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L. 9 I.M I p I k;, 1j, v,t i,.;, v p Ir I IIfi; 1 11, I erfTe, wml All I I 11,71ol'i il T 1 1111~ 11 R 111 1 1 ZOWEZAK., H. The rati7nalizatim movement at the Railroad Nilling SU;6~ P411mir Sh-1-5, p. 208 I",IZEGLAD KOIYJMI`f MECHANICUTY. (Wydawnictwa Komunkacyj"19) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 11, No. 7, July 1959 Yonthly List of Fant European Accessions index (MIT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959 Uncl. 00 Al 00 00 so 00 Ir I TI . T A J F. 93- JA A-111-19 A .. . 4 . . OW10 Defeiawsbu'at ft= is 10"U004"d lum*ewft V. it A MtWd IA& (111'Mko' j4&) JIM M7 Ik SO 0 Ab . . . . . e., IM, $0, 74114p.fftf ; Rawkn.) in the owd silpmr- dowminminn or ro b ow lrv- ~ itiahm y , j tho Pffret n(t6 tWjt&Mh%J;j" (lo. (NJ. sliff N1 041 111o f4%R%IfA III Aojhdj~41 It)' usIng JW N1111vWX In aftl4mm Isudrwl or in wwkr.--- N. D. V, "00 0 goo ::Ivdk WOO . ...... ..... g[JALLURCKAL LIT98ATtAl CLAISIMAIKO 14 OP K it of 01 1 a 00 0 0 00 0000 00 ft 100 see go 0 0 0 0 'a 0 4rll~ 44 00 0 0 0. 0_0 0 00 0 00 so 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 I L PiASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6443 Pavlova, Serafima Nikolayevna, Z a.,Vasil'yevna Driatskay._!~, Mariya Artemovna Mkhchiyan, Zoya Nikolayevna Baranova, Nataliya Mikhaylovna Zhmykhovap and Sof Iya Viktorovna Zavershinukaya Nefti vostochnykh rayonov SSSR; spravochnaya kniga (Oilq pf the Eastern Regions of the U,S.S.R.; a Handbook) Moscow,' Costoptekhiz- dat, 1962. 607 p. Errata slip inserted. 2660 copies printed. Eds. (Title page): S.N. Pavlova and Z.V. Driatskaya; Executive Ed.: K,F. Kleymenova; Tech. Ed.: A.S. Polosina. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for personnel of the petroleum- industry engaged in planning, designing, geological exploration, production, refining, and scientific research, It can also be used by teachers and students specializing in petrochemistry. COVERAGE: This handbook complements the edition of 1958, It contains petroleum-research data for the period 1957-1961. The text des- cribes crudes taken from new petroleum deposits in a~aas from the Card 114.'-" PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6443 Pavlova, Serafima Nikolayevna, Zoya Vasil'yevna Driatskayn, Marlys Artemovna Mkhchiyan, Zoya Ni.k.o.layevna Baranova,,Natallya Mikhaylovna Zhmykhova)and Sof'ya Viktorovna Zavershinskaya Nef:i vostochnykh rayonov SSSR; spravochnaya kniga (Oill pf the Eastern Regions of the U.S.S~R,; a Handbook) Hoscow, Costoptakhiz- dar, 1962. 607 p. Errata slip inserted, 2660 copies printed. Eds. (Title page): S.N. Pavlova and Z~V. Driatskaya; Executive Ed.: K,F. Kleymenova; Tech~ Ed.; A.S. Polosina. PURPOSEt This handbook is intended for personnel of the petroleum- industry engaged in planning. designing. geological exploration, production, refining, and scientific research, It can also be used by teachers and studE-.ts specializing in petrachemistry. COVERAGE: This handbook complements the edition of 1958~ It,contains petroleum-research data for the period 1957-1961. The text des- cribes crudes taken from new petroleum deposits in azeas fiom the Card 1/4,-- USSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries. K-1 Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 6982 Author Zoyberman, M.M. Inst Title Damping Device for Manometers. Orig Pub Stanki i instrument, 1956, No 7, 45 Abstract The device consists of a housing fitted with two threaded plugs the threads of which are tapered. By turning an the lathe the effective height of each turn of the thread is decreased in the radial direction by 0-3-0-4 Hm- The resulting gap at the thread apices provides a spiral shaped channel of small cross section and great length which acts as a damper. Card 1/1 ZOTVII M-AA64M. Damping device for manometers. Stan, J instr. 26 no.7;45 J1 156. (HLRA WO) (manometer) 10 * ;Oil ! I ;I II FP I I1111 AID P 5201 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 23/24 Author : Zoyb erman, M. M. Title : Shock-absorbing device for manometer Periodical : Stan. i instr., 7, 45, Jl 1956 Abstract : A brief description and operation of the device used at the Odessa Press Plant. One drawing. Institution : As above Submitted : No date [I I I kit I, III ~. 11. 