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11 t, : z I I I I 1 1 1 5' V ~ . ~.. ii I E I mil ii. 1117 Yl 1111111111111 1" 11111111111, lil- 1! :; I i i i : 1 11 1 ~' , : ;.~ 1. ;, 11 1 zubchzuk.l-~f~v V. CLAD 1~ 011 ill f,,E uoi,j ga I loll i n I 'a b y t 11 c ~i .1 t I Cul Aill T i oll I f 11: A 0 CL A T11-1 vit "19. J-1 -1- Il 1~ 1, 1 1- fj:ij,j .~q !.v ot~ckl .... . ...... WUtWA d MUM* 41111tifell Of *3d4M 411 M* r"qVtW0 CC j%jqnW* esisils widjoit Korow. 4 Nel-ki a, (1932).-A of 67S iW~i wftb vatishle K40. C&O. AV),. IWN 11M IIJK16 omfvfts was studied. (1) Bed iviolts ate cktabed witli Clams whkb coat tnKilm Uvito a 00 and 101~: (2) Too Em pirogag d the illan raimns wN. 10a .00 visitkaLrdring (a) 7u firinsof item US04" beratAd ioll first it 1, -* .*6 Alld 1610" tMald the rod, (4) Tlm R" obodd be tmt*vm'q.3 slid 4,11) mols. Usa 0 (hernial and ctwm Mability of Slams W tommij &ad the dis,,,jvtn# tit pvt(mm btt%q .00 so gisses prevemed The SO must trit be Iciemmcd ov" 4.20 mals, to os"m westsimi, in, -1 Iq 0 0 finc&~irtil avil loviciiac cof the luirtcr. (5) The A601 sbould not te hichar Own (13.. 0.3 0 ptewnt Emwew Its dri.V temp. of the (tit and dxnt~ (4) Tha V40 t1tvad zoo 14' up W 0 6 nW6 , it 11WIVAW. tho lubtl4lity and iWit"its titef-Io- W SKI. (1) 11441 ina~-&Wx the t6aftity of the ffit. wul LNIttlagOt 01 Wit at it Call 1W IN14-alml by X410. J ,JU!j ttLAJD 0 5- 4)-M rnot,,~ tL) pftvrtit jlICttjA,,$j III tho: tallp roe (a) The CALU shooM mA I, hir (d *A(vulng of OW 61444 am w4riflicacialt In tkt prew"ce (A Wo, (0) 11604 i0aff4mr.-I be fu4ji,ility of tile Ctut jito Improves dat JultUr and Imaspoinficv. Not hiss thion(L7- zt*o 1*0 A-I 1,0 pRA, %floWd be tkwd althco4j, It dissulyvs the un4i;vs6w ix&Ai if tljs- $40t cticitenk COO is low (tip tit 3 M, Y, K(,Vgxltllv Ste its tee c: 1i,3- &MOIL", o7,-;-~ ;7~i 1; 4 i I Z_ 'IV II. -I- I - 1 15- 11 As . I Ii , , ri , ; ", tP at at a it 011 a It It 1) n 1 x4k o1! 4000 00 0 0 0 01 . 4 fie 0 0 4 6 c 0 4 i0 000 0 0 0: 000 a0 e 9 0 0 0 e is * 0 0 4 0 640$ 0 es isof 0 0 oil ogt ow 1111so sea 090 002 0 low 06. 90. vail tic? a _04 If A o br -PD L 41-t I clo Et His is It 0 IS It W_ 4L A- f~w tag V WNSRA 102 1341 C.1-41--The Kulsfiturrit vhy% clm~An NJ to W,"~ kAQajtc n1jd with sa,141 1p,jilIg. A~mfrrrouq incluwmit mvitt in tite r,.4w cj4V fmh~rmd diTjV jjxA# m, Iliv, firt-d body. TIw k7la Is flight T p1ww Drylq shrinkap is Oxmi Th% 4,Uv arv oujuh1v for nianuf4cuirl"S full-"I quila-aln"tinA btk-k t~:4111.~rkl 63 to 75'r';, *401 a nil 32 to 113'j~ A too;. I1wawrhf,At4:M tv added to im-f%vw mtvNilivill OrrI14111 etcaco (I tv 0 a at a of U ft a ef ic a IV 49 a too 00000 see *g C. 041 ev 00 q 00 51 _1_4 t 41 -40 000m 0 0 It 00 im"I"i I I.I. 0 go 0to ZUBCHANINOV, V. P.t ED. 1he manufacture of glazed pottery Goskhimtekhizdst, Leningrads.roe otdolenie, 1933. 