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I T . j; a d , 'I ~ !: , I I ~~ I*Hl, 1 1 w I : . I ,!, T! , , t A, i i t i '111, " 1-N i, 1 , i' P! : , T. 0 1 1. 1 1 1 If. 1, r , I I . . '. I -_i 1. 1 1 1 . 1 1, - ; ~ i. i 11 ~ I I I t, Fi i !'J, ~ I ::~: ~ i 1 ~ 1~ . !, I - - : ,,, I Iv i, -;~ ; : , " . : i Ilectric activity of the brain in different forms of parkInsonisA. q 2hur.neyr.i poikh.,54 no-3t254-259,Kr 154. OUIA 7:4) .; .Y, ~ a h RIJSIHDVj-A,,-professor; MIRMUN .1 1 ndidat biologicheBkikh nauk. ;"T I . ,; If ~ i !*; I ~ 1 ki F fi~ I ll~' T -1~ i - , . I , I; iL :; 1- - ; 4 , 1 4 . I : i.1- I I At 2 1 a! 4 n ~ , I q 1 5 ~ ; I I li, I- ~ 1 11 1 1 ~; I i It t t lull ~ I, ""! . ! ; I I . 1 .1 , I M t T-I I MW 11 ~ ~'. t N 1 i i -1, :..~,~ . i ~ j 4 L i il ~ t.-Ill ~; ! - ,. I, , .t, 1, 1 , 1, i: ~ I .;I ;.-rl ~:., -1g. ! i Hs- , il I !-,.t -~ i I I : '11", H -11.1-0 :,fl - 4 H, ~ 11.1.1 " 11 ;7 I -I 'A -;.i 'I . I F 7,qFi, - T -IR 'i T. -11- "I'll I i I 1 11 1 - ~ , i 1 1. i ~ ! ; . i w ! il 1u, 11 !i -:. i - '111 ~ '!~ 11,111 11 1: I~i 1 -,: , : ~-: ~ I i I i , li I , I Tu " , ~ ~ ~ ~ I i. . i:1 ~ i'l ~1, I ~ A 1, il 11-1 V Ir-1.1 4 '1 I - - I ~. .1 ;It R " .. .i ! . H ~ 11". ".: . 1 A11,11 'I I ii PI . t 11 ~, " ~11 J.'j. ~3 ::. I , .. v . 1.10-4 GROMOV, V*'L; SOKOIOV, D.S.; ZHIRMUN-13KIT A M PARMIN, Tu P,; .7 PLTUSNIN' I I.; XkTS' N.Ya.; Tu.j.. GRIdWT, AWL; LRBBMV, -T.D.; TBODDRDVICH, G.I0; ZVORYKIN, X.V.; HIKEWOVICH' V P.; GALITSKIT, V V.; KWYXV.. P.O.; RIKIFOROVA, LT.;. GORIMYMV, D*I.m; A.L.; Ltl4iMAMW, It PITAVCHEM, NJ.- YLMWV, 11,; PIDDPLICM, 1,G,, dektor biol*gichs- skikh -'nauk, professor., Papers, presented at the conference on the histerr of Qmaterwwr flora and f amna, In re Utien re I the development of 1~iaternsrj glaciation. Trttdy,lom,chstv.~paro l2tl29-189 055o (mm qt4) leGidrilosteoslushba (for* isle tarsy).'2. Zoologi chookir institut AN USSR- (for: Pidopuchko) &3. Institat okeanologii AN SSSR (for redorov).4jot&- nicheekiy inititut AN, SSBR (f or Vasil I rev) 05.Romissiya pe isucheniyu chetvartichnoge periods. AN -SSSR (for Ivanova).6.1notitut goologiche- skiW -nauk AN-SSSR (for Gromov, Tanshin, Hikiforovs, Mookyitin)o7.Moe- kov~8kir,geologo-razvedochuyr institut imeni Ordzhonikidze (for Sokolov). 8*Akademiya nauk Belorueskor SSR (for ZhI y)-.q.Maokoyzkiy insti- tat in-zhener--ov- vodnogo khotyaystva 1-for Flyusuin). 10,Geograf icheskiy fakul'tat Hookovokogo g6mularetvannogo universiteta (for Yetremov, Parmuzin).11.Moskovskly gosudarstyannyy universitat (for Lebodev,.Zvo- rykin).32,lnetitut nefti ANSSSR (for Toodoravich).13.Transpraektkarlyer. Ministerstva putay soobshcheniya (for Mikhnovich)~144Vse9oyuznyy aero- geologichaskiy trest (for Galitskir).15.Sovet po Ituchenlyu proizro- ditellnykh.sil AN SSSR (for Xakeyev). (Continued on next card) Nil , 7-1 Uil I i ,m! ; a i . i . -M ll'i : 114 1 f, ii * ~ ~ 1 T-~ ,., C i :,,,, . i , I . ! 'I I I i I-: ; tu ~!?! I - -: . . n. ; c ~ I.I i lio t-~ V. 1. ~1. ~, ". i t". ! j GANU ikha KHOIAN A.(Holan, A.];,SYMBOAITI S.[Simboan, MOUTU) K. 40C 1 s~nu.. K. I,- MUNTYANU., T. [14unteanui T. ALEKSMDRU, D. A16xandru D. ]: IOVENESKU, M.[Iovinescu, M.],- DZHAMO, N. Djamop , 11 01 ~KCZHEVMOVAJ Y e.V ~ [translator); 'KOM4ANM , Yu.F. translator LWIOV V.M.