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HUNGARY .1. HERITADY. Tibor, Dr; Hungarian Acadeny of Sciences, ZSE130K Werical- Radiological Research Group (MTA -- Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia orvos-Radiologiai Kutatocsoport), and Medical Univertity of Budapest, Radiological Clinic (director: ZSEBOK, Zoltan, Dri profossor) (BOTE Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem -- Radiologial Klinika). 4'Study of the In-Vitro Radiation Sensitivity of R(!~d Blood Cell Catalase." Budapest, Yagyar Radiologi , Vol XVIII, No 2, Apr 66, pages 68-71. Abstract: [Authors' English summary modified] The results of experiments with erythrocyte-catalase irradiation are reported. On the basis of the results it is concluded that,there is no direct radiation damage to red blood cell catalase in the course of treatment of patients or in the doses most frequently used for irradiation in animal. experiments.. Some fundamental concepts are discussed with respect to the , dilution effect" observed in the course of experimental Irtadiation and to the phenomenon of dosage -dependent radiation sensitivity. 1 Hungarian, 16 Western references. 1/1 HUNGARY ZSEBOX, -Zoltan,, Pr, PETRANYI, Coyozo, Dr, BAUMOAUNP.R, Mit, Dr, FACRET, Jozsef, Dr; Departmental Medical-Radioloeical Roseareh Group of the Academy (chief: ZSEPOK, Zoltan, Dr) (orvos-Radiologlai Akademiai T111maki Kutato- csoport), Budapest. "Changes in Adrenocortical Function Following Supralethal Whole-Body Irradiation." Budapest, Grvosj Hetila-p, Vol 107, No 32, 7 Aug 66, pages 1496-1499. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary) The changes in atirnnocortical func. tion following supralethal irradiation were studied in rats. Tbn blood corticosterone level, and the in vitro corticosterone anti aldosterone sec- retion by the adrenals was determined at different times following whole body irradiation with 1300 r. It was determined that two phases appear In the adrenocortical hormone secretion; these were mcre pronounced in the case of corticosterone. Acute corticosterane hypersecretion appeared after Ir- radiation; following its cessation, a renewed increase in corticosterone production developed 48-72 hours later. The t-4o phases were not as pronounced in the case of aldosterone production. The observed changes in secretion were largely supported by the histological findings, In conclunion, the disturbances in salt and water balance are correlated with the changes in adrenocortical function. 4 Hungarian, 34 Western references. 66 ZSEBOKI Zoltan.. az- orvostudoman3rok dokt-crap egyetemi tanar "Radiobiology"lby Varteresz, Unger, Kalman athd S2ta"i4, Re- viewed by Zoltan Zsebok. Magy tud 71 no,2:133-134 F'64- 1. BUdapeati Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. 7 lf K Z~b -7 ZOLTAN, Zsebok, dr. On evaluation of some shadow component3 in the roentgen picture of the thorax in newborn infants. Magy radiol. 13 no.5:263-Z73 s 161. 1. 1 oz. Sebeszoti Klinika (igazgatot hodri rundre dr., eggotenii tanar) Orrosi Radiologial OsztAlyanak kozlemange. (THOMX radiography) (I.17AITT 1041BOMi .-I%dlography) ACCESSIOU NR: AP4,012309 11/0021/64/000/01/0001/0008 AUTHORs Zsdbok, Zoltan (Doctor); Petranyi, Qvow (Dootor) TITIE.- The importance of quantitative changes In the extraeenuLir water space for disturbanaes of this water Woulation In axpoelmamtal "Inteatinal x-ray death." SOURCE: Magyar radlologia,, no. 1. 1964, 1-8 TOPIC TAGS: extracellular space. intestinal x-ray death, gwitro-intastinal ,tract, inulin space, inulin permeability of Intestineo sall,-.deg%cit oxsiccosis AWTP=T-. The authors studied the gastro-intestinal x-ray syndrome In, rato by the inulin method combined with ligation or the kidney h:LU=; they a4ministared 1 300 r and noted the changes in the activo extracol3ular 41*co of the uhale o;ganism and the individual organs and in thG inuliZ porma4ibtlltj of the Castro- intestinal tract after 24, 48 and ?2 hours,, They distingixWied two reaction phwes in the disturbance of the water equilibrium. ojoncoir6tant with the gamtre- intestinal x-ray syndrome* Ma the first, the ext-racolUlar space of the argans Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AF4,032309 Increased paallel),y vith that ia the entire Orpnimo exeopt for the lorain and muscle tissues. In the second, it dwindled fium 22 to ID.82% just Wore the ani=3 Is death. The amount of fluid transferred from, the organism to the gastro- intestinal tract approximately equaled that lost from the extracellular space. The dwindling was uniform, except that the spleen inalin space increased slightly before death, and the small-intestine inulin space decreased only inrAidiately before death. The damaged regulating mechanism could no longer correct the large-scale salt-deficit ezsiccosis. The stepped-up InuLlin permability of the intestine will AppreeiaWv modined the apparent increase ia the measwed inulin space of the otganism only after 72 hours. The authors evaluate and su=a ize their results in the light of the literature. Orig. bas 4 Ubles. ASSOCIATION s Magyar TudomwWos Akademia Orvos-RadioUgiai lCutatocsoport (Medical Radiology Research Section of the HangarU4 AcadnaV of Sciences). SUMITTM: 00 DATs AcQt 27reb64 MIMS 0q SUB CCDEs AM NO REP BOV3 000 OLSM 1 038 card 2/2 ZSEBOK, Zoltan, dr. ; PATRR,'YIp Oyozo, dr. Significance fluid space in water i~baiainba Im experimental "intimitina.1 x-ray death". Magy. radiol. 