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ZUBKOp 1. F* Rekonstruktsiia porta Makhach-Kaln. Lffmconstruction of the 1)(,-rt of %khach-14128. (Vodnyi transport, 1934, no. 7, P. 33-34). DW : ITE561.R8 SO: aovjjLt Tranggrtation a jA Gg=urdgation, A DWAggral2by, LlbrL%vy- of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. ZUBKC, L. A. , Cnnd I~led Sci -- (diss) "Study of tb',!; Of the Path- ogenesis of type E botulisui and an acceliiratiori of iti, Dnep- ropetrovsk, 1960. 1.5 pp; (DneprepetrovsV 'Aal;e iMadical Iniii-L); 2,50 cop- ies; prico not griven; (KL, 51-60, .1.21) LI I M TT F F F, I 1 -1,1111 I'll ZMKOI .%,,I..11.. Nurseriezi (Horticulture) Dc-perience of a fruit and.berry nursery. Sad i og. No. 2, 19~3- S09 Monthly Liat of Ruasian Acceasions, Library of Congregius June 1953, Unclo !, . I ~i~ 1~ I i ~ ~ I .; i: , !, ! ! , -., I i 1:, [ 1111~ I111111 -1-111111! ; 111;N 12,fllll 111111 H;Iid!~, 111~ 11 0 ~ I 1 ii i ; H p! ZUBKOJI III.P. Regulating the heat trusfor from mim heaterv by the im-tion on tha heat carrier. SbDro nauch. trud. KGRI no.19 1114-116 162, (MXBA 16:5) (Mme ventilation-Ga2d weathor conditlans) SHCHETU, ZUBKO, ILP-.- Thermal regimu -)f an. asym:;w-mo~is drive of a holat With dynamin, braking~ Sba~,, zi-xv,li, trial,, KGRI no.19017-89 762o (1aM 16%5) (Mire hoit3ting-;Zleotric driving) (Brskaq) 7-FIF A DANILM, V.I.; ZUBKO, O.H.; SKRIBMSIJrIY, AJ. X-ray stuV of llqmid 0-dichlorobeasens. Dop,.All Mia n*,5:19-43 Jig. (KLPA 9 s 9) 1#Chlen-korrespondent AN URSR (for DLnilov).241liv, laboratorlyn met*- lofisiki Al URSR. Oenzone) ZUBKO, S.A. Optimal ratio of the circumferontial velocity of an actuating roller to the forward speed in case of hoistitig fine peat. Vestsi AN BSER. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3tlJO.-1.34 162. (MIRA 180) ZUBKO S.A.. inzh. Investigating the performancoi of the actuating shaft in the hoisting of lump peat. Torf. prom. 39 m:).5:5-7 162. (141[U 16: 8) 1. Institut torfa AN BSSR,, 41 ZUBKO, V.14.; KfidiLITSKIY, A.M.; 7,BARAZHSKIY, A.L. Production of plastic hardboard and i-eaninated hardened ptiper at thi's Lvov Cardboard Factory. Bwn. i der. prom. na.IsZI-22 ja-Mr 164. (KRA 1-7-6) I :. ; R: I I I .. ITO t, n, Lo~ s v rim Prpvr,ntive- i:~nocui Unclasa-ified r) f "o so, 19 5' 1.'o~nthly Llft of hzss1v-' Accf. 111111 111! i Ili: I H lll~ 1 111: hi: ZUBED, T.N.; BARAMY, N.Y. Preventive antirabic vaccination of dogs. VoterinarlIa 32 no-3:60-62 Ur 155. (MA 8: 4) (RABUS--PRIAMITIVIR IIMCULATIOII) . I ~ ~ i I ~. ZUBKOI-V.o. Intematicr,71 coopcration 0" -;GJ.cPti':tu Of thc Acild0i'llY Cf Scioncoo of tra UhMinian S.S.".. lhrl a i Aiyttia U no.9:51 S 161, ("rilu- (Scionce-IntcrnAlcral cooperation) "Mull ......... WZOBROD, V.P.; ZUBW,~ _V.O...1-.1-- e ''. .- -1- International connections of institixtion4i of tho tftlaialau Acad4omy of Sciences* Dap,Aff URSR no.11-1568-1571 160. (14IIU 13: 11) (Academy of Sciences of the Ultrainiam S.O.R.) ZUBKO, Ya.P.; OSTRYAKOV, 5.1. I Re -production of the subterranean vole EllobluE t-:JITIinuj PallaF in thp southern Ukraln,:,~. Zoo]. . zhur. 40 no.l.r:l 5'e')-157q 0 '61. Oulth II'-q) 1. Dppartment of Vertebratn Zoolop .1 y State UnIvervity of Kh,,r'kov. (Ukraine--yield mic-0 (Rer'roductiin) 1111* 111HI 111111 1N,111`111 ~111 fi: 111 Dnnllov, V.I., _. pnd Dalruwn, A.I., !lispPrrI.,;n of J:-:rrj-r In thp volution Zubk.?s, A-M ncvton-w- '--r- P. 24?