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(SALMOIMLLA IOWTIONS, epidemiol.) ;rl Plill-Will-if-A01111T Tillitilil; . . : j BURIAS, V.; DUBXU, J.; rASOVA, J.; KNITTrDVA, 0.; TRSAQ VA, IL; VOJT07A, H., ~VAV~ -Bxperiences with viral diagnosis of poliozg~elitls in microbiological laboratories of hygienic an& epideimiological stations. Cesk.'epidem. mikrob..imun 8 no.2:90~-102 Mar 59. I- Krajoks, hygionicko-spidemiologicka otanicev 0askych Budejovicich, J"ve, Liberce a Olomouci Okmani bygieniote-ep idemiologlak.ft stanice v Havlicko'va Brode. V.B. Liberac,-,Baarova (POLIOMYELITIS, diag. viral laboratory diag. (CZ)) , " '' . i . I . i . I : :- % 11 1 I I I III,` A T III I IT 111111 Hil !I PH 111PHIM 1-1 111; ~111 1141110 1llpril, I IIJ V, NwIl ZHELIAZKOV, L.; ZIKOLOVA. Sv.-, H: HUTAIMMA, R.:1 Synt~esie of ww comlxunds with antitubarculons properties, III. Elydrazides and bydrazones of cC--c7anocarbonte acid rarmatmila. Soft& 5 no.3:17-20 MY-Je 155. (ACRIC ACID. derivratives,. cyanoacetic acid 17drasides & tqdrasones, tber. of tuberc* review) (TUBIMLWSIS, therapy, cyanoacetle acid hydrasides & bydraxonse, review) a IFRIMF III IN 2, m [sill 111,1111 Alli: 111,111HIli: 1;1111 HII I HIR IlVilmill411191H llk; 1 1111! 11 "Al 11 Count ry Bulgaria Cato.r.ory Abs. Jour .4584p Author. ; Zhelyazkov, L. and Zi.koj2xa.,_.SA_ Inst:.tut. : Bulgarian Institu*ti~lor Phartmacclo'ey Titlo ! Note on the Synthesis of Nicotinic Acid Diamide (Goramine, Cordi&z_~he) Or i~; Pub. Trudy Nauch Isledovatel Innt Farmatsiya, 1, 3-5. (1957) fibstra I DecreasIng the amount of 80012 used iajhe syn- thesis of coramine (I) and thn us ei of VH(C, 1; )z . , instead of 111f(C2 1~ )2 - HC1 markedly infireases the yield of 1. 1 mol nicotinic acid iand 3 mols SOC12 are heated in Cs4 to 110-120*, the prod- uct is heated (2 hrs at 1006 follbwed by 2 hrs at 16o-165*) with abenzene ablu Ition of A"02 N )I 1qnd I is Isolated by the usual metboa, IYi.1d 75%. D. Vitkovskiy Card: l/1 Hit lilt al Ilk 1. Ild SIM i4giigyq Tm H" IN- SP Cz 2, �'U4p-.A -BU a ~42..A jig - Id -- 9 1 ' _8~ ' *A-4yl Ulf ..A& p1l I I IRS J, IVA- Its 2 Pal 3 towM id! . ... .... .. C;. I RY 0 r x I'l, I 12 t ry a Y-n t h E) t A c 0 rgpz i c h- il t t r y kzs. i0fir. 110. 3. 1960., tio. 3.,->67 y 401" i MIT! P-31lova, 11. Vll Zholyazl ov, L. -91 k 0 10 ~ T.1 "'LE Syntlhesi3 of 3-Sjbstituted Oxazoltdoncs-2 and Tlioir Deriv.4tive., tip, ic, PUB. I Fam, -Rtslya, 1959, 9, No 2, 33-35 A, BS 0 T By the alkylation of cis- and trans-4-mothyl-I I 5-phemYloxazolidonos-2 ~ (1, !1), jl-ajlcy3;stjbstj~-. tut.-A I and 11 Wers s7rithesized (1:7A-f fir-cl :IIa:-f; everywhere a allcyl n-0311 ; b ii-CV9, :0 C112- 7 ~ 011(CH3)2, d n- 11.1 ~f OGH13 CH20H=CH4 through the alicallm hytirolysis :of whiZi cis- aryl trans-2-alkylanino-l-phanyl- (IllrL-f ard iVa-f,), intbrestin propanols 01, R D 1/3 r 'CA T -,r, M. Y ADC. jvjR. IIZKhin, Ho. 19601 No. 1267 f in) T I MY, 01" 'B. 'C'. Pli I T 20c, [07 rp.p. 213 (decovm. . 22 57-59, 1 I. 1; : ; L 226; a, --1 , . tox, M.P. IIQ 0 , -4?Gl (decori 1'~ 6 ~~ - .