[translator]; MOZHAMV., N.D. '[translator MMIUSMY M.-M. red.,- TOPORKOV, G.11,, red.: Lr--~ ~Aj, YANKOVICH O.-U I y -. T TOWO -r, f .9 M.A,, tekhn. red. VAephcstion .4 the qccpomcmc ~ouLti tuethod were compa ed wt~h Ittotic ulAAtttt-.1 ;.a t; J! The differ--- a, -,fe ttv.,z 0 1 u... nwO.0 :It I.- f..f ;-tr"t!-J g'. MEN AUTWR: None Given 72-2-18/20 TITLE: The Production of Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be Developed (Resvivat' pr'oizvodstvo atekla v USSR) From the. Technical Oonferenoe of PAWeewtativesof the Glass Industry (S tekhnioheskogo soveshobaniya rabotnikov stekollnoy pranyshlennosti). PERIODICALs Steklo i Keramikap:1958, Nr 2, pp. 43-45 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This conference was called by the Ministry for the Industry of Building Materials of the Ukrainian SSR an well as by the Ukrainian-, and Stalin, -Regional NTO for Building Materials and took place on December 10-129 1957 at Konstantinovka. The minister for.the build- ing material industry of.the Ukrainian SSR, Moms, opened the con- ference.ana stressed the fact that the production of glass must be inoreased.~The following reports were further delivered: 1.) Patenko, (Deputy Minister for the Building Material Industry) spoke about the present stage of the glass industry, and pointed out.what work.must be carried out in future. .2.) Solinov (Director of the Institute for Glass) gave a report con- cerning new kinds of glass products for dwelling- and industrial Card 115 buildings and how they are to be properly used in practice. 'V The Production Pf: Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be 72-2-18/20 Developed..From~the Technical.Conference of Representatives of the Glass Industry 3,) Ditibrovskiy (Director of the Ukrainian Branch of the Institute forGlass) described the woric carried out by this institute. 4.) Tykaohinakiy (Institute for Glass) gave a detailed description of the part played by the factors determining the. interwity of the process of glue meltina. 5.). Zhirnov ("ProletarW ple. Ot'spoke about the success achieved -ffy-11-Ts plant. 6 Lev (Representative of the Giprosteklo Institute) spoke about the distribution of new products. 7.) Alekseyev (AcadenW for Building and Architecture of the USSR) spoke about the assortments qualityo and value of building glass. Illinskly (Head of the Pyrometrio Department of the GiproSteklo)- spoke about the perfecting of glass smelting furnaces during, futumrapair work. 9.) K-I.Borisov (FEB of the Institute for Glass) spoke about improved constructions of glass smelting furnaces and flues. Card :..The Production of Glass in the Ukrainian SSR Must be 72-2-18/20 Developed. ~ From the Technical, Conference. of Repreimentati-res of the Glass Industry , solomin,~Professor (Institute for Glass) spoke about re- fractories fortank furnaces. ji.) Fronin (Lisichandk Works) reported about d inas produats.of high stability. 12.) Bondarev (Director of.the "Avtosteklo" Works, Konstantinovka) dealt with prospects for building glass. Firer,(Represehtative of the,Gomel Plant) spoke about the pro- duotion and use'of glass tubes and f0 am glasa4 14.) Zabkov (.Director of the Plant imeni October Revolution) spoke about the prospects of the production of special glass pro- ducts, Bazhbeyk-Melikov, (Soientif io Collaborator of the Institute for Glass) gave a report on building glass blocks. 