (Hoisting machinery) (RAchinery inilustry) IVANOV. Vaeiliy Vasil'Yevich; inshenar, retsenuent; VORWITJT, T.H., inzhener. redaictor; TIM907, A.Ta., telftichnski7 redaktor Nechanical milling of parts for steam turbinss] Melthanichasimis obrabotka detalei oarovykh turbin. Moskva, Gooo nanchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-rT, 1956. )92 p. (KLRA' 10'.1) (Steam turbines) 'BAilAmim, B.S., doltor tekImdcbP-tsI*Akh nauk, professor; BARYLOV, G.I., inzhener; DETZELINVT) A.D., inzhaner; BEaDiammay, fax., inzhener; BOBKOV, A,A.:'.irzI*.r-,v4er; KALININ, M.A.) kandidat tel:hnicheakikh nauk; KOVAN, II.M., drktor tokhatche- sRikh nauk, professor; KOROAKOVI V.S., do'k-tor 'eklmichealti'sh nauk; YOSILOVA ' A.G., lkan(lidat II.T.1 'I rank, jlxuj.'~'J"~(;r.; dol-or M.S., inzhener; I MOV) kmndiLlat vau&; P.A1111- SXIIY, H.S., itizheimr; KIEJL~MNOV$ M.N., ~IOPTWV, L.Uh.) inzhener; POMV, V.A.Y kandidat teklmichetil:i1ch nauk, ISAVERIN, mm.' doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; SASIN) V.'V., kandidat tel,,hni- cheskikh nauk; SATELI L-S.A., doktor b~khridwskjlhh nauh,, professor, SOKOLOVMaY, A.P., doictor tekhnicheslrikh nauk, rnlcfessor, (deceased) STA111CWICH, V.G., inzhener; FRUNMI, Yu.L., inzheivur; IZOWIDYI inzhener, TSEYUJIT, L.B., bizzliener; !:11101OV) YU.11., kandidat tellinicheskikh nauk; BABKIN, S.I., kardidal; tekbuicheskikh mauk; VOLIKOV, S.I., kandidat teklinicheakikh nauk; GOILIODE1,11SKIY, I.Ye., doktor tekhnicheskikh rauk, professor, GORO."HUMIj A.K., inthener; DOSCHATOV) V.V.) kand'Adat tekhnic~eskikh mnuk; 0~04kLITIP V,S., irzhener; ISA)M-V, A.I., doktcr teklmicheisirikh nauk, ywofmi~ur, K.11ZHO'll, S.M., kandidat teklmicheaRikh imuk; MALTOV, A.tI., lmnd-ii-latv t~2%111nicheukikh natik; ZINIMANYA11, inzhener, PA:,,CIOIK(','j K.P., kandidat tokhni- skikh nauk; SEM-71-N, D.M., inzhener; 3TAYLN, K.P. .. kandidat to'khni- cheskilth naulc; SYROVATCIENKO, P.V., inzacn,Dr; TAU'RIT, inzh2ner;-.. ELIYASIEWAI M.A., kandidat te%hnicheskikh na-uk. (Continua or, next card) 7 771 TI PIT! 7; M-I F AbT!nV, K.F. ---+-otjtt-jijmj) vki n. Gfui redc:-tir; liull,i3rls manual) tio-,--. red.sovet V.",,. voi. 1. (?Qli red. 534 0 V ANTIPOY, X.F., inzh.; BALASHIN. B.S., prof., doktor tekhn,rviuk; BAP-110T. 0.I., inzh.; DRYZELIKAW, R.D., inzh.; BERDICH3V:M:IY, Ta.G., inuh.; BOBKOV, A.A., inzh.; MININ, M.A., kand.bekhn.nauk; KOVAN, 7.1f., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; KORSAKOV, V.S., doictor tekhn.nauk; KOSILOVA, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; X'UMYAVTSL7, N.T., prof.0 doktor khim.nau1c; KMMMA, Te.S.. inzh.; LAkIlTllr, Tu.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nank; HATXWN, H.S., inzh.; NOVIKOT, K.P., Icand.tekhn.nauk; PARITSKIT. M.S., inzh.; PMPONOV. M.N.. in-zh.; POPrLOV, L.T4R., Inzh.; POPOV, V.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; SAMIAli, M.R.. prof., doktor takhn.nauk; UASOV, V.V., knxid.taklin.nauk-, SATMI, R.A., prof,, doktor tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOVSKIT, A.P., prof., doktor takhn.nwak (deceased]; STAWCUICH, Y.G.. inzh.; FRU14111, Tu.L., Insh.; XMIMOT, K.I., inzh.; TSEYTLIN, L.B., inzh.; SIMMOV, Tu.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; MARKIJS, M.Te., inzh., red. [deceased]-, GUNOTSKIY, G.I., red.; DIALOV, A.H., red..- NUVI- DWYANYM, F.S., red.; Kg~O KOV, M.P., red.; CILkRIF1:0, D.V., red.; KARGANOV, Y.G., inzh., red. graficheskikh rabot; SOKOLOVA, T.F., telchn.rod. [Manual of a machinery designer and constructor; In two volimes) Spravochnik tel-.hnolopa-mnihinostroiteli(k-, v dvukh tomakh. (;Is"-. red. V.H.Kovan. Chleny red.movete B.S.Balnlrnhin :1 dr. Mosim. 0om.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-i.7. Vol.l. Pod red. A.G.Kosilovoi. 1958. 66o p. (MIRA 13:1) (Mechanical engineering-lLindbooks, m9nualn. etc.) Hid ININ11 i. it ! 11 Ili: I 11111: ;: 1 1! 0. , , H Specialization In the machiner7 industry. Vost.maoh. 41 no.11:69-73 N 161. 41111k 14: 11) (Machinery industry) 9311vi . ~:j , ~ 1", , ~ 1 :1 j j,- 1~ 1111 1!, 1 )i ~, ~1 1. 