135 T p. Uchebnye posobiia po tekhminimumu 43-20?90 TF8V7- D65 1933 1. Pottery. 1. Zubchaninovo V. P., ed. 4Ji 7777, 1=1 -cr 6 .9 Odh 0 10 0 41, 41! ti, V CLU jt I it 0 1 :` , ji Xubduminov. V. P. CLAWFICAV111.4 00 0.~V jj~:A MA- 1H-Z(J9J4)- --A f4aitv bta.1d got ard (OST -da"ific4t~)n of day rAw jt%itl!jjpnj~ f,w the (Tnikilic indubtry." wall itiffollm-Ld Aug. 1. 11413 The 1.11, k clamilt"I mXWdins to (I I Ifff'u-I'mickv. ImIlwl.'ry. !,)w City IMIffilaX (V lwtWtICV of im.1miril 4. t 3)'.1MMi1lA I-fltVUt 10 flrTd 01114116-1 thi4h IMANC, Nllil% ~tr? i-add acki) mt ,f - (4) t i i bi di on e ~ . . c f n , fic. g p tr ( n-njAA.xw, m'x~hke, -1 (5) tytr 'q C.XXI. Ina- :0- factuml. w a 4 0 q tg Cc Lc 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (D F cell It 11 K It It! It it 6 w Ii 0 0 00 Q. 0 0 up 41 0 0 0 0 al 040 4)00 0 4) a 0 at 41 a a 0 a a III, III W-W W-W W- w W-W W-W W- W- v w t 11 It At v a [4 11 0 a go (A j iif -.-u iwom , . . 64? 1 .. t"I tt 4.0 .. . I so of - 1-00 00 00 M' 00 2, s SU z I f&IMCG wale. V- Zr cull tic 'kid. .00 a 10, N- hug- dRin O-U, 4- i c1I r% it ID 11JO a fit ct;;.I-q u Ihr OW" ( i .00 V~m n W min. liewl. j-t,,,,1junn, u1 tb 11 id with a bigis W. 91 w V. 'c. in a its .69 0o . (A the wan Ykjas tit) rtsil Iss j 00 o 0 !, coo 0 00 1&* 0 00 400 o0 so t 00 0 - - - - 00 1 - az i;Js A i 1 l . -~.w-;;-, -t % it AT 10 All, It 99 off of (T It It it K 0 0, 6 0 0 0 4 0 000 111 a 0 AML so A* 0 0r. 0 00 0 41 0 0 odo III I it it im a 3 0 4) 4 a 4141 606 0 0 0 a 0 o 14 0o a 0 00 0 * o *a o 4) * o o 0 co 0 0 0 40 0 0 41 0 0 4141 0 of 0 a 0 4 41 IF a p 4 a a 41a r A IR-P 2 A'' f-L A '10,foi . -- [ Fiat sbtsewtM =W44 Ilat 1labW waft. P, ~Jqxfmow- .00 Nilt I %i&). N1 V. It'"IduWT .00 too 00 jJ not 00 00 18 41 to '!,go i'90 so ,Sot -' I ..... .... . U &T 'a fORK Ica W11 Is el it m t n K ( dig 0 00 0:0 0 0 0 a 6 a 0 0 0 0 06 a V 4104104061,40 4) (00410*4 0 w-m--'O74- 405 UUMM12- - 7LOT L A X L t ii. . ..... d ftt"houft. V. P. zuNimijimpir "d Z. 1. Uhalismill. U16 d scilivctoO bmtmUft mnil dit. 1110 11cma. al a . miatireshbN tm,h fts =V..~Zittrfa, #4c., hugw*M du ftfIsAlity bliAl out 91twh - It"Stv. M. V.. Kom vildr.. LA &4TM"r.XA& LIT1111,1111,99 4 Tit" -0 0 a top&* Via ads ac "Crel 14 ff AU3 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 111 41 0 a 0 0 Go to : 0 0 0 0 0 41, 0 4, 40 0 * 0 a ...... ...... ...... -- - --- I No-- t4" tit An a I 1 41 '1 V 44 1 do c 0 (v 4) 41 (1 0 0 6604) SO 0 6 6 0 a lb 4 41 0 0 0 W, 0 at -f, a 41 coo moo too too e7. 