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ZORINA, A.A. (Yaraganda, u1. Lenina, d.17, kv.18) 3arly reversible morphological changes in the ganglia.of the autonomic nerves in disorders of blood circulation In tha latter. Arkh. anat. gist. 1, embr. 36 no.3.,22-29 W 159. (JURA 12:7) 1. Kafedra. gistologil Kezarwkogo medittiinakoCeo instituta (sav. - nael. dayntell' nauki Prof. A. H. MislavokSy 3deceamad] and Zaragandinakogo meditsinskago Institute. (zav. - doteent A.A. Zorim) (GAWLIH, AUTONOMIC, blood supply ischemia of cervical ganglia, early ravernible morphol. changes in Cate (Rue)) ZOIII NA, A. A. Zorina, A. A. - "The cytology of the front portion of Lhe humai hjpup,*I,.vsi,- in various stages of embryological development", Trudy I.edinstituta go!]. -.ed. -111-t) Vol. VI, 1910, p. 119-24. SO; L-4110) 17 JUIY 53) (Letopis 'Zhurmtj lnykh 64Catoy, 14o. ).!.), I'Ad). FIOIIIY~OV, A.T., kand.tekbn.najks Ak,,., in'th. 4eaning the pumptmg equipment, of aix-borne aprayars fran Ue 2,,i,,-D enter residues. Lash-ch. rast, ot vred. i bol. 6 no.5:3.1. I~y 161. (1,11ILk 1 15: 6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy muolina-issledovatellakly. lmatAtot Grazhdanskogo vozdusY=gt) flota. (Spraying and duating equiprient-41aintenanco ancl repair) torshiy inzhener; ESTULINA,.A.L. inzh.; BULWOVA, AoMoo insh.; AL:VS3W, S.A., dotsent, red.; SHIRNOVA, G.T., teM2n.r&4. (Time norms for die and precision cliating operationa in foundries for general mAchinery manufacture) ObshchemshinostroitalInye normativy vremeni na litainye raboty pri lit's pod 4awleniam i po v.vplsvliaauqm modeliam. Hoakva, Gou.nauchno-tqkhn.1zd-vo mashino- stroit.promyshl. 1959. 58 P. (KIRA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-isslaclovatellakly intititut truda. TSontrallnoye byuro promyshlemVkh normativov po trudu. 2. 19nuchno-issladovatel'- ekiy inatitut takhnolomii i organizateii proizWstva aviatsionnoy promyshlonnosti (for Zorinal Estulina, Bulatolra (Die casting) (Precision casting) ZOI~Mj_A.V.; FSHLINA, A.I., inzh.; BOGOSLUVSKIY~ $.So, inzh. ; DEYEVAI N.A., inzh.,- DYMOVA.. L.M., inzh,; NUMI, 11.1.p teklin. red.; DWKINA, 1I.F., tekbn. xed. (Time norms for machine and manual rolding oporivtion3 for iron, oteel, and nonferrous twtia foundli% in gonipral wtol)1nory conatrue- tion; batch and small-ran production] Obshchemashinastroitelli7e normativy vremeni ua*mash1nnuiu i rLichnuiu fortTivk-u litairvkh form dlia chugunnogo, stallnogn i tsvetnogo litlim; serlincle i rolko- sorlinoe proizvodetvo. Moakva, Mauligiz, 1962. 322p, (MIRA 15-.7) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye Irjuro prorWshlevqrkh riorzativov po trudu. 2. Nauchno-issledovatel'shdy institut aviatsiotmoy tolJ=logii (for all except Model', Demkina). (Founding--.Production standards) jrK. INI III, III! d'! I Ili MT imhoner; WTULIVAp A.I,p ivzh,j LAI'LIATMA, A.Hey in2h.; ALSK.73EYEV, S.A., L.A,j taklm. red. (Timo nonno eotabliched in the goraral imehinwry i.mlustQ, for die cacting and rfmcision casting, operation 13 Obolm,,bim; mshino- stroital'Ma nomutivy vrav-onl na litebWo vvtboty pri litle pod davlonle i po vyj)lErj-jjaony= jr.*6elltm.. Jjr)j,,Jcvjjj Illaillging 10/62. 57 p. (I'MRA 15:10) 1. IIoncow. TSentral"noye byuro praMahlannykh no.-tiativav po trudue 2. ll:auchno-isi3loclovatelleli3,, im4titut, mashinootroyo- niya i takhr-ologii (for Zorina, Batulina) llulatova). Wo owiting.-Production staridarda) (Preciaion caatin~g-Production alandan.1a) ZORINA, Dora YulIyevua;'AIXKSETRY, G.A., red.; ROSEAROVA, U.I., tekhn,red, (British trade unions ond labor's struMle for unity of action] Angliiskie tred-iuniony i borlba sa edinst-wo doistvii rabochego klassa, Moskva, Izd-vo In-ta meohdunar.atnonhanil, 1959. 237 P. (MW l3j4) (Great Britain--Labor and laboring alasisen) (Great Britain-Trade unions) r2',GRINA, L.A.; VANSETMU. 1.A. (Moskva) Therapeutic significance of coamlexonS in cbromic Iaid polsioning. Gig.truds i prof.sab. 3 no.1:7-11 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Inatitut gigiyenv tmta I prof isabolavaniya AHN SSI.M i kafedra proftaboloyaniy TSentral"nogo inatituta asovernhenstwovantya vrachey. (LEAD POISONING) (ACITIG ACID) ZORM,1 Z. S. and SMOM) Ye. A. "Ferrite-core Gates Controlled by Triode Transistors. The authors explain vh7 gates with tognetic eleWlUts In a flip-flop circuit using triode transitors we V"VerablA to gates usifag ftcde-transforzars ta the sme circuit. There are 5 references) of vhich 4 swe BoTist mid 1 1~41ish. Voproey vyschislitalluoy zatewatLkl I tekhniki (Problems in Computor Kathematics and Technique) Kiev, Xzd-vo An Ukr SM, 1958, 97 -pp. (Obomik trudowt YyP 3) This collection of articles issued by the computor Center of Ukr SM.Acs4 Sci is Intended for scientists and engineers In the f told of computor Mthdastics and techniques. The colllect4on is devoted to the VrL)p=mImg of wathdoatIcal problems on electronic conuters and to the design of units mnd components of these machines. ZORYNA, Book a~,--~ut tl'.F) Structure of wages In Great Bribmin ('lScc4i:! brlion r-f wn.--~-- r-c.!Sc~71 ty Barttirt 3utten. Reviewed bV D. zorina). -'~Ot~. (Great Brit A in.-Wagee) OUROVICH, Folina Vaniaminovna; ZORMA, otvetstweanyjr redaktor; GINTSBERG, L.T., radakto?'ftdatbl';B~~~a'--'KARUlik, Ts,V., takhnichmaki~ redaktor [Raise of the labor movewnt in Ingland during 191$-.19211 Pod*611 rabochago dlwizheniiA v Anglii v 1918-1921 gg. Hooku, lzd-vo A~mdenli nauk SSSR, 1956. 222 p. (WRA 9:11) (Great Britain--Labor and laboring classes) 1111 Ak A 1.1111111111,11111,1411 USSR / Farm Animals. General Problems.., Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol,I No 12, IM, 511676. Author : Priselkovaj D, 0&) Zorina, N.