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AUTHORSi Zolotov, Yu. A., Alimarin, 1. P. S071'89-6-1-11133
TITLEt Separa ffc~~p in Radioohemically Pure State by Uaing
the Recoil of the Nuclei of Fission Products (Ilyd.eloniye Np 239
v radiokhimicheaki chistom sostoyanii s impolluovaniyea
otdaohi yader produktov deleniya)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 1, PP 70 - 71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: UO2 is crushed in an agate bowl, and by means of elutriation
a fraction of all those paxticles is produced which
precipitate with a velocity of,~ 2.16 . 10-3 cm/eec. The
concentration of the suspension is dotermin-ad 'by wei$hing.
A certain quantity of the suspension is emptiel into a glass,
diluted, and saturated with calcium mitrate. Tho solution
is very thoroughly stirred and the calcium oarbonate is
precipitated with concentrated carbobate of ammonia. The
precipitate is filtered, washed, and dried. The weight ratio
between UO and CaCO fluctuated in 'the var:Lous experiments
2 3
between 1000 and 1000-
Card 113 The ready mixture is then irradiated in a reaotor in the
Separation of Np 239 in Radiochemically Pure State S009-6-1-11/33
by Using the Recoil of the Nuclei of Fission Producto
course of 12 to 48 hours with a neutrozi Mix of 7,-10 1.2 to
13 2
2.10 n/cm .sec. The irradiated sample is dis!3ol,red in a
small quantity of cold 1-5 11 HC1, centrifu4jed, anti washed
2 to 3 timen with 1.5 n hydrochloric jLoid find 3 timas with
water. The UO2 washed in this way was disijolv,id in xv 2m!
hot concentrated nitric acid, and potmosiuv br-Dmide in a4ded
to the solution for neptunium oxidation. The solution
(,v0.1 molar KBrO ) ia then heated fol. 15 iiinutes at 90 to
0 3
100 C.
After cooling aluminum nitrate is addod, alid the solution Is
diluted up to 1-5 mol for A).(NO ) ana 1 mol for HNO ;' after
3 3 31
which it is filled into a measuring bowl for ether extraction.
Extraction was carried out 5 to 4 times. Heptunium. iis
recovered from the extracts.
The purity of the Np thue separated was checked on,the
basis of the half-life. The method described makes it pos-
Card 2/3 sible to separate Np 239 in the course of I to 2 hours, the
Separation of Np 239 in Radiochemically Pitre State SOV/8 9-6-1 ~A 1/33
by Using the Recoil of the Nualei..of Fianign Froduote
active fission products boing separated alraa&y during1he
first two minutes.
The mixture of UO and tho carrier mubstance can be, produced
quickly and can bi easily used for % long time. InIstead
of Caco it is possible to use also other material,lwhloh
is easily able to stand the high tetzparature in theirsaotor.
There are 1 figure and 5 references.
SUBMITTED: March 14, 1958
Card 3/3
OTHORS: Alimarin, 1. P., Corresponding Memberp S(YV1 20-124-2~-24/71
Academy of Scioncosi USSR# Zolotovr 714. A.# pPal'shinp Yo,~; S#
. ... ...... ...
TITLE; Ebctraction of Pentavalent Reptunium
(Ocatraktsionnoye izvlecheaye pyativalentnogo neptuaiye.)
PERIODICAL.- Doklady Akademi.i. nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124o Nr 21 pp 328-330
ABSTRAM Raliable data on the extraction of parita-Valent ueptvaiium have
hitherto not been available. In the prosont pcipflrt the aixthors
prove that this extraction is possible by using
1-nitroso-2-nap)lthol-sollitionin n-butyl and isoamyl alcohol at
pH 9-10. Indicator quantities of Np239 sorved for this parposet
~ 237
The controls were performed with weighable qua:n:tities of Np
The iaotope Np 239 was isolated from uranium vikLich had boon
irradiated with neutrons (Ref 3). The in:Ltial s-blutiong Of
neptunium-(V) were obtained by reduction of n4~ptuniiun-(Vl) by
means of hydrazine in the r--old. The results obtained are
presented in fig-Lire 1. As can be seen from it the noptunium
compound cannot be extracted up to p11 6 . The percentage rate of
Card 113 extraction is dependent to a considovLble extent on the nat-~re
Extraction of Fentavalent Neptunium SOV/aD .124-2-24/71
of the extiacting agenti with n-butyl alcchol !,')0-95% alle
extractable at ono single oxtraotion$ irith isoiwyl alcohol
80-85',4vp whereas mothyl-ethyl ketoneq chlowoforp. and a.myl acetate
are far less effective. Bemene and diathyl ether sparingly '
extract neptunium-(V). Higher amounts of fluor;Ues, carbonates,
phosphates, acetates and citratee interforo with the extraction.