1;~ =17 m , IACCLSS'I"O'N NRt AP4032579 S/b[19O/i%/0O6/004/O758/0765 AUTHORSi Khardi, D.j Vargaj Yo; Utrai, K*; Tuayliko I.; Tr.L'LE: Synthasia.$ polymerization, and copolywrization of viqrl thioacetate SOURGEt Vy*sokomolok. voyodine, v4 6, no. 4p 1964s 758-765 4 TOPIC TAGS- vinyl thioacetate, vinyl thioacetate syntheisis, vinyl t1tioacotat" polymorizaLionp vinyl thioacotato aopo3,riorization, vinylauccirdmido copolymer, vinylphthalimido copoly7nor, viiVIcarbazono copolymer, wt%-o.VtYb1W1 thioacatats pyroly~~s) chain transfer constant, monomer reactivity ratio A=W.G'~: The vinyl thdoacetate monomer was obtained by pyro4sis of 2-a,,,etox*hA ithioacetato in a current, of GO2 at a temperature of 490G i, Ito polywrizevion Iwas conducted in the presence of dinitrile of isobutyric acid in an atnoophero of nitrogen. The kinetic measurements wore carried out by the dilatometrio tochniquej.I.- and the molecular woights wara determined by cryoscopy. The copolymerizatvion with N-vinylsuceinimide., N-vinylphthalimide., and N-jirWlcarba:rone was oonducted in sealed ampules at 60G* It was found that the polymeriza;tion rate of vinyl thioac- ACCESSION NRt AA032579 etato was proportional to the 0,75 p(xrrr of the initiator concentration and that, the brutto activation energy was 25A5, kcal/raole. Since tho madUrAn polymerization coefficient was nit significantly affected by the concentration of the initiatort it was concluded that the chain trannfor constant had to btv high. An onhantine effect on tha reactivity of the corresponding monomor was producod by replacing o.xygon with sulfur. All of the copolymers wore soluble in benzene and contained nitrogen. By reacting lWdrazina *hydrate vrith the virql U-4.oacelvate-vinyl succinimide and vinyl thioacetate-vinylpli,"tia3Amide copolym~ra,, the authors obtained polymers containing free SH and 1412 groups which were rapidly oxidisted by air. Orig. art. has: 7 charts,, 2 tables) and 3 fornaaa. ASSOCIRCION; Eauchno-isslodovatell s~dy instit;ut plastomassovoy jmom~%- shlennosti, Budapest (Scientific Research Instituto of Plastic Material4j Dudapeshtskly politeklinichosidy institut (Budapest Polytechnical Instituto) !SUBIOTTEM3 210ot63 DATE ACQi UIaA MOLs iSUB CODE: CH D10 Ra sov 3 006 OTHMs 016 HARDY, Gyula; VARGA, Joznef; ITYITRAI, raroly; CVA.3L1K, 1.9t-,rati; ZUBOITYAI , 1,1,3Z10 Synthesis, polymerization and copolyincrization of vinyl-thio- acetate. Mapy kem fol,yoir 70 no. 4.174-179 Ap I(V+. 1. Research Institute of the Plastics Industry, D.Idapest; and Department of the Plasti--s and Rubber Industries, Budapent University of Technical Sciences. ZTJBOR, Istvan Conditions for receiving opertting premitmis In raI3.road trandiportation. Magy vaaut 8 no.7r5 3 Ap 164. ZMRI Istvan National confere-ce of railroad innovators and Invein-tors. Kozl tud sz 12 no.l:-14-35 Ja 162. 1. Vsutas SzakatervezAt KozgazdAsagi Ontalymnak vezatoje I I 'I 1! 11 -1 !iHilu flir MIN, -Hil il ilorn woi-kers 3hould pIrticipate in tho mariagement. Vn,-,,.It 14 no.12.-IG-ll D 164. 1. Heact, '~'cc-nomics of the "rrado Unlon ,-)f lrond -ker- o t i iAap)st. or, AIM, 07org7; 1,3SWOS, Istvan; ZUBOU, ladmilla.- Function of the cerebral-h''emispheres in conneation with symmetrical afferent stimuli in the renal pelvia. KiserleteF3 oritostud 9 no.5-61 624-628 Oct-13ac 58. 1. Budspeati Orvostudomanyi I-g7etem Alettani Intezate. (MULIX, CONDITIMM interoceptive kidney pelvis reflexes iii demonstration of symnetrical analysis & differentiation of symmetrical afferent inirmlsen from kidneq pelvis by cmi-ebral hemispheres it dogs (Hun)) (I.KIDN3T P3LVM, innerv. symmetrical analysis & different lation, of symmetrical afferent irlmlees from kidney polvis by aw-ebral hemispheres in dogs, demonstration by Interoceptive retflexoa (Mm)) (BRAIN, physiol. same) ;E C p-, () R) i -, ADAM, G.; HESZAROS, 1,; ZUBOR, L. On the joint f ation of the cerebral hemispharpin in connection vith renal pelvic and ureteral symmetric afferent irttoulaos. Acta physiol. hung. 12 no.4:335-339 1957. