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zim 40";,nYUKOVA, Local cabbage variety of Sakhalin. Soob. SakhAl. k7otapi. nauch.--isal. inst. AN SSSR no.4:102-106 '56. (MIRA 11:5) (Sakhalin-Cabbage-Tarleties) Ontitat T. A. 5689. ZVINIP" T. A.- CgurtsY Na &khalire. Mahno-Sakhalinsks Getzlec'Ve SakbajJ. 31-9 54. 23s. Ill. 20 sm. (Sakhalinskiy'Filial ')md. Ns4 M, Hauch.-Zopul. Seriyalf 16W k;kz 60 k.-(55-1473) 635.6307-:43-4) SO: ftiz letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 4naya, --- ---- --- -------- --- ZI,MINA,, 2.D.; BEROW, A.G*; NAGORNYYY G.I. Reciprocal system consisting of chlorides arid sulfates of sodium, calcium, and barium. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no. 912l45-4!151 S 165. .(MIRA 18:10) 1. Irkutskly gosudarstvamiyy universitet I Rostovskiy-na-Donu institut sellskokhozyaystvannago mashinostroyeniya. I ;I ;Jill j I]-I,l r '111 MI BELYAYE;VA,, V.A.; ZAKHVALINS?;'IY, M.N. T. H. KALASIINIKOV, P.V.; IIAGORNAYA$ Ye.F.; kbdkNUYY~ G.I.; TITOVA, T.P. Adsorption properties of Gymyll argillites. Trudy DVFAN SSSR.~' Ser.khim. no.7:18-20, 165. (WRA 18: 32) ..... .... ..... . .. Z a XMISMYN, V.I., prof., ot4etstvsnnyy, bred.; KRYLOV, S.V., re z atelletva; POLKSITSDYA, S.K., (Tegetable gardening In Sakhalin] Ovoshchevadstvo na bakhaline Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.umuk SSSR, 1957. 241 p. (MIRA 10:11). (Sakhalin--Vegetable gardeningY' I I! T H" -I I f I Iw I 1 '11-11" -1 1 1~ 1, 1 '114 -;s V"- ZTITNAt T~N -X~Ms A.G. j, NAGORODNYYX G.I. Diagonal 3ections of, the quaternary reciprocal syatwu con~~isti~g of sodium, calcium, and barium chlorJdet3 iw4 rjulfatar,, Vkr. 1410, zhur. 31 no.10:1035-1.040 165. (KIMA 19:11) 1. Irkiitskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraltul t Ras torvskly-nw-Donii institut sel'skokhonyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniyao Submitted May 23, 1964. IT, i 111M111 I I HIM M III fill] It: 111141,1111111 Illifflill Iffil I It I H! HI WIF 1 lu: 1 lilt 1131111114 Kill] 114~ 1 P; IHH;9I1Q14&U= ZIMI !LA S Some characteristics of cholesterol metabolism in children with diseases of the blood system. Vop. gemat. v pediat. iic).3:90-101 t64. Dynamics of the content of gederal chelesterol and its fractions in children with acute and chronic loukemid. IbLd.017-327 (MIRA IWY ....... ........ S.M.; ZIIRINA, T.S. POLYA4XCJVt Obtaining roplicau by tho simultanaous evaporation of carbon aM preahadowed subdtance. Zavlab. 29 w.8-.973-9?4 163. (MRA 16:01) (electron microscopy) ZAKHVATKIN, M.O.; SAPIRO A.D.; SPIVAKOVS KIYO V.h.j_R NA, V.A.; MR(Aisto, L.D. p Exchange of experience. Uv.lab. 29 no.3:290 162. (MIRAA5:4), 1. Ohelyabinskiy me-ballurgichoskiy zavod.(for Zakhp~mtkin, Sap: 2. Kiyevskiy gosuda:rstvennyy universitet (fo~:Spivakovskiy, 4nina). 3. Dneprovskiy aly-uininiyevyy zavod imeni S.M.Airova (for Margolis). (metallurgical anafySis.) I I 11141,1111 IWIl 1IJII IIIHI I 1111112141111 1111111101t IIIIIIIIH M111-411V II., ...... ........ GAVRILYUK, L.S. SPIVAKOVSKIYj V.B.; .~IMNA,t Determination of uranlim traces in rocks and natural waters., Zai. lab. 27 no. 4:390-391 1161o (DIMA 34t4) 1e, Kiyevskiy gosudarstivennyy universitat imeni T.G. Shavchenko, (Ural-dwa--Analysis) (Rocks-Amalys4) (Mimeral waters) . . ....... . .......... ... .... ... AUTHOR: Zimina, V.I. m "Theory of Propagation oil Electromagnetic Waves Along mbs* Filled vith Ionized Gas," A-U Sci Conf dedicated to Radio Day," Moscow, 20-25 14%Y 1957. PERIODICALS Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 1221-12241,1957. US) S R a/loq/6o/oo5/06/008/021 9,4120 E140/E.163 AUTHOR: Zimina, V.I. -!Fperimental Study. of Electromagnetio:W~ve Propagation TITLE: Along a Cylinder of Io-nTsTeT-Ga-s I PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Val 5, Nr 6t pp 938-942 (USSF1.) ABSTRACT: In. Ref& 1 and 2 i-t-was shown that. oleo t.romagnetic waves may propagate alorig a cylinder formed by ioiiise.d gas-~ in the pregence of negative permittivity, : . The transfers of electromagnetic energy along the lonised:ggs cylinder: has; the following properties: the posslibility of varying the propagAtion constant and pb,ase -velocity In wide limits by regulation of the number of olectrons in the ionised gas; a high concentration,of electromagnetio energy about the surface of the cylinder. 1he present article describes the results of experimental: study and their comparisonwith theory. The followli~,Lg~quostions 8/:ioq/6o/oo57/o6/008/02l .40/9163. Experimental Study of Electromagnetic Wave Propag4tion Along a Cylinder of Ioniaed Gas concentration; the attenuation of elea'trom~gnetia energy propagating: along the gas-fllledtub~.: :It was found that mercury vapour is more advani, tage6.u6 for zh6 experiments than the inert gases:-. The 6xperi~ent confirmed the essential dependence of:phase:veloaity on the dielectric permittivity of the Ionised gas and the presence of a. high. delay of the electromagnetic. waves at low values of-the permittivity., Tho rapid decrease Card of field in the radial direction Is also indioated. 2/2 There are )+ figurets.and 2 references, of which 1 is Soviet and 1 is German. SUBMITTED; August IF, 1959 ZJKMAO V. I., Candidate Tech Sol (difts) "The propagation of! alootroma tid waves along a dielectric cylinder filled with ionize6 Ems". Madows, 1959~.;:pub llishafi by the Mad Sci USM. 16 VP (Aluad Sci Tr.,Mt Imet, Of Ttadia lze~avwerivg andiSleatron- i0s), 150 Copies (KL, No 22j, 1959, 115) S/109'/62/007/006/ooa/6247 .D266;/1)308 'AUTHOR: TlTlj3': Propagation 6.i.' electromagnetic waves along aconduqt- ing cyl-inder surrounded by a layer of ionized air Ilaving a negative dielectric constant PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, rio. 6, 1962, 9813- 994 TEXT: The analysis follows that of L. A. Vaynahteyn (Elektro'mag'- nitnye volny (Electromagnetic Waves), Izd. Sovetskoye radio, 1957) for an ordinary dielectric. The characteristic equntion. in t.erms of Bessel functions is obiained and solved graLihically, it is showlI that propagation is possible when the relevant dielectric constant of the plasma is negative. At Ep 1 the axial propagation con- stant h is large, but as ;-,' decreases h tends,to its free space p S/1 09/6 2/007/006/008/024~1; Propagation of electromagnetic D266/D3.08 An analytical expression is obtained outside thd plasma and ai merical solution inside the plasma. IlPly is large most of the 5 power is carried in the air outside the plasma. For a given distribution of power in the plasma is nonuniform, c,oncentrated mainly near the plasma-air boundary. Losses caused by, collisions are generally very small but as - tends to -1 they increase siu,b- p stantially. There are 6 figures. SUBNITTED: 'July 3, 1961 GORODISSKAYA, G.Ya., prof.9 doktor med. nauk.. otv. red.; WHINA, I.N., red.; GUSEVA, V.A.y red.; DIKOVSKIY, F#F,,In)d.; red.; LAZOVSKAYA, A.L., red.;,PEROVA, R.S., red. (Biochemistry of microbes) Biokhixftiia mikrobov; slx>rnik trudov. Gortkii, 1964. 