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-AP6009823 WDEf Wmxta), INVENTOR, Klinov, Zocov, 11, ORG: none Ta!~ ten SOURCE: lio:rre iy&,~- promys ennyyq 0 rlttuf-t 7~ -J TOPIC chemical decomposition, fluorite hydrofluorft :11.-: ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate. introduces a matthod of pmparation, of hyclr~3f- acid by decompoaftion of fluorit.a. Am increasind recovery tai achiliviad brf. deidmv fluorite conceatrate with orthophnsphorLc acid at 250C. SU3 CODE: 07/ SUBM DATIEt i4garW AM PKEM e-AA#2,,, .1 11,. T H "all: ! - I . . *;I I. . i a . i I .i I i k L.I.; ZOTOV,, B.K. New method for the wiring of tha secondary comautation wires on panels* Promeenerg* 14 noo5e4O-42 MY 161. (KEBA 3.4 PO ('Ta.Octric apWatus amd appliai -~PTW,.Boriz..Sergeyevich; LETNEV, D.Ya., red. [Thermal-power plants) Teplosilovye ustanovki. 11-jo- skvap Kolos. Pt.2. 1964. 351 p. (MIRA 17-12) ZOTOV, Boris Sergeyevich; WIN, Nikolay Rikhaylovich; SIMTT, L.P.. ..F rVaktor; XOGAN, F.L., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Alectric equipmeit of automobiles and tractorol Alektrooborudovanis avtonobilei i traktorov, Kookva, Hauchno-takhn. ~xd-vo &Ytotranspj lit-ry, 1956, 254 p, (lam 9; 10) (Automobiles--glectric equipment) (Tractors--Electric equipment) ZOTOT, A P.$_,polkovnik med.slushby; SHWIOVA, S.V., polkovnik med.sluzhby Analysis of injuries and preventive measures; hoe-pital data. Tonn.- med.zhur. no-917-10 S t58. (MILk 12:12) (ACCIDErS, prey. & control in armed forces personnel (Bus)) (AMUM YORGNS MSOML, dis. acaid., prev. (Run)) GOYKOLOV. Ye.F.; KANTOROTIGH, I.G., inzho; PMOT, P.V.; RAYI"SZSS, A.Ta.*, OMWOV, Aj, , inzh.; MIA OV. V.1r.; 3111MMOV, I.A.; SWUM, Kh.H.; KZYKM, L.I., rotsenzent; KUDRYAVVSW, A.T., ratnen2ent; TICLYANIR, V redaktirovanii prinirwill uchastiy9:,,,,,gqTQ D.M.. &HIROKOVA, G.M., red.izd-va; WiN~OVA,; RUDAKOVA, N.I., (Handbook for builders of reinforced concreto industrInI chimeye and silos] Spravochinik atroitelin zhelazobetannyltil zavodskikh trub i allosov. Pod red. A.V.Chernovs. Hoskva, Oos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt.materialam, 1959. 300 P. (HIRA 13:1) (silos) (Chimneys) SWIRO, G.A.,- ZOTUT, B.K. Are horizontal partiticnE betwocr4 power ccttvoi~ in :ct'olh fanw-,Ao necoGsw-11 Pr3m.e;a(:zg. ! 5 nc,.41.32 Ap 19 Filektromontanh -54., (Blocr,c-lo liaos-vudor6rounl) MMOWK270 Vopos Lnehol..~TW ,,]D*Kop,.Lrab* Wety of *qulpmwt-lnatklUnU pvre=nl wwqdr;o In oporutirtg slactrloal apteme Pra4arArge 20 no,,UQ51 D 01500 Owu %81P) ZO"IOV, BO'RTS SERGFY-VICTI 1,15 7h! .7 .Z8 FLEKTROODORUDOMMIYE AM.14OBILEY I TUKTOROV (FLE.M"RICAL FQUIF-*,,[IIIT OF AUTOMOBILRS AND TRACTORS, BY) B. S. ZGTOV I N. DI. IL111. MOSUA, AVTOTRANISIZDAT, 1956. 254 p. DIAGRS., TABLES. SOV/ 12,1-58-5-5900 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958,. Nr 5, p 137 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vol'vich, S.I., Zotov, B.Ye. TITLE: On a New Method for the Calculation of Continuous Beams (K raschetu nerazreznykh balok po novomu r-netaclu) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. soobshch. Saratovsk. avtomob.-dor. in-ta, 1957, Nr 7. pp 53-56 ABSTRACT: By using the known formulas the values of the load terms and the abscissae of the,center of gravity of the load curve nec- essary for the design calculation of continaous girders are worked out for particular cases of moment-of -inertia variation and for the simplest cases of beam loading. N.K. Snitko 1, f3eams--MathemaLical analysio 2. Girders--Mathematical analysio Card I/ I ZOTOV, B. Ye Zotov, B. Ye "Free Oscillations of Linearly Compressed Girders." Min HIgher Fducation U33R. Saratov Automobile and Road Inst imeni V. M. holotov. Saratov, 1955. (Disser- tation for the Degree of Candidate in Tec'!,Inical Sciences.) 50; Wzhnaya Letopiol,, No. 27, 2 July 1955 SOV/124-58-7-8102 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1968, Nr 7, p 113 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotov, B. Ye. TITLE:-____'_T_'he Calculation of Continuous Beams According to a Statically Determinate Hypothesis (The Method of Professor S. 1. Vollvich) [ Raschet nerazreznykh bplok po staticlicski opredelimoy skheme (Metod professora S, 1. Vol' vicha)] PERIODICAL: Sb. tekhn. inform. Saratovgiprogor sell stroy, 1957, iyun'' pp 8-13 ABSTRACT: The calculation of nonuniform continuous beams is accomplished with the use of "temporary fixed points", i. e. , of the projections onto the beam axis of the centers of gravity of the reduced moment distribution curves resulting from the action of the support moments due to a unit load. At these points ordinates are plotted which are inversely proportional to the magnitudes of the reduced areas; the location of all the permanent fixed points is then determined graph- ically. For the rest, the beam is calculated in the usurl way, i. e. with the aid of a basic system in the form of a multispan cantilever- Card 1/1 suspension-type system. N. K. Snitko 1. Beams- -Mechanical properties 2. Mathematics- -Applications I lilt, 1, 1 1 -1-M-LI, ~ . Z,OTOVp D. Make profitableness your goa.11 Mor. flot. 25 no. 121 10-12 D 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Zamstitell ministra Morskogo flota SSSR. . ZpTpj, , ~Ps- ~ - 1~1 I - Buoy mooring. Noreflot 17 no.1:23 Ja 157o (JaRA 1013-' (Anchorage) - I - - -- - --I --- -- ~;z ----I 1~ " -,/-- - SOTOV,D., inshener-sudovoditall -1-1417 - .1-1 ?~ Method of riding out a storm at sea by the structural churActeristice of the veasel. Mor.flot 15 no.9tll $155. (KWA 6: 11) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Arkhangellskw (Waylgation) (Ships) ZLYDL&R, W., inshener-, ZOTOVv 7, -!.. i" Stock scaffoldings for large block buildJag. Stroltel" 2 no.8*15 Ag 056. (XLU 902) (Scaffolding) ZCTOV D ,Z~~ Improve the level of fleet operations. Hor. I'lot 22 no,9:1-3 3 162* (HUA l5fW 1. Zamestitell ministra morskogo fjota SM. (Merchant marine) A.; EMBANOV, L.; ZOTOV, D.A., reds; VOLYANSMIYA, O.A., tekha,red, [Brief outline of the economic development of t1ae T-arkwn S.S.R03 Kratkii ocherk ekonomicheakogo rax7ittia Turkmmnskot SSR. Ashkbabod. Turkmenakoe goe*izd-vo, 1957, 193 p. (HIRA 110) (Turimeniatan-Ecoaomic conditions) BXRDYKLYCIMV, Nmrad Gapayevich; DCBROVOLISKIY, Yu.A., prof., red.; ZOTOV D.A.,,,, red.; TOLYANSKAYA, O.A.0 (Pablic health In the Turimen S.S.R.] Zdravookhxanenia Turkmenskal SSR. Pri uchastii I pod red. W.A.Dobrovol'skogo. Asbkhabad. Turkmenskoe gos. izd-vo, 1957, 247 P. . (MIRA 11:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk TSSR (for -lardyklychev) (TUMMOSTAN-PUBLIC HEALTH) VISMFOLISKUp S.Aop kartd. skon. um&; DAIEV, S.11.0 imillb. rAlWy sciob- shcheniya; BONDAIMUKO, V.S,.; RODUI Ys.D.j CHUVU-PV, V.Pq TURETSKIYj L.S.; SUPWOV, G.S.; SHAPIROVS1117,t D.B.; ODHIRMYSTER, A.M.; SINITSIN, M.T.; KOW31, N.D.; PETRTJCMKI V.A. (RUNIN, A.G.1 KOILSKIKOV, V.G.; MARTIROSOX..A ld ; -r-1 $ Wit.; BROTIClY, I.B. ecoased] ZMWICH,G.B.;.WZENlSR,G,,A*-r *01A M.TSEVIV.F kand takhn, natki UL 't ZAMAKHUVSKAYA~ A.G., kand. tekhn, nauk; VIA R]YO 1:1., Md. ekon. nauk; MITROWOV, V.F., kand. ekon. nauk; CHILIKIN, Ya.A.; BAYAYEV, V.G.0 doktor telchi. nauk, red. Prinima)Li u6alltiye: DZHAVAD, Yu.Kh., red.; GUBI-11-LOI, ILL.# kaMv ekon. rouk, red.; RYABCHIKOV, P.A., red.; YA'ILMISKIY, S.D., red.; IWRASIIEVSM, ALAN A.M., kand. teklm. nauk, red.; POLIUSHKIN V A - : 0,01..B DIN G.L. red.; rod.; RYZHMr, vle.j,"Pit- A red.; VULIFSON., M.S.# kand. ekon, nauk.. red.; U41TRIYEV, V.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ALEKSANDROVv L,A., red.; UVRIOMA 4,41.B. p takhn. red. [Transportation in the U.S.S.Rq rmrine txansportatioul Transport SSSR; morskoi transport. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morvkol transport 0 1961. 759 p. (MRA 1'5:2) OlsrQhant marine) lz.()TO)I,D-M-- Operation of clarifiers developed by the All-Unioa Hydraijlia and Sanitary Engineering Research Institute. Vod. I nan. tokh. no.9.1 35-36 S 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Water-Purification) AID P - 4244 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 2/33 Authors : Vernikil A. B., Laureate of the Stalin Prize, Engineer, and F. a,--=aY-,_,Engineer Title : Separate drive for leading wheels of bridge craneB of great lifting capacity. Periodical : Vest. mash., #1, P. 7-12, Ja.1956 Abstract : The construction of the undercarriage of large bridge cranes Is outlined and especially the construction of separate drive installations for leading wheels is presented. Diagrams, photos. Institution : None Submitted : No date I VIUJI, A.B., laureat Stalinskoy prsall. inxhaner; SmOT, F.S. -!rl Separate drives for the ranning whesIG of large load cwpacity bridge cranes. Vest.wash. 36 no.1:7-12 Ja 156. (KWA (0) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) ZOTOV, F.Ya. '74~ - ,�~, Recollections about V.K.TSeraskii. Ist,-astr.les' '55. (MLRk 9:12) Meraskii, Vitolld Irarlovich, 1849-1925) ZOTOV, G,, kand,ekonom.nauk Structural changes in the organizational trade Vorms in capitalist countries. Soy. torg. 36 no.1~00-54 S 163., (KIRA 16:10) 4 - -ZMV, G. Answer to the parlodlial OBusiness week*. Sov. torg. 31 no.12:42-43 D '59. WIRA 13:2) (United States-Irmtallment contracts) MENIZHINSKITI To.; Z,OTO,T.,-q~!---. Bidding in international trade. Vneah. tsrr. 28 no.9:28-33 158, (HIRA 11t10) (Public contracts) - ~i . I)11 1 '-f-TCU ZOTIOV, G.; ADADUROV, Yu.; C11MRROT, 1. Now Ideas In f Ire tank denigns. Posh.dolo 3 no..5:5;-6 Rr 157. (HiMA 10: 7) Mrs extinotion-Vater supply) 1. ZMIRITTOV, V., ZOTOV, G., Engo. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Lumber 7. Expand the production of glued parts. Za ekon trat. lit), 1 1952. 9. Lion 1 'origresi3, AprJ1 III List of Russian Accessions, Library or C -1953, Uncl. 0,0 o L I so 06 I 0 4 ji 00 8 o 0-0 0 u a Soo I-A-"-Jok 4. 011;.1,10 D1*189 G., '41NAW W16, NO a* 43, oycitti; ;;0(14 voidl by 1%~IZ 14 air bk%bt6-% (%'f, Wflutfu .4 ", Mutt,) kveA itwbad undwr difft-crist frit. a Asht imp"Ovell tilt ill Or dveills lwnq*It vw" mt 1w foovi ill the tlyving of lof - 11 i~ "falltmird Ill*$ f1w indowwr 4 411111111oler It thr h-l lfw K"Wrf t1w "'ifir "Irtmv olf Ow dy"I -0411 Tilt mrotoil In4y Ag"I all appl"llwill only ftw dyt nx sirrrv fikl"-c It V. My"ttim - 1,11tilf6c M)" tL "fall. - 20 gt 14noat -i I t*#Q 4 it ww u a AT 00 A a CP INIAL oft 0 0 000 * 0 000 00 00000 4 a A 4 4 i.4 'isi Ill two V111111 01111111t 04 04 3100 bole BMUD, Vasiliy Favlovien; ZOTOV, Georgiy Aleksand-rovich; SHAIAYEV, Stepan I. P., red.; MYAKUSHKO, V.P., re-d.izd-va; KARLGVA, G.L.j tekhn. red. [Potentials for increaning labor productivity; from, tlie work practice of the Olenino Lumbering Camp] ftemrvy rwita proizvoditellnosti truda; iz ol;yta raboty Olaninitkogo Ims- proml,hoza. Moskva, Gonlesbimdzdat, 1963. 77 p. ,VIRA 16:12) (Olonino (Kalinin Province) jroduktivity) 141~ - !111 1~i.' Hill- I Ili I IF11111:111111M IfIrlul 3 KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV. G.A. -., Calculations ok technical operating conditions of gan wells by the method of aradual changes of stationary atutes. Trudy 0 VNIIGAZ no.9sll2-130 '60. (MIRA 160) (Gas wells) ZOTOV, G, 'i,r"An; I'C)r Ira(]Lng fertllLzari nnel cholvicalij intq wn uArplano D'Alt. 8:1 no-7-.30,-39 Y]. 401- 1. Llvovskaya --ZOTOV.LG.A.; BEREZIN# V.P.; SHALAYEVI S.A.1 KESSET11, 1.7,1 POLYANTSEV, V.A., red. (Olenino Logging Camp] Olaninakii losopromkhom. KhImIti, TSentr. nauchno-Isol. in-t mekhaniaatali i mitarptilti lesnoi promyahl., 1962. 30 P. (141RA 16!:4) (Olenino region--Lumbering) ZOTOVS G.A.; TIJERKOVKIN, S.M. Using nonstationary hydrodynamic methods for Inventigating gas wells in the Oazll field. Gaz. delo. na.20-10 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-loolodovatellukiy insLitut prirodnogro gaza, BRAND2. Georgiy Georgiyevich (deceased]; KAMJR, Hoisey Venlyaminovich (deceased]; TAKUKIN, Hark LIvovich; RM4, A.I. p G#A., red.; PZYCH, M.N., red.; RWWV, A.A., red.; HOR014"OVA. Atle t red.izd-va-, UMMTSOVA, A.I., (English-Russian timber dictionary] Anglo-rusakii laeotekhni- cheskii slovar'. Izd.l. Koskva, Goslesbumiz&at, 1960. 414 p. (HIBA 14:4) (Lumbering-Dictionaries) - (Znglish language--Dictionarieo--Riinsian) KOROTAUV* Yu. P., XORCUMIN, H.T.0-14TRII.A.4--v ZWOV, N.V., KAKSIXOV, V.P., MUKMT. Te. I., VMVSI"SKIYo V.P. Nobile unit for thi complete luvestigation of pm walls* Gazoprome 5 no*0:8-13 1 '..160* (KIRA 13:6) (Gaaiplls) KOROT&YEV, Tu.F.; TMKOVKIV, S.K.; ZOTOV, G.A. .