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17- MT- ZUUKmt R.A.; CROCHIA, N.S. Geochemical landforms and the distribution of vome trade. elements in the soils and ground of the Sakmard roglamq.,tbe camtherm Urn, . Izv,'Vses.geog.ob--vs 95 no,,129-22 Ja-F 163,:. (KM 1694Pks (Saimare. Valley-LankoraO. (Sakmam Valley-Trade elements) ZUBAW;, S. '11111 fit 11 0 r 11 ire N 1, 5 jj()V,~riffl fit' tildlItf-2. ~%,:2 n; dlo,%il i nci 7 ~I 1, Ia ri, p( %vidl :1-ii[I ~C;111! till W1 :101%, lie t--~ f~-T 11w ;,I~Illcflrl cf 2 C,L fr j Jill, !,;Ze (J! cott-Olw!" Ll t-, .It. -117f. IIVIII Ito "I ~: TH I T7 t I 711"vp IIL it Chemical Abdtraqts rh'j go'.1,11ro nf May 25 t 1954 1-i5~tatlurgy and ',Ak-,ta-11,oprpphy V,.. W'O. 70 TNf?-TV The rrdilf. 1 lil-Iffolife IIIIIIINr Ift -I Ow .11111srid Iifv~ 111 14110 Ind P,., vfwl-j. rt'jul(~;Ir I-11 )r~~j 11111. and Th- i "~io:) fir"I CIO if" 1"IIIIII nflAwlinaod ghg1l. jI1IA!w-. L[I ZUBAJCDV, S*H*; B"IN, P#N. Alekseyevka dolomite as raw material for the production of powdored metals. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR Ser.gor.dela. ejot. I strimat. no.2:143-3.49 154. (HUM 9:6) (Alekaeyevka--Dolqmite) (Powder metallure,7) 11 1! NI: 11-1111i: SHEYNOV, Ye.l.; ZTJBAKOV, S.M.; BABIN, P.N.; YATSOVSKIY, SoA. A now rapid method for repairing basic heaxths In openhearth furnaces. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR Ser.gor.dela, met. I stralmat. no.2:151-163 154. (mWA 9: 6) (Opon hearth furnaces) ZUBAKOV, IS% M-4- beds, lj,~lif.Zjj*aTo7-,MrT R. 1. yvauk tam'kT=311.1054, Maot.-shc brick, in the zourm -of pirvi". cim -the vp~,.n-hl!31111- _! b,~d uswlergnes Ithys. ch-wi. chunges wal arr,,111rP.9 170-nal" charactokUts: 2 lottes (ft'volap O!lc (if tvh~;rh 1:1 ,lense ano dark. th,! ot'-tr pexrms arl light grux. In the latter the i~w in trwittntivul cn_vii!t~ rjffmif~r- ite and krf-.4ctl chr,~tnitatitt.*, . Th, tlarlc juirt ccollill:i mnnticellit- (u'') to -10%) .1"d matmf-itfl. PHOm-f! gmir! irt thl,i 7~arit~ jbveu much Fe ord(le in coah-wit I:ej tht! ~is-hl 70". %Vh~rc thCft'rU,hlS IITC` d(!j7llVk!d of lie, lf,aff to mrainq whicA In time dotm~, Ow 11(rifttiltv (it 1w litling. ZUBAKOV. S. M.. SHEVTSOV, Ye. 1. and BABIN,, P. N. IIA Now Rapid Method for Repairing Basic Hearths of Open-Hearth Furnaces", Izv. An Kazakh SSR No 3_26p PP 151-163, 1954. Application of the new method of hot repairing of' hearths at the Kazakh Netallur;iical Plant shortened heavy, repairs to 4-5 houre 11nd light repairs to 1-2 hours. Describes technology of sintering-la of individual parts of the hearth by the new method which is recoxmtnded for furnaces of small and medium capacity operating on nazut and smelting ordinary grade carbon steel. (RZhKhim, No 4, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 SOV/137-58s, I 1--~ 21921 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, MetalLurgiya, 1958, Ur 11, p 12 (USSR) AUTHORS: =Zubakov, S. M, , Balakh, 1. K, TITLE: Producing Standard Chem ic ally.- bonded Milghiasite-chronie Rofractory Products From the Ores of the Kernpirsay Deposdt (Normall~nyyt; khromomagnezitovyye izdeliya iz rud Itempirsayskogo mestorozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN Kaz. SSR, Ser. Gorn, dcla, Me1jillurgii. Str-vil i stroy., materialov, 1956, Nr 10, pp 9 1 - 100 ABSTRACT: A reduction in scrap and increase in output of first-class merchan- dise is noted at the Chasov.-Yar and Pantelcymoitovol plants:subtse- quent to switchover from Saranovsk to Kempirsay chromito.,s in the production of standard chemically-bonded rriagnesite-chrome products. An investigation is made of the influence of the composition of the charge upon the density and strength of the products, 4 groups of magnes ite -chrome materials being studied: That used at the plants, a type having selective granular composition, a type with a distinc- tive quantity of fine-ground magnesite, and one containing 700/o chrom- ite and 300/0 magnesite of various fraction,-~, Tile specimens were Card 1/2 made in the form of 38x38 mm cylinders, pressed under 1000 kg/crnz SO V/1 37-58-11- 21921 Producing Standard Cherni c ally- bonded Magnesite-chrome Refractory Products(cont. pressure, and burned in an oxidizing atmosphere for 4 hours at 1650 () C. To obtain strong and dense products from Kempirsay chromites made by the technology that has won industrial acceptance, it is recommended that the magnesite be of discon- tinuous granular composition (the 3-0.5 or 1-0.5 and 0.2-0 or 0,,088-0 mm frac- tions), wherein ti-e fine- round particles (f n.)osf ing, and spinelltdes of industrial typea of chrome -magnenite refractories after servic-a in an op~,_n-hearth furnace. The Rayt method was employed to calculate the phase composifton of spinellides and the parameters of their lattices from data of Card 1/2 32779 8/iy(/6 i/ooo/o 12/004/149 On the phase composition ... A006/A101 chemical analysis. Spinellides of all sinter types had a nati-Btolchiametric composit -ion after roasting, with excess of R2 as compaxed tQ RO; this proved the incompleteness of synthesis processes: only at triple heating to 1,7000C, splnellides of conventional compoBition*,were formed with R,203 ~ RO " 1 3 " There are, however, two types of spinellides: basic types, compoaed of MgOCr2O3 and MgOA120 with lattice parameters of 8.26 - 8.27 R,, and aecoridary types, -conGisting 9ainly of MgOFeI03 with isomorphic admixtuvei3 and parame-tel,11 'of ~.35- 8,27 X. Thus, the basic (residual) and secondary spindellIdes are- different in principle: in the former the main molecule is MgOCr2O3 picotite having a can.