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-41 C -L- d SZABO# Ge;ZSOLDOG, 1,;RNV, J, Ronal function in the acute diseases of the liver paren0qma. Ory. hetil. 94 no.48: 1323-1328 29 Nov 1953. (CM 25:5) 1. Doctors. 2. Pirst Internal Clinic (Director .-- Prof, Dr. Istvan Rusznyak), Budapest Medical University. IULDI, Mihaly, dr.; KOLTAY, Zdit; REV. Judit, dr.; SOTIP1, Ferenc. dr.; SZABO, Gyorg7, dr.; ZSOLDOS, Istvaa, dr. Effect of d1benamine on functional changes of the kidn"s Induced by decrease in volume of eventually circulating blood. Mag7. belorv. arch. 9 no.3:90-92 June 56. 1. A Budapesti Orvostud. Mg7etem I. wg. Belklinik. (igafg.: Rusznyak, Istvan, dr. egyatemi tanarY kozl. (KIDNVS, physiol. funct. changes induced by erper. decreose of volume of cire. blood & protective eff. of dibenamine in humans (Hun)) (BLOOD VOLUME exper. decrease of circ. bloo4 vdlume inducing changes In kidney funct. & protective eff. of dibenamine in humans (Hun)) (STMPATHOT,YTICS, eff. dibenamine, protective eff. In funct. changen In kidneys Induced by exper. decrease of circ. blood volume in butane (Hun)) ZSOI&OS, Istvan; GARAN, Vilmos Mechanism of hypertension associated with coaretatiom of aorta# Magy. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Ory. Oazt. Koxl. 8 no.1-2:96-97 1957. 1, A Budapastl Orvostudomanyl Sgretsm I. Balklinikajit as Sabesstovabbkopso Xlinikaja. (HTPMVENSION, atiol. & pathogen. coarctation of aorta, pathomechanism (Hun)) ((;OARCTATION OF AOIUA, compl. hypertension, pathomechanism (Hun)) SZABO. Gy.;_~W Pjji,; PALMAS, J. Affects of chlorpromoln" (largactil) on renal functlem In hyportabsion. Act& mad. hung. 10 no-3027-132 1957o 1. L Kedizintacbe Univerettatoklinik, Budapest, (CHIDUMMAZINN, tber. use hnnritension, off. on blood pressure & renal funct. (Ger) ) (HYPERTENSION, tber. chlorpromazins, off. on blood pressure A remal funct. (Gar)) (KIDH3TS, In various die. b7pertansion. off. of cblorpromazine an fundt. (Gor)) ZBOUM, I.; DUBSKY, N.; BOGRU, a. Application of methane carbon of Lovass for purification of urine In sugar content determination. OrT. hatil. 9) 111).3111465-1466 21 Doc 1952. (OLML 24:2) 1. Doctors. 2. first Internal Glinia (Director -- Prof. Dr. Istyan Russnyak). Budapest Medical Universitr. FDLDI, M.; WE, J.; SOLTI, F.; SZABO, OV.; ZSOLDO~Id r.; KOLTAY. M. Effmct of dibenamine on antidiureois and antin4lurouic following the decreasing of affectivo circulating bload -voluma. Act& mad, hung. 10 no.1-2:15-42 1956. 1. 1. Maiizinische Universitataklinik, Budapost. (BLOOD VOLUMX eff. of decrease of effective circula;tIng blood volume on diureeis. antag. of inhib. by dibena-mina (Gar)) (DIURESIS, physiol. eff. of decrease of effective circulating blood volume & antag. of inhib. by dibenamina) (SYMPATHOLYTICS, eff. antag. of inhib. of diuresis by decrease of effective circulating blond volume (Gar)) SZABO, Gy~, drib ZSOLDOS I- dr,--, PALIWASi J~. 4r4 Effect of chlorpromazine (largactil) on renal function in hypertension. Orv. hatil. 98 no-5-6:93-95 10 lob 57. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Iffetem I. as. Balklinikajanak (Igasgato: Rusanyak, Istvan, dr. egyeteml tan&r) konlamanya. (HYPEMNSION, ther. chlorpromazine. off,, on renal funct. (Hun)) (CHLORPRORAZINS, ther. use hypertension. off. on renal funat. (%m)) (KIDYNTS, In various die. hypertension, off. of chlorpramazine on funct. (Hun)) Budapesti Pazmany Peter Tudoi%anyegyetem I. sz/ Belklinikajanak X(>zlMidnye. A He- tartalnu diureticumok hata3a a tubularis soresorptiorv lnflul'-~Ca ~)f Riar"Jurial on tubular resorption of salts '-%gyar Belorvosi ArchivLM 1948, 11/5 (27.1-275) Tables 4 In man, Novurit.. by inhibiting the tubular -.-eabsorption of sod!-Lim and cKloride, dim,inishpd the plasmp levels of CI and Ila.Ascorbic acid Nid no influence on the action of Novurit. lietin:ri Jr. - Szeged SO: Excerpta Medica, Vol. 11, No. 4, Sect. 11 - April 1949 FOIJ)I, M.; SZABO, G.; ZSOLDOS, 1. Effect of electroshock on kidney function. Orv. betil. 94 no. 3; 68-71 18 Jan 1953. (GXML 24:1) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Intyan Rassriyak), Badapast Medical University. ZSOIMOS, I.; ZGRI, L. Nicotine sensitivity and prevention of nicotine toxicity. Orv. hetil., Budap. 92 no. 44:1419-1424 4 Nov. 1951. (CLIG 21:3) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic (Director -- Prof.-Dr. Istvan Rusznyak)of Budapest University and Central Research LFiburatory of the Tobacco Industry (Read -- Dr. Lanzlo Mgri). 77 JUIZS~, M.; ZSOLDOS, I.; SZAZLARI, El. Hypophysical diabetes and its therapy with vitarin'Bl. Orv. hetil., Budap. 92 no. 43tl399-1403 28 Oct. 1951. (101JU, 2113) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic (Director - Prol'.-Dr. Istvan Rusznyak), Budr4peet Medical University. ZSOLDOS, I.; %SOTRR, T. k Tivaru-node block of varying type. Ory.hatil. 