427 p. (MIA 17:12) 1. Gorki. Gortkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut, epidemiologii i rd.krobiologii, 1, 2. 4. 7. SORKIN, A.Z., ZIMINA, V.S. ussm (6oo) Lymph Lymph therapy of peripheral lymph node tuberculoait; and ost6roaticulw~ tuber~vulosis, Probl tub No. 6, 1952 U=4SjAax1L.EQj [IL~-Iallfili=XLIUEI;ll B MMMIMUP III blilvilt ILLAIA IIH 11 K. U, 141 Hill TIMINA, V,S., sanitarnyy vrach ........... Work of the Khotin health and epidemiological dlyliton consollilated 41th a district hoopital. Gig. i man. 23 n0.6:41-4,1 h 158 (NZRA 11:7) (SANITATICK, in Rusain, cooperation with rural hosp. (RUB)) (HOSPITTAL11. 1 hoop. in Russial, cooperation vith santlatiou rurn. serv. (RUB)) SORKIN. A.Z.; SIMINA, V.S. Therapy with 2yaph of peripheral Imh node t0orcm2oalm Isad *at**-: artioular tubercalosis, Probl. tuberk. Moskva no. 6:2.5-29 lov-D4o 1952. (QLWL:2:!:5) 1. Professor for Sorkin. 2. Of Moscow Ramicipa Sciielitiho-amlli;arosi Tuberculosis Institute (Idrector - Prof* T, J~ Apia) and of t'6 Pourth Tuberculosis Dispensary of Moscow Hanicipal Public B"Ith lit. p4rtment (Head Physician S. Sam hovskiy)* ILI Ili v lill I I I U MIPI. 1119111; 11 HAI III 1111111111 a I IIII&I law- 1. SOPY117, A.Z., ZIMINA, V. S. 2. ussR (6oo) Joints Tuberculosis 70 Lymph therapy of peripheral 1~,vph node tuberculosis and pateoarticular ~,,Oerculosis Pro'hl. tub. N, . 6 1952. BOGDANOV, C.A.1 ZIMINA, V.V. Automatic weight proportioning equipment. Ognoupor;r 30 noo3;15-:16 165. (HTRA 1835) 1. Borovichskly kcmb:1,r-at ornou.parove V V P! f '~ I- ~ I A- 'it: [I-. !I 1~ K: 11 q I ~~.: i III:- ril.l. 'III!- I I ~ III rl!ll 11 11111111 11jill 11!1111:11111HIP11 11101111 1-11 Wit 111FIff I li'll 3112 IC 11111RIIIII lrqf 11111 MW111,1011 V. -7-pliN OI,SUYITBV, N.G.; TSMKOVA, Ys.M,; BORODIN, V.P.1 KOR013YA, A,.P.; SivCH3110, KHCROSHEY, XTASMOT, N.A.; PWIVYRYA. ",.A.; DAT68VIL11 U.I.; TAYSTIKH, M.A.; nuoyins, o.y.; BARAudTA, ZINIZA, I A -,TORKASOVA. L.N.; UfflfilMROTA. T.Y.; AREPY11, S.S.; 1: '0 5-1 -7 KULIBA, A.P.; KALITSIV&, N.K.; SHCLANOVA. G.K.;,80RIVA,, A.M.; Mi- RITSUYA, T.S.; FRUDNI'KOVA. MON. Tularin from a vaccinal strain for epicutansous use. thur. mtkro- biol.epid. i lamun. 27 w.9.-22-28 S 156. WRA 9110) 1. Is Institute Videatologii i mtkrobiologit is. N.F.Gamelei AW SSSR i protivotultaremiMkh stantsiy Stalingradakoy, Yoroneshaboy, Tullskoy, Plavskoy, Omakoy, Krasnodarskoy, Moskovskoy 1. Smolensk~y. (TUIAFMIA, diagnosis* tularin spictlansous test (Rue)) I f I I qm z I I I:!, I I. , ! ; -I I [!,:Z, I I !III q I; I pf Ii !2111 11 it jull I ;JPJJI ljj;~l jA,JM jill1j"Jul -it !I[ Jill i 11-i PlItj 11 Ili MIDIA, Ye.A.; TA11=1KO, Ye.,N. - -.0-- Study by the phot6elastic method of the stressed state of rocks around sublevel entries in.thick steeply pitching seams. Zaps LGI 48 n0-1:3-11 163. (Irla"4 1,7t 8) McM.11A, Ye. A. 111-itudy nf Advanced `~!ltlvc)Js of Drifte, Thlmujh ~'lLl--,htly Dlnuin.t Seame,as, "or In the of tbe DDab.Os~ll Ca~n-~ Nch Sci, Chair of Construction cT IdL11n.-, 34-jte.rpriseis, ierli-n- .~rad G.-der of Lenin an-1 Cider of Labor Red Banner.Xlnin-, 1j)3t, Mill F-i:-,her Sducation USSR, lpnIn:,rad, 195,5. (,;:L, Jo 1-1, SO: Sum. 'No. 670, Z-,) Ser, 5-1-Survey of SclentIfIc and Tec~Lnical Dissertations Defended at ~!S31,1 ~~A,.rher ZrIucational institu-.1 ions (15) ZIMINA. -Y A kand.t0khu.noLuk Temporary supports In. =king galleries In minod areas,. Izv.vrqjL uchob.sav.; gor.shur. no-3:64-74 '59. (XMA 3.3 ~ 4) 1.,Leuingradokiy ordona Lenina I ordena Trudov*go Krann6go Znamoni gornyy lnuti~ut Imoul GoYoPlokbounva, Rokomendovana- kafedroy stroitelletva gormykh prodpriyatty, (RU.Ing engineering) - IT.; -4 "" , 1 , P 9: I!tl- 11 111, 1 .1 !11 r1, 1. 11 v v1:1411 Illal I 1111111 wwI mullmll 1:1141111 111filam' I up, Ilm I ilgill I luflalle IN! ImIlmlirmlIM14 mfplill: I I BOKlY, Boris Vyacheslavovich, prof,; =21.A.j . a, : , dots.; SVIDUNAKOV, Vitaliy Vasillyevich, dots.; TIHOPMEY., Oleg Vladimirovich, dots.; FEDGROV, S.A.,, prof., 3W;senzent; SRMELEV, A.I., red.izd-va; WMILINA, L.N.., takhn. 'red. krepleniel [Mining engineering and mine supports] Provedeniel garrjykh vyrabotok. [By] B.V.Bokii i dr. Moss-3tval Googartekh- izdat, 1963. 557 p. (kMA 17:2) q 1 -3 V ~ fz'i V! 1~'l "Ir, -!; I I L-t 111:11,11 It I I III, I Ili[.! 1 11 11;11 1 11 !!J~A:lr 1111 ~Ijjjjjl 111111 It [I til ijIjjjIIj:I I IHIIIIIII illill I I I IijII1j;jIIiI llfj I Fit I f1biff I tjjjqd~ I FJI I 11111ftlIWIMIN 14 111tvQ1111 I ZIMINAI Ye.A., dotsent Usl-Lng the photoelaotic method to study the rockiof a..", roof in the stressed stat* in 3upporting it.vith rod'boltiX. Izv.VYOO ucheb.zavo; goro'zh~iro' noe3:19-24 1619 (KMA 15:4) I* Leningradakiy ordena Lenina i,ordena Trudovorho Kruxtogo Znmwaii gornyy institut imeni G.V.Plekhanova; rekomendovana, katedroy stroitel'stva gornykh predpriyatly Leningradskogo, gornogo instituta. (Moscovi Basin-Him root bolting) Wick pressure) (raotoeuiti0iiy) BOKIY. Boris Tyachtelavoviah, Prof, - Prialmala mahatuye -AIMINA. ye.4"v: jmnd.tekhn.uauk. ;MMMOTMAYA, Ye.D.. red.lzd-ye; G.Y., red.ixd-va; BWISLfflfWYA, L.Sh., [Mining engineering] Gornoe delo. Isd.3., lffpr. I dop, mookva,o Goo. nauchno-takhn. i ad-oto lit-ry po garnom dalu. 195(,). 863 p. 1 : (MIRA 130) (Xining engineering) 43537 F S/196/62/OW/023/006/006 AUTHORS 8 Vadoplyanow, X.A.