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83553 SY02q/60/134/00f/004/021 The Fine Structure of X-Ray K-Absorption Spectra and the Hall Effect in.Vanadium B019/13b6O Silicides constant, while metallic vanadium, in accordance with its:p-type conductivity, has a positive Hall constant. The ef,fectivie.carrier concentration ng and its Hall mobility were determined.with the aid of the Hall constants obtained. Results are compiled'An Table 1. As may be seen from Fig. 1, the K-absorption edge undergoes'a considerable and regular alteration in the case of increasing silicon content. Only. that point of the edge remains unchanged, which characterizes the position of the original absorption range in the energy spect rum. The absorption' maximum shifts toward higher energies on a transition of metallid vanadium to the silicides with rising Bi contentp andlon a further transition to V205- owing to.the invariable I position.of the original absorption range, the shift of the maximum leads:' to a,:widening of the edge and, hence, causes the "mean point" of the K-edge to shift toward shorter wavelengths. With increasing Si content 'the width of the: K-edge approaches that of V2051 which is a compound with a large part'of ionic bond. This indicates a polarization of the metal atoms in the silicon- ~rich silicides and a heteropolar component in metal.-silicon compounds. Card 2/4 lima, 111118 KRI Ffilills IMIl MIC III IM, ( !3553 The Fine Structure of X-Ray K-AbBorption S/02o/'60/134/001:/004/021 Spectra and the Hall Effect in Vanadium to 1 9A666 Silicides This is in good agreement with results obtained from a.quantum-med~anicai calculation of the energy,spbotrum of:electrons for molybdenum disilicide (Ref. 9). The authors-finally discuss the behaviorof the ultra-longwave absorption maximum A (Fig. 1), which is -connected with the transition of K-electrons in the region of hybridized 3d-etates of;, transition-metal atoms. The authors believe that the shift of absorption maximum A is related to the d-states perturbed by the surrounding, silicon atoms. There are I figure, I 'table, and 10ireferences: 6 Sbviet, 2 German, I US, and 1 British# .splavov Akademii ASSOCIATION-. Inatitut metallokeramiki i spetsial,lay1ch' nauk SSSR (Institute of Powder Metallu:rgy and Spec:ial~____ Alloys of the AcaFemy- of_;Sciences USSR)i Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im.-V. 1. Vernadskogoi Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of G4ocbeidistry ands : -, Analytical Chemistry-imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of them Academy of So ences USSRT Card 3/4 86047 S/02O/60/155/003/033/039~ A I B004fBo6o AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, Z._Yeo, ZhuTakoy!~~#'. A., and Siary~4_ I. B. TITLE: X-Ray Spectrum Anal'.,X-f PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960,) Vol. 135, No. 3, pp. 642 - 644 TEXT: The authors refer to the obscure points f ouhd in literature: pon- cerning atomic interaction in beryllides of transition metals. Th.ey i wanted to clarify this problem by studying the fine structure of X-ray spectra of titanium beryllides. The specimens wereq boai&es pure.titani- um metal, TiBe and Me 2 prepared by the Institut zotullokeramiki, i spetesplavov AN USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurjy and Special AlloYs of the AS UkrSSR) and placed at the a uthors) disposal by G. V. Samsonov. The apparatus used for the X-ray spectrum analysis had btlen describedlin Refs. 6,9. Both the fine structure of the aboorptio,n ;speotmm (exposure 4-6 h at 15 kv, 40 ma) and the fluoreacenae spectrum (fin-9 structure of the KO line) (exposure 20-40 h,15 kv, 70 pa) were photographed. A. shift 5 Card 1/4 .......... . .. . .. 86o47 X-Ray Spectrum Analysis of Titanium S/02o ,/6o/i 55/003/033/039 Beryllides B004/Bo6o of the KO line, as well as of points m and A of the edge' of the ab- 5 sorption band was observed in beryllides, as against tbe:T-4 spectrum. Fig.1 illustrates this shift, taking the position of the KP line in 5 pure titanium as the zero point of graduation. The relative position of~ these points on the energy scale (ev) is shown in Table 2: The experimental data are indica- tive of a metallic character,of Kp5max m A titanium beryilides, the valence eleatrons being common to both ri 0 6-7 0.2 17.8 0-5 atoms. The dono-r-accaptor intciraclw TiBe 3.8 0.2 7-5 0.2 23-0 0.3 1 tion betweeajd ele-otrons of Ti FiBs 2 3.8 0.2 7.2 0.2 22.6 01.3 and 2s electrons of berylliumils bound to be small. There are 1 figure, 2 tableaq and references: 5 Soviet and 4~ German. Card 2/4 i I .! , 1. 11.- 1 1 it IF, 1 11 11 1., - I I - 1 1 1 E021/E180 AUTHORS: Vaynahteyn, E.Yeas VerkhoglYadbva,.T4S.11 Zhurakovskiy, Ye.A*j and Samsonovj:G*V* TITLE: The fine struc Iture of X-ray absorption K'."