4, j as 11", to lim'. Zj:lpc%"TrAuv frT. S. LimAx*VA. MOMA 1010 1" 1'rost . -T-Ah. 10101. I-st'N" 1040, No. 2, pip. .11, W. K4,.7i4 PlIfffrad. ZA-01, 4 131 93 .h,mqd that hm-twlike fam"luk liallasolq beillit.11114d at 1200" to VfQ tnwffftq fit the Affall tealptroffliv flum Illat comMimly Owd (qTff O(W) Is olitab"A N# all cludifffin "Uwb~At~, AM a mixturr rA GkIsVers (ok-totilm aM ptagliw5ow) RAW (45.1vathic KISM4 ma Lw vwd (cw pgx%rwo. lkitrwr. an.] *t"wwarr. M.1141, qp"*-* A- AI rf"Istill and U691440, 1'. 1'. ZONIIA111"IT ond L. It. %,rmW%*W 0., M MIMI. 11V dil'Pvvltqp*W m) she sm1m,-ir 4 Ow stAw. thir W. I h W i 0 e ts t 11%ity of UWA dipmils im the natime II h. di4*wskid. 4M like ditrol1itvik lititt inktoAly n1l the thirittild '-06 CIL04*4140, wqI &I"lo%1 III 41vitislikoffet Atitts wee 12s; whibr 'astimialf c6dag" c"1811"vir Wt. ~ 61-ijus! to) thamor 1-11104. SAOt III tbo f(win at 1411tifix. -w:h t i f l so Aw' lum c utI 4wats mAti. dawt-ldut "til, quutjg 09 J bi; (Othimr-trifti,if "0*0 r maw. All the tuatedolm tit paut, 4) Itawt Ilw witr 1 W-1, wee avirs, sif rhmav,; wwrl Im thr ivoin, om. 14VC OfUl 111 CMIFT C011101"It law4tut td 014 MlItfill dtw 4%. 4,00 00 u, w4irh nok" thr body timKii ' l u" f i i l r Igoo 0 traft)- or"14- l ) low 1W au, f l t ng. mu f fits cmt filt t t F k I i t ompti. uv m g, s on 4 600 :w. hirisak mom. ""Italum t,xv much virst"N it. w0 t; r - o u vk IT 't; Ii t T 4 0,9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 a 0 0 re SAL'Ka, Semen Illich; LIMM,D.I.. ratmencent; ZOGIVNINCIfAr.T tdenvont; FEYVIA1111,I.I.. rot-jenzent; IN- red.; MIAPABXOTA.T.A.. tekhnaeil. Manning and doisirlp of flqx-spinning fact.0--tes] P):*oaktiro- vanie 11noprivdilloy1ch fabrik. Pod red. D.I.Liboritotia. No- slcva, Izd-vo nauchno-teklm.lit~ry IISFSR. 191A, )1-5 n.. (14W. 14: 4-) (Fl.nx) (Taxtile ftictories) ZUBC-HAIIPqV)__ V.Y.I_ kznd. ekomomicheakikh m0c DateminIng the degree of productiom mealianitwAlcin 1-n tho tartile industry. Vbkh.i arton.proirr, 3.7 rio,ltM-5.L Ja 1611. DITRA 1622) (TawUle industry) ZUECHAVIF ASTROV, ON.; VOLKOVA, O.D.; MENKOIF, Yu.Y.; SAMBUFROVA, I.V.; SAFRMCXA, L.I.; aRMIGINA, rj.G.; RADUSHINSKIY, L.A., kand. teklui.rauk, rotsenzam~qTILUS, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk~ red.; POTUMOVA, G.N., red. izd- va; DEVKMA, N.F., tekbn. red. (Economic efficiency of the autoration of Production proces- sea in the textile induotry]EXonomicheskaia ef;ra~ti~rnostl av- tomatizataii proizvodstvennykh proteensov takitilinal pro- rqohlennosti. (By) ZuInhaninovq V.V., i dr. Mookya, 1t'ash["-izp 1962. 198 p. 04M :15:11) (Textile indu5try-Costs) (Automation) U111HIT T! f! ZUBCIUNIMOV, V.V., kand.ekonom.nauk Technical andeconomic characteristics of over-all nechanization and automation in the textile industry. avtm, 14 no-8:23- 27 Ag 16o. ~ (HM 1318) (Textile machinery--Technological Innovations) (Aiatomtion) ZUBCRAIIINOV, V.V. Basic trends of the over-all mechanization a nd sutotufloloation in the textile industry. Tekst. pron. 