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W~gi W3 /W1 -I- ACCESSION-MI 5 221OL4.0- I 50 t I W. f6tw .. AUTUORS t )6igan 0Yu.; Zhernovp-,A._P# (Y '"MI "Me No_, q Mar-0; TITLEt Effect of anharmonism on the phonon spectrum near a degoneracy point SOTJRCEt Moscow. Inatitut atomnoy energii. Zbokladyl, IA11-750. 1964, Vli;fsniYe angarmonizma na spektr fononoy vblizi tochki vyrozhdeniya, 1-11 TOPIC TAGSt nuclear physics, phonon, apectrump scattering orose sectionp slow neutron# Green function ABSTRACTi Green's function 0 ;L?j (o) is used to analyze the effect of anharmonl*d cm phonon spectrum near a degeneracy point. To take into ancount the effect of independent phonon branches on each other in the proposed haimonic oscillatlon$ it becomes necessary to solve the Dyson equation A j tim) 4 ~ A A A 4 &'A 'AA J,; 2.4 -A&,) For the case of a-timple single-atom lattice, the solution of the Dyson equation Card 1/3 234o-& ACCMSION NRs AT5022104 leads to (MOVI") 491W 49, Y where VZO.V P.&e 1/4)) The cases of essential and accidental degeneracy are considered J.n some detail. It is shown that during accidental degeneracy the excitations that occur can have strongly differing lifetimes and frequency renormalizations, both Ln their magni- tudes and temperature dependences. Next, the cross section of sixgle-phonon, coherent, slow-neutron scattering near the degeneracy poJnt Is considered. Hear the point of essential degeneracy G,2 ' 0, the cross section of coherent scattering has a peak similar to the case of an isolated phonon branch. Near the potnt of acci- dental degeneracy this cross section has an anomalous fom. Oriuv, art hasi 12 equations. 'ASSOCIATIONs Indtitut atomnoy energii Atomic Lheras A#_SSSR) I % __~ ~j g< card 2/3 im. 1, V, Kurchatomt All BSSR (Institute of L 2340-& ACOMS1011 SRs AT562104 MCL i M ISO P" Boyl, 001 Mm 1 003 Cd 0i ON IN 1~1' I'M 1: E Ifli Illifli -ttj i pi !..,If L 4 kt .. ....... 77 Hk 1"'Ill; . j;j!"pi 1 ! H I J. 'hu,N4 'j"! ';;~Juf I'M r. ~ I I'l , I - I If (i lifll '71-11, 7 - -~- a MR! 111111:11 ~ I ~;N 1111 1 1 - -I' N 'I; 11"llb-sil !, -' , i : - : ~ 7 66L V4T a) DK--- ~00 WCC-1TW1-AP5022433 7 ~/j 3 614. F3 53 9. D? 08 AUT11ORS: Zhernov V. S.; Ry~_hov-j-_-q-_V-; 8~atkjp,-V. 37- StarovoA 1 6 01TIM". I= TITLE: Continuous centralized monitoring of personal radiation doses SOURCE: Atomnaya onergiya, v. 19, no. 2, 1965, 157-161 TOPIC TAGS: radiation doelmetry, radiation monitor ABSTRACT: The present article is an abbreviated vernion of the report presented in September 1964 to the internationtil conference in Bu"pest This conference was attended by the countrins bplonplnr to the Council for Mutual Economic Aid. 'parlous possible devolopm-W-9 of a a I monito r i rw, wo rp d I so tm -ii d f, iid 9(,r." a It fj rnn - tive control mothodu wore rtivlew,id- Tli- ign of ,,tdtv!,1,iFi1 nnd stntlon-. ary dostmeters wns considered. Fosslt~tl'tllnfl 1'')T- 3r,, ti~itorwitlc proness- Ing of personal doses were mxaminpd qrd the 1),qfq i,f comuuturs end analyzers were recommended. The u9#3 of vues Maom- mended also for collecting infr-)rmation cin porjnnii. (io!jeEi rind for calcu-il lating cumulative doses. A general elactronio cnraputinp nrrangament card -J~ a~z 73-66 HR% AP5022633 was described and schematically presented. The use of statlonary dosimeters for arl%a and room monitoring by moons of a remote control equipment is discussed and a formula for the Utermination of pulse reading errors is given. The fundamental aspects of determining personal dooes by means of telemeturing clovicae were reviewed and one of tile possible arrangements was t11uqtrqtid. In conclusion, It is stated th6t, the proposed devices Fi,irl irrwrnf-inta onn ~Si realized by standard Instruments -9nd eviiiipm tit. Urip. art. ham: using exIstirip P I 1 table and 3 diagrams. ASSCOIATION: None M*MTTF,D! 25NOV65 KNOL: 00 Stm CODS t NP NO REF SOVI. 003 OMER 00 2 C.'d 2/2 SOURCHCODS A," Nk, AP7001386 U5764 I T14 C16 6 610 f160 X/O 0! W INVENTORSt Denisovo K. Nabatnikov, A& A#j Murashovp Yo. P.; V.; Serzhantoyp _V P,; Skatkint V. M. Hy, ORGt: none TITLEs Multichannel pulse counting rate meter. Class 21# No# 187843 Cannounced by, Union Scientific Research Institute for Instrument Manufacture (Soyuznyy nauchno- isoledovatellskiy inotitut priborostroyonlya27 o SOURGEs-, Izobreteniyag~pronyahlonWo.,obraztuy# tovax7We znakil no. 21, 1966t 56 TOPICIAG33 pulse counter, pulseratof.count rate motor ABSTRACT: This Author.Cortificate prosento a multithannel pulse,,counting rate motor containing a cathode ray,.tubdp pulse registerap a biah-speed electronic switch, and a- vertical and horizontal d6flection'amplifier for the cathode ray tube. To measure counting ratedifferences varying:over a wide range simultaneously in all channels without switching subrangesi,eleotronic commutator switches are connected to the outputs of wide-band linear differentialcounting rate,motera,,one for each channel (see,Fig.'I). The switch outputa'are connected through current-setting resistors and isolating capacitors to the input of a collecting stage consisting of a grounded base transistors The output or the. collecting stage in connected to the input of a -linear,~. logarithmic CRT vertical deflection amplifier. ~_rcard 1/2 Ums 621*0 4. ~4 ---- '-film o v .. I E~ 1 1. 