91, ao.21:666-667 21 My 150. (OLML 19:3) 1. FirRt Clinic for Internal Diseases (Director ---- Dr. Istyan Russnyuk), Budapest University. - - , k ~' - VI I! zsou-()O~' 1. 194.9 (Budapasti Pa?.Pet. Titdompnyegyetf~m 1. sz Selklin-B(nJinak I "Inflitence of Nercurial Liuretics on Tubtlar rictor.11tion of Belorvosi Arcbtviiifi, 100 1/r,(271-275-) fib~7t: E-c. Med. 11, Vol, N'o. Ii, p. r -;27 ZSOLDOS, 1. i I'll'A.) W! "ItIPJ41 'Ito in v Ao tl~c~~ Ely thv cf 1:, ';i)A;:1d ai; -Uns or-I.-M-0 cwglf-~ can be lAtn' 0 ri kru-, i a,~- nC 0 t L) n it'll 1111141111flyl 1, 11 M . " T 7 1 MW Jq: L. ZSCLECS, T. Standf.~rdi7aticn of t,.~rblnc purflYs. P. 4' 54. Vol. 8, Iso. 1-2, Lec. 10,5',~. -~~',,Ni~RGIAGAZDASAG. T',J,14! CLCrjy Fuea-'~est, Hungery So: H~ast EurcTean Accessicn, Vol. 5, No. 5, IMay 19116 ~S )03p jthal, intdnsity of X-ray diffraction in smIl cr7stals. Msgy f iz folyoir 9 ho.6:=-427 161. 1. Eatvos Lorand..Tudomanyeae-tem-I.,Kioerleti.Fiziks Tanozek, Budapest. (X-rayo-Diffract-Lon) (Crys tallograpIrr) ZSOLDOS, Lehel Structural analisis of 0~-WNR )2% on the basis of powder diagram. YAU fiz folfoir 10 L.3t189-198 162. 1. Eot-vos Lorand Tudomanyegyeten I.Kiserleti Fisikiii Tamssek, Budapest. EMMLY, H.; ZSOLDOS) L. X-ray investigations of the kinetics of order-ing, In tho alloy W3Au. Acta phys Hung 15 no./+:317-323 163. 1. InDtitute for Experimental Physicso Roland Eotvos 'W.Avorsity, Budapest. - Presented by E. Nagj-. H. Klkholy on leave of absenee from the Physics Department, Faculty of Scierices, Cairo Universityp Cairo, Egypt. !illll IIIT llhi!l I- 11'il:~ Id.;:1 11 ZSOLDOS, Lehel --- 0 Roentgen microscope. Fis apj4a 9 no.3:74-80 Dir 159. 1. Eotvoo Lorand Tudomanyegptem 1. Kioerloti fialkal Tanssok. i , 1, 1.- :; ii, F~ ZSOLDOS, Lehelne lattice constants of manganese-phthalate. I-Tagy kem ~o2yoir 69 no.10:463-465 0 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyas Akademla Nuszalki Fizikai Kutato Intezete. 1. .. , '. .' HLITWaRY/Optics - X-rays Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1958t Ito 28856 Author t Csordas Laszlo Zs. Ravasz Eva, Zsoldoa Lahol, Inst : Not Given Title t X-ray Doublo-Boar- Monochromator. Orig Pub i I~agyar fiz. folyoirat, 1958, 6, No 1, 47-50 Abstract s No abstract K- 10 Card : 1/1 ZSOLDOS, L. The X-ray microscope. p. 74. FIZIKAI SZFIALE. (Eotvos Lorand Fizikai Tarsulat) Budapest, flungijry, Vol, 9, No. 3, March 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA1) W, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 UNCL 11 Hilli lI]I*-; 11112 All 171 11111i 11 ldlll:~' ill 111 ASOLDUS, L. The proof of some theorems of Delaunay. p. 181 MAGYAR TUDOHANYOS AX"BMIA. 14ATSMATIKA1 ES YL619AI 012TALY, KOZLEM11YRI. Budapest# Hun&ury, Vol. 9. no. 2, 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (ZZAI) IU, Vol. 9, no. it J4tn* 0 196o Uncl. ZUSOLDOS, L. Scintillation dosimetry by a photol-,raphic method. 11. 253. MGM rIZIMI FOLY01RAT. (Maf..;yur Tu(jor mi,,Ios Ikkad"emia) Iludapest. Vol. 14, no. 3, 1956. SOURCE: E~;st Luropean Accesoions List (ITAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, 'No. 11, Novenl,cr 1.956. Z-OOLI-t"f'., L. Lrf'pct of' ntir-,ure f'ill,.~d vith 1117rdto. Vol. 8) Na. r~, S.Pt. 1(~56 Ndap--st, 11,Lml,firy So; Ea3t Euro,~erm Ac~eqsion, Vol. 6, No, 2, Feb. 19517 HUNG,~RY / Laboratory Equipment. Instrumentation. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 1062, Author : Csordas, L., Ravasz, E., ZsoldQg,_It. Inst : Not given. e__~ Title : A Two-Beam Roentgen Monoohromatoro Orig Pub: Magyar fiz. folyoirat, 1958, 6, No 1, 47-50. i'ibstract: iL crystalline monochromator is dooeribed having two crystals (NaCl and HBr, 8 x 8 z 2 milli- meters) in free orientation, dividing the exit beam from the Roentgen tube into tivo individual monochromatic beams. Plans for tho, basic de- sign and photographic pictures of the in8trument are given. -- S. Rosenfeltd. Card 1/1 33 Nuclear Medicine HUNGARY ZE,9k1~0~S*-Zib=; -, Ore Mining Enterprise of Mecaek, Health Service, Laboratory for Low Activity Measurements (Meeseki Erebanyaszati Vallalat, Eveszseg- ugyi Szolgalat, Alacsony Aktivitasinero LiboraLorlum), Pecs, "Supplementary Studies Concerning the Detormination of the ItaF (P0210) Natural Radioactiv) Isotope in tht, Urine.11 Budapest, Kiserletes OrvostudomaU, Vol XVIII, No 4, Aug 615, pages 422-425, Abstract: [Author's Hungarian sixtxary] The article containa supl5lementary studies and their results which increase the accuracy of the detprinination of p0210 in the urine. The separation of p0210 on nickel discs In carried out by spontaneous deposition. The effects of HC1 concentration, mixing with gas and the related changes in the volume of the aolul;lon on the re- claiming factor were studied. The optLmal experimental conditionli of spontaneous deposition on the nickel disc were also detertained. 