~spectra,of the metal in the homogeneous region of '-itanium nitride PERIODICAL: Fizika 00 tallov i,metallovedeniye, v.12, no-31 1961, 36o-364 TEXT: X-ray spectrographic studies of titinium carbide were published ear~lier. The present work inveztigat~d -the effect of concentration changes of the titanium nitrogen~system in the region where only the phase TiN exists (30-50 at.% N). Samples containing 11 *7, 12.8, 14-7, 15.4, 17.5 ' 18.1, 18-113, 20.6, 21#1 2 and 22.4 wt.% nitrogen were prepared by the method given by SW03MW and hin t-eam .%'Ref.,5-. Sb. Metallokeramiche skiyp~materialy i metody ikh issledovaniyal AN USSR, Kiyev, 1959,,::p.53 (Symposium:: Cermets and methods of studying them,.AS Ukr.SSR, Kiev, 1959, P-53). X-ray phase analysis showed that in all the specimens only one phase existed with a NaCl-type lattice having a,parameter Card 1/ 3 30h50 The fine structure of X-ray S/126/61/012/003/004/021 E021/EI80~ increasing from 4.212 to 4.235 kX with increasixiS nitrogen content. X-ray spectrographic studies-were carried out on:apparatut described earlier by I.B. Staryyj (Ref.7i Izv. AN SSSR, ser,fiz., 1958, Vol.20, 798). The crystalline structure of titanium nitride in always octahedral. Decreasing nitrogen content in the nitride phase, althouSh maintaining the octahedral c.o:ordination, should lead to a-reduction in the-role of the p-funizitions, decreasing their contribution,to the d-band and therefore decreasing the coefficient of absorption in the'correiponding spectral region; this was actually observed for,aill compositions, except those with 21.2 and 22.4 wt.% niiro-genj which very nearly correspond to the stoichiometric composition of TiN. , Another explanation of-tha change in the fine structure 6*f stbaorption spectra in that in the nitride phase there in a considerable ionic component in the bonds which decreases with tranxition from the samples deficient in nitrogen to the compound with stoichiometric composition. This in.confirmed by results of measurements of the electrical properties and microhardness of the a ,;mplas', S.N. LIvov and V#F. Hemchanko are mentioned in the ticla for their contributions in this field, Card 2/3 30450 S/126/61/012/003/004/02i The fine structure of X-ray E021/E180L There are 2 figures and 16 references: .13 Soviet-bloc and 3ihon_ Soviet-bloc. :The Engl1sh languag e--reference follow53 Ref.12: G. Kimball, J. Chem. Phys., 1940, Vol.8j 108, ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki i spetisialinykh a plavo-ir AN USSR (Institute of-Powder Metallurgy~and Speciale Alloys, AS Ukr.SSR) Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirj!ikogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Department AS:USSRY SUBMITTEDs January 2, 1961 Card 3/3 SA2,0/61/140/003/008V020 B104/B125 'AUTHORS% Vaynahteyn, E. Ye. and Zhurak A., TITLEs. Fine structure of'X-ray absorption K-speetra~of titanium in complex solid solutions of the TiC-TIN oilyatem PERIODICALi Akademlya nauk SSSR. Doklady,~Y. 140,.60. ~j 19610 56bi- 562 TEXT: This is a contribution to the extensive experimontal:and theoretical material on carbides and nitrides of transition metals.. S. V. $asson6y et! al. (DAN; jM0 no. 3, (1960)) studied tho electrical pr~opertius of this" TiC-TiN system. The authors ' up'ea Sameonov's specimens for their teuts. Tho K-absorption edge of titanium:_'wad examihed with an X-ray spectrograph., (G. V. Samsonov et al., Dop. AN USSR, 6, 836 (1956)). The analyzer was a beat .quartz-crystal, in which the (161-1) plane was the refle oting plane (ra4li of curvature, 2600 and 1650 mm). The X-ray photon energy was d4termined4ith an error of + 0.3 ev. K-absorption edges of 7-alloys of,thaAystem under consideration, averaged from three measurements, are shown in Fig. 1. Them dotted theoretical curves fit the experimental, continuous curves. The' theoretical curves of the absorption edges were obtained on the assumption Card lle 28729 S/P2 61/140/603/008/020 Fine structure of X-ray.v. B104YB125 that the metal atoms intho-octahedral neighborhood change gradually during the transition from pure nitride to pure carbide, and thai, one metallold ' is statistically replaced by the other. This process is accompanied only by a slight change of the lattice constant (about 3%) and a,monotonic diminution of the carrier concentration. The-authors think that the ja conductiott band of the metal in carbides and nitrides is little filled. The donor-acceptor interaction of the 3d electrons of titanium with the conduction electrons of metalloidB39insignificant. The structural changos of the X.,absorption-edge during the transition from pure carbide to pure nitrida are monotonic (Fig.1). The structure of the absorption edge becomes more distinct itith Increasing carbon content in the vicinity of the titanium atoms. This,fact is connected with the scattering power of metalloid atoms$ The results obtained are in-goo'd agreement with those of G. V. Samsonov (Sborn. nauchn. tr. Moak. inst. tsvetn. met. I. zolota im. M. I. Kalinina, no. 30,,v. 1;(1957); ZhTF, L6, 299 (1950)). G. V. Samsonov, CorrespondIng Member AS UitrSSR, is thanked for providing the specimens and for participating In the work. There are . I figure and 19,referencess 14 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. 