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical Univeroity, Budapest. (BRAIN, physiol. joint funct. of cerebral hemisphores In oonnection with symmetric afferent impulses frox kidney pelvis & nreters of dogs ) (KT Y PRIVIS, inne-v. BELMO) (URATM, innery. same) Z"~.7", I . Arateur Plaoietoilione, head with an iron-core coll; from material at the -i 11 L ~ A - . :-tteur I'Exhibit. P. 159. . ~lidzirest. Vol. ;'~ llr:t. 7/cp j!llly/Au.,- 1,055 SOUROB: EAST EURO.-FAN ACCESSIGNS LIST (RUL) VOL. 5, ND, i: Jum 1956 --F- -- I j m I I P W I I 1HP;I 1 11 ~ i T' !17711 llil -11r, , USOM/Muaii an(I lliysiolo~,;y. 17,cl-inua :j?Yr)tclrl. T Ilidler 1.1urvous Suataa. D)haviov. ,',1)s Jour: Ref Zhur-Mol., 1,10 20, 1958, 930647. ,'.xit"ior :;~dn~nj G., &;Cbqg.,LN~ Mosarash, I. T_-i s L :I'S USSR Tl 1,,Ic :Tea:~Vorl. Detwoon the Cerebral Cf)xtox in Connection with thc Syvxictrioal Irtcrrcc!yj-Livc Corditioml -Rufl(r-col., In the Prcsmce of Ki(biuy Irritation - 0 rl L; Pub :V sb.: Probl. fl7iol. tsentr. nerm. slste.~W. M.-L., :dl SSSR, 1957, 13-16. Abstract; In doi,-s with a fistuk. in the nalivcry Clzmids nu*awith an exposed urotor, L-_~cr,3captive reflexcil (ICII) were develo-peO, widcr reiiiforcal fmlinc. The stirmlation of the -,-.:c cl,.c no -receptors (~f rmo ld0a,.ey pelvis served as cond.-Ltimiiiy,~ n~,ent by ricans of m injucticli Card V2 USSR/Virology - Rickettsias. E-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 67005 Author Dalalaava, N.M., Zubarp L,P, Inst perties of Rickatt-s-ia Titla The Study of the Biolo(;Ical Pro, &oseri After Prolonged Cultivation in the Orrgiaisia of Body Lice. Communication II. The Oxidation Property of Rickettsia 1.1"seri in the Preser.-e of Glutamic Acid. Orig EV3 Zh. mikrobiol., epidemioly i immunobiologi, 1957, No 8, 14-A. Abstract Fermentative activity (FA) of 11. rwosert (oxyl,,,ejl uptake) cultivated in the or~pnism of body lice was stutlied and was compared with that of R. prowazekii under the same conditions of cultiriatXn. The study was nade accorlinG to Warburgle iinnometric methud (tho tecluiiquo is duscri- bed). it was shown that It. moseri =1 R. pri.,Njazekil wQre consuminG oxygen when glutamic acid served as the Card 1/2 V MATVIYENKO, I., lnzh.;ZUBOY, A., lnzh~ Suggestions for efficiency improvements at grain--procurement sta- tions of Kazakhstan* Ruk.-elev. prom. 25 no.11:15-18 N 159, (KIRA 13:3) 1. Ministeretvo khleboprodulctov Kaxakhakoy SSR. (Kazakhstan--Grain elevators) ZUBOV, A. For the good of the workers. Pron.koop. 13 na.6:16-17 Js '59. (h'IR-1 12:9) 1. Zamentitell produedatel7a ispolkona KiVb7Bbevakogo oblaatnogo Sovota dalnitatov trud7ashchikhaya. (KWbyshev Provinco-Service industrion) v SHEIISHENI, L.,, kand. tokhn. nauk; TITOV, A.; ZUBOV, A.; SOLGI-MITIOV, S. Opinions of the leaders of thf econmic iouacils and ,31)4acigil industrial de:Agmers bur(laus. Tekh. e:3t. 2 no.7t4-6 *TI 165. 18.-8) 1. Predsedatell Tokhniko-okonomichaskogo Boveta Leningradskogo soveta narodnogo khozy-Itystva (for Shershen'). 2. Nachallnik Spet.Aallnogo khudovii(~rtvenzio-konoti~uktorEikolio byuro Leningrad- vkogo soveta narodnogo khozynyotva (for Titov). 3. Zat-3stttelt predsedatelya Laningradskotgo sovota narodnogo khozyuyntva 'kfcr Zubov). 4. Glavny7 inzli. Spetsiallnogo khudozhostvemno-kon- struktorskogo byuro Lemingradokogo soveta narodnogo Ichozyuystva (for Solomonov). I IN IIfId IdI ~ 11fi! ITill[I Ii 111i: H HII 1!'T~ 1: Zt'BOVj A.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik Use ofa mentor plant in melon breading. Trudy TSGL 7:190-196 161, (MMk 15tlO) Welon breeding) I I !,,1:' I III ~ 1 1 Ili! 1 7ljl2QV ) A. A. "llaryarlok rckluktzi.i 'wij~orkuv UZOIll niz,hrd?h nriallyarov --heluzt:ka orl. (A tlpa treklibugorkovormi. " report subvilItted for 7th IntL Conir, litj , 4. A ZUBOV,, Alcksandr AlekBrandrovich; ROMASHOVA, V.D., rod.; BELICHINKO, -'-' -red. [Ilan settles his planet] Cholovek zueliast a-v(du Plonetu. Moskvaj Gos.izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1963. 