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W 0 0 10 41 4( i. 1i * 0. "i sit 04 * A 0 A *O X Vol=ddc phougalvactic offect In Sauda" (d else l ut y k ff t D f V, . u e ec o oc 1. p1so4dra vas m J'i jk' ~ Aer st lit l h rjf citi d A N Z o ~ svj w al m. V Valn an . 1. . p y mim ki w 11 ~ S J W 8 u is f. , hS. . , . , Ckrm.' .04 . ( A PhOtOCIA111-26C Ofect Wag tilv*rVed on Smot)th pt jin,j ' l b tl f K C 0 l i 0 ia t t S own t-black ttectrudes in a "n. o j, I j 1 the O"'t ii due to the filluldwhrin. proce-sm takiiiq pL-w,. I f O l d 4 t ent o w the ekk tiu in the val. ti yle and Is eri f i ( h b i l d ZOO ~ " 0 el f ia ne on I s exp wave length. VIC tff('Ct . 3 tem"Ory dixturfanct 0( the 4mir equil. III th" tioln, C** 001 ) 0. Z. K*mkb 0 6 o4 w 00 2 3 0 0 0 4 -.00 zoo ~ goo a so LITE RAUNIS 10" 11*1031. 9 ;too ; 4 V , to a U 0 AT 00 0 f IT *, a a, is Jt a In - L I a Ow 04 1 do 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS * 9 41 0 'm : 0 0 0 16000000 see fisee 0 : : : : : 0: 9 41110410 0 0 - 00 so 0 0 0- 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZOTKIN,, S. F. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Investigatiun i)f tile printing devices of offset machines," Moscowp 1960p "OP) 1~0 cop. (Moscow Polygraphio Institute) (KL, 44-60p 1.10) : 1- -4 j call I, 11.111L. is 0 i .1 9' *U'W= it makwirt Sm"Alt 44 to phitt"to, &4d Us ir 111101 r"Caft, W 1. 114. and hl. G. Oetift Are, 1". Ori Oaf" 33; ~ (IS 0~9 2, 30VI, rf 000 C. A 1 88 111 NNIVI14 w th a oes I ef NSILIN(h is of SCOW In IN. rGIORNN id q%mm" its 40411w Orm"4 to kofma- *04 3 V4191" ch. Aft =idorl with to fat"Wil IVRI brat IrmaKa IN *ml iffinsensw In mmit, ill; :;M [lei kem 0 mm"fthIf welo activity. %ItImVU1% h 14 roolprmM with'gIvott" wo. Tho bviatiam* MMW In 1hp data Ivy the whom mW IbKw by It, A. 144awast. ol ~W. 1cf. C. A. 11 ?M- I# 11"t -0 19, IM) are due W 4W- In ti~ "d Iko WAA* of see the cratairsts bet 4e the cf;;iQ with Ch and with lb" given ax mixt. The In"Migatbart raw. 0* pohnalma see (of the calsay" With pas water and the restoration of Ito activity. The miviiy coo bo "w*4 wc"mdiotly by hestim he tatalylt for a sh"t tha'a wish 0 ps 0-dut, St Are 0 to abcmi A. A. BmhiHngk goo t1641 so.&MV U 4 LN a a rT,,, m t'4 0 r 0 : 'eel: 0 S S 41 4111see 0 0 20 4p 0 Allm Q L 092C6-67 ACC NRt AP7002765 SOURCE CODE: Uft/0Q2PtV,/169/O01/W92/G093 AU79IOR: Popova, A. A.; ORG: InsTitute of Cr 4 '8SR (Institut kristallografti AN ~cssi) TITIZ : ProdLic' ,ion of of oxides of the rare earth elenents by the Verneuil method SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 1, 1966, 92-93 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, inorganic oxide, crystal g ABSTRACT; The possibility of applyling tho Vornouil method to tho productior. of oxides containing lanthanidos with atomic numbers from 62- to 71 was ox-plorod, gas SySto~j$ Of CjyGtajlA and the permissible linits of fluctuation of the L Lzation of various compositions were established. All the rare oarth oxides tosLcrdt with the exception of that of torbium, acquired a trivalant stato independent of the oxidation-reduction protential of the iv'aedium in the crystallization t;pace during growth of crystals by tho Verneull mothod. The crystals af sesquioxidos of the tested series of lahthanidos, producod by the Vornoull method, belong to two clauGes of Ptructural modifications: Sm20), and Gd2O3 are, morio,~Ilnlop whoro- ~as Dy2031 03, Ho201, Er2~,, TmZ Yb203 , and LU20 are v~~blc. The z1oro- hardnesscs of the invas atod crystais increased w2h incr4)asing atomic n=bor. An exception was DY203 , the comparativoly high hardness of which is attrVauted Iby the authors to the presence ohl Impuritioa of nonlanthanida elsmonts. h ~' s paper was presented by Academician A. 1'. Shubnikov on 25 October 1965, ThG authors thank 0. X. Mellnikov for tho Rsousanns of the resIxItts o'~ the x-ray analysis of the samples; TFig. art. has: '1 table. 1JPRS: 38,1391 SUB CODE: 20, 07 / SUBM DATE; 250ct65 ORIG REF: 001~ / (T~H REF: 004 Card j/,-,/;-, UDC: 548-551-.- ZOTKINAP Z.A. Modification Of V04triOtaar polychlorvinyl dral.-!ialle. v0p, AoL-c4ilr 24 not 2:35-36 Mr-Ap '600 (MIRA 14-.1) (BRAIP-BL= VESSELCJ) profeemor; MPKIII vaw=~~ ROPOrt On the 8Ct17itteS o:' the lfharkov Nourovur;~ical :~Iociatj in 1956. ~op.aelrokhtr. 21 no-4:57-56 Ja-Ag 157. (Nilih 10-10) (KURKOV--SURGICi L ')W, U-~'TIUS) CHIBUKUKRER, H.B., professor; ZOTKIIIA, Z.A. ., Sessions of the Xharkov Neurosurgical Society. Vop.nairdl&Ar, 20 no.4:46-52 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA gal) (NERVOUS SYSTIK--SURGnT) ZOMP Akile, dr. Organizatlon of tho campaIgn for voluntary Moc.0 lrmni,-94 Itigniiet. pop. l14-7 164# 1. Kryetar i deges mjekimit na 14. Shendetemise. ZOTO,q Akile.. dr.; LITO, Spiro., dr. Blood transfusion. Shendet. pop. 23 n0-5:21-28 10. (BLOOD TROSPUSION) HiiJdilh m~ 4: ~j7 t N I I u I P. I r? I YX, It V4 Is (No 21!, 1 I rowN d.~q I 4'~i w i a 4 11.4 1 A -7-. 7-m all V~Irl I, h ;to, - ANI) VA, MMMIll M-117 RMAIIIII, .......... iA -W4 '01t, Yi '0. Ilfa 4 M4 fjvf~~Jj it I~L# (m pit to Lj- VO t !~ I 1 0 FOVAT( V1077/1 RniffatT, it I I11111 11 `1111 PNI III 111 11 J I 11111111; 03 i I - rmm. ~: -vir, 00 as 09 0 008, 6a S)i 't PON U06 almi itv stU)% an valkiv %kv, 1'. 1). jrArtum ,.%I, NA S. S111,14- lhAl AA-1. A-A, AS.~M, 14 '31 41687 W(IIV) A ff"P.-N. Ass It & 04 r&iI.v*4KAL tireWl'" ct.IIlFK4I4N u --WY a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 48 0 00so *as a0 0 a.* ..... ........ I a 4 Ojo 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 4 io a a 0a mljo 4 0 0, ilea 306 0 GUBAREV, G.; ZOTOTIED, S. prepodavatelf; NATDENOV, V.; UAROV, P.; BART- SEDIIX17-.T'. Continuing the discuseion of problems of labor organitaLion under conditions of new technolog7. Sots. trnd 5 no.5:66-74 Xy- 160. (HIU 13: 11) 1. Rachallnik otdola truda, i zarplaty Rostovskolm smarkhoza (for Gubarev). 2. Vysshaya partipaya ehkola, Xhaw1kov (for Zolotiko). 3. Rachallnik teekhovogo Iquro truda i sarabotnoy platy Miarlkovskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Naydenov). 4. Nauchno-IssletWvatell-skly institut truda, Moskva (Zharov). 5. Ilachallnik otddla truda, i zarplat7 Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskogo sovnarlehoza (for Baryalmikov). (labor and laboring classes) (Automation) (Technological imlovatiolls) ZOTOV, A.; YAKUWV, B. ; SMIRNIOV, N. ; GHABROV, G. ; KOCHENW, V. , . . . ..... red.; BAKHTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. (Cities of the Fergana Valley; concise referesm-P. book] Goroda Ferganskoi doliny; kratkii spravochnik. Perer. 2 izd, Tnshkent, Gros,tzd-vo IJzIx-kukoi SSR, 1963. 157 p. 09 Wt 16; "),1) (Fergana--Cities and towns) j. , MIATRIN, V. , lnzh. OIT-1 device for detectiL.,; mtal objects. Raclio no.9-45-2.6 L, S t 6,~! ( I 11 1-j, I C) -. ~ ) ZOTOVO LA. Deviee--f= locating undergramd gas ptpelimas. Mns. Prem. 7 U0,9 1 36- 162, (MIR.& 1718) . I ~:~ - OTC) V H. A/ - USSR rphology of Man and Animals - (Itormi and Pathologic). S-2 Respiratory System. Abe Jour Ref Zhiw - Biol., No 3, 1958, 12353 Author Inst Title On the Presence of Particles of Diatom A.Lga in Human Lungs (a Preliminary Communication) Orig Pub : V sb. sudebno - med. ekspertizy. Vyp. 2. M., Gosyurizdat, 1955, 238-24o Abstract : Frustules of diatoms were found in the lungs of 7 out of 8 cadavers whose death was not caused by drowning.. Card 1/1 Fpvp A'As" 11 Iffect of various tillage methods on the physical properties of soils in dry valley pastures. Pochvovedenie no,2iql-95 F 163, (MIRA 16:3) 1. Voeeoyusnyy nauchno-lealedovatellskiy institut kormov. (Moscow Provinap-Pitatures and meadowil) (Tillage) ZCI-2cil, I,. F. ;'IIIvj3ti;-jMtion 0-f- the o, the " 1 1., 'ill la C;irrc-.,nt of, the inopr ~Uver.,, c~.jnjl j-5jol j Stato :J, 'Kiev, 19-43. (RZhBj0I, ITO 1, 1 cip lj-:)I) 54) SO: Swi 432, 29 55 ZOTOV, A-F. - t Studying antibacterial properties of fish extracts. Val). ikht. no.11:188-191 158. (MIU 32:1) 1.Xafedra zoologii bespozvonochanykh Poskovskop gonads-retvalmop univeraiteta imeni.H,V. lomonesova. Ulahes) (Sxtracts) OLnti"Optics) Ii,1111 ;ill ZOTOV, A.Y. Antibacterial properties of organs and tiesumo in fresh-vater fishes, Vop. Ikht. no'GM157~i6l 158. (MIRA UtIO) I,Moskevskiy gosudarstwouM universitet, 1mfodra, toologit Ibse- posvonachnykh. (Fishes) (Antibiotics) T. LOKSHIN, Yo.L.; ZOTOV, A.G."; CHEM, V.P.; 311IFIJOV, M.G. WaYs to improve the Industrial and economic Indicee In the preparation of underground gas producers by, boring. Podzem. gaz.ugl. no.3:67-?l 159. (MIR& 12:12) 1. Angrenskaya atantstya, "Podzsmgaz." (Coal Iasification. Undergrouad) oring) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Sense ~rgann. T Ab8 Jour Ref Zhur - Biol..t NO 15, 1958, No- 70602 Author 4tov, A,,, J %- - - - - Inot Leningrad State Pedl Institu-te Title Studies Of After-Images in Color Anomalies Or i g Pub Uch. zap. Lenin(,,radsk. gon. ped. in-t, 19,36, Vol 23, 85-1100 Abntract Studies wore L-ado of two protcanomalien and Wo deutero- anomalies by the following method., following dark adaptation, the experimental subjects, Tar a veriod of 10-60 soc, vere permitted to adapt to light. Then they looked at n white screen and observed the changes of color in the after-images. The experimonts were run in several variations. The sensitivity of proto- and deuteroanoi-ialies to contrast colo*rs was opposite to their sensitivity to real colors; the production of after-imagibs from 6reen light in protoamralieu temporarily increued Card 1/2 151 S/13-(/'62/'OOD/DO 4/185/201 A15JI/AlOl AUVIORS: Zotov, A.I.,,.Akinflyev, M.1. T=-: Soldering ferrites by ultrasonic means PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 75, abstract E421 ( Sbo."Primeneniye ul'trazvuka v teklinol.mshinostr." no. 2j m., ig6c), 1'(9 - 180) TEXT: It has been established that ferritou can be soldered right in a molten solder irradiated with ultrasound the intensity oA" which is sufficient for producing a cavitation process. ' A supersonic bath has boan trade for this purpose, fixed on transfo.-m-m-er speeds, provided with electric heating nPanns for melting the solder, and a magnetostriction converter, To prevent ovacking of parts, the latter are heated and dipped into the molten solder bath; only,those sections to be worked are dipped. After this they are soldered pr1ov to 1~bD solidification of the solder applied. Subsequent zoldering with a noWring iron to pe-rmissible, Ferrites soldered together by ultrasonic means, subject4d to rupture test. showed that the average rupture force for Mg-Mn ferrite was I Rg/MM2, -th#Lt for 11iZn Card 1/2 8/137/62/000/004/185/201 Soldering ferrites ..... A151VA101 ferrite was 0.8 kg/mm2, and rupture occured mr,inly In the I.Lasic twiterial, not within a soldered joint. M4chanical strength of such. joints waa likewiso found to be satisfactory. V. Thrisova [Abstracter's note: Complete trwislation] Ca rd 2/2 ZOTOV, A.I., prepodavatell; MRTCHY0, Sh.A. --- -.-, -. ..... -, Chlotophoe in controlling warble files in cattle. Yeterinarila 37 no,6:74, Je 1,60. (NIRA 16t7) 1. Quakly aellskokhozyaystvennyy takhnikujn (for Zotov)lt 2. Nachalinik upravloniya sel'skogo khosyaystim Gomo- Altayekoy avtonomnoy oblasti (for Mkrtchyan). (Warble flies) (chlorophom) ZOTOV, A.I. Interaction of sensations in binocu3Ar contrast, Vop,psikbol. 7 no.2:87-96 10-Ap 161. (min 14:6) 1, Leningradakoy gooudarstvenart podagogichookiy inatitut imeni A.I.Gertaena. (lvisiot) (Sensea and sensation) ---;" 0 TO VI USSR/Humn and Animl Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour ; Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 73X16 Author : Zotov, A.I. Title : ~~_fnteraction of Color Sensations in the Dynwnlc~t,. of Extinguishing the Subsequent Tmage. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Leningr. goo. ped. in-ta; 1956, a3, 5-33 Abstract : The shadow of the object on a colored background was per- ceived as a strip of contrasting color ( inductive inhibi- tion of the cortex). In the resulting imaj~e (RI) the co- lors of the object and background changed places. The in-, teraction of the nerve processes determined the atability of the mutually contrasting colors in the Immediate percep- tion, in the RI, and in the course of extinguishing of RI, the perception of grey by putting the RI of the colored object on the background of the same color, the perception of a grey object in the beginning of adaptation in the form of a contrastingly colored one, and then- In the Card 1/2 - 117 - USSR/Hvimn and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71176 form of grey and f inally with shades of the color with unchanged color of RI. Complex phenomena of the simultaneous and following contrast are conditi- oned by the mutual induction of the cortical procesoes, but cannot be explained by the peripheral theory. Card 2/2 - 118 - 1-7 1~_OTO UMS /Iluman and Animal PhysioloWr - Nervous 8yetem. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya., No 16, 1957, 73-178 Author Zotov A.I. Title ges Folloirilig Achromatic Colors. Orig Pub Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, 23, 61-83 Abstract The change in the relation in the bri6ttness of aabroma- tic objects and background produced a changib in the color of the subsequent images (S1). The dynamics of interac- tion of perception in the course of extinguishing of SI did not differ from the dynamics of 81 produced by the adaptation to two chromatic colors. By reducing t1te dif- ferences in the briEjitness of the object and bac:kVound, the color of SI did not change) or one colox chnz&td inde- pendently of the other, The described phenomena were ob- served in the action of stimuli on different parts of the retina. The adaptation of one eye to two achromatic co- lors produced interaction of the colors in 'the b1nocular Card 1/2 - 129 4 1 ) - USSR/-Humn and Animl Physiology - Nervous System. B-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, fro 16, 1957, 71178 contrast, coinciding with the colors following the contrast at the action of the same echromatii.- stiimai. The obtained findtngs confirm the cortical nature of SI from achromatic colors. Card 2/2 - 120 - 2(,, USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - ffervou-s System. B-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, 11o 16, 1957, 71179 Author : Zotov, A.I. Title : _E_A_,vidu*a1 Differences in Interaction to Viswa Percep- tion in the Dynamics of Subsequent Images. Orig, Pub : Uch. zap Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, 23, 101-316 Abstract : The speed of appearance of the subsequent image (81) re- flects the motility, in duration and phase of SI the strength and balance of the basic nerve processes in the visual sinalyser. In the training piocess, the speed of the emergence of SI increases, the number of colors and shades which distinguished in the extinguishing of SI increases. The pecularities of the intenctiow in perception in the course of SI are considered as =xifes- tation of individual differences in the action of the vi- sual analyser and the interaction of the sigmaLbig systems. Card 1/1 - BUTONOV, V.A.$ inzh.; ZOTOT, A.I., insh. "; Adjusting truck-mounted crones and trucks fsr una on rMilroad tracks. Nov. takh. I nered. op. Y strol. 20 mo. 8:28-30 Ag 158. (MIRA 1117) (Cranov, derricks, *to.) (Motortrucks) ZOTOV' A.I., inshener. I IWON* I Univereal railroad crane motorcar. Ilek.sta. 27 no.9:49-50 5 '36. (MM 9:11) (Motor trucks) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Railroad motorcars) ZOTOV, A.I., kandidat pedagogichaskikh nauk. Spatial dynmOce of color senvation (on a b1mitk bae1wround) in subjects -with sLbaormal color vision4 Trt1dy-Gos,Anstpo isuch.mozga 15:33-65 '47. (HLRA 7:2) M)lor blindness) ALMMM, N.A.:, ARKKA 1Y, A.A.; ZOTOT LIPATOVA, M.Ya. Certain characteristics of the formation of ccwj~laz con(litioned motor reactions In man. Zh. vys. nery. daiat, 5 no.6t?73-782 I-D '53, (KWA 90) 1. Leningradakiy nauchno-issiedevatel'skly Institut ftzicheskc7 kul I tury. (MWLIX, GORDITIGM, conditioned moluor complex reactions in man, mechanism of form) ZOTOV. A.L. kandidat padagogichaskikh nauk. Spatial dynamics of achromatic vision In color blimilnese. Trudy Goa.inst.po isuch.uosga 15:66-73 147. (MLR& 7-2) (Color blindness) S Improving the fasteuing of dogs on log Jacks. Sbor. vne4r. rats. PTed. v.les. i mob-prom. no*2:7-8 159. (MIRA 1318) 1. LeniWadekly losopillno-derevoobrabatvvayunhchl:r kambinat. (Lumbering-Haahinery) - ZOTOV, A. L Thickening the nock of thn top food roller t1haft of the RD-75-2 log frame. Sbor. vuedr. rate. pred. v Ion. 1, maboprom. no*2:11 159. (MIRA 13:41) 1. Leningradskiy lesopillno-derevoobrabatyvalushchi:r kombitat, (Saws) ZOTOVI A.I, ImWovad design for electric Screwdrivers. Sbor. vite(ir *rats. rx od. v lea. i meb.prom. no.2:77-79 t59.