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ZUBAREV, R. P. Cend Med Sci - (diss) "Surgical treatment of valvular steriosis of the pulmonary artery by way of trans-g.,)r.Aric p0monary valvul o tofay. "Moscow, 1961. 9 pp; (Ministry of i"ublic Health RSFSR, Moscow Med StOmItoJOP,'_JC8l Inst); 250 copies; Price 'lot given; (KL, ?-61 sup, 259) BRUZOV, Yu.Ye., doktor med.nailk; BUKHARIN, V.A.; ZIM&M, R.P. Second seanion of the Institute of Thoracic -Dargery of the Acader.q of Medicine of the U.3,5,Rs Sov.nO&. 23 no.6:147-151 JO '59. (mim 12: 9) (CllHST--=tGlV) it BAKULEV, A.N.; KOLESNIKOV, S.A.; DUYJMR3V,V.A.; ZI)IMP.,voit.r. First report on the clinic4l use of a large vaxosutural apparatus for carrying out a cava-pidmonary anastomosis in tetralogy of Fallot. Grud.khir. 2 no.2: 3-6 Kr-Ap 160. (14IRA 16:7) 1. Iz Institute grudnoy khirurgii A1,21 SSSR ( A.A.Busalov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A.1T.Bakulev). Adrma avtorov-. Moskva, Laninakly promp., d.8.. Institut grmimjy khirurgii A141 SM. (PUMONARY ARTERY-SURGM) (VENA ZAV"URM- 01) (SURGICAL INSAUMMS AND APPARATUS) (TETRAW.'Y'OF FALIM) BAKLUV, A.11,; HYMEMP, S.V,; SAVELIEV, V.S.; BLV.rC'V, 11.1%,- R.?,; '110111ROV) B.D.; KOSTE,141M., L.~;4; VL--OIZICV~ 1W."U.11 Now method, for ixtracorporeal blood circulation. Grud. khir. 2 no-4:3-5 J].~Ilg 160. (MUL, 15:6) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetakoy khirurgii imeni Spasokukotskogo (dir. - akademik A.U. Bakulev) 11 Moskovakogo medi.tasinskogo instituta imemi N.I. Pirogova. Adres Pvtorav; MoskTa, Leninalciy prosp.,d.8, lizUtut grudnoy U-irurgii. (~,ILOOD--CIRCUIATION, ARTIFICIAL) SAVBLI UV, V.S.,; ZUBh3XV, 11-P- Diagnosis of valmlar atenouis of the pulmonary artery. Xhirurglia 35 no.6:118-12) Je 159. (MIRA 1-2:8) 1. Iz falmlltetskoy khlrurgicheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof.A.N. Balciaev) II Hookovskogo meditainskogo institixta ite.N.I.Pirogova i Inotituta grudnoy khirurgii A14M SSSR (dir. - prof.A.A-Busalov). (Almmu's, PTrLHcdbkRY, St"nnals valvular stenosis, diag. methods (Rixa)) BAKULEV, A.N.; ZUBAWV._jR.P. _ Indications for pi~monary valvotomy. Grud. kkir. 2 no.5tW-16 a-0 160,, (KUU 16'1'5) 1. Ix kafedry fakulltatakoy khirurgii imeni S.I.Spm9dkukctskoga (dir. - akademik.A.N.Bakulev) II Moskovskogo usnditsinakogo instituts. imeni N.I.Pirogo'va (dir. - doteent M.G.Sirotkinmi) I InstitiAta grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Koleanikov) AMN 83SR. Ailres avtoroy: Moskva, V,49, Leninakiy prospekt, 8, Institut grudmoy khirurgli AMN SSSR. (PULMONARY STENOSIS) (HEART-SURGERY) NECHMEN) Mikhail Aleksandrovich. Prinimal uchastiye MITROTANOV, I.A.0, in2h.; ZUBAREV, S.A., rettionzent; LEVE, retrxenzent; SIGAL, I.Ya., retsenzeng; KOLYADA, I.A., xvUeazent; STOLPM) Ye.B.p naucbnyy red.; FEDOTOVA, M.I., ved. red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., telft. red, (Safety measures in the transportation, distAbution, and use of gas fuel] Tekhnika bezopasnosti pri tranapr~rtirovke, ras- predelenii i ispolizovanii gazovogo topliva. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Leningrad, Goatoptekhizdatp 1962. 2x,19 p. (KRA 15:4) (Gas as fuel-Safety neasures) SIIABANOV, AJI., prof.~ red.; ZUMREII, iZ.F.p red. (Medical manual for feldshers] Meditsinskii jipravoch- nik dlia felldsherov. Mojkva, Meditsina, 1965. 693 P. (MIRA 18:10) 0 q0 0 0 4 1) if A I r V Y A A 4 AA 44 1 o 14 &a At if .- - - _ . : 4 . V, -l"'O' 3114a T N, 71*Allf w or* . 06 rauj~,a *I Usn"d "MIX44 C"P ' wcq',Ilwii~.ikh 11 flu" fit (Itortz M wimmilt PAU% %k~W ' I tit, ~110 O-W 1931 ;rX2_11 -live iwr cow"$ SKN 74-16, S 0 14. CO(I (1:14, Mol I ' , Cu 19 1, , 00 n t -.06 . vuins. ch,,,j. c=9 f tm znd Al wul NA trAt" 00 PtA I MOs 13,95. CuN 2 M%, All 11 9- r l Oww"I tilm tbi4 art be ""j. %"'r~'4tAjjy y 900 00 :3 tt** __ ; I L A .9 ALLLffVCAL tfll*l?"l CLAIJOKAtioa Z. 0 WON* Al a it it a n 't 't 0 41 0 0 40 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 I of 0 it ifid "N1 1111 a AM:11111t III$ W is i mbAg is it v 0 4i it; v u-1 4-M . M PWAdOm Of 091dis4lid AMak Otte. L. Pil Aft-hi-fi _4110 andS.N.Z1 fi,v (pu Wifill, "I A% hy e0millil" flum utidixtif As iArif mulig, attisimfifir (Frlk 11ittlinilitary flit - 0 00 IIJ flit (A)MI1110141 111641 MIk1 ptil(J 11011HUM lItk' d(Iffilkill 0 00 a roults- Qumrta lit tiffmovely fkt-rowl lalth Nis ulksar and firlarch Irrafed with a cauittic alkali. 114-tt exAlo:im, asi, fatly mt,HN and No "Itul... Ft.0i'liff i, -00 181 SdAbus utsalloolit.. .4 pint, Iji. It N Pati&fl 049 ISO 00 -_#O 0 : ze 0 00 1 00 S roe j n if V - it 4 F u 1; 43 it yA t I I , fv TO q 0 6 0 0 0 0 o st 0 0 0 4 0 so 0 o roe 0 0,10 0 0 9 0 a 0 00 0 00 010 0 0 0 0 Otto 0 0600 0 * 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 ItI W 'A ~ I I. .. I .. I ~ .. - , I GPXLIADAIIT3IX, 1. 1., DMIYUCH, V. Q.. Manganese Ores Maf:netic separation of Limpness oros. Gor. zhur. no. 5, 19~2. Yonthly List of Russian Accessions, Librnxy of Cowresu, Auglint, 1952, UNGLASSIF11T. - t' 127-56-5-17/30 AUTHORS: Zubarev, S.N., Bobrushkin, L.G., and Golovanov, G.A. TITLE: Ways of Improving the Concentration Process in the Olene- gorsk Plant (Puti usovershenstvovaniya ukhemy obogashche- niya na Olenegorskoy fabrike) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, PP 55-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Serious technological and constructional defects were dis- covered when the Olenegorsk Concentration Plant was opened. The iron content in the concentrate did not exceed 50 or 52;~'~% As a result of additional investigations of the Mekhanobr Institute and practical experience of the Plant's specialists, the concentration process was rebuilts an additional crushing of the ore down to 0.5 mai; a re-puri- fying of the maenetic concentrate, and an improvemeni of the dehydration cycle of the concentrate. The ?atter is noiv dehydrated in a special 3tore-room by the natural drainage method. However, the process is still unsatis- factory. New improvements are suggeuted to attain 624p of iron content and 12 to 13%, of silicon content in the con- Card 1/2 centrate; namely, development of a 1~ravi tational-magna tic 1,27-58-5-17/30 'Nays of Improving the Concentration Process in.the Olenegorsk Plant process and construction of a store-room, fox, averaging the content of ores, with a capacity of at leaut 100,000 tons, There are 3 diagrams, 5 tables, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet Soveta Mi- nistrov SSSR (State Scientific-Technical Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers). Olenegorskoye rudoupravle- niye (01enegorsk Mine Administration) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Ores-Processing 2. HJ_nes i 1 A H; KOROBOV, P.I.; V J ;0%," h.C.; ',C,-'lA':-;,X A.; SlEW',' W1, L.D.; F.; i7%JCj'.C!V, V.F.; Al;..