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BELEVTSEV, Ya.N. - FOWNKO, V.Yu.; NOTAROV, V.D.)- MOLYAVKOp GI.; HELINIK, Yu.P,; SIROSHTAN, R.I.; DOVGANI, M.N.; CHERNOVSKIY, M.I.1 SHCHERBAKOVA, K.F.; ZAGORUYKO, L.G.; GORWOHNIKOVO B.I.; AKIMNKO j N, M, I SMRGMVA I To. A. I XUCHERp V. N. I TAKHTUYEVt 0. V. XALYAYEV, G.I.; ZAMJBA) VA; NAZAROV, P.P.; MAKSIMOVICH, V.L.; STRUYEVAq G.M.; KARSHEMBAUM, A.P.j SKARZHIUSKAYA, T.A.; CBEREDNICHOKO, A.I.; GZRSHOYG, Yu.G.1 PITADE, A.A.; RADUTSKAYA.' P.D.; ZHILKIN5KIY, KAZO, V.M.; KACHANp V.G.; POLOVKO,N.I., red.; LADLUVA, V.D., red.; ZHUKOV G V red.; YEPATKO, Yu.M., red.; SLENZAXO.I., red. izd-va,- KULICHENKO, V.G., red.; RAKHLINA, N.P., takhn. red.; MATVEYCHUK, A.A., tekhn. red. [Geology of the Krivoy Rog iron ore deposits) Geologiia Krivo- rozhakikh zhelezorudnykb mestorozhdenii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol,l,,[Goneral problems of the geology of the Krivoy Rog Baain. Geology and iron ores of the "Ingulets," R&Wumovskiy, and Illich ore'deposits) Obshchie voprosy geologii Krivbassa. Geologicheskoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mertorozhdenii rudaikov "Ingulets," Rakhmanov3kogo i im. Illicba. 1962. 479 p.161.2.(Ge- ology and iron ores of the Dzerzhinskiy, Kirov, Liebknecht, Ootober Revolution, "Bollshevik, " Frunze, 22d Partslezd, Red Guard, and Lenin deposits]Geologicheskoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mestorozhdonii im. Derzhinskogo, im.Kirova, lm.K.Linkankhta, im.XX parts"ezda, im. Krasnoi Gvardii i Im Lenina. 1962. 564 P. (Mila 16;5) (Kriv;y Rog Basin-Iron ores) BELEVTSEV, U.N.; FOM[EN1(O,.'V.Yu.; NOTARCV, V.D.; MOLYAVK0pG.I.;MEL1NIKp Yu.P.; SIROSHTANq;R.L;/DOVGAN'., M.N.; CHERNOVSKIY M.I.; SHCHERBAKOVAP K.F.; ZA0ORUYKO0 LfG.;.GOROSHNIKOV,$.I.; AKIMENKOt N.M.; SEMETEYEVA~ Ye.A.;..KUCEER, V.N.; TAKHTUYEV, G.V.; KALYAYEV, G.I.; ZARUBA, VA; NAZAROV, P,P.; MAKSIMOVICH, V.L.; STRUYEVA) G.M.; KARSHENBAUM, A.P.j SKARZHINSKAYA, T.A.1 CHEREDNICHENKOv A.I.; GERSHOYGI Yu.G.; PITADEO A.A.; RADUTSKAYA, P.D.; ZHILKINSKIY,'S.-I.; KAZAK, V.M.; KACHAN, V.G.; STRYGIN, A.I., red.; LADIYEVA, V,,D, red.; ZHUKOV, G.V., red.; YEPATKO, YU.M., red.; SHCHERBAKOV IAD., red.; 9=W, 0.1., red.izd-va; RAKHLINAp N.P., tbkhn, red. (Geology of Krivoy Rog iron-ore-deposits]Geologiia Nrivorozhskikh zhelezorudnykh mestorozhdenii. Kiev,.Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. VoLL(General problems in the geology of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Geology and iron ores,of the deposits of the "Ingulets," Rakhmanovo, and Illich Mines]Obshchie voprosy geologii Krivbaasa. Geologicheskoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mestorozhdenii rwWkov "Ingtdets," Rakhmanovskogo i im.nficha. 1962. 479 p. (Krivoy fOg Basin-Mining geolop) (MIRA 16:3) (Krivby Rog Basin--Iron ores) 71 Grigor4 Vasillyevich; USACHEVAI I.G.p red,; TRUKHMIA, O*Nop telcbn,red, [Paratyphoid in young farm animal I Paratif molodniaka, Hoakva) Goafizd-vo iselikhozolit-up 1961, 135 p. (KMA 3.4 t 6) (Paratyphoid fe-ver) (Vatertutry medicine) ... .. ..... Z1fUK0Vj G.V.j Doe Vet Sci - (diss) "Paratyphoid of ibe ~~"e and calves." Loss 1959, 25 pp (All-Union Inst of Fzcperimental Vet Sci. All-Union Order of Lenin Acad Of Agr1ci im V.I. Lenin) 140 copies M, 33-59) 120) Munw, Ta.116 (Bialteyteevo U.N.]; Z=07' O.V. Nhukov, H.VJ Second scientific conference on problems of geology and the origin of Iron-silicon formations in the Ukraine, Oeol,xhur, 18 no.4:123-125 158, (HIRA 12:1) Mwaine-aeO1097) S;KEIEWO, Rikolay Panteleymonovich; FCLOVXO, Nataliya Ivanovna; GRITSKOV, Takov Hikhaylovich; MROXHOTOT, Mikhail Nikolayevich;,MAXEBMINA, An~a Alskeandruna; LADITVA, Vlktorlya Daulloyne; --Viktorovich; HASTMO ' Andrey Andreyevich; RODIONOT, S.F., otvoredo; Uft Y.N., red.izd-va; IIOZMITBVBYG, Ye.N., (Geology of farroviliceous formations in the Mcraine] Geologiia sholesisto-L-remnistykh formateii Ukrainy. Kiev, Izd-vo Akadonauk USSR', 19~96 697 p, (MIRA 12:3) l..Chlen-korrespondent_AH USSI (for Rodionov). (Ukraine-7arrosilicon) -3-461 ?O-JA9 tat 01. Ito -qo% 'JICTS, 0 Lve tail 1:10, ija*A:, A191 tyle OT 'gol - A9551 ati.0%, O~ the t,~te- j.St ~ 555VL t to. eles viswf. "tomea- ove aAi. .1186 . O'A 4- 6 ~S&e fge OTC~ a Us vou-'s-l", Of the 101 toss 9 he 131CTS, m, h eT e 50- T oov's 00,j.