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ZOROXHOVICH, A.A., k7ind. tekhn. nauk.
New method of cutting lo-d-nodula gears. lzribr, v SS211 3 no,)-.64
Mr 158, Oiar nating) 011RA 110)
,; ZgAQKHOTICH A.S. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; RATMIROV, TA.A., kandidat
~~ .
ep~~ikh nauk.
Autodyne a now electromechanical converter. 10*br. v SSSR 1 no.3:11-
14 N 156. (MLRA 10;3)
(Electric current converters)
ZOROKIMOVICH, Aleksandr Abramovich
Telchnologiya mekhanichoskoy obrabotki
Zorokhovich W 11. A. Kolosov.
11-87 (2) P. Mus., dia-rs.,
Aviatsionnoy Pronryshlermosti)
Dibliograr (289).
aViit:-,IiQllllyldl fld-ffl~~13Y (by) A. A*'
Moslcva, Obororgli-,,, 1059.
tables. ma. (SibllotoaKea liabochevp
Zorokhovich, Aleksandr Abramovich, and Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kolosov
Tekhnologiya mekhanicheskoy obrabotk'L aviatsionnykh detaley.-
(Machining Technology of Aircraft Components) Moscow, Oborongiz,
1959. 287 p. (Series: Bibliotechka rabochego aviatsionnoy
promyshlennosti) Errata slip inserted. lOtOOO copies printed.
Reviewer: V.P. Firago, Candla!ate of Technical Sciences, Docent;
Ed.: Ya. M. Rozenblit, Engineer; Ed. of Publisiling Houset P. B.
Morozova; Tech. Ed.: V.P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.: A. I. Sokolov,
PURPOSE: This book is intended for skilled workers and foremen of
machine the aviation Industry.
COVERAGE: The book contains indispensable information for the
analysis and evaluation'of technological processes, characteris-
tics of equipment used, and instructions for the choice of attach-
ments, instruments, and machining regimes. Various methods of
machining of parts are explained, Soviet and, to some extent,
non-Soviet experience of many years in the aviation Industry is
Card 114
Machining Technology of Aircraft Components SOV/2687
generalized. The development of technological processes is dis-
cussed In detail. The book contains a number of examples from
the industrial practice of past years and of the present day.
In chapter I. definitions of some 30 technological terms are
given. No personalities are mentioned. There are 22 Soviet
Ch. 1. Technological Terminology
Ch. II. General Principles of Development of a Technological
Process 7
Ch.III. Operational Tolerances and Allowances 14
Ch. IV. Precision of Machining
Card 2/4
Machinin g Technology of Aircraft Components SOV12687
Ch. V. Example of Development of a Technological process 26
Ch. VI. Technological Documentation 29
Ch.VII. Equipment 38
Ch.VIII. Cutting Instrument 63
Ch. IX. Attachments 88
Ch. X. Choice of Cutting Regi-mes 114
Ch. XI. Machining Bodies of Re-volution on Lathes 126
Ch. XII. Machining Plane Surfaces 147
Ch.XIII. Machining Openings 153
Ch. XIV. Machining Shaped Surfaces 167
Card 3/4
Machining Technology of Aircraft Components
. Ch. XV. Thread Cutting
. Ch. XVI. Machining Gear Teeth and Splines
Ch.XVII. Finishing Processes
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 4/4
AUTHORs Candi date of Tea.%Ai ta.1 SOV/119-59-
TITLE& The Cutting of Teeth of Small-module GeMrs by the Method of
Multiple-tool Shaping (trarezaniye zubPyov mallcamadul"nykh
shesteren po matodu mno6-.,1ezv:1yrojp sirrganiya)
PERIODICAL: Priborostroyaniye, 1959., Nr 5, pp 18-20 (USSIO
ABSTRACT t 11odarn methoda for f.L-j) cutting of gattra witli sarill modulto M,4111 be
developed. For thli pvxposa the auihor ased Vao ute-thod of copying
si4oe by Vdis metlj:,d tha poofila cf tD(:112 I-= be obtained in any
form -,dth maximum accuracy. Ttzi, method of 3o;pying is connected with
the possibility of -individua.1 s%iljdivic~_-Dji. Tko ahaping of the -tooth
profile by the new meLhod is brzed an 4,%e combination of a master
furis with v. paralle,logram (p4i.-itograph), wal the -ase of a special
"head' with se-,reral xxi-Itling tools, Af+..:tz:- Eoma theoreticall and
experimental inv~-,stigatic-ns 11-he author chose the rectilinear
progressive motiw of the cutting pcints al-:-xig "Vne tcoth to be
pro3essed, This motiou cc~. be by a W.ccmedes conchoid
12 2 2 2 2. -?rent souroes of
' (X 4- b X T;lj;) c-f Ufft
Card 1/2 6rrors is ioint~,d c-;4,, s'_)"t. 1*.1 Of iLVDl1,,.te--tOOth gemrs,
The Cutting of Teeth of Small-module Gears by the Method of SOV/1,19-59-.5.10/22
Multiple-tool Shaping
all gears vdth difforent modules can be machimod with one imaster
form. The accuracy attained by control mmazuresiemto is indicated.
Accuracy with respect to the profile O-W5 mm; a*curaoy wi4h
respeot to the tooth pitch 0,0081 maximum aoounulation of Orrove in
tooth pitch 0.01; radial play of the fear rim ader 0.01;
parallelism of teeth 0.001 mm. The method dismaned here offers
many advantages: 1) 1t ensures the production of low-module gears
with high accuracy without additional working moibods. 2) It
ensures the production of teath of any shmpe with en accuracy of
0-005 mm. 3) A smaller quantity of high-speed sleal is required
for the production of the tooth-cutting tool. 4) It is mdtable
for the introduction of high-spaed proceeame and for an iwrease
in efficiency.of work. There am 4 figures,
Card 2/2
ZOROKHOVICII, A.Te., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk
Using regulatnd single-arnature transformers for mitaratic
voltegn raMilation at traction subotationn and for 'raceivinp
n--cean recuporative ennrfy. Trudy HIM no.104:105--;1,25 '59,
(Blectric trannformnrR) (14Ilbk 12:9)
(Blectric railroade-Substations)
S.K., redaktor; KNITROV, ji
[Rolling stock of electric railroads] Podvizhijok Bostay alaktriche-
skikh zhelesnykh dorog. Moskva, Goo. trmnspo %hel-dor. izd-vo.