1 li. ", 3 1- .Z0,K11*w,Wo P. m., REVA A. T. 5362. ZOEREENKO P. M., REVA A. D., PLA(MISHINA E. T. DnepropetroTsk Univ. ActivIty of adenosinetri~hosphatase nnd amylase in denervated muscle's fliochim.,j Movk. l9-?,(-), 17/1 M-85) Tables 6 T e he activity of ATPase in denervated muscles was investigoi d in view of the fdl of phosphorus-containing substances in muscles nfter denervation. Preliminary experiments with normal miiscln proparations showed thnt optim~tl conclitions for the action of ATPase are given in ~treeence of Fg" and Ca" ions simultaneowitly, at pH 9. ATPase in denervated muscles under these con6itions is markedly less active than in normal ones. Low concentrations of Acetylcholine produced a slight increaFe in sctivity; U?her concentrations, houever, led to a further fall in activity. To test the possibility of cnrbohydrate degradation in denervated muscles without any participation of phosphates, the acti-Aty of arrylase w~,4r- Invest- igated as well, This enzyme aloo showed a Oecreosed actir[ty in ~nr.,~,-jrjron with normal muscle amylase. Fuktr - 1"aqcb IFO: Excerpta Medica, Section II, Vol. 14, No. 10 ZOYOMI, B. [Z61yomil B.] Postglacial history of the vegetational zones of the Carpitthian Mountains and adjoining territories. Ukr. bot. zhur. 18 no. 2:56- 59 '61, O(M Do 5) 1. AN Ugorahchini, Prirodoznavchiy mazey, Botudchniy viddUj Budapeaht. (Carpathian Mountain region--Paleobotany-Flaintocone) MONTS, R.N. Proluction processes is the zalmractnre of floor . titligg wde of Nikolaavka and Niklforovka clays. Trudy ElStrolraramilm no.10: 65-81 '55- (HLRA 9;6) (Slavransk District--Clay) (Tiles) I I I Hill HN: 11-:11HI'll 41111111h I Ili IL M `11:141il 1;11'; ~,!l I 1~ 111,111 i W [:;i~;: I I -i" ZOZ, A.P. A particular Instance of movement of an elastic fluid in an elastic layer. Dokl,AN Azorb. SSR 12 its-8037-542 '56- (HLHA 9:10) l.Prodst^vlen* "domiken Akadamit nauk Averbaydshanskoy SSR Z.1. Khalilevym. (11saticity) (Hydr*d~rnnmlca) SOV/1 24-57-5-5804 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 110 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zoz, A. P. TITLE: On a Particular Case of Motion of an Elastic Fluid in an Elastic Layer (0b odnom chastnom sluchaye dvizheniyck LIPrUROy zhidkosti v uprugom plaste) PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN AzerbSSR, 1956, Vol 12, Nr 8, pp 5,37-542 ABSTRACT: The equation of an elastic regime is studied for a aemi-bOLInded flow consisting of two zones with different coefficients of piezo-conduc- tivity and permeability during instant variation of pr(, ~sure along the boundary. By using Lhe equation of heat conductivity the author plots graphs for three specific ca-ses. A more comprehensive numerical investigation of this problem is given in the paper by N. N. Verigin and V. M. Shestakov, Metody prognoza dvi?,heniya gruntovykh vod v rayonakh kanalov i podpertykh b'yefov (The Method of Forecasting the Flow of Ground Water in the Vicinity of Canals and Reinforced Water Basins). Tekharkhiv VNII VODGEO, 1953. Card 1/1 V. M. $hestakov z0z, I.G. A new medical plant, the bishop's-weed (Ammi vionaga (L.] Iam.). Bot.zhur. 38 no.6:910-914 N-D 153. . (KLRA 7:1) (110tany. Holichl) 9-;-P-Ia:~ts Sodrde of 11ev According to-lithe article., 7ellebord diac Drugs," by I. G. Zoz, two crystalline glycosideG of the scillaren group -- korellb-b-T =Mn korell'borin P -- were isolated from plants of the Helleborus family by Kolesnikov a,,,,d Tropp In 1952 at the Mharkov Sci. entific Research Chemicopharmaceutical Institute. Eorell-horin K is a crystalline glycoside isolated from the roots and rhizome of Helleborus caucasius. It is soluble in acetone, but dissolves Ath difficulty in chloroform, and has a melting point of 2340. Korel"borin P was isolated-l' from Helleborus purpurescens. It. dissolves with difficulty in acetone, is insoluble in chloroform,.and has a meltiug point of 2830. HN T 1 111 11 11i Hill; IN 'i" If, I III ill I I 111H IN d I iI ! The author- gi"a - tht f Ollolwltg Mditl A I observations established the fact ,-.bat both korellborins are effective as therapeutic agents in cardiac disturbance2. According to a report submitted by R. 1. Sharlay and V. F. Vinokurova in 1952, 60 patients were administered korellborin with the following results: all basic symptMS disappeared in 51 of the patients, slight improvement was noted In five, 'while four of the patients failed to react. In 1952, 11. 