* Vorochtsavo 0.1.9 h il klotakhovot G.3.# LAvrov, M.D.#" Nefimelo;V0. y4I.S00 Varothteoval I.Q.0 010ahansksty ' Ziminais Y*-A-.,, Mikhaylove. T.Q.. Sitozhldvskay* ~ 19 1 i TITLEs The influence of betatron radiation an the dielectric pr-,ipertiee of certain electrical IN insulating materim FERIODICALt Rtsferettivnyy churnall Elektrotekhnike L onor4etlkss i no.23, 1962, 12-13, abstract 93 9 67. (in collections Zlektron. unkariteli (Electronic Accelerator*), Tomake Tomskiy un-t, L961,.308-318) TEXTt nd frequency characteristics of The temperature electrical insulating matorl a vere Investigated.borore and *Ct*r : I y-irrediati ing Crout 104 to 2 x 105.rods..with a on at.dosages rang dosage rate' ranging from 3vo to 1300 rads/mintAte t temperatures of -60# -20 an4 +60 *C and under tropical condlti:ns~ (%0 % and. relative hu Was a: midity of 94%31''the source at radiation ..Card 1/3 A.. ......... .... 111911 1 M I q 221 fill -fl lifulli ff I I 4t tatron radi 5/196/62/000/m/vO/ooib The Influence of be Ation... 15 MoV betatron. The oharikcteri tics of polyethylene were not alters& by a radiation dents of 10 rode (the measuraments were made at Ab ut 109 c/o). The lolo-frequency-tan 6 of plastic lkr.'4 (AG-4) incre:aod (garticularly after irradiation Under tropi .cal oonditione and at -6o C) but the value in the frequency rang* 105 - AOIJ c/o ;j did not alter. Evidently Irradiation increases the raIsintiv,v coiis- ponent OC loss by conductivity and does not alter the relaxation compo;nents. Similar results were obtained for plastics K-11,4-35.. K-211-3 and ~OKnt4 -2~ IFNI-IN-25). in the case of textolite with 0 silicoorganic binder GKIM -1 (SXM-I) 'a domAge rat* of 300 rads/mIn first Increases the low-frequency tan 6 only up to about 105 rode and then diminishes it. Above 1200 rods/min the tan.6 steadily decreases. It is possible that with Neavy doemsom mind high doma&*'- riiitso &.process or binding together reduces the-tan 6. In the silicoorganic resins 10-2 (14R-2), 14R.6 and 14R-1$, dostg,s rates of 500 Yeds/min, and a does&* oti 105 rode causa,:& amall: :but Increase In conduct'lvity and tan 6 &Vlow Crequoncy~ thin change disappears am toup4raturt curves arm b*Ang talions so that:. the shape of the roverset temperature curve eoAtlaides,,with thAt. 'k Card 2/3 7r' 771 1 ............ .... I!, I V IIVID11; 5HUMIC1111 10 s/196/62/oOO/023/oo4/006 The Influence of betatron iradiation., IL-47,' for tne non-irradiated matiorial. Irradiation of varnishes- 976-1. and MPM -16 IMOM-16) under various conditions caused no change In their electrical insulating properties. Irradiation of steatite ceramic (1% BaOt 11.6% Onot tale, 5.2%'knol"o, 3.2% boracit*) (with a dosage oir 2 x 105 reds) Aid not-al4er the ahape of tile temperature curve 9:r tan 6 (measured at 107 elm) either in weak fields ~945 V/cm) or' in strong (1690- V/cu)o With a iflosago of 2.12 x 10 red*, tan 6 imeasured at 9k$ V/ca was not alterod at low temperatures but Increased appmeciably at tempers.turess1mvs 4o0 *C. 15 Mustrationso',-31 references. itraotor -.a no, to I~Qcmpkft traftislation'll: i" Card 3/3. V111131 Mil 11113 lift P!MiM T S/081/62/600/003/0811090; B 1 6o/i3i o i AUTHORS: Zimina4,Ye. A., Senuk, D. P. TITLE: Relationship of optical and mechanical properties of ED-6 epoxy resinbase materials to oompositionpnd production techniques PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no- 3, 1962, 563, abstraott 3P40 (Zap. Leniiigr. gorn. in-ta, v- 44, no-Ili 1961, 59-63.) TEXT% A study is made of the -optical and mechanical properties of:3A,-61 (ED-6) epoxy resin-base materials used as models for ttudying the di.atri-~ bution of stresses occuring during use in relation to their composition end 1 0 production techniques. The optical constant 6-o' :Young's modulus'; E, Poisson's ratioA, and the quality factor K ME Elvo ~ 10". wer6 deter- 0 mined at - 20 and "freezing" point. It was establi$hed that there is litth -'l-kinitv at different nercentaste ratios ~t EN 6 UILMIEUMMLU S/Q'8 62/000/003/d8l/00~ Relationship of optical and ... BlOYBI01 modulus of elasticity of ED-6 rasin,base optically active mfLterials c'an: b.e~ varied by a factor of 2-12 by changing the quantity ratio of all the materi- al's components. The introduction of a plasticizer - dibutyl. phthalat.0 at the rate of i, 2P 3, 5, 7 and 10% of the weight of the roalwat, the' optimum resin/hardoner ratio of 100,30 changes E by a factor- of 2-12 4~ ,;f, I ; ; :1 f 2 reezing" point (from 170-200 to 20 kg/cm' there is littla 6' An increase in the plasticizer's percentage content in',the resin 0 leads to a cortain reduction in the materialts quality factor,. a ~betr~dteris note: Complete translation] ZIM M Ye.A.; SENUK, D.P. Effect of the pr oduotion techniques and compositiob~ of, materials from ED-6 epoxy realva on their opticomechanical properties. Za ILI " 110.1:59-63 161. - . (MIRA ~U;10) (Spoxi resins) (Engineering models) (Rock. pressure): ZIMIILA, Ye.A., kand.takhn.nauk Una of bolting for the control of rock swelling in-Donetg~ Basin minee. Maucb.doklqvy9.9hIOly; gor.delo. no.4:61-65 1 '584 (IMA. 1211) 1. Predstavlano kafadroy stroital'ntva gorvykh pradpriyatly Leningrad- sl,Tgo gornogo instituta Imeni G.V. Plekbanova, (Donate Baoin-Mine roof bolting) 4;z I;v waz~f 'yo- AYAUASIYICTA .L., kand.biolona,i*-. BAYURTpur, A.A., k:mnd.se1l4k:,okhozy*yi~vGti-' nvkh nauk; BALICHUGOV, A.V# 0 ka ad, sell, skokhoryoyatverv'kh mouk- BHI0=0VA. U.A.. agronom; BAWWROT, A.T., aykh nauk; HANSIRDAK0, TOP., agronom; RMIKOV,'V-Y-i~ daktor llel~sko- khozya.vatvanzqkh nauk; B000HUGKOV, S.T., kand.sellsk.okboxjayst~4n- nykh nauk; VOLYIMTS, O.S., agronom; BCDROT, H.S., kan'l.sellskokhozymy- ,no stvonn,vkh nauk; BOGOSIAVSKIY, Y.P., kand.toldin. uk; inupa, Up., Imndotakha.nauk; UR1111R, A.R., doktor biol.natik-, VOZOWSKATA, A:.Te.,: kand.sellskokhozyayst,u-ennykh nauk; VOINOV, P.A.,, kanct.!aall akokhotysy- stvann.vkh nauk-, VYSOK(,'IS, G.P., k*r4.biol.nauIr-, QAIDIX, ~ NOV., tuzhiomer- makhanik; GM5114DY, kand.tekhn.nauk; G09SWIIJ. K.P.. cloktor sell skokhozyayatvannykh nauk- TBLIUSY A-V. inshener-nekhanik; GOASUVICH, S.V., maltbanik bacemsedi; ZHAR*IKOTA, LA., kana.dellskp- khozyaystvenrqkh natik; 7,HHGAWV. I.S., kand.tathn.na4k; IzIHn.A V.D.; agronom; BARANOV, 7.7., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAVICV, IT-;zV. Y.K. ke nd. eel I akokhozyaystvjanykh nauk; KAPWI. S.M., kanji. sell skokt~zvmy- stvanvykh nauk; UTI14AR~SHV, LOY.. Irand.seiliokok-hotyay-stvawqkh nauk; KOPYRIN, V.I., doktor eel' skokhozymystvannykh tauk; KOCKEGIN. A-Ya.. kand.sa1lskokhozyaystvewWkh nauk; KOZHHVNIKOV, A.R., k9od. sell skokhazyavstvenr*,kh nauk; WUNTSOV, I.N.,,kand.;'sellskokhozy&jv- stvanufth nauic-, LAMB1,14, A.Z., doktor biol.nauk; LCOUTtUT, B.I.