~All of t C-91C * TOO CSAIOT-~G te& qjt& the part the vil SqV evresell is & III T&OTS ieotelte& -V the 'the TtSlte e it, b 0 T e. OT , a09, a ~TL 6.0 ti.t"e 6eve" ~Ov 1010-0 j.Gh a 'V -ItS al Oaei! I -% -'r "YL The '060 a ti_oOlerrxo ho-rost T e %0~ saif Q I %oue ti.O'A jors t e S, 0 - &~-r c 0 Thel ille T-~ela ioae& t at eT I s IAOILt I 1. 6- tal In 1.6jolts-1 eU OTIS for,% a Mel: of at 0 05 e they VASiA.4 ev, joeva-do a th 1.1 ,e~, -L the q , n t 6c) ob 0-,e a . -r-t - V. oll 0, To. I es 'J~ k. OTS 6t OSV %ell 0 000% r4 aT )&6 ,t a]: 7,01- ~~061 I I t 0 'ph e Ta ves PST T& On a New Development Area of Perruginmo Siliceouo 2o-119-3-48/65 Formations in the Ukraine which lies much further in the north. Howeverithese are not the boundaries of the distribution area of the rocks mentioneds still farther eastward already in the central part of the Priazovskiy crystalline massif, single out- crops of magnetite silicate-hornaton-a are known. Ilready after 1945 a series of magnetic anomalies was found between the river Kiltiohiya (left tributary of the Obitoohnaya, river) and the meridian which passes somewhat in the east of the town of Zhdano*. In the years 1951-1952 some of these anomalies were struck. On this occasion hornblende- magnetite-quartz-hornstones were extracted. Besides amm phibole also diopside was partly contained. The individual beds of the ferriferous hornstones show a thickness of 2o m. They form an alternation of beds with biotite - plagioclase gneisses and mainly with basic and ultra-basio rocks; am- phibolites, tremolitites and aerpentinites to which they are quantitatively subordinated. The ferriferous rocks of the central Priazov'ye doe not differ at all from the Card 2/4 analogous rocks of the mentioned districts of the UCM On a New Development Area of Perrugilams Siliceoua 2o-119-3-48/65 Formations in the Ukrain according to their structure, texture and mineralogical composition; like the latter they are well metamorphized formations of sedimentation from the genetical point of view. According th the character of the magnetic fields the struck places do not form an exception. Without any doubt ferriferous rocks are contained at different amounts also in other anomalies. Thereforet it can be assumed'that between the Ziltiohiya river and the town of Zhdanov a whole area of distribution of this specific complex of rooks of the ferriferous ailiceous formation is situated.1t deserved special attention because of its isolation and also a special names Central Priazovskiy. From the structural point of view this district forms a complicated folded zone stretching north-north-west. Its peoularity consists in the fact that here metabasites play a leading r*o^le in the ferriferous siliceous formation. A similarity with the districta Orekhovo-Pavlogradpkiy ZDWriklyand Verkhovstevskiy in,this respect could not be Card 3/4 found. A strong difference can be observed with the On a New Development Area of FerrugJnous 2o-119-3-48/65 -Siliceous Formations in the Ukrain:-1 Saksaganskaya series (Krivoy Rog) and with the deposits, of the West Priazov'ye where no alternation of beds with the magnetic formations but with schist and para-gneisses ooours. The mentioned similarity probably indicates the same age of the corresponding masses. There are 2 referonces, both of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologicheakikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of .eological Sciences AS Ukrainian SSR) PRESENTEDs November 16t 1957, by N. M. Strakhov, Member; Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: November 14, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 4/4 SEMIMNKO, M.P. CSemenenko, N.P.3; ZIRIKOV. G.V. CZhukov, H.v.] The Fetrovo graphite-bearing series* Geol, zhur. 17 no-3:48-57 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Kirovograd Province--Graphite ores) ZHUOT, G.V. [Zhukov, H.V.1; HASTRIM0, A.A. Stratigraph7 of the Iron-ore aeries of the Oulyay-.Pole mangetic anomaly (with oil y in English]. Dop. All URSR no.1:66-68 158. (MIRA 11:5) 141notitut goologichnikh nauk AN 1JRSR. Prodstavleno akademikom AN USSR N.P. Semenenko. (Gulyay-Pole-Geology, Stratigraphic) IMIN Mv Hu k'OV YSSWCultivatal Plants - Grains 14-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blolaj, No 11 1958p No 3,510 Author F*Sv B=toveya, S.V. VO-V-ttoanko, P.V, Zhukov, A.I. Milovzor.)