`k4 Inst : Not given, Title : Vessels Conveying Blood to the'Skin and the Intraoutaneous Blood Vessels. Orig Pub: Tr, Vaes, n,-I. in-t vet. sanltarii i ektop- arazitol*, 1957, ll~ 67-76. Abstract; The blood-vascular.system of I$ sheep of them "Soviet Merino" breed, 2 kids, and 6;rabbits was perfasad-.thro h the juguler ve-In with . . Tyrode's solution12 litors) under other nar- cosis; thereatter a contrast substance of - variegated color ~aomposition: Ohalk 25 pts., dye 5 pts,, oil 6 pts., benzene 50 Xpts.) was injected into the carotid artery and jugular vein. The skin was studied in relation to the Card 1/2 C- A vuewty d Mmy kwA ow*m la IM csitlAd vsS%&- pl,, 1104414Y Alld. As"I -= -X.WTUSt.G3A "I I OU ~ft MTVXUIY nwhqA cowmias lkt I Pfr"m M mma *td-mll-P 4' P"O" " t1govitlam las the (q*jltlkvl (im mw Wtim it'. A, 4J. U2111), "A that the PK*t of mvM11 of tho mukoll fmtwj am the ait~ ". of tu And 410 kxlwy 64tuild My%tC= C&IIS JUV * MAX. 4A tbG V MeWty V St tk&t PKADd"' ( Vosmik Usshou. Gws4wso. Uss(v. J. M- 11, Hill (16MI) o was toldr4 by dot". OF 9 40 a f*wtw of the lomp'.. ul offixim. OCCJ104 with Phs MAVAUA~41.0,4011 04 the ofil, temp.. twoul I QJ NW, % 44 OW UtUr. were made by tefop. lwavok Q the mdor of 1.031. %1 all am abom toonam, CM auve dooM "s7 oh" P-%: absow mamboa. tsuosm QV4 a tmo. ku"14 ad I A S.W. Even naft Prolawbud acid" 0042 off the tdo4li- coaff. 391al. Tb* Petition am be w" fw m omm ,fitl dren. of Ike ah. (twip. dl adtfogd Ike gl*vn tatm. Ttmi Is do 4dillatil VWW, buLVjdd VWmo*b j V, r ft L ' Gm I Sia. lWkdy AW. Nook saill, Cbm, Moom#j, m. a. 9"Iwa-ral"ba" of me Itecolty 9 -d the "wm (1) 9COM-11W ad I%XOr-CJfu (U) ohm a puftd U4 coutimmoss fimmm of do btkft kW duclue" 1 4 Ifeackmi. Alm , 110(temp.mmonc AQw%k&Vm;; (C ~mmobvmrv Isdowma (or both sygems. I xl ezem of qbr Value 060 w4um CmTmoad to a Num kP "t CWmt at tkt IPAIV. of tW Creaw; is fit crk. temp. the &df 414M with re- Who My. w1koe 1, t8mv. Cl ' " m= IM 61 4064tnt I* Nih M W q e"t all "W =.a. ian" of (141'. of O f th 4 ~ ; to. "Amr 't% *3 U dimt U. 7D, tmd Spect to mulp. is In System I -tkaft as Crott as Outride the crft. a~mpn- ranve. "batke O vmle - . 14 M"~ o e p lj - i~ 4 CW14" d I (WItt III with z 14mer - '-, ttmp. of i . Q dsksg) Od q wub the 4beage al oemp. am amm, In W.Wmptaied Nd b f g iodmto pooftmfisancli tit undm:%line. where" IW ) *Wks=* dit(WOCRO 'Aftb4a Mer coil 11M Curl-;A dimsli, memat olam. v: t b,f in krivitiet o mvam, w the op the Cdc tcwp. and C'mca., brr"O Ole max. of 9 tho M . . ulct of SaImblaijull; 11me f1d4l", WC ar 4 :1 =4 ovskK ot Von am Wo a maky iutd(gty, 11ot mAv. 94 tfl oto an Glonver, ibt,A:Ivlcr towl'intfum 4re k0 9. t vm;*. am of apacumn" at the Crit. Pdat CWevc"A la- Oft T bate P&CUKImna Iml 4fIAhvt%jI, Iq tjWW 014M Is (U 154 k(MM0604 9410 d JlIjK%=OJC4(C%. N. Tb*t towity volvenmft to toddta worUti= a9 Out peormsm of vemmOderbMeity. The! exact to". $0 am, to dw Pmb to 1P Togwo with the am". 4f, TUCT a in a lubtfica, of 4 8" tfW WMA ewvm 4f Wasbility . of the tem. of dfos"Itlemom of the awahm. It gb*wt that (be ktom amop, drAm ox CQ&KWe with the point as which the pr%miks of the 4 11 u to so is 4 A --L A A.At it 00 A 00 ~00 Joe a 00 as 17 )VIN 0 limi4sbv*o4li4e4 0 0 d Miff& "D-ACM-m "--Tt tv: - ~416 LM &f OM dIWW 4WtMM d *Ilk extrW. Graforav and A. Vjkwim. S, jt $5, 140. It. 4"(1m).-TreatuAlIA wttl~ ;" 06utowr pty4mts $04h, ("14 COW, al CA at. M. of tjo U%t-% 11ith Me" b2finiftl is. CRUM ka w" tbgia dolg, with limr. qVAJ1tY Of tht (10"t is Wmand ita A. A. PtO tasp~'Ls saw. A S S. I L A M41TALLURGICAL LITIROURI. CLASSAFKATIGO 'flow 6w.-4~1-*-7- 914. .14111 q#MOVO -9 1 .4, ~Nr off u AT PO As I v a 0 ;1 11 9' ; ; : i of c",a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 : : : :1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 *1* 111 * 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 -09 -00 000 00 Gee GOO too a** c0 890 '00 IS too ZORIYA N.G. A.r., Professor. rodaktor; ZCBIIFA B.O., rodakt,41r; MAIMIYA, A.S.. tokhnichoskiy rodaktor; RWVX-04-1r-w~ rqid*ktor. [Kanual on distotice for 6MM11 chlUren] 4pravoclialk To djetetl)m dotal rannego vosranta. IrA. 6., ispr* I (lop. (ZoningraAl med- gis, Leningradskoe otd-nis. 1954..287,p. (Mm 7:8) 1. Zeslushennyy dayatell neuki, daystwitel'Wr chlom AW SSM (for Tur) (Infants--Nutrition) Z~Illiik, E. t'. TT. 298 (The viscosity of binary liquid systma I n the critical region) Viazkost' dvoinykh zhidkM sintem v kriticheskoi oblasti. Doklady Akademii Nauk SS 1 80(6): 903-W5p 1951 T-T-T U k ZORMY E* 3*1 Kmmovo 00 Vo Naraothompy of achisophnnU containing fluid. Havrorat. P. 43-9 14 Yarmlavlo. by intmvermus dvip ot aloohol palkKata, HoWma, 19s0, Irmwom, ~)D, CUM 20.o 3. March 1951 11CIMIKOV, 0. V., ZURINA, 7-1 S, WITI-ISKLY, Yu, A. Alcohol - Physiological effect Concerning Prof. E. 1U- Karu's remarks 'On the determirAtion of alcohol in the blood by 'in. 3, 14,ixch 19i,' the Vidmark method." Zhur. nevr. i psikh- 52 -L Monthly List Of Russian Accessionn, Library of Uongress, August, 1~52. Unclassified. O.V. Z;ORINA, -. S. ILIENSYlY, rU. A. Alcohol-F'h~rsi:)Io-;-ical eff-ct Concerning Prof. E. 1U. Kam's remerke "On th,~ d(,~rmlnatlon of alcohol in the blood by the Vidmark method". Zhur. n!!vr. i psilch. 52 Ilo, 3 ~L-,rch ~'52 Monthly List of '"ussian Accessions, Librai-y of Congress, Au.,-ulit, 19.52 Unclar',,dfled SAKALIP L.I.; ZOMNA, 0.1. .. Comparative charact!'xistios or ra,diation bilance or tho growtd atd the sea surface in the coastal zone. Trudy, Mcr'NI'VI no.20:2V-35 ,6o. (mrl I,:?) (Solar radiation) i I I 1~ : 1 11 1 i I i I I -ZORIXAj G.I. Atmopheric transparency in the 6oastal part of the Black Sea4 Trudy OGMI no.21:31-34 160. (~=A 14.:10) (Black Sea region-AtmospLheric transparen4) ZORLUA, G.S.. student V1 karsa; TSFASMAN, V.A., student V1 kursa --_i ~ - Observations on the course of rheumatism to Imfantm and In pre- school children. Pediatriia 39 no.2:55-58 Mr-4 156. (KLRA 9:8) 1. 1z kafedry fakulltatakoy pediatrii (say. prof. L.D.Shteynberg (deceased]) Voronezbskogo meditsinskogo insimte. I (RHAUMATISM, in infant and child, course In inf, & preschool child. (Rae)) PETROV, Ye..'.; VOLINOVA, Z.G.p nauchn, red,j Z0HINA.p"R!.Y.. S.'~pd. (New knitting machines of the German Federal Republic] Novye trikotazhnye mashiw PRO. Moskvap 1963, 49 p. I (Seriia 111. Novye mashiny, oborudovanie i aredstva av- tomatizatsiip no.68) (141BA Dig) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhrilchesRoy informatsii po avtomatizateii i mashinostroenl~yv. I VAY., OV IYu. V. ; Till I N OVA , Z, G, . nau,.~hr. . -re-I ZIM lll.~ 11 (moclern stmdng Lind scou-Ing mach-Iras for leather p.-Ciduction; foreign technology) Savrememrfe otzhimiye i ramdriye mashiny kozhevennogo proizvodst-,a; zarubezimaia tel~hnlka. Ros-kva, TSentr. in.