-I- I f (OX, ri. 161a-~3.830' i AllorJohydra m P. 1 5-1860) . Ali of the svb~j5~ tute'd ar d-', H (except Ic' IIC) CIO not cxj~ballizo.' See also IIIZIxi~him.:, No 13, 1959s I-To ~4,,5804 ViticoValcly G-36~ Covntry Bulgaria G-2 Cate-ory Ab3. Jour Author Zhelyazkov, L., Agova, 14., and Eikolova, S. U Inatitut. : BulKarian Institute for Pharmaco T I til o : The Attempted Synttiesis of lsonicotinic4l~id Hydrazide Or ig, Pub 4 TrudY Nauch Isledovatel Inst Parmatsiya,, 1, 8-11.:. (2-95?) Abutract The authors rerort a number of im P;'Ovements which' have been mide in the synthesis of.'isonicotinic acid hydrazide (I) by the reaction schomet C5 HS N '(-C, F, HC, H, MMOH -C514 NGOOC,1~ 0,1 (cf Wibaut,'!Zbl, .1941, 30?8) The C5 H5 N and M4 CU)2 0 are regenerated in the first stage. The oxidation of C5H4NC2H5 is Card: V2 Country Bulgaria G-2 iibs. Jour 45884 Authar : Zhelyazkov, J,., Bikova, N., and-Ziko.2 a ~,_q inatitut. ; Bulgarian Institute forPharmacology Titlo : Synthesis of N-Substituted 2-Oxazolidoneu and of Their Derivativos Or Ig Pub. Trudy Plauch Isledovatel Inat Farmat :siya,: 1, 25- 27 (1957) Abstract For the*pvtrpose-of investigating the dependence between the structure of-l-oxazolidbnes-2 cmd their pharmacological~activity, the,Na-deriva- tives of cis- and trans-4-methyl-5-phenyl-l- oxazolidone-2 (1, 11) have been alkylated4ith (C2 1~ )z S04 , C-61;S03CH(CH;)? and C~H~CJF12CI to 3-R-I (IlIa-c, where Ra = C24 , Rb ~= Cli('VHj )2 and Rc = CH2C6 H5 ) and 3-R-11 (lVa-c). Alkaline hydrolysis of 111a-e and M-c conV,ertr, Lheae compounds to the corresponding N-substituted cis- Card: J/P_ aouAtry Bulgaria Cato,p;ory Is Abs, Jour 45884 Author Institut. T i ~I(t Or iG Pub. Abatract and trans-l-phGnyl-r'--aminopropanole. Cis- and trans-l-phenyl-2-benzylanLinopro-pano1 have a marked epasmolytic activity. The suastance and mp in OC are given: ilia, 44-47; b, 4o-42.5; c, 99-1.021 IVa, 42-45; b, 69-71; c1 75-78- D. Vitkovskiy Card'. 21;) BULGARIA/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiyaj No 5, 1958, 14532 Author Zhelyazov L., Zikolova Sv.,, Bikova N. Inst Title Behavior of Cis- and Trans-Isomers of 4-Methyl-5-phenYl- Oxazolindone-2 Toward Lithium Alumimim Hydride. Orig Pub: Farmateiya (B"Ig.), 1957) 7, No 3, 19-23. Abstract: It is shown that cis- (I) and tr'ans- (n) 4-metbyl-5-pheimyi- oxazolindone-2 are not reduced over skeleton'Ni or rd/C:under'; normal conditons; on an attmWt to effect the ieduction with Na and alcohol, or Na and aqrl alcohol,, 11 is converted to norephedrine. On boiling for 7 hours with an~etber:solution of 2 mole LiAlH4 .1 and II are reduced, with 8.1most quanti- tative yields, to pseudo-ephedrine and ephedrine. Card 1/1 BUrktUVA/Organie CheniAtr7i, Synthetic Opganic Che~istry- G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 24, 1958o 81668 Luthor Zhelyazkov L.. Zi 01 Agova M. Inst Title The Synthesis,of'.Compounds; With Frospec#ve Anti. tubercular:Activit3r.,.III.:Hydratidea anA,Hydrazones., OriG Pub: Xhimiya i industiin (BelgJ,~: 1958,- 30, *A, 14-17 Abstract: In the nearch of neO antit.ubercular. comp 6unds i, the . hydrazide of* 2,6-dioxyisonicotinic'~acicl )ias obtained, m p. 215-216.C., vhich wao'conv'erted into isonicotinoyl hydrazoneB (INH) by the condensation with carbonyl ccupounds (cc); Given are cc and m.p. iiv~,c, of the corresponding INH: K, -galactose, 170-173'C., diacetone alcohol, 140-1420C.; 5-nitrofurfurol) 250.