Nitrates, chlorides and sulfatea exert no negmtivo influence.
The said extraction is first of all indicative of the interattion
of the NpO 2 ion with I-nitroso-2-naphthol. Reactiona of the
neptunium-(V) with organic reagents are unknown with a few
exceptions only (complex formation Refs 1, 6). Anzalytical
reactions for Np(V) are miosing. The mentioned interaction in in
agreement-with earlier observed spectronoopic data (Fief 6). The
results obtained can be utilizel in the separation of noptunium
from plutonium and uranium. The-extractLon of tetravalent
plutonium (proved by the authors together withD. Nishanov) took
place already at p11 1.0 - 1.5. The inveskigations are being
Card 2/3
Extraction of Pentaval:ent-, Keptunium SOT/2Q-124 2:.24/71
oarri*ed on. There are. I figure and 6references, 5 of which
are Soviet,
ASSOCIATIONs Institut geokhimii i analitichel3koy khimii im. V. 1. Vernadskogo,
Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni
V4, I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences, UB.11R)
SUBMITTED: October 16, 1958
Card 3/3
wN j-41, 1W ILU
PT rl
AUTHOR: Yu. A. Zolotov
TITLE: Application of supersonic waves .n a nalytic Chemistry
PERIODICAL: Hua HsUeh Tlung Pao. no, 7, 1960, 28-3Z
TEXT: The chemical characteristics of supersonic waves, the effect of supersoni.c
waves on electrolytic processes and the applicatio.,.-i of photo-sonic effects in chemis-
try are described. In solutions, the speed of a so:aic wave dcpendij on the corizentra-
tion-of the solution and obeys the formula
(I - V) C?- ~ + V x. Z. 3 2 x 10 7
0 00
where V a weight of solute; C. a sonic speed in solvent or solution; 95 0 -n czysta."i-
zing energy of solutions. Supersonic waves have an effect in many a.spects C111 elec-
trochemistry. The depolarization characteristic will lower elect~olyttic voltaget
cause a change in the properties and composition lof the electrolydc prec%piflitet and
Card 1/ 3
Application of supersonic
affect electrolytic current and productioa rates. Supersoric wavee cari even aut thr.,
density of ions around electrodes, reduce polarization of elect:t-adefi, ar-d elimi.-Ve
formation of gases. The fact that when infrared rays absorb gasell, a p,.Ilse sorand
may-occur can be utilized au a means for photo-sordc aralysim of gitses. Supcrson,~-_
oscillation has been used for dispersing, condensing, Ogaslaig,, aad agitating in chiami-
cal analysis or for changing oxidation conditions of solutions. Superwordic wa-,;-e,!s aVE.
also significant in lighting sensitive photograpbic films and hwi-e been lised to inc:zcase
the speed of multiphase reactions. ResearCh in hydrosynthesis is for VP.-
search in analytic chemistry. Equation for cali:;ulating the magnitijdc
sis are I
~ /-S'P ~P
where G a. sonic speed; /190 a adiabatic compresLcibility; ~10 tq dea-,4-ity;
h 0 0 0 g)
Card 2/3
Application of supersonic F031/FO04
where h a number of grams of water entering a solute; 9 a number of gram of solute
in 100 gm of solution band /do a conlixension coeffizients of solutimi and solvent (wwf-,r)
respectively, and R s Cl/2 M
where M-a molecular weight; IPs density; C - sonic speed; R -- sanic speed not de-
pendent ontemperature. The author conludes that supersonic wa-ves axe being used
in solving both theoretical and practical problems of analytic chemlst:ry. Thti ar'Atlf,,
was translated by YUan Ta-wen (7086/1129/Z455). "here are t~ figures. :mpo-rMant.
Englis h- language references are: Freyer, Z. B. O.T. Am. Charn. So,:Z. 53, L313 (031);
Wada J. 1, Shimbo S. , J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 24. 199 (1952) and Chem. Abstro ' 48
9136 (1954); Sasaki T., Yasumuago T. Ball. Chem. Soc. Japan 26, 175 (1953;1 and 28"
269 (1955).
Card 3/3
3/06/6)11002/001/02 1 AS2
AUTHORs Zolotov, Yu.A.
