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z Tnteraction of electrompetlc waves in a plasmat Part 2. Tzv vya. ucheb. zav.;~radiofiz, 2 no.6:858-868 159- (MIU 13:6) S/14i/60/003/02/002/025 AUTHOR: Zheleznyakov,, V*V. TITLE: The Instability ofmagnetically-active Plasma Relative to High-frequency r'lectromagnetic perturbations 11. K ~PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh-zavedeniy, Radiofizikat 196o,.vol 30 Nr 2,,p~? 180 - 191 (USSR) -ABSTRACT:,The problem of.the instability of magnetically-active plasma,in which.the scattering of particles occurs on account of transversemand lopgitudinal impulse components on the basis of the relativistic scattering equation, described In an earlier paper (Ref 1). It is assumed theit the.electromagnetic perturbation is propa- gating along the magnetic field H In the previous ~O paper it was assumed that the distribution of electrons in plasma was described by the 6-function. Here the following,distribution function is considered: 2 2 30)2 /a 21 dp (1.i) f (p):dp Aexp 0) /at~ (p I P11 0 PQ ? where dp is a volume.element, p~ is the longitudinal Cardi/6 C 5/141/60/003/02/002/025 The Instability of Magnetically-ac I e asma Relative to High- frequency Electromagnetic Perturbations. II. impulse component and.: pL is the transverse impulse component* 'The factor' A in Eq (1,I) is defined by Eqs (102).~.In the previous work it was shown that the relationship betweenthe wave number k and the frequency is described by -the scattering equation which is in the form of Eq 11. 3) 0 :'Tho-scattering equation can also be written as~Eq (1.1k), where o is the velocity of light, n is the refraction coefficient of the medium, is the 0 :natural frequency,of plasma and, in the Syrafrequency. H By introducing the notation dofined by Eqs (1-5) and (1.6) -the scattering equations can be written as Eqs (1,3a) and U. 4a) 'The integrals ~ I I and -I can be represented. 3 by the,general integral of Eq (1-7), where the subintegral functions have singularities at the points defined by Eqs (1.8).' The integrals.can also be expressed by Eq (1.9). -In the final form the integrals can be written in the form of Eq (1*12), where.the.functions F are defined by Card2/6~ Eqs (1.11). The scattering-equations become very complicated ltooooooo2 s/i4i/60/003/02/002/0--1' The Instability*of Magn6tically-act.ive PIAAMOAftative to High-,~ frequency Electromagnetic, Perturbations. Il. if the i egrals. f~Eqs (1#9) or (1&12) are s' nt; 0 ubstituted into them.- However, in thellimiting case when the conditions defined by Eqz (2s1.) are fulfilled, the equations can be greatly simplified. For this case the integrals I can be expressed approximately by Eq (2-3). Consequently, Eq (1.4a):can:be written as Eq (2.4).' If it is assumed that the;mass of the particles in plasma and the plasma frequency can be Eqs (2.5), the final expression for the.scattering in in the form of Eq (2.7). The parameters and in Eq (2-7) can be expressed approximately 43 by- Eqs, (2.8), where the parameters �-and G are defined by Sqs (2.9) and (2,10). It is therefore posisible to. transform Eq (2-7) into Eq (2.11). The latter can be written approximately as: Card3/6 s/l4jL/6o/003/02/002/025 Eb?2 TheInstability of Magnetically-active a4mp-PRelative to High- ~frequency Electromagnetic Perturbations. 11. where: 2 2 2 /2c (a.L G300 aq) 02,13) By comparing Eq (2.12) with the scattering formula of, the previous paper'it is seen that the latter can be derived from,Eq (2#12)0 The distribution function given -by Eq,. (1. 1) expresses the characteristic properties of the actual distribution of the particles in that it can describe the presence of the scattering, the anisotropy of the temperatures and the finite mean velocity of the particles. It does not represent, however, the s-tribution. This can be described equilibrium di approximately-by Eq, (2-17). If this formula 'is substituted into.Eq (2,4),- the:resulting scattering formula will be also in the form of Eq (2011). There are 7 Soviet references. C, iCard5/6 S/141/59/002/06/003/024 E032/E314 AVrHOR-.,_.Zhgl0z1&Ahov- V.V.