(decomposi- tion); Karvon, 142-143; perillaldehyde, 126-13P; Card 41/2 USaR Cultivated Plants L-2 Abs Jour t Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, March 1957, No 22697. Author Zikov, Yu., Pribitkova, L. Inst Not given Title An Experiment in Corn Planting After Crop Harvesting in the Foothill Zone of the Alma-Atinsk Oblast under Irriga- tion. Orig Pub Paredov. opit kolkhoz. proiz-va v Kazakhstane..1.1955, No 12, 29-33 Abstract In 1954-1955, tests were conducted in sowing corn (extra Minnesota 13, improved Local and Alma-Atinskaya 236) in the foothill zone of the Alma-Atinsk Oblast on' the educa- tional farm of the Aksai Zooveterinary Institute and Dzam- bul Supporting Station of the Fodder and Pastures Institu- te, after or0D harvesting under irrigation. Jkfter harves- Card 1/3 4 1 Hl USSR )Cultivated Plants L-2 Abs Jour t RefZhur Biol., No 6, March 1957, No 22697 Abstract ting the main crops an irrigation before planting w _1s oon duoted with a norm of irrigating water of 600 800 m /heo- tare; after 2-3 days, the soil:was oultivatedbefore so- wing by two variations% a) it was aisked by disk hexrom rs of type BD-3, 4, BDT-2, 2 or BDM to a depth of 10 om; b) plowed by a plow with a foreplow to a depth of 22 cm with a simultaneous harrowing in two trails, and rolling before and after planting. On the background of these two va- riants of soil cultivation before sowing, com was plan- ted after the harvest of the main crop. Tests showed ' that the best predecessor for such corn planting should be, annual grain-legume mixtures (vatoh-oat mixtur6), and the beat method of presowing soil cultivation for after-crop corn planting should be daking the stubble by a disk har- row type BD-3, 4 or BDT-2; 2 to a depth of 8 10 cm vrith Card USBR /'Cultivated Plants Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, March 1957, Ito 22697, A.bstraot t subsequent harrowing andpost-planting rolling ~Vlth a lijht wooden roller. Optimum area of nutrition of after- crop corn foF green fodder in a square nidus]method of plan- ting should be 60 x 60 cm with four plants to a nidus Highly effective in after-crop 6orn plantingLi S the ~;e of organo-mineral granular fertilizers in amounts of 200 kg/ hectare, added simultaneously with planting in the nidus. Card t 3/3 I I It I . I I 0 L/ 1q Z7 t ----EXCB;RPTA- 1CA:- 6-G 17 -V 01-~ 4/1- -Public --*4t h at-C an- 4 - ---- --- ---- 207. ZIKOVAv'W. S. Pollution of the atmosehere with lead and its effect on the be-aWFIR-r-Me 'POPAW'Stion (Russian text) Gigiena 1957, 2 (12-17) Tables 4 Pollution ot the atmosphere with lead, which is;. contained in the waste discharges of the accumulator-cell production plant and