'Ph's referenc,e16 to English-language publications read as followst H. J. Juretsohke et al*., J.' Phys Chem Solids, A, 118 (1958)1 P. Duwz et al., J. Ellectroahem. Soo., 6950): la9rd 2,7x- S -W411 ~U I UII KLt.1F 14"14: -.1, 1,illif: r~,,! IM 1. 1. 1 q Au M il.; ;ILL- 111 a~-! U11 ka, u L-1 M uk~- A C FSS In N N R A 'Pit 0 44 F-7 4 ~i n n n rjn ri r, cl n r, -4 air iikl.y T TT F Inve9tigMirr -)f !-~f- irii-In rif titjj-r11.~1.1r ni! --I de. h v methlod eml SM, Rc, f'o ra q h ko ,a a trie taKkj r it i a. n~, 19 154, 5 7- (H TOPIC TAGS: t1tanfum n.-Itrlde- Itarnoverkattv reqUin, i1tte-jidid4in 1-1- L~etmpp,Otlor gifir 1Z, !tjj _;q Ll 1. LIZ- 7 -7 IMR J -ii 7,-,. O1 4 F11 F-7-12,i . . . . . . . T 4, UD- A4% U-1 p -e- ivy dif 1-t '641Hf rn,.H i~JAA d tic 11 chenlical bond 771th tf-nfff!r-.f--r I-) ~11,11 0s rno,tmllic: vr, ,-~iz I FIT rACCESMON NR 4043746 AP V;l ed indicating the occurrence ot flrom ow gitoy- l4t4-d --if %I.le C'. C;ILe ivi 2~,T -T- 17 Ccrcj ?12 ACC NR, AP6032850 SOURCE CODEt UR/002-0/66/170/003/0548/0551 AUMOR: Zhurako A.; Vladimirova, A. A.; Dzeganovskiy, V., Pf ORG: Institute of Problems of the Science of'Materials, Academy of Sciences u k1v i(Institut problem materialovedenlya Akademii nauk uKr%91) TITLE: The K,7spectrum of x-ray fluorescence in metallic scanditmand seme of its .high-melting compounds SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 3, 1966, 548-551 TOPIC TAGS: scandium, scandium,compoundi fluorescence spectrura, x ray spectroscopy ABSTRACT: The structure of the valence bands in metallic scandium and its carbide, lboride, nitride and oxide (Sc, ScC, ScB2 were investigated in a study of SCN,.SC203)' he fine =ucture of K emission lines In these materials. Due to low stability of Fetallic Sc and some of its compounds, the samples were placed in a v-acuwn and excita- ItIon was brought about by means of a.sealed copper tube (30 kv, 30-35 ma). 'The (1010) plane of a bent quartz crystal was used for analyzing the spec"n.~ The resolving pow, ler of the spectrograph was.109000, Except for a small shift (1 ev toward the long wave, length side) observed for the S*C the short wavelength side of the K line remained anged in shape and poeftion. The shape and position of the K line.appears to be 11S ~UC,rd 1/3 UDC: 539s25 ost sensitive to the changes In chemical banding. . In contrilsit, to the shape exhibi ted by Sc, in its compounds the X 5 line shows two distinct maxima, The compounds, where the co,'valent and ionic contributions to bonding are stronger, the intensity of the short wavelength maximum Is less. ScBj shows the strongest tendency toward covalent bonding. The position of the two pbaks for ScBZ supports the idea, that the short wave- Aength maximum corresponds to the metallic Me-He bond and the long wavelength maximum to-the covalent Me-B bond. The spectrum of ScC shows two approxivately equivalent maxima, both-shifted by about 2 ev toward the shorter wavelength. This is in good agreement with previous notions thatAhe strong bonding forcesIn high temperature .transition metal compounds exist due tp an almost equivalent contribution to bonding of the'covalent and metallic d electrons. The ScN sh6~is the largest differ- ence between the two'maxima. The shortwavelength maximum has:the higher intensity, and width.. The increased contribution of the 2p states of N to the 3d band ofiSc in-* creases the probability of,emission.'-The metallic nature of bondimg~in thenitride is.,the disappearance of the long wavelength maximum of the K absorption edge .(reported previously) and the closeness 'of approach between the K emission line (2p+ +3d states) and its satellite (2a states of the met&Uoid). It follows from this that the separation between the X and K 11 lines can# to a certain degive, be used,t,o cha- 05 0 racterilze the-energy levels of the valence bonds of the metal and the metalloid., When- ever these lines come ckee, cue can expect the metallic exchange interaction to pro- Card 2/3 ACC7-NR, AP6032850- ,vail over the covalent interaction* Among the high temperature compounds involving Itransition metal's of the first period (of those that halve thus far been invesi-tigated), 1,ScM, TiC, VC and CrB show the greatest degree of approach between X,, and V',(the sum of the valence electrons,among the interacting atoms approaches a stable octet). This characteristic of the high melting compounds leads one to suspect that certain re- gularity exists in their energy spectra. The melting points of the Se compounds de- crease in-the same order (ScN -*,ScC + ScB2 -* SC203), in which tho 2o and 2p + 3d bonds separatee Presented by Academician Gs Ve Kurdyumov on 24 November 1965. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 1 figure. SUB CODE:01,20/ SUBM DATE: ~MayH/ ORIG REF: 009/ BOTH REF: 003 I Card 3/3 ZHURAKOVSKIY, Ye.A. X-ray K-spectra of vanadium absorption In certain oxides. Nauch. zap. Od. ped. inst. 25 no.2:65-67 161. (IURA 18 t 2) I VIMAAIFL~ I I I-,' 1~,A JAI If Fill It it 1A NTN I P. V F I If 10, 14 IIHIJ I II Iffiff 'I I UII VI ill III I I I fill I [Illi I, I Ifil I I ri I Ilia IM M [I I If III I I I 11111111111 A IV. 1111111 A I IVII I IIIIAILA I Ell !J441111, 1411191 fit q61V I I [I I I MVIA tilt, F 11111 It Afil rut I I ----- --------- V ; I L 19365-63 Ewp( )/S`1T(M)/EWP(B)/BDS- AFF ABD TC ACCESSION I.M.- AR30069613 S10058163J00010081bOlVD015 74P ;SOURCE.- RZh. Fizika, Abs. 8D107. rakovskiy, Ye. A* AUTHOR: Zhu 'TITLE: X-ray K-4bsorption'spectra of,vanadium a amei~ 6xides ~CITED SOURCE: Naucbn. zap. kafedr matem., f iz. yeatlestvo n. Odes,~k. g~s. ped. in-t, v. 25, no. 2, 1961, 65 67 TOPIC TAGS: X-ray spectrum,K-~absorption, vanadium, oxide T ateid'for,.V RANSLATION: The K absorption edge was investi4 in'l toxides V20., and With-increasing valence of V': the In- 'V02 V205- tensity of the long-wave maximum of:absorption'Cshl.fted.relati,ve to I V towards,the long-wave side) increases,' thus the metal by 3--4.5 e ansfer of part of the 3d-e 0 A indicating tr lectr ns of the V to this 03ry en, and consequently the ionic-character the V-0 .9 J., Card 1/2 - - - - - - 117 7e L 19365-~-63' ACCESSION UR: AR300696~ ~ system. -Simultaneously,with cement a ni'd the displa ange In the! :h6 c h , -wave maximum princi'l the pal brightness of the long absorption maxi- mum shifts-towards' the short-wave side~by am am6un t,u~ to 10~eV. I. Wikiforov. DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 SUB',CObEt PH ENCLs.' 00~ Card':2/2 LLL[LE-LaluluiLILLLILLU~,1111ILLUI. " .." 1 1 S/226/62/QOo/po6/o-i2/Ol6 E039/19535 AUTHORSs Vaynshteyng Sole, and_ahgrakov~a L Y9,A TITLEt The fine struvturo of X-ray K-sb*orptian spectra ot titanium In complex Jolid solutione of the TiC-Till system PERIODXCALt Porolahkoveya metollurgLys, 1962. ft-ft TEXT: The properties of refractory cowi"vaiWs of tho~ transition metals are investigated using samples of"TAC-TiNi&i1OjG obtained,from G. Vo ~Samnonov. These samples.'were.cut froW the! centre of hot pressed billets of TiC-TiN mixtureo'containinS 25* 33,50, 67 and 75% of one component. For dettrjuilming their phase composition'the samples were analysed by X-ray ftffraction,'Thii K-absorption edge was obtained using a bent quarts crystal spaqtro-O meter (radii quartz crybtals 2600 and 1650 mm) which enable X-ray photons to be determined to an accuracy of 0.3 ibV. The change in fine strutiture observed asthe composition of the allay lo-altered agrees very well with the theoretical formulas 'PW 111WX + 112MU00 X). Card 1/2 The fine structure of X-ray 5/226/62/(!00/006/022/016 E039/9535 where jLl and P2 arethe absorption coefficients of,Ti in TIC and' TiN respectively and x in the percentage content of ~ one phase ln:~ the complex solid solution. It is shown that t'he degree of fillins of'the 3d-sta.te of the metal and the nature of Ate interaction w4th metalloid atoms remains practically unchanged an the compositiowof the alloy is altered. There in 1 figure. ASSOCIATIOM Institut metallokeram iki I OpetsiallInykh eplavov AN'USSR (Institute or Metalceramics and Special Alloys AS UkrSSR) and Institut neorganichaskay khimii 90 AN SSSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SO AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt April 14, 1962 'Card 2/2 s/B49/6a/ooO/ooq/oo3/oi6 A00614101 AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, F,. Ye., Zhurakovs Staryyy 1. TITLE: Roentgenospectral analysis of the force of chemical! bond in hydrido:s of refractory metals on the example of titanium and vanadium com- pounds SOURCE: Vysokotemperaturnyye metailokeramicheskiye maAerialy. Ins-E. metallo, I ker. i spets. spl. AN Ukr.S3R. Xlev~.'Izd-vo ANUkr.SSR, 1962, 19 28 TEXT: There are only indirect data ava ilable-on. the type of, interatomic interaction in-hydrides. The authors attempted for the first obtaih,~di-' rect, inf ormation on the density of electron distribution over the energies ~ Ili titanium and vanadium hydrides and to check by means of spectroacopy the hypo- thesis on the prosence of a metallic bond between metal and.hydrogen atoms In bydrides. For this purpose the authors investigated the f ine structure of X Iray' absorption K-spectra. of titanium in hydrides with 1.2 and about 3 weight % It, and of vanadium in hydrides with 0.12; 0028;~ 0.475; 0.75; 1.1 and 1.45 weight% H. Card 1/3 S/849/62/000/000/00YP16 Hoentgenospeotral analysis or the.. A006/AIDI~' Absorpti.on edges of initial metals were.also btudied. To elin%inate undesirable consequences of heating the specimen during the experimentiq this omission spectra of Ti in hydrides of various chemical composition were analized with the use of i the fluorescence