7-17~--. I . - -- . -1-1--.1 ---- - I - --- ---- - - .-- .-- ~ ---. -..- - - I --- -- -7--'--~--7-[4-7-- - .1 ...... . , i. IN 1 , " N , It- 1 1.. , I Vol I i, ~ I ~` I ~ ~ `11 1 ~Ti'. , . I I P 1 11. f, i. I C i,: ~ i , i I -KURacHw;7v.s-.., -kandetekhn. - naukp--red. 1-HATVEYEV, --V.-Vs-i~ kando---fiz-*--mat#- -7~ . PRM I BOOK MaWIDTION MY/5w sesoyuznoye soveshchomlye yo vmdreniyu r&UoaktiMkh izatopov i ya&rnykh V lzlucbeniy Y narodnoye khozymystyo MO. Ri(!A, 1960. RadloaktiyMe izotoyy I yadernyys lzlucberdys Y narodnom khotyaletye SSM; trudy GMSMUMIJ& T k.tOOMakho t. 1: Obishchiye vaprcey privenenija Izotopoy, pribory a istocil-nikud radioaktly"kh Isluebenij, radiatsionuals kbiftirakbi-Jebookaye, i nefteperarabatyvayushebays proMehlennost, (Radio- active Inotopes and HucleAr Radiations In the National Economy of the USSR; Transactionoof the Symposium in 4 Volaws. v. Is General Problaims in the Utilitation of reotapeal Instruments With Sources of Radioactive Radiationj Radiation Chemistry; the Chemical and Potroleum-Sefining Industry) Mbscovp Gostoptakutdat, 1961. po .4#140 copies prUteds Sponsoring Agencyt Goundustva=yy asuchno-takhnicheold7 koldtoet Oovete. MouUmv SOM, and Gowadaivtrennyy kcaitat Goveta M"I trov BOOR pojapol'zorwdyu 4tamwy enargi14 Title )z N.A. Petrov, LA. Petronko and P.O, Savitsklyj 194s. of this Yo i I R d-J pap L.X. Petrenkc, P.O. SayitskL7, V.I. Sinitsin.. I&. Ms Kolotyrkln, 14P. Oyrkus and R.F. Romm;.2"dutive Idea I~ S. Levin& and S. 7a Titskeqa; Tech. U.1 E,A. MakItinao Radioactive Isotopes (cont.) PORPOSE: The book I# intendstfor technical personnel concerned with problems of application of radioaaftra Isotope* and nuclear radiation In all branches of the Boyiet economy. COTERAM' An All-Union Conference on problem In the Introduction of radloactlys Isotopes and nuclear radiation into the national economy of the Soviet Union took pldce in mea. on u-i&April 196o. The Conference was sponsored by: the Coundarstrennyy nauchm-tekhnicheskiy konitet Banta Kinistrov SM (state Scientific and Technical Committee of the Council of Xinisters, USSR); Glaynoye upravlenlya po ispol'zovanlyu atomoy energ~,I pri Banta Mnlatroy SM (min Administration for the Utiliza6tIon of Atomic Energy of the Council of Miniatersp UOSR)j Academy of Sciencee,,U=j Oosplao USMj Goaudaratvannyy komitet Banta Hinistror SSSR yo sytomatizatell I mashimostroyenlyu (State Committee of the Council of Kinisters, USSR, for Automation and YAchins Building) and the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SM. The transactions of this Conference an slublisho(I In four volumes. Volume I contains artiolea on the following subjectal the general problem of the Conference toplenj the state and prospects of development of radiation chemistry; and results and prospects of applying radio- active isotopes and nuclear radiation In the petroleum ref Ining and chadeal industries. . Problems of designing " memifacturing instruments vhich contain a ources of radioactive radiation and are used for checking and automation of technological processes are exa-4 d, along with problems of accident pro. ntion u No personalities am mentioned. References accompany acam of the 19 ^ C . Card-4U Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SW/5486 Karpovy V.L. Prospects of Industrial Applicationof Radiation Chemistry in the USSR andAbroad 42 Zhern2n,.V,S,s -and S.,V* Mamikonjan, Now Industrial Checking and lk~asurfn~Wlppiratus for OperationVith Radioactive Isotopes and Radiation 49 bmatims win RADIOACTM RADIATION SOURCES Ladeo G.I., K.K. Shpor, and V.A. Yamshkoyakiy. Instrazents With Radioactive Radiation Sources Manufactured at the Tallin Experimental KIP [Checking and Measuring Instrument] Plant 69 Golldinp M,L,p A.P. Krivchikov,' and X,S, Gorodetskaya, Instrumunts With Rhdioactive Radiation Sources Xanufaetured at the nar,kov UP Plant 73 -Sullkint A.G. (Present] State andProspects of the Construction and Manufacture of Y-Apparatus at the "Noorentgen" Plant 80 Atopk1maj H,Sop V.A* Kiry'vlftno I.A. Prager, A.D. TumilkAmp V.G9 Chaykmkiy,, an& V.A.. Yanubkovskiy. Low-Voltage Gas-Discharging the Radioactive Pickups of Apparatum*for Technological Checking of Production 88 Card4/_U,. ili r7CI F If. I V-1 --ACC-NRs---AP6O29 _716--- -----SOURCE -CODE s,- UR/0089/66/iMO/001/ AUTHOR: V. S.; MuxaahaL YeP.; Ryzhov, N. V.; Skatkin, V. M. 14 ORG:~ none TITIE: Multipoint.control of radiation levels -.SOURCE: :Atomnaya energiyap v. 20, no. lp 1966p 82-84 -TOPIG TAGSt radiation measurementp nuclear safety# automatic control system ABSTRACT: The tendency toward centralization and automatiol).of control systems extends to the continuous collection'of:radiation dose data9from operating personnel orki a 'Cathode-ray tubes while w Ag were -foZZ suits Is for such centralized collection of radiation safety:infcrmation., Continuous and simultaneous indication'of the radiation levels from several locations# e.g. in the form of vertical lineep the lengths of which are proportionalto the dose level, allows a rapid and convenient .,Survey of the'situation at any given moment The system requires suitably placed individual senders, connection systems# and a central control room provided with amplifiers and scanners*, A multichannel count-rate device is Usedj with a linear# rather than logarithmic measuring systems 'Care was taken to eliminate Interaction between channeles The authors thank B., V. Nemirovskiy for useful advice A. P. Serzhantov for assisting the authors in the working of the multichannel count-rate, device. ~Origv~ arte has: 1figure and.1 formula. [RAI -SUB OcoEs is SUBH DAM 010ot65 MIG REP t OD CwdlA :V 7-. L 26b91:&� EWA(h)/EWT(m) ACC NO# E 0-2 55 1-7 Monograph UH/ S B f YEgorov, I M.; Zhernov, V. S.; Lazarev, A. F.; Perov, N. L.; Timofeyev, A. A., coops. a Q~Maraturs fbr recording and investiontgg imizing radlatim~ to and)ook (Appar-atura Wd legL53"Mall ; spravodvdk) Moscow, Atoadzdat, 1965. 429 p. illus., biblio. 4500 copies printed. MPIC TAGS: radiation dosimetry, ionizing radiaticn, nuclear physics apparatus, scintillator photonvAtiplier, ps discharEp counter, ionization &oTber, radiatim dosineter, radioweter,, speetmmter PUMI(M AND OOVERAGE: 1his handbook is intetided for maearch physicists In the field of dosinetrics and engineers wd scienticists dealing with radioactive sources of radiation. It uW also be useful to perscris conoerned vilth t;he cia-%melc4ment, opera- tion, and maintenance of dosimetric, spectrorretr1c, and radl(mmtric equipmnt. The book deals with Soviet e)perimntal nuclear physi--, Lrmtruaerits, P-quiprent, photomltlpliers, scintillatoN, Geig?r--Mu--Iler oomtem, !(r-d7.a*;i',n etC. Characteristics of Instrunents for IndivIdual doisimtric ccntml, mearirem-nU of doses and dose power, deterydnation of the contaffdriati(in )(' woriclrig arias x water by radioactive substances, aerusol yi,4 mult.!charnell pLdse analyzers, and others are described. TABLE OF CONTEUrS CabvidEpdl.' rMmviord - 3 Cird., -1/3 -UDC: -53 9.107.5 ILI' ~L 26391-66 ACC NR. AP602~-51-i- Introductim - 5 Ch. I. Asseabl-les ind units fbr the detect1w of lonizIng radJatian 7 1. Intmducticn - 7 2. Ionization chcurbers 3. Gas-discharep counters 12 4, Scintillators - 37 Photonatipliers 53 tectim-ma-its fbr ionizing radiation - 75 u ev, 4. Anplitude selection equiprwnt and units and auxiliary mits 118-- 5. Tirre selection equipirent md units and auxiliary units - 146 6. il,le,---tric sigial corvf?rslcn equipment and i-rits -- 170 1. -~calllng eqLdp,,-r--nt ;~Tid uriltv -- 178 Tim neanurtng inits -- 202 9. Intensity immurk-werit equiprrert ard 10. Output equlpmnt and tzilts, oDntml 11. Pa4er supply units - 237 12. ftbrAtoring units - 266 Card -.2.13 L 2691-66 ACC NR, AF50~5517 13, Auxillary (A--vtoes - ":'7',' 14. Pulse rialyzers - 276 Ch. III. Dosim-ters - 321 Ch. IV. Radioneters - 339 Ch. V. Spectmffeter equipnent - 407 Bibliography - 421 SUB ODEE: 09, 201 SLEM IME: 29Apr,65/ Wri FEF: 068/ MM RY' 002 Card ~~ I, I I .- , 11, 1 ~ ; , 1 41 ~ t !f i . 1 , ! I': ! I f I I 1 11 - ~ . I ~: . * ] ; T r 1 - . i t:~. ..a... f r i i I - ~ ; f? ~p .~ 'I t -iz T I =2 q . I t - I I 1.1 0 a) t, $- h 1~ .1 ,I,, d '.1 I , V Ili WUTHOR: Zhe -A I Iatysbov-- G D and Serge j, A. Yd TITLEs Magnetic Field Me-affurement by'the Pr'o;~ton m 'eti 6 n66 moth -(I, ~ren,iyo Magnitzoeo Fol a Matodom _J ZW y Resbna Ma gni"o go Re'zonan w-,pr9toliovi),~ s PERIODICAL': -Prib6ry;,, i--:Tekhnika--.*3iksperimenta 1957,',No.,2, 60 p p ABSTRACT: ~ -In- 7th6_ 1e ~the auth ors describe an1nstrument whie .. ma'asuire_s~. njAg4p#0 -fieldIntensitie s within the,raage nece-ssarY.-f or 0!rsp_e'ctroscopy*- The:accuracy of -relative me t the'- fi old, ey4luated from the resonant asuremen s,o absorption's dur;ve:-Width is -10 -., in tha~xange 35-100 oersted, 2;x~~t- )7, in -range'100-400-oaroted: and increases with, The 11 'accuraey~oflcontrol measu-' ments ther,~fiald.izitenisit~, re is,,,dete~tjiine'd,frdm-the--~rep";coduoibility of maxima of con-w ~Vers,6n, lines', _ -Tho~_ tonstrudtion~~of the source:elemants, of. th6 -high -fie, qqency coil'eldiaent:(litz wiro I(F-M I0~ JO_x .07 -ra for.:6ach- la~er).,dnd- of the dio -frequency generator. axe - givin. Th6 'Ditteil.