V0112. C-Ilectric traction engines and auxiliar:r machines) Tiagovys
alaktrodvigateli i vapomogatallaye mashiny. 1951. 484 p. (MIRA 10-8)
(Ilectric railroads--Rolling stock)
(Ilectric locomotives)
RAFXVAM. K.G., profe sisor, doktor tokhnicheakikh wwkI redulctor; ZO-
ROKHOVICH, A.To.., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, i.-adaktiv; VfftROT
. I : k , - --
P.A., tekhnicheakly redaktor.
Problems in the electrification of railroads. Tr%td3r )MIMT no.63".3-
218 153. (MLRA 7:12)
V. B.
Ne del
Shlikhto, P. N.
Zakhar'chenko, D. D.
Tiklmenev, 13. N.
Trakhtnan, L. 14., A. Ye.
Krylov, S. K.
El e
ing Stockll(taxLbook
3 vols)
InatilAute of Railroad
i i jrI. i i ". r sinieni
F. E. Dzertliinskiy
Me CamIttee on Stalin Prizes (ot the QqL%q,4,1 of MAUt"g, rjIMR) IUq tbt fjAaft *I!
V-Ieuft MA inventims G=WnC*m tbAZ CIO tollawlia GO .00tIf le vwjiw,,, p*tatw ac,i4m-
tifla books,, and textbooks hm bfto mujwjtW fol- aoq~MUUIXI NO, IIUI14 PrIxf-es for
the years 1952 snd 1953- (QMt# _QSb *,mcov,, Jb,, 21?.40j 120 PO - 3 Apr. 1954)
. MAX UP ~
Zorokhovich A. V~J.
TMO at VoTt
"Rolling Stock of Liectric
Railroad3l' (tixtbook,
j Vol
Oxamated by
InsUtutc- of Ai`'Iroa-d Engi-
ftitr~~ i7l!~ni F. B. Dzerzhin3kiy
80: W-30604, 7 July 1954
ZOROMIDTICH,. A.Te., kandidat takholichasIrAkh naule, dotmost,
~, N-0-0-
Experimental investigation of the Isatodyss". Trimir MIT no-83/4
155. (HYRA 9:6)
(Automatic control) (Electric apparatus aut appliances)
Y. Sargey Kononovicb; GUIlKly, LIN.
,u k
redaktor ktor; MINA, O.P., tmkImichaskLy
[Principles of electric engineering for locomotive brigades) Osnovy
slaktrotakhniki dlim lokomotivnykh brigad. Komkvm, Gostransp.
shol-dor. izd-vo. 1957. 453 P. (XLFA 10:2)
(Blectric engineering) (Locomotivem)
ZAUURCHEMKO. D.1),doteent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nailk; ISAYI?V. I.P.,
dotsent, kandidat tekhaichaskikh mauk; KALIHIM, T.K.Jnzhanar;
MSTITAIIOV, H.Ta.,dotueat, kandidat taichdichatikikh nauk;
IAKSHTOVSKIT, I.A.,dotsent. kandidat tekbnicheskikh cauk;
KAMARDT, K.G.,profassor, doktor takhaichoskilch namIc-'MMLI. Y.B.,
professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; HIRONOT, K.A.,innhaner;
HIUAYLOV, N.M.,dotaent, kandidat takhnichaskilch nauk; NAKHODKI3. H.D..
doteant, Imnlidat takhaicheakikh aauk-, OZZKBLOVSKIT. Oh.a..
inzhaner; OSIPOV, S.I.,Inzhener; ROItASHXOV, S.G.,innhanar; SOKOUN,
L.S.,inghenor: FAHINSMY, G.Y.,kandidat takhaiaheaklkh amuk;
SHATSILLO, A.A.,inzhenar; SHLYAMRO, P.N.,dotapint, hamdidat
takhnichaskikh zLauk; BOVB, Ye.G.,kandidat tekbiiichaskikh nauk, retsonsent;
PERTSOVSKlY,~L.M.,inzhe6er. reteenzent; ALBKMIYXV, A.Ye..profaaaor,
doktor tekhnichaskAkh nauk, retsenzent; BATAWT, N.M.,inzh6n6r,
reteenzent.- VIIMM, B.N.,inshener, retoenienO; GRhl.'HBVA,.L.O.,
kandidat takhatchaskikh nauk. retaenzent; TSVIPO11HP7, A.M.,
Inshener, rateentant; ]KALININ, 3.5.,inshaner, ratanamont;
TRAKHTNAN. L.M.,kandidat takluitchankikh wwk,,g,l0oam#At;
PYLEMWV, A.P..inzhoner, rateenzent; GMMSMAIM. B.T~.Mndi4t
takhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; ILIIII, I.r.,luzhener, mtseamlat;
NAKHODKIN, H.D.,dotsent, kandidat takhaichaqklkl~ n4l.j);, ratoanoant;
TISHCHSNKO, A.I.,otvatetvannyy redaktor; B3510137141,;
kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, radaktor; A'. 49. d6toeat
-Zakai f'. 1 6w
kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk, radaktor-, IMMI '17 nz he no r,
redaktor; ROGOZHIN. A.P.,inzhanar, radalct9r; ;SIDMOT% II.I.,
inzhaner, radaktor; MIIU, G.P.,tekhnicbeakly radAlktor
(Continued on uaxt.card)
ZAKHARCIMNKO, D.D.---(oontinuad) Card 2.
[Technical manual for railroad workers] Takhniahaskil
spravochnik shaleznodorozhaika. Red. kollegiia R.G. Grenovskii
I dr. Moskva, Goo. tranap. shol-dor. izd-*o. Vol. 9,CHlectric
railroad rolling stock) Ilaktropadvisthaci sastav zlialesnykh
dorog. Otv. red. tome A.I. Tishchanko. 1957. 652 p. (miju io:4)
1. Chlon-korrespondent Akadezii nauk SSSR. (for Aleksoyev)
(Bleatria railroads--Rolling stock)
dotjof,~. kall'oldst tmki- niche ak Ikh nali..
How to r6qA e1wtrin, ri.relalt rlipo,,rams. Rlei~. I tty-.". t1pga
aud ~Ir-sert ?41' 157.