method. All: the. tests were performed on a 'high-intensity vacuum tube-spectrograph with Johann focusing., The titanium hydrides were.prepaeed and analyzed by V. M. Mikheyeva, and the vanadium hydrides by T.'V. Dubovik and G. V.. Samsonov. The experiments proved the hypothesis on the "metallization" of the metal-hydrogen bond in the aforementioned compounds and the penetration of Is- electrons of hydrogen into the vacant 3d-band of the transition metal. This in manifested in the gradual decrease (in comparison with the motal)'of intensity of the long wavelength maximum, within the.range of the basic edge. of the hydride, absorption band, and its displacement to the short wavelength side with increas- Ing hydrogen content in the hydrides until this maximum vanishes entirely. A further increase of the hydrogen content in the hydrides doem not cause changes in the absorption edge structure of the metal in hydrides. As expected, the long wavelength maximum of absorption in the spectrum of the transition metal:in~~ vanadium hydrides vanishes at lesser hydrogen contents in the alloy, than In ~t'_ 7- tanium hydrides. Investigations of the'fine structure of the Xp, -band of tithnium .5 Card 2/3 S/849/62/=/000/003/0~6 Roentgenospectral.analysis of the... A0061AL01 in the hydriden confirm fully theconclusiono.on the,nature of~thc chemical bo'~d,~ forces in these compounds.. The conclusions were drawn from the analysis of ex-, perimental data on the absorption spectra of elements in,these,compoundso' How-', ever, the peculiarities of the fine structure'of Ti.emission bandB in the hy-~l drides and its changea, depending on the compositioi~ of the :Ompounds, ma~, indi-. cate changes in the nature of forces of chemical interaction between hydrogen!- and metal in the alloys, which differ in the degree of completeness of the tran- sition metal 3d-band. It can also be considered that ls'eleetrons of hy~lr~Qgen; do not completely lose their "individual" nature when a gonai%lized ad-band ISBN formed in the hydrides and that 'the effective hydrogen charge is not equal to 1 and can be different for hydrides*rich or poor in hydrogen.'. This explains'also the incomplete vanishing of the K -satellite in the emission spectra of +,Ita-. nium in the hydrides. There are ~figures. Card 3/3 1 11 H1 11 ifW 11 F PII L 185'81-63 PV P)AW-T-01; ACCESSION NR: AT3002113 S/2910/61/061101-/0179/018(i urauskene )E. AUTHORS: Zh Y~ychyunas, S !TITLE: Relationships between the absorption and luminescence spectraf of. iseveral aromatic compounds 'SOURCE: AN Lit SSR. Litovskiy fizlcheskiy~sbornik.~ 1961, 171-186, iTOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrim lurninisce'ncie spectrtun -arloftatic comppuna. im urity center, , pyrene solution in n-paraffine, 3.4-beniopyrene solution1n p n-paraffine, n-hexane, n-octane.. pyrene solution, n-pare-Tine, 3.4-~en.'Z6_' 'Pyrene solution ABSTRACT':-The paper provides.a survey of e .xisting litertiture pn the lun~in;es~'. cence ind absorption spectra of various monomolecular aromatic hydrocarbons in. frozen n-paraffine solutions, and describes the results of in e rimental investi-! Xpe -gation of the effect of the rate of freezing on the.absorptio a pectrum ofM in n I : I .;Lene n-heptane. A comparison is provided of the luminescence and absorption spectra oIf pyrene as against those of 3.4_'benzmLene$n n-paraffine solutions at 77K.1 It is! apparent that in some solvents (pyrene in n-he(xane and n-octane,- 3.4-13enzop gene in n-heptane and n-hexane) several oscillation-band series Ican be found in the ab-- sorption and fluorescence spectra, the number of which Is identical In both, spectra* :;Ca,rd --- ------- L- 18581-6 ACCESSION.NR: AT3002113 ,Thb electron transition 01-011 in these spectra is represented by skav'eral ~resonanc lines which correspond to the 01-011 transitions in various impurity centers. In s' lution of pyrene in n-heptane and of 3.4-benzopyrene in n-octane, fluorescence adii bsorption spectra with a differing number of oscillatory. bands were found. It is also shown that the number of oscillatory-band series in t4 absorption spectrum.of -solutions of 3.4-benzopyrene in n-octane Increases because,~ of the unequal time em- ployed in freezing. The appearance of the differences and:of a multiplet structure .is attributed to the presence of differing impurity centers, the number of which : depends on the method of freezing and, also apparentl on the oscillations'of the Y, crystalline lattice of the solvent. Orig. art. has 3 figures. ~ASSOCIkTION: Villnyusskiy gosudarstvenny*y, universite,b., im6ni V. Kap~uka- s&.(Vi1nyus State University) SUBMITTED: ZIApr6l ..DATE AM.'i 23Apr63 ENCL: K' SUB CODE: :PH, CH NO REF SOV: 013 OTHER: ~001 Card 2/.2 L9% -.