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December 31, 1967
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p* 3/6.7 63/OOQ/ ~#06/0124'i
AUTHORS: Vl okh 0 G, Zheludev, I e S. V*AP
TITLE optical ef e
The electro- f a i in eryitalig of penta-
erythritol C (C H OH)
allografi n 1903t 51 56
-TEXT: For pentaerythritoll-which belongs to-the crystal
crystals showing the.growth pyramids 10& appear to, have a t,46-
fold a Xis, Abstracter$ v
s notet The authors 'state that the crfstft14.'.-,,
appear ~al-optically. , This does not appear to be correc ail.,
this systemmust be uniaxial, ",:,: "
but: it may mean that the ellipsoid'
of revolution which represents, the refractive indices require0-1 wo
parameters to describe it and haa..two different axes
The o.ptical.ind-icatrix in described by.the equation:
2 2 2 2 (c2 2
(a 4- r E- )x + (b +r E )y + -.+r E )z + 2r ZX
0 12 y 0 22, Y 0' 32 52EY
when an electric field E is applied along:the y-axjs6
'This y-axis is-the fourfold,inver'sion axis for the crystal as W--
whole. b and c are the reciprocals of the principal
Card 1/3.
The electro-optical, -EI32/F.46o
-optic I co
refractive indices, r are the- electro A efficienta,
8 being non-zero for thLcut. :,It follows that when an electric.
field is applied the indicatrix',is deformed and rotates in the XZ
plane through an angle This y-cut crystal was mounted
betwe.en crossed, NiPols And a beam,of monochromatic light was
'The~plate was.
passed through'the system into a.,photomultiplier.
adjusted toextinction and a..high-voltage was applie.d to the
electrodes,t''the~increase inA,ransmitted light being measuri
,.The increase resulted,from,'.the.r,otation'of the indicatrix which'..
could, reach-22#5-0 if a field of 220:kV/cm were applied, The
material, has a high melting point: 1: 25719CY And behaves as a linear
1o1.5 to 1012 ohm cm
dielectric with a'specific resistance.of
over the'range 30 to,1,300C in 'the absence of surface conductivil y.
~The crystals are-not.hygroseopic and have 4 perfect 001 cleavage-,
which corresponds to the-y~-cut,used if it-is reckoned that the
growth pyramids.'of the,formACLI;, give crystals of the, class .2.
The moduli were found to be
r52 (4,38 +`0-13) (2 09:t 0 13) x107
xJ0 egau and ~r32 r12
V~ Card 2/3
~ , N,
i T!, :R:: I
T", -C
i I It,
11 1
i a t~ 11
, "ti it ~:.
AUTHORS Sonin, A#S#1 -Zholudev,
TITLE t The ifivestigatidn of certain dielectric properties Or
single crystals of sodium nitrite
PERIODXCALt Kristallograftya, V089 .-62
no.1, 1963, 57
'TEXT4. Ferrbelectricity* in NAM02 w",predicted by the authors In
Crystals gravit'frova solution were used ~Irst but were-
.:ufiaAtisfactoiy.bec can a
ause,of high electrical" tivity, The
dep endi3nc a on tompoira tuire , of, di aloe tt-ic constalts, spontaneous
polari coo. *Is 'tric' It ' and pkeso-
zation ''coerciVe for 0 6onduct v y
~Glectric properties of:alngl* crystals of4od4a nitrite were
;.Anvestig4te.d. The crystals' used voro,,made- from the Melt"ift
lied -dried in vacuo at
clbsed,Amliulea rom malt which,hid been ear
a,~Mgfi temp4rature.,,". ..They.. vere zon-hygroscopic, Theyclanyod
easily parallel to' -~Plitesl of other, orientations war*
.,thus Aifficiult,to pr'e'pa~rq.. ': Bloatradqx'wero. .applied by
eva,porating- silver,.-'. The, dielectric constants were measured at
500, We andt at. room. temperature 0 6.8, e 6.4 and
.,,were b
7 8;- ~at 170,&C a' X-
~ec Point,was found I the curv* for- oc
The invest igation of cartain _E132/Z460
i~~hich' rose to a ove-'iCO.' Above th po
b e Curie int of 161*C
ec obeys the Curie-Weiss law.-. ea and show discontinuities
of'slope at*the,~Curie.point but do not exce 14, ' The hystor 6ib
10-op was, plotted.-at, vaiious:timperatures. At room temperatur: th" -
cc IeIrcive force - ~19 higher_ than applied..' Above 120% the
-,hystereals'.1ooo could be' observed-. spontaneous polarization
was ~ ineaLsureA an 8 microcaulomba/cm2 and 'at 150*C the coerci Ve
2,.kV/cm changing linearly Iw.ith tempsristure.' 'Me - Pier-o-
010*~tric moduli were measured d 4 k 10-6 essu. at reer.
being 4,.
`tewper&~ure..- .'It- changed little.:. until. above 160 C when a rapid'
..IFa Li io, - zeid 'occurred. :The'. electrical. oonduotivity followed t-he
lotw, L63 a =.k/T, giving`an~lefiergy of activation of 0.72 eV above
Ak'e- Curie point and..0090 in' the ferro'electric. region. , Non]. inear
ejj found .when',the sunce IOtibility was measut-ad an A
I%Lnctiott offield ~tt I.- Kc/n..' .'The buMviour oC NP.NG2, All U) be
0(1--with that.'of'KNO' r there is also no layrirogen. -The
cc mr whe a
.'ferroejectr and'-,, e ransitionappear's to'be connn,cted 'with
rdering Of, thel'1402, groupso There are 9 figures.
R (Insititute of'
..ASSOC1:APION...:Tnfjtiiut"kristallografii AN SSS
T AD 59~,19,62 Crystallography AS USSR).
ferroe'ectric cr"Ys~;-'!,
dielectric hy3teresiSt triglycine sul.
--c 3Q2S ga5 5 -'1
Card 1/2
Cord 2/ 2
11 A 0 1 T !'1 0
11 .III
w " .
, I
. 1 .1, -0 i
.1 4 , I 0 .
1 u
_ransj. C n S.
If 11
I I ~`, 2.11., i i 1.
A I ,
~t 1. 1
1 ~ I V i i I'll. a 41111 lr~p
f " 4
AICCF-SSION NR: AP40193Z4 S/0105/6410001003/000110005
- --- - - ---- - ------
1111111tillivit-11111 IlliBilill I t i - I I I ~ 11 ~ I lill. i ~i
IN, M NI a T P!
an r 13 -L-nt! MF7mw~lj-
i I I ! 1,
I i If. . .
1111: Il ~! j :;:-, ~
stal (micia liners). Illumination during the polarization was
with monochromatic 546-nm light. The charge was measured by the
depolarization method, with,,the photoelectret illuminated with
the undecomposed light from a mercury lam� and with integration of
the depolarization current.. The time variation of the photoelec-
tret cbargewas found to be exponential. The reciprocity law was
fulfilled over the entire range of light intensity employed. The'
charge density was found,to be linear in the polarizing-field in-
..tensity. It is concluded on the basis of these results, and also
results by others, that the kinetics of,formation of the photo-
electret state in colore d alkali-halide crystals, as well as their.
depolarization, are,in accord with the deductions of the phanomeno-
logical theory. "The authors thank L. M. Shamovekiy for supplying
the samples of additively colored single crystals." Orig. art.
has: 1 figure.