-- TITLE: On the Xnteraction of Electromagnetic Waves in &_RjAgma., II. 2Radio zik PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, fi a 1959,.Vol 2,-Nr 6, pp 858 - 868 (USSR) ..ABSTRACT: Part I of the present paper was published in Vol 1, Nr 41(1958) of the present journal* Part~ I, relations were obtained between the coefficients of the asymptotiesolution on either'side of the interaction reglon6. These relations Eqs (Iol) -to of. the present: paper, The, aim.of the paper is te.. '..conBider cert.&in concrete cases of interaction of normal- waves in a-w eakly non-unifor m-magneto-active plasma for W w- < 1- and wW'o > 1 where w ie the w4va H/. frequency and-:wH:-- is tho'gyro-frequency. Explicit relati ons are obtained for the*characteriatic parameters of the.interactiont which apply to the case where the' angles between the constant magnetic field and the d1rection of propagation of the waves are small. Eqs (1.1) (1.4), Cardl/2 69414 s/141/60/003/01/005/020 ~2_ql: 2- /.2-0 E1192/E482 ,AUTHOR: Zhelezriyakov, V.V. TITLEI -Insfability~ of. the, kagnetically Active Plasma Relative to the High Fre quency- Electromauctic PerTur ions* -Part I. PERIODICAL :Izvo.Stiya vy8shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, ~1960, Vol,31j, Nr 1,,PP 57-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the conditions of Instability of the magnetically active plasma relative to electromagnetic' perturbations in the absence of losses in trasverse and longitudinal Impulse components. pL_ and p It is - also assumed that the perturbations propagaU along a constant magnetic field, Ho.. From the Maxwell equationsit follows that for a harmonic wave propagating in a tensoirial, medium having a permitivity e _(w9k) 'the scattering.equation which relates the ik frequency w -to the wave.vector k is in the form (Ref 4) Card 1/5 : 2 de t In- 6 ,k nInk tik(w,k 0 , . li 691a S/141/60/003/01/005/020 E192/E482 1natability of -the. magnetically- Active Plasma Relative,to the High ,-,._.Frequency Electromagnetic Perturbations. Part I particle at t ime,t v is the velocity Ora particle, .v1 (t) represents the velocity of an~ unperturbed particle-in the magnetic field HO and.. fo(p) Is the normalized Impulse distribution function for the particle*# For the case when k Is parallel to H$ the components of Eq (1.2) can be expressed,by~ Eq (1.3) and (1.4), where is defined in Fig 1, and SIL is the gyro-frequency~ By substituting Eq (1.3) and (1.v) into Eq (1.2) and integrating it with respect to t the components,.of.the tensor are given by Eq (1-5) (see P 59) If it is assumed that fo is independent of the components of the tensor are given by Eq (1-7) and (1.8). The scattering formula for the system is represented by 2. C 2 C2 2 2 n xx.+ icx 0; Czz 0 (n k /W (1-9) Card 3/5 This can also be writtenas Eq (1.10) and (1.11). It I s 0~iI414 s/l4 1/6 0/003/0-1'4"r,/020 E192/E482 nstability.of the Magnetically Active Plasma Relative to the High 'Frequency Electromagnetic Perturbations, Part I Xurther shown that-Eq (1.10) can be expressed as Eq (1.12). When the loss of electrons in impulses in zero,,the'distributiori function is in the form,of -(2. E q 2). The investigation of the instability of plasma amounts to.determining the roots of Eq (2.2). However, since.this is a,fourth-degree equation, its solution is. somewhat unwieldy. Consequently, the conditions of instability are investigated for the case when the natural plasma,frequency XLo is sufficiently smallo Eq. 2.2).is,.therefore, written as Eq (2.4). When the condition of Eq (2.6) is fulfilled (y is defined in Eq (2-3A this expression can be written as Eq (2,7)- 0n the other hand, for the values of k which meet the conditions of Eq (2.8), the scattering.formula can be written as Eq (249). Further, when the condition of Eq.(2.10) is,satisfied, Eq (2.9) can be written as Eq (2.11). From this ~it in seen that the system is tard,4/5 unstable, if the condition of Eq (2.12) is fulfilled. 