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Pp. podpolkovnik moditsiriskoy slxtzliby Thromboeml.vlism and nophrolithiaois in extensive bli-l-nip. Vorm..-med. zhur. no-5183 Mly 161. (IMIPA 24,; 8) (BUlWS MID SCALDS) (TIEM003 M) (CALCULI, URINARY) RCMV , A * I., prof *; ga ~ARVT SH-ZUPMKA, 0. K. Work of the Sverdlovak Society of Pathoanatomints 111 1954-1956. Arkhopat. 20 no-12:78-82 158, (Mru 12: 1) 1. Predoodatell Sverdlovakogo obahchostvn patologoanat*mov (,rnr Nodov). 2. Sakretarl Sverdlovskogo obahchestva patolog*anatemov (for Zubarev, Shturkina) (SVMwV;lr--AN.&TOMICAL SOCUTUS) TREUXJIOVp V.Ye.; ZUBAIMV, A.V. ------ Bi2aterp.1 lymphohemangioma of the epididymis. Uredlogiia 25 no. 4t61- 62 ji-Ag '6o. (YI.RA 1l+.:1) (EPIDIDEUS-TOORS) 4 ZTMAIREV, A, V,: Manter Tech Sci (diss) -- rif tlie rol!- anil. ~)valllla- 'ion of the o' ec'i-eness of battoza lubr~lcaUon or b1ts". "nalzit, lgl-*,) u Lf " . 1L -,p-p (~Iln TTi,:Fhcr Vr-c- U=,R, Aserb Orat)r of Dilcr !~m(!. Sanntr Tr Is I --rnstl Ln E) . Olustr' M. Azlzbekov), 150 copios (m, yro 16, 1959, io~) ZUBAREV, A. V. CAPT Fit um/medicine - mart, itomdai:and lujuvielp. Madloine - Votmdoo History OCasuistics of Trauna of the Aeart an&~tlle.von- cular 87atem Capt A. V. Zubaxev, Mea Cor~6t Pathoanat Lab, UM) 31 PP "nirurglya" No 7 Describes two cases in detalli one of a vound ill! Ahe pulnonary artery, the ot;;r of a bullatAn thig pericardium. Includes photogrmph, low SIDORMIKO, A.V., glav. red.; FIORETISOV, N.A., red.; RYAJE."11CO, orv djk tor V.Ye.p soredmIctor; .3 1 (Geology of the U.S.S.R.] Geologiia SSSR. Moskva, Nedra, Vol.35- Pt-l- 1964. 628 p. (i 1 Fut 113: 1) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Buryatslcogo ge ~)logic fie i5kollm upravLe- niya (for Ryabenko). 2. Glav-nyy geolog Buryftt,'I~cqrlo gicheakogo upravleniya (for Zubarav). ZUBAPMt D.1o.9 11 z~,~ session of the Intarnttional Gonference on I,a:rp Eleetric Sys- tMs.,Elf3ktrof.,ckhuika 34 no-9:80 8163. (MIRA 16: U.) rf Fill I t A tor y s s D r [it 11 o n : I'llp- thod :in S, irf~ rf'l wr i.,! 'in r 1 q 1)1,, s1 n f of S.itsterls or Int erac t i rf- Partirle s . 11 Cantl '',h S , i , "'on -o-.i Ore-le - I,!! nr, it iT-Pnl P'. V. L-Tronosov, 24 "4. (Vec'lRrr.-,-,)a+ J(k,kl)a+ a. Because of the, k's -k,1/2'k,1/2 kl-I/L>* V(k,k') I circumstance, that the theory of phase transition furnishes examp- les which can be solved only incorrectly, the authors considered Card 1/2 it appropiate to develop a method for the compatation of Lhe ther- On the Theory of Phase Tran3ition. modynamical functions of the Hamiltonian (liven Just above, even the more, as applications to the theory of i3upraconductivity may emerge here. The authors here introduce the canonical transforma- tion + + k,1/2 k k,0 k k,lf '-k,-1/2 " 'k'k,l - 'Ok,O) ukt v denoting real functions, which are connected by the relation v2 a 1. The Hamiltonian thus transformed is given explicit- Uk + k 1y. Into the same shape is then transformed the statistical form of perturbation theory. The process of computation is followed stop by step. The phase transition takes place at that tempers- ture, at which one of the equation given here posesses a non- trivial solution. There are 3 references, 2 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November 13, 1957 Card 2/2 ZUBAREV, D. N. and KLIMOV, V. N. "The Theory of the Temperature Jump at the Boundary of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field. " (Work - 1951) PP. 138-161. "The Physics of Plasmas; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. I, 1958, published by Inst.Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR. reap. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial vork V. I. Kogan. Available in Library. ZUBAR,W~ D. YI. and KLIMCV, V. N. "Stationary Conditions of a genetic Thermotuclear Reactor." (Vork - 1952); pp. 249-288. "The Physics of Plasmas; Problems or Controlled Thermonuclemi, ReMcUons." V~A. I. 1958, publiahed by Inst. Atomic Energy) Acad. Sci, USLM. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V. I. Kogan. Available in Library. 16(2), 240) NOV/1 55-5-9-6-27/36 AUTHORz Zubarev. TITLE: Thermodynamical Equivalence of Statistical, Enea )lea,, PERIODICALt Hauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Pi:iiko-mateirat.1che`skiye nauki, 1956, lir 601)p 169~179 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the author proves thq, thermodynamic equivalence of the microcanonics-If canonicial, niatiro- canonical and of the isobaric-isogiormal ensemble. The error in the -thermodynamic functi2njulthich arises, if one ensemble is re- placed by another is simultaneously estimated. There are 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 5 Americanj and 3 English. ASSOCIATIONs Mlatomatioheskiy institut imeni V.A. !Iteklov-a AN 111= (Mahhe- matical Institute imeni V.A. Steklov AS 3 SUBMITTEDt December 26, 1958 Card 1/1 BOV-26-56-9-8/42 AUTHORS: Zub are v Medvedev, B.V. , Candidates of Physico-Mathe- - a ;I~, miifr~'X S, noes TITLE: New Methods in Theoretical Physics (Novyye aetody v te6reti- cheskoy fizike) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 9, pp 51-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The artiole deals with the works of academician K.N. Bogol;m- bov on new methods in the field quantam theory and the thoory ,)f superfluidity and superconductivity, for which he was awarded the Lenin prize of 1958. Each of the 3 fields is described with its historical background and contemporary re- search, Bogolyubov found out that divorgenoeis occurring ma- thematically in the field quantum theory must be traced back to the fact that entirely new mat'liematical ob4ects have enter- ed, the so-called "generalizing flinctions" recently intro- duced into mathematics in the works of the Soviet mathemati- cian S.L. Sobolev and the French mathematician L. Schwarz (Shvarts). He also worked out a system of physical require- ments imposed on the matrix of "scatter". The consecutive theory of superconductivity was worked out mathematically by Card 1/2 N.N. Bogolyubov at the end of 1957. In 1938 P.L. Kapitea. had New Methods in Theoretical Physics 1',GV-26-58-9-8/42 discovered that helium losos its viscosity at a temperature near absolute zero. The helium then has acquired the ptoper- ty of superfluidity as was demonstrated by Bogalyubov. He proved it mathematically by the special method of canonic con- versions, The same method was successfully applied by him to the problem of superconductivity in 1957, Thore is I photo. ASSOCIATIONi Matematicheskiy institut im. V.A. Stakloirit AN SSSR/Moskva (The Mathematical Institute imeni V.A. Steklov AS USSR/koscow). 1, Superconductivity--Theory 2. Helium--Applications 3, Low temperature research 4. Physics--Theory Card 2/2 F I If I - I I 20-U8-5-~5/59 AUTHORs Zubarev , D. N. TITLEt On the Theory of Virial Expansions for Non-Ideal Gases (K tenrii viriallnykh razlozheniy dlya neideallnykh gazov) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol. 118, Nr 5, PP. 903-906 (USSR) ABSTRAM At the beginning, short reference is uwide of' previous papers dealing with the same subject. Thedevelopment of the general term of the expansion with respect to the powers of density in general requires voluminous combinatorial or algebraic computations. The author here describes a simple method for the determination of the expansions with reapect to the den- sity for classical statistics and for quan-bum.statistics. This method io based upon the application of Cauchy's theo- rem for a transformation of the expansion with respect to the powers of density into a series with reopect to activity. At first a formula is given for -the statintical sum 0- for a "great" Gibbs assembly (vthich*is characterized by the chemical Card 113 potential ~L): On the Theory of Virial Expansions for Non-Ideal Gason 20-1184-15/59 P(T) I ~ I ~ ~ ( A )In( I 21r i The virial coefficients can immediatel.T be obtained from this relation by an expansion of the logaritlimic funation into a series. There are 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Matematicheskiy institut im. 14. V. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni M. V. Steklov AS USSR) PRESENTEDt September 19, 1957, by ff. N. Bogolyubov, blember, Acabm~ of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: Sdptember 18, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Zubarev, D. N., Tserki~v-nikov~, Yu. A. S07/9!0-1 20-5- !7/6T TITLE: On the Theory of Phasth Tranettions in a Non:,Ideul Bose-Gas (K teorii fazorogo pere-khoda v neldealli-nom Dwte-gaze) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademit nauk SSSR~ 1958~. V,)I. '120, Iff'r 5, Pp~ 991 994 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper it in ~jhowri. that thP !unc tiong at V-.W, YIN ;onnt ciu-i boi computed vith ain asymptotic accura-_,y for u. model lfatuiltowtar af the fww -k;) - 4 ik i _ , , - k' b+b+t' 4 H (k)b+ b b b t"'b I ' " - 2 7' k 2 k _k. _k 0 1e k k k k; kT E0 bk denotes -the Bose- (Doze-) operatorHq,~the \/W the FouTier compone'nt of the ivktraction energy,, T'be relation k2/2,z This IfLmiitonian. diffors from the complete Hamiltonlar, by the. fal:1.- ,,).at only terz~v marked by Card 1/3 two indices were kep"~ The operat,~:~,,j azl! L-:-anuformea SOV1,20-1 20-5 -17/67 On the Theory of Phase Transitions In a Non canonicallyp which was suggested by N. N. Bago]-Yubo-r in 194"1 in the theory of saperliquLdity: 4. j, r 2 b 0 +r.! p ~..b , ;~ p, 4-1, 0 --it )i k k k k kv k k k ,k k 4: where 0 and 0 + do,%nati% the now Bomn opmratuxii. The iniar- k k action is assumed to be sufflcienLly wttak, The Hamiltotian resulting from this transformatic-n I.s itritton down explioitly. Formulae for the tbezmodynamloal potenti&~ anti for the energy of elementary txcitation are deduiied. A.n exp-,r*ssion in alar o written down for the sptctruK of the e:1amenta37 e-xcit&ti .11H9 according to which the Boge gas trans-form at. c r ~' 1,:~ c; al from the non-superfluir. state into the.auperfluid state. Finally the thtrzodynamical properties of rr. Bose gas W,e dis4, cussed. The auth,.~re acknowl-edge valuabin suggitstions giver. by N. N. Bogolyabov. There are ,I. referencon, 3 o:1' which are Soviet. Card 2/3 SOV/20-120-5-17/67 On the Theory of Phase Transitions in a Non-Ideal Bose-Oas ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 Matematichaskiy inatitut im. 7. A. Steklo-va Akademii nauk SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V. k. Steklo-r AS USSR) January 29, 1958, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR january 21; !958 Gases--ThermiDdyncmde properties 2. 01mra-to-ro (M!ttheinatics) Transformations (~L-thematlas) 4. Plut,,ia tical a analysis 7 24 (8 o 0 v/"; v - 12 6 - 12 14 9 AUTUORS Iluberev, D. N. , Taerkovnikov, Yu. A. T IT LE: Tho Thermodynanics of Superconductors (Tormodinamik-a averkh- provodnikov) PERIODI'AL: Doklady Akademii nank 313SR, 19.1,.8, Vol 122, Nr 6,, pp 999-loo2 (USSR) .I.BSTRACT: The preaerit paper inveotigaten the thermodynamica of Super- .conductors by means of FrAlikh'a hamiltonlan, in which electron-phonon interaction is explicitly taken into accounf. The thermodynamical. 1,-)e-nturbation theory is uned for this pur- pose. Also the oleo tron-phonon into rite fdoii conotant is re- normalized accordin- to the method developed by N. 11. 13aeolyubov, whereby it is possible to improve development convergence. In this way the t3ame FAdvantager are obtained au in the on-tie of zero temperatures. The initial bamiltonian is ltirst written down explicitly. The canonien]. operator trannfornations are carried out like in the papers by 11. N. Boj~olyubov. Next, the hamill-onian is written down by u3ing the new operators (ob- taine~ by transforml'~tion). The t~crmodynirlmic -e,otentialQ is Card 1 calculated according to the thermodynamic perturbation theory, I The Thermodynamien of Superconductors S07/20-12P-6-12/49 in which connection