the ~ tinworks' is of a constant nature and its concentration is several times higher Thai' the maximum allowable concentration. Lead has been detected in the dust sc"ling down inside the dwelling houses. A polyclinical ex=-v'. ination of a group of population, living in the environment.of. air PoUuted' with lead, has shown that some mcmb~rs of this group, as compared withi: members of the control group, have more pronounced functional disturbances.: wd, of the nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardio4 vascular system. Ile hi&h content of lead detected in urine of persons who have been subjected to the action of waste discharges containing lead, proves that among them there are lead-carriers. Investigations carried out on tissues of cats have shown that when lead is present in the air, the latter may accu-, mulate in the organism. In order to control the harmful action on the health of the population of the industrial waste discharps, containlin le d' it is. necessary to observe the sanitary zone of protection between e U' houses and the production plant and guarantee a thorough removal lea from the discharges of the plants. c -~temperature-stu dy Card 1/1 Pub. i46-2o/a Author Moirtyeva K. N. Title The surface tension of liquid helium He-3 in the temperature lnterv~%i 0-93-3.340K. Periodical Zbur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 25, 125, January 1955~ Abstract The writer conducted measurements of the surface tenalion of liquid He-3 by the method of raising of fluid in capillarii6s, of. three different, diameters (0-36o., 0.224, o.188 mm) and length 2, cm. Be presents I the.. results of three experiments averaged for each:temperature for all three ,to capillaries in a graph, with average error of me-asurements,equall (maximum error: 7%). He finds that the surface.'tensio Ia of He-3 at 10K is 2-5 times less than for He-4-:Five references: e.g. V. P. P-es'hkov, ibid., 23, 686, 1952 (containing,description of,the helium apparitus). Institution: Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR Submitted October 4, 1954 all] 11:11111! 1MV11 --T-, -T i i ! Fil"l" MCI ff, FIrl, ffUl "FIFIr -'w' , , I I i ! i I i ; , 11 ; t'r I . - I- I I - - . I . I I I I I , i I I I I I I I 1 1 - I m - - . !I ~ , I I I , I I 11 -. I ! I - I , 1 z - : , I . . .11 - .~j . 'll i I I - ! . 5! . 1. 1; 1 [:1 !'41 - 1, V III, "I I -VP ~ - 11 WW"[ I Seasonal characteristics of nervous inhibition of the rhythm'and force of cardiac contractions in the frogeoNaucho dokle vys'*:sbkoly; biol. nauki no.4-.64-69 159'0 (MRA 12:12) l.Rokomendovana kafedroy fiziologii shivotzqkh Moskovskogo gosiAsr- stvannogo universitata im. H.3. lomonosova. (HEA --INMVATION) (INMBITION) ;(7ROGS) ZILA, I f I V HIP 11T !.'!]1 11 vill I UP it 41111111 lf~,Al 14 lil is *:_o_dj 0-0: 1 0 a i 0 AN 4il oil Itim ig:p list:* it V is a0 Is k.1 14. -LAIIIA-1 YX A, A A4.1w 4 'h_00o.i; 00 00,4 -90 -04 of -00 s 00 Wq itth wasaw Color formatiqui., V. 1 .0, 4 Now ~41 63. 97(IW3) t Clan. MW is, 1W.