16 no.1:1-8 F164. 1. Magyar Tudomanyon Akadezia Oryos-Radiologlihi Kutatoscoport- janak kozlemenye (Vezetot Zsabok Zoltan dr., oiLryetwil. tanar). of- ZSEBOX, Zoltan.. az orvostudomanyok doktoraj, eaetsmi doeens "Creneral radiotherapy* by Ivan Rode, Reviewed b7 Zoltian Zoeboke Nagy tud 70 no.6/7,i,99-5oa z&-a t6i. lo Budapesti Orvostudomanyt Egyateme ZSEBOK Z -- PETRA14YI . C%V. Jr. ftporimental investlgation on the changes in the ax-tracelliaar apaep, in the radiation syndrome. Acta mad. acad. sci4 hwig. 19 no.2:137r- 1" 163 -, 1. Modizinisch-radiologische Forschungsgruppe der Ungarischen kkallemie T, der Wissenschaften. (GASTROINTESTINAL SYMI) (RADIATION INJURY, XXPERIIENTAL) (BODY FLUlDS) WBOK; Z PETIWIYI. Gy., Fadiati-oll 6f E'5 t Q.-i tt, j a,~d v ter W,-Ianne pm:~ticullarly a, on :3str-v A! tu med. w!ad, dr;i bwng. 1~) no.11 11 .21 ~ 63,. 3 , ILid-i --biolk-iCical IR-3,-ao La'-lurat-,~y, Kj%~t Dapart.-D-9nt of Surgary, WrAversJ,ty Medlcai Srlhac'- audapi3zt, (WATER.-ELEECTROMIF. BALANCE) (PUDIATION EFFIEM) (URM) 1) (BODY FLUIDS) 4 )RIDES) (SODIIJ.',f) (Ftf"LASOSIT'l (cur ZSEBOKV Zoltan, dr.; TOROKp Istvan, dr. Dialn0stic value of kidney function toots performid with 113 _labelled hippuric acid, Magy. radiol. 15 no.52,257-266 S 263, la A Magyar Tudomanyos Akadomia OryosradioUlglai lutatoceoport kozlemanyo. (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNOSTIC) (KIDNEY "NCTION TESTS) (CONTRAST MEDIA) (UROGRAPHT) ZSEBOK, Z. --- ......... Radiological aspects of renal diseases. Acta mod. acad. sci. Hung. 19:Suppi:95-101 163- 1. First Do partment of Surgeryp Medical Uni7orsityj Budapest, (UROGRAPHY) (KIDNEY FUNCTION TESTS) -ZSEDQ4,_Ao1tg -.; PETRLNYI, Gyozo, Jr. dr. 4n,dz Experimental data on interral electrolyte changes related to radiation diseases. Magy. radiol. 15 no.3:164-170 Je 163. 1. Az 1. oz. Sobeozoti Klinika Orvoo-Hadlologlai Watocsoportlanak kozlemenyo. (WATEIU-EIECTROLYTF, BALANCE) (RADIATION IILTURY, EXPERIMENTAL) (SODIUM) (GASTROInESTINAL SYSTEM) I H'U!`~~'_YATf ZSEBOK Zoltan, Dr, PETIRAINTI. Gyozo, Jr, Dr; Medloal-lUdiological Research ~r~up'of fh6--I. Sirgical GlInIc (Az 1. sz. Sebe3z()ti Klinika. Orvos-Radiologial Kutatocsoport,ja). IlExperimental Data on the Internal Shift of Electrolytea Concomitant With Radiation Disease." Budapest, Magyar Radiolo~,ia, Vol XV, No 3. June 63, pages 164-1.70. Abstract: [Authors' English sunmary modified] The shift of electrolytes in the terminal phase of gastro-intestinal death in rats irradiated with 12C0 r has been examined by the authors. The tests were done 72 hours after irradi- ation. Using the Na isotope and simultaneous inulin method, the changes in the exchangeable Na content of the organs, of the whole organism and of the extracellular space were determined. No characteristic change in the Na con- tent of the intracellular space was detected by the method. The shift of a certain quantity of Na within the organism, directed from the extracellular space into the severely damaged intestinal tract is characteristic of the terminal phase of the gastro-intestinal syndrome. 4 Hungarian, 24 Western references. 1/1 ZSEBOK, Zoltan, dr; VODHOS, Daniel Praotical value of gamma apeatra. Magy. mdiol. 15 no.10440;-.0i. i63. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Orvos-Radiologial KutatoFsoportjAAAk kozlemenye. (RADIOMhTRY) (RADIOISOIrOPM) SZAMCZKY-KARDOSS, Elemer; Z~~SE~B ~ltan ... dr.; RUSMAK, Istvan, dr.; ANTALFFY, Gyorgy, dr.; BIHARI, Otto J, dr.; ONOLNOKY, Laszlo, dr.; GRUBER, Jossef, dr.; HAY,Laszlo, dr.1 KENTIUS, Lbrand, dr.; WWI, Andras, dr.; ORTUTATY, Gyula, dr.j PERENTI, Imre, dro; PETRI, Gabor, dr.; POLINSZKY, Karoly, dr.; RAPCSAK, Andrasi TORO, 1mre, dr.; ZAHBO, Janos, dr. Pence to the worldl An appeal by the Committee on Science of the National Peace Council. Term tud kozl 6 no.6:241 Je ,62. 1. Orszagos Beketanacs Tudomanyos Bizottsaganak ellneike (for Szadeczky-Kardoss). 2. Orazagos Beketanacs Tudomanyos Bizottsaganak titkara (for Zaebok). 3. Magyar Tudomanyos AkO-deMia elnoke (for Rusznyek). 4. Szegedi Tudomanyegyatem rektora (for Antalffy). 5. Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem allamjagl karanak dekanja (for Bihari). 6. Fecal Orvostudomanyi Egyatem rektora (for Cholnoky). 7. Budapenti Musmaki Egyatem rektora (fl:ir Gruber), 8. Marx Karoly Kotgazdasagt"domanyi Egyatem raktor!%, Budapest (for Hay). 9. Kossuth Lajoa Tudomanyegyetem rektora, Debrecen (for Kesztyus). 10. Agrartudomanyi Egy43teia rolitorm Cror YA"ari), 11. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyeg;fetem roktara (fat 12. EpitoiWi as Kozlekedeni Masznki Egyot^m roktora (for Perelvi). 13. Szegedi OrvostudomiuVi Egyatem rektora (for Petri). 11,. Veszpremi Vegyiparl Egyat6m dekanja (for Polinsik?). T&-be-A4ttbA-A=w41; ZSEBOKI zo Endre Hadri (1893-1962). Orr. hatil. 103 no.49.-232~"2326 9 D 162. (OBITUARIES) 4 IHUNGARY _.LS~WK,_-ZQjt, [no affiliation givenj _Lin, Dr4, Re Fo rt on the Tenth International Congress of Radiology Hold in Montreal. " Budapest, Magyar Radiologia, Vol XV, No 2, Apr 63, vogi!s 110-117'. Abstract: [Author's English summanj modified] A report on the congress with a short revied of the conferences and the experiatices galined by the author during his visits in the Canadian radiological institutes are presented. An account is given of the International Radio-,") ensiti- vity Symposium held in Quebec and the problems of Canadian radiologists are discussed. No references. 20 KOVACH, F.(Kovats, Ferenc]; ZIMEK, ZJ?a-qb2h-~4o.It&qj,. dots.; FRAUZC, R.E.[Krause, RA. (translator)]; YUKM, K.FJu-jZz,I.], red. izd- va; D014DOR, A., tekbn. red. [x-ray anatomical bases for studying the lung;P]Rentgenanatomiche- skie osnovy issledovaniia legkikh. 9., perer. i dop. izd. Budapest, Akademiai.Kiados 1962. 376 p. (IIIIPA 15:12) 1. Starshiy vrach nauchno-issledovatollakogo instit-uta tuberkuleza.. Budapesht (for Kovach). 2. Khirurgicheskaya universitetskaya klinika, 5*udapesht (for Zhebek). (LUNGS-MIOGRAPHY) Lx A !"j T".7 (Y., -2 0 3 ra 0 fer C ha ri,-t o-7 pr~' m,?tqr, of 1.1 C' '~x 11 a r'rf! C.f' t"y U rt ZSZBOK, Zoltan, dr.,' TOROKp Istvan, dr. Some problems of tbyroid function tests with maioactivo iodAney a saintieraphic method. Magy. radiol. 14 no.41193-200 T1 162. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 1. Sebeazati Kliaikaja (igazgato: Hedri Endre dr egyatemi tanar) Orvosi-:Radiologimi Kut-ato Csoportjana3c kozlemenye. (THMOID GhM physiol) (IODINE radioactive) ZSEBOK. Zoltan M., ELffiliatiM riot giv6n] MCI, No (1893-' 62) Budaposts t a - Vol 103o No 49o 9 %o 621 pp 2505--t'31M. Abatmet,j. Obittinry of Et-dre awl, ~'D' Who dAd Olt 11 Nwi 6.,'. 71Yr MRI was i turgeou ud aites 1947 Pm~em~ior of Surpry At Un6 Undvot-sity, of &PC-st. BuA ZSEBOK, 149STER, E. Role and importance of the "hard-ray," method in modern x-ray diagnostics,* Acta Chir. Acad. Sai. H=g. 2 no.4:460-471 161. (RADIOGRAP hT) ZSEBOK,, Z. Value of radioprotective substances In the light of reicent radiobio- logical researches. Acts, chir. Acad. Sci. Hung. 3 no.l:xxi-mmi 162. RADIATION PROTECTION) CAFTORTHYLAWNES pharmcol) W ZSEBOK, Zoltan, az orvostudomarryok doktora, egy. docens (Wdapest) Role of radioisotopes in clinical diagnOBiS. MaLry tud 68 no.3; 169-174 Mr 161. (EEAI 10:6) 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. (Diagnosis) (Radioisotopes) Roontgananatomical cantriblatlon to the physiological variations of the newoorentumo Actai med. hun. 14 no.4:433-447 159. 1. Routgenabtsilung der 1. Chirargischen. KlInik der Redizinischen Universitat.Budspest. (SKULL radlograpbv ZSMK, Zoltan-, dre. ----------- Hungarian views on Soviet radiological institubes. IbCY radiol 12 no.1:4-10 Mr '60. (RADIOWGY) EXCFRPTA YI-Dll' A Sec 18 Vol Carjj,:fv~,s. 1)4,. 721. Experimental investigatiO11% oil the reactioll'i of tilt! vascular %vall'. to (fiv- isclion of contrast media Expvrimuntelle 10)vr ;fill t5K Z. Rillit"Yellabt., 1. Chil. hliv'-Win" lioittrastinitti-l(!in%%~irking. % -'7841 ) ( i I Fartschr, Nm~qeoislr, 1959, 90111 - 11.1111S :1 11111s, j%n anisotonir, Oth"rlivisv indiffl-I'vilt solution, wIllch 11;l ~'%- Ili, f after inicction into Ow circulatioll. is 11oll-oxisti'llit. T111. lo,vnis 1'h4olvrd N%~Ol 1--li. crence to the application of di- or tri-iodizvA contra,ft mrifia, ron-ii~l #4 lor-lit or general reactions. In animal tvsli tilt, administration #if 1.,', 1, 711":, dt~i,wfizvd contrast mi-dium per kit, NOV wi-ight ill Ow vvwl (.01:1 .,tilt t'i,-r lw.vot, th, 1-lotal wesureabmit 4omm. 11g. A(ivra Shin't apill)(la all(l lapil. ()1 1-2 oli;). Ow -itlj'llio~l i nornializiA again. More animal.tvsts showed tliat ~i!lfilar of blood ! pressure an(I similar symptoms art, eallsed by otlwr IIN-J)"wilic 'L~ %%cll' it their triolecidar conecOration correspoll(Is til that (if Off, 70"", clnlfra't In, 111(1111. TO explain lucat reactions Ow colitta"t f1wililltil wa~ irlic"I"11 ifit(I ~.11( Wit, , lit ~611- previously emptied and blockc,d and after waiting, '.1 min. fitz- fill,'t ill ',liont to take effect the endothelium wal' follild to ho absolliftc1l.. vlormal Ili Aological; %-. A higher conuntration may provoke change,; in the va~ctdav wall, ril;d111%. k0l, !I Th'! I mmy a 11 Inedicine-ji continually active. Vusdi; of grvat cal lacity an] %.001 a Ingh mood flow Show 111) Ivskins of Ow imwr coat cvvll xi,ill, aitigh concvntration fur a relatively lotiger Umv. ZSMBOK, Zoltau,dr. Certain problems of roontgenotherepy of inoperable nextro- ectodermal. tumore. Vaa.rediol, 11 no.4:193-201 It '59. 