1. Shubov in- vestigated the effect of korellborin K on patients sufferinG from an af-L fection of the mitral valve combined with m1o2ardia, ithich developed on a background of hypertonia, arteriosclerosis, and cb,*vonic pulmonary dis- eases. In 24 eases out of a total of 32 the results were positive. The observations established also that korellborim K is the more effective of the two glycosides; that the drug is more effective when administered Intravenously than when administered itter-aally in tablet form; that the:: drug has a cumulative action which iz accompanied by pains in the cardiac region, nausea, azd occasionally vomiting. A break in the therapy with the drugs is then indicated. A large part of the article is devoted to description of the plant and its distrib,.2tion iz2 nature. (Botanicheakiy Zhurnal, No 9j Sep 506 PP 1318-1324.1 - ----- ----- ZOS, I.G. Now and rare plants for Kharkov Frovinne, Ukrainian O.G.R. 2ot,zhur#41 no,4:575-578 AP 156. (KM 9:9) (ZmVev District--BotmW) z0z, I.G. Biological types of the vegetation complex of the Donets Valley. Bot.zhur. 41 no.8:1151-1160 Ag '56. OC6M 9: 1~) (Donets - z0Z. 1. 0. - Hellebores are a source of new cardiac remedies. Bohll.zhur. 41 no.9:1318-1324 S 156. (HLRA 9:11) ORE) (PHAMCOLOGT) TROPP, K.Ya.; ZOZ. I.G.-, ANGARSKAYA, M.A.; KAXSIKItigo, G.N.; KHAWBAY, To.l. Co re'173 orin!pwosmnd~o' ore lb orin-K, cardiac glycomidea, Ked.prox. 11 no.6:36-38 Je 157, (KIBA 10:8) 1. Kharlkovskiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy khtniko-formatsevticheshy Inetitut (CARDIAC GLYCOSIMS) ZOZ, I.G. Introducing the biabople-weed. Trudy Bot.inst.Ber.6 no-7:303-30~ '59. (Kuu 13: 10 1. Kharlkovskiy muchno-iselmdovatellskiy khimiko-farmtoov- tichaskiy institut (KhNIKbFl). (Bishople-weed) zoz, I.G. Bowiea volubilts Harvey as a medicinal plant, Bot. 3hur. 43 no.12t 1788-1795 D 163. (MIRA 17s4) 1. Kharlkovskly nauchno-isBlodovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheakiy institut. zcz I I.G. Biology of mountain parsley (Paucedanum orsoselitun (L.) Moanch). Bot. zhur. 48 no.7:1001-1004 Jl 163. (:1121 16:9) 1. KharIkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatnevticle- akiy institut. (I.-Iountain parsley) N.P.; CIERMObAY, V.T. T, KO'1, P,C. Taxoncjm~ and biochemistry of some species of t1ll) g~~tllvl Cschrya L. amend. Koch. Dokl. AN SOISR 162 no.6zl423-1426 30 165. ' (141RA 18s7) 1. Kharikovakiy naiichna-is31adovnt,(A'skiY khimlko-rii.,rmkitf3(iitictioskiy Institut. Submitted May 22, 1%4. . ............ 1 i ; Ill Illil'i , IT] 11111: '1wil 11111: 11111,11 iii, 11])111! 11111: '11111'i ZOZ _ItG. -.- - Gotyledonous tube in species of the Umbelliferalo f=11Y in OcutbM steppes. Dokl. All WSR 146 no,4:95.1.--953 o 162. NIRA 15:11) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Sukache-rai, (Umbelliferae) (Germination) (Stoppe flora) K01-11ISSAFMIKO, IIJ.;.~O~.jj,('-; CHER-110DAY. lf~L; KOIjE;:,,fl!k'(Y, D'(8, Colimarino of '1'~!; prixvlAp hruito- and thoir bumnot-0,., I f ~, / 26 nn.6,980-983 11-D ~61. Ocn:j.uiri~,) ZOZ I,G.: CHEFUYEII, N.A. Biology of Eriosymphe longifolia (Fisch.) Vr,# Di)kl~A.N SSSR 139 no*3:699-701 W 16L (MIFA 14:5) 1, Kharlkovskiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy kIdmiko--fwmtaevtich*skIy institut, Predstavleno akedemikom V.N.,S't*aahevym., (Femla) ZOZ# I.G.; CHEMMUIP NJ. Comparative study of Far Eastern and FAst &lropeLml lilies-of-thc- Nalley, Bote zhur, 46 n0./+:562-569 AP 161. OURA 1.40) (Lilies-of-the-valley) 11 ~ Ilk :1 11111 4,11 ll::Il ZOZ, I.G. Reserpine-bearing species of Rawolfift Lo Botsubu. 45 no.8:1219-1226 Ag 16o. (KM 73:8) 1. Khar'kovskiy nauchno-iseledovatellekly Ichimiko- farmatsevticheskiy inatit-mt. (Rauwolfia) (Reserpine) AUTHOR: 0 o,2. .. 1~_. SI'V-26-58-9-31/42 ~ ~ I kov) TITLE: Tubers in Equisetum Giganteum (Klubni u khvoshcha, bollshogo) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 195r3, Nr 9, PP 113-114 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Not only do the Equisetum arvense L., E. hiemGle L., Fr_, li- torale Kuhlev, E. majus Gars. (E. maximum Lam.), E. palustre L. and E, heleocharis Ehrh. have tubers, but also the Equi- setum giganteum which is found in no more than 10 places in the Ukraine. The tubers lie deep, about. 70 to 90 c1n, a rea- son why little has been known about thein. S.A. Veber (1903) and P.I. Kurskiy (1941) found they conta"n starch and could be used as feed for wild animals. a larger occurrence of the plart could render it suitable for n more intannivA ex- ploitation. There are 2 drawings. 