- (MIRk 13r8) 1e leningradskly lea opil I no-deravo o brab4tyvVumhchI y kombinat. (Screwdrivers) ,~-IONK! A. 1. Suggestions for greater efficiency in inserting wood screws on the assembly line. Sbor.vnedr.ratB.pred. v lee. I meb.prom. no.2,.81- 82 159. (MITU 13:8) 1. leningradekly lecopillno~derevoobrabatyvnyixnhchly kombinat. (Screw-Irivere ) ZOTOV, A. 1. York for picking up naLlu while nailing boxes. Sbar.vaedr.rats.pred. v lee. i meb.prom. no.2:132 159. (HIU 134.8) 1. Leningradskiy lasopilluo-derevoobrabatyvarwhchiy kombinat.. (Voodwork--Tools and Implements) -I .10 b S/061/62 000/006/057/117 oro B140108 AUTHORSt Akinfiyev, M. I., Pavlov) A, A. TITLEt EloctroplatJng of aluninum and its alloym undsr the action of;, ultrasound PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 6, 1962, 407 -408, abstract 6K182 (Sb. "Primeneniye uVtrazvuka v tokhnol. mashinostr.11. no. 2, M., 1960, -149 - 154) TEXT: The influence of ultrasound (us.) on zinc and copper plating of aluminum and its alloys in cyanide electrolytes has been investigated in terms of the effect an the quality of and cohesion between the coat-ng and the base, the BT k' the rate of Cu deposition, the dispersibility of the electrolytes and the surface pretreatment. The quality of the coating is better when us. is used; the coated parts were tested muccausfully for temperature (up to 1600C) and climatic (90 days at a relative humidity of 98 stability. When~ us. is used the processes can be intensified owing to the increase of D k to 12a/dm2 for zinc plating and 1Oa/dm2 for copper Card 1/2 8/081/62/000/006/057/117' Electroplating of aluminum and ... B149/B108 plating. The use of us. for aluminum coattng does away with a number of preparatory operations. Surface preparati except degreasing, is a. chieved in the zinc plating electr 0 rAbstractor's note; Complete olyt transla.tion-i Card 2/2 B/194/62/000/005/087/157 D222/D309 AUTHORS: Zotov, A.I., Akinfiyev, M.I., and I)avlovp A.A# TITLE: The use of ultrasound in the tecluiology of ferrite production PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-5-44 a (V sb. ?ri~eneniye ul'trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinostr. no, 2t M.t 19609 134 - 138) TEXT: The use of ultrasound for the pulverization and mixJng of ferrite mixtures and for the mechanical_procesi5ing of ferrites is described; in this work- an Y3 P -10 (UZG 10) generator and nmG -6 UMS-6) transducer were used. Data are given on the optimal operat- ing conditions and on the composition of the liquids used in the pulverization of ferrite mixtures. Ultrasound and other methods of puiverization are compared in a table. With respect to the meehani- cal processing of the ferrites, it is shown that a high accuracy can be achieved in the processine of oponings and gTooves of comp- lex configuration and that the process of ultrasound processing is Card 1/2 V/ S/194/62/000/005/087/157 The use of ultrasound in the ... D222/D309 technologically suitable and saves time. Different compositions of emulsions, the influence of ultrasound technology on the properties of ferrites and so on, are examined. A table ahows the dependence of processing time on the granularity of boron carbide- LAbstrac- tor's note: Complete translationj. Card 2/2 S/194/62/000/005/084/157 D222/D309 AUTHORS: Akinfiyev, ILI.,, Zotov, A.I., and Pavlov, A,A. TITLE; Galvanic coating of aluminum and its alloys with the interaction of ultrasound P-RIODICAL: Refe-.--ativnyy zhurnal. Avtomati-,a i radioelelctronika, no. 5, 10,62, abstract 5-5-40 ye.(V sla. Primeneniye ul'trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinostro no. 21 M., 1960f 149 - 154) TEXT: The influence of ultrasound on the electro-chemical proces- scs is examined and the positive action of cavitation iB noted. It is shovm that the ultrasonic oacillations facilttate the depolariza- tion of the electrodes and the degassing of the liquid. The investi- ,,ation of the action of ultrasound on the galvanic coating of alumi- num was carried out at 18-23 kc/s frequenciesy uoing a 0,"Ic, -6 (PMS- -6) transducer. The transducers were mounted on a diaphragm of va- riable thiclmess, 2 - 10 mm, being the bottom of th.-bath. During zinc and copper plating of aluminum in cyanogen electrolytesq the current density was reduced to 27 a/dm2 and a better adhorence of Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/005/084/157 Galvanic coating of aluminum and its ... D222/D309 the coating to the base metal was obtained. It is noted that at lax- ge ultrasound intensities the speed of copper plating is reduced be- cause of the cavitational deterioration of the metal. During silver plating of aluminum, ultrasound is used not only for the galvainic coating of the zinc, copper and silver layers, but also for the'pre- paration of the pieces (cleaning and degreasing) before plating# The technology of silver plating in an ultrasound field is descri- bed. (Abstractor's note: Complete tranalationj. Card 2/2 52622 3/194/62/000/004/064/105 D295/D308 AUTHORS: Zotov, A. I. and Akinfyev, M. 1. 12ITLE: Ultrasonic soldering of ferrites PERT66=AL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 4, 1962, abstract 4-5-37y (V sb. Prineneniye u.11 trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinoutr. no. 2, 21., lIj6O, 179-180) .TEXT: The possibility of solderind forritoo withouT preli-minary silver-covering of the surface is investigated. I-. was found that such tinning is possible in a molten solder ultraso- nics with a radiLtion intensity sufficient for renerating cavi.111-a- tion in the solder. A tinning apparatus was d~!vised, clonsis-~'-_'ng of a magnetostriction radiator witWa concezrit-ator, at whose and is placed a bath with electrical heating, for mel"Cing thID .3older. J~f- ter tinning the parts, soldering by means of iron is possibl6. The great strength of the soldering was 0 .oserved; in -tests, the samples broko across the basic ma-~erial. The soldering Card 1/2 S11"3 (52/000/004/064/105 Ultrasonic soldering of ... D29 5ya~ 08 of metal parts to ferri'ves is possible, -~,he mechanici'.-l s-irenglv-Ii provin 0, fully satisfactory. Soldering was carrlet:i out wilth the ZP-200) solder. /-Abstrac'~erls note: Oo~mplit!te *'On--7 Card 2/2 8/1 A050101 AWHORS: Zo~~,)v, A. I., Akinfiyev, 14. 1., Pavlov, A. A. A---------- TI'IU: Application of ultrasound in the technique of rerritd producti.011 PERIODICAL: Reforativryy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 15, 1962, 23, abstract 15BI44 (In collection: "Primeneniya uVtraznira v %ekhnol. mashinad'. Moscow, no. 2, 1960, 134 - 138) TEXT: The possilAlity was investigated of the application of ultrasound to grinding and intermixing metal oxides of which the charge Tor forming ferr14es is prepared. line acperiments were carried out using a Y31T (UZGS) ultrasonic generator with a magnetostriction converter. The main paraineters determiaLng the processes of grinding and intermixing charge materials are: oscillation frequency, relation between the amount of liquid and the material ground, the thickness of the irradiated ground layer, the intensity of ultrasonic and audio oscillations, cavitation capacity of the liquid and the irradiation time. It in established that tho dispersion of the powder ultrasonically ground during 10 min is higher than that of the powder ground In ball mills during 24 hours or in a'vibration Card I/P Application of ultrasound in... S1 12?,16 21000101510091) 13 A052/AIOI grinder during 16 hours. Ferrite elements manufactured of pairders produced arter ultrasonic processing have equivalent magnetic properties as compared with tho elements produced of powders prepared by conventional procasi-,Ir43. Tt iz reported- on a successful application of ultrasound to machining farritas, Grooven and holes in ferrite elements are'produced on ultrasonic installations. [Abstracter's note: Complete traxislation] E. Spivak V Card 2/2 DANILOVICH, B.A.; ZOTOV, A.N. . ......... Organization of tho fluorographIc examination of workero and employeeo of amall indu3trial plants. Gig. i san. 26 no#4157-60 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantuil Stalinp k6go rayona Moslcvy. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENS) (DIAG"11~5, FiVOROSCOPIC) TOV, MI.- PROKOPIYEv, 1,.ji, , staraMy inzh. Following the example of the brigade of comminiot labor, Tekst. prom. 21 no.12:70-72 D 161. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik byuro tekhaicheakoy informatoii Chuvaigiskogo sovnarkhoza (for Zotcv). 2. Byuro tekhnicheukoy in"onnataii Chuvashokogo vovnarkhoza. (for Prokoplyev). (Cliuvashia. -Textile And"stry-Lubor pToduitl-Tity) 1;!'il '1HU, Ii ! 17( SOVII?7-58-9-21r-fl AUTHORS: ZotQm,_L_R., Colorvl of the Medical Corps, Shumova, - '9 .V., Lieutenant-C',lonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: Analysis of Traumat~sm and Prophylactic Measures (According to M*.terial of a Hospital) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp 7-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author tabulatt::S aLV reports or traumatic cases of soldiers. The artict% '-a is base(I on data of a garri- son hospital and a treat'*4se by N.D. Kritronosov, pub- lished in 1952. Most of*',he injuries occurred during off-duty hcurs. The authr? distinguishes injuries connected with economic casual Injuries sus- tained during duty hours al.,,, mzi-Linly, oports injuries. Injuries to the loklxr extroi` ~'tieo predominate over others. The implementation ~P prophylactic measures reduced the injuries in garri.,..ons 11 by lialf". There are 4 tables. Card 1/1 GM4AMOV, R.G.; ZATKO, G.I.; KhA.; WK(UY, Tu.A.; SHMM, A*Ya.; TriUXXRM, M.P.; USTIMMKO, I.I., red.; BAKHRIMOV, A., (Tashkent; oonoise reference book] Tashkent; krat)tii sprevochulk, lzd.2., dop. Tashkent, Gos.lzd-vo Unbekakoi SIM, 1938. 190 p. (MIRA 13;3) (Tashkent-Ouidebooke) ZCTOV, A. P. 25899, ZOTOV, A. P. Primenenie RSX dlya tIpiro,,rFuA.:na shf~n;=ov virusa i serc-diagnostiki infektsionnogo entsefulomielita loshbdey. Avtoreferat. Veterinariya, 1949, 11o. 81 ~- 57. Oo. Letopist ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 34, Voskvaq 1949 1 OA- a won I WA - ~~ vc:~ - AAA.. ZWOVy A*P. (Son. Sci. Assoo.x VM) A.A. Markovo Proft Merited vorker of Scit A.p. ZOTOV (son. Sol,. ILBSOO) &md M.A. U'Yashonko,, V.G. Petrov (junior Soi. Associates (VI'Hx) 'Mosqtdtoes of the Species Chlex as the Corriere of the viras of InfeatiolAs Equine RncepWowyelitie,w SOs Trod VRV, 4~4 ra*41-pp-g;L~~ Vol let 1951, VppRAAedjcine (Vet) Infectious Diseases Juri 551 7Ejuine Infectious Encephalomyelitis (IRM) A. F. i Zv. Cand Vet Sci -yete j%rr" Vol XXVIII, No El pp 2C)--? the disease it) the USSR is caused by 2 serol'ogically! distinct viruses and the -presence of Bornla ifirus possible. G. In. Bosh'yan describer, bacter-' also for= of the _T virus. =F 'L is trarigmitted enter, vnd and bv Aedes and Culex mosluitoes. A naturLi! res- be fc;rmcd by ro~lents, birds, cr rept-illev, VW/kedlicilne (Vet) Infectious Diseases Jun 51~' (Contd) Peaks of incidence correspond to peaks -in the 6um- b4r of Brandt 'a f1d nice. Lethality is 50-90%. Bbint's disease occurs in May-Jun, lElIffil in Aug-Sep. Airt0hemotherapry and sexur, therapy -,mder application: Of v-,,-iouz blood sera and immune sera are cffec!tivel~ Beat results were obtained with i=une serum of avine pLague (or blood of IEML reconvalescents), COM-; bined with urotropin and sp--'rits of cam-phor th6ranpy,. V Ii4 E- t-4 "The BioloLical Charactr;r of the 'AawatJvo Agent aw~ I~atjs. Reltvlln~- to the Lpizootiology of lnfectiovi,3 1&4idne Encephalitis." I~r Vet 3ct, AII.-Unlor, lnqt of Experirental Veterinary Sci, Mni-stry of ligricultimo (RZhBiol No 8, '.'ec 54) Surve,. of Scientific an-' 7 echnical lssertati=3 -st, UJISR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24' Jun 55 ZOTOV, A.P.; CHUMAWV, M.P.; KAMT, A.A.; STEPANDTA, N.I.; PAMV, A.N. lxperimental induction and serological Investigatfionm of q fevor. Yeterinarlia 33 no.7:44-53 Jl 156. (KWA 9--q) (q.fever) I -I IIH, ma 'r 111f C':tl!'try : USSR ua~QGo)-.- Virolucy. Virunes of mmi wict Lniimls. Rickettsias Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 23, 1958, No 103554 zotov Mu,nlmv, 11..P.; Markov, !rl ~-"- i ~ Ills All-Union Ins~i-~,u~a a zxperimental lle~enmry Dledicirle E)qieri;.~entcLl. SLudy of "Q" Fever ir. j":;r:.cul,~urn'.. :.Llinals (First ReporL). Dq3op-.,..A~!uta1 ReproductIor, of t", c Disease Or:-L, Pub: Tr. Vses. in-ta vcterinari;t, .-L"57, 2), 76-89. 'I' lac-L: Vieep, (,oaLs, cattle, hvrsus ciad A.j-s were infected by ~"Aaaus uf `L",c -A, Anis af t z.os!.ve doses of Mcko~ts- ';,a bur.-ioti (iiitraveii~-usly, stfocuta- nuously, ell ~'-Ilicomsly, orally, in.m'r~x, C:Q.1y) Card 1/2 Couniu-ry : USSR Ca.c--Ic)ry: Viroloa. Viruses of ltn and .1inkn1a. R:Lc!:c6-o~as. Jeur: rxcf Miur-mci., ilu 23, 1953, 103555 Aul~'.'Ior zc~ov L.P.; C!iu:=~'-:v, M.P.; Marb-v, N.T. 'U13 iii-Vii"On' insiui?.Wuo of Rc:peri-,-.ienta1 Vo'6er',ix,ary liedicinc T.L-~le ExperimeaLal Study rX "Q" Fever in ALmculi.uril Animls (Second Report). Study of the Cci;p1c;iicu':.'.-F~.xatAon Reactions in iVii,.-zls Dcparirentally li-Xec'.ed witl! "Q` Pever Or~.C Pub: Tr. Vscs. in-Cla eksperi:a. vcterinari.,.,.1~51'j 20, 9-J-95 After bhe parentQral mlx~nistration ar i-.-ao~,ivc doses of rickettsias, cm-plm.,,ent-fixinL~ antibcd:.cs appeared in the serum on t'~c fcurLh to seventh day ~"-, Li.iors of 1:10-1:20. Tia -,-%Lxj.-mu-.i titers (up 11-ri 1:320-1:640) Card 1/2 I I q1 ih Ilk Ccjtui~ry : USSR Ca'WeCory: ViroloL7. Viruses of I-Ian and Aniimls Rickettsias. Abs J--ur: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, 110 103556 Aut'llor Markav, A.A.; Chunakov, M.P.; Zotcrv, A.Pt) Stepanov.'a, N.I. 1118'L, P,11-Union, Institute of Ti'u- lo Experimental Study of "Q" Fever in AGricul-4-ural Aninals (Third Report). Lnvestigatica-i ~of toe Transitission of the "q"-Fever OrC;ama.-ij by tick, E2ik~~pj~~akus-,burstj Or:;G Pub: Tr. Wes. in-ta ckspcri.-..~. voterikiar'! i, 1957, 20, 96- 105 Abs,xac-'G: TicIm in tbe GeXUaJJ.Y-J.LH-ature fj1V-aC,,e (larva,., and ny*hs) and in the tmao s~aCje could ba infrec"Wed wi~". Riclmttsia burneti by rxans of la-G~inG thom feed on sheu-,i; in Locir tur.,, all *~-'~c sLn(,,as of ticks :.. ~TccLcd in this way wore able to Lifeelv- '1!ealthy aakals, wl-icli t1toy Card 1/2 ZOTOV, A. -P!' (Professor), BLINOV~ P. N.' (Serilon Scientific CoUmborato~-, All-Umion Inotitute of Experimental Vete rinary Medicinis). "Investigations concerning the etiology of infel.'ti(AUD atroj)hic rhiniti13 in: swine." Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1961, p. 32. 1.J. 11 1. IT I MA!", 111, ZOTOV,, A.P., prof.; EITIOV, P.P., otarohly nmuclui:pr rotrudnLk - Studying the etiology of Infect-lous atroph-4- -,,hinttl-a cf swine. Voterinarila 38 no.302-36 Mx 161 (R.IRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy insti-tut eksptirimental Incy vPId0-,-:;nnr:I I# ZOTOV, A.P.,, prof. African horse sickness of me-hoofed animalao Ve-Larltexiia 39 no.0,c65-72 MY 162 (MIn 18VI) is Vbasoyuznyy inctitut eksperiment&l Inoy vetarlzarli,, I_. 11-I- ".. m. . -11 w - -I I ~ - I I 1 11, " - .' . - " V - - , , , -- . . ." , . - LIKHACHEV, N.V.; SYURIII., V.N.; TSION, R.A.; SHCHERBATUH, P.Ya.; ~4=V~ A.~.; SKC140ROXHOVj A.L.; FIROGI F.P.; PITI)SO A.A.; BAZYLEV, P.M.; NAZAROV, V.P.; OALOVp F`.M.j, dots.; USACHEVA, I.G., red.; YAPJIYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I.p tekhn. red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.N., tek" red. [Virus diseases of animalal ViruniWe boleni zhivotnykh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 561~ 1). (Mol 17:1) LIKHACHEV, N.V., prof.; AGRINSKIY, N.I., prof.; SYURIN, V.N., prof.; SFESIVTSEVAt N.A., prof.; KOLOBOLOTSKIY, G.V., prof,; ZOLDTAFMV, N.A., prof.; KORYAZHNOV, V.P., prof.; KOWOV, S.G., prof.; BABICH, M.A., prof.; 4TROV, A.M., prof.; ZOTOV-- A P prof - DOROFEYEV, K.A., prof.; POLYKOVSKIY, 14,D., pro -; 11;6~IN' P'.13., prof.; ORLOV, U.S., prof.; KGTOV, Y.T., prof.; TRILENKO, P.A., prof.; LYUBASHENKO, S.1a., prof.; USACHEVA, I.G.p red.; YARNYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekh-n. red. (Veterinary laboratory practicol-Veterinarnala laboratornaia praktika. Moskvap Selkhoziz&t;,- Vol.