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ACCESSION NR: AT4021264 effectiveness of a detector with an organic scintillator4 This method prrtwesto be highly effective and acquires high calculation precis tcn::,%d tit ~moderate mac'hina time consumption. All interaction processes of neutrons irithMuclei of the scintillation substance are taken into cons; iftrat ion g. InaludImS the margiftal effects on the walls of the sdintillator., These are jiresented.L3 a BiVal?h, The paper also, includes a table of registration efficiency for a 30 X 31),= cr:rstal. Crig. art., has: 3 formulas, 3 figures, and 1 table. SOCIATION: MookovskLy inzhenerno-fizicheakty inmtituti Kati, ~wv Physicti and AS Engineering Institute) DAM AN: 06APrUi ENCLi 00 SUBMITTED: 00 110 REF SOV 002 SUB CODE: bF9 PH DrMR: 003 Card 2/2 ZOLOTUKHIN, V.G.; MOOLINER, A.I. Distribution of tho nurmixir of reeordings by a neutprm detector placed in a reactor. Atom. energ. 1.5 no.1:11-16 J1 16,1. (MIRA IW) (Nuclear counters) (Distribution (Probabilitr theory)) ZOIDTUKHIN, V.G.; DOROSHENKO G.G.; YEFMIIKOj B.A. y Calculation of pulse amplitude distributions.and counting - efficiencies for a fast neutron scintillation detoctoro Atom. energ. 15 n6.3:194-200 S 163. (MIRA Milo) (SaintiLlation counters) YERKAKOV, S.M.; ~OIDTUKHIN. V.G.; FETROVp E.Ye. - 4': ""U', - I I Calculating the passage of neutrons througgh a P140D polyet)q~ene layer. Atom. energ. 15 no.3053-255 S 163. WRA l6m.) (Neutrons-Capture) (Shielding (Radiation)) ko ING 40- v0 -41 11 'ID.1 -0 P*.O," ~od 0 44- p 0%1 0 0 N A" to ov~ is 0 p sp o, ci Np OP ).'b fp~o',v IS" ge Op. 60, Opp ik, ACCESSION NR: AT4019046 The application of this method to problems involving the passoge of neutrons and-gamma. quanta through a substance Is possible due to the absence of any interrelation between the particles In real beams. The difficulties that arise In connectioa with the use of the Monte Carlo method are concerned primarily with the determinatioti of small probabUlties. In problems connected with the passage of radiation through a substance, the smallness of the probability p may be occasioned by the absorptioa of the particles, their leakage from the medium, energy losses as the result of slowing, etc. It is pointed out that the Keumaa series for the solution of the Idnetic equation reduces the rafflaUon transfer problem to the computation of mqltiple intervals, while the Alonto Carlo method itself consists essentially In the calculation of the terms of a Neumma series which are the muldple intervals. Thb use of non-random points, in the opinion of the authors, implies a repudiat! of the probabilities of the Monte Carlo scheme, ellminating.the possibility of a practical evaluation of the accuracy of the results. In those cases inwhich Interest attaches to a particular functional of the kinetic equallon solution., the methods which are described in this article for Increasing the statistical effectiveness -of the method normally provide V aacuracy quite satisfacory for pracUcW purposes with a number of histories ranging fror -2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4019045 103 to 104. The authors describe the method of conditional probabilitios (in American technical literature U-Js method is Imown as,the metbod of analytical averaging). IWO noted that different modifications of this m n th~ ,qthod aro possible, all being based o introduction of the transitional'probability IC(x -,r4, connected with K(x iv x) by tbo formula, K(x K (x M) where ('D) is the region of space ti~,~ifilchthe function W attuumes the greatest vablea. The semi-analytical Monte Carlo method Is briefly discussed. This method Is based an the use of analytical solutions (provided such are possible) for certain ramificatl6ne -of the basic straying process. The essential Idea of the "control variablo method" Is ex- plained. This technique Is sometimes also called the "correlation sampling method". The point Is made that the chief difficulty in the use of this method consists in flading" random value- k of high correlation with r the mathematical expectancies of which are Q&. We %iethod of local stream calqUItioa Is discuoFed and eumples ond of its use are given. The use of quadrature formulas with ramiom nodes Is analyzed.: it to noied that the further development of the geaeral raethadm for reducing the dlsrarslon,~ based on the oonstruedon of Interpolation-quadrature, formulsts, permits We formulation 0t 3/4 ACCESSION NR,., AT4019045 quadrature expressions with random nodes of high accuracy,. which are wa7 nodul for! practical applications. A final section of the article deals with piloblem-wolving thro4i,-. the use of high-speed electrado computers. Orig. art. hams, 19 famulass, ASSOCIATION: none ":'DATS ACQ; =664-i ENCL., .0 SMMITTED-. 14Aug63 ~,NOREF-BOV:'*010..;"',,"~',':",~,"',i Mimi, 0416 'RM CODEs NP A. 'j: 4/4 G. G. YEFDVIKO, B. A.; WLOTUIGIINA, V. 0. "A Method of Calculating Efficienciet, for the Invest igal,ion D:t CofttinUOU6 Spectra of Fast Neutrons." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nurlear Spectron(iopy, %billsi, 1442 Feb 64. NUI (Moscow Engineering Phyeics Inst) ZOLOTUKHIN, V.G.; IMAWYANOV, L.P.~ BLYSM17KA, A.A. Analyzing the charanteristica of mmny-rator imichaniaal neutron choppers. PrIb. i tekh. eksp, 9 na.206-39 Mr-Ap'64. (MTRA 17- 5) MnMYLUS, F. F.; ZPLOTUKJIIN, V._G., -iU,'-MOV, S, M. "Sol ut Ion me thods of t ran sport eq,Aa'w Ion in in I irdrzger)eou a and f1ti J4ti W,,l 114 - " raport submitted for 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 31 Aug-9 Sep 64. 14DGILTER, A. I.; ZOLOTUKHIN, V.-G. "Space-time correlation ro-Aut1ons fn imAtiplying systemn." report submitted for 3rd Intl Cpnf, Peacefui Uses of Atomic 14riorgy, Gen-twa, 31 Aug-9 Sep 6h. ------------------------------------------------------ BUBLIK, YERMAKOV, S.M.; YEEFIWWO, B.A.; ZoLlyrij $T11N, ;T'AL; PETRO, E ym. Gama-ray dose from a uniilrecticrial nowce doil-air iri-.iirfaje. Atom. energ. 18 no.6~62-8-62? Jo 165. 189i7) Eli 7 7 A DP* A -71 by Vaat m(lutrum Cl'y it 6C.In t Lation ~qpl~c~trqjl &OURCE: Atomaya naergipa, v. 19, no. T., 1.965, TOPTC TAGS - fwt nautron, tieutram apactz"llm, vuld'.11'eltatic Mat-l-lit, S-Itts-le (::ryat'd, crystal counter, sT.-ectromet er, lbmtm Q.Tu-lo motlod '357%k-T: K-Atrices are cal A a-alate