TITLE: Problems concerning the chemistry of actinide-a at thick %1111 Interna-
tional Congress on Pure and Applied Chemistry
PERIODICAL: Hadiokbimiya., v. 2s no. 1, 1960,,127 - 128
TEXT: The present paper gives short deeoriptiona of Awme rvporLe at the
XVII International Congress on hire an4 Applied Chemistry vhii~,h toox place in Au-
gust - September 1959 in Munich (Western Germany). The proia,9jit o+.Iected reports
concern problems of actinide chemistry. Several authors fTom non-Soviet-b1cc
countries are quoted, and the following lecturers from Sovie~t-bloa aountriea Iare
citedt Erzowska-Tezebiatovskaja, Barteky and Chmylovskaja (Polarld) reported on
the strunture of E;ome uranyl compoundz in aqueous solutions, the tielendence of
solvaiion of the solution on the dielectric constan ., dipol.e, -.momient and stnicture
of the solvent; Stark (Czechoslovakia) investlgated benzoyl ACAtalliti oamplexes In-
his reports "Determination of the composition and. conotants of ciamplex fornmd, .Ion
of some complexes by means of the extraction methcd;', Grdenl~ (Yu *gc,slavia) de-
termined the coordination number of 11(r1) in acetyl acetone imid dialkyl phosphate
Card 1/2
S I 186160,100.2100 1/0,IR 1/022
Problems concerning the chemistry of actinidee.... A05r/A129
SUBMITTEM October 21, 1959
Card 2/2
Syuposium on the theory of extraction. Zhuraeorg.1rh1m. 5 no.b:
1391-1392 Je '60. (MIRA 13.7)
(Extraction (Chemietry)-Con,7esses)
RZ, 4,s,20 0 A05012R
AUTHORS: Alimarin, I. P.j Zolotov, Yu. A.; Pal'shin, Ye. !1.
TITLE: The extraction of 1-nitroso-2-naphtholate of pentavalent
PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 6, 1960, 637 - 642
TEXT: Pentavalent neptunium was extraotad at a pH 9 - 10 using aolu-
tions of 1-nitroso-2-naphthol in n-butyl and isomul alaoholii and the timum I0on-'
ditions of the extraction were-established. it is thought that the Npq ion is
capable of forming intra-aomplex compounds, which can be extracted with organic
solvents with a reagent correspondingly selected. The 1-nitroso-2--naphthol was
chosen an reagent in this work. It was shown that extraotion can be used for
purifying neptunium from plutonium and uranium. Indicator quantities of Np239
separated from uranium irradiated -with neutrons according to the mAhod based on
the nuclear emission of the decay products (Ref. 15: Y. A. Zolotov,; 1. F. Allmarin
Atomnaya, onerglya, 6, 1, 70, 1959) and in nome cases accordilig to ~,,he extraction
method by Pal'shin (Ref. 16t E. S. Pal'shin, Y. A. Zolotoy, Itudiokilimlya, 1, 4,
482, 1959) were used. The effect of a series of factors on ilhs et',raction degree
Card 1/5
S11 8616 0/0 r,.100610rj 1 /02 6
The extraction of 1-nitroso-P-naphtholate A051/A129
was studied. The results oonfirmed thit neptunium extraction takes place at a
pH over 6. The optimum pH value for oaah solvent depends in addition to other
factors - on the solubility of the reagent in the volvent. Seven solvents wero
studied: benzene, chlorofomo isoamyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, diethyl ether,
amylacetate, methylethyl ketone. The bast solventsfor the extraction of 1-nitro-
so-2-nAphtholate proved to be n-butyl and isoanql alcohol; It is pAnted out that
uranyl 1-nitroso-2-naphtholate is well extracted with &1cohols. The extraction
of maoroquaritities of Np237 (0.6 ma/ml) showed that macro -quantities are extraoted
in the same manner as the Indicator quantities4 Since the extraotiom takes plAce
within a pH range where neptunium (V) is quite hydrolyzed, the concelltration or
the element should be as low as possible to avoid the formation of a hydroxide
precipitate. It was seen that large quantities of fluoride phosphates, carbon-
nates, oxalates and nitrates hinder the extraction of NPtIV111-nitroiso-2-naphtho-
late with n-butyl or isoamyl alcohol at a pH = 9 - 10. EtlUlenedj' numine tetra-
acetic acid has a significant negative effect on the extraction. Sinall quantities
offluorides, carbonates and hydrogens peroxide have little effect. Nitrates,
chlorides and sulfates have no effect at all. The presence of borjuE (buffer
solution, concentration 9.05 M) does not impair the extraction, but uranium (VT)
Card 2/5
S1186 6 i* /061/026
The extraction of 1-nitroso-2-naphtholate .... A051/A129
and plutontum (IV) not bound in the. oomplexes and being highly, hydrolyzed haw&
grestlawtive eftat.Whan extracting with a 0.25 % solution of the reagcnt in isoa-
myl alcoho
tion of Npli;5 om a 0.05 molar solution of borax (pH - 9.24) a aomplote extrac-
~ is reached as a result of four extractions. N(liptunium M can
be easily extracted from accumulated organic fractions by doulAe wasKing with a
solution of a pH less than 6. In order to produce pure *239M, It is suggested
using the extraction of nitroso-naphtholate with subsequent re-extraction of nop-
tunium in hydrochloric or nitric acid of a given concentration. The following
method for NpM purification without a carrieri commendedt the initial so-
lution of neptunium not containing intex......., ..,,TV1,P_ions Is procesped for the
purpose of transferring it to the pentavalent state with'-a 0.1 M sollation of
hydrazine-nitrate in,l M HNO 3 at room temperature. The-solution is neutralized
by a universal indicator and an equal volume of 0.114 borax solution Is added.
