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Lna~iiUV, 1. N. S11 2'3'/'59/0OO/Q 10/0 42/0 0 ~4 0 0 AOO4/AOO1. Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal,LMashiniostroyeniye, 1959, No. 10., p.:127, 38 AUTHOR: Zhedyayevskaya, L G.~ D.,: TITLEv Conditions to ObtAin-ror~ms Platings With Electrolytic Stgel�rZ PERIODICAL . 8b. . nauchn.~ soobshch. Saratovsk avtomob. dor. in -t, 1958 No. 11, pp. 23-26.. -eportS 0rjL TEXT. -The ._author r 'he possibility. of depositing porous Fet which possesses the. properties ofLporous Cr. 1-1 The deposition Is effee-ed In cl-a- cxvus 0 electrolytes of low Fe-concentration at W C and D, - 20 amp/dm2. The formation of porou.-ness over a gepth of layer of 70-~~ is effected in the same electrolyte at for . 7-8 minu 80 C,and D. M-40-amp/dm?. The lattice density increases with. theAncrease of Dc. The wettabilityL of a porous Fe-lay,.qr exceeds that of a smontli- I steelled one by.10-12,times and that of gray cast iron by 8-9 times, It Y can ~be assumed that the process of porous iron plating will, bc- usod'for piston r1rigs and,cylinder liners. See also Ref. Zhurnal Mashinostr. 1959, No. 3, # 8831. S,14.A. -'Translator s'note - This is the full: translation of the original Russian abstraet. CaM I/ I "Introducing Correct ions f or Precision. in the Operat ion of Scrore and I'lom Pairs, 11 S.tanki I I 00 00 000000,0 MIA 0 6 -11 0 -,A ;;W 'i 0 0 a at a sit 4 Isforeftes Ows 0 00 00 Ike 0 on the T"iftchly 61,110 ftwitilen of &wing Mumum of *0 in lb"'On X"fw 1~4, tw(d ll~f 101,10go nee jclt~ll 000 wIlkh fir-- -"111 1'. ~0- In it., J.-ImIlldf of I.-ring 800 zoo are 0 oo oo zoo 40 0 lit. Al..SLA OTALLUOGICAC t1firRaUlli CL41MMION s I Im 4 In9 IS 4 2 oi$ o q jw~%v a it dr it Ot 99 'it W K a tz it 14 0 0:0 9~9 0 P-4 0 of 00 00 9 W 0 00 0 41 000 0 0 of 0.0 0 0 0 -* Wo CO-W-0 0 Af 0.0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0.: 00 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0:0 0,0.# 0 0 Bellokogo khozyoystya Stalingrkdakoy oblasti'(for Pustykin)o 3, No- khaIyevskiy rayonMy komitat Ro=miatiobeekoy partii 66vatekogo'Squza (for Spoderquk). 4. Nacballnik Kotellrdkovskoy rayoml a llsbakbo- 27aystvennoy ihspektaii., KraVniy-Yugo-yoptoktfor Dykovla ;#'KoIkhO2 NDsminsW" Novo-A=auskago, rayonap Staliupe4okay oblasti (for Win). 6o Frodsoatell kolldw ."Zavety Illichan Kalininskogo reqona (for Log- vin), 76.NachalInIk Novo-Anwnskoy rayonnoy eel' okokhozysyetvanuoy in- spektaii,*(forousey). 9*~Dirsktor sovkhoza imeni Frunze Serafimovich- okogo rayon& Stalingradekoy obleati, (for Petrov). 9. Staling .radakoye oblaotnoys upravleniye sellskogo khozyayotva (for Vlasov). 10. Sovkhoz RDimmom Nekheyevokogo raydna Rklingradgkoy oblaoti, (for'Sheramet). (Contimed on next card) 0;07 partii Oovetokogo Soma upravleniye jj~.-;Pusm GAL31 9 p glavo agronomj SPODEh"M., N.1.1 PJ KOVA.I.; MWIN$ CUT. agrooml LOOVIN, N,P,,. Gerpy So- Is.3 oialistiabookogo Truda; GUSEV; I*D.; PETR(YV,, S.N.; VLASOV.. A.N... glav. zootekbui j SHERNW) LoDap-glav. bukbgalterl SKAKUNOV9 N,,V.,o glav. in2h.; SHUK1=,'-T*S*, glav. in;hoj ORWORUDASMUNp N#A#j kombeynerl DRIABOp ,Teoj ZABIRP V&F#, redaktarl SHIROKOV, B.G.; MPELEV9 M,A*j IMOTA) T.8,; SWAKIDI, L.D.0 toklm, red, (Hundred zilliou'poods-of grain from Stalingrad Province] 100 mi3p. lianov pudov stalingradakogo khlslia. Moskva,, lzd-i~ M-Ta sall,khoz. RSMp 1960. 