~-'.;:~.;~-~, L.P.; IPATUV, P.11.; *-:A"~:;L,!O%F, P.P., '101 A LY-~j'lp P" J'S - - .;. P. ;-~AM F.P., 11, -,v, ' ,.A. I"'. C-z -!AS'T0'-' SUJ~Jov, 0.0., V-' ADW, V.3.; w S IT . 7i"Olai l'i"Colao-lic, :c! -n .~xy. Lur. no.6:7 Jo l6cj. (Pat,r-'-l,ccl.,, ~'Tzol:A i~i,:olacvich, NIKOLAIENKO, Viktor Favlovich; ~,q otv. r4id.,- .11.7a., red. lzd-.,a; BOLDY2EVA, Z.A., telchn. red. (Operator of magnetic separators] Uashinist riA;,rnit"nylch separatorov. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-te."Chn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornoru delu, 1961. 75 P. (HIRA 14:11) (Magnetic separ'ation of ores) --.- -,, otv. red. ~ TSUXTlilMAll, SJa., LYUBAIMS, Ivan Mikhaylovicll;_.7,AA~~, ~,sji, I red. izd.-va; BOUDI-11111A, Z,.A~, tollan. red. [Tig operatorl Mashinlit otsadochigkh maahin. Eoskvu, Gos. na-uchno-- teklin. lzd-.vo lit-ry po gornomu dolu, 1961. 51 0 ~P. WIRA -P --Equilmiont anl sup Ile 0 01 - drossing t ( ZUBAREV9 S.N.p gornyy inzh. Mechanization of repair work In the crushing department of the Silver Bay Ore-dressing Plant. Gor. zhux, noO:54-55 Mr 161, (MIRA 1,~tj) 1. Goaudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnichoakiy kofaltet &~ISR. (Silver Ba7, Mnn. --Crushing and repair) 101 LZ !TM 1~ H LYUBAAETS, Ivan Mikhaylovich-, SWE-71DELl , Leonid laard-xivich; - W*I-Ell, --S.N., otv. red - KACFAALI','I,'!A, Z.I., red. lzd-va.; MAihIllRi, M., [Launder operator 114ashini st pronrjvochnoi mat3b4ny. Moskva, Goo- gort,eldiizdat, 1962. 36 p. OIERA Ir,:12) (ore- dressing-Equipmont and supplies) VZOGRADOV, V.S., inzh.,- ALITSHMIE,,', M.A.., kand. takhti. nw&; FOU'liKOV, V.G., i.nzh.; KU.'.OCFFKIII .11 ., inzh.; F-Ali-EAZIN, V.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; ZAIKIN, S.A., inzh.; OSTROVSKIY, G.P., inzh.(deceased]j MOM, P.I., lnzli.; BOBRUSHKIN, L.G.) in-Sh.; lJJ5TAl-UV, I.I., inzh.; SHIMUN, I.!., irizli.; GOLOVANOV, G'.A.~ inzh.; MWNSlay, L.A., inzh.; TSDIMAIMIKO, L.N., inzh.; HAVIKOVICH, 1.1%, inzh.; BAZILMNICHt S.V., kand. takhn.nauk; 7,ORB%', I.P.2 ZUBA!-'-EV,. S.N.,,inzh.; TIKIIOVIDOV, A.F., i=Ji.; SHITOV, l.S., inzh.; -GIL",TAYUROV, A.I., inzh.; KUS:-ZIBIWEV, Kh.N., iri,",h.; DEKIENAIIEV, S.I., inzh.; WHONOV, I.S., inzh.j BURMIll, G,111., :Ln,,rh.,- awd'TIEV, V.M., inzh.; GOLDVDI, Yu.P., inzh.,- MARCI-1011,C), K.F., inzh.; ZCHKOVI L.F.p inzh.,- NESITEXIENKO~ A.M., inzh..; KAB-INOV, V.F.f inzh.; PATRIYMEV, inzh.(deceascd],- H061;01NIT, A.F., inzh.; SOSEDOV, O.O.p inzh.; POICROVSF17, M.A., inzh,, retsenzent: POLOTSKI S.M., red.; GOLIDITTI, Ya.A., glav. rod.; GDLUBYATNIK0VA,G.S., red. izd-va; DOLDHEVA, Z.A., teklin. red. [Iron mining and ore dfessing industry]Zhelettorudnuia pro- iVshlenno3t'. Moskva, GosF,,ortekhizdat, 1962. 41,Y) p. (311RA 15:12) 1. Moscow. TSentral'My institut informatsii c~ernoy raetallurLrii. (Iron mines and mining) (Ore dretisb:g) MIAMI, Vitaliy Ivanovich,, doktor tokhn. nauk, prof. PrWxiali uchastiye: IMUTIY, V.V.; SMIZITAROVSKIY, P.A.; CUB11,10 G.V.; ZUBAREV, S.11., otv. red.; ARWASOV, N.A.j ve4.izd-vt-.; BOMYr-ZV-,Z7-.-A... tekhn. red. [Modern methods of magnetic separation of ferrous inatsl ores) SovremenrWe inetody magnitnogo obogashcheniia rud chernykh irotallov. Voskvn, Gos. mauchno-teklm. izd--vo lit-ry po gor- nomu delu, 1962. 658 p. OHLRA 15:3) (Magnetic separation of ores) Irca ores) ZUBAREV, S.N., gorW inzh. jor Barker mill (from foreign literature). Goralmr. wAs'74-75 Ja 163. (PURA 1611) (Australia-Milling machinery) .111111, 1111: Id' ~ 111211, 1' 111' 11 , , " -, 1. 1, I'll .: ~ 1~ I I,, . I , I I I ZUBAREVt S.N., gornyy lnzh. Iron ore dresAng phnt:i in the M.A. Rn.J Minsuda. Gsr. zhur. no.9:70-74 S t63. (141RIL 160D) IZHAITELI, S.A., otv. red.; SERkt, V.K... otv. red.; ZUBAr=.,, S,.N., otv. red.; MOlaYEV, S.L., otv. red.; 43TAFITEWA, A.V.p kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; VASIKOVSKIY, Ta.L., red.; VISIUIEVSKIYI Ye.L., red.; KRI'VTSOV, B.S., red.; KOROTKD-I, I.N., red.; MMOFANOV, S.I., doktor tekhri. mauk, red.; NORM, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; NIKITIN, A.A... red.; RUDITEVI, A.P.0 red.; SLASTUIOV, V.G., red.; TUCIEV, F.A., red.; RAUKINARGER, Ye.L... kand. tekhn. nau~, red.; FEOKTISTOV, A.T.[deceased), red.; ZAYTEEV, A.P., red. [Sa-fety regulations for the dressing rvd ointlering of fer- rous and nonferrous metal ores] Pravila bezapasnouti pri obogashchenii i nglonerntqii rud ti3vetn3,kh i cherziykh me- tallov. MOSI(va, Nedra, 1964. 206 p. (MMA 18:4) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosudars-tvemyy komitet po nadzoru za bezopasriym vedcniyem v proqnUtn)nosti i gor- nor,u nadzoru. ZUBAREV., S NFOVA V L;~ V;~ A 'IA, .1 14. r L KOVALEVSKIY, P.M., prof.5 PL'TYATA'N- V.M- dotsent; SKALRIA. Ye.P., dotsent; Z I-TBAREV T.A., vrach Late results of surgical treabvmt ofichronia cormaxy y bilatera- Iigat-'on of intermil th:jracic insufficiency L- ari;orie3. U^,h. zap. Stavr, go!~-. wd. bivt. 12t223-224 163. (MIRA 17M 1. Kafedra gospitallqoy kh`.:~%i-L~gii (zav. Prof. P.M. Kovalevskly), kafedra gospitallnoy terapii zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko) ,o institilta i Stavropollskogo gosudarsiwennogo meditvinikog kabinet funktsionallnoy d,- agncistiki Stavropol'skoy krayevoy klinichenkoy bollnitsy (ZEiv. r.A. Zuba:,-av)- 11 :H; 1""! 