~. F.A. Mironchenko, D.D. Mishustin..-Ta-m-.-Misirullin Inst Not Given Title Experiments with Corn OrIg Pub 5b, nauchn.-isaled. rabot. Azovo-Chernomor., a.-kh. in--t, 1956s. 14j, 5-18 Abstract In 1955 there was a study of methods of harvesting corn in the Hostovskaya and Kamenskaya Oblastao Pxeliminary results of the tests while working the noll according to the ~Wlltsev method have shown an incraase In the yield of cobs to 15 centners per hectare. The favorable effect of beeding the prop roots, of VIR-42 corn with solutions of urea (1%( and of ammonita aultate (1%) (plemt feeding Inprovedp ripening was comsiderably accelerayed and the y1eld Increased). 1h8 P-rop root supplemental of feeding Pc (1 : 10) cauBed some scorching of the corn leaves. Treating the seeds with microelaments ard concentrations of W04 0-041 ZnS04 0-04% bag easo incr.-iased Card 1/2 zMOV G v A now area of forrugineous-siliceous formations in the Ukraine. Dokl. AN SSSR 119 no.3:563-564 Mr 158, (MIRA llt6) l,lustitut goologicheakikh nauk AN USSR, Predstavleno akoAamikom N.K' Strakhovyme (Ukraine--Iron ores) ZHTJKOV, GeV* [7,hUkOVo HPV*J Genesis of the rich magnetite ores of the Koreak-Hogl;a di;poldts (with summary in English). Dop. AN LM. no.4:380-302 '57. (HIRA 11:3) I.Institut geologichnikh nauk AN IURSR. Predstaylano akadomikom AN 'URM N,P. Semenanko. (Azov Sea region-Magnetite) AUTHORSt TITLE: Zhuk-ov, G V. (H.V. and Nastenko, A. A. 21-1-15/26 Stratigraphy of the Ironstone Series of the Gulyay-Pole Mag- netic Anomaly (Stratigrafiya zhelezorudnoy serii Gulyay- Pol'skoy magnitnoy anomalii) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, ff 1, pp 66-68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As a result of explorations carried out in 1930 by the Ukrainian Geophysical Trust in the Zaporozhlye region, a magnetic anomaly was detected near the railroad station Gulyay-Pole. Prospecting drilling conducted by the Ukrainian Geologic Administration in 1953-1954, es 'tablished that the anomaly was caused by ferruginous hornstones overlaid by the Cenozoic deposits at depths from 90 to 135 m between the migmatites and genisses of the crystalline foundation. To- gether with underlying and penetrating rocks, these formations form a peculiar series which the author proposes to name the Gulyay-Pole ironstone series. The Gulyay-Pole series is divided into 3 suites. The lower suite is compoaed of staurolite-diethene-biotite- muscovite shists; the middle suite is represented by quartz- -Card 1/2 magnetite hornstones with streaks of biotite shists, and the 21-1-15/26 Stratigraphy of the Ironstone Series of the Gulyay-Pole Magnetic Anomaly upper suite is made of quartz-biotite-muscovite shists and arcooic sandstones. The total thickness of the entire series equals about 800 m. In its atratigraphic position, the Gulyay-Pole series is apparently,an analogue of the Yrivoy Rog series. Its ab- solute age, determined by the argon method, in 1,720 million years. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Geological Sciences (Instytut heolohichnykh nauk AS UHSR) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences PRESENTEDt By Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences N.P. Semenenko (Ukrainian spelling: M.P.) SUBMITTED: 5 April 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Geology 2. Magnetite V -2- SSMININKO, Hikolay Panteloymonovich; POLOVKOp Ilatallys Ivanovna; ZHUXOV. Geo- h; tADITXVA, Viktorlya Danilovaa; Anna Alaksandrovae; ZAVIRTUXHINA, Y.N.,redaktor izdatellsiva; RODIOffOT,.