-UTTWOU691 to *so of I buley we& wills Itty"t1gated. The p4mquis deplWied hi gmakst on the sudam of tim skwwuamk so. Imsym, In weak *Ms the 1A S iffmitAircd forzaing a 0 The Wacace of s=C= ots U" the cdor 004 bmwo h ~Mswswd. Frauk "14 sso$ so 00, too 0* of 106 X41 0 'is* '00 XMI.I.WGICAL LITIRATIMME CLAWFICATION use -~Ivo totalli 00 4k* GIC Rolla? 4w 4" 411 It It w -W-14-- -- -Z ~ ; an A I V: I# In 0 r~o . * " ~I ~~ 0 0 0~ 16 0 W-0:0 0-0-e,0 0-0 0-0-0 0-0 0 0'.w a-, 0. e-O 41-00-4. CIP 0 Q, 0 0, 0 O"ie 0000 4p it lalliva litti is w ham a v a sioto 'MIF r1l"Mr, C 19 a 11 This, in*afting, har'loy ts,oction'l- ver4i4tvii stiltilts- V, V. 1114, M, 11111firl, Zrxfp~ 1944, It. W-18. 0~ C.A. J4, MI(ll,, 40. 'The liallz W.S."biff"I it's.) listo I -t fliti'libilt. I's vain r hu untimirly All. -Atitidt.. 44 flit vmo.t, fl-to"t, Writ, itthuiit~i 1141 "14111 tituter voilditst"14 ithh-h we" kelit ass neilt Ss% ph'ibir the 44nit f%x all Atmplvsi. Attaly.ji. of rhc Inali 1wmitu~k1l 4s so J ulutiormi IM The r%t. rmont 4 Ow nivslt~ "Isith Md t the sturclit freethin In The Issidry. *lilt 00 13 r", ;~i 'IN. ; (2) The tollso I'( saig-4r, "S"I"Ustar Irsh'. I,.. %live* Ot Wislign *Sul N in tilt SiAlt And Ili the 'Alai "Ik%lly the %atuv, (3) X%I*n tvlerref to ik .1. (.. SO intlKlissal grain) all The amil"It-ol I .oilts decTravvil with the vain site. M 11ir 141-111 oul- trist 4 the "MllvT Atut tart" Vain% $is q tit*tiwlr III the graill wt, N1111irt'"ll tahle, nip Sim 14 o, M I I, Istivor its 8*0 91 _4VT no's 1. 10 1 _11: W-1PIEq 14111040 M.-CM. QNS 1IR4441 04[ IS j4 1 941 it a H ;GTT it 0, a 6 0 w *,* : 0 * *4 0 0 -'s 0 CC$ 4- HUNGARY/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their K-6 Applicationsi Dyeing and Cherdcal Treatment of Textiles. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya) No 2j, 1958) 6656 Author Zilahi) Kelem Inst -------7 Title Investigating Certain Factors in Finishing Cotton Yarn by Sizing Coarse Linen. Orig Pub Magyar textil-techn.) 1956, NO 101 366-370 Abstract Sizing coarse linen increases.its tensile strength from, 5-12 gm to 2-3 kg) its abrasion resietance becomes meaou- rable, and therefore the effect of individualtactors of the process are more easily made apparent on coarse linen than on yarn. The best results were obtained by the use of a solution containing the maximum amount of starch (35-7 kg in 500 liters)o The raximm tensile -strength was obtained upon treatment at 660C, and the maxim= abrasion Card 1/2 4-t ~-Fi t-t I ONGARY/Ch.emic cebriology Cheirdcal llrodiict3 and nicir K-6 !,~Applicatione Dyeing and Chettical Treatment of Textilc Abs Jour Ref Zhurt -Khimiy'a-,' No: 2)-!'1958,-6658 Author Zilahii,* KelemT Title Investigating Certain Finishing Cotton Yarn by Sizing Coarse.Linen., Orig Pub 'Magyar-textil-techn., 19561. N0-10, 366'317 0 Abstract Sizing,coarse linen.increases,its tensild strength, from 5-12 gm to 2-3 kg,, its abiasion resistan Icc becomes measu- rable, and therefore the effect of inclividual!factors of the process are more easily made apparent on 6oarse linen than on yarns The beat results were obia'inediby the use of a solution containing the maximum amount of atarch (35.7 kg in 500 liters). 