-t nauchno-tekhn4 inforratsii, po wrtoma-,lultsii i mashInootruerilti T.913TI, 1,961. 4~9 p. (Ilorlia lll~ Ncr,7e nla- shiny, oboinidowinle i oredstva avtoplatizat,sil.) r,:6) ZUYKOV, V.Ya.; IVANOV, A.M.1 KRISTALL; fI Z.B.; MAKSUMA, J~ Y, imVjWVp O.P.; POTKOVP G.A.; MIRRUN, A,Ye, p re(J. VJI., red.; SJIUVALOVA, N*S., red.; ZORINA, 0,V., red.1 VDICKPADOV, Ya.A.s tekhn. red. (Liquid separators for the food industry; haixiI,,()ok-ckU log] So- parstor7 zhidkostnye d1la pishchevoi prora,shlonmostil katslou- spravochnik. Moskva, 1962. 86 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moscow. TSentr,9IInyy institut muchno-tekluilabackoy informa- tsii mashinostroyeniya. 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issl,miovatellskiy i eksperimentallno-konstruktorsk:~ir institut pradovol~stverxnogo mashinostroyeniTa (for Z%#k*V`-JwmovjNri:DtjIIp VakvLmova, Novikov, Potkov). (Separatora (Machines)) 11 T' KOVALENKOO N,A.; TO~WYVp ?Itl*; XRIMMAv AsZopre4l SalamOVA.P.H. t 'e el red, [Cattilog; tachrdeal equIpmnt of dairy industry antoil privail) Katalog; taklinologichookoa obonddevanie peodprliatli violoch- noi prou7shlennosti. Moskva, 1962, 323 p. (KHA 15:11) 1. Moscow. TSentrallmy institut nauckmo-teklmichealoy infor- matsii nashinostroyeniya. 2. Vsesoyuznyy mauehno-intiledovatell- skiy i eksperimentalino-konstruktorskiy inatitut prodavoll- stven,qo0mashinostroyeniya (for Kovalenko, Tomba~lev). &iry industry-r-quipuAmt and suppli"es) STRAKHOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk- KUZIMIN, Yu.N.; TOMBAiill', red.; IORINA, G.V.., red.; V I ~. ~ I GISIN, I.B.9 I~W. sellItbot. nauki N.I.; SIMVAWVA, N.S., "Allchnyy KOVALISKAYA, I.F., teklm. red. (Yodern equipment for making creanery butteflSoyro-Mennoe abo- rudovanie dlia proizvodstya slivochnogo masla. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informateii. mashinostri~enla, 1902. 55 P. (MRA 16:4) (Food machinery-Design and constraction) (Creameries-Equipment and supplied) VIZZHrLITIA, V.N.; GOLOVMIOVA, N,A.; ZOIUNA, I.K. -.- ---- , - ".I.. I - Dyeing and finishing of lavean cloth. Nauch.-Iosl. trudy VNIITP no. 5 z79-U 164 (MIRA 19t1) LIl_:iL L --225-14 Elfi,I /72W r ACCESSION UR: AT5023924 URI (10,00 ffI5 f (J 01) /1000/004 7 IW051544. AUTROR: 3,., S i igl a a T T Tj,F r, n , 1- 1! toll-ridar'.1 T III0, `iauchnava kcn'r~rur.L~ii-_ 1. .O'n I I i 1,,. 4; k19 f14 Had i. o - i:1 "a ZT. f, tiq I it 3 -64- ACCFSSION !;R: A T 5 0 2 3 921", -!AMj ~r-, .tt nTi the bc 'If ~.j 0 BESSONOV, Ivan Ivanovich; ZORINA,_K.I., red.; SKMA---'1OVA., Ye.l.p tekhn. red. 11 ......~.:. [Lectures on theoretical ineebanics) Lektsil po teorutlche- skoi mekhanike. Kirov, 1960. 171 1). (MIRA 17W ZORINA, L. it. occupational Diseases Dissertation: "Rate of Blood Flow in Separate -iections of the Ciroulatory 4stem in Patients with SiUcosis and Toxic Fneumosclerosis." Cand ked Sci, Central Inst for the / Advanced Training of Physician3*1 16 Mar 54. (Vachemaya Muska, iiblicow, 4 Mar 54)- 3O: SLU 213, 20 Sep 54 DROGICRIIIA, E.A.; RASMSKAYA.) A,M.; 7BVGn1GVAp 14.,V.1 ZOIUI(A, L.A.; K04- LOV, L.A.; KU71TETSOVA, R.A.1 laUXOVA, M.N.; WVITEVA, L.Mdeceased.1; SHATALOV, II.N.; LFTAIlftT-, A.A. , prof.0 revd,; YEGORGV, Yu.L., red.; BIJLIDYA7EV, N.A.j telchn. red. i (Manual on periodic MOdiCILl examinations for bduatvia.l vorkerol Po- 8obia po periodialiesklin moditsinakizi osmotrum :Oaboohilh promWaIllen- rqkh predpriiatii. By E.A.,Drogichina i dr. Moiihva, b4dgiz, 1961, 287 1). (MIRA 340-2) '(111DUSTRIAL Iff.GIEW ZORINA, L.A., kanildat mo4itsiniikikh nauk ......... Bpeed of blood flcw as a method for the fuact~j,anal dlagaosLs of silicosia and toxic pasumosclGiosis. Bor'ba a oil. 2-.257-262 155. (KEaA 9:5) 1. Institut giglyany trud.a i profsabolevaniv Oademil maditsiaikikh naulc S= (BLOOD--GIRCUIATIOS, DISOODUS 01) (WNGS--DUST DISWES) ROZBNBXRG, P.A.; ZORIYA. L.A. Nitrogen fraction sin blood in cilicosis. Tara-p.arkli. 29 no.j:79-83 156. (MLRA 9:8) 1. 12 Instituta, gigiyeny truda i profsabolav&nly AKW SSSR (dlr. daystvitelirkvy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A.Letavot) (NITROGIN, in blood excess & urea nitrogen in sillcomts) ~SILICOSIS, blood in nitrogen excess & urea nitrogen level) ZORINA, L.A., OMBLITANWO, L.M., SESKOVICH. N.A. Characteristics of hecaPoiesis in chronic be-nmene -poisoning [Vith summRry in English, p*64]. Probl.gemat. i perel.krovi 3 noel*-31-35 my-'re 158 (MMA IU6) 1. Iz knfedry profpRtologii (%nv. - prof. A.L* 14orozov) TSentrnllnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey** (BIM DISPIASM, etiology nnd pnthogenents, benzene pois. (Rue)) (EMENE, poisoning, causing blood dis. (Rua)) ZORI4, LA. Use of vitamin B6 in chronic benzene ycisoningo Prob16 gemat. i perel. Icrovi 5 no. 9:31-34 160. .(MIRA 14:1) (BENZF.ff,TOXIGOLOGY) (FOLIC ACID) ZORUAv LOA* Hepatitis Sn cbroi4c bonzene poieoning, Sov. mod, 2A. no. lo:lal- 104 0 160. 11 1 . (KERA 13:12) I* Iz kliniki Instituta gigiYenY trudA prof 21%balevaniVI (dir, - doystvitelliVy chlon AMN SM prof* AA, 14U-vot) ON S3311 i kafedry professionalinykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.L. Mcrowr) Tgentrallnogo instituta usavershenstvovaniya crachey (dir. M.D. Kovrigbia). (LIVER-DISMES) (BENUNE-TOXICOLOGY) VASILIMU, O.G.; ZORMp L.A.; SANMO Xv,P. (Mosol ft) Treatment of benzene intoxication with vit4min 8,2 aW folic acidj experimental and clinical data. Gig., trudi i rzof.zab, 5 no.6:30-33 Je 161. (WRA 15:3) 1. Institut gigiyeay truds i yrofzabolevu~y MM SSSR TSentrallnyy institat usov*rshenstvov=iy& vrachay, (Mmus"Tancoixy) (GYANOC*WIN) (T,Ot~O RASHEVSKAYA, A.M.; ZORINA, L.A. (Moskva) , Bronchial aathma In workern of critalillohmonto pr(Au.r.-Ang anti- bioLics. Gig. truda i prore zabo 6 no,5&,28-33 HY162). ODA 16:8) 1. TSentralinyy institut uscverallenatvov-wdyr-A vrEtchuy. (AST1111A) (AIINIBIO'l: ICS) FONCHALOVSKAYA, P.M., prof.; ZORINA, L.A., karid. ravd. npiuk Change~-, in the blood system in some occlapationa! pelaonings. Mrudy I-go MMI 28-.3.48-151) 164. 1. Xlinicheskiy otdel fnutitUtIL gieIyOny tnidiL I prol'assLonallmykh zabolevani,r (dir. - deysi'vitelInyy chlen AIMN prof. A.A. P-ta- vet) i kafed-q professlonalInylth balezrwy (%av. - prof. A.M. Ra- _,o Instituta usover,-~',-.cin:~t,,tov-ftiiiya vrachay. shavakayal Tgentrallnog Anatol-'Yevna; KOFAYPEV, V.V,, red. [Clinical. aapects, diagrif-ji3top treatment an,:.