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ZHURAVSKIY, L.S., dotsent
Two new methods for r-terimental evidencing of the direction
of the blood flow in interorganic vascular anastoriones. Trudy:
KGMI no-101335-338 t63. 18a)
1. 1z kafedry fakul'tatakoy khirurgii (zav. JMfeAr--,t
zhennyy deyatell nauki. RSFSR, prof. V.S.Semeno%, Kalininskogoi'.
gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
1 ;
MOROZOVv A.P.j red.; FLAKIDAt M.L, kAnd. takhn. naukv red*; ZHURAVSKII,,
k; Ye.Ya. I OVA, T-1-1. ; MAT I j.2YVIG, H, L.
LILY1 M. F. t aleadeiro
CM111PITIO, T.A.; PROUMA'y Z.11,; ?,11URATSKIT, 141.,; KITSUK'At G,Eh.
ActivaUon or ardtic acids wit'n the formatirin, o!* am4~~nt~acjl-
phosphates in animal tissues. DokI. AN SSSR 166 no.1-227-230
Ja 1~6. 19:1)
1. Institut blokhimii AN LJkrSSR, 2, AN UkrSSR (for Gulyy)..
Submitt6d July 2,. 1965. 1
r'OV/110-58- II-W28
AUTHORS: Zhuravski . NOK& (Engineer), and Chernushkin, I.T.
TITLE: Electrical Porcelgin Based on,Voloanio Ashv~' (Eloit.
tekhnicheskiy farfor na oanove vulkahichosikogo, popl.&).~
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennostis Nroll, 1958 pp-42-43
ABSTRACT: It is becoming nijoessary'll.-o new:,~bourqes,of ra*zaterial
for the manufacture of electrical porae-laifi. Hxp~e'~rimonts
have, therefore,'been~oarried out aV,tho Bleotrioal Poreelain
Works to make high-voltage electrical porcelain from Ntxllchik
volcanic ash and Hanaas'.Auartz sand*, Chemical. analyses
of -the se materials are recorded in Talblo 14 The formulation
adopted for the porcelain is given. The micro -st~ruotutre
of the finished material:is described; it has a substantial
.vitreous phaset . Sixteen samples were nade up as ishowil in
Table 2, to determine the best composition for the porcelain.
The procedures adopted for preparing,tho Mixes, moulding
the specimens, and firing them are described. The final
Card 1/2 firing temperature was 1290-13000C. of the
15(2)'' 7/72-59-1- 1-1 I~N)
AUTHORS. Zhuravskiy, It. K.j~ Chernushkin, 1. T., Khpel lko: 'iT.
TITLD. The Use of Volcanic Ash in the Pastes~.Of 1. do.trotechnidal
PERIODICAL:. Stoklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 111, pp 38!
4BSTRACT: M.'A. Bezborodov P. F. Mikhalevich,. S.:Gi-Tuman6v T. P.~ $hira;rkCj:
G. N. Voronkov, A. A, Zvyagillskiyj N.P.11retov~ carri outi
experiments aiming at the'production of por6elain freel"from'
feldspar. The possibility' of usine voldanic,~aiffi: was inve6tiGated
h Me vre~e ca'=icl
by the GIKI. In the years: 1957 58 j sue I . en~rlme
out at the Ordzhonikidze Glass Container and~'Alnsulator5,lPlaiit ir-11-th
Nallchik volcanic ash and,'Man=xskQYT' (PfWtM18*dv2W1 jives the
chemical compositions of the volcanic.4sh a~d'quArtz Wind,:
Samples with volGanid-ssh'contents'between ~5 *and 50Vrrerel
produced-Their compositions~are Givenin table',2' and'thelr
average mechanical, thermal, and diele6tric~'values in:table 3.
Furthe3!kore, the brdparation of the pov~ ce lain,'. paste is deserited
in detail, It was prepared by means of'Ithe vacuun piess
SM-241 and thevacuum grinding V-P-220. The~baking;of
Card 1/2 insulators van. sca'rried.out in the oil-fired miniature'lunnbl kiln
m - . - . . - . I .. I. . . lz - - .~! U1,11 bMI . . . .I. . . . . . . . . 141111M IMP 111111 lw I I I'l; I,p-;i I, ........ . ......-
I i ! 11' 11 .I 1 *11 11 . '. .1 .
YOTMOVICH. Boris Arisenlyevich, inzh.; ZHURAVS
in2h.,- ZCd6V,'0ikhnil NikolayevitW4.91149.441 ftcl #C
0 , PM
VAST1fYZV,,V.V.,,'inzh.. SIDOROV, H.I., inzh., red.!; BCBROVAt
[Overhead power and illumination lines at railroad terninalej,
Vosdushaye silovye I. oavetitellnye linii shalesnodo oxhnykh
stantaii. Moskva, Goe.tranap.zhel-dor.izd-vo$ 1.09; 189 Pe
(MIRA 12:9)
(Railroads--Stations) (Meotric line s-Overhand)
0 36/1440
~ACC NR: AP'027235 SOURCE CODE:. UR/0109/66/0111008114
A'UT14OR: Kolesov', L. N.; Mekhantsev, Ye. B.; Kil'metov, R. S.;
.Shapovalov, V. L., Zhuravikiv.