- Thi- rpr..ults of a x-rny invostirnti-,r, of tno e,)lution Pc-eton-wrt(~r nre ~lven- Inctit.W.P of Petn1lophyric'! Crr; trnl So I o tit . lltmi e,- reh I n e t or September 23, 191;~3- SO: Journol -)f FxperimontnI Rn-.i Thearptic mice (ussit) 19, 110. J ZUBtOV. A. Truck body with sliding roof. A7t.tranaP. 35 no.'9:31 S '57. (MIRA 10: 10) (Itotartrucks) List r-.f Jll-f.e ill:. 11 H 1111~ 1111 ZUB ;!"i3iapodavatell Wind drift, loss of caurse, and their calculat:Ion in navlgatlor4 Mor. flot, 18 no-10-4-5 0 '58. (KHA 11111) 1. Odeaskoye morekhodnoye uchilishche. (Navigation) It A s a L -1 p a it 1. 10 00 ~G v 00 00 0 00 ii 9 10- 19 .11 6. TIA Active "Unthe 4d "IRIPCION. A.A., ftl"lllv~ P-cl.-sd. bu. w. S. s. R.) is, mr-410(in A 00 'A OU) --Chiefly 1k rtylew as tb* row of punihsitm in I be, cd muic rmtrutim mad mktada. 00 W. A, JWlAv*4i- 40 j! &0 00 to 00 Aso VO -ILA 411M.04K&C LIMANSF CL&WOKA11, 00 S~ A frw I" oil 44 t A* Ll b j n rw Is w ft It it Im It la 11 1 K. v w n is is si 3 is * 0 9e z 0 ll~ 0 0 0 0 00 00 go a 0 0 0 0 0 go Oc o 40) 40) 00 a a 6 0; 0 0 4 c 0 13 v a 0 0 41 .00 440 00 dog COO so* '00 "0"' 400 w0 411 ZUBKOV, A.A.i STEPANOV, B.A.; CHERDYNTSEV, I.Ye. Draining of copper cement concentrates. Izv. AN Uz. $SR. Ser, tekh. nauk 8 no.505-77 164. (MIRA 181-2) 1. Sredneaziatakiy filial Gosudarstyennogo neaushno-4soledovatell- skogo institute. tsvetnvkh metallov, H 11- liii~ It-11111 1111"111di ZUBKOVp A.A.; RUDI, G.G. Interchangability of cortical reprigaentatIon of the Hight and left eye durizg work requiring great stress of tbo visual analymor. Mravookhranonlye 6 no.2:38-,./,l Mr-4163. (MIRA :1.6110) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologil. (" nav. - prof, A.A.41abRov) i gigiyeny (zav. - prof. B.Ya. Rezrik) KishlnovskoVD medi- tainakogo imtittitn. ik 4 Y,CVAIISKIY, A.Ye., red.; YAROSMIKO, M.F., red.; GiaDEMU1, T.S., red.; DIKUSAR, I.G., red.; DOROKHOV, L.M., red.; mifoll, A.A., red.; PEVYAKH, M.A., red.; MWIN, F.I., r-(, CIMMAR.1) A.A., red.; GBORIK, F.F., red.; IV.)MYLVA, L., red. 1, , 1~-Ioldwj-lim Sci- [Trat,aactions of the Thi& Conference of Youtg entints] Trudy III nauehnoi konferentsii uchrmykh Moldavii. Kishinevp Kartia moldoveniaske. and agricultural sciences' Biologicheshic I stvennye nauki. 196/,. 273 p. (~*Iiui vts) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya rDlodylch uchenykh Moldavil., 3d. USSR/[[,=n and Anirml Physioloa - (Normal and Patholoq-,Lcal). T Nervous System. General Problem. Abs Jour Ref ZhurBiol., No 4, 1959, 17899 Atithor Zubkov, A.A. Inst Kishinev Mc(lical Institute Title On Auto -FluctuatinC; Ilature of Nerve Impu1jea. Orig Pub Tr. Kishinovsk. ned. in-tua, 1957, 6, 35-tv.) Abstract As a discussion, an annlysis of the nervauz; process froul the point of view of the auto-fluctuatioa theory is (;Lverj which allovis the cozipreheasion and mirleation of nruch datn of the physiolo,,~,y and biochei.A:3ti-y of norv:)Ur, tis- sue. Card 1/1 1 1. -- 1- ~ I ~ I limm, A. A. 11.1. - I 1 11 1 --m #Acetyl-cholinp, and central inhibitioOtp. 350) by lublmv, I. A. (7er3l) ,90: Advances in Modern Blolo (Uspelchl Sovremennol Blologle) Vol'. III, No. 2, 1940 ZTj-3KCjlT, A. A. "pavioiil~ teiching--tll-2 of th- SoviPt Q by Grashclner~kov, N. a Zublc r A. A. (p. 261) So -umd of Ganerp-l Bbiolov (Zhumal Oh-,hchal D,olocii) Vol. 1910 - Joi olo. vy I jjll~ H I!] Hilli ili'll T 111 -111:]11, 11 :11 ~A- I 'a"f4- "Conditioned Peflex in Coelenter-f-i." 1011) by '30: "rof-050 of lio.2, 1~52. MATSYUNp L.S., otv. red.; VATITICHO, I.X.p red.; GEYD2VAN) T.S'., rod.; DIKUSARY I.G.) red.; nDEiQY,._,A-A_# red.; IVAIS-CHUE, F.E., red. A.Yo., raa'.; mizzimcov, S.M., riM.; F01S1AN,_;'11,;Qyy CI.K., red.; VOKEOV, N.A., red.; 3XIMOV, V.S., red,; TAEUNSHCHIK, F.Z., red.; CREBOTAIII, A.A., red. (Transactions of' the Firot Comforonce oi' Youngr Holcloviar-, Sci- entists] Trudy prvoi rmuchlnoi lcouferentsii molodykh uch4mykh Moldavii, 1958. Kiohlnav, Gos. izd-vo IIEL"Irtla 1',oldmi,enia-ake 1960. 