-. . . ~. :. ~ I , i~ I . . I i. L;( - T f, I ~ p I it 71 1 11 :1 1 o~ :. I. I , . ~ 1 !1 1 , I Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 MR jr IIMWOV* V.S., prof., doktor ~eter.nauk- ZHURAMI A A., prof., doktor -veter.nauk; PRIORAZERMIT9 N.M., dotsent, kuid,::ie-ter.nauk; IMITSOV, S.G., prof., doktor Veter.nauk; ITKIN, B.Z., doteentj NOSKOV, N.M., doteent, kand.veter.nauk; TURLITMOVA, N.I., red.; BALLODp A~Iog.takhnered, [Principles of veterinary medicine] Osnovylveterin'srii. Isd*2ot ispr. i dop. Koekva,:Goo.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry~ 1960. 437 PO (KIRA 13:10) 1. Direktor Veesoyuznogoinstituta gellmintologil. im. X.I,Skrya- bins (for Tershov). 2. Zaveduyashchiy kafedr ,6y fiziologii Lenin~- gradekogo vetertnarnogo institute (for Zhuravel')., 3. Noskovakays vaterinarnays akademiya (for Preobrazhenskiy)* 4. Saveduyushchij, kafedroy operativnoy khirurgii Koskovskoy veterinaracy skadenii (for Tel.Itsov). 5. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroyslizootologii Oron- burgskogo sallskokhozyayatvennogo institut for Nookov). (Veterinary medicine) I I I I I ! V IIP, I '1 11 11 ~ ! . .I I-I I If I - - - 1z' I - I I" I - I .. ' .. . . , A USSR/Cultivated Plants Fodder, M. -1958, 157p6~ Abe Jour Bef Zhur Biol,, No 4, Author Inst Title Results of Corn Variety Studies at~t'he Polesska Ya Experimental Station (Preliminary Raport)~. (Rezulltnty sortoizueheniya kukuruzy na Pblesskoy opytnoy stantsii (Predvaritellnoye sootshcheniye). Ori(; Pub Kukuruza v BSSR. Minsk., AN BSSR, 1957, 96-105 Abstract The variety testing of corn at the Poleaskaya Experi- mental Station was performed on 112~varieties of hy- bride and self -pollinating lines., obtained fi-om va- rious rayons and institutuions of the 'LEM The yield count was made in the milky-waxy and ftl ripe sta(,;c, of the cobs. The larger part of the vexieties in the conditions of southern Bielorussia become ripe* 14any yielded large harvests of green stuff and cobs in the Card 1/2 jj.LjAVfjj 113 till ~ lilt I I VIIII 111111 IIHI ti till YADORINKO, I.D., kandidat sellskokhosynystyannykh n" 2HMVELI I.T* kandidat takhniehookikh nank. Experience with introducing the method of irrigating from ditches in the central provinces collective fares. Oldr. i mel.9 no-2:20-31 7 157. (Irrigatio In) (MLU 101:3) I ;;IIF. ~ ~I; .41, _,,,] i I i 11 F f, 11 It 11 t~ 111 If, ll~ I I I I If T! 19 111 ~ It I I I I I I I II 1H, I".11 19111 '1! 1111111:111111111111; 11111 PH 11111": 111 Hill III 111 Il I I I I I I 11111 11 t 111911 WK 111111111 tui ou I a I a ini m i m In I i m u-F un nam ri ifirsm n I:; Iq Chet id tat rilter's fim-P lit 1:1 !fill IT fLvor. ailil. i,. t1w lilbril alid Inijulom If) iroi, t1wit'in't m fillfll,41,1( ki !1-11 P 6 k I A 1.1+, " ~,llj: I lit 111, -4 ra It -III Ill Ir~, ;!I ! " , I,I ..t"!i I t:t IV 1~ I --,; I viv i;lI I". c I- 1l." 11 t- it t!! -t- i fit, C-i I i~. 1 p,M, R -r! I I illull 11, 1 11 it ri'll1ir .1 1~,;, Ii;p,I j.,j I 'A I ti ! rj I H .11 1 7-1111- 11 t - MR. M., 0,14M., IN II I, I ! ['1I11. I: ~ . , j , USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits& Berries* m-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol's, No 7) 1958, 30082 Author : flegrull, A.M., Zhuravell, M.S. Inst Title LarGe-Scale ExperInentation in the Veneyard, Orig Pub Sad i oGorod, 1957, tio 6, 64-67. Abstract A survoy is given of the distribution of now selected: grape varieties in Uzbekistan. Good results are indi- cated which ware gotten from these varieties in other, republics. Card 1/1 USSR Cultivated Plante. Fruits., Berries. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Rlologiya) No 13, 1958, No. ~5 f7 8T Author Zhuravell, M. S. Inst t AMIUR~WUM76"'of Plant Cultivation Titlo s Accelerated Propagation of Seedlirgs and of Sev Grape Varieties Orig Pub Vinodeliyo i vinogradarstvo WSH,, 1957)', No 122-26 Abstraot i The grafting of scions of prospective grapo "adlings on adult shrubs parzitted the Idddle Asian experimental station of the All-Union Institute of Plant Cultivation to accelerate considerably-'tho propagation of. vaImble varietiose The planting of shortened soioixi on highly productive ground gave a high yield of seed:Unge, M.R. Zlotin Card 1/1 5116210001028ZOO21015 Sze D296/D~07 AUTHOR: zhux!AVI ey_, TITLE: Nervous elements in the wall of the~~stomach in normai rats and in rats suffering from radiation sickness SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR. Institu;~vlcsperimen- tallnoy i klinicheskoy meditsiny, Trud3r.:no. 280 1962. Znacheniye faktora pitaniya'v profilaktike luchev6 bolezni. no. 4, 21 - 30. TEXT; 110 white rats were exposed to a sublethal das,e of radi4tion- (70,0 r) emitted by the rYr Co-400-1- (G'VT Qo-400-1)~ apparatu[30 122 rats were not exposed to radiation-and served as the contr'l group. Both the experimental and the control groiip viere-furtherAi- vided into two subgroupst one of which was kept an wheat biscuits; containing a protein-vitamin complexp considered to be an adequat-6 diet, &-ad the other on wheat biscuita alone, a diet consideredtto~ be deficient in proteins and vitamins. The a4imals