Neptunium is extracted 4 times with equal volumes Of a 0.25 % solution of
1-nitroso-2-naphthol in n-butyl or isoanyl alcohol, shaking the funiial eaoh
time for 4. minutes. The organic fractions collected (3-minuto shald-tig) are pro-
cessed twice with small volumes of 0.1 M nitric acid. The combined-imter frac-
tions are washed Vh chlo:roform ur)ti the water solution becomes colorless. The
i) and Pu(T
coexistence of Np __(V 'Vi in solution is accompliilied In the easi-
Card 3/5
The extraction of 1-nitroso-2-enaphtholate A05IIA129
eat way by processing the-element mixture with sodJum nitrite-in n1tria aoid
hftotting it for a long time. The authors investigated the extftotio'n of, PUM);
using various solvents (methylethylketone, amylaaetate, iso&nLyl aloo~ol, n-bUtYl
alcohol, chloroform).; It was found thal~ extraction stirta at PH - 6.5 - 1.0;
n-butyl alcohol ~extracts 1-nitroso.-Q-nalphtholate of PU V) botter than 1soWV1
alcohol. The separation of the elementis was found possible in certain cases
only. The purification from small,quantitles of plutonium wi 'L-s accomplished in
the folloZq) manner: plutonium was bound with a omall enaeatt'l of eamonium sul-
fato: and NP was extracted with a solution of 1-nitroso-2-naphthbl in isoanyl
alcohol. the main plutonium mass remains non-extraptedi If the argania frao-
tions are-then washed with an aqueous solution at PH - 3, wtuniuia (V) is re-
extracted and partially extraoted plutonium ra=lni in the organi4 phanot The
washing is performed twicev There are 2 tables, 2 figuret3owd F[ vlaferenaelht~
8 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloci, The references to tkiot!faur ti~,;~t recent
English language publicstdons read aa follows: H. A. C. Mlgja~r, Indw"~Chemi, 33,
297, 1957; J- Kooi, Traoer experiments on the solvent extrMation (if neptunlam*
and plutonium. Amsterdam, 1956; G. Gibson, D. Mi Gruen, J. J. Utz, Jo Am.
Card 4/5
s1i8O16o1oo,'V6c61Oo 1 /02-6
The extraotion of 1-nitroso-2-naphtholate A(j5l/AlP.9
Chem. Soc., 74, 2103, 1952; D.M. Gr"jen, J. J. Katzo J. Am. Chem. Sc-c-, 75, 377.3,
SUBKETTED: JulY 15, 1959.
Card 5/5
p j~
PETRufulm, O.M. [translator]; RODIN, S.S.Ctrazalatorb ZOLOTM Yu.A.
kand. khim. nauk, red.; AMWLIDOV). V,V., red.; M#
tekhn. red.
(Extraction in analytical chemistry and radioebenistry] Ek-
straktsiia v analiticheakoi khimii i :radiokhimil.. Molik-tra,
Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1961. 350 P. 0411U 15:4)
Translated articles,
(Extraction (Chemistry)) (iWiochemistr-X)
8/07y() 1 /006/005/003/015
1 B~
B12 08
AUTHORSt Zolotov, Yu. A.f Marov# 1. M, and Mos)cvin, A. 1.