1. A Budapesti OrvostiAomanyi RQretem 1. on. Gebe02ett Klinikaja (igazgato: Hedri Indre dr. eg7etetmi tanar) Rontgen oattalyanak (veseto: Zeebok Zoltan dr. losouth-dijas effetom*i docons) koxlemenye. (BRLD( ne*pl) (R&DIOTWeT) A I IIIH H111,11 11111111[ E H11; 11 F 11 V, ZSABOK. Zoltan, dr.; iUCHT1. Istvan, dr.; SZY, Sandor, dr.; BXJjaI# GamIllo, dr. Influence of subautaneously and Intramuscularly adminlatered wymosan. on the properdin. titer of serum and on leukocyte count in animal experinentse Orv.hetil. 101 no-7:226-229 7 16o. 1, Budapecti Orvostudomanyt 11astem. 1. *a. Babosmati Miniks. Routgan Oaztaly as Sugarbiologlai Eutotolaborotoriumo (POLYSACOR&RIM pharmcol.) (PROFMIN) (LUIMYTZB) EXC~R?TA MEDICA See 9 Vol 13/2 Surgery Feb 59 1257. DATA ON SURGICAL AND RADIOANATOMY OF THE PANCREAS - An- gahen zur chirurgischen und Rontgenanatomie des Pankreas - Zaebr3k Z. and M 6 s z 4 r o s G. Rantgenabt., 1. Chir. KI in., Med. Univ., ACTA MED. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1957, 11/1 (131-158) Illu.-I. 13 The term X-ray anatomy is explained. Pancreatography and its p*suibilities were explored In 100 cadaver preparations. It was found that they differ to some dtgree from the data in the literature. Several so far unobserved variationn In the ex- cretory system of the pancreas may be found, which are important from the vLew- point of the radiodiagnosis of the glands and nuccessrui surgicul operution. (IX, 14) Ir loll, Jil:11, the- kInt EXCMnA MMICAL See 9/Vol 13/5 SURGMT VV 59 ins- 2886. BONE MARROW PIILEBOGRAPHY - Die cisteornedullftre Phlebographle - Zaeb6k Z, and Gergely R. R0ntgenabt., L Clift-JIniv.-Klin., ---M7ra-pe-iiT---DTSCII.blED.WSCIIR. 1958, 03/3(106,109-110and 113-114) Illus. I I Ordinary phlebograms are sometimes insufficient, as the direction of the circula- tion may have changed and the blood may be directed from the deep vtnous system to the superficial veins. This in why the former sometimes do not fill. Bandaging of the leg to obtain deep filling sometimes results in spasms (if the doep veins with incomplete filling. The authors use the following methoJ: Injecti(in of a com- mercial solution of Na acetrizoate ('triapac 400') into the head of the tibia (pre- sentation of tile femoral veins), or into tile heel bone (for the wins of tile lower leg), preceded by Injection of 1% procaine solution. Photrits 1kre taken under fluoro- scopic guidance, In 2 planes. 'rho patient lit examined standing up and lying down. In the former case tile veins fill Within 2 min., in tile latter caim they fill within 5 min. In circulatory disturbances the difference is greater. ir necessary, serial pictures are m-Ade, as otherwise thrombotic occlusions may bt- simulated by in- complete filling. Lymphangiography is performed at the same time if necessary. Sometimes filling of the deep veins does not take place becamw of spamn of these veins. Anatomical variations of the popliteal vein are seen more often than they are described by anatomists. The venous valves are not arranged roplArly in most cases. Phlebography should always precede any surgical Intervention. In thrombosis of the femoral vein, this may be filled retrogradely by collaterals In thrombosis of the Iliac vein, collateral circulation via the nuperficial epiga;tric vein or the scrotal venous system may be observed. Heo4mann - Munich (XIV, 9) JJ 11 1 Cou Itry C a to ry .,~bs. Jour Au~hor "r-rbo'- : . Ut. Inst i L Title Or lo Pub. 0 v 0 Z L f -,Ickjou prt~par.-%;j Ong . t~4. 1. C o' the 7 1: Card: -2 Cator,ory 2 "'n Jour 5 ho 1, inatitut. Titlo orir-, Pub. AbaGract :1,. S4. r on." :c ,.1~1 Ji~l uf to! t ry Gard-: 111.11 WIT 111,11111 III,NI FiII!:i- ZSJBOK, Zoltan Roentgen morpholog7 and radiotherapy of 1W qnrolnoua. TaborkuloIA 12 no.2:33-40 7eb 59. 1, A Budapesti Orvontudomanyi 3aetem I, sz. Sebeezeti Klinikaja (Igazgato: Hedri Indre dr. Wetemi tanar) Routipumststlyanak (Tozato: Zsebok Zoltan dr. egyjatemi docens) koslemanyea (WHG HSOPIASMS x-ray diag. & radiother. (Ran)) (RADIOTEEBAPY, in various die'. cancer of lungs Mm)) , dr,- The value of sulphhydryl compounds as radioprotecti,,re substances, in the light of modern radiobiological rosearcboie, Ther. hung..U no.1:14-19 163. 1. Medico-Radiological Researah Group of the Modical University, Budapest. (SULFHYDRYL C014FOUNDS) (RADIATION PROTECTION) (RADIATION INJURY, EXPERIIENTAL) 11: - "I - .". ~' V H '. 1 ~, 1. .' . - , ". . " , : , .. , - , ." - , . I . . FAY, Gyula; 'ZSEL&V,,3oriaz- Application of Kolmogorov's theory of crushing in the field of investigating grindableness. Epitoanyag 34 no,6:209-217 Is 162. 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Inteset. FAY, ~!yula, Reiiearch lflotitute of Heat Techn~~Io-.-~' o- echn- "ai ;~ -i-. -: Kutato Intuezet, , 3ludapesI7, 5tatf-5 of "Investi~,atiori of Burnin-,- ProcE?Sses the Xet'hod of .--eat. Budapest, Ma--,yar Kc-miai --o1voimt, Vol 69, 'No 8, ,',u- 196", Abstract: [.