the ansatz 0 + < R> c is used. Ex- pressions for Q 0 and < R> c and (in second approximation) a rather voluminous expression for Q a:.,-e derived. The otiergy of the elementary eycitations of fermions and bosons wro de- tertnined by the exclusion of curtain rvaphot which are given. The equations given here, together with the expressiors for elementary excitations and with the condition for determining the chemical potential fully determine the ooofficients of the initially given canonical transformations. Aa usual, these equations have a "normal" and a non-trivial anlution for the supercondiietive stato of ilia nyotom. Finally, the thermo- dynamic functions are calculated. The authora thank 11. N. Bogolyubov, Academician, for his useful, advice, and V. It. Moskalenko for discussing thin paper; Ishey furthe,r express their gratitude to C. Bloch (X, Rlokh) for placing the firat printed copy of one of his papers at thair ditsposal. 12here are 1 figure and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy inatitutiLV.A.3teklova ,kadenii nauk 1)33R (Mathematics Institute imeni V. A. Stel-,lov of the Acalamy of Card 2 SciencesITJST)-R) r\ 24(0) SCV/30-59-2-42i6o ACU021 1. M.. 0"wr of Ph;.L..l -2 SOL .... 4 MIA, Inveattgatimo of Phyalca PO flaike uIlkilch tomprut- i PUIDDICALL. ve.tmik Alt.d..11 ... k SSSR, 1959, X~ 2. 9; ".100 (a=&) ABSTUCT. The 51" All-vala took pl-. In ThIll.1 ft'he 2 to ba,r, Is ... .%".404 by c.. -texp4r. tare plVatca *fl , o a . 1&- 11, Sop -dutIOt '46 i .. S.Pr,lqui 1 7 f ". d mLenot.-M.I.tiv. Wool. The fall"Ing L. A. AbrjjLq&si:l II. P. "part* und .-unle.tin- or. h.-4. _ Q,r~k- rop.rwt On tuo, iu-.uStIo. Or UA prop-ts.. ollaya. A. A. Abr%k-oov. L. P. M.Xatnikov @Pak* of properties of suprancoa4untom is the lkIgb- 'Mij--u-Y-62-tio field ~- T. Sh!rk.. "d Cj%.*' CAu&!=jaA' moLd chhm " ... king t --To I'm 20&09. rlb.4 1-stlf~tl- for ox- rclood by 'be Cculoul, (Xatou) Interne of"he LAfl &oo c"d 1/4 of *Mrs.xsu re-fts"U'lly. '. T. vaj*&Qk~ft. tb- :: , "Earear Lb* .0.4.11.a zlit.tions or the L*, 1. A. TOO rk~~Lkov t7p. I. lak&r lk a the f .... 4-i - or 1-1-Itulp of thermal O0.4.0%io -pr.- : , -DAZI-AA. " td .4 - .0 ;. _r, r_ vork with ouproc"S.-tor.. Pert" W a of Uw x.. 'rootom I *the oAl-trpy Of th.m.1 O"d-,% tMY ta , f the In * merlt* of reports prvbl~e of &UP-rIL4.141t f bell- -.- dl- ... 4, *4 11950 by 1 -1 the th.nry of bi.% L. Xo;lt.a in 1;41 by Lon,44m. !~. '-- A--dr=nt-,#t�Ul sag bi. Q.1 , ~.: Iaborat.r. 4tbo cc-%. ,L.t heII.. , T. ; in. fr..t or U.. f-ti *f the "n . 21". Go- .... .... rllt.14 .4 ... -;. 114.i4 lay-y&s-. oollaborator of in, Imetitut flotchoaklt= ;=%1m (Z.* tltmta ?-bi-.) ~Jb. ;_P.rtl.s of tar. of J__JL_!lthl%,, the so.. 11.4 J-P 1. P. : DbA-" 1. : strong ~Cnotic fields for =*"I* it% ,,a F,mL aurt~es. "L'. 19, '. re'd .... .Pori... III lu'.Ou- *l 1 1 , il __;-rd. 2/4 :;:. -. I in the -&-tmv, w i .1 N:, t ! 6fuld.-L. 2. E--. D. pre ..... of - tr tZ. of in. - I, t, a sliixi~~wt ; - -11. T., kz~~ reported an ths q t- " ry -t.11i. - I the altemstims, oloctran-4. =3 -a' o 4%-%lvSt7 a on the se-I fs~- j sell ft. d ' N' N~ Kr* so. U#rroa &-tio a-pl- Of ]LnCC I. 3 at :d Lee .6-tiz of th. enti- : 4 r.yorltd o" moutr- fr PAL. or : bilily of 'l.k.1 -4 ! to di 1. .9 In. unp.r.l.rve. _7. 1. suite of ;-rtmn=.t t= TI-1-2 In. off "portea an .11-fun -3,B, G, L.-r-, tj...4 tho,% tj:-.j.7- Ha " ' h-' ... rv: 9 h. St 1 "4 T. **rph I * !" .. ronik. , i1" .tk.X dh 1..-. P. Y-L.. in. ;z.g* of do- llr--- t ~f f-id, rl-- tuo. ' "14 of A- Z11 ..I If the C~~f,r,nc* -P~k- -f ht . ....... r~l 4...l.p-% of I., not'- in the field of I th. :f C.4 ~ Oj jinj kh rLwitt xk4l.all : ~ia . 1_44= r - zr zoi_~ i a: the Gmainakas 354) "a the rh~olc* F-41%y ~r TI&II.1 a I....... so "I I -. -.,. b.11l..C of too r..a,.r .... Ti, I I . . I S )/15 5/5!?/000/0:?/0;?5/03 6 AUTHORSt Zubarey, D.N., Tserkovnikov, Yu.A. TITLEs 6n the The'oryof the Phase Transition in Fermi Systems PERIODICALs Nauchnyye doklady vyashey shkoly. Fizil