___ Testing gas wells without &as 108946, GSZ.PrOm. 5 no-7:1-~ 16D. 04M 13:7) (Gas wells) To CA-- I s Sul ova A I a V1 GOOK, A.A.; ZOTOV. G.A.; ROKHMNO, D.B.; GATSUVICH, V.A., red. (Profitable types of raftal Rnntabellnya tipy plotcm. [&mkvaj X-vo leanoi prowyahl. SSSR[19571 12 p. (KERA 11M) (Iumber-Tranoportation) m Ill III 1k 1 1R.11, H. ZOTOV. G.A.; ROKHLINKO, D.B. t-- ~ ~ - . ~.. I[Xreattsy logging camp of the Central ScientifEc Resparch Institute for Rechanization and Power Rngineering in Umbering) Krasteteldi lespromkhoz TsKIIIa. En.p.] H-vo lesnoi promyBbl. RSTBR, 1957. 67 P. (mm 11:11) (Iresttay-Lumbering) . 11 1 .." 11, .. ': I, I ~ I I ; I ZOTOV, G,,A,, Calculating the flow resistances of a well imperfect with respect to the degree of drilling in case of noalinear flow. Tmdy VNIIGAZ no.18/26t64-70 163. (MIRA 18:3) KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV, G.A. Concerning the sh-pe of the indicator curreB of a well compKsed of several producing horizons. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/26:97-104. 163. Investigating nonstationary gas flow in gas wellm. lbid.019-141 Using-gas-well pressure stabilization curves to deteimine reservoir parameters. Ibid.:161,,-172 (MIRA 18:3) ~;i -31~ d~Z~Ijlil hlI! HIIF~ li~ ffl,:.+H MINSM, Ye.M.; KOWTAYEV, Tu.P.; ZOTDV, G.A. Approximate solution of a problem concorning tho 17tead.7--fftate flOV of real gases. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/263105-113 163. (MIRA 1813) KOROTAYEV, Yv.P.,-__.ZOTOvI G.A.; ABIMMOVA, Ye.S. Practical method and examples of the analysia o.r the pre-vure build-up cums in gas vell!j. Trudy, VIII.TGAZ no.18/26-IIJ12-163 163. (MIRA 18:3) ZOTOV, G.A.; KOWTAYEV, YU-F.; VOGHUYEV~, Ye.A. Determining the ponitioll OC the 2onfiri of tund tectollic scrooning from tho proonuro build-up ,:ur-vwj in gazs wall.s. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/26:173-182 163. (MIRA 18:3) zol OTO G*Af The RMS-2 electric bruah-cutting machine, Rid, tekb.,-akon. inform, no,'1:58-59 157. (RIU WO (Lusibering-Rachinowy) MIXIM, Ye.14.; KOROTAYKV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV, G.A. Nih Determining the parameters of a layer from curves of the -in~ creasing pressure in pan wells. Gaz.pron, 4 no-5:4-7 -vq 159. OiIlLk 12 3 7) (Gas wells) t 111 11 .11 PORTHOV, I.G.; ZMOV,G.A. Consecutive performance of gas ejectors at steady above critical point rates. TripI7 VNIIGAZ n0-5:267-284 '59. (KM 12:9) (Gas flow) -- -ZOTOV, G.A., ROKELINKOg D.B.#* RANTSEV, A.A., red. [Krestets logging camp of the Central Scientific flosearcib Institute for Mechanization and Power Nngineari in the Yoreat IL'dustry3 Kreetetskit lespromkhoz T9NIIME,. [ M-ro leexioi prom7shl. HSPSR, 1957. 20 p. (Kraistate-IAWbering) (HERA 11-11) tARY8MITKOVq A. T.; ZOICN, Cj A, Kresttsy District - Lumboring Year of work of the Kresttsy Lumber Ca-mp. Los. prom. 11 No. 7, 1951. 9. Mcnthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Dacember 1952 AW Uncl. BMZIN, V.P., inahaner;,ZCTOT. G.A., inshener. .... Ekparience of the most efficient lumber camps. IkaIchtmd*rab, 7 uo,7-* 5-10 Jl '53. (Huk 6: 7 ) (14imber camps) BARYSHNIXCV, A. 1. - ZOTCIjl -G. A. Luribaring - Krcsttsy lw;bcj- ceit;p. Year of work in the Kresttv Imber canp. Les. prom. 11 no. 7, lc~)I. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decomber 19!i2"M. (Tdclassified. Ell- NRs AP6001OW I All SOOEME; GMEI j ; THOR: Zo Lov, G. A. A ~ORG: none TIT1,6: D~sviue for indicatiii,,~ tho 1-11dI)Ium -a ~,;ravimuLxiu paildulum instgumneilt4 asj i12) NO. 176,435 O&O,URCF,-. B-fulleten' izobrptnniy I Lovirrtyllh "wr0rov, no. "P2, 1196!;1 66, TOPIC TkGSt gravimeter, per-dulum ABSTF=T, Viis Author Certilicate [7.resuits a dovice for indii~,Iting t,mi perdulum pb&se, of - gravimetric pendiduri Im"(1113. N) ilwraa,-a.Ei WIV: accuracy c," i.,waaurement, oy Wie dlffrmati(:~ri. 9LI-e rigIdly viount(id in tlic, instrument at thO ICIfIll' Q-Rd3 Of 0,110 )MVIdIIIIADW, LI) VJI(17ir lane of' osciiiation. SUB CODE;% 08/ SUBM TIT-Et ItiMovy5> MELPVED, G.I.; TSVEETKOV, V.D.; D*,,j*; retsenzent; LIVSHITS, Sh.ya., inzh.~ red. Nachine-tool units) Agrogatrqe staml-ci. Mc)--kvn, lzd-vc "I-lashinostroenie.," 1964. 422 p. (MIRA :~7: 5) I A 11 11 -1.111, It I IN- 111-1141 EYLENTUKHp A.M., inzh.; ~~qV_,_GM,,, inzh. Choice of the parametera of an electric network for connecting electric motors. Vest. aviazi 22 no.12W D 062. (MRA 16d) (Electric driving) POLYANIN, D.V.; -W jDV,-G,X,GRYAZNOV, E.A.; MENZHINSK3-Y, Ye.A.; RUBININ, A.Ye.; CHEBOTAREVA, Ye.D,; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; 01;IJIFEVAO SIH,LEV, V.V.; STULOV, A.A.; Fr)UM"WXY, AJ1,j ORR' Y 'f. )KIC, , V.A. IVANOV, A.S., NALOROV, V.B.; FINOGENOV, Y.P.; KURITVIRW, V.G,; KHRAMTSOV I B.A.; BATYGIN, K.S.; BOGDANOV., O.S.; KRQ1'OV, O.K.; GONCHAROV, MT.; KRMTOVp B.D.; LYUM-KIY, M.S., SOU)LINIKOV, G.O.; KAMENSKIY, N.N.; YASHCHENKO, G.I.; SAMUNIKOT, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA,I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; STEPANOV, G.P.; 90M)DATEWSKIY, A.D.; INGATUSHCHENKO, S.K.; VARTUMYAN, E.L.; RAFELINSKIY, Yu.N., red.; MAYOROV, B.V., red.; NABOROV, V,B,, red, SOMPNO, R.G,, red.; D-ROZDOV, A.G., red.~ F45HOHINA, L- SOOLOVIYEVA, G.. mladshiy--red.; CHEPEUVA, 0., teklin. red, (The economy of capitalist countries in 1961-. economically de- veloped countries]Ekonomika kapitalisticheskikh stran v 1961 godu; ekonomicheski razvitye strany. Pad red. I(J.N.Kapelinskogo. ?4oskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Economic history) German Mikhayloviqh; DORISOVA K., red,,* DARONTAR Hop iilad- slay red.;-KO(WiA, N.; tekhn. red, (Retail trade in the United States] Roznialmaia torgoi,li.a v SShA. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-elcon. lit-ry 1961. 14 P41 64DU 1512) (United States-Astail trade) A 1:1.1iii Ii !'!WV~ ZOTOV9 G.M., inzb. Automatic stop mechanisms for high.-speed knitting machInery. Tekst.prome 21 no63:60-62 Mr 161. OMIA 14:3) (Knitting machines) KAPELII-ISKIY. Yu.N.; POLYAIIIII D V.- ZOTOV G.M.; IYANOV, I.D.; SERGEYW, YU.A.; ISITZHIII~KIY, ie.;,; " warox. A.1(.; IVANOV, A.S.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; ZAKWATOV, M.I.; SOMEKIN, R.G.; DWIENIKIN, V.N.; BOGDAITOY, O.S.; SIMOVA, L.V.; GONOWOV, A.N.; LTOSKIY, M.S.; PUCHIK, Ye.P. [deceased]; KAW,'IISKIY, II.N.; SOWNIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.-, KARAYAYEV, A.P.; KARPOV, L.N.; VARTTIIYUi, E.L,; SHIPOV, Tu.P.; ROGOV, V.T.; BOGDANOV, I.I.; VL,WIMIRSY.IY, L.A.; LEBEDET, II.I.; AIM' "R , F.G.; TRINICH, P.A.; GOLOVIII, Yu.M.; MATYIJKIIIN, I.S.; '731.17TILIMULY-IMOV, A.M.; SHILIDFJITJT, V.A.; Al,~,KSFl'fZV, A.?.; BORISENKO, A.P.; CHURAKOV, V.P.; SHASTITKO, V.M.; G&RUS, V.G.; ORLOV, N.V., red.; KAPELIIISKIY, Yu.N., red.; GORYUHOV, V.P., red. V redaktirovanii prinimali uchastiye: BKLOSHAPKIII, D.K., red.; 0ORGIT.&W, Ye.B.. red.; KOSAREV, Ye..A., red.; FANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.H., red.; SHKARENKOV, Yu.S., red.; MAKAROV, V., red.; BORISOVA, K., red.; GIOUTIL97-A, 0., [The economy of capitalistic countries in 19581 Hkonomika kapitn- listichaskik-h stran v 1958 godu. Pad red. 11.1t.Orlova, IU.N.Kopa- linakogo, V.P.Goriunovn. Moolcvn, Izd-vo cotalallno-okon.lit-ry, 1959. 609 p. (MIR-A 12:12) 1. Moscow. Niiichno-issledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy inatitut. (Economic conditions) ZOTOV, G,.N., aspirant Adoption of a syatem of preferable figures for hkka wMication of industrially produced buildings in lumbering Industry enterprises. Sbor.trud. LIMIT no.181:78-106 162. (MMA 16s9) ZOTOV, G.H. Appl7ing preferred numbers in promoting module dinensiona in building. Standartizataiia 24 no.2:6-10 F '60. (HIU 132-5) (Modular coordination (Architecture)) 137-58-6-11641 rranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 59 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotov G V TITLE: On the Question of Eliminating Continuous Washing of the Col- lector Electrodes of fllast-furiiace Shop Gas Cleaning Electri- cal Precipitators (K voprosti ob otkaze ot postoyannoy pro- myvki osaditel'nykh clektrodov elektrofil'trov gazoochistok domennykh tsckhov) PERIODICAL: Sb. statcy. Gos. in-t tipovogo proyektir. i tekhn. issled., 1957, Vol 3, pp 38-55 ABSTRACT: The use of electrostatic precipitators (E) for the fine clean- ing of blast furnace gas is a generally recognized procedure. Currently, the plants of the ferrous metalfj industry employ tubular E consisting of a system of tubes of 230-300 mm diameter, 3500-4500 mm long. The E are built for a gas cap- acity of 75- IZO,000 m3lhr, with 300 or move collector elec- trodes, and are designated, respectively, its types DM-300, DM-316, etc. In order to prevent the precipitation of blast- furnace flue dust on the surfaces of the electrodes, continuous Card 1/Z washing is performed. This requires a markedly larger 137-58-6-11641 On the Question of Eliminating (cont.) amount of technically pure water than would otherwise be the case in the counterflow gas-clear-ing cycle and large expenses for construction and oper- ation. Thus, for example, the water consumption at a metallurgical plant with two or three blast furnaces of 1033 m3 capacity is 300-450 m3/hr. At the Kosaya Gora Metallurgical Plant, a test was run in the operation of DM-300 E with periodic washing of the precipitating electrodes once or twice per shift. It was established that the dust content of blaist-furnace gas pass- ing through E operating without continual washing was lower than with con- tinual washing. This measure permits reduction of the water consumption of a gas-cleaning installation by 207o on the aver,.ge. B.S. 1. Blast furnaces--Equipment 2. Electrodes-44aintenance Card Z/Z YAMPOLISKIY, T.S.; ZOTOVJ G.V. [catalog and handbook on cooling towern] Natalog-opmvAdk PO gradirniam. Maskya, 1962. 109 p. MR& JW) 1. Proscow. Gosudarstyennyy Institut tipovogo i okoperisientallnogo proyektirovaniya i tekhnicheskikh Issledovaniy. 2. Reel*-Ifuik otdela promyshlennykh vodoprovodnykh soorusheniy'Goeudarstymmogo instituta tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo proyektirotaniva i tekhnicheakikh i8sledovanly (for Tmapol'skly), 3o Met provquh- lennykh vodoprovodnykh sooruzheniy GosudArstvennogo inatituta. tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo proyektirovaniya I. tekhnicheakikh isoledovaniy (for Zotov). (Cooling towers) 4 1 4 4 00 m 1 tl 1 4 Y-,A 4 . - A ... L. , 0 0 Elecbwyue distermicatku of ukkal vitbout the use of ptatinum clatttedes. L. 1. Nyouskil and O~ V. Ztjtov.. - T 'lln-s(In Fir"Ch o4 CA*m. it?. S. S. R.) 10, I 1. Appit 00 comparabk to thrAw Onsined witli Ilt elcictmdrs eon tic obtaftw4 with a M cmillirmk atul F- anode. Elcwu 1.11(emma. A. A. IWK,icnlr f moo O 00 0 00 j 00, 00 00 too 40 2 rot so 00 too 00 "00 tit 0 00 3 Woo 90 - - - --- - - I I' I ' got V l rl ii Al fl As I - it it K It ft it COO m 94 so**** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 :1 0 0 0: 4 a 0 q 4p a 0 - 0 0 .0 0 it 0 * i I 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 of 000 0 0 0 v *; 0 0 0 0 60 10 4 0 41 v it * 0 * * 11 Ilia 111INA A.A' x. O*A 00 ........... . r, J- 00A npdw dpomkof cdom 49 kmvftt;~4 to drang am Alopch"OsOMA. Min. M *0 V No. zm&. 1041, 11, M. 4e. 09 C. A. SO, MOC-49W-99"ffiP 034 1p Sip then thow c"C6. Me; " 6* fiet O"'it t. 006 1. We gamp U.&M prbliall; wftb Toorre vakwo. TIM *04 film (1) k" kbffko wfth an In- hmimb. hik 1-. 6000 at ood dbrod- ad the Topm preasim !100 a( the mid. KOs Im The Pa"of Hquor mW their wArmt to 00, ood powe" Z' cmkid" that t" Ormllwa Of It Ilm 00,411 c" be dmossed VMUY bY Ibt 4Ma- Of KCIMwh. No 11300 004 baths =4 by Im"m cifyieg. jAapcW *bdka 0 goo 0011 & I= 41 Ll 00 A milik"Il"All. LM#4&TM CLAWCOM goo. gl"684" Ila at INICIWJ 011 04V 049 - -&-T 1. *- Vrg it a tc v I -*1* 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a * 0 44 0 0 41 :IlM 0 0 0 0 :10 0 Cis 0 0 .a: -so 7an 00 0410, A 41 0 0 00 4 0 411AA 4 441, 4i 0 a of 000 000004 0 a I! 1 19 1 T-1 0 ?1 11 I` o loto ~ __9 " I 1 ~ T' 7 ~ 16 I It. W- U CY CA. of all Ahm* is datjecoood (am the vat I k m d d wm . o n m fit dydas *kk gugin bkct, (1) *.*at# otwoo agaigm.11CI OAQ Watt O.oWl. chkwgte 0, - "k K ?CN) ' 1r Q . 41' It' ~ 00 m 00.11 (textik ~Z) onflim.tICI O CoW.AH W ON, . Fate 0.13 Usti. put I.; (ju) ( . at talk: goo O.OR' cItIonto OAS. lift ma 4 1 4 INGAICII ediortto pow"ta M14" IRCIt t I %( 1 Mr 1 so I : WAX 4 k W A . , 1:0.07, 1:0,22, thkamccow t:0 Om 00 I ; . . ) It =to all a otad it vocutrumur. it PC, %W 4 jk4 d1VI d b k il I =h 0 W"W t f n= e 0 y y r to the moofto ChAmber It It tft"dQmt4 Val ...... ............. .. . .... Few. W4, (blo- lict tile tcom. ts the JIM. (CM., aw4 0* lieved of acAURY of tile let. It Im"Iel OMMAIT tit 01-M. UvSm the AM #Mh NU., If tht tettLit 6 tvA Vqwvwd L AWYAMIKKAL U, MIAMI! "469 Cleo U00 tie -us -A v 0 ?o to 9 a K it 4 K it 'it I it Ao it it, .T-,! **q1*o#e* see 0 049 0 40 4 4 40 0000 001*0 00 10 0 0 0 41 16 10 4,0 .0 0 a ft 0 a a NJ L if! dk; dh a ft sea *0 a id ,31 4 MOR Otopoevill mote 4" bo ablabO4 to somaM" PH Wb cow vktivers" by the bdk4k woMad wicbmt 4 tiao. bl wakC a bafteaudado*. al tboOwm&. A. A. 10mkiwoy At*-It& ACTAL&WOCCAL WHOM CLASS04COMW 0 41 toot 000 0-00410000000 age see goo do* goo NOS j*$ 1000 NO* )I# -lV4, S~kru*vw AM G. V. 261-MU).