11 Bastern European, 8 Western references. [Manuscript received 2 Sep 65-1 L 37830-66 E,;.rr (m) ACC NRt AP6028494 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018/65/017/006/0625/0~33 AUTHOR: Zsoldos Tibor--Zholdoshl T.; C_q2yViA_Mi e-Chlovarip M.; Toth, Ar~&--- Tot, A~;-Nagy, Lajdi~ advo L. Eh-ger-ice, LOW nin -C any of ORG: eal v -Activity Measurement Laboratory, the Meesek, Pecs (Mecseki Ercbanyaszati Vallalat, Egeszeogugyi Szol.&,alat, Alacsonyaktivitasmero Laboratorium) TITLE: Determination of natural uranium in the urine by meam~ of &j.Rbq!=2ounti SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomany, v. 17, no. 6, 1965, 625-633 TOPIC TAGS: natural uranium, urology, toxicology, radiation Measuro=nt ABSTRACT: The article deals with the determination of natural. uraniun in the urine@ Following the initial preparation of the urine, the uranium #.,,,1n be j)xtracted with a 10 per cent ammonium carbonate solution of tributyl phosphateo Following repeated extraction with a 10 per cent ammonium carbonate solution, the sample remaining after distillation is prepared and its activity is measured with a low-background acounter. A 95 t 3 per cent recovery can be achieved with this mAhod- The toxicology of uranium compounds is discussed briefly, the literature data on the maximal permissible concentration (MPG) values of uranium in the urine are quoted and the MPC values recanmended by the authors are given. The effeCLs Of amOrlim carbonate and nitric acid concentration, the extraction time as weU as the nunber of extractions on recovery have been investigated. The distribution of nitric acid between the aqueous and organic phases has been,studied and tho optimal conditions of the method are described in the article* orig. art. has: 6 fiVArea, and 2 tables. (JPRS3 * SUB CODE: 06, 18 / SUBM DATES 12Feb65 / ORIG REFS 018 / OTH W7: 029 ZSOLDOS, Tibor; TOTH p k~. Experiments and results in the dat-enninatlart .)I' 4be palonbm-210 content In the uriva of' subj,5ats 41XPOVfd' Ond rL(:J'-, eXPOSII)d tO Rd-222. Acta morph. anad. &A. llfani~. 12 no.41i302-309 I(XI4. 1. Meeseki EL-abenya VAIJ.&Ul; Egeinaegugyi Sa--.111,alat 11.'acsonyak - tivitawnero Laboratt)riuma# Fecu. LAPIS, K.;_ZSOLNAI,,,B I Contributions to the pathogenesin of experimntill carainoma of the vagina. Acta car. acad. sci. hung. 3 no-4,1327-,341 162. 1. 11 Frauenklinik (Direktort Prof. Dr. I. Zoltan) der Mediziniseben Universitutj Budapest. (VAGINAL NEOPLASMS) (NEOPIAS14S EXPERMITAL) (METHUCHWRAJITINNE) (VAGINITIS) (LEEUKOPLAKIA) ~ml ZSOLDWNE RAVASZ Eval MARM.. Istvan Photographic methodo of X-ray diffraction intanalty memsur(mente Meres autmat 9 no.8-9:229-235 161. 1. Magyar Tudomanyon Akademia Muezaki Fisikai Kutatointezets ;q~PWIYA,, -rotor Application of carbon dioxide in welding austoinitio steel b7 means of consumable electrodes. Gepgyartasteaha 3 ra.4t 139-142 Ap'63- 1. TAng Gopgyar. ZSOLNAI, Beiao dr.; IAPIS, Xuroly, dr. ...I Data on the pathology of experimental vaginal cancer. Krigy. onkol. 6 no.2t65-76 My 162. 1. Budapooti Orvostudoman Egyetem, 11. Noi Uinikao. (VAGINA ncopl~ (NEOPLASM oxpar) ZSOLNAI, B~; S011,06,Y1, J.) PUSKAS, E.; VINCZE, 1. On the injurious effect Of eXtraCtS of buman cli&r1onle vil-li and decidua on pregnancy in rats. Acta chir. amd, aci. Nine., 4 no.2.-V-5--135 163. 1. Il Frauenklinik (DireRtort Ppof. Dr. 1. ZaRtin) und ExMri- mentelles Fore ebunga laboratori %a (Vorstand: Dr,, A.B.G. Kovach) der Medizinischen Univ3rattat Budapest. (ADORTION) (FEIAL DEATH) (MATERNAL-FETIJ, EXCHMME) (DECIDUA) (PLACENTAL EXTRACTS) (PREGNMICY, ANVAL) (TISSUE EXTRACTS) VACZY, Lanslo, dr.; L&PIS, Yaraly, dr. Clinical and pathological data on uterine cancer* Mav.noorv. 0 lap. 21 no.l.*1-19 Ja 16o, 1; A Budapasti OrvosbiAomanyi 247atem II. u. nol klinikajanak k zlemerqe (Igazgato: Zoltan Imre dr. egyataml tanar). (Vrm= IMAUbIffs) I p/ox0#0 , 'I "i ~' ZSOLDOS) S. I- "- , I-,, , Iflo VACZY, L.,-_'~S.OLIMI, B.; LAPIS, X. Clinical aspects and patholog7 of uterine sarcoma. A,,-tu abir. Acad'Sal Hung'2 no,107-59 161. 1. 2nd Department of Gyraooologyo University ModicnI Sohool, Budapest Oirector: Prof. I.Zoltan). (UTERUS NEOPLASMS statist) (SARCOMA statist) ZSOLUAI, B.; LAPIS, K. - ----- On morphological changes in the ovaries remainiviff, after extirpaklon of the uterus or endometriam. Acta Chir. Acad. Odi. Hung. 2 no.0 335-348 161. 1. 11 Frauenklirilk (Direktor: Prof. Dr. 1. Zoltan) dqr Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest. (HrSTEREGTOlff r4xper) (OVAIM mt, 4 histol) ZSOJAA1, Belat Dr.; NTIRI, istvan, Dr. New ways in the therap7 of threatened abortions and premature births; clinical experiences on the ganglioplegia influencability of paiu mechanisms. Orv. hatil. 98 no.3911068-1074 29 oapt 57. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi laetem Bzuleazeti as Nog7ogyassati Klinikajanak (igazgato: Arvay Sandor dr. egyat. tamr) kotlemeve. (CHWRPROMAZM, ther. use prev. of threatened abortiona & premature births (Hun)) (ABORTION, pre-Y. & control chlorpromazine in threatened abortion (Ymn)) (IABOR premature, prev. by chlorpromazine (Iftft)) ;J,jt. ~SCIIIAI, L. ZSCLFAI, L. Tasks of a cooperativot established within tlvp jur~sdlctlon of the Scientific Aszmel,-Alon of th^ Wood Indu4tiV. p. 255. ~01- 4~' no. 8. Aug- 1954. FAIPAR. Budarez;t, Hurgrnr~y. SOMCE: East European Accessions List (tM) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 ZSOLNAI, Laszlo (Dudapest); GACSO, Elak (Budapest); DENW, Vib'08 (Budapest) Forum of innovators. Ujit lap 16 no. 4:30 25 F '64. I.. :Z5dLW1, 43L&-F-Zoo Ins ir-ur-4 Farly spotit:.r,"oua rupturt 6f the Utortla almi-IntIrg satopic nregntncy, Orv. hetil. 98 no.36:995-996 ii !;eT~t 57. 1. A Debrocani Orvostudomar*d FF,-fetem Szulesmeti es flojgyo&Taszct:i Klinikajanak (agazgsto. Arw~y sandor dr. ogyet, tanar) koolsmeqve. CMMMANCY, comol. ixterine ruy)t.. early montanecrus, si=latlng ectcmic loreqn. Min)) (Urmus' ru-ot. in -oregri. earl~y spontaneous, simulating ectopla. prep, (Hun)) JIM, Indre; ZSOLNAI, Tibor Theoretically significant now developments In the chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Tubarkulosis 10 no.1-2:11-16 tran-Pab 57. 1. A Debreenni Orvost6domayi Iffetem Mikroblologia Intexatenak (igaegato: Joney, Indre, dr. egyeteal tanar. as Oryoutudommayok Doktora) kotlemenys. (TUB]Mcuiosis, ther. chanother., now drugs (Hun)) ZSOLNAI, T.;URI, J.;VADHMI, T. I local anesthesia of long duration with 1 -Methyl-3-beazoyl-4-bydrozy -4-phanylpiperidinas. Orv, hetil. 93 no. 27:786w766 6 July 1952. (OLML 23:3) 1. Institute of Microbiology (Director -- W. 14dixe Jo4ey). IustitutA of Pharmacology (Director -,- Dr. Tibor Nagy Valyi) of Debrecen Red- ioal University and the Chincin Pharmaosutical Plant. 249. C-rielaothe-rapY ritll ,y 55. Ito. 11155, "onthly Ust 0'' ,1,1:3t, 11 ,-trop-Nul A I I I - I I.. ~ ~ , " ., -, I ~ I I 1 1. 1 . I .-. I I I . I I 1 1 1 ; ; - - - . ; . . I 1 4 j I I I I , . 1 1 3 .: I - - , - 2 0 A E 7- JzNj1y, Radre; Maleit, hydrazide and ma laic -phany lb7dres ide, two now antituberculotics. Tuberkulozis 10 no.10-12:216-219 Oct-Dec 57. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Flgyetem Xboegeszoegrtani li~texets I:gazgato: cir Jeney Lhdre Rgyetemi tanar, an orvostudomanyok dok%ora) kozlomanys. (IS0141AZID, related cpds. 1-phen.vl-3,6-pyr Idazz inedione -& 3, 6-pyridazinedio-ne, nnti- tuberculotic eff. & tox. In mice Ofan)) (MIM[Drfm same) (TOUCUICSIS, exper. antituberculotie eff. of I-phanyl-3, 6-p~rridavinodione & 3, 6-pyridazinediona in mice (Run)) 'C'SIOL.YA-1, T. JEW, I.; ZSO Inhibitory effect of chelate complex forming compoundso carbonyl re- agents and hypothetical sulfhydryl inhibitors on growth of Sacqharomyeas cerevisiae, and studies on their biochemical action nechanisms. Acta PbYsiol- hung. 11(suPPI):107-108 1957. 1. Hygieneinstitut der Madizinischen Univernitmt, Da'brecan. (CHRIATIM AGIOTS chelate forming cpdo., Inhib. of Saccharomyces carerivias growth, biochem. mechanism (Gar)) (INDICATORS AND RIMAGENTS, off. carbonyl reagente, inhib. of Saocharojqcas cerevialAs growth, biochem. mechanism (Gar)) (SULYHYDRYL COMPOUMS, antag. hypothetical inhibitors* inhib. of Saoch&ronqcas ceravislas growth, biochem. mechanism Nor)) (SACGZU09YCIS CAMISIAS, eff, of drugs an carbonyl raagents, chelate forming opcbi. & hypothetical sulfhydryl inhibitors. biochem, macUnism of growth inhib. eff. (aer)) SUBLYI, J.;ZSOLHAI, T.;CSOIWI, G. Paperimental studies with eztracts of biogen stinulators. Orv. he%il. 94 no.5:121-125 1 Feb 1953. (CJJ11 24t3) 1. Doctor for Erdslyi and Csoban. 2. Microbiology. Institute (Director - Prof. Endre Jenal), Skin Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. lajos Szodaray), Pharmacological Institute (Director -- Prof. Dr, Tibor Valyi-Nagy), Debrecen University. HE Is i~l Hd, I 111,1111dil III` d" I ; . I I 111hu JNW, I.; ZSOLHAI, T. Broorimfintal data on chemotherapy of brucelloeis. Acts. micro. humg. 2 no.31249-256 1955. 1. Mikrobiologinclies Inatitut dnr Rnflizinlachen Univa,vnitat, Debrecen. (BRUCILLOSIS, experimental. eff. of chemother.) q I r1': i. 'i i, ; .: I I: ; iiiii 1!111 i H 4L-~-k ZS0U:!,%Y, J, . es Eartof7ir- f on a com-titir.-,, mjcnijjp Calci)latiri7- " Vol. ~-, no. 1. P,'~56 SO: 1,ic;t of Past -urouesn .ccession LC, Vol. 6, rvi. '?, ZSOLNAY, J. Preliminary sip changes In intersection calculation. ps 163. GEODEZIA ES KARTOGRAFIA. (Allami Foldmoresi os Torkeroazeti Hiv&W) Budapest. Vol, Sp not 2f 1956* SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EML) library of Confresalt Vol. 5, No. 11, November 1956. KOPPANT, Tiborl ZSOIKAT, Jenone Report on 2 years activities of the maternity homa In Siotok in the light of c=try-wide statistics. Nepageszoei,1W 39 to.71171-174 July 58. (HATMd" WZLY.UM in Hungary, report on activaties og a maternity home (Han)) 0 00 X. I Soo 0, 0 et,.' 