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ZUBINA, E.M. -, SPIRIDOITOVA, II*F- Biological characteris tics of popillar Tiedical rmans a~pplled in White Russia in protozoic diseases. Zdrav.-Belor. 5 no.8:5j-57 Ag '59. (111ILk 12:10) 1. 1z kafedry obehrhey blologli Vitebokogo moditainWrogo lnotl- tuta (zaved,;rishchaya kafedroy 3-M-Zubina). (WHITE RUSSIA-AUDIC110, POSDAII) A 1.~l m,~ rLM Ob r 10 First ilos-ow rd~" of ':-,nL;-. so Vecheryaya r4jos*va sum 71 KORZHUYEV, P.A.; AKATOVA, H.N.; ZtYBIIFA. Y.F, Some morphological an& physiological characteristion of amphilbiana in ontagenesia Lwith summary in Ingliahj. Zool. shur. 38 no.4-.579-588 AP '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1.1natitute of Animal Morphology, Academy of Sciencen of the UOS*SORO, MOSCOW, (Amphibia) USSR/Geophysics Erosion Soll Erosion in the JI Ttv3t, or Vinicniturf! zqid Vith.ulLitro, Armonliui --,~-iroda No 4, pp 107-1G8 P ind of Agr :30AP. A. 'Z/%.11iyemy.:-,n Proposes use of Mergin system in laying foundations of ternmxn~ in 10 !A+-- which Is especially designed for'z .thlr$Wnp~r-tare slopes. Z'J'iIT Tj,p. .S." (Zliel-ior, 1.1)4", no. 3.0, 7"-I1, SO: SOVIT.L TRi7,-3TC'-?TA.TIGT,4' of colle-res-s 'er Re'erence T. ar'r.- nt, Washington, 1.9r2, Unclasslflr-,(~ ZTJB IYXTOV I* P inzh.; AKOPTAN, S.I., kand. tokhn. nauk, 6tv, red.; GOSTZT, zam. otv. red.; VASIL'UT, A-V-, Imnd. telclin. nauk., red. - KRISTI. K.K.. prof. red.-, L'707, Ye.D., prof., rppd..; )fATASITIN:"b;J(., kand, tekhn. nawk, red.; TUDUSHKIII, H.G...Inzh., red.; IMAROVA,, A.?., tokhn. red. [Standardizing fuel pump plungers used in the D-3!; and. U-54 tractor diesel engines] Unifikatelia plunnharov toplivnyk)i namsov dlia traktorn.vkh dizelet D-35 i D-54. Moskva, Tros. wtmohna-tokhn. ild-vo mashinostroitelluoi lit-ry 1956. 14 p. (Koncow. GofludarmtTennyl soiuznyi nauchno-iseledovatellskil traktornvi institut. [Trudyj no.15). (ML*RA 10:9) 1. Direktor nauchno-iseledovatel'okogo aytotra",ornogo InotLtuta, (for Akopyan). 2, Zamostitell direktora po muohnoy mboto nauchno- issledovatellakogo Pvtotraktarnago instituta (for Gotste-v). (Tractors-Ingines) AUTHOR: Zubiyetov, I.P. 113-58-7-3/25 TITLE: The Fh=ac 'err6"fi'n-of.. the Fuel Supply I)y Pumps with a Distri- butor (OsobennoBti podachi topliva nasosami 11 raspredel:Ltelem) PERIODICAL: AB'.STRACT: ASSOCIATION: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennoat', 1958, Nr 7, pp 6-8 (USSR) In its development of the ON-2 fuel feed pump with a di.3tribu- tor, IIIATT has changed the ncbeme of the high presaure l1ne by OVa4' thE, d6j1VE!rNt Valve! fr--~q tj-;f~ plunger pair to tho diott-lbator (Fig. 1'4~110 q"j~.,Uj-Lj; ,)r eUej over the valve In the distributor has been reduced to a minimum, Further design changes of the ()NM pump dpvised by SAT14WA (Fig. 5) (as compared with the single-pLunger P7r5 fuel pump de- signed by the Kotlyarenko brothers and C.B. :Rnrtulli (Fig. 4)) provide a Complete removal of the remaining pressure of both line sectors of high pressure. This Ytas founo to be the most effective arrangement. There are 2 graphs, 4 diagrams, 1 oscil- logram and I Soviet reference. NATI (NATI) 1. Fuel pumps-Design 2. Fuel pwnps--P(n-fornanci! Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Zubiyetov, I.P, L13- 516-3-14/ 106 TITLE: Regulator of the Fuel Pump American Bosch (Rpnr- lyator toplivnogo nanooa Ameriken Bosh) i PERIODICALt Avtomo b I l I tin A ya IC)"-A *Ic ~p N., ~MUQ ABSTRACT: The mechanical fuel pumps for diesel engineri~ bavo the rol- lowint; drawbacks; t)-je grent atrorx,,; on the foot lover driver fatigue; during work at high apood riingoB, the du- gree of irregularity is increased shar~ply. MetAsurea wore tried to avoid these drawbacks. The atresz; on the foot, lever is reduced by indirect action on the 3pring of tho regulator. The irregularity in the -aoxk- at high speed:~, ii~ reduced by a combination of springs, :In Sovii.-it engine manufacturing, such a system is used in the fuel pump of the engine 4Ch ~i2 and the same devica is used in the fU01 pumps of "American Bosch", Figure 2 Mioy;3 t'he position of the spring in correspondence to the reit-ulator lever-- The tests of the fuel pur-np of the American Bouch ohow that- ir- regularity, oven at a considerable change of opeed is According to the author, tho purap han the thid, the elements of regulation an(I the jpi,izi(~ Intty bo damaged ;Wrini, operation. AVAILABLE: Library of Congreso Card 1/1 1. Fuel pximp3-Design 2. Diesel engines-Rquipmlint ,-ZUBITETOV, I.P. Ohjavhotorlattt~u (it' fital ri~aki hy imi-mciii hivlog 1. llauchno-igsledovatellskiy sytotrel.-torn:,-y imilitul. (Automobiles--nel syste-tas) A UTHO R Zubiyotov, 1.1'. iind Androyova, Ye.N. TITLF.