16.) Abakumov (Chief Engineer of the Skopino Works) spoke about the production of glass blocks in this.plant.~ Shatokhin (InstituteforGlass), Polik (Institute for Glass Fibres) Koryagina'(Ivotak Plant) spoke about glass fibres. Card 3/5 The Production of Glas s, in the Ukrainian SSR Mum t1e, 72-2-18/20 Developed.~From the~Technioal Conference of Representatives of the Glass Inaustry, 18.) Perederiyenko (Director of-the Glass Works at Lvov) spoke 'about plate glass of high quality. 19.) Jayasnikov (Dotsent -of the, Polytechnic Institute of Kiyev) spoke. about the production of glass tiles. 20.) Reznikov (P%B of the Institute for Glass) Minakov ("Avto- stekId"'Works, Konstantincvka)p Dolbin ("Proletarir Works), Kolesnikov (Plant imeni October Revolution), Zhirnov (TsXB ITSM Ukrainian SSR) . spoke about: problems of mechanization. 21.) Pod"yellakiy spoke about the packing of glass. .22.) BAklanov,(Heaa of the Sovnarchose Stalinsk) spoke about the development of new building materials in that province. 23.) Potanin (Deputy Chief of . the, Department for Building Materials of,the.Gosplan.USSR) spoke about.general problems of the glass industry Decisions were-made with a view of increasing the efficiency. and the quality of the'products of glass works and theworks producing Card 4/5 dim : ; i : 5. " 1 2' 1 'Ve 0111'. IN Im i --- IN ME r,,y -;,, "I 11 t ti - 1 4, 1 1~4;~ idHill ~, 1! .I - It v 1 0:; , , I A==Si 1. A., S. T., Do I .2h.1 -MIP _:^1 TITIS. ?h. 04(SX), I ...... b it ... tar With a Capacity of 50 No F-l=1ZLZt Aloafta. goo'giYe. lm. - 68. go. t. pp. 49~-504 zM.- The present Nrtlolo give* a detalled description of 'g' ..... to 0b 510-1. re"41-11 losiat r hI ", , avel"a flea ,1 2,2*1 0' 3 Alt.20.0. it 14 %494 both work to mucloor pbji.. and roactor obt:lAtne of elegant., &.atlas or Cie.$" obd b"141ag nat ria2m under =out"& and among boubsrdawnt. utthin the texpgral- text.tZOOK - 2000-C, -6 In Nris.. ma~di.j opatrvu.trit ~LmmtLzz at In arxedlato noutrom.1 manotnation of the Cause, mpectruo f She (S.V) reactleml ose,alwation of bart.ll,od tsotop*o sad me : Lffr&et&Ao analyses. Th. a.ther.-firwt dt ..... . aso CarA ow reactor works with U235 enriched to 90%. Th. OTItImea 04-6 (with"t the *xPtri ... t1a hole-) In 7.3 k4 -f 0235, -4 Inclo-'s the ..p.rixitetl bcl*g, it 40-t9 to 9.5 kg Elnolas:-11.7 kal The mail&= he t flor fX4.2 the fuel element list" 5.5-10 kcal/ Us surface Mg. mine. 404, f;ot *moved 1950C. Fig. I *come the Aistribult" of the ~oj:roll MA Ia the eroo. section of the r*actort, tb* CIUM hot two maxlfts~ ice In the center of the e"llal-water mvlty (2.2-1013). and the albor 1. the lateral reflector (~.ia j4u/wmZ.*w)~ The f2ux/poaor ratio is 4.4 .with a 2~* suboaralon. dop1h Of tb- feet *I ... ht*. %bo reacl%or ago be in continuous aperat4on for * ! Porlad or 60-65 day*. 34,*rax details &" dealt with next. Uporlwantal below, The roactar k&s five borlsontat and fifteen vertical hal.a. Th- arm Ix the central part or the active &*oa. hoot lomettedinal A" arewe Sections mr,a she" in pigs. 2.3. At tuoutpt of.. the wag the b4otres flux amounto The ortloal ba:o a" located In the, r.fl"to h %b* exemption of the control use.. Th"* or thh" sez"tojor obtaining tMniguroala elements (an" Of lion being in ~ta.. center) too 1--tomp..ratura, hate .. a more* ford mew h-I.