233 ps (MIRA 24:9) I Psrvn sakratar',Stalingradskogo oblastnogo komitsta Nommunistiobe- 1 (for Zbegalin). 2. Oblastn6ye ZIMGALKIfTA-,-N4-G.- ..Visual analysis of the,electroonceplialogram. Vov. med. tekh. no.2t83-87 162. (MIRA 17:11) 0 ,0 04444110- [t to is It 14M popetv At a $t go Ot I is W : I Is -or A a L It .#~. 1--i-A-1. f'. # b j 1 0 4 0 9-P.-V to All Cr it mutundon a NI. Tagoer, .0 Ili I"Pt wtiorbinaWk-C. of thecenterand 40,141atul 1. Mill; from thectnter. -.file rott4l" ttte Waft faOrT Mail tit any Other 1%411 -4 Ill, lie plik,st. Wwwii% rxvw"vii by fill. uto mat t.oinic of 11w inifer lolviWatif tlw Inxt-1 fly the it*-toomt oil lwdt In thool ninolten oreate -r. The linear rate Tom was 3 cm. per nil", l"Unriluttly after plinfinst. ilmppFd tGO.1 cm.ptr 11 fillit., iffervawd to 1.0cm. no* then itta-fily 40 4 % Of AV Robutann '3 io If 01111 L noo 00 Joe 10 be v jLA :811A kloRGICAL Or A$& loll, ,A oil. of 64 4 4 IF:; 5-1 It fu 4 too, 0 A of I X Im io it If It it K10 IT It oor of 0 0 lp 0-0 0 0 e.0 I 0 0 0 t 0 0 & 0, : 0 0 9 e ~: 0 0 0~4 & 0 0 0 0 'ACC NRt AP70OQ317 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/oOO/022/(1052/0052 AUTHOR: Kareyev', M F.- Plakhov, AO.N.; Zheglov,'~V.' A.; Kreahtapov, Ye. Ya. PRG: None TITLE: A device'.for-automaiticall controlling the rate.of motion of the plunger on~ -press,.,.'Class 21 No. 1 nounced by the All-Union horizontal hydrau c., 88543 (an 89ient if ic Researchiand D!esign,and,Planning Inatituto of.Metallurgical Machine Build-, Ang (Voenoyu,2nyy'nauch~o-isele'dovateltakiy i Institut metallurgichaskogo mashinontro'Yenlya)] SOURCE: Izobretmiya',promyShlennyye obraztay,'tovamyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 52 TOPIC TAGS: ~metal press,.-automatic.control equipment, electronic equipment ABSTRACT: This::Authorls Certificate introduces a device for automatically control-. .1ing the rate of..m6tion of-the~:iiunger on a horizontal preus. The unit contains an, eimplifier and.a DC-AC invert0'.-',The installation is designed to handle a vide range 6f velocities~, t6 improve lov velocity and to eliminate the zone of insensitivity and slow response.: A master signal and a feedback signal are sent to the inputs of a~discrete'-analog:comparator,in the regulatort uhile the output of this comparatorls-connected through the-inverter to a VFO vhich is connected through a UDC:--621.3.078.4-531.6:621.979-82 Card A T--- -G-A -L 0 v --J~ - Oi ol,neuk, BAMTUYMV,- A.A.- kA Q1.0alI skokhosymystvan- nykh nsuk; BAL 'IGHUGOV, A:V.. kand.eel'skokhozyaystTecafth nauk.; BRIMUROVA,- N.A., agronom; BXWZOROV, A.T., kand.sellskokhosysystven- nykh nauk; XMIMERKO, V.P., agronom; BMIIKOY, Y.T. i dokior solitko- IdwsysystvenzWkh nauk- BOGORYAGKOV, S.T., kand.sellokothot nykh.nauk,- VOLYNSTS. O.S., agronom; BCDROT, M.S., kando'sallskokhozygy- stvemykh nauk* BOGOSIAVSKIY. 