ASSOCIATIOM. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Inatitute of
Card 2/4
Otl T
. I i: I T
'11111, ~i 11"I'1 11. 111-11,11FIti"li"! it
1. . ~ 1~ H :
RM I T 51
-. I 1~
Ifflufflip 'IN JIM."Al J 1,1111,111"M 11
'HIMIJ 111,14, JAW,~ t. ii iilil WIN M, 'ffil t I lhl Mfii 11111411! 11 L i 1 1 :1 'Ji -1 I~il~
INFEWS I ITIN In.!- ~11-
L 2119-66 0dT(J)/T/&ED(b)-3 IJP(c J
7MMYSIMUR N R AP5022732 UR/0181/65/307/009/2834/2836
AUTHORt kref'yev, 1. M~; Bachulin, P. A.; iheludev. 1. S.
TITLEt va v et n f r a r e d t r an s a 1, f; 9 1 ~r n q p e r t,t -
SOURCEt FizLka tverdogo tela, v. 71, no. 9, 1965, 11814-"1936
TOPIC TAGS: transmisilon spectra, improved tr;.namLitsion spectra,
ABSTRACT: Transmission spectra of polycrystalline samples of NH02"4
were obtained in the frequency range from 20 to 71") CM-1. The curve
of optIcal density D - -1grK (where K is the trangtolo4ton coefficient)
showed ten absorption levels In 1-ie Inveqt1gated r,inge -)r t'le spectrun.
A wide, intense level of absorption with a maximlim in .'i,i region of
40- 55 cm-1 was obRerved in the low-levtol part of 1he 4poctrum. No
changes in the parameters of the 40-55 cm-' levol werp ovident from
temporature meisurpmentq In the range Fr-r- rnnm rpmver,a~,jre to III-8K.
th- ~rpqpn-o -if r, I it ti ii, wh i rh in
I HM! 1171i'll""I'l I'l
:1 11VE"M111
A CC E S I Mi A P ~ 0 2 2 7 3
r eat -n I I i r P t - r I o 4, r p I
i r -
1 q j 1 1 ~i t n A 'I
""INN 1 .-,1 1 Ito
1 h271-0k 1 EWT(~)/IBPA (s b) 1JP (r
ACCESSION NR: APS024569 UR/0070/65/010/005/0764/0766
AUTHOR: Zheludev, I. Ludupov, Ts-Zh.
3. 86 x 1 10 fre-
TITLE: Complex q!gjqgL _9f Rblj9P0, in t1jo 8 x jo cps
quency range
SOURCE: Kristallograftya, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 7M-766
irlie, tirt.
4- i.e.$ measurements of the quwtit1cst3*3* and" in NbIT-P
2 ()4
crystals. Measurements at low and high frequeneles werv inarlp witli a low-freTlency
RFT bridge and a PaIEL low-capacitance ineter, Nit-isurernents at 15 Mc
were made with a YO-F) Q-rnetcr. It was found that Oil, ~ I lu f..; of thc clectric eonstmlx
of samples cut out of different portions of the same crytila I ~i n, the i~.ijnc, 11owever, I
may change with the conditions of growth of tho crystal, A rvarked decrease (dispersion)
of the dielectric constant occurs in the 9. 6 x 109 - 3. 86 x 10 cps rango; at these fre-
quencies, a substantial Increase in Lhe loss-angle tangent beirins. 'rhe nature of thin dis-:
C ard 1/2
L 4271-66
persion can probably be determined by mertmirements at higher frequencies. Orig. art*'!
has: Ifigure, ltable, and4formulaB.
ASSOCIATION: Institutkrifftallografil. ANSSSR (Institute of Crystallography, ANSSSR)
SUBMITTED: 05Mar6.5 ENC L: 00 SUll CODE: 5s) r.
NO RE F SOV: 0 04 OTT[ER: 001
7 a rd 2/2
L 21.122-66
1 011959 30URCE CODE- UR/1 0/6~70-1070-03-70-33-570-3-37-1
AUTHOR: Arbats~aya, A. N.; Zheludev, 1. S.: Zirnit. U. A.; Sushchinskiy, M. M.
ORC-. Institute of Crystall gra2hyt AN 853R (Inntitut kriatallogra.rii All S$SR)
--TI:TLF,: Low---irequenc-y vil-5rationall: spectra of triglycine tJ &id rocheUe salt::
(P monocrystals during phase transitions _.Lulphat i
5 SOURCE: Krista3lograriya, vo 10$ not 3. 19651 335 S
'TOPIC TAGS: - phase transition, spectrum, Curie pointj light scattoring# c9tal
lattice vibration,, quartz crystal, crystal i3yamtry, single crystal
ABSTRACT: Raman scattering spectra of monocrystals of triglycine sulfate are
studied near the Curie temperature (4490C); and those of Rochelle salt, near the
Upper Curie point (+240C). According to the Ginsbure-Levanyuk theory, the spectral
structure of the scattered light should change markedly near the phase transition
Points of the second kind. This change should be characterized by a decrease in
the frequency of certain lattice vibrations when the temperature is raised* At the
"transition point of the second kind the frequency of these vibrations should become
zero and the corresponding Raman lines intensify. Experiments with quartz appear
to oupport the G-L theory~
':Triglycine sulfate under"
goes a change in symmetry upon passing through the Curie
4poiht. A right-angle prismatic
monocrystal was illuminated along the Y and then
along the Z axis, and th scattered light was observed* along the Z axis In both
cases. A line at 47 cd-? appeared in the Raman spectra when the direction of
Card 1/2 UDG: 548.0: 537
L - I -~ -",; - C~t,
ACC NRs AP603-1959
~-illumination in changed from the Y to the X direction. reatLwas of the spectra us
icOmPared with published data in a table. In order to obseme the expected inereme,
iii'scatte'red Ilght hitensity the iemperature of the sample was varLed slowly
through the phase transitions but no change was observed in the R&-nan spectra.
Similar experiments were conducted with piezoelectric salt crystals with similar
results. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. [JPRS1
III] I'VI-4110 TA
011-027 027-4-T-71-
ACC NR!.: 'AY60- _'_UH/0 9.1-16
I M t%ihulln, P-7-A.) (jeceased);
V. Zbqiludevi, I.;.- SO
PhYSiCB I stltute-im;j. N. Lebedev AN SSSR_,_Mo;cow
~ORG: n
;i (Fizicheakiy institut AN. .959R)
~TITLE: Temperature dependence of the intensity of light sea
!in oriented single crystals of KH2 PO and Rochelle salt
:'~` __i&OURCE: Fizika tverdogo tell _v. S, no. 1, 1966, 272-274
;TOPIC TAGS. ferroelectrie crystal, phase transition, light scatter-
~ing, temperature dependence, light polarization, elastic modulus,
~crystal lattice vibration, Curie point, paraelectricity, piezoelectric
i_~ 1 property
IABSTRACT:. The purpose or,'.the measurement of the temperature depend-.