- Research on Distribution Type Fuel Pumps (Issledovnnilte topliv- nykh nasosov ranpredelitel'nogo tips) PERIODICAL: AvtomobilInaya promyshlennost', 195B, Nr 6, pp 26-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe in detail the dintribution type P$A and M fuel pumps, constructed by tho US firm of Arterican Bosch. The DIATI laboratory made an extensive resetirch an two of such pumps,, PSB-4A for 4 cylinders and PSB-6A for ,.rix cylinders engines. Conclusions made in regard to their dimensiont3 and weight show that these pumps are not as good as ot.~--~r known foreign distri- bution type pumps. There are 7 graphs, 3 diagrams, 1 table and 4 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: (riATI) Card 1/1 1. Fuel pumns--Research and Development ZUBI*fNTOV, 1. P.; ANDRIMA. Yo. H, lavestigati" fu4l d1stributimn pumps. &wt. *rain. no. fii26-29 JS 15B- 11:7) 1. Hauchno-inslodows tell ckty ovtotraktarnTy instLtut4 (Tuel pumps) Z',,.31 Yill r, ~ -. i,-ialuatirp the -" flood C~)ntrols -vt,.l 'I 5r) (~ , L!,.l no.6:21-22 Jo is 0:r,) v-,~-totrnktornyv institut. (Tra(-torr--'-',o-i! n,,,,-t,1!7n) z propyablenno-manItarrqy vrach (st. 14"Iltopollf !P~-~S`talinak-aya doroga). Changing the exhaust system of gasoline-powersd rail cars. Elsk. i tepl. tiaga no.2:35 F '57. 04LRA 10:5) (Railroad motorcars) ZTJBIYETOT, P.P., prepodavatell [Radio receivers-, assignmants for written examl.nations for students of radio engineering departmonto) Iladhopriennys ; ustroistva; cadeniia na kontrolldye raboty d1la uchafskjohikheia radiootdolenlia. Spetsiallaost' "Radioveshcheal.a.w Hol3kva, 1958. 10 p. (KIRA 12:3) 1. Hoscow. Vaesayuznyy zoachnyy taklinikwi wryafl.. P. Voettoynonyy zaachnyy takhnikum svyazi (for Zublystolv). (Radio--Rscolvors and reception) ZTJBIYZTOV, P,,P., prepodavatell (Radio recolverto and stations; assignments for written exam1natlona and course projects for studento of radio enLdmeering departments) Radiopriemays ustroletya i stantaii; cadaniia ma kontrollmys raboty 1, kursovol proekt dlis uchashchikhsio radlootdolentAm. Spatsialt- nost' - *Radiosviazle" Moskva, 1958* 25 Pe (KIRA l213) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyvznyy zaochnyy tekhnikum arwynal. 2. Vaesoyunyy saachnVy takhnikum ovyazi (for Z-abiyetov). (Hadlo-Iloceivera and reception) 1.1 ., kand. tekhn. mauk; NL`24--VIGH, C'.. 1. , kand. ~ekkln. nauk; ZUBIYETOVA, M.P., kand. te~em. maul:; retspriient; I.P., irLzh. red. (Rapid wear tests of dicsel engiries] Uskovenz~i-j ispl-taniia dizelInykh dvigatelpi na iznc.--,c,,t,cdkost'. Iva-vo (k ONashino.-ti-oenic," 182 p. UliA Anni -4F Ly Idat sell skckho%yayfttvemqVh n&tA:. 080110 of the Azerbaijan S.S.R." Reviewed by 3'.A. ZaMetian. Zzy. AN Arm.SSa.BtolA sellkhox.naukt 7 no.2:109-1:1.2 '51P. (KLM 9 -. 8) (AzerbaiJan-Soile) r"oviet Armenia Soils of Armenia. Natika I zhizn' 19, 1~o- 4, -1~1'52 k.onthly List-of Litr.--r.~ of Con~-res., July 1952. UNCIASSIFLED. ZUi,.1Y!'--iM,', P.A. Soils--An.enla Usim, gnve.,11Y co.izerlted F--ilti f3r -4!npyv1-dC 11i Amellin. ViTi. 1;1, 9, !,I-)nthly Li:-.t of kussipri Acc-tisionn, Libr-.ri ol C,)n:-,rt-rG, 11T 2. ES'). (600) 4. .*.r.-:~cnia - -'rosim 7. a-~-~i-zt so-1.1 crosion in tllhr; hills Ar!,,rl~nia. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, i~vjril 1953. Unclassified. 1111 ; kidi 11:11]. Ii H '111 11111 hi ZUBIYNTAN, V.G. Datemining the Oponomin "freotivoinfifoo (if lah-or'll'i fcriAllommi givon to Oto Uatli IlitwiffA V'd'~ontivtl V11r.41 in Owflijll~ PkOalot, All Arm.6*11,. Mol.l J~ no .6 IN, L-4,314 Jo 'fli. (OtaA a A) (Arnenia--Vhoat) Vartilisers and vomurea) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Graii~s m Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol., No 12, 1958, 53543 Author Zubiyetyan,-V.G. a - Inst AS Arneniaa SSR Title Ali Experiment in the D-Aarninatimi of the Ecumbi.Lic Effectiveness of Mineral Fertilizers AjTj)licd under Vnieat in the VillaZe of Mats Mama of the &isix,Lecharskly Rayon (in the Fori., )f a !AscLissioa) Orig Pub Izv. AUT Arr.OSR, Dl,:)I. i 9 - --ld, - Y- -, 1956, 9, nj 6, 91-99 Abstract ExperLiento card"cted ill 1951-1953 (Istablisho-I the econo- mic Of t.~e application of nineral fertili- z(-,r:; wi tr!r nn(I sprLiG wheat after all precedinC, cr-D:;- '-ncrc~tpe in the yield exceeds by 5-6 tli-ies the er,,ensc colmected with fertilizin(j. Card 1/1 I I 111H lill'! 1:11,11hill ill 1 '1111" lill 11 U T oil ZUBEVICIII G.I. Erfact Of 11(111001.113 OXLVU(~Ul frot'l WW'd ne-LICht 1111, LIM, jrl-l:vtll or napo vood-lAlly.-I. UOL.; n,.).? 1 165. 