-t%hol 0 for the tooting Of fuel 0 the** touts. is. ~14 114 utter, and corrosion to a- All f 'homic. I, of tU 0 bol:t fig. 6.2-cool.4 -bolm, &r# Furthermore a.M* far testing fission ond, building materials In the raage of 0 - 6000C1 One hole (tooled Ith hot Ice gas or liquid ZZ) go".. for, maat:r~tltewts at 1.4 hole for material tests t 0000CS taxpera ur.84 on. gas-eb< I (Iwooc) for testing rook l.mants and one bale "!led with liquid net& on construct,"* M"la. C=atructlon: The following demands sort mado creation of ~. saga, Octive once +hot cold ithstana high tbornal 1004A Pplication of . nextcum btmb.r of f., long time. am Its Cooling$ a to. Is shown In M. 3)t Possiblo .."risecat.1 holes (their distribut change of fu.l.gjoubli., itbA.t prOe.uiwaroi. rise. 2-5 prtlealaze of the construction. Reactor bud: and cover: riC. 2 Is described. Th* cylLa4ric-1 Part IN "do all 36 Men thick 4toinitas at-*I j4t4qr (1Kh1aX7T). The rerl.otor consists bagice.11j, Of of the crude*" it IOL"do up of block. about 65 different beryllium *lid" at,tbo button Fuel typ", a LhIch are t"Joe'd by steel pl%to* a' top "4L plot* I h a Oat has tb*Lohp. Cr Z Sloseat a seeallta. Th* 01 4V itstlt j card t -_ A\-7 rn_ tvp i- 4' , _-4 jf~,, -t --way Yu. D.. Ko 'N A. nstantinovp L. V#; Nikolayev, V. A AUTHOR. Bulkin, M: iVPjijp anov S B. OlMel oppe ORG.' 'none -1 neutron mult ipl er: TITLE ;The SOL A OURCE -Atomnaya~energiya, v 21, no h, 1966, 321-322 TOPIC TAGS; nuclew research reactor, thermal neutron, fast, neutron,, reactor, n.autron neutron multiplier: to r ABSTRACT:~'The authors desc ibe a neutron multiplierLwhicb they have developed operate with thermal neutrons,~.having a rated power 0.5 watt, a neutron Multiplication L coefficient 0.997.p- maximum fluxes in the center of, the. aetiVeL zone 2.5 x 10'7 and 7- Ut/CM2_ae T x 10 ne a forL thermal and fast neutrons., respectively., and a flux.of 10 7' neut/cmA is uraniud -sec at the locations where the experiments are performed. 'The Nel dioxide immersed in polyetbylene,.containing 900 g of U23,5 (36% enrichment) per load. 7he moderator is polyethylene, and the.reflectorls graphite combined with polyethylenes The individua control of the multi units and.the plier are briefly described. Ad- tages claimed for the multiplier are ease of control, protection against nuclear, accidents~ transportability 0 -(can be transp rted with v. 10-ton truck), and simple con- struction.- Possible'applications of the neutron multiplier are for geological pro_ L, spectingp actlyation analysis of isotopes and other materials and medical applicationso SOURCE CODE: UR/O089/66/O21/-'/; 5/0363/030 AUVOR: Bulkinj Yu. M.; Z nov L. V., h ,;.Zhe chuzhniko G. N. Xonst.anti,, h m v . j tov, N. A. 1. A.. Niko'layev, V. A.; Ste~bo I. A-~ Lobanov, V. S.; FilipPOV) A. G.; Khrya~, 1,6ba none VITLE:' Research,and-leducational reactor IR-100 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v., 21). no. 5, 1966 36 -368 3 ',TOPIC;TAG$: -research reacior,.-nuclear,reactor characteristic/ IR-100 reactor ABSTRAd'T: The du tIhors describe, the physical and.techn .j cal charac- -teristics, and the experimental capabilities of a research reactor with thermal ratiN :of-100.kwi intended for scientific'~research work and also for training of specialists A 'the field of atomic energy.