-is*based'~'~n -the.-standard circuitry as used for, in~e6tiga#ions -'of 'nuclear resonance (Ref. 2). Them* oscillator 'consists of RF coil of the source element, bed,throu&,a.-co-axial cable PK-150t len h 2 meters, conhee., Card l1A, Po~ the, variable, c ondenser 0 lOOOPF. The osefllator uses N. V NNY1, A.S. 56-4-7/52 oG,D. ) ' - . A:4 5* - ' Int-10ni ... Upootra of thin ver T don ion Electrons of the Active Precipitation s . 'oflidiathorium llo:f. (Spoktr'lelektronov vnutrenney,xonveraii "ti4nogo osadke, radiotoriyaII ' ' FMIODICAL Zfiurnill. Nksperimi Teoret 9FizIkiol957IVo1 68q(V*3.S.R.) b9,Nr,4,pp~ 662 Recilie; d V1957 Joviewed 8/1957 ABbTRACT o' "t' Iv I-eprecipitation wlas~carried out within' the do- Movestigati6n, otI._,ih - _ ` - magnetic spectrometer (widtn of lines ~ 0 mAn.A., 5oo-_jJdo, ,25A,, -angle , :of tno apectromieterin the horizontal plane,4olli heigWof diaphrW 10 mm),. The.-magnetic field4as.measured by the method of proton magnotic,res.onance. e 6 6ttons 'V'as'earried'out b7 means of-2 sell-extinguishing Registrati on.o. ._ . , GM counters. Th.e positioh'andthe intensities of K and L conversion electron , n,o: are c*omputed according to the formula energies of-tho -else ro' t At Z, 2 '50 wtwre and 15, denote them rgies of binding ene Ili K L , ~_. q .,, I I . - ::, P " P and Lp electrons ipAhe normai at(Ps and IS is the oindin energy of 9 . . 14 electrons' -in the.~Atom' in wbich no Lp eleotpona are present. The decrea- '-as 'of'tho:qdality of the shielding effect can be explained by the increa- .,so of the charget At z Z+1 z z )AN - z~q) . Ttworetical compitation Lq Lq -of the quantity~AZ Is complicated and at present not yet possible. Tne Card 1/2 spectra of the internal conver&Ion or the active precipitation of radia- !If i. 1, rnz 11; P f I SOV/120-58-2-36/37 XUTIIORS: Zhernovoy, A. 1 4'9 YegorOVI Yu. S.. and Latyshev, G,:D.:: 7ITIA, Measurement and Stabilisation of Weak Magnetic,Fields -u6in * ProtonI emonance (Izmereniye i stabilizatsiya 9 ftgne t i 0, ~ R slabykh magnitnykh polay na:osnovo magnitnogo rozonansal protonov) FERIODICAL;-Priborv i,Tekimika Eksperimenta, 19581 Nr 2, P-115 (upper half)' (USSR) ABSTRACT: VP to the present time the method of nuclear resonance has' been usedin~:the measurement and stabilisation of strong and intermediate magnetic fields. In the case of Weak;fields.the application -of the method was difficult, because of a small signal to noiseratio. The authors have.considerably re -duced the dependence of the amplitude of the signal on the~magnitude~of the measured field by the use of a preliminary magnetisation of the current OfLwater in a subsidiary magnet:giving rise to a strong field. In this waylt was found to be possible to measure and stabil- ise magnetic fields of a few cersted with small volume specimena., The accuracy of,measurement is limited only by the accuracy with which the frequency can be measured. The Card 112 SOV/120-58-5-171/32 -AUTHORS:Zhernovoy'-A I.) Yegorov, Yu. S., Latyahev, G. D. TITLE: A. New Method:, of Measuring Uniform and Non-Uniform Magae tic Fields, Usin Proton Magnetic Resonance (Hovyy metod 9 izmereniya odnorodnykh'i neodnorodnylch maf;nitnykh poley na osnove magnitnogo.rezonansa protonov) PERIODICAL: , PIribory i tekh.nika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 5, pp 71-72 .(USSR) ..ABSTRACT: A raethod is suggested for measuring mafr Aetic fields be, tween 0.17 and 500 oersted with non-uniformities up to 200 oersted/cm. ~The~method is based on the phenomenon.of nutation, which.consists in the change in -the precession cone of the total magnetic moment of nuclei under the action of a transverse field oscillating with a frequency w yH where, H -is,the magnetic., which the nuclei are placed, and :y is the gyromagnetic ratio. The.apparatus is illustrated diagramatically in Fig.l. The flowing water from~a laap notising field enters into a nutation element which isiplaced in the measured:field and then passes into an Board 1/5 ~A New Method of, Measuring Uniform and Non-Uniform Magnetic Fields, Using Pooton Magnetic Resonance absorption element placed in auniform. field and which se Irves as.the detector of nutation. The nutation element is in the:form. of a coil of a few turns placed on a glass tube. If the frequency of the generator w ~-w where 0 V H ,y is.the gyromagnetic ratio and H is the 0 YP o measured field,,then'the absorption signal is Given by: ..A-,vM oexp(- VT/Q-Tl) where ~V is the.volume of the connecting tube between the absorptiRn and nutat,ion.elements, is the water flow,, T is the longitudinal relaxation time, and Me is the 1 total magnetio.moment of~protons