00A 6 .00 0 Vale a ttimil nod 194 p ) LAP16,21-1). Ttlttut a wbas (PI-TO all, sAt", wo t 'd%s $41 By 116to,S.,to'"tor) to-te-5 6 too rates ', 1.0 004 ivjnor 61 11~5 a 0=6 be, Qbl; 00 Vi 00 00 00 a SOU '00 tioli read miy., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 els 4A 0: 0, 0 0 qp a 03 0 Me 0 0 tr IV 1041 C P 0 0 e 0 00 0 its I 's * 0 0 0 met 00 00 000 Idl ftAtOld the "wcre&" I]& Vol $A taboll I "Ira. owlul) at the mvw sit& (45. a mottlo as beg 0 ukml in Io win, WA~ u 4 LO, 0-- 4t N lK 000414K 4901 one at It 0009 (004) 41, 10 fe0 a 'ol 00 00 0 0 0 0 6 m 0 00 0 0 wo off * 0 0 0. 9o# Zoo r* o 409 '4010 1400 'V'00" ',Wl7 T 0o060 00000 1w o * a Ab fe 0 0 Wo * 0, * i- i f i 0 ffl' ti Im- Ilk. A"D i ....... 0o f0 A 00 C of WbAt must the operating IrtigLoter of a mmImn sfemij p1tat knaw of tile ch-mLstry of bail~r-tved wow? 4 o 'Cav 400 ~1.40: Ch, o (r N44. It, 11"i A-i Ov. 'puthty 4 Ov I'.1t. I. Im. #00 13 1,11riff, pre-ril. :11111 their 'rt 1,11rem"It aml ..vAjfj"!!-j' too Igo 0 .0* go* goo sop, vo 190 tloo L A 09TALL41149CAL 1.11194T10119 CLAISLFKAII014 OR is 7, snow bo.Anv Too f WON* IV 0.1 Q" 00 AV 40 0 it Is 6 0 0:0 0 4600 000 dab *.I : : : : : 0 'a : : f: ~ a, Of a a Sao 00 fees 0 ; 00 a Okso's 0 111116010, M 96 oo The b*dAr;OWtk 6904ts Of WMO OWtut compounds, AnA t1pai and lion.1 stjuchk h. ket"te. Tibwk Itag:" r Kim. I'. S 90Y., S:i dc6w.,showtl tactri6static ttf~t-s. fill, Ali 1:11f.01, I(IjOlarld241,100, K 1 1414. of alld W.101, q".;Itvvf4 CoAlld lot- AJI.- ~fv"-j III w4fts. W h- IZO164V NA 11VI'llf., forAtilroxydiph,nyl 411vail(A- N,s 414-fiv.. S1 -Icriv- plunothl.,tiric ~-ij- 'tilli hvl~fwwlv N'.* vvi o 0 and 104,111) It co 0 SAL Villidt, 0; go 0 o0 Ai goal 1900 too voo 00 An IF 14 IF P IV I, 'v Or a Ot Olt awwo ll~ kA 0 0 0 000 f"s 00000010 00000 so 0 ZSOLTI J. Morphological and physiological investigations of a Dipodascus strain isblated in Hungary. Acta bot Hung 9 no.l/Pj2l7-226 163. 1. Institut for Plant Physiology of the University, Szeged. HUNGARY _~04'~ ~Ja 9a, PERKI, Yaria, NOVAK, K. Ervin; Institute of Pl,%nt Physiology, Jozsef Attila University, Szeged (director of the institute: SZALAY, I.) and State Institute of Hygiene (director: BAKACS, T.), Budapest [original versions not given]. "Taxonomic Studies on Procandida, Albicans 1. Fermentation of Sugars. Budapest, Acta Microbiolorrica Academiae Scientiarum HE~aricae, Vol X, No 2, 1963, Pages 141-17T. Abstract: (1,7,n-tlish article, authors' English summaryj The fornentation re- action of 200 Procandida albicans (syn. Candida albicans) strains was ex- amined with 0' different sugars, Glucose and maltose were rapidly fermented by all strains, while lactose and raffinose were not attacked. The -alactose and sucrose fermentation varied from strain to strain and the reaction of the same strain often varied in simultaneous or repeated examinations. During the 30 day incubation period, 84 and ?5 per cent of the strains fermented galac- tose and sucrose, respectively. As the standard identification methods al- i.,rays give the indicated results, the fermentation pattern symbol dasM is re- commended for a more objective characterization of Procandida albicans. The letters represent the fermented sugars (glucose, galaDtose, sucrose and mal- tose). The line under a letter indicates the stability of the corresponding property. 8 Hungarian, 3 Western references. 3 ACC NRi Al'W020277 SOMCF, CODE. AUTHOR: Novak, Ervin K. (Budapest); Keveij Ferenc (Szegod); Olah, Bela (Szegefl;-~'~~ Zsolt, Janos (Szeged) G -'I - t i tu 'hy-liolof, ja Universit) j R no to of Plant I y/dIractod by I. Szalal/, -Jo,,Itje.r Atti Szeged (Novenyt3lattani intezet, Jo%sef Attila tudomanyogyetem); Dlov'Akl S~ate Institute of flygiene/directed by T. Bakaeo/, Budapest (Alli-Mi lonegeszeguiry-i intezet) TrLLE: Investigation of oligosaccharide decomposition by Candida brumptii (Langeron et Guerra), Langeron at Guerra and Procindida grubyi Nawak et Vitz SOURCE, Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta microblolojica, Yo 12, no- 3, 1965) 269-273 TOPIC TAGS: enzyme, yeastplanL metabolism, carbohydrate ABST11ACT: It has been demonstrated that Candid,% brumpti-i Procluldida grubyl decompose sucrose and maltose by mean3 of intracellular en%xie3. The maltas,?- splitting enzyme of both cipecies and the sucrose-splitting, ~3nzyi~t! of P. grubyi are identical. to enzynies found in other yeasts. The sucrose-sp'litting enz:prt- of C. brumptii represents a new, acetone-renistwit type. Wither of the two "'p-3civa produced invertase. The difference between the sugar as!iimLlatian and sugar fermentation spectra of the orgatiisinn exTnined 1 .9 due to a difference in their ,sugar transportation systems. Orig. art. has: '* figures. [Orig. art. in Eng.] [JPRS1 SUB CODE: /06 / SUfM DATE: 23MaY65 / ORIG W - 010 / OTH IMF '. 