-The I= too at the d"4 wd "cow it &tws of lf,[Fv(CN),j and of &U three If of H Ftt(CN).] are of the wm order cK augmitude a4 In tAxtof HA. Thme-, N)s) are. mqti"IY, I the third and Inurth H of HrFe(C, lOr4 and 5 X 104. . T. of 00 46 -00 VA I 0A 4"am OW Ogo all 4 000 gum- 90,3 too sow of goo ,'Do jr 4*0 IWO tloo 000 A M '.it k~OCAA W16KIL&I fkoLWPKAITK,* EO u 0 $1 gr 19 It It a 48 01, #e a it gr **-(A *Golfo 0,00 0 410 G, 0 41 0 it 4 40i 0 0 o[0 40 0 0 0 41 10A 0 4, 0.0 0 0 0 0.40 0 -0 A a ejq~ *_* o 0 Of 4poo OMIO Olei 0 G Sl 0 0 0, 0 0,04, "IlReal 0 0 0 0 0:41 4D 0 U4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 +tnl goo dwo aso Wo moo ib, 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 o 0 so All 0019 00 Oew tau& "me Aff).1" i. - 1. L by FrawkN*- R. T.~ 00 300 1200 coo as* or* 0 SLA "TUL &L L$Tft&IWI CLAUWKATION JILL-- $too. 1"GIA A . u 1, A. 04 -- 0 - - - - *6000*000*460O.M.M. t.? PM A 1 0 nd 0 If 4 1 V 10 0 A 4 5 0*0000*0#000 p *see Wo:*90 a 00 a : woo ISO* Ti A &-f-& 0 .4 A A LaMnA4-1. -0-1 .. i; _ ~1, - - ~,- - too; 4- --- ---- ............. 10 "0 0 09 00 004 004 .00 00 43 DOKULSOM Off 1111101141 WAIL"ll Filwdsum sw*964. __*O 0011 G. V. YA (A PeoiAhed Kltimlii V- -4111di'd ZOO 00 a I.- fwxrie.1 out with &,Ni irstAKA, wout mi tonstiff. (4)"Iyor Iform i1sadw) ~V 0 f Pot, I Miex. (tt file N4)11 logs.. ~Wji illing ;0 0 it", I "at of ti gorm. ti( crysiftillort L".4 V, a 43 Rinp. ofm.' 1 13 - 15 Ism -N. A. -60 0 'log -00 YALLIPPOICAt L1jjp4jWj t4a L.00 NIW- ;0 1100 Tb u N AV 00 Ali 1 4, it, V goo 0 *00006 0 0 so 0 a 0 00000000000000000001 al 00 ~ a 1 0 0000 Goo 00 00 61 00 so A of A so 00 '3 00 00 00 At r A -ILL. 1 ,00 .40 CAWY09 osid,ttion In dYeing milb anilint bja4ic, it, v. k1s."v Atill 0, V. Insov. J. AP14ird Ofol. 4l-. .4, " rtch'.h. 1144)(11939), 11,114. f1pil 12, 11411 HT41 1411,11 vm, 4 Usshiloof atill Olvillft I libit M' 11,411o; I ... 141111,11. jib Ille l'ol"It'l 11 i id h l b d 0 .11, t q rem uctl e e4lm y the ytt ibolaw, 114,tit cc it-lie still-likv of till v(f oxi. .1 A* .I'll, ort of the aflilitle hv lit, 'llkwate i~ m iii.I 1 the frvilt4.4 CaIrwritler (C. A. 28, WGW). A~ it. It. J oe# lit Is.* .At losaw bit L do' is 0 A 03 0 W to fir W IT 14 4 0 0 if few 0 40 * 0 0 000 ~1 see --Go 0 ot it Wo miolit a At 111 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 6 off 0*0 0,0! 00 *so es pt at- OW tul(flf Out '4 Ic d t 4 . t w" 11 nq . 10 th 4 k u It * m . e wv qu Mw .2 tim bmn efth' Mat - =36 so f "d,(%wOqft It Is ddwA W ibo I&M Ot MA" WOMS. I I l m tvp*e- t "a . "Ot"t No R Af %ft w m e Oe I . , qq j Atccx) + X III Iffum NA4 WtI44 44 to txn, - I VZOM K *9 4 - . t k = W 0 mr It I encle. O OX141. Is 9CA04 "% T ft $0 Oft cemp". qd the $w4wth W Ity. =Y'& o( ml of #tktim: Met &WAacams Intl their 00 11V pliwa I with a t 111411mamol lattifu (e ooq3mpwkd by an Itictma 1M. +If k 4 d W 1K Imt the luo"KOM fmt*W -*,M W 4watwitt c 44, 1 Wylk pmma idd I the ig"Al. t f11 f 111 )VMJ Of % AM tP h f 11181r WM 9 1 h O ? CVMWk di OW 1t , 1O M VM add ftTm COUP* by WSW c4m Im aakd. I" a MAIWO to (tat r4atism so tw4wr idoctn*jrtem. "-ft, 401W d11Vd "1. 0 the C011,0140% givin, bY (14"1*41 N , Now (C.A. 0, NNI), $614tiUStKA1, Lff1f*4jkdf -N ;;, ! f r go 0 coo ar* 111, Ob a 0 so 0 0 '0 sea gas as We 100 Not: 0 0 *,*is 0 a a, a 6 al IF V T f, 'T m If, It H! RJU I P 1, t~l X rl 004 7777~~ WIN 000 4f v N "itt - V. ,t, w Avy - ) 4. IV, o-- (-jw;j. It. AlAc WAIAL! $1111 to % U m,,oUimA9dQHl I umollftlullifelwo mx,co, I~? "Atts. doll (Cw" 10% to Igo OW ,1,014 ~4 1 - . -Ith M."d - M, "A With top lok' t* 0It LUC the joa for O(ajam in mitt. "Wh Cd seal I the abo" am 0.70LJ) AD twi if' uton It A - o,lvk 1, see Zt, W" Or 4)WOAg 14 Amt eqwktwa 4 CA c4 06, Aml. Ill og;m wA tW $mtw IN , . (fit - in Lt. H* MOOE4 b e 'S tin** Go I It - t 1 0 ow- 'a twas ON KUM Iff May no,. It Ow ~V- Lou WAN f4 41 10 is 0o It ":q Ilk -4- z- I a. V. MAI G Cam. (it, a. S' 10-14, a4-0 Ad rtA'--I'W;dw to 0041 c ;md 'd and faff aids JU110 to 4 009 4, 1 0 at. wombside A cickht Cho, .. .;.64 VACIA, Ibil 1tkV=tfX di0*06 01 ""d was 01 by pixtowme* utmkn (it the K imsit,& wittk Kct 1w via i0 Ok comma"ift W 114M dtvtrgdt 10w212 a twt"I" in Oto tim juboww". Aitimmightlin 1"Wom ad thafing two III d Iuq(t:N)%qk%m It Ovicit tin =tWOVII atio 41w I X *w""O"""4096 0041 - ==11.. W. - 0 X I *60" emam"far ipmut drwe 4., to tbat evre the kvt If it Oamd, coempusWY to t got fel. *114 lberdom MIS abs"Amat wases is Go 044c" (4 dbwxtl. to diot cbm of struft ~tw.'. G, m KowetwAl 0OW 041 Mee see, two swararw 71119113 1 AN I rap It It it 0 if I I I I I mum I ml I I 10 1 all ZOTOV, I.; WfLMV, V. ~ii~ Z~j Posters are alferm of concrete propaganda of loading work methods#, Botas trud. no* ~:122-126 Ag 158. (MIRA IL9) 1,Sekratarl partkom motallozavoda Momkovskogo oblastnogo sovnar- khoza (for Zotov). Z.Hachallnik Wela truda. i zarabatuay platy, metallozavoda Moskbvskogo oblastnogo movnarkha-ma (for Komarov). (Hoscow Province--Metal industries) (Posters) MI"LEMAN, M*Mp mayor meditsiwkoy,.sluzhby; ZAVRA2JIIM,,'J4,K.0,AVdpol- ko~ maditisinakoy sluzhbyl KNYAZEV, 13.V.i podpilAkoymut.- madi- tsinskoy sluzhby; KOBYAKOV, N.I.,p podpolkorhik meditislaskoy sluzhby; DOKUGHAYEV, G.M.p podklkovnik meditsirgikoy~-o:L-azhby; PLETNEVp N.N.p polkoynik meditijinakoy sluzhbyl KlIaROSIll'.11EV, 'V.D.p po4olkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby; GORBACHIK, 'fe,#D., p*dpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; DRUKER,, Yu.S.1 HAZARM.T.M.; Ka4CGOROV,, P.F,p polkovnik meditainakoy oluzhbyl KLIMNRCYj ik.Y.p pedpolkornik maditainskoy i;luzhby; RYAKHMKIYp 1,,Yeo'p podpol)tovnik naditsinakay sluzhby; IVANIK07ICH, F.A.; GUBIN, S.V.; kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby; ZOTOV,-,,I,G Icapitan meditsinskoy aluzhljy; LEONOVA, Te.l.; BUNTM,KIYP' P, mayor meditsinakoy sluzhbyl GBRASIMUTO A,N,p podpolkovnik meditsinskoy oluzhby; GURIYEVp 1,A*j kapitan medl- tsinBkoy sluzhby; KOLDOBSKIY, S-.Z., mayor meditsinskay filuzhby Abstraots. Voen. med. zhur. no.10:74-79 0 165. ()CERA 18tU) I LIGINV p T a I - y ~ n2 h. .1--.,- 11 1 .. I . . repair Ao t-119 111(3st important gar,i -- I 5111t, eistr. ;-,, -t jell t or , -L,,atior, of equipmOilit - . n the machinery i.ndtifiLryo VeBt- ma ~101.,Xcfj for libor saving I (MrItA iS:6) I I: nc,.C:76-77 i4y 165. to JOrl'-flicillollcY IP i sv-J.av.. 1") no.'I-,41 ~.Yljblin:~,IviyFi ~,Jsl,"nt-qAya doroj~!.. ZOTOVI I.M., inzh. Restoration of the brake beams of 40-U car decelerators. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 8 no.5:41 ~~ 164. (MIRA 1700) 1. Lyublinskaya distantsiya Mosko-vskoy dorogi. ZOTOV, Use of SP*9 apparatus for operation in high frequency channels. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no.3:36-37 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Railroads--Signaling) (Railroads--Electronic equipment) ZOTOV, Spring-type catch in the SP-1 electric drive. A7tom,, tolem. i oviaz' 8 no.6:38 Je 164. (IIIRA ir/t6) 1. Lyublinakaya distantsiya Mookovskoy dorogi. -AP6009823 WDEf Wmxta), INVENTOR, Klinov, Zocov, 11, ORG: none Ta!~ ten SOURCE: lio:rre iy&,~- promys ennyyq 0 rlttuf-t 7~ -J TOPIC chemical decomposition, fluorite hydrofluorft :11.-: ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate. introduces a matthod of pmparation, of hyclr~3f- acid by decompoaftion of fluorit.a. Am increasind recovery tai achiliviad brf. deidmv fluorite conceatrate with orthophnsphorLc acid at 250C. SU3 CODE: 07/ SUBM DATIEt i4garW AM PKEM e-AA#2,,, .1 11,. T H "all: ! - I . . *;I I. . i a . i I .i I i k L.I.; ZOTOV,, B.K. New method for the wiring of tha secondary comautation wires on panels* Promeenerg* 14 noo5e4O-42 MY 161. (KEBA 3.4 PO ('Ta.Octric apWatus amd appliai -~PTW,.Boriz..Sergeyevich; LETNEV, D.Ya., red. [Thermal-power plants) Teplosilovye ustanovki. 11-jo- skvap Kolos. Pt.2. 1964. 351 p. (MIRA 17-12) ZOTOV, Boris Sergeyevich; WIN, Nikolay Rikhaylovich; SIMTT, L.P.. ..F rVaktor; XOGAN, F.L., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Alectric equipmeit of automobiles and tractorol Alektrooborudovanis avtonobilei i traktorov, Kookva, Hauchno-takhn. ~xd-vo &Ytotranspj lit-ry, 1956, 254 p, (lam 9; 10) (Automobiles--glectric equipment) (Tractors--Electric equipment) ZOTOT, A P.$_,polkovnik med.slushby; SHWIOVA, S.V., polkovnik med.sluzhby Analysis of injuries and preventive measures; hoe-pital data. Tonn.- med.zhur. no-917-10 S t58. (MILk 12:12) (ACCIDErS, prey. & control in armed forces personnel (Bus)) (AMUM YORGNS MSOML, dis. acaid., prev. (Run)) GOYKOLOV. Ye.F.; KANTOROTIGH, I.G., inzho; PMOT, P.V.; RAYI"SZSS, A.Ta.*, OMWOV, Aj, , inzh.; MIA OV. V.1r.; 3111MMOV, I.A.; SWUM, Kh.H.; KZYKM, L.I., rotsenzent; KUDRYAVVSW, A.T., ratnen2ent; TICLYANIR, V redaktirovanii prinirwill uchastiy9:,,,,,gqTQ D.M.. &HIROKOVA, G.M., red.izd-va; WiN~OVA,; RUDAKOVA, N.I., (Handbook for builders of reinforced concreto industrInI chimeye and silos] Spravochinik atroitelin zhelazobetannyltil zavodskikh trub i allosov. Pod red. A.V.Chernovs. Hoskva, Oos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt.materialam, 1959. 300 P. (HIRA 13:1) (silos) (Chimneys) SWIRO, G.A.,- ZOTUT, B.K. Are horizontal partiticnE betwocr4 power ccttvoi~ in :ct'olh fanw-,Ao necoGsw-11 Pr3m.e;a(:zg. ! 5 nc,.41.32 Ap 19 Filektromontanh -54., (Blocr,c-lo liaos-vudor6rounl) MMOWK270 Vopos Lnehol..~TW ,,]D*Kop,.Lrab* Wety of *qulpmwt-lnatklUnU pvre=nl wwqdr;o In oporutirtg slactrloal apteme Pra4arArge 20 no,,UQ51 D 01500 Owu %81P) ZO"IOV, BO'RTS SERGFY-VICTI 1,15 7h! .7 .Z8 FLEKTROODORUDOMMIYE AM.14OBILEY I TUKTOROV (FLE.M"RICAL FQUIF-*,,[IIIT OF AUTOMOBILRS AND TRACTORS, BY) B. S. ZGTOV I N. DI. IL111. MOSUA, AVTOTRANISIZDAT, 1956. 254 p. DIAGRS., TABLES. SOV/ 12,1-58-5-5900 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958,. Nr 5, p 137 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vol'vich, S.I., Zotov, B.Ye. TITLE: On a New Method for the Calculation of Continuous Beams (K raschetu nerazreznykh balok po novomu r-netaclu) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. soobshch. Saratovsk. avtomob.-dor. in-ta, 1957, Nr 7. pp 53-56 ABSTRACT: By using the known formulas the values of the load terms and the abscissae of the,center of gravity of the load curve nec- essary for the design calculation of continaous girders are worked out for particular cases of moment-of -inertia variation and for the simplest cases of beam loading. N.K. Snitko 1, f3eams--MathemaLical analysio 2. Girders--Mathematical analysio Card I/ I ZOTOV, B. Ye Zotov, B. Ye "Free Oscillations of Linearly Compressed Girders." Min HIgher Fducation U33R. Saratov Automobile and Road Inst imeni V. M. holotov. Saratov, 1955. (Disser- tation for the Degree of Candidate in Tec'!,Inical Sciences.) 50; Wzhnaya Letopiol,, No. 27, 2 July 1955 SOV/124-58-7-8102 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1968, Nr 7, p 113 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotov, B. Ye. TITLE:-____'_T_'he Calculation of Continuous Beams According to a Statically Determinate Hypothesis (The Method of Professor S. 1. Vollvich) [ Raschet nerazreznykh bplok po staticlicski opredelimoy skheme (Metod professora S, 1. Vol' vicha)] PERIODICAL: Sb. tekhn. inform. Saratovgiprogor sell stroy, 1957, iyun'' pp 8-13 ABSTRACT: The calculation of nonuniform continuous beams is accomplished with the use of "temporary fixed points", i. e. , of the projections onto the beam axis of the centers of gravity of the reduced moment distribution curves resulting from the action of the support moments due to a unit load. At these points ordinates are plotted which are inversely proportional to the magnitudes of the reduced areas; the location of all the permanent fixed points is then determined graph- ically. For the rest, the beam is calculated in the usurl way, i. e. with the aid of a basic system in the form of a multispan cantilever- Card 1/1 suspension-type system. N. K. Snitko 1. Beams- -Mechanical properties 2. Mathematics- -Applications I lilt, 1, 1 1 -1-M-LI, ~ . Z,OTOVp D. Make profitableness your goa.11 Mor. flot. 25 no. 121 10-12 D 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Zamstitell ministra Morskogo flota SSSR. . ZpTpj, , ~Ps- ~ - 1~1 I - Buoy mooring. Noreflot 17 no.1:23 Ja 157o (JaRA 1013-' (Anchorage) - I - - -- - --I --- -- ~;z ----I 1~ " -,/-- - SOTOV,D., inshener-sudovoditall -1-1417 - .1-1 ?