- This is a water-cooled and -water-moderated swimming n Ipool,reactor with'all.the,equipment situated i n acentral building. It 'utes enriched UO., (10ao) I with, a. minimum critical mass of 2.6 kg of U235 and a graphite reflector. The maximum thermal and fa:st'neutron fluxes are 2 x 1o12.qnd 2.2 x 103-2, respectively, -The variouschannels and the possible -research that.can be carried out with the re- actor, as well as the, are described in some detail. Orig. a~rt., has:.~' 2, fipres and 2 tables.,.... 9W.'60DE sm DATEe., 28jui66/ oRIG REF: ow[ OTH REF: 003:, X -520.21 621-039 Cgrd M)c b.:. ACCESSION NR:~ AT4019060, ENCIA ix daznina-ipectrlm o the reactor, 40 AV 4 IL 1 1- Card 3A Energy Of V quanta In l(cy ; t I I iff. IF I �! * ; t 1. 01 ENCU)SUREI b 197 top t., 5K A I -,E idil 'ACC---N2t--~--A1!( 0 03 AUTHOR: DU n, Yu. M. Zh -noy lki A,.:, J~qnsti~ntinov, L. ~ik ayev V. A.; Sten- bok,_,k. Lob2ppy., V. Benevolenski A M. YJ ORG: none TITLE:. RG-1 reactor for geolpjs~k~rescarch v' no SOURCE:_: AtomnaTa -enllg~a, 0.212 4,p 1966., 319-321 TOPIC TAGS:'.,thermal redetbx,-~,.Iren*carch~reactor.-geologic research facility, tracer study.$ ~ radioactive. sources/ RG-~I_ research. reactor ABSTRACT: '-The reactor:,desci Ibed is.'of the,swimming-pool type zvxVA at 5 kw.thermal. It, isIntended for the production of radioactive.isotopen with different half-lives) for activation analysis ofiechnological and geological sampleaj and for estimates of the absorbing.abilities of solid and liquid materials and alloys, and alzo for use In con- unc.L a 'for act tion with a group oflaboratories (radiochemical laboratory., labor tory ex -i radiometric,measurements; and'other specialized facilities) for the development of no I engineering and technical research methods using radioactive isotopes. The fuel in U02 OD%, enrichment) 2 and t~~ critical logd is 2..6 kg of u235. nie reflector is made Of graphite.blocks clad U. aluminumiii The . core 27-7-and r- lector are placed in a wate filled aluminum tank V. (1500 mm Cum.. 3500 = high). 'PoKoh ~steel:control roda are used. There are altogether' seven di Ifferent channels located in areas with different thermal and fast neutrons fjUX densities (up to lo~kxeut/=4~-sec). The maxin= pro- 2/2 Card -Acc-NR,-AP6035746---- be contained- together vith a rkoiving cha*ers..4n a comon Wing# SUB GMR: 02 DAT9u:z'l34r65, 1~7 tw -2J2 C ard If I' H L i? U ; I ;j I AIR! I ~! - 6i. I ; "I ~im I : - 1 1 1 - lill-Ill'tHini Eli~ ~ I t , 1 M ~ I ;~ ;, ,Ii . 1 ;2 " 11 1 1 11 [ 1 II , " .F I I . AUTHORv. Zhirnov, A.Z. Engineer SOV/99-58-10.-3A3 TITLE-_ Ponds With a.Fu ll~Storage Capacity for Spring Run-Off Wa eta (Prudy. s, u _polnoy_aklnlm lyatsiyey vesennego stok ~ .'.Gidrotekhnika.'. i,-melioratsiya.v 19589 Nr 109 PP 17-23, (USSR) ABSTRACT:~ :From 1949-1953 the author studied the c Pacity of'water re- a servoirs for spring waters in:the Orlovs)aja MAW. ~ IL- barns to,the,oonolusion that it was very,usoful,to build,dams'at -5 k3n 2, to:save. ponds with A.water-collecting area of u*P to the expenses water reservoir construction. Hei a commends-theapplication of asbesto6-oement'tubesjor the e soha a wat r.di rg Another'advantage is that dame up to a height of 10 m ban be constructed without drainage. Hydo-. logical oaAculistions.ohould be based on the operation of the' ground.water.disoharge during the period of flood waters* ~.There are 2 tables, 2 graphs and 3 diagrams. l.; Inlud waterways-Development 2. Flooda--,Control Card 1A i I " ; ~~lg;l I-f . : 1 1, .. I i 1 111.1 i: i~ I 1~ li 11 Ill, ll 111 '111,13 1`14 :, ~ ; . 