173 P. (MIUA 1795) ~~O~p_-,Aleksandr,-Alokaandrovich; 03STOSWO D.K.y redol POKfVA,, V.1.9 mladshiy red.; GLM11# D.A. v Me people of Tierra del Fueeo] Mudi Ogimwtid. Zemli. bloskraj, Goe.izd-vo geogr.lit-ryq 1961. 38 P. (M.U 14s7) (Tierra del Fuego-Description amd travel) IF 1 -111 Ih I 1 11 111;'!: 1!11 Ii 111 11 1 BOCHYAR, A.A., akademik, obshchly red.; VINOGIUMV, A.P., 40cademik, obahchiy red.; YA4ELITAMOV, V.S.; ZEFIROT, A.P., doktor takhn. nauk, obahchiy red.; ZUBOT A.I , red.; ZVIMV, G.L., red.; PAMEMV, V.V., red.;-POHEMINTSEVA, G.K., red.; KIW.ETjl, Ye.I" LProceedings of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958] 'Irudy 7toroi mezhduaarodnoy konferentaii po mirnotmi ispollmovaniym atommoy energii, Zheneva, 1958. (Doklady novetakikh uchanykh) Moskva, Izd-vo Glav.uprav.po ispollzovaniiu atomnoi enorg. Vxi Sovete Kinistrov SSSR. Vol.3. [Nuclear fuel and reactor metals] IAder- noe goriuchee I reaktornye metally. 1959. 67o p. (MM& 12;11) 1. International Conference on the Peaceful Usen of Atomic Snergy, 2d, Geneva, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Tewilyanov). ZUBOV, A.A., kand. sellakokhoz. nauk Change in the chemical composition, taste and consiate:.rtcy of melon flesh under the effect of mentor pwrpkbis. Agrobiologiia no.2:225-230 Hr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18t1l) 1. TSentrallnayn genetichoskaya laboratoriya imt.:lni I.V. Michurina, g. Michurinsk. 4"JUBG"lf A.A. Fasciation of the following IC3 deVAI I ta-.Ion of stems. Bot.,,,hur. 50 no.2:"37-240 F 165, 1. TSentrallnqya genctichanlraya lal=atc)rlra luimill. T.V. Michurina, g. Mlchurbltp, Suba'Ittod March 20P Y)IS'j. ZVLQ76 ASIO I- Solid bitumens containing, urartium. Geols rid, mestoro" "h. n0.5.-6-24, s-o 16o. (KIRA 1):10) (Bi txmen) (Uranium) DARKOVSKIY, A K.; ZUBOV, A.I.; YAKDICV, S.Ya,,, red,,; KIDGAN, V'N., tekhm. rod, (Fire prevention techniques In emterprises of the cbmical industry] Protivopozharnaia telcbnika na prodprliatilakh kbimicheskoi prorWahlonnosti, Mook7a, 10,lm.lit-ry, 1961. 243 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Chemical industriem-Safe-ty measuroo) 11! :71-1111 ~ hIll, lo, i~ III III 1 -111i 7JBOV, A.N. Chemical reception in crustaceanso Report lao.2: Selective reactions of Gammarus oceanicus Segerarale ud G. Uoustris Sara. to water of different oalinity. Trudy M1113I no,4;274-2779 162. WIRA l,!; ill) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitellnoy fiziologii (zax, - 1.5h, Ayrr.pettyants) Murmanskogo morskogo biologic-lio.,,kollo inatituta. (Gar=W-idae) (~WIIk1A*:Fj ZUBOVI A,N Analysis of a saline stimulant irj a lover cruataci.4an (Daj.:)hniu pilex Vop. arav. fiziol. anal. no. 1:123-136 160. (XUU% 14:4) 1. The Higher Nervous Acti-iity Physiological Laboratory-p Universit7 of Leningrad. (CRUSTAdSA) (SALT-PHYSIOLOGI CAL FZYCT) !I Hili ,:-ZTIIOVV A.U. Chemorecoption in cru-Aaceais. Feport No.I: Variations in tInf* chenioreception of amphipc4s (Gar=ms locusta and G. lacuatrin). Trudy INU no.2:245-252 160, (101IRA 1j': 2) (Amphipoda) (Salinity) (AdarltiLtion (Biology)) 11': 1 1IT: 111 .11 ZUBOV, A.U. Chrlmical roception in Crlista~,oa. Mo.,I- ~:f *,he ada.ptation to sahnitt on th.t? nnndysU! F-,~ in Gammarus oceanicus (.`3ngerstrola'). Trudy MMM no 193 164. t'MIRA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya sr,'wnitellnoy fiziolof~-1j. Iviv, I 1.1hirmanskogo J 11", 1111111 id 111 11,11i" illi 11 1i III' i]~ I I" ZUBOV, A.N. Ways of adaptation to changes in the chemical ci~nditiuns of the - environment In crustaceans. Trudy 14TT no.3j6l-,':Il 161. (MIRA 15-0) 1. Laboratorlya aravmitallnoy fiziologii (zav. --S.Sh.13Tapetlyants) Ylurmanskogo, morskogo biologicheskogo Instituta. (Criistacea)(Adaptation(Biology))(Sallnity) ZUBOV A.V.,__Jm;h.; KAZACHKIM, V.I., inzh.; XOROZOV, G.K., lnzh.; NOVOEUTSKIY, ~!f~ I.M.. inzh. Our suggestions for improvement of the M3 electric locomotive circuit. Xlek.i tepl.tiaga 4 uo.2:45 F 160. (HIU 13-.6) 1. Depo Orel. (Blectria locomotives--Zlectrio oquipmm:t) A.Yu. .mosembly for the prelLait3ary treatment of sugar-beet, and crushed sugar cane intended for sugar extractLon prior to the continuous diffusioa (from "Zuckar," no.?, 1960). Sakh.prom. 34 no-11:76-77 9 160. 