#: kand.sallskokhozymyvi;vetirWkh nauk; KAYBOLRODA, N.H., loind.sall ska- I-U ------ fvnrmvkh nsWi:- KAKAROVA, G.I., kand.sfilookolrhozyaystven!iykh: AFAITASIUVA, A.L.... (continued) card 9. NIKIFOROV, F-Ye., k:&rA.seI'9kokhoxyay9tvennykh' twuk; UNABUY, 5.11., losovod; PNRVUSHIIIA.:A..11.. agronotm; PLNUIXOT, I't.A.. kand.biol.ria*; L.G.; kand.sellekokhoz1yayotvennykh nauk; PAVLOV,~ V-D-' lrand.tekhn~* mauk; FRUTZKOVA, M.G., "uk; GURGHWOt VOS., agronom; POPOVA, G.L. kand, sell sko?chozyay%tvetjx7ka nauk; PORTYANKO, A.F., agroncm; RUGHKIN, V.N., prof.; RUSHKOVSKIT, T.T.1 P agronom; SAVITSKIY, kand.B&llskokhozyaymtv6tmykh ijauk; BOLDIN, D.T.. agronom; NEST.&ROVAs A.V., agronom; SWUPIROVICH, I-Bo, kancl, tekhn.nauk; SHIRNOV, I.N., ksnd.seI'skokhor-ysy9tvenWrh nauk; SI'MRYAW3KAYA, P.I., kand.t6khn.nauk; TOXIEWAY, kazxl. sallsko- khozyaystvennykh nauk; FALIKO, O.B., iznh,,, YVDYIUSHIN,~ JjI.V.$ .doktbr biol.nauk: SRBVLYAGIII, A.I., kand.,99llskokhozyay4tyennyk:h nauk; YUMOV, V.A., kand.sel'ekokhozyaystvemWkh nauk, YAKICkNFILID, P.A., kand, eel I skokhozyays tvwWkh usuk,- SONNOVSKIY, A.A., rad.; GORlItQVAj Z-D., [Handbook for Siberian ogriculturiats] Spravochuste knigm agronomis Sibiri. Moskva, Goo. hd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. Yol4l. 1957. 964 p. (Siberia--Agriculture) (MIRA 1l.-2) If ['1WR I BmwL41111m III HI-31HIIIII 0 HIINU 11141 BERM07; k.IG# general-mycr neditsinskoy sluzhby; KOROBKIN'A,, A.O,j SOGACROVA, D.I.; ZIMIMA, le.P. Direct blood transfusion in the treatment of acute re4liation sickness; an experimettal study# Veen*-mwd, shur. no.2:16 28 165. (MIRA1.8ill) -OIMINAt Z.F. (Leningrad) Changes in basal metaboltom during burnso Pat* fimiel, Lokepe terap, 4 go. 5:59 84 160,1 (KEU. 13:12) 10 Iz patofitiologicheskay ozhogoiby. laboratorii. (iiiahallrdk- doteent Ye.V. Gubler) kafiidry goopitAllnoy khirurgii Noil. (naeballnik - prof. 1,.S. Ilolannikov),Vbpnno-moditsinako7 ordena Lenim akademil Imioni SoM, Kirova, (BURNS AND SCALDS) (BASAL METABOLISH) CartaAn charaotericticis of reading diaordere in focal lesions ofi the parietal and occipital lobese- [with summaxy in F,renchji Zhur; nevre i PiM- 58 no*81929-933 158 (MIRA 1111,9) 1. Otdel nevrologil (sav. - prof. L.B. Litvak),i labaratorlya taitoarkhite ktoniki-Otrainskogo nauchno-issledovateVelkogo paikhonevrologicheakogiD institutas' tiLDLI, & pathogen-* occipital & parietal lesions (OOCI?ITAL LIME, dis; Causing aloxia (Rue)) (PARIETAL 16,02, diso Same (RIOLO) 1ill Ill I", fillill, IM111ill IT Jqjl:M11j Jill 11,11111IF1111f ,7 J- ZDUNI, I.A.; ZADIN, G.P. Two cases of trichinosin in Sukhiri. Wed.paraz. i parax.bol. supplement to no.1:66 '157. WRA ll..l:), 1. Is Abkhasokoy respublikanskoy protivamalyariynoy s6ntaii i infektsionnoy bolluitsy. (SUIRMI-i-TRICHIMA AND TRICHINOSIS) Z3MINOVo N.V.; S-MIRNOV, YU#Ts; FAZLULLrN,, M.I. Heaults of the atudy oP the duatinoes of mine air in proapoating d-rL11ing. 1z7. vys. unhub. 7Av*1 Pole i razvo 6 no#5tl4O-l45 My 165. (MA 18slo) Is Sradneaziatakiy inaldtut geologii. i mineml'40go Syrly, Wiwms). ZIKINOVA. N.A. Elements of the hydrekerical. regimen and water balance of IvanIkovo Reservoir during 1951-1956* Trudy Instobiol, vodokhran. no.2:212-2.28 159. OM Ij:5) (Volza Reuervoir-Hydroloa) ZIMINOVAp N.A. Quantitative characteristics of supended matter in 1~rbinsk Reservoir, Trudy Inst, biol, vnutr. vod no,6t2.10-249 163, i (MIRA 18t1) +_4 if c t =40100rd" d 4 MoK."or 1400 IlMv.). J, A#OW (44tii. 411104 m-1, 00 009 AW), Wit, oil ue, coo D.W, hilto it it Kqo Nato QJ01% to!%1140" bu 4.77. mdatum MR), Midt 009 gmtki wu utt"ted by 6 Ists. bntlvtg cat a vmltc Imik ood with ikj HOW, (30 It, RJIO~. dp. 9f. JA4. W I&I "00 -d tkVimc 4t 100 thm at 1(10-170 004 44 00440-11 kotm (3(x1,) or bliIN't Is" wtive ca*J"- M)D*) temp. 1)ehydmtWcjVt#- watt awk with 10g. (30ad.) fttsjy.o o011. (1) At cw%t. mia a# Ito" a flit 41,S), it" is e .11. temp.. frokil Irwimi at Im" to so, 'M ZAL ties at 2511, SM. 4XII. vWx. ft C"Kkw at 41W Nduivect by a (73% at AM*); tzjo~_. 004 Idth b1ho of the coRd" gm" Ito oaw muh, With nwSoctivIlled btaicialtv Y - 1341'a at its cum. al 3W. (2) At INMd, W. v(sus ~zx with IWM01114 Mir fit dow 1~, IN., fog 0.08~ 0j. (1. 3.1 ttd./rdh V -4 W.5. 71D.Whei. 43.5%; 001commiV - 01.0) Wat 0.1 goo sul-jode. (3), 1111*r the upiwitto ammUtkxts (W'i coo 0,1Z add.), f-4 activity of ths cdodyst mmabled on; IN I kc, the" On 0 V*W~ 0' m F4 ancl 40 at,. go 0 Igo U. trip.). Fu Ts"Watim vmt bmtht abad hr P"4no N at &P-M) to mwo" stw Ed: i 1: CsIG4 limit sh, at the some tetup. I hr. N, Thoo Wool 00 t L A CLAWPWA~W- ............. 4 a Ito 010, 0 -tflaoi Z;v -V.t M it 0 It, 01 it kV 0 ft is a it, lid 0 -0 0_010~0_00 0 0 6~40 0 0 a ojivo Oil 00:0 *.00 0:0 :C,!, ig 0: 00 Ah _ A, 0 w o 0 ~o ~ a!A0.0 i's Wo CA "Wad" 4( ttkid FROM A" N. 1. Zfettlawd. &W. 91do. 89p""W, mW41.-Oudim bmdv(4;r 4 Ith", of N1 #A may"m WWO COM111"d) CA - A UP)- LM-hke of AW% S kn, t 106 with .1440". fulto's by Wagitigs Wftb w.0, a tdww xmv* tk* b&gL- catAvo ma low, Od 2.33 Mi. Aftaittu-0111f (W1Of"f93-,t*dd=- Hwudkoheidlifil Ike vro'coumi 4NP""!t" Iff, of 11 [~(IJW to the catitt"A.; Jute* 111"hwA witit t1me tbe O"Jittim wm 'NO., 0*4 0*4 041is' I" for thmtot;mosl of the *d) it two bactary lcwvw go all ~" Wmaw R - - Ike go I I (hr*-CO-Wrj "M I .-M min imms . . ball C"NMU Its The cut . MW tIW Imur is."" 1 M-4 MI, 10 Ivitue Ike "4i" plectly I phak. The remani of if W opmW by h4f5m, temp. 4.1 g. I It at Go' me mm. anc of 1`1 rtnwahk W(" 1'. 