69411t ~E192/E482 Instability bf:the Magnetically Active Plasma Relative to the High Frequency Electromagnetic Perturbations. Part I In the case when the condition of'~Eq (2.111) is meto ~Eq (2.9) is Eq (2.15), from which it follows that the instability occurs regardless of whether the electrons move with velocities greater or smaller than that.of light. Eq (2.4) has a different group of solutions, if it is assumed that the zero approximation for w is taken from,Eq (2-17). It should be pointed out that Eq (2.2) and all the expressions derived from it for y are relativistic formulae. The author makes acknowledgement to A.V.Gaponov, G.G.Getmantsev and V.O.Rapoport for discussing the results of this work. There are 1 figure and 12 references, .10 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIAT.ION:Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy radiofizicheakiy institut pri Gorlkovskom;universitete (Scientific Research Radio- Physics Institute of Gor'kiy University) ~,.SUBMITTEDs November 12, 1959 Card 515 06458 sov/141-1-5-6-2/28 COAUTHORS: Ginzburs- V.L., and,AZheleznYakn. ovo V V. TITLE: On the-Mechanisms,~'of'Sporadic Solar-Radio Emission PERIODICAL: Izvestiya.vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyt Radiofizika, 1958, voi.1 -Nr 5-6, pp 9 - 16 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT: -This.-Ipaper-was, read at the-symposium.on radio-astronopty .-during.,the.confer-ence of theInternatlonal Astronomical Union, which August, 1958 in.Moscowo Possible coherent and :Lncoherent.mechaniams of spo radic solar radio -.emiBsion in an isotropic..and-magneto-active coronal..plasma are considered. The problem-has beelt considered by the present authors in Refs 1-3 and the ....present paper is a summary of.the results obtained. 'types 11 and III bursts, -which are. an. important. part of Bpora"e solar radio emission, are unpolarized or only weakly polarized. It is suggested that the-mapetic -field in the region where these burstsare.produced in very low (possibly. less than I Oe). . Under theme aondltions, the,plasma.,may be considered as isotropic in the first approximation* The presence of frequericy drift and other.proporties of types 11 and III burst# Cardl/4 suggests that they are I due to particle streams. In an 06458 ~SOV/Ikl-1-5-6-2/28 On the Mechanloms of.Sporadic Solar Radio Emission -isotropic plasma, Ahas e.. stream excite. only long-itud:U,.al Waves * The plasma..1wave of &.longitudinal electric field leads to.-an..instability of the.particle stream In the-plasma...andas a result, coherent emission of plasma waves Incoherent and coherent emi sion of-plasma waves taken place a-imultaineously but they have dIff erent, fre-quen - y' and angill ar spectra and depend on the.parameters of the,problom :Ln a differelit Maye It ~ is Argued that noncoherent -,emission of plasma i~7aves by particle stream in.,pr:LncLple, explain the appearanc-a of type III bursts. It is, however, possible that when ruabsorption is taken into account in d6t&il,. this. m-echanism may turn unsuitable. Moreover, type _11 bursts'cAnnot be connected with incoherent -emission by particle streams.'since the particle velocity is not suitable* Coherent-emIssion of plasma particle streams 1,.an.explain the properties of,type III bursts and very probably Also type II bursts. Since Card2/4 type I bursts are po Ilarized, the analysis can only be 06458 SOV/141-1-5-6-2/28 On the MechaniBms of Sporadic Solar Radio Emission carried.out by, taki n x,...-the ma gn etIc f laid -into account In thig case,., the. incoherent Pmi slon by particle streams may be divided.into Cherenkov radiation and synchrotron radiation. If reabsorption is taken into account it turns .-Cut,that types I,.II.and III bursts.cannot be associated with synchrotron radiation of electrons. Cherenkov effect cannot explain these bursts either. A charged particle stream-movIng in a magneto-active plaama in in general unstable and this leads to the coherent emission of ordinary and extraordina y waves. If the magnetic field is weak this coherent emission Is practicaily identical with the coherent emission of plasma waves. In a stronger field (greater than I Oe), the coherent radiation leaves the corona predominantly in the form of ordinary waves and hence it can be.associated with type I bursts. In order to produce the observed type I burstat the oscillations in the corona must have an amplitude of abbout 10 V/cqi. How such qscillations are excited is not clear. Card3/4 06460 V V sov/141-1-5-6-4/28. J1. AUTHOR: Zhel-ezziyakoy TITLE: Non-linear Effects in Magneto-active Plasma PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyssh1kh uchebnylch.zavedeaiy, Radiofisika, 1958, Val 1. Nr ~_61 pp 29 - 33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is.1arkown that.when an electromagnetic wave of.finits a.mplitude passes through plasma the principle of super- position no longer holda (Ya.L. Allpert at *I - Ref 1). In particular, modulation of wave I can be transferred to Wav ,8111.