~ J);~O-,Fsrltjon of lead poisoning] KlInIka, diag-no3tiku, leckiorde i proMakti.ka svintsovykh otravlenii. Illoskvaj. Medi-tsina, 1965, 58 P- (mi"o., 18;6) L 22443.66 - -KffT(zW-EWEQ)-1JP(c)-. --Wiff/RM-- ACr--N9Ft --M 0 0 6 3 6 0(A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/002/0093/00'gr!r',' AUTHORs Pashchenko, D. I.; VtoryginL S. P~o Kle n Zorina. L. B larkevich, A. M.; Volokhonovich, I. Ye.#, Nosov,_.K..__L.; ORGi none TITLE: Preparation of polytetrafluoroethylgAiLP Clans 39, No. 178104 (announced by Institute Of Chamical P --,ca_,_AN,SSSR' Instit.u-t-- I khimicheekiy fizik i AN SSSR)j SOURCEt Itobrateniya, promyshlennyye obrastoy, tov4rnyye znaki, no. 2,1 1966, 95 TOPIC TAGSt polytetrafluoroethylene, polymerizAtion, polymerization initiator ABSTRACTt A method of preparing polytetrafluoroethylefte through pq~~ Merization of totrafluoroathylene under ultraviolet light in the p.r-e.a-ence o1 initiators is de9tribed, In order to obtain polymers with an extensive surface area, perhalogenate4 freons are proposed for use as initiators. (LD) SUB CODEs 071 SUBH DAM 22Feb65/' Card UDGI &MZ43,41,002.2 ZOU11L%, L. E. "Harmful ldolgonozhkil of the nort1western zove ot 1:1ie noncharn-ozem belt in the USSR." hin F!,gher Education USSR. Lwlingrad Agml,~~11.tljxol Inst. Leningrad, 195_1,. (Disaartatiow for the Dagrao of Cal-diditte In A.-ricidtural Science) So: Knizhmya letopis', No, 16, 1956- 11`2 11111 i1dP1H1T:' !Iili INIH 11111,11: 11111 IFff PF lill C 11IN1.1111 F, FELIDMAN, I.Kh.; PrizimaLi uchastiyet Otudehtha; SHTOKI E.Sh.,, studertl STEPANOTA., Ri., studentka Amino sulfidei3 and amino sulfones. Part 22t'Reactlan. of sulfonomethylittion of amlno acids. Zhur.ob.lhlm. 32 no.4:1043- 1046 Ap t62. (MIRA 15W 1. Leningre-dskiy khimika-farmatsevticheakiy Institut. (Amino acids) (Iflulfonlls) ZORMAO L.1a. (NIs) StudyIof natural oscillationa in the phyalas 4murdflo, Fizey ohkole 22 no.509401 8-0 t62. (MIR& 15e12) (Oscillations) (ftysicei-Study' and teachIng) S/1119/60/000/005/004/015 AOUi1AOQ I AUTHORS,, Korshunov, V.0.,, Morozov, ionov, Y.I., and Zlorina, M.A. v Physical and Chemi,:al 54uJieB ot -,?,e ~T~'TLE; .7clj~lacl System FEFIODICAL~t Izvestiya vys;thi" u,~hebnyth zwredenly, Ttjvemaya metallargiya, 1960, No. 5, pp. 67-71 TEXT- Rie authors studied The interaction -f abininwri, Iron and 'godtam by +he method of thermal and analysis for the purrosel. of devel,.rlng Chemical and physical bases f,,~r of cril'orldes of titanium - other metals. The necessary aluminum and ir,,l chii:)rlder; viere obtained by ind chlorinaticn wtth gaseous chlorine et the reape---.~!"va metalsl sadium Obloride L '~ -I- ii chlt.-j,1ne salts of wa2 pre'iminary remelted, Melting temperatures ) th aluminum, ircn and sodium were 194, 303 and 8001C rsspecttvely. Due to the fact that aluminum and .Iron chlorideB have hAgh vp-p-r tensions at their melting tem- r.eratu-,es, different mixtures of the Syt4;E,'M W~re jr..,~.jj;qij in ir,.,Aybdenum or quartz f I J)i; sy;.'item was made by re- glass Stepanov cr~ntalners, The -,horma-l anajyS--a .1 .:!-77ding the ^ooling ~-urves on a 'N.S. Kurneki-nr tyknq, pyr--mel,er. The teiTipe'rature i .1 was rr,~,aT--cd w1tr. a n1chrcme-ccns1--an1:an- grf'Ouated according t"' con-, Cari V5 s/149 6o/IXO/005/004/015. AOO(,i7z I Pnysical and Chemical Studies of fhe AICI Fecl. N%CI Systpal 3- Ven-Ional datum p,:,Lnts. The t2Ea2:r~ay~,temlwa3 studie~~ by inveittgating six internal se~ti-n:s (Figure 1), whcse di,:fv~--_cn wiiE rraLrily d,0:-3rmAnod by the loca.- -..4--n of non-variable equilibri-,4n p.:An'_-- cn. Vi..? later!tl 'rfna;ry c1liagramilt. Mic oz~n_ r.:sItIons are expre2zed In m:le percei-T, -L-4 t"n~1-crt-0,T[a araly-Sle was mpde to ,~-_-rfirm "he reBul-5 of the thermal f::f tte :,vstIE-qj and ty inveetigate the vap-.:r tensi--_n of NaAIC14 ar.1 NaFeC14 during thfdx jc.Lnt pre;zenoif u:ndeT- sc.-diticns of sodium sUoride exce2~~. Vp_-,,r tem:~,ic%n wa2 ~q -term Ln ed, in chIcrine ai-,T~sphzre by the dynamir; methr-,d. The -.f a NaPijC'14 in -~he 3-, . _,n and !I's -,,~rcr 4-ens~.-_-n were deterrPined, T-.- results of FeCi NaC` systp me-,--Is analysis are given in a talblsb, Tcn~~ fa-ziL!.1i~y dta,.3:,-am r_Io-:,Ied may be used f;~-. C~=~nected w-t1'. !~ne -,f Ph1or-dea ef titanium element5 from al-wmin-um e-nd ircn 'by tr.~snns of j,:d-lam chlorl-de. Care- 21,,,5 ADNj'1A()oj Fig, I Usibility diagrarl'i Of 'he AIC'13-FeC13-1~aCl SYL e rn .9/14(,i/r, o/wo/oo r/oo4/() 15 A006#~',)O 1 Physical wid Chemical Studies of the AIC13-PeGl 3- NUCI System Re:~61ts of the tensiometric analysis of three mixtures of the AICI.- ,~-FeCl - NaCI Oystem 7 Oc NIO. NO. 01, Temperature, Vapor terinion, vin lig lni'%tuves IMAM 4 NaFeC14 500 0,0 0,0 530 2,2 586 1,2 11,8 620 2,6 15,9 650 5,1 21,11 670 6,7 7,62 0,0 0,0 2 Ij23 O'g 2,2 477 1,2 5,9 51-"0, CarcI 1A n' I 3/149/60/~00/tO5/MV0 15 AW6~,,,Aooi Physical and Chemi,,;al Studies of the AM 3-F9C13'*NaC.--' Syatelll Temperature,, Oc; No. No. of mixtures 3 Va~,~-r tensicn, mm Hg A12C16 Fe2C16 150 32,C) 1" 1 161 67,2 175 12.9,0 184 272,8 6,1 There are 2 figurea, I table and 22 referen~--~3-. 12 Soviet, 6 Englith, 2 Prench and 2 German, ASSOCIATIONS~ Moakovskiy instit-,it. tonk.-,y khtfrJoheskoy teklinoti-gli (Moscrw Inst tute of Fine Chemical Tecl-,~nol-gy), Kafedra IdArnti I t~-MN=Iogli~ redkikh i rasseyannykh eleiren*~,-'v tDepartm-snt c-f Chenvietry ard Technology of Rare and Dizp-~rsed Elemen-ts) SUEMTMD~ October 27, 1959 Card 5/5 (AM, Ivan Pavlovich: KONINA, Praskeva Vladimirovns;, WITLOT, Ivan Ivanovich; ZORIN.A. Mariya AlqkzandTqynn; APARASIMA, Talentina, Pavlorna; AGAPOTA. M., retsenzent; OMOVA, L.Ao# red.; MMNMHV,, (Design operation, and maintenance of the "Telcstima* warping machine) Ustroistvo, rabota i obaluzhivanie lentochwl snovallnoi mashiny tekstime. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.ind-vo lit-ry po lep,koi promyshl., 1939. 