01WI. sbaw! 04 wJ" ad Qn(V wich v"j"ird of do W4 14 mi. do" Me utttity V01M, 7*WO.)1kt1mfA1 M 14 a cautyst -WWr!OcW tamis of Oum" Na- Im "Oki" lild"C"I In a 17 ih, Ffaft Ow bi. 1. I" uoKvw). Zg.%I_Ovvo (Aitd. 9d. t,.8. -Willemlif A na,if"d. mW the acoequivairn- of the 3 WM WIN, Was, ~deuvcmftntcd by c1pis. of %rhoce-d- all "- WOOL(& wittl the 11. "oui"'M its WL "W am. e:V& Vigo W_ ININAMOFFIth 1.$W!IfilUM- drig"attrd, in at NN N114- "46 . =ft. lUvestipint IrU lato a 1wior to the "pt by mk*kfa wm"~, with- xTmps: GMP 1. pie dmws rim tbt NI only a ciallititt fractirm cd Its 111 Owlect. Thus~ 2.33 c. NJ CZVC UPS tOtAl of 4111~-&Outl- fit. 0110"1101- clugnt usta. with Ill. that ~1121. Of %I takes .up qualsp list . ........ . saute am. at Its as 1111) id lite "MWeRallft the powe coo be alfteviatof r4vfttcdtr. WO the A.04:6-40 it, 91"" "0"1 tat" 1100406aftmairobtrIfte Smote. Tbut ,49. oil ovkkally 1huclutowd if,. Withultwdixt"Of OV040 led lif MlOtsia. daultsit A4,61, Lw its asawi~ Ce d. d IG 46 MkW., Ul"Up only 1%.21 ItILL I(OWC6t. O"Vd of VWtO I k We tire StIL(M4 JWM It_2t mi v . r. Wtitiods. ad gmp a vNitAraw [MR the N1. hi t* the odwLtol Hl, dho put tot Ilm d6Wv*A ",. with - at IWO putidlitcartirAOM tif (he ild"W"itre V21%jily af.the NI. k~*, Parq4I tivit"k-twa 14 Its getilve vwtxf$~ -I"d lb the Ni; the anti. witholcatwo fmmzu dixots k etwnpds. of tw Or4up wvt,4 vwy ck"e. 2 9..! 9 ZO-M, sad =,Z1.1 mi, T I , kil is al" 11w jjvtjjl 4ml. 41 it, I that cam to witluituaris ("ot. 2..M 11. t4 Nj tiv lint jtv"tA, 4 it with It tut"d. co gtuuo I slut IN-*. kfjtj Wj'ljjjjj I Ith. tol by a sibstan" vi tvqup Ul.; iijIter M"Ovill d gli the H dm Ni lowams lawtive for.jb~ 4l 04 group L TWa It, &dwdoA in the mdAce cj. a EC In tht M maple lavesdow. the gatin It -6 2:7: It. I.e. the saggpie c4aijiltis I el(ift Of dii"ved if ~ por 2.7 ittaws UL This coincilltre with cbe "tio if ~ tima the no. of of atmax Alluntmi; Cq-~ the no. o( puleri-' tiaft PON" activt muteto is 3.5 Wits 11w n*. ad actU41 N. Tbm u *was 4 04 a 1."~ Kum'. yd. by "t. 4 1444-1-40 & d* I I 1:3 by dm lid di f-~ to Odd do 00 41 tho 0113101thr It.L ral 1111:1411111, ly I F rrqmyA lend N, U v4 (tam. Chem, AiRed, W. Z~ (tam ~(*ff= U.S.S.R.. T-10414dy A&d. X"k S.A.S.R. Td. 661-409fil Reaving - gas a ( hjjr'wn-#'m kit o ydrerruitiml catalymi. T Ni. C") With a creat Twitty of catINU "Poilmm" rol!"~!7s~Te. P. A-. Sti. III. 4--l" Sri, It. and thmmir cv"o.) d- not. - I- co-memly well gremsully asmard consent in ad-Ptlev "bloclaug" of Active cente". but is line to m umval of 46wimil if that is an fied promitcr of the caWysu. The paims H%W aft all bWy ritactliiii Iowa If. The poboaimg tffect of this CrCa variety,111 pniscial CAROM be 410 to a reaclica WM the aWd, 76claly as I.. whkh don do rewt w1kh Pt -POVIVOA644. P~Avw "" at room temp. That. im An then Immimm, tile .;a1boming.. comews dmvly rcmww~J of 11, i'l further cqmL:tvb-'wtw-ll;: 6"Wtaft naduce ad that pm*tming, and the d ky*- KCSA0011 to MMUM Lb* C2WYdC "Wity. FWIIIKWN ii provkw ivy Ike Stoichiometric bel.- the conquinidium .11 the Poi.v" areci Ar=d[willvatl Is. 1W 111C SiMPk IT14tiOll LOWC tht Out. Of VdI0111 Ildro. ftw U4 dw kmm%g &I the dcthi~?. 1U P hirlstj Polimial teect of Ills coo be ttphiLlm I mchaillreralr4a" as the t7" it's + if - IN + 118: *$1$ -711. + V; It 2111440 41 Iff he$ oWeetilally k6f *&":it WIN thr vatal.IV w, wia I., 44=0 that 1-"W 1-cy~ttw dralivates the Pt(C CSWIU V"y ftV&0Y. ORO Im mifily eXpLalke'll b? P t"l- mmpulm of the. dkWvgd It, In *Vt4twit witts tb* #44y wf*4wdw hydroctmation of wlattonte*+ at room ttntlp. under wdinvy pe at; (lb hydrugctulkin takes plw~ even In the abwact of H... adely ax the eilmim of t1w di"4ml If, andreswts in co"q4irte Pcdwni"j 4 the! cataly3t. Inthe hydrogenation of 10 mi- (it sin 8.184,T, Wn, of I-tewthyl.l. So I ne (1) in C41114. cm 2,33 g. S1. The initixi rate of .=P' " ma of Ife to 2 milq'imin.: aftitt 19) alin.. that oute fell to 0.6 Ud./Mi*,. Ullif, After U110111114'r 91) 001 , Its 112 mal./vila. IU I coatent Of the waln. fi&, at thew mars. to S aw to Tm -P. Super"11r, &tl4wW If is only Woody Wind and. being cuettamed im. -Acaects ~iiv* comile" alking ditygo"W410", as long 14, if. -UplAird It saith as hich tentp.. ramim, or a sm*m of ntrwmmn 0 diet cal4losc By prAcilital experkm-r in "diae domaml hyd"wation m4cirwims. Ike Wm4lb at L.UL b*md btftwo the, ftwilvvd-ll primmer arml t1w 0LtdF0 *g. in thir or*r H > *Q > Pd. Ampinn ni dWmgvod H bove a deptemetting wilm. The =k-V OIL out &hydwcqmdm: in a marm in of H$ ell, 4L of kl*P4 t4j) a vawti Imlwy of Ibw Plu, MMIOVA, N. 1. ZIMINOVA N. 1. "Investig;ition of the Nature of thellctiv'e I .I Structure of a Skeleton Nickel Catalyst.,' Sub,5 Feb 52.0 Inat Organic Chemistryp Acad Sci USSR. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva Janutiv-December 1952 117111,111111111111111 IN P111 I I I HI III I HUM I![] 19161111jul I FRUDLIN, Ljj(h,; ZHUKOVAt I*F,.j MINOVAt R.I.; IAMMO' D.I.; VAGANt 11. Deactivation of skeUltal nickel catalyst by water vapor and e~-~: hancement of its stability by i~eans of ppqmot~rs. Kin. i kat. ~2 no.l*.112-3.17 Ja-F (HIM 1420) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni. N.D. Zelinskogo AN =He Institut giprotsvetmetobrabotkaI, (Catalystsp N$ckel) TILCOIERO Damazy (Gdansk--Wrzeszcm); ZD41NSKA, H., (Gdansk-Xrzesz:cz),- SZUBIM, C., (Gdandk-Wrzeszcz) Quality, evaluatien of 3 coffee extracts by means of sensorjr analysis. Przem spoz 15 noA25-3TI61. fill, TILGMR, D.J. (Gdansk); ZIMINSKA, H. (Gdansk); SZUBERT,' C. (Wkwk) Detection of minute quality differences by the method of' ruitiple comparisons. Przem spoz '16 n0.4:6-14 Ap, 162 1. Kated-ra Technologii Zvierzecych Politechniki Gdansklej.KierownlIO prof. dr in. habil, D.J. Tilgner. Van YMICHRIKO, L.I., r PY Cl _0 ed (10 1 IEV .Au tekhn. red. (At the souries of tho.Kolyma; notes of a geolagist),U istokov Kolymy; zapiski geologa. Magadan, Magadanskoe kruzhnoe izd-vo, 1963., 180 p. (MiU: 170) I I "1 -1 1 - 111 Ii 11111 111OF I F 111113,111,111111111111111 11W1,1111 1,111,4111111 UP HIR 11FIVIII 11114 ]MVIIII ATLASOV, I.P.; VAKARO V.A.; DIBIWR, V.D.; YEGIAZAW~j B.Kh.; ZJYKIN, A.'74:0- R014AIlOVICHo B.S. Now tectonic map of the arctic regions. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no.6:1341-1342 Je 164. (MI RA. 17: 8) 1. Nauchno-issledovati.-liskiy institut geologii Arktiki. Predstavleno akademikom D.V. Nalivkinym. L iq0o_6~ WP.(q)/EWT OWN? (B)/BDS AFFTCASD D ACCESSION NR: AR3006984' S/0058A3/006/008/3044/E044: SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 8E314 novf' D. AUTHORS: Zimkin, 1. N.,, Nadgorn!r~*y,~ E. M.;. ir P F. TITLE: X-ray diffraction study-bf - fdament-like ~so~16~. chlo~ride- crystals 0 'a CITED SOURCEs Sb. shchelochnogaloidn-Arist Ilov* Ri'a, 1962 '463-465 TOPIC TAGS: filament-like-crystal sodium chloride', ~'k~.ray dif- fraction study TRANSLATION:' The inethod of diffiact on mjcroroentgenqgra&y:(the1 Lang method) has been' used to investigate. the disloc~ttion 'structgre of filament-like crystals (FC) of NaCl. PC of NaCl 4r1own crys- a nnrous nar-1--ition werle investiaat(;!d. *rt was 0 ZIMKIU L N.- RM, 9. N1. SMIMI V, J3. I. Studying vWsker crystals of sodivm ablorid,81*06 ML,11+0- 'radiograptAc method. Fin. +.ver,, tala 5 no imo-i%- Ja 163'. 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Inatitut imeni 'A. IN Iofte AN: 1111OMP Leningrad. (Microradiogmohy) (Salt crystalzY 1 13 Elf t ACC NR- AP6027800 SOURCE CODE.* UR/0126/66/022/ODI/0157/0158 AUTHORs KonatintLnov, Be P.; ZlmkLa -1 U.; Stepanovt Hd Ij She8topaloi-,-L. H. 0RGj Physicotechnical Institute LmoAd F. loffal All S881t (Flzik~ takhnichaskLy Lnotitut AN SSSR) TITLEi HardenLnAf steel surface by wire explool.on SOURCEt FLzLka metallov L metallovedeniye, v, 22, no. 10 1966, 1571~1581- 1 TOPIC TAGS Ii zzm& hardjenLmR6 m9VAM-surface hardenin wire *zv4vkp_o_"sbj ABSTRACT: Copper or steel wire, 0.38-0,4 mm Ln.dLame 4/4r and 40-.50 mm long, placed 10 mm above the face of a cylindrical, U8AI it teel s ~4a Lmdn- was exploded by a current pulse produced by the discharge of a, pa i tor. As a result of this explosion# the surface microhardnese ncr kg/mi*2 to 950-1200 kgjMm2 e4le from the original 170-200 ._Althou~gh~ the average thickness of the hardened layer w& a -30 U,, it wan uniform and varied from 0 to 60 v. X-ray dLffracti~rl att.erns, showed that he P 7nT 4 1- au- .......... L 421-'301-36 ACC NRs AP6027800 change to austenLtaq or the hLgh rate of coolLng. 11 reserved 4 ferrltsq~,;~- The block.sLze. Ln the hardened layer was about 450 IMP) I' SUB CODES 11, 131 SUBM DATII.t 23 SeP65/ OTH RM 0011 ATD PMESA~-", I IN EA fill il-ly.1.1BAlIFT3 I MLM It h-1331XILAUMM I R It I.IZI, RN l" v I i~ I! iW4 16 1 RV I I I i I I III I; I IV III I I Is I lit I I 11111 R i I I I 111111111 IIJKlivill I Iflill1l"t It 11111 H IN JUrjjjL' I IM I jai'. jj�JHJJ~U~f I - LUI&MRKI I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - L . - - - - - ,-p - L - 411114111.3" I 004 11; f; 00 1 0 0 00 *0 0 06 ago-ILA to go LI 777/-- ------------- Attlon d pro,tainif om flit ittloct po*W4d am lhq, pup1l /imkill aml A~ V. Ld"ingkil. J. 11yewl. M..S.S.R, U."WIM40" i) firs Russlam).-M ekpts. %ith W"i.' the care( 0( $41inufation of the fifth pair 14 file frigirmiual iirrvt fit incidwing contraction 4 the puptl is Confirmel. 111is effect tx!rwts when atrooine, ttimrv. idetAinv, atfiritalivit qx iwminlt me admitiviteml tifli" itilliaic. uk-jAy or diervilly undrr the conjutietiva. 'flit, ndmitti.- tration of prixidne (11 Under the vvirijuncliva 41ilfull"I t fie t rilm-littifaim! III excitut ion to t be cmi ruct ife delikelli I of thcpupil. In I hk way I moplefelypttwits Ilk- devirlop. ment (A the drict of out6irolitic vidtitti-Ill (if the allortil Ilme. This sAllim 14 1 d4evelogio Al'"lir "Ith dilturlwd traitmiii-%itm (if other exclintioni almit other itinvivatiois turdiattiminli cif the cmitructile dertients, thus sho I"'Ir thit this act"t of I rannot be seltotive. After hii"ild- tratiall of 1, thle fillect Of settylob"Itte Vo file Impil Is tedum, S. ATA&L"GICAL, ISTINA11 OU CtAWFICAT11110 ----------- ri of ik it N - I do III Ab A it, is Chair of Physiology,, Military Med Acad of the Red Arqr Ime, S.M. Kirov On the functional structure of a reflex G~5 Sot Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal Vol 32, Nc&3,', 1946 $0 Sol 11 V 00 A . vinlimm of foul" tomflic 01044"40 ot 00.1 4 ! . I oiomb tko "404 tok4441jaml itioY4664110 " , go , &ad omew"d sm"go"im. 09 studies on mbbits MW Iftup voith, oitryck- nine oM1wj.0 mj~ (at mbbit, 0.4-14 M9.44. (or (1m9). 20 l1 4 f M - iva bbifa T -6 nd./kc. lojrctM "a y. &k. 06 niLiks. im"im into fruiphatig sao). ond notwiriks (turt-tal. thtmid hydrate. and fiturnal), it w4m olkloni that orythikim" in lictilig aq the new" crotess. CAM* a i OW * i in *n n T S oplisloirtable Orki Im tow ftfirs mft (abakfifs rdtt~ lor Increasing the thr"Ad of malm a( (fir ft&& oullplocals, and dervaiatic t ilktoilAr PCOMISKI CtAng" Ot,'Ontl[I In free ivilvis"; The charoctroisfic 1.4 st"Tholup octioll is dw Uneven tdqo on ad& sub"Anow Wall Ike *) I d do 1111 0 0 "s Ila" C" c"; v& p ab*" increased tm stiodus dweshulds and fat"m9ced 0,0 a %be (Istolifer (A 1161311114, ("M alle"Ist to ecW1ftt Now"U at low W"to 4 txdfadm~ Ikt ISF44 elicitation sevids the IV. dexts omw 11itli a Isifty Wh or*r of coft4lantion A Itorremrals. Ale. 14 between :the strycholat 404 t1W f , do Ili its tffodo: at mdiUm (tt*W 4# tittevtn o w oke r i ilk t b k l l e t 4 d -c a in no n e . s im o as pmouvice . m 1 m the " val"Is W ounit loilit time hoo klakimil h t il l em O , y and Ike tonk, (AtKot %Usjpjwar ~ 111towiflp; signitimly (it flin o 119030, K.)rA?I&pd U00 t k A OCTUALMSKAL kIlt"All,"t tt-WOKA110- - - -- -- . . .. ...... -i~j~jil t- .4 . vl It co it 0 et it a of it 4 11 4 ~ 11 too O 0 0 IN 9 6A ZnYm. IT. V. See Also: ZIbK[N,__A. 11.) and IMEKHELI,`1011, A. "Problem of the variability of motor reflexa3,11 Report 1., 11. V. L 2bility of Zimkin A. M. Zimldna and A. A. Mikhellson., Wari the reflexogenic zones for the reflex of unbending the Imee and the reflex of flexure of the foot from the rear," Report Z. ff. V. Zimkin 2nd A. A. Mikhollson, 11Pd!culJ.;aritias in the course of the ee-jerk reflex whantho stimulus is a series of blows in close rhy-thm,,1r, 'J,ruchj Fiziolo in-ta Pav- lova, Vol. 111) 1949, P. 47-81 -- DiNliou p. 60-61, 81 SO: U-3566) 15 1,11arch 53, (Letopis tZhurnil Inykh Statay, No. 111, 1914P). 