1.: IH KARASHUROV Ye,S,, kand. med. naulk; ZUB, Y ~ TIA. Comparative data on eloctrocardiog-raphy nnd tmIllato.."ardiography in bronchial aethm. bfifore and after the rewwwal of' the carotid gland. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12.-254-255 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgi.4 (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevich)# kafedra normaltnoy fiziologli (zav. zasluzhemnyy deyatell nauki, prof. V.G. Budylin) Stavropollskor,() F I moditsinskogo infltitutit i kabinot funktaiona'-1.1noy diagnot3tiki (zav. T.A. Zubarev) Stavropollsoy krayevoy Khnicheskoy bollnitsy. 'I .1(9) AUTHOR: Zubarev, T. If. !30V/89-5-6-1/25 TITLEi A Pulsed Reactor (Miga3nishchiy reak-tor) PERIODICALj Atoinnaya energiya, 1958, Vol 5, 17Tr (.;, pp 605-617 (USSR) ABSTRACT- This reactor, which -was developed 'bii!tween 1954 and `955, uses enriched uranium salt, which ii~ disnolved in water, as active material. At a certain time, the core of the reactor (a spherical vessel) is filled with the uranium solution and the bottom of the condenser is covered by It. If the mobile reflector is not in the reactor, the reactor is in its suboritical state. If the reflector has however been driven into the reactor, In whLch case it covers the active zone entirely, the reactor iv in ito supercritical state. Driving in of the reflector talies place at a time in which the uranium solution finds practically no time to heat up in the active zone. In the further courne of events intense heat transfer takes place In the core, and the specific -volume of the solution inoreases. As ii result, part of the solution reaches the condenser through certain channels. In this case, pressure in the cort,3 af the reactor is gre&ter Card 1/4 than the naturation pressure, and no vapor can form in the A Pulsed Reactor 307/89-5-6-1/25 condenser. In other cases no sufficiently #?ffective ignition ot neutrons can be attained wh4in tho solution boils. If 5-10 Of. of the solution reaches ~he condenser from the core, the reactor again becomes subcrition! and the neutron flux decreases exponentially. At the Baffia time, pressure in the core drops considerably. At the end of the neutron burst, th* cove of the reactor to filled *ith an overheated liquid, which expands practically adiabatically when entering the con(lanser. Wet vapor is formed. The vapor condenses and reaches the bottom of the condenser, from where it is coaveye(l through channals back to the core of the reactor. The cycla can then begin afreah. The mobile reactor consists of two partat Each of them is fastened to therim of a wheel moving with constant velocity. The size of one of the sectors of the mobile reflector is, arranged in such a mariner that, when the reflector is conveyed past the core, the latter remains in the subcritical state. If both sectors are conveyed past the core simultaneously, the reactor becomes critical. For a 5 Yff-reactor the followin parametors were calculatedt Card 2/4 Volume of core -.015 1; 1 kg U23 in the uctive section; A Pulsed Reactor sov/aq-5-6-1/2 5 cooling surface of the condenser -18 m volume of the condenser-,j200 1; diameter of the wheel -.,l m; angld velocity of the wheel ---e850 revol*a-tiona per minute. Lversge 1 -11,2 thermal neutron flux In the car# --10 n/am .sea . 11"imun neutron flux -.."1017n/cm 2. sea (at the time of neutron'burst). If several pulsed reactors, the neutron burnt8 of'which are shifted with respect to time, are connoctfid with one another in an aggregate, the average neutron fltix can, in proportion to the number of reactors, be raii3od up to a value of .4: 0 17 2. ..1 n/cm sea . A,pulsed reactor can be used both for the generation of energy and as an atonic piston motor.' The following parameters of the ptilsed reactor are dealt'vith in detailt a Degree of efficiency of the thormodynamic cycle. Selection of the proper*workin,q, temperature of the uranium solution. c) pensity,'temperaturr-, of the so.hition iind neutTon density in the acti7e section. d) Pre'saure in*fhe acti,~e se6tion. Card 3/4 A Pulsed Reactor In 6onclusion, the-author thalks for.thb interent he displayed disou6sing results, and A. K. number of calculations., There references. SUBMITTED: August 7, 1958 Card 4/4 9,009-5-6-1 /2 5 t4 .V. 'Kurchatovi AaMemidian, in this work ,' Yu'~ M Zankov for Sokolov for assi;tir*jg. 4n a are 14'figures and I Soviet AM i 11 11 111, i~ =_Ifri 21(9) 807/69-6.-5-10/33 AUTHORS: Zubarev, T. N., Sokolovj A. K. TITLE: On the Calculation of Heat Generation J.n a Shut-down Reactor (K raschetu teplovydeleniya v ostanovlonnom reaktore) PERIODICAL. Atomnaya energiyal 19599 Vol 6, Ur 5, MI) 564-565 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Owing to the presence of delayed neutrons heal, continues to be generated also in a shut-off reactor. In ordAr to deternine this heat generationp it is necounary to solve the non-steady neutron diffuuior, equation., Tho dopendonco of the neutron flux (~ in the shut-off reactor upon the time t is of very complicated character and numerical solution is diffioult. A simplified formula is given, which doscriboli hot-it goneration, very well: M (No 7~6 Q exp t) eq) 0 X ~o Q + P T + P 77 P it) m -Z Card 1/3 where (~M neutron flux as function of the time tj H '! ' " I I IN I'fll 11 : N!" 111:111 I~ III ~11 I IiLJ SOV/89-6-5-10/33 On the Calculation of Heat Generation in a Shut-down Reactor 0 ahutting off the reactor# . neutron flux at the time of Q - reactivity of the time of Bhutting off, P - total yield of delayed neutrons, Pi - fraction of delayed neutrons of the i-th groups T - lifo-time of neutrons in the reactors Xi - decay constant of the nuclear fragments of the i-th groups M - number of groups of delayed neutrons. Calculation by means of the formula given is comparatively simple. The values for heat development are obtained with sufficient accuracy for all negative reactiviti.ea. In the case of negative reactivity 1(?I> 0.03 calculation results obtained by using the non-steady neutron diffusion equation practically coincide with those obtained by the above simpli- fied method. There are I figure and I referenom. Card 2/3 L~ AALIP TL Al; IL i I Ir. I I -.