~ Method of riding out a storm at sea by the structural churActeristice of the veasel. Mor.flot 15 no.9tll $155. (KWA 6: 11) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Arkhangellskw (Waylgation) (Ships) ZLYDL&R, W., inshener-, ZOTOVv 7, -!.. i" Stock scaffoldings for large block buildJag. Stroltel" 2 no.8*15 Ag 056. (XLU 902) (Scaffolding) ZCTOV D ,Z~~ Improve the level of fleet operations. Hor. I'lot 22 no,9:1-3 3 162* (HUA l5fW 1. Zamestitell ministra morskogo fjota SM. (Merchant marine) A.; EMBANOV, L.; ZOTOV, D.A., reds; VOLYANSMIYA, O.A., tekha,red, [Brief outline of the economic development of t1ae T-arkwn S.S.R03 Kratkii ocherk ekonomicheakogo rax7ittia Turkmmnskot SSR. Ashkbabod. Turkmenakoe goe*izd-vo, 1957, 193 p. (HIRA 110) (Turimeniatan-Ecoaomic conditions) BXRDYKLYCIMV, Nmrad Gapayevich; DCBROVOLISKIY, Yu.A., prof., red.; ZOTOV D.A.,,,, red.; TOLYANSKAYA, O.A.0 (Pablic health In the Turimen S.S.R.] Zdravookhxanenia Turkmenskal SSR. Pri uchastii I pod red. W.A.Dobrovol'skogo. Asbkhabad. Turkmenskoe gos. izd-vo, 1957, 247 P. . (MIRA 11:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk TSSR (for -lardyklychev) (TUMMOSTAN-PUBLIC HEALTH) VISMFOLISKUp S.Aop kartd. skon. um&; DAIEV, S.11.0 imillb. rAlWy sciob- shcheniya; BONDAIMUKO, V.S,.; RODUI Ys.D.j CHUVU-PV, V.Pq TURETSKIYj L.S.; SUPWOV, G.S.; SHAPIROVS1117,t D.B.; ODHIRMYSTER, A.M.; SINITSIN, M.T.; KOW31, N.D.; PETRTJCMKI V.A. (RUNIN, A.G.1 KOILSKIKOV, V.G.; MARTIROSOX..A ld ; -r-1 $ Wit.; BROTIClY, I.B. ecoased] ZMWICH,G.B.;.WZENlSR,G,,A*-r *01A M.TSEVIV.F kand takhn, natki UL 't ZAMAKHUVSKAYA~ A.G., kand. tekhn, nauk; VIA R]YO 1:1., Md. ekon. nauk; MITROWOV, V.F., kand. ekon. nauk; CHILIKIN, Ya.A.; BAYAYEV, V.G.0 doktor telchi. nauk, red. Prinima)Li u6alltiye: DZHAVAD, Yu.Kh., red.; GUBI-11-LOI, ILL.# kaMv ekon. rouk, red.; RYABCHIKOV, P.A., red.; YA'ILMISKIY, S.D., red.; IWRASIIEVSM, ALAN A.M., kand. teklm. nauk, red.; POLIUSHKIN V A - : 0,01..B DIN G.L. red.; rod.; RYZHMr, vle.j,"Pit- A red.; VULIFSON., M.S.# kand. ekon, nauk.. red.; U41TRIYEV, V.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ALEKSANDROVv L,A., red.; UVRIOMA 4,41.B. p takhn. red. [Transportation in the U.S.S.Rq rmrine txansportatioul Transport SSSR; morskoi transport. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morvkol transport 0 1961. 759 p. (MRA 1'5:2) OlsrQhant marine) lz.()TO)I,D-M-- Operation of clarifiers developed by the All-Unioa Hydraijlia and Sanitary Engineering Research Institute. Vod. I nan. tokh. no.9.1 35-36 S 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Water-Purification) AID P - 4244 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 2/33 Authors : Vernikil A. B., Laureate of the Stalin Prize, Engineer, and F. a,--=aY-,_,Engineer Title : Separate drive for leading wheels of bridge craneB of great lifting capacity. Periodical : Vest. mash., #1, P. 7-12, Ja.1956 Abstract : The construction of the undercarriage of large bridge cranes Is outlined and especially the construction of separate drive installations for leading wheels is presented. Diagrams, photos. Institution : None Submitted : No date I VIUJI, A.B., laureat Stalinskoy prsall. inxhaner; SmOT, F.S. -!rl Separate drives for the ranning whesIG of large load cwpacity bridge cranes. Vest.wash. 36 no.1:7-12 Ja 156. (KWA (0) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) ZOTOV, F.Ya. '74~ - ,�~, Recollections about V.K.TSeraskii. Ist,-astr.les' '55. (MLRk 9:12) Meraskii, Vitolld Irarlovich, 1849-1925) ZOTOV, G,, kand,ekonom.nauk Structural changes in the organizational trade Vorms in capitalist countries. Soy. torg. 36 no.1~00-54 S 163., (KIRA 16:10) 4 - -ZMV, G. Answer to the parlodlial OBusiness week*. Sov. torg. 31 no.12:42-43 D '59. WIRA 13:2) (United States-Irmtallment contracts) MENIZHINSKITI To.; Z,OTO,T.,-q~!---. Bidding in international trade. Vneah. tsrr. 28 no.9:28-33 158, (HIRA 11t10) (Public contracts) - ~i . I)11 1 '-f-TCU ZOTIOV, G.; ADADUROV, Yu.; C11MRROT, 1. Now Ideas In f Ire tank denigns. Posh.dolo 3 no..5:5;-6 Rr 157. (HiMA 10: 7) Mrs extinotion-Vater supply) 1. ZMIRITTOV, V., ZOTOV, G., Engo. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Lumber 7. Expand the production of glued parts. Za ekon trat. lit), 1 1952. 9. Lion 1 'origresi3, AprJ1 III List of Russian Accessions, Library or C -1953, Uncl. 0,0 o L I so 06 I 0 4 ji 00 8 o 0-0 0 u a Soo I-A-"-Jok 4. 011;.1,10 D1*189 G., '41NAW W16, NO a* 43, oycitti; ;;0(14 voidl by 1%~IZ 14 air bk%bt6-% (%'f, Wflutfu .4 ", Mutt,) kveA itwbad undwr difft-crist frit. a Asht imp"Ovell tilt ill Or dveills lwnq*It vw" mt 1w foovi ill the tlyving of lof - 11 i~ "falltmird Ill*$ f1w indowwr 4 411111111oler It thr h-l lfw K"Wrf t1w "'ifir "Irtmv olf Ow dy"I -0411 Tilt mrotoil In4y Ag"I all appl"llwill only ftw dyt nx sirrrv fikl"-c It V. My"ttim - 1,11tilf6c M)" tL "fall. - 20 gt 14noat -i I t*#Q 4 it ww u a AT 00 A a CP INIAL oft 0 0 000 * 0 000 00 00000 4 a A 4 4 i.4 'isi Ill two V111111 01111111t 04 04 3100 bole BMUD, Vasiliy Favlovien; ZOTOV, Georgiy Aleksand-rovich; SHAIAYEV, Stepan I. P., red.; MYAKUSHKO, V.P., re-d.izd-va; KARLGVA, G.L.j tekhn. red. [Potentials for increaning labor productivity; from, tlie work practice of the Olenino Lumbering Camp] ftemrvy rwita proizvoditellnosti truda; iz ol;yta raboty Olaninitkogo Ims- proml,hoza. Moskva, Gonlesbimdzdat, 1963. 77 p. ,VIRA 16:12) (Olonino (Kalinin Province) jroduktivity) 141~ - !111 1~i.' Hill- I Ili I IF11111:111111M IfIrlul 3 KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV. G.A. -., Calculations ok technical operating conditions of gan wells by the method of aradual changes of stationary atutes. Trudy 0 VNIIGAZ no.9sll2-130 '60. (MIRA 160) (Gas wells) ZOTOV, G, 'i,r"An; I'C)r Ira(]Lng fertllLzari nnel cholvicalij intq wn uArplano D'Alt. 8:1 no-7-.30,-39 Y]. 401- 1. Llvovskaya --ZOTOV.LG.A.; BEREZIN# V.P.; SHALAYEVI S.A.1 KESSET11, 1.7,1 POLYANTSEV, V.A., red. (Olenino Logging Camp] Olaninakii losopromkhom. KhImIti, TSentr. nauchno-Isol. in-t mekhaniaatali i mitarptilti lesnoi promyahl., 1962. 30 P. (141RA 16!:4) (Olenino region--Lumbering) ZOTOVS G.A.; TIJERKOVKIN, S.M. Using nonstationary hydrodynamic methods for Inventigating gas wells in the Oazll field. Gaz. delo. na.20-10 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-loolodovatellukiy insLitut prirodnogro gaza, BRAND2. Georgiy Georgiyevich (deceased]; KAMJR, Hoisey Venlyaminovich (deceased]; TAKUKIN, Hark LIvovich; RM4, A.I. p G#A., red.; PZYCH, M.N., red.; RWWV, A.A., red.; HOR014"OVA. Atle t red.izd-va-, UMMTSOVA, A.I., (English-Russian timber dictionary] Anglo-rusakii laeotekhni- cheskii slovar'. Izd.l. Koskva, Goslesbumiz&at, 1960. 414 p. (HIBA 14:4) (Lumbering-Dictionaries) - (Znglish language--Dictionarieo--Riinsian) KOROTAUV* Yu. P., XORCUMIN, H.T.0-14TRII.A.4--v ZWOV, N.V., KAKSIXOV, V.P., MUKMT. Te. I., VMVSI"SKIYo V.P. Nobile unit for thi complete luvestigation of pm walls* Gazoprome 5 no*0:8-13 1 '..160* (KIRA 13:6) (Gaaiplls) KOROT&YEV, Tu.F.; TMKOVKIV, S.K.; ZOTOV, G.A. .___ Testing gas wells without &as 108946, GSZ.PrOm. 5 no-7:1-~ 16D. 04M 13:7) (Gas wells) To CA-- I s Sul ova A I a V1 GOOK, A.A.; ZOTOV. G.A.; ROKHMNO, D.B.; GATSUVICH, V.A., red. (Profitable types of raftal Rnntabellnya tipy plotcm. [&mkvaj X-vo leanoi prowyahl. SSSR[19571 12 p. (KERA 11M) (Iumber-Tranoportation) m Ill III 1k 1 1R.11, H. ZOTOV. G.A.; ROKHLINKO, D.B. t-- ~ ~ - . ~.. I[Xreattsy logging camp of the Central ScientifEc Resparch Institute for Rechanization and Power Rngineering in Umbering) Krasteteldi lespromkhoz TsKIIIa. En.p.] H-vo lesnoi promyBbl. RSTBR, 1957. 67 P. (mm 11:11) (Iresttay-Lumbering) . 11 1 .." 11, .. ': I, I ~ I I ; I ZOTOV, G,,A,, Calculating the flow resistances of a well imperfect with respect to the degree of drilling in case of noalinear flow. Tmdy VNIIGAZ no.18/26t64-70 163. (MIRA 18:3) KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV, G.A. Concerning the sh-pe of the indicator curreB of a well compKsed of several producing horizons. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/26:97-104. 163. Investigating nonstationary gas flow in gas wellm. lbid.019-141 Using-gas-well pressure stabilization curves to deteimine reservoir parameters. Ibid.:161,,-172 (MIRA 18:3) ~;i -31~ d~Z~Ijlil hlI! HIIF~ li~ ffl,:.+H MINSM, Ye.M.; KOWTAYEV, Tu.P.; ZOTDV, G.A. Approximate solution of a problem concorning tho 17tead.7--fftate flOV of real gases. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/263105-113 163. (MIRA 1813) KOROTAYEV, Yv.P.,-__.ZOTOvI G.A.; ABIMMOVA, Ye.S. Practical method and examples of the analysia o.r the pre-vure build-up cums in gas vell!j. Trudy, VIII.TGAZ no.18/26-IIJ12-163 163. (MIRA 18:3) ZOTOV, G.A.; KOWTAYEV, YU-F.; VOGHUYEV~, Ye.A. Determining the ponitioll OC the 2onfiri of tund tectollic scrooning from tho proonuro build-up ,:ur-vwj in gazs wall.s. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/26:173-182 163. (MIRA 18:3) zol OTO G*Af The RMS-2 electric bruah-cutting machine, Rid, tekb.,-akon. inform, no,'1:58-59 157. (RIU WO (Lusibering-Rachinowy) MIXIM, Ye.14.; KOROTAYKV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV, G.A. Nih Determining the parameters of a layer from curves of the -in~ creasing pressure in pan wells. Gaz.pron, 4 no-5:4-7 -vq 159. OiIlLk 12 3 7) (Gas wells) t 111 11 .11 PORTHOV, I.G.; ZMOV,G.A. Consecutive performance of gas ejectors at steady above critical point rates. TripI7 VNIIGAZ n0-5:267-284 '59. (KM 12:9) (Gas flow) -- -ZOTOV, G.A., ROKELINKOg D.B.#* RANTSEV, A.A., red. [Krestets logging camp of the Central Scientific flosearcib Institute for Mechanization and Power Nngineari in the Yoreat IL'dustry3 Kreetetskit lespromkhoz T9NIIME,. [ M-ro leexioi prom7shl. HSPSR, 1957. 20 p. (Kraistate-IAWbering) (HERA 11-11) tARY8MITKOVq A. T.; ZOICN, Cj A, Kresttsy District - Lumboring Year of work of the Kresttsy Lumber Ca-mp. Los. prom. 11 No. 7, 1951. 9. Mcnthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Dacember 1952 AW Uncl. BMZIN, V.P., inahaner;,ZCTOT. G.A., inshener. .... Ekparience of the most efficient lumber camps. IkaIchtmd*rab, 7 uo,7-* 5-10 Jl '53. (Huk 6: 7 ) (14imber camps) BARYSHNIXCV, A. 1. - ZOTCIjl -G. A. Luribaring - Krcsttsy lw;bcj- ceit;p. Year of work in the Kresttv Imber canp. Les. prom. 11 no. 7, lc~)I. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decomber 19!i2"M. (Tdclassified. Ell- NRs AP6001OW I All SOOEME; GMEI j ; THOR: Zo Lov, G. A. A ~ORG: none TIT1,6: D~sviue for indicatiii,,~ tho 1-11dI)Ium -a ~,;ravimuLxiu paildulum instgumneilt4 asj i12) NO. 176,435 O&O,URCF,-. B-fulleten' izobrptnniy I Lovirrtyllh "wr0rov, no. "P2, 1196!;1 66, TOPIC TkGSt gravimeter, per-dulum ABSTF=T, Viis Author Certilicate [7.resuits a dovice for indii~,Iting t,mi perdulum pb&se, of - gravimetric pendiduri Im"(1113. N) ilwraa,-a.Ei WIV: accuracy c," i.,waaurement, oy Wie dlffrmati(:~ri. 9LI-e rigIdly viount(id in tlic, instrument at thO ICIfIll' Q-Rd3 Of 0,110 )MVIdIIIIADW, LI) VJI(17ir lane of' osciiiation. SUB CODE;% 08/ SUBM TIT-Et ItiMovy5> MELPVED, G.I.; TSVEETKOV, V.D.; D*,,j*; retsenzent; LIVSHITS, Sh.ya., inzh.~ red. Nachine-tool units) Agrogatrqe staml-ci. Mc)--kvn, lzd-vc "I-lashinostroenie.," 1964. 422 p. (MIRA :~7: 5) I A 11 11 -1.111, It I IN- 111-1141 EYLENTUKHp A.M., inzh.; ~~qV_,_GM,,, inzh. Choice of the parametera of an electric network for connecting electric motors. Vest. aviazi 22 no.12W D 062. (MRA 16d) (Electric driving) POLYANIN, D.V.; -W jDV,-G,X,GRYAZNOV, E.A.; MENZHINSK3-Y, Ye.A.; RUBININ, A.Ye.; CHEBOTAREVA, Ye.D,; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; 01;IJIFEVAO SIH,LEV, V.V.; STULOV, A.A.; Fr)UM"WXY, AJ1,j ORR' Y 'f. )KIC, , V.A. IVANOV, A.S., NALOROV, V.B.; FINOGENOV, Y.P.; KURITVIRW, V.G,; KHRAMTSOV I B.A.; BATYGIN, K.S.; BOGDANOV., O.S.; KRQ1'OV, O.K.; GONCHAROV, MT.; KRMTOVp B.D.; LYUM-KIY, M.S., SOU)LINIKOV, G.O.; KAMENSKIY, N.N.; YASHCHENKO, G.I.; SAMUNIKOT, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA,I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; STEPANOV, G.P.; 90M)DATEWSKIY, A.D.; INGATUSHCHENKO, S.K.; VARTUMYAN, E.L.; RAFELINSKIY, Yu.N., red.; MAYOROV, B.V., red.; NABOROV, V,B,, red, SOMPNO, R.G,, red.; D-ROZDOV, A.G., red.