ORG: none
TITLE: Calculation of characteristics of distributed X-C -DTR- structure 6: having
p-n-junction-type nonuniform capacitance.~
SOURCE: Radiotakhnika i elektronika, v.~ 11, no. 8, 1966, 1436 440
TOPIC TAGS: pa junction, circuit microminiaturization
'ABSTRACT: A complete appro3dmatc matrix is set up of adr6ittances d;a non-
uniform structure (see figure) consisting of two resistanceii separated b~ a
reverse-biased p-n junction. In practicei such a structure: has been used M.'
component mic ro miniaturization, and one of the resistances has been rep'res ented,
..Card 1/2 ...
~~CC NR: AP6027235
by a semiconductor supporting base. Althou
c(x)& several nonuniform structures '"Y'e been analyzed by.~
other researchers (e.g.. P~ S. Castro, Proc. Nat.
El. Conf. , v. 19, 1963), they cannot represent the
p-n junction., The translent'rei3p6nse of such a p-n-
71- F junction-containing structure is investigated;'using
differential and integral circuits as examples. The
J L nt-response theoretical curves are corrobo-
X transie
dz L
rated by experimental curves obtained from ~L p
specimen acted upon by 30-nsec pulses. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and
17 formulas.
:SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 30Mar65 ORIG REF; 000 OTH REF., 003
1 4 1 A Ji 8 # lit 11 11 ;1 m %I hil V to of It is A It 0 111 Oilli lit 13 3, 111 111 v 0 p 44 It 61 ~4
r 'A -L, A.-" I . 0 A I I U V. A I A AA a W U b 9, A.~,( 4 It a 4 1
;'7JURAV-~Kiy; N-,
11 The fractional ondmadow. of crude beezves. .00
Ind. I=% Chm. Zatr. 19306 1. Yls-,V!4wA? ft,~Ubmb-
00 ri few I vfth Ow olt(ainft tif lhe difimut ftmell FrActismal gwadmialim .00
0 11111'I'm"ItIC4L
9 of the vutu)m Tbe fix"t fractionati,in as a wit in Lvn=l
A, livamis
0 al-:
4 L 411 At k 1114K ot wiromol C %, Ww K if WN
*j, wAp CRT. 48C.
4) in. ri, 1. -60 v a it I in 0-4, 6 Am 4 3 ;16 v
is At 00 AIII. in at 4lilt
O'e go 0 olil a o a a 0 06 00 * o 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0000 Wo 0
10 ~-Osl
0,0 0 -0,:o 0, :1
to 0 04,0 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 00 0 40 0 0 * 0 0 0 *1**
AUTHORs Zh SOV/42-13-3-17/41
TIAE: On the Decomposition of Some Mixed Abeli ;'Groups (0 rasshcheplenii
nekotorykh.smeshnnnykh abelev~rkh,grupp)
PERIODIGALt'U-6peldii matematicheskikh nauk, 1958t Vol f3, Nr 3, pp 230431 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The author restricts hims~elf'to the consideration of abellan
groups and announces a series of resultsp"e.g.:.
Theoremt Let the factor group 0 a G/P of~a mixed group 04ith
respect to its periodic part F be decomposed into the direct sum
Let 0 gdenote a subgroup of 0 so that 0 K/IP Tnder;. this'
assumption 0 is decomposable then and only tban! ifall subgroups
G are deoom osable.
Theoremi.Let,the,(; satisfy the conditionse
1~ G/F is a group of, first rank
2 The hights of elements different from :Pero 61 ftfie primary
direct summands'F of P are finite for~~all prime numbeis plof
a certain set of prime numbers M.
3) In every residue class of G with respect to P there exist
maximal elements.
Card 1/2
AUTHORt Zhuravskiyy V.S. (Brest) SOU/39:48-4-4/4
TITLEs On the Splitting-of Some Mixed Abelian Group9i
PERIODICAL: Matematicheskiy abornikp 19599 vol 48t Nr~4, pp 499-508 (tSSR)
ABSTRACTs The author generalizee'the criterion of.Ye-S.Lyapin f-ReXi
for the splitting of a mixe.d,Abelian group. fle:givea further
sufficient criteria, eg.:
Theorem: Let the factor group,G/F of,the 'ih~ixed groupiG
with its periodic' part P be a: direct sum of clertai!n
groups: G Let Go'be. that subgroup of':G
corresponding to the group Gtfor which G~IF -:,GK. In this case
can be split'then and only then if eve Iry subgroup Gg(,c Ian be
There are 4 theorems and 2 le s which partially appear.already
in f Ref 2_7. The author thanks A.G.Kurosh, Ye,,'S.Lyapint and
A.P.Mishina.for their advice.