79 p. (KIRA 121l2) (Loomm) ACC NR AUTHORS Sotkinag 0, N,; 1111hakovP L, F. ORGt 14niMK&4 (Inningradskiy telchnologicheskV institut) TITISt Infrared spectroscopic study of thii oourse of ~M~.t~imotion In vitreoum- crystalline onamols SOURCES M SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganiohoakiyo materialy, v. 29 no. 9, 0661 1712-1715 TCPIC TAGS: catalyzed crystallization, silicate, glass# lithlum glass.,Ye JP040roftv AWTRACTI The course of directed crystallization of an acid-rosistant vitreous-orys- tallino enamel and coating obtained. from this onamol was studied. by anilyzing, IR -ab- sorption spectra of the multicomponent sl-stem Lip0-1.T&0-Al2Ch-SiC%2. '.rho spectra shoited that the main crystalline phase in onamol whose crystalli~atloj% occurrod at 7000 In the presence of TiO2 is P-oucryptitaq thoir solid solutions and the solid solution 0--oucryptito-quartz. In addition,, a cortain amount of forsterite and rutile also crystallizes. The study of Ll spectra mado it possible to draw certain conclusion with regard to the phase composition as ccmipared to x-rty structural analy- sis. However, even though the necessary data i-mro obtained on tho crystallization of the onamelp the IR spectra could not be fully interpreted bocauso of Uteir ocMlexitr. It is possible that s=e intermediate c%Vounds responsible for tho appearance of the 1/2 __I___ - ---------UDCI--E ACC NRi -AP6030781 unidentified bands are formed during the eTystaUization. Autbors tKank 0. Ms Rimskaya-Korsakova, and V. V. Gordlyonko for providing the sarqbvs of the mimril StUdlod, has 1-Y figures. SUB C=1 II/ SUBM DAM 19D~o65/ MIG MWI 007/ OM RM' 002 L 7 AP6M~i4g SOURCE' CODE,, AUTHOR- Zorin, A. P.; Zorina,.fl L, ORG: Leningm. -1 Technological Institute irn. Lensoveta (Leningradskiy telchnolo- gicheskiy institu(T_ TITLE: Some roperties and the structure of grlaso of tile system barium oxide- silicon dioxide. -titanium dioxide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Neorganicheskiye materl.aly, v. 2, no. 10, 1066, 1816-1819 TOPIC TAGS: glass, titanium dioxide, glass strUCtL)rP,, jrlass property, titanium containing glass ABSTRACT: A study was m'ade of the effect of titanium dioxide oil the structure ~nd properties of glass of the system BaO-TiO -SiO , The results obtained show! 2 2 that' the displacement of the main absorption band maxtrymm with changes in the amount of silicon dioxide in titanium-containing glass is linear In pattern, Orig. art. has: I table and 3 figures. [Authors' abstract] SUB COD E: 07 0 11 / SUBM DATE: I 0Jan66 / ORIG REF: 0021 OTH RE F: 012/ C.rd I C UDC: (366. 01 ZORIIIA, I.I.S. !~~ of the Uppor Quarternary flCra flUM lAkD KaLra-lull in tha Pamirs, Mat. po ist. fauny i flory Kazakl,. 1f:221")-233 163. 160) (Kara-KullvLake--Faleobotnny, StratiCyaphic) OkULOVA, A.N.,,-.ZORINA, N.I. Histostructure of tranoplanted i3kin of human fetuatti Or-top., traLvm. i rotez, 21 no,11:15-21 160, b(IM 1414) GIN GRAnibIG) (TETUS) -ZORINA., N.L. ~Sdlovvk) Kxperience, gained in organizing the "hospital at 11=00. Zdrav. Ros.'Feder. 6 no.2:33-35 F 162. (141RA 15:3) (HOME NWING) (HOSPITALS-ObTFATIENT SWIMS) GOLIDSHTErS, A.L.- LAFISOTA, Use of lead tatraothyl ms a COMP012(bat of a catalymt for the, poly..~ merization of eth7loma at low preamre. Pltuat-UASY M41-110 060. (KHRA 13:12) (ntbvlena) (Polyierication) 11111 v 11111~1, 1:1,11 P 11354.5 15.910! 3/191/60/000/011/001/016 B01 3/L,054 AUTHORS~ Gol'dshteyn, A. L., Lapisova, N. P., Zorina, N., P. TITLE. Use of Tetraethyl Lead as a Component of the Catalyst for Low-pressure Ethylene Polymerization Pl~i'.10D I UAL P1 up. tiche~,k I yo ma~-~l ..,Iy, 1960, 110. 11 , P. 5 TEXT: The authors studied the possibihty of using tat:-aethyl lead for e-.1,y1ene polymerization. It was found that polyethylene can be obtained in the presence of a catalyst consisting of tetraethjI lead and titanium te~raohloride. Polymetization was conducted both at attaospheric pressure and in an autoclave at low pressure. The use of a certain pressure favored a more a~~tive course of the process, and increased the yield. The poly, ethylene was eluted with alcohol, with alcohol saturati!d with, hydrogen chloride, and wiLh a mixture of alcohol and aqueous solution of ammonium, acetate, The result was a snow-white polymer containi-q; no tetraethyl I-ead nor any other alkyl-containine. lead compounds, The mell;in- poLnt of the 0 6 - requltin;r pcly~~thylene is 12r)' 127 C. The viscosity a 11/"') decalin C.9rd 1/? T J!c - -f Tefranthyl Lead as a Component of ~he C~11"'I;.Yolr(~Iv Lovi-presoure Ethylune P-1 'I ~'a ti M545 S/1~)I/60/000/011/004/016 BOI 0054 -~~)Iu,inn i3 2.,87 ~- 2.97 centipoiae at 1350C. The intrimsic viocoaity o;f polyetliylen,% vrarius betTeen 0.825 and '2.2 deponding on production coridi- tions Th'-s corresponds to a molecular weight; of 1")6,000 - 210,000, Further Work is being done to improve the production oonditions and the quality of the product, Clird 9/2 PIUSMOU, D.O.#karA.sollskokhosyaystvemVkh nauk; ZORIK&j N.R.9mladshly nauchV7 sotrtAmik Structural changes in the skin related to age Auring two and a half years of the postembryonic life of Merin-o sheep. Trudy VNIMS 11:37-49 157. (1112A 11:12) (Sheep--4natomy) (Skin) PRISMOVA, D.O.,kwd.sel'skokhomyaqstvennykh nauk; ZORINA I-R- mleAshly nauchnyy sotrudnik : = = =-& W-_*W-1~1 I I Cutanoous blood vessels and vessels leading to the skin, Trudy VNIIV5Z 11:67-76 157. OCM 11:12) (Skin-Blood supply) (Shoep-Anatomy) ZORINA, IT*R-.vetvrach Structure of the skin of Morino sheep at diffeirent periods of the year. Trudy VNIIVSE 12:281-300 '57. (milm 11:12) 1. Le6boratorlya profilaktiki i terapii ektoparanitmA-rkh zabolm~dy eel I skokhozyaXetvennykh shivotny1ch VaeeoyixznogO muchno-Iseledovatel'skogo inatituts vatsrimmoy manitarit. I ektoparazitologii. (Skin) (Sheep) ma ACC ',!;Z. (4 7 r 1: 1q, 65 19 -;?2 TOPIC TAGS: virus -isease, uflwjof~, hop Cholera 4"c CA. ."k.. 3 W, ~,e 7-', t~ r r 'I r.1c 1' W -3 .1 It c -t 1, r,-u t 1; r,3 e:: I Card DC 619:616.9t9~ 2 CIQ -,1. 