18: v ) '' 1. . ~i , E ! ji~~ 1: '' . ~ 1;;, ~ 11111, : ii 111 - . ZUBX1H. A. _2XIS. A. How to conduct course@ on the study of tox1c chomical agents. Vo~ Voen.onan. 32 no.2:26 Y 156. (10,9A 9:5) (Chemical w1irfars) fluxIIf HR iT t, 1 MII I Tii*~: I`i~ .11 MALISHINSKIT, Arkadiy Arked'yovich4u&i�&k&"Mfimwj-Pdaktor,, XARTIVSRAYA, M.D., redektor; BLAZHANIOTA, G.I., tekhnichoiskiy redmirtor LChemical weapons of foreign armies and defense againut chemical warfare) lrhimichaskoe orutbia inostrannykh armli i prativokhimicho- skaia saahchits. Moskva, Ind-vo DOSAAY. 1957. 93 P. NLRA 10!8) (Chemical warfare) LEBFMVA.- Tulla. Aleknandrovna- ZUBKIM, AlakeavAr Stelmnavich; KAWSKATA, M.D., redaktor; KA [What one should know about poisonous and radioactive subatancoal Shto nado znat' ob otravliaiushchikh i radioaktivnykh veshchostvakh. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSW, 1956. 62 p. (KWA 9:6) (Chemical warfare) (Radioactivity) 71,Tt, 1. v, M117,1 L~ A IZUBKIN. ijm-FLI UN, A. Keane and nothods of decoutanization. Voeu.snan. 31 no.8,;Z4 Lg 1�6. (Decontamination (from games, chemicals, eta.)) OIUA 9: 11) I - - I PIM'111~i ~illfll' Ii III 1h I Iii. il 11 ~:i !, I ;:~' j H :' -1 1 ,=7~ 111 ~17 I ~ KKDVUV, Talantin Aleksoyevich; T102MVA# Ta.r., rimd.-, ZUBXlJUO AaSso red,;- BLAZH3=VA, G.I., takhn. red. 6 (Ralea of coaduot in c6taminated anael pravilm poystlenlia v Zara- zhennom ralons. Noskra, Iad-vo DOU", 1958. 47 p. (14nu 110 (Air defename) q 11111k NR i;HVI R III III I , i.~ 4:1 n ,- P~ . ~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 714 Zubkin,-.Aleksandr Stepanovich Individuallnyye sredstva protivokhimicheskoy zaohchity (Chemical Defense for Individuals) Moscow, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1958. 63 p. 130,000 copies printed. Ed.t Filimonov, I*M.; Tech. Ed.: Taigellman, L.T. PURPOSE: The book is intended for the general publio and as~a textbook for studies in DOSAAF circles on prol;i1em-io of defense against modern chemical and bacteriological warfare (including radioactive fallout). COVERAGE: The book deals with purpose,, design,, amd operation of devices for protecting Individuals against Injury in chemical war- fare. No personalities are mentioned. No refmrencea are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/3 -1~;' j, ill -11-1 W Chemical Defense for Individuals 714 Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Historical Survey of tho Development of Equipment for the Protection of Individuals Against Cbemical Warfare 5 Classification of devices for protection of Individuals againe chemical warfare 11 Devices for protection of respiratory organs 12 Filtering gas masks of the army type 14 Filtering gas masks for the civil population 18 Gas masks for children 32 Respirators and other simple means of protlection 33 Ch, 2. Equipment for Protection of the Skin 37 Materials used for manufacturing eql*ment for skin protection 37 Protective properties of insulating materialr:. 39 Card 2/3 Chemical Defense for Individuals 714 Filtering protective materials Protective properties of filtering mateisials Design of equipment for protection of the skin arjK1 instructions for its use Improvised protection equipment Decontamination of equipment for skin protection Deactivation of equipment for skin protection Degasification of equip*ent for skin protection Disinfection of equipment for akin protection Packages for antigas protection of individuals AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SG*/ksy Card 3/3 41 42 44 56 !5B 59 60 61 62 11111 Hkjjj~ llplj~i 1; 11 ZUBKIN. A Chemical weapons. Voen. tuan. 35 ne.2:28 F 159. (Chemical warfare) 091RA 12:6) 1hij I' w PII il; Hill dII ZUBON. Alskeandr Stepanovich; XANEVSXAYA, M.D., red.; HIMINA, Ye.S., (What decontamination and degassing is] Chto takoe dfatraktivatsila i degazateiia. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAIP, 1960. 53 P. (Ci7ilian defenses) (MIRA 13:7) 7F-771.77 FIFF, 111:11: 11 i I i'l !fll H 1 -111 ZUBM, Aleksandr Stapmovich; KWUlYt Talanti-n Aamkso~pwiajq VWW&U.TAO t4k]=. red. [Radioactive cloud and protection agnAnst It) lladloaklivnoe oblako i zashchita, ot nago. Hoskyal lod-vo DOSAAFt 1961. 65 P* (Him 34:8) (Radioactive fallout) 'I I 111h 11111 11111; -nov.icb; ISDVEDHV, Valentin Aleksotevi0i; ZUBKRI, Aleksnp-dr,St-qpa BUMIA-VAII, A.I.; AIZABlYrIN, A.,,., red.; VLASYVil., N.A., tekhn. red. (What is radioactive contsmination and ways to protect againit it] Clito Iakoe radioaktivnon zarazhimim i i3lmooby zanhchity ot nego. lfookvn, GosatoulsyJat, '1963. 54"S. (MIRA 17: . I . I I . . j , 11 1 - . I I.. . . - I, , - 1, . - 1 1 . . - , - i ~ ~ ! 1 11:1 , I 1~, d ; 1~-m - __:,_ 1-1 : ; -.=T;~ . -* - L., ~ ~'. 1! 1 I : ~ f i - .. 1, ~'- I . PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/0426 Bogolyubskly, G. N.. 1. 1. Burlinov, L. V. Vinnilradov V. V. Vo%nimenskiy, V, S. D uk. A,_S,,,Ku n, A. S. IllyQshav, M. D'. Korablev. 