11111 31111 d I11111 1 Ill I III II il I I
ZOROKHOVICH, Alek3andr Yefilzovich; IAIVAI, Anat,cilly Zlak~,arovich;
li.apalr a, the Piectrical ~.,(Iuipmant of Ti:lsseriver cars]
Hernont elektrooborudcvEn.lia pas"cazhirr-kikin vagomv. 1110-
sk-va) TrangFort, 196.4. 313 1). (MIRA 17:10)
L 46213-66 EVrr(l) /oo4s/006z'
...... , SOURCE CODE UR/2649/661000/ZZI
:ACC NR: AT6015187
.AUT14OR: Zorokhovich e. (Professor, Doctor of tcchnical sci
A. Y
ORG: none
-c-to-polyphase power inversion by a controllable rotarAn-ve-rtler
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut inzhenerov zheleznodoro7,hn0&O transporta. Trudy,
y elektrotekrLnIKI i elektromekhaniki (Problems of
no. 221, 1966. Vopros
,.electrical engineering and electromechanics), 45-62
n, power inverter
TOPIC TAGS: rotary inverter, electric energy conversio
perate as a d-c/a-c
;ABSTRACT: A controllable "autodyne "-type rotary can o
,inverter only in parallel with some other source of a-c power. The p
:article offers an improvement of the above machine that enables it to operate as
i, us inverter. The transition from converter to inverter operation is
an autonomo
ianalyzed by vector diagrams. Normally, the inverter draws reactive power frOrn,__
the a-c system. This can be obviated by applying a current pulse to a stator coil;
,this pulse transfers the magnetic-flux vector in such a way that the machine
;L 46213-66
IJACc NR: A'T6015187
icurrerit acquires a l,adi
~the autonomous ng reactive Component
~Wlnding inverter
an additional d - TO ensur, conlitant frequency ,
must be supplied f -axis field Wind ng is recormnended; this
zation can be ensure rOrn a conventional frequency
supplying the q contrO r. _c voltage
fsource, via a conventional d by lie
voltage regulator field vitindiiig from
- The Proble an external I
1requency regulation under load, converter -axis A
-inverter-op rna of a-c
'Commutation are also explored. er,,ttion tra vo
corroborated the above. theore tical results; Itage and
;acc Orlipanied with a I With a nefers, and
the cOnve 10-k-W Invert
Orig er generally
art. has: 20% voltage dip rter-inverte
and a 30/6 r transfer W
14 figures and 2 -frequency as
E: dip which lasted 0. 4 sec.
.SUB COD formulas.
09 SUBM DATE: none
LITCYVCHENKO, V.V.; ~OWAHOVICH,, A.Y.e., , kand. tekhn. nauk
Recovery of electric pcqier during rheostatic testing. Elek*
i tepl. tiaga 7 no.9t26-28 S 163. (MM 16tlO)
1. Rukovoditelt gruppy Giprozavodtransa (for Litovehenko).
Q'WQ' V .4 4 -, Awl- ~ A S kandidat tekhnicheaklkh nouk; 110181OWT.
bi MRC~P4.
-Ale'6andr-AliVsan, roy whaner; SIRLMlY. TAW Vasillyevicb,
inzhaner; OSADGMX, G.I., inshener, redaktor; UITROT, F.A., tekhal-
cheaktV redaktor
(Trains refrigerated by machinery) Poesda a mashinnym 6rdiloshdantem:
astrol-stvo'i skepluatataiia. Moskva, Goa. transp. zhol-4or. izd-vo.
1956. 347 P. (XLRA 10:3)
(Refrigerator cars)
ZOROKHOVICH. A1ekQ=dr,-Xoft!q"h; NOWKWO A1,91o;%dr A1okuuuirov1ohj
Achy i=h.; SKRIPHIN, VIA"Lor Vasi-113re-
OSADCHUK, Grigoriy Ivanov
vich; SELIVANOVp V.I., inzh.) retsenzent; EFIITROV, P.A.9 takim.
(Trains with meohanical refrigeration; construction$ operationy
maintenance., and repair] Poezda a mashim'Xm okh1a.zlideniem; ustroi.-
stvo, ekspluatatsiia i remont. lzd,2.1 porer. i (Jai). Moskva Vs*B
izdatellsko-poli r ob"adinenia H-va Imtel t3oobah-chatila 14)l Pi p.
~Lilroads-Electric equipment) Mi" 41 U)
ZORCKHOVICH, Aleksandr Tefimovich; KRU#OV, Bergey Konmovich; SIMOT.
- - r-e-*d-.-';-'-'K"'H*"1'-'t"967, P.A. , takhn, red.
(Pundamentals of electric engineering for looomotive crews]
Onnovy eloktrotelchniki dlia lokomotivnykh bripd. Ind.2.. p6rur.
Moskva, Vaes.izdatellsko-poligr.obiledinanie N-va imitoi moobahcheniia,
1960. 453 p. WRA 14:2)
(Blectric engineering) (Locomotives)
ZOROKHOVICH, A. Ye. I Doe Tech Oc-l -- (diss) "Applicatic)ZI of regulrnt.(.~d
sinC.le-amature transformero (autodynes) for stipply and autoll:,~-:Lic con-
trol. of electrical installations on stock c~Lri a of
power supply on electrified ra-11roads." Moscow, '.,,7 pp; (1.jinis-
try of Railroads USSR, Moscow GrdeP of 1,1-:niin Ctrder of Labov ficii,
Banner Inot of kailroad Trnm-;,,.,Ort im 1. V. 1,1;a.1-10; 2LC)
copies; price not given; list of author's work ori yip (11 entrJus"';
(KL, 22-60, 135)
-UN 11,11111 dIIF 1:1 11
32(3) SOV/ 2 12-59 -5 -9121
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnilta, 1959, NY 5, p 10Z (USSR)
AUTHOR: Bashuk, 1. B., and Zorokhovich, A. Ye.
f 04
TITLE. Using Semiconductor Rectifi s on lese ~V e"ctric Locomotives
PERIODICAL: Elektr. i teplovozn. tyaga, 1957, Nr IZ, pp W-37
ABSTRACT- With 3,000-5,000 hp gas turbines and diesels used on gas-turbine
locomotives and diesel-electric locomotives, difficulties arise in creating a
simple and reliable system of electrical tranamisolon. These difficulties are
due to the fact that a DC generator cannot be designed for such capacity bec,--u8e
of cooling, conunutation, and mechanical strength conditions which all depend
on its speed. Modern generator designs go as high as 1,500 kw (with
permissible loading of 500 amp per I cin of armature circumference, average
bar-to-bar voltage 28 Y and peripheral armature speed 50 m/sec). With
higher-speed prime movers, the generator capacity becomes lower. These
facts require that a number of generators be coupled to the gas-turbine shaft,
Card 1/3
SOV/ 112-59 -5-9 12 1
Using Semiconductor Rectifiers on Diesel -Eli.-ctr ic Locomotives
which restlts in complicating both power plant and electrical schemes. Use of
reducers appreciably increases the weight and size of the generator appitratus.