-'.uthors' Hun-,arian su:-,max7)r] The conditions for e-Xtirction and ii-,nition have been invest. if-,,ated mathtamatically, based on adiabatic -and r~~actcr modi'l burninz: proccs-,,ml, 'I'hc of proce5ses nave ~Pen --zionS for stability in burninr., ed and the cond. stability and lability detemined. 3 _L~;-'-stern European ZSELEV, Boris lev, Boris) On the theory of turbulence and its technical mpplimation. Fiz ozemle 30 no.4:102'-109 Ap 163. I 1. HoteohnikAi Kutato Inteset. FAY., Gyula; ZSELEV BLorja"Zhelev, Boris]. Relative comparative process for the determination of' grindability characteristics. Epitoanyag 15 no-43111-112 Ap 163. 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Intezet. FAY, Gyida; ZSEUEV, Pori:3t Investigai,*w-, of mIxIng -in free '~ji-b-i' ent riqs# 11 .1 Energiv. 17 J-1 16-!'. 1. Electric Power InrJ:v,',-r r- .1 '* MAX) As To lie f V RMIC W0114 ptrvcd that lluch iticituflom slid llat. ltly'~kvi otig4iiite from the froslul 'A lh'~ fdrjcwviv~" The walwassir Wsfj 140i4j1d. I to ve in tile k1w., 0 list t~ucv..4'of mcbIli", ~llullliflval Or Ole 111cimlowi 11A wit ttivolkyl, *rigilwte from the erasiucl of the fdructork'5, Lite M"L11 (7 11%e Iva% (OU04 '~%Iilkllln for tile in the Ll"e if 311 mc-sp; 'A Au I reductica ill tile 1441- 4 a 11 c 0 tr 4 46 a a, a ON 0 N a 11 AR.'I IT "All, E) Ann I In AIj*1 U14"'i tV4.!6. V 1.1 6 10 Zdwk, A. T. NOMMICfALLIC INICLVAM9411 IN StIfIll. AT HE '-XjjAJWV OWTfA#A Wfl=l~ 04010~W.T, 375 19W).-Analpis of wontimetallic wimumis in thr!%tivits 1 1woved timt mach ImfuAlims did ttlif always cirigmalt hom 11w m"m of the refmacicks. Tile "min roam wsx hmad 0 lie ill the u*c of an cicce" 0( MoAllk- aluminum (nr tile "I'llictian In the Wile. of 0 0 0-000*000:00:00000 %:qV-w v Ap IWAPAPAP v ' 41 a a W4.- 0 a I-A ILI .4 11 if. N-t-al 11- 11.1 . s b-V a a0 ... N 9 P -.- . soA 00 00 so -00 **s - Cukoripar '00 So 11 "M SUOAR MWBM 04 f - ! vol. ill. - 19W .00 ood H! No. 11, r4T. woo ood woo 000 ....... .400 I SOW goo woo woo coo *00 ho 0 use moo T wto t la 144" w I r owl 4w - Vol o u 2 1.0 _'i 1 a F I AA I s a of 0a 1 1:a04 3' 7-9 " d 1-A 0 9 ~ 1 A Go 00 0 0 0 * 000 00 0 0 0 **t oo** *" .* 0 0 A H H, t flkll ' ZSXBOK, Zoltan Development of radiology in the past decade. Or-r. hatil. 100 no.16: 561-568 19 Apr 59. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomarqi Haetem I. Gz. Sebaszati Klinikaja (igazgato Hadri Endre dr. egyatemi tanar) Routgen os3tulyanak (7azeto: Zaabok dr. egyet. doceno, az orvocitud. doktora) kozlemmys, (HADIOWGT p?rogr. In past decade (Ibin)) EXCLaKA X~ZICA Scc.16 "1o1,,,4/2 Cancer Feb 56 701. Z. 1. Chir. m-mucloir, mit busol-derer lliu%ik:lkt mif dic won,sukti silmitalvii Cc~ schwiflstv X-ray flieralpy in cers,bral tuitimmi irith sjoccial tl!,_'Pdrff Ito tit ij rot -dode rvid t(Immirs Arch. CmImforsvit. 1055. V3 J2.16-2.57) (Iraphl .1 Tillill's 2 11111%, 3 I)Itfil-.g 52 111011thr. ilk 16 ~Vikn 194h-19,552, a ttital ot Ifish Imilmas %kyre trvAti-il fotr tilmour of tho braill, 101 (If thOll IWIII% "CIII-WOKIVIIII411 1101WAIIIS. Ilk VVV(y wrkil 3,0(X) to 10,000 r. w,--m- applied witlitmkt radiation initirkm lwqwrabk- paliviiii wete ameliorated and oftest ablo to work Act trvalomit. K4WCr - Zagreb IVAN TANRV; ASZ3W RUMOIDV; SZAVA 2SBWAZKOT; PJMO STSOV Clinical and experimental studies on Boarlatinal glomemilonsphritis and the mild symptoms of Icidney damage. Wermekiryogyanomt 9 no.1-39 1-5 Jan-Yar 58. (SGARIM YAM, compl. glomerulonephritis, diag. signifienrice of eitirly mild renal sympte (Run)) OWNERUWNIMITIS, atiol, & pathogen. scarlet fever, diag. significAnce oT earl,7 mild renal sympt. (Hun)) FAYj Gy.; ZSELFVp B. (Zholevj B.) Mathematical foundations for the Uranulomatrit,. attalyudis of a multitude of ground grains. Acta techn Hung 11,1~ noj/~+: 237-260 163. 1. Fors chun gains ti tut fur Warino-technik, Didapost. FAY., Gyula; MEM, Bprism Application of the analogy theory In the analysim of tron3- port processes. MuBzak-i kozl MTA 33 no.1/1,1351-363 96k 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Intozato Ekidapeat. FAY, Gyula.. kandidatus; ZSELEV Boriiszo kabdidatus Some technophysical questions of grumlarity. Magy J.U, folyoir 12 no. 2:151-172 164, 1. Research Institute of Heat Engineering. F,&Y, G.Yula; ZSEIZv, BorI10 7, -LlvritY, Fts-3. Concept Of the theory Of pilysical alml Fiz azemle 13 no.11:349-354 11 163. Wtato Inte ze t a 1. potechnikai Y ZSEa-V, Borisz. tudomanyos munkatars Thermodynamics of heat radiation and foundationv for the calculation of heat transfer occurring through radiation in combustion chambers. Energia es atom 16 no.U :517-529 D 163. 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Intezet. FAY, Gyula; _ ZSELKV, Bori S;a . [ ZIMI ev, Px~r.j I I Concept of the theory of phyricaj sbilloxity. I't.2. Fis sz.,!~.-nle 13 no.10018-323 Or63 1. fiotoclmVmi Kutnto 'Anterzt9t.. FAYJ Gyula; Doriaz fzljolev, BUI-Ifl ~,. Data on the concept of the theory of phyaical. a~milaxity-. FT.1. Fiz szorril(.. 13 no.9.271.-275 3 163. 