16 Ill.,; $11111 11 l It; I I M m.11 I I I'll, I !1410 ..... ...... . ... . ... ..... ... ZINKINA, A.H.; ZIMJaff, N.Y. ICUUN. K&MIU, A, I.; MINH. LIS011, -A:.i Nobility of some ref lax andL sensory' processes. Trudy f1stalo tzistC 4:117-124 149. (Xm~ 9:5Y (EMIXM) (SMISIS AIM SIBUTION) NP, WiTriv-11111 Ell 054141"MIMPF 14 1111111iffli III UINI'Milifilt I I ZD=N~ N.V. with Belenlkaya,, Zellnkin arA Kaplmn Chair of Physiol, Military Hed Acad of the Red ArrW im S.M.Xlrov Lab of Ph~-slcl, Leningrad State Sci Inst im. Lesgaft Inst Evolut Physiol and Pathol of the Higher Nervous Activity im. I.P.Pavlov, Acad Yed Sci Regulating tle function of the spinal cord Sos Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal Vol 35,, No-3p 1949 Uffifil Ul"Iffin III lull L*LCI) of F~oblera of pirysiological characteri;3 'trellftll, spet'd, aiidurance in I - and tho light of 1. V, F~Ivlovls teachinp. Toor. i prak. fizkul. 15 110. 4, 19!52. YRLSHINA, M.A. ZIHKXN,U.V.; KCOMVA, Z.TG. Formation of conditioned motor defense reflexes In nica:following the application of an unanditionecl stimulus before a couditioned stimulus. Zh. vys. nerv, deist. 5 no.6:881-891 N-D 155'. (MM 90) 1. Ufedra fiziologii Volonnogo instituta fisicheakay kulitury i sport& Imeni V.I. Lenina. (REFLU, CONDITIOW. defense & motor reflexes in mice, aff. of preliminar7 unconditioned stimulus) j"f;;1V;II-!-~i Tjj~fifsl 11 lit i~;, 1-tif ;, :1 ~j I if! C. 11 N 11 Illil fill III It I I I p I 'I I III Ili it III I I I I I I W I I I I I Ilia 1111I I l' I R IIII I I I I IJ[ lit I I I I I if) If.-V V I I M I III I IM A III it 1" fig I IF, 111111111P] I i It if IIA I ail RJR Ili I ZDMIN, H.T. A. It. Kresto-wnikov, 3BB5-11?55. Fintol. zhur. 41 no.3:459-460 my-Je 155. (ERA 8:8) (OBI'MARIES. Krestovnikov. Alokeet ZIKKIN, 1F.T.; XAPLAN, A.Ye.; RUVIMW, T.Io Change in the viscosity of saliva in dop following disordorm of the functional state of the central nervous Bystam. IMS101. shux-.41 no.4:538-546 Jl4g '55e WRIL 8: Id) 1. iafedra fiziologii Toyenno-neditsinskoy akndenli4m. S.H. Kirova i Institut evolyutsio=oy fistologli i patologii vpishey nerynoy daystellnostib. I.P.PAvlova, Leningrad. (SALIVA, viscosity, off. of alcohol & strychnine In dogs) (ALCOHDL. ArRYL. effects. on saliva viscosity) (ST"CMEZ, affect., on saliva viscosity) z v lav Va I IMMANOTA, G.B. q redaktor; SHALTOINA, G.A., c a F EFIwsiological aspects of ~titrsngtht speed. ad anduzance; stetchms] Figiologichosimia kharaktoristika sily. bystroty i ~vynoultrosti: ocharkle Moakva, Goo. lza.-yo 071skulltura i sport,w 1956. 205 P. (PHYSICAL IDUCATIOM AND MINING) 10:1) II I III I I I lilt III It Countr7 USSR Catet,ory: Human and Lniml Fliysiology. Nervous Systera. Behavior her Nervous Activit Hi . y. g Abs Jour: BZhDiol.) No 19, 1958, 89228 Author Gakkel', L.B.; Zmmkim' [I.M.; Z-Alkin, N.V.;, Kaplan) .'.. Yo.; Kx7shova Inut Title AfterimGos ia Patients with Brain Lijur'ics- Orig Pub: Z11. vYssh- liuma, doYat-sti, 1957, 7,f, u" 4, 215-224 Abstract: In fifty pat2x_-ats with closed injuries cZ tLe brain, disaypearmcQ ...r mrked shorteninr, of afterimG010 (41) in thu (Y-Aic, tactillo and thumotl. --nalyzers. was observed, which iii considemd a msult of de- fensive inhibition. Asymmtry of AI was ncted in natients with various degrees of damafe of the ripht Country : USSR Catcfjory: Humn and Ani; al FhysioloL7. Nervous Systen. Higher Norv,us Lctivity. Behavior. Abs Jour: RZhDiol., tic 19, 1953, 89229 Author GoVdanal",ya, M.I,; Zinkim) A.M.; in, .. I'S lonisiani, G.L.; Kaplan, A. Ya.; X bovc., N.W. Inst Title The Thresholds of 6unsitivity and Afterj=Ces In the Tactile, Thcrzml, Gustatory and Crpt:Lc Amlyzors in Parkinsonians. Orie Pub: Zh. vyash. nurvn. doyat-sti, 1957, 7, No 4, 2g5-234. Abstract: The follwInC, was oLnerved in 50 yarkinsonim pa- tients with avorage duration of their ill-nass of ten years: 1) olevation of the threshold in all the investiCated analyzers and their instability; Country : USSR T CateGory: Human and Init~cl PhysioloMr. Nervous Systc:ri. Higher Nervous ,ctivity. Dehavior. Abs jour: R=iol., Tic, 19, 1958, 39229 2) paradoxical dcasitiVit~ in the gustatory. analyzer; 3) tho appeakande-(in the iactile and thermal) and iroloneation(in the optic emalyzer), of the latent period of the appearance of after- images (ia); 4) inconstancy of Al. and, frequently, prolongation uf their duration; 5) more froquent appearance and 6nator quantity of secondary AI, than in norual; 6) apparent increase in the LI of the dii,tansions of the stimulated raceptor zone., sim1tancous =iifajta~ion of tultiplc and coloredAT; chanGes in the farm of optic 'I'J~ ZINXIN, N.Y. (Ioningrad) Achievements in the pbVeiology of physical education in the Soviet: Union. Fiziol.shur. 43 ni).1111037-1044 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) (PHrBICAL MUCATION AND TRAINING, pbyeiol. research in Russia (Rue)) zimm, IT.V. Arkadli Israllevich Pjmnshteln,,;lQ96.-,1958; dbituar7.,Fiziol.zhur. 45 noel*-125-196 Ja 1:59. (KM 32:2) (OBITUARIMS, Broushl:ein, Arkadii I* (Rue)) I z THKIT. N, p L. ftsiology of work and oports. Fislol.shur. 45 no.'LI;1401-1402 . M.1590 (MM 13.-5) (BMTIOT Thyslol,) (SPCMTS) ZINKINt N.V. (Leningrad) Significance of the, degree of exertiong duration and frequency ofi the exercisess and the Intervals between exercises for the effectiveness of =scalar training. Fiziol. Zhur* 46 no. 7 860- 869 n 166, (MM 13:8) (PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) &A 119"U.111'.1111 Hit, I I it. trilla ZIMKIN, N.V. (Leningrad) Congresses and symposia. Fiziol.zbu:r. 50 no.6~7&:)-771 je 164. NIRA K.14.11, prf,f., ntv. red, ; VANIE0, Yi.Y,,r prcll'., red.) .j 04KIII N.V- pr,'T.p rt..'o [Co7ordination of* motor Fj.'A wig!(Aciriva fulict-Ilow. ,'Lxi human zr,lscular activlt.7J dvl-,,,atel'rjykh t'vegetativnykh lunktsil pr! qvsheclw~,--,,,Wm-.stl Aelavekn Me-.rkva, Naukap J.965. :1-t-7 P. imnHA 48-.12) 1. Akaderi7a nauk SSSR, Ob-Ye.11nerzipf nauckaVy sovet "Fizio- logiya chel-lveka i zhi~,;)trqk'a.