- , , , . 11 1. - ... - I - .1. 1 . I ., 11 1, H,:![ !F-i il~! I Fill, 1: .1 . - .- I ; I . , i - -.1 1 H . I - . IL. . : 4 ; 1: 1 i I; Hil JI-11111 ;4~111.11;111!111, ill:!!-] I.., I 11i, ! 11. hl::, h. i - 11 i !111,11 H11011flH 1" 111::.:; 1 h. 11 Ii ZUBAREV, V., polkovnik ca;lw Idc~logical gangsters. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 4 rio.1:87-91. Ja (Pfl-RA 17 9) ZUB&M, V. (Leningrad) "Leti-55" remote control projector. Sov.foto 20 noo2:34 F 16o. (Motion-picture projectora) OIIU 13: 7) !IIIII, AIIIIIIII ZLOBIN, Pavel Iosifovich; ZUBARHV, V., red.: KONDUTMITA, I., red.: TSLEGINA, T., teklm,rea'. [Accounting for capital construction] Bukbgn1torvkiL uchot kapitallnogo stroitolletva. Ita.2., parer. Hookva, Goafin- izdat, 1960. 455 p. WRA 13:8) (Construction induBtry-Accounting) 1. IIIJ !IH! 1 .1 .1 1 1 1... . I . ., I -- .1 i~ I I " . . I ZUBAREV, V. The flourishing Soviet evonom)ro Voen.znan. 37 J1 161. (MIRA 11, t. (3) (Rumsia-Economic conditlaaa) . I ZUBAR,ZV,,_T.,4.; SIDOROV, P.A.; ARISTOV, A.D., polkovnilr, red.; ANIXIIIA, R.F., [Manual for officers studying Ygrxist-Leninint theory; a collsation o'f articles] V pomonhah' ofitaortim. itmehakwOlchim um-rkaintalra- leninukuiu teoriiu; obornik statei. Koukva, lrnen.lvl~vo H-va abor. 330. 1959. 413 P. (MIRA 12-4) (Military art and science) V..A. Gluing nap on parts in slectroztatic fiell.o, Biul0ekh.-elca-zP inform. no*6:42--J,3 158* Ouv, ill 8) (Protective coatings) ZUBARZV, V.A., assistant Certain aspects of hospital construction. G11r. i roan. 24 no.9:59-61 S 159. (MMA 13:1) 1. Iz kafadry kommnalinoy g1glyany Omak,)F,-o madits-invicogo Inatituta Imani M.I* Kalinina. (HOSPITAL, PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION) ZUBARVEV, V.n.; KIMESTOV, V.M. Effect of zirconium on the tempering of alloyed structural steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.6:143-L4.7 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Steel, Stractural-149tallurgy) (Temporing) -4 4- go 7, -344,11 0 0:0 0 9 44- ,f I) I) )a )) Ill 17 to 14 2) )w ;] ,I Z4 n A 11 3 A X. 11 V 11 M t- m If w to 9 1 A s ic -L -L a to p 9 R S 1 4 y A f 1 .0 to 'r Col. f I I p rbis deccom",isiti. of ce men tile in hick ~wojjjod I. a stifles 00 duling the predutit of nitillseohloo, jolign V. I , 4,11141. 1 -941111 I Ilefol- Prof, 11139, N.i 1, 11 1.1. A bm, ..90 1039, NO. .4, -.1 A MlloilliArV I,( Ij,i,jIj of "I"'S 'If IfIr dtivit-11pro. rof tyricillitc, ItIll-ftis IIIp jjrixI%wtI--n -.4 malfrat,jr ift-n. Oil tile tojo.1% ~)f The III -00 a loof"t IfIld-Le Ch"thtf Ilnncij4v4 the Lww% toritch ill. Ifilirtwe flit th-InItIrl, lalav4s III ~vnrrlflte (It ' w1310 arc I h, eff"I 14 ClApIlilljothotj If e,,4t mm frmfs a I,,, taput h-ttrou mid the 11-avolv, ,I Ow do.. Ifit"IIinto A thrior Septli. .4 C (Cauk-4 bY PW hemlitolgi ate *,%I Itswu.". l Zoo 0 tt Ov - ' ' r, I I s' i t 11 1 ; If, I of of is I- it It I 1 4rip 'I I it 1 0 * 4111111 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 : 9 000006000 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 00 0 0 go 0 00 001 a 0 4 0 D 0 0 0-9-0 O A ZU--,-V'~-Evy V. F. ~j ) Al, T "Inc re as c in thr., f~tren~,7th of I Joints, 11 '*LikL I, I i0. 4, P'; ~ii:j. Ca! , ~ chn I Ca I. Sci. Irlor., Siberia Mfalltu-gical Inst.0 c-l-)/;('7-. ZE-~.1,2L,;': V. In, t::,. o ~v !~rn IL lly C11 ZUT-AR%III' V. r". C,I:;t. lr~.--n Theoreticai fur "::uthods ~~"* ill Ul'~t! of' ma I Ief%-!"Ic C.`.10. iran. T.'; t. prol.""v. !I*o. 2, Y/5,'. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrp3ik, V7 11.1 It 1953, Uncl. 'arnwi doktor tekhnichoskikh mulic. priifessor; 7T0 '1 0 War tekhnicheekikh mauk profeavor rigtoonzent; KMAYSKIT, K.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redalmor [deceased]; BA,4WIN, A.P., redaktor lzdatellstva; TIIIWOV. A.Ya., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Theoretical principles of the graphitization of white iron and steel] Teoretiobeekle oenovy grafitizatsit belogo ch%n=a I stali. Moskva, Gas. nauchno-takhn. i2ti-vo mas'hinootrolt. lit-ry, 1957. 222 p. (KLRA 10:6) (Iron--Katallurg7) (St eel--XataIIu:rd,7) 41r.,`~. ra r ~~M .,y mu. ~ . '. - . I . 1 11 . . i , !. ;. i :.- . -- =---I . !-~ - -- I ---It " !ACCESSICN NRi AR403626,3 I SOU=s ReferatiwWoy zh=wle Metallurgipp'Abse 31323 AUTHOM Zubanvo Ve Fel Xhlastovp Ve Ho TITLE, UNA af i9tim6fitUM dit W JIMPaINUAD Of 11tMWQjaAl1w AU&I CITED SOURCEI Sbe naUdMe tre Mdanovske metallurge in-ti, vywps, Up 1963V 171-1T6 TOPIC TAGS* zirconi-= steel., boron ateolp zirconium strucitural dte*:L TRANSLATIait A study was made of the effect of Zr (up to 0~58%) on the structurep rwctmical properties., hardanability., and brittleneaa at nagatilfe twperatw es of the steels 35KhG., 35KWRs 35KWjT,. and 35KhGVR. The stoe-el was nw)lted in an elsotrio, arc furnace; after deoxidizing with aluminum Zr was Introd-uced :111, the form of bri- quota prepared f ram pcwders of Fe aad Zr. When Zr is latimduced into Ithe ateel, a considerable ref inement of aulfidea Is observedo No aircimiun Jji,clusions uore oboa served in experiw3ntal industrial malto containing 043% tr,, and the ates-la wave :1 very pure with respect to n=wtallia inalusionme Aa epv~ocllabg4ij Inargene in Us Card' H ACXFMIGN NRt ARhO36263 hardenability of these stools was ob'served af&r introductiem of limall amounto of Zro Combined allaying with boron (up to 0.0019%) and sirconlun (mp to 01.2%) in- creasoz the hardenatbility still moree In slw(-,Imnm 18 = An dimioterj Zr h43 no appreciable effect on the microutruoture and modunical pro;ortioio Zr raisudl W plasticity in stools containing Be In largo cross sections (260 mn).p Zz, raimaaa,,S In its mechanical pmportiesp 35KUPris ateel. (C 0*37%p Mn 0*51441, Cir 0.95%,* W a %Z 11crevivo In mk Is0 Zr 0.03%) is not inferior to 4WIL101 ateelo An appreciabla U served in steel with Zr at -700. N. IrellnMims DAM JA4 17Apr64 M OM 14L 1111CLI 00 2A KHLEST I, V.M.; ZUBARFV, V.F.; LEONTIM, B.A. Effect of zirconium on the Otability of &u3tel-litA Ithd tho hardenability of 35KhGj 35KhGR and 35KhGR steels. Ittv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.10-.113-1.19 161,, (MIRA 16:12) 1. Zhdanovskiy metallargicbeskiy inl3tittlt. TKACHENKO, F.K.; ZUBAPEV V F. Distribution of silicon between the phases of Fe-Si.