-'S.P-.,otvetelVenny~ redaktor; ROZENTSVITG, Ye.N.,tekhredaktof~ [Pqtrography of ferrosilicate formations of the Ukraine] Petrograftia zhelazietokremnintykh formateii Ukrainakoi SSR. Kiev, lzd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1956. 535 P. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Chlea-korrespondent AN USSR. (for Rodionov) (UkraiAe--P6trology) Carbonaceous rocks and grapbites from the iron or@ system of the veslvjrn Azov Sea region. Dop. AN URSR no-5-465-466 156, I.-Inatitut goologichaskikh nauk Akademli usuk URSR. Pradstavleno akademikom Akademit nauk USSR N.P. Semenanko. (Azov Sea regiou--Iron ores) F'J'. ZHMV,, G.V. low data on the stratigrapby of the iron ore series of the western Azov region. Izv.AN SSSR Ser.geol,; 21 no.94.101-104 S 156. (WRA 9:11) L Institut goologicbeskikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR, Kiyev. (Azov region--Iron ores) .~i till A 1 111 11 mftm 0X4:Mtj3_FIVi;l1M1t.;1 IWI LI fill] I u I It lift NNE11 .0 11~111. il. MHAESM" ,-ZIAUKOV, 6-i-V AUTHORt Zhukov, H.V. (In Russian G.V.) 22-4-15/24 TITLEt On the Genesis of Rich Magnetite Ores of the Xoreak-gogila Deposits.(Pro henezys bahatykh mahnetytovykh rud rodovyishcha. Xorsak-Moh-yly) PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akadsmii Sauk Ukrainalkoi RBR, 1957t #41 pp 380-382 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In the western Azov Sea area, the Kormak-Mogila deposits con- tain rich magnetite ores among hyperstfienic-magnotits quartzi- tes of Precambrian age, The quartzites are sedimentary metamorphosed rocks. The rich ores are skarn formations created in the iron quartzites as a result of the action of microoline granite intrusion. Two references are citedg both Slavic. INSTITUTIONt Institute of Geological Sciences of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. PRESENTED BYsSemenenkogNsP., Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. SUBMITTEDs 20 December 1956 AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress ZHUXOV, G.V.; POLOVXD, Me MOMIMW Stratigraphic nomenclature and divisions of the metamorphic complex in the Krivoy Rog,iron ore basin. ftul.MOIP-Otd.geol. 32 no.1:93-97 J&-F 157. (MLRA 10:5) (Krivoy Rog--Geologr, Stratigraphio) AYZEM,RG, D.Ye.:, geolog; BALUKIMVSKIY, N.Y., goolog; BARTIOSuffSKIY. T.I., goolog; BASS, Yu.B., goolog; VADIWV, H.T., gaolog; GLADKIT, V.Ya., geolog; DIDKOVSKIY, V.Ya., goolog; YERSHOV, V.A., geo1og;-Z'M--MOT-j- ,.G.V. goolog; ZAIDRIY, PIK., geolog; IVANTISHIN, M.N., geolog; KAPTjdM,tW-CHL'R1?OUSOVA, O.K., geolog; KLIM811KO, V.Ya., goolog; KtU~AIN. V.L. gaolog; KLYUSHNIKOV, M.N., goolog; KRASHOMMAKOVA. O.V., 9'eolog; KUTSYBA, A.M., geolog; LAPCaIX, Me.. goolog: LICELkK, I.L., geolog; MAKUF-q1H&, A.A., geolog; HkTVITE11KO, Ta.M., goolog; MKIMIA. V.S., geolog; MLYAVKO, G.I., goolog; NkYDIV, D.P,, gmolog; NOVIK, Ye.O., geolog: POWVKO, I.K., geolog; RODIONOV, SIP., geolog; SEIAMONKO, NIP., akademik, geolog; SHRGRIW, A.D.. geolog; SIROSHTAN, R.I., geolog; SLAVIN, V.I., gaolog: SUKHARIVICH, PIP., goolng; TKACHUK, L.G., goolog; USHHKO. I.5., geolog; USTI- NOVSKIT, Tu.B.; geolo*g; TSAROVSKIT, I.D.. gmolog; SHULIGA. P.L., geolog; TURK, Tu.Yu., geolog; TAM11ICHZNXO, I.M., geolog; ANTWPOV, P.Ta., glavny7 redaktor; FILIPPOVA, B.S., red. izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., [Genlogy of the U.S.S.R.] Geologita SSSR. Glav. red. P.IA.Antropov, 761.5.[Ukrainian S.S.R., Moldavian S.S.R.1 ... Ukrainskaia SSR, Moldavaknia SSR. Red. V.A. grabov, N.P. Semenenko. Pt.l.LGeological description of the platform area] Goologichenkoo opisania platfor- mennoi chasti. Ybakva, Gos. nauchno-tmkhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. 1958. 1000 p. Supplonent] Frilozheniia. -7continued on next card) AYZEMRG, D.Y~.---(contInumd) Card 2. 3 fold.maps' (in portfolio) 04IRA 12:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr. 2. Ukrainskoye genlogichatikoys, upravlentya' MinIsterstva geologii i okhrany near SSSR i Inatitut geologicbeakikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR (for all except Antropov, Filippova, Gurova). 