'-,vence was to check.~whether__',the ferroelectric phase transition in these.:
wt tW-Ina tab iflt,_y of the dryabal against: opt1da
lattloo V1 brn L. I Owl. Iliq ~x-popinont wo ffin.45) wltih 4 ape0romplip-P
Card 1/3
7:-11__-_ A00 ~NR: AP600381~
(D~S_128), 4hose, output was- photoelectrically recorded. The Allumlna-t,
tba-'I-samr -;oo6iln _t -descri ed elsewhere (A. V
nd aes, ------ -g-- sys em are b '' 4
v. 2't
Rakov., TvF.0
In '1964). The Investigated crystals were
'transparent with cross sections 7.5 x 7.5 min and lengths 20, 23, and
119 mm. The Rochelle-salt cryataI5 measured 7.5 x 7.5 x 30 mm. The
Intensity of scattering was meajured at the maximum of the Hg 4358 A
.line under smooth vartation of the temperature. The results were
.strongly dependent on the polarization, and in the case of one type
:of polarization the Intensity of the scattered light had a variation
,similar to that of the reciprocal of the elastic constant. It is
concluded on this basis that the scattering Is produced by anomalous
acoustic vibrations. In the case of Rochelle salt, the effect is
'less pronounced in K PO and no increase in the scattering intensity
H2 41
!is observed at.,the second Curie point. This Indioates -that the
~tl~~Vstructure of the- Rochelle salt crystal is different in the two para-
lelectric phases. No low-frequency Raman scattering spectrum was ob-
tserved, and it is therefore deduced that the Increase in the seat-
tering intensity of the Curie point is connected with the anomalous
behavior of the acoustic lattice vibrations. It Is concluded on the
Card 213(
.-I)o E"I t I
1/ta I ~Mj,/ VHiw~f)/z I -L 1jr; C!
'AWNW AP6018770- 65/011/003/0415/0418
UTHOR% Zhelu 6v,, 16 S.;-Gladkiy, V.: Vol
t;~~ranstituti~'Of Cx~stallographyj,' (Instit~M_ kristallografli AN
The -in17 sinj" or JS
4;T14t otiq off-set 7sta of Rochelle salt
,TOPIC*.'.TAG t challs -'salt s sing,le c'rydtido:pyroolectrid effect, Curie temperaturet
'a-'stressi`pol ,arization
4B$TRACT: Oyi;6ele atria coefficients of Rochelle salt single crystals were, measured,
kl.. tween -300 and +300C after polarization by mechanical straining. The pyroalectric
ihame was measured in a Tepler thermostat by the compensation method using slow heat-
~Tlng rates. Temperatures were measured with Cu-constantan thermocouples to I or 20C.b6-
'jond the Curie point. The polarization P of the strained crystals was cbtained from
P pap + Pt
Mhere P is the spontaneous polarization; Pf is the elastic polarization;. 81js '$2 we
cross-sectional areas of domains having unlike sips in the crystal face, perpendiew-
UDCt 548.0 637.227
Sard 1/2
ACC NRi'AP6018770
lar to the X axis-, 81 + 82 $,(area of the sample). The variables P P1, 81 and
S2 depended on 7 and Y the polarizing stn)sst Pyroelectric coefficients (P), obtain-
from pv&ldr, were given as a function of temperature T for values of Y ranging
ii"Z,... frW 0 to 4100 g/CM2. ~IyM _30o to OOC p was positLveg from CP to 30OC--negative.
'Cusps occu= a 0. n -180C 4md +2400, the ;exact coition
d,near the Curie-temperature k
-being, dependent on Y'. The magnitude, io~f p was also, dependent an Y rising steadily
!k,~ :to ZO- which corresponded to a criticalvalue of SI-82, whereupon it decreased sllgbrt-~
o, ,, . X
Ahe Chwie pointn,,p (300 ONE mits at--180C.and 340 OGSE
close to was, PiXISM
ite., In thd. V oquLT41ently
"'j, 1XI I
7 ; 44
L 2 t
ACU NR: Ap6mg8o soURCE CODE: UR/O,-)56/66/olio/0(13/()f-i9r~/06014
.AU'211ORS: Yqmzin, Slizov a. Zheludev, I _3
'ORG: Institute of Crystallo ra y,_,LeadPmy of 8ciences SSSITI
(Inatitut kristallografli Akademit nau
TITLE: Spin ordering and magnetocrystalllne anisotropy in single
c.rystalo of BaCoxFe 18-xC27 ferrites
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticbeskoy fiziki, v. 50,
no. 3, 1966,_,595-6o4
TOPIC TAGS* ferrite., single crystal, magnetic anisotropy, neutron
dif fraction, nuclear spin, Curie point, temperatuzvi dependence, spin
wave tbeory
ABSTRACT: This Is a dontinuation of earlier, work by the autbo~s
(ZbETF v. 46, 1985, 1964). In this paper new data are pregented on
the magnetic anisotropy energy of the ferrite syotc---ni undRr diricusclon,
The crystala were grown by the Verneull method and were the 3awte as
ACC NR: Ap6olog8o
_.Jused in the ez-irlier,J_nve'qt19abibn. In view of the fact that the. ter-
~rites investigated exhibit various types of magnetic anisotropy at
low temperatures, the authors used a neutron diffractic-n M~!Ihod to
investigate the influence of thp cobalt Innn on thr' I-VItIC.1113 of the
fro Tj
spin ordering axis In these cryBt~113 1r) ~11-? tPMPC1';:t'uro
7~K to the Curie temperature. The temperatiire der-r-nder.(,c of the mag-
netic anisotropy constants wae investigated In th(ii., same rarige of
temperaturge and compared with the theory. 'Me same samples were
used to obtain neutron diffraction patterns as were used In the in-
vestigation of the magnetic anisotropy. The rpsults show that the
spin directions coincide with the directions of the total magnetiza-
tion vectors of the crystals. The data alBo Indicate that the experi-
inental results can be fully reconciled with a theoretical formula
deduced by Ye. A. Turov from the phenomenological theory of spin wavev
'~EVad-magnl touporyad oc lie nnykh kristallov [Physical
(Fizichesklye svoys
Properties of Mangetically Ordered Crystal,-,',, AN 9,9SR, ]~)6~',, w,,~-jout
need to make allowance for any partlci_ilar itnic' -ire. wde! ~)J'
art. has: 7 figures, 3 formulas, and 3 tables.
SUBM DATM 2500t65/ OHIO REF: 0031 OTH UFS 009
Card 2/2
ACC NR, AF6007268
AUTHOR: Zheludev, 1. S.