- Thi's is due to.a chanwe in electron tempera- ture and hence loss in the.medium -affecting the sacond wave. In,the absence of'modulation the electric field of wave I can be represented by Sq (1),. The velocity of the forced osc:Llla:t ions - of an, electron In .the field is Eq (3). If the wave is-now modulated then ths energy imparted to an electron in unit time changes from Eq (2) to (09hence 3-n a non-relativistic plasma the work done on an electron is-proportlonal to the effective number of collisions, According to the theory of cross-modulatton (Refs 1-4) in the case of molecular collisions the time-dependent part of the number of coll1s*ons is related to the energy of Cardl/3 06460 sov/i4i-L,-5-6_4/28 Non-linear Effects in Magneto-active plasma interaction by Eq The amplitude of an,elemantary component of -wave II after traversing the interactIon region is Eq (6)~ In,the expression for energy four terms-arine which are proportional to the quantities (7) and (8). Upon Integration (6), a second.pair of terms vanishes;, the other two.depend separately on the.ordinary and extraordinary components of wave 1. For ont componept the energy-imparted to an electron-in unit time is Eq (9)t where the roynting vectAr in Eq (10) and the absorption coefficientis Eq,(11)*-, -The transfer will be greatest at a frequency satisfying'Sq (12). This frequency is not the same as the gyro-frequoncy unless the wave im.propA- gated in a particular direction ( a = 0) . Conclusions regarding "resonance" effects In the plasma are only true If elliptical polarization is neglected. As an e-vample the' case og the.extraordinary wave, propagated at angla a _- 90 , is considered. The mean..imparted energy Is given,by Eq (14); this formula only takes on Its conven- tionalform if linear polarization Is assumed. Eq (14) also'.~ enables a9me conclusionj to be drawn about the frequellcy Card2/3 dependence of cross-modulation in that particular case. 06331 SOII/141-2-1-3/19 AUTH0R:r.Zheleznyakov, V. V. ITLE: T On, ti'tMvnc~;r`o7`Radiat ion and the Instability. of a.Systp*,,. of Charged a Plasma- fi5S PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebn _ykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 5ff.14 Nr is PP 14-27 (USSR) ..,-,ABSTRACT; In the'analysis of~problems connected with the emission, absorption and.intensifica'tion of-waves in particle streams, the quantum approach is very fruitful even when the problem Appears to be essentially classical. As an example$ it is 'pointed.out that in the anomalous Doppler effect,the radiat- ing system (electron in a.magnetic field, atom, etc),exper- .iences a transition to a higher energy level. The quantum .:derivation of'the.condition for instability for a stream of charged particles in an J.sotropic much simpler and more descriptive than'the classical derivation. The-present -psper is concerned with'the discussion of other results of this~type.connectedvith the synchrotron radiation and in- stability.ofr.a. system*of cbArged particles in a plasma. The paper is divided,,iuto the collo ing sections- w 1) Some -properties-of;synchrotron radiation fro Sa~n electron 06331 SOV/14~1-2-1-3/19 On the Synchrotron Radiation and the Instability of a System of OhargedLPartioles in a'Plasma.. in a plasma., It is shown (using the quantum approach) that an eleefron moving~in a magneto-active plasma.does not rad- iateJn. the direction of the magnetic field in the_re*gion, corresponding:to the.anoinalous Doppler'effect. Conversely, ~the ordinary radiation which accompanies the anomalous Doppler effect may take place in the direction -a = OL (a is the angle between the momentum ofa hot-n and the diree- tion of the constant, magnetic, f ield 11 ~ if Othe electron moving in the magnetic field is surrodded by a medium whose refractive index m, is greater than unity (for ordinary waves). zachrotron radiation of a system of charEed Particles. 