1. Hotachnikai Kutato Intezet. FAY, rryula , okl. gape some rnok; , Z.9Plzv --kr-LL!r~j -Ok 1. P'" po 11%me r'll olt Appiication of Kolmogorovis theory of crushinir In PrindinR a mixture of miRterials with different specific gravity. Energia es atom 34 no.12: 550-552 D 161. 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Intezet. B ~7 R / '51, HUN'GrARY Goncral and Spocializod Zoolo,~,-Jr. 11,1f3octE3.p insoat and ---lito Abn Jour ~Rc.C Zhur - Diol. , Vo 10, 1953, '.1'o 44859 Author Zoolnbori,_ S. Inst :'770-77. IV o 1.1 Title : Tilo Control of SuGar BQut Posts, OriG Pub : -.-iarvar mozorazd, 1957, -162, 110. It, 12-13. Abstract : Noma -irou Carc.11 1/1 c, -if rr, -.)k -03 - I Jo I ty iltor-i n ZSEMBERY, Gyula, dr. The first Hungarian-manufactured Danubu-seagoing vessel started from Budapest thirty years ago. Kozleked kozl 20 no.4lz674-677 11 0 164. ZSEKr&RY, Gyula, Dr. Sea navigation of African countries. Komlokmd koz:I 18 no.10:161-162 11 Mr 162# C.. Tl!p- turnip-top louse. p. 9. Vol. 11, no. 2, 19,r,6 SO: Lict of ~'-.,irt E.uropcan Am~-.-Aon LCY Vol. 6, tio. '(', Iul-- 19~~7- Ullnel. ZSEMRMY, S. Forecasting sugar beet insects for 1956. p. IJ4. (Mapyar llezorjazdasn,F, Vol.. Ilf no. 6, Mar. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of EAst &iropean Accession (MEAL) LC, Vol, 6, no. 71, July lR5?. Uncl. ZMSEIRY. S. Forecasting sugar-beet parasites for 1959. p.123. CUKORIBLI. Budapest) Hungary, Vol* 12, no, 5, Ray 1959. Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (MI), LC. Vol. 8, 110. 9., Septembev 1959 Uncle T-IgrM#'r.TA.WWTI mll P I I 2-- ~11 I I I HUNGARY General and Specialized Zoology - InSects, P Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959P No. 20909 Author Zsembery,_ andor Inst To-t given I -. Title Forecast (Population) of the Beet Posts in 1958 Orig Bab Magyar mezogazd.t 1958, 13, No 7, 12-13 Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 r -, 117!T"11; -IFF, FUFF-T ZSERBO, Gyorgy Buttonhole drIlling tgr nev tachnoloa. Muss e4t 17 rio.26*16 20 D 162, ZSIDAI, Jozsef The Technical Univorsity of the fleav-1 Industry Library-. ~orsorl agetale 7 no.5:94-97 163, 1. Naliezipari Muszaki Eaetc-m Kony7tarm vesatoje+ ZSIDAI, Jozsef Profeasional 11torature in thn lervinn nf' nclnntif~ep rest..'arch in Uppor Hungary. Boriod uemlo 8 no.1,;20-23 164. 1. Director, University 1-ibnary, I!iskolc. Z31DAI, Pal Tbe manager'3 fund. flung TU ro.1:10-11 Ja 162. ZSIDAI, Pal Which to revealed by labor proteeficn statistics In the Lang Machine Factory. Munka 10 no.2:10 F 160. 1. "Yepazava" munkatarsa. I I ... I - .. I " 1. 11 1 - : " - : ; . 1 11 . I , ... . I , , ZSIDI, Gyula The Beloianniez Factorylo trade unlon committeiv and the vorkerm' daily problems. Munk& 11 no-4110 Ap 161. 1. Stakszervezetek Orozagos Tanacea, azervezeai oaztelymiak munIm- tarsa. Hungar7~--Te lecom=xni cation) gary-Trads unions) t F T., G YTICISFS' JOZ!I--f, rjr, cs,"IZAR, Jozser, or, Ecan,, r1yozo, Irtvan, Dr; Medical UnIvoraity of Ptc:;, to-.,;- SAT.C-.F, 're'renc, Or) (Pacal Orvoutudominyl M*,yt1tC-,T,, Uilolo;;ial 911nika) Pecs City Ambulant Services, UrO1041cal Specialist Service (d..*,:cto:*: KCZOR, jozsef, Or) (?ecsi VaroiA Rendelointezet. Urologiai 5za!iran-1(jjj,:;). Ln~ ~'.edical University of ?ecG, 11. Sur.-Ical Clinic (director; T~'hamer, Dr) (11. Sebe3zoti i',11nika). W, xp~:rlnxntal Data on the Effect of Varlous Anan5thetic Procaduren rn Roral Zunction." Budapest. Givo!-,! j!et11zn, Vol 108, No 7. 12 Feb 67. rzj~131; 296.2981. LAuthors' Hunoarian s=mary] 'he effect of varlous Z.-zesThLt'.c Abn t r-; ctr procecures on renal function has been studied and the obsom.L'onu are reportcd. it is stressed that an Impairment of renal function I.-,;.t te rec',coned with not only in urolorical operations but in other surgical procedur;--s as wall, esp;.,cially when the patients are of advanecd Particular 'unpor-,ance 15 attributed to the combined effect of surgical stn!ss and anacsthesia an renal function In the case of absent or Impaired concentratLnr ab4llty. There- Ic fore, It I:; recommended that the question of renal contraint3l Z"U~n bo.* Ll!io raised before every moro major surgical Intervention. 3 Hungarian, 2 Werte"n references. I /I TOTH, Emil; MMES, Karoly; SZABO, Emil; WJF~PgC~, Is. t3Mn_ Sex chromatins in the laukoaytes In wmen of nrious ageo. Magy noam" lap. 24 no.l.*36-39 Ja'61. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomarqi Eaetem Szuleszeti 0e No ogyaozati Klint- kajanak (Igazgato: lajos Laazlo dr. egyatemi tanwitfes1orbonctani. Intezetenek (Igazgatot Rcmhanyi Gyorgy dr. egyatemi tamr) kazlemet4e. (CHROMOSWES) (LEUKOCrTZS) (AGMG) (SEX CHARACTERISTICS) td 11111; H11i!1111111;` KIN"SES, J.; CStiSZAR, J.; BMIS, Gy.; ZSIFOVICS, 1. . ......... ........ Experimental data on th(i effect of varimin nnosthftin r,ethodn on the kidney function. AcLa chir. acad. acl. f1tirgr. 6 ri(J.4: 417-423 165. 