003 NOVAK, K. Ervin,-ZaOLL-Janos.; State institute of Hyiggiene (director: BAKICS, E uda p ute of Plant Phys ^est,and Instit iology (director: 5ZALAY, 1.), JOzse, tila University, Szeged [original language versions not given]. At fl- Laxono-nic Studies on Frocandida Albicans II. Disaccharide-Splitting En- iiudapsst, ',.cta !-icrobioloi~ica Acadeniae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol X, No 2, 1963, Pa ---179--153. ,Zes 1 i.bstract: CEnglish article, authors' English su:mmary] It has been observed that four Procandida (Candida) albicans strains,which were examined by the authors, split maltose and sucrose intracellularly. As the calls produced no invertase, raffinose was not hydrolyzed by either the 11vin.- or the acetone treated 3r the homogenized cultures. It has been concluded that the sucrose ar.d maltose hydrolysis by Procandida albicans occurs by different enzymes, and that the enzyme which attacks maltose is not Identical urlth yeast mal- tase, which Is capable of splitting sucrose as well. I Western, 11 Eastern European references. FERENCZY, L.; ZSOLT, J.; URI, J. The inhibitory activity on yeasts of flavofungin and desertonVein. Acta microbiol. Hung. 9 no.2sl83-187 162. 1. Institute for Plant Physiology (Directort I. Szalai) of the University, Szeged and Department of Pharmacology (Director: T. Valri-Nagy), University Medical School, Debrecen. (AIITIBIOTICS) (YEASTS) ZSOLT, Janos (Szeged) ":.,--, . -- ---, ........ - - Investigating the ethanol assimilation of yeaats. Botan kozl 48 no.3/4:198-201 160* 1. Egyetemi Novenyelettani Intezet. VAMOS. Rezoo; ZSOLT, Janoo; MIAIISZKY, M-klos Waterbloom and fish decay. Hidrologiai kinleny 43 no.6:52&- 533 D 163. 1. 'fudoma.-Vogyetem Novenyelettomi Intozete, Szoged O"or Vamos and Molt). 2. Orszagoo HalaBzati Felugyeloseg, Budapnst (for Ribianszky). FERPNCZY, Lajos, Z301,"I' it, Laszlo, SZI=111."', ~,_J~rjqA,JMNAGY, Andras, 101' Kalman; Jozucf Atii_'1'a'Un*iv'Jrsity, Institute of Plant Physiology (director: 3ZALAI, 1.) (JoL:~af ALtila L"gyo_tvm, 14ovenyelettani Kntezfit), Szeged, and Medical University of Institutc of Fhannacoj!no3y (directon ANWAR, I.) (5ze,-'adi Crvostudomanyi ".7gyctcm, riyagynerhatastani intezet). "Thc Antifungal Constituents of Cynanchum Vincetoxicum (L.) Pers 1. The Quantitative Antifungal Spectrum of Substance C-1." Budapest, AcLa INIcrobiologica Acadrmiae. Scicntiarua 11 Val XII, No 40 1965/66, page,3 )W-31~,'. Abstract: [English article, authors' English summaiy modiried] The anti- 1rungal activity of a compound Isolated from Cynanchum vince toxic tzi (L.) A. Fers and dcsignated as Substance C-1 ha5 bccn studied against 40 yeasts, L~O moulds an--' 20 dermatophytes. '4ith thc exception of a few moulds, most of the examined species and strains, including all of the human pathogenic fungi tested, were found to be highly sensitive to the compound. The minimal inhibitory concentration on Clue os o -broth -pe ptone culture medium at pli 7 was found to be between 0.015 and 1.0 pg/ml. 2 F,astern European, 6 Western references. [Ykanuscript reneiW"A 31 Jul 65.] Zsoltt J. I JL~ Classification of yeaste. Mikrobiologiia 29 ruD.3:37'1-381 M.7-J-9 160. (MIRA 130) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy Gt=idtarnogo univerviteta Segedo Vengriya. (YEAST) MOLT, J.) FERENCZY, L.., MMKOVICS) D. Studies on the antimicrobial aebivity of N-substJtuted naleimides. 1. r-ungiabatic activity of N-pherVlmalemide. In English, p. 77 ACTA BIOLXICA. ajdaPest, Hungary., Vol. 10, No. 1, 1959 ,vonthly List of East Eurocean Accessions (EEAl) LC, Vol. 9, Wo. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. I - I ! 11 W!, :111111 1-] 1111 11:111 "1 N 11 1:;:~! I I!!::; ii:i HUNGARY/Microbioloc;y - General MicrobioloGy F Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol., No 1, 1959, 664 Auth~)r Ssolt, J. Inst Title Problems of CultivatinG Saccharomycetes Ori,, Pub : Elebi. ipar., 1957, 11, No 3, 3-4, 102-ic6 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 ZSOLT, Janos Problems relating -to the formation of culture yi ipar 11 no.3A:99-101 Je-ji 157. .11 :1 -1 11 u 1:7~ 1, ~.. ~ 1- .! ~ . 11 -1- I " iflu . 1, : ! ,: I.; I t; 10 11A . J, Ii! I . . ; , P i I.. i I V~ '! : 1- 11 1 . 1 ,ox r HUNGARY / Microbiology. General Problems. Met ,7,1,uCT Technique of Investigation. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,' 1958, No 1710 76573. Author Greth, Otto; 4~~o t,, Janos, Inst Not given. Title Apparatus for Aeration of Yeast Cultures In Test- Samples. Orig Pub: Bot, kozlop 1957, 47p No 1-2# 99-100, Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 4 FEMICZY Tajos (Szeged 428, Ihngaryl; 2SOLT Aa ~Aaged,0!8, Ekinga*); MMM, Elmer (Szegedt Bel ollwm- Jkiw,ary); ELIMM, Elmer (Szeged# Beloiannist ter 9p fhmgary~ - ;" Antimicrobial actIvity of aromatic thioloulphow.tes and thiolsta- phinates. Acta. biol. Bing 12 no.2tl2l, 126 161. 