The problem of increasing both capacity and speed of the generator can be
successfully solved by using 3--ph--se synchronous generators and sexnicondL'ctor
rectifiers connected Jin a 3-pha.3c bridge circuit. Ractified-c4rTent ripple
amounts to only 616, so that smoothing reactors art!! not need.ed. In this
scheme, the synchronous -generator field winding iis fed from it synchronous
exc.~ex- also via semicoaductov rect-5-fiers. The fieLd is controlled by an
automatic regulator. This scheme retains coaventLonal T)G traction molors,
only one generator is needed for a diesel-electric locozywtive of any capacity,
and the generator size decreases with increaging speed. A apeed Increase from
1, 000 to 3, 000 rpm permits cult-ing the generator length and diarrieter 1. 32
times, and weight 2. 28 times. The size of 3,000-4, 000 --kw silicon. rectifiers
is on-ly 0. 5 -0.7 m3. This type of transmission leails to aftyiplified equipment,
Card 2 / 3
Using Semiconductor Rectffiers on Diesel-Electric Locomoti,tes
lesser maintenance, and increased reliability of the power plant. A
synchronous -generator locomotive can also be used as a mobile electric
generating station.
L.A. Ch.
Card 3/3
T71! IIH 11 RI ldl.,;, Id'i,
ZOROKHOVICH, A.Tef, kand. tekhn. nauk. dots.
Automatic charging of storage batteries. Avtom. telam. i sviaz,
3 no.5:30-32 My '59. (KIRA 12:8)
ZOROKBDVICH, A.Ye., data., kand. tekhn. nauk.
Using regulated aingle-armature transformero for electric power
supply to passenger ears. Trudy MIIT no*95:131-15,2 '58.
(HIRA 11:12)
(Blactric transformers) (W1roada-Munnenger cars)
1,111111 11111'dl H I lF,11 I illH.
ZORQPP~kql~..Aje., kand. tekhn. nauk; GLMKITSKIT, I.V,, imish.
Automatic chargiug unit for diesel locomotive storage batteries.
Ilek. i tepl. tiaga 3 no-3-.10-12 Mr '59. OaU 12:5)
(Diesel locomotivea--Batteries-Maintenance and repair)
Zorokhovich, Aleksandr Yefimovichp and Anatoliy Zalcharovich Libman
Opyt remonta elektrooborudovaniya pasoazhirskilch vagonov (Repair-
ing Electrical Equipment of Railroad Passenger Cars) Moscow.,
Transzheldorizdat, 1958. 90 P. 5POOO copies printed.
Ed.: M.M. Broksh, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: O.P. Verina.
PURPOSEt This booklet is intended for workWen overhauling and
repairing the electrical equipment of railroad passenger care
in plants anddepota.
COVERAGE: The authors describe the- experience of the Blektrotsekh
vagonnogo depo st. Moscow III Severnoy Idorogi jElectrical Work-
shop of the Car Depot of Moscow III Station, Wortherz Railroad)
in the repair and overhaul of basic units of electrical equip-
ment of steel passenger cars. They explain the workshop tools,
Jigs and repair equipment and describe methods of testing and
checking. The book also describes new,repiit methods developed
Card 1/5
Repairing Electrical (cont.) 30V/1545
and introduced by the crew of this electrical workshop. The
repair and test equipment was developed by -the crew under the of the Chair of Electrical Engineering of MT IT imeni.
IN. Stalin. The authors thank Doctor of Technical Scienoes
M.A. Petrov, professor at MIIT, Engineer IN. Surguchev of the
Rizhakiy elektromashinostroitelinyy zavod, and B.V. Makushin,
manager of the above-mentioned workshop. There are no references.
From the Authors 3
Ch. 1. Organization of Repair Work on Electrical Equipment of
Railroad Passenger Cars and the Electrical Workshop
Layout 4
1. The work crews 4
2. The workshop sections 7
3. Delivery and acceptance procedures 11
Ch. H. Overhaul of Generators 14
1. Inspection of generators in the car on its return
after its arrival from a trip 14
Card 2/5
Repairing Electrical (Cont.)
Ch. IV. Repair of Alkaline Storage Batteries 58
1. Inspection of batteries in the car on Its return from
a trip 58
2. Repair of storage batteries and refilling with electro,-
lyte 58
ChargIng of storage batteries 60
"',z. V, Charging Apparatus fdr Storage Batteries
1. Central charging station 61
2. Auxiliary charging station In the depot 66
3. Auxiliary charging stations in the marshalling yards 75
Ch. VI. Repair of Interior Electrical Equipment 80
1. Inspection of electrical equipment in -the car on its'
return from a trip 8o
2. Repair and cleaning of lighting fixtures 82
3. Repair of safety fuse equipment 83
Card 4/5
Repairing Electrical (Cont.)
4. Repair of relays and regulators 84
Repair of-h1ectric motors and starting resistors 88
-* Rewinding of coils go
. AVAILABLE: Librifly of Congress (TF455.Z6) JP/lsb
Card 5/5
;.UT, ORS.. Benedikt, O.V. , irind 4orokhovich , j
ii - L 50 V/l S
TITLE: A Device for Automatically ControllinLr the iieactivf~ :-'ower
of Electrical Installations (Ustrnystvo tilya
kogo regu1iroVZV1iYf1 renktivnoy moshchncsti elektrirheok.J~kh
iio tariovok)
LoERIuDICAL: Byulletent izobreteniy, 1958, Nr 6, p (U3S,,I)
ABSTRACT: Class 21d 21 6~1- Nr 113839 (425094 of 40 Mar 1950) jub-
mitted to Gos ekhnika SSSR. A di-vice Nr the automat3.c
control of the reactive power of electric inachinea, in
particular for keeping the power ftetor equal to a unit,
based on the re4pilation of the excitationa of a
machine; with the design simplified and the control
accuracy improved by the use of an autodyne for the excit-~,-
tion of the synchronous mitichine, ard feedi.nj7, to tho cjntrol
winding of this autodyne the di[ference of' two rectifi,.-d
Card 1/2 voltages, each of which repreaents the, voot~-,-, .zum of one
SOV/ 19 -58 -6 -18 ',~/6 8
A Device for Automatically Controllin(; the Reactive Poner of Electrical
half of the voltage acting between two lino wires rind a
voltage proporticnal to the current flowing along the third
wire; control is made possible over a wide range by means
of a phase adjuster and potentiometar allowing the po~;it.ion
of the voltage vector to be changed.