[Geneml microbiological methods of investigation] Obshchie mikrobiologicheakie netody in- sledovaniia. 1963. 566 p. Vol.2. [Biochemical, chemico- toxicological, and veterAtary hygienic methods of investigation] Biokhimicheakle, khimiko-toksikologichaskie i zoogigienicheskie metody isoledovaniia. 1963. 431 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Veterinary laboratories) ZOTOV, A. P. (Professor) All.-Union Inst-atute of VxWrImo.,ntmI Yeteftnary Wdtc:LnL,)* "African plague of the solid-ungulates" Veterinaxiya, Vol. 39, no. 5, May 1c,)62 p. 65' ZOrOV A. P. giveteri-nary-Sanitary and Antlepitootic MeasuresIor Q #ever among~ Agri6ltural Animals" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni, Obsb6hiiid Dlya Cheloveka i ZhIvotrAyIch (Zoonozy) Moscow, 1961. ZOTOV, A. P. "Leukoses of Agricultural Animals" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni, Obshchimi Dlya Cheloveka i ZhIvotnykh (Zoonozy) Moscow) 1961. ZOTOV, A.P., prof. Results of an investigation of q fever anA h~baremia it farm animals. Trudy VIN 23:202-214 '59o (HIRA 13:10) 1. Vseso7uznyy institut eksperimentalluoy vaterinarii. (Q fever) (Tularemia) ZOTOV' A. S. Cutting unnecessa.17 expenses, Takstaproms 20 ao.2:86-87 7 160, 042A 13:6) (Textile Industry--Costs) '=OVj Aleksey Timofeyev-ichl CHULKWA, I.S.p red.; SHFAto Ye.Gr.o .tekhn. red. (Urea] Mochavina. Moskva, Goskhimizdptp 1963. 173 p. (MIRA 17:2) . I19 1!;~]IiI I I I --I I .. ...--I .I GLOZSHTEYT.'I, Ya.S.; ZOTOV, A.V.; SERGEYEV, B.V.; SHASIIKQV, V.F.; GORDEYEV, P.A., red.izd-va; SIIIJOKOVA, G.M., red.izd- va; KOIAAROVSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Construction of furnaces for the building mteri&ls industry] Kladka pechei promyshlonnosti stroitellrWkIi materialov. (Dy] IA.S.Glozshtein i dr. Monkva, Gos- stroiizdat, 1963. 299 p. (ITERA 17-2) ZOTOV, A.V., inzh., red.; OVCH121INSKrY, A.F., inzh.0 rod. (construction specifications and regulatiowl Stroi- telinye nornW I pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.l. At Sec.G., ch.10. (Refractory materials and prodvets] Ogneupornye materialy i izdeliia (SNO I-G. 10,-62). 1963. 48 p. (MIILA I7:t':)) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R. ) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSM (for Zotov). 3. MezbAuvedomstvetinaya komissiya po peresmotru Stroi- tellrykh norm i pravil (for Ovehininskiy). KAMETSYM, S.P.; UTKIN, nauchn7y red.; VOUIYANSKIT, A.G.# glav. red.; SOKOIA)V, D"OV.) zam. glay. red.; TAIUN, V.D., red.; W& BRENNIKOV, S.S., red.; MIKHAILOV, K.A. 0 red. - MURNMOV, I.G. 0 bred.; VOLODRI, V*Yesj redo; RKOLAYEVSKIY, TeJa., rod.; 9111ROKOVA, G,M.p red. izd-va; VAUMOVAj G.D,j tekbn, redo (Heat insulation work) Teploizollatsionrqe raboty. 14askya, Goo,, izd- vo lit-ry po stroit., arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 1961, 1+39 p. (KIRA 14:10) 1. Vsesoyum7y nauelmo-issledovatel'skiy institut "Teploproyckt". (Insulation (Heat)) =OVp A*Vet iDzhot redeJ STRASHNYKH, V.P.p red.izd-va; 4rARNUXIITNYe.K.q -U-0m,red, [Technical specifications MRTU 7-3-60 for finely-ground additions and aggregates for heat.,resistant conereteal TeUmicbaskie usloviia na tonk=olotye doba-vki I sapolniteli d.11a zbarostolkikb betonovp WTU 7~3-60. Moskva, Goo,izd,.vo lit-ry- po stroit,# arkbits i stroit.materialam, 1961. 14 p. (KTU 14:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S,R.) GasudarstvenrWy kcmitet po delam stroitellet-7a. (Concrete--Specificationo) ZOTOV, A.Y., inzh., red.; KHAVIN, B.S.# red.izd-va; HAUKOTA, G.D.o te khn. re d. (Regulations 81 64-59 on carrying ont lining operstions in rotary cement-burning kilne] Instruktaiis po proi2vod9tTu futerovochnykh rabot vo vrashchaiushchikhsia taem9ntnoobzh1gatel1n:rkh pechakh; SN 64-59, Koakva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., mrkhit. i stroit. materialem, 1960, 68 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvennyy Icomitet po delam stroitel'stva. (Kilns, Rotary) (Refractory materials) i ; 1 1 TM C j : I I . I I I . . I .. , , , I , , . . , ., , . , . .. , . , . , , I . . ZOTOVO A.V., inzh. Using asbestos cement producte In building It the Federal German Republic. Stroi. mt. 5 no.4:37-39 AP 159o (KXRA 12:6) (Germany, West-Asbestos cement) PISARIK, L.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHAFRANSKlY, V.I.;, Calculating periodic-action a.c. drlvf,, oparattng jr)J?-,tly with the hydromechanical transmission. Avt. prom. 90 no.9t24-27 S 164. (MIRA 17:1.0) 1. Belorusskiy politakhnicheskly inatitlLt 1 14110-11911kiy avtomobillnyy zavod. mizS11XIIII gornyy inzhaner; WRLYA11D, S.S., gornyy inz~jvnar; SIROTKIII) Z.L., inzh.; Db-?.IISOf, A.G., Inzh,; VKHROVIDUY, G.I., Inzh,; BEUrEIREV, Yu.I., inzh.; ZOTOV A.V. i=h.; IVANOV, E.I., inzhd; inzh.; _R VASILIEV, Ye.A., inzh.; DIV.CIEITKO, V,F., Replies to V.V. Slianlkols artiole nEfficlent V~idts or using truck haulagre in open pita.79 Gor. zhur. no.l.*75-77 Ja 162. (14111 15:7) 1. GosudarstvenwFj nauchno-okotmicheskly sovet Soveta Rinistrov SSSR (for vlelevhkin). 2. Promtransproyekt Goristro3is SSSR (for Box-1yand). 3. DelorussIdy avtozavod (for Siratldnj Deniaov,, Torncvakiy, Bekhterov, Zotov, Ivanov). 4. Gomudarst-renryy in3titut po proyeltirovan-iyu razrabotki rudnelth mostorozlideniy v yuzhnykh rayonov SSSH, Khartkov (for Vasilfpv, Solovtyevap Dlyachenko). (Mine haulage) (Shan'ka, V.V.) -ZOTOT,' A.T., red.; XHATIV. B.S., red.izd-va; BOMMV, NJ.. (Instruction W 19-~8 on the drying and Initlal heatling of chimneys and flues] Instruktaiia-co sushke i razogravu. dymovykh trub i borovov (EN 19-58). goakys, Gos,izd-vo lit-vy po stroit., arkh1t. I stroit,materialaml 1956, 19 (KIRA 1213) I 1. Russia (1923- 1~.S.S.R.) Gosudarvtvsnny7 karUtet po delam stroitel'stva. (Chimneys) (Flues) ZOTOV., A.V... red.; STRLSIMMI, V.P., red.izd-vaj KASIMOV, D.1a., tekbn# [Instructions SN 156-61 for producing and usimp, ,, firepmof concretes) Instruktsiia po tekhnologii prigotovIenii4L i pri- meneniiu zbarostoikikb betonov SN 156-61. Utve3-zhdena Gosudarst- venrqm kamitetcm Saveta Ministrov SSSI po delm stroitellstva 14 fevra.U& 1961. Moskva.. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry yo vLroit., arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 72 pa ~ OURA 14:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.Rj) Gosudarstve=07 kmitet po delam stroitelletva. (Concrete conotruction) SIROTKIN, Z,L,# 10-V A.V. LETT 31 Heavy-duty trucks for the mining industry. Gor.11h,". no.D55- 'A :a 263. (MIRA 16t1) 1, GjavVy konstruktor BelorueSkogO avtOzavOda (for Siratkirt). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo konstruktora Belorusakog6 avtoaavoda (for Zotov). (Mine haulage) ZOTPV -va; KASMOV, ,-A.V., Inzh., red,; PETROVA, V.V., red. izd -D-Je., tekbn, red.3 YASHUKOVA, H.V.,, tekhn. rod. (Technical directions SH 204,62 for assembling tube furmaces) Tekhnicheakie uka2#niia na montazh trubelvitykh pechei (SN 204-62). Izd.ofitsiallnce. MoAvaltosatmiftdat, 1962~ 25 P. (WIRJA 16:6) 1. Russia (1-92,1- U.S.,S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy Icomitat po delam stroitellst'Va6 (Furnacen) ZET j,'Ill all V M A FIE"I A, F 0 !'% F'I'1 7 - I lq"i.nfi ':C eA~id ining !3 P a e r 1, 1TM, 18 1-'0 S OV Y ZOTOVP B... dotsent Securing traffiO safety in rural districts. Airt. tr,!Lnffp. 41 no-5s46 Yq 163. MIRA 16M) (Traffic safety) MERVART Iozef (Mervart, Josef]; ZOqPV~ P,.Pj~ranslatorl; MMOV, I.I. [translator]; ROGDJSKIY, &s., prof., red.; WHODIN, Yu.V... red.; GOLICIMKOVA, A.A., tekhn. red.; 'REZUIILHOVA,A.G.., [Price determination in international commerae]TSenoobrazova- nie v rezhdunarodnoi torgovle. Pod red, I no vstup, statlei G.S.Roginskogo. 14oslcvaj Izd-vo inostr. litry) 1962. 350 P. (Prices) (Connerce) (MIRIL 15:12) ZOTOV, B.D. ., 2 ~ - - ~;'- ~ I Analytic dagign of h7poid gann; witli cirmilar tothth', Nittwh, tokh.inform.biul. IXI no.1.1:32-39 158- (MIRA 12:11) (Gearing) L'OTOV 7; D :encl. to!,'. .~ .. dotsent -.-I " * i I of toot'jin,- -r a spiroid gern, 11-1. V,?-.,. ar".0b. ~;av.; I-u!:-l .-not) . .. ~ k, - ..i.:V I . Tz ::.~. -_-,nl.c-. ,;3 J.-- i~!sl. tut. "vle,1%I) ZOTOV) B.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Fetermining contact lines In spirold gear transrds.~4ow. 1zv. vys. iicheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.6t5-11 165. (MIRA 180) ZOTOV,, B.D., kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent Curvature of side murfaces of generated circular hypid gear teeth. Izv.7jz;.ucheb.zav.; rranhinoistr. no.9.13?--lV. 161* (MIFA 14:12) 1. Izbp-vskiy mekhanicheakiy institut. (Gear cutting) (Foreign trade of the people's democracies In the aervice of the building of socialism] Vneshniaia torgovlia Aran narodnoi demokratii na sluzhbe stroitellstva sotsializma. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 193 p imim :1,6:5) (Communist count exes--Cor=erco) tmtl T&v v LYUBIXOT, N.M., otvatetvamW red.; GMGITIT. ZOTO .jQtj& D Ajl~,~syjch* Ye.SI, reciets -va [Foreign trade of the Maropean people's denocractes as it serves the construction of socialim) Vneshniaia torgovlla mvropetakikh stran naradnot deackratit an slushbe strottelletya ootsialisma, Hoskya, Ind-vo Andenauk Sswo 1958. 193 p. (MIRA 1113) (co=erce) ZOTOVV B. D. Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Inst imeni M. 1-. Kalinin. ZOTOV, B. D. - "The geometry of contact of IpoIuobkatnyyeI gepr wheels in connection with the technology of cutting them." Fin Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Poly-technic Inst imeni M. 1. Kalinin. Leningrqd, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciencem.) SO: Knizbnaya Letopis', No. 13t 1956 ZOTOT, B.D., kand,tekhn.nank Curvature of side surfaces of circular tooth of Kipold pparis machlued' by, the semiburnishiug method. Izv.vys.uohob.zav,: mitilhinostr. 00~.7$ 3o-36 l6o. (HIM 13:1i) 1. Izhavakiy nekhanichaskiy institlAt, (Goarlng):;~l I i, KHACHAMIOV, T.S.., red.; DANISHINA, V.11. [translator]; Z~10Y,JLD. (translator]; ISUPOV~ V.T.[iranalatorl; t-SVIUR', V,I).(tran3Iatr).Vjj- TEREKNOV, V.F .[tr"alatorl; STIAGALOV, G.L.[tr4inalator); KOW-91OV, Yu.F., naucluW red.; ZAYTSEV, N.F., red.; KHOWAKOV, A.D., tekbn. red. [Problems in the economic efficiency of capital investmentslvopro- sy ekonomicheakoi efffektivnosti kapitalovlozhenii; sbornik statei. Pod red. i so vstup. statlei T.S.Khachaturova, Moc&va, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1962. 276 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SS&i (for Khachaturov). (Capital investments) i ZOTOVJ BqD.) CIOIAIDKOV, II.S. I ; Spiraid wom gear tranamiisaions4 fUalhinootroltoll no,905 8 162o . (KIIIA 1549) Dow.-irer, Wdm) W 0 0 10 41 4( i. 1i * 0. "i sit 04 * A 0 A *O X Vol=ddc phougalvactic offect In Sauda" (d else l ut y k ff t D f V, . u e ec o oc 1. p1so4dra vas m J'i jk' ~ Aer st lit l h rjf citi d A N Z o ~ svj w al m. V Valn an . 1. . p y mim ki w 11 ~ S J W 8 u is f. , hS. . , . , Ckrm.' .04 . ( A PhOtOCIA111-26C Ofect Wag tilv*rVed on Smot)th pt jin,j ' l b tl f K C 0 l i 0 ia t t S own t-black ttectrudes in a "n. o j, I j 1 the O"'t ii due to the filluldwhrin. proce-sm takiiiq pL-w,. I f O l d 4 t ent o w the ekk tiu in the val. ti yle and Is eri f i ( h b i l d ZOO ~ " 0 el f ia ne on I s exp wave length. VIC tff('Ct . 3 tem"Ory dixturfanct 0( the 4mir equil. III th" tioln, C** 001 ) 0. Z. K*mkb 0 6 o4 w 00 2 3 0 0 0 4 -.00 zoo ~ goo a so LITE RAUNIS 10" 11*1031. 9 ;too ; 4 V , to a U 0 AT 00 0 f IT *, a a, is Jt a In - L I a Ow 04 1 do 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS * 9 41 0 'm : 0 0 0 16000000 see fisee 0 : : : : : 0: 9 41110410 0 0 - 00 so 0 0 0- 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZOTKIN,, S. F. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Investigatiun i)f tile printing devices of offset machines," Moscowp 1960p "OP) 1~0 cop. (Moscow Polygraphio Institute) (KL, 44-60p 1.10) : 1- -4 j call I, 11.111L. is 0 i .1 9' *U'W= it makwirt Sm"Alt 44 to phitt"to, &4d Us ir 111101 r"Caft, W 1. 114. and hl. G. Oetift Are, 1". Ori Oaf" 33; ~ (IS 0~9 2, 30VI, rf 000 C. A 1 88 111 NNIVI14 w th a oes I ef NSILIN(h is of SCOW In IN. rGIORNN id q%mm" its 40411w Orm"4 to kofma- *04 3 V4191" ch. Aft =idorl with to fat"Wil IVRI brat IrmaKa IN *ml iffinsensw In mmit, ill; :;M [lei kem 0 mm"fthIf welo activity. %ItImVU1% h 14 roolprmM with'gIvott" wo. Tho bviatiam* MMW In 1hp data Ivy the whom mW IbKw by It, A. 144awast. ol ~W. 1cf. C. A. 11 ?M- I# 11"t -0 19, IM) are due W 4W- In ti~ "d Iko WAA* of see the cratairsts bet 4e the cf;;iQ with Ch and with lb" given ax mixt. The In"Migatbart raw. 0* pohnalma see (of the calsay" With pas water and the restoration of Ito activity. The miviiy coo bo "w*4 wc"mdiotly by hestim he tatalylt for a sh"t tha'a wish 0 ps 0-dut, St Are 0 to abcmi A. A. BmhiHngk goo t1641 so.&MV U 4 LN a a rT,,, m t'4 0 r 0 : 'eel: 0 S S 41 4111see 0 0 20 4p 0 Allm Q L 092C6-67 ACC NRt AP7002765 SOURCE CODE: Uft/0Q2PtV,/169/O01/W92/G093 AU79IOR: Popova, A. A.; ORG: InsTitute of Cr 4 '8SR (Institut kristallografti AN ~cssi) TITIZ : ProdLic' ,ion of of oxides of the rare earth elenents by the Verneuil method SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 1, 1966, 92-93 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, inorganic oxide, crystal g ABSTRACT; The possibility of applyling tho Vornouil method to tho productior. of oxides containing lanthanidos with atomic numbers from 62- to 71 was ox-plorod, gas SySto~j$ Of CjyGtajlA and the permissible linits of fluctuation of the L Lzation of various compositions were established. All the rare oarth oxides tosLcrdt with the exception of that of torbium, acquired a trivalant stato independent of the oxidation-reduction protential of the iv'aedium in the crystallization t;pace during growth of crystals by tho Verneull mothod. The crystals af sesquioxidos of the tested series of lahthanidos, producod by the Vornoull method, belong to two clauGes of Ptructural modifications: Sm20), and Gd2O3 are, morio,~Ilnlop whoro- ~as Dy2031 03, Ho201, Er2~,, TmZ Yb203 , and LU20 are v~~blc. The z1oro- hardnesscs of the invas atod crystais increased w2h incr4)asing atomic n=bor. An exception was DY203 , the comparativoly high hardness of which is attrVauted Iby the authors to the presence ohl Impuritioa of nonlanthanida elsmonts. h ~' s paper was presented by Academician A. 1'. Shubnikov on 25 October 1965, ThG authors thank 0. X. Mellnikov for tho Rsousanns of the resIxItts o'~ the x-ray analysis of the samples; TFig. art. has: '1 table. 1JPRS: 38,1391 SUB CODE: 20, 07 / SUBM DATE; 250ct65 ORIG REF: 001~ / (T~H REF: 004 Card j/,-,/;-, UDC: 548-551-.- ZOTKINAP Z.A. Modification Of V04triOtaar polychlorvinyl dral.-!ialle. v0p, AoL-c4ilr 24 not 2:35-36 Mr-Ap '600 (MIRA 14-.1) (BRAIP-BL= VESSELCJ) profeemor; MPKIII vaw=~~ ROPOrt On the 8Ct17itteS o:' the lfharkov Nourovur;~ical :~Iociatj in 1956. ~op.aelrokhtr. 21 no-4:57-56 Ja-Ag 157. (Nilih 10-10) (KURKOV--SURGICi L ')W, U-~'TIUS) CHIBUKUKRER, H.B., professor; ZOTKIIIA, Z.A. ., Sessions of the Xharkov Neurosurgical Society. Vop.nairdl&Ar, 20 no.4:46-52 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA gal) (NERVOUS SYSTIK--SURGnT) ZOMP Akile, dr. Organizatlon of tho campaIgn for voluntary Moc.0 lrmni,-94 Itigniiet. pop. l14-7 164# 1. Kryetar i deges mjekimit na 14. Shendetemise. ZOTO,q Akile.. dr.; LITO, Spiro., dr. Blood transfusion. Shendet. pop. 23 n0-5:21-28 10. (BLOOD TROSPUSION) HiiJdilh m~ 4: ~j7 t N I I u I P. I r? I YX, It V4 Is (No 21!, 1 I rowN d.~q I 4'~i w i a 4 11.4 1 A -7-. 7-m all V~Irl I, h ;to, - ANI) VA, MMMIll M-117 RMAIIIII, .......... iA -W4 '01t, Yi '0. Ilfa 4 M4 fjvf~~Jj it I~L# (m pit to Lj- VO t !~ I 1 0 FOVAT( V1077/1 RniffatT, it I I11111 11 `1111 PNI III 111 11 J I 11111111; 03 i I - rmm. ~: -vir, 00 as 09 0 008, 6a S)i 't PON U06 almi itv stU)% an valkiv %kv, 1'. 1). jrArtum ,.%I, NA S. S111,14- lhAl AA-1. A-A, AS.~M, 14 '31 41687 W(IIV) A ff"P.-N. Ass It & 04 r&iI.v*4KAL tireWl'" ct.IIlFK4I4N u --WY a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 48 0 00so *as a0 0 a.