~: 2. C . , tcsudarstven-ayy institut fizicheskr,y kul.ltav-y 'Ln:. P,F.'-~~,igafta,, Lenirigrad (for:Zimkin), 3. Pervyy Meditsinskly ins-nvit im. I.P.Pavlova, Leningrad (for Danlko). Z, rk-sudars-~.-jezvoyy Anst.-but dlya lastzvershan- stvovani7a vrachay im. S.M.Kirova, Leningrad (for Smirnov). BIRYUKOV9.Dmitriy Andreyevich, prof., oty. red.; GOLIKOV, N.V jP red.; AI red.; KARAMYAN, A.I., red.; KUPALOV, P.S., red.; iWI LAPINA, I.A,, red.; VASILIYEVA, Z.A., red.; KWASH, G.A., takhm, red. (Problems of the physiology and pathology of higher nar .vous activity) Problemy fizologii i patologii vysshei nervnoi deiatallnosti. . Pod obahchei r6d. D.A.13iriukova. Le~niugrad, Kedgiz. ,No.2. 1963. 192 p. (HIRA 16 112) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. 2. Deystvitell4w chlen AMN SSSR (for Biryukov). (NERVOUS SYSTEM) ZINKINI N.V. (Leningrad) -------------- Symposium on the problems of fatigue and the restoration of vork capacity. Fiziol. zhur. 48 no-4:499-501 Ap 162~. (KRA 1536) (FATIGUE) (WCRK): ZIMKINO N.V. Stress diping.=scular axercise and the condition of non-specifie-,iny,! increase4 realstanoe of the body. Fiziol. zh%w.,' 47 no.~-.?/.1-751 ~ je 161. 15: 1, From' the P.F,Leshaft Institute of Physical Culture Leningrad: (EXLRGLU) (SUESS) BAR HMOV I.A.; BIRXUKOV# D.A.j mKillf N.V. Twenty-second Congresses of the OPSU and some important oroblems in physiology. Fizio;, z] 48 no.l:I-VIII Ja 162. (JURA, 15:2) jco*mi ISM) (PHYSIOLOGY) IORM, K.P., kand.takhn.nauk: ZINIM, Ve.Pot lash; PMBRaMSKrY, Y.N., Insh. Use of Induction generators on ships. Sudostroante no.7132-35 Ji l6o. (NMI 1347) (Alectricity on iships) (Induction (Ilactrialtil)) 111;11 ! t IIII'twull [I IIIIAI I I I I ~11 111111 CIDIII I fill mg Ill I fliumuillul III [a limm MKIN A.T, aeolog7 of northeastern Yakutia. Tr~ IAPAN SSM.Serrsgcol, no*3:3-28 159, (KM 13.6) (Y&jmt:La--GeojogV) ZIMKIN, A.T. Torkhoyanak complex of sediments to the Tam Valley. Trudy I,AW SSSR.Ser.gool. n0.3:29-53 '59. (MML 13:6) (Tana Valley (Takutla)-Creology, Stratigraphic) 1-1 ~111~xll M - I AH-1 M, I? Ll H I V III !I I'll !17$ It IVIM1111101 11111 111MIN 111111 lla 11fill 1111011MVIval 191 U1119113i JIM11 131 T ANIKEYEV, II.P.; BISKE. S.F.; VERESHCTUGIN, VAL; Z91KIN,1A.V... .-LARIN' ff. ,I;0 Interdepartmental conference on the preparatioil of uWlad~l-- stratigraph c plans of the northeastern part of the U.3-SORS Sov. geol. no*62t182-188 f57. (MIR& llt6) I.Severo-Vostoohno7e geologicheskoye upravleniya Miulsterstva geologli i okbran7 nedx SSSR i Voeso7=nn.nauchno-idaledovatell'skiy. geologichaski7 in-stitut. (Siberia, lasterv--Geolog7, Stratigraphie) CKEL. J?LkTjWj JA~Tk3. awam~Tftlc. TaduNkTIGN or JULMNLZ IN NI VP To vadukap boi-4,' 0 LP 3,9491, and. P I r 0*4 Vol- 15. Apr.. PP 404-W7. En kum~&&n. An accomtis jiven orimatal invG3tA9&tiQG Culied Out WdDtomlne the of in P 00C chlorides on the r larluem4l of sea estat i or mxper=tric d6tum'IM-ItiOnA: Of aWphate3. wo.~ Two cwthads are proposed for the dgt4rmiMtion of the ~=IphiLtti zoo In the sac, nd meth*d~ mcetm~%jdi ions .446 000 Ion in the premce Of chlimidle-3 0043 ard added in suf ficidnt cOlIcAntration to prevent the ~ pr,j cipi Itation Coo 0ou Of lead chlorlds whi tow 14 thm MCCIPitation of the sulphats &~,aq 001 Placg quwtitItivOlY, 110 "m1ts ou-kined &rc compitftd with ~hojj Of -grxviaetric-' a coo 51 woo t f9 T,%&umjc&L willat" C%MWICA tit 1 Woo, 414 1824W boat 4mv 4.4 Jowl -,41418-1 a x 11 Pi iE 40 L I a 4~ I I w 1@ 4 C, 60 a a u I 0, 0 0 6 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OL 0 a 0- o Wig 0 * 0 G~& 0 ~o; 0 o 016.o G'q 61 o' is o1 10 *L'*Lo 41- :0 40~11mi - ab - a m Aa a is t. 0 0 Is All 0 0 01 4*0 a ,di! Of As 00 .06 too go 00 moo 00 see OW0*8 in Row m ~ftv~ oad L A. (Immuo. 41X lrb=ym~ 100. 1N4. I IW (IrAt'rWAM Amd 3.1 -See S.L. IM. %,W. 16& NOV.. w WIN &CIALLWIM UYCUTURC~ CUSSWKILIM4 4-W N'I FA :N a I a 0 0 0 0 0 a rk go jO 41- 400 11,416 GIs 44 0,0 40:0 66 0 0 go (p '- -L M~,k_ -A &:jai-dt di M.IM As & lb M,:fj ill a acl!~ (D e aas dials 6; a 1 Y 00 a V. Ir. Ta- Ida, and A. *0,0 ~r- a vo TA44 V, gir MCM 0, 40 IV, 4 '"04.114luds for dettimcn(ag w- lima In CO vg"= of cl loam sto Mix - U04 tie F) V ths, prolonoo Of A itr1r; find rcr-: lit comorl,ox whiffm of a P% low, vorKIPRittitin vt I ~IEAT AV 04V "i loot CA IS At 00 On I 1 11 q, "Ito 0 1, a v c it a it a I c a cut 'I I,,Jtol (it ch a 0-- of 0, A-it 0 itiol 1 41 4.10 to Ilk nil i A 11A I. t ;_011 . . :T f Am 'a Nkfil ll A d A 3 . . -mvn, an op, 404-407.;; (racory Laboratory), Y. 15, Apr. It 001 metwig for" on the basis of experiments, two 004 determlaing SO. too* in the presunce of.Cl lonvl~ fol-:: No t Cl b A i ull d , an a : g are propose y resence of ~vcl; fit the tr a YBO t1t l d b , ra o*r p y aCfl&te VMPIVX WhiCh Jf3j_' Snd fomtAwn of a Pb prWig4cstlan of PbUl. J~ S L A 99TALLOCKAL LIMAttge UAMPICOCIF 4 u &V 10 t$ T tv 13 -owl- _7 i C,.,v 'IR gt PC J,~ $o0 a 4. a 0 00 00 to a 41aof 40 0 00 f 00 a 0 G;ial 0 4o0 0, is ~ elf we -.9. A 0441911441 AM* PCIP411filli -$4o q 0 0 SISM41111114 12 flikkIll-FIX114 401) LM buhs. V, F. Timmova. Witill, mul A. A. IS &16(rilg oe.t In Ni-plmidtig batio mi, i~ 3dtd vitith 00 itbe dmpping-lig cathilde mild Acso&. with nw,KNO, htidgir.. and Q,S V. POU111141 JiM- I** the ityam frum &* cliteml somm and with., 0 =0-01cr t* MWd the Wfireckt. The win. is 1111rated -000 witb 0.2,Y Pb(N(h)l *I" gives curm witb sbarp breaks to at the eqwv. points, 0. M. Kowlapod if 0 1:9 0 Wic".4i ASINI-SLA "TALLURCXAL UTCRATURE CLAWKATWO 7= - ------- 1414111 *it MY cat a a 117 q-, 4% u a AV so ul, It it a OR a It a fit All, -I 9h AL Ah dh I& dh 9b& A a & a IS a dill; dh 0 11 0 so a dh da a Ah A a a 44 Ae 09 UL acten" bulba #t so"Sks In it Kkkel NUU17, r4l"OODA V. P, Turco- *0 Nr a. IP IMIJI)Wnd A. A. POPH. e 04Z T a p lip at4d" eK Amishimp. v. :ww 2. Deem I VA, UL 132-19S. P"Ismo aboxnLcwd frosa ZU*d. A Alkaga 1Abwc(cor(&* (Put4fy JAbD- j; tt4m 9.3a, t049, 94L 13 go, 041 Ti Mt -A' A 4 WL vt to fs 14: K 'T K: It t4 #V it A vajm~ I Ips 14 A 1 W 0 a, CP IN 0 a 0.0 0 0 4"1 jm~ tifttA lot IMOSOM