- ventional cryAtal lattice where all the 16 cations are arranged in an octahedron; in the latter magnesia ferrite, MgWeP3, is the main molecijl.e havi:ng a inverse structure. This proves the Incompleteness of the reaction rietweign Oi6cmite amd magnesia even at triple roasting at 1,7000C. The investigation of spinellides in chrome-magnesite articles shows that they are mainly enriched by F-P oxides during service; the aubstitution of magnesia spinellIdes bp ferric ones In solid- solutions was observed; this entalls the growth of parameters of the cube lattiae (from 8.26 - 8.31 to 8.30 - 8.37 R) and probably, the transiformatdon of the uon- ventional structure into inverse one. N. [AbBtracter's note: Complete translation] Ca rd 2/2 -ZUBAKOVO 3.14. Interaction of ferrous melts with chrom&-mgnesite x,etractoriesi. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser.mat., obog.i ogneup noo2s9U.00 161, (KM 14g6) (Refractory materials) (lAquld me-tale) V ASPANDIYAROVA, S.G*; KOHMMEWSM, A.T.; CE-EPAY AVS KAY A, 7 P.j ZUBAKQ OSIPOVA, L.Ya. U.qtngr a treated X.Impornity chromite for the procluction oC magnes,la refractorlsm, OgneuF>Ory 30 no-l-R131-37 '65- 1. Institut metallurgil i obogashcheniya AN Xals.&SR (for ZutAkov, Aspindiyarova). 2, Zavod "Magnozil." Konlinnevskiy, Clio rnyavsk nya , Oslpova), AXc MR? t i M - it; Fi) Fu V , AP600063*1 'Mye 141'r-nto I-tid lHo-Vicrye. Vqeln Rld IF114rom A UT 12 q- tl-,ql 101--,G: VUMA Institute, (VIINU Infltitut[ TITLE: Electrochemical grincLin1j; pf nimto.1 -co-trainic ",clya, -,#-- I SOURCE: ElektromaTa- 0bTab0t14 rwiterWav. no. 1. 1.9165. 44-441 TOPIC TAGS: eLectrachernical gz-1xiding, rnet4l-l cerarnfic mittorial I ABSTRAC-T: These experimental reoults of electrochmmlcld~ rlyindimig of cattilig Mole and d-or. are bricfl,t rtpor-ted: (1) Bemh onte-A mid Inner gimrfo.r-cs fmit Itmit grotiml by them :ochf- ( al rn,~th~-(I, I A I., tAI'l. 1) q f~ 1 11 , , 1:11 (-.! , " ii,~ div!le ct-vrtis layt- r tii forri-ke('i f, I f- ( t or) ttie r,,j - f ac e, ( 3) w ith r rcnl: tiff n ~;tv (~f 9,11^1 arrip /c,m;l pr--1-jdi;iAiv ity i.s 0 , 4 to ; j ;hnc!ni3 of the :~4!aulu.rig ourfa.ce -1d The atta-Limble ~60 mm~/mm, the rclai e r ro - i Ei -- 0 - 0 3 rn in, (5) T laY3 n01:11-&L I'll !!.'11V d - a tee I gx-i.nding Nwhvtel %ii t%!.m r I a 0. 1 r1irn; aste I- Ithe grinjing of ZO pieces; (b) Tim] coul of (!hirtrochemiccd 11::rindiop :im onte-hillf thF1 col3t of abrasive grinding. Ong. mTt. hass.- Z figures. SUB CODE: 13 / SUB-M DATE: 141111: IT111. II, Hid"ll Ilr'l 11 HI "I'. ACC NN AP6033370 ~(A) SOME CODE;~ IM/0131/66/0001006/002910036 AUMOR. Zubakov, Be M.; Aspandiyarava, So 0. ORG: Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Benefication Ax Kazedn (i~stitut zwballurj;i1 I obogaahcheniya AN KazSSR) TITLE: Composition and properties of chromium spinellideo extracted fmm Kimpdrsqsk ores by- acids SOURCE: Ogneupory, no. 81 19669 29-36 TOPIC TAGS: refractory compoundb chromium compound, x ray diffraction anelysim, crystal structure ABSTRACT: The authors study the composition, properties and structure of the elemen-%. tary nuclei of Kimpersayek chromium spinellides extracted by acids from six ore de- posits of Kazakhstan. The chemical composition of the chromium spinellidee is com- paratively constant and close to stroichiometric with B20VRO ratio varying,from 0.9 to 1.2. Chromium spinellides are classified vith magnesium chromitas (Mg, F'e)Cr204o The properties of chromium spinellidee vary with ccmposition ancording to a lav 'Long Uhich approximates a Unear function. These materials melt at 2050-20660C anl be, to the higher class of refractory materials. Chromium opinallidam hold promirie for producing new types of refractory products. X-ray difrraction awsj~rsia sh(nre that 1/2 MC 1 553-461 001V ard 11' 11 Jill[ ACC NR, APWI-3370 .Kimpernayok chromium spinellides have a spinal type cryntallive atructure. Divalent magnesium and iron cations are located In a tetrahedral enviranlent with trivalent, chromium, aluminuw and iron cations in a octahedral environment. The cations flave the following distribution in the elementary nucleus of these chraitium spinellides: 5_6 Mg2+ ions and 2-3 Fe2+ ions located In tetrabedra, and V.43 Cr3+ Ions, 2-3 A14? ions and 1 Fe3+ are located in octahedra. The acid parameter for the Kimperuayisk chromium spinellidea somewhat exceeds the value for an Ideal sipinel, etructure, This in explained by the expansion of the tetrahedral spacea,pd coatraiction of tho oatei- hedral spaces. Orig. art. haot, 7 tables. SUB CODE:. 3.19 20/ SUBM DATEa None/ ORIG REVi- OPI/ blu Mors, 01)5: card 2/2 7711"; 717.7 ISROMMEDOV, N.K.; ZUB~KOV S.M. ANORRIA, A.I.; YUSUTC.)VA, : , Burning in new fettlings. Vest. A14 Kazakh.S"'R 21 r!o.-D - 13-75 F 165, (MIRA 18: ~) ZUBAKOV s. H. kand. tekhn. nauk sItAuring FLnil t.- j-_-jcf-,jj .. 3! Hy- 163- .s. Ve-,t. AN Ke.vttkh. SSR. IY rio.5-,;:~- e var, lap go- p,r%2 V C 0t zb~33 64 -Y, 1) "C'esi 0%'Y* all %,Ce C613 OV"o e ar t. 0 or -P 01*4 -;a& ,aesl DIIGci -, . , ~ OTIS .1 V, ~bje 0 -L~015~ sta. o4 0 6~.Se 5-, -a 0) 0 . t- () t 33:5 Tes'al 3, 1 -res or~~S -'s 0 -la so 1 80) Ste. VC11A 0 4,0x tale , , 5 -tlae I ~J~o Tov so . tUe raos~~e a, vrt cv~ to 00cva ~)acjjqu & MD-5 nosI- 2. 