per unit volume-of via .ter passing through the nutation element, i If the frequency of the w-- wo then,*due to the nutation of. the vector hi, from.the direction of HO transverse 'components Mx,,and A~ appear in the nutation element, Card 2/5vO,lumO VN .,In that case the signal will begiven by: SOV1120-58-5-17132 A New Method of Measuring Uniform and Non-Uniform Magnetic Fields, Using D?obon Magnetic Resonance %l exp A (Mz2 z (Mx2 exp(- 2VT/Qi2'j VT/QTl) /2 (2) where T2 is the transverse relaxationtime. Since Tl;~~ it! follows that AxvM . When I T VV z w wo and AHO+ is the non-uniformity of the field in'the voltime,of the nutation element while is H, equal to half the amplitude of the oscillating field ' then it follows from the solution of Bloch's equation, that. VH 1 VII M M os K y + y H M s in K 0 -Z .0 r KYH . 2 1 H exp. T2Q Car 3/5 "A' VIZT-5&~5- -327~:~l A Ilew Method of Measuring Uniform.and Non-Uniform Magnetic Fields, Using Proton Magnetic Resonance I 2H2 where K X4 (1~- 1/4T ' )1/2 It follows from Eq.(3) 21 1 thatIthe nutation 'angle XyHVN/q governs the form of the absorption signal. 1C 0 njr -then for even n the signal is positive and for.odd n it is negative. If e (2n - 1) TrI2 then the signal is equal to 0 This'' is ingood agreement with experiment. The dependence of the amplitude of the first negative signal on ..Q is shown in Fig.2. ~ltAs clear from this plot that the first multi- plier in Eq.OYagrees with experiment. ?or YN = 0.2 1. CM3 it was found that T2 = 3-6 x 10 3 see. The legend,of Fig.lAs as follows: H is the measured magnetic 0 field, 6 nutation element, 1 frequency generator 2 frequency meter, 5 nuclear absorption element, 3 and Card 4/5 SOV1120 A New Method of MeaBuring:Uniform and Non-Uniform Magnetic Fields, Teing Proton Magnetic Resonance .4 detectors -of.nuclear absorption signal. There.are 2 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is English and 1' Soviet. ASSOCIATION: LeninGradekiy~institut inzhonerov Zh.-D. transporta T-~+144-4- 0-- M-^-^-^-4- 'W--4 - - - - AUTILORS:Zhernovoy''A.,I.,'Yegorov, Yu. S., Latyshev, G. D. "M ng TITLZ ana abilizatioin of Weak Ikgnetic Fields Usi Proton Magnetic Resonance (Izmereniye i stabilizatsiya slabykh magnitnylth:po,ley na magnitnogo rezonansa .-pr-otonov) PERIODICAL: Ili-ibory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958 ITr 5, PP13-75 (USSR) ABSTRAM. :Proton,maonetic resonance is used to measure and.,stabilise weak, uniform magnetic fields. The apparatus constructed for this purpose,,,may.-be-used to measure magnetic fields begin_ ning with-5'oers'ted,-- The-magnetic fields may be measured with an accuracy whose lower limit is 10-4 and which-in- creasesas the field,inereases.,,The stabilization of mag- netic fields is obtained beginning with 12 oersted. The stabilization coefficient at its lower limit is equal to 300.. The working substance is pure water (Refs.6 and 7). The element through which the water is flowing is in the form of a glass tube. The length of the high frequency coil wound directly on the tube is 5 cm. The frequency of Card 1/2 PIA! SOV/120-58-5-18/32 Measurement and Stabilization of Weak Magnetic Fields Using Proton :Magnetic,Resonance. the modulation of~the field is 15 c/s. There are 5 figures and.? references, of which Swiss, 3 English and 3, Soviet ASSOCIATION::Leningradakiy,,institut inzhenerov A.-cl,transporta (Leningrad Institute for Railway Transport Engineering) I. w I "1.1i i ~ .,., .1.;T I I I m: i ~ I , 11 li, I' 1411.1 Al 1 1, k .1 IVTO 1 ~ BOV/,18-22-8-14/20 'AUTHORS: Zhernovoy A 16' Yegorov# Yu. S.# Latyshev, G. D. TITLE: Estimation:of:Magnietic Field Strength Measurement Accuracy by Means,:of thelfutation Method (Otaenka toohnosti itmereniya magni,tnogo,,polya metodom nutataii) PERIODICAL:. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRO Seriya fizicheekayag 1958p Vol. 22, Nr 8, pp. 988 992 (USSR) -ABSTRACT: This principle was already describedin reference 7. The, amplitude of the nuclear resonance signal is proportional to the projection of the vector of the total magnetic nuclear moment upon the.dir,ection of the external field. In a homogeneous field.the first negative absorption signal occurs at an accurate resonance, if V n (2) As can be seen from figure 2 the.absorption signal can have a negative polarity only,.if the field is displaced from the resonance value to, A.