2) In this section formulaelare derived for the intensity f the radiation from a thick layer in which the electron momen- tum distribution is axially symmetric relative to the direct- of,the magnetic field (Eq'2.11) and for the effective- temperature (Eq 20'12). Card2/4 06331 BOY141-2-1-3/19 On the Synchrotron Radiation and the Instability of a System of Charged Particles in a Plas. ma: fication. of electromagnetic waves and the instab- 3) Intensi ility of a 9.Vgigm of charged particles (Qu ~tum-approach), In this section the result is discussed that, in the motion of a stream of charged particles (electrons) in a plasma, the absorption coefficient of a system may become negative under certain conditions. A dzi"ailed discussion is given also of the conditions for intensifidation:Aad instability. 4) Intensification of electromagnetic waves a:nd the.,instab- --Tc-al aj~j ility_of a syst I of cHarged particles (class t--is--showii--that---th6--r6aUlts~~--obtained~:--by-::the~--quantum:--approacb:--- in the previous section can also be obtained.classically. A comparison of the quantum and alResioal methods of studying the intensification and instability of charged particle Sys- tems shows that the former has very real advantages over the latter. The classical approach cannot always be used with- out serious computational difficulties. One of the-disad- vantages of the quantum approach is that it cannot be used to study systems under conditions of strong absorption or large intensification while the claosical approach is free from this limitation. The Einstein quantum theory which Card3/4is used throughout this paper, is also limited by the 06 331 SOV1141-2-1-3/19 ..On the Synchrotron Radiation and the Instability of a System of Charged Particles in a Plasma requirement that the initial state of the system mast be incoherent. Thecriteria for intensification and.instability obtained in the present paper are directly applicable only to the case of a uniforml infinite system. Acknowledgments are made to V. L. Ginzburg and V. M. Fain Xor,a discussion of the results. There are 19 references, of which 18 are Soviet and 1 is English. ASSOCIATION; Iseledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri 'Gor'kovskom universitete (Research Radio-Physical Institute of Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED: November 5, 1958. Card 4/4 T N. o6487 SOV/141-58-4-3/26 AUTHORt Zh*1azU-XAkq_Xt'.__V- 'V. TITLE: On the Interaction of Electric Waves in the Plasma. I (0 vzaimodeystvii e.lektromagnitnykh voln v plazme.1) PERIODICALsIzventiya vysahikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1958, Nr 4, pp .32-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of,phase.integrals in used to consider the interaction of.normal waves in a non-uniform magneto- active plasma taking into account the therm&l motion of the electrons in the quast-hydrodynamic approximation. Relations are obtained between the coefficients of the asymptotic solution on either side of the interaction region both in the case wH/w4l and wH/w>l where M is the gyrofrequency (eHo/mc), It is shown that when the properties of the medium vary sufficiently slowly, the propagation of electromagnetic waves may be described in terms of the geometrical optics approximation. In this approximation, normal waves of different types, and also waves of a given type but propagated in different directions, are independent. However, in the region Card 1/3 'Where the geometrIcal optics approximation does not hold, 06487 SOV/141-58-4-3/26 On the Interaction of Electric Wavea in the Plasma. I interaction,between-waves, takes place. This occurs when the dispersion relation (1.23) has roots such 2 2 that one of them- is-close to x*ro or n, ~y ni for two normal waves. Such an interaction consists In that the passage of the'j-th wave through the regionwhere the asymptotic solution 1.21 does not hold is accompanied by a reflected wava of the same type (nj :V 0) o the appearance of a new wave of another type.( n nj) A general discussion is giveii of the interaction of normal waves and It in shown that the interaction between waves I and II neglected on account of absorption (Eq 1.23, 1.23 and 1.27 defino the wave types) and only the interaction between waves II and III,need be co.11sidered 2 (u - W /W