* ..... ........ I a 4 Ojo 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 4 io a a 0a mljo 4 0 0, ilea 306 0 GUBAREV, G.; ZOTOTIED, S. prepodavatelf; NATDENOV, V.; UAROV, P.; BART- SEDIIX17-.T'. Continuing the discuseion of problems of labor organitaLion under conditions of new technolog7. Sots. trnd 5 no.5:66-74 Xy- 160. (HIU 13: 11) 1. Rachallnik otdola truda, i zarplaty Rostovskolm smarkhoza (for Gubarev). 2. Vysshaya partipaya ehkola, Xhaw1kov (for Zolotiko). 3. Rachallnik teekhovogo Iquro truda i sarabotnoy platy Miarlkovskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Naydenov). 4. Nauchno-IssletWvatell-skly institut truda, Moskva (Zharov). 5. Ilachallnik otddla truda, i zarplat7 Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskogo sovnarlehoza (for Baryalmikov). (labor and laboring classes) (Automation) (Technological imlovatiolls) ZOTOV, A.; YAKUWV, B. ; SMIRNIOV, N. ; GHABROV, G. ; KOCHENW, V. , . . . ..... red.; BAKHTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. (Cities of the Fergana Valley; concise referesm-P. book] Goroda Ferganskoi doliny; kratkii spravochnik. Perer. 2 izd, Tnshkent, Gros,tzd-vo IJzIx-kukoi SSR, 1963. 157 p. 09 Wt 16; "),1) (Fergana--Cities and towns) j. , MIATRIN, V. , lnzh. OIT-1 device for detectiL.,; mtal objects. Raclio no.9-45-2.6 L, S t 6,~! ( I 11 1-j, I C) -. ~ ) ZOTOVO LA. Deviee--f= locating undergramd gas ptpelimas. Mns. Prem. 7 U0,9 1 36- 162, (MIR.& 1718) . I ~:~ - OTC) V H. A/ - USSR rphology of Man and Animals - (Itormi and Pathologic). S-2 Respiratory System. Abe Jour Ref Zhiw - Biol., No 3, 1958, 12353 Author Inst Title On the Presence of Particles of Diatom A.Lga in Human Lungs (a Preliminary Communication) Orig Pub : V sb. sudebno - med. ekspertizy. Vyp. 2. M., Gosyurizdat, 1955, 238-24o Abstract : Frustules of diatoms were found in the lungs of 7 out of 8 cadavers whose death was not caused by drowning.. Card 1/1 Fpvp A'As" 11 Iffect of various tillage methods on the physical properties of soils in dry valley pastures. Pochvovedenie no,2iql-95 F 163, (MIRA 16:3) 1. Voeeoyusnyy nauchno-lealedovatellskiy institut kormov. (Moscow Provinap-Pitatures and meadowil) (Tillage) ZCI-2cil, I,. F. ;'IIIvj3ti;-jMtion 0-f- the o, the " 1 1., 'ill la C;irrc-.,nt of, the inopr ~Uver.,, c~.jnjl j-5jol j Stato :J, 'Kiev, 19-43. (RZhBj0I, ITO 1, 1 cip lj-:)I) 54) SO: Swi 432, 29 55 ZOTOV, A-F. - t Studying antibacterial properties of fish extracts. Val). ikht. no.11:188-191 158. (MIU 32:1) 1.Xafedra zoologii bespozvonochanykh Poskovskop gonads-retvalmop univeraiteta imeni.H,V. lomonesova. Ulahes) (Sxtracts) OLnti"Optics) Ii,1111 ;ill ZOTOV, A.Y. Antibacterial properties of organs and tiesumo in fresh-vater fishes, Vop. Ikht. no'GM157~i6l 158. (MIRA UtIO) I,Moskevskiy gosudarstwouM universitet, 1mfodra, toologit Ibse- posvonachnykh. (Fishes) (Antibiotics) T. LOKSHIN, Yo.L.; ZOTOV, A.G."; CHEM, V.P.; 311IFIJOV, M.G. WaYs to improve the Industrial and economic Indicee In the preparation of underground gas producers by, boring. Podzem. gaz.ugl. no.3:67-?l 159. (MIR& 12:12) 1. Angrenskaya atantstya, "Podzsmgaz." (Coal Iasification. Undergrouad) oring) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Sense ~rgann. T Ab8 Jour Ref Zhur - Biol..t NO 15, 1958, No- 70602 Author 4tov, A,,, J %- - - - - Inot Leningrad State Pedl Institu-te Title Studies Of After-Images in Color Anomalies Or i g Pub Uch. zap. Lenin(,,radsk. gon. ped. in-t, 19,36, Vol 23, 85-1100 Abntract Studies wore L-ado of two protcanomalien and Wo deutero- anomalies by the following method., following dark adaptation, the experimental subjects, Tar a veriod of 10-60 soc, vere permitted to adapt to light. Then they looked at n white screen and observed the changes of color in the after-images. The experimonts were run in several variations. The sensitivity of proto- and deuteroanoi-ialies to contrast colo*rs was opposite to their sensitivity to real colors; the production of after-imagibs from 6reen light in protoamralieu temporarily increued Card 1/2 151 S/13-(/'62/'OOD/DO 4/185/201 A15JI/AlOl AUVIORS: Zotov, A.I.,,.Akinflyev, M.1. T=-: Soldering ferrites by ultrasonic means PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 75, abstract E421 ( Sbo."Primeneniye ul'trazvuka v teklinol.mshinostr." no. 2j m., ig6c), 1'(9 - 180) TEXT: It has been established that ferritou can be soldered right in a molten solder irradiated with ultrasound the intensity oA" which is sufficient for producing a cavitation process. ' A supersonic bath has boan trade for this purpose, fixed on transfo.-m-m-er speeds, provided with electric heating nPanns for melting the solder, and a magnetostriction converter, To prevent ovacking of parts, the latter are heated and dipped into the molten solder bath; only,those sections to be worked are dipped. After this they are soldered pr1ov to 1~bD solidification of the solder applied. Subsequent zoldering with a noWring iron to pe-rmissible, Ferrites soldered together by ultrasonic means, subject4d to rupture test. showed that the average rupture force for Mg-Mn ferrite was I Rg/MM2, -th#Lt for 11iZn Card 1/2 8/137/62/000/004/185/201 Soldering ferrites ..... A151VA101 ferrite was 0.8 kg/mm2, and rupture occured mr,inly In the I.Lasic twiterial, not within a soldered joint. M4chanical strength of such. joints waa likewiso found to be satisfactory. V. Thrisova [Abstracter's note: Complete trwislation] Ca rd 2/2 ZOTOV, A.I., prepodavatell; MRTCHY0, Sh.A. --- -.-, -. ..... -, Chlotophoe in controlling warble files in cattle. Yeterinarila 37 no,6:74, Je 1,60. (NIRA 16t7) 1. Quakly aellskokhozyaystvennyy takhnikujn (for Zotov)lt 2. Nachalinik upravloniya sel'skogo khosyaystim Gomo- Altayekoy avtonomnoy oblasti (for Mkrtchyan). (Warble flies) (chlorophom) ZOTOV, A.I. Interaction of sensations in binocu3Ar contrast, Vop,psikbol. 7 no.2:87-96 10-Ap 161. (min 14:6) 1, Leningradakoy gooudarstvenart podagogichookiy inatitut imeni A.I.Gertaena. (lvisiot) (Sensea and sensation) ---;" 0 TO VI USSR/Humn and Animl Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour ; Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 73X16 Author : Zotov, A.I. Title : ~~_fnteraction of Color Sensations in the Dynwnlc~t,. of Extinguishing the Subsequent Tmage. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Leningr. goo. ped. in-ta; 1956, a3, 5-33 Abstract : The shadow of the object on a colored background was per- ceived as a strip of contrasting color ( inductive inhibi- tion of the cortex). In the resulting imaj~e (RI) the co- lors of the object and background changed places. The in-, teraction of the nerve processes determined the atability of the mutually contrasting colors in the Immediate percep- tion, in the RI, and in the course of extinguishing of RI, the perception of grey by putting the RI of the colored object on the background of the same color, the perception of a grey object in the beginning of adaptation in the form of a contrastingly colored one, and then- In the Card 1/2 - 117 - USSR/Hvimn and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71176 form of grey and f inally with shades of the color with unchanged color of RI. Complex phenomena of the simultaneous and following contrast are conditi- oned by the mutual induction of the cortical procesoes, but cannot be explained by the peripheral theory. Card 2/2 - 118 - 1-7 1~_OTO UMS /Iluman and Animal PhysioloWr - Nervous 8yetem. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya., No 16, 1957, 73-178 Author Zotov A.I. Title ges Folloirilig Achromatic Colors. Orig Pub Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, 23, 61-83 Abstract The change in the relation in the bri6ttness of aabroma- tic objects and background produced a changib in the color of the subsequent images (S1). The dynamics of interac- tion of perception in the course of extinguishing of SI did not differ from the dynamics of 81 produced by the adaptation to two chromatic colors. By reducing t1te dif- ferences in the briEjitness of the object and bac:kVound, the color of SI did not change) or one colox chnz&td inde- pendently of the other, The described phenomena were ob- served in the action of stimuli on different parts of the retina. The adaptation of one eye to two achromatic co- lors produced interaction of the colors in 'the b1nocular Card 1/2 - 129 4 1 ) - USSR/-Humn and Animl Physiology - Nervous System. B-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, fro 16, 1957, 71178 contrast, coinciding with the colors following the contrast at the action of the same echromatii.- stiimai. The obtained findtngs confirm the cortical nature of SI from achromatic colors. Card 2/2 - 120 - 2(,, USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - ffervou-s System. B-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, 11o 16, 1957, 71179 Author : Zotov, A.I. Title : _E_A_,vidu*a1 Differences in Interaction to Viswa Percep- tion in the Dynamics of Subsequent Images. Orig, Pub : Uch. zap Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, 23, 101-316 Abstract : The speed of appearance of the subsequent image (81) re- flects the motility, in duration and phase of SI the strength and balance of the basic nerve processes in the visual sinalyser. In the training piocess, the speed of the emergence of SI increases, the number of colors and shades which distinguished in the extinguishing of SI increases. The pecularities of the intenctiow in perception in the course of SI are considered as =xifes- tation of individual differences in the action of the vi- sual analyser and the interaction of the sigmaLbig systems. Card 1/1 - BUTONOV, V.A.$ inzh.; ZOTOT, A.I., insh. "; Adjusting truck-mounted crones and trucks fsr una on rMilroad tracks. Nov. takh. I nered. op. Y strol. 20 mo. 8:28-30 Ag 158. (MIRA 1117) (Cranov, derricks, *to.) (Motortrucks) ZOTOV' A.I., inshener. I IWON* I Univereal railroad crane motorcar. Ilek.sta. 27 no.9:49-50 5 '36. (MM 9:11) (Motor trucks) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Railroad motorcars) ZOTOV, A.I., kandidat pedagogichaskikh nauk. Spatial dynmOce of color senvation (on a b1mitk bae1wround) in subjects -with sLbaormal color vision4 Trt1dy-Gos,Anstpo isuch.mozga 15:33-65 '47. (HLRA 7:2) M)lor blindness) ALMMM, N.A.:, ARKKA 1Y, A.A.; ZOTOT LIPATOVA, M.Ya. Certain characteristics of the formation of ccwj~laz con(litioned motor reactions In man. Zh. vys. nery. daiat, 5 no.6t?73-782 I-D '53, (KWA 90) 1. Leningradakiy nauchno-issiedevatel'skly Institut ftzicheskc7 kul I tury. (MWLIX, GORDITIGM, conditioned moluor complex reactions in man, mechanism of form) ZOTOV. A.L. kandidat padagogichaskikh nauk. Spatial dynamics of achromatic vision In color blimilnese. Trudy Goa.inst.po isuch.uosga 15:66-73 147. (MLR& 7-2) (Color blindness) S Improving the fasteuing of dogs on log Jacks. Sbor. vne4r. rats. PTed. v.les. i mob-prom. no*2:7-8 159. (MIRA 1318) 1. LeniWadekly losopillno-derevoobrabatvvayunhchl:r kambinat. (Lumbering-Haahinery) - ZOTOV, A. L Thickening the nock of thn top food roller t1haft of the RD-75-2 log frame. Sbor. vuedr. rate. pred. v Ion. 1, maboprom. no*2:11 159. (MIRA 13:41) 1. Leningradskiy lesopillno-derevoobrabatyvalushchi:r kombitat, (Saws) ZOTOVI A.I, ImWovad design for electric Screwdrivers. Sbor. vite(ir *rats. rx od. v lea. i meb.prom. no.2:77-79 t59.- (MIRk 13r8) 1e leningradskly lea opil I no-deravo o brab4tyvVumhchI y kombinat. (Screwdrivers) ,~-IONK! A. 1. Suggestions for greater efficiency in inserting wood screws on the assembly line. Sbor.vnedr.ratB.pred. v lee. I meb.prom. no.2,.81- 82 159. (MITU 13:8) 1. leningradekly lecopillno~derevoobrabatyvnyixnhchly kombinat. (Screw-Irivere ) ZOTOV, A. 1. York for picking up naLlu while nailing boxes. Sbar.vaedr.rats.pred. v lee. i meb.prom. no.2:132 159. (HIU 134.8) 1. Leningradskiy lasopilluo-derevoobrabatyvarwhchiy kombinat.. (Voodwork--Tools and Implements) -I .10 b S/061/62 000/006/057/117 oro B140108 AUTHORSt Akinfiyev, M. I., Pavlov) A, A. TITLEt EloctroplatJng of aluninum and its alloym undsr the action of;, ultrasound PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 6, 1962, 407 -408, abstract 6K182 (Sb. "Primeneniye uVtrazvuka v tokhnol. mashinostr.11. no. 2, M., 1960, -149 - 154) TEXT: The influence of ultrasound (us.) on zinc and copper plating of aluminum and its alloys in cyanide electrolytes has been investigated in terms of the effect an the quality of and cohesion between the coat-ng and the base, the BT k' the rate of Cu deposition, the dispersibility of the electrolytes and the surface pretreatment. The quality of the coating is better when us. is used; the coated parts were tested muccausfully for temperature (up to 1600C) and climatic (90 days at a relative humidity of 98 stability. When~ us. is used the processes can be intensified owing to the increase of D k to 12a/dm2 for zinc plating and 1Oa/dm2 for copper Card 1/2 8/081/62/000/006/057/117' Electroplating of aluminum and ... B149/B108 plating. The use of us. for aluminum coattng does away with a number of preparatory operations. Surface preparati except degreasing, is a. chieved in the zinc plating electr 0 rAbstractor's note; Complete olyt transla.tion-i Card 2/2 B/194/62/000/005/087/157 D222/D309 AUTHORS: Zotov, A.I., Akinfiyev, M.I., and I)avlovp A.A# TITLE: The use of ultrasound in the tecluiology of ferrite production PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-5-44 a (V sb. ?ri~eneniye ul'trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinostr. no, 2t M.t 19609 134 - 138) TEXT: The use of ultrasound for the pulverization and mixJng of ferrite mixtures and for the mechanical_procesi5ing of ferrites is described; in this work- an Y3 P -10 (UZG 10) generator and nmG -6 UMS-6) transducer were used. Data are given on the optimal operat- ing conditions and on the composition of the liquids used in the pulverization of ferrite mixtures. Ultrasound and other methods of puiverization are compared in a table. With respect to the meehani- cal processing of the ferrites, it is shown that a high accuracy can be achieved in the processine of oponings and gTooves of comp- lex configuration and that the process of ultrasound processing is Card 1/2 V/ S/194/62/000/005/087/157 The use of ultrasound in the ... D222/D309 technologically suitable and saves time. Different compositions of emulsions, the influence of ultrasound technology on the properties of ferrites and so on, are examined. A table ahows the dependence of processing time on the granularity of boron carbide- LAbstrac- tor's note: Complete translationj. Card 2/2 S/194/62/000/005/084/157 D222/D309 AUTHORS: Akinfiyev, ILI.,, Zotov, A.I., and Pavlov, A,A. TITLE; Galvanic coating of aluminum and its alloys with the interaction of ultrasound P-RIODICAL: Refe-.--ativnyy zhurnal. Avtomati-,a i radioelelctronika, no. 5, 10,62, abstract 5-5-40 ye.(V sla. Primeneniye ul'trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinostro no. 21 M., 1960f 149 - 154) TEXT: The influence of ultrasound on the electro-chemical proces- scs is examined and the positive action of cavitation iB noted. It is shovm that the ultrasonic oacillations facilttate the depolariza- tion of the electrodes and the degassing of the liquid. The investi- ,,ation of the action of ultrasound on the galvanic coating of alumi- num was carried out at 18-23 kc/s frequenciesy uoing a 0,"Ic, -6 (PMS- -6) transducer. The transducers were mounted on a diaphragm of va- riable thiclmess, 2 - 10 mm, being the bottom of th.-bath. During zinc and copper plating of aluminum in cyanogen electrolytesq the current density was reduced to 27 a/dm2 and a better adhorence of Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/005/084/157 Galvanic coating of aluminum and its ... D222/D309 the coating to the base metal was obtained. It is noted that at lax- ge ultrasound intensities the speed of copper plating is reduced be- cause of the cavitational deterioration of the metal. During silver plating of aluminum, ultrasound is used not only for the galvainic coating of the zinc, copper and silver layers, but also for the'pre- paration of the pieces (cleaning and degreasing) before plating# The technology of silver plating in an ultrasound field is descri- bed. (Abstractor's note: Complete tranalationj. Card 2/2 52622 3/194/62/000/004/064/105 D295/D308 AUTHORS: Zotov, A. I. and Akinfyev, M. 1. 