1. Botany--USSR .2. Plants--P--operties Card 1/1 II 1 13 1Jill:I il 1 :1 11 ~11 jllf~l Ill') 11 1: f USSR/Cultivated Plants - Medicinal$ EsBential oils$ Poisonous M-10 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,, Ho 1., 1958o 110 1807 Author I.G. Zoz Inst i6i-ji-Ven Title Hellebore, Source of New Medicinal Heart Remedies Orig Pub Botan. zhur.., 19506, 41j, No 91 1318-1324 Abstract The outline is given of domestic and foreign otvAiea by dif- ferent authors, writing about research on tha black hollebore (Hallelorus niger L.), the reddening helLebora (11. jiurpmras- cens W. et K.) and the Caucasian hellebore (11. caucisicus A. Br.). From hellebore one extracts the glycocides (coralboritle K. corelborine P$ helleborein, disglycohellebonqn), having Great biological activity and cardiotonic acti onj rtiplacirig Strophanthin in a number of cases. The studies of the effect of the corelborines have been conducted in hospitals an patients T,rith circulation difficulties. A summary of works pertaining to systematization of the hel-leboren is cited. The queotion is raised about the necessity of introducing spr!cies of helle- Card 1/2 borne founa~.izt MSSR into cultivAt~ozi. 55 -5, -41/57 AUTHCH. Zoz, I.G..-, Candidate of Bioloo-ic-al :sciences, TITLEi The Biennial Nijht Jillow - A Uooful PlanL (OslinnLk dvu-Kh- letniy - 'Poleznoye rusteniye) PERIODICAL: 1-riroda, 1958, lir 5, PP 113-114 (USSU) ABjrHAOT: The plant, Onagra biennia L. Scop., came to -urope from Vir- 6inia in 1614- It has been reco6ni,.,ed au a valuable plant, the root being used as a vegetable, a vede-table oil can be derived from the seeds which is also edible, the plant is a rich fodder and can also be U3ed as a popular medicine. A total of 400 to 800 kg of roots can be har-vested from I hectare. The &ermination percentage of the ia 57;-'o, but can be in- creased to 69d,6. The oil yield is al:out ka/hectare. There are 2 figures. AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Night Willow tree - USSR ZOZ, I.G. (Khartkov). .~~ftetum majus Equisotum maximum) with tuborn. Prixoda 47 no.g: 113-114 S 158. (Horsetail) (MIRA ligg) MIME V, N. , kand. med. nauk, nauchnyy sotr. j ZOZ j, it. vritch, rmuchnyy notr. ...... .. ... .1 Light and air. Sav. profsoiu2y 18 no.13:3.1-~74 Tl 10.2. (I'm 1516) 1. Institut gigiyony truda i prof zabolevanily Akadendi meditulnaklkh nauJc SSSR. (Factorieu-Ughttng) (Factories-Hrating and ventl-Ution) 203, N. 1. Lighting of industrial buildings lacking natural II&t. Svetoteklmllm 6 nooll:19-21 N 160e Of IRA 13: 11) 1. Institut gigiyany truda'I pTofzabolevaniy AMU SJ'J5R* (zlectrid lighting) GOPSH, K. I. (Moskva) Hygienic evaluation of the visual working condition.s for inBpec- tore of prepared sera and vaccines. Gig. truda i pmf. zab. no.3: 17-20 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut gigiyany truda i proftalolevaniy AMN SS-o"It. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) (VACCINES) (SERUM) zoz~, I S.I., KOLOTUTOV, P.V.; SALIVIKOVA, T..".; F-OZIULNUIA, 1-1.1 1, ~.' ; I-MAROVA, 1 4 II.R.; GRIGOROVA, N.V. VariRtion in wheat, Jzcbi~:ed by chemical mutagens, '-n. the first generation after treatment. Dok].. All SSSR 151:) no.41:-915-917 D 164 (MIRA 18al) 1. Institut kid-micheskay fizIkI AH' SSSR. Predstavlono akademaom N.V. TSitsinym. ZOZI N.N. Cy-togenetic effect of ethyleninino on wheat, onion, and horse bean seeds. TSitolbgilA 3 no.41476-477 Jl-A~ 161. (MIIRA 14:8) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN fiziki All SSSR, Mosim. (PIANTS, EFACT OF ETHYLENURINE (SEEDS) SSSR I Institut Wiimicheskiy Ull) (CHR0110301,M) z0Z 11.11. Cytogenetic and physiological effect of eth:rlerilinine and gamma rays on wheat seeds. Dokl. All SSS-R 136 no. 3:?L2-731 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Inatitut biolo,giclieskoy fiziki AV SSSR. Prodstavleno akademikom V.M. Sulmcliavym. (PLANTIS EFFECT OF EtHYLE IMMINE ON) (PLAJITS , EF ril.P.CT OF GAMA RAYS'~ (WMkT) 11 31 ::Illl;; 1 11711:~Jl 11:1, Til Will; 1 111111. 11111111UP LIF:1 z0z, 1'.1T. Variability of Tritioum-Agrog by muta,,,O,-.Ic yrcil :if~wida irAutj)d chomicals. Dok1, MI SSSR 137 no. 2 1 Mr -L4141 1. Institut biofiziki JUI $SM. Prodalo-,vIallo alcadt-mikcm V.N.Subchavym. (Triticum4g,op~Ton hybrids) (Botany-Variation) (FIintsp E:Uuct m' ci-.oiicals on) zoz$ N.N.; DUBININ, N.F. %ft%VdM"vW Chemical induction of mutations in wheat. Dokl. AN SSSR 137 no.31 704-705 Mr 161. (MIRL 14t2) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Ali SSSR. 2. Chien-korrespondent All SSSR (for Dubinin). (wheat) (Plants# Bffect of ethylonimino on) I V IIN': RAPOPORT, I.A.j Z-OZ-L Chemical mutation which do not affect the integrity of chramosomes. TiSitologiia 4 noO1330-334 lf~~e f62. (KIM 160) 1. Otdel khimicbeakikh i biologichO3kikh protseasav Instituts kbimicheskoy fiziki All SSSR Moskva* (VARIATION (BIOLOG11) (GMCKOSC6m.1) ZOZ, II.N.; KOLUMIKOV, P.V.j RAKAROVAp 5.1. Mutations in peas Induced by othyle-nimine and its derivatives. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.6zl397-1398 D 164 (IMIRA 18:1) 1. Institut khimichesk07 fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno EO-tadeLLikom N.V. TSitsyn~m, ZOZ, N.N. Mutations caused by chemical mutagens in Triticu*-Agropyren hybrids. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 no.ltl87-188 JI 162. (MIRA 1517) 1. Institut khimicheakoy finiki AN SSSR i InBtitut biologicheekoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Sukichawm. (Botany-Variation) (Triticum-Agropyron hytaids) (Plants, Effect of chemicals on) MY N.N.; KOLOTIENKOV, P.V.; f,Yt-"lAFOVL, '.*.]. Pea mutations Induced I~e ethyleninint- arid 1tv derllva~-:ec In U-10 third generation. Dokl. Ml, SSSP 16.1, no.5:11!)'9-11.60 0 165. (~q-RA 18tlO) 1. Institut khImicheskoy fj.ziki 1.11 33MR. SubmI.Lb-41 Ncerlx-,r 28, 1964- 1Ij .11i[I'll I lit 111:1 11 fl.Hlkii~ ill Iiii 11 IN 'I'll il'.[ 1~I C,91 "Eo,fq "pto ,jjjj *TtiTig suallinnui JaIuTA u! va'u-9qO 8Tqt Wia I qu *,"P, ",oz ZOZ, N. N. Variability of wheat indiiced t)y chemic:d miatn~..-,nn AN' b1ol. no.3s432-437 ~V-Jej 165. Ai~'5) 1. In3titut khimicheskoy flziki AN SSSR, Moskv,i. 111,11111, IN Fill" I 1IN, 111E, IT 1~ F"I'l I- 11111i IN I I h 11:11 U, A ., I ~ t~ 1 if IL . ! 'P , , WZ, M,,1-,k,,sRCvA, jj.; :)Ai, I 31-'Of'I KI !!.N.; ~,TYICICROVA, N.V. 171-ir A, mt rwatatio,,is indoced by chemli-ii mlitagonn. DoRl. AN 3:T12 163 224-226 J1 f,;5. 1. In3titut khimich.!-mlcoy fLzlkt AN :3'3333'?~ Slihiiitforf Doc:,im'.xr 28, 1904. Vllm ~ IR111, 1111 RIM 111i I'll ii flid, iN`!: 11 mji.K,4Rov,i, a.r.; m. N.N. ~ InductA sy8tem mutattou in whoat, GenetfAa -no.2:11~~118 Ag 165. (MIRA 18.-10) 1. Institilt-i of Chemlr,-al tN)yqlr.,3p Academy of gclenc~Ds of -the U.'~.,S.R.l ROB-.0w. "".*.;.; : !~~, Le-.,if '.- ~.,, ,:.,,,;..;Ir! Nll-,~',' 11Y -gana. Llll~' I W ~ 0 V01". Cti.). ~C! 11 * I I " (1,1".-zu.. , -:11, (:. *,) . ZCT4, N.M.; MAKAROVA, SA.I. Cyt-ilogtoiL nivilyati of L!io ivutag~it&4 ae--tlon r,)~' urea and n1troul)-mothflurva. TILLD-Iogibi 7 no.)j4054jiA -My.-.Ifj 16r), (~tuq,~ 1,8 110) 1. Otd,-31 khInichoi3kikh i Ix)ologi;fliejldkh 1-nalAhOwl khJnich,isko Al y '' ! It , L. , !, ZOZ, T.Y. , inzh. Welding of cable strands by the use of a storage battery. Avtom.telemA avias' 3 no.10:45 0 159. (NIELL 13:2) 1. Tekhnich 11 skly otdelfresta "Tranesignalstroy.* (Blectric cablea-Welding) 7071JLYA) I. I. ZOZULYA, I. I. -- "Effect of Certain Ions of CnrTper Plinerala on t1h.e, Charactor of the Flotation of Copper Ores." Sub 31 Jan 52, Momcow Miniiii-l-, Inst ivient 1. V. Stalin (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: VPfBIT.NAYA YDSKVA, JANUARY-DECTI-fBM 1952 :1, 111,11: IMLITSTNA, G.B.; !~~TA Effect of Krivoy Rog water an the flotation prejeass of iron or~g. I Gor. shur. no.4:71~-76 Ap 1.57. (WAU: 10$5) 1. Krivoroshakiy gornorudxWy Inatitut. (Krivoy Rog--Flotation) TASKOV, B.; ZOZIKOV," V,.j IANKOV, No. GAMMA, Kfw. Catamnestio studies on patients with Botkin's cUseans. Suvrest.mec, Sofia no-9/10:73-76 159. 1, Iz Iratedrata po epidemvologiiai infektsiozii bolesti - VMI "1.P. Pavlov" - Plovdiv. Zav.katearata: dots, Do Bratovanovo, (HIPATITIS IIIMTIOUS case reports) LEYTIROV, I.; ZOZIMT, V. Relative effects of strychnine and caffeine on experimental diphtherial intoxication. Suvrem. med., Sofia 10 no.1:51--55 1959. 1. Iz Katedrata -no infektatozni balesti i epideiniolo&i1a (%av. ktttedrata: dots. D. Bratovanov) Direktor na klinikata; dots. B. Taskov). (COMMACTIRIUM DIMMUN toxin, eff. of caffeine & strychnine on exper. intoxica- tion (Bul)) (GAMINI, eff. on exper. diphtherial toxin intoxication (Bul)) (STRYCEDUNE, eff . same) .e-- C, --- f I % ~ ~ / V , Bulgaria/Pharmacology. Toxicology. Hormonos Preparn.tions. U-6 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958, 32982 Author :Zozikov V., Lefterov 11. Inst 46t- ~given Title The Effect of Cortisone on teria Intoxicition Ori- -Iub Sovrem. med., 1956, ?, No 8, 2,17-49 0 Abstract The beneficial effect of cortisone J.n axTle:H.