-C alloys. Lit. proizv. no-8331-32 Ag 162. (IKRA 15t1l) (Irm-aillcon-carbon alloya-Mo tallography) (Phase rule aiid equilibrium) I. A 9 ~ : ; I ~ - t-- I ~ -1 ~:j . ::: j:~I 1' ! : 1:1 ~,: . . 'I , I!:!' * 1! [1 ill 'i i . : 1.1 1! ; I ~ ! . . ;: I. I-TOINTIEV2 B.A.; Lllew t-sndltLons fov the heat treiatmant of larga, --:'crgi.rgs of alloy-;;J Ote,j-, Izv. -ria. ucheb. zav.; chern. riet, 5 int' tut. (Steol forgings-Heat treatrj~nt) ZUBAREVP V.F.; KHLESTOV, V.M. Effect of zirconi-wn on tho 6120 Of an ULIStl!,nit8 pain during the heating of alloyed structural stael. Y?.v. vys. I ucheb. zav.; chern. met, 0 no.12.141-1416 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Zhdanovskiy metallurgichas'ki-y inst-!Aut. ZANM, A.U.; SAPELKINA O.R.; ~PBAREVP V.F.; DEMAKOVA, A.V.; FEREVERZEVA, ie.G. " Effect of conditions of oelf-tempering and f1mmiace tempering on the mechanical properties of ralls hardened along their entire length by heating with high frequency .,urrentei. Izv. vy.9, ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.20.16-123 164. (DaTU 1713) 1. Zavod "Azovatallu i Zhdanovskiy wtallurgi-~beskiy institut, TKACHENKOP F.K.,, kand,tekhn.nauk; ZUBAR8VO V.F., doktor teldiri,nauk; KUDRYAVTSEVA, L.R. , Mechanism of the formation of graphitization nuclei. A.n prehardened white cast iron. 1-fashinostroenle jio.li50-53 Ta-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Cast iron-4letallography) S/13'1/6VWO/003/16P/191 A16o/Aioi AUTHORS: Zubarev, V. F.; Pereverzeva, Ye. G., Damakova, A. V.; Tea-aoova, L. P. TITLE: The effect of arsenic on the mechanical properties of welded Joints of then(_1. 3 Mt.3) steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 3, 19,62, 1!) - 7, abstracL 3E39. (5b. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. In-t, L960, Typ. 61, 213 - 225) TE)(T- Investigations were conducted on -the heterogeneity and mechanical properties of a welded joint of the WSt.3 arsenic steel. The investigatior's were carried out with metal out out from different ingot parts, such as the upper, middle and lower part at a concentration of 0.14 - 0.20' % As and u.14 - 0.22 % C. The tests yielded the following results: (1) The built-up metal of the -gelded joint considerably differs from the base metal as to its chemical composition. The content of Mn and Si in the built-up Me of the St3 killed steel increases in relation to the base metal 1.5 - 2 times, the content of C, and As deareasez 1.5 - - 2 times. (2) The content of Mn and Si in the built-up metal wId in the killed Card 1/3 S1J-R16210OO1C)03116P11 91 The effect of arsenic on .... A16o/Aioi and rimmed steels corresponds to the cquilibrium concentra:Uons between tile liquid flux and metal at weld-bath temperatures of 2000 and 15750C. (3) A liquation of impurities is appearing in the base and bvilt-up Me aloDg, the length of the ingot bloom. The upper, and to a le,,qser degree tile middle section of' the ingot bloom are enriched with 5, F, C and As. (4) An effect of the As on t1he macrostructure Is not detected, and an effect on tile macrohardricoa of tile main zones of the welded 3oint Is clearly detected: an increase in the content of' As ase of C would similarly af - 0.01 % causes an increase of RB by 1.0. An incre, " the hardness. (5) The mechanical properties along 'Vho:-! lerip1h of the Ingot .,V bloom are heterogenous. When paasin~j from the upper to the bottain ptart of Une ingot, the strength properties decrease, tile plasticity properiJes and .1k increase. (6) An increase of the content C and As improve the &trenLrth and do- crease the plasticity properties. An increase of the C content by 0.01 ~ incrcases j 0 - 7 kg/inn, *2 - in the killed and rimmed steels - the b, aad devrtasc,- C5 by i.2 The effect of As- is 2 times vlealcer. (7) 1111hen containing 0. 14 0.26 % As, the ak of a welded joint of the St3 arsenic steel hais a high lavel ~9 - 30 i.e., a higher one than in a St3 non-arsenic steel. (8) The Me (if a Welded. ~Olnt Card 2/3 . S/13'j/62/OV)/003/162/Jq1 The effect of arsenic on .... A16o/Aim of the MSt-3 steel with 0.20' % As possesses satisfactory mechmical properties. V. Tarisova [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 771 117, : -111 1-1 I U, Ik . R TKAMIENMO, F.K.; ZUBAREV, V.F. Effect of low-temNrature treatment on the gritphiti.,mitlon of commer6ial white capt iron. Lit. proizv, no. 5;2~47 My 161, (MW W5) (Caet iron-Ileat troatment) ZUBAREV, V.F. Letter to the editors. Lit. proizv. no.6148 SO 161. 0111-U 14: 6) (Cast iron-Metallography) ... i i, I ! !, ; I I - j I ll;~' 11111111 ~:ll I I 1 11 1 Hill !!,'lf! If If i;i! I 111i : ~ 11; 1 111 11. . 4 ' ! !, , :1, 1 ' 11 ;~ '; , [ ; 4 ; : . . .; I PHASE I F-')CK LICFLOITATIC:s I tez-Jchc.,:aya otratot!c: ~171~-.-'"' CnA 11cat Tr,atr.,!j,.t 11.o5cnu, allp Inscrtud. 5,000 coPi-z Pr."Itcd. Spor.5c,ring AF-ncy; C)oEudArotveni,yy ko.,.Itet Scv~t% UkrSSR. ranhInobtr,iltel -noy C',Iartnoye prav'enlye. B~dltcr-A! Itiand: M. P. S.-nuor, Doctor or sclences, 1. Ya. Dc'~htyr..-. Doctor or Tecl,nlcal 5clencea, D. A. Doctor of Tec~~n!cal ncleces, T. S. Zr_tnz~r, Yt. A. sk!y, Candidate or Technical ScIcncc3, 7. 0. Per-..,nkov, Vnctor or TectinleEtl Scl-acc~, and A. V. Cherj,~v~,'- of T,Q), ntcal Scienc,~m; Kd.: M. S. Sorc%,i; Tech. 1:1.: M . 3 aon.1catay-pol.-k--ya; Chief Ed., V. K. Serdyuk, LUInc-er. Card 1,Ao FIJU~SE: T.-Az collection of artle2co _'.i interle! for scientific wor;*.er3 and teclin!cal perscnnel of rc--c-,rcn ln2-ttutcs, PlLnt3, ai~d chD(,lM of high'r tec:,;Iicpl education. CC'iL,U-- E: T::e c,11tctic.... Cnta-lnc pare..3 pr~:Cnt.! at a ccnv~ntlzn hold In 111yov or, probleza of' pryacal and mdllhola or the hza-t trea L=crt of' mutftIs appil-ed in thi In ttidt-y . F.I.azn trc"fc.