12ITLE: Ultrasonic soldering of ferrites PERT66=AL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 4, 1962, abstract 4-5-37y (V sb. Prineneniye u.11 trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinoutr. no. 2, 21., lIj6O, 179-180) .TEXT: The possibility of solderind forritoo withouT preli-minary silver-covering of the surface is investigated. I-. was found that such tinning is possible in a molten solder ultraso- nics with a radiLtion intensity sufficient for renerating cavi.111-a- tion in the solder. A tinning apparatus was d~!vised, clonsis-~'-_'ng of a magnetostriction radiator witWa concezrit-ator, at whose and is placed a bath with electrical heating, for mel"Cing thID .3older. J~f- ter tinning the parts, soldering by means of iron is possibl6. The great strength of the soldering was 0 .oserved; in -tests, the samples broko across the basic ma-~erial. The soldering Card 1/2 S11"3 (52/000/004/064/105 Ultrasonic soldering of ... D29 5ya~ 08 of metal parts to ferri'ves is possible, -~,he mechanici'.-l s-irenglv-Ii provin 0, fully satisfactory. Soldering was carrlet:i out wilth the ZP-200) solder. /-Abstrac'~erls note: Oo~mplit!te *'On--7 Card 2/2 8/1 A050101 AWHORS: Zo~~,)v, A. I., Akinfiyev, 14. 1., Pavlov, A. A. A---------- TI'IU: Application of ultrasound in the technique of rerritd producti.011 PERIODICAL: Reforativryy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 15, 1962, 23, abstract 15BI44 (In collection: "Primeneniya uVtraznira v %ekhnol. mashinad'. Moscow, no. 2, 1960, 134 - 138) TEXT: The possilAlity was investigated of the application of ultrasound to grinding and intermixing metal oxides of which the charge Tor forming ferr14es is prepared. line acperiments were carried out using a Y31T (UZGS) ultrasonic generator with a magnetostriction converter. The main paraineters determiaLng the processes of grinding and intermixing charge materials are: oscillation frequency, relation between the amount of liquid and the material ground, the thickness of the irradiated ground layer, the intensity of ultrasonic and audio oscillations, cavitation capacity of the liquid and the irradiation time. It in established that tho dispersion of the powder ultrasonically ground during 10 min is higher than that of the powder ground In ball mills during 24 hours or in a'vibration Card I/P Application of ultrasound in... S1 12?,16 21000101510091) 13 A052/AIOI grinder during 16 hours. Ferrite elements manufactured of pairders produced arter ultrasonic processing have equivalent magnetic properties as compared with tho elements produced of powders prepared by conventional procasi-,Ir43. Tt iz reported- on a successful application of ultrasound to machining farritas, Grooven and holes in ferrite elements are'produced on ultrasonic installations. [Abstracter's note: Complete traxislation] E. Spivak V Card 2/2 DANILOVICH, B.A.; ZOTOV, A.N. . ......... Organization of tho fluorographIc examination of workero and employeeo of amall indu3trial plants. Gig. i san. 26 no#4157-60 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantuil Stalinp k6go rayona Moslcvy. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENS) (DIAG"11~5, FiVOROSCOPIC) TOV, MI.- PROKOPIYEv, 1,.ji, , staraMy inzh. Following the example of the brigade of comminiot labor, Tekst. prom. 21 no.12:70-72 D 161. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik byuro tekhaicheakoy informatoii Chuvaigiskogo sovnarkhoza (for Zotcv). 2. Byuro tekhnicheukoy in"onnataii Chuvashokogo vovnarkhoza. (for Prokoplyev). (Cliuvashia. -Textile And"stry-Lubor pToduitl-Tity) 1;!'il '1HU, Ii ! 17( SOVII?7-58-9-21r-fl AUTHORS: ZotQm,_L_R., Colorvl of the Medical Corps, Shumova, - '9 .V., Lieutenant-C',lonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: Analysis of Traumat~sm and Prophylactic Measures (According to M*.terial of a Hospital) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp 7-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author tabulatt::S aLV reports or traumatic cases of soldiers. The artict% '-a is base(I on data of a garri- son hospital and a treat'*4se by N.D. Kritronosov, pub- lished in 1952. Most of*',he injuries occurred during off-duty hcurs. The authr? distinguishes injuries connected with economic casual Injuries sus- tained during duty hours al.,,, mzi-Linly, oports injuries. Injuries to the loklxr extroi` ~'tieo predominate over others. The implementation ~P prophylactic measures reduced the injuries in garri.,..ons 11 by lialf". There are 4 tables. Card 1/1 GM4AMOV, R.G.; ZATKO, G.I.; KhA.; WK(UY, Tu.A.; SHMM, A*Ya.; TriUXXRM, M.P.; USTIMMKO, I.I., red.; BAKHRIMOV, A., (Tashkent; oonoise reference book] Tashkent; krat)tii sprevochulk, lzd.2., dop. Tashkent, Gos.lzd-vo Unbekakoi SIM, 1938. 190 p. (MIRA 13;3) (Tashkent-Ouidebooke) ZCTOV, A. P. 25899, ZOTOV, A. P. Primenenie RSX dlya tIpiro,,rFuA.:na shf~n;=ov virusa i serc-diagnostiki infektsionnogo entsefulomielita loshbdey. Avtoreferat. Veterinariya, 1949, 11o. 81 ~- 57. Oo. Letopist ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 34, Voskvaq 1949 1 OA- a won I WA - ~~ vc:~ - AAA.. ZWOVy A*P. (Son. Sci. Assoo.x VM) A.A. Markovo Proft Merited vorker of Scit A.p. ZOTOV (son. Sol,. ILBSOO) &md M.A. U'Yashonko,, V.G. Petrov (junior Soi. Associates (VI'Hx) 'Mosqtdtoes of the Species Chlex as the Corriere of the viras of InfeatiolAs Equine RncepWowyelitie,w SOs Trod VRV, 4~4 ra*41-pp-g;L~~ Vol let 1951, VppRAAedjcine (Vet) Infectious Diseases Juri 551 7Ejuine Infectious Encephalomyelitis (IRM) A. F. i Zv. Cand Vet Sci -yete j%rr" Vol XXVIII, No El pp 2C)--? the disease it) the USSR is caused by 2 serol'ogically! distinct viruses and the -presence of Bornla ifirus possible. G. In. Bosh'yan describer, bacter-' also for= of the _T virus. =F 'L is trarigmitted enter, vnd and bv Aedes and Culex mosluitoes. A naturLi! res- be fc;rmcd by ro~lents, birds, cr rept-illev, VW/kedlicilne (Vet) Infectious Diseases Jun 51~' (Contd) Peaks of incidence correspond to peaks -in the 6um- b4r of Brandt 'a f1d nice. Lethality is 50-90%. Bbint's disease occurs in May-Jun, lElIffil in Aug-Sep. Airt0hemotherapry and sexur, therapy -,mder application: Of v-,,-iouz blood sera and immune sera are cffec!tivel~ Beat results were obtained with i=une serum of avine pLague (or blood of IEML reconvalescents), COM-; bined with urotropin and sp--'rits of cam-phor th6ranpy,. V Ii4 E- t-4 "The BioloLical Charactr;r of the 'AawatJvo Agent aw~ I~atjs. Reltvlln~- to the Lpizootiology of lnfectiovi,3 1&4idne Encephalitis." I~r Vet 3ct, AII.-Unlor, lnqt of Experirental Veterinary Sci, Mni-stry of ligricultimo (RZhBiol No 8, '.'ec 54) Surve,. of Scientific an-' 7 echnical lssertati=3 -st, UJISR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24' Jun 55 ZOTOV, A.P.; CHUMAWV, M.P.; KAMT, A.A.; STEPANDTA, N.I.; PAMV, A.N. lxperimental induction and serological Investigatfionm of q fevor. Yeterinarlia 33 no.7:44-53 Jl 156. (KWA 9--q) (q.fever) I -I IIH, ma 'r 111f C':tl!'try : USSR ua~QGo)-.- Virolucy. Virunes of mmi wict Lniimls. Rickettsias Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 23, 1958, No 103554 zotov Mu,nlmv, 11..P.; Markov, !rl ~-"- i ~ Ills All-Union Ins~i-~,u~a a zxperimental lle~enmry Dledicirle E)qieri;.~entcLl. SLudy of "Q" Fever ir. j":;r:.cul,~urn'.. :.Llinals (First ReporL). Dq3op-.,..A~!uta1 ReproductIor, of t", c Disease Or:-L, Pub: Tr. Vses. in-ta vcterinari;t, .-L"57, 2), 76-89. 'I' lac-L: Vieep, (,oaLs, cattle, hvrsus ciad A.j-s were infected by ~"Aaaus uf `L",c -A, Anis af t z.os!.ve doses of Mcko~ts- ';,a bur.-ioti (iiitraveii~-usly, stfocuta- nuously, ell ~'-Ilicomsly, orally, in.m'r~x, C:Q.1y) Card 1/2 Couniu-ry : USSR Ca.c--Ic)ry: Viroloa. Viruses of ltn and .1inkn1a. R:Lc!:c6-o~as. Jeur: rxcf Miur-mci., ilu 23, 1953, 103555 Aul~'.'Ior zc~ov L.P.; C!iu:=~'-:v, M.P.; Marb-v, N.T. 'U13 iii-Vii"On' insiui?.Wuo of Rc:peri-,-.ienta1 Vo'6er',ix,ary liedicinc T.L-~le ExperimeaLal Study rX "Q" Fever in ALmculi.uril Animls (Second Report). Study of the Cci;p1c;iicu':.'.-F~.xatAon Reactions in iVii,.-zls Dcparirentally li-Xec'.ed witl! "Q` Pever Or~.C Pub: Tr. Vscs. in-Cla eksperi:a. vcterinari.,.,.1~51'j 20, 9-J-95 After bhe parentQral mlx~nistration ar i-.-ao~,ivc doses of rickettsias, cm-plm.,,ent-fixinL~ antibcd:.cs appeared in the serum on t'~c fcurLh to seventh day ~"-, Li.iors of 1:10-1:20. Tia -,-%Lxj.-mu-.i titers (up 11-ri 1:320-1:640) Card 1/2 I I q1 ih Ilk Ccjtui~ry : USSR Ca'WeCory: ViroloL7. Viruses of I-Ian and Aniimls Rickettsias. Abs J--ur: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, 110 103556 Aut'llor Markav, A.A.; Chunakov, M.P.; Zotcrv, A.Pt) Stepanov.'a, N.I. 1118'L, P,11-Union, Institute of Ti'u- lo Experimental Study of "Q" Fever in AGricul-4-ural Aninals (Third Report). Lnvestigatica-i ~of toe Transitission of the "q"-Fever OrC;ama.-ij by tick, E2ik~~pj~~akus-,burstj Or:;G Pub: Tr. Wes. in-ta ckspcri.-..~. voterikiar'! i, 1957, 20, 96- 105 Abs,xac-'G: TicIm in tbe GeXUaJJ.Y-J.LH-ature fj1V-aC,,e (larva,., and ny*hs) and in the tmao s~aCje could ba infrec"Wed wi~". Riclmttsia burneti by rxans of la-G~inG thom feed on sheu-,i; in Locir tur.,, all *~-'~c sLn(,,as of ticks :.. ~TccLcd in this way wore able to Lifeelv- '1!ealthy aakals, wl-icli t1toy Card 1/2 ZOTOV, A. -P!' (Professor), BLINOV~ P. N.' (Serilon Scientific CoUmborato~-, All-Umion Inotitute of Experimental Vete rinary Medicinis). "Investigations concerning the etiology of infel.'ti(AUD atroj)hic rhiniti13 in: swine." Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1961, p. 32. 1.J. 11 1. IT I MA!", 111, ZOTOV,, A.P., prof.; EITIOV, P.P., otarohly nmuclui:pr rotrudnLk - Studying the etiology of Infect-lous atroph-4- -,,hinttl-a cf swine. Voterinarila 38 no.302-36 Mx 161 (R.IRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy insti-tut eksptirimental Incy vPId0-,-:;nnr:I I# ZOTOV, A.P.,, prof. African horse sickness of me-hoofed animalao Ve-Larltexiia 39 no.0,c65-72 MY 162 (MIn 18VI) is Vbasoyuznyy inctitut eksperiment&l Inoy vetarlzarli,, I_. 11-I- ".. m. . -11 w - -I I ~ - I I 1 11, " - .' . - " V - - , , , -- . . ." , . - LIKHACHEV, N.V.; SYURIII., V.N.; TSION, R.A.; SHCHERBATUH, P.Ya.; ~4=V~ A.~.; SKC140ROXHOVj A.L.; FIROGI F.P.; PITI)SO A.A.; BAZYLEV, P.M.; NAZAROV, V.P.; OALOVp F`.M.j, dots.; USACHEVA, I.G., red.; YAPJIYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I.p tekhn. red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.N., tek" red. [Virus diseases of animalal ViruniWe boleni zhivotnykh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 561~ 1). (Mol 17:1) LIKHACHEV, N.V., prof.; AGRINSKIY, N.I., prof.; SYURIN, V.N., prof.; SFESIVTSEVAt N.A., prof.; KOLOBOLOTSKIY, G.V., prof,; ZOLDTAFMV, N.A., prof.; KORYAZHNOV, V.P., prof.; KOWOV, S.G., prof.; BABICH, M.A., prof.; 4TROV, A.M., prof.; ZOTOV-- A P prof - DOROFEYEV, K.A., prof.; POLYKOVSKIY, 14,D., pro -; 11;6~IN' P'.13., prof.; ORLOV, U.S., prof.; KGTOV, Y.T., prof.; TRILENKO, P.A., prof.; LYUBASHENKO, S.1a., prof.; USACHEVA, I.G.p red.; YARNYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekh-n. red. (Veterinary laboratory practicol-Veterinarnala laboratornaia praktika. Moskvap Selkhoziz&t;,- Vol.[Geneml microbiological methods of investigation] Obshchie mikrobiologicheakie netody in- sledovaniia. 1963. 566 p. Vol.2. [Biochemical, chemico- toxicological, and veterAtary hygienic methods of investigation] Biokhimicheakle, khimiko-toksikologichaskie i zoogigienicheskie metody isoledovaniia. 1963. 431 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Veterinary laboratories) ZOTOV, A. P. (Professor) All.-Union Inst-atute of VxWrImo.,ntmI Yeteftnary Wdtc:LnL,)* "African plague of the solid-ungulates" Veterinaxiya, Vol. 39, no. 5, May 1c,)62 p. 65' ZOrOV A. P. giveteri-nary-Sanitary and Antlepitootic MeasuresIor Q #ever among~ Agri6ltural Animals" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni, Obsb6hiiid Dlya Cheloveka i ZhIvotrAyIch (Zoonozy) Moscow, 1961. ZOTOV, A. P. "Leukoses of Agricultural Animals" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni, Obshchimi Dlya Cheloveka i ZhIvotnykh (Zoonozy) Moscow) 1961. ZOTOV, A.P., prof. Results of an investigation of q fever anA h~baremia it farm animals. Trudy VIN 23:202-214 '59o (HIRA 13:10) 1. Vseso7uznyy institut eksperimentalluoy vaterinarii. (Q fever) (Tularemia) ZOTOV' A. S. Cutting unnecessa.17 expenses, Takstaproms 20 ao.2:86-87 7 160, 042A 13:6) (Textile Industry--Costs) '=OVj Aleksey Timofeyev-ichl CHULKWA, I.S.p red.; SHFAto Ye.Gr.o .tekhn. red. (Urea] Mochavina. Moskva, Goskhimizdptp 1963. 173 p. (MIRA 17:2) . I19 1!;~]IiI I I I --I I .. ...--I .I GLOZSHTEYT.'I, Ya.S.; ZOTOV, A.V.; SERGEYEV, B.V.; SHASIIKQV, V.F.; GORDEYEV, P.A., red.izd-va; SIIIJOKOVA, G.M., red.izd- va; KOIAAROVSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Construction of furnaces for the building mteri&ls industry] Kladka pechei promyshlonnosti stroitellrWkIi materialov. (Dy] IA.S.Glozshtein i dr. Monkva, Gos- stroiizdat, 1963. 299 p. (ITERA 17-2) ZOTOV, A.V., inzh., red.; OVCH121INSKrY, A.F., inzh.0 rod. (construction specifications and regulatiowl Stroi- telinye nornW I pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.l. At Sec.G., ch.10. (Refractory materials and prodvets] Ogneupornye materialy i izdeliia (SNO I-G. 10,-62). 1963. 48 p. (MIILA I7:t':)) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R. ) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSM (for Zotov). 3. MezbAuvedomstvetinaya komissiya po peresmotru Stroi- tellrykh norm i pravil (for Ovehininskiy). KAMETSYM, S.P.; UTKIN, nauchn7y red.; VOUIYANSKIT, A.G.# glav. red.; SOKOIA)V, D"OV.) zam. glay. red.; TAIUN, V.D., red.; W& BRENNIKOV, S.S., red.; MIKHAILOV, K.A. 0 red. - MURNMOV, I.G. 0 bred.; VOLODRI, V*Yesj redo; RKOLAYEVSKIY, TeJa., rod.; 9111ROKOVA, G,M.p red. izd-va; VAUMOVAj G.D,j tekbn, redo (Heat insulation work) Teploizollatsionrqe raboty. 14askya, Goo,, izd- vo lit-ry po stroit., arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 1961, 1+39 p. (KIRA 14:10) 1. Vsesoyum7y nauelmo-issledovatel'skiy institut "Teploproyckt". (Insulation (Heat)) =OVp A*Vet iDzhot redeJ STRASHNYKH, V.P.p red.izd-va; 4rARNUXIITNYe.K.q -U-0m,red, [Technical specifications MRTU 7-3-60 for finely-ground additions and aggregates for heat.,resistant conereteal TeUmicbaskie usloviia na tonk=olotye doba-vki I sapolniteli d.11a zbarostolkikb betonovp WTU 7~3-60. Moskva, Goo,izd,.vo lit-ry- po stroit,# arkbits i stroit.materialam, 1961. 14 p. (KTU 14:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S,R.) GasudarstvenrWy kcmitet po delam stroitellet-7a. (Concrete--Specificationo) ZOTOV, A.Y., inzh., red.; KHAVIN, B.S.# red.izd-va; HAUKOTA, G.D.o te khn. re d. (Regulations 81 64-59 on carrying ont lining operstions in rotary cement-burning kilne] Instruktaiis po proi2vod9tTu futerovochnykh rabot vo vrashchaiushchikhsia taem9ntnoobzh1gatel1n:rkh pechakh; SN 64-59, Koakva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., mrkhit. i stroit. materialem, 1960, 68 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvennyy Icomitet po delam stroitel'stva. (Kilns, Rotary) (Refractory materials) i ; 1 1 TM C j : I I . I I I . . I .. , , , I , , . . , ., , . , . .. , . , . , , I . . ZOTOVO A.V., inzh. Using asbestos cement producte In building It the Federal German Republic. Stroi. mt. 5 no.4:37-39 AP 159o (KXRA 12:6) (Germany, West-Asbestos cement) PISARIK, L.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHAFRANSKlY, V.I.;, Calculating periodic-action a.c. drlvf,, oparattng jr)J?-,tly with the hydromechanical transmission. Avt. prom. 90 no.9t24-27 S 164. (MIRA 17:1.0) 1. Belorusskiy politakhnicheskly inatitlLt 1 14110-11911kiy avtomobillnyy zavod. mizS11XIIII gornyy inzhaner; WRLYA11D, S.S., gornyy inz~jvnar; SIROTKIII) Z.L., inzh.; Db-?.IISOf, A.G., Inzh,; VKHROVIDUY, G.I., Inzh,; BEUrEIREV, Yu.I., inzh.; ZOTOV A.V. i=h.; IVANOV, E.I., inzhd; inzh.; _R VASILIEV, Ye.A., inzh.; DIV.CIEITKO, V,F., Replies to V.V. Slianlkols artiole nEfficlent V~idts or using truck haulagre in open pita.79 Gor. zhur. no.l.*75-77 Ja 162. (14111 15:7) 1. GosudarstvenwFj nauchno-okotmicheskly sovet Soveta Rinistrov SSSR (for vlelevhkin). 2. Promtransproyekt Goristro3is SSSR (for Box-1yand). 3. DelorussIdy avtozavod (for Siratldnj Deniaov,, Torncvakiy, Bekhterov, Zotov, Ivanov). 