- mental diphteria intoxicaticn in 1);uinorl ?it_~s is proven. Card 1/1 "Beautiful Undertaking." P. 3,, (ZI)RAMIN FRONT, -No. 40, Oct. 1954, joflya., Bulgytria) SO: Eonthly List of East European Accessions, ('.~EAQ, LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. V. "Ide Stand Firt.1y Behind the Moscow Declarations." p. 1~ (ZIA4UN FPZNT, No. 51, Dec. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) j SO: Monthly Lint of FAat 1kropean Act-esntms, (Ll!~~Q, W, Vol, 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. BULGARIA AqZIKOV, V. [Affiliation not given] "Bock Review. 'Fever - Etiology and Pathogenic Mechanitims.1 by B. KYUTUKC111EV State Publishing House "Khristo G. Danov", Plovdiv, 1963.11 Sofia, Suvrernenna Meditsina, Vol 14, No 6, 1963; pp 52-53. Abstract : Brief favorable review of 120-page book, devoted primarily to precise etiologic diagnosis. There are 243 bibliographic references which is particularly praised as proof of thoroughness of work by author. 13RATOTANOV, D.: ZAPRIANOVA, Zl.; ZOZIIIDV, V. Results of treating tetanus with intravenous Infusion of novocalne. Suvrmm. med., Sofia 7 no.9:63-72 1956. 1. Ot Katedrata po Inf. boleati I spidemnologiia pri TMI I. P. Pavlov-Plovdiv. (Zav. katelrata: dots. D. Bratovanov). (TETANUS, thnr. procalne intravenous) (PROCAIRR, ther. use tetanus, Intravenous admin.) (ZOZULEA, A.P. [Zozulya, A.P.1; PESKOVA, V.M. [Pevhkova,V.M,,) Studies on the complex formation in solutions by the distribution method. Analele chimie 15 no-3:127-167 JI-Ag -60. (EUI 10:2) (Complex compounds) (Be aration) (15olutkoniq) (Dissociation) (Metal35 11 41 1 11111, 111i'll III!: iN 1: , 11. ~ TELCHAROV, L., prof.; CHOLAKOV, M,; ICIUMCMIEV, B.; 20MIXOT, V.; KIRIN, 1. Panction&l and structural modifications in the liver following action on various receptor areas. Suvrem.mod.,Softa. 5 no-10:3-13 1954* 1. 1z rnstituta. po patologichna fiziologii pri Haditsinskitta aka- damiia 1. P. Pavlov, Plovdiv. (Nav. prof. L. Talebtwrov) (LIM, P173101OP7, off. of stimulation of various organs) ZOZMKIY, ~Aj. More about the spinning cake doffing- Xhim- vololt. no.3: 69-70 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Kiyevokly kombinat iskusstvennogo volokna. (Rayon spinning) SHIM0, I.G.; Z07AIVSKIY, A.I. Rayon output in the warp form. Khim. volok. no.1127-29 162. (MIRA 1814) IPILATOT, G.M.; ZOZOTSKIY, I.I. Improvlzig UM-" looms. Takst,prom. 14 ao.W4 T 054. (NUA 7:5) 1. Glavnyy inshener Darnitakogia shalkovago kon'binatm (for r1latoy). 2. Machallnik prigotevitallnogo, tsakha (for Zosovskiy). (Loomis) AGRMAT, Pavel Abramovich.; ZQZOVSKIT, Abram Llvovich,,, TSAMMO, A.P.. red.; MINA, G.P., tekha. [Recant developments in the operation of stations and spur line3; experience of the Vinnitaa Economic Council and the Southwestern Railroad) Novoe v rabote stantsit i pod"ezdnykh putai; opyt Vinnitakogo sovnarkhoza i Wgo-Zapadnot dorogi. lloskvij, Goa. tranap. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1958. 19 P. (MMA 11:11) (Railrosda-Managament) -2- '4 S~ y USSR/Electricitj Ulindings Instruments Apr 53 "Continuous Measurement of the Tepiperature of Generator Rotor Windings," Engr Ya. I. ZozovskU) Cand Tech Sci A. 14. Elekiw St~uA*") No 4, pr-- 41-42 Describes instrument for continuous measurement of rotor windtng tem. while generator is in operation. Developed in 1950 by Central Sci Res i~C-En Lab it has passed testing stage., is being used on 100)000-kiitp 3jM)-rpm genera- S tors I~ZT error 1.5%. Ing I-tax zozovsKIT, Ya.I., inzhaner; RTVKIN, A.M., kandidat tekhnWiPskD:b nauk. ... -, -I Continuous measurement of the winding temperature of a genorator rotor@ Zlek.sta. 24 no.4:41-42 Ap 153. (KEa?A 6:5) (Armatures) ACC NRI AR6016652 SOURCH CODE: UR/0270/66/000/001/OD17/0017 AUTHOR: Zozullchak, I. A. TIM- Experience with the_g.~jodqtic tachymeter UTG for the surveying of lavas,.in the "Novo-TsentralInaya" mine SOURCE; Ref. zh. Geodeziya, Abs, 1.52,112 REP SOURCE: Sb. Razrabotka mestorozlid. polezn. iskopaycmykh..Vyp. 3. 