~ F45HOHINA, L- SOOLOVIYEVA, G.. mladshiy--red.; CHEPEUVA, 0., teklin. red, (The economy of capitalist countries in 1961-. economically de- veloped countries]Ekonomika kapitalisticheskikh stran v 1961 godu; ekonomicheski razvitye strany. Pad red. I(J.N.Kapelinskogo. ?4oskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Economic history) German Mikhayloviqh; DORISOVA K., red,,* DARONTAR Hop iilad- slay red.;-KO(WiA, N.; tekhn. red, (Retail trade in the United States] Roznialmaia torgoi,li.a v SShA. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-elcon. lit-ry 1961. 14 P41 64DU 1512) (United States-Astail trade) A 1:1.1iii Ii !'!WV~ ZOTOV9 G.M., inzb. Automatic stop mechanisms for high.-speed knitting machInery. Tekst.prome 21 no63:60-62 Mr 161. OMIA 14:3) (Knitting machines) KAPELII-ISKIY. Yu.N.; POLYAIIIII D V.- ZOTOV G.M.; IYANOV, I.D.; SERGEYW, YU.A.; ISITZHIII~KIY, ie.;,; " warox. A.1(.; IVANOV, A.S.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; ZAKWATOV, M.I.; SOMEKIN, R.G.; DWIENIKIN, V.N.; BOGDAITOY, O.S.; SIMOVA, L.V.; GONOWOV, A.N.; LTOSKIY, M.S.; PUCHIK, Ye.P. [deceased]; KAW,'IISKIY, II.N.; SOWNIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.-, KARAYAYEV, A.P.; KARPOV, L.N.; VARTTIIYUi, E.L,; SHIPOV, Tu.P.; ROGOV, V.T.; BOGDANOV, I.I.; VL,WIMIRSY.IY, L.A.; LEBEDET, II.I.; AIM' "R , F.G.; TRINICH, P.A.; GOLOVIII, Yu.M.; MATYIJKIIIN, I.S.; '731.17TILIMULY-IMOV, A.M.; SHILIDFJITJT, V.A.; Al,~,KSFl'fZV, A.?.; BORISENKO, A.P.; CHURAKOV, V.P.; SHASTITKO, V.M.; G&RUS, V.G.; ORLOV, N.V., red.; KAPELIIISKIY, Yu.N., red.; GORYUHOV, V.P., red. V redaktirovanii prinimali uchastiye: BKLOSHAPKIII, D.K., red.; 0ORGIT.&W, Ye.B.. red.; KOSAREV, Ye..A., red.; FANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.H., red.; SHKARENKOV, Yu.S., red.; MAKAROV, V., red.; BORISOVA, K., red.; GIOUTIL97-A, 0., [The economy of capitalistic countries in 19581 Hkonomika kapitn- listichaskik-h stran v 1958 godu. Pad red. 11.1t.Orlova, IU.N.Kopa- linakogo, V.P.Goriunovn. Moolcvn, Izd-vo cotalallno-okon.lit-ry, 1959. 609 p. (MIR-A 12:12) 1. Moscow. Niiichno-issledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy inatitut. (Economic conditions) ZOTOV, G,.N., aspirant Adoption of a syatem of preferable figures for hkka wMication of industrially produced buildings in lumbering Industry enterprises. Sbor.trud. LIMIT no.181:78-106 162. (MMA 16s9) ZOTOV, G.H. Appl7ing preferred numbers in promoting module dinensiona in building. Standartizataiia 24 no.2:6-10 F '60. (HIU 132-5) (Modular coordination (Architecture)) 137-58-6-11641 rranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 59 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotov G V TITLE: On the Question of Eliminating Continuous Washing of the Col- lector Electrodes of fllast-furiiace Shop Gas Cleaning Electri- cal Precipitators (K voprosti ob otkaze ot postoyannoy pro- myvki osaditel'nykh clektrodov elektrofil'trov gazoochistok domennykh tsckhov) PERIODICAL: Sb. statcy. Gos. in-t tipovogo proyektir. i tekhn. issled., 1957, Vol 3, pp 38-55 ABSTRACT: The use of electrostatic precipitators (E) for the fine clean- ing of blast furnace gas is a generally recognized procedure. Currently, the plants of the ferrous metalfj industry employ tubular E consisting of a system of tubes of 230-300 mm diameter, 3500-4500 mm long. The E are built for a gas cap- acity of 75- IZO,000 m3lhr, with 300 or move collector elec- trodes, and are designated, respectively, its types DM-300, DM-316, etc. In order to prevent the precipitation of blast- furnace flue dust on the surfaces of the electrodes, continuous Card 1/Z washing is performed. This requires a markedly larger 137-58-6-11641 On the Question of Eliminating (cont.) amount of technically pure water than would otherwise be the case in the counterflow gas-clear-ing cycle and large expenses for construction and oper- ation. Thus, for example, the water consumption at a metallurgical plant with two or three blast furnaces of 1033 m3 capacity is 300-450 m3/hr. At the Kosaya Gora Metallurgical Plant, a test was run in the operation of DM-300 E with periodic washing of the precipitating electrodes once or twice per shift. It was established that the dust content of blaist-furnace gas pass- ing through E operating without continual washing was lower than with con- tinual washing. This measure permits reduction of the water consumption of a gas-cleaning installation by 207o on the aver,.ge. B.S. 1. Blast furnaces--Equipment 2. Electrodes-44aintenance Card Z/Z YAMPOLISKIY, T.S.; ZOTOVJ G.V. [catalog and handbook on cooling towern] Natalog-opmvAdk PO gradirniam. Maskya, 1962. 109 p. MR& JW) 1. Proscow. Gosudarstyennyy Institut tipovogo i okoperisientallnogo proyektirovaniya i tekhnicheskikh Issledovaniy. 2. Reel*-Ifuik otdela promyshlennykh vodoprovodnykh soorusheniy'Goeudarstymmogo instituta tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo proyektirotaniva i tekhnicheakikh i8sledovanly (for Tmapol'skly), 3o Met provquh- lennykh vodoprovodnykh sooruzheniy GosudArstvennogo inatituta. tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo proyektirovaniya I. tekhnicheakikh isoledovaniy (for Zotov). (Cooling towers) 4 1 4 4 00 m 1 tl 1 4 Y-,A 4 . - A ... L. , 0 0 Elecbwyue distermicatku of ukkal vitbout the use of ptatinum clatttedes. L. 1. Nyouskil and O~ V. Ztjtov.. - T 'lln-s(In Fir"Ch o4 CA*m. it?. S. S. R.) 10, I 1. Appit 00 comparabk to thrAw Onsined witli Ilt elcictmdrs eon tic obtaftw4 with a M cmillirmk atul F- anode. Elcwu 1.11(emma. A. A. IWK,icnlr f moo O 00 0 00 j 00, 00 00 too 40 2 rot so 00 too 00 "00 tit 0 00 3 Woo 90 - - - --- - - I I' I ' got V l rl ii Al fl As I - it it K It ft it COO m 94 so**** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 :1 0 0 0: 4 a 0 q 4p a 0 - 0 0 .0 0 it 0 * i I 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 of 000 0 0 0 v *; 0 0 0 0 60 10 4 0 41 v it * 0 * * 11 Ilia 111INA A.A' x. O*A 00 ........... . r, J- 00A npdw dpomkof cdom 49 kmvftt;~4 to drang am Alopch"OsOMA. Min. M *0 V No. zm&. 1041, 11, M. 4e. 09 C. A. SO, MOC-49W-99"ffiP 034 1p Sip then thow c"C6. Me; " 6* fiet O"'it t. 006 1. We gamp U.&M prbliall; wftb Toorre vakwo. TIM *04 film (1) k" kbffko wfth an In- hmimb. hik 1-. 6000 at ood dbrod- ad the Topm preasim !100 a( the mid. KOs Im The Pa"of Hquor mW their wArmt to 00, ood powe" Z' cmkid" that t" Ormllwa Of It Ilm 00,411 c" be dmossed VMUY bY Ibt 4Ma- Of KCIMwh. No 11300 004 baths =4 by Im"m cifyieg. jAapcW *bdka 0 goo 0011 & I= 41 Ll 00 A milik"Il"All. LM#4&TM CLAWCOM goo. gl"684" Ila at INICIWJ 011 04V 049 - -&-T 1. *- Vrg it a tc v I -*1* 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a * 0 44 0 0 41 :IlM 0 0 0 0 :10 0 Cis 0 0 .a: -so 7an 00 0410, A 41 0 0 00 4 0 411AA 4 441, 4i 0 a of 000 000004 0 a I! 1 19 1 T-1 0 ?1 11 I` o loto ~ __9 " I 1 ~ T' 7 ~ 16 I It. W- U CY CA. of all Ahm* is datjecoood (am the vat I k m d d wm . o n m fit dydas *kk gugin bkct, (1) *.*at# otwoo agaigm.11CI OAQ Watt O.oWl. chkwgte 0, - "k K ?CN) ' 1r Q . 41' It' ~ 00 m 00.11 (textik ~Z) onflim.tICI O CoW.AH W ON, . Fate 0.13 Usti. put I.; (ju) ( . at talk: goo O.OR' cItIonto OAS. lift ma 4 1 4 INGAICII ediortto pow"ta M14" IRCIt t I %( 1 Mr 1 so I : WAX 4 k W A . , 1:0.07, 1:0,22, thkamccow t:0 Om 00 I ; . . ) It =to all a otad it vocutrumur. it PC, %W 4 jk4 d1VI d b k il I =h 0 W"W t f n= e 0 y y r to the moofto ChAmber It It tft"dQmt4 Val ...... ............. .. . .... Few. W4, (blo- lict tile tcom. ts the JIM. (CM., aw4 0* lieved of acAURY of tile let. It Im"Iel OMMAIT tit 01-M. UvSm the AM #Mh NU., If tht tettLit 6 tvA Vqwvwd L AWYAMIKKAL U, MIAMI! "469 Cleo U00 tie -us -A v 0 ?o to 9 a K it 4 K it 'it I it Ao it it, .T-,! **q1*o#e* see 0 049 0 40 4 4 40 0000 001*0 00 10 0 0 0 41 16 10 4,0 .0 0 a ft 0 a a NJ L if! dk; dh a ft sea *0 a id ,31 4 MOR Otopoevill mote 4" bo ablabO4 to somaM" PH Wb cow vktivers" by the bdk4k woMad wicbmt 4 tiao. bl wakC a bafteaudado*. al tboOwm&. A. A. 10mkiwoy At*-It& ACTAL&WOCCAL WHOM CLASS04COMW 0 41 toot 000 0-00410000000 age see goo do* goo NOS j*$ 1000 NO* )I# -lV4, S~kru*vw AM G. V. 261-MU).-The I= too at the d"4 wd "cow it &tws of lf,[Fv(CN),j and of &U three If of H Ftt(CN).] are of the wm order cK augmitude a4 In tAxtof HA. Thme-, N)s) are. mqti"IY, I the third and Inurth H of HrFe(C, lOr4 and 5 X 104. . T. of 00 46 -00 VA I 0A 4"am OW Ogo all 4 000 gum- 90,3 too sow of goo ,'Do jr 4*0 IWO tloo 000 A M '.it k~OCAA W16KIL&I fkoLWPKAITK,* EO u 0 $1 gr 19 It It a 48 01, #e a it gr **-(A *Golfo 0,00 0 410 G, 0 41 0 it 4 40i 0 0 o[0 40 0 0 0 41 10A 0 4, 0.0 0 0 0 0.40 0 -0 A a ejq~ *_* o 0 Of 4poo OMIO Olei 0 G Sl 0 0 0, 0 0,04, "IlReal 0 0 0 0 0:41 4D 0 U4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 +tnl goo dwo aso Wo moo ib, 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 o 0 so All 0019 00 Oew tau& "me Aff).1" i. - 1. L by FrawkN*- R. T.~ 00 300 1200 coo as* or* 0 SLA "TUL &L L$Tft&IWI CLAUWKATION JILL-- $too. 1"GIA A . u 1, A. 04 -- 0 - - - - *6000*000*460O.M.M. t.? PM A 1 0 nd 0 If 4 1 V 10 0 A 4 5 0*0000*0#000 p *see Wo:*90 a 00 a : woo ISO* Ti A &-f-& 0 .4 A A LaMnA4-1. -0-1 .. i; _ ~1, - - ~,- - too; 4- --- ---- ............. 10 "0 0 09 00 004 004 .00 00 43 DOKULSOM Off 1111101141 WAIL"ll Filwdsum sw*964. __*O 0011 G. V. YA (A PeoiAhed Kltimlii V- -4111di'd ZOO 00 a I.- fwxrie.1 out with &,Ni irstAKA, wout mi tonstiff. (4)"Iyor Iform i1sadw) ~V 0 f Pot, I Miex. (tt file N4)11 logs.. ~Wji illing ;0 0 it", I "at of ti gorm. ti( crysiftillort L".4 V, a 43 Rinp. ofm.' 1 13 - 15 Ism -N. A. -60 0 'log -00 YALLIPPOICAt L1jjp4jWj t4a L.00 NIW- ;0 1100 Tb u N AV 00 Ali 1 4, it, V goo 0 *00006 0 0 so 0 a 0 00000000000000000001 al 00 ~ a 1 0 0000 Goo 00 00 61 00 so A of A so 00 '3 00 00 00 At r A -ILL. 1 ,00 .40 CAWY09 osid,ttion In dYeing milb anilint bja4ic, it, v. k1s."v Atill 0, V. Insov. J. AP14ird Ofol. 4l-. .4, " rtch'.h. 1144)(11939), 11,114. f1pil 12, 11411 HT41 1411,11 vm, 4 Usshiloof atill Olvillft I libit M' 11,411o; I ... 141111,11. jib Ille l'ol"It'l 11 i id h l b d 0 .11, t q rem uctl e e4lm y the ytt ibolaw, 114,tit cc it-lie still-likv of till v(f oxi. .1 A* .I'll, ort of the aflilitle hv lit, 'llkwate i~ m iii.I 1 the frvilt4.4 CaIrwritler (C. A. 28, WGW). A~ it. It. J oe# lit Is.* .At losaw bit L do' is 0 A 03 0 W to fir W IT 14 4 0 0 if few 0 40 * 0 0 000 ~1 see --Go 0 ot it Wo miolit a At 111 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 6 off 0*0 0,0! 00 *so es pt at- OW tul(flf Out '4 Ic d t 4 . t w" 11 nq . 10 th 4 k u It * m . e wv qu Mw .2 tim bmn efth' Mat - =36 so f "d,(%wOqft It Is ddwA W ibo I&M Ot MA" WOMS. I I l m tvp*e- t "a . "Ot"t No R Af %ft w m e Oe I . , qq j Atccx) + X III Iffum NA4 WtI44 44 to txn, - I VZOM K *9 4 - . t k = W 0 mr It I encle. O OX141. Is 9CA04 "% T ft $0 Oft cemp". qd the $w4wth W Ity. =Y'& o( ml of #tktim: Met &WAacams Intl their 00 11V pliwa I with a t 111411mamol lattifu (e ooq3mpwkd by an Itictma 1M. +If k 4 d W 1K Imt the luo"KOM fmt*W -*,M W 4watwitt c 44, 1 Wylk pmma idd I the ig"Al. t f11 f 111 )VMJ Of % AM tP h f 11181r WM 9 1 h O ? CVMWk di OW 1t , 1O M VM add ftTm COUP* by WSW c4m Im aakd. I" a MAIWO to (tat r4atism so tw4wr idoctn*jrtem. "-ft, 401W d11Vd "1. 0 the C011,0140% givin, bY (14"1*41 N , Now (C.A. 0, NNI), $614tiUStKA1, Lff1f*4jkdf -N ;;, ! f r go 0 coo ar* 111, Ob a 0 so 0 0 '0 sea gas as We 100 Not: 0 0 *,*is 0 a a, a 6 al IF V T f, 'T m If, It H! RJU I P 1, t~l X rl 004 7777~~ WIN 000 4f v N "itt - V. ,t, w Avy - ) 4. IV, o-- (-jw;j. It. AlAc WAIAL! $1111 to % U m,,oUimA9dQHl I umollftlullifelwo mx,co, I~? "Atts. doll (Cw" 10% to Igo OW ,1,014 ~4 1 - . -Ith M."d - M, "A With top lok' t* 0It LUC the joa for O(ajam in mitt. "Wh Cd seal I the abo" am 0.70LJ) AD twi if' uton It A - o,lvk 1, see Zt, W" Or 4)WOAg 14 Amt eqwktwa 4 CA c4 06, Aml. Ill og;m wA tW $mtw IN , . (fit - in Lt. H* MOOE4 b e 'S tin** Go I It - t 1 0 ow- 'a twas ON KUM Iff May no,. It Ow ~V- Lou WAN f4 41 10 is 0o It ":q Ilk -4- z- I a. V. MAI G Cam. (it, a. S' 10-14, a4-0 Ad rtA'--I'W;dw to 0041 c ;md 'd and faff aids JU110 to 4 009 4, 1 0 at. wombside A cickht Cho, .. .;.64 VACIA, Ibil 1tkV=tfX di0*06 01 ""d was 01 by pixtowme* utmkn (it the K imsit,& wittk Kct 1w via i0 Ok comma"ift W 114M dtvtrgdt 10w212 a twt"I" in Oto tim juboww". Aitimmightlin 1"Wom ad thafing two III d Iuq(t:N)%qk%m It Ovicit tin =tWOVII atio 41w I X *w""O"""4096 0041 - ==11.. W. - 0 X I *60" emam"far ipmut drwe 4., to tbat evre the kvt If it Oamd, coempusWY to t got fel. *114 lberdom MIS abs"Amat wases is Go 044c" (4 dbwxtl. to diot cbm of struft ~tw.'