4. Gomudarst-renryy in3titut po proyeltirovan-iyu razrabotki rudnelth mostorozlideniy v yuzhnykh rayonov SSSH, Khartkov (for Vasilfpv, Solovtyevap Dlyachenko). (Mine haulage) (Shan'ka, V.V.) -ZOTOT,' A.T., red.; XHATIV. B.S., red.izd-va; BOMMV, NJ.. (Instruction W 19-~8 on the drying and Initlal heatling of chimneys and flues] Instruktaiia-co sushke i razogravu. dymovykh trub i borovov (EN 19-58). goakys, Gos,izd-vo lit-vy po stroit., arkh1t. I stroit,materialaml 1956, 19 (KIRA 1213) I 1. Russia (1923- 1~.S.S.R.) Gosudarvtvsnny7 karUtet po delam stroitel'stva. (Chimneys) (Flues) ZOTOV., A.V... red.; STRLSIMMI, V.P., red.izd-vaj KASIMOV, D.1a., tekbn# [Instructions SN 156-61 for producing and usimp, ,, firepmof concretes) Instruktsiia po tekhnologii prigotovIenii4L i pri- meneniiu zbarostoikikb betonov SN 156-61. Utve3-zhdena Gosudarst- venrqm kamitetcm Saveta Ministrov SSSI po delm stroitellstva 14 fevra.U& 1961. Moskva.. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry yo vLroit., arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 72 pa ~ OURA 14:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.Rj) Gosudarstve=07 kmitet po delam stroitelletva. (Concrete conotruction) SIROTKIN, Z,L,# 10-V A.V. LETT 31 Heavy-duty trucks for the mining industry. Gor.11h,". no.D55- 'A :a 263. (MIRA 16t1) 1, GjavVy konstruktor BelorueSkogO avtOzavOda (for Siratkirt). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo konstruktora Belorusakog6 avtoaavoda (for Zotov). (Mine haulage) ZOTPV -va; KASMOV, ,-A.V., Inzh., red,; PETROVA, V.V., red. izd -D-Je., tekbn, red.3 YASHUKOVA, H.V.,, tekhn. rod. (Technical directions SH 204,62 for assembling tube furmaces) Tekhnicheakie uka2#niia na montazh trubelvitykh pechei (SN 204-62). Izd.ofitsiallnce. MoAvaltosatmiftdat, 1962~ 25 P. (WIRJA 16:6) 1. Russia (1-92,1- U.S.,S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy Icomitat po delam stroitellst'Va6 (Furnacen) ZET j,'Ill all V M A FIE"I A, F 0 !'% F'I'1 7 - I lq"i.nfi ':C eA~id ining !3 P a e r 1, 1TM, 18 1-'0 S OV Y ZOTOVP B... dotsent Securing traffiO safety in rural districts. Airt. tr,!Lnffp. 41 no-5s46 Yq 163. MIRA 16M) (Traffic safety) MERVART Iozef (Mervart, Josef]; ZOqPV~ P,.Pj~ranslatorl; MMOV, I.I. [translator]; ROGDJSKIY, &s., prof., red.; WHODIN, Yu.V... red.; GOLICIMKOVA, A.A., tekhn. red.; 'REZUIILHOVA,A.G.., [Price determination in international commerae]TSenoobrazova- nie v rezhdunarodnoi torgovle. Pod red, I no vstup, statlei G.S.Roginskogo. 14oslcvaj Izd-vo inostr. litry) 1962. 350 P. (Prices) (Connerce) (MIRIL 15:12) ZOTOV, B.D. ., 2 ~ - - ~;'- ~ I Analytic dagign of h7poid gann; witli cirmilar tothth', Nittwh, tokh.inform.biul. IXI no.1.1:32-39 158- (MIRA 12:11) (Gearing) L'OTOV 7; D :encl. to!,'. .~ .. dotsent -.-I " * i I of toot'jin,- -r a spiroid gern, 11-1. V,?-.,. ar".0b. ~;av.; I-u!:-l .-not) . .. ~ k, - ..i.:V I . Tz ::.~. -_-,nl.c-. ,;3 J.-- i~!sl. tut. "vle,1%I) ZOTOV) B.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Fetermining contact lines In spirold gear transrds.~4ow. 1zv. vys. iicheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.6t5-11 165. (MIRA 180) ZOTOV,, B.D., kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent Curvature of side murfaces of generated circular hypid gear teeth. Izv.7jz;.ucheb.zav.; rranhinoistr. no.9.13?--lV. 161* (MIFA 14:12) 1. Izbp-vskiy mekhanicheakiy institut. (Gear cutting) (Foreign trade of the people's democracies In the aervice of the building of socialism] Vneshniaia torgovlia Aran narodnoi demokratii na sluzhbe stroitellstva sotsializma. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 193 p imim :1,6:5) (Communist count exes--Cor=erco) tmtl T&v v LYUBIXOT, N.M., otvatetvamW red.; GMGITIT. ZOTO .jQtj& D Ajl~,~syjch* Ye.SI, reciets -va [Foreign trade of the Maropean people's denocractes as it serves the construction of socialim) Vneshniaia torgovlla mvropetakikh stran naradnot deackratit an slushbe strottelletya ootsialisma, Hoskya, Ind-vo Andenauk Sswo 1958. 193 p. (MIRA 1113) (co=erce) ZOTOVV B. D. Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Inst imeni M. 1-. Kalinin. ZOTOV, B. D. - "The geometry of contact of IpoIuobkatnyyeI gepr wheels in connection with the technology of cutting them." Fin Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Poly-technic Inst imeni M. 1. Kalinin. Leningrqd, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciencem.) SO: Knizbnaya Letopis', No. 13t 1956 ZOTOT, B.D., kand,tekhn.nank Curvature of side surfaces of circular tooth of Kipold pparis machlued' by, the semiburnishiug method. Izv.vys.uohob.zav,: mitilhinostr. 00~.7$ 3o-36 l6o. (HIM 13:1i) 1. Izhavakiy nekhanichaskiy institlAt, (Goarlng):;~l I i, KHACHAMIOV, T.S.., red.; DANISHINA, V.11. [translator]; Z~10Y,JLD. (translator]; ISUPOV~ V.T.[iranalatorl; t-SVIUR', V,I).(tran3Iatr).Vjj- TEREKNOV, V.F .[tr"alatorl; STIAGALOV, G.L.[tr4inalator); KOW-91OV, Yu.F., naucluW red.; ZAYTSEV, N.F., red.; KHOWAKOV, A.D., tekbn. red. [Problems in the economic efficiency of capital investmentslvopro- sy ekonomicheakoi efffektivnosti kapitalovlozhenii; sbornik statei. Pod red. i so vstup. statlei T.S.Khachaturova, Moc&va, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1962. 276 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SS&i (for Khachaturov). (Capital investments) i ZOTOVJ BqD.) CIOIAIDKOV, II.S. I ; Spiraid wom gear tranamiisaions4 fUalhinootroltoll no,905 8 162o . (KIIIA 1549) Dow.-irer, Wdm) W 0 0 10 41 4( i. 1i * 0. "i sit 04 * A 0 A *O X Vol=ddc phougalvactic offect In Sauda" (d else l ut y k ff t D f V, . u e ec o oc 1. p1so4dra vas m J'i jk' ~ Aer st lit l h rjf citi d A N Z o ~ svj w al m. V Valn an . 1. . p y mim ki w 11 ~ S J W 8 u is f. , hS. . , . , Ckrm.' .04 . ( A PhOtOCIA111-26C Ofect Wag tilv*rVed on Smot)th pt jin,j ' l b tl f K C 0 l i 0 ia t t S own t-black ttectrudes in a "n. o j, I j 1 the O"'t ii due to the filluldwhrin. proce-sm takiiiq pL-w,. I f O l d 4 t ent o w the ekk tiu in the val. ti yle and Is eri f i ( h b i l d ZOO ~ " 0 el f ia ne on I s exp wave length. VIC tff('Ct . 3 tem"Ory dixturfanct 0( the 4mir equil. III th" tioln, C** 001 ) 0. Z. K*mkb 0 6 o4 w 00 2 3 0 0 0 4 -.00 zoo ~ goo a so LITE RAUNIS 10" 11*1031. 9 ;too ; 4 V , to a U 0 AT 00 0 f IT *, a a, is Jt a In - L I a Ow 04 1 do 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS * 9 41 0 'm : 0 0 0 16000000 see fisee 0 : : : : : 0: 9 41110410 0 0 - 00 so 0 0 0- 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZOTKIN,, S. F. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Investigatiun i)f tile printing devices of offset machines," Moscowp 1960p "OP) 1~0 cop. (Moscow Polygraphio Institute) (KL, 44-60p 1.10) : 1- -4 j call I, 11.111L. is 0 i .1 9' *U'W= it makwirt Sm"Alt 44 to phitt"to, &4d Us ir 111101 r"Caft, W 1. 114. and hl. G. Oetift Are, 1". Ori Oaf" 33; ~ (IS 0~9 2, 30VI, rf 000 C. A 1 88 111 NNIVI14 w th a oes I ef NSILIN(h is of SCOW In IN. rGIORNN id q%mm" its 40411w Orm"4 to kofma- *04 3 V4191" ch. Aft =idorl with to fat"Wil IVRI brat IrmaKa IN *ml iffinsensw In mmit, ill; :;M [lei kem 0 mm"fthIf welo activity. %ItImVU1% h 14 roolprmM with'gIvott" wo. Tho bviatiam* MMW In 1hp data Ivy the whom mW IbKw by It, A. 144awast. ol ~W. 1cf. C. A. 11 ?M- I# 11"t -0 19, IM) are due W 4W- In ti~ "d Iko WAA* of see the cratairsts bet 4e the cf;;iQ with Ch and with lb" given ax mixt. The In"Migatbart raw. 0* pohnalma see (of the calsay" With pas water and the restoration of Ito activity. The miviiy coo bo "w*4 wc"mdiotly by hestim he tatalylt for a sh"t tha'a wish 0 ps 0-dut, St Are 0 to abcmi A. A. BmhiHngk goo t1641 so.&MV U 4 LN a a rT,,, m t'4 0 r 0 : 'eel: 0 S S 41 4111see 0 0 20 4p 0 Allm Q L 092C6-67 ACC NRt AP7002765 SOURCE CODE: Uft/0Q2PtV,/169/O01/W92/G093 AU79IOR: Popova, A. A.; ORG: InsTitute of Cr 4 '8SR (Institut kristallografti AN ~cssi) TITIZ : ProdLic' ,ion of of oxides of the rare earth elenents by the Verneuil method SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 1, 1966, 92-93 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, inorganic oxide, crystal g ABSTRACT; The possibility of applyling tho Vornouil method to tho productior. of oxides containing lanthanidos with atomic numbers from 62- to 71 was ox-plorod, gas SySto~j$ Of CjyGtajlA and the permissible linits of fluctuation of the L Lzation of various compositions were established. All the rare oarth oxides tosLcrdt with the exception of that of torbium, acquired a trivalant stato independent of the oxidation-reduction protential of the iv'aedium in the crystallization t;pace during growth of crystals by tho Verneull mothod. The crystals af sesquioxidos of the tested series of lahthanidos, producod by the Vornoull method, belong to two clauGes of Ptructural modifications: Sm20), and Gd2O3 are, morio,~Ilnlop whoro- ~as Dy2031 03, Ho201, Er2~,, TmZ Yb203 , and LU20 are v~~blc. The z1oro- hardnesscs of the invas atod crystais increased w2h incr4)asing atomic n=bor. An exception was DY203 , the comparativoly high hardness of which is attrVauted Iby the authors to the presence ohl Impuritioa of nonlanthanida elsmonts. h ~' s paper was presented by Academician A. 1'. Shubnikov on 25 October 1965, ThG authors thank 0. X. Mellnikov for tho Rsousanns of the resIxItts o'~ the x-ray analysis of the samples; TFig. art. has: '1 table. 1JPRS: 38,1391 SUB CODE: 20, 07 / SUBM DATE; 250ct65 ORIG REF: 001~ / (T~H REF: 004 Card j/,-,/;-, UDC: 548-551-.- ZOTKINAP Z.A. Modification Of V04triOtaar polychlorvinyl dral.-!ialle. v0p, AoL-c4ilr 24 not 2:35-36 Mr-Ap '600 (MIRA 14-.1) (BRAIP-BL= VESSELCJ) profeemor; MPKIII vaw=~~ ROPOrt On the 8Ct17itteS o:' the lfharkov Nourovur;~ical :~Iociatj in 1956. ~op.aelrokhtr. 21 no-4:57-56 Ja-Ag 157. (Nilih 10-10) (KURKOV--SURGICi L ')W, U-~'TIUS) CHIBUKUKRER, H.B., professor; ZOTKIIIA, Z.A. ., Sessions of the Xharkov Neurosurgical Society. Vop.nairdl&Ar, 20 no.4:46-52 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA gal) (NERVOUS SYSTIK--SURGnT) ZOMP Akile, dr. Organizatlon of tho campaIgn for voluntary Moc.0 lrmni,-94 Itigniiet. pop. l14-7 164# 1. Kryetar i deges mjekimit na 14. Shendetemise. ZOTO,q Akile.. dr.; LITO, Spiro., dr. Blood transfusion. Shendet. pop. 23 n0-5:21-28 10. (BLOOD TROSPUSION) HiiJdilh m~ 4: ~j7 t N I I u I P. I r? I YX, It V4 Is (No 21!, 1 I rowN d.~q I 4'~i w i a 4 11.4 1 A -7-. 7-m all V~Irl I, h ;to, - ANI) VA, MMMIll M-117 RMAIIIII, .......... iA -W4 '01t, Yi '0. Ilfa 4 M4 fjvf~~Jj it I~L# (m pit to Lj- VO t !~ I 1 0 FOVAT( V1077/1 RniffatT, it I I11111 11 `1111 PNI III 111 11 J I 11111111; 03 i I - rmm. ~: -vir, 00 as 09 0 008, 6a S)i 't PON U06 almi itv stU)% an valkiv %kv, 1'. 1). jrArtum ,.%I, NA S. S111,14- lhAl AA-1. A-A, AS.~M, 14 '31 41687 W(IIV) A ff"P.-N. Ass It & 04 r&iI.v*4KAL tireWl'" ct.IIlFK4I4N u --WY a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 48 0 00so *as a0 0 a.* ..... ........ I a 4 Ojo 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 4 io a a 0a mljo 4 0 0, ilea 306 0 GUBAREV, G.; ZOTOTIED, S. prepodavatelf; NATDENOV, V.; UAROV, P.; BART- SEDIIX17-.T'. Continuing the discuseion of problems of labor organitaLion under conditions of new technolog7. Sots. trnd 5 no.5:66-74 Xy- 160. (HIU 13: 11) 1. Rachallnik otdola truda, i zarplaty Rostovskolm smarkhoza (for Gubarev). 2. Vysshaya partipaya ehkola, Xhaw1kov (for Zolotiko). 3. Rachallnik teekhovogo Iquro truda i sarabotnoy platy Miarlkovskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Naydenov). 4. Nauchno-IssletWvatell-skly institut truda, Moskva (Zharov). 5. Ilachallnik otddla truda, i zarplat7 Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskogo sovnarlehoza (for Baryalmikov). (labor and laboring classes) (Automation) (Technological imlovatiolls) ZOTOV, A.; YAKUWV, B. ; SMIRNIOV, N. ; GHABROV, G. ; KOCHENW, V. , . . . ..... red.; BAKHTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. (Cities of the Fergana Valley; concise referesm-P. book] Goroda Ferganskoi doliny; kratkii spravochnik. Perer. 2 izd, Tnshkent, Gros,tzd-vo IJzIx-kukoi SSR, 1963. 157 p. 09 Wt 16; "),1) (Fergana--Cities and towns) j. , MIATRIN, V. , lnzh. OIT-1 device for detectiL.,; mtal objects. Raclio no.9-45-2.6 L, S t 6,~! ( I 11 1-j, I C) -. ~ ) ZOTOVO LA. Deviee--f= locating undergramd gas ptpelimas. Mns. Prem. 7 U0,9 1 36- 162, (MIR.& 1718) . I ~:~ - OTC) V H. A/ - USSR rphology of Man and Animals - (Itormi and Pathologic). S-2 Respiratory System. Abe Jour Ref Zhiw - Biol., No 3, 1958, 12353 Author Inst Title On the Presence of Particles of Diatom A.Lga in Human Lungs (a Preliminary Communication) Orig Pub : V sb. sudebno - med. ekspertizy. Vyp. 2. M., Gosyurizdat, 1955, 238-24o Abstract : Frustules of diatoms were found in the lungs of 7 out of 8 cadavers whose death was not caused by drowning.. Card 1/1 Fpvp A'As" 11 Iffect of various tillage methods on the physical properties of soils in dry valley pastures. Pochvovedenie no,2iql-95 F 163, (MIRA 16:3) 1. Voeeoyusnyy nauchno-lealedovatellskiy institut kormov. (Moscow Provinap-Pitatures and meadowil) (Tillage) ZCI-2cil, I,. F. ;'IIIvj3ti;-jMtion 0-f- the o, the " 1 1., 'ill la C;irrc-.,nt of, the inopr ~Uver.,, c~.jnjl j-5jol j Stato :J, 'Kiev, 19-43. (RZhBj0I, ITO 1, 1 cip lj-:)I) 54) SO: Swi 432, 29 55 ZOTOV, A-F. - t Studying antibacterial properties of fish extracts. Val). ikht. no.11:188-191 158. (MIU 32:1) 1.Xafedra zoologii bespozvonochanykh Poskovskop gonads-retvalmop univeraiteta imeni.H,V. lomonesova. Ulahes) (Sxtracts) OLnti"Optics) Ii,1111 ;ill ZOTOV, A.Y. Antibacterial properties of organs and tiesumo in fresh-vater fishes, Vop. Ikht. no'GM157~i6l 158. (MIRA UtIO) I,Moskevskiy gosudarstwouM universitet, 1mfodra, toologit Ibse- posvonachnykh. (Fishes) (Antibiotics) T. LOKSHIN, Yo.L.; ZOTOV, A.G."; CHEM, V.P.; 311IFIJOV, M.G. WaYs to improve the Industrial and economic Indicee In the preparation of underground gas producers by, boring. Podzem. gaz.ugl. no.3:67-?l 159. (MIR& 12:12) 1. Angrenskaya atantstya, "Podzsmgaz." (Coal Iasification. Undergrouad) oring) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Sense ~rgann. T Ab8 Jour Ref Zhur - Biol..t NO 15, 1958, No- 70602 Author 4tov, A,,, J %- - - - - Inot Leningrad State Pedl Institu-te Title Studies Of After-Images in Color Anomalies Or i g Pub Uch. zap. Lenin(,,radsk. gon. ped. in-t, 19,36, Vol 23, 85-1100 Abntract Studies wore L-ado of two protcanomalien and Wo deutero- anomalies by the following method., following dark adaptation, the experimental subjects, Tar a veriod of 10-60 soc, vere permitted to adapt to light. Then they looked at n white screen and observed the changes of color in the after-images. The experimonts were run in several variations. The sensitivity of proto- and deuteroanoi-ialies to contrast colo*rs was opposite to their sensitivity to real colors; the production of after-imagibs from 6reen light in protoamralieu temporarily increued Card 1/2 151 S/13-(/'62/'OOD/DO 4/185/201 A15JI/AlOl AUVIORS: Zotov, A.I.,,.Akinflyev, M.1. T=-: Soldering ferrites by ultrasonic means PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 75, abstract E421 ( Sbo."Primeneniye ul'trazvuka v teklinol.mshinostr." no. 2j m., ig6c), 1'(9 - 180) TEXT: It has been established that ferritou can be soldered right in a molten solder irradiated with ultrasound the intensity oA" which is sufficient for producing a cavitation process. ' A supersonic bath has boan trade for this purpose, fixed on transfo.-m-m-er speeds, provided with electric heating nPanns for melting the solder, and a magnetostriction converter, To prevent ovacking of parts, the latter are heated and dipped into the molten solder bath; only,those sections to be worked are dipped. After this they are soldered pr1ov to 1~bD solidification of the solder applied. Subsequent zoldering with a noWring iron to pe-rmissible, Ferrites soldered together by ultrasonic means, subject4d to rupture test. showed that the average rupture force for Mg-Mn ferrite was I Rg/MM2, -th#Lt for 11iZn Card 1/2 8/137/62/000/004/185/201 Soldering ferrites ..... A151VA101 ferrite was 0.8 kg/mm2, and rupture occured mr,inly In the I.Lasic twiterial, not within a soldered joint. M4chanical strength of such. joints waa likewiso found to be satisfactory. V. Thrisova [Abstracter's note: Complete trwislation] Ca rd 2/2 ZOTOV, A.I., prepodavatell; MRTCHY0, Sh.A. --- -.