'cu. A. Lebedeva, Yu. K. Makarov, 1. P. Miroshnikov, 1. P. Novichunko, A. V. Popov,and V. A. Serebryakov Zashchita naseleniya ot sovremennykh aredstv porazhentya; uchebnoytj posobiye d1ya organizatsil DOSAAF (Protection of the Population From Modern Means of Destruction; Handbook for DO$AAF Organizationo) 2d ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, DOSAAF, 1963. 254 p. 450,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vaesoyuznoye ordena krasnogo znameni DobrovoVnoye obshchestvo sodeystviya armii, aviatsu i noty. EdB. (Title page): 1. S. Varennikov and L V. Vinogradov; ComplIevin M. 1), Korablev and Yu. A. Lebedeva; Ed.: F. Ye. Godiner, Tech. Ed. i M. 7~ Sorkin. Card 1/0 I-Itllf~fl. I'll, fit F Ian ....... BABKIM, I.A.; BOGOLYUBSKIY, G.N.; BURLINOT, I.I.; YOMMANSKIT, V.Y.; DAMILTUK, V.S.; ZAPOLISKIY9 G.R.; A.G.; KIPRITAH, X.M.; XONnUTITIEV, P.V.,, KOWM, M.D.; rJU1131MA, Yu.A.; HAKAROV, Tu.K.; MIROSHUIKOV, X.P.; NOVIGHM11KO, 1,F.; POPOV. A.V.; SEMRTAKOV, V.A.; KANEVSKAYA, M.D., red,; AHBRIANOY, B.I., (Protecting the public from present-day means of destruction; a textbook for organizations of the All-Union Volimtary 'Society for the Promotion of the Army, AviAtiOn, and Navy) 1"nshchita na'selenila, ot sovremennykh aredetv porazhaniia; uchabnoe ponoble dlia or.-ani-. zateii Vaesoyusnogo dobrovollnogo obohahestva aolieystviya arnii aviataii i flotu. Konkva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1958. 334 p. (KIRA 1j4) (Civil defense) ZUBKnT, A.,Iilzh. t)odt)olkov-rik. rq of contr,,ji, .Intion. An (Civilinn defenve) (muu T, ZUBKIN, A. )and chemical detection. Toan, samn. 37 130. X 1,31- 2 ja 16,L I (KXIIA 14:1) (Radloactivity-Ndasurement) (Chanical warfare) BOGOLYUBSKIY, G.N.; BURLINOV, I.I.; VINOGRADOV, L,V.; VOZIUSE113KIYj V.V.; DANIL111%, V.S.j ILIYW~I&V) A,$.; HOIJARY'VO M.D.; LEEEDEVA, Yu,A-; MAICAROV, Yu.K.~ I.P,; NOVICHENKO, I.P.; MPOV, A.V.; SEREBRAKOV, V,A.;VAJISNIIIEOV, 1.S., red.j GODINER, F.Ye., red.1 SOILKIN, 14.Z., fAjk-hn. red. (Protecting the population from present-day meanu of destruction] Zashchita naseleniia ot sovremewifth areidstv po- razheniia; uchebnoe pomobie d1la organizatiiii DCNUAY. R..)d ob- shchei red. I.S.Var".rdkow 1 1, 'I_VJ.nagrfLdOViq., 12A.2-p pareir. i dop, Moskva, Izd-vo WSAAF, 11'?62~ ~~54 ('111RA 16:-4) (Civil defeaae) ZUBKIN, A.Ta. [Poultry house for 500 hens of 11&tvaight bravis; clay-fillad wattle walls. Plan ne.0506-B] Ptichnik na 500 Ivr 1mg-kikh pored; stony glinoplatnevye. Praekt ne.0506-B. K*skva, 1955. 9 p., 4 plans. (KLRA 9:6) I.Ruasia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvs g9rodukogo i sallskoge atroitelistva. (Poultry houses arA equipment) J ZUBKIN, A.Ta., arkhitaktor; ZTKOT, A.M., rodaktor [Houses for fattening 150 swine; wall& of logal 5vinarnik-otkorsochnik ni 150,golov; stony rublanye. Tipovoi proakt No.0231. KomL-va# 19560 16 p, 14 plane. (MLUA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo gorolskogo i sol'skogo, stroitell stva. (Swine houses and equiptaent) 11di 1.1 IIIH "flidi CSheep house for 800 hesid; adobe walls. Plan Um.03220 Ovchawmia na 800 golovg ateny eamannys. Pi-tekt n*.0322.VaakoL,1',vj5 IOV,*4as (Niak 9: 6) I.Ruesta (192)- UtMoRt) Hinisterntys geredolcoge i nallukage streitelletva. (Sheep houses mA equipment) ZUBKIN, A. IA. Stables for horses Moskva, Gos. ivd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1951. 78 p~ (V oomoshch' sellskomu stroteliii) F ZUBKIN, A,.'fa,t arkhitaktor. (Sheep house for 800 heeA; adtba*walls with stsue column*. Plam uo.03211 Oveharnia na 800 goloy; stany sauaxmye v keltannykh gtal- bakh. Praekt no.0321. Ifoakva. 1955. 9 p., 7 ploas. WaA 9:6) l.Russia (1923- U-S-S-R-) Kinisterstye gorsdalcar,* i nallskago stroitalletva. (Sheep houses and equipment) ZUBKIN, A.Ta., afthitaktor. [Sheep house for 300 head for treeless southern and control districts; adobe walls. Plan u6.03041 Oveharnia na 100 ovate dII& iuzhnykh i teentrallrqkh bazlesnykh raianav-, stany sanaWe. Proakt no.0304. Hask-ya, 1955. 16 p., 11 plans. (MTBA 9:6) l.Rasaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo goredelcogo i ael'skogo stroitelletva. (Sheep houses and equipment) 1 ASHERSON, M. (Forgana); ALEX S" YIEVA, 1,11, ; ZAMKOIISKIY~ V.,, I'Iteyohohlkj BROVA, V. (Klyev); ZUBKO, A.; DUKHrIF"711"Ho El. (711'ryuo) On good people. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.llrl9 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Literaturnyy sotrudnik nuiagotirazlinoy gazety fabri-ki "Skorckhol", Leningrad (for Alok5eyeva). 2. Mokhfuitcheskly smvod "Santokhproml, Simferopol' (for 7ainkovskly). 3,v,DIachal'-,", ot4jeIc ly GD udarit- - -I ~ranwy_~ --avtomobi-1-1 Kitybys ev k I be Zubko) (Trade unfcns-~brftcoeo ZUBKOo,,4*,iinzhenerq Installation of roller bearings in ZTK and ZVG roller mills. Muk.