1. Urologische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. F. Ni.It-gh) i..n.1 11. Chirurgische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. T. Kar~.biger) der M'edizInischen Univer-Itet Pecs, und Stadti ,sches Urolo;-Isehes Fachambulatorium (ChefarzL: Dr. J. Kobor)'.1 Pecs, submi'tted January 18, 1965. ZSIFKOVITS, Janos, okleveles muszeres=ernok Dentafom "Super" universal dental equipment, Morwi autonat 10 no.10; 322-325 162. 1. Fogravool Muszergyar. !, 11 1~ I GULYAS, Lajop, dr.; ZSIGA, Tnre, dr.; LISZKAI, Laozlopdr, Giant-call raticuloois associrmted with epileptic a-ymptcms. Orr. hetil. 106 no,15'.705-707 11 Ap 165 1. Magyar Nophadsereg Egosmeguggi Szolplata. 1 11 HI ~ I;,: "I ;1 ',4 1! 1 if 7 11 1 ff v;I vj (1685): Budapesti Tudomanyeryetem I. Belklinikajaral. Erjy.~7eru carbauid-lm?Chata~,-ozaa sar=- ban es vizeletben A simplified method of urea determination in sa:mm aral urine Or7osi Fletilap 1948, 89/22 (343-345) Tables 1 A photometric deteiiAnation of urea in o. 2 ml. of blood serum is developed. The method is based on urease action and subseqvient photmetric determination of amonia. Halint - Budapest SO: Dccerpta, Medica, Vol. 11, go. 4, Sect. 11 - April 191,9 ZSIGA, Lajos (14iskolc) "hat do the underpass and t passengers at Miskolc-Tisza 18-19 F 165. a ialand platform mamn to the railway station? Vasut 15 mo.2- 1. Hungarian State Railways. CSAVADI, Gyorgy, dr.,egyetemi tanar; FX5KH='1- Sandor; SUB0, Pezao, fir-.v a kozlekedeotudomanyok kandidatusa, Almemok; Denes; TAKACS, Endre; CSABAI, Rudolf; IYAGY, Rudolf; 1UTAS, Laimlooternok; VASARIMYI, Boldizear, dr.,a muszaki tudomanyok doktom, tanazek- vezato egyetemi tanar; KOLLER, Sandor, muegyetemi adjunktus, KALMh'I , Sandor; 70MBER, Sandor; TALLO, Wa;KOUV, Istvan; SZILAGYI, LaJos; HEGYI, Kalma",ekl.mernok; BERNIX, Andras; MARKI, Laszlo; NMI, BMTRSZKlg Endre; NAGY, Bndre,okl.mernok; S?ATM&R.Y, Fereite; MAGOM, Judit; CSIKHELYI, Bela; MESZLERI, Zoltan; VICROUTAp Imre3 WIGA Ssnd6l-- TOROK, Istvan; KOXCZ, Laszlo; W9138CLY, Fereylenoij WABO, cu, Lajos; GGINTL, Jozsef; CSONTOS, Dezso; JAKAB, Sardor; W11AS2, Istvan, mernok; KISS, Karolyj F0DQG%Jk"1y The C~ty Transportation Conference in Szeged. Koz1 tud a% 12 no.2-. 49-54 F 162. 1. Akademiai levelezo tag, a kozlekedes- as postampyi miniszter also helyettese, as "KozlekedestWomnyi Szomle" wierkesmto bizotteagi tagja (for Caanadi) 2. Kozlekedea- as Tostaugy-i41niszterium Muszaki Falugyaleti 0aztelyanak vezetoje (for Faskarti) 3. Fovaroal Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varoarendezesi as Epiteszeti .. op- c munkatarsa, as "Kozlekadestudomanyi Uamle" dmrkeszto .A 16izo, Yar agla (for Szabo) (Contin4ed on next card) T-T, ---- TIPP.TrUll-Iff 11I Fi:lki I [IN. 1111! HIN 111! 11111 ]111'" IN-: I I H i. AMAW , Gyorgy --- (Con6nued ) Card 2. 4. Fomer.1tok, KozIekedes- es Postaug7i Miniszterimn KozIelkedespoll- tikai Oaztalyanak mankatarsa (for Csuha5r) 5. Kozlekedes- es Postiti1gyi Miniazterium Autokozlekerlkesi Vezerigazg7atomapnak szak*sztaIrvezetqje (for Takaes) 6. MAV fointezo, a Ko2lekodestudornaiiyi EWre6ulat miskolci teruleti szervezeterek titkara (for Csabai) 7. Fomernok, a Fovarogi Tay%cs Vegrehajto BIzottsaga Kozlekedeei Ipzgatva9Lga helyetteg vezetpje (for 17&gv) 8. Favarosi Tanacs VeMhajto Bizottmaga Kozlekedesi Igazgatosaganak fmjlesztesi eloadoja (for Kutam) 9. "KozIekelestudommyl Szomle" szerkesato bizott',tingi tagja (for Vasarhelvi) 10, Csoportyezeto fomornok, Debrecen m.j. Varosi Tanaes Vegrehajto Bizottsagn Ipari es Kozlekedesi Oazt(ily (for NaInoki Kiss) 11. Rendorornagyq Csongrad Me&vei Rendorfokapitai%yisag 1,otrandvedebal Osztalya (for Womber) 12. Fomernok, Miskolc m.j,, Varwi Tanace 'Vegrehajto Bizott-sagnt Epitesi es Kozlelcedesi OBtt-,.Ilv (for Tallo) 13. Famernok, Kozlekedms-es-Postaup :F ya (for. .ji Minisaterimm Uto ztal Korary) 14. Favorosi Tanacs Vegvehajto Bizottsap VIII. Varoarendeze.-a 6av Epiteazati Oaztalvanak vezetoje (for Koeekedo8i Osstalva vesetoje (for Heqyi) 16. BIJVATI Kwzlekedesi e0 Kdvftsz&~"Aalyanak vezetoje, Budapest (for Bemdk) 17,. Fees' varos Taftdaa BV EpItesi es Kozlekedesi Oazt-alyanwk veaotoje (for Marki) (Continued on xiext jard) GSMADI, Gyorgy (Continued) Card 3. 18. Szeged m.j. Varoal Tenacs Epitest es KozlokFil,3,f4i nuatailyanak, fomernoke (for Palfi Budinszkl) 19. N;dapest Fowiroal Tainace Mel.yd-pltui Terveze Vallalat iranjito tervf-zoje kj~or Endre vih(ly) X, Debrecenl Kozlekedei;l Vallalat. lgazgatDja (for Smtmary) 21. Budapest Fovarcei Tarace Melyepiteii Tervezo Vallalat -Cervezomornolco (f6i- Mageri) 22. Budapest Fovarosi Taracm Mol,~epireai Tervezo; Vall I'lat tel-vezomernake (for Caikhelvi) 23. Mlt*olci Kozlekedeai Vallmlal fovlervcke (for flosaleri) 21+.Kozlekedes- es Po~,tauqyi Miniszterium Focaztalyanall fomernoke (for Verorjzta) 25, Szogedi Kozlekedasi Vallu'lat fcmernoRe (for Zsiga) 26~ Miskolcl Xozlekedesi Vallalat fokanyveloje (for Torok) 77. Debreceni Mozlekedesi Vallalat:fomernoke (for Kona,,) 28. PenzuU- mi,niszterium foeloadoja (for Wessely) 29. Pecsi ltozlekerlesi Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szabo) 30. Epitesugyi I-liniszterUm Varosrendezesi Focszt&lyanmk,mernoke (for l(omoroczi) 31. Fovarovi Villamoevaiut NOW Fvmui-~-bk'e~(rbV"'t41ntl) (Continued on next MAHPX~ Gyorgy - (Continued) Card 4. 