-, -. ..... -, Chlotophoe in controlling warble files in cattle. Yeterinarila 37 no,6:74, Je 1,60. (NIRA 16t7) 1. Quakly aellskokhozyaystvennyy takhnikujn (for Zotov)lt 2. Nachalinik upravloniya sel'skogo khosyaystim Gomo- Altayekoy avtonomnoy oblasti (for Mkrtchyan). (Warble flies) (chlorophom) ZOTOV, A.I. Interaction of sensations in binocu3Ar contrast, Vop,psikbol. 7 no.2:87-96 10-Ap 161. (min 14:6) 1, Leningradakoy gooudarstvenart podagogichookiy inatitut imeni A.I.Gertaena. (lvisiot) (Sensea and sensation) ---;" 0 TO VI USSR/Humn and Animl Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour ; Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 73X16 Author : Zotov, A.I. Title : ~~_fnteraction of Color Sensations in the Dynwnlc~t,. of Extinguishing the Subsequent Tmage. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Leningr. goo. ped. in-ta; 1956, a3, 5-33 Abstract : The shadow of the object on a colored background was per- ceived as a strip of contrasting color ( inductive inhibi- tion of the cortex). In the resulting imaj~e (RI) the co- lors of the object and background changed places. The in-, teraction of the nerve processes determined the atability of the mutually contrasting colors in the Immediate percep- tion, in the RI, and in the course of extinguishing of RI, the perception of grey by putting the RI of the colored object on the background of the same color, the perception of a grey object in the beginning of adaptation in the form of a contrastingly colored one, and then- In the Card 1/2 - 117 - USSR/Hvimn and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71176 form of grey and f inally with shades of the color with unchanged color of RI. Complex phenomena of the simultaneous and following contrast are conditi- oned by the mutual induction of the cortical procesoes, but cannot be explained by the peripheral theory. Card 2/2 - 118 - 1-7 1~_OTO UMS /Iluman and Animal PhysioloWr - Nervous 8yetem. R-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya., No 16, 1957, 73-178 Author Zotov A.I. Title ges Folloirilig Achromatic Colors. Orig Pub Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, 23, 61-83 Abstract The change in the relation in the bri6ttness of aabroma- tic objects and background produced a changib in the color of the subsequent images (S1). The dynamics of interac- tion of perception in the course of extinguishing of SI did not differ from the dynamics of 81 produced by the adaptation to two chromatic colors. By reducing t1te dif- ferences in the briEjitness of the object and bac:kVound, the color of SI did not change) or one colox chnz&td inde- pendently of the other, The described phenomena were ob- served in the action of stimuli on different parts of the retina. The adaptation of one eye to two achromatic co- lors produced interaction of the colors in 'the b1nocular Card 1/2 - 129 4 1 ) - USSR/-Humn and Animl Physiology - Nervous System. B-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, fro 16, 1957, 71178 contrast, coinciding with the colors following the contrast at the action of the same echromatii.- stiimai. The obtained findtngs confirm the cortical nature of SI from achromatic colors. Card 2/2 - 120 - 2(,, USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - ffervou-s System. B-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, 11o 16, 1957, 71179 Author : Zotov, A.I. Title : _E_A_,vidu*a1 Differences in Interaction to Viswa Percep- tion in the Dynamics of Subsequent Images. Orig, Pub : Uch. zap Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, 23, 101-316 Abstract : The speed of appearance of the subsequent image (81) re- flects the motility, in duration and phase of SI the strength and balance of the basic nerve processes in the visual sinalyser. In the training piocess, the speed of the emergence of SI increases, the number of colors and shades which distinguished in the extinguishing of SI increases. The pecularities of the intenctiow in perception in the course of SI are considered as =xifes- tation of individual differences in the action of the vi- sual analyser and the interaction of the sigmaLbig systems. Card 1/1 - BUTONOV, V.A.$ inzh.; ZOTOT, A.I., insh. "; Adjusting truck-mounted crones and trucks fsr una on rMilroad tracks. Nov. takh. I nered. op. Y strol. 20 mo. 8:28-30 Ag 158. (MIRA 1117) (Cranov, derricks, *to.) (Motortrucks) ZOTOV' A.I., inshener. I IWON* I Univereal railroad crane motorcar. Ilek.sta. 27 no.9:49-50 5 '36. (MM 9:11) (Motor trucks) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Railroad motorcars) ZOTOV, A.I., kandidat pedagogichaskikh nauk. Spatial dynmOce of color senvation (on a b1mitk bae1wround) in subjects -with sLbaormal color vision4 Trt1dy-Gos,Anstpo isuch.mozga 15:33-65 '47. (HLRA 7:2) M)lor blindness) ALMMM, N.A.:, ARKKA 1Y, A.A.; ZOTOT LIPATOVA, M.Ya. Certain characteristics of the formation of ccwj~laz con(litioned motor reactions In man. Zh. vys. nery. daiat, 5 no.6t?73-782 I-D '53, (KWA 90) 1. Leningradakiy nauchno-issiedevatel'skly Institut ftzicheskc7 kul I tury. (MWLIX, GORDITIGM, conditioned moluor complex reactions in man, mechanism of form) ZOTOV. A.L. kandidat padagogichaskikh nauk. Spatial dynamics of achromatic vision In color blimilnese. Trudy Goa.inst.po isuch.uosga 15:66-73 147. (MLR& 7-2) (Color blindness) S Improving the fasteuing of dogs on log Jacks. Sbor. vne4r. rats. PTed. v.les. i mob-prom. no*2:7-8 159. (MIRA 1318) 1. LeniWadekly losopillno-derevoobrabatvvayunhchl:r kambinat. (Lumbering-Haahinery) - ZOTOV, A. L Thickening the nock of thn top food roller t1haft of the RD-75-2 log frame. Sbor. vuedr. rate. pred. v Ion. 1, maboprom. no*2:11 159. (MIRA 13:41) 1. Leningradskiy lesopillno-derevoobrabatyvalushchi:r kombitat, (Saws) ZOTOVI A.I, ImWovad design for electric Screwdrivers. Sbor. vite(ir *rats. rx od. v lea. i meb.prom. no.2:77-79 t59.- (MIRk 13r8) 1e leningradskly lea opil I no-deravo o brab4tyvVumhchI y kombinat. (Screwdrivers) ,~-IONK! A. 1. Suggestions for greater efficiency in inserting wood screws on the assembly line. Sbor.vnedr.ratB.pred. v lee. I meb.prom. no.2,.81- 82 159. (MITU 13:8) 1. leningradekly lecopillno~derevoobrabatyvnyixnhchly kombinat. (Screw-Irivere ) ZOTOV, A. 1. York for picking up naLlu while nailing boxes. Sbar.vaedr.rats.pred. v lee. i meb.prom. no.2:132 159. (HIU 134.8) 1. Leningradskiy lasopilluo-derevoobrabatyvarwhchiy kombinat.. (Voodwork--Tools and Implements) -I .10 b S/061/62 000/006/057/117 oro B140108 AUTHORSt Akinfiyev, M. I., Pavlov) A, A. TITLEt EloctroplatJng of aluninum and its alloym undsr the action of;, ultrasound PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 6, 1962, 407 -408, abstract 6K182 (Sb. "Primeneniye uVtrazvuka v tokhnol. mashinostr.11. no. 2, M., 1960, -149 - 154) TEXT: The influence of ultrasound (us.) on zinc and copper plating of aluminum and its alloys in cyanide electrolytes has been investigated in terms of the effect an the quality of and cohesion between the coat-ng and the base, the BT k' the rate of Cu deposition, the dispersibility of the electrolytes and the surface pretreatment. The quality of the coating is better when us. is used; the coated parts were tested muccausfully for temperature (up to 1600C) and climatic (90 days at a relative humidity of 98 stability. When~ us. is used the processes can be intensified owing to the increase of D k to 12a/dm2 for zinc plating and 1Oa/dm2 for copper Card 1/2 8/081/62/000/006/057/117' Electroplating of aluminum and ... B149/B108 plating. The use of us. for aluminum coattng does away with a number of preparatory operations. Surface preparati except degreasing, is a. chieved in the zinc plating electr 0 rAbstractor's note; Complete olyt transla.tion-i Card 2/2 B/194/62/000/005/087/157 D222/D309 AUTHORS: Zotov, A.I., Akinfiyev, M.I., and I)avlovp A.A# TITLE: The use of ultrasound in the tecluiology of ferrite production PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-5-44 a (V sb. ?ri~eneniye ul'trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinostr. no, 2t M.t 19609 134 - 138) TEXT: The use of ultrasound for the pulverization and mixJng of ferrite mixtures and for the mechanical_procesi5ing of ferrites is described; in this work- an Y3 P -10 (UZG 10) generator and nmG -6 UMS-6) transducer were used. Data are given on the optimal operat- ing conditions and on the composition of the liquids used in the pulverization of ferrite mixtures. Ultrasound and other methods of puiverization are compared in a table. With respect to the meehani- cal processing of the ferrites, it is shown that a high accuracy can be achieved in the processine of oponings and gTooves of comp- lex configuration and that the process of ultrasound processing is Card 1/2 V/ S/194/62/000/005/087/157 The use of ultrasound in the ... D222/D309 technologically suitable and saves time. Different compositions of emulsions, the influence of ultrasound technology on the properties of ferrites and so on, are examined. A table ahows the dependence of processing time on the granularity of boron carbide- LAbstrac- tor's note: Complete translationj. Card 2/2 S/194/62/000/005/084/157 D222/D309 AUTHORS: Akinfiyev, ILI.,, Zotov, A.I., and Pavlov, A,A. TITLE; Galvanic coating of aluminum and its alloys with the interaction of ultrasound P-RIODICAL: Refe-.--ativnyy zhurnal. Avtomati-,a i radioelelctronika, no. 5, 10,62, abstract 5-5-40 ye.(V sla. Primeneniye ul'trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinostro no. 21 M., 1960f 149 - 154) TEXT: The influence of ultrasound on the electro-chemical proces- scs is examined and the positive action of cavitation iB noted. It is shovm that the ultrasonic oacillations facilttate the depolariza- tion of the electrodes and the degassing of the liquid. The investi- ,,ation of the action of ultrasound on the galvanic coating of alumi- num was carried out at 18-23 kc/s frequenciesy uoing a 0,"Ic, -6 (PMS- -6) transducer. The transducers were mounted on a diaphragm of va- riable thiclmess, 2 - 10 mm, being the bottom of th.-bath. During zinc and copper plating of aluminum in cyanogen electrolytesq the current density was reduced to 27 a/dm2 and a better adhorence of Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/005/084/157 Galvanic coating of aluminum and its ... D222/D309 the coating to the base metal was obtained. It is noted that at lax- ge ultrasound intensities the speed of copper plating is reduced be- cause of the cavitational deterioration of the metal. During silver plating of aluminum, ultrasound is used not only for the galvainic coating of the zinc, copper and silver layers, but also for the'pre- paration of the pieces (cleaning and degreasing) before plating# The technology of silver plating in an ultrasound field is descri- bed. (Abstractor's note: Complete tranalationj. Card 2/2 52622 3/194/62/000/004/064/105 D295/D308 AUTHORS: Zotov, A. I. and Akinfyev, M. 1. 12ITLE: Ultrasonic soldering of ferrites PERT66=AL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 4, 1962, abstract 4-5-37y (V sb. Prineneniye u.11 trazvuka v tekhnol. mashinoutr. no. 2, 21., lIj6O, 179-180) .TEXT: The possibility of solderind forritoo withouT preli-minary silver-covering of the surface is investigated. I-. was found that such tinning is possible in a molten solder ultraso- nics with a radiLtion intensity sufficient for renerating cavi.111-a- tion in the solder. A tinning apparatus was d~!vised, clonsis-~'-_'ng of a magnetostriction radiator witWa concezrit-ator, at whose and is placed a bath with electrical heating, for mel"Cing thID .3older. J~f- ter tinning the parts, soldering by means of iron is possibl6. The great strength of the soldering was 0 .oserved; in -tests, the samples broko across the basic ma-~erial. The soldering Card 1/2 S11"3 (52/000/004/064/105 Ultrasonic soldering of ... D29 5ya~ 08 of metal parts to ferri'ves is possible, -~,he mechanici'.-l s-irenglv-Ii provin 0, fully satisfactory. Soldering was carrlet:i out wilth the ZP-200) solder. /-Abstrac'~erls note: Oo~mplit!te *'On--7 Card 2/2 8/1 A050101 AWHORS: Zo~~,)v, A. I., Akinfiyev, 14. 1., Pavlov, A. A. A---------- TI'IU: Application of ultrasound in the technique of rerritd producti.011 PERIODICAL: Reforativryy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 15, 1962, 23, abstract 15BI44 (In collection: "Primeneniya uVtraznira v %ekhnol. mashinad'. Moscow, no. 2, 1960, 134 - 138) TEXT: The possilAlity was investigated of the application of ultrasound to grinding and intermixing metal oxides of which the charge Tor forming ferr14es is prepared. line acperiments were carried out using a Y31T (UZGS) ultrasonic generator with a magnetostriction converter. The main paraineters determiaLng the processes of grinding and intermixing charge materials are: oscillation frequency, relation between the amount of liquid and the material ground, the thickness of the irradiated ground layer, the intensity of ultrasonic and audio oscillations, cavitation capacity of the liquid and the irradiation time. It in established that tho dispersion of the powder ultrasonically ground during 10 min is higher than that of the powder ground In ball mills during 24 hours or in a'vibration Card I/P Application of ultrasound in... S1 12?,16 21000101510091) 13 A052/AIOI grinder during 16 hours. Ferrite elements manufactured of pairders produced arter ultrasonic processing have equivalent magnetic properties as compared with tho elements produced of powders prepared by conventional procasi-,Ir43. Tt iz reported- on a successful application of ultrasound to machining farritas, Grooven and holes in ferrite elements are'produced on ultrasonic installations. [Abstracter's note: Complete traxislation] E. Spivak V Card 2/2 DANILOVICH, B.A.; ZOTOV, A.N. . ......... Organization of tho fluorographIc examination of workero and employeeo of amall indu3trial plants. Gig. i san. 26 no#4157-60 Ap 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantuil Stalinp k6go rayona Moslcvy. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENS) (DIAG"11~5, FiVOROSCOPIC) TOV, MI.- PROKOPIYEv, 1,.ji, , staraMy inzh. Following the example of the brigade of comminiot labor, Tekst. prom. 21 no.12:70-72 D 161. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik byuro tekhaicheakoy informatoii Chuvaigiskogo sovnarkhoza (for Zotcv). 2. Byuro tekhnicheukoy in"onnataii Chuvashokogo vovnarkhoza. (for Prokoplyev). (Cliuvashia. -Textile And"stry-Lubor pToduitl-Tity) 1;!'il '1HU, Ii ! 17( SOVII?7-58-9-21r-fl AUTHORS: ZotQm,_L_R., Colorvl of the Medical Corps, Shumova, - '9 .V., Lieutenant-C',lonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: Analysis of Traumat~sm and Prophylactic Measures (According to M*.terial of a Hospital) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp 7-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author tabulatt::S aLV reports or traumatic cases of soldiers. The artict% '-a is base(I on data of a garri- son hospital and a treat'*4se by N.D. Kritronosov, pub- lished in 1952. Most of*',he injuries occurred during off-duty hcurs. The authr? distinguishes injuries connected with economic casual Injuries sus- tained during duty hours al.,,, mzi-Linly, oports injuries. Injuries to the loklxr extroi` ~'tieo predominate over others. The implementation ~P prophylactic measures reduced the injuries in garri.,..ons 11 by lialf". There are 4 tables. Card 1/1 GM4AMOV, R.G.; ZATKO, G.I.; KhA.; WK(UY, Tu.A.; SHMM, A*Ya.; TriUXXRM, M.P.; USTIMMKO, I.I., red.; BAKHRIMOV, A., (Tashkent; oonoise reference book] Tashkent; krat)tii sprevochulk, lzd.2., dop. Tashkent, Gos.lzd-vo Unbekakoi SIM, 1938. 