ORG: in lraVN ex-yetallograpW (Institut
TITLE; Electro-obical phencinem in crystals
kristaa-lograril AN 885H)
SOURCE: Uspekbi fizicheakikh muk,, v. 88, no. 2, 1966, P-53-286
TOPIC TAGS: electrooptical effect, refractive index, absorption coefficient, light
absorption, electric field, "au
-,.ABSTRACT: We is a review article dealing with electro-optical effects, defined all
the changes induced in the optical properties (refractive index and absorption coef-
ficient) by application of an electric field. The different types of electro-optical,
effects are described (linear, quadratic, spontaneous), and the equations for these
effects axe derived in a matrix formulation for crystals of various symmetries
(orthorhombic, mancalinic, triclinic, tetragonal, trigonal, and hexagonal). This in
followed by a discussion of the optical systems uned for the invef-ttgation of the
electro-optical effect, and methods used to determine directly the electro-optical
coefficients. Data are presented on the linear electro-optical effect In linear
dielectrics and ferroelectrics, and on the quadratic electro-optical effect in rys-
tala with central symmetry. Practical uses of the elect ro- apt. ical propta-tie'sf
-shifli-ters,Frsotu-0 ~ ord-
crystals for high-frequency light modulation and opffOZ 0 ~~f
ing, and for narrow-band interference- polarization light filtere are discussed. Origol-_
art. has: 16 figures, 36 formilas, and 5 tables.
SUB CODE: 201.4 OPM WW: 012/ OTH MW: 05T
gard 11 W.- Asa pM I gj&e
.-.'ACC'NR: AP6024666 SOURCE CODE: UP/0070/66/011/004/0604/0609
-~',AUTHOR:.:Gorolikp.V.S.; Zholudev, Ij S. Sushchinakiy, H. M.
ORIG." FhysicB Institute in. P N Lobedov AN SWR (FisichoskV institut AN S5M)
~Inetituto of Crystallography AN SSSR (Institut kristallografti AN SSSR)~
.TITLE: Study ofthe Raman spectrum of.N&N02 single crystal near the phase
~:transition point,
.~~OURCZ: Krista.3.1o.graf Iya, v. 21, no. 4p 1966, 6o4-6og
1OPICTAGS: a6dium.compoundp.Raman spoctrum,~phase transition, ferroelectricity,
_rature dependencel.line broadeningp crystal lattice vibration
'ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier study (Kristallografiya v. 10, no.~
335, 1965) and deals with the behavior of most lines of the RAman spectrum of
singlo-'crystal-Nah'02 In the temperature interval from 30 to 178C. Principal atton.
tion was paid to the sma.11, temperature rango.(+ 200) near the phiace tranaition point
(160C)i The'single crystal was a rectangular rWisin 3 x 7 x 10 mm, cut so that its
smallest Bide was oriented along the ferrooloctrip 'axis z. The Raman topoctra were
mercury line for ewitation..
photographed with a spectrograph, using the 4358
Card 1/2.7 ---UDC
--------- -
'.ACC r4R:4AP6o24666
Seven,linos,woro registered# whosefrequonoios agreed essentially withthoao pub.
_,,Aished earlier. Tho Raman spectrum obtained nearthe transition point differed
notic0ablyrrom. that obtained at 30C. The low-froquencylines shifted In linear
fashion while the higher frequency lines exhibited practically no shift. All ob6.
served lines broadened with increasing temperature, but the broadening of the low-
frequency lines was larger, Some of the lines vanished with increasing tomperature.1
A group-theoretical analysis Iof the.spectrum for both the high and the low frequency!
-parts of the spectrum is used to interpret the results. The vanishing and the in-
'tensity variations of the spectra agree with the selection rules', and the broadening!
is duo to ordinary temperature offecto'connected with the increase of the inter-._
action between the lattice oscillators themselves and the interaction between the
lattice oscillators and other degrees of freedom of the.crystal. The authors thank
,FTofessor P. A.Baxhulin for interest in the work and also V. I. Mursin for valu-
able advice. Orig. art. has:.4 figures, 1 formulap and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUER DATE.- 03!VJC~CoS ORIG W 012/ OTH REF.' 005
ca~ 2/g
L 38900-66 E,','T(l)
ACC N& AP6029724 -,SOURCE CODEs Uri/0109/66/011/005/0966/0967
AUTHOR: Zernov.-D. V I Timofevey. P. V I Eursov. V, Sol Hi n.-- t.V a G V
Spavski-Y. B. I.; Vileader. R. A.; Grozdoygp. S. D I Shemayev, At X 1 SoIntpeyL
Kuzovnikov, A. A ; ZaXtsgX, A. AL.I VasilInva, He 14 Mitoak.-L-12f; RUbiningo
Ye ~H-;,Q21udejA.
TITLE tl Nikolav Ileksandrovich KaDtsoil
SOURCEv Radiotekhnika i elektronikap ve 11p n6., 5p 1�66) 966
TOPIC TAGSs electric engineering personnel# magnetron, klystrong corona disahargep
-conduction# gas diacharge:plasma:,
ABSTRACTi . x, A~ Xapt3ov passed sM 10 Febmwy 2966. No vas student
~_*f the 9=ous P. N._ZAbodav, and parformod zW fundawntal inve3tigatims
'in the devolopmant of tWorn electronics, He va3 the creator arA Uader,
Aha chair of electronics of Moac dev loped the *ano
ow State University, He o
icept of Phase grouping of olectronso His ideas are the basis for the daydop-
zont of tho ~IwmtroRQ klystron i~Ho developed the concept exp2aining-Abe
Phanomonoa of corana discharge. He also developed ideas connected with-
~,ormation of gas conduction and pben=oua In a gaseous-dUcWge plasm.
Ka*ov servod for yews as the head of the -pbpioal laboratory and am-,
sultant to the Moscow Eleatton Tube - Plimt, He was Us authW of =Wrow
'bookaj in*
ludin qlWeioal Phenomena In Va== and in 048880 1&10h
translated Int6 forelp 2anguages; he also as" ad taugbt m"aw
'electronics couraeso: (JPRSt 36v5011
-SUB CODE: 05v09 :SUBM DATEt none
'002 QVI'V J09 IF ?5.
L 09462-67 EVIT (1)/EVIT (m)/CWP (t)/ETI XJP(c) JD/GG
ACG NR: AFG024667 SOURCE CODO; UR/0070/66/011/004/0610/0613
AUTHORI: Zholudov, 1. 80; Romanyukp No As
v State University (Livovskiy gosudaratvonnyy un
ORIG: Vvo ivarnitet); Institute 0
CrystMosraphr ARFM-R-Trn-a-titut kristallografii AN' SSSR)
TITLE: Dioloct a P;%Ortios- of olampod Rochono-salt crystals
SOURCE Kri-stallografiya, Vo Ilp 41 1966, 6lo-613
TOPIC TAGS; farrooloctric crystal, piozooloctric crystal, electric hystorosis,
dielectric constant# pressure effect, Curio point, electric polarization
The authors report an investigation of the domain structure, the
.~hystvrosis lqop, and the initial dielectric constant of Rochollo-salt in:
,:the rogion.of the upper Curio.tomperaturo for difforont dogroos of comprossion of
,the samples. The tests were made on suqaro polished plates with 430 X-cut, moasura.
iing 10 x 10 x (0.4 -- 0-7) mm. ~ho samplos woro moasurod on a microscope stage in:
:a thermostat oquipped,with a dovico 'or aimultanoous or succossivo compross4-cn of
the cryat& two mutually porpondicular diroctions. ,his apparatus vas dos-
cribod in an earlier paper (Kristallograflya Y. 40 no. 3, 710 717, 1939). Th
Card 1/2 UDG:. 348-0:337.226
~L 09462-67
iACC NR: AP602466?
i :dielectric constant was moaaurod'vith &.bridge and a hysteresis loop was,by means
of a Sawyer-To4er circuit.. The domain structure was observed visually and photo.