390 p. 01-TRA 1-5.-A 1. Nauchnnya konforentaiya molody1di uchonykh 11oldwrij., 1st, 10/58. 2. Institut biologil '.o12nvskcjao l'ilia-11L k:adi~r:dj nalik SSSR (for !-',olesnikov, Chabotarl). 3, Inatibit Ctololgi i p-)- lomykh ~ a,,- 1w e- -.1-b 1,'o1d,-v-`11cm f 11in n 'K. (14111~1 1 fill'uh. (for Sayanov~: a --- FTFW1111`111~ 11.1 IH1 NN ill 1111 1~ I1!!~l 11 ZUBKOV, A.A., prof., zaaluzheinnyy doyatel I nmWd Holdlivii1coy 1131' Problems for medicirne in Moldavian S.S.R. in lijjljp~ 6f the progrrma of the CPSU. Mravookhranenie 4 no-517-10 1134"61. (I'MRA W-1.1) 1. Predsadatoll kmisai po nauka Uchozioro mndJ,l.-,!inslcoj:ro 3ovatm Ministerstva zdravoolc-!Lrancniya Holdimkoy 3811. (MOLDAVIA-M' DIG IN9) GENKIL', P,A,, profs, otv, rod.; NAV511!K, 11.S , frand. tial"I'dioz. zam. red.; DIM), F.A., red,, [decoasadj; b1j1U.1:A:,,, I.G., dolctor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; YATOSIETO, M.F., dolctor biol. nmikg red.; KCYVARSKIY, A.Ye., doktor oellidioz, naW-, red. doktor med. nauk, red.; PRIPTS, Ya.I., doktor b1ol. naLik, red.; GEIDEEMAN, T.S., kand. biol. nauk-, red.; IVANOV, S.M., Irand. Iii.l. nauk, red.; USPENSKIY, G.A., kand. biol. nault) red.; Gl~iGELEZBIU, A.K., karA. tekhn. nauk, red.; FITOVA, L., red.; KAWYABN10 I.:1 red.1 KOCIIN40VA, 11., red.; TELIFIS, V., takhn. rad. [Papers of the United Scientific Sev-sion of the Dqartmeiat of T Biological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Jhe U.1,C the Department of Agriculture of the V.I.Lenin AU-Znion Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Moldavian Section of tha Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Trudy oblledinennoi navchnoi sesvii: Otdelenie biologicheakikh nauk All SSSR, Otdclenie iiamledolAin VPZKMIL, Vloldav&.ii filial A14 SSSR. Kishinevj Kartia Moldiovoniaalte. Vol.2. 1959. 483 P. WIF-fi 15:5) 1. Oblledinenrw nauchnnya oossiya, Ki,,henev, 1957. Zam-313titoll a1-ader-J1,a-1,,ekret=ya Gter)laniya biologicheskikh nauli Ak~!de~---ii nauk SIZR (for G-ankoll). 2. Doystvitellnyy cblen Vaiesoywinoy aka- demii sell skokhozyayatvonnykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for D~trio). Gloldavia-Agricultural revearch-Conj,- ,relisos) WOMOV I L.V.2 kand. geol.-min. nauko otv. red.; NEMC111119V, V.S., akademik, red.; IIEYdt=V, U.N., red.; FUSTRAWY, L.11.1 red.; ZVDKOV A Lp kand. ekon. nauk, red.; DAMMISCY, V.V., red. izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., telchn. red. (Ninarals of Krasnoyarsk Territory; coals, Irov., awl nore- metalliferous minerals) Pole zrje iskopaomyo Kraanoiarskogo kraia; uglij zhelezo, norudnoe rsyrlc. 11,11oakva, 17,d-v,,) Akad. nauk SM, 1962. 205 P. (1111RA 15'.10) 1. Krasnoyarskaya korplekonaya ekspeditsiya. 2, Chlen- korrespondent Akaderdi nauk SSSR (for Alfokrauavp Fustov!~Iov). 3. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditolInykh sil pri Prazidiume Akademii nauk SSSR (for Gromov). (Krasnoyarsk Territory-44inen and minerals micurcos) ZUBKOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; DMITRIYE'VA, L.A,I red. (Characteristics of the distribution of industrial enter- prises Jn the R.S.F.S.R. during the building of cammuniiim) Osobennrsti ra=eohcheniia promyshlonnouti RUSH -v per-Lod postroeniia ko=unizra. 