%H 0,05 sec (T spin- lattice relaxation time). The substance under investigation passes through a strong magnetic field for a period which is Sufficient for a:complate polarization of the nuolei. Then it flows through a connecting tube into the volume V which is 1 ~kept in a very.weak homogenuous field shielded from external Card 1/3 fields. The inhomogeneity of this field which is -directed :IT BOV/48-22-8-16/20 A Now Method of Measuring theSpin-Spin Relaxation Time of Liquids transversely to the flow of the liquid should not exceed 1/T2- If,'the field strength is reducedv this condition.oan more When the liquid enters the volume V the totalnuolear magnetic moment is turned into.a direction at right angles to the external magnetic field by the action of~theosoillating resonance field. When it loaves the -volume itAs turned into'a parallel direction in the same mannero If, Q denotes thewater consumption, the total nuclear magnetic moment Is.reduced"by the factor e V/QT2 its stay,in the volume V If the volume Vp which Is -equal'to V andj', amplitudes of the nuclear magnetic re- 2 ponance corresponding to A 1 and A2 are obseryedo the following equation holds., 2V V 2 1 T2 A 1-n'- Q r2 Card 2/3 66195 SOV/31-59-5-10/16 AUTHORS:i JIM= A.J11. and Latyshev, G.D. TITLE: The Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Determination of the, Actual Liquid Jet Volume in the',Part of,a Piping System With Variable Section PERIODICAL: Vestnik-Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 1959, Nr 51,_ PP 74 76 (USSR), 'ABSTRACT: determination of the vo- lume of ~- a -,polariz.ed liquid by means of nuclear magnetic-resonance, If -a liquid passes through A tube.with a small section into another tube with a large section:at great velocity, the jet volume on- .1y.occupies a part of the volume of the wider tube. Let,the length 'of.the wider tube be 9, and the see- tion and average velocity of the jet at a distance -x be congruent from its basis, the liquid is polar- ized and the magnetic moment of the volume unit at a:distance x from the Jetbases is M(x). The speci- Card 1A fie magnetic*moment in the liquid flowing out of !I ~I: 'I if: , ~ I I -A..) ~ ; I I I '~; ~ 1 1 !111 ; Ifl;4 :F",:P I ; A 111111-1 1111!~! ~ 11: H' 11.1 210) BOV/48-23-2-16/2o. AUTHORS: Yegorovp, Yue Set Beliverstoyt Do Me, Latyshevj G. D., 4hernovoy~ A. I. TITLE:- Instrument.for.Measurement and Stabilization of the Magnetic Field in Spectrometers (Ustanovka. dlya lzmereniya i etabili- zataii magnitno& polya v spektrometrakh) PERIODICAL.# Izvestiy4 Akademii.nauk.SSSR. Seriya'fizioheakayat.1959, Vol 23t Nr 2, pp,244-250 (USSR), -ABSTRACT: In this paper a:univereal measuring.instrument and a stabilizer- of the magnetic field for spectrometers is designed. The in-:. strument is.~basedon the principle of measurement and,stabili- zation of the magnetic field by magnetic nuclear resonance. It permits-the measurement of magnetic fields within the range 3~-, 2500 Oe and stabilization within the range 10-2500 06- Tor.good resolution of the lower limit the authors applied the method of.previous magnatization,of water. (Fig 2, block of the instrument in figure 1)9' whereby the lower limit of.the field strengthto be measured can be reduced to 3 Oe- Due-to the ratio'of signal noise obtained by this method it Card 1/2 is possible to use' the signal of nuclear resonance for stabiliz- 114 Ful [I Ell 14 1 xm~_ -.IV !;, 1;",N I I . ; , ~ w,' . 'I IP VIN, i~ 'i. ~o i - i :n~~ 1! EXPLOITATION 'SOV/5410 Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomu ispolizovaniyu atomnoy ~energii, Tashkent, 1959, Trudy,~(Tra-nsactions of the Tashkent Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy)-v. 2. Tashkent., lzd-vo AN UzSSR.. 1960. 449 p. Errata slip inserted, 1,#500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency::.Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. .~'Responsible Ed 40 S 4V. Starodubtsev,.Acadei~iaian..:Academy of A, A' Abdullayev, Can-- Sciences Uzbek SSR. Editorial Board: didate of Physics and Matbpmaticaj D. M.,AbduraOUIOVO of Medical Sciences;:U,..A.,Arifov.,-Academioianp Academy of, .Sciences Uzbek SSR; A.~ A. Borodulina., Candidate of Biological Sciences;I V. N, Ivashev; 0. S-0 1kramova; A,'Ye. KiV; Ye. M. Lobanov Candidate of Physics and Mathematics* A. I. Nikolayevs Candidate of Medical Sciences; D. Nishanovs Candidate of Chemical .,Sciences; A. S. Sadykov,, Corresponding Member,, Academyof Sci6nces~ USSR, Abademiclan, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSRj Yu. N. Talanin,, Card Transactions of the TaShkent (Co.nt. SOV/5410 Candidate.of Physics and-Mathematics; Ya, Kh. Turakulov,, Doat~dr_ ot.