- elev. prom. 23 no.6:23-24 Je 15?. (MM lot 9) 1. Hellnitea 10.1 T zhwm-semsy. (Grain-milling machinery) (Boaringe (Mliahinsry)) 11111:11 Hid', liil~ I 'IF -V~ T"i, A 41 - A a i. at I FA 4 .4A Ai 0 Ise 4ii 0 jWdist aftalvt.40 Its Anivilt 1 owulso InV441141clAphit . 31 11, 142 N)~ J zoo 1-1-1, 6t ?,,I 1a1, And of w t,- Arc (jt%tj-,mA. so coo coo 400 4"V ISO 0 t, 4~ A. 1414.1111, -Ames J u -41 10 1, m c (to C 0 0 41 fp 40, f1i 41 41 lp 0 00 Gill it P-41 401 IN small loll pi-It to NW All 6 11-441 0111.99 a.. r 4 a 00 Ow, 0- of ftetkd AadvAs in 4nd A. M. ZuW (Z,~.mL 14 Ms).-flu Rwdm~ mahads iWC~tbt'W"' in risetald and of h4justilm ftm-unifivi"Ity n(suil am dlwmmxf. Zee 00 00 to 00 --Oo Is** 001 UTFIATURE CW$krKAICm It too %1 43 '1 4 n q it -9 '40 11 1YA a A It 4 0 0 go 0-0 00 0 11 0 0 4) 0 0 04 :: : : 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 ?,%WW, and A, 1. Dmilfma- Zhur. 11tvid. Pic 19, 20-4410M.-In Mire lirl) Wt florm imp., with AC and Or tathAtfuti. raitc. are bituid at iiiin VA - 0.10, 9m, 0.3% 2M1 11W. Tile cur" (tir pure N(CICO lums IL Ptak 0 aboat 0. 1$; ill Cho fauge 0.2-z 0.3, wbo~rc the IftO mva kims its led ~mAx.. the NIOICIF vurvc sh*" a mdorm (kicirvirt cif Immily. Tke mir" ill a "n. M"COAW as 1;2A mill. showg the Imik of lqc,co at 0.12 and a hint of a mat. IWtwtvil 0.2 ditlof 0.3. i.e. ill the rrgiw of The 2ad nus. of 110. tuid 2 furriber max. itt the rattiges 04-4).4 and O."A CAlouqui-ndy, there at small sinil'I'Amp ) W 1).2 t is to abovit 0~3, lot a vv here in Addilivity. V"'34"'A"it with the IWI~WVM I" file 'Wrl,j of smAlf 4rcam with a structure c1w it) that of the pure compoecett. S. Tbml -JW I If I a is W X, -1 .4 144. 1 0=41C Lt an if& Colto cc Clio 41011.1allmli "InItIml $4!m sratsor* of X-rap W an =4"ovqjj)lr ilk,, inumvnot cir ou dorractiji, ni li WH T)4,mium. v I ium,% A- llvw- 4mifu dgm discimMi. Witmall up t-vl* OUAR TZ] ustlun 4m IND w1jim. crud lo dill tmii. A. I I F-rp. T-arvr. Pb-i. UISA M hut dl! tail IKM OMM) 4f lIHl4UnOWXlllj. 4jl;dj ill 11, A-Mil 10%111 1W) [4 jr-. (Xjqj(411"~ 1)(V: Wrae,-,," in trat rmffs or dffr"Oct st!2&f, by thi, Moo 44144VA &rjLim While6l, Ili nct upell, i MaIlkis (Aft piticti. Aj1p sli a vaflim 'It! a-2 -fit 'hil V-,Vi(NA suihcn c( scituticn. As UCH 13 CC mWili ifoull it 01) 4lii;c-vWL*m '"JigIlltin it pxt* (CC, bgnra q dchmult % and dicy j 00 a : 00 0 -010 l comin Irbuill 143 mhm Pla (mr1mill, fmillit it irr ec not. m utpir- mrinty Lvn;m,-m (ft iltotion wfim , it rfull In 010im'411fif (Nim, re 41WAIII 41112111 javom it p(j,A1Wn Cf 11V r-~ftcr(s dix (0 the d-ifife c0 M.4mults , taulpiwc Ill. rwl Itut LAZ am "tatims 0~ e1 flirt flin-cliviii ccczrwwt ago=vd mwi*civ. W W4rd IAWIT camIrm-evil. flututt dzd EtIvIst'g fr7joinjolill oil Clio urtimall (113311. wipulilly bl- Oil v"irdruigma oe thn mokililike smilliall 00 WMIll e444 11Y t'LW-'*flC1fl dV11 0OW01 WPM 11$j (1941)1 OUVL~j d1jW (,j 6Q jaftlMl, && flit, jill" vAbgn fimad mAMpWUc= drialy Ric tht . fird o3-xk mtm Pw paw givcs a dgUiled man W a l radbUkx% in ot*r to cfu* ties qinuierA wfletidt an ........ . . vf" 1.113, Lv 4 M is C it U. 111 4 OU 411 in a I '00 66 GO 0 00 '00 00 400 MT.Mut of& woe I 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 Ove ago a 0 coo (lilt 0000400 0 0 a 0 a a 0 000 00(te Colo 0$9111 4 OW041141t Goof 00 #474141000*410 ZUBKO, A.M., kand. fiz. -mat. nauk. X-ray investigation of tertuln binary l1qn1d syntomm. I'l-oblo metallovedoi fiz. net. no.[11:106-112 149. Ollft U-4) 1.Laboratoriya l=iStAllitataii TSantrallnogo nniietiro-isfilndovatellakolgo, instituta chernoy rnetAllurgli. (Sy3tems (ChenietrO) (Z raya--Diffraction) N111111. -.11H ZUBKO, A. M. USSR/Physice Rar 49 Solutions X-Rays - Scattering "X-Ray Scattering in a solution of Acetone and Water," V. I. Danilov, A. M. Zubko, A. I. Danilove, Inst of Metallophys, Gen Sci lies Inst of Ferrous I'lotall) pp I'Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XIX, No 3 Presents results of X-ray investigation or noetone-wator solution, Subuitted 23 501) 4q;. Pa 32/49T100 Fk* Struch" at U&O cullastart. V. 1. Vanikv uwl M, Zuhka. DvAllidy Mad. SAaA SS.S.R. 92, M%41 1OW-TIfe Sti"WitIr" of A no. 461 C*ttV"%% (ACtiVJ.4td. tural, of low-Ift"p. cakev) Weir Itly"ticatto br Me ~A tbod of Intetral minolrair of X-CAY IntCotitY CUrVell. Y",1- t11C radW at. didribution futictions whkh ciam be c1mTwv1 ith vvious g(ructuro nxictdo. The. rmlls sm *11of bo tke form of 4YRIp(M). "he" p ii tk* it. (its tomqfA.) oil I be dio afuv R, a., a (qm t t.. 1 4 R lkw in .1111.1(v% C 11C41(oll 23 bra. to mcu* at Pvw)', fitagittim, ate foutcd *1 R 1.4, 3.45,43.4mal5k. The tlink vMW Afilat mil". 10 414100113. uyifkg the 2rul altand T OWs; (Ittil? 