19 no.'1-13-12 JI 159. oan 12:11) (Textile machinery) (Autowtic o-ontrol) ZUBCHANINOV V.V. Trends in the over-all mechanization and automatiaation of the textile induntry. Tokst. prom. 19 no.6:10-.15 Je '59. OCIRA 12: 9) (Textile industry) (Automatic control) ZUBOMINOV, V.T. Greater efforts to modernize textile equipnent, Tqkst,prom. 18 no.12:13-16 D 158. (MMA 11:12) (Textile mmabinery) ZUBCHANINOV V.T. ~,- ~-- Use of large spinning packages In the capitallot countries' cotton Industries. Takst. prom. 17 no.3:30-34 Mr '57. (KM 10-4) (cotton SPInnIng) z as Ua &L. V1. V- ~; - Applying progressive practices used abroad, Tokst. prom. 16 no.13: 60-62 Ag '56. (MMA 1,4110) (United States--Textile Industry) ZUBCWINOY.jIjtd Mh-.-POLTAir: T.B,. kantlidat takhnichealcikh k4kndidat ~ekhmlchesklkh mank, retsanxent; GLAZOV, Ya.I., redaktor; LTX=T, O.Te., rediaktor; DHITRITNVA, V.I., tekbuichesk-ly redaktor. rTechnical and economic analysis of present-dmy trends in developing cotton spinning and cotton weaving equipment in capitalist couztlriesi Takhniko-ekonomichaskil analis sovremennykh nitpravletnii Y ra-mvitii khlopkoprindillnogo i khlopkotkatakogo oborudovaniia v kapitalisti- chaskikh stranakh. Pod red. IA.I.Glazova. Kosirva, Gos.nnuchno- tokhn.ixd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyebl., 1957. 142 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Spinning machinery) (Looms) ILOYENKO9 A.I.; ZUDCWIIIOVA,, YO.V. Year-round obawryations of labeled red-backed bank volea and wood mice in the Moo-cow region. Zool. zhur. 42 no.030-617 163. (141RA 16L7) 1. Institute of Biological Phyvicsp Acaderq of Scienoea of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Moscow region--Field mice) ZUBCHANINOVA, Ye.v. Geographical variability of chipmunks (Eutamirts sibiricus Lzum,.) in the U.S.S.R. Nauch.dokl.vys.,-,hkoly; biol.nauki. no.41:41-45 162. (HIRA 15:101 1, Rekomendovana Zoologicheskim mizeyem Mcskovzkogo ;;osuf3arstv,!~n- nogo universiteta in. M.Lovionosova. (CHIPMUNKS) ZUBCHEUKO,A.A. -I'-"- - Potato aeadproduction on collective farms in nreas supplving raw materials to alcohol plants in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Tmc~T VHIISP no.4:85-93 154. (ICIM 8: 12) (Mcrains-Sead potatoes) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Potatoes. VeGetabless Melons. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - DWI-, No 7, 1958., 29782 Author Zubchanko, A.A. Inst Title CleaninC; Variety Plantings. Orig Pub Kartofell, 1957, No 3: 47-49 Abstract Carefully examininG the problems involved in clenninG alit potato variety plantinGs, the author perticularly in(lica- tee the need of cleaninG at three periods. Card 1/1 8 ZUBCIIE-NY,Ot AS. Use of corbitolfor the improwmant of the' tat-Imo2evigical properties of sweetmeat. Izv.vys.ucheb z&-v.;plahch.0,ekh. 1j40-44 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moskovnkiy taklinologlahenkiy inatitut piahchevely pram~- shlennostil Kafedra %ortditerskogo i inalmromi.