'Jars -JAaL; D-foq COSS I g~pove r~als . -Ovd6~-5 0e '5-5 .9ro .,re e vvt d covi 0 as Call ge 0 L& 06C V te~Npa 2. SO 0 6cv 0~ 3 ao of 2al ~()T, tt '.,,c Tel. -0r6 :L r j. ACCESSION :-R: ~.1`4015330 makinc, technique sliduld be f ollow ed in the i of ar6wn, or converter refractories. HoweVer, Ufte copnon mebiidd of producing the magnesite-chromits re~ractories out of :coarsi~ chromte ore powder's for lining fuxmiaco crowns is undc-sirable. This techni~jue results in tho formation ot phasea irhich do not cCCUr i in ' iio statle of equilibrium and which 1mve low melting po~rlts. Uoreovor, the secondary spinels pioduodd in this -vay have interior proportion in couVarUon to 1-hoso of maenesiura spineis formed durin- the oduction o.V par1clane-spinal refractories. it is concluded that t~.o production of high quality crolm refrac- tories and of the rramesium-chrortite materials containin'g' 1mrialasa-spinaln '(m~eli,-:Lng point --bovG 2100C) requires tho -use Of tho onricbixi ximp(DrsaysIc aria anii of Imapmesite Dowder with a minimm content of ;LnPurities'. Orl.g. axt. haut 3 tablAs. :AS3C,C:L!T1ON-. Institut metallurgii i obogashcheniya M KaliSSR (Ustitute ok 'beta -llurEy and Ore "iteement M Kazaldi SSR) SUBKTITED: 00 DIM,; ACQ: 10-reb64 M.,,Lt 00 CTItIRS 005 CODE: ~11 NO P~7 SOV: 009 Ccr~ 2/2. ....... A I 111 HW: kF11"JI P ITJH. P, 11 ZUBA.KOV 2 S,14, Changes in tho properties of chromium spiwilid during the interaction with magnooium cfxLde,, Trudy Diet. imit,, I obog., AN Kazakh. SSH, 5:-, W-W I &~. DURA 15~11) (Spinel group) ZUBAKOV~ ... S.M.; YUSUPOVA, E.N. - Ll Composition and properties of chromites from new Kaukhatan deposits. Ogneupory 27 no.10t"9-453 1624 (MIIU 15:9) 1, Institut metallurgii i obogaghcheniya AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Kazakhstran-Chromito) ZUBAKOV# S.M. Properties of cbromium spinels in chromiteo aijd chmme-magnealte refractories. Trudy Inst. met. i obogashch. All Kaznkh. SSR 4:98-108 162. (HIRA 11:8) (Spinel group) (Rotroatory materials) T ISHMUKHAHEDOV, N.K.; ZUBAKOV, S.M. Interaction between open-hearth furnar--e hearth linings and the c=- ponents of the charge and products of open-beart.1h smalting. Izv, AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. Piet., obog. i ogneup. no.)1105-11,3 '0. (MIRA 15-.1) (Refractory materials) (Liquid metals) kazid.toklm.nauk Composition and -structure of spinellids in beat-resistant chrona- magnesite refractory materials. Vest. Ali Kaza)Lb. SA 17 no.10-. 16-22 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Refractory wateria-'s) (Spinal group) ZUBAKOV, V... polkovnik Victory of Leningrad. Tekh. 1. ve.,~)ruzh. no. 1-0.0-11 Sa 164. (IGRA 17:6) ZUJ3AKOV,--.V-j-A-.;~-MSHOV. 1.I.; SHANTSIR, YO.T. Resolutions of the joint plenum of the Permwient Commission an the Study of the quaternary System (Interdepartweltal $tratigraphic Committee), the Cotmission on the Study of t11." Qwibernar:r Period of the Academy, of Sciences of the U.S.S,R., and tlw! Section of the National Geologists' Committee on Geochronologr awl Clinatolog:r of the Qjiaternary Period, rebruary 13-16, 1959. Miul. Mom. --hatv. per. no-25:116-228 1600 (Min 14: 1) (Geology, Stratigrapkiia) AUTHORS: Zauyer, V. V~, Zubakov, V. A. 30V/ 2o-, I 2r,.-1,-44163 Palinological Motivation ---78~tratilyraphdo Subdivision of TITLE: of the a Quaternary Deposits of the Osinovalriy DistTlct 1r, the Yenisey Valley (Palinolo gic lie skoya obosnovaniyo rat--hIneniya chettrer- tichny-kh otlozheniy Osinovskogo rayoma dolirty r. Zenisey) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadomii Nauk SSSR, 195B, Vol, 12n;. Ur 1,. pp.162-165 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The part of the Tenisey ira'lley betwenn the Osinovskiy rapids and the village of Sumarokoro is easent-Jal in the elaboration of quaternary stratigrapby. With bore-hDlea und drills a valley vrith a ground line of 25 n below sea leTel was disclosed. The valley is filled irith a substan~:e of i3ea-, sea-al.luvial- and glacial sediiaent;3 (the g,aological investi- Cations were cArried out by S. A. Koi-aler, A. A.I Laastrov; S. V. Epshtayn and V. A. Zubakov). T'ne horizon of the tictraine of maximum glacierization subdivides this s-abstance into two suites: a lower of "dovecolored loams' ani an np-per - Sari- chugovskaya. Into this the recent Yenisey valley ii out. Card 113 The valley has four upper river terraces (Ref 1). Palinalogic- 3()jr/ 2o-.12o.-I!-44/63 Palinological Motivation of the Stratigraphic Subdkirision of Quaternary De- posits of the Osinovskiy District in the Tenisey Valley al examinations of 500 samples of all four horizons of the quaternary deposits yielded the following results: a) the spore-pollen oomplexos w"arob the moot perre,:it in th-i ~saa deposits. As a rule, the alluvial deponits had a very limit-, ed spore-pollen complex, The test res%ilts of sul-faoe layers and of the bottom-land alluvion were %itilized for the inter- pretation of palinologiQal spectra reflocting the recent ve- getation of the region. The spectra prove& typical for wolod. Pinus Sibirica (Ropr) mayr is predominant~ The preelacial se- diments contain only few pollen grains of "dark" coniferous woods, ferns, and moss spores. The lower part of th(t "dove- .-colored loams" is of moraine-like chuxactex in parts ana contains a few pollen of Betula 'sp. , They may therefore be considered to belong to the time of the old glaclarization (Q2). The upper part of the latter a-3ites is palinologioa'lly sulficiently characterized. Here the speatrm contain 'all com- ponents: trees, herbaceous plants, spores o41' ferns and mosses. In the lower part spectra with predotainant pollen of herba- ceous plants, in the upper - with spctres of moss - tire p:re- valent. There are few npectra where tree pollen predominste~ Card 2/3 Thus there are three interglacial ho3,izons in the sections '-;Gvf 20-120-1-44/63 Palinological Motivation of the Stratigraphic Subdivimion i)f Quaternaxy De- posits of the Osinovskiy District in the Yenisey Valloy of the Osinovskiy district: One middle inter-glacial, Sam- burgskiy and Kazanteevskiy 'and four C:ldcial: Demlyanakiy, Samarovakiy, Yaniseyskiy and Zyryanakiy. TheTe are I table and 3 references, which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Leningradakiv f ilial Gidroproyekta (Lariingyad Branch of the Gidroproyekt , );Vsetjoy-uznyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy ~,,eo- logicheskiy institut (All-Union Scientific inntitute or Geological Research) PRESENTED: October 14t 1957, by V. IT. Shkachev, Vembert Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: October 13, 1957 I. Geology--USSR 2. GeopLVsical prospecting--UWR Card 3/3 DJBAKOV, V.A. 0 ,lacial hintory of' Alaaka In the. light of' pleiii~tocabl geochro- nology. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser, geog. no.3:3-1,7 Mri.-Je t6-*,,,. (MIRA ll.-'~:6) Vsesoyuznyy geologicheskiy institut (VSEGEI). ZUBAKOV Correlation of glaciaticn and Pleistocene t" in the Arctic part of eastern Siberia and the nort.1wostern part; of North America, Sov. geol. 8 no.6:54-75 Jv, 6!i.1 I (MIRA IS t 8) 1. Vaeso)ruznyy nauchno-issledwiatellskiy geolagrich(isitij Instituit. I I .. I 1 1.11 ... .. ... ZUBAKOV, V.A. --- 1--l- .. - I'riti~:al review of the present itatus of a r,rcjl:lrm Ui the taxonmic rank of Quaternary sediments. Trudy IIISEGEI 1.02:M-1.03 164. (MIRA '1$12) GAIESHINr G.S.- ZUBAKQ PMOVSIUYA, I.M. I SEUVIK12TOV, YU.P&; CMSKGV,-V.F.,- EPSWEIEN, S.V.,- YAKOYLLIVA, S.V. Scale, content,, and terminology of stratilpapILLe sublivisions of the Quaternary system. Sair. 9901. 4 rio.813-15 Al~,, 161. (WRA 16:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy m nstituto .g (Geology-~ Stratographic) z of qkatarnarT Formulation of the problem of ths lower Wundar sediments. Trudy Kom. chetv. per, 20:343-145 162. (NIVA 16:1) (Geology, Stratimphic) ZUBAKOV., V.A.1 KWNOV, I.I. Prinaiples of stratigraphic division of the QlLatertunl3r system and plan of its general scale. Mat. VSEGEL C',bet. geol, i geomorf. no,2:28-71 159. OMM 14:5) (Geology., Stratigratphic) ZUBAKOV, V*A* Geomorphological structure of the middle and Irmer Yonizey valley. Mat. VSEGEI. Chet. geol. J geomrof. no.21114-131 159. OTIRA 10-5) (YeniSOY Valley-Geology, Stricti.,xiii) ZUBAKOV, V,A. Present status of the study of the PleistocOmm ga-Lolation in Siberia. Trudy VSEGEI 64.5-26 161. (MR-A 15:6) (Siberia,--Glacial opoch) mr IF. MP MI If ~71- ZUBAKOV, V.A. Paleogeographic conditiona governing the Pleistocene glaciation of the Tenisey Valle,7. Trudy VSEGSI 6WI-B6 16L, (M-A 15:6) (Yenisey Valley-Falsogmogra~pIW) (Yenisey Valley-Glacial epoch) BOTTSOVA, Te.P.,- VITTEITBUM, F.Y.; GAIMHIN, G.S.,; ORDMOV# P -_V,"-IVAITOVA, I.K.; KIUSITOV, I.I,; Lummumm, G,]P,,; , NIKINROVA, K.V.; POYROVSKAYA, I.M#; CHMOMOT, Yu.T.; M- HTET11, S.V.; TAKOVLL?VA. S.V. Sergei Aleksandrovich IJLkovlev; obituary. 131 id.llov. chetv. per. no.23:97-101 '59- WIRA 1310) (IAkovlev, Sergel Alaksandrovidi, 18!'P-1957) (Geolog3r) V. 111. , "I Tl'~I'l "ICvi (7, (U:.! (lo,~cj,Atr of n AW114 n ;~'3 ARM S.A.; ZUMAXOV. V.A.; WIMSHIN, Tu.A. Glacial-aqueous deposits In the Tanimay region of ths West Siberian Lowland. Dok1.AN SSM 112 no.1:10?-108 Ja 157. (KM 10:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.S.Shatskim. (Siberia, Weatern-_Geolog7, Stratigraphic) j 1 ZUBAKOV, V.A. phy of qmternar7 deposits In the YOrdsel vmCI*si of ot~w Ago. Siberia. Dokl. AN SSSR 119 no,41763-765 Ap 156, (WA 1116) I VmssoyuxW nanobno-issladmtellskly goolcgichotkiy Institut, i~sdstavlsno aka&aik*m I.P. Goi-aduovM (Yanigial Ullsy-Goology, Stratigraphlis) -- ~t /I J, "- .. ! - ;.- ,/- ; (,.- I - I - -: - ) /f i::1 i,, '. ", -'i , . FRUNZZ, K.V.; ZUBAKOT, V.Ye.. podpolk.,red.; $CRONIN, Y.Y., toktn.rad. [selected works] Izbrannye proizvodeniia. Hoekva, Vota.izd-vo H-va obor.SSSR. Tol.2. 1957. 499 p. (NDU 10: 12) (Russia--Army-History) (MilitM art and science) MOROZOV. V.P., kandidat voyqanykh aaukpo1kovnIk;,4MR ,;Aj~ V V.Ya. podpol- ' i I'M r kovnik, redaktor; SOROXIII, V.V., tekhnicheekiy rffl* Cwost of Voronezh; brief military historical outhae operations of the Soviet armed forces In January Zapadnee Vorounzha; kratkii voonno-istoricheakii nykh ophratail eovetskikh volsk v isnvare-fevralo Voen. izd-vo Hinisterstva obor. SSSR, 1956. '199 (World War, 1939-1945) of the offensive and fobruary 1943) ocherk naotupatell- 194) g. Koskve, p. (MLRA 10:4) J1 I 1111ii! 11114" 11 If !,:!11: M". ld ill ZT)IjAhovp V~A. Basic features .nd chamc-teristics of -' ly! Iri ' - .- - ii Slb-2~ria. I-lat. VSEGM Chet. geol. J gonmorf. , r-') 1. ~: "i", 9 A5) ZUBMV, V.A. Correlation of the Sanchug(wka (ftveal) sea drif t tho Tiodoey and glaciation as revealad b:r the stratigraphic acala, IiInproomborq VSMVI no.6:71-75 159. (10-RA UtIO (Yanisey Valley-Geoloa, Stratigraphic) ZTJBAOV, Y.A. KRASNOV, 1. 1. Special apinion on pmrt 4 of the general remolulPlon. :$(IV. geol. no.41151-152 Ap 160. (PUM 13:11) (Geology-, St=Ugrapb1cr)------ ' J, T 111,11": 41111 d~i iP111H, 111][Ti 14-57-7-14516 translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal., Geografilm, 195"T, Nr-7.. pp 4o-41 -(USSR) AUTHOR: Zubakov, V.A. TITLE: Stratigraphy and Nature of the Glaoial Deposits In the Valley of the Middle Yenisey River (K voproau o stratigrafii I kharaktere lednikovykh otlozhenly doliny srednego techenlys, r.- Yenimeya) PERIODICAL: V ab: Materialy po chetvertich. geol. i geomorfol- SSSR. Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1956, pp 146-168 ABSTRACT: The author offers data on exposures in the Oplyvnyy and Zavallnyy yary (Banks) which lie along the course of the Yenisey River'below the mouth of'the Pod'ka- mennaya Tunguska River. The-following are among the deposits of the Oply1m Bank (100 m to 115 m terrace of the Yenisey).