Card 2/2
ZOROKqOVICH, A.Ye., kand.tekhn.naak; RATMIROV, Y.A,,, kand.tokhm.nauk
Ajustable single-armature NAvtodinff converter. Vest. alaktroprom. 29
no.9:36-41 S 158. (MIRA l1-.10)
(Electric current converters)
ZOROIRDVICH, A#Te.o dote., kand. takhas nauk
Using regulated alugle-armature tranfernerg for automatic
charging of storage batteries. Trudy MIIT no.95405-130
158. (MIRA 11:12)
(Ilectric transformers) (Etailroada-1htteries)
ZOROKHUV1GHP.4'leks~&idr Yefimovich,; LIBRAN, Anotoliy Zakharavich,; BROKSH,
- _ . G.P.. tekhn. red.
(Repairing electrical equipment of railroad pasnenger cars] Opyt.
remonte elektrooborudovaniia paseashirskikh vagonovs. Hoiskyas (lose
transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo. 1956. 90 P. (MIRA 11:12)
(Railroads--Electric equipment--Kaintensnci~ nnd repair)
AUTHORS: a~nd Ratmirov, V.A. (Call(lidates of
Technical Science)
TITLE: The 'Autodynel Controlled Rotary Convertor (ReguliruYem'YY
odnoyakornyy preobrazovatell 'Avtodin')
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlaimosti,1958~Nr 9,PP 36-~I(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The theory of the autodyne was developed and the first
experimental investigations were made on it, in the
Dept. ., of Electrical Machines of the M1IT under the
guidance of Prof. O.V. Benedikt. Further Aevelopment
work was carried out collectively by the 1,'.'IIT and the
Scientific Research Institute of the Eloctro-technical
Industry (Prof. 0.V. Benedikt2 Cand.Tech.Sai,
A.E. Zorokhovich, EngineerTia.M. Kovarskiy, Engineers
A.A. Ratov and L.R. Shal man, Candidates of Technical
Science T.G. Ambartsumov: S.I. Barskiy~ and V.A.Ratmirov)
They developed the machine to the stage of manufacture of
experimental batches. Then in 1948-1952, autodynes
series A2B-A6B were designed and constructed, and indivi-
dual examples of the experimental serie,,j of autodynes AZ
for battery charging. were made. The operating principles
of the a-utodyne are explained. in the general caset the
Card 115
rotor carries two windings; a multi-phase a.c. winding
The 'Autodynel Controlled Rotary Convertor
connected to slip-rings and a d.c. winding connected to
a commutator. In a particular caseq the:;e windings my
be combined. The machine takes supply from the a.c. side
and delivers d.c. from the comiiutlator, The rotor runs at
synchronous speed. The stator bears a nwaber of excitation
and control windings; its magnetic System differs from
that of the ordinary rotary convertor by the presence of
split poles which carry the cross-wAndings. There may also
be additional brushes. In the autodyna, the d.c. output
voltage is varied by changing the brush position. The
operation of the autodyne is explained; the vector
diagram is given in Fig 1 and e.m.f. equations are written.
The operation of the autodyne is considered with reference
to two circuits. Fig 2a is a schomatic., and circuit
diagram of an autodyne delivering constant load current, as
in accumulator charging, and relates to autodynes series AZ,
A diagram of an autodyne of constantoutput voltage is given
in Fig 2b; this circuit was used for the experimental
machines type AZB. The d.c. voltage can be varied over a
Card 2/5 wide range. Other laws of current and voltage changs are
The 'Autodynel Controlled Rotary Convertor
easily obtained; for example) Fig 3 shoWs tile circuit
of an autodyne with a falling volt-am:)ere characteri.,:*tic-
Torque equations for the autodyne are then derived. The
autodyne has, in addition to the control wIndinr? a n-amber
of auxiliary stator windings which sc-rve to relieve thc
armature of the m~ignetisinr, current, to (,,o-I.-i-.)cn3ata
internal torques of the machine, and to increa3e the
efficiency or regulation. Although importan't in
tion, these windings do not affect the fundamental
principles of the machine. The diff-,Lrent kinds of windina
that are used are then described. Then the particular
types of autodyne that have been manufactured are
discussed. Photographs of autodynes types A2-A6B of
3.5 IN are reproduced in Fig 55a~ the characterisl;41.c3 are
compared with those of an arnplidyne In Table 1. The
Yaroslavl! Electric Motor Iforks has produced an exT)eri-
mental series of autodynes for charging batteries;
photograph of one of these machines appear,; in Fig 5b, and
general technical data in Table 2. Zo3t I'osillts oil
Card 3/5 autodynes are then given. The regulation of an autodyn-a
type AZB working in a circuit with volt%ag-e ne-atilic feed
The 'Autodynel Controlled Rotary Convertor 3oV1110 _!id-j -1.)/20
bac:c (as in Fig 2b) is plotted in Fig 6a. The difference
between the theoretical and experimental load- charac tua ris -
tic results from the presence in t1io t,,iachine of uncor.,1*;)On-
sated internal torques, from hysteresis in. the magnot"i'a
circuit and also from chan-as in the ou-pply and control
voltage. Load characteristics of a milchine AM, are given
in Fig 6b. When the current alters from zero to full load
the d.c. voltage change does not exceed The load
ch-aracteri s tics of autodynes series A5B and AZ oper-ating
in a circuit with current neaative feed-back (as Fi~r 2a)
are given in Fig 7 for various values of control circuit.
An oscillooram of voltage and control current for machine
A223 when the polarity of the control voltage is reversed
is depicted in Fig 8, and demonstrates tha satisfactory
Card V5 response-time of the autodynos. In o)cration autodynes
can deliver leading reactive powor to the supply.
The 'Autodyne' Controlled Rotary Convertor So V1 I 10 -5 '8 - ','4.-9/2U
Autodynes are somewhat more complicated in construction
than ordinary d.c. :nachines~ but this is typical o� a
rotary amplifier; their transient porfomiance requires
further study.