3.Glavnyy geolog Ukrainskogo geologichaskovo upravlaniya (for Tershov). 4. AN Ukrainekoy SSR (for Semenenko). (Ukraine--Geology) (*ldavta--Geology) M Viii EWT( W(t I ACC NA, AP6013070 SOURCE Cam. UR/0048/66/030/004/0637/(1643 AUTHOR: Bundel',A.A.; V10hnyskQV&A.V fiAA_a1q _Ianov -S-A. ; q~Lr_eLt#_k_M_aR- I Zhukov,Q- Namenskaya,S.A.; Kreytoor,X.A.; OranovsksiyaT.Y.; ChashchinN.A. OPJG'. None TITLE: On the effect of the preparation conditions on the formation of traps in ZnS and ZnO base phosphors and the inflUetwo of rludooomposition phenomena in nolid soolu- tioms ot cuso in ZnS on their lumint /Report, Fourteonth Conference on Lmlaoa- conce lt~irx Riga,16-23 September 19657 SOUROH: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 637-643 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, crystal phosphor, zinc sulf Ide, current carrier, "O~'O' ABSTRACT: Introduction of new experimental methods has increased rather than =Iuced Vulf We': the disagreement among different investigators regarding the structure of_Aig~,k luminaphors. On the basis of previous Investigations of glow curves and the poliarlty of the photocurrent carriers the authorn showed that for the most part the discrapan- cies are due to inadequate control of the synthesis conditions , i.e. , that the phoo- phors studied by different groups differed as regards structuro owing to uninten.- tional variations of the proparatlon conditions. Experiments iihow, for example, that truly self-activated ZnS exhibits only one glow curve ponk, but that if the conpound -NRi 1:-AP6013070 is exposed to rxygen, even at low pressure, during heating a second glow-curve peak appears and this 18 accompanied by change in the polarity of the photacurrent carriers, (from n to p). Various experiments were carried out with pure, self-activated ami impurity-activated ZnS aiA ZnO (including surface oxidized apecizens) and several series of glow curves are reproduced. Da-ta on the polarity of the current carriers in photoconductivity are also adduced. The ourves and data demonstrate the effects of the synthesis conditions. A series of phosphors was prepared by heating differ-out S without flux at 10009c, f-.11oed by reheating with quartz mixtures of ZnS with Cu 2 ipowder (to prevent CakIng) In sealed tubes at 10500. These ZnS:Cu phosphors were stiAied immediately alter preparation, after various heat treatments and after storage '. for some months at 200. Their attributes differed considerably. again indicating the I iimportance of synthesis and other conditions. It is pointed out that understanding of . the peculiarities of the complicated chemical system constituted by copper-aotivated zimc sulfide luminophors requires further thorough investigation of the ZnS-%S-Cu system. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 6 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBAI DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 008/ OTH FW-. 008 Crd 2/2 OU AMMTSW7, A.M.; Z!~gOVG.Y..,--DRIGORYEV, B.F.,- MAKSIMOV, I.S., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekbn. red. [Standardizing the consumption of materials in production and construction] Normirovanie raskhoda materialov v proizvodstve i otroitellotwe Moskva., lzd-vo ekon. lit-ry., 1961. 99 p. (MW 14,10) (Materials) i mil f in i7l! Ill, -,T It 11T MOM ti~ Ij z I 111 ZHIMOV, G.V. [Zhukov, H,V.j Forthcoming All,-Union Joint SeBsion.on tho Distribution of Mineral Resources* Geol. zhur. 20 nc.2:1124,125 160. (HM 14:5) (Mines and mineral resources) min WHORT A I ful l I EffIRPTHIP "IH 1; ZHUIKOVO G.V. [Zhukov., H.V.1; NASTENKO, A.A. Geology and ore potential of the Orekhov-Pavlograd band of magnetic anomalies. Geol. zhur. 20 no.,3:62-68 160. (MIRA 14W (Orekhav-Pavlograd region-Ore cLposits) 7-1 RVA"T �R ZHUKOVp G.V.