14oskva, Sovetskaia Rocafl,a, 1",164. 159 P. (VIRA 17:5) -ZUBKOV~ Arvitolly Ivalloviall-, GORIZONTOV,, Borim Borlsolij.C.,11 (land of the great fvutlarv-,~, developmnt of in~a,wirj in Krasnoya~"sk TerritorylIKral vellRogo Ndush4.~hegi:i; -ra..mltie proM~.-hlennosti Krannoiarskogo krala. Kratmoil!wIlIc, Irasno- iarskoe knizimoc izd.-vo, 1959. 143 p. 0 111-U1 15,i,,)) (Y,rasnoyarsk lerritory, -&-onomic conditJons) I II -I", .1111 11 1' I I I II II I I I V~ f 7 VI ~ 1 11 ! -I--, , I ZUBKOV, A.I., otv. red.; PETROVSKAYA, T.I., red.; KISELEVI, L.J., tekhn. red. (The northwest of the European U.S.S.R.; its nature ar4 economy] Severo-Zapad evropeiakoi chasti SSSR; priroda i khoziaistvo. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ. 1.963 142 p. 1. Leningrad. Universitat. 11 ZUBKOV, A.I. I 1ndustrial districto in Krasnoyarsk Territory and problems In t.beir development. Izb.S1b.otd.AN SSS,R no-12:83-92 '58, (HIRA 1;~i3) 1. Krasnoyarskeya kxmplekenaya ekspeditsiya Soveta p'* izimbeidyu proinvo(litellrqkb nil AN SSSR. (Krasnoyarsk Tarritory-Industrion) DZHALALBEKOVA, L.A.; VERMIN, 1.14~, prof., red.; 21JmI07,.,A,-A,:, red.; KALESNIXt S.V., prof., red.; NEVSKIY, S.V,, m4.; prof,,red.; RODINy L.Ye.,dolttor b1ol.nnuk, red.;USPEDISMY, L.V., pis., red.; SHCHERBAKOV, D.I.,_&ktdemIk, red.; GRODENSKU, G.P., oty. rede; LFAMITETA, L.B., takhn. red,; TRWOVA, P.L.t tekhn. red. (The globe; geographical yearbook for children) Globus; geogra- fichealcti ezhegodnik dlin detei. Dotgiz, Lerdngrad, 1962. 44^8 P- 4 maps. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nank (for Verzilin). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nalak SSSR (for Kaleamik, Obruchev). (Geography-Yearbooks) Boris Borisovich; NDTHINOV.9 V.S., akademik, otv. red,; HIM, V.A,, red.; TIKHOMIROVA, S.C., tekhn. red, (Industrial centers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) Pro- myshlermye uzly Krasnoiarskogo kraim. Moskva, lzd--vo AN SSSH, 1963. 110 p. (141 RA 16: 11) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Industries) I - H! 111 i Noi~ :1'1 110:1 111 1111kl 11111i 1111113 P LEVCHENKO, Gerafin Vaoillyevich, Ana-toliy Ivano,vich, kand.skonom.nauk; GORY1201ifty 11()r1a ort- sovich; LYZHIN, X., red.; GILIDDRAN2, To., Vilft.vid. (Industrial development of Krasnoyarsk Territory; popiaor scientific study] Problany promyshlennorgo romvitiiii Kroano- iarskogo kraia; nnuchno-populiarnyl ochark. Xrasnoiarsk, Krasnoiarokoe knizhnoe lmd-vo, 1958. 170 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Hatural retiourceo) (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Industries) ZUBKOV, A.I. (Moskva)j SORKIN#.L.I. (Iloakva) Rffent of viscosity on the flow in the area of P dimet comprews- ion shock. Izv. AR SS-SR. Otd. takh.naukjIekh. i. mas-hinostr. no. 1:11"0 Ja-F 161. (MA 14:2) (Fluid d~mudcs) (Shook waves) ZUBKOT, A. 1. -, TM.M " --~ --'- 4. t t.', re,d sOLAYEV, M.1f., otv. red.; BRUMMOV, A.L.. rod.,; GNMELD, [Climate of the U.S.S.R., lectures in a course oti "PIVaical geography of the U.S.S.R.") KII-nat SSSR; laktmiL po ~%trau Offlizichesicata geogrefita SM." Leningrad, laniml,r. pa* ped3gogo I in-t. 1957. 