7.P., kand.takhn.nauk; KOUPPA, I.P., kE%Td,tekhn9n&uk;, VIRNIR, A.R., dottor biol.nauk; VOZBUTSKAYA. A-Too, ka nd. sell skokhoz7aystva nnykh nauk; VOINOV, P.A.. kFind.mellskokhozyay- otvennvkh neuk; VTSOKOS, G.F., kand.biol.nank; GAMIN, M.T., Inzhener- mekhanik; GERASIMY, S.A., kand.takhn.nauk; GORSHNNIM, K.P.., daktor -sell%iokhozysystvennykh nauk- YELIM A-V. inzhener-makhanik-. GHRASKIVICH, S.V., makhanik tdecaasedJ; ZiiiIKOVA, L.D., kand.selisko- khoxvv;r9tvenxwkh nauk; ZHEGAMY. I.;Sw, kandotakhn.nsuk; ZIMINA, TO.A., -.agrono,in; BARANOV, V.V.9 nd.takh6mnauk; PAVWVq Y-D.; IYANOV. V.I., kmnd.sellskokhozyayqtvennykh mauk; KAPIAH, S.K., ka nd. sell ekokhazymy- etvenrqkh nauk;.X&TIN-TARTSEY, L-Ve, kend.sellskokhotysystvanufth nauk; KOPYRIN, V.I., doktor i391lvk6khozy*yatvennykh nauk; KOCHERGIN, A-Yo.0 kand.saVekokhozjv&y9tveWkh nauk; KOZHUNIKOV, A.R*, kard. .9sl'skokhozyayetvennykh nauk; KUZNb'TSOY, I.N., kand,sallskokhoryay- stvemykh nauic IAMBIII# A#Z*, doktor biol.neuic-, LEOUTlYIN, S.I., kandosellskokhozysystveWkh nauk; MAYBORODA, N.M., k-and.sellsko- khozysystvannykh nauk; KAKAROVA. G.I., ksmd.9e1'ekokhoxy&ystvenrqkh nauk; )GLINIKOV, G.A inshoner; MANOV, B.A., kand.sellskokhosysv- stvannvkh nauk; HNNY1,81MO, X.A#, kjjnd.se1l9kokhozysy9tvanrq1-h nauk; KAGILHVTUVA, MA., kand.sellskokhozygiyetvannylth nauk; (Gontinued on fiext card) -.A -L-0 at ~*-(c6utin--U--Gd) Card 2. HjKjFcROV',,?jy6., katA.,gallskokhozyaystvannykh nauk-, I&MASHIT, U.1.0 ledovod MTUSHINA- A*Y., agronow; PLOTNIKOV# H.A., ksad biolnaukj- L.G.; kond.sellskokhosysystvannykh mauk; PAVLOY, V.D., k-and.takhn, PRUTSKOVA, X.G.,,kand.sellskokhotyaystyannvkh nauk; GURCHMMO, V105.0 agronom; POPOTA. G.1., kand. aellskokhozynystvannykn nalik-0 PCRTYARKO. A.76, egronom; RUCHKIN, V.N., prof.-, RUSHKOVSKIT, T.Y., agronom; SAVITSKIY, X.S.. ka nd. sell skokhozy*yotva=ykh nauk; BUDIN, D.T., agronom; BSTZROVA, A.V., agronom.; MUFMOVIGH, L.H,,.kand. takhn.nauk; SHIRNOV, I.N., ka nd, sell skokhozyays tvannvkh nauk; ql'RVR NSKATA, P.L. kand.t~khn.nauk; TOKRTUTFIV, A.Y., kandL. sallato- khozymystvaWkh nauk- FALIKO, O.S. 0 Itnh. o MTUSHIN, A.V., doktor biol.nauk; SHUMAGIN: A.I., ksnd.eellskoi;ozymystveWkh nauk; TUMOV, V.A. p, kand. eel I okokhozymys tvannykh nauk; TAURNINLID, P.A.. kand. eel I skokhozyaya tvanrqkh nauk; S&tRHOVSXIY, A.A., red.; GM1110VA, Z-D-,, blandbook for Siberian agriculturists] Spravochnsia kniga agronoms h Combine I%thod of Ikmating-RIce." 'United- Acadeitic'C6uncil of the,.-An,;,Vnibn'Sa Res-rhart. of Y*ch=i%itIcn of AgricultUre VIM'Afid the- A114niofi- Sci Res Inst of Electrification of Agriculturo,'MM, Moscow.-1955.(Diesertation for,Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences SOt XnIvthT&vn L^+nn4mI_ Wn- 01- Unwnw- Nimmb- 1094- nn- W7_1 n/. I 19420-6Y ~d) S ~ACCESSXON Mt AR3005VO SMIRCEt --RZh Matematika Abe s 020- - A OR: Zhegaaloy IL 0f the =e b*undary problems f a system of equations of the mixod IYP0 TIMt Or second ordert 14 GITED'SOMEs' Ucho zap* Kazwwke un-t ve 122 not 1962.j 17-!29 erential.oquations:Hilbert problem ITOPIC.TAOS: partial diff s I TRAMLATIONt The author ca idersithe eyatem of equations 4, .