- ifa blanket layer of alluvial loam and sand (5 m to 10 m" QP; 2) an upper esker Card 1/3 14-57-7-111516 Stratigraphy and Nature of the Glacial Deposits (Cont.) 2 1 (20 m to 25 M, Q3)i 3), intermoraine sands (8 M, q3); 11) a lower moraine ("Samarovskiy' Bank -- 15 m to 20 m, Q2) belonging to a period of maximum glaciation which occurred during a pronounced uplift of the Western Siberian Plain. Among the glacial deposits the upper esker contains layers of lacustrine origin. This esker constitutes an independent "Yenisley" horizon. It was deposited on the bottom of the small fresh-water lakes which joined the sea in the zones where the glacier was forming a water-filled basin. The Yenisey depres- sion subsided unevenly and produced the Yenisey basin during the Boreal Transgression. The transgression was contemporary with the-"tazovskiy" mountain glaciation in the northwestern part of the Central Siberian Plateau and with a stationary glaciation of the Western Siberian Plain. The mountain glaciation left deposits of two facial types: 1) the Tazovskiy typej which formed on land; 2) the Yenisey type, which was deposited in the arctic basin. The disappearance of this Yenisey- Tazovskiy glaciation (late Quaternary) coincided with a regression which allowed the Yenisey River to cut through the layers Card 2/3 1.4-57-7-14510' Stratigraphy and Nature of the Glacial Deposits (Cont.) of glacial deposits. The author the Quaternary glacial deposits the Yenisey River valley, and a the stratigraphical sections of USSR compiled by other authors. included. Card 313 includes a composite section of in the Vorogoyo-Komsa section of chart correlating h!-s section with 14estern 6iberia and the European A bibliography of 17 titlez3 is D. A. Timofeyev AUTHOR: Zubakov, V. A, 20-119-4-37/6o TITLE: The Stratigraphy of' the Quator?~ary Deposits of the Glacier Zone of Yeyaise-~ 1~,*gi&a,of 81bq!ria. (Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozhoniy ladnilrovoy zony Priyeniseyskoy Sibiri ) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akaderiii NrWk SSSR, V01,119, Wr 4, PP, 763 - 765 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The scheme of V. IT., Baku (Reference 1) can be arbitrarily varied and completed on the, streni-fli of thin :,.ioot reaent investigationa. Esse-,oxtlAlly r4w was a 60aaftl inter-horiwa) leniseyek-7y, -which lies between -the Samarovskaya and Zytyanskaya morainN furt?tarmore/the southern boundary of the Sanchugovskaya (northern) Lransgressior in the Yenisey-valley was displaced by 60 to the south of Plakhino to 620 northern iatitude(Reference 4). The quaternary deposits are in the zone mentioned it, the -title from 2o - 3o to 2oo - 250 m tbick-, In the last cvia thcry fill an old ero- sicn-tectonic Ts_ai9eJYPQk;Kyr- depre~,oion. A complete strati(-,raephic Card 1 13 column with mainly marine and lake fiLcies is exposei in thi8 ~ 2o-119-4-137/60 The Stratigraphy of the Quaternary Deposits of the Glacier Zone of Yenisey Fegibn of Sibe r1a" region. A rej)1ace;:ient of allavial hor~zonn 1),,r mitrinc-'-sko, and glacial horizons opendai Qf rej)eated rniirino inj-70ozio..13 i!ItO -the Yenisei Valley virhich was filled with ai% ir-.-2 cover.. Tlree buried valley.-co!wplexes can b-- dotcctiid: it pre- (al N contral-intox-(AIQ 1-2 ) o nd I (alQI ). The tno,-_nt YoniseY -Valley is younger in its lowor 3 course than in itn upper course. In the ma:!3 o 'f these sediments visually 9 1 i thol oei cal -.,3 trat igrfLphir, UnItil Separated (figure 1) which are described in detail, The smite of' "g-_-ey- -blue loams" (siziye suglinki) and the SannhugovBkaya suit- can be subjected to finer division already on th'a 'atrength of the climatic char,%ct eri s tics (figure 1,alt~o reVerence 4), The right part of the correlation f;c.hcrio corresponds to the C0111- plex of the alluvial sedii;ients of the recent Yenisiby-lfalley, The left part corresponds to the rnirlne sec-inerita.L~0 whole Card 2/3 mass of the quaternary sediments in dl-irideel Into lo palecclimatir 2o-119-4-Y16o The Stratiiraphy of t1le Quatemar,7 Depooiti) of tLe (12,acie-r Zone of 'tlw~' Yedlmy %gion of 8 stages. They are descri~.-dd, in detail with their fauna, There are I figure and ij Soviet tpferj, ..nceb, ASSOCIATIOIT: Vaesoyuznyy nauchna-issledovatellakiy institut (All-Union Geological-Scientific Resparch lits-Lit-Ite) PRESENTED: June 17, 1957, by I. P. Gerasimov, Heml;ar, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: March 29, 1957 Card 3/3 T- --]I; SAM, V.V.-. ZUBAKOV, V.I. 002y;*logical data an stratigraphlo correlation of qtiaternary deposits of the Osinovo region in'the Tenisay, Tall61r. Dckl, AN SSSR 120 no. 1:162-W MY-JTO 1513. (KIRA 11:7) 1. laningradakiy filial aidropro7ekta i Tueso:rusnn amuchno- is Bledovatel'skly geologicheekty inatitut. Pr-fidetavleno skedemikom V.I,. SWM chevym, (Osincro region--Polynolcgy) ZUBAKOVp V.A. Time relations of glacial Itagen and interstudialo of lAst Glaciation (according to c 4 data), Dokl. All SSSR 152 no.4s 941-944 0 163. (MIRA 161l1) 1. Predotavleno akademikom V.N. Sukachevym. 7UDAKOV) V.A.; ZAUYJ:11, V.V. Materlals on the puleontolairical Lharacteriatics of a ke:r 3ection of Quaternitry sediments in the Yani3ey Valloy of 8iberla, Trudy VSFGEI 90:97-116 163. (MLJB~L 17: 5) ZUBAKOV, V.A. Geological synchronization &nd climatic stratigraphy, Sov.geol. 6 nog:49-65 Ag 163. (141RA 16-9) 1. Vsesoyuzny~ nauchno-isaladovatell6hy geologichesRiy institut. (Cli=tology) (Geology,Stratigraphic) (Geological tbne) ZUBAKOV, V.A. Stratigraphy and character, of placisil depooltij In thii itiddle Yeniaey Valley. Mat.VSWPl Chat.geol.i goomorf. no.1:1.46-168 156. (HIRA 10:10) (Tenisey Valley-Geoloa, Stratilgraphic) zumxo,r, V.A. allcial-mrine deposits of West Siberia and the diOribution bounda- ries of the Sanchugov transgression along the Teniaely Aiver. Mokl. AM SSSR 115 no.6:1161-1164 Ag 157. (MIRA 1I.