-ago 1:roizvolstra.. (ConfectLcnery) ZUBCHZIMD, A.V.; SOMDWVSKIY A.L. Effect of oubstances added to the sugar sirup ion tivo -ate of cxjratalli- zation of sucrose. Izv,vyooucliebozavi;pielich.toich., -no.4:56-60. (MIRA 13: 1-1) 1. Moskavskiy tokhaologicheaki7 institut piahalievoy promyshlemmati.. Kafedra tekhnologli, konditerskogo i makaxonnollo proizvodetva. (Sirups) (sucrose) (Cryatallization) ZUBCHENKO, A. V" Cand. Tech. 6ci. (diss) "InvejjUgatior-, of Process of Cj%j,s1,q].Jjzjtjor-. -5[joj.()-SFJ' LIII(hil' OIC PaInadii "10313071-71 1061, 20 pp. (Moscov,-I 01, onal Production,11 11 Econoffly) 15-0 coples (KL. Supp 12-31, 2,67) -I D- - CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. D Hydrochemistry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, ao. 8, 1957, 26581. Author : Zub~enko, D. Inst. : Title : Chemical Alteration of Water in Reservoir on The Dyji River near Vranova City. Orig Pub : Vodni hospoda/r"stvi"1 1956, No. 2, 51 - 544 Abstract : Po abstract Card 1/1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, ITO. 81 19579 26575. Author Zub%c'enko,..D. Inst Title Rain Water. Orig Pub Voda, 1956, 35, 'I'llo. 2, 59 - 61. Abstract Ho abstract. Card 1/1 * * 0 11111-0-11111 41111-0-6-1111 * 0 a o III, * 0 o a a L 00 ClUki"11 'It I rMA king A 11m. lj~'tj' 11 t ~Uu 0 of A f (1141 ull'itr A (I's0mg. ILS 1- ' . 0 0 'c 0 if Ill the J'a I.W. -,,I A 141, 00 00 so * 4p ole 44 So 00 K (V If 4p 4 0 0 0 0o0 0 q q a r ZUBGHZNKO., L.. makhanik. Covering between the bar and loader of cutter-loaders, K&at.u;Io 6 no.1:19-20 Ja '57. ~MMA 10:4) 1. Uchastok shakhty no.17-17-bis trasta Rix tchemkovxigol (Coal mining machinery) NOSOV, M.P.; WFOIENK 0, L.V. Effect of twist on the ru3ch&nicn1 propertins or capron cord. tauch. i rez. 22 no.5:30-35 My 163. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Kiyovskiy filial Vac3saytivnogo ii,,Aiirkiric>.-Ii;tilotl,)vatollskogo inatituta Inkusstvannogo volokna. (Tire fabrice-Teoting) -j7 It'll 1:1111", IJ!", li Ire 1-66 1 AP6003112q6 tii 114' I'll 11"11l, 11,1~1! 1,;jfljJ 11, 11, .11, f,li~I 9(3) AT TT 1-1 OR 3 TITLE F~J`R!(DDICAL: 'BSTP-ICT: C,jrd 1/1 Zubcl'lenkc, li.G. and L.A. X7'f;-'e`t.,iod of an C'iscade 1,1i"il Reson,!nce Lc-dip-C. '13~lj lle !Onn I 4 Class .1, 11,51'. T 1 - (D '.r. i 1. 