37 p. ( Mau I L . i,-> ) (Runsia-ClImate) NZVZOROVp H.V.; SHCERWACMg V.D. ; GERSIMMOR , M, L. I M191CHOW p V. S. t akademik red j NEKRAM-Wp N.N.' r64; ZUi3XOy.p-A,],.p kaiislo okorimn. nauk, reli; MILITEW, P.V., doktor eltonom, mik, otvd red.; DROBOr, V.F.v red. izd-va; POLYAKOVAp T.T., tekhn. red, (Forest resources of Krasnoyarsk Torritory and pl,*sibilltie,~ for their industrial utilization] LesxWo resurity 14,aimoiavulcogo kraia i perspektivy ikll prov7shlennogo ispollzovaniia. Moakvav lmd-vo Mwd, nauk SSSR, 1961. 164 P. (14RA 14 -.9) 1 Krasnoyaskaya komplek:Nnaya ekspeditsiyat 2. GKIen-lawrespondent A SSM (for-116krasov). 3. Sotrudniki lesookonovilcheEkogo otryado. Krasnoyarskay kompleksno:~ ekspedits1i Soveta pu lzuchmni~u proizvp- ditellrykh bil AN SSM (for'Nevzorov, Sheberbachov). (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Forests and forestry) 71. ZUBKOV AA., k4nd.ekonom,nnuk,*; 104CHINOT, T.S., 4fludemik, rail.; PU4VOYALOY. L.T., red.; IMKRASOT, N.V., red.; KLIKOV, V.A., red. izd-va; TIXHOMIROVA, S.G., (Prospects for the expansion of coal mining and power engineering in the Krasnoyarsk Territory) Perspektivy rszvitiis ugolluoi promyshlennosti i anergetiki Krasnoiarakogo Icraia. Moskvii, 1960. 163 p. (mm l4a) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Krasnoyarskays komplaknnsyn ekspeditsiya. 2. Krasnoyarskays komplekBnays ekspeditsiya Soveta po i2vcheniyu proizvoditelInykh sil pri Pmzidiume Almdemii naiik S.S."IR (for Hubkov). 3. Chlen-y-korrespondenty AN S= (for Pustovalov, Ifekraciov). (Krasnoyarks TerTitory--Power engineering) (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Coal mines and mining) DATMVp I.K., prof*v red.; XAT&aNIK, S.V.# prof., red.; KOROM0111, A.A., prof., red.; SWVSKIT, B,N,, Prof., red.; 7MXOvp_Aj*_#.__dotsentp red.; LMSHMICH, V.V., dotsent, red. ............... (The northwest; reports of the scientific session of 19591 Savero- Zapad; doklady nauchnoi sesaii 1959 g. Leningmd, 1959, 136 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Russia, Northwestern--Physical googriaphy) VIIIOGRADOVO V.I.* kand. selikhoz. nauk,, otv. red.; MMICE114M, V.S.) alcademik, red.;-iR~-Ov-1-AJ ,, kand. ekon. zwuki red.; LETUNCV~ P.A.0 doktor selikhoz. naukp red.; KAVURp P.K.p red. izd-va; KASHINA, P.S.l tekhn. red.; ASTAMEXA, G.A.., tekhn. red. (Natural regionalipation of the central part of 1U-asnayarqk Territory and some problems of farming near citioflPr1rodnoo raionlrovanie tsentrallnoi chanti Nratinoiarskoijo krain .1 ne- kptorya voprony prigorodnogo kboziniotva. Mo,3kiraj 12YI.-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 214 p. Oau 1~:21) 1. F-rasnoyarskaya komplekannia-ekspeditsiya. ----- (Kraswqarsk-Terrltory~-Physical geograp 12y) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Agriculture) ZUBKOV, A.I. Problem of the commercial exploitation of the Angara-Pit iron ore basin. Izv.Sib.otd.All SSSR no-5:13-19 160, (MIRA 13:7) 1. Exasnoyarskaya kompleksnaya ekspeditsiya Soveta po izucheniyu proizvoditellnykh sil All SSSR. (Yenisey Valley--Iron ores) 10KCHINOV, V.S., almdemik,; HEXRASOV, N.N., rsd4;._~Mcfv, A.I., kand.ekon.nauk. red.1 MKINHAN, V.S., red.istd-val TIKH(khAG_ S.G.,, (Prospects for the indtLetrial exploitation of the Angara-Pij iron ore besin] Perspektivy promyshlennogo omeniia Angaro-Pitskogo zhelazorudnogo basseina. Moskva; Izd-vo Akad.navic SSSR, 1960. .130 P. (HM 13:9) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Krasnoyarskiy ekonainicheakly admi- niatrativnyy rayon. 2. Chlen-korrespondent M SSGR (for Nekrasov), 3, Krasnovarskaya komplekonaya ekspeditsiya Soveta po isucheniyu proizvoditellnykh Bil Akademli nauk SSSR (for Zubkov). (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Ore deposits) (Iron ores) LIKHAIIOV9 B.N.; KHAUSTOVA~ M.M.: YrItOKHTNAp A,.A.1 DIARK(Np F.G4j SPIZIWIS-KUP LN.; DODIII, A,L,~ XI!IL"T,j-'VAp V.Ya.; ClOISI-IIIJI, L.M.; GIMMOV, L.V,, kand. geol.