'graphed vhon n cousary. 'the results showed that the dioloctria constant decreased
;with increasing compression, the uppor Curio point increased in the case of-iini-
"lateral compression and decreased in the ease of bilateral compression, and the
~hystorosia loops gradually contracted to lines with Increasing compression. The
results agree with modern theoretical notions concerning the laws governing polari-4
lzation of forroolectrics and explain tho radiative changes occurring in the
'dielectric properties of forrooloctric materials. The results also serve a3-a con-
!firmation of the frequently used "internal field" model for the explanation of the
ipolarization of the forroolootrio. -0-rig. art. has: 3 figures.
ISUB.ODDS: 20/ DAM' 15JU1631 Opir, nw: 00)/ OTH REF: 006
L 09461-6
ACC NR: AP6024656 SOURCE CODz: W0970/66/011/004/~604/0609
Sushchinakiyo M. M.
Gorolik 'V. S1_Z_h 0_1 U_d_oyj.,
..,;:'.ORIG: Mysics institute im. pe N. Lobodov AN SSSR (Michookiy in3titiit AN SSSR);
~Inatituto of. Crystallography AN SSSR (Institut kriatallografil Ali SSSR)
'TITLE.' Study ofthe Raman spectrum f-XaX02 single orystal noar the phase
transition point
~0 URM; Krintallografiya, V. 3.1, no. 4, 1966, 6o4-6og
~.TOPIC TAGS: so~dium compoundv~Raman spectrum, phaso transition, for'roelectricity,
-temperature dependence line broadening, crystal lattice vibration
5ABSTRACT: Thiq is a continuation of an oarlior study (Kristallografiya v. 10, no.
3, 335,1965Y and deals with the bahavior of most lines of the Raman spontrum of
'singlo-'erystal N&N02 in the temperature interval from 30 to 178C. Principal atton-
was paidto the small temperature range (t 200) near tho phase transition point
..(160C). The single crystal was a rectangular prism 3 x 7 x 10 mm, out so that its
smallest side was oriontod along the forrooloctric axis z. The Raman spdctra were
photographed with a'apeatrograph, using the 4358 moroury line for excitation.
pard 1/2
ACC NR: AP6024666.,
Seven lines were registered, whose frequencies agreed ossontially with those pub-
lishod earlier The Raman .spectrum obtained near the transition poirt differed
n6tic*oably fro; that obtained at 30C.:.The lo-w-froquency linos-shiftod In linear
fashion, uhilo the highor frequency lines exhibited practically no shift. All ob-.
-served lines broadened with increasing temperature, but the broadening of the low-
frequency lines was larger. Some of the lines vanished with increasing temperature.'
A group-thoorotical analysis of the sppetrum for both the high and the lov frequency,
parts of thospoctrum is used tD'Intorprot the results. The vanishing and i
ns of tho spectra agree with ihe soloction rulos'#' and tho'broadoning;
is duo to ordinary,-tomporaturo offecte.connectod with the increase of the intor-
action between the lattice oscillators themselves and the interaction between,tho
lattice oscillators and other degroos of freedom of the crystal. The authors thank
Professor P. A. Bazhulin for interest in the work and also V. I. Murain for valu-
able advice. Orig. art. has.* 4 figures, 1 formulat and 2 tables.
SUB,CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: "G-Of~4(65 ORIG REP: 012/ OTH RV: 005
LI fg, . 1 4 ill ! i
1,41;` MR, ~ R, 1, ill I-I I ;R1411 III IIJHNIA~ 10i'll i ~i " ~ ;
L 79`~--6e F-7 d)/WT,'1 'k) -2
AUTHORS: Vlokh, 0. G., Zheludev, 1
ORG: none
S., ShambUrOyl 71 A..
Eleotrooptioal modulator. Class 42, No. 175272
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobrateniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 19, 1965, 85
21, 49, 5-S
TOFIC TAGS: electrooptic effect, electric field
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate describes an electrooptical modulator conaisting
of crossed polarizers between which is situated a crystal in an electric field.
The direction of the electric field is parallel to the directi(m of iight and the
axis of symmetry. To eliminate the treatment of the crystal aurface and the
in.fluence of temperature and moisture of the surrounding medium an its performaace
:and also to elimin te turning the optical axis through ap angle of 22-50 under
,nonresonance condition, use is made of a pentaerythritol crystal.
UM 621-376-9
11 ~l t 7 :. I,
. I I
'45111 11, 1, 11 ]!`Ill I i~ ~ 11' "fl ~ I ~ 111-11, 1 il-i ~ ;. .
, I I I, !I T f I I ..
x I I A a
F i ~ ; ~~ :1 ; :
:111111, 111111 11,11 11 V411
"I'll, :
T f ; i.' . %
,: I
s. " I
I IEII li~ 11] 111011 "',
t i - -t ~, . 4- ~1 ;; - ;
AUTHOR: Zheludev, V* I (Moscow) SOV/179-59--3-38/45
TITLE: On the Supersonic Flow Past a Flat Quasi-tria
ShortVing (K,averkhzvukovomu obtekaniyu ploskikh
kvazitreugoll.nykh kryllyev malogo udlineniya)
PERIODICALs Izvostiya Akademii n1auk SSSRI Otdoleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3...
pp,202-203 (USSR),
ABSTRkCTi work is based on Zheludev's work (Ref 1) describing~
a method of determining the.velocity potential iwsuper-
sonic flow past thin bodies. The complex potential,
Eq (1), is~'taken from Ref 2, where 2a(x) - wing pan
and + = upper and lower half-planes re.spectiv:ly).
The limiting conditions for the velocity potential is,
given as.Eq (2), th e partial solution of -which is
defined as Eqs (3) andj(4) and their harmonic:functions
as Eqs (5) and (6). The latter can be expressed in the
form ofthe aeries,(7) and (8). The coefficient of
'pressureforthe triangular wing, c can be shown as
Eq (9) ~ for a (x) = x/tg 7L ,, where _p th wins's
Card 1/2 angle, z coordinates of the span, This co:fficient
i [ 1. :, , .
I ~ I ~ li. i, :
11 ill . ~
; i ! z 'U .1 i p, I -'i ..t 1
AUTHOR: Znelu P. 1
..... ... .---
ORGs none
.:TITLEs Aerodynamic characteristics of a thin finned b
SOUECES., AN SSSR. Ilavestiya* Hekha'nikaj no, 6p 1965p 122-123
TOPIC TAGSt aerodynamics, aerodynamic dharacteristicy aerodynamic coefficient, com-
plex function
-ABSTP are oalculatod for a cross4inned
ACrz~~,'Thq aerodynmia,-mom nts~ arA.c6efficients
bodr- at angle of attack and- alde--all-p- in supersonic flow ("0 Fig. 1).