-J) 1. VsceoyuzW7 nanchno-Issledovutellski7 re olm. (;John *kAy Inatitut. Prodetavleuo akademikom ID.7. Nalivkinym. (Tenisey Talley--Geology, Stratigraphic) AUTHOR: Zubakov, V. A. 30T/2o- 1 20~5-4 -0/67 TITLE: The Correlation of Quaternary Deposits oT the GIncial n1nd Extraglacial Zone of the Part of Siberia AdjolninC the Yeniaei River (Korrelyatsiya chetverticlinykh otlo-zhonty lednikovoy i vnelednikovoy zon Priyenisoyokoy Sibiri) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk MR, Vol. 12o, Nr 5, PP. 1o93 - 1094 (USSR) ABSTRACT: DurinU the years 1954-1957 the author hail the opportunity to compare the Quaternary cross sectione fron Kritanoyarsk to the mouth of the Yenisei River (2000 lm.)., lie nuct-,naded in aettizig, up a uniform diagra"a of the of the ocelln tr-nagessions and of the two zones in quention (Tablo 1), Tl-.e titrsti~,,rsphxc division was baaed on the concept of the climatical ph~...13e. Distinc- tive chan,,-es of the zonal distribution over a distance of several hundred kilometers were regardoddbbedng c,-.iusel 1,,y a relieving of clim-tic phases. It must be emphasized that t",~a ntratigraph1c, i.e.the cllmatic and stratilgr-t9hic ~ .1 ,,bound,rien do not at all always coincide with the litholojic boundaries of the facies and the steps of the alluvial terraces. The author divides the palaeo- Card 1/3 geographical develop-,-,ent of the nentionev-d district into ten The Correlation of Quaternary Depocits of the SO11120-120-5-45167 Glacial and Extraglacial Zone of the Part of Siberia Aljoininf; the Yenisei River prirniary sta.,~es: pha3ea I - X, There we4-0 4 glaciations and 3 intergylacial periods; rhirin,g the latter the ice receded tolvards the north. Equally throe inportant ocoan trannjjrUa.,)iona took place. The Pliocene floral relicB completely disappeared evan before'the 10t (Denlyanskoye) tlaciRtian, M'01):itatev of the 4tone agre man were found in the ph;,ses VjIX, end X. There nze I table and 16 references, 16 of w1iich are Soviet,. ASSOCIATION: Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy 1-:eolofficheskiy in.,;titut (k1l-Union Scientific Research Inatitute of Geology) 0 PRESENTED: February 1, 1958, by V. 11. Sukachev, Ste-thor, Acadeny of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: January 31, 1958 Card 2/3 URI fl]-: i1- 011 6 17 1,11.4 1 i 1 :111";. !1 11 V The Correlation of Quaternary Deposits of the SOV,1'2,~ - 12 0 - 5-4 Glacial and Extraglacial Zone of the Part of Siberia AdJoiniiIII the Yonittei River I 1. Geology--USSR 2. Glaciers--Geology Card 3/3 Ham H ZUBAKOV, V.A, -....I Strati ",aphy and palow ograph.r of tho Plftitatew-mie It tht Ttnt&)~ Wo Valley. Trudy VSE(;F.1 W135-150 '61. (MIRA 1sil') (Yenisey Valle;r--Geoloej, St;rAt-IgraphLII,') (Yenisey Valley-Paleogeography) ZUBAKOV, V.A. Rhythmicity of geological development and the stratlazip-hic classification. Goo abor. no.15sl79-187 162 (MIRA l5sl2) f~eology,Stratlgraphio) ZU IqV,_�. A. Nov paloolithic site in the Yenioey Valley. lmro=.abor, VSEGEI, no.52s113-120 162. (ICIIU 15311) (Bollshaya Murta DiBtrict-Stone ago) ZU.IIKOVj V. D. V. D. NNIKOV, IIThP(,,ry of an optimum ra(,eiver to det,oat till Wncheq in ntj,'4-~ r rmal noL;e b-ackgro,;md.~ 'Cie- a correlated no 0 I'Rudio Ilayff, May 1958, Trudrezcrvizdat, 31~1(jjcww, 9 5(~T. S IF jVn optimum receiver to detect signal bunches is deterr-tined bit 'tile method of checking statistical hypotheses. Cases are arAlyzed of diAccting incoherent signal bunches in an interference backFround, ccrrelated only withdn the liTJ.ts of the period of sending the sifnals and coherent signal bunchet~ in an interference badkground correlated both within the linits of a period ana, from period to pariod of tile sending. The probabilities of false alarms and of correct detection, are calculated. AUTHOR: Zubakov V.D. 0"OVIC9-3-12-3/13 TITLE: Optimum Detection in the Presence of Correlated Noise (Optimallnoye obnaruzheniye pri korrelirovannykh pomekhakh) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol 31 Nr 12, pp 1441 - 1450 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem considered is of impo.-tance iY1 rC-Ldar communi- cation and is formulated as follows. The input Bign,1,1 applied to the receiver is in the fo.rm: f(t) - m(t) + n(t) The signal consists of the Useful. 13if-mal m(t) und ticise n(t) the noise may contain vrafto-,.I's types of comporie (e.g. the Peceiver the refli!)ctii.on from raadorrl'Ily distributed -reflectors, etc). The useful signal !.s 8. function of time and depends also on a number of known and unknown parameters. The noise is regarded as a random process having a known distribution denaity p(n) . Two types of detection are possible; 1) simple detection when the signal has known parameters, and 2) complex detection when the signal is in the form m(t,01, ()p... ), where cardl/4 61 and 02... are unknown parameter(3. TITe general theory SOV/109-3-12-3/13 Optimum Detection in the Presence of Correlated Noise shows that an optimum receiver which (for the a-1ple detection which, for a given observation interval (0, T) and a given probability of a false alarm F) gives a maximum probability of correct detection D I sho Id determine the so-called probability coefficient A and compare it with a threshold value An Tho probability coefficient is expressed by: A Pm(f) (2) POW where pm(f) is the probability function for a process f in the presence of a useful signal m at the input; Po(f) is the probability function of the process f in the absence of the useful signal at the input. The optimi-im solution is now in the following form: Uard 2/4 Optimum Detection in the Pressure of Correlated Noir.;e if A >, An it is assumed that f v m + n, (3). if A) it is assumed that f is n In the case of a complex detection, tbis optimum solution is also true, but instead of A , it i-v