-Sgn yJul 2. K 029 MU -2 ny ~Two problems are posed -To.determine the functions: u !T problem: (x., y) and v(x, y) satisfying the .'Co ' 'fo ing conditions: uand.v sat SO' (1) at an finite popts of the pldne.. except the, Card 1/2 9600 S/020/61/136/002/003/034 0 Ill/ 0 333 AUTHORs Zhegalovj V. TITLEt Boundary Value Problem for a Mixed Type of Equation of Higher Order PERIODIGALs Doklady Akademii.nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol- 136, No. 2f pp. 274-276 TEXTs_ Let Dbe a simply connected domain of the plane z x + iy which is bounded:by the Jordan curve 6'lying in y,> 0 with the end'points A(000) and-B(1,0) and by the characteristics AC s x+y 0 and OB s x-y -.1 of the equation 2 2 (T2 + agn ir -) u 0. x Problemi Determine a function n(xoy) which is solution of (1) in D for y 41 00 which is continuous even on the boundary, which possesses continuous partial derivatives up to the (2n-l)-st order inclusively everywhere in-D eventually.except the neighborhoods of A And D, where the (2n-l)-st derivatives may become infinite of order < Ij and which, satisfies the conditions Card 1/4 S/020/61/136/002/003/034 0 333 Boundary Value Problem for.e. Mixed Tyj)e of Equation of Higher Order 2 2 k ' -X2+ egn y =2) u k(C) . on 6" y (x). on AC k (0) Tk (0) 'k O.t1.f**.,. n-1 where the Tk' It k- are giveng '*k (2n-n2k)-times and (P (2n-2k-i)- k ''times continuously differentiable. proves the existenoeand. uniqueness of the problem for the case that Vis the semicircle 1z - 1/21 - 1/2, y > 0. For the proof he replaces (1) by the equivalent system 2 2 u b. u (7) -- + S, UI(x1Y) 2 gn 'y -~2 x Vu 2 (8) r + sgn.y ur U J(x -(r It ... y n-1). X r+ U Card 2/4: P. P .M-91111011 ILI 114111111111111111111011,111111, 1~ 11111! 111M I 110111101~1 -89600 S102016111361oO210031034 C ill/ 0 333 Boun"ry Value Problem.for a Mixed Type of.Equation of'Higher Order Considering (2), (3):6ne obtains the problem T for (7) and every equation (8) (acurding to A. V. Biteadze (Ref.2)). The T-problems obtained are successively solved by use of the results of-M. A. Lavrentlyev, M. P. Ganin and L. J& Chibrikova (Ref.6), and give the sought solution in D as reai part of a polyanalytic function (D is the partof,D with y >D) if u*(Xty) is this solution in Dill then u(XY) I u*(x+y, 0) + (5ix,y) - 6(x+y,O~, where G is known, is thesolution n D 2 .(the partof D with y < 0). -The uniquenessb~ the solution follows from the fact -that for vanishing boundary conditions all the equations (8) and (7) turn into equations of M.,A. Lavrentlyev for which the problem T has one zero solution only. The,author thanks L. J. Chibrikova for the guidance. There are 6 Soviet references. Card 3/4 U3210 .S/140/,60/000/004/002/006: C111/0333 AUTHOR$ Zhegalov, VOIO~ Ito TITLE for an'Equation -of Mixed Type.and of Order Four .,PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysohikh.uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1960, No. 4vPp- 73-78 TEXTs Let D be, a-simr.1-y-cornneoted- domaizr' of, the z-planeg z-x+iy, which X is' bounded.-by..n-Jordau curve,: q4-with-1he and: oints'A(0,jO) and.B(l 00) P, 4hich- lies in half plane y> 0 and-by the characteristics AC, I X+YWO, and -30 .1 'x'y*i, of the- equation 92 2 a2 agn Y 21~ Tx2 A function 14(Xty) iu sontw-whictria-:80lution of-(I) in D:for-y/O, which :is-continuous in B-and which possesses in D:(with possible exception of the neig~borhoodsiof A and B) conti-nuousipartial