1):11) (Sugar machinery) 11 11JI: fill Ij It 1!1 1 if 11 If ZUBOV, A. Yu.; DYKHNE, S.V. 1 "ontinuous-action sieve centrifugal (fron "Ultochrl.V, fUr die , Z=kox- induotrioa,, "n'o.Cp 1960). Saldi,prom.35 no,3t76 Mr 161. OAIRA 140) (Centrifuges) ~;-F7T71 ~lp-- ~,Jj I I I I -A , Yu. ; DYKIUM, S. V. Apparatus for the extraction of sugar refined augar cane (from "Zoitschrift no.69 1960). Sakh.prom, 35 no-4:73 (sugar machinery) from cosottes oil from fur die Nckerindustriep" Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) DMTJT, S-V.; ZUBOV, A.Yu. Device for extraction from substances of plant or arlml origin, particularly frO!N BLI(:ar-beot chips, ertLohed atigar cane, and woodpulp.from ("Zuel-rer," n0,3, 1960). ~akh-prom. 34 no-9:77 S 160. 011a 13:9) (Axtraction apparatus) DMM, S. V. ; ZUBOV, A. Tu. Device for the extraction, decolorization, &m4 wauhing of suGar-containing raw material (Went Gerimin patent VD.B 44095)- Sakh.prom- 34 no-8:76 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Sugar induntr7-Squipment anA su'pplios) DTKHNE, S.V.; ZUBOV, A.Yu. Photometric control mathod and automatizatiori of rofiner7 masnacuite evaporator operations. Sakh.prom. 33 no-10'. 39-40 0 '59. (RULk 13:3) 1. Moskovskiy takhnologichookiy institut pishchavoy pronV- shlonnoat, (Sugar manufacture) (Automatic control) KPAUSP E.G.; SOBOLEV, 8.s. Life of flexible shielded cables frr;~d-r Nauch. trudy KIIIIJI no.15:11,1-1)~ I I (W:1 j - -t ZUBOV B.S.~ e-AUS E.G.; DCNIS, V.K. Remo'e control com uni-Atior. line In ra mlnz~ Dystem. Naunh. trudy KNIIII no.11~13A'..393 Ann qi !,h KRAUS, E.G.;,.,~UBOVj BA.; SOBOLEV, V-C- Now flexible shielded cables and their use in Kare 'ganda mines. Nauoh. trudy KNIUI no. 11ilIO-124 162. ('1141RA .1-737) 1 k III ZUBGVP B.S. inzh. Using the circuit of-i grounded wire of a screentd fle3tible mine cable as a telemechaAcal line of com-unication. Izv. Apys. ticheb. %AV.; gar. zhur. 6 no.7.-132-139 161, (1413A 26:9) 1. Maskovskly, ihstitut r0iseloktr*nild i gsrnoy elektr4makbaniki. Rekomendovana kaf,3drr y avt*matizir*vazm*g* elektrepriv4da i elek- trIfIkatsii gornylh Vcadpri7atly Ma3kovskago instituto. radiaelek- troniki i garnoy clektrom-eldianiki. (Electricity in mining) 7----------T 1, 358-6-6-6 EJ T TF Vj1 ACC NR, AP6023636 501MCE CODE*; AUTHOR: AkhmanM S. At; Venkin, 0. 04. V V.; Zubov D. z ORG: of the Moncow zicbes- kiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstitennogo universitata) TITLE: Generation of coherent radiation in the irfrared band Vy nonlincar- opt Los methods SCURCE:. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki. llislmA v redaktaiyu. Prilozheniye., Y. 4p no. 1., 1966.. 22-26 TOPIC TAGS: coherent light., ir radiation, ir source, laser aji)~Licaf;ionp electromm- netic mixingp semiconductor crystal, nonlinear effect ABSTRACT: The authors report?experimental results offerin4; iroldencil that sufficiently intense sources of coherent iirfrared radlation, at least In -the 2 - 5 Ii rangej. can be produced by usi th; effect of optical mixing in nonlinear iwiLla. RRdiation frovi a Q-switchedZWase (6943 A) was mixed with radiation of the firirt; Stokes coLvonent of stimulated Raman scattering in clo *,exanej(8657 A) aml n.-rielptaim., (86TT A) In an LiNbO.3 crystal (Fig. 1)e This produce a~tthe output of the crystal radiation plactri with wavelengths 4.5 and 3.47 p respectively, with 1.,ovar not, 3,01313 V1831 I - 10 W. 11-Le use of the L1NbO3 crystal as the mixer elimirAted some of Mie il1fficulties hitlv~rto encountered in this field. The conditions for symchronined ml)t1iig Ln a nonlinear crystal are derived and the angles between the beam direatian and 1,be cryi;tal wds, L 35876-66 ---kCe NO AP6023636 Cvv- Rubj laser Otte Ivil r Fig. 1. Block diagram of experimental setup. I PR L.1, L2 - lenses (7 and ID cm focal