TITt;Et 1,Complax compounds of pentavalent neptunium in 13olutions of
oxalic acid and ethylene diamine tetrm%catio aoid
PERIODICAM Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimiit v. 6p no. 5p 1961t
1055 - 1062
TEXTs The authors studied the complex foemation of the ORO + ion with,
oxalic acid and ethylene diamins tetraacetic acid t(y ion axtihazge, 1ho
study was carried out statically by observing the distribution of Npw
used as indicator between a 0*05 N so lution of UR 4 0104anii the Ky_~ (KU-2
cation exchanger in its ammonium form in the presetoe and in the absence
of complexing agents* 'The experiments were performed at 20 t 20C. ' The
grain size of the cation exchanger was 51) - 70 mesh. The I 'X of the solu-
tion was measured with a glass electrode and the -.AIT-5 (LP-5) pH-metero
In a pff-range of 2 - 5 NPV was found to form complex io as of the following
Card 1/4
3/0% '1/006/005/003/015
Complex compounds of ... B121 B208
composition with oxalic acid 1fpO2ffC2049 NPO2C204-2and KPO 12(C2()4)2 Tits
corresponding stability constants weret 5*0 - 10 P 1*1 d 104P and
20 * 107. At a pH below 116 no neptuniura oxelate comploxes were obtained.
In the pH-range 2,0 - 3#2 NpO 2HC20 4 and NyO2C204" are formed$ and at a pH
above 4 NP02(C204)2' 3-4 The complex formation is expressed by the follow-
ing equationst KPO2++ RC20 4- NPO2lie204 (1'),
NPO2++ C2 042- NPO2C204- (12)t
+ 2- 3;-
NPO2 + 2- C20 4 -A NPO2( C204)2 (13)-
The thermodynamic stability gonstants of the KpO 2+ oxalate complexes were
compared with published data (Ref. 5t Be M. Gruen, J. J, Katz, J4 Amer*
Chem. Soc., 751 3772 (1953))t the results are summarize4 in Table 3,~ In
the pH-range 4#9 - 6#2 neptunium forms with ethylene diamine tetraacetic
acid only one complex of the composition Npo 2T3- and a stability constant
Card 2/4
Complex compounds of ... B121/noa
(4.9 1 1.1).10 9. There are 1 figure, 4 tablest and 2t referenceat 12,
Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloo. The four most recont r6forences t
English language publications read as follows, 4o Go Gibmonp It. Mo Gruenip
J. J. Xatz, J. Amer. Chem. Scoot 74, 2103 (1952)1 8. To C4 Ifindmang Le
B. Magnuesont To J. La Chapelle, The Transuranium Elements# Nato Nuels
En. Sev., Div. IV, 14B, paper 15.2p New York 1949; 94 R. SJOblomp J. C.
Hindman, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., U, 1744 (1951); 10. R- M ,Diamond, K.
Street, Go To Seaborg, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 76t 146 (1954~.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii Lm. V, L~
Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni
V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 8f 1960
Card 3/4
Complex compounds of ... B121/B208i
Munoffa OKO*"vMjwX MOM=MMUZ
mows NpOst (pK.)
C-00712 IMONUMOca FA-Knua t511 ;;Whma
NP02"CnO4 - 2.70
NpOAOI- 93 4,39
NpOj(C&04)s~- 7.06 7,36
Legend to Table 3t Thermodynamic stability constants of thoi Oxalate
complex ions NPO + (pK (1) Composition of the complexes; (2) data
2 a
(Ref- 5); (3) data of the authors.
Card 4/4
1~- "T FIM
Moskvin, A; I., Marov, I. If., and Zolotov, Yu. A.
TITLE: Complex compounds of pentavalent neptunium -,-,ith- (,Iitric and
tartaric acid
PERIODICALs Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 8, 1961, 1813-1820
TEXT.: The complex compounds of neptunium with oxy--acids hava been little
studied. Only Yu. A. Zolotov and Yu. P. Novikov (Ref. 1~ Zh. neorgan.
khimii 6, 1055, ig6i) detected a change in the absorption spectra of
neptunium solutions in the presence of complex-forming substances. The
complex formation at different pH values was studied by cation exchange
between pentavalent neptunium in 0.05 molar NH 4CIO'l solution and the
cation exchanger 0-2 (KU-2) In ammonium form in the presencii! of citric
and tartaric acid. T~e pH value was measured with an 91-5 (1,P-15) pH meter
with glass electrodes. In the pH range 4-3 -- 5.2, neptunium (V) was
found to form the following complexes with citric Rcit-.-. Nro2cit2- and
NPO HCit- with the stability constants (4.7 1 1-0)-10~' (px, - 3.67) and
Card 1/2
Complex oompoundsof... 95506 B121/B205
(4-9 t 1-0-10 2 (pK - 2.69). The absorption spectra oV neptunium M
solutions in the presence of citric acid at pH - 0.9, 5.5, 5.1, 5.7, and
6.1 were recorded. The absorption maximum at 983 mVffl1ka found to shift
due to complex formation to the side of increased complex fc-r-mation. -the
complex formation in the system neptunium (V) - tartaric acid was deter-
mined by a change in absorption spectra of neptunium (7) 3olutions in tho
presence of tartaric acid at difforent pH values of thii! solutlons. In
the pH range 3.2 - 6.2, neptunium - tartaric acid complexes of the
following compositions were determined by cation exchai)get NpO 2 Var,
NPO Tar-p XpO Tar3- , and NpO Tar5-. These complexes havve the following
2 2 2 2 3
stability constantsi 2. 3 . 102 (pK - 2.36), 2.1 - 10 2 (PK - 2-32))
2~O 104 (PK - 4-30)1 and 1.5 - 106 (pK - 6.18). Thero are 7 figures
3 tables, and 4 Soviet-bloc references,
ASSOCIATIONs Institut geokhimii i analitioheekoy khImij Im.