[Zhukov, H.V.] Carbonate Metas~matjsm In rooks of-, the Orekho~d"_~"phvlogi~d belt of magnetic anomalies. Dop.AjI UESR no.3:368-370 161, WAA 14:3) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk USSR, Predstavleno ~kadeaikom P11 USSR NoPoSemenonko[Semenonkop M*P*j* (Metasomatiom) (Carbonatites) (Zaporozhlye Province-magnetic anomalies) IM OHM. ZHUMOV, G.V. Genesis of iron ores in the vestern Azov region. Sov. geol. no.2: e7_96 7 l6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut goologichaskikh nauk Almdemii nauk USSR. (Azov region-Iron ores) S/006/60/020/003/001/003 B016/.B067 AUTHORSt zhukov-,__G._ V. , NastenVo, A. A. TITLE: Geological structure and ore content of the Orekhov-Pavlograd zone of magnetic anomalies PERIODICAM Geologichnyy zhurnal, ir~'20, no'.03,nd96% 62-68 TEXT: The authors describe the band-type zone of the Orekhov-Pavlogral magneticanomaly running from North to South. Only its central part whose geological structure is well known lies in the Ukrainian crystal- line shield. This.2one siretches southward to Melitopoll over more than 250 km. It is -15'~-45 km wide. The authors discuss the results of borings in a group of anomalies around the town of Orekhov: 1) Novo- Andrifvolka, 2) Vasynivs1ka, 3) Teroyanstkat 4) Novo-Danylivalka, and 5) Yelizaveto-Troftalka. A rock complex consisting of magnesite-quartzite, various gneisses, schists, and metabasites (amphibolites, pyroxenites, periodites) was found. The magnetite.quartzites of this region do not essentially differ from rocks of other anomalies of the Ukrainian shield. Their primarily sedimentary origin is definite. The authors found that in Card 1/3 Geological structure and ore content... 3/008/60/020/003/001/003 3016/B067 certain anomalies, genetically similar iron-containing silicate formations occur; the composition of the complexes is, however, different. Accord- ing to the authors, this indicates different conditions of accumulation. They suspect the occurrence of two iron-containing silicate formations of two typess 1) beds with basic volcanogenio rocks; 2) beds with mainly normal sedimentary formations (gneieL;, schist, iron-containing quartzite). The age interrelations cannot be definitely established. This is partly due to insufficient exploration of these areas, partly to the transforma- tion of the sedimentary layers into migmatite by granite intrusions. On the basis of comparisons by M. P. Semenenko (Ref. 2), the authors regard the identification of the formations (complexes) I and II with two sue- cessive series as possible. In this case, the volcanogenic series was formed first, while the gneiss-schist series is of more recent origin. The latter is bedded in the core of the anomaly which constitutes a synclinori- um, whereas the former is bedded at the wings. Rich oxide ores are prao- tically not found in this area since the weathered crust in the central part of the zone is not thick enough. The iron-containing quartzites which occur as magnetite varieties and contain 30-33% iron, are low-grade ores. The authors discuss the individual boring sites 1-5 mentioned at the be- Card 2/3 Ge'ological structure and Pre content... S/008/60/020/003/001/003 B016/B067 ginning, they give the depths at which the ores are bedded, and also their approximate quantities. On the basia of these data, the authors conclude that the quartzites do not form largo ore bodies, and that the individual deposits do not contain more than 35 million tone. It is, however, ox- pected that individual deposits lying in close vicinity will warrant the efficient operation of a mining combine. Zones 4 and 5 are most promising. The northern part of the Orekhov-Paylograd zone is assumed to contain silicate nickel ores, and iron oxides in q possibly covered weathered crest. The lower voloanogenio series perhaps contains sulfide nickel or cobalt ores., Also the southern part of the zone will be explored. The authors mention Ukra7inelkyy heofizichnyy treat (Ukrainian Geophysical Trust) and Ukra1ns1ke heolohichne upravlinnya (Ukrainian Geological Administration). There are 5,figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/3 S10081601020100210011001 13103/B202 AUTHORs Zhukovp G. V. TITLE: The forthcoming ~All-Union joint session on the rules governIng the distribution of useful minerals PERIODICALs