There are,,7 references, 6 of which are Soviet, and 1 American.
SUBMITTEDt November 5, 1957
Card 1/1
2 60 M
S/O /134/001/026/938i.
14400 Gil 222
AUTHOR; Zhuravskiy, V.S.
TITLE: On the jueation on the Group of,Abolian Exton~'Slons of Abelian;
kademii nauk SSSR'1960 N
~PERIODICAL: Doklady A Vol. 134, o.~Iipp. 29'32
TEXT: Let A,B,C be Abelian groups for which the aeqiienoe::04A-,-B-C40, I
is exact. Then the following sequences exact for ivery4beiiangioiup G3
(1) O-+HoM (GtA)->Hom (GvB)->Ilom (G,C)-). Ext (G, A) Ext (G B) 4 Ext (0 C) :-)10
(2) 0 Ho m (c, G)--> Hom B, G Ho m (A G -4 EX t (C, G Ex t B' G) ---'Ex f(,k, Q40
-the proof,of the following theorem;
(1.), (2) ate used for
Theorem It Let F be an Abelian group free,of torsion With finite ank~ I
f ystem of linearly independent e leme nts of P; C)
1-t- f 21 f r
i a 112y ... 9r T-periodic Abelian roup. Then the otou P Ext(FIT) f.'. t h i
periodic ta,rt.T
factor group of the group Ext (P/C,Tg) with respect t6 its
Card 1/ 4
- ------ ----
001/028/936 XX
On the question on the' Group of Abelian 02~60j 134/
EXtensions of Abelian Groups, oil 22:2
is isomorphic: Ext(F,T) 7 Ext(FICIT)IV
Theorem-2: Let F be a-cormplete Abelian group free of torsion with theirank r
(r - finite or infinite CSTdinal number); T.- arbitrary TedUcea.Abeli4n
group. Then
Ext(F,T) V Z*(Ext(R/ZT)/T) where RJs the~additiY4 group
of all rational numbers, Z is the subgroup of all integers, means the
r fold complete direct.-Sum.
Theorem -3: Let, F-and, T belfree of torsion and Abelian;a~ La V F' have them finite
e:.type of
rank r. Lot th each element of F different'from z6xio be greater'
than the-type~of each element of T different from zero. Ify is a pure
subgroup of.fir t rank-of F,:then it bolds
Ext(F,T) Ext(019T) Ext(f,,T)
.Every group- H ~of first rank is isomorphic to a subgr~lxp Of the additive
group R-of-.rational numbers; lot H be identified with:this' aubgroup;Ilet:'Z
be its subgroup of all integers.'
Card 2/ 41
On the Question on the Group of Abelian S1020 60/134/001/028/036 ~a
Theorem 41 let H be-lbelian and of first -rank; in.the ahlavaot6ristic
(k I k ..jkj?---) 9f the numbe.1- 1GH let all ~ k- be finite. Let T
1 2
be an arb it raTy, gr n ki T Then
,pup free--of torei.on. Let TO'.= ep
Ext(H,T) T~~i. _T) /(T/T
--&-sev -of .-prime.-. numbers) i
(P is
Theoism" 5t Let F,be a group primary with,-respeot:to thel p,~i6 number. p
B be i.te,basic 'subgroup. If the Abelian group T in so! Ithat 1) T, [p,j ',0
2) pT. T then Ext(F,,T) Ext(F/B,T).