There are 2 tables, 8 fi6iires and 3 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: March 25, 1958
1. Electromechanical conver t ers --Control systema 2. Control systems
Fl'~.F P-1 IV i!!I 11:11
VZRIla, G.P., takhn.redw----;-".,.'."~-".~-:.-"''. -
[Electric drives in diesel- and gas-turbite 16cowtiv4s equipped
with a. c. machinery]. Elektricheolde peredmahl toplovozov I ~
gazoturbovosov a mashiiami peremennogo toka. flosirm, Goo. transp.
zhel-dor.. izd-vo 1958. 78 P. (Mos(~.ow. Hoskovskii inrtitut inzhenerov
zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.1m ). (MIRA 11:4)
(Locomotives-Zlectric driving)
'/r '5.
Osnovy elektrotekhniki dlya lokonotivrVkh brigad (Davic electrical engineering
for locomotive brigades, by) A. Ye. Zarokhovich :L S.K. Krylov. lloskva,
Tranzheldorizdat, 19577
453 P. illus., diagra., graphs.
I . I I .. I I. ..
;2f'tl ,a A-h 0 0 "j A19, >~,
R&SHUX, Isiop kand. takhn. nauk; ZOROXHOV ,*jjkAji4. takhn. nauk.
On the use of semiconductor rectifiers in diesol loco-motives. jaek.
i tepl. tiaga no.12:36-37 D 157, (MM IXII)
Olesel locomotives) (Semiconductor$)
lo In" (bullot4.1 of
Zlr:. L e:: I'l 1"J
Z D 8 0 1< t40 V I'Z- I/ Yk.
V.S.; SODDLET. V.Ma; ZOROKffDVICH. A.Ye,, kan,"tidat toklinicbeskM wak;
[Electric circuits of electric locomotives and. maintenance of bbe
equipment] Elektricheskle akhomy e1ektroy,oz!,v I ukhod za apparal.urol.
Moskva, Gos*tran9p.zhe1-dor.1zd-vo, 1955. 1.78 P, (MLRA 8:4.)
(Electric locomotives)
Coking of the coal charge in an oven with a rotatirw ring floor.
Koks i Ithim. no.3.1234-41 62. lieu 15312)
1. Nookovskiy Ichimiko-tekbnalogicheskly Institut im. DJO
Mendeleyeva, (for Pblmrov,, Kazin1k, Popchenkov J: emeno,e).
2. Vostoohnqy uglekbimicheskiy institut.(far Yarkin, Ryvkinp
Privalov)o 3. Niahoe-Zagillskiy metallurgicheitkiy kovibinat
(Mustafin, Kuznetsov, Zor~Uovich).
.. 1, 1 -- ~ 7* . - 1.
- , ; - I . . I ) , . ~ I
I . j~ ~!; ;
Scroenless Beparation of the 0 -3 imi, class f~= averap coals
prior to crushing. Koks. i Jwim. no. 3:57-58 161. (MIRA 14:4)
1. Urallskiy politekhnieheskiy institut (for Bo:rezin),, 2, N12hne-
Tagillskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat (for Zorokhovich)*
(Coal handling)
SHUR, Ts.I., kandidat farma t sort tche skikh nauk; RAPAPORT. k&ndjUt
farmatsevtichaskikh n&uk;.ZGR0KE0VI(,'H, I.J.
nNaterials on the analysis of concentrates and nedicinal compounds;,'
published by the Central Analytical Control laboratory of the Moscow
city branch of the Main Pharmaceutical Administration of the Ministry
of Public Health of the HiS.F.S.R. Reviewed by Ts.l. Sh&kh, L.I.
Rapaport, I.I.Zorokhovich. Apt.delo 5 nn.4:63-64 JI-Aig 156. (MIaA 9:9)
C/ e-
m a
T 5
I fi
0 ~4
J; i.
tA a
01 0 w
ZOROKEOVICHs I. Z.: "A comparative Inve!Aigation of hillaic ~~)eq of
mixers Ur ir-Ad mixtures*" Min HI.,,rher rklucation USSR.
Moscow Auforwtive Hechanics Inat. Moscow, 1956.
Soo Knizhnaya Letopis' Moscow No. 15, 1956
Pr,nctice in stri-tinc -nd -d,luE:tinC, a nwintrine Lit. No. ?, I?"!.
Montnz Llt.2.~ Of ltuszipr. Accessionc, Librery of Coniz-vers
- . ~ ~ . i. . I It ! - I !!! , 1, 1. :
ZHAROV, N.T.; ZHUKOV, A.A.; Z W - Kum"IN- I-B-;
L9Vl, L.I.; LYASS.; FMCEa-
red.; PMYAKOV, Ta.G,, red.; ItAIMIZ, Tu.L., red.izd-ve; UVAROVA.
(Theory of founding proceezes] Voprozy teorii liteynykh protsessov.
Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd--vo mashinostrolt.lit-ry, 1960. 692 p.
(KTRA 13:7)
ACC NR.. AP6035840 SOURCE CODE: UR/041316(1/000/1)20/0049/0050
INVENTOR: Zasov, I. A.; Zorokhovich, 1. Z.; Karaban,' G. L.; A-Inukbin. L, S.; Soroka,
V. P.
ORG: none
TITLE: Self-propelled machine for removing ice from'improved road aurfaces
Class 19, No. 187067
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 49-50
TOPIC TAGS: airfield maintenance equipment,
hi6hway ftt! 5,13F-cr-1 4-1,1G1A.JAFee01)6.
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a vehicle for renoving ice
f rom improved road surfaces, consisting of a primary vehicle equipped 'writh a
chipping attachment, and of equipment for melting ice and drawing off the water. To
improve the cleaning of the surface and prevent its damage, on tho primary vehicle's
frame is mounted a rotor-type chipping attach=,ent with hammers. The hamaiers are
located in spiral lines with overlapping gaps between them, and the rotor unit can
be raised or lowered. The equipment for melting ice, located behind the rotor, has
a cowl opening from below; in the upper part of the unit, in which the burners are
located, blowing attachments are at the front wall, and at the rear wall, which is
I Card 1/2 UDC: 625.768.5
ACC NR: AP6035840
made of an elastic materialP is a suction attachment connected to a tank. To tank
is connected the ventilator suction pipe which supplies air to the blowing
attachments. The ventilatorla suction pipe can be equipped irith a safety valve.
Orig. art. has: 1 figure-
'SUB CODE: 13,,0/ SUBM DATE: 28Aug64
j Card 2/2
----- --- -- .... ...