-mineral. rial.,k; SlICIOWACIEV, V.D.; MUTY7, DI.Ye.; NE14- CHINOVp V.S., a-kadd.,red.; IIEKRPZOV. U.N., red.~ POSTOVALOV, L.V., red.,, ZUBKOV2 A.I. kand. ekon. na-,-tkp red.; lrAVUIT7, T,K,.t red, i3d-va; OUSHM- j 2 VA2 L,A.p tokha. red. [Natura-l conditions of K-rasnoyarok '!.'erritory Pr1roftyp usloviia Wrtisto- iarokogo kraia. motllcvu, Izd-vo Akni~j. uwk S,1311IRt 1,961.. 246 P. OMIRA -14tl) 1. Krasnoyarskaya kompleksn--ya ekspeditsiya. 2. InBtitut geografti Ali SSSR (for Lilchanov, Kbaustova). 3. Por--hvenriyy'imatititut Im. V.V.Doku- chayeva All SSSR (for Yerokhina), 4- Iiaucbno-iss,b1dovatjWS)dy institut geologii Arktiki Ministernf;7-a geoI.,ogli i okhraq necb.- !~.WR (for Markov). 5. VseswruzW geologicheski-y i-natitut Ministerat-va Irol)log I ii i olthrarq nedr SS.a (for Spizharskiyq Dodin). 6. Laboratorftya goologAi dokarbriya AN SWR (for Khilltuva). 7. Krasncyarakiy p3iaZogriahe slay instittit'141- nisterstva prosveshcheniya RSFSA (for Cherepnin)-,, 8. Sovet po izucheml;-.1 proizvoditel'rWkh sil pri Prezidiume All SSSR 'fr-x, Gromovj, Likhanov, 11hau- stova, Yerokhima, Shcberbachev, Shu~yy). 0,. Chlon-1corrosporident MI SSMI (for llekrasov, I%stovalov) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Ilat=a.1 history) ZUBK(jV, M,, dotfs.p utv. I-ed, ", NJ,, rod. (Problerw of PaleogeograDhyl Problem7 paleogeografii. Leningrado Izd-vo Loningr. univ., 1965. 274 P, (141RA Is Leningrad. Universitet. lAboratorlya paleogoografti. GORIZONTOV, Boris Borisovich, kand. ekon. nauk; ZUBKOV, Anatoll Ivanovich. hand. ekon. rau1c; Y.-D. red. [In the land vith a great future] V kraiu bollmhop IniduvhQbegO4I Monkvii, IM-vo "Sovotokmia Rontditttll 1961. ISII (KARA 15tO (Krannoym-ok TerrUory-Yconowle, couditimis) DZIMLALDEKOVA, L.A.1 VERZILIN, prof., md.; kana. ~ I - J It pnog. nauk, red.; KAUSNIK, S.V., rod.; R10"EI&W, Yu.N., red.; NENSM, V.V.j kand. geogr. nauk, red.; -RODIIi, L.Ye., prof., red.; USPRISKIY, L.V., doktor biol. nauk, red.; SUCHERBAKOV, D.I., akaderik, red.; OBRUCREV, S.V.,red.[deceasedl [The Globe, 1965; geopraphical vearbook for 11i65 geograficheskii ezhegodnik dlia detai. Lnningvid, Diit-kaia li- teratura, 1965. 333 P. OAIRA 19:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii pedagogicheakikh naUk (for Verzilin). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for KalesnLk, Obruchev). ~_Z_UHKOV, Anatoliy Ivanovichq kand.ekonoz.nauk; RZHMVUSKATA, D.M., red.; ATUSHCHIM9 LeTa**, [Prospects for the development of the industrial centers of lantern Siberia) Forepaktivy rasyltiia promyeblanny'r% uzlov Vostochnoi Sibiri, Moskva, I%d_vo *Mania,* 11J60. 30 P. (Yeasolusnoe obahchostvo po resproatranaaHu politiahmamh I nauchnykh znanii. Ser-3, Bkonomika, no.21). (H-W 13:7) (Siberia, Eastern-Industries) (Siberia, Eastern-Natural rosourems) MM "Plew Data or, the Dist.1 F"Ition of, r-br,~,,t ti .I P-'IlJ,nstjjn vo, 11 ln~,-! p 11 Dok- AN, 61) P,'O- 4, tho clg-/ a, Arctic Sliantijj.c YTY'LAA-, , --- - -1 * ~ I .- -, 7 , , , . 1111! 1 1 11 *11 1 ITI Til 114 1 V I ; I Y- -" - . - --- -- t , !! 