7, od t e rf ere nc es c al,i ed' e i in 7),l t, t" n a f t n oscillation c i I, c L - i tby ,tie ,ild of a Crystal diode- C, t'hE- Tiw, of varies untcler tk~-, eil.'fact of the Call- urol voltn,'--e. LUIL --ii-n-ii'i r-n ni-mmml r- i irrr 1"" ZUBCHMO, N.G. DeBign of a vacunm-tube limiter for IM recelvarn. glektrosviazi 14 no.6;68-70 Je 16o. 04IRA 13: 7) (Radio frequency modulation-Receivers and reception) VNIH11,41-11111 111 1. i ZUBCHE14KOY N.G. Comparative evaluation of tho fluctilatiol'al XV4,11o X,11,1410tion of FM and single-band modulation rocelvers. Eloktrosvlaiil 15 noo71 71-72 J1 161, (14M IA.- 6) (Radio-Reoeivers and reception) (Rw1io-intarl"erence) M MCFEMKO, P., starshina sv(trkhsro(,*noy slu?hby Accuracy did not come rivFt a-way. St.arsb,serrln. no.7:2r-21 ii 161. (KIRA 14: 9) (Tanks (Militar-j science)) ii 7111'11~"Flfl FFIII I 1 -.111 1 ill I d1lifli 11-1: 11 RUSHKOVSKrY, T.V.; yy notr.; NXIII91YO, T.S.) ~11-! -ME'Ll-P, I - , n au c hm mauchl]5-f --otr.; YA~11-10LEIGM, I.M., nnmchn. sDtr.; 1MMENITCH, Te.5op nauchn. iotr.; ZAFOLISKAYA, V.A., muchn. cotr.; V:(F,'I(:,':',OT, YO-P-, nauchn. sotr.; RYI-LLICENRO, II.S., agronom; BUSUMTO, I.T., agronom; SAZONOV, V.V., red.; 13VINIA, L.G., tekhn. red. (Sugar beat in Siberia] Sakharmia 5vekla v Sibiri, Voiflvvat lzd-vo ~~-va 1960. 206 p. (MUIA 15: 1) 1. Glavnyy agronor, po sakYArnoy nvul-k1a Altayalcogci kr*'I~llvojvO uprav- loniya sollolcogo kha2yuyotva (for ,!. 11V, ikiiyft opytno--r:,-IelAt,ionnayn stnntniya po Tnkhnrnoy nv403-f-) (for Zul>,-hanlop P.I.~ Zubcher~m, T.5., Tan-,'.oleN~o, Vrzheslich, Zapollskaya, Viktorov). (Siberia-Sugar bpats) 11111 111,11 MIN! 111111) 11 H[;ll 1: -,111* 11 RUSIIKOVSKIY, T.V. ; MEMMIKO, F.I., nauchny-y sotr.; nauchrV-.r sotr.; YA~'u.'OLENKO, I.M., nauchn. HZ.:iMU'1'CF, le.S., nauchn. ootr.; ZAPOLISMAY V.A,, nauchn. cotr.; '1111CICEOV, Ye.P., naucIm. sotr.; EMU= IKO, V.S., agronon; BUSLENW, I.T., agronom; SAZOI;OV, V.V... rod.; LEMA, L.G., takhn. md. (Sugar boat in Siberia) SakharmAJa svokla v Sibirl., Moakva, Izd-vo M-va voll.khoz.iLSM$ 1960o 206 p. (RDIA 15:1) 1. Glavw,,y agrzonom po nakharnoy svokle Altay.91coly .,o Imiyavogo uprav- 1GnIya sollskogo khozyaystva (for lituililcovskiy). 2, Dlynkaya opytno-,gelektsionnaya strintoiya po waharnoy ovokle (far Zubchenko.. P.I., Zubchenko, T.S., Yarv,.olar~lco, Vrzheshch, Zar_,:d'skT2-a., Viktorov). (Siberia--Sugar beets) ZUBCHFNKO, V.V.., inzh.; SAVINSKY, V.I., in?.h. Mass electrification of* r;d')rrj,-,d.'1 ill all electrification of the country. Ap '62. (R.Ufroads--Flectrif 41" import."unt, :1-ink ill th", wl~lr-- Zhed.dor,tv~,nsp. 44 no. 4: 13 ~1 (MIRA 3-5:4) ti FIRSANOV, Nikolay Nikolayevlch; SIGAYEV, A.F.; GONCHUKOV, V.S.; CHESNOKOVA, N.G.., insh., retsenzent; ZUBCI-ZIIKO, V.V.j, inrh,, red.; USENKO, L.A., Uithn. red. (Lighting of railroad stations) Osveshchenic zhelezziodorozh- nykh stantaii. Moskva, Tranozheldorizdat, 1963. 185 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Railroads-Stations) (Railroads-Electric equipment) I i1w; i 11111' hill 11 liil' ilil. 1~ I'll Ii I -IiI I* VOLOBRINSKIY, Sergey Davidovich, krnd. tf-.