1. Institute for Plant Physiology, University of Swged (flead: 1. Szalai) and Institute for Pharmaceutical Chinnistryp Hadical University# SzeCed (Head: D. Roazegi). NOVAK, E.K.; KEIIEI, F.; OLAII, B.; .7SO~J,,T I lj.~ - Jnvestigatl=3 into the o Ii gona cch a ride) deempotition by Candida bi-umptii (Lanveran et Guerra) Langeron (~t Guorra and Procandida grubyi Novak et Vitez. Acta miexo1virdl. acad. scl. Hung. 12 no.3:269-273 165, 1. State Institute of Hygiene (Director: T. Pakacs), Budapest and institute of Plant Physiology (Director: I. Szalal), kttiAla JozBof UnIvernity, Szeged. Submitted May 23, 1965. pq HUNC.',RY/Electronics - Electron and Ion &Ussion 11-2 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 8, 1958; ifo AW4 Author N=a*-Zjwlt Inst Kosponti-iTMai Kutato Intezety Koznikas Sugarzasi Csztaly., Title Terrperature Dependence of the Photooffect of Sb-Cs Ph:)to- cathodes in the Teuperature Ehnge fron -170 to P-Or)C. Orig Pub MaGyar fiz. folyoirat~ 19571 5, No 51 427-43o Abstract Description df a measurement setup and reaults of masurei:Mats for two wavelenebs (6250 and 4925 A), For radlation near the long-wave bouidary of the photoeffect one observes a continuous reduct-lon in the photocurrent with Uninishing teriperature, and in the case of lower wavelengths the photo- current is independent of the teraperature over a rather wide intervaly and diminishes sharply only at very low tenperatures (approxinately 14oOc). Card 1/1 11,11 PIR PV4 V I'll; ill 1.11r, 7 AUTHOR: Zholt, Robert (Budapest) 25-58-4-8/41. TITLE: Hungarian Geophysicists (Geofiziki Vengrifl PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn1, 1958, Nr J, pp 19-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The IGY program in Hungary is concentrated in several fields. Meteorological observations are carried out at 24 stations. The Tikhana Observatory attached to tho Go,3u(larstvennj,y insti- tut fiziki imeni Etvesha Loranda (Stale Inatitute of Physics imeni Etvesh Lorand) makes magnetic mensuraments. Tile Meteoro- logical Institute and the Peatzenlarinc Observatory carry out ionospheric investigations. The heliophysical section of the Institute of Astrohomy conducts observations of solar activi- ties. The Tsentrallnyy issledovatellnkiy institut fiziki (The Central Regearch Institute of Physics) registers mesonic componert of cosmic radiation witli tl~n !_1i(1 i~f ,q)ocial tele- scopes. The program includes gravimetric. nnd neismologic in- vestigatione of the Earth's crust in flungary. AVAILABLE; Library of Congresa Card 1/1 1. Sci ence-Study and teaching 2. AstronomY 3. Geology 4. Meteorology ZSOLT, Szabo, Br.; FoLDVARI, Gyula, Dr. PaDillama of the kidney pelvis resulting in total destruction of the kidney. Maa. sebeszet 10 no-5-6:372-374 Oct-Dec 57. 1. 1'~owrommepjei Tanacs.Xorlmza (ig.t. Dr. Irabdeb* Jazeef) prosekturajanak (foorvos: Sznbo Zsolt dr.) katlemenje. (CARCINOM, case reports papilloma of kidney pelvis with ureteral metastasis re- aulting in total destruction of kidney (Hkan)) (KIDNEY F91WISO neoplaoms papilloma with ureteral metastasiv resultlug in total destruction of kidney (Hun)) (URITIRS, neoplasms metastatic from papilloma of kidnmy pelvis resultive in total destruction of kidney( 1W) NTIRO, Oyula, dr.; XAFFKA, Karoly, g."w.; ZSOKBOK, Gyorg:p, dr. Now Rungarian electro-conrulsor and stinalator, X.Tperinantal and clinical data an the physiology o'f electro-stimansion. ,dog. *seals 8 no.1:6-12 rob 53. 1. A Bud&pesti OrvostudoaWi Taotem Ilme-es I&Wogyassati Klinikajanak koslemenys (Igaigato L N~Iro a7ula dr. egret. tan&r). (METMTHSRA". appar. & Instruments now electroshock A stinlator appar., technic & exper. & elin. applications (Run)) ZS014BOX. 07orgy. dr. -, KONA. Uroly. S. a. The so-called striction effect of the eloctr1c current. Data on the pathaphysiologr of electrashock therapy., Ideg, szonle 8 no.4:121-124 Aug 55. 1. A Budspesti Orv1)studovwWI Pastes Ilme- as Ideggragmess,ti Klinikajanak kosleivenye (tgasgatoL Mytro 07uls, dr. %Mrst, tan (SHOCK THIUM ZACTRIC, W. eff. triation off. on brain tissue (Hun)) 00, Pathol. Itrietton eff. on brain tissue in slectia shock thor# (Hun)) XTIRO, Gyula, dr.,; ZSOKBOK, 03rorgy,dr,,; XAYM, Xaraly, 0~-e`ie h~"o*ck Resuscitation victims by slectrodtimuUtor. Orv. hatil. 96 no.41:1136-1137 9 Oct 55, 1. A Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Xe7etam Ilms- as l4q;korto-ni Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Hyiro Gyula dr. egyat. Tanar) koz1anazWe. (IMTRICITY, injurioixe effects high voltage electric shoo1c, reauscitation by electroetimulator) (ZMTROTHKRAPr electrostimulator resuscitation in high vollaqe electric shoo1c) ZSGIBCR, Dienes, ing. Social and cultural achievements in tho Baisi-~Uvv slining Lpin. Rev min 13 no.8-.345-346 Ag 162. 