6 w IN, 11 ml, I All -1 A, I - i ! i ~ II . - I-- I ACII- I - - :. - - . I 11,111-illir I'l-IT", -'TilAll, BORMTSKIT, I.I., kand.takhn.nauki ZUBJEOTO A,.P., jn~hv.,FRILlllxlxIT, V.I.. inzh. MUMMMWW~ Increasing the turnover capacity of the burdenthi department and the section for the preparation of Ingot mold truins (with summary in Jinglishl. Stal' 17 no-91796-800 3 157, (KIRK 10110) loNakeyevskiy metallurgicheakiy Savol im. Kirov&.,. (Open-hearth rocess) Oteel lngotA3 AUTHOR: Bornatauy , I.I. Candidate of Technical and zubkov. A.P., Prilepakiy, V.I., 'J3ngjrjevrj,.;* TITIE: Incroasins the Capacity of Stock Yard and Mould Preparation Shop. (Povysheniye propusknoy sposobnoLiti 31d.khtovoFo dvora i uchastka podgotovki sostavov imlozlinita) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957, vo.9, pp. 796 - 800 (USSR). ,nesite roofs, evaporation ABSTRACT: The introduction of chrome-maF cooling and the use of oxygen increased t1je ouput of the melting shop so that the capacity of the stock yard and =uld Imparation shop became a bottleneck in the further increase in the Production of steel. In the paper, the experience gained in increasing the throughput capacities of the above auxiliary services is dis- cussed. The following participated in the work: V.O. Kulikov, S.V. Vasillyev, M.M. Khillko, V.S. Kaprov, K.S. Al ferov, D.P. Zhidetskiy, V.Ya. Chetverikov, A.YE.Biryukov, L.L. Grobach and others. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Makeyevka Metallurgical Works im-Kirov (.Vt',~,keyevskiy Metallurgicheskiy Zavod im. Kirova) A v Al LAB i,ibrary of Congress. (;ard 1/, KULIEDY, Y.O., insh.; KMIKO, M.M.0 inzh.; PRILEPBKIY, 7.M., I=h.; ZMOV A.P. lnzh.0- prinirali uchatiye; MSEXHIT, If.P., IKOV, V.I.#* fMIAtt UMNOTA. K.Y., 09khnft L'sizu.- scale in steelmaking by the scrap and ore procesti, Stall 20 no.8,.708-7-10 Ag 160. OMA 1337) (Open-hearth procesa) Oil 07, (Mi-litarY Veterinary Laboratory No. Ia3f "Portable unit 11-VL-41311 for determination of sulfur (Lioxide in gas-chambers, SO: Veterina-riya, Vol 20, No 2, 1943. UUMOV, A. P. (Lt. Col.), VrA Corps, -- Military Veterinary Aca-:),I.~v "Vital Stainin_r, of Cr,~.ptccoccua Farcimin=13(?) (75) ?" "Pblezni Loshadey t-rolidn,? Discadcd), Sbornik Rabot (Collection 6A' Cgiz-5oll~:11ozgiz, 1947 TAT3 C071 p 231, Chap. IV - Laboratory PracLice Compiled by A. Yu. Bramburg and A. Ya. Shapiro, under e;.Atora~-dp of i, Y. LaktinncovII, State iress or Agric. Litcl-atLirc. This book is a collection of -,vor'~3 on epizcotiiA(.,5ry, surgo.y, th-Jvapy %nd ]a~w)ratA)-LY and clini,ial practice in the tm,~;tnemit of &'uina disease5. In thes majority of cases, they have been published previously in the journal Vet.,r.nariya or in of thc,. --.1anuals issuer] by the Veterinai-I Adrdnistration of the Armed -Forcu3 U5SR. --;,f-9922, I Law 1950, P 5 KARKADIUMMA, I.A., doktor veterin. nauk;.,;UBXOV., ~. ;P., U013istent; SHIROBOKOVA~ M.M., kand. vetarin. nauk Improvement of the serological, diagnosis of bruollosis in cattle. Veterinariia 38 no.U&73-76 N 161 (MIU 18%1) 1. Leningradskiy veterina:rn-yy institute .;~ I' 11, ~ ~ ',j t~ I -3-i, UNAVETS, P.I.; CESS, B.A.1 SEURIMS, A.E.; CURNYSHEY,, A.14.j MEUNTSYEV, P.Ny GHEMY111, V.I.; KIIRMYAK, Ro?.; KHMOV, B.S.; DORISOVp Yu,I.1 TSYLEV, L.K.1 SOKOLMI, V.S.; Prinimali uebastlyer MARKIN, A.A.; GORLOV, MoYmey VOROKOV, Yu.G.; BULAKROV, K.A.; YJOEAMKIY, V.L.; MUNIN07: G.P.; MAZUN, A.&; PISMOTITSM, I.Nq BODCHAVA,, O..j.j KIRILLOV, M.; TSE1;JYKOj 1',I,; MLYAK(JV, Mot. R&KOY9 A.S',~ ZHUGHKOV, M.I.; ROMMMIN, A.S.; ZU.BKOV,-A-S.; XCOLOV, M.N. Pilot plant for Ue nodulAzimg of finely graum!j tures by the method of chomipal catalysis. Tnitly IT '22.1 93-109 163. (DITRA 16: 111) VOVCWWO, Pavel Grigorlyevichl,-ZMKof,,,,Al4~keendr Yams ~,Iyanqvtch; POGOSTAN, Kh.P., prof.