10 is dfACP VW tCUlit cwTv 111fdr tim 2"d Inac Vier dintrolit dad)SAM". *1010. lid lit Ikt4fittKi 41. -itlk tb* at'"" MOM ill 9114ARN 141MCM INAMIC i49' batim allow 4tiffttvmt lirt"s-s of eavift ~ alwavis imemismig 4*6 The t ~ a# histaint. tall 111MUM41441tj it'"ll ill 4 dw4mosim Witt( t"I'the mismitmo opm lite dWrilullan ctel-wr it" ;tq Is- 6 ( tir lid tittil livil itihq. frLiess Itsm, rewil of t*r omi-1,101ta atv 41111411letl by cluveirlows 'd vol'tel, .01411 thowetwerl CAW"" COW w ~trflffltfr twulfbi. v"11111CIVY .1 1161111V itvalet frub lattirv t4mw a ut -1-4 A. j.~l lwkw.", amitilmoM cus tlw 4%, 2 lim-lud-1 Utfim,44, wittlim at 4117 pAt;1e, firutive lit 4*cb her, ift cluiln"t to till- 1004pismillfes In vambilif er"1411. Ch a wAftiel givvs a 40210balm" torve sOnItur to d"I mytU OWN A win" 111A fill If MAJ111 D,VT T r, OV , V1 11 Carbon, Activated Fine atructure of activated carbon Dokl. AIN 333? 82 No. 3, 195'! 2 SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congresm, June 195q, Uncl. d 1111 : 111111: h III ~ hIl!;! 11 11 I I -- . I ~ I - - - i~ ~ ~ ~ : . . I I., : 7 : I , ;~ - I M: il.ij- 1 1 ! W.: : 1: ;. a :.' htii: i . I : i j I I I " 1; 11 -1: 1111111 dii'll lili'll I , P ! 0 1~ 11. ; ~ I . ZUB!~P'j A.K.; SPUTM, Ye.2. X-ray analysis of the structural modifications In coka varieties used In blast furaaces. Dokl. AN SSSR " ne.2:251-254 If 154.1 NLRA 8:2) 1. Inetitut metallovedeniya i fisiki netallov ToMIGhM. Predstavleno akademikon G.V.Kurdyumov7=. (Coke) (X rVe-Industrial, applications) ;,tq ZUBKO, A.M.,knnd.fiz.-mnt.nAuk; SPUTOR, Ye.Z. X-ray investigation of cokes end con1s; coke struc,*ure Lm the bleat furnnce. Probl. WnIlmed. I fit. met. no.4:7746 15$ . (11111A 11:10 (Coke) (X raya--Industrinl anplientionit) . + ;, ~ ~ I .1 ii, 1: , 1 * , M DANIMV, Vitaliy Ivanovich, prof assor.doktor fIzIko-mate'litatichaskikh nouir, laureat Stalinakoy premii: KU11DYM40V, G.V., akadvaik, riolaktor: 4 DAIIILOVA, A.I. , redaktor;-ZUZ&Q,,.JLjO4A , rodaktor-, KAKEIIFI;TSXATA. D.S.. radaktor; LASIX0. A.S., re(4aktor; OVSIYENKO, D.Yo.. redmktor; SKRT-, SIIEVSKIY, A.F., redaktor; 3PNKTOR, Ye*Z., yedaktor; IA'UNTSMV, B.A.6 redaktor iz&atellstva; RAMINA. ILP.. taklinichetik-ty redaktor (structure and crystallization of liquids; selected articles] Stroents i kristalliz&tsiia zhidkosti; izbrannye statli,, Pod red. G.T.KurKliumova. Kiev, Izd-vo Akademli nauk UkSSR, 1956. 566 p. WRA 9:10) 1. Daystvitallnyy chlen AN USSR (for Danilov) (Liquias) (Crystallization) AUTHORS: Zubko, A. M. and Spektoi-, ~a. Z. ;?(~-114-6-28/54 TITLE: Concerning the Problem of Graphit" ;t-!cn of ; .-bonaceous Substances (K voprosu o grafitizal,,:.: i,,:1_-.,o,]1.,tykh veshchestv) PERIODICAL: Doklady All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 1l,,, :Ir 6, pp. 1;;39-1241 ('Ussa) ABSTRACT: In coke samples which were burned at 1'ao - 18oooC narrow lines Situated at angles of 220 35' (intensive), 330 (ireak) and 41 45' (intensive)occur in radiograms. An is seen in table 1 and figure 1, the position of these lines neither agrees with the lines of the a-modification ol graphite nor with those of P-graphite. T~e nearness of theae linen to the position of the graphite-lines caused mome reaearch-man to consider them as belonging to a special graphite nodification (references I - 5). Then the authors give additional data from own investigations of the graphitlisation of the substances mentioned in the title. ~t was interestinj; to determine the nature of the non-carbon-diffraction lines which becone visible in coke after a temperature of 1700 - l8oo0C. Pure cane carbon alone and with small additions of Card 1/2 iron oxide and silic dioxide were burned. qlh,o results Concerning the Problem of Graphitization of Carbonaceous 20-114-6-28/54 Substances (figure 2) showed that the above-mentioned lines belong to a solid a-solution of Si in Fe. As the position of the diffraction lines of this solid solution is Tery close to that of graphitev they may become a source of error in conclusions on graphitization. There aro 2 figures and referencee, 4 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Uetallography and Metal Physics of the Central Scientific Research Institute bf Femus Metal1urgy (Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov Tnentrallno-o nauchno-isaledovatellskogo inotituta chernoy taetallurgii) PRESENTED: November 14, 1956, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Aoadeoician. SUBMITTED: Novenber 5, 1956 Card 2/2 G011/1-71 3-58-6-15/33 AUTHORS: Bokshitskiv, Ya. Yemya8hcv, A. V. , Zubko, A. hl. and Yilippycheva, I.I.M. . ........ TITLE: The Influence of Vacuum Melting on the quality of Steel ~Vliyaniye vakuumnoy vy-plavki na 14coch(i.