11; - 1 V- : T21-1 .... .- ; ! " ~- ;,- , , . . - 1'.- r. ~,~ u~-4, ;~-A l. --.. - ,. -1-1-- 1 ..". .. ... ... I iAUTHOR; Zhirnov, M. Engineer SOV/129-59-3-4/16 TITLE: __i~alue`n~e o~f~ loying on Hardening and Softening Of Ir=-baze Iket-resistmit A-1-31.0ya- (V1iyaaiye legiravaniye. at~ upr6chneaiyei razu~pm-c-br-erlye zharoprochnvkh splavov na zheleznoy osnove) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i.Termicheskaya Obrabotka Me'tallov, 1959 Ni 3, PP :17 19 (USSR) -described,of:investigations of the-influence ABSTRA.M. Results are. various alloying elements on,the processes of "hardening and softening of iron-hase alloys at~elevated 4. Vemperatarest paying particular attention to recrystal- Experimental.iron-base alloys (13% Or, 8% Ni and. 81/ 16 Mn) were studied which were alloyed with various elements. -During the individual alloying experiments, the influence of.the,following elements was studied: C, V) 'All Mot W-and Nb . The maximum eoncentration of.the a.Llcying'element; did not exceed 3 at.%, which corresponds approximately tothe content of such elements,in real i--on-base high-temperature alloys. Heats were produced in: which each -of-the above mentioned elements varied within the following limits; 0-0,6016.01 0-2.4% V., 0-1.4% Alt 'Cardl/6 0-5% Mot-.0-8% W and 0-2.8% Bb. In the case of alloys with Soyl o e ng ron-bas 0 Influence-of Alloying on Hardening fitil OV16 e Heat_TeSistant.AllOyB,. V2 Al I - N-b IWahd,Nb, no.additional.carbon was introduced and-its content Iwas-below 0.07%; the presence of additional carbon would have complicated the study of the'influenee:of other elements in the"pure form. The blanksofrom allithe alloys were quenched in water f rom. 1-180 C ensuring,anequal initial grain size of the austenitL~ For.investigating the influence of alloying e 'elements on the recrystallisation, cylindrical specimens,, d =..12 mm) we're subjected to a 50% reduction heating for 5 hours at various temperatures. Afterheating-at each of~t.hese temperatures, the hardness Of.,the-dpecimens was measured and heating temperature- 'hardness curves.were determined which characterise'the intensity.of.softening of the work-hardened alloy. Thus, it Can:be. seen by.comparing the softening curves of alloys with vanadium and those with tungsten (both graphed in Figure 1) that.vanadium. has almost no influence on -the softening.of.the basic solid solution,,whilst tungsten slows down appreciably the process of softening. By means Card2/6 of microstructural analysis, a relation was established F i:A -'sov/129-59-37-4/16 Influence of Alloying on.Hardening and Sof tening of Iron-base Heat-resistant Alloys between:,the change iz'the~hardness of work-hardened alloys during annealing.and the recrystallisation temperature and ~ also the inf luence , of alloying elements on.the.rearystallisation.,.The temperature range