V. 1. Vernadskogo AN SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and
Analytical Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadskiy AS MSR)
SUBMITTEDt July 8, 1960
Card 2/2
ioLOTOV, Yu.P,.; ALnM114j I.P.
Some aspects of the theory of extraction of inner-complex compounds.
Dokl. AN SSR 136 no. 3:603-606 ja ?61. OaRA 14:2) ~
1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimii imoni VJ., Vernadakogo
AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-Itorrespondent O'SSSR (for AlAmirin).
(Extraction (Chemistry)) (Complex catipoundo)
S/186/~--~; ~804/002/010/0 10
AUTHORS Y~u.Aj_.~!,d Nishanov, D.
TITLE: Chromatographic separation of neptunium from
uranium, plutonium and fission products
PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v.4, no.2, 1962, 241-244
TEXT: The authors describe a method of separation of 239Np
from uranium irradiated with neutrons and demon,-tratud a
possibility of separation of Np, Pu and U. Cation exclianger
KY-2 (KU-2) in its H forin was used as a sorbent, and nitric
acid as eluent. The study of elution of pentavalent Np
indicated that with IM nitric acid as eluent Np is eluted very
quickly and gives a sharp peak in -the elution curve. rhe main
part of the fission products is sorbed on the column and is not
cluted by nitric acid. Certain fission elements sucb as Ru, To
and I are eluted together with Np. The final purification of
Np is achieved by extraction with ether after iti3 oxidation to
hexavalent state. Experiments were carried out to discover
Card 1/2
Chromatographic separation of ... 5/1.86/62/oo4/oo2/o1o/o1o
whether Np(VI) is reduced by cation-exchanger KU-2. It was
found that the resin reduced Np(VI) to Np(V) in 11,1 nitric acido
It was shown that Np, Pu and U can be separated easily on the
cation-exchanger. Np and U are eluted separately with IM
nitric acid followed by elution of F)a with 3M nitric arids
There are 4 figures.
SUBMITTED: April 27, 1961
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Zolotov, Yu-.'A,, Alimarin, I.P.
TITLL: Influence of the nature of the solvent on the
extraction of internal complex compOupds
PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v.4, no.3, 1962, 27 21 -,'17 ")
TEXT: The authors investigated the influence of the chemical
nature of the solvent on the extraction of a number of internal
complex compounds of Np(V), V (VI), Co (II), Ce, Fe and some
other elements. The solvents used were alcohols, ketones,
complex esters,'simple esters, halogen substituted hydrocarbons and
hydrocarbons. For each solvent the dependence of the extrac.tion
on the p1l of the aqueous phase was studied and the comparisoa of v/
the various solvents was obtained at the optimum pit values.
It was shown that Np (V) and Co (II) are extracted readily with:
solutions of tenoyl trifluoroacetone in butyl alcohol.. The
internal complex compounds in which the coordination forces are
not saturated are easier to extract-with active oxygen-containing
solvents, in particular alcohols, and are usually more difficult
to extract with other compounds, such as hydrocarbons and their
Card 1/2
Influence of the nature ... E075/E4!56
halogen substituted derivatives. Tile extrac.tion of the COMPI P.X'
compounds can be made easier by their combination with the
excess-reagent. In this connection the application of polydentate
reagents is considered as possible in the future, Tile internal
complex compounds with saturated coordination valencies are extracted
with different types of solvents, including nonpolar.oxygen free
solvents, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons. A sbheme is given
for the separation of the complex compounds with saturated and
unsaturated coordination valencies. The "saturated" compounds
are extracted with the reagent solution in a non-reactive solvent
such as benzene; the compounds with the unsaturated coordination
often remain in the aqueous phase. Subsequently, tho second
element is extracted with an active solvent such as butyl alcohol.'
There are 4 figures and 2 tables.