1,iyev, Tekhnika, 1965, 61-63 Is ecjL4;CL 2R~ ~meter~, tachy- TOPIC TAGS: usurveykng, tachymeters surveying instrument/ UTG t meter J!, ABSTRACT: Basic technical parameters of the UTG tachymeter are presente and its ad- vantages over the U-3 model noted. The presence in the UTG;, tachynicter of a double ima- gc rangefinder and a special direction fixing adaptor permitting, horlsontal angle nea- surements w1ii1e viewing in only one direction, enables survey:Lnl:', by No operators andi removes the necessity of multiple posit ioe,_changes on the lavas for di:~tance measuring with the tape. Time lost in a lava survey using UTG is 1.5 - 2.0 timers shorter than I with the U-3. Some drawbacks of the UTG, found in operation, are listed. The precision of angular and range measurements of the UTG fully satisfies the renuirements of the surveying set forth in the "Technical instruction on mine surveying". [Translation of abstrac 4. SUB CODE; 08 I , . "... I 1 1. .. I . - .. . . . , . V 5 9124751 ZDZULENKO, L m a9 Kratkiy pollsko-ruaskiy i russko--pollskiy vneshnetorgovyy slovarl (Short Polish Russ'an and RussJan-Poliah Foreign Trade Dictionary) MosRva, Vneshtorgizda t, 1955. 209 p. SMUTS, T.M.; KiRAULOV, A.G Refractory nozzles for continuous pouring of killed carbon steel. Orneupory 22 no.lls/483-492 157. (MIRA MI) 1. MrIkovskiy Inatitut ogne=orov (for Strolets, Karaulov). 2. Konstantinovskiy zavod ngneupormykh izdeliy (for Zozulya). (Refractory materials) (SWlti:Dg f`WM&CMU) MARKH, O.T.; FELIDMAN, A.L.; ZOZULEVICH, B.V. Vitaminization of qome food products. Khar.prom. no.102-75 Ja-Mr 162, (MIRA 15:8) 1. Odesskiy takimologichaskiy institut pisht~havoy i kholod5l.1noy prom.vahlennosti. (Food additives) (Vitamins) A a -,--a IL I .-V A -10, 004 *00 Its of lea-A in tomood ftsc4m whil this' of "Wava" 410imt4a. 11. L. 11 hill kill "I kwill 111141 1!. '*0 ~..&WAvich. VTO7 I'Shim 8. Nu Is ILI Wkiti Eilig, o4 lilt st). ea,"ly- ity and Isrivilum Firm subjorctive rilrovs ,is: ate irr"1111111irtuild for m.-vTUtxt ill 1; ili'lustivial tabs. 4 lite U. S. S. R. 'aurl A; also a00 Z'l Isis, 'r. ~i"J' it, K) it A, it !16 at 0 00 1 0 0 of 00 41110 a 0 4 0 0 e 0 ej 0 *so sees a so 0 so 00 0 0 0 a *:* o e4 n ZOZKZVICH., B.V. .1 . . . . . ......... ., Inspecting the conditions of potato drying on the KSA,40 belt conveyer dryers. Kons.i ov.prm. 18 no.2:3.1-15 F 163. (MIRA .16:2) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheokiy institut piolichatroy i khOlodillnoy promyshlemosti. (Potatoes-Drying) MLRKHj A.T.1 ZONLEVICH, B.,V.j SKORIKOVA, Ta.G.; RLSKINA~ H.A. Vitamin enrichment of food concentratee. Konji.i av. prCM4 16 zo,2t 21-23 P 1.61. NPA 14W 1. Odesakiy tekhnologicheakiy institut piehohavoy i kbolodillno7 promyshlennosti. (Food, Concentrated) (vitamina) ZCZULEVICH. B.V Drying of food products by means of superheated stoam. Kons.i ov,prom,, 17 no.5:15-16 My 162. (KIII 15:5) h Odesskiy tekbnologl,cheBkiy Inotitut pl3hchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti. (Foods Dried) ZOZUIJIVIGH, H., otvetotvennyy za vypuek; STIPANOVA, N.,, (Collection of standards for estimating buildings belonging to urban and rural districts of Vhite Bussia. Approved by resolution of the Soviet of Hinisters of White Russia, Way 4, 1957. no.242) Sbornik norm dlis oteenki stroenii, prinadlazhatihchikli grazhdansm v sellskikh meatnostiakh Belorusekoi 88R. Utversbdeny postanovleniam Soveta Ministrov BM ot 4 mala 1957 g., no.7-42). Mins1c, Gos. izd-vo BSSR. Red. neuchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1957. 162 p. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Minigtoretvo finonsov. Upravlantya gosudarstvennogo strakhovaniya po Belorusakcy SO. (Building-Estimates) 71()ZULI) 11. V. and KREMNEV 0. A. (Twtitutc- of Lec)-,P.foal Uie:n!AL phystcs -.,f' Al-!ade!~,.y of of, U~rtllld.wi SSM~ - - . j "New beat expbange ribbed aurfves -with ar(Aftel.rd. turbulr!nm fl:fw". Report presented at the Section on Heat ExchanR2 In Single r-base Scientiflc Session, Council of Acad. Scl. Mr SSR on High Mmj~~rature Piyster., I(Li---v-, 2-h Apr 1.90. Reported in TDplofizika Vysokikh temperati-a-, Wo. 2, Sep-Oct; 1-963, P. --.2,1. Ti-,Rs 24,651. i9 Ntay 1964. ZOWLT~ N. V. and SFKTMTOV) !. Ya. of Sciences of Ukrainian SSRI) (Institute of technical c:P Academy it investigation of influence of scrriw ti.irbulizaturn (-.,ri hr.:0; r-wRatIm olirlrig of liquids inside pipes". D~Port Prcsented lit the Section on Heat FxchnnLmp Ln S1.11gle Phase ~V--!Jjum' Session, Council of Acad. Sci. Ukr SS.R on High Temperature Phyi*,~icii, K-,',-,v, 2-4 Ajjr 1.963. Reported in rItplofizika Vysokikh temperatur, No. 2, Sep-Oct 196--, -). 221, J?FS 2h,651. 19 mny 1964. ZOZULIN, G.H. Excursion of botanists from the peoples I democracies to the Central Black Earth Preserve, Bot, zhur, 43 no,ltl42-145 Za 158.