Theo'r'em 6.- Lef T be a periL odic, let its rima' nents T
p ry COMPO
contain no elements of infinite height; let B belthe dire.:t:oum of the: basic
subgroups -:of -the of TO B:- _B L at F bo a group:
p em
fre'e of torsion,so that pF F holds.for~.all pritie numbers p for whidh
'Card 3/4
.4 -4
igiv p -
39' 1 '* '4 j
HA Uh ; 4
0- 0
P-.4 fl
Lai Ila
141 Gi
34 .1 :11 1 A uff
1- 4
"HIU? 'u, 1, NOR
Vila IN 411 3-
kH 41.0a
IN4 ! A1.0
P-G-11-47! 0 1-214. 10 ifl,fia 1! 1 .1;41 a
.4 ^ 1
III] I MAIII F1 I INIHIMIT. IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III M1111-111A ON M 11111MIN11 lfulillialliffilifitil ku
MATUM, Boris Ivanovich; kand.takhu.nauk; ZHURATWIP Fedor V69111yovich.;
Pr IInimali uchastlyd: PRVZMO S.B., inzh.; PQMC.UKCV, L.G.;
ZHURAYSKIT~ Ye.B.. ZHULMOT,-Y.T., kend.tekJw.nv*'., red.,, NMiYAT-
SKAYAS T.14.-7',- ORASHKINA, V.I., tekhn.reC
(Technology of forging light alloy . shapes with vsriable and periodic
cross sections] Tekhnologiia pressovaniia pkofilei peftmennodo i
periodichaskogo sechenii is legkikh splavov.1: Moekva, Gos.iza-vo
obor.promrshl., 1959. 126 p. 13:3)
(Forging) (Light metals)
'tiff" IN HUHH11 111111,0H H114 I I411i M11 kill
AUTHOR: Goroshin, 0. 1. (Engineer); ZhuravskiX, Yu. P. (Engineet)
ORG: none
TITLE: A multichannel coupling device with regulators for. use with 1$e IlDnopr" all'
purpose computer
SOURCE: Mekhanizatstya I avtomatizatsiya proizvodBtva, no. 4,:1966,.:22-23
TOPIC TAGS: computer programming, coupling circuit, digital on8lDg computer, Induatrial
ABSTRACT: The article describes the circuitry, operation, and scopd of a 14-channel
regulator coupling device, developed at the NIOKMI Institute (histitut NIOKHM), Ito be used
as a coupling circuit between a "Dnepr" all-purpose computer and an output work uni.t. (eig.,
a in achine tool), The device has 30 output trigger cells for thgilolnnection o' f signal and control
relays which are switched on and off at commands fed from the control ~ unit In accordance with
the machine operation routine. A structural diagram of a data conversion system using,this
coupling circuit is examined, and the operation of one of the identical 14 channels is considere
In detail. The device has a built-in alarm system in the case of machine stoppage due to pro-
gram-monitored faults. A banic electrical diagram of the device is :included, and It to pointed
out that this unit, which Is simple and reliable In operation, providen the operator with the
Card 1/2 UDC: 681.14-523.8.-62-510-654.15
ACC NRi AP6012870
possibility of visually monitoring the control process and of intervenhigzin that process at any
time. The device permits easy matching with electronic simulation equipment and may be used
in the formation of.hybrid (digital-analog) control systems. Unlike static discrete-analog con-
verters, this device filters out the FIF oscillations of output signals caused by the operational
instability of the discrete-to-analog converter In the coupling unit of the computer.; At the
present time, the device Is being used in a Dnepr - based control system In the absorption
section of a Bodo production operation at the Slivyanskly Bodo CombIne-,"(Blavyanskly sodovoy
"kombinat). Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 09,13/ SUBM DATE: -!none
V? 1-1 .14 d t
ZHUR,.. ,Ty, y1jr4y Vspvolodowich;
magnitr:Qre mekhanivW prok;--Lq;kh --Lr~rov. fi!;1tV.1j
222 p.
SOV/ 137-57-6-9899
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1,957, Nr 6, P 83'(USSR)
AUTHORS: Rokotyan, Ye.S., -Meyerovich, I.M., Zhura~sk,,'iv,,IYu. V.
TITLE: An Investigation of the Auxiliary Mechanisms of the 1000 Blooming
Mill (Issledovaniye vspomogatellnykh mekhani,,.rnov blumingal 1000)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokat. stany, Nr 6. Moscow, Ma'shg14 1956, pp~ ?4-123
A13STRACT: An investigation is made of the auxiliary mechanisms of the 1000
bloomingmill: Theingotbuggy, the ingot turner, thernill~tabl(ils,
the manipulator, and the transfer - at one of Vae southern plants', of
the Soviet Union. Oscillographic, recording of the work of the elec-
tric drives determines the primary power,characiteristics of the
mechanisms being investigated, monitors the correctness of.th6
choice of power for. the electric drives, and re-veals the true. work
done by the mechanisms. Determination of st:resses in the individual
units of the mechanisms is performed by means of wire strain gages.
Exhaustive data useful to designers at heavy machinery plants iri
planning similar mechanisms and to personnel of metallurgical
Card 1/1 plants in utilizing the equipment are prese nted. B.Ye.
SOV/137-57r-6 9908
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957,, Nr- 6, p 85 JUSSa)
AUTHORS: Zhuravsci u_ V_ E M.I.
TITLE- Calibration of an Electrical Differentiating Device (Tarirovka ele'k-
tricheskogo differentsiruyushchego ust.royst,va)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokatnyye stany. Nr 7. Moscow,: Mashgiz, 1956,:: Pp Zil I-
ABSTRACT: The primary engineering difficulty in mei~agUring mechanical
values by electrical means is the calibratibn~ (G).of the curve (CU of
a time derivative. A method:based on w~oyrnent of the ap~riodic
discharge of the capacitor Ut:__Uoexp-t R :is known, which yields
a single point on the Cu. In order to obtain.: otlter points it is neces,-
sary to have a set of resistances and capacitances the values of,
which are of adequate stability and are accurately determined. 'The
authors make use of anothermethod of G. A sine-wave voltage,
vt=vosin wt is delivered to the input of thedifferentiating mechanisr.-i.