. G, m KowetwAl 0OW 041 Mee see, two swararw 71119113 1 AN I rap It It it 0 if I I I I I mum I ml I I 10 1 all ZOTOV, I.; WfLMV, V. ~ii~ Z~j Posters are alferm of concrete propaganda of loading work methods#, Botas trud. no* ~:122-126 Ag 158. (MIRA IL9) 1,Sekratarl partkom motallozavoda Momkovskogo oblastnogo sovnar- khoza (for Zotov). Z.Hachallnik Wela truda. i zarabatuay platy, metallozavoda Moskbvskogo oblastnogo movnarkha-ma (for Komarov). (Hoscow Province--Metal industries) (Posters) MI"LEMAN, M*Mp mayor meditsiwkoy,.sluzhby; ZAVRA2JIIM,,'J4,K.0,AVdpol- ko~ maditisinakoy sluzhbyl KNYAZEV, 13.V.i podpilAkoymut.- madi- tsinskoy sluzhby; KOBYAKOV, N.I.,p podpolkorhik meditislaskoy sluzhby; DOKUGHAYEV, G.M.p podklkovnik meditsirgikoy~-o:L-azhby; PLETNEVp N.N.p polkoynik meditijinakoy sluzhbyl KlIaROSIll'.11EV, 'V.D.p po4olkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby; GORBACHIK, 'fe,#D., p*dpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; DRUKER,, Yu.S.1 HAZARM.T.M.; Ka4CGOROV,, P.F,p polkovnik meditainakoy oluzhbyl KLIMNRCYj ik.Y.p pedpolkornik maditainskoy i;luzhby; RYAKHMKIYp 1,,Yeo'p podpol)tovnik naditsinakay sluzhby; IVANIK07ICH, F.A.; GUBIN, S.V.; kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby; ZOTOV,-,,I,G Icapitan meditsinskoy aluzhljy; LEONOVA, Te.l.; BUNTM,KIYP' P, mayor meditsinakoy sluzhbyl GBRASIMUTO A,N,p podpolkovnik meditsinskoy oluzhby; GURIYEVp 1,A*j kapitan medl- tsinBkoy sluzhby; KOLDOBSKIY, S-.Z., mayor meditsinskay filuzhby Abstraots. Voen. med. zhur. no.10:74-79 0 165. ()CERA 18tU) I LIGINV p T a I - y ~ n2 h. .1--.,- 11 1 .. I . . repair Ao t-119 111(3st important gar,i -- I 5111t, eistr. ;-,, -t jell t or , -L,,atior, of equipmOilit - . n the machinery i.ndtifiLryo VeBt- ma ~101.,Xcfj for libor saving I (MrItA iS:6) I I: nc,.C:76-77 i4y 165. to JOrl'-flicillollcY IP i sv-J.av.. 1") no.'I-,41 ~.Yljblin:~,IviyFi ~,Jsl,"nt-qAya doroj~!.. ZOTOVI I.M., inzh. Restoration of the brake beams of 40-U car decelerators. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 8 no.5:41 ~~ 164. (MIRA 1700) 1. Lyublinskaya distantsiya Mosko-vskoy dorogi. ZOTOV, Use of SP*9 apparatus for operation in high frequency channels. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no.3:36-37 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Railroads--Signaling) (Railroads--Electronic equipment) ZOTOV, Spring-type catch in the SP-1 electric drive. A7tom,, tolem. i oviaz' 8 no.6:38 Je 164. (IIIRA ir/t6) 1. Lyublinakaya distantsiya Mookovskoy dorogi. -AP6009823 WDEf Wmxta), INVENTOR, Klinov, Zocov, 11, ORG: none Ta!~ ten SOURCE: lio:rre iy&,~- promys ennyyq 0 rlttuf-t 7~ -J TOPIC chemical decomposition, fluorite hydrofluorft :11.-: ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate. introduces a matthod of pmparation, of hyclr~3f- acid by decompoaftion of fluorit.a. Am increasind recovery tai achiliviad brf. deidmv fluorite conceatrate with orthophnsphorLc acid at 250C. SU3 CODE: 07/ SUBM DATIEt i4garW AM PKEM e-AA#2,,, .1 11,. T H "all: ! - I . . *;I I. . i a . i I .i I i k L.I.; ZOTOV,, B.K. New method for the wiring of tha secondary comautation wires on panels* Promeenerg* 14 noo5e4O-42 MY 161. (KEBA 3.4 PO ('Ta.Octric apWatus amd appliai -~PTW,.Boriz..Sergeyevich; LETNEV, D.Ya., red. [Thermal-power plants) Teplosilovye ustanovki. 11-jo- skvap Kolos. Pt.2. 1964. 351 p. (MIRA 17-12) ZOTOV, Boris Sergeyevich; WIN, Nikolay Rikhaylovich; SIMTT, L.P.. ..F rVaktor; XOGAN, F.L., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Alectric equipmeit of automobiles and tractorol Alektrooborudovanis avtonobilei i traktorov, Kookva, Hauchno-takhn. ~xd-vo &Ytotranspj lit-ry, 1956, 254 p, (lam 9; 10) (Automobiles--glectric equipment) (Tractors--Electric equipment) ZOTOT, A P.$_,polkovnik med.slushby; SHWIOVA, S.V., polkovnik med.sluzhby Analysis of injuries and preventive measures; hoe-pital data. Tonn.- med.zhur. no-917-10 S t58. (MILk 12:12) (ACCIDErS, prey. & control in armed forces personnel (Bus)) (AMUM YORGNS MSOML, dis. acaid., prev. (Run)) GOYKOLOV. Ye.F.; KANTOROTIGH, I.G., inzho; PMOT, P.V.; RAYI"SZSS, A.Ta.*, OMWOV, Aj, , inzh.; MIA OV. V.1r.; 3111MMOV, I.A.; SWUM, Kh.H.; KZYKM, L.I., rotsenzent; KUDRYAVVSW, A.T., ratnen2ent; TICLYANIR, V redaktirovanii prinirwill uchastiy9:,,,,,gqTQ D.M.. &HIROKOVA, G.M., red.izd-va; WiN~OVA,; RUDAKOVA, N.I., (Handbook for builders of reinforced concreto industrInI chimeye and silos] Spravochinik atroitelin zhelazobetannyltil zavodskikh trub i allosov. Pod red. A.V.Chernovs. Hoskva, Oos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i strolt.materialam, 1959. 300 P. (HIRA 13:1) (silos) (Chimneys) SWIRO, G.A.,- ZOTUT, B.K. Are horizontal partiticnE betwocr4 power ccttvoi~ in :ct'olh fanw-,Ao necoGsw-11 Pr3m.e;a(:zg. ! 5 nc,.41.32 Ap 19 Filektromontanh -54., (Blocr,c-lo liaos-vudor6rounl) MMOWK270 Vopos Lnehol..~TW ,,]D*Kop,.Lrab* Wety of *qulpmwt-lnatklUnU pvre=nl wwqdr;o In oporutirtg slactrloal apteme Pra4arArge 20 no,,UQ51 D 01500 Owu %81P) ZO"IOV, BO'RTS SERGFY-VICTI 1,15 7h! .7 .Z8 FLEKTROODORUDOMMIYE AM.14OBILEY I TUKTOROV (FLE.M"RICAL FQUIF-*,,[IIIT OF AUTOMOBILRS AND TRACTORS, BY) B. S. ZGTOV I N. DI. IL111. MOSUA, AVTOTRANISIZDAT, 1956. 254 p. DIAGRS., TABLES. SOV/ 12,1-58-5-5900 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958,. Nr 5, p 137 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vol'vich, S.I., Zotov, B.Ye. TITLE: On a New Method for the Calculation of Continuous Beams (K raschetu nerazreznykh balok po novomu r-netaclu) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. soobshch. Saratovsk. avtomob.-dor. in-ta, 1957, Nr 7. pp 53-56 ABSTRACT: By using the known formulas the values of the load terms and the abscissae of the,center of gravity of the load curve nec- essary for the design calculation of continaous girders are worked out for particular cases of moment-of -inertia variation and for the simplest cases of beam loading. N.K. Snitko 1, f3eams--MathemaLical analysio 2. Girders--Mathematical analysio Card I/ I ZOTOV, B. Ye Zotov, B. Ye "Free Oscillations of Linearly Compressed Girders." Min HIgher Fducation U33R. Saratov Automobile and Road Inst imeni V. M. holotov. Saratov, 1955. (Disser- tation for the Degree of Candidate in Tec'!,Inical Sciences.) 50; Wzhnaya Letopiol,, No. 27, 2 July 1955 SOV/124-58-7-8102 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1968, Nr 7, p 113 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotov, B. Ye. TITLE:-____'_T_'he Calculation of Continuous Beams According to a Statically Determinate Hypothesis (The Method of Professor S. 1. Vollvich) [ Raschet nerazreznykh bplok po staticlicski opredelimoy skheme (Metod professora S, 1. Vol' vicha)] PERIODICAL: Sb. tekhn. inform. Saratovgiprogor sell stroy, 1957, iyun'' pp 8-13 ABSTRACT: The calculation of nonuniform continuous beams is accomplished with the use of "temporary fixed points", i. e. , of the projections onto the beam axis of the centers of gravity of the reduced moment distribution curves resulting from the action of the support moments due to a unit load. At these points ordinates are plotted which are inversely proportional to the magnitudes of the reduced areas; the location of all the permanent fixed points is then determined graph- ically. For the rest, the beam is calculated in the usurl way, i. e. with the aid of a basic system in the form of a multispan cantilever- Card 1/1 suspension-type system. N. K. Snitko 1. Beams- -Mechanical properties 2. Mathematics- -Applications I lilt, 1, 1 1 -1-M-LI, ~ . Z,OTOVp D. Make profitableness your goa.11 Mor. flot. 25 no. 121 10-12 D 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Zamstitell ministra Morskogo flota SSSR. . ZpTpj, , ~Ps- ~ - 1~1 I - Buoy mooring. Noreflot 17 no.1:23 Ja 157o (JaRA 1013-' (Anchorage) - I - - -- - --I --- -- ~;z ----I 1~ " -,/-- - SOTOV,D., inshener-sudovoditall -1-1417 - .1-1 ?~ Method of riding out a storm at sea by the structural churActeristice of the veasel. Mor.flot 15 no.9tll $155. (KWA 6: 11) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Arkhangellskw (Waylgation) (Ships) ZLYDL&R, W., inshener-, ZOTOVv 7, -!.. i" Stock scaffoldings for large block buildJag. Stroltel" 2 no.8*15 Ag 056. (XLU 902) (Scaffolding) ZCTOV D ,Z~~ Improve the level of fleet operations. Hor. I'lot 22 no,9:1-3 3 162* (HUA l5fW 1. Zamestitell ministra morskogo fjota SM. (Merchant marine) A.; EMBANOV, L.; ZOTOV, D.A., reds; VOLYANSMIYA, O.A., tekha,red, [Brief outline of the economic development of t1ae T-arkwn S.S.R03 Kratkii ocherk ekonomicheakogo rax7ittia Turkmmnskot SSR. Ashkbabod. Turkmenakoe goe*izd-vo, 1957, 193 p. (HIRA 110) (Turimeniatan-Ecoaomic conditions) BXRDYKLYCIMV, Nmrad Gapayevich; DCBROVOLISKIY, Yu.A., prof., red.; ZOTOV D.A.,,,, red.; TOLYANSKAYA, O.A.0 (Pablic health In the Turimen S.S.R.] Zdravookhxanenia Turkmenskal SSR. Pri uchastii I pod red. W.A.Dobrovol'skogo. Asbkhabad. Turkmenskoe gos. izd-vo, 1957, 247 P. . (MIRA 11:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk TSSR (for -lardyklychev) (TUMMOSTAN-PUBLIC HEALTH) VISMFOLISKUp S.Aop kartd. skon. um&; DAIEV, S.11.0 imillb. rAlWy sciob- shcheniya; BONDAIMUKO, V.S,.; RODUI Ys.D.j CHUVU-PV, V.Pq TURETSKIYj L.S.; SUPWOV, G.S.; SHAPIROVS1117,t D.B.; ODHIRMYSTER, A.M.; SINITSIN, M.T.; KOW31, N.D.; PETRTJCMKI V.A. (RUNIN, A.G.1 KOILSKIKOV, V.G.; MARTIROSOX..A ld ; -r-1 $ Wit.; BROTIClY, I.B. ecoased] ZMWICH,G.B.;.WZENlSR,G,,A*-r *01A M.TSEVIV.F kand takhn, natki UL 't ZAMAKHUVSKAYA~ A.G., kand. tekhn, nauk; VIA R]YO 1:1., Md. ekon. nauk; MITROWOV, V.F., kand. ekon. nauk; CHILIKIN, Ya.A.; BAYAYEV, V.G.0 doktor telchi. nauk, red. Prinima)Li u6alltiye: DZHAVAD, Yu.Kh., red.; GUBI-11-LOI, ILL.# kaMv ekon. rouk, red.; RYABCHIKOV, P.A., red.; YA'ILMISKIY, S.D., red.; IWRASIIEVSM, ALAN A.M., kand. teklm. nauk, red.; POLIUSHKIN V A - : 0,01..B DIN G.L. red.; rod.; RYZHMr, vle.j,"Pit- A red.; VULIFSON., M.S.# kand. ekon, nauk.. red.; U41TRIYEV, V.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; ALEKSANDROVv L,A., red.; UVRIOMA 4,41.B. p takhn. red. [Transportation in the U.S.S.Rq rmrine txansportatioul Transport SSSR; morskoi transport. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morvkol transport 0 1961. 759 p. (MRA 1'5:2) OlsrQhant marine) lz.()TO)I,D-M-- Operation of clarifiers developed by the All-Unioa Hydraijlia and Sanitary Engineering Research Institute. Vod. I nan. tokh. no.9.1 35-36 S 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Water-Purification) AID P - 4244 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 2/33 Authors : Vernikil A. B., Laureate of the Stalin Prize, Engineer, and F. a,--=aY-,_,Engineer Title : Separate drive for leading wheels of bridge craneB of great lifting capacity. Periodical : Vest. mash., #1, P. 7-12, Ja.1956 Abstract : The construction of the undercarriage of large bridge cranes Is outlined and especially the construction of separate drive installations for leading wheels is presented. Diagrams, photos. Institution : None Submitted : No date I VIUJI, A.B., laureat Stalinskoy prsall. inxhaner; SmOT, F.S. -!rl Separate drives for the ranning whesIG of large load cwpacity bridge cranes. Vest.wash. 36 no.1:7-12 Ja 156. (KWA (0) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) ZOTOV, F.Ya. '74~ - ,�~, Recollections about V.K.TSeraskii. Ist,-astr.les' '55. (MLRk 9:12) Meraskii, Vitolld Irarlovich, 1849-1925) ZOTOV, G,, kand,ekonom.nauk Structural changes in the organizational trade Vorms in capitalist countries. Soy. torg. 36 no.1~00-54 S 163., (KIRA 16:10) 4 - -ZMV, G. Answer to the parlodlial OBusiness week*. Sov. torg. 31 no.12:42-43 D '59. WIRA 13:2) (United States-Irmtallment contracts) MENIZHINSKITI To.; Z,OTO,T.,-q~!---. Bidding in international trade. Vneah. tsrr. 28 no.9:28-33 158, (HIRA 11t10) (Public contracts) - ~i . I)11 1 '-f-TCU ZOTIOV, G.; ADADUROV, Yu.; C11MRROT, 1. Now Ideas In f Ire tank denigns. Posh.dolo 3 no..5:5;-6 Rr 157. (HiMA 10: 7) Mrs extinotion-Vater supply) 1. ZMIRITTOV, V., ZOTOV, G., Engo. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Lumber 7. Expand the production of glued parts. Za ekon trat. lit), 1 1952. 9. Lion 1 'origresi3, AprJ1 III List of Russian Accessions, Library or C -1953, Uncl. 0,0 o L I so 06 I 0 4 ji 00 8 o 0-0 0 u a Soo I-A-"-Jok 4. 011;.1,10 D1*189 G., '41NAW W16, NO a* 43, oycitti; ;;0(14 voidl by 1%~IZ 14 air bk%bt6-% (%'f, Wflutfu .4 ", Mutt,) kveA itwbad undwr difft-crist frit. a Asht imp"Ovell tilt ill Or dveills lwnq*It vw" mt 1w foovi ill the tlyving of lof - 11 i~ "falltmird Ill*$ f1w indowwr 4 411111111oler It thr h-l lfw K"Wrf t1w "'ifir "Irtmv olf Ow dy"I -0411 Tilt mrotoil In4y Ag"I all appl"llwill only ftw dyt nx sirrrv fikl"-c It V. My"ttim - 1,11tilf6c M)" tL "fall. - 20 gt 14noat -i I t*#Q 4 it ww u a AT 00 A a CP INIAL oft 0 0 000 * 0 000 00 00000 4 a A 4 4 i.4 'isi Ill two V111111 01111111t 04 04 3100 bole BMUD, Vasiliy Favlovien; ZOTOV, Georgiy Aleksand-rovich; SHAIAYEV, Stepan I. P., red.; MYAKUSHKO, V.P., re-d.izd-va; KARLGVA, G.L.j tekhn. red. [Potentials for increaning labor productivity; from, tlie work practice of the Olenino Lumbering Camp] ftemrvy rwita proizvoditellnosti truda; iz ol;yta raboty Olaninitkogo Ims- proml,hoza. Moskva, Gonlesbimdzdat, 1963. 