-Biologiceil Sciences., Ed.: I~.R. I. Khamidov,,, Tech,-Bd,i A. 0.' Babakhanova. PURPOSE The publioation is intended for soientific, workers and ap'ecialists employed in enterprises where radioactive isotopes and nuclear radiation are used for research in chemioal, geo- jogioal, and technological fields.:, COVERAGE:' This eollectio'n of 133 articlea represents the second, .,volume of the Transaotions of the Tashkent Conference on the Peaceful Uses ofAtomie Energy. The Individual articles deal .with a Wide range of problems in the field e. nualear radiationp including: production and chemical analysis of radioattive isotopes; Investigation of the kinetics of chemical reactions by means"o"f.isotopes,*.application of spectral analysis for the manufacturing of -radioactive preparations; radioaotive methods ~for determining the.content of elements in the rooks; atid'an analysis of methods for,obtaining pure substances, Certain Oard 2/20 Trandadtions of the Tashkent (Cont.) :sov/541o vo_yi*A' L,, and'G. D. Latyahev [Institut yadernoy fiziki Zherno - -AN Kaz- SR - nahtute of Nuelear..Physica AS,KazSSR]. Magnetic Fluid Flowme,ter 17 La'tyshev .[Xnatitute of Nuelear Zhernovoy, A, L~ and G,~D,~ ~ :7Ph-y`61W8- lid -U"-zS 'for SRI. so of a'Nuclear Magnetic 1jesonanci ~-Detorminin g the Actual Volume of A Stream of Fluidlat a Pipe Seotionli th a Variable.-.Diameter .20 Borukhov., M...Yu and V -N,,Ivashev. (Institute of,Nuolear a~P ids 1S; UiSSk1- h Th t b1 f M the I t i , a- e em_o easur ns ro an ,, ng ' yg j i " neous.Vilue s of thello w::6f~Materials Pneiimatic or Hydraulic Means 22 ,,~A. T. Lebedevp~ d U., Akbarov natitute of Borukhov, ~1. YU. an _ --Nuclear Physics AS UzSSRj0 ~Principle of Automation of a Two- Stage Cycle otOre Crushing and Classification 25 'Card,.4/20 ---------- S12631621OW10021004IM9 1004/1204 AUTHOR: Zhernovoy, A. 1. and Latyshav, 0. D. TITLE: Magnetic rate-or-flow meter for liquids PERIODICAL: Refetativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. fzmeritcl'noya ickhnika, no. Z 196Z 39-400 abstract 32.2.Z73. "Tr. Tashkcntsk. konrerentsii po mirn.ispoVzovaniyu atomn.enercii. v. 2". Tashkent, AS UzSSR, 1960,17-19 TEXT:'. A flow-meter was developed in the Institute or Nuclear Physics of the AS or KazSSR based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NM R). This device is intended fof measuring the rate of flow of liquids containing hydrogen, fluorine, lithium and other substances with a high gyromagnetic ratio (water, alcohol, gasoline, petroleum and others). The device possesses the advantages of low inertia and absence of any elements within the pipe line. The flow meter is in the form of a branch-pipe made or nonmagnetic and non- conductin~ material. The branch pipe Is located In a strong magnetic ficid. At & outlet of the branch pipe a coil is wound which is connected by means of a cable with the NMR detwor circuit. The liquid which passesthrough the branch pipe afterpolarization is underaction ofa resonance 11. F field, An analytic expre", sion of the dependence of the NMR signal upon the rate-of-flow of the liquid is given together with aformi for the determination" of the theoretical upper measurement limit at which the characteristic is still linear. Card 1/2 Magnetic rato-of-flow... S/263162/00010021004/009 1004/1204 A graph otan experimentally obtained dependence of the amplitude of the NMR signal upon the rate offlow of water, in a 15 cm3 branch tube Is given; this dependence being linear roe the ratc-or-flow range between 0 and 70 cm3/sec. The measurement range in these.experimcnts was 20 to 1. The sensitivity of the device may be increased at the price of reduced measurement range bymovingsway thcN.MR transducer from the Manet- izing field and placing it between poles of an additional magnet. The device has the capacity to record jumps in the rate or flow of 0.1 sec. duration. There are 3 figures and 10 rererences. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 A ~ cl I i i I 1 01". 1 i I lilll I Ill, 1 [111 lltll."~~ I . 8/058/6Z/000/003/073/092 A061/A101 AMORS: :Zhernovoy, A. I.', Latyshev, G. D. TITLE: 'The use of nuclear resonance for the measurement and stabilization- of weak and highly inhomogeneous magnetic fields PERIODICAL: Referativnyy thurnal, Fizika, no. 3, 1962, 68, abstract 3E511. ("Tr. Tashkentsk. konferentsii po mirn. ispollzovaniyu atonm. energii, 1959 g. T. 1. Tashkent, AN UzSSR11, 1961, 236 24o) TEXT: ~An earlier described (RZhl?iz, 1959, no, 5, 10742) pickup with the polarized substance flowing through is.recommended for use in the measurement and stabilitation of weak inhomopneous magnetic fields (up to 200 oe with a gradient up to 35 oe/cm). The.calc ulation of the NM signal, based on Bloch.s equations, and experimental results are given., A signal-to-noise ratio ) 10 could be obtained even in fields of the order of 4 oewhen using a pickup of 0.03 cm3. -A. Kessenikh (Abstracter's notes Completeltranslation] Card 2/1'. 