$ rat sense at; retsenzent; PIDI, D.A., kand.geogronauk, retsonment; DOWN, V.V., kand.gaogr,nauk~ retsenzent; &WATOMIT, N.V., red.; LAVMOVA, N.D., (A brief course in meteorology and aceanography for ithip navigators] JEratkil kurs mateorologii i okesnoVsfil dlia sudoyoditelei. Moskva, Izd-vo 'Horskoi transport,' 1.960. 359 P. (KIRA 13: 7) (Hatoorology, Maritime) (Oceanography) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATrON 956 Zubkov, Aleksandr Yemellyanovich Predskazaniye pogody na more po meatnym priznakam (Forecanting Weather at Sea Through Locally Observed Phenomena) Moscowt Izd-vo "MrBkoy transport," 1958. 85 P- 8pOOO copies printed. Ed.; I'Vetin, M.I.; Toch. Ed.#. Layrenova, N.D. PURPOSE: The book is intended for naval school students &tid persannel of sitch marine enterprises as the fishing industries and the merchant marine. COVERAGE: This is a description in popular terma of procesues occurring in the atmosphere and particularly those phenomena which are attsociated with chanj2,g3 in the physical state of the atmosphere and which play mn important part in short-range weather forecasting on the basis of loca1Jy obser-md phenomena. There are 26 figures and 1 table. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS*. Introduction Card 1/5 Forecasting Weather at Sea (Cont.) 958 1. Scientific Weather Forecasting 5 2. Locally Observed Phenomena in Forecasting Approaching Weather 10 Clouds Cirrus clouds 17 Cirrocumulu.s clouds 20 Stratus clouds 20 Altocunmlus clouds 21t CumLlus clouds 26 Cumulonimbus clouds 26 'Mammatus clouds 2-8 Cloud movement 29 Cloudy or overcast skies 29 Clear skies 30 Wind 31 Diurnal wind cycle 33 Breezes 34 Atmospheric pressure 311 Fall in pressure 35 Increase in pressure 35 Card 2/5 Forecasting Weather at flea (Cont.) 958 Barographic curve 35 Diurnal variations in atmospheric pressure 36 Air tempezuture 3*1 Humidity 37 Variations in humidity 38 Daily variations in humidity 39 Dew point 4o Precipitation 4o Rain 40 Snow 41 FAii 41 Dew and hoarfrost 41 Fog 42 Visibility 42 Atmospheric light phenomena 43 Dawn, 43 Ehmset 45 Glcyw from behind clouds 47 Mq color 47 Coloration of celestial bodies 49 Card 3/5 rfrm,w. , [-1T-: F f - ~ Nil rii;. i III 1111 1111 I~ Forecasting Weather at Sea (Cont.) 958 Sbape of the firmament 50 Rin4ge around the S= and the Moon, pseudo suns, pillars 50 Aureoles 52 Tvinkling of stars 53 Rainbows 54 Refraction. Distortion of the Sun's and Moon's di&:ks at*the horizon. Mirages 55 Twinght 6o Sound phenomena 60 Sound audibility 6o Thunder 61 "Voice of the Sea" 61 Smoke 62 Waves at sea 62 Animal, bird and insect behavior 03 Radio atmospherics 64 Radar 6, 3. Tropical Cyclones, Thdidations of Their Approach and Rules for Avoid- ing Them 67 Card 4/5 4.1 Forecasting Weather at Sea (Cl6a.) 958 4. Concluiiions Supplements: I. ClouiA CharacterIBtics and Classification 74 76 76 11. Index of Local],y Observed Phenomena Characterizing IMI>3nding Weather or a Symptomatic Situation 84 AVAUABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 Nwafm 12-18-58 ~UBKOV, fdeknandr Ytlrr red. ,11~rarjo,jich; STUFAEOVA., L.A. (Weathor forecastlrij,, on the sna by lacal Prednkazanie poFody nn more Fo r. t, o t n ym F; r i ,ma It arii, perer. i dop. Vo~3kva, 1--d-,vo "Tran!7port," 1~4,)..I ZIJBKOVI 13. Y=ituyn's vmma, Rogr. i raits, W,7s29 JI 11-.3) 1. Korrespondent zhurnala *Izobrotatoll i ratflionallutor% (Technological innow.tione) Hum y ZUBKOV, B., inzh.; KJSLIN"ge., inzh.