-stvi) otali) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, nr 6, pp 520 - 525 (USSR), ABSTRACT: An investigation of the influence of vacuunk melting on thp quality of Kh2? and 18Khr1VA steels ia-.L~scribed. Vacuum melting was carried out in a 12 kg- furnacle 'Oreviolisly des- cribed (Ref 5). The conditions of raeltin,,;; a-nd. hpa~inC, of liquid metal, teeminE temperature and off retention in the final vacuo .,iere the same for~-11 mclts. As a charge, wild steel ingots smelted in the usual manner in a 30-kg, high- .Lrequency furnace were used. T e DreSOLMIS us,'!d were: 1 Imp, and 1/10 of a metre I . .5 t 5-8- 10 Run and 1, 1-6- izim The results of chemical Eas analysis and impact stvenF, gth of steel Kh27 smelted undcr normal pressure and in Iracuo - Table 1. lio-re 0 The impact stren-th of for-ed and .1ened-in-water from POO C iietal from all heat-s was low. In order to find factors determining the impact strength of Kh,'? steel, a series of vacuo heats usinE electrolytic inaterials wm-e c!i.rt-ied out. The results obtained s! 'oved that- apparently thL, -2a-in elcnaent carbon. Tl-iij '-c, Cardl/4 deterniining the impact ~trt;nUth is --f luence of, The Influe=.-e of Vacuum Melting on -Ube Quality of Steel the depth of vacuo on the cozilposition of motal, the con-jent and the content of ad-n.ixtures in steel is ;showiti in Tables 2 and 3 and F-36ure I Jnfluer_,,~e of depth of reapectively. The a, vac,oto ou -the ma~chanical properties of forp.4c-d and the-rmally treated Kh'27 eteel - Table 4; the dependt--nco of im-:)act strenEth of -the steel smelted in v~~tcuo on the carbon colit,,nt - Figure 2 and on the gas content - Fiufure 3, It is c~-nclurled that: 1) valcuum meltinacf a,2~ steel is by in itq chernical compo,'-JA-fori due to tlj,~ eva~j:,or.ntiou of such elements as -iese U_ _, cu - and silicon ind due t.:) reac'i oris f ormin.- Ease0us product-s; 2) The charge in chemIcal r,,nrq)osit_Jon depends on the d-apth of vacuo; 3) Valauum meltin'S F-ives the follozln.",7 effects: a) the reactio:-_. ox~igen and carb^~"Y, is mo-re e-l"ficient; tj-,e contont of to thousandths of parts of 121'o; the reaction of with oxygen is also Biorc iaLevsive; b) the corr*-,(,i-,.t -.)f gas ii.1 the deoxidised metal decre,-Ses by a factor of 3- influence on the structure of the metal. 4~ of steel Kh2? with its subsequent heat trev.trian't, strength can be considorably increased (3&-~O hichest effect on. tLe impact sl1rerigth has the (;Djd2/4 c) it has no On walcuum melting its impact till'es) the content of c,~rbon; The Influence of "Vacuum Melting on the Quality of S11-leal wben the latter -:L.- below 0.011,~,,, the impi-c-t; stxfriuth of steel reaches 15 - 18 ke/,cm 2; 5) On valcuum -ni-alting froi-~ el.ectro- lytic materials, the tcchnolo(~ical r,ro.pu~-Lies of steel. U2? depend on the conteiit of carbon and silicon. Steel i8Kh1,1VA was made from a steel (C 0,19-0.220%) smiAted from Sulinsk sponge iron. The experimeiitnl LeatG Werkil carried out under normal pressure and a vacuo of 0.5 - 1 nm and 1.10 -4 iam. The composition of steel I%- C 0.14-0.21; Si 0.17-0-37; Lin 0.25-0.55; P, S `9 0.80-1.2.0; Cr 1.35-1.65; TTi 4. 00-4. 5CP;,6. The E;as c;:,xituent of metal. from experimental heats in east (nominator) Rxid forl!;od ~denominator) state - Table 5; the amount of non-metallic iiaclusion,: - Table 6; mean indices of mechanical prfj):),.-!rt:Lvb, of lont.;it-iidinal specimens from the experimental heats - Table It iS con- cluded: 1) That vacut;un meltIng of 18KhJ1rA i.-,I;f.el C: I., P, a 13 a s the conten-1-i of nitrogen ana oxyU?en in. st-!,~el: a) '--leats ir-3de at a vacuo of 10-4 rm contained' ma_ny timeG less nitroc.-en (0.0020 - 0-0050~16) than heats made under normal prv.,~_-ure (0.0C20 - 0. 0 10rio) the influence of the depth of vacuo on. nitrogen . C~ content was riot detec.ted; b) the content of oxy(~,en in vacuo Uard3/1+ SOV/ L;! 7 - *" -,)- - 15/-73 The Influeace of Vacuum MeltIng Dn the quality :).f Steel heats at a DreSU_1.rD Of 10- 2 Lfm WaG On 5 Unier, ginaller ~0.0010 - 0.00285~) tha~n in metal from heats a, under norr-al pressui-3 U.01,40%); furthi: .)r decrea~,,c of' Presaure to 7 10_~ - -.0 ~je lead to a fUrther decrelt , iri the oxy(,e:n content ~,,:,p to C).000-' 2) Metal fror va,*u.(,, heats~ contained ies~; ".)f lncluslo:as ~0.0012 - 0,00~i&%,,) tha.- the usual h~~at,s friii, i-ndustrial arc furnaces (0.0168 - U.02817i) and posE;eSsed. hi~-Iipr values for relative elon,5at.--orl (approxiLiqlUely by 4Q!v) ~:nid strerit;th ~by ICJ-;/cIr.-, ). There are 3 f iq- Ira's, 7 tables and 5 of which are Soviet, I Freach. aid I 2nC-Iish. ASSOCIATIOD: TsNIIChLI, Card 4/4 1. Vacuum furnaces--Effectiveness 2. Steel--Productlon 3. Steel.