length), Ll D, Ij 1~' PR - photoresistor UNIDS required for the Gynchronization, are calculated. It iS eStIMMted t1vtt the potentiU output of such a setup is not less than 500 w once the adverse effeat of the multi- domain structure of the LiNbO3 crystal used in the experiment is el.WinatrA. D4!tte:(, results can be expected by using for the mixed oscillations npectral lines obtained from a tunable parametric light generator, which would permit operation in the 100 150 cm-3- range. The anthors thank A. S. R2~clEa and Yu. I, Sat I air& for supplying :Y the crystals) V. I. Pchelkin for help vith the experimentp and A77 cn-ershav and" Fadey for a discussior. 67rig. art. has: 3 figures and 4 foeratulas, O~2 80 CODE: 20/ SUBM DAM 03may66/ ORM REF: OOV OTH But 004/ ATD PRESS: 5-0 ;3;7 2/2/ USSR/Gearal Problems. A- Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 10, 1957, 33379 Author : Zubov, F.I. Inst Title : Unpublished Outline of Chemical Hiatory by F.,X. Gize. Orig Pub : Tr. in-ta istoriyi yestestvozn. i tekhn. AN IISSR, 1956, 12, 36o-364. Abstract : A translation (from latin) of a part of en introductory lecture of an unpublished course of organic chemistry by F.I. Gize (1781-18a1) is given. The manuscript in in the library of the Tartu Uaiversity. Card 1/1 SWLEV, I.A.; ZUBOV - Oil- and gas-gas potentia)a of 149sozoic sediments in the north- western slope of the Fergana Valley (Naryn mono.-A.ino). Trudy VNIGNI no.35:102-104 161. (MIRL 1637) (Fergana-Patroleim geology) (Fergana-Gas, Natural-Goology) I t II III; II I t1 q1 SIDZLEVI.~L.A.~_L ZUBOV, F.P. Outlook for oil and gas in the Menozoic Sedim-uts of the northeastorn margin of the Fergana Valley,, Geol,.nefti i gasia 5 no.9:25-,29 s 161. (MMA 14!10) 1. Vaesayuznyy nauchno-issladavatellakiy FeoIoprazvijdocIu-j'vy neftyanoy institut i Neftopromyslovoye upravlonlye Klrglzneft-~ (Fergana-Yetroletua geoloMr) (Fergana-Gas, Natural,*-GeolaLry) YAIU,14A, V.D., inzh.; 11AICYNGHUK, S.A., in2ai.; ViM, B.A., iTl,'?.I.; SIIIZIOIJ I L.N. I inzh. Completing 131.2 motors of shaft In one month. $1Wcht. stroi. 8 no.Fj: 18-20 Ag 164. OMDLA 17:9) 1. Kombinat ~~a.ragandashakhto3 troy (for Yarewt). 2. Stroitallnoya upravloniyo Karagnjidas)ial,.h-to,,)ro~diot-lica (for Snirziov), ZELIKOVSKIY, Z.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZUBOV, G.G., inzh, Measurement under mass pro.duction conditions of' the Vix-ter and -"lur of incandescent larm:s. Svetotek),nika 7 no.212:18-22 U 161. (KRA 14:12) 1. Naucbno-iss3PdovatPI.'skiy institut ele~:trol,,t,onyizll).r::nnosti, g. Kishinev, I Llvovskiy e1ektvoIamj-.ovyy novd. (Electric lamps, Incandeticent) ZUBOVI D.S. Median and lateral cysts and fistulae of thei nook. KlIn. hir. no.203-74 165. (tURk 18310) 1. Kafedra, fakulltetakoy, kh1rurgli Donetakogo mditainokogo inatituta. Imeni GorIkogo. ZELIKOVSKIY, M., kand. tekbn. nauk; Z.UBOVp G.G.., inth.; SERNKY, Yo.A., 4.11-zh~; KON17ELO, A.S., inzh. - --- . AIL-IM device for checking the parameters of irioandfwvint I.&MPO, Energ. i elaktrotakho prom. no.409-40 O-D 165, (14mA 19-1) ; 1;1~ 'I ~ ~ii . i.. 1, 11 : . 1; :,;., IPT11-1, W11[iii'lld Hll 11,1, F !b, ~ 1, H i: M SM OODE AUTHOR j.. Ak"'~ q~ectrjn t A~,, T!~ Aut~:or'q ria lems ")p ........... El-ua-uZ,lr k1w lb :t 1W 1 I Milhi I E L 23874-66 Ar-tyw, 16 3 i, iertrixtf, XV1 JTV tu;l. ji, JL; P,T ZUBOY, I. Evaluation of promising oil and gas reserves In major, regions of the U.S.S.R. Geol.nefti 2 no.12:69 D t58. (MnU 12 -.2) (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural--Oeoloa) DDRYABIN, S.A., inzhener; ZUBOY, I.I., inzh"nor; DMITRINVSKAY1, N.V., inzhener. Wft 0-mm Gontinuous hydrogenation of vegetable oils In calvmn oppmrntus under pressure. Mael.-zhir.prom. 23 no.6:22-25 '5?. 0412A 10:7) 1. Gl:)roshir (for Deryabin). 2. DmitriyevRkaya). (Hydrogenation) Zavod "Stool" (for Zubov And (Oils And fate) -/~ o v, T, N, 7 U'~ ' POLUS~KIN, Konatentin Petrovich; ZUBOV, I.N. , red. red.; ZABRODIIIA, A.A., takhn, ClIfficient instaI34tion of turbine-.FenerBtor unital 'RaUionallayi montazh krupnykh gidroagregatov. Hosims, Gos. ortargAvd-vo, 1957. 