:64 1/2
lllll~ Urt[H Ell
Acc NR, AP6002)27
A potential flow analysis is used With the flow potential defined by
-S W-In M to) +7 77
This potential is then expanded in inverse powers of and the folloving forces and
moments are calculatedt the side and lift forces Z, the three momants My# Ka,
and the corresponding coefficients, e.g.,
21 (b4 + R14 - Robs) C. e&,� Agar
---0 +
440 (X) 491
Orig. art. hass 8 equations and 2 figures.
SUB GODEt 20/ SUIBM DATEt 1Ojul64/ OTH REF: 002
Card 2A
Iq 'I
.11 NMI liII ll~
all Immillmot"ilill. I.
i it i i J, Ir J~ i
altitapK"il- MINN. iollim Hillimmill, 11R. ll III 1!; 1111 -11iill I ~,ll 11 li E, 1 IS, 11111111 It! I IIII I I
;! I) . ~ ", f I
'1 7, t ;
'I . ; , J 1 4 ' :,,t I I I
. a z'T, I ~ I i
I R I . : If.. I t 1 1 : I I I I z I I 1 11, .- ~! .
I HE I mill, M IMER01, H i I I . I I IN`111111~ III " Mill I - 11111 111 U 1, 1,41'
i ~ 7 1! 1 1 ! 1 1 ,,,_i. .
AUTHOR i P~ I (Moscow)
On Supersonic Flow Pasta,Cylindrical Slender Body of
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Ak-ademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
Unuk, Mekhanika i mashlnostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 5,
pp 118-121 (USSR)
~ABSTRACT: The flow past a thin pointed body of revolution.
thin wingsPof small aspect ratio is considered. The
equation of motion, is given as Eq (1.1) for the limiting
conditions:'.of:the potential velocity (p = T + ~p
defined s Eq (1.-2). After substituting the derivates
(w + ~f) in the right',term of Eq (14 1) the
of go
Poisson equation can be obtained, the solution of which
can beshown as Eq:(1.3). The potential velocity with
the first approximation can be shown as Eq (1-5), where
2a(-k).-- span of wing, a - angle between the axis of the,
body.and an undisturbed flow, R = const radius of the
body - :The limiting conditions for can be derived
from Eq.(1.2) and presented as (fg,a) for the aurtace,.'
Eq (l*
of the body$ and as Eq .6b) f.yr/th surface of the wing*'
Card 1/2 An effect of the term M2 1) T in Eq (1.1) can be
On Supersonic,Flow'Past 'A~Cylindrical.Slender Body of Revolution.
derived from Eq,(2.1) which is obtained front Eq (1-3).
Since Eq.(l 1) cannot be describedby the conditions,
Eqji.6), t~e limiting conditions are given as Eqs (2.2)
and (2~3),, Pich can be written as.Eq (2.4) f or the
function . (P2' ~The solution of the latter in respect
to the.upper and-lower half-planes are given by.Eqs (2.5)
and (2.6), respectively., An effect of the component in.
the second bracket of the righthand part of Eq (1.1) can
be found.from,Eqs (3.1) and (3.2). An effect of the
component in the 'third, bracket of Eq (1.1) can be obtained
from Eqs (4.1) alnd.(442). The sum of the latter two the,potential velocity with the second
oximation The formulae(3.2) and (4.2) can be
represented as series the coefficients of which can be
derived.from the.limi;ing conditions in the form of
E4~(1.4) as shown at the bottom of p 121.
There,are 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 2 English.
SUBMITTEDt December 10, 1958
Card 2/2,
AUTHORv ZheludfiY-,-P*-I-.'-(Mo scow) SOV/24-58-9-10/31
TITIM-., The Supersonic Flow Round Blender Bodies of Rotation With
andWithout Tail Units (Sverkhzvukovoye obtekaniye
operennykh i neoperennykh tonkikh tel vrashcheniya)
PMODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 1958,-Nr 9, pp 74 - 82 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The bodies areIassUMed to have an angle of attack (z~ and
to have their tail.units inclined at an angle 0 to the
vertical.~ A solution for the second approximation in
slender body theory (Ref 1) is constructed. The frame of
reference is chosen with the y axis vertically upwards
and the.velocity in the direction of increasing x
Forces on bodies of revolution having 2, 3 or 4 plane.
wings of small thickness with their trailing edges in
the plane x = 1 bare given. The solution from which
these are derived is*regarded as the first approximation
and it is shown that the problem of finding the second
approximation.can be reduced to that of finding harmonic
functions (as in the ca5e of the first approximation).
Hence, it is possihle to solve the problem of finding
the velocity potedial of the second approximation for
Cardl/3 bodies of arbitrary transverse and longitudinal cross-
The Supersonic Flow Round Slender Bodiet of Rotation With,and
Without Tail,Units
sections satisfying conditions imposed on the maximum
thickness.and angle.which any tangent.plane to the surface
of the body makes with the direction of the undisturbed'.
flow. These quantities must be of the order of the maximum
thickness-of the body which in its turn must be very much
less than.the length of the body. In addition, the radius
of curvature arbitrary transverse section must be of
,the order of d-1 , where d is the maximum thickness
of the section. This condition is imposed on convex
sections but not on concave ones.: As an example, a
circular cone of apex angle 20 1 is considered. The
expression for the pressure coefficient at zero angle of
attack coincides with that obtained by Broderick (Ref 2).
with the exception that a term of the form;
M2 1)] d,
does not appear. This term can be introduced Into the
Card2/3 expression by using results of Van Dayk (Van Dyke)4ho
The Supersonic Flow Round Blender Bodies of Rotation With and
.-With6ut Tail Units
considered the case of an elliptic cone at zero angle of
attack.~.The results for the revised formula are given
graphically in-which they are compared with the results
of exact theory and the first approximation. The'com-
parison shows that for sufficiently slender cones the,
secondapproximation dives better results than the first
approximation. -A similar graphical comparison is made
where the abscissa is an angular co-ordinate in the plane
x - constant rather than the Mach number. The.second
approximation again gives good Sesults and the overall
conclusion is.that for 01 4 15 a better agreement with
experiment can be expected from the second approximation.
There are 6 figures and 6 English references.