(HUU 13:0) 1. Tffontrallno-ohernotemnyy stepnoy zapovednik im. prof. T.Y. Alekhina, Kursk, (Central Black Barth Preserve--Botany) -, Classification of life forma of higher plants. Wt, iftr. 46 no.1:1-20 Ja 161, (MIRA 14:3) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy univerBitet. (Botany-Ecology) ZOZULIN, G.M. Organization of the Don Steppe 1'reazzlia. Bot. 211 46 no.12-1729-.1733 D 16L 1. Rostovskiy gosudars-tvennyy universitat. (])on steppe preserve) ZOZULIN, G.M. Natural forests of the Don-Tsimlyanskaya sand wissif. Hauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.11:139-144 163. (14IRA 160) 1. Rekomendovann kafedroy morfologii .1 rantionly Rostovskogo-na-Donu gosudarstveennogo universitAitift. (Tsimlyanskaya Reservoir region-Forest etiology) ZOZULIN. G.M. Underground parts of principal herbaceous plants and ansociatioas of flatlaad vegetation In the Central Russian forest steppe with reference to problems in the formation of the vegetative cover, Trudy TSentr*-Cherne go3e we no#~:3-314 159. (MIRA 13:8) (botany-39cology) (Roots (:BotajW)) :~zjaLel-l vol lis jwi)c: :-!e'L lo 137 l9r- A I It in, 5 t 1,;Dt of TI t 1 Thi-,, Infllwric~~ cl~' J.-L2Z; of Pu*,j,. Tz. "crt-,,.-C!lalTQzvf-jj. os. zcpnv~~,Jli., -10,5'71 7Y!1-11. Abstract; stat'nuic"It.- 0~"' t'l!~ 5'.nflull--!'~C'~ of cov-1 of v"..rJuu5 COLIP05i.tion.,; on the. :7,vowtl Ei nd dc,velonmunt of 0~1111. C'Iwos o--'e dis-assc-d it] th- P;~Pcr. ~nfluow;u ,;l1runply varies (IC-2erding Oak -,-- - - Grour planting of oa-ks in central-chernozem soil ~.'~t-tte Foreat, 1~qse-.-mtlon., AiTobiulogiyao no. ~, 1951. TsentrallnTj chernozemnyy gosudarstvennyy zarovednik Imeni prol". Alr;'kh:[m-., Yursk-qya oblastf 2 SO% Month List of Russian Accessions) Library of Congreasp __ May ---.1951.. Uncl- I I ~- , 1 11 if - 1 11 11 p", - 1 .' p I ". ! 1 1, is, . ; ;. -I .,I ZOZULIN, G. M. -- Dissertation: gThe Interrelation of Tree =0 Grass Vegetation Im Cetxtrwl Chernozem Preser7es,"' Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Botaiv imeni V. Lolomarav, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow. Oct-Doe 53- (Vestnik Akadenil Nauk, Ybecow, Jun 54) SO: SUM 318, 23 Dec 19514 ZOZTJLril- a Patho and directions of life form avolutlon In plants (vith reference to IsGo Serebriakovlo work "Main diroations of the evolution of lif a f orme in w4iospermu") (vith mummirtry in English) Bini.xorp.Otd.biol. 63 no,605-65 W-D 158 (101A 12il) Omm-ECOLOGY) 1. ZOt"AULTAY VT. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Oak 7. Interesting form of oak growth. Priroda 42, No. 4, 195.1. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, 1-953, uncl. rl 711 rf~ ZOZULIILA, VJI. Great variety of grades in cannod food c=pllcixt;*s -vark. Kona. I 6v. prom. 16 no.7:34-35 JI 161. (MMA 14:8) 1. Sredne-Akhtubinakiy tortaervmn "avod. (Canping Industry) ZOZULIysxrp W. )ktorials for machine-tool parts and their heat-treatvmnt . p4524. MECHANIK. (Stowanyezenie Inzynisrow i Technikow Machanikoir Polskich) Warszawa,, Poland. Vol.32, No.9. Sept. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accession (EEAI) LCj Vola% no.1, Jan. 1960o Tincl. I ic Y 1411'-Il~iflwltliml na T. R. V. 3 Ila. 3 S.111111, Oh/eIcnile I"kh'10"Alkil N"I'k. M.-O. Mar. 19.54 96 1 9GS. flotal a - Extraction I h ( I -c.m I", I VI, I i v, v Im, :!-I" I"I it 11d I I I (ind Rof In Ing ZOZULYA, A.; VOROBIYLVA, A. Developing uniform production norms for tho ccal arZ Lghale industries. Sots.trud 7 no.7s8l-84 Jl 162. (WRA 15;8) (Coal and coal mining-Production standards) (Shale) v! , , I I ii flill , 1: 11111 '111;1! ~ i"IN IIHIIII G*YEV) N...; ZOZUL'YA, A. "Planning and introducing the technical production standards in mines.Q--R4wLeiiW by N. Gapeev, A. Zossulia. Sots.trud. 7 no.6:155-158 Je 162. (MIRk 16:2) (Mineral industries--Production stmndards) Subject USSR/Aeronautics All) P - 2250 Card 1/2 Pub. 135 - 14/19 Author Not given Title Readers' suggestions Periodical: Vest. vozd. flota, 7, 73-77, JI 1955 Abstract In this column readers present their sugge-stions of technical improvements, as follows: 1. Apparatus for ,a A.1 F., suggests an checking quartz.Officer Zozulya apparatus for checking FarTz' M71 '1811714ho use. Diagram of the apparatus Is given. Types of various parts of radio equipment are mentioned. 2. Repair of the appara- tus type ARUFOSh-45. Officer Kormilltsev, V. S., suggests a method of repair of this apparatus which serves for ultra-violet radiation. Diagram. 3. Stripping device for fighter aircraft tires., suggested by Officer Firozhkov, F. N., Diagrams, graphs. It. Device for opening amunition boxes, suggested by Filippov, A. V., Diagrams, photo.