SUBMITTED: ?-larch 25, 1961
Card 2/2
cow Sendnar Gn pnnjy,.jcaj ChbIP,',8t:"Y- 19 Li(~.90171-
1-172 164. (KIRA 2.7:;:L0)
MILICH, 11. (Milic,14.1; PEVIIIJU119, O.M.1 ZOLOTOV, Yu.A..
I '. ., . : j!
Extraction of uranyl thenoyltrifluoroac,stonate. Zhur,, neorg.
khim. 9 nob1li2664-2667 N t64 (MRA 18-W
1. Institut geokhimil i analiticheskoy khImli, immi
V.V. Termadskogo AN SSSR i Institut "Boris Xidrizhll, Belgrad,
CH,'-9JTOVA;-MdK4; ZOLOTOV, y1[. A
Extraction and c(inplex forpiation oj* p Ju ton
y1hydroxylami-ne. P~Ookhhflia 6
14,1 i !j&jjlji1Jlf;
RYABCHIKOV, D.I., otv. red.,- ALVARIN) I.P., red.; PAT,17, P.N.,
red.; BORISOVA, L.V.0 red.; PqMN', Yu.A., rod.;
It. P. . re
(Modern methods of analysis; methods of stud3ring the
chemical composition and structure of substan"a. On
the seventieth birthday of Academician A.P.Vinogrado-I
cheskogo sostava i stroeniia veshchootv. K L~ainidouiutl-
letliu akademika A.P.Vinogradp",
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut gf3okhimii i azaliticbe-
skoy khimii. 2. Chlen-korrespondeirt AN SSSR (:for
Me t, 1. U
v. hanism at' the nr,,.~ o" extraction or irrtni~(,~=,plex com.-
p 0 u nd!i . D ok 1, ~ A N S S S'li 1. 6.7 n a . 3 -. 577- 5130 My f 6 5, (KIRA :1.8s5)
1. In~wtiljif, goo~h-lmll 1. anaLitichnskoy kid.nill im~ TJ Vornmdnk,~,go
AN USSR, l-ubrd.ff,:,d Novi!rlho!ir 14,
" t .1
Extraction of ethjlE!n-idi.iiininetatraar!,pit (-fW exemplIfign by Irr,-p
and thorium complexes) . Zhur. &nal. khim. Z) n.o.304',1-350 16,5.
(MIRA 180)
1. Institut geokhImIJ I anallticheskoy kh-lkndl imeni Tarnadfloga
AN SSSPH, Moskva.
7=011, Yu.A.- ALIMARIN, L.P.; BAGRETE~,. Tov.
Extracticn of inner-complex oompotmils in ttio pre'Durwe ~of salts. ~rt 2. 1
Uranyl I- (2-pyridylazo) -2-nmphtho late. Trudy Kcm~ anaI. khim. 14, i 19-6j
165. (PURA IB37)
Mill, 111 111111111 milli Mll
H I .! 11 oi., I HIM I I I.i: I 1:iTIIIIuI1Ij1 !jj!3jj1jjI1RMjJ 11flik 114
11f.111 lip
Extraction of iraier-complex compounds In the preipance, i~r, salts.46rt I.,
Extraction of hydroxyquinolinates from sobtuio~ ll.mvin(r, tEe, high d n te
of potassinm chloride- And sadium iodide. Trudy KWn, an~all. 1-chim. a ~t 51-~'58
Mm I, PH
M-Niff', I i, Ilk fl I I Vil I I I
"Fulm'' MIM11-1 ~111 "UM1111-3,
'A Y,,'.
neorg. khim. I. !Ir 5
I. jr,"AP-13t, t:-t,~t;l."';-01 Jx1cili V.J.
ACC r~
cm/4)(riw6i ro
7 i 0 R zolotovo
U V,
ORG: 1xistitute of Gnocht--rAir~try 'Md Arlalyt 1, iif I Cljq! ji. r, 1,,
- - . y_ ~l
I jL11 ......
TITLE: Extraction of jUimm El-~
ul-a Lc,;.'
SOLRICC: Zhurnal analiticheskoy Wiimii, v. 2Q,. no. 11, 1965, 1.151-11513
TOPIC TAGS.- indim compound, metal h-,,,dmcj-1
1- 7 0 1-1 71
ABSTFACT : The extraction of indium uith chlar(:tfamit was itudled
ar a ili- lio-, of pli ilc a!
-On (~f jni'j Ujl
111le in oenzene and iscam:.! a.Lcchol wem? urecl. The ertractioll Wa!]
carvied out by the direct md mve-rse motthads of m-aching, eqi:mlbr~km, and tll(! dil,ect
method was shown to give low resull's prob.-ibly bocausc- cif hyditcilys-i5ji ^-F, indim, jill
values for 50% extraction )f incilium wei-i!i :~Titcrmitied, amd th--~! mc~trni,,tir-n ccitat~lnt for
choloroform, was fou-nd fro-n th(- equation
lilio-, ln A~
(MC: 5413.70
--card 1/2 .I
... ..... .......