-,'-,hn. muk; HUMICIA117SET, Mikbail Vasillyevich) Rand. takhn. nauk, dots.; Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof.; KOUSOV, D.S.0 retsenzent; 11.Y.S11KOVSKrf, I.Ya., kard. teldiz. nitaik, rolsoment; NECHAYEV, N.A., Rand. toldm. riauk, retsonz,ont; ZASLAUXTY, 'V.1., inzh., retsenzent; ZUj3CJ11a"-KO, V.V, inzh., ivd.; *V11T)WA, M.A., red. I (Electrica.1 networks and power fqstema]Elektricbe~v~ie voti i energosiatemy. Moolva, Tranazheldorizdat, 196P. ~13 1). (Electric lines) (141RA 15: 10) (Electric power distribution) DVINSKIY, E.; ZUBGRENKOV P.; 110DIONOV, Yu., red. lj,- [Moacow- a plwtoalbuml MoAva; fotoallborr, Mookira, Ifook. 9 rabochii, 1963. 1 V. (Moscow--Views) (HIRA 16:7) zr.vf,"','IKOvj V.D., (CaWidaWta of VOxtrituAry "Treatmont and Frop!7.1ado of IrTsctioru atro,:hic, Vetalrinariya, Vol 39 no 1.1 Jan 1962. pp hl I EF, fIT USSR/Parm An!.::n1s - 11rx'my I3C(-,t 1,bs Jour BLA., Author Inst Tit1Q t :,ppli.catimi of t, 'CLc Olttru6tao PU'L Orif_- : PchA-vI-Cstvo~ 195a,, 1L, 46-50- AbGtract ; Tlic!Qr libwatory ai',d ru,.!ults wore achicvcd y o. -j ;-,c(,-tic ncid or t"Elt LC'1- iliclucic ;1 01, lugiv nytu,., of of T;., IC'-L c ~Ionics 1.1.1 it I., r' L Lhuir tht~~ thuy bu fca vii,*-.1 iiMit;L-ams al' Vill~, Car(I ipa Ail ZUBCHENKOV, V. I. ZUBCHENKOV, V. I. -Tomparative Pharmacological Investigatiom of Cortain Adrenomimetic Subctances on Horses." *(Dissertations For Derreed In Science And Engineering Defeiided At U-,SR, Higher Edufwtioiial Instituttons). (34). Leningrad Veterinary Inst of' the Min 111gher Educatton USSR, Leningrad, 1955 SO: KnizhnayA Letopial No. 34, 20 August 1955 * For 'he D-,gree of CandUAe in Veterinary .13iencez OWN."My, S.I.: ZUMHM~Oh' V.10 Now method for graphic regIstration of artorial-pretoure in horses in a continunus experinent without aneirthosia. Tiziol. zhar. 41 no.5:695-697 S-0 155. 017-ItA 111,10 1. Kaffidra farmakologit Instituta unovorshenstvoranlya vot- vrachey.Leningrad. (BWOD PRESSURE, determination, graphic registration of arterial pronsure in horse in continuous exper. witbout aneath.) YEGOROVAI V.D, , kund.voterlnaru~;in nalfkj 7"1" , 1u I'l],V(l 1: nauk Treatment and pre"nt-~on of lxifectioua atrolihic rhi:nltis. Veterinarila 39 no.1:41-42 Ja ~62-, OMI 15:2) 1. Smolenrkaya nauchno-issledavatellskaya v2terinaniaya staritsiya. (Swinc--Dii3cases raid pesta) ZUBGHBN"rlo, V.V.;-PARTSOVSK1Y, L-M- Economy In electric power consumption is a moilt Inportant objective of the state. Zhel.dor. transo . 42 no.5:8-14 MV 16o. (141RA 13:8) 1. Nachallnik otdala Glavnogo upr,,v1ttn1ya olo1,tr1ft1i:,ktni1 I anargelichaskogo khozynyotva Hininkoretvix putoy sonbifflirhentya (f or Zubchanko). 