necei:isary -to em loy an averaged qiaahtity /\ which is ej,,TreiB;~ed by Eq (7; in this, the functi6 p M~e ) is the conditional probability that the useful signal m exists and that its parameter is contained within an interval dE) . The case of t;h..!! simple detection is anal,7aad in some deta-:11 and it Is s~iawn that the parameters Ir and. D are di:,~terzined by Bqjs (45) and (46), respectively. I.n the case of complex. deL,L~cltian, the useful siEpal is eithez in the form given. by Eq (j+e-) or by Eq (65). The function of Eq (413) represents a signal of a known envelope with an unknown initial high-frequency phase. It is shown that in this case the quantities F and D are given by Eqs (63) and (643, respectively, while ,7\ is expressed by Eq (59). The function of Eqs (65) corresponds to a "packet" of signals which are similar in Cerd.3/4 shape,but have unknown random phase praramq)ters which change SOV/109-~--42-3/13 Optimum Detection in the Pressure of Correlaited Noise independently from signal to signal. It is shown that, in this case, the probability coefficient / A is given by Eq (68). The author expresses his grdttitu(le to L.A. Vaynshteyn for directing this work. There are 7 references, 3 of which are Bnglish and 4 11oviet; two of the Soviet references are translated from lInglish. SUBMITTED: June 13, 1957 Card 4/4 I AUTHOR: Zubakov.. V.D. SOVI IC;9~ -4- 1 - 1-5/3 0 TITLE: Detection of Signalo ir. the Presence of Normal,Noise and Randcm Reflections (Obnaruzheniyc) siGw~la na fone norma-lIn,ykh shumov i khaoti -cheqkikh ot;ra.,,,heriiy) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 28 - 38 (Ur,8R) i ABSTRACT: The article is delroted to the theory of Optimum detection of radar signals Jn the presence of noise and reflections from rand=ly spaced objects. First, the oorrelation function of the random reflections 1~j de-,ormined. For this purpose., it is ass-,wiezi that the refleotinli~ objects are in the fcr,,,l of a mavin~,~ "sloud". and Thai this results in the Doppier effc--,L in the retlected ~iigrial. The effeab P-rod--~~eG a f-reque=y shift which is ei(pressed by 2vr 11 wh~,re is the radia-1. velocitly compoileat of the reflectin2,- bcdy and is t1he velacity ol' light. If the ra-d-ar signii- J.s :-egarded. as stationary and has a spectral Card!/' dens~.ty (")N, the spe3t.ral density of the random '30V/109-4--1-5/30 I Deteoltion of Signals in, the Presence of ;Iormal Noise and Random Reflections .,an be viritten as: S S + d (2) wher'-, is the int;arisity of ULO re.r''ectiom from the a t t e r eilor whi-,h the Dopplo~r fri.,quenw,'r Shift is c o nt a ii ne, dwithin the interval The auto- ~'7 co--relat--on fur,-,tic~n (:,.' the reflections caa be expressed b~7 Eq (3). If the signal io -_ontaiw.~d witkiin a conpara- tively na-l-'r3w bandwidth Q , the co:rrelation function -e -,-he comnonerits ,~en be ex I .pnessed as Zq (8) whei 12) ir"O " I a-ve d az~d R efJaed by Eqa Finally, the r-0 'sL4- OL fU::.C4;JC` may ba expresseil by Eq (12) where i S tv P, t1 17 e 3" aD ~) 1 " Prf_-eqU311(',Y 3_h;1..f'U" V.edich is definaAy Eq (~11.0); ~-,hile- is given "by Eq (11.). If the total ~Iter`ertanoj j.- tie systen ~,onsists of tbe random. Card2/5 J_ I A. 1. ~ SOV/10L)--4-1-5/50 Detection of Signals in the Presence of Normal Noise a-nd Random Reflections reflections mi(t) and noise m~.,(t), the correlation function is in the form of Eq (18); here, the term R.1 is determined by Hq (12) (or Eq 1-3) and Ri32 is a function which rapidly decreases to zero as 1; is increased. The signals received by the system can be detected either by means of a simple receiver or by a complex system. In order to analyse the detection procedure, it is assumed that the input signal consists of a useful signal m(t) and azi interference n(t); the observation period extend-. from 0 to T and, during this time, HL samplings are made; the number of samplings during one repetition period is H I,. while the number of periods considered is L . As was shown in an earlier work (Ref 1), for the case of the simple optimum dcibection, the receiver should form a probability coefficient A which is defined b.y Bq M?). The parameters (p and p of Eq (37) are def tned by E,js (38) and (41), reapecl;i-vel,y. The average probabil-'l-ty coefficient A . taken ot)-er all the L periods, Card3/5 can be expressed by Eq (49)'provided it is assumed that all SOV/109-1~-1-5/30 Detecticn of Signals in the Presence of kiorpial NoIse and Random Reflections I- .he values of the in-itial ph-ase 0 LiuJi equally probablo- over an interval from 0 to 2-W. Now., the quantit, s ~o can be ~xcre,_-sed by Eq (1,0) or, wheze A ILre defined by Eqj,(52) and (53). Vie above pxobubilitj r.oef Iri - i en t A, deperids on ti-je piiase increa,.je if y i2 .ISSU1116113 ues def~4ni;-; b, q (56), ho paxiuieter is de- 't in-i~ dEq (57), while IL'or the U AU def ined by E,- A i.3 givon by Eq (59). If bble correlation 1,11 can be represerit-,id by 11' q (60), inverse matrix for the system can be written In the form of Eq (61). Fc,r -this .,.ase', the quantitj u is given by Eq (64), wbile can be uritten as Eq (6~::). In the absence of the J randoiP reflections Eq (65) can be written aiB Eq (6?), vrhile the ratio at -the outpul; of' -the receiver is expra.,.if-sed by Eq Vfh,~u the -usndon reflections 4Lre very highs B2 is given by Eo (69) and the SiSn1!1l-tO-nDiSe ratio JLs expressed by Eq (70). Ecl can be written as Eq (',_~L) and "11he signa-1-to-noise ratio for this case is Card4/5 given by Eq (*72). Now, ia the absenc,.e of the reflection SOV/109-4-1-5/30 Detection of Signals in the Presence of Norma]. loise and Random Reflectione noise,, E 2 is viribten as Eq (73), while for very high level of the refiestionmise., B2 is given by Eq (74); in particular. for L =:: 2 and L - 3 t E2 is defined by Eq. (r,15) . ~,*1 (,,6). It is seen, theret.,fore, that an optimum receiver should evaluate two differenees: the first differen-e is formed at L - 2 ) whiLe the second is done at L ~ i ; more complex combiriatio118 are fo med for large.