The calibrating Cu may be derived in two wayir a) By changing the
Card 1/2 frequency w at an invariable vo, and b) by changing the amplitude
SOV/ 137-57-6-9906
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 19 5N r6, p 84 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zhuravsk
TITLE: 'Choosing Electromagnets for Thin Steel Sheet and,Steel Stri~,p (k
vyboru elektromagnitov dlya tonkikh stallnykb li;stov i stallnoy
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokatnyye stany. Nr 7. Moscow,,~: Mashgiz, 19560;: pp ~36-
ABSTRACT: The use of electromagnetic mechanisms facilitates auto M~ati'on of
auxiliary operations in producing rolled steel. The TsKBMM has
developed a number of mechanisms for tra,insporting sheet~sl (S) and
coils of strip. In designing such mechanisms it is necessary to
make a choice of traction electromagnets,~E) for thin stri04'. A'spec-
ial feature of the E lies in the fact that the th'in 'steel S coh4 titutes
the armature closing the magnetic circuit$ The.force of the' E 4e-
pends on the magnitude of the magnetic flux, as well as on ~~the ~Wind-
ing. Saturation of one of the steel sections of the magnetic~ circuit
of the E results in limiting the power it devel.ops. In the 'case of a
Card 11Z correctly designed E, induction should be idontical at all.cross
SOV/ 137-57-6-*9906
Choosing Electromagnets for Thin Steel Sheet and Steel Strip
sections of the magnetic circuit. The maximum induction in the, S should not be
greater than the induction in the E core. . This relationship may'be expressed, as:,
r2=2h(r+6). If we plot a curve for known h and 6 (the'thicknt-ss of the S'andAhe
air gap between the S and the pole), we f ind the magnitude of r, i the radiu.s of an
average care. Having determined the radius, we may also find the other,~struc-
tural parameters of the E. In developing E for lifting or flanging thin steel S$' 1)
the dimensions of the E should be chosen in correspondence with the thickness of
the S and the magnitude of the working gap, Z) the manufacture of magnets ofi
optimum size for S < 0.2 cm is difficult because of the inadequate mechanical
strength of the S, and 3) the working air gap should not exceed 0.1-0.2 h.
Card 2/2
Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy institut nauchnoyi tekhniche-skoy informats,li.
Prokatnyye stany. [Sbornik) 1 ([Metal] Rolling Mills. (Collection] l)
Moscow$ 1959. 272 p. 2,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencies: aosudarstvennyy hauchno-tekl',Lnicheskiy k6mitet
Soveta Ministrov SSSR, Akademiya nauk SSSR.,
Ed.: Ye. S. Rokotyan, Doctor of Technical Sclenoefi,-Tech. Eds..: 0. A.
Shevchenko and N. G. Gonchar'ov.,
PURPOSE: ThJscollection of articles Is inte*n:ded.for technical,
personnel in tolling mills$ educational institut6o',;3ign
COVERAGE: The collection contains articles Oqalf~ng.with the present
status of methods used in metal rolling. Attentlon Is given to
the design and operation of sheet and planetary mills, electric
drives of equipment rolling shops, And instruments for
Card 1/5
(Metal] Rolling Mills (Cont.) SOV/5471
measuring metal-rolling process parameters,:, D,. P.~Morozo v:..
Doctor of Technical Sciences, and I. S. PobOdirt,,Candidate of
Technical Sciences, edited come parts of the book. References
accompany each article. There are 131 referencen, Soviet and.