Geologichnyy zhurnal, v. 20, no. 21 1960, 124-125 TEXTt The author announces the second ordinary All-Union joint session on problems of the rules governing the distribution of useful minerals and on the compilation of prospecting charts. The session will be convened. by the Akademiya nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences USSR), Akademiya nauk USSR (Academy of Sciences UkrB3R)j Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (Ministry of GeoIlogy and Conservation of Mineral Resources USSR)q and Holovne geologichne upravlinnya USSR (Geological Main Administration UkrSSR) in Kiyev in May 19~60. This session 'is intended to -.oordinate the studies on the rules governing the formation of deposits, their prognosis and the compilation of prospecting maps on a large scale. The following problems will be dealt withs 1) Metallogeny of Precambrian shields and old mobile zones. 2) Rules Card 1/3 S/006160/020/002/001/001 Theforthcoming All-Union joint... B103JB202 governingthe distribution of sedimentary and secondary depositat 3) Methods of compiling metallogeny and prosp!~cting aharts. The session will be attended by leading scientists and pepresentatives of scientifio and industrial geological organizations of the USSR as well as by professors and teachers. About 50 lectures will be delivered which will be published prior to the session. Sections will be held simultaneously dealing with subjects 1 and 2, whereas subject 3 will be discussed at the plenary meeting. P.,Ya. Antropov, Kiniater of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources USSR, M. P. Semenenko, Member of the Academy of Sciences U`krSSR, Yu.-G. Staritslkiy, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (VSMEI,". Kh. M. Abdullayev, Member of the Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR, and other scientists will also deliver lectures at this meeting. The work done by the session will be published in three compendia. Two excursions will be made after the end of the session, one to the Azovs'ke more (Sea of Azo7) and to the Kryvyy Rih. 1) The participants will get acquainted with the geological structure of the southern part of the Ukrainelkiy krystalichnyy shchyt (Ukrainian Crystalline Shield) as well as with the Donetalkyy baseyn (Donets Basin). 2) The central parts of this shield as well as the most Card 2/3 8/008/60/020/002/001/001 The forthcoming All-Union joint... B103/B202 important iron and manganese deposits and other deposits of useful minerals will be inspected. MUKQV d.; CEMOVICH, N.Ta., red.izd-va; GMTAROVA, V.Te. ~_J__G~eyop 0tvOre ---T-Sidiarova, M1.1 [Characteristics of the distribution of deposits in platform covers; reports] Zakonomernosti razmeahchenile mestor02hdanil v platformannykh chekhlakht doklady. Kiev. lad-vo Akad.nauk USSR& Ptez, 1960. 191 -p. (Knu 13:10) I# VaesoMnaya oblyedinennsys sesoiya po sakonomernoutyam rat- meshoheniya polexnykh Iskopayemykh i prognoznym kartam. 2d. Kiyev, 1960. (Geology, Aconomic) in 14 (1 Vw 0;: am 03 c. pro we '" '. - " E 0 gf-wig. H, 50 -%. 40 96-.4 W an ft 4 p z L ci A~O t.9 A E u I IN I NIL; till .--a i 0 3 CC ZWK0; CHEKHOVICH, N.Ye., red.izd-ve; ZLTAROVA, V,Ye., tokhnered. (Metallogany of Pro-Cambrian shields and shift zonos3 Notallo- geniia dokembriiskikh shchitov i drevnikh podvishnykh zon; doklady. Kiev, Ixd-vo Akad.nauk USSR. Pt.l. 1960. 261 p. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Voesoyuzuaya obffyodinennaya sousiya po xakonomernostyam razmashchaniya polesnykh iskopayeaWkh i prognoanym kartam. 2d, riev, 1960. 2. Institut geologichookikh nauk IN USSR (for Zhakov). (Ore deposits) ZMOV. G.T.,; OTCHAROVA, Z.G., red,izd-ve; LISOMS, A.M., EKethods of making metallopnot,16c and prognostic maps] Voprosy metodiki sostavleniia mtallogeniohookikh L prognoznykh kart; doklady, Xiev. lod-vo Aked.usuk UWR. Pt.3. 1960. 126 p. (KIRA l3tl2) 1. Veesoyusneya obOyodineanaya sessiya po, iskonomernostyan rasmashchaniya polesnykh iskopayezvkh i prognoznys karteme Zdj Kiyev, 1960. (Ore deposits-Kaps) 1. ZWOV, 1. 