were killed~'W hours, 5, 10l 20 and 50 days after exposure to radiation. The,Oto--M' .mach was fixed in neutral formalin and the intramurE61 nervous q',ppa- Card 1/2 S/851/62/000/028/002/015 -Nervous elements in the wall of ... D296/D307 ratus of the stomach was impregnated with silverl~by the mathod!of' ~Bielschovekiyand Gross. The ganglion cells and the nerve fibers proved to be more vulnerable than the sensory nerve endings. The ganglion cells showed an increased uptake of silver, with changes' in shape and size, Some cells showed vacuolization or, underwent com- plete disintegration. The nerve fibers also qhowed tin increased up-, take of silvert with vacuolization of the axis cylinders and vAri- coue thickeningsp and some fibers even disintegrated completely. Changes in the sensory nerve Iendings were only slight, consisting' of an increased upta]ce of silver and swelling cohtin6d to short stretches of some of the-terminal processes. No relation'betweln the described changes'and the diet could be establiahed. Therelare 6 figures. Card 2/2 V41I IN ------- --- ZHURAVELS, P,A. Oban 'a Ogy MY ,ges.observable In th ecol of aido (Crustacea, SchizoPoda) introduced*in the reservoirs of the Crimean Piedmont# Naueb.dokl. vV9.qhkoly:.biol,n&vkI no.3:26-28 159. (MIR& 12110) 1. Rekomardovana Vaucbno-issladovatellskim inatitatom gidro- biologii Dnepropetrovskago.gasudaretvannogo univernitata Im. 300- 113tiya vosepyedinenlya UkralrV a ROBBiTv. Wrime&-Sohigapoda) "UMILL3 P. A. ZHURAVELO P A Introduction of Mypidae (Crustaces) as a isod'for fishes In reservoirs and other bodies of water in. the KrIvoy log Basin,[with linglish, sumnAry In Insert]. Zoolthur.35 no.8:1131-1138 Ag :156. (Mk9t10) 1.Nauchno-tooledovatel,lakir Institut gidroblolpgil Daepropetrovskoge: gosudarstvannoga-universitsts, imeni 300-letiYAL Vast.,oyedinenirs, Uldmilw Rossiyey. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Mysidae) AUTHOR: Zhuravell, P-As SOV-21-58-4-25/29 TITLE: On Enriching the Fiscine Food Supply of Orimean Rebilrvoirs (0b obogashchenii korm6voy bazy ryb;vodokhranilishch Kryma) PERIODIGALt Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 19500 Ur 40. Pp 456-458 (USSR) ABSTRACT: All investigators of freshwater reservoirs of the 02iimea:t such as Ya..Ya. Tseyebt~I.I..Puzanovl, Trifonov, S.Nl Ulomekiy, point out an underpopulation of. fish fauna, which xeduces the fish oatchlin these basins. The underpopulation of the fauna may be explained both,by the history of this regiong as was sugge.sted by I.I. PUz anov and Ya.Ya. Tseyeb, and by contemporary conditions. Theauthor's investigations show that favorable conditions have developed in the Crimean reservoirs for a number of faunal forms which are absent in the rivers feeding these re Iservoirs. Work on introducing fish species and food organisms into some Crimean reservoirs, initiated at the author's suggestion, by Crimean organization (aided by the hydrobiological research in- stitutions of Dnepropetrovsk and Kiyev) in the spring of 1955, have already yielded the first'~poaitive results. Chemic-, Card 1/2 al and hydrobiological studies of the reservoirs into which SOV-21-58-4-25/29 On Enriching the Piscine Food.~Supply,of Crimean.Heservoirs new.speoies were introduced are beihg carried out under super-, vision of Professor G.B. Alellnikov. There are 7 Soviet,~referances. ASSOCIATION: institut gidrobiologii Dneprope- trovskogo gosudarstvennogo univorsitata (Research In'stitute of Hydrobiology at the Dnepropetrovsk State University). j PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, A.P. 116kkevich SUBMITTED: Iday 22, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of)indiiriauals and institu- tions appearing in this article have'ibeen'used in the trans- literation. 1. Fishes--Nutrition 2. Animals--Abundance: Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Zhuravell, F.A., Professor 26-58-6-10/56 TITLE: Enrichment of the Fresh '.7ater Fauna of the Crimea (Obpgashcheniye fauny preanykh vodoyemov Kryma) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, fir 6, P 55-56 (TJSSR) ABSTRACT: The ponds and water reservoirs of the Crimea are habited by small river fish and a few species of bottom animals. Some of these reservoirs are well sulked for raising commercial fish and invertebrate-feeding animal-o'which do not exist in the water-supplying rivers. In 1955,,various Crimean organi- zations, in cooperation with hydrobiological scientific in- stitutions of Dnepropetrovsk and Kiyev, began to put new kinds of fish (the pike perch, bream, carp and others),into.these ponds and reservoirs. This called for the introduction of feeding animals, and the Dnepropetrovskiy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut gidrobiologii Gosuniverd iteta (Dnepropetrovsk , Scientific Research Tnstitute of Hydro ~-Biology of the State ' University) started putting out experimentually such Animals as oligochaete worms, branchiate