33UO S/638/61/001/000/036/056 B108/BJ38 "I/oLf //s AUTHORS: Zhernovoy$ A* Ii,.Latyshey, G, D. TITLE: Nutation method,of measuring direct current by nuclear magnetic resonance SOURCE: Tashkentakaya konferentsiya p'o mirnomy ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkentp 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 240 242 TEXT:, ~.A new method of measuring magnetic fields by nuclear magnetic resonance has been developedt using asingle-channel converter. It is free from the common errors since it provide's for direct measurement of the 'dependence of field on current, and exact measurement of parnsitic magnetic fields, which figure can then be subtracted from the total field. With this method, which uses only one pickup currents can be measured 1000 times weaker than was hitherto possible. 'They do not have to be modulated. Passing through the measuring channel of the converter is a thin tube through which flows the water polarized by a strong magnetic field (10,000 oe). The nutationpickup in at one end. Parther on, the water Card 1/2 111!Mllilli 10i fli 1111111!i, 33110 S/638/61/001/000/636/056 Nutation method of measuring.,.. Blotl/B156 puntion into the nuclear resonance pickup (single frequency) which is in a oermanent uniform magnetic field of 20 - 30 oe. When the r.f. magnetic nutation pickup coil equals the proton preces field generated in the Dion frequency, polarization of the flowing wat6r will vanish or change ite zign, and so'will thel.nuclear.reeonance:i3ignal in the detector. The current in the converter is determined by I - K(f f ), I Kf-f is the 0 0 nutation frequency at which the resonance signal vanishes when no current flows through the converter, f the~signal when a current flows. The 'converter constant X usually causes the principal error in the measurements. This can be reduced by exact current measurement at a current of about 10a. The result of this measurement can be used to determine the K value which may then be employed in the entire.ranger of measurements. Details about the optimum parameters of the arrangement can be found in earlier papers by the authors (Inzh. fiz. zhurnal, 1958, 9w 123). There are 1 figure and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fizikli AN KaZSSR (Institute of Nuclear. Physics AS Kazakhakaya SSR) Card 2/2 33LU S/63 61 /oo i /00,0/037V6 BI 08yal 38 ovoy A., I Latyshev AUTHORS: Zhern I. Gs Do of-th frequency of a nuclear resonance maser on TITiE:, Dependince e the pArameters'of,the arrangement SOURGEI_:,.~, rents~ya po mirnomy iopollsovan yg, Tashkentskaya konfe Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkentt % 1961, 242-248 .TEXT: -The authors calculatedIthe effect of the parameters of an r. f oacillatory,circuit and of non-unifirmities of the magnetic field on oscillations under.ra.diati,ve relaxation. The latter is due to*magnetic interaction between polarized nuclei and the resonance circuit oscillating ata frequency which is near the Larmor precession of the nuclei. The radiative.relaxation signal can be used in measuring and stabilizinga. magne+.'.'L--,.,field. K. V. Vladimirskiy (ZhETFv 331 532f 195T) established the condition -2uM 1 3, I/T2 for radiative relaxation for the longitudinal 0 of magnetizations Mo is the longitudinal component of the overall nuclear magnetic moment of the speoimen,4L the space factor of the Card.1/3 -- -- -------- - 24759 S/119/61/000/007/001/008 D247/D306 'AUTHOR: Zhernovoy A.I. TITLE:-: Meazurement.of liquid flow by meahs of nuclear resonance :-PERIODICAL:~.,,.:.Priborostroyeniye, no. 77 1961, 6 7 'TEVV 'The paper describes several-~methods of contactless-flow of liquid dielectrics. This type:of flowmeter'dan -liquids containi lar e amounts be 'Used - for', ng 9 of~hydrogen, fluoi(. or other elementshaving:high gyromagnptic ratio to water alca hol gasblin kerosene~-oil:etc. The part oP pipe associated witA the flo7 transmitZer is made of non- agnetic and nori-el w 'm e6. tric material e.g. plastic. -The principle of measurement is based on the. lact that the signal amplitude of the nuclear.mag- 'netic resonance is a function of flow. The transmitter includes a,.Strbng permanent magnet~of an interpolar spAce V> 3qmaXT1, longitudinal relaxation time- qmax - maximum value of flow. On passing through the field of the magnet liquid be- :Card 1/5 24759 5/119/61/000/007/001/008 Meisurement of liruld flow... D247/D306 comes~polarized. At the end of the plastic section of the,pipe, in A uniform field, isa winding.of,several'turns wound round thd pipe*.~, It.As connected via-a radio frequericy-cable to a nuc- -lear -, resonance detector' .-: The liquid, acted upon by; a resonant, radio frequency,field produced'a signal of nuclear absorptionat ~the c5utput,of the system. I The~uniform field is modulated with a frequency of 10 - 1000 cycles. The signal amplitude of thb. nuclear resonance is.p;oportiobal to magnetization vector At TZ where Z satur ation factor; Vb,- voluine of transmitter. B), TIZ I + wpf T142 where Hi intensity of-oscillating f ield~ in~the.transmitter winding;:y -,gyromagnetic ratio,-:T2 transverso relaxiLtion time.. -Card 216