2, USSR (600) 4. Poultry 7. Development of communal poultry raising on collective farms. Kolkh. proiz. 12 no, 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Yarch 1953. Unclassifled. oil T., Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title Periodical Abstract USSR/Electricity Pub. 27 9/25 Institutions: Submitted A ID P 9401 Akopyan, A. A., Kand. of Tech. Sci., Gurvich, N. G., Kand. of Med. Sci., Zhukov, I. A., Eng., Negovskiy, V. A., Doe. of Med. Soi. Possibility of cardiac resuscitation by means of impulses during ventricular fibrillation Blektrichestvo, 10., 43-49, 0 1954 Experiments with de-fibrillation of dogs' hearts are described and optimal impulse characteristics were determined. Posnibilities of application to the human organism are dii3cussed.. A description of the de- fibrillator, generating electric impulses is(given. Ten photographs and drawings, 23 references Russian; 1899-1954). All-Union Institute of Electrical E*ngineering im. Lenin; Laboratory of Experimental Physiology for the Revival of Organisms of the Academy of Medical Sciences J1 10, 1954 ZIIUKOV. 1.A kand,med.nauk Characteristics of under water avimming and otorhinclaryngologic4l solo-ztion of frogmen. 'lout. otarin. 25 no.50-10 S-0 163. (MIRA ViO 1. lz kafedry boloznoy ukhao nona i gorla (naahalinlk - zasluzhefinyy diayatall nauki prof. K.L.Khilov) Vornno-meditisinakay ordena Lanina akademil imeni Klrova, Leningrad. GURVICHt N.L., doktor med.nauk; AKOPYAN, A.A., Prof.;.ZHUKOV, I.A., inzh. Constant magnitude ofan injurious electric current. Vop.elektropat. I elektrotrav. 1915-41161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy fiziologii po ozhivleniyu organizma (zav. - prof. V.A.Negovskly) AMN SSSR i laboratoriya perenapryazheniy (zav. - prof.A.A.Akopyan) Vsesovuznogo elektrotekbnicheskogo instituta im. V.I.Lenina. (ELECTRICITY, INJURIES FROM) ZHUXOV, I.A. The GPS-2M tractor crawler dump trailer. Biul. takh.-ekon. inform. no.16:73-74, '59. (MDU 13:3) (Dnv trucks) ZHUXCIV I. A -HypnopsychotheraV of Patients with Skin Diseases together with T erap;jtic Factors from the bochi-Matsesta, Spa," Kharlkov.. 1955. (Disser- h tation for the Degree of Candidate in Yedical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya letopis', No 8,, 1956j pp 97-103 NO- ZH[JKO *A. Decimeter wave generator. Tlz, v sbkole 16 no.6:62-64 KrD #56. (MLRA 9012) 1. Pedago icheskiy institut, Smolensk. 101'scillators, Blectron-tubs) FOIATMZCV#, P#Pos km34. tj%jkomtem,, nalk, zliMoVs. 1,&, of:aodlm olm tba dinti-lbution of cabollo- emm. Vent, k'T,Kazakh* SIMR 21 V4.12164meA D '165. (Imuk 133u) I.I., inzh. Properties of spondil cia*y'andthnir effect '. upon underground emeavations. Transp stroi. 8 no, 7:21-22 J1 159. (HIRA 11:7) iclay-Inalysts) (Soil machanice) ZHUKOV, I.F. Construction of a deep sulyway station from precast rein- forced conorelk-le, 1rans. atroi. 13 nQ.8-32-,-35 Ag 163. (NIRA 17:2) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Kiye=etroproyekta. ~f J;~O V, I TSYGMKOT, A,S.,inzho,- ZHUXOV) IsFelinth, Xvaporating units used on the Antarctic whaler 'Blqvm." Sudostroenie 24 no.4:1&20 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) (whalers) (3vaporating appliances) jTjj-7 -1 All "If -r--ff m; miiTi, "'mot, IN' mff mwff%l "391"TIMMITIMMIN "273-66 WT(m)/ZPAW-2/WAW-2 rip(c) rs ACCESSION MRs ATS007942 UR /0000/6V000/a00/060010603 AUTHOR- Alekqe yev A. G.; Rasargj!j~LY!!. G., LavMjjt'=, Litunovskiy, R. N. iiiT"hev, I. F. , Upvro,%,?I. P.; Stepanov, A. V. 7uzov, V, TITLE: a"ic characteristics of the isochTsciilator -)as i -,nne(t InTl 4~*t, "le -Zen)- r.ance S"~,s ~em A connecting r-)~j is us-d, 0, rT i ~-a I 4ne hori zxin?, a. a~-.,~; Vi i I -i - ir i v( . -namrer -onsists -)f twr r- I A 114flif -A - I lni ~aus!, ilong wi-~ !he risorant .1ine, Card 2 / 3 L 2273-66 ACCESSION MR: ATS007942 installed in the electrowgnet poles. Remetely controlled measuring probes and targets for operating with the internal beam am installed i_n th(a c-hamber. Place- nw--nt of -,.')e ion source is airto lone r-eynote v a pwi- w i 'i c u T (.f tne mcuum, 'I- 5~14t ,)e :a I! ~ -J.? in