32. 51-es Autokorlokedesi Vallalat munkatarsa (for Cealtr'll), 33. Ut-Vasuttervezo Vanalat irodavtzeto fomernoko (for Jakab). 34. Budapesti Felyierdoku 'Vacutalc osmulyvezotolo (Cor I-wrazz). 35. Magyar Allamrasutek igazgatohelyetteae (for'llims, Koxoly). 36. Magyar Allawasutak vezerigazgatholielyettese (for flodonyl). ZSIGAGSOV, B. "UBe of Motor Engines Run By Liquefied Fuol In Sidbf~h;Ljig (j1;;.-.ratiDns. "M. From the Russian", P. 93, (KOZLEXEDFSTUDOMIYI SZ&W, Vol. It, No. 3, Mar. 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EZU), LC, Vol. 31 NO. 12P Dec. 1954, Uncl. Zsiga, 1. Toth. Work in 1958 of the Sugar Industry Section of the Scientific Association of the Agricultural Industry and its groups in the sugar factories. p. 72 CUKOLI'LIPAR. (Cukoripar es blezogazdasa-i es Eleimiszeriparl Tudomanyos Egyesulet, Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 32, no. 3, Rarch 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG, Vol, 8, nrj. 11, November 1959 Uncl. Zsiga, I. Toth. Work plin for the first half of 1959 of the Sugar ImIustry Section of the Scientific Association of The Agricultural Industry and its groups. P-O) of cover. CUKORIPAR. (Cukoripar es Mezogazdasagi es Eleimiszeriparl Tudcranyos Egyesulet. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 12, no. 3, March 195c,; Monthly List of East European Accessions (EhAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, November 1959 Uncl. .8/081/62/00q/019/046/053 Piol/Bi86 AUTHORs Zoiga, Lfiszl6 TITLEi Manufacturing process,for-plasties using bulgiid pearlite PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Kbimiyaj no. ig, 1962, 560, abstract 19P372 (Hungarian patent 147344, August 15, 1960) TEXTj Pearlite is added to the plastic moldihi pomter or to tht molding mass or granules to obtain solid plastics which are water-tight,noncominwAlUk, and colorless. Examplest (a) A mixture (parts by weight) is preltured- of 60 bulged pearlite, 40 phenol formaldehyde-reein of novolac or re so-1- type,,- 6-8 hexamethylene tetramine, .0.5 - 1 stearin (or montgn wwO, 14 MgOv . rvqu~ 0-10 pigmentt and 0-1 plasticizer (dibutyl phtl)alato). Th~P' Its-in.a., -powdered -thermosetting materiall (b) a mixture is prenrqd 25 powdered pol inyl chloride (or polystyrene), 15 plastIOUn, 1(dibutyl phthalate, :tcT, 0.5-1 stearin, and 0-5 pigment. Thin'repultq in a thermo. plastic rials: 'CAbe'traaterle notov.,Complate- trapinjotilla-7, Card 1/1 ZSIVIARJOVI P. Designer of the first airplane in the world; in comiemoration of the 130th anniversary of A. F. Mozhaiski-i's birth, Tr. fron th4! Russian, p. 4. REPULES, (Maryar Onkentes Honvedelmi Szovotseir . ) Vol. 8, No. 8,, Apr. 1955, SOURCE: East E'uropean Accessions List (EEAL), Idbrary of Cangress, Vol. 4, No. 12.. December 195~ Z3IOAfWOV.t P. Extezudon course for social ins..rictora at Bekftsaba PEFiI.E.S.. ( Onkentes Honvedelmi Szovetseg) Vol. 81 No. 8P, I;r!.11955 SOURCE: East European Accessions Li6t (EEA-T) Library of Cengress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 190 .~SIGMOHD, Andrtii t' ,onlitionn of' J)k~.jjttrr ticon,,~,raj &r.-I -'n 1 -11 .4 the sugar indiu3try. Cukor 17 no. 61l(.-,3-).72 Je- 104. 1. Research rn.-ltituto c;!' th~) 0kigigr ln-fit:5try; Exill-w:411 bonr(I morlx-,v, ZSIGHOND Andran; GRYLLUS, Vilmosne Experimental examination of countercurrent ion-mit,;'hangIng columns. Elelm I.par 18 no. 5: 143-148 Ky '15dia 1. Hungarian Sugar Industry Research Inatitute. T ZSIGtl,OITD Andras; GIRYLLUS, Vilmasne Countercurrent ion-exchtnging colmns. Cukor 16 no.ll: 305-310 N 163. 1. "Cukoripar" szerkesnto bizottsagi tagj4t (for 12sipiond). A 111:11 , 111111 111,11', 11 T ZSIGHDIM, Andras The role and taoks of tho Reaearch Ijultitute of the Sugar Industry in the development of the Iridustry. (.-ukor 16 no.7:1854-191 JI '63. 1, Cukoripari Kutatointozat. ZSIGM,01-11D, Andras; MYLLUS, ViLzioaryj Countercurrent ion-exchanging column. Cukor 16 no.10:282.-286 0 163. 1, Culcoripari Kutatointa-zot. 2. 11CWtoripix" svork,.,)szto vIzottvagi ~ tagja ( for Zisigiond). HORVATH, A.; HAENAGY, Co.; SZOCS, G.; bRSACE, L.; ERDELYI, A.; LUKACSY, I.; HUSZAR9 L; ZSIGMCIIDOVIqP,,x_g* Considerations on the relationships between body weight and cardiovascular diseases in diabetics. Studii cercet* endocr. 16 no.2:181-185 165. ZSIG1,1011,D) Andras, Kossuth-dijas lood Questions of steam production in the Elelm ipar 13 no.8:237-21~2 Ag 159. 1. Culcoripari Kutatointe-zet. ZSIMONDY Andras, KO,'4DUth--'lij.',,,J Questions of steam production in the focol Indui-flxy. Pt.2. Blelm ipar 13 no.9:269-274 S '59. 1. Cukoripari Kutati IriteTet. ZSIGMORD, Andras; SONKOLYO Sandor Some important aspects of operating cann-ed irxtustry" condensers* Konzerv paprika no-4:n7-321 JI-Ag 162P 1. Cukeilpari Kutato Intezet (for Zeigmond). 2, Kroxerv- as Paprikaipari Nutato Intezet (for S6&.oly)*