1. Rokotyan., Ye. S. (Doctor of Technical Sciencee; Modern'~
Sheet Mills
2. Burlyanov, V. F. [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Plan_~
etary Mills 79
3. Filatov, A. S. (Candidate of Technical Sciences).- Modern'
Electric Drive forthe'Basic Equipment of Rolling Mills 126
Card 24
HU,pi ir~ 1"ITT -14 '-,,'T:I~ -,I ~! IP., 11111"ll I I tills I I 111111.111fif 11111111111 1 I'l-11i
W I ~ %01 vl~fl 9". -11111111
[Metal) Rolling MillB (Cont.) SOV/54171
4. Zhuravsk~~Yu~.V. [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Electric
P-qa-pme for the Auxiliary Mechanisms of Rolling Kills 187
5. Meyerovichp 1. M. [Candidate of Technical Scien-.esl.~ In-
struments for Measuring the Force Parameters',of Rolling
AVAILABLE*. Library of Congress (T3340.M.67)
Card 3/3
KEUSAIMMHAYJV, I Z edaktor; ZHAIoO:LOY, Zh., red;~,4orj
UMANSKIT. P.As, tek~!c Mey ~ra store
[Collective farm chairman's handbook] Nolkhos raislari uchun sparavach-
nik. Toshkent. Uzbekiston SSR daflat nashrieti, 1)56. 915 pe Ma Uzbek]
OMu 10:5)
(Collective farms)
................ .. im;;
AVTHOR: Zh4bdavlev, V.S. 5-3-2/37
TITLEv ino--
On the Tectonic Nature of Regional Maxima of Gravimetri~
malies of the Sineclise Hear the Caspian Sea:(O tektoni-
cheskoy prirode regionalInykh gravitatsionnykh maksimumov
Prikaspiyakoy sinelclizy)
PERIODICALt Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obahchestva Ispytatialey Prirody,!Otdel
Geologicheskly, 1957, No 3f PP 33-53 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt On the basis of geological and geophysical data on the.;
Caspian sineolice the author investigated the
re of
the south-eastern external corner of.the 11uhsian plat.leau,
Geological and geophysical investigations carried out during
recent years in the southern part of the Caspian sine'elisil
have confirmed the opinion asto the plateau's structure..~
The material pertaining to the northern part of the sineclise
was not analyzed until recentlyf and this represents the sub-
ject of the,artiole. During the past:10 years, the Khobda
zone of positive gravity anomalies and adjaoent areas were
covered by geological surveys and geophysical investigations.,
As A 3~esult -,of these investigations it was established that
salt tectonics were developed in the Khobda zone and,that.the
Card 1/4 thickness of the over-salt sediments in depressions'separat-
Oft the Tectonic Nature of Regional Maxima of Gravimetric Anomalies of the
Sineclise Near the Caspian Sea
ing the domes amounts to 3.5 to 4 km, acco:rding to seismic
data. The gravimetric survey has shown.that the Khobda area
of maximum anomaly has the outline of an equilateral triangle
with the vertex pointing south. Its base -qpproximately
coincides with 500 of northarn latitude'ani its vertex
reaches the sands of Taysugan at 480 otnorthern latitude.
The seismic profiles crossed a series of sections with ano-
malous gravity values and indicated that relative local
minima'correspond to salt domes, and relative maxima to in-
terdomal depressions. Up to 26 reTlecting levels deposited
conformally and almost horizontally can be traced down,to a
depth of 3-5 to 4 km in the most sagged sections. The Aral-
sor regional maximum gravity zone like:the. Khobda zoncJs
strongly differentiated. Local minima'also.correspond!to
salt domes and maxima to interdomal 'depressions, which I was
confirmed by the method of reflected waves.. The strike of
the Aralsor gravity maximum coincides with the strike of a
deep break of the crystalline foundation which borders the
Card 2/4 Khobda zone at the south-east. It is sup.posed that a deep
111114119 HUM "Im N ----- -ism
On' the Tectonic Nature of Regional Maxima of Gravimetric knomalies OfAhe
SiAeclise Near the Caspian Be&
break lies also at the base of the Arals6r &one. The South-
Emba (Yuzhno-Embinakiy) regional gravitylmaxiiium has the
same strike as the Aralsor zone, which extendt about 250 km
from Mertvyy Kultuk to the Diar wells. The South-Emba anti-,
cline determines the south-bastern corner of' the Russian
plateau which includes also the entire salt-dome territory
of the Caspian sineclise. The crystalline foundation of the
plateau is divided into separate blocksiby 3 regional breaks
in east-north-east direction, the Khobdai South-Emba and
kralsor breaks. These breaks were cross breakswith respect
to the geosyncline zones surrounding the.plateau corner;
they determined the character of the accumulation of Paleo-
zoic sediments and the structure of the rocka.'. They
caused the step-shaped character of the platoau corner and
the formation of the Khobda, South-Emba and Aralsor anti-
clines within the limits of the Casp~an sinealise. The pre-
sence of these anticlines controlled the-.~distribution of.
hydrochemical sediments, and differences in~the composition
Card 3/4 of the latter determined the differences in the character of
11111111 V
On' the Tectonic Nature of Regional Maxima of Gravimetric Anomalies of the,
si,yieclise Near the Caspian Sea
salt tectonics within the eineclise. This oircumstance makes
it possible to use the comparative anal sis of the salt
tectonics character for approximate determinations of tho
depth of an undersalt bed occurrence when:direct data are
not available.
The article contains 2 geologic maps and 43 Slavic refer-,
AVAILABLE; Library of Congress
Card 4/4
in the
v prikas
f tile
$its 0 erkhaego 1136bil,
70 tlozheuiyo,
11-1~loe (MovskiYe-' 169
SYUSG3.4.6e. Russion) SSSR, 1951 9A Reviewe'".
Luelclize I eimij Ilaulc in 'this ~egiou
dy XkSd marine jauns or~atious
'DI 1957
O'C's 6 / I d
~Jcj6n. bibiiCatus
t JOUU 11 vith
1-000 040ur.