2. Zameatttell *bivnogo in!,hi~--nara Glavnogo upravlenlya elaktrifikatisii i energeticher0cogo ;chozyaystvi Ministerstva Pute7 soobahcheniya (for Pertzovtildy). (Electric railro-As) (Ratl-roaJo-Electric equipment) '1111111 :; NNI MflIM111hN fit, ZUBCHENOK, 14.P* Utilize the meanri of' auumation ma-re afhlotivaly. T$ement 29 no.423 J1-Ag 16~. (MIM 16-11) 1. Novorosgiprotsement, ;v . .t . (I i '. U-P ~ 1A L V C; K I ~) - SHASHKIN, A.~-~R)T-K74"- 01 -'PZ Fastening hoops without rivets. Moloch, prom. 18 n0-4:39-40 157'. (NUU io,4) , 1. Smelyanskiy molochnokonservnyy sayod. (Coopers and cooperage) GROZOVSKIT, Timofey Samoylovich; HAISMDIN, Boris Nikolayevich; ZUBCHIK, B.Te., red.; DONSKATA, G.D.,; GALAKTIONOTA, Is *I%-$- - ter khfi. iis d. (The *Hoekvich-070 automobile; operation, wintenance, and repair] Aytomobill "Hoskvich-4070; upravlenie, obalazhivanie i remont. Moskva, JFauchno-tekhxi.Izd-vo If,--va avtomobillnogo tranaporta i shosasinykh dorog =SR. 1960. 286 p. (Automobiles) (MIRA 1):7) VY AUTHOR: Zubchik, V. D., SE z i,,,, i n e e r 67 9n 20 TI TLE: "IFE-Stationary Oxy,-;eri-,1itroken Pl~Lnt EIU-7)3~-17 1kJ-,.,,1arodno-a,,,otnaya ustanovki- PZRIODICAL: Kislorod, 1911,6, 1., p-p. 1.6-2~i (USSR) --BS'2RACT: The above plant wao by th-~~ All Unit~n Scientific Research ln~-titutQ for tiv, DerArn of Oxygen 11tici-Lines an(i constructed at 'he ;~ -F or Oxyfen Vachine. Construction in Sverdlovsk. T'!~is a:)!~,-,ratus vill be produced in. series for the apjiiCation in wor'cs i',-L'th mode-rate Lise of oxyCen (up to 17 m/h of oxycen or 15 1/h of liquid riitr,-)(-,en). It is to replace the hithorto used outdated apparatuses CK-05 and CK-12. The nev a;~-,ltr-.tus shows the followinjE7 advantages: 1) a,-,plication of' ,iir friction,qtinj, apparatuses with double rectificatioi,; 2~ the L-aoificator .;-- ral,-laced by a pi;mp for liouid oxygen; 1~ chemical air dryini, is by mdsorption of moisture; 7 4) introduction of t-wo di~oarlhonizatcxrz connecLed with each other. In the c~.apter: T(-,chnolo,ioal S(-,h~~me -)J' the Apparatus, Card 112 its function io d;~,ncrilbcd. Foilo-,~iinj-,-, tlie parto of the The Stationary OxyGen-lfitroCen Plant SKADG-17 67-1-2/20 app,aratun are du~-,criboo irl Ofat,ail b~y moans of the given fiGureo. It is zoncliidud th~_A, although this apparatus cor,tv, more thmn thi3 fori,..o_,, on(-Z, the dillferetice of price amortizes withi-n 6 montl'i::i of c~eration. The apparatus can be easily mounted, it i,,j ri,.,liablt? and therefore it is presumed that it will be uzed. There are 15 fiEures, and 2 '.ablei. AVAILABLE: Library of ConCress 1. Industry-USSR 2. Czygen machines-Design 3. Ouxygen machines- Characteristics Card 212 --ZUBOIXj-N~---- School of management, 16'TO 4 no,5:38 Ky 162~ (WrIA 15.o) 1. Chlen bpiro saktsR ekonctniki Volgrogradolcogo prilmleniya Nauchno-tekhnichaskogo cbshchestva sellakogo '