'The maxim= tehsile~strength was obtained upon treatment at 660C) and the maximum abrasions Card 1/2 4 c 01IGNAKC all a P4 a I t W A 2 a it m 11CLIT1110 w. 4.0 C*Dlos GRO.-n 'lot. --7n to RAIN set S f 7 age a Z,.--z it ob 0 0;1 moo :j 000 000 oet; vise, 1 99 OON 1100 00- 00. of. 00 #t 000 It L . of I U roe L a s 00 1: -, f , 4 ! ; ei 4 --)-I roe 0 fa offer to m49111111t 1110( a it KI( it 61 9 a to a 64 F".11,01 A T. 0 0 0~ 0 0:0 0 00 g g: : 0 g 40 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0, * a lo a 060000 000064 0 O~m 0 0 0 INS 0 0 11 ta 0 ISU 11,10 a it 13 It r 11 m 0 4 9 0* 1 so MAGYAR TFIXTILTECINIKA 00 a HUNGARIAN TEXTILES lee Vol# Ill* - 1950 00 No. 12, Dooo- is* J /,h4 hi. ZOO (.IPIC 411agli-111 mid Ill. 11io, ........ ........ Coo 7 C-0 0 goo goo '14 , WWI 000 - e00 f I ----------- A 10 - I L A OTAWASKAt L11t1h1Wff CLAWICU" J z; - us* i 11111W .11 a.. Get ~ Aft 1 a a -3 old a 1 ff 2 a 1 u a AV 00 All; 01 a ) v ~ 0 41 * 0 0.0019 0 6 0 * O's o 0 0 a a goes 0 0 0 0 0 41 o 0 0 0 6 0 6 a 0 T - Is 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*-0 0-40 0 4.0 if A 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a Wile 0 0 0 9 W W w 4112,11malavXR441 *fa J-1,11 )-.A 4A-P.. 11-0. it 1~ a A IDS so 00 UGTW TEXTILTVCHNIU 00 .06 HYAGARIAM TEXTILES IT 1951 No. 3, mareb so of Aw bma for fiklIV 4*0 14- colim .......... Sol fee .00 so jr is* 00 4~t Use L., AITALL~!G~IL U114,101 CLOSVICAVION 911 sill, W.&IT A Wa.v .4. m V, F, u Ali; 'I IF 0 tv It 0 0 0 e 6, 4 0 0 0 10T4 0000 Ole *a 00000::,0 000 **a 00.00~0.0 $,a** a so *::!t:r:e*' i! I If 1 71 1 . i I i I I : If I i ! i! ~Tl I WIMP9911149 [III I I , , . , I I i I . ! :1 I . ! .1 . : q I I I I I II I It 1:1 11 fjt;~~ 1,1 Z11AHI, Marton, dr., a muszaki tudom-anyo): doktora Technolokies and machines''substituting for i~eaving atthe 4th Hannover'Exbibition of Textile Machines. Magy textil 16 no. 5:235-240 My 164. 10''Res'earch Institute of the Textile Industry.'~Budapeqtj Editorial board member,, 'Magyar Toxtiltechnikaol RIFIRIP, 171 i IN27 1,11, 1;11 11HP11, IFT 11011'a"'.141IT 1111 NFFIV44-, f RISH-lif ts Im art w -wW.MIfI IF 111111`~,~~~I is Tir m HE It. .9.1 M., In, F1, I . Pa. q, R 1 11 ". g Pan M , I I I I I I I - 11. - i ,.1 -11 , , , w. 7, 1 , 1, ~ 7 , " ; , v -, - "I 12 1 -11 ~ ". . , I - -, , I, , 7 - ., , " , , . II 'kfrill! I 1 11 1 :11! (A f I I I I I ~Af I I I I ~ III, I El' ,1111114 1 !1 1 J I 11111 11 IP I N ~ UEIV I 1 119 -0 1111 *The Role of Heterogeneous Swelling in the Jormation, of Wool Properties." In Miclish, p. 65, Budapest. Vol. 9, no. 1/2, 1954. SO: Bast European Accessions List, Vol. 3, no. 9, September 1954, Jib. of Congress t#11-11111111-111 11111111 M. RM HIM 11 i I'm, F ".. 1,41 Iff 2 M. hill ~Ll- ~,jl 1! If IM I I I UA U I I Ill ILI I;N 111!94 If 11 -1 WE 1~41 ljwL"jjUI.III"Fjljj-1 1j'1rNI!`1ff 'IFT4 it 'M: * Jim Ml J :iP VII I I III' I 11INW4~4EHIP1111111f, 11111 11 . - . I I ~m 1. . 