77 p. ,VIRA 16:12) (Olonino (Kalinin Province) jroduktivity) 141~ - !111 1~i.' Hill- I Ili I IF11111:111111M IfIrlul 3 KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV. G.A. -., Calculations ok technical operating conditions of gan wells by the method of aradual changes of stationary atutes. Trudy 0 VNIIGAZ no.9sll2-130 '60. (MIRA 160) (Gas wells) ZOTOV, G, 'i,r"An; I'C)r Ira(]Lng fertllLzari nnel cholvicalij intq wn uArplano D'Alt. 8:1 no-7-.30,-39 Y]. 401- 1. Llvovskaya --ZOTOV.LG.A.; BEREZIN# V.P.; SHALAYEVI S.A.1 KESSET11, 1.7,1 POLYANTSEV, V.A., red. (Olenino Logging Camp] Olaninakii losopromkhom. KhImIti, TSentr. nauchno-Isol. in-t mekhaniaatali i mitarptilti lesnoi promyahl., 1962. 30 P. (141RA 16!:4) (Olenino region--Lumbering) ZOTOVS G.A.; TIJERKOVKIN, S.M. Using nonstationary hydrodynamic methods for Inventigating gas wells in the Oazll field. Gaz. delo. na.20-10 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-loolodovatellukiy insLitut prirodnogro gaza, BRAND2. Georgiy Georgiyevich (deceased]; KAMJR, Hoisey Venlyaminovich (deceased]; TAKUKIN, Hark LIvovich; RM4, A.I. p G#A., red.; PZYCH, M.N., red.; RWWV, A.A., red.; HOR014"OVA. Atle t red.izd-va-, UMMTSOVA, A.I., (English-Russian timber dictionary] Anglo-rusakii laeotekhni- cheskii slovar'. Izd.l. Koskva, Goslesbumiz&at, 1960. 414 p. (HIBA 14:4) (Lumbering-Dictionaries) - (Znglish language--Dictionarieo--Riinsian) KOROTAUV* Yu. P., XORCUMIN, H.T.0-14TRII.A.4--v ZWOV, N.V., KAKSIXOV, V.P., MUKMT. Te. I., VMVSI"SKIYo V.P. Nobile unit for thi complete luvestigation of pm walls* Gazoprome 5 no*0:8-13 1 '..160* (KIRA 13:6) (Gaaiplls) KOROT&YEV, Tu.F.; TMKOVKIV, S.K.; ZOTOV, G.A. .___ Testing gas wells without &as 108946, GSZ.PrOm. 5 no-7:1-~ 16D. 04M 13:7) (Gas wells) To CA-- I s Sul ova A I a V1 GOOK, A.A.; ZOTOV. G.A.; ROKHMNO, D.B.; GATSUVICH, V.A., red. (Profitable types of raftal Rnntabellnya tipy plotcm. [&mkvaj X-vo leanoi prowyahl. SSSR[19571 12 p. (KERA 11M) (Iumber-Tranoportation) m Ill III 1k 1 1R.11, H. ZOTOV. G.A.; ROKHLINKO, D.B. t-- ~ ~ - . ~.. I[Xreattsy logging camp of the Central ScientifEc Resparch Institute for Rechanization and Power Rngineering in Umbering) Krasteteldi lespromkhoz TsKIIIa. En.p.] H-vo lesnoi promyBbl. RSTBR, 1957. 67 P. (mm 11:11) (Iresttay-Lumbering) . 11 1 .." 11, .. ': I, I ~ I I ; I ZOTOV, G,,A,, Calculating the flow resistances of a well imperfect with respect to the degree of drilling in case of noalinear flow. Tmdy VNIIGAZ no.18/26t64-70 163. (MIRA 18:3) KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV, G.A. Concerning the sh-pe of the indicator curreB of a well compKsed of several producing horizons. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/26:97-104. 163. Investigating nonstationary gas flow in gas wellm. lbid.019-141 Using-gas-well pressure stabilization curves to deteimine reservoir parameters. Ibid.:161,,-172 (MIRA 18:3) ~;i -31~ d~Z~Ijlil hlI! HIIF~ li~ ffl,:.+H MINSM, Ye.M.; KOWTAYEV, Tu.P.; ZOTDV, G.A. Approximate solution of a problem concorning tho 17tead.7--fftate flOV of real gases. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/263105-113 163. (MIRA 1813) KOROTAYEV, Yv.P.,-__.ZOTOvI G.A.; ABIMMOVA, Ye.S. Practical method and examples of the analysia o.r the pre-vure build-up cums in gas vell!j. Trudy, VIII.TGAZ no.18/26-IIJ12-163 163. (MIRA 18:3) ZOTOV, G.A.; KOWTAYEV, YU-F.; VOGHUYEV~, Ye.A. Determining the ponitioll OC the 2onfiri of tund tectollic scrooning from tho proonuro build-up ,:ur-vwj in gazs wall.s. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.18/26:173-182 163. (MIRA 18:3) zol OTO G*Af The RMS-2 electric bruah-cutting machine, Rid, tekb.,-akon. inform, no,'1:58-59 157. (RIU WO (Lusibering-Rachinowy) MIXIM, Ye.14.; KOROTAYKV, Yu.P.; ZOTOV, G.A. Nih Determining the parameters of a layer from curves of the -in~ creasing pressure in pan wells. Gaz.pron, 4 no-5:4-7 -vq 159. OiIlLk 12 3 7) (Gas wells) t 111 11 .11 PORTHOV, I.G.; ZMOV,G.A. Consecutive performance of gas ejectors at steady above critical point rates. TripI7 VNIIGAZ n0-5:267-284 '59. (KM 12:9) (Gas flow) -- -ZOTOV, G.A., ROKELINKOg D.B.#* RANTSEV, A.A., red. [Krestets logging camp of the Central Scientific flosearcib Institute for Mechanization and Power Nngineari in the Yoreat IL'dustry3 Kreetetskit lespromkhoz T9NIIME,. [ M-ro leexioi prom7shl. HSPSR, 1957. 20 p. (Kraistate-IAWbering) (HERA 11-11) tARY8MITKOVq A. T.; ZOICN, Cj A, Kresttsy District - Lumboring Year of work of the Kresttsy Lumber Ca-mp. Los. prom. 11 No. 7, 1951. 9. Mcnthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Dacember 1952 AW Uncl. BMZIN, V.P., inahaner;,ZCTOT. G.A., inshener. .... Ekparience of the most efficient lumber camps. IkaIchtmd*rab, 7 uo,7-* 5-10 Jl '53. (Huk 6: 7 ) (14imber camps) BARYSHNIXCV, A. 1. - ZOTCIjl -G. A. Luribaring - Krcsttsy lw;bcj- ceit;p. Year of work in the Kresttv Imber canp. Les. prom. 11 no. 7, lc~)I. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decomber 19!i2"M. (Tdclassified. Ell- NRs AP6001OW I All SOOEME; GMEI j ; THOR: Zo Lov, G. A. A ~ORG: none TIT1,6: D~sviue for indicatiii,,~ tho 1-11dI)Ium -a ~,;ravimuLxiu paildulum instgumneilt4 asj i12) NO. 176,435 O&O,URCF,-. B-fulleten' izobrptnniy I Lovirrtyllh "wr0rov, no. "P2, 1196!;1 66, TOPIC TkGSt gravimeter, per-dulum ABSTF=T, Viis Author Certilicate [7.resuits a dovice for indii~,Iting t,mi perdulum pb&se, of - gravimetric pendiduri Im"(1113. N) ilwraa,-a.Ei WIV: accuracy c," i.,waaurement, oy Wie dlffrmati(:~ri. 9LI-e rigIdly viount(id in tlic, instrument at thO ICIfIll' Q-Rd3 Of 0,110 )MVIdIIIIADW, LI) VJI(17ir lane of' osciiiation. SUB CODE;% 08/ SUBM TIT-Et ItiMovy5> MELPVED, G.I.; TSVEETKOV, V.D.; D*,,j*; retsenzent; LIVSHITS, Sh.ya., inzh.~ red. Nachine-tool units) Agrogatrqe staml-ci. Mc)--kvn, lzd-vc "I-lashinostroenie.," 1964. 422 p. (MIRA :~7: 5) I A 11 11 -1.111, It I IN- 111-1141 EYLENTUKHp A.M., inzh.; ~~qV_,_GM,,, inzh. Choice of the parametera of an electric network for connecting electric motors. Vest. aviazi 22 no.12W D 062. (MRA 16d) (Electric driving) POLYANIN, D.V.; -W jDV,-G,X,GRYAZNOV, E.A.; MENZHINSK3-Y, Ye.A.; RUBININ, A.Ye.; CHEBOTAREVA, Ye.D,; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; 01;IJIFEVAO SIH,LEV, V.V.; STULOV, A.A.; Fr)UM"WXY, AJ1,j ORR' Y 'f. )KIC, , V.A. IVANOV, A.S., NALOROV, V.B.; FINOGENOV, Y.P.; KURITVIRW, V.G,; KHRAMTSOV I B.A.; BATYGIN, K.S.; BOGDANOV., O.S.; KRQ1'OV, O.K.; GONCHAROV, MT.; KRMTOVp B.D.; LYUM-KIY, M.S., SOU)LINIKOV, G.O.; KAMENSKIY, N.N.; YASHCHENKO, G.I.; SAMUNIKOT, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA,I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; STEPANOV, G.P.; 90M)DATEWSKIY, A.D.; INGATUSHCHENKO, S.K.; VARTUMYAN, E.L.; RAFELINSKIY, Yu.N., red.; MAYOROV, B.V., red.; NABOROV, V,B,, red, SOMPNO, R.G,, red.; D-ROZDOV, A.G., red.~ F45HOHINA, L- SOOLOVIYEVA, G.. mladshiy--red.; CHEPEUVA, 0., teklin. red, (The economy of capitalist countries in 1961-. economically de- veloped countries]Ekonomika kapitalisticheskikh stran v 1961 godu; ekonomicheski razvitye strany. Pad red. I(J.N.Kapelinskogo. ?4oskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Economic history) German Mikhayloviqh; DORISOVA K., red,,* DARONTAR Hop iilad- slay red.;-KO(WiA, N.; tekhn. red, (Retail trade in the United States] Roznialmaia torgoi,li.a v SShA. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-elcon. lit-ry 1961. 14 P41 64DU 1512) (United States-Astail trade) A 1:1.1iii Ii !'!WV~ ZOTOV9 G.M., inzb. Automatic stop mechanisms for high.-speed knitting machInery. Tekst.prome 21 no63:60-62 Mr 161. OMIA 14:3) (Knitting machines) KAPELII-ISKIY. Yu.N.; POLYAIIIII D V.- ZOTOV G.M.; IYANOV, I.D.; SERGEYW, YU.A.; ISITZHIII~KIY, ie.;,; " warox. A.1(.; IVANOV, A.S.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; ZAKWATOV, M.I.; SOMEKIN, R.G.; DWIENIKIN, V.N.; BOGDAITOY, O.S.; SIMOVA, L.V.; GONOWOV, A.N.; LTOSKIY, M.S.; PUCHIK, Ye.P. [deceased]; KAW,'IISKIY, II.N.; SOWNIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA, I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.-, KARAYAYEV, A.P.; KARPOV, L.N.; VARTTIIYUi, E.L,; SHIPOV, Tu.P.; ROGOV, V.T.; BOGDANOV, I.I.; VL,WIMIRSY.IY, L.A.; LEBEDET, II.I.; AIM' "R , F.G.; TRINICH, P.A.; GOLOVIII, Yu.M.; MATYIJKIIIN, I.S.; '731.17TILIMULY-IMOV, A.M.; SHILIDFJITJT, V.A.; Al,~,KSFl'fZV, A.?.; BORISENKO, A.P.; CHURAKOV, V.P.; SHASTITKO, V.M.; G&RUS, V.G.; ORLOV, N.V., red.; KAPELIIISKIY, Yu.N., red.; GORYUHOV, V.P., red. V redaktirovanii prinimali uchastiye: BKLOSHAPKIII, D.K., red.; 0ORGIT.&W, Ye.B.. red.; KOSAREV, Ye..A., red.; FANKIN, M.S., red.; PICHUGIN, B.H., red.; SHKARENKOV, Yu.S., red.; MAKAROV, V., red.; BORISOVA, K., red.; GIOUTIL97-A, 0., [The economy of capitalistic countries in 19581 Hkonomika kapitn- listichaskik-h stran v 1958 godu. Pad red. 11.1t.Orlova, IU.N.Kopa- linakogo, V.P.Goriunovn. Moolcvn, Izd-vo cotalallno-okon.lit-ry, 1959. 609 p. (MIR-A 12:12) 1. Moscow. Niiichno-issledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy inatitut. (Economic conditions) ZOTOV, G,.N., aspirant Adoption of a syatem of preferable figures for hkka wMication of industrially produced buildings in lumbering Industry enterprises. Sbor.trud. LIMIT no.181:78-106 162. (MMA 16s9) ZOTOV, G.H. Appl7ing preferred numbers in promoting module dinensiona in building. Standartizataiia 24 no.2:6-10 F '60. (HIU 132-5) (Modular coordination (Architecture)) 137-58-6-11641 rranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 59 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zotov G V TITLE: On the Question of Eliminating Continuous Washing of the Col- lector Electrodes of fllast-furiiace Shop Gas Cleaning Electri- cal Precipitators (K voprosti ob otkaze ot postoyannoy pro- myvki osaditel'nykh clektrodov elektrofil'trov gazoochistok domennykh tsckhov) PERIODICAL: Sb. statcy. Gos. in-t tipovogo proyektir. i tekhn. issled., 1957, Vol 3, pp 38-55 ABSTRACT: The use of electrostatic precipitators (E) for the fine clean- ing of blast furnace gas is a generally recognized procedure. Currently, the plants of the ferrous metalfj industry employ tubular E consisting of a system of tubes of 230-300 mm diameter, 3500-4500 mm long. The E are built for a gas cap- acity of 75- IZO,000 m3lhr, with 300 or move collector elec- trodes, and are designated, respectively, its types DM-300, DM-316, etc. In order to prevent the precipitation of blast- furnace flue dust on the surfaces of the electrodes, continuous Card 1/Z washing is performed. This requires a markedly larger 137-58-6-11641 On the Question of Eliminating (cont.) amount of technically pure water than would otherwise be the case in the counterflow gas-clear-ing cycle and large expenses for construction and oper- ation. Thus, for example, the water consumption at a metallurgical plant with two or three blast furnaces of 1033 m3 capacity is 300-450 m3/hr. At the Kosaya Gora Metallurgical Plant, a test was run in the operation of DM-300 E with periodic washing of the precipitating electrodes once or twice per shift. It was established that the dust content of blaist-furnace gas pass- ing through E operating without continual washing was lower than with con- tinual washing. This measure permits reduction of the water consumption of a gas-cleaning installation by 207o on the aver,.ge. B.S. 1. Blast furnaces--Equipment 2. Electrodes-44aintenance Card Z/Z YAMPOLISKIY, T.S.; ZOTOVJ G.V. [catalog and handbook on cooling towern] Natalog-opmvAdk PO gradirniam. Maskya, 1962. 109 p. MR& JW) 1. Proscow. Gosudarstyennyy Institut tipovogo i okoperisientallnogo proyektirovaniya i tekhnicheskikh Issledovaniy. 