SUBMITTED: February 7 1958
Card 3/3
[ACC-NRi AP6024194---- BiomfcE-CDDXt-Wld"1661006100~101'6010165'
iAWHORt Zheludev, P. I. (Mo cow)
ORG: none i
TITLEt Bending flutter of rotating,olongating bodies
SOMCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. Mekhanika tverdogo telat no, 20 1966l 160-165
'TOPIC TAGSs elasticity theoryt supersonic flow, unsteady flowt aeroeleati city,
::-ABSTRLCT: An analysis is made to determine the effect of longitudinal acceleration
and spinning motion on the el"tio bending vibrations of an elongating bou in a-low
/supersonic flow. As shown in Fig. 1, small unsteady motions y(x,t) and z(x,t) are
added to the variable longitirdinal motion U and the body is assumed to be an elastic
beam of variable cross section. The governing equations of motion are given by
'21611 + 2y (4
TXFJ w, P r S (,) , I a- WX
[P T-tx i
(X) 2 9 PS W Y(X, 1) 17
-:I- [P1
V) + pS (s)
w. IN j). + 20gw at - Z~(-- 1)
Card V2
. I ! I I
11 LMLIll I -DD
-I. [i.1 I i
V-fi-P, 09-
AUTHOR: Zheludeva G.A. 109-3-io/,23
TITLE: ~he.Antimony-caesium Cathode (0. rabote
vykhoda surlmyano-tseziyevogo katoda)
.,PERIODIOAL: Radiotekhnika i,Blektronika, 1958 Vol.IIII INO-3
pp 195 - 399 (USSR-3.
ABSTRACT: The investigation reported was primarily concerned with
the determination of the photo-electric work function of the
fft)-Cs cathode as a function ofthe wavelength of the illumin-
ating source. The magnitude'of the work function wasevaluated
from the Einstein equation and attention was focusid on the
magnitude~of the relative value of the work function rather than
its absolute.value. The investigation was done by the sphurical-
condenser method and two types of photo-cathodes were prepared.
One of the photo-cathodes was a cylinder having 1 cm, dia.-and
a-length of, while the second cathode was in the form of
a glass sphemoll cm diameter. The cathodes had the usual
"dark cherry" colour if deposited on glass and a grey-green
colour if-deposited on nickel. The collectors of the spherical
condenser were in the form of spherical bulbs, having a
diameter of 12,or 15 cm and were coated with a layer of alumin-
ium. plus a thin layer of soot (to eliminate the reverse
Cardl/3 currents)* The photo currents were measured by the potentiometer,
Vork 1runction of the Antimony-caesium Cathode 109-3-10/23
method by using an electrometer, so that a sensitivity of
10-13 A could be obtained. A quartz monochromator was used
as alsource of spectral lines. Current voltage curves were
taken for the following gavelengths: - 5791, 5461, 4047t 3651s.
3130, 2804, 24829~2200 A; the curves are shown in the figure
on P. 397. The'work function can be determined from these
curves by finding their intersection pointB with the horiz-
ontal (voltage) axis. It was found that the work functions
of both the cathodes are independent ot. the illuminating
wavelength fo the ran 6 5791 to 4047 A. In the range
3130 to 2200 the wogrk function is also constant, but its
value is.somewhat lower than that for the range of the longer
waves. An attempt was also made to determine the "red boun-
dary" of the photo effect and it was found that the Fowler
method could not be used for this purpose. The author
expresses gratitude to Professor B.A. Kaptsov for.directing
this work. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 10 references,
.6,of which are Russian and 4 English.
ASSOCIATION: _:Chair of Electronics of Moscow State University
imeni M.V. Lomonosov (Kafedra blektroniki Moskovskogo
Card2/3. universiteta im. M.V. Ioomonosova)
G.A. abd Akhmatova, N.A. 109-3-11/23
AUTHORS: Zholudeva,
TITLE, -Xn-e-rgy7I_)1s_t FIRM on of the Photo-electrons in the
Antimony-caesium Cathode during Various Stages of its
Pormation (Raspredeleniye fotoelektronov po energiyam,
dlya surlmyano-tseziyevogo katoda na raznykh stadiyakh
yego formirovaniya)
PMUODICAL,*,. Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 1958, Vol-III, 110,3
pp. 400 - 404 (USSR5.
A13STRACT: The investigation of the energy distribution ofthe photo-
electrons was done by the spherical-condenser method. The
.-investigated cathodes were prepared as follows: a layer of Sb
was deposited by evaporation on to a glass sphere. The layer,
had a thickness of 15004 and was not transparent. Theacti-I.,
vation process followed.the standard technique, i.e. ,the 8b
layer.was treated by Os v6pours at a temperature of 180 C.
Three types of the activated film were prepared. The first
stage was characterised by a straw-yellow colouring of the
emissive surface; the sensitivity of the surface was 0 I'V,
that of the normal Sb-Cs cathode'. The second fil cor;esponding
second activation stage, had a light-r
to the ed co ouring and
its sensitivity was 0.6:.,.that of the standard cathode. Finally,
cardl/Pe third blathode had a~'6herry-red colouring and thestandard
109-3-11/12 3
Energy Distribution of the Photo-electrons in the Antimony-caesium
Cathode during Various Stages of its Formation
sensitivity.(2B sensitivity.was tLken as unity). Current
voltage curves of the three cathodes were taken at the foll-,
owing wavelengths; ~5 461, 4 047, 2 805, 2 482 and 2 300 A.
The resulting curves~are shown in Figs~ la, -6 and b. The
curves we're used to evaluate the work functions of the cathode
.,by employing~the Einstein equation and it was found that these
were 1-78 + 0-05, 1-56 + 0.05 and.1-51 + 0-05 eV for the first
second ind7third active7tion stages reapectively. These values',
are valid for the,wavelength of 2 A05 A. By differentiating
the current voltage curves of Fig. 11 it was possible to obtain
theieurves of'the photo-electron energy distribution; these
are shown in Figs. 2a, Ey,aDd b; curves of Fig. 2a correspond
to the wavelengt of 4 OLrl X, those of Fig. 26 are for the wave-
length of 2 805 k while Fig. 2b corresponds to the wavelength
of 2 300 X. The authors thank Professor N*A. Kaptsov for
directing this work. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 2
of which are.Russian and 2 English.
-ASSOCIATION: Chair of Electronics of the Physics Faculty of the
M6scow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov
Card 2/3 (Itafedra elektroniki fiziche'skogo fakullteta
AUTHORS: .2helUdevat G* A* LM,v-Bln-i,
TITLE: Energy Distribution of Photoolectrons of an Lntimony
Cesium Cathode ))uring Its Treatm&;T~With Oxygen
PERIODICAL; Vestnik Molskovskogo-universiteta.-S6riya 3, fizika,
astronomiyat.1,960t No- 49 ppo 26-31
TEXT:~ The authors-of the-presentrpaper studied the energy distribution
of photoelectrans~of an antimony -;cesium cathode under three different
conditions: prior to sensitization with oxygen, after sensitization up
to'-the peak,value of the photocurvent, and after poisoning of the
cathode by eXCeSS OXYgen.:Thia..poisoning was darried on until the
veneitivity~of the oathode.,bercameequal-t*~, or a little lower than, that
before bensitization. The method of-the retarding field in a spherical
condenser was draw the energy distribution curves of the
photoelectr,ons and to.measure the contact potential difference between
Cathode and anode. The experimental arrangement is described. Fig. I has
Card 113-
Epergy..Distribution of Photoolectrons of an 8/188/60/000/004/003/014
Antimony -.Cesium,Cathode.During,Its B005/BO60
Treatment With Oxygen
three.diagrame,ohowing the retardation curves of the antimony - cesium,
cathode under the three above conditions for the following wavelengths
of.light-,'.546i A, 3130 A$ 2804 A, 2482 A. The analysis of these curves
yielded the following results*, When sensitizing the cathode with oxygen.