7 , . , , ~ 11 3i ~Iumll 1 , 1 ~vw - vv 1 1. .1[1.v, ~u 1 -.1 1, -1r4i" *Ig, 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 : I I U M ]k ~ K V N P 43 it W 41 41 0 A A 9 .1 V, a . k I I - * t 0 AA., too 0 00 00 0 11ACTAR TECHNIKA 0: t MARIAM Rvanwim XV No* As April .00 00 a 04 Olt, zoo so zoo goo COO -00 414,. Itz - ASs.1 L a TALLUESKAL UTESATLAII CLAS1111KATIC., 40-0. 111044 -10 QVI, cad --T--r -.v 1 0),01 cw a.- All too 14 0 1 KX44-. 99 WAR a I ;I4 and' 0 , 0 0 111 o0 09 so a Is ioll, mill: . I I TIMMIMIM."Ptliv, , NEKES, Janw, dr.; F'.~RK.AS, Andras, dr.~ D!:4.a to the vroble-m of prc-Ki~an;.,v Ard hot4l. 165 no.45i2132-2133 8 i. ajdapeot, XX. ker. t~ Nobateg Mor.-z~% el prucito, fa a6l Tanac3 Korhaza. Obstetric3 and Gynecology H UN G, A RY MR!73, Janos, Dr, FARKAS, Andras, Dr, ZILAM,.7_0_~_&V ~Dr, HAR417,ZT1, Karoly,: Dr; XX. District Council, Qbsteti_ -_ ana iyriecological Hospital (director-chief physician: NENMT~S, Janos, Dr) ('(X. Keruletl Tanacs Szulo es Nobeter, Korhaza), Budapest. "Fundamental Questions of the Therapy of Preinvasive Carcinoma; Therapeutic Res ul i's. Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, Uo 4(), 2 Oct 66, pages 1861-1883. Abstract: [Authors' HunEarian summary] The final diagnosis of preinvasiv cc. car, be arrived at by means of conization or, in case of confirmatol-y~ indications, by a detailed histological diagnosis after hysterectomy. If,the lesion is surrounded by healthy epithelium within the cone, conization~is accepted as the final therapeutic measure in women still at child-bearing age when it is combined wIth careful colposcopic and Cytological follow-up ex- aminations. Apiona the 27 conizations performed in the author's patients material, it proved to be the final therapeutic procedure in.15 (55.5 When the -orocess has spread past the limits of the cone, vaginal or abdominal simple hysterectomy must be performed irrespective of-the age of the patient. Recurrences occurred in 1-10% of the cases; t~ereforep'in women at child- bearing age, we cannot turn away from the performance,of conservative operations 18 Eastern European. h6 Western references.:, 4 14 q MINGARY/Chemioial Technology - Ming and Chcmi6ml Pr6cessing - X-34 of TexiiI66 Abs Jb4 -Ref Zhur Xhimiyal Wo 12$ 195pj~ 4193 Author Zila)shi, Oavalld Inst Title Topochemical Pxpini ion of the ~Sa onffic&tion-,VrbcGsGI P~ e - -1 -11 of Aq~ , tyl.,,ateil~ cotton 6, : '~ , Orig Pub Magyar tud. akaci.,Rusz*-' tud. 08 Z'~. ko 1957 :2i No'! 1-4) Abstract Tbe.adetylation, of cottcm~arn,by~scetid ambydridel-inithe -Pr4. ~Se,nce,IOlt ms;sii cia:riiid. oui t6~ 36L55% of the Acetyl groi~ps,.fOU6wed~~~~-th6i6Aboafid~ti6n:in 0.1M sodium carbonate solution;fbr 30,14~,6o,15ojli8o-~~ 240, The investigation revealed; 7that,06ponifiea4bn jro- ceeded slowly: during 1-hour tre~tmeniliiith.sodium caibo- nate,, the content:of the acetyl Igroup~,~Was decre~s~ed on- 1Y 5-58%- As the result of sapbhificati,on, the,t~nsiie Card 1/2 J; J Ar C~-zcwtv. u i? S', a r7 OINERAL&-SPECZOOLCOGY;~ 1-MMTEV N band Mitcle BS- JOUA 'a C. r, Z hure-Bio I o g~i y Na ci 7033- 10R. .,Z11zkhi-Sbe.s G;lei a~ T IT L R~ ',Entomolbsicil- InvesiiIiii AS 00 1~,tha!14t~io- Tiald .:of a orth r Part of~ 9 All 'N I nis 0-1; i G - I U3 ni Acta iv, d d , -1 1 195 abide 6 ) :L IN6.2 ,43 Wit Thd; c A er4 I i's t 6 f ~i~ i1i 4 c t s:i,' w 111 ji J, i~ h: a i';6:1! f~ uOd :i ;Ikrel the' T ng:i, Riv0z,-.,-4omprisf hari: UO dr.