2. Reel*-Ifuik otdela promyshlennykh vodoprovodnykh soorusheniy'Goeudarstymmogo instituta tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo proyektirotaniva i tekhnicheakikh i8sledovanly (for Tmapol'skly), 3o Met provquh- lennykh vodoprovodnykh sooruzheniy GosudArstvennogo inatituta. tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo proyektirovaniya I. tekhnicheakikh isoledovaniy (for Zotov). (Cooling towers) 4 1 4 4 00 m 1 tl 1 4 Y-,A 4 . - A ... L. , 0 0 Elecbwyue distermicatku of ukkal vitbout the use of ptatinum clatttedes. L. 1. Nyouskil and O~ V. Ztjtov.. - T 'lln-s(In Fir"Ch o4 CA*m. it?. S. S. R.) 10, I 1. Appit 00 comparabk to thrAw Onsined witli Ilt elcictmdrs eon tic obtaftw4 with a M cmillirmk atul F- anode. Elcwu 1.11(emma. A. A. IWK,icnlr f moo O 00 0 00 j 00, 00 00 too 40 2 rot so 00 too 00 "00 tit 0 00 3 Woo 90 - - - --- - - I I' I ' got V l rl ii Al fl As I - it it K It ft it COO m 94 so**** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 :1 0 0 0: 4 a 0 q 4p a 0 - 0 0 .0 0 it 0 * i I 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 of 000 0 0 0 v *; 0 0 0 0 60 10 4 0 41 v it * 0 * * 11 Ilia 111INA A.A' x. O*A 00 ........... . r, J- 00A npdw dpomkof cdom 49 kmvftt;~4 to drang am Alopch"OsOMA. Min. M *0 V No. zm&. 1041, 11, M. 4e. 09 C. A. SO, MOC-49W-99"ffiP 034 1p Sip then thow c"C6. Me; " 6* fiet O"'it t. 006 1. We gamp U.&M prbliall; wftb Toorre vakwo. TIM *04 film (1) k" kbffko wfth an In- hmimb. hik 1-. 6000 at ood dbrod- ad the Topm preasim !100 a( the mid. KOs Im The Pa"of Hquor mW their wArmt to 00, ood powe" Z' cmkid" that t" Ormllwa Of It Ilm 00,411 c" be dmossed VMUY bY Ibt 4Ma- Of KCIMwh. No 11300 004 baths =4 by Im"m cifyieg. jAapcW *bdka 0 goo 0011 & I= 41 Ll 00 A milik"Il"All. LM#4&TM CLAWCOM goo. gl"684" Ila at INICIWJ 011 04V 049 - -&-T 1. *- Vrg it a tc v I -*1* 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a * 0 44 0 0 41 :IlM 0 0 0 0 :10 0 Cis 0 0 .a: -so 7an 00 0410, A 41 0 0 00 4 0 411AA 4 441, 4i 0 a of 000 000004 0 a I! 1 19 1 T-1 0 ?1 11 I` o loto ~ __9 " I 1 ~ T' 7 ~ 16 I It. W- U CY CA. of all Ahm* is datjecoood (am the vat I k m d d wm . o n m fit dydas *kk gugin bkct, (1) *.*at# otwoo agaigm.11CI OAQ Watt O.oWl. chkwgte 0, - "k K ?CN) ' 1r Q . 41' It' ~ 00 m 00.11 (textik ~Z) onflim.tICI O CoW.AH W ON, . Fate 0.13 Usti. put I.; (ju) ( . at talk: goo O.OR' cItIonto OAS. lift ma 4 1 4 INGAICII ediortto pow"ta M14" IRCIt t I %( 1 Mr 1 so I : WAX 4 k W A . , 1:0.07, 1:0,22, thkamccow t:0 Om 00 I ; . . ) It =to all a otad it vocutrumur. it PC, %W 4 jk4 d1VI d b k il I =h 0 W"W t f n= e 0 y y r to the moofto ChAmber It It tft"dQmt4 Val ...... ............. .. . .... Few. W4, (blo- lict tile tcom. ts the JIM. (CM., aw4 0* lieved of acAURY of tile let. It Im"Iel OMMAIT tit 01-M. UvSm the AM #Mh NU., If tht tettLit 6 tvA Vqwvwd L AWYAMIKKAL U, MIAMI! "469 Cleo U00 tie -us -A v 0 ?o to 9 a K it 4 K it 'it I it Ao it it, .T-,! **q1*o#e* see 0 049 0 40 4 4 40 0000 001*0 00 10 0 0 0 41 16 10 4,0 .0 0 a ft 0 a a NJ L if! dk; dh a ft sea *0 a id ,31 4 MOR Otopoevill mote 4" bo ablabO4 to somaM" PH Wb cow vktivers" by the bdk4k woMad wicbmt 4 tiao. bl wakC a bafteaudado*. al tboOwm&. A. A. 10mkiwoy At*-It& ACTAL&WOCCAL WHOM CLASS04COMW 0 41 toot 000 0-00410000000 age see goo do* goo NOS j*$ 1000 NO* )I# -lV4, S~kru*vw AM G. V. 261-MU).-The I= too at the d"4 wd "cow it &tws of lf,[Fv(CN),j and of &U three If of H Ftt(CN).] are of the wm order cK augmitude a4 In tAxtof HA. Thme-, N)s) are. mqti"IY, I the third and Inurth H of HrFe(C, lOr4 and 5 X 104. . T. of 00 46 -00 VA I 0A 4"am OW Ogo all 4 000 gum- 90,3 too sow of goo ,'Do jr 4*0 IWO tloo 000 A M '.it k~OCAA W16KIL&I fkoLWPKAITK,* EO u 0 $1 gr 19 It It a 48 01, #e a it gr **-(A *Golfo 0,00 0 410 G, 0 41 0 it 4 40i 0 0 o[0 40 0 0 0 41 10A 0 4, 0.0 0 0 0 0.40 0 -0 A a ejq~ *_* o 0 Of 4poo OMIO Olei 0 G Sl 0 0 0, 0 0,04, "IlReal 0 0 0 0 0:41 4D 0 U4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 +tnl goo dwo aso Wo moo ib, 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 o 0 so All 0019 00 Oew tau& "me Aff).1" i. - 1. L by FrawkN*- R. T.~ 00 300 1200 coo as* or* 0 SLA "TUL &L L$Tft&IWI CLAUWKATION JILL-- $too. 1"GIA A . u 1, A. 04 -- 0 - - - - *6000*000*460O.M.M. t.? PM A 1 0 nd 0 If 4 1 V 10 0 A 4 5 0*0000*0#000 p *see Wo:*90 a 00 a : woo ISO* Ti A &-f-& 0 .4 A A LaMnA4-1. -0-1 .. i; _ ~1, - - ~,- - too; 4- --- ---- ............. 10 "0 0 09 00 004 004 .00 00 43 DOKULSOM Off 1111101141 WAIL"ll Filwdsum sw*964. __*O 0011 G. V. YA (A PeoiAhed Kltimlii V- -4111di'd ZOO 00 a I.- fwxrie.1 out with &,Ni irstAKA, wout mi tonstiff. (4)"Iyor Iform i1sadw) ~V 0 f Pot, I Miex. (tt file N4)11 logs.. ~Wji illing ;0 0 it", I "at of ti gorm. ti( crysiftillort L".4 V, a 43 Rinp. ofm.' 1 13 - 15 Ism -N. A. -60 0 'log -00 YALLIPPOICAt L1jjp4jWj t4a L.00 NIW- ;0 1100 Tb u N AV 00 Ali 1 4, it, V goo 0 *00006 0 0 so 0 a 0 00000000000000000001 al 00 ~ a 1 0 0000 Goo 00 00 61 00 so A of A so 00 '3 00 00 00 At r A -ILL. 1 ,00 .40 CAWY09 osid,ttion In dYeing milb anilint bja4ic, it, v. k1s."v Atill 0, V. Insov. J. AP14ird Ofol. 4l-. .4, " rtch'.h. 1144)(11939), 11,114. f1pil 12, 11411 HT41 1411,11 vm, 4 Usshiloof atill Olvillft I libit M' 11,411o; I ... 141111,11. jib Ille l'ol"It'l 11 i id h l b d 0 .11, t q rem uctl e e4lm y the ytt ibolaw, 114,tit cc it-lie still-likv of till v(f oxi. .1 A* .I'll, ort of the aflilitle hv lit, 'llkwate i~ m iii.I 1 the frvilt4.4 CaIrwritler (C. A. 28, WGW). A~ it. It. J oe# lit Is.* .At losaw bit L do' is 0 A 03 0 W to fir W IT 14 4 0 0 if few 0 40 * 0 0 000 ~1 see --Go 0 ot it Wo miolit a At 111 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 6 off 0*0 0,0! 00 *so es pt at- OW tul(flf Out '4 Ic d t 4 . t w" 11 nq . 10 th 4 k u It * m . e wv qu Mw .2 tim bmn efth' Mat - =36 so f "d,(%wOqft It Is ddwA W ibo I&M Ot MA" WOMS. I I l m tvp*e- t "a . "Ot"t No R Af %ft w m e Oe I . , qq j Atccx) + X III Iffum NA4 WtI44 44 to txn, - I VZOM K *9 4 - . t k = W 0 mr It I encle. O OX141. Is 9CA04 "% T ft $0 Oft cemp". qd the $w4wth W Ity. =Y'& o( ml of #tktim: Met &WAacams Intl their 00 11V pliwa I with a t 111411mamol lattifu (e ooq3mpwkd by an Itictma 1M. +If k 4 d W 1K Imt the luo"KOM fmt*W -*,M W 4watwitt c 44, 1 Wylk pmma idd I the ig"Al. t f11 f 111 )VMJ Of % AM tP h f 11181r WM 9 1 h O ? CVMWk di OW 1t , 1O M VM add ftTm COUP* by WSW c4m Im aakd. I" a MAIWO to (tat r4atism so tw4wr idoctn*jrtem. "-ft, 401W d11Vd "1. 0 the C011,0140% givin, bY (14"1*41 N , Now (C.A. 0, NNI), $614tiUStKA1, Lff1f*4jkdf -N ;;, ! f r go 0 coo ar* 111, Ob a 0 so 0 0 '0 sea gas as We 100 Not: 0 0 *,*is 0 a a, a 6 al IF V T f, 'T m If, It H! RJU I P 1, t~l X rl 004 7777~~ WIN 000 4f v N "itt - V. ,t, w Avy - ) 4. IV, o-- (-jw;j. It. AlAc WAIAL! $1111 to % U m,,oUimA9dQHl I umollftlullifelwo mx,co, I~? "Atts. doll (Cw" 10% to Igo OW ,1,014 ~4 1 - . -Ith M."d - M, "A With top lok' t* 0It LUC the joa for O(ajam in mitt. "Wh Cd seal I the abo" am 0.70LJ) AD twi if' uton It A - o,lvk 1, see Zt, W" Or 4)WOAg 14 Amt eqwktwa 4 CA c4 06, Aml. Ill og;m wA tW $mtw IN , . (fit - in Lt. H* MOOE4 b e 'S tin** Go I It - t 1 0 ow- 'a twas ON KUM Iff May no,. It Ow ~V- Lou WAN f4 41 10 is 0o It ":q Ilk -4- z- I a. V. MAI G Cam. (it, a. S' 10-14, a4-0 Ad rtA'--I'W;dw to 0041 c ;md 'd and faff aids JU110 to 4 009 4, 1 0 at. wombside A cickht Cho, .. .;.64 VACIA, Ibil 1tkV=tfX di0*06 01 ""d was 01 by pixtowme* utmkn (it the K imsit,& wittk Kct 1w via i0 Ok comma"ift W 114M dtvtrgdt 10w212 a twt"I" in Oto tim juboww". Aitimmightlin 1"Wom ad thafing two III d Iuq(t:N)%qk%m It Ovicit tin =tWOVII atio 41w I X *w""O"""4096 0041 - ==11.. W. - 0 X I *60" emam"far ipmut drwe 4., to tbat evre the kvt If it Oamd, coempusWY to t got fel. *114 lberdom MIS abs"Amat wases is Go 044c" (4 dbwxtl. to diot cbm of struft ~tw.'. G, m KowetwAl 0OW 041 Mee see, two swararw 71119113 1 AN I rap It It it 0 if I I I I I mum I ml I I 10 1 all ZOTOV, I.; WfLMV, V. ~ii~ Z~j Posters are alferm of concrete propaganda of loading work methods#, Botas trud. no* ~:122-126 Ag 158. (MIRA IL9) 1,Sekratarl partkom motallozavoda Momkovskogo oblastnogo sovnar- khoza (for Zotov). Z.Hachallnik Wela truda. i zarabatuay platy, metallozavoda Moskbvskogo oblastnogo movnarkha-ma (for Komarov). (Hoscow Province--Metal industries) (Posters) MI"LEMAN, M*Mp mayor meditsiwkoy,.sluzhby; ZAVRA2JIIM,,'J4,K.0,AVdpol- ko~ maditisinakoy sluzhbyl KNYAZEV, 13.V.i podpilAkoymut.- madi- tsinskoy sluzhby; KOBYAKOV, N.I.,p podpolkorhik meditislaskoy sluzhby; DOKUGHAYEV, G.M.p podklkovnik meditsirgikoy~-o:L-azhby; PLETNEVp N.N.p polkoynik meditijinakoy sluzhbyl KlIaROSIll'.11EV, 'V.D.p po4olkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby; GORBACHIK, 'fe,#D., p*dpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; DRUKER,, Yu.S.1 HAZARM.T.M.; Ka4CGOROV,, P.F,p polkovnik meditainakoy oluzhbyl KLIMNRCYj ik.Y.p pedpolkornik maditainskoy i;luzhby; RYAKHMKIYp 1,,Yeo'p podpol)tovnik naditsinakay sluzhby; IVANIK07ICH, F.A.; GUBIN, S.V.; kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby; ZOTOV,-,,I,G Icapitan meditsinskoy aluzhljy; LEONOVA, Te.l.; BUNTM,KIYP' P, mayor meditsinakoy sluzhbyl GBRASIMUTO A,N,p podpolkovnik meditsinskoy oluzhby; GURIYEVp 1,A*j kapitan medl- tsinBkoy sluzhby; KOLDOBSKIY, S-.Z., mayor meditsinskay filuzhby Abstraots. Voen. med. zhur. no.10:74-79 0 165. ()CERA 18tU) I LIGINV p T a I - y ~ n2 h. .1--.,- 11 1 .. I . . repair Ao t-119 111(3st important gar,i -- I 5111t, eistr. ;-,, -t jell t or , -L,,atior, of equipmOilit - . n the machinery i.ndtifiLryo VeBt- ma ~101.,Xcfj for libor saving I (MrItA iS:6) I I: nc,.C:76-77 i4y 165. to JOrl'-flicillollcY IP i sv-J.av.. 1") no.'I-,41 ~.Yljblin:~,IviyFi ~,Jsl,"nt-qAya doroj~!.. ZOTOVI I.M., inzh. Restoration of the brake beams of 40-U car decelerators. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 8 no.5:41 ~~ 164. (MIRA 1700) 1. Lyublinskaya distantsiya Mosko-vskoy dorogi. ZOTOV, Use of SP*9 apparatus for operation in high frequency channels. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no.3:36-37 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Railroads--Signaling) (Railroads--Electronic equipment) ZOTOV, Spring-type catch in the SP-1 electric drive. A7tom,, tolem. i oviaz' 8 no.6:38 Je 164. (IIIRA ir/t6) 1. Lyublinakaya distantsiya Mookovskoy dorogi. ZOTOV.- 1.14., inzh. - - - . I~Ijp k I I., I Irl: - 4 . 1, )-- so Punched cards for uBe J.n jj~ Avtom, telem. i sv,;.azf 8 "Iri.2.40-111 F 164. (4i 11-A "'t': 6) ZOTOV. 1.M., inzh. . ... ... As suggested by specialist F.I. Letunovskii. Airtoms, telem. i sviaz' 8 no.4:35 AP 164. (YJRA 18s2) 1. Lyublinakaya distantalya signalizatoll I oyya-zJ V%>okovqkoy I dorogi. ARYMPOV, F.Y.; ZOTOVO I.M., aleldromekhanik Separntion In the yower supply arrarigornant on ji'll~-5 lytarida. Avtcsm., telem.i aviazi 14 ro.4:24 "-&* 160. 04 IRA 13:6) 1. llachal'nik- Ion ingmd-Bi It tyskoy distontsii nigmilizziLsit I a-ryazl Oktyabrlskoy dorogi. (Railroads--3lectric equipment) ZGTOV, I.M., inzh. Device for using a high-frequency chanml as an outgoing trunk of an automatic exchange. Avtom., tolez. i aviaz' 9 no.3-*39 Mr 165. (KIJL~ 18:11) 1. Lyublinakaya distaritaiya Mookovskoy dorogi. -WQ~Ivsn Merkulovich-; KARINKOTA, G.I., insh.. red.1 BOBROTA, U.N., (Handbook on cables for electricians and service men] Rukovodetvo alaktromekhaniku I monteru po kaboll"m rabotam. Xos".a, Goo. /+,rm4,usp.shel-dor.isd-vo, 1959, 206 p. (KIRA 13tZ) (Electric cables) .Ze7-C,V, z0 I'llov. I.A., inzh. Railroad commmication on high frequetcy abannels. Avtom., tolem. I svlazl no.12.-33-34 D 157 ZRailroads-GoTmanicat ion systems) (91RA 10:12) IYZANMG, B.I., inzh.; KLEIMOT, B.N., Inzh,; KAHOIITOY, S.H:.# insho; KltLIKAH, B.M., inth.; KIMMIN, Ta.S.. inzh.; PATANT, A.M.. Lnzh.; YAKPCLISKIT, Te.S., inzh.; ZOTOTp I.Sr, inzh., rotaeraont; YAKOTLITA, Y.I., red.izd-va; CEMOTA, 9.1.,, (Design of machinery plants; manual on tho organizati-om end wthods of designing] Proaktirovania mashinoBtroltel'afth navadov, spra- vochnoe posobie po organizatsii i metodike prooktiro-raniia. Kook-ya, Gos.nauchnc-tekhn.Izd-vo mashinoatrolt.lit-r7o 1960. 379 P. (111RA 13:7) (Machinery industry) GOV3IYEVICH, R.Ye.; KUTSDJ, IRVITSUZ, R.A.; OaLOV, N.A., prof., retoenzent; YAMPOLISKY, Ye.S.p inzh., red. [Economic analysis of projects of wAchine manufacturing plant.-] Ekonamichookoe obo-novanie proektov mashino- stroitellnykh zaNodov. Moskva, I7d-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 398 P. (141?-A 17.6) ZOTOT. I.Y.; KUTSIRIKO. A.Y. Measuring the function of :pulse correlation io two catiatIng channels. Prib. I takh. ekap. no.1:38-42 Jl-AC '56. (HLRA JO.-2) 1. Fizicheskly institut imeni P.S. lebedeva AlcaAemii nauk SSSR4 (Nuclear counters) (Palae techniques (Ilectronsce)) ZOTOV, Ivan Georgiyevich; PLEKFJJI(YV, I.P., red.; 01GO10YEVA, A.1.~ ':-8tAV141kCVA, G.I., tekbn. red. 1'eu. I (Preparing motorcycles for competitions] Podgo+,ovka moto- taiklov k sorevnovaniiam. Moskvaj 17d-vo DOSAM, 1963. 119 p. WIRA 16:12) (Motorcyclea-Maintenunce and repair) ZOTOV. X.Go; KIRILOT, M.N. IIIIII-1- (The organization and operation of the sipal tentrul control and block system of a railroad atA of its commimicationej Mosima, Transsheldorizdat, 1954- 300 P. (IGRA 8.- 2D)