1 1. Trustul minier Baia-Mare. ZSOXBOR, Herpay, Dr. Pulmonary mVeosis of newborn infants. Orv. hatil. 99 tio.14:4814-486 6 Apr 58. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanylgyotem Sorklinflmjanalc (igazgato: Szodorayo Iajos dr. egvet. tanar) M7kologlai latezetenek (intesetvaseto: Szathmary Sebestyen dr. egyet. dooens) es lgaveagu&i Orvostani Inte"me- tenek (igasgato: OkTos Sandor dr. egyat. tanar) konlemenya. (MONILIASIS, in inf. & child lungs. In newborn inf. (Han)) (LUNG DISMSES, in inf. & child moulliasis in newborn Inf. Out)) (WANT, IMBORN, die. monillasta of lungs (Han)) BORDA, Ivan, 4r.; BAR.TAA-SZABO, Lavx1o, dr.: ZSOMWR, 011y%, dro New data on the incidence of Infectioun hemorrh94;ic nophroso- nophritts In Hungexy. Orv4 hetil. 97 no.26:720-?24 24 June 56. 1. A Yovaromi Koskorhas IV. ker., (Igosgato-foorvost Devenyl, Rudolf dr.) Tertiso Oesta-1yanak (foorvast Dervas, Qyorgy dr. as Prosecturajan&k (fooryos: Darla-Szabo, Lazzlo dLr,) no a lovarost Arpad Korbas (igasgato-fborrost Lorand, San(lor dr., as orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) kozlemenye. (EPIDD41C HWRRHAGIC IFEM, opidemiol. In Hungazy, two new cases. (Hun)) ZSOMBORY, Laszloj dr. Responi4bility of the Hfmgarian State Milwaya for the injury and S death of its passengers! Kozleked kozl 19 no.20045-347 19 My 163. ZSOMBORY, JAsz1o, dr* --- ~ - -1 - ---' ~ I .. - Regulation of passenger traffic of electric ra-Proade. Kozleked kozl 20 no. 9: 141- W I Mr 164. ZSObMOq,jAwdD,,Ar. Gooda Tariff of ths Capital Electric PtailwVs. Koislitted kozl 18 no,40:729-"131 7 0 t62. ZSOTEER, Ferenc Ascensional velocity of radjosounding balloona. Orss' meteor int beez tud kut 26:405-408 162(publ.163). HALKAGYI, D..; ROBICSMK. F..; YUJUI. 2.,; ZSOTjR, T.,; IYARYI, J. Xffect of experimental mitral insufficiency an loaner blood circulation in dog. Kiserlates orvostud. 7 no-It*-35 Jan, 55. 1. Szogedi OrvostudoamWi Vgystem 1. $a II. BolkRifflutja es Budapeati Orovostudomanyi Heyetem Sebeaztovabbkopzo Klizikaja. (MITRAL VALVII, diseases insuff., exper., off. on pulm. blood eirc. in d*ga) (BLOOD CERCULATION pulm.. off. of exper. insuff. on mitral valve in dogs) EXCMMA XMICA See.2 V01.9/8 ate,., AU 3563.-Z5A'&R T.. SZAB6 M. and LUSZ'rlG G. Szegedi OrvalitudoInfinyt ftyttffln Il sz. Be-Min. 6s K6rbonctani Intdzete. #11eparin-hatils vizolpfitata pat" mesoappendixen Testing of heparin activity an rat men*- a p p e n d i x KIS~RL. ORVOSTUD. 1955, 7/ 5 (475-480) Illun. 2 Aggregation of erythrocytes was effected by the-use-of a thermoctiubtry in the me. soappendix: close to the venula. A large dose of heparin given 5 min, after this pre. cedure Was effective in 20, of 25 enpertmouts. while the majine do4a'41vto 20 W~. after the procedure was effective in a ~Of 17 experiments (disperskod of the agg". gate), but when given after an Interval of 30 min. heparin 11ad rjo:6,FeCt in any of 8 experiments. Dispersion of the aggregate also failed to t5ccur when he-parin *av given together with an antagonist (protamine, toluidine blue). A jxpshtive heparti ef. fect (dispersion of the 'prethrombosis') can only be obserited in tho presence If v, lengthened coagulation time. Authors' srummary ZSOTXR, Tamast- SWO, X"17,; WSZTIG, Gabor, Study on haparin effect on the mesoappendix of r&tm. Usorletes orvostud. 7 no.5:475-480 Sept 55. 1. Szegedl OrovoetudamwWi 11gVetan 11. on. Pek1linikaja ea Korbonctani Intexete. (FMPARIN, effects on exper. thrombosis. prey. of prethrombotio erythrocyte aggregation in rate) (THROMBOSIS, experinental off. of heparin, pray. of prethrombotio erthroqrte aggregation in rate) HALMAGYI, D.,; FWLKA1, B.,,- 1VANY1, J.,; ZSOM, T.,; S-MCS, Ts.,; PwaR. I. Pathogenesis of pulmonary edoma. caused by infusion, in healthy and in vagotomized dogs. Rearletes orvastuct. 7 no-5:457-468 Sept 55. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Raoton I. so H. Belgroaassitti Klinikaja. (MEMA, experimental puln., caused by infusion in healthy & vagotonized dogs) (LUNGS, diseases edona. exper., caused by infusion in healOW & vagotomized dogs) (INFUSION, PARMITMRAL, injurious effects pulm. edema. exper.. in healthy & vagotomized. dogs, relation to blood preBours) M VES, VAGUS, surgery vagotomy. exper., relation to infusion-induced puln. edema, off. on blood preasure) IIN i'll il 11 JL;~ J! HAIXAGYI, D.,; PEIKAY, B.,; IYANTI, J.,; UPIR,.T.,; MUCS, Ze. Data on the physiology of experimental, non-hemodyamic, pulmonary edema. Kiserletes orvostud. 7 no.6:563-568 Now 55, 1. Szogedi Orvostudomanyt Baotou 1. (is Il. Belgyogyasna%1 XlWkaX (VIDIM, exper. pulm., induced by .4-maphthyl thiourea In dogs, pathol. (Hun)) (IOGS, die. exper. edema, induced by 4-naphthyl thiourea in dogs, pathol. (Hun)) (THIOURRA, deriv. -k-naphthyl thiourea, causing pulm. edema in dogs. (Hua))