~39 -Bpec e3;- MOug!;th9Aqj---- 2%:+- cip Y -ar i k4L ytao or a ;cousinAtur: ii,56,ii ~W t ;PdO tdeiso a. ji~r ! Only temporarily.* r%3K, IS110 compo s4pd..oti'prow- Antorn and para5ites. The rewai rt' ng lustlets uSe the PF only am a temprary xi~tuge prov- C,,,:.%c,0w.l -.GEN ER AL &SPEC, ZOOLOGY. I NSECI '13) j 0 URL R:7!, Znl-lr -Bio 101--; ya I 7033 TITLE rua.: diacrivarad betwoiau tkie potato varieties col" their vhy,;uiologjc..jj condiLiozi, th6jr etarch -.ontent) And the numerical ratio of aphid Species whicli feed ()1l them In'spite 0i t to nbulidanc(i O~ ^clacaous lrlmectm~on tho PF , thoir nvowbur. would atill be antire- ly insufficiowl.- to r-on-trol- I&Ae Colorade potato be-etle i~ere it to appeir'D FrGm the author*.s 3ijumvirl, 42834 000/0 071/071 S/1.69 1)228/D~07 139,og, V70-d LZT110R: zilahi T IT L% Geometric quadrupole field PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, GeofiAka, no 10, 19621, abstract IOG24.5.(Acta techn. Acad. ;C'ien-,"-. hung.,~~ 37, no. 3-4, 1961, 403-426 (Engv~,- summaried in Ger., Fr. and Rus.)) T=-. '-If there are only inner disturbing masses, the Gauss series approximating to the geomagnetic field has the,form: (COS 9) x v R (gnCOs nX+ hm~ sin m)L n.t L 0 +1 x L R r Vn 0 Here the coefficients gl, g, and g, are the parameters.of th6'~cen- Card 1/3 169/62/000/p10/071/971 Go me' o tric quadrupole field D228/0~~ tral dipole, and ter-nas-with the indice a n > I have noisimp le .-cal significance. - The.paramaters*.of the: h Ll eoret quad:&upole' i c' an,, be calculated from the coefficients and*-Ji; 4 - spherical suri~ce with~a radius r V, Or~ is th6.~ secd,,Id-order ~func'r )N tion of the celsine of the angle. The,cigen-vect0i-s Of~ V2 deter Imine the directio-as'charactcristic of the-quadrupole. ~~The oigen-voct6r defined by the ei-en-valuo with a minimum absolute mao~ itu'de is' the normal to the,'plane of the quadrupole while the o'thcr tw&, ei-~ , gen-vactors are respectively the inner and the outar bisectrices~,OE the quadrupole axes. If the origin is placed at the magnetic Schmidt cc-ater? the dipole coincides with the nornial to the plane perpendieular:,to of the quadrupole, and the quadrupole axes will bQL r each other. The orthogonal system of quadrupole xras i 's obtained, from the orthogonal systom of eigen-voctors by turning' them at an, anarle of 450 round the dipole axis. The above -indicated ~. correl 4- tions evidently allow the displaccment of the intamal 'masses creati ins the earth';; magenotic field to be traced in detail, siince. the be explained b~ ',the migra~- shift of the o4rthls magnetic contcr may tion of material masses, and the- eigen-vectors will, yield inf oma-, L ~P ard 2/3