The firs whioh vas to the!J"" to jubi an
ite 4401
IX&B SU &=Onite n k1bion '958d th' SOuth.!S to
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foUndt ~Giec ouly the 50~ the OP 8r soixthelf IL
",.Ateiy to of
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a r aing - SPVTO Ovitinentsl O'D 9 r i4eli Uzi
e%tex 66 to T~Ii% -t
areaq ions oUly Itg
to or r F's"I ,,, are
t, ese OP'n 'Qu, Gontinent ljonds 6110V
00 The Of -light; 9r. inteude4, as
5vurs Of the 'UT96 a Ad. -consist ;Voin. it, is a, . b exten6o
0 p0 itJOIL G. a]. appea-vano the
in 01 m 8 n& cOaree I is ~1, 1h Ore
form to.meajus's Thil jjthoI09i4 imounts'i
8 I'&V
f rouL fine sbadss~# the UU604hi, Don
of ji%hio I!s: in the
colort e ,,t,TU bouudsvy , on Vol"" aetetmjue logical
es't d.ITS*tl) ;e WSM I ilia 111tho
f or as th -4 Sands r fossiles and its-04 ?c1sitioll all shore
upy er 1,3.b i& As no 's,tigra-Ph"', El on thls~
this Sand coutai , , its stl JOYS S V,0T6 f*U".
bj v
'Ventional gglidetOAC
-In 195
213 ..41-e ollere, ho
'Pe 0 bq 0 dIlh elite yretero
Alot '90 'm at P
"'Od 01- z-Ob,hI1
Of ItL M12-L
Zvidence of secondary saline tectonics on the open domes of the.,.
eastern part Tf the Caopian symeallee. DALAO S85k 132 no,,k .
891-894 Je 60. (MIR& 13:5)
j. Geologichaskijr institut Akademli cauk SSSR.'i Predutavleno
akademikom A#L Tanshinym.
icasplan See region-Jalt domoo)
HIM lilt - - - -- ---
t!l _
41v., .!I W is W4* t -I w-MA-MI'vil A it 4WA !-I ~qq!lt U UF%2; I n I 4-~%( 1 1-51, 1 a UP[ I I I it I I 1[ 417011111111: i I I I; [I[['!] III I If f I I of r 1111111 IMIR I R 11111111 11111111119M, till Ifu I I fill Id 111t.414
77 p
to i Oxw lit;
dil. ',%*I It b) i I 1 ?00 06% f, I., "d -1114 it
InIxt. to qt~fdifr itb! blity u6 (f) Denwit (hit zi1j"i. '14,
iruh I t"im with ditad -ruter. dry 64 urcuts tit AW ilix.01
frathinr ivams. attil weigh. Good rimiks vewpielfrum
12 analnei I)v th, mvtfhxI rmitimmid,.M. 11 N
I] tL I M I Will J] 11-1 Hill I I C I If I
TITLE: A comparison of ethylene-n-hexane, ethyl.dne-6yclohexanel'and
ethylene-benzene systems according to p-v--.t-N relationships and
phase equilibrium
SOURCE: Kiyev. Gosudarstyennyy nauchno-issledovate~ ltski~ i'proyek ~nyy
yahle osti.
institut ugoltnoy, rudnoy, neftyanoy i gazovoy prom.
Nauchnyye zapiski, no. 1, 1960. Dobyoha il:'pererabotka neftip
TEXT: The relationships between volume, pressure and te.mperaLure;aid 6f the
phase equilibrium and mutual solubility in binary,hydroqarbon sysi~~sjl~ith
ethylene as an unsaturated hydrocarbon gas,are studied experimentally_
Cyclohexane, benzene and n-hexane, which have an equal number of carbon
atoms in the molecule but different chemical natures, were chosen: as liquid
hydrocarbons. The p-v-t relationships were determined for several:miitures
Card 1/4
Mal W#LU_4_MM___
A comparison of D0550113
of ethylene vrituh each of the liquid hydrocarbons in,6oncentrations from 15
to goo molar ethylene at temperatures of 30, 50'L75,L~10C,125 and 1560C and
pressures up to 150 at (absolute physical atmosphere). The~data obtained,
-hip v f:
are reproduced in the form of grap4a showing the relationn (P)tt
where v is the specific volume (cM'lg); p - pressuxel(at)t t = temperature.
The Y - f (p) isotherms are similar inLshape for all the*mixtures studied.
For those containing a small percentage of ethylene,~tho,isotherma take,the
form of curves with abrupt breaks, which correspond to a change in the phase
state of the mixture, at all the given temperatures. Where the break
occurs..the pressure and specific gravity are those for saturation level.