--tIo= In -etalln and ar- :I!tca~nezl. tnd of InicztIF-,%tic-.n conductcd tc aic--tal1r: tht eff.ct or ht-t t.~it-nt on th, qu%llty of :nrtml ==r- 7,1t Po=- 611-111ty of mttale with giv,.i pr~pcrt:oa in d!ncaorcd, am arc problenn cf vt;c2l bri-tienont. Tnf, col- lectlcn -ln=lu'e3 pasl-erij d.nllnF with or ht--t tr--tztent, and px~ptrtj~z of aazt NO ;-," Oita! It It* are renciGned. Articlen are act c=_an.'ad L., rcfcr-=ca, =ontly .ranir--ation of Aubteiilto lntv K,rtvii6ltwi :-.E!s 22 t~,:,Inaar, an-- r. 1. 1-~Uy of thu In Te~parlnz 1~-w Te:L,,er~tuve 19 Tu. Ci6,11,lnit~ Teo?~,I, 1~ in Irt-=-CtrL-cn 22 Mli,~Vdkly, R. I., rr-.c of Car'-c-n stz~l-- C,lr%t 3/q0 h. - Kulalcv, and 1. It. (Y7" Quench-!;~v-lcn'. rL of r-'an-, lv,-- 1 n ":-*t'- ; Mxturet) L,raun, ?I. P., an,2 73. P. Virickur (KiyeO. C~~racttr of Rupturd of ~'t.CL! A,Uonov, A. D Candidate of Te0mical Sclencca (~rczc~,d). Effect Of )!IF.~,,Tcmper~.ture Haatln..; n tht. Strznt~h Frep- ties of Stezl JE~~) Kondr;t0wv, K. I FnCinccr, K. 11. and N. Kolea,,V'. Accclcrat~d Re6lv.,~a In t" ficat Trcatment or "r-o For,:Ir.Z3 J:," gostyrl:o, 0. S., Engin"r, Ye. P. D-bryan-.1-aya (?aF.n1tcE:or3'.c), a '111 X. P. Braun. of' a Riticnal Heat -Trc at~.--nt RC!Clm~ for Lari;c For,:Iz,~e 203 Physical ?13toijill-7 (Cont.) SOVA511 Virckur, B. B. (KIYOV). Heat Rclistvicc of V~rlcus kj~~yed steeI3 21f) Vanin, V. S., En0jneaj*, and V. K. Titoy Cc=-Cz1,t,a'~cn of Steel In Liquid F-dia 225 Dtinin, K. P. CorresponlinC 1'.c-Ler or' the )Lci,-jt-f%, or sclencc:i, ulz;~inlah SMI e~,.j A, V. Chcrnovol, Candidate of Techalc%1 S~-Js-%ccm (rjj -V) . On the 0~aL;%It- Growth lit Cast 1m], 2,2,) Zubarev, - V. F.; Doctor or Technical Sciences, pr~reasc-_ Enoincer Cn tna M.Zch--~jtl Or tl',c 2111ccn Influeqce on -34 Pc;ova, N. W., EnE:ineer (Kharl~ov). I-jveut1Z,t!cn or ti,,e 45rc-th or Gray Cant 2r~,j (Dncprc-,ctrov~k). Ch2n_-:! in F.1'.~ILJC Physical K:tajjurZy (Cont.) Zullr~v V D~~tor or T~cruijcjj and L. N. F~z ration cf Grahitizat-Im Czmt,,-, a~j of' Tnell, In VIC C=~t, 'nZIrl Tltcv, V. r., - car, ard V. S. V n1n Tne Qe-ich!n.L of C~,,jt i,c, a,~- itz. Erf~ct cn tt~ of 21~6 Dubrov, V. V., FnF,1n-r (Fly,v). tnt 150tner--ti: n=!L5e-% e-r I 'on 270 Y-- G., C2-1d1dat, or Tec?,njc-,t, Lfr~ct of Cart,in to of c4st 25. Fr,7..necr (I',~,vcc,). (~,tsr,m Ht,ti,,, CnI Ccolli,~' haten in Amj,,a1j,,G of Grziphit~ 1r,:, 2'a-, Card 9Au Phyalt,hi ?`--tz11iirZy. (Ccnt.) 1 K.noww-va, T. A., (M.vcc.), lnver~tliratln~, tt.~ Pri~pevtle5 of Quanched Ca3t Sjkh~vzt,!y. 1- 1., F4ii;1n,,,r (Kly-r). L.rect of H~at o-n '-10 Tranafomation ,r Tin Intr ZUBAM, V*P- (Zhdanov), NAMIMO, PsKo (Zhdanov) Effect of prellmiai7 heat treatment on the paphilt trat Ion of white cast iron. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. W~h. nal-til:. muot, j topl. rio.6: 19-24 IF - D 160. (MIRk 1311P) (Cast iron--MetallograplW) ZUBAREV, V.F. (Zhdanov); TIACHEM, T.K. (ZhdaTIOV) Effect of transition stress in pig iron during passag throtAgh 3e the eutectoid point. Izv. All SSSR. Otd. takh. rauk Not, I topl. no,2:113-155 Mr-Ap '59. (mrRA 12:6) (Cast iron--Metallography) (Phase rule and equilibrium) SOV/180- 59-2-21/3 If AUTHORS: Zubarev, V.F., and Tkache&,o, F.K. (Zhdanov) TITLE: Me-TEH-u~ence of Inter-Phase Stress on Cast Iron in -the Transition over the Eutectaidal Point (0 Vliyanii mezhdufazovylth napryaZhenly v chugune pri p(.:)re1faode cherez evtektoidnuyu tochku) PERIODM'AL: Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR, Otdaloniye telchnicheski1di 2 nauk) 11,11etallurgiya i toplivo,195(),Nr " oP .113-115 (USSR) 0 ABSTRACT: It has been considered (Refs 11 2) that tensile strasses , in cementite affect Its ztability, IncreasirZ tae arising graphitization rate. Graphitization is also accelerated by the presence of micro-pores) wnosa for.~.mtion is promoted by the stresses. The juthars hav~j determined the order of magnitude of the st-rosses. Dilatonetric curves were obtained with a dif.L"erenl-iRl f'o~- almost purely perlite type 610S2 allcl ,j white. -iron (2.51", C~ 1.3%' Si) whose A., Poin't a(1111-:il -';,- tnat -,f the steel (Figs I and 2, res-Dectilro, - On the basis of an equation (Refs 32 10 for the 6',,T03S PrO`.IUCz~d by thermal expansion and on t-Nodulk' %i s Card 1/2 of elasticity (Ref 5) and shear. WO-Rf 6) cf carbon steel, the authors calleulats! v,nlue of SOV/1 _2_211/3~ The Influence of Inter-Phase Stress on Cast Irori in th(i., Translf;ioz, over the Eutectoidal Point Poisson's ratio and arrive at - 22.3 [q:/mjjj2 as tlie of the average tensile stresses in all.6"OnitO, Fronta consideration of volume changes and dej~ozrmation, tne authors calculate the total compresslou stross at the Arl point to be 31.7 kg/twtiP, Tho otr(:Isses in are of the same order but of opposite sign, t"'his agreeing well with the published val.,,i4-f. There are 2 figures and 8 referqm,,Ios~ 5 of wiLich are, %aard 2/2 Soviet and 3 English. SUBMITTED: July 7, 10/58 ZPB AUY, JL Reply to K.P. Bunin, IA. V. Grechnyt and others. Izv,v7s,uchebo zav.; chern.met. no.10:145-146 0 '58. (MIRh 11:12) 1. Zhdanovsk-i" metallurgichaskiy institut# (Austenitd) (Phase rule and equilibriun) ZUBAlff, T.F.. prof.,doktor takhn.nauk; - 4,~' ;j I - Structural characteristics of elate to voids and cavities, no.4:157-168 157. (Cast irou-419tallography) SINITMA, T.r., inghts black-heart melloablo cast iron Sboramaachtrudn Zhdau.notainnts. (MIRA lltll) 08860 ill mutalm) IMOffZHKD, F.K.. insh.; MAW. 7.F., prof., doktor telctm.naulr. Transformations occurring during tha heating of hardoved wh1to Iron. Metalloved. i obr. mt. no.9:24-26 S 1541. (14IRA 11:10) 1.ZhdanovskI7 metallurgicheakiy institut. (Cast iron-Motallography) Ill AM Fl 71-UT 137-58-6-13363 Translati on from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Meta flu rgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 316 (USSR) AUTHORS: IZubare~~.