Centralized lubrication of plant equipment* roks I ]&in. no,SS
49-5o 156. (Lubrication and lubricants) Mu 9-pilo)
. - , - - - , ~ ", I L J-1-1
;.,I i,i
11 1
t. ~!,.: ~ I
; I... . 1, .. ~ I I., - - I . . ; i i 1,;
j ;
g I.t
1 11 11 , . .1 11 IL - ,, .. .., , , , I, L.I. ... . I .- , , . , m
Automobiles made in Poland, Avt.prom, no.4-OV-39 Ap 160.
(MIRA 13:6)
(Poland--Automobile industry)
The Volga passenger car. AvtA trakt.prom. no.8:46 Ag
(MIRA 10:12)
(Gorkiy-Automobilea-Design and conatruction)
The new Polish small cylinder capacity automobile *Sirena.0 Avt. i
trakt, prom. no.2:45 F '57* (MLRA 1-0:3)
14-7*01f ~-AV"MW-
Interdependent su"nsion of the De Pontac antowbileis#
Avt.i trakt.prom. no-3:46-47 Hr '57. (MA 10-15)
:1111 11H 41111:11:1 ~11H 14111 Hall"JI1.111:"!
I - ~. 1 :1 1 U 1,J
TITLEi The N.S.Ye. Secret
PERIODICALs Znaniye-Silap 1960p No 2, P 42 (USSR)
TEXT: The author discusses "Secret 11,5.Ye," a picture made by 8,
Rayburt (director), Yu. Berenshteyn (camera) and I. Molgarin (script) in
the Moscow studio of popular scientific motion pictuxes. is a
new winding machine designed by Y,e,, Yegorov, a ineoharilo from the Moppow
ZaXQA_,ah. mashin (Ana ytic COMPI;Iters 11-ait .Thio
miniature automatic machine is designed for winding tiny computer trans-
formers. Until recently this was done by hand and one worker could com-
plete a maximum of 30 tranformers during a shifts This new invention has
increased the operating efficiency by ten timea~ Thijre is 1 photograph..
Card 1111
,iviation. today bind tomorrow ("la the skies of tworrowl by
K. Gillzia. Reviewed by H. Zorov). Znaa.sila 35 ao.10:43
o 6o. (HUU 13:11)
(Aeronautics--Juveaile literature) (Gillzin, K.)
ZOROV) 11.
Matenadaran and ita t~eaznares. Zrian.slla 31e vo.,i~.-,24,-25 Ap 162.
(MIRA 1534)
(Erovan.-Ilistorical Ubrarieu)
Secret of the K.StSwinding wehinle. Znw'--flil4 33 nQ-2:42
v l6o. MRA 13 0)
(rolectric transformers.-Windings)
ZOROVI IN. N. PA 3 7/49 1, 6
Machines, Milling
"Working HaatRomlstat~; SteOija," N. N~ Z 0 C,
Tech Scl, 2 3/~ PP
"Stanki i In.9trument" No 9
?reseuts results of arperimi.ate cu mchinll;pa- c
austenite steele, ustj is T-sl~&ped Cak 0 1111wi
cutters on borizontal miIU7~v, machines. ~O 08
character" st lo,~k of ctotarm Ued and ~ tm#IIL im 1
Instructions for prepLm;Ucj i. aul ezplrz~ tijis fin id*h
six diagranw.
?DB I~j /49.01
AUTHORSt Shoykhot, M.I., Zorov, V*Pvp Brous, I.Yo.
- -.. .... .....
Determination of Aoidity During -the luspeation. of Alcohol
Production (Opredeloniya kielotnooti v kontrDle spirtovogo
PERIODICALt Spirtovaya promychlennoat', 19591 Nr 51 PP 41-42 (USOR)
ABSTRACTs Acidity is an important indicator of momi-products in the pro-
duotion of alcohol, In the datermination of the titratitbls
acidity mothyl-rod is usually employed as Indicator. Howevert
to obtain a more marked change of color, it is better to use a
mixture of two indicators, viz. neutral red and mothylene blue.
Comparison of results obtained in detarmininLr the titrable
acidity with methyl red and with mixecl indicators are shown in
a table, In each case two parallel analyses were performed by
2 chemists 3 times. As can be aeon from the table, results ob-
tained with the mixed indicator show a' closer similarity of re-
sults than in the case of those obtained with methyl red; this
Card 1/2 shows that with the mixed indicator a more abrupt change from
BUSHKOV, V.G., dotsent; ZOROVA, A.S,, voterinarnyy vrach; BARKOV, 1G.D.,
veterinarnjrf vr~'chl
Treatment of dogs with coprostasis. Yeterinariia 39 no-906-57 S
162. (MIRA 16ilo)
1. Kazanskly Yeterinarnyy institut (for Buohkov). 2. Respubmanskaya
veterinarnaya poliklinika, ~azanl (for Zorova, Barkov).
WSHMI, V. G. .(Docent) Kazan' Veterinary Inatitute ?,QR'NVA~-ALJS- and WMV) G. D.
(Veterinary DocLors, Republic Veterinary Paliellnic
"Treatment of dogs suffering from coprostazis
Veterinarlya, vol. 39, no. 9, September 1962, P. 56
BUSHKOV, V.G., dote.; BARKOV, G.D.. vat. vraAoh; ZOROVA, A.S,. rot. rraCh.
Using an erythrocyte clot in the treatment of penetrating woando
of the joints in horses. Veterinariia 34 no.2;47-50 V 157,
(MM 10:11)
1, Mazanekly veterinarnyy inatitut I garodskaya vsLerinarnaya pa-
(Joints-Wounds and inJurien) (Blood-Coatulation)
(Horses-Diseases and pestu~
Distr** 4Z 2c
Zorski H. Some Cases ef Ocnilbig of
,,Mwne PrzYpadki 7911inia plyt anizotrop*wych", Axvbjulum 1116.
thaniki Stos!jwanej (PAN), No. 1, WarHzawa, too. Pp. It-gii, 2 flapi
The method worked out -by the autbov in 1AS preiviova jitpM beib
been applied In examinatio%j of anIsaireple svml-plane~ and ortlWON-Pir
semi-plane, quarter-plane, and se-m14moid. TM aut&ir
adequate poWntlAs - gicivxal wtutionq (it the
hewu tlie) formuiae tor forct rimmmis on tW (Agt3 vt tile Innil-plimil,
cmtainlng MU pecullaritfe!; fit un evfdvnt fomi, The p,oblaiij, (if beirrJUTIff
of anfaotropIc send-plz)nw- urAi!r V3riouB tondlUtwia Is n3dwid It)
a markedly pevulfar inteVal 4!tjuaflan (o1, I;y.,jinm og, #,.e
in a closed farin. Sxnc, ftolutinoii and vx1mv14% an(.% dhxf~lmvj. ~,~ j5
pointed out that, In thc eme of u% arIIhntrcVIv plaiw, 01. wethAM
,pplied fr Idotroptc- p4tes am also fully sulUble tv~ sbuiv 'the mi.00
derivativeo do not a numbee (if expMalarvi.