I 1 131 ~: AIM: 1111,111:11TA:11 INI,
SUL CODE: 07/ SUBM DAM. 031(ov,64/ OR XG REF 0011
to bn ~s f n.101
p ! (!~-jnl "!Mtn I'll -tr,Tt-~~J! !~,jj
of the ird-Lm B-hyeroxyquinolinate camiplex n the CHC13- 2(7) 11T3 tel 9 F
C.02 ) and the 57:talhilit-v cop-st-, ji,.z
A.,--iined .9,- in
i on rhp,
ma r v, a Ien - c P, iLn n E, c r C ~r ;I a:r
ri a_s gure s 2 1 a-, I i, ss r-,, i k; a
Ca:-d 2/2 C
OTSI RZF- 0.11
H I VIM 1, 1 H 9, RI, P-1 1 tJ
rr- V, W. r I I II F11, ~ 9v V IF,'r,, I V. ';Ti Ff Fri - TM, i ' '
A. 1.
Extraction of thallium (111) compounds from chloride solutions.
Zhur. neorg, khim. 10 no.2024-530 F 165. (10.1RA 18:11)
1. InBtitut geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimii imen! Vernadskogo
AN SSSR i Volgogradakiy politekhnicheekly Institut. Submitted
MaY 5p 1964.
E.-ctraction of chtlate e=pounds In the yressnan, of aaats,
Report 3: Cobalt (11) and umnium (ITI) atetyl 11-06tonates.
Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.8467-869 165, (walk istio)
1, Institut geokbixii I analltichesko7 khijzil Isani'Volo
Vernadskogo AN SS.SR# Mookm.
ZOLOTOV Yu.A.; LAMM""t, VX,.~ GlJ'vlIJT.";VA I/J.;
Extraction of innkiv-.~ommdc.: ~-,mT-cr 13 f,r
165 no.11117-120 11 165.
I . I n s t i t i ik h Im 11 1 a r; a I I I
All SOZR. Suhmivt,~,I Mmr.~I -9,
"ScIvent extraction of metal chelates" by J. Stan,.
Zhur. anal.
khim. 20 no.9rlO26 165. (MIRA l8z9)
.3 1-- bt~ n~l
kalytical Chenlntry at the Tw(mtleth Inter-natJohal Congrood
on Theoretical and Applied Chemistry. Zhur. anal. khim. 21
no. 1t137-141 166 (1--IIRA 191l)
ZOLOTOVITOTI, G. [Zolotovich, G. 1; DEGEVA, It. rPecheva, It. I
Respiratory intpnsity of the flower of Rosa datwiscena. Mill.
Doklady BAN 17 no.7:657-660 164.
1. Experiment Station for Aromatic Plants, Kaunluk.
Spectrophotometric study of chloride complexes i~" irurl (111)
in relation to the extraction of Iron by oxygen-corittdrUng
solvents. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 9 no.7t1712-1719 J.1,
(AURA 1?:9)
1. Institut, gooklifizLt-1 i. analitl.cheakoy Milrii ixtini
Vernadskogo AN S35R.
ZOLIOTOV, Yu.A., kand.khimich. nauk; PETRUMIN, 0.14., kand.khimich.nauk
Theory and practice of extraction. Zhur. VYJ[O 9 no. 2:145-156 164.
(141RA 1719)
Kinetics of extraction; a survey. Zhur. anal. khimo 19 no. 1:
28-36 164. (11,111k 17:5)
1. Institut geckhimii i analiticheskoy Ithimil Vermlskogo
i Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeni Lownosora# Moakva.
Goextraction of calcium and atrontiun with hyd.ri:;gyquiriolinates
of certain elements. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no-4tW-887 0 16).
(MRA 16tll)
1. Institut geokhimil i analiticheskoy khimil im. V.1. Vernadskogo
AN SSSR. 2. CiLlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Alimitr1m).
~ 1;
Mothods of concentration in analytical chemistry. Zav.1ab. 29
no.11:1279-1280 163. (MIRA 16312)
Fxtraction of inner--complex ol' other
Clemente with N..Ix~rizoylphitiyltiyd:mx3tl.:jmitio. :tibur. mial. khijn.
18 no.5.588-595 My'63. 011IRA 17:2)
Extraction of iron from solutione of chlorides of Tariami metals. hIltmi
neorg.khim. 9 no.1:167-169 Ja 164.
Extraction of a chlor.1