--Mechanical properties 18-5100 V/-J33-59-10--(A//..)9 0 AUTHORS: Gure"',.'h, Ya. B., 2.,ijbko., A. M, TITLE., Concerning the Coefficient of Friction and Specific Pressure in llot-Roi'llng Under V~onjum PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 10, pp 929-193.1 (1)"'ISR) ABSTRACT: Initial tests concerned the determinatJon of the cocf- ficient of friction and resistance to deformation In hot-rolling under vacuum. The ~'.xpe_rimental part of the work was carried out by Rudenlio, V. A,, and Shanhicova, V. N. The coefficient of friction wa:~ ainalytica-l 'ly determined by the value of them for,,,,;ard. r3lip which loras, in turn, established by means of centf-Ir punch Inde-n- tations. Total prer3sure (P) was divl(led by tiii! surfarf, of the contact of the metal with (F) to Obtain tile resistance to deformation; i.e. , i3peclflc pressure = P/F. R;~search (:.-onducted by during rolling (p): radiographic method Zemskiy, 13. 1/. , nf' Contrai. Scion- ~ tifle Roneavch infit.1tuto o1 Mot1:111urgy Card 1/3 (TGNIIChM)) on carbori (11stribUtI01) Irl 1ron and nicl~ccl Concerning the Coefficiont of' Fr-10,1on and )-.[o-2 Prensure, in flot-Rol I.I.tirt, Tjndf-i, VI-!(_:uum IM, 12 4f v q - 0 Soo 105 floo 12/v V, 0 Firo-1060 12w TZWET AVORE r.I:_AtpeVfvA_ VC oc Fig Dev:ndenct,, of z,,p-clfll~ mIJ-11,'C ndo r 0 _; 11 vacuuml (a) 10 -- [ItIrl 14,> column atnfl (1)) lo-,- irm Iff.- co lumn and in (c) regular rolllni-~ on A. iron.; B, nlckel. as well as sulfur J-11 KhW-LYPe street'_' al'ter 41-stop heating at 1,1500 C and rrigular in,;; rf~ve,,Aled Card 2/3 an almost carbon-ft,ee -,ui,face of th(~ tuclk~11 speclmerl. 1 I IN I] 11111 iIIII:Ii il ill ~11111 Cori i,,i i Ing thi Cot I' V 1Jt I ,, utc :, 1of j.,L rid I'll., In Hot- Ro II und(.-I. Wi(~!- The cai,bon conceriti--at,lon jr,-Vadua.l lv 14 ni-_,a;1 (Ai-:,.a cif!j a1: rim d,~~ p t I 1.4 f 1: I's InItIa-t va.lue P 1' L the caftOrl COW:(2nt on '.:he on, e I' 0", t-, 1.1) lrl!,r,r IL iv~ I n 1 1- 1 ~:,t I ( ~. .- tIon of cal-bon should i-_duco ol' 1"1 '1,! 1 Q Cl )7 d U I- I n [7, VO 111 M" 2.1 has a gl,eutei, tih,~, quantity of' cai-bon which d-e,fomutlori clui-InC, i,o] 11n~,,. only pve1J.m_l_nar-y Lhu~y n I I Ow tt I:)." K"', IL ln,~, und", I, -U ~11 Is aceomoanIc2d by Inci-ea.,,ed of' 1'r2313t,ance `0 ch.2fain't Ll oil 011c. cf, !11.1(! dfmtiy, the lon of ,;(:m:e :.Ismrm~nta al~serv,nd :-It (,.jr)rj Cjjj~,,.L,,jjr jjIgj-j tepjp,~pLj' _ t c) n ud' a c, u u if" There ar,e 11 ASSOCIATION. Ct - tj 'U. va 1, SWJ if tt t, h. P,1[no 1, 1. 1~:l Iot, Metal lurry Ca r,d j/-3 ZUBKO, A.M., kand.f',, SPAX1,91AD Te&Z* ---------------- -- Methoa of quantitatively evalTMUTW the graphil-Azatioa of coke In blast furnaces. Frobl.netalloied.i fiz.Tret. no.6:372-377 '59. (Blant Jurnacet) (Colca) (MMI, 12:8) MffA.SHZV, A.V.; ZUBKO, A.M., Imnrl.fis.mat.rAWc; NIM1.101', V.Tm., Icand. f i z . ma t .-6a--Uv- , Effoct of vacivin swilting and pouring on propnrtiefl oi,' tho "tal and quality of the ingot. Probl.metalloved.i flit,met. no.6:169-lP,6 '59. (HIIIA V.--8) (Vacmim nntalbirgy) (Stmol ingotn-Testing) "dug ago. An 5--. 5 Z3'-EtAj 0 2 Ia, r d "'I t. 1 24:3 t "ELI JL* La- A U il.1 cim el 4- 43:1.ffi 11 Halt -ARA oil F v B aayj t,,.q nP - .0 9 ;,,,a v v illit ov 20 0 V4 i~ , 0 Ib au, he up 0 ,o'. wl 20264 5/.180p)1/000/()02/002/0l2 1A00A E073/E535 AUTHORS: Pavlov, I.M., Sigalov, Yu.M., Shelest, A,.Yo.v Zubko, A.M. and Gurevich, Ya.B,, (Hoscow) TITLE: Invesligat-i-" of the Process of Hot Rolling of Aluminium in Vacuum and in Air PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdolentye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 196.1, No.2, pp.64-67 TEXT: The influence on the friction coafficiont. of scale or an oxide film layer on the surface of a metal beinj; rolled has been the subject of numerous papers. However, no direct comparison was made of the ordinary process of' rolling aluminium in air and in vacuum. Such a romparative study will permit direc~t elucidation of the Influence of oxide films on the conditions of rolling. The authors investigated the power consumption, the speed and deforma- tion conditions and the friction coefficient chtrin,~., hot rolling of aluminium in vacuum and in air. The rolling was on TsNIIChermet laboratory vacuum equipment permitting heating, rolling and cooling of 15 x 20 mm, 200 mm long specimens in a vacuum down to lo-5 mm Hg. From a forged and annealed blank 150 J. 10 x 12 mm Card 1/,3 =2~564 Investigation of the Proceas,.. 5/180/61/000/002/002/012 E073/E515 specimens were cut. These were heated in a titbular electric furnace, The hooting temperature was maintniox~d ifitbin +150C, Rolling was at 400*C with reductions of 20 to 70% per pa";s. The diameter of the rolls was 85 nun, the rolli-ng speed 6.5 m/min. The rolls were of steel W)