mollusks ahd crustacpa. Pro-. ' ; fessor G.B. Mellnik.ov controls the chem icnl~and hydrob iological investigations of the stocked resorvoirs and the newly intro- Carl 112 duced fish and invertebrates. Enrichment of the Fresh Water Fauna of the C rimea 26-58-6-10/56 AS~OCIATIONz Aauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrobiologii Dnepro- petrovskogo goaudarstvennogo univeraiieta Imeni 300-letlYa vossoyedineniya Ukrainy a Rossiyey (Scientific Research Institute of Hydrobiology of thelDnepro- petrovsk State University imeni 300th.Annivereary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia) Card 2/2 1. Resevoirs 2. Fishes Water fauna-,Enrichment ..AUTHOR: Zhuravello P.A. SOV-21-58-8-;723/27 TITLE: Now Crustacean Species in the Vasil0k:ov Re'servoir on'the~ Volchaya River (Novyye vidy rakoobraznykh v Vasilfk64skom vodokhranilishche nalreke Volchlyey PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains,koi RSH, 1956, Nr 8,: -892 (US.,R) pp 891 3 ABSTRACT: Gammaridae and Mysidae were introduced Into the Vasillko'v reservoir on the 'Volchlyn river (af f iuent:; of the Samhra-' Dneprovskaya) as anexperiment. Of the Mysidee, the~sp6oies introduced were'Mesomysis.kowalewsky~ Czern. and Lim:nom'ysis benedeni Czern. The planted organisms :3oon became,habituated to the environment and,spread all over the reservoirs and upstream. In view of the fact.thst,Mysidlae are active filterers, they should play an important part as bicifilter components in potable water reservoirs after more development. There are,6 references, 5 of whichAre Soviet and 1:Hungarian. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatituilgidro- biologii (Dnepropetrovsk Scientific,Research Institute of Hydrobiology) Card 1/2 3( 1 ~2/9 5) 9- 6 AUTHOR: TITLE: A Mysis Thdt is New for the Dnepr System - Hemimysis Anomala Sars - in the Dnepr Reservoir.~(Novaya d1ya sistemy Dnepra mizida - Hemimysis anomala Sard v Dneprovskom, vodokhranilishche)' PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR9 l959D-Nr,:lq 85-87 (USSRY ABSTRACT: A Hemimysis anomala'Sars was revealed~in the:loweri. . near the dam portion of the Dne r reservoir,(Lenin lake) in September 1958 at dep%s of 5-30 M and more. It was brought into the reservoir in 1c157, together with the estuary fauna caught in the upper portion :like). of the Dnepr estuary, and the lower~(estuary ' Ingulets river, to.'stock the new xeservoir. The mysis now behaves like a deep-water specieso,' The dragging of the bottom was perforadd by the author, Card 1/2 SOV/21-59-1-22/26 A hlysis That isNew for the Dnepr System Hemimypis Anomala' Sars in the Dnepr Reservoir and a group of workers of the Dnepropetrovsk'.Institute of Hydrobidaogy, which included, V.Z.' Bulakh, , P.Ya. Lavrinenko. The Hemimysis ano~lalEx was transplanted to breed in the Dnepr'estuary and~Dnapr reservoir areas, to provide forage for the fish. ASSOCIATION: Institut Sidrobiologii Dnepropetrovskogo gosudarstvenno- go un:Lversiteta (Hydrobiology Institute of the Dnepro- petrovsk.State University). PRESENTED: October 6, 1958,,by A.P. Markevich,;Member of the AS UkrSSR Card 212 30(l) 6OV/2:.-,59-3-19/21 AUTHORS: Zhuravell,.P.A. andYb~dushchenkop,~'A.7. -------------- TITLE: On the Study of the Hydrobiology:of 'the Makorto,,,r- skiy Reservoir in the;Kiivzq Rog~Basin.'(K izuehe-; niyu gidrobiologii:Makortovskogo ~o-odokhranilishchal v Krivorozhekom basse ne). Y PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrain's1koi 11,SR 91 Nr,3! 195 PP 309-311,(USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to ~ secure access to aekain iron ore 4e- posits of the -Yrivoy Rog Basin, ~a f3ebtion of Ithe Saksaganoriver was diverted creating:several water reservoirs, the largest of which:is the Makorio;v-~ skiy reservoir, located within the Pyatikhaltskiy and Sofiyevskiy i~ay~vs of the-,Dnepropetrov 4pkaya oblast'. Its area of lower bank6d-up water is,* 2,000 hectares. The'depth at the dam is about!20; m. It was filled in 1957. A considerable variety of mollusks, higher drustaceansi fish, etc, has already been introduced into th6 rEiservoir, 6nd Card 1/2 more will follow. This undertalting,and the study.' SOV/421-~59-3-19/27 On the Study of the Hydrobiology of the Makortovskiy Reservoir in the.Kriyvoy Rog Basin of the reservoir are in the hands.:,of Inatitut ~i, gidrobiologii Dnepropetrovskogo universiteta (iij_ stitute of Hydrobiology of Dnepropetrovsk Univer- sity) and Oblastnaya sanitarnays, lnsp~ktaiya last' Sanitary Inspection). The authors encourage: the use of the reservoir for fish breeding and: emphasize the necessit y of further I.ydrobiological and ichtyological studies of the reciervoir. There;' are 8 Soviet references. trol ASSOCIATION:.Inatitut gidrobiologii Drieprope LrBkogo gosuda'rst- vennogo universiteta:(Institute of Hydrobiolo'y of 9y Dnepropetrovsk State University)' TRESENTED: December 12, 1958, by A.P. Markevich, Member Otthe AS Ukr68R Card 2/2