6 3 f) 11FIM, FRIV -RE M 11W Vill III! ill [AW il IN IT L T 7 ACC N"' AP6003-592 wGs O'u 3 r v a d In I T'(!g 1. t 4 4- 11" F, I I 1 1, S eJ ":) e r 9 3 S-~B CODEP: 06/ D AT E n on e/ OTH REF : oo~) Card 2,12 TITI[lli 1111 I I 1r,111 Tll It lip M Ell kllki~ Ii! I o: I Mp i ACC C43r li S/113/60/000/002/007/009 D207/D306 AUTHORS: Zorina,_-N._.S and Patrina, N. A. Coididate of Technical S_66-,_ _% lenCeS TITLE: Sintered metal soft magnetic material for automobile electrical equipment parts PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', no. 2, 1960, 38 TEXT: The NIITAvtoprom (Technological Scientific Research Insti- tute of the Automobile Industry) and the NIlAvtopribor (Scientific Research.Experimental Institute of Automobile Electrical Equipment and Instruments) have studied the.possibility of manufacturing mag- netic in automobile electrical equipment from cheap-iron powder derived from the reduction of rolling-mill scale. Their research has shown that electric motor ittators can be manu- factured from AM reduced iron powder by a tectinological process which includes: roasting.the powder in a hydrogen itmosphere at 7000C for 2 hours; screening; pressing-at 8 tofi/cm-, sintering in a hydrogen atmosphere at 1,150-1,1700C for 1.5 hours; calibration Card 1/2 S/113/60/000/002/007/609 Sintered metal soft magnetic... D207/D306 to the required dimensions. By this method the impurities content (mdstly carbon) in the sintered material is reduced, ensuring the necessary magnetic properties.. The chemical composition of the powder in-its-orig='al.state/and after sintering is: C 0.120/0.019%; Si 0 290/0.220%; S 0.030/0.030%; P 0 017/0.0157.; Mn 0.420/0.390%- t 02 0:760/ At a relative porosNy 10% aintered iron powder has the following magnetic properties: coercivity 1.99 ergs; maximum. magnetic.permeability 21290 gauss/erg; -magnetic induction 13,550 gauss at 50 ampere-turns/cm; specific resistance 0.12-0.15 ohmAM3/M. Laboratory and industrial tests show that sintered metal statorn give normal and steady running of the electric motor. The manufac. turir4;-method.-Is less laborious and saves material. There are I J, figure and I table. ASSOCIATION: NIITAvtoprom (Technological Scientific Research Inati.- tute of the Automobile Industry); NlUvtopribor (Scien- tific Research Experimental Institute of Xitomobii-e Electrical Equipment and Instruments) Card 2/2 ZORINA, H.S.; PATRINA, R.A., ksind.tekhn.nauk Metal-powder soft-magnetic materials for party of electric equip- ment of automobiles. Av-t.prom. no-208 P 60. (1419A 13--5) 1. NIITAvboprom I Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ekijj)erim,,,nI;al'DY7 institut avtotaraktornogo elektrooboriidovatiya i priborov. (Automobiles-Ailectric equipment) Of r (-n~:or I*Ull t"*.! III!!- Ildilifll 11,T: lizil III'lli I 111111111:11 WIT" IT: ill 1 E S07/2-0-12 I -1 -354155 AUTHORS t El 'piner, I. Ye. , Deborin, G. A. , j~Zorina, 0. T IT LE: The Molecalar Weight of Serum Albuzin, ZxpGzied to Ultra-Sonic oaves in the Presence of Different Ganes (l.olellcul3?arn~j vt,3 oyvorotochno,,o allbunina, obluchennolo ul't.rczvukovymi ? 31 volnami v prisatstvii razlichnykh gazov) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vc.1 121, Xr 1, i)p- 136-140 ABSTRACT: Under the influence of ultra-sonic wave.9 rot only synthetic polymers but also a nxiber of polymei;ized substances de- polymerized from organism cells. This takes lilace in the field of these waves with nucleic acids, starch, de--iftrane, and with several mucopolysaccarides (Refs 1-4). One fact 13 common for all these sQbatances: no %ionomers are -,ircdu-ed, but L:-artiales which still have a coraparatively hi,ji weiZlit. The mentioned depolymerization process is stoppod after a certain loss of molecular wei-ht. Thus egg-albi;u~in an(l, its complexco vrith orJostorol after havinj been exjioacd to -.11tra-sonic wa.-,res for 20 minates lose approximately 20~; *f' the-ir molecular weights Card 1/4 After this no further chqnlres are In tlie SOV/20- 121-1-391/155 The Molecular 'Wei":37ht of Seran AlbU; 14n, Ex~)o3ed to Waven in the Presence of Different Gaseo present paper the sa~_e is proved for other proteins (serwa albuzain). In thiz case, hov.,ever, an enlar,~taent of the protein molecules t _ekes place. The character of the changEs mainlj den-ends on the n-~ture of the gas with which the protein solu- ti;n exposed to ul-tra-gonic -,,vaves is a tuvated. Aqueous qolu- tions of horse albumin rocr,,,staIIizPd 1;-,.icn and dri0d. lya- philically, serv,~d -s experimen tal obji-ct. Th~~- solution was poured into the Glai;s tubes in the socalled ultra-sonic foun- tain (oscillation frcquency 740 Icilo cxcles, noarl -)re:~sure of *111*,:Lvrzs r".14 ratt/cM2). Table 1 shorr, Val" of .-he moleoular weight of the serum albumin which -was .expostd to ultra-sonic waves in the presence of air. This shows that the molecular weight is reduced with a longer daration of acoustic irradia- tion. After 50 r1inutes the recaction amounto to almost 50~- Such a loss could not be cLaused bj, the splittLni, off 'of I.'-,e one or other Literal- ol, t, riain,11 Croap. 11'd the case of the ased intensity forces develop which are sufficient for the bren'--ine, of C-C bonds (Ref 7). 'lie may assume t1int pol:j~peptide bonds are Card 2/4 broken here and. r-Athor ,.rrcat molkoal;ir splinteurs are foracd. so-r/n- 2 1 - 1 - W55 The Molecular Weight of Serum Albumin, Exposed to Ultra-Sonii,' Waves in the Presence of Different Gases The latter do not lose the capacity of forming a monomolecular layer. A fission of the protein molecules was observed also in the case of an acoustic irradiation of serum albuitin solutioiis of higher concentration (Table 2). There is no interaction between the splintere of the protein moloculo, they ar~v eitable, if the acoustic irradiation takes place in the presence of oxy- gen (Table 3). The above mentioned investigatlon makes possible the investigation of the correlation bet-ween structure and function of the protein bodies, There are 1 fi6ure, 3 tables, and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biofiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Inotitute of Biophysics, AS USSR) Institut biakhimii im. A. 11. Ba%ha lkadamii nzquk SSSR (Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bmkh)a USSR) PRLS Elf rED: March 10, 1958, by A. I. Oparin, Member, Academy of SGiences, USSR Card 3/4 SOV120-121-1-39155 The Molecular Weight of Serum Albumin, Exposed to Ultra-Sonic 14aves in the Presence of Different Gases SUBMITTED: March 7, 1958 1. Serum-albumin-Molecular weight 2. Serum-albinin-Effeots of radl- ation 3. Ultrasonic radiation-Physical eftects 4. Gases-Physical effects Card 4/4 IRIGER, Ta.A.;,ZOR1MA,_O.