The point of the break indicates the disappearance of the last gas bubble
and the entry of the mixture into a single-phase liquid state. Isotherms
for mixtures consisting of half and more ethylene have thesame form at
temperatures much lower than the critical ones. AV:temperatuxes near and
above the critical ones, the Curves are smooth. The malar~volume corres-
ponding to saturation pressure in the mixtures decreastis in the order
C H n-0 H C H C H and 0 H -C H when temperatures gnd etAylene
2 4- 6 14 2 4- 6 12 214 6 6 1
Card 2/4
A comparison of ... D055/D113
concentrations are the same for all three. The relation:3hip of the molar
volume to the molar fraction of ethylene is the same for all three systems.
At first, the molar volume decreases as the ethylene coni,.entration risos,
but when the latter reaches a certain point, the former iilso increases. ',The
equilibrium constants in each system and partial molar volumes of each
constituent in the solutions of ethylene in n-hexane,:cyclohexane and,benzol
are given. At 75-1250C, the partial molar volume of ethiriene depend s
largely on the ethylene concentration in the mixture andoat 30-500C it does
not depend on the molar fraction for certain successi-ve ethylene concen-
trations. If this includes the whole range of ethylene ooncentrations at
300C for the ethylene-n-hexane system, for the ethylene-benzene system,it
extends only to 0.5 molar fraction of ethylene. Given the'same temperatures
and pressures, ethylene solubility in n-hexane, cyclohexane and benzene de-
creases in that order. In all three systems it increases as.the pressure
rises with a constant temperature, but decreases with:riving temperature ani
constant pressure. Ye.A.Yeaakov is mentioned. There arcf 9 figuxes,.5
tables and 8 references$ 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc...The three
Card 3/4
S/710 (60/000/001/003/6~04
A comparison of DORD113
English-language referencea are; W.B. Kay, Ind, Eng, Chem.~ 40, 1459,~1945;
D.M.Newitt, and all, Proc. Roy. Soc.,*A 176, 140, 1940; B.H. Sage, and all,
Ind. Eng. Chem., 43, 2112, 1951.
AUTHORS: Sklyar, V. T.0 Lebedev, Ye. V., Lizogub' A, P., Zhurba ~A.S
Perekrest, A. N., Lebedeva,j. B.,
TITLE: Some ways of a more rational reprocessin,j; of'paraffin
petroleums of Western Ukraine
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no..24,'~ 1951;, 467, abstract
2AM63 (Nauchn. zap. Gos. n.-i. i proyektn. i'n-t ugollv.~
rudn. neft. i gaz. prom-sti.I1UkrniiproY'ektII,. no, 4, !961
87 - 112)
TEXT: Results are presented of a study of a possibillity~of deepest~~ndi
most rational exploitation of the petroleums of Dolinskoye'and Bitkoyakoye
deposits which are characterized by a high content of light oils
(Dolinskoye: 54-4%, Bitkovskoye: 43 .1%), high paraffin content (16 a.nd
17%. respectively), and low content of sulfur (0-35 - 0.55,14). Thorough
investigations of the Dolinskiye petroleums showed iba,; in the
deparaffinization of diesel fuel fraction by selective so.lvents at low
temperatures, low-melting paraffin hydrocarbons can be BA-parated which
Card 1/2
.......-...... IN Rat
Some ways of a more rational... B102/B108
are a valuable raw material for the petroohemioal IndiAstry, The qiiantllty
separated is 17 - 20% per fraction or 3.5 -.4-1~ per etroieum.
DeDaraffinization of the fractions corresponds to theAemand',q of the
ro(.T (GOST) for diesel summer fuel and special fuel. At low,temperatures
volid paraffin hydrocarbons were separated in quantiti,es of 28% per
fraction or e~ per petroleum by means of'selective solvents fromthe~
distilled fraction of medium paraffin petroleum. From the deparaffini,zed-
part petroleum components of high viscosity can be ob6ined. From the
,distilled fraction of heavy paraffin petroleum solid hydri)Orbons ()5% per'
fraction), as vall an diesel and tractor olla with a viaconity index of
187 can be obtained. High-quality residual oils (-,2.61%, pur petroleuo)
and ceresins (,0.7% per petroleum), as well as improved-clualLty bitumenn
can be obtained from the petroleum anphaltir. A possibility'of-obtaining
gue-turbine fuel, plasticizers for rubber and low,-sulf6r coke is showni
[Abstracterts note; Complete translation.,
Card 2/2
A 'S' Ca di~at ei
.~.-.AUTHORS: -Sklyai, V.T.,,Sabirova, G.V., Zhurba n
of Chemical Sciences Rozhi.' f-.P-*~ -o-n-opol skiy'' L.Ye
Zvoreva, A.D., Chuchvara, P.G., Engineers
TiTLE: Preparation of freon oil X4~ -12 (XhF-.12) from
Anastasiyevka crude
SOURCE: Kiyev. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issle'd