-- ------- ----------
Thermoelastic problem for a wadge. Bal Ac Pol tech 7 no.10:555-565
0.59. (KEAI 9:7)
1. Department of Keehanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic
Technical Problems, Polish Acadevj of Sciencss. Presented by
(Wadges) (Elasticity)
1::.1-141 14, Ift I I I All
General solutions of the conservation equations in curved spaces.
Bul Ac Pol tech 7 no.10;36?-371 1~9. (EEAI 937)
1, Presented by W.Howacki.
(Curvature) (Calculus of tensors)
(Spaces$ Generalized)
ZORSKI, Henryk (Warsaw)
Projective formulation of the continuum mechnnios equations
R.I. Archiw mech 12 no.5/6:617-638 160.
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of
Basic Technical Problems, Polish AcadarV of Sciences, Warsaw.
vp (c (;G
NR' AP6081529 SOURCE CODF,:~ PO/0033/66/018/0031030110372
ORG: Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, _IBTj:'.Polish Academy of
TITLE: Theory of discrete defects
SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 18, no. 3, 1966, 301-372
TOPIC TAGS: Lagrange theorem, galileo group, discrete defect theory, Newton
law, Lame equation, Noether theorem
ABSTRACT: The article attempts to formulate a general field theory of discreteI
defects (dislocations, vacancies, cracks, etc. ) in a linear elastic continuum. A
defect is understood to be a single surface on which, in the general case, various
fiQld quantities, such as displacement or vel(xity, suffer d~splacexnent and stress
vector discontinuities. The work is based on the variation principle. The'variation,
of displacement leads to the field (Lame') equations. The variation according to-the
radius-vector of a defect leads to the equation of motion, which consists of a syntem-
of i nt earo -differential equations. The given theory is norlh~wal Iti time beciiv~se f~
the finite velocities of disturbance propagations, and thereftwe of ~A`ntersection or
defects. These are defined as corresponding variation del'il/litiV013 Of Lagrarigialts.
In the first part of the work, the defect in tile linear coutbutum U; determineil, a~!nd
elastic potentials are introduced Oll lnobilc .9urfaces. A theoren) is lihetl
developed, as in any classical tlie~ory. It is assumed that the conij?lote displacef.'
ment is equal to the sum of the regular displacement, which is called complemdrit-
ary, and the displacements caused by defects and expressed through potentials, Th
Lagrangian is broken up into several parts: a fietd part, the- infivence of tile fietj
with the defects, the interaction between the defects, and t4a seV-action of the
defects. The forces derived are then examined. The forces of defect interaction
i do not generally satisfy the third law of Newton and are not central, the interaction
force is infinite as in any linear field theory, etc. Finally -ffie author examinfus the
equations of motion of the defects and the integral laws of c:onservation: the quantityl
i of motion, and the momentum of the quantity of motion and energy. The latter are
developed on the basis of the Noether theorem and the invariance, Of a Lagrajigia.'a in
relation to the transformations of the Galileo group. The akitho.- -wishes to express
his thanks to Prof. Dr. _J. Rzewuskj and his collaborators jjijstLt!!ie of Theoretical
Physics. Wroclaw U. ) for valuable discussions and useful remarkS on the variation--
al formalism of the theory. The help of.Dr. Matczynski and Dr. Z. Mossakowska
Card 2/3
KC NRI AP6031529
in discussing and in reading parts of the manuscript is also gratefully acknowledged4'
Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 306 formulas. JGCJ
SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 16Nov651 ORIG REF: 0021 SOV REF: 004/
OTH REF: 017/
.P!~r# 3j 3
ra r,
0 01-
(Ila VC
93 J4 ar"Y~l 14 k-bs'Klad
00~~ ec
7,01C de%ll 0
14er- OVI
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Delp e so 0 c d,iectv, W ~ellcef)
O~LGI- Od er (100
06 !5 ere
c lp el2lr`t~r-
ervem.0 ,,.I eVect
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L h5193-66
ACC NR- AP6027424
stress. The paper was presented by W. Nowacki. Orig. art. has: I figure and
13 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] INTI
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001/
KAJFASZ, Stanislaw; OIYSIAK, Zbiplow; 4'1016K1, Heitryl-I Kya.=d
Educational conferenc~ts of the Polish Academy ot sciences in
Jablonna. Mechan teor stosow 2 no.2:99-102 f64,
WRSKI, Ii. (warswr)
"On the constmetion of thf,~ stress ter-'Mors in
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congresm an Theoretical and Applied
Mccbanics, Moscow, 29 January - I Februaxnj 1964.
SOIMWWSKI, VArek, prof.; ZORSKI, Henryk, prof.
The Polish school of thermoelasticity. Tforyz tochn 17
no. 4: 9-10 AP 164.
1. Dyrektor ntLukowy Instytutu Podstawowyeb Probl6mow
Techniki., Polska AkadeMit Hatik, Warszawa (for Sokolowski).
2. Kierownik PraSowni Mechailiki Clala Stalegop Irsty+,,ut
Podstavowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Aka6mia Ilauk,
Warszawa (for Zorbil).
ZORSKI, Henryk
Kffects of the second degree in the theory of elaoticity,
plasticity, and mechanics of fluids; InternatAonal Symposium
in Haifa, April 21-29, 1962. Nauka polska 10 no.6:149-150
11-D 162.
1. Instytut Podstavowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia
Nauk,, Warszawa.
ZORSKI, Zbigniew
Sam remarks on the computing and printing of Mathematical and
physical tables. Przegl geod 35 na.9t408 3 163*
-111:11 1111i llflf~ IIII I 111111.1 -lilt' 13~ I II
I.P., inzh.,red.; VYDIU., t.Ya., inzh.,red.; V*L~(;T.,3"0~1"I.t,
M.P., inzh., red.; GORDIY7~:IIMKO, '-i.G.,
V.L., inzh.,rc-d.; rk.-.;
OVSIPI3iIXGV, Ya.S., red.
[Use of fast dyen Olid rFeXI-qI Lyf)(?.:3 Of fIni.01o;!I in
textile and knit goodo in.u.3try; from the mate::-Jallii