-M.. Effect of X and gamma rays on unilater.." jir.-rzeability of the skiu In frogs [with summary in English]. Blofifika 4 no*2:209-214 '0. (KW 12:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosovav (SM, afk. of radiations, ge-a & x-rays, on permeability in fr*gs (Rua)) (RADTATIONS, effects, an skin peimeability In frogs RUO) ILIPIRM. I.Te.; DEBORIN, G.A.; ZORINA, 0.14. - 11 ; ;: .1s, Molecular weight andvetivity of ~~ ate olytic aviymos irradiated with ultranonto wavea. BlokhImItia 24 uo.5t817-822 6-0 159. 04IRA 13TO 1. Inatitut biologiebeskoy fiziki i Institut biakhimii im. A.R. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR, Mosima. (PROTBASES chest.) (ULrITASONICS eff.) ELIFINER9 I.YG*-- ZORINAq O.M. f~ Effect of ultraoonic wavea on ribonualaaaeo ftjcirlzi)ja~ 5 no's 5;Wj- 576 160. NEU 13:10) 1. Institut biologialieskoy fiziki AN SSSRq Mookva, (RiBoNur,LzmF.) MTRAsomc WAVES-PRISIOIAMICILI, IMCT) ILIPINM, I.Ye.; ZORIIIA, 0.14. Peroxide radicalo of protein formod b7 the action o,,r ultrasonic W*Tes. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.6:.1472-1474 0 160. (KRA 13:10) 1. Institut biologichealcov fisiki Akademii nauk SSSIL Predut4vlatio akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (ULTRASONIC UVES-PUSIOU)GICAL Iff3rT) (PROTNIIIS) (RADICALS (CIUMISPRY)) ZORINA O.H.. ELPINER I. Yo. (USSR) HPhysicochemical Changes and the Activities of EnzVmes ~Xpo3ed to Ultrasound.,' Report presented at the 5th Int'l Biochemil-try Congres-:-, Moscow. 10-16 Aug. 1961 ZORINA, 0. M. Cand Biol Sci (diss) "Chr,-inp,e in phy,.;ico-eticiil-~f,,Bl'ri:ropertif,,s proteins and fermeuts subjected to tile action of Moscow, 1961. 16 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, istry imeni A. N. Bakb, Inst of Biophysici3); 250 not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 210) o.1' ultrasonic. wavvs." Ii-Lst of Biochenl- copies; prire ZORINA, O.M.; STPEKOL'NIKOV, L.I.; YFFIWV, D.D,; ELIPPID1. Effect of ultrasonic waves an the structure and function of Y-globullin. Biokhimiia 30 no.4!844--852 ji-Ag 165. (MIRA 18~,,8~ L 26724:-66 u -t a :7 a. :1 9 11 so 0 f s or, c ff ec ;-i:iT a o bu I n exi r Lm,ijri c-j-. imal p r a, 1. ~l rn,-- c Card 112 57713 L-267a4.66 7 a 3 '1 11:3,/' :,TT, . EZ 0 02 R L.Card 2/2 ZORINA, O.M.; STEKOLINIKOV, L.I.; ELIPINER, I.Ye. Physicochemical characteristics and antigenic activity of separate fragments of human y~globulin OU4111113d w0-!.-r the effect of ultrasonic waves. Biofizika 10 no,63961,AfiS5 165. (ITIM 19ti) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN S&SR, ftikva, Submitted February 22, 1965. /?//v USOR/Inorganic Chemistry - Complex Compounds. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khiniya, No 9, 1957, 30277 Author : Samsonov, G.V., Zorins, O.Ne Inst Title : Preparation and Some Properties of Thorium Mexaboride Orig Pub : Zho neorg&n. khimiij 1956, 1, No 10) 2260-2263 Abst : Borides of Th were obi-mined by the method of vacuwn- thermal reduction of Th oxide with carbon of bor4m car- bide and carbon black, according to the rveimati= ZMOg-+ 3B4C + C -4 2TW16(t) + 4C0- At 1300-140CP 'tile 171'W"'Gas takes'place very'slowly while at 18000 it cones to coz- pletion within 35-45 minutes. If the reaction is con- ducted in such a mnner as to obtain ThB4) t1lat is ac- cording to the nchem ThO2 + B4C + C --A T144 + 201 the- re is formed at 1250-13000 a product of cozqpositiont ThxByCz (II). Density of 11 is 7.552v 11 hus it twagonal VA 9- 2 'USSR/inorpnic Chemistry - Complex Compounds- C. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Khimi~ra, No 9, 1-957, 30279 of 1~.O?). Solubility of I at 20, 30, 4o 4m1 50" has been determinedt X-ray sludy has shown that I is iso- morphous with PrOj-AHIO (Zachariasen W.R,.j Cs Yaistal- logr-, 1938, 98, 266);--lattice parameters of I: a 11.09, b 11.28, c 9.27 kX,f 1.53, f (x-ray) 1,549, z - 4. Card 2/2 V. , I MIM 1" 11 MMIM 111, ![11 MI I, I MIR I =11 I MI I F!, I KRYUKOV, N.N.; LAURIN) V.Pl.; ZORINA, LDRVI G] MVA, '51MIN, B.I. p r I ~ Dlaano--is of African nwirv, fevn~r by the lip-nmidsor-pl.,jan n-nLctler in leucocyte cultu--ec. Veter-irarlia 42 no.,10:.I~)--22 0 165- .F (HIRA 1.8-10) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-i.Eiledovatellskiy iriuLitut veterinarnay- virusologii i mikrobiologii. IEZHEYAp P.S.j GUSEVA, L.T.; KURCHININA, P.G.; GUROVA, T.G.; MISHCMWE0, G.I.; BERDNIKOVA, M.V.; TRAVINA, L.D.; ZOR3NA, II.T., red. (Economy of Magadan Province; statistical cona(Alonj 114trodnoe kho- ziaistvo Magadanakoi oblasti; statisticheskii obornik, Magadanp 1960. 110 p. (t1jRA 3-4: 107 1, Magada (Province) Statisticbeekoye upravlenlye. 2. Rubotniki-Ma- gadanskogo oblastnogo statistichaskogo upravleniyu (for an except Zorin). 3. Nachaltnik Vagadanskogo oblastnogo i3tatiatIcheakogo upirav3j-.- n1ya, (for Zorin). (Magadan ProvInoe-Statiatica) ZO-J-HAp T. G., 11 F~ctra scholastic ~Jork of Young Naturalists and Botmnist3 Soclaties,ol the Cit4 of Moscow. (Study and Generalization of the Work, !~,-.perienoe of IwL:n&, Natm-Nilists and Botanists -Societies of Extrascholast-D., Institutions and Yawag. Pion",,- Caiqps af the City of M scow Since 1948)." (Dinsertation for 7)egrree of C-ndicLate'of Pedagoric Sciences)o Moscow City Fedap.gic Inst imeni V. P. PoteT"kin, N,scow, 1955 SO: M-1036 2~3 liar 56 RABINOVICH, P. D., kand. med. nauk; WRINA, S. S. 014tta) Haxonium troatment of peptic ulcer of the i3totwoh &nd duodenum. Klin. med. no.11:100-104 161* (MIRk 14:1-2) 1. is kliniki gospitallacT terapii (sav. dotmeftt Ta. L. Lurtya) Chitinskogo meditainakogo instituta (dir. dot-sent Tu. D. Rrzbkov) (PEPTIC ULCER) (HKXONIUM) GIMINO, Kh.; Iffect of temperature on thB process of fertilization aid develop- ment of grain in Inbred corn. Dokl.AJ1 SSSR 133 no.5:1243-1245 Ag 16o. (KIRA 1318) 1. Hoskovskiy gosudaretvanr4ry univeraltet in. M.Y.Lononosova. Fredstavleno eked. A.L. Kureanavym. (Corn bi-eeding) (Plants, Affect of temperature on) UnbreediAg) T T T,-7 1- IRA 0. tit of 09 41 OquMMIMMY Ow"WHIM411 with holvill b7dHOOLMOM. M- St. KlAllik, "I'. ?