81 P. (Fqdraulle turbinea) (MIRA 11:4) -------- N fl : I . ill UP ~jfl lHIItI!IIUIflIIIlI H Ili:: i:11111;i 4V 0-0 6 41 ii i*.- 64 0 411; 01 4 0 if I I I I I I I I 1 19 11 U It If 1) 9 If 4 If A N A If A A It 44 A Ic 1: 9, If 61 11 ki a If 4, 4, 1; 41 4 a re A A.L~Y k-& imp F 6 0 1 1 4 A I CIA Of A III, it 00 .,. -k, ..., 06 A V. so o al -dat" age for hydmIlmuom. rtrNw. 00 zimirow rme 12, nit VolVIA). ThIl Chili- .00 00 ItYllroxi-ristiam of "dark" His wt-m ontir-ely -00 clitativoleff in thr Ish. and fulkley ImiChictiom h:V the .00 00 a Inottlitali I-( rvAming. I fiwId till Ciras fielitiahmi with 11) Wilt. NaOll. Atilt 111th 11,11 ro#tit, 49 drykisig. stirring In 41kv lin-,,imt if Wi iqokoolf,~ Willm 411 W-" - -.1 itil"'Jit fAt MF -�'*' is" liYdIoptIAIIIIII Willoill Iching With atkirtilte N111-t 114,11. Aidlf I*t UIWO. IW.M.W Alk-MIt' I- C-111"t"WIT II13dv*r11.1t1,11, other wthevio bf ri-finins we" dtirekl"I. A nifift. 0 7.5 t. tit dark limeed ad at -,I)" owns igirttd 0, with I(X) 1. of 5-,~ for fit,,,tit I hr. After sf-ttling and withdrawing uf the sediment, the oil was tmah4l lit .3 with 12"Iff. and then with 18"114. HaOff. washed, drltd, 09 re"W with ItIvorlivilit and Merril. Tht CAI 00 ims hyttroar"It,f, giving Fitt itilms, m. 89~4 -1P-1.1. A 0 Rgp#i0f`t4j oil if"t]Ml an MIXIW With Jqkj)jIije ghVM oft. 0 0 w."Ifto Rafk."MI CAI, "cirlity 211" 1 no I(I'l, fl-firml &16 with HtSO, at a6jve gave fat *in. 39.1 4A.4'. :0 0 00 So'". the tivatinctit of Ifilm-wed iiii with N4011 fillOt a fine, diftultly settling "p4tswit. the hydration was Z.48 HkkliW With equally p4wl rrquhi by using *aIrr in ploce of fill. INOAV 'Pit oil at Mo 541' w4o ttirwd with j ;J170 water for 40-41k) mLn. and then treated as above. 9 chits. Bilow 00 if 1- -1 $a a 1 0 I's a to 1. or a It Is If If t1 41 0 a 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0 9 00 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 ZUB GV, 1. P. Oil and gae proopecting In 001ktral Asia. Gaol.:(toftf I gas& 3 no.1:13-17 -Ta '59- (M). 1;1:4) (Soviet Central Isia-Patroelum gooloa) (Soviet Central Asia~--Gas. Natural-GeolopY) if 4 LX 1A It -4 7, V 41 amm :Zuo 092 11rat 3 DOZY&ISOO (OLI rmm-d 0, 4110o obtaLmd from this field In ommroled qudltlas In 1937. The oil auttore review available pol*gical data and almolude t,'.#4&t after further exploration it will bscome one of the IaWU4 fields In thellast of tho U.Ses"R. (L). .AL, 4 11~ 0 -L A "TALUMMAL LITC#&fW# CLAMPKATIC14 'T16 A! --V- - - ---T- - ;-!T 1: AV lip; Ir tr 12 U a Lq It 4i L41 11 !Ioj a 0 v 1P 4 i Ai 1ki: I 1 .1111 dli: r lot =04 r4a tie AVROV, V.Ya.; bLINNIKOV, I.A.; EHOD, 1.0.(deceri-~ed],, BUYALOV, VASILIYEV, V.G.; DI'IITUYFv, Ye.Ya.; YELIN, III.D.; YZ*,Q1,--q,-fEV, N.A.; KUDRYASHOVA, MAK3EM, S.P.; LIVOV, M.S.; MIRCHRIK, M.F.; OVCIfR*NI?',OVA, T.G.; SIMAKOV, S.N.; TROFII-TK, A.A.; THOSTOV, B.A.; FEDOTOVA, II.I., vod. mid. [Predicting gas potential of' tho U.3-S.R.] Proj: Mj,~ oti SSSR. LenIngrau, Go~,toptekhizdntj J.96,3. 1,15 (IN.LiA 17:1,) GAlNMt,i.y,vfn3, G. A. ": V. V. ~; DIREMSHIMPI, G. K*,, . ; L. 0. ; ZU-30V P.; 11,VCHEV, 11. U.; ~%LAZERYKOV K. K.; v. "T, I I. - 7 -? "Oil- and gao depooits In in,.,sczoic mcko cr tne EIJL-Herc,~nlm Platform in Middie Asia." report stibmIttfd Cor 22nd Seoo, IntL i,'.!onw, Mw Dolhl, L4 -2,-- Pec 1,,)64. AVROV., V.Ya.; 13LIMMV, I.A.; BVIALOV, N.I.; VASILIM', DIYU-MiHTEYN) G.Kh.; KALININ, N.A.; YJMI1V1, S.F.; 51W-JV~ S.W. Reconnaissance map of oil and gas resurves of the U.S.S.R. Geol. neftl i gaza 7 no.6:1-8 Je 163. (I-9RA 16:9) 1. Gosudarstvannyy geologicheskiy komitet 5SSR; Vseso7uznyy na- uchno-issledovatellskiy geologorazvedochrgy neftyanoy institut, Moskva; Vsesoyumiyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Distitut virod- nykh- gazov i Vaesoyuznyy n--,ftyanoy natichno-issledovatel skiy ge- ologorazvedochnyy institut. VA~ILIYEV, V.G.; ZUBOT, I.?,-, TKHOSTOV, B.A. Principal results of prospecting for O.S.S.R. in '19~2. Geol. nefti. i gau (PrompectiftR) oil and gas in the 7 no.3:1-9 Mr 163, OKIRA 16:4) I lil- I FOLUSHYIN, Konotantin Petrovicli; HURZZ, A.F.,, rotsermint; ZUMV, I.N., red.; SOBOLEWA, To.M., teklm. red. (Installation of hydraulic turbino-gonorator unita] Mon- tazh gidroagregatov. Mo8kvn, Go.