- ,ralues of L . For this case, when E is given by Eq (/4), the signal-to-noise ratio is expressed by Eq There are 5 references, of which are Soviet and two English. SUBMITTED: 03tobar 10., 1957 Card 5/5 AUTHOR: Zubakov, V.D. S OVI 109-4-4- 9/214 TITLE: Detection f oherent Signals in the Proserice of Correlated Noiso (OWinru.-zlioniya kogorentrtykh signalov na fone korrelirovannykh poinelch) PERIODICAL: Hadioteldinika i clohtronika, 195q, Vol 11, Nr pp 629 - 636 (ussn) ABSTRACT: In two previous works (Reft 1, 2) the eiiithor Considered a general theory of the radar detection and the detection of signals with a known Doppler frequency in the presence of random reflections and randout noise. Here, only.the case of two-period processing of the signalai is investi- gated. It is assumed that an optimum.-type receiver is employed. This is shown in Figure 1. The receiver consists of two filters, A and B, and ovaltiates a quantity E which is defined by: E = V(xl _ X2)2 + (YI _ Y2)2 (J2) Cardl/5 Very often, the Doppler frequency of the reflected signal Detection of Coherent Signals in the Presence of Correlated Noi-ge is riot known. Consequently, in ordcv 'to dic~termino the optimi.mi receiver, it is necessary to filid the avera-le 0' Probability coofficient; the averaging is done over the ..-ilcilown. parameters , such as the initial p1vtsa. i i tl coherent signal train and the Doppler Frequency shift. If the train consists of two coliereii-t signails, -the averaging can be doric by considering the phase of aach signal. me samples of the useful signal can be written as: m e co-W t - I & ) UIO where the various parainoters are dafiiwd by Eq (15). Th e quantities ~L/,,azld y which define the probability coefficient (given by Eq 16) are def~Tied by Eqs (17); these formulae are taken froin the author's earlier work (Ref 2). The average value of A is def, ed by Eq (18). If r :~- I , the probability coefficient W is in the form of Eq (21) where, IL0 z~nd E are given by Eqs (22) C,rd2/5 and (23)- In the abseace of a useful signal, t-he SOV/109-4 _~p__9/ah Detection of Coherent Signals in the Presence of Correlated Noise distribution of the quantity E is given by Eq (29) and the probability of a false indication is expressed by Eq (30) - In the preaence of a useful oignial tho probability of a correct signal detection is expressed by Eq (37); the sub-integral function of Eq (37) is defined by Eqs (36) and (33). The dependence of the function D(A4 on -,L is illustrated in Figure 2, for two values of F The parameter It is determined fron Eq (34). Figure 3 illustrates the full probability D as a function of ji 0 , where p 0 is given Jay Rq (35). If a semi-optimum, processing of the received information is employed, such that a single-chanixel compensates the random reflections and a quantity defined by Eq (40)is formed, the probability of a Alse alarm F I is given by Eq (43). The probability of a correct detection D (ALT) for a given 44 is expressed by Eq (46), while trio full probability of a correct dotectio3l. DI is given Card3/5 Jay Eq (47). The values of D 1(0) and D 1 are plotted SOV/100-4 fie,-91214 Detection of Coherent Signaln in tile Pretienc" oF orraliuted Noilic in Figures 22 and 3f -tile functions tire -repi,eir-ented by the Idashed' curves. Frota tile above analymis, j,L is con~jud.ed that in the presence of a strongly correlated noise, the oT)timum receiver for two conerent signtils uith an un3momm iiiitial phase and Doppler frequency is in the sante form as the optimum receiver in the case of lniw~iu Doppler frequencies. It is also found that for th(j 3ane probability A larm F tj 0.5 x 10-5 level of the false a and the probability of a correct detection D tz 0.5 , the reception of a signal i-dth an uni-r-nown Dol)131or fraquency requires a signal-to-noise ratio about tvrice highor than that for the reception of the signal with Imown Doppler frequencies. On the other hand, comparison of the o~~Ajmunj system with a single-channel, coherent system shows that, with known Doppler frequencies, the gain in the signal-to-noise ratio for the two-channel systej:i is approxiimately 1.7. The work was carried out under L.A. Vaynshtoyri, to ieaom Card4/5 S()Ij/ . Detection of Coherent Signals in the Presence ol: . the author expresses his grattitude. There are 3 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 Englisli. SUBMITTED: October 10, 1957 Card5/5 TAYNSffNTN, L.A.; ZUBAKOT,-T.D'..; ITANUM, N.D., red,,- SUISEMIXOT, A.A., tekha.iSd** (Detection of signals from random interferencs) Tydelenie sigaalov nn fone sluchainykh pomakh. Moskva. Isd-vo "Sovat*oe radio,* ig6o. 446 P. (MIRA 1314) (Radio-Receivers and reception) (Radio-Itterference) BASHARINOV, A.Ye.; FLEYSINII, B.S.; MONIN, A.S., doktor- fim,,mat. naukf ratsenzerrt- ZUBAKOV V.D kand. tekhn. nauk, retaianzent; A.A.j teklm. rad. (Methods of statistical sequential analysis and their application in radio engineering) Metody statistichoskogo posledovatellnogo ana- liza i ikh radiotekhnicheskie prilozheniia. Voskva, Izd-vo I'Sovet- skoe radio," 1962. 352 p. WIRA 15:6) Wathematical statistics) (Radio engineering) ,_~ubakov, V. D. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.0 Extrvation of signals from nolse bY2 L. A. Weiiwiteit) Prentice-Itall, 1962. 382 P. Grarhs. 24 am. Translated from the Russianz Vydmleniye Sign,91ov Na Fone Sluchaynykh Pomekh. I IY Ii III! 1P I 11P ITIEF[T