190 p. (MIRA 13;3) (Tashkent-Ouidebooke) ZCTOV, A. P. 25899, ZOTOV, A. P. Primenenie RSX dlya tIpiro,,rFuA.:na shf~n;=ov virusa i serc-diagnostiki infektsionnogo entsefulomielita loshbdey. Avtoreferat. Veterinariya, 1949, 11o. 81 ~- 57. Oo. Letopist ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 34, Voskvaq 1949 1 OA- a won I WA - ~~ vc:~ - AAA.. ZWOVy A*P. (Son. Sci. Assoo.x VM) A.A. Markovo Proft Merited vorker of Scit A.p. ZOTOV (son. Sol,. ILBSOO) &md M.A. U'Yashonko,, V.G. Petrov (junior Soi. Associates (VI'Hx) 'Mosqtdtoes of the Species Chlex as the Corriere of the viras of InfeatiolAs Equine RncepWowyelitie,w SOs Trod VRV, 4~4 ra*41-pp-g;L~~ Vol let 1951, VppRAAedjcine (Vet) Infectious Diseases Juri 551 7Ejuine Infectious Encephalomyelitis (IRM) A. F. i Zv. Cand Vet Sci -yete j%rr" Vol XXVIII, No El pp 2C)--? the disease it) the USSR is caused by 2 serol'ogically! distinct viruses and the -presence of Bornla ifirus possible. G. In. Bosh'yan describer, bacter-' also for= of the _T virus. =F 'L is trarigmitted enter, vnd and bv Aedes and Culex mosluitoes. A naturLi! res- be fc;rmcd by ro~lents, birds, cr rept-illev, VW/kedlicilne (Vet) Infectious Diseases Jun 51~' (Contd) Peaks of incidence correspond to peaks -in the 6um- b4r of Brandt 'a f1d nice. Lethality is 50-90%. Bbint's disease occurs in May-Jun, lElIffil in Aug-Sep. Airt0hemotherapry and sexur, therapy -,mder application: Of v-,,-iouz blood sera and immune sera are cffec!tivel~ Beat results were obtained with i=une serum of avine pLague (or blood of IEML reconvalescents), COM-; bined with urotropin and sp--'rits of cam-phor th6ranpy,. V Ii4 E- t-4 "The BioloLical Charactr;r of the 'AawatJvo Agent aw~ I~atjs. Reltvlln~- to the Lpizootiology of lnfectiovi,3 1&4idne Encephalitis." I~r Vet 3ct, AII.-Unlor, lnqt of Experirental Veterinary Sci, Mni-stry of ligricultimo (RZhBiol No 8, '.'ec 54) Surve,. of Scientific an-' 7 echnical lssertati=3 -st, UJISR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24' Jun 55 ZOTOV, A.P.; CHUMAWV, M.P.; KAMT, A.A.; STEPANDTA, N.I.; PAMV, A.N. lxperimental induction and serological Investigatfionm of q fevor. Yeterinarlia 33 no.7:44-53 Jl 156. (KWA 9--q) (q.fever) I -I IIH, ma 'r 111f C':tl!'try : USSR ua~QGo)-.- Virolucy. Virunes of mmi wict Lniimls. Rickettsias Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 23, 1958, No 103554 zotov Mu,nlmv, 11..P.; Markov, !rl ~-"- i ~ Ills All-Union Ins~i-~,u~a a zxperimental lle~enmry Dledicirle E)qieri;.~entcLl. SLudy of "Q" Fever ir. j":;r:.cul,~urn'.. :.Llinals (First ReporL). Dq3op-.,..A~!uta1 ReproductIor, of t", c Disease Or:-L, Pub: Tr. Vses. in-ta vcterinari;t, .-L"57, 2), 76-89. 'I' lac-L: Vieep, (,oaLs, cattle, hvrsus ciad A.j-s were infected by ~"Aaaus uf `L",c -A, Anis af t z.os!.ve doses of Mcko~ts- ';,a bur.-ioti (iiitraveii~-usly, stfocuta- nuously, ell ~'-Ilicomsly, orally, in.m'r~x, C:Q.1y) Card 1/2 Couniu-ry : USSR Ca.c--Ic)ry: Viroloa. Viruses of ltn and .1inkn1a. R:Lc!:c6-o~as. Jeur: rxcf Miur-mci., ilu 23, 1953, 103555 Aul~'.'Ior zc~ov L.P.; C!iu:=~'-:v, M.P.; Marb-v, N.T. 'U13 iii-Vii"On' insiui?.Wuo of Rc:peri-,-.ienta1 Vo'6er',ix,ary liedicinc T.L-~le ExperimeaLal Study rX "Q" Fever in ALmculi.uril Animls (Second Report). Study of the Cci;p1c;iicu':.'.-F~.xatAon Reactions in iVii,.-zls Dcparirentally li-Xec'.ed witl! "Q` Pever Or~.C Pub: Tr. Vscs. in-Cla eksperi:a. vcterinari.,.,.1~51'j 20, 9-J-95 After bhe parentQral mlx~nistration ar i-.-ao~,ivc doses of rickettsias, cm-plm.,,ent-fixinL~ antibcd:.cs appeared in the serum on t'~c fcurLh to seventh day ~"-, Li.iors of 1:10-1:20. Tia -,-%Lxj.-mu-.i titers (up 11-ri 1:320-1:640) Card 1/2 I I q1 ih Ilk Ccjtui~ry : USSR Ca'WeCory: ViroloL7. Viruses of I-Ian and Aniimls Rickettsias. Abs J--ur: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23, 1958, 110 103556 Aut'llor Markav, A.A.; Chunakov, M.P.; Zotcrv, A.Pt) Stepanov.'a, N.I. 1118'L, P,11-Union, Institute of Ti'u- lo Experimental Study of "Q" Fever in AGricul-4-ural Aninals (Third Report). Lnvestigatica-i ~of toe Transitission of the "q"-Fever OrC;ama.-ij by tick, E2ik~~pj~~akus-,burstj Or:;G Pub: Tr. Wes. in-ta ckspcri.-..~. voterikiar'! i, 1957, 20, 96- 105 Abs,xac-'G: TicIm in tbe GeXUaJJ.Y-J.LH-ature fj1V-aC,,e (larva,., and ny*hs) and in the tmao s~aCje could ba infrec"Wed wi~". Riclmttsia burneti by rxans of la-G~inG thom feed on sheu-,i; in Locir tur.,, all *~-'~c sLn(,,as of ticks :.. ~TccLcd in this way wore able to Lifeelv- '1!ealthy aakals, wl-icli t1toy Card 1/2 ZOTOV, A. -P!' (Professor), BLINOV~ P. N.' (Serilon Scientific CoUmborato~-, All-Umion Inotitute of Experimental Vete rinary Medicinis). "Investigations concerning the etiology of infel.'ti(AUD atroj)hic rhiniti13 in: swine." Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1961, p. 32. 1.J. 11 1. IT I MA!", 111, ZOTOV,, A.P., prof.; EITIOV, P.P., otarohly nmuclui:pr rotrudnLk - Studying the etiology of Infect-lous atroph-4- -,,hinttl-a cf swine. Voterinarila 38 no.302-36 Mx 161 (R.IRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy insti-tut eksptirimental Incy vPId0-,-:;nnr:I I# ZOTOV, A.P.,, prof. African horse sickness of me-hoofed animalao Ve-Larltexiia 39 no.0,c65-72 MY 162 (MIn 18VI) is Vbasoyuznyy inctitut eksperiment&l Inoy vetarlzarli,, I_. 11-I- ".. m. . -11 w - -I I ~ - I I 1 11, " - .' . - " V - - , , , -- . . ." , . - LIKHACHEV, N.V.; SYURIII., V.N.; TSION, R.A.; SHCHERBATUH, P.Ya.; ~4=V~ A.~.; SKC140ROXHOVj A.L.; FIROGI F.P.; PITI)SO A.A.; BAZYLEV, P.M.; NAZAROV, V.P.; OALOVp F`.M.j, dots.; USACHEVA, I.G., red.; YAPJIYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I.p tekhn. red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.N., tek" red. [Virus diseases of animalal ViruniWe boleni zhivotnykh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 561~ 1). (Mol 17:1) LIKHACHEV, N.V., prof.; AGRINSKIY, N.I., prof.; SYURIN, V.N., prof.; SFESIVTSEVAt N.A., prof.; KOLOBOLOTSKIY, G.V., prof,; ZOLDTAFMV, N.A., prof.; KORYAZHNOV, V.P., prof.; KOWOV, S.G., prof.; BABICH, M.A., prof.; 4TROV, A.M., prof.; ZOTOV-- A P prof - DOROFEYEV, K.A., prof.; POLYKOVSKIY, 14,D., pro -; 11;6~IN' P'.13., prof.; ORLOV, U.S., prof.; KGTOV, Y.T., prof.; TRILENKO, P.A., prof.; LYUBASHENKO, S.1a., prof.; USACHEVA, I.G.p red.; YARNYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekh-n. red. (Veterinary laboratory practicol-Veterinarnala laboratornaia praktika. Moskvap Selkhoziz&t;,- Vol.[Geneml microbiological methods of investigation] Obshchie mikrobiologicheakie netody in- sledovaniia. 1963. 566 p. Vol.2. [Biochemical, chemico- toxicological, and veterAtary hygienic methods of investigation] Biokhimicheakle, khimiko-toksikologichaskie i zoogigienicheskie metody isoledovaniia. 1963. 431 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Veterinary laboratories) ZOTOV, A. P. (Professor) All.-Union Inst-atute of VxWrImo.,ntmI Yeteftnary Wdtc:LnL,)* "African plague of the solid-ungulates" Veterinaxiya, Vol. 39, no. 5, May 1c,)62 p. 65' ZOrOV A. P. giveteri-nary-Sanitary and Antlepitootic MeasuresIor Q #ever among~ Agri6ltural Animals" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni, Obsb6hiiid Dlya Cheloveka i ZhIvotrAyIch (Zoonozy) Moscow, 1961. ZOTOV, A. P. "Leukoses of Agricultural Animals" from Bor'bas Boleznyarni, Obshchimi Dlya Cheloveka i ZhIvotnykh (Zoonozy) Moscow) 1961. ZOTOV, A.P., prof. Results of an investigation of q fever anA h~baremia it farm animals. Trudy VIN 23:202-214 '59o (HIRA 13:10) 1. Vseso7uznyy institut eksperimentalluoy vaterinarii. (Q fever) (Tularemia) ZOTOV' A. S. Cutting unnecessa.17 expenses, Takstaproms 20 ao.2:86-87 7 160, 042A 13:6) (Textile Industry--Costs) '=OVj Aleksey Timofeyev-ichl CHULKWA, I.S.p red.; SHFAto Ye.Gr.o .tekhn. red. (Urea] Mochavina. Moskva, Goskhimizdptp 1963. 173 p. (MIRA 17:2) . I19 1!;~]IiI I I I --I I .. ...--I .I GLOZSHTEYT.'I, Ya.S.; ZOTOV, A.V.; SERGEYEV, B.V.; SHASIIKQV, V.F.; GORDEYEV, P.A., red.izd-va; SIIIJOKOVA, G.M., red.izd- va; KOIAAROVSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Construction of furnaces for the building mteri&ls industry] Kladka pechei promyshlonnosti stroitellrWkIi materialov. (Dy] IA.S.Glozshtein i dr. Monkva, Gos- stroiizdat, 1963. 299 p. (ITERA 17-2) ZOTOV, A.V., inzh., red.; OVCH121INSKrY, A.F., inzh.0 rod. (construction specifications and regulatiowl Stroi- telinye nornW I pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.l. At Sec.G., ch.10. (Refractory materials and prodvets] Ogneupornye materialy i izdeliia (SNO I-G. 10,-62). 1963. 48 p. (MIILA I7:t':)) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R. ) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSM (for Zotov). 3. MezbAuvedomstvetinaya komissiya po peresmotru Stroi- tellrykh norm i pravil (for Ovehininskiy). KAMETSYM, S.P.; UTKIN, nauchn7y red.; VOUIYANSKIT, A.G.# glav. red.; SOKOIA)V, D"OV.) zam. glay. red.; TAIUN, V.D., red.; W& BRENNIKOV, S.S., red.; MIKHAILOV, K.A. 0 red. - MURNMOV, I.G. 0 bred.; VOLODRI, V*Yesj redo; RKOLAYEVSKIY, TeJa., rod.; 9111ROKOVA, G,M.p red. izd-va; VAUMOVAj G.D,j tekbn, redo (Heat insulation work) Teploizollatsionrqe raboty. 14askya, Goo,, izd- vo lit-ry po stroit., arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 1961, 1+39 p. (KIRA 14:10) 1. Vsesoyum7y nauelmo-issledovatel'skiy institut "Teploproyckt". (Insulation (Heat)) =OVp A*Vet iDzhot redeJ STRASHNYKH, V.P.p red.izd-va; 4rARNUXIITNYe.K.q -U-0m,red, [Technical specifications MRTU 7-3-60 for finely-ground additions and aggregates for heat.,resistant conereteal TeUmicbaskie usloviia na tonk=olotye doba-vki I sapolniteli d.11a zbarostolkikb betonovp WTU 7~3-60. Moskva, Goo,izd,.vo lit-ry- po stroit,# arkbits i stroit.materialam, 1961. 14 p. (KTU 14:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S,R.) GasudarstvenrWy kcmitet po delam stroitellet-7a. (Concrete--Specificationo) ZOTOV, A.Y., inzh., red.; KHAVIN, B.S.# red.izd-va; HAUKOTA, G.D.o te khn. re d. (Regulations 81 64-59 on carrying ont lining operstions in rotary cement-burning kilne] Instruktaiis po proi2vod9tTu futerovochnykh rabot vo vrashchaiushchikhsia taem9ntnoobzh1gatel1n:rkh pechakh; SN 64-59, Koakva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., mrkhit. i stroit. materialem, 1960, 68 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvennyy Icomitet po delam stroitel'stva. (Kilns, Rotary) (Refractory materials) i ; 1 1 TM C j : I I . I I I . . I .. , , , I , , . . , ., , . , . .. , . , . , , I . . ZOTOVO A.V., inzh. Using asbestos cement producte In building It the Federal German Republic. Stroi. mt. 5 no.4:37-39 AP 159o (KXRA 12:6) (Germany, West-Asbestos cement) PISARIK, L.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHAFRANSKlY, V.I.;, Calculating periodic-action a.c. drlvf,, oparattng jr)J?-,tly with the hydromechanical transmission. Avt. prom. 90 no.9t24-27 S 164. (MIRA 17:1.0) 1. Belorusskiy politakhnicheskly inatitlLt 1 14110-11911kiy avtomobillnyy zavod. mizS11XIIII gornyy inzhaner; WRLYA11D, S.S., gornyy inz~jvnar; SIROTKIII) Z.L., inzh.; Db-?.IISOf, A.G., Inzh,; VKHROVIDUY, G.I., Inzh,; BEUrEIREV, Yu.I., inzh.; ZOTOV A.V. i=h.; IVANOV, E.I., inzhd; inzh.; _R VASILIEV, Ye.A., inzh.; DIV.CIEITKO, V,F., Replies to V.V. Slianlkols artiole nEfficlent V~idts or using truck haulagre in open pita.79 Gor. zhur. no.l.*75-77 Ja 162. (14111 15:7) 1. GosudarstvenwFj nauchno-okotmicheskly sovet Soveta Rinistrov SSSR (for vlelevhkin). 2. Promtransproyekt Goristro3is SSSR (for Box-1yand). 3. DelorussIdy avtozavod (for Siratldnj Deniaov,, Torncvakiy, Bekhterov, Zotov, Ivanov). 4. Gomudarst-renryy in3titut po proyeltirovan-iyu razrabotki rudnelth mostorozlideniy v yuzhnykh rayonov SSSH, Khartkov (for Vasilfpv, Solovtyevap Dlyachenko). (Mine haulage) (Shan'ka, V.V.) -ZOTOT,' A.T., red.; XHATIV. B.S., red.izd-va; BOMMV, NJ.. (Instruction W 19-~8 on the drying and Initlal heatling of chimneys and flues] Instruktaiia-co sushke i razogravu. dymovykh trub i borovov (EN 19-58). goakys, Gos,izd-vo lit-vy po stroit., arkh1t. I stroit,materialaml 1956, 19 (KIRA 1213) I 1. Russia (1923- 1~.S.S.R.) Gosudarvtvsnny7 karUtet po delam stroitel'stva. (Chimneys) (Flues) ZOTOV., A.V... red.; STRLSIMMI, V.P., red.izd-vaj KASIMOV, D.1a., tekbn# [Instructions SN 156-61 for producing and usimp, ,, firepmof concretes) Instruktsiia po tekhnologii prigotovIenii4L i pri- meneniiu zbarostoikikb betonov SN 156-61. Utve3-zhdena Gosudarst- venrqm kamitetcm Saveta Ministrov SSSI po delm stroitellstva 14 fevra.U& 1961. Moskva.. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry yo vLroit., arkbit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 72 pa ~ OURA 14:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.Rj) Gosudarstve=07 kmitet po delam stroitelletva. (Concrete conotruction) SIROTKIN, Z,L,# 10-V A.V. LETT 31 Heavy-duty trucks for the mining industry. Gor.11h,". no.D55- 'A :a 263. (MIRA 16t1) 1, GjavVy konstruktor BelorueSkogO avtOzavOda (for Siratkirt). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo konstruktora Belorusakog6 avtoaavoda (for Zotov). (Mine haulage) ZOTPV -va; KASMOV, ,-A.V., Inzh., red,; PETROVA, V.V., red. izd -D-Je., tekbn, red.3 YASHUKOVA, H.V.,, tekhn. rod. (Technical directions SH 204,62 for assembling tube furmaces) Tekhnicheakie uka2#niia na montazh trubelvitykh pechei (SN 204-62). Izd.ofitsiallnce. MoAvaltosatmiftdat, 1962~ 25 P. (WIRJA 16:6) 1. Russia (1-92,1- U.S.,S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy Icomitat po delam stroitellst'Va6 (Furnacen) ZET j,'Ill all V M A FIE"I A, F 0 !'% F'I'1 7 - I lq"i.nfi ':C eA~id ining !3 P a e r 1, 1TM, 18 1-'0 S OV Y ZOTOVP B... dotsent Securing traffiO safety in rural districts. Airt. tr,!Lnffp. 41 no-5s46 Yq 163. MIRA 16M) (Traffic safety) MERVART Iozef (Mervart, Josef]; ZOqPV~ P,.Pj~ranslatorl; MMOV, I.I. [translator]; ROGDJSKIY, &s., prof., red.; WHODIN, Yu.V... red.; GOLICIMKOVA, A.A., tekhn. red.; 'REZUIILHOVA,A.G.., [Price determination in international commerae]TSenoobrazova- nie v rezhdunarodnoi torgovle. Pod red, I no vstup, statlei G.S.Roginskogo. 14oslcvaj Izd-vo inostr. litry) 1962. 350 P. (Prices) (Connerce) (MIRIL 15:12) ZOTOV, B.D. ., 2 ~ - - ~;'- ~ I Analytic dagign of h7poid gann; witli cirmilar tothth', Nittwh, tokh.inform.biul. IXI no.1.1:32-39 158- (MIRA 12:11) (Gearing) L'OTOV 7; D :encl. to!,'. .~ .. dotsent -.-I " * i I of toot'jin,- -r a spiroid gern, 11-1. V,?-.,. ar".0b. ~;av.; I-u!:-l .-not) . .. ~ k, - ..i.:V I . Tz ::.~. -_-,nl.c-. ,;3 J.-- i~!sl. tut. "vle,1%I) ZOTOV) B.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Fetermining contact lines In spirold gear transrds.~4ow. 1zv. vys. iicheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.6t5-11 165. (MIRA 180) ZOTOV,, B.D., kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent Curvature of side murfaces of generated circular hypid gear teeth. Izv.7jz;.ucheb.zav.; rranhinoistr. no.9.13?--lV. 161* (MIFA 14:12) 1. Izbp-vskiy mekhanicheakiy institut. (Gear cutting) (Foreign trade of the people's democracies In the aervice of the building of socialism] Vneshniaia torgovlia Aran narodnoi demokratii na sluzhbe stroitellstva sotsializma. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 193 p imim :1,6:5) (Communist count exes--Cor=erco) tmtl T&v v LYUBIXOT, N.M., otvatetvamW red.; GMGITIT. ZOTO .jQtj& D Ajl~,~syjch* Ye.SI, reciets -va [Foreign trade of the Maropean people's denocractes as it serves the construction of socialim) Vneshniaia torgovlla mvropetakikh stran naradnot deackratit an slushbe strottelletya ootsialisma, Hoskya, Ind-vo Andenauk Sswo 1958. 193 p. (MIRA 1113) (co=erce) ZOTOVV B. D. Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Inst imeni M. 1-. Kalinin. ZOTOV, B. D. - "The geometry of contact of IpoIuobkatnyyeI gepr wheels in connection with the technology of cutting them." Fin Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Poly-technic Inst imeni M. 1. Kalinin. Leningrqd, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciencem.) SO: Knizbnaya Letopis', No. 13t 1956 ZOTOT, B.D., kand,tekhn.nank Curvature of side surfaces of circular tooth of Kipold pparis machlued' by, the semiburnishiug method. Izv.vys.uohob.zav,: mitilhinostr. 00~.7$ 3o-36 l6o. (HIM 13:1i) 1. Izhavakiy nekhanichaskiy institlAt, (Goarlng):;~l I i, KHACHAMIOV, T.S.., red.; DANISHINA, V.11. [translator]; Z~10Y,JLD. (translator]; ISUPOV~ V.T.[iranalatorl; t-SVIUR', V,I).(tran3Iatr).Vjj- TEREKNOV, V.F .[tr"alatorl; STIAGALOV, G.L.[tr4inalator); KOW-91OV, Yu.F., naucluW red.; ZAYTSEV, N.F., red.; KHOWAKOV, A.D., tekbn. red. [Problems in the economic efficiency of capital investmentslvopro- sy ekonomicheakoi efffektivnosti kapitalovlozhenii; sbornik statei. Pod red. i so vstup. statlei T.S.Khachaturova, Moc&va, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1962. 276 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SS&i (for Khachaturov). (Capital investments) i ZOTOVJ BqD.) CIOIAIDKOV, II.S. I ; Spiraid wom gear tranamiisaions4 fUalhinootroltoll no,905 8 162o . (KIIIA 1549) Dow.-irer, Wdm)