-ionergolvitit, 1963. 534 P. Cma r1p) 1, Ili I I lilk i'11 11 Pill iii ii N, 1; 1 POLUSUIN. Nikolay Petrovich; BARKOV, U.K.. retsenzent; VMOT, I.S., red.; SOBOIBYA, Te.m.,, 6 . I I ~ i [Assembly, adjustment# and tasting of automatic speed regulators for the iiydraulic turbines] Montash, naladka i ispytanie avtomatichaskikh reguliatorov skorosti g1droturbin. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo. 1959. 201 p. (MMA 13:2) (Hydraulic turbines) .717 11 11 wil RABOTINOV, Boris Alakeendrovich, inzh.; RODZIKHOVSKIT, Borin JUkhaylovich. Inzh. -, MMOV, ~ red.; SOBOLEVA, TeX, tokhn.rad. (Assembling and testing of high-pressure pipe lines at hydro- electric power stations] Montazh i ispytanie vVookonaproafth truboprovodor gidroelektrostantaii. Mosk7a, Gon.energ.lzd-vo, 1959. 99 P. (HIRA 12;12) (Hydroelectric power stations) --ZUBOV, I.P.;,YNIIIK3INV, P.M.; GRATSIANOVA,,O.P., Frenont status of and trando in oil and gas proapacting. Geol. nefti i gassa 3 110-8:1-7 Ag 159. (141A 12311) 1. Ministerstvo geologii I okhrany nedr $851t, (Petrolewt geoloj7,) (Gas, Hatural-Gnolo)CV) UTIIIIMIIII-~'!I 11i. id` h if. SVISHCHEV) Mikhail Fedorovich; kand. goolo-niner, nauk, red..; YUIIGM4S, S.N.,; VOROBIYEVA, L.V~~ takhn. red. [Gaoloey, and oil and gao patentinlij of Orenturg Provime) Goo- logicheakoe stroanie i neftegazonostost' Orenburg, .,ekoi oblasti. Moskva Goatoptekhizdat~ 1961. 227 p. (111U 15:6) 10renburg Provinco-Patrolmizi gooloa) (Orenburg Provil%CC-403, flqtural--,GeoIqDr) GARIKOVETS, V.G.; DIKENSFITEYN, G.Kh.; YEN11EYEV, P.H.1 ZHUKOVSKIY, L.G.; .1..,P,..; WIN, V.D.; KAYESH, Yu.V.; T& I-VIR.IMY, B.B. Trends in geologic prospecting for oil and ffao in the Uzbek S.S,R, Trudy VNIGBI no-35:7-26 161. (MIRA 16t7) (Usbekistan--Petroleum geology) (Uzbekistan-Gas, Natural-Gt)ology) GARINOVETS., Y.G.; DMNSIMM, G-Xb-,; YENMYEV, P.H.; MKOVSKIYp L.G.; ZUBOV$ I.P.; ILIIII, V.D.; KATWH, Yu.W.; TAJ,I,-VMKITj B.B. ..... ..... Problem of prospeoting for oil in western lftbokisttu, Geol. nefti I gaza- 5 no.7,7-12 JI 161. (MM 14:9) 1. Hinisterstyo goologii i okrany nedr MR., Glamtoye geologo-razvedochnoye upravleniye Uzbekskoy SSR i ITveaoyuzny7 nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyT, naftyunoy institut. (Uzbekistan-Fetrole= geology', (Uzbekistan--Gas., Natural-Geology) ZUBOV ch inzh.; SMYNBOK, G.Yu., In2h.j ved. red.; TOLCHINSKIY, Ye. ., inzh., red.; SOICKIN, T.?4,, (stability of the thermcelectromotive force in chromel-alvuel tha=ocouples in a 300 - 10000 temperature range]Stabillnostl T.E.D.S.khromell-alium-elevykh termopar v Intervule 300 - 1000. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta nauchn. tekhn. informatsil, 1957. 32 p, (Pjredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i pi-Aziroodstvii-nnyi opyt. Tema 34.*No.P-57-20/5) (NMIRA 16:3) (Thermocouples) (Chromel) (Alumel) GROSSGITM, Vla4!mlr Alaftandrovich; YERBIWINKO, HikoUq Andrekevich; ZAYTSEV, VIkola7 SergeyeYIch;,Z,7g,._,Ivqn Petrovicb; KOSTGIN, Turly Alskeandrovich; PMTILINIKOV, IISIV, Nikolay Ilikitich-, SUVIDI, Vladimir Illicb,- HAIN, Vittor YefillovIch; KHALTURIN, Dmitrly Sergoyevich;CH&RVINSKAYA, Airinit. WlsdAmiroviia; SHCHERIK, Yevgeniya Aleksandrovna: WRIN, M10wil 11;iristivicIll KOSYGIN. Yq.A., rrA.; swirctoVA, 1411MINA, I.A,, tf%kbn.ra4. [Tectonics of petroloum provinces]. Tektonilrk nehenost7kh oblastei. Moskva, Oos,nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo nnft.i irorno-toplivnoi Ilteratury. Vol.2 (Reglo&l t*mtbnica or-pettoieum provinces of the U.S.S.R.] Regionallmia tektonika neftennsny'rh oblostel SSSR. 1958. 613 p. (ItI.R& 11:12) 1. Cblen-korrwapondont AN SSSH (for Kosygin) (Petroleum geology) .:JA 97 ri4 o: 1 .. , I. 1 11, ; 1-111"! 1 11 1 t' .. ,Ii I . . - .. - I- ,*1 , :, ; i