$I- "'Olul 17. C. ("k1wro; O'CrAllitrAll 1444tv 11#4161r. Mott- lat. Gom, Chem. 17, 'At Wh 11147)( vult Irtirt At I;1#V with sillijor CIj(_-4 ew CIjW, 4"t J.wq flget with cili': k 11,1%1. Ili (011. IW11119 with 0.3 9. CIII$ ItMtC41 in A WAU11 1411W 61 1'*' 11 11til' got" "L1 g. m. 144 V. atid to 14 to, 1411141, lit, NA"V; of ill.. -kpw 1101 lit it* fallit tamp. rs ton. ItAvo 11,13 X C.I. illut 11 Is N. Plillol. Vhv 00 -31'~ Tract ion rvitlftf~y jWtKvcd% ill ~1 4t.#- - Vhjilg -i It, mus 2phIfmV 2111111til + + MillogIL . Ifig(OA0, ",w-fq tvadtiv with N ),I Fit, 14111111K I it. livoAd. *04 1 ifil, hit'i fit 1011 " I h, Ifigiv, 41,112 a, A-0it. %ml 0 144 11, ktri 'A- I'm6ir Ow r %-twWO641t, I till. 1-11 vitijr.1 I.;.'j a, 11g1'. ls.rj 4, At-Oil, stul 007 'Flu- 1~m 4".11 with I In). I`hCIIsCI at UW I lit. VYfAVO IJCI hlhl an". 0.91) K. fixi-N. (MA S. llgCl,, and 00A 9. HICII.- ~4110 40 (Mr. Ilriathic I ir~ lislOArl, "ith I -L Phtia, at 1.0i" !vuji Shlf.ggive lirm-glowft ~(Lkvjw (I t I with OtCh. 0111t,. cdo.14" cof lit C.11. e,IfsC . and CL1i uitvr thr follo"ifig licthf0i Im In 113, 14g,ell 0 Idt ItsCif II-IM: 1101r, 11'r., 1101" " W. Ittlit, 11.11m: IfgjCl, Iloo'cl, 'let# a 0 it N Tholl 49 --- -- ----- - --- 46 0 0 ID 41 40 06, e" 0 0) 0 0: 0 0 - 1 1 T T 1 7 -o 'T~ 7 1 T: 'Ts To 11; T A -*: - - Prta I A it 1 t k L-A-A-4-A-L Rit"u" of "Cauummy WIC, wA If,(), DOW, 1'.W, 14(14 kntolo"'pir I'M 11 V Vcd[ 011) t o ') 17 izal- State Med Inst Gm A f ) '" A~ rcuted 0-catrujilwool, Atil 4 " N 0 . . . . . , d. C.A. 42 RIM#) (in Rasixa) 14 fr~kl tfc 0 "1 A. 1 :' dtvorvii. 129-3f) , rttt (11,141trwill W 14 -nitity Was dj*Q f4ulcif h t~ W L . ' , And (Ij of a pher" wtvit Iwatvt in a wthm uO' 1"3 . 0 rO qvj ); p 1 . t C~ the mixt. W46 w2fed wiqh 133.1011, MO. or R4, Neaff. 4 - 4OC4 "" nk, 2- 41" yvuaw flov 'E", , It U110j, ftt~ljjk-j 1jj)61fd With. tj,:. licl, wwIc If4im f 4 h anij ~kttj. glad the midlixf fit was Isten up im; fix - d ft i Th 1 4 f I 11~ cit." %bc*t1t . a cr affew e ng mints. 0 rv 4p ft (in wc c the piff!Niet Ofal t 00 4 rttdjan of ph3lfg with Tzriou's phroats., PhOIJ 1.06, i)j~ fitnilms tilfli'lln id 11hikill with m-m0afftrwil . I i 00 bydrovinane WWI, marcinw 73,70, pyrvimlif 7341, 1-tu 2-ariphthal W24 C4 phlotogfu6mil N htbRij KIM sc./ItyM) fig Pit, 'Imi'llp. 110,54P, yrrord', 4ji-i 240" Smi * l 11 o I IIvo . , . , p - - o- fwn,4 10 and m- xmino timU 1 al 6 76 rd. ,1w, wl w 14 - f 00 . c . . , V V , , p p i b irt~ olmp' fatly -mitt'i heffi plut ' t 4 g "o o oo ru- ~u tropfiEnoj. trinitr'TIVY", and tri 111c )be" vc 'Y" fi whcn the feutimm "Wit 179- OiNC61111 01I) ( at P01, yettim. dills not 1, an - l 1 g. , 4 p il b i 3 J I i l 001f h 9l r i "- le Ra. ff"ft, inihafy gave t 1 00 1 'j" UVICI M. ow S m ar ut n i . t e ng y '~ 4 fig were iv44t('I - mif 11gl"A &rm,, dtiwitip. 1!,~~-7 , 5-tlDjw. HcAlit%4 4 a. 1 I3U' 55 0 : d f o . * 1 ' 0 10 )' 7 1 X - iri. W 94ve I 1 holle An 8 A, , - ) 3.46, (1;01 It-vfinrti ( , ; f,YYII- ) 7J.4 J ( , ' 1 ~ Iff')M MOM. tull 2's it'. 1frcj110/1)I1;II'k' On. 14,14" 00 (I;j0 ) NIX- , phlucoglacitmi (I;0") it; -napt%IW " ' " 1 S. c~kwje%r, 14r (jfjjpjj1j 1111:1 'A),, 14iew almit M -"'A)' roe 00 41 t1:21) -whthid 031) ) 73'w'; . 1 3ZI; P-d1,i4twf6en14 " whichwithoje. ; (130 ) SIM; p-nPrn;thcu(4 ( 1311 ) 71.4t. " ' whilp 14 im K'"He ~)Iu. r"vel Oo J~! as (1:11) ) 41; a-ititrophen-A (130 ) ON. triailropht-not 13u' 11 t f 4 iu h l Wnm the. pulutit 1A .2,64jit I I-Iwiy liveri Uri) -44C",- . roe, r ero orcomal wrmil ( m"Wp ~ ) p PIKWA. 14tilijal "Ili-.1im of fare t MAP) it; ruAiaiml (W) 1-4. 'Ahtiti W-Coild,lif ' tit, 174-- ;00 wai atiWituted Pir 111ilig. (hut I'ArAwing ICWAE~ 0 ,, 11111 ' 1 .51 (ittrorripm). 11h,11C (2 Ig.% P~h j. plibirvOil.1niq, *0 f~i wclg ("ailivi: hydniijiliticAtt f. ) hr,.) 21.711; hr3.) 0. (, riwmamil 12 Itts 1- W yti " (2 W.I ) 47 5 64 ) gind 3 or, U1011 MOO I firv It) Nut* cave 1-57, 9. 6- ' - N I 1, " p:11 . ,. - .. ; py c ' ; naphthal (a his.) 81.4; smogall(d in Ft OL-I (I hr.) 4. m. .W; twatmif .1 ft . 1'A- 1`1 11 S 11 f/1 (1 W1 I l M1 i 1W C 06 Oo ! 1144, (2 Imi.) 46.92. R kri.) to-31. (4 Itti.) *tk;pi~ - ftlit - 11 ( I. t, 4 Or PAVV 1 4 j triowi:iwl I;j,'] IiHIII hcatei 3 hr,. In 13W 4m1 0 5 too Ili -* PbJiq (3 A.) and 3 C. o-Wuophenof " 3 Iw" " 13o, .1 q, I*" CAii0lbi ttil, divt~mp. 1:11)", Aid (Vi. then frt,"I of henrcrie by ifktn.. fetkA"d by ticuArmui, ()Ii j,(Hphj.' ~ 41*-SLA OOAWJP KAL UTFOAtUA8 C1A11tFKJl#CX II A T 40 1 w Im s IF MORI*" SIX ma Itatt UM Off 1 J4 114, 190004100 Is r!O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 00 00 phol 1 6(filed S hi-4-IC11:1114 IrAve 0. C5 9. 00 O."IfOl. 00 Hit (i c.) and I a, 2,04rilorimioldicn,4 kept 3 fin, at 1311* gsvv O-OS9. ofic'JI(off) Uh CIO/If) (Im-cm 21m)- 1 Cl to #b o "411 Kk k hi h b . r wn rea s c (fr(w" fiefftene), W 2 Yield. appwtutly, in. IM-W. mt C.11t. Repetitim usWj pbro"JmM pvc &C410- . - 4,) fvd-olattv ift.4 , dws tuft "1. . 1"flic , gAve dl" Ilt-t M, NiRl" ill.4 00 ., 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 :0 000000000000*0000000000090*041 00 ft~wmm~ W'b 00 00 00 00 00 #0 0: 00 *0 00 00 00 010 00 0000000 0 0 : 6 0 o 0 M 006 action of affibstarlytalmury with aromatic "lapiks and kealls"a. 116 . M. Kotr-n I&-.I r.~L.Zhi.A. Al., 01111-411 KAIM. A J. CWn. Chem.) 19. 1137--IIIIINIsi. Ph " It 10.58 [111 11.3 K~ P-110C411 C110 aft%,r;l bri; III lm. iso a Waled tuiv tayat 11.13 a, Alwilaeo.'r cut. yvilow, an. 81-3' tfriam ptir. ether), thil Yield. 11111ACI an standing in a Me.CO-HtOlf sob. of MI.* III' It 14 21401owmardin the S"theAp. lithehealinxisext!n4y.N. 6 It"., toul-h tar isaarms, as w0las Ill. Alloul.&O. far. reaction %%ith Act% gave 0.12 a. P411C Cdlt Ar. air Im fl, (frons utoli-plaO), which alm KiVV4 VIIIfgCf Irish Ale. flCI; LIM% Ila H bic"bM ill the Syllthwlis. PlaINIr (0.7 Ig.) and 11.2 g. PbCII1:CJIBx;altrr3 firs. ait IlW pvt 0.35 x. PiallsColl.C11:0111s, in. M-90 (from MP). which belsaves u dewtibed atlove; no Ill wAR dtteetot. Phclf:CitAc in :I hars. rive 0.19. I'Allgi s/140I.-01,11t, ta, 85-7* (from EIO), and 1.7,r H ; exterillon Ila 6 farl. pare 6.71,",, Ila. I'lisCO, PhOlaft. Clit, llslt,,CO -and Ilitic. trassne hiled to react stwo In 0 lars. C144axaldriy4d iIIII . pve I*n Itud :1A).7N11,- I%n,l of trip,, its 3 hrt,.. or 43,13 and 3P.W,, in 11 Ili ~, M - C in 6 birs. stave 10% Us. Cyr1oheramene KIVI 4.,M'-,, Ift Ili 3 hars, and 22,5f~l. In If Is". 01. M - K. Ott. 64