in which, the ~hardness of the deformed alloys drops sharply corresponds to the temperature range of the beginning Pf,recrystalli6ation. Instead of stretched grains which are orientated in the direction of deformation, a,large ..quantity of-very,fine grains occurs in the structure of,apparently are germinated in the most highly stressed sections of the deformed alloy. With ~inoreasing,temperature the hardness of the alloy continues to-.dearease:but--this-dearease is very-slow and continuous and corresponds'.'to:'-the character of the.structural changes, -nazely,, to:the. gradual,growth of new,grains4 In Figure 21 the:microstriiature photographs are reproduced of an alloy containing:4. 52% W.'af ter quenching from 1 180 0C defogmation (5V/6_.:reduction) and annealing at ?50, 800 and. Card3/6 850 0. ?50 uC, signs of SOV/129-59-3-4/16 Influence.of Alloying on Hardening and Softening of.Iron-base -Heat-resistant Alloys stallisation .500-time y are not yet,apparent, at s magnification no,.* new recrystalliPation grains could be' ::detected.- Dark sections with increased liability to fetching represent a systej of densely distributed sliding lines. . Annealing at 800 0 leads to a break-up of the ~'texturei4hich.indicst;eB the beginning of recrystallisation; the,' densitIvIly to fetching increases sharply..' An increase in the annealihg'temperature to 850 0 brings -about an aunost complete cessation of the old deformed grains and emergence of,a~recrystallised'structure with fine uniform grains. -:The selective'recrystallisationoof an alloyo, containing 4#52% Wbegins at 900 to '950 C. At 900 individual larger,.graine emerge which could, ~ot be observed 'aftieranneailing dt,850'~ ~C. At 950 to 1 000, C there ig a very, intensive growth.of the grains; at about 1 000. C, their-dimensionsereach approximately 4 balls. The xelpryst&llisation temperatures of other alloys,as a function of alloying2were determined analogous ma=er. In~ Figure 3 the dependence s graphed of the temperature of .Card4/6 reer7stailisation'treatment on the content of alloying SO'V/129-59-3-4/16 Jnfluence. of Alloyingon Hardening and Softening,of Iron-base -Heatrresistant Alloys elemented':1t can'be seen thatlof all the investigated eibmenbs,4tungsten impedes recrystallisation of -austenitic. Fe-Cr-Ni4fn alloys- most intensively. The bother investigated elements slow down re6rystallisation --in the following order.- carbon, and molybdenum . vanadium, a imirlium and niobium for the latter two, the recrystall18ation temperature is about the same and is the 1oweat, Variou s authors (Refs 1,2) point outthat the -rong;xe ation between the temperature xe is. a a t I conditions of reorystallisation and the speed of diffusion prodesses. It was, established that at temperatures corresponding to.'thd beginning of recrystallisation the speed of:dfffusion processes increases hundreds of timds. The heat -resistance:, of -the alloys,is also determined by ~~th&.progress'lof diffusion processes. This indicates the existenee~of a relation botween'rearystallisation and long-duration strength- The higher the energy of activation ol recryetallisation i.e. the energy necessary for the transfer of -atoms from Spots with distorted Card5/6 crystal lattif%es to spots with.undistorted crystal lattices