up to a peak value of the pho tocurrentl the value of the saturation
'potential rises by 0. 6 t 0. 1 . v. Investigations revealed that this growth
is.mainly brought about,by a decrease in the thermionic work function of
the cathode on a treatment,with oxygen. This decrease is about 0.4 ev-~
On.a. further treatment of the cathode with oxygen (poisoning), the
saturation potential (toes not:echange,until the sensitivity of the cathode
has dropped to1he pre-,sensitization value. The saturation potential,
-risee little with'further poisoning. The~mentioned decrease in the
thermionic work function of.the cathode on sensitization is a
~-conseqixence of a reduoled'potential~threshold, and fits the change in the
1hreshold frequency of the.photoeffect.'Fig. 2 shows the spectral
characteristice of the antimony cesium cathode prior to and after,
Pensitization in a (log 19 hi) diagram,(I photocurrent; h energy in
Card 2/3
Energy Distributlon of Photoeleotrons of an S/188/60/000/004/003/014
Antimony athode During Its 060
Cesium C bO05/B
Treatment With Oxygen,,
,ev).-By:graphically'ditferentiating 'the curves shown In Fig. 1, the
duthois'obtained.thelcorresponding-ourves for the energy dlst~lbution of
1he photoIelectrons of the~antimony - cesium cathode under the three
conditions,inve,stigated. Fig.~3 shows these curves for the wavelength
::.2804 A. It.may be seen that the changes in the energy distribution curvaq
'~:of the r na due to cathode.sensit~zation can be solely
photoslect o
explained by a dearease,in the work function of the oathode. The energy
structure of the cathode need not necessarily change in this conneoticn,
It is only on the poisoning of the cathode-with excess oxygen and when
the cathode loses its sensitivity, that the character of the energy
spectrum of the electrons, and thus also the energy.stru~~turs of the
cathode, undergo'a change. Thers'.are 3 figures and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION- Moskovskiy universitet Kafedra elektroniki (Moscow
Univeriityl Chair of.Electronios)
vember 27, 1
Card 3/3
AUTHOR,:,.. Zheludeva, 0*A*
d: TITLE: Influence of. fatigue of Sb-Os cathode on the energy
distribution of photoelectrons
P.~`,'HIODICAL: Radiotekhnikai elektronikap V. 7P no. 9p 1962,
1637 1642
TEXT: The author's,tUdied the:irifluence~of cathode fatigue on the
energy.distribution 6f photoelectrons by the method of delay cur-
ves'. The experimentai apparatus was similar to that described by
the author in,an.earl~Ler,work..,The cathodes were-preparea on vari-
ous bases (electrolytically-pure nickel, quartt, molybdenum-glass).
The delay curves were plotted at 3 different moments of time:-Imme-
diately afterthe preparation of the experimental tube, one month
.1aterp and after,10 months. Thestudy-of cathode fatigue started
3-4 weeks after the preparation of the experimental tubes, i.e. af-
ter the-properties of the.cathode viere fully stabilized. The fati-
-gue'resulted from 'continuous illumination of the cathode. The mea-
surements~of the cathodecharacteristics were conducted before and
Card 1/2
Influence of. fatigue of-. Sb-CS D409/D301
after the fatigue,procees. The results of the measurements of all.
_-:._wthe investighted cathodes are.similar; the integral sensitivity of
the -cathodes with nickel,base was' reduced to-half its value as a
result of the fatigue (which lasted about 200 hours). In the case
of.cathodes with molybdenum-glass basep the sensitivity decreased
to 68 % of its initial value..The photoelectric work function in-
creased slightly after the fatigue process. The energy spectrum,of
the photoelectrons after fatigue, differs from the energy apectrum
prior to it-The maximum of the energy-distribution curves is shif-
ted,~towards lower energiesi i.e. the energy of the electrons de-
creases as a result of the fatigue# It is noted that this chancge in
the energy distribution is very similar to that, corresponding to
a~transition of the cathode from a state of normal activation to a
state of de-activation. In both processes (fatigue and,.de-activa-
tion)# the relative number.of fast electrons increases, whereas the
-~~,number of slow electrons decreases. Tht obtained results lead to
the conclusion that~.cathode fati
gue Is a bulk process, i,e. the fa
tigue.(under the action of light and the applied voltage) involves
substantial changes in the cathode material itself. There are 6 fi-
J.- SUBMITTED: 'October 20, 19611, Card 2/2,
t88 62/000/005/001/008
B 02 B108
~;AU THOR s ,Zheludeva.-G. A6
TITLEt Effect of the electron yield depth of. athick antimon -cesium,
~cathode on the naturs..of their energy distribution
-PERIODICALs Moscow. Univereitet. Veatnik. 8 riya III. Fizika,
astronomiya, no., 5,.1962p 3 9
TEXTt The-photoelectron energy distribution under frontal illumination -
was studi,ed onSb-Cs cathodes of d1if f erent thicknesses (toot series 1)t
as well as-theeffect.of:.the direction of'Illumination on this energy,
distribution (tost.series 2), the cathodes haiing been produced under com
'pletely equal conditions.., Cathodos of different thicknesaes, however,
have different sennitivitioa., A oathode.oir ordinary,thickness (- 150.01)
Is more densitive,.than a thinner one, and if the cathode thickness exceeds,
the effective electron yield depth the "thickness effect" ceases to be
'obeervable*'-The sensitivity ota cathode (1) 5300 R thick was 40,ua~ Iz
-t of a cathode (11) 1200 1 thi k w
and tha 0 as only half as muchp although at
such a thickness'no thickness effect should occurs The measuromente were
Card 1/3
Effect of~the electron yield.. B102/B108
made in the range of wav3lengths' on cathodes'of the thick,.
of 2200 4047
i nesses of 490, 1080t 1200, 1600 and 5300 Alicathodea were produced in
the same tube on a quartz'backin'g.according to a method described in
11Izv. AN SSSR11 ser. fiz. 12, no * 2, 126 - 143, 1948- A comparison between
the results obtained with the cathodes I and IT shows that the photoelec-
trio work function of IT is higher.than that of It also S of IT was higher
by about'O.1 ev than,that of IG.b is the-distance, measured in ev, between
the top of the filled band and,the:.6lectrochemical potential level. The
energy distributionsof.the electrons from I and IT are different*.; IT
emits~,more numerous fast andlewer'slow.electrons than Is, Henoe, it can
be.concluddd that even if the thicknesses of the electrodes under con-
sideration is such as to exclude a thickness effeotp they still differ in
their most important physical properties.
'In the second test series the
~~:-difference in frontal.and backwardillumination was studied in I and IT
with light of. 246 Some of the'results were' un6xpectedo e.g.f the
energy spectrum of -the Illow". eleotrono'contains more numerous fast and
fewer slow electrons than that of-the "surface" electrons. The energy
distributions of the"I'low" electrohs,are the same for I and II. In order
Card 0