~, ~Sinitsyna, T. F. TITLE- Structural Peculiarities of Iron in the Vicinity of Voids and Cavities (Osobenriosti struktury chernoserdechnogo kovkogo chuguna vblizi pustot i rakovin) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, 1957, Nr 4, pp 157-168 ABSTRACT: The purpose of the work performed was the investigation of structural changes occurring in bull's-eye malleable iron in the proximity of voids and cavities. Investigations we-re carried out on cast iron of type KCh 33-8 with the followinp chernical composition: 2. 5-Z. 87o C, 0. 8- 1. 4/o Si, 0. 4-0. 67'() 14n, less than 0. 120/6 5, and less than 0. 14q P. After anni.,aling at temperatures of 880-9750C, the ca"s)t-iron compontnts were normalized at a temperature 880-8600 for a period of 17-22 minutes. The heat treatment cycle requ 'ired 51 hcurs. The RB had a value of 89-97. The following facts were establish- ed: 1. Gas blisters, shrin age cavitij.-s and poroi6ties cannot Card 1/2 serve as zones of separation of graphite owhig to the fact thal, 137-58-6-.13363 Structural Peculiarities of Iron in the Vicinity of Voids and Cavities they are always filled with gases which prevent the forniation of graphitiza- tion centers. 2. The presence of large (Iiiantities of gas resillts it) the for- mation of a decarburized layer which is obtained during high-- temperature annealing operations. 3. Grain boundaries do not servi! as cavities for sep- aration of graphite but merely provide paths of least resistance for the movement of C atorns. 4. The experiments revealed characteristic pecu.- liarities of graphitization in the vicinity of the shrinkage cavities. The assumption that these cavities serve as centers for accurnuliation of graphite was not corroborated by the experimental work; on the ~:ontrary, the forma- tion of a decarburized zone and a graphite network, both of which impair the quality of the cast iron, is inevitable in the vicinity of such cavities. 1. Cact iron--Processing 2. Cast irori--Structuraj. A.S. 3. Cast iron--'Fest res 'j I ts Card 2/2 V.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Basic principles of the physleochemical theory O;r whito cast irom and steel graphitizatIon, Inve vye, ucheb, Sav.; chern. met* no.I~t 133~~-141 Ap 1580 (MM 1116) 1. Zhdanovskly metallurgIchoskly Inatitut. (Gast iron--Metallography) (Stoel-Ketallography) 11.1; Ni 1,11111i H11:111 Doc1;,',):L- of AUTH02U;: Tkachonko, F.K., 31.VJ ~Ubal'(TV Technical Sciences, Professor, TIM~: of Mtit'~~ Iron (Prevrashchoniya pri no,.,revo chulSwia) PERIODICAL: Lletallovedonlye i ObraboLh'a Metallov, 19,3111 li*lr 9~ pp 24-26 (IJ3,13R) ABSTRACT: The authors carried out ~ Coj,lbirj~-d .611e internal trails f o ra-.t ions ta_!CinE~,' placo in ilon-1--Lardemed and hardened cast iro-n by meam-, of Gi-.Jiult'~rleous Photo- reco~rdinL; of Lhe Elu::.netic curves dur-iLL6 -the procesz of he~-itinj~ :*~_ad coolin- of 'kll e specimen. The e~.'Deriiae.nts were car-_,J_e~d out on a specially desi,~ned dilatoi-aeter fitte,~, .1 pl-loto- recordin6. The curve -was rcoorde~i by Cleans:- o a lii~ht point reflected frci-_ the curve,:._ -Arror of a 1111:2ror ~~alvano.-a.eter -,.-;]-.,ich V7~___!~ j0. 1 1 ii~ ( d 0 1--l Fol, variations in all im,.uct-'Illce Lt furn.-ace I.Sed. t C. heating; eler-ient of Which -v~,as the T)rimr,ry -iiind-inE, -whilstu Card 1/3 the secondary was, a, coll o'l.' wire wowid -C)-5/16 T--~j,1;jjj;- j3f 17,~Z~j an:~d NMti, --,-T Transformations DUrip, onto the qtiar~ F ult 4; 1 L) ~I 1: 0 r1 1:1 Tj n th(,, irductio n e.ta.f. a co:gpoy, F,,-, tinc, ewil kvas Series with the Second'.11., Col I -11:1ta .'"he O.Lrclli~ UI secondary coil zz. oscillo6ratph loop shown in the sketch, Fil-,.I. All. CIIX'V(:!.13 viere U recorded simultaneou.,,ly on a sin-le oat-u-,Itlve pnpor v;hich via-, fitted onto a rotatinL (I~I,LL:-a. Tli(-.! irivesti- gations viere carried out on 5 Lam, di,,t, 50 11-1 lonL.,, copeci- mens of the steels U10 and GOS2 and white iron, the compositions of v.-hich =-,e entered in Table 1. Th e determined thermal, dilatoiaetric ard ina~,Jrxtic curves of ..- - I in - -; 1, - d the heatiiIE; and coolinL, processes art: _r- h3 - in FiE;-3 the differential dilat-ometric clu'ves of heating and Gooliji6 are ~Lraphed for M', e~ t,.!iterials in the h.-irderied stage. The follo-~4131U ar-_,ived at- 1. Magnetic transfor iiL~tion of tlhi~ rerl ite ~,bich enters into the structure of coi-.,imerciaA virliil;e irOTI below the Ac, Point. 2. At the temperatures of the second transformn-tion, Card 2/3 transforfaation. of the reoidu-al eu~-,tanite tnto Inartensite and a -rie-netic trouisforvu-ition of tlie (,*,,-rbId(,, of an U Transformations During Lleatin[!, of ifcrc.'Wnad 1,11hitc, Iron unkaovin. composition take place. 3. An increase in the per-ateablliLy in Hie te,,-xperature ranEe of the third transfori,,iotion is. ii'ttrilmiLe-d to eliminating the internal stre-sses 1xi the There are 3 figures, I table and 1 Soviet 'referezice. ASSOCIATION: Zhdanovskiy wetallurgicheskly insitlt;Ltt (Zhdanov Metallur'~,-,jcal Ins-titute) 1. Cast iron-Transrormations Card 3/3 il H 14 ZUBARV. TrACHINIO. INK, 01'w.-'i~'2 Position of equilibri= lines in the right-hani poxt of the Lron- carbon equilibrium diagrame Lit, prolave noe3t28 IEr 153. WIRA 1114) Mace rule arA equilitmium) - - --- . - -- - / tF. Category ; USSR/Solid State Fhy,,ic,-- - FIv-so Trrnsfort:ic-tion in C-olid Bod!,)s ".bs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizilcr, "Jo 3, Ir,);,:7, No 6029 Author nrev. V-p- Title Effoct of Stre-Osor at-, t1wi For.,rtion of C~jnterv of 34-r-nhiti- zation in thc Innerlin- of '.hit(,, Cr.,.3t Iron. Orig, Fub LitLynoyc proiz-vo, P, Abstract : No abstrret Card : 1/-, CrAngory U-S."R/Colid "tato r+,.-r,ic:-- Fh::.,w Trnnofor.-!vtIon in Clolid Oodiis J',bs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizilrr, !c) :7r? 1169 ",,uthort Zubpxcv. V.E. Title o 4tr(,-2sc!: oii t1,,,.- For,'rtion c' C~intor.~ of zation i nthe !nnorlin- clP ' 'hit,,~ CIron. OriE Pub Liteynoyc proi7-vo, vlo Artract llo r.~vtrrct Card The Investi, ation of Lie, Llicro3co~-ic 307111';1-22-24-11- 23/65 of the Silicon Diritribution in Steel 11'r Smtrface steel (comented d,,!n-:rio ctpel) vvith an eolml cont-,` of!3 U in, ,j.von. The differerice in 1.*!o ("010.1. of t1le Oxi(le film and of the rocl-yellwv not o;,idized layer -io.y be cl1:!11x1Y soen. An incre-azed resistanceh to in L.;o diroctiorls of the dendrite axes i8 -%(nitioned. a 6082 ,,tool sample (Wit"I 0,5'T./-tbarC,ajid 1,721'ro of Si), containinj, less silicon, shov;s a concidoi.-.' ')l(, roduction of' the oxid-Ition resi,-taT,.ce and thus a -rec. . L, - n colorizv-. It was fou,,id with this method t,,at silicon exhibito a tendency for a dendrite li,-uation. It is assuried,,that no "reversible" silicon liqt:ation exi:its~ Therc are it re*~eronees, are Sovil.t. ASSOCIATIOU: Zhdanovskiy met allur--ir, he rkiy in.~-tit-at (Zhdr-nov Metallur:,,ical Institute) Card 2/2 I I 111h ANDRIMIOVA, T.N.; ZUBARLV, V.I., red. [Throttling of' paes and vaporn; a lef.-ttiroj livolitiolira., vanie gazov i parov; I.ektsila. Pod red. M.Zubnrova. !~o- okva, Mosk. energetichaskii in-A, 196.2. 23 1). (MIRA '17 1 /,) WSAREV, V.I.; IM-REGOVSKIY, V.I.; FIGURKOV, IN. Transfer to oxygen-blown smelting of the Ahralyk Copper Smaltary and tin increase in its capacity. TSvet. met. 36 w).8-.6-9 Ag '63. (MIRA 3,6: 9) (Almalyk-Copper indu3try-) (Oxygen- Indus tri al applicationn) 11 111H 11,11 H1,11 ilff 1~ III!! II Ili i i:, , I I - 11. j ; I h ZUBARNV, V.I. Some problems of expanding the copper smelting Indusitry In central Kazakhstan. TSvet. met. 12 no.3:1-4 Mr '59. OURA 12:5) I.Xaragandinskl7 sovnarkhoz. (Kazakhstan-Copper industry) r r AUTHOR: Zubarev, V.I. SOV/136-.59-3-1/21 ___Tn the Development of the Copper-sme! tins TITLE: Some Problems 1ndustry of Central Kazakhstan (Nelco-Loryyo vo-prosy razvitiya medeplavillnoy promyshlennoatt town7trallnogo Kazakhstana) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, 14rr 3, PI) I (USSR) ABSTRACT: Central Kazakhstan is to play a major part in the 1.9-fold increase in copper production en-,risaG,-ivi in the seve'ri-yaar plan. The author discusses some of tho main techni,"'al problems involved at three of the locifl. ent;erprises, At the Baj-k7aashskiy kombi-nat (Balkhash Mining-metallurgi-c-3.1 Comb'ini;!), the Mine, the rate of strippiu~,'; in lq60 :L!,, to bi:.- doub-le in 1958 and much re-equipment~ will be in L')5'-). The author states that the Giosplan SSSR it~ not taking -die steps necessary to w,,celEtrate the pr,~~-:Lur~tion of productivity equipment foir open-(-.i,~3-t rj.nd flo,tation - e.g. the failure to organise, the tirfie.'Ly production of "Mekhanobr-',711 flotation machines whi-__', -.,iere su-ppcs-ad to have come into ser-ii-ce in 19--8. On the metallux6ical side, Cardl/4 the author considers, the combine will oray att-ain -the SGI/ 1-36-59-3-1 /21 Some Problems in the Development of the Cop-.) er-sLeel ting Industry of Central Kazakhsta-n proposed copper out ut by replacing r(rj-erb~,:,]:~atory ;Bzelting .P V by, for example, cyclonic or oxygen (autogenoucz) smt~ltling, The latter promising method. can-not yet; be adopted there because of delay in research and de-vei.opment work, bu-, a start will be made in 1959 on the inti~oduction of the !ormer., By the start of 1960, working. plans fi:)r the reconstruc~tion of the copper-ameltine; plant must be :t.,eady for the wo-Nir to start in the same year; the OXY2;A:!.rl b.)AMt I-MLO alrea,,Ily been commissioned. For solving(-, them probleva of :LacreasiINr recovery of rare metals, tile viorks sh::,)uld have the iu3ii;tance of the AN Kazakb SSR (Ac.Sc. Kaza'6:h SISFO and t,.,l-- Gintsvetmet and VNIItsvetmet At the Dzhezkazga-nskiy kom-birat (Dzhezka73gan -re Out;pv.-.t, 4.s to increase 2.8-fold in the next zeiren ypmrs. This is to be achieved by increasing open-cast mini~ng and the adoption of new underground mining methods. Here, too, equipmi~nt wupply is likely to be a delaying fact-or arad 'the aut~o-r u1ges Card.2/4 prompt aid by the Gosp1an of tile USSR and. GIITTK cf the- SOV/136-59-3-1/21 Some Problems in the Development of the Copps r- line 14, ing Ind,15t'ry of Central Kazakhstan Sovet blinistroir SSSR (Council of Minister.; of 'the USSR). The ore beneficiation DIants are to be reo-onstructed and for dealing with oxidised and mixed ores the method cf Professor Mostovich or hydro-metallurgical techniques should be suitable, for the G0lUti0XL Of this problem the combine should have the help of GI-intswitraet, Yiekhanobr, and 171TIltsvetmet organisations and th(-*., Ac.8c. KazSSR; the author considers the proposal of Giprotsvetmet that no hydrometallurgical plant should b.,,! Inoluded in the plans of the Dzhezkazgan Ccpp er- smelt irq, Works prematuro,, and regrets the proposed u-~e cf re-verberatory smeltin(~ on the grounds that this is out of date. He favours elest:,_J.~ smelting of pre-calcined concentrate.B., 2XI Vialch laboratory work is proceeding at the Kazakh Mining-metallurgia-al Institute and urges the Tapid szlut-Wri of the -p_-oblemis involved by this Institute and (lintsvell-not, VNIItsvetmet, Giprotsvetmet and the Academy of S~%J.encejs of the X,~,,,ISBR. At the same time the link 'Lnl:- of -jh,~ regicii. to thd Karaganda power grid should be -ushed Card3/4 P I SOVII',. 6- 591-3-V21 Some Problems in the Development of t~_e of Central Kazakhstan The seven-year plan prolrides for the ccwit,ruction -if the Boshchekullskiy gor1xo.-obogaUtel',n,7,y 1wm'1btnz-!t (Boshchekull Mining-beneficiation Combine). Tte Mc!khanobr and Unipromed' Institutes should reu-w their c5tud!.i!s of the local ores and the :,T Irtysh-Karaganda canal should be gi,,Ten prioiity. ASSOCIATION: Karagandinskiy sovrarkhoz (Karaji;and.o. Council) Card 4/4 7 U /~'/l I.."! v-, v -1. GRAMOVSKIT Any ,,A,~ B.L.; DITFV, M.P.; ZYB .. T.1,; KARGMSKIY, T.I., JUSEUX, D,W.; VSKIT, G.M.; MIROXW,i'-A A.; OLI]MOV, M.P.; PARYANOVIGH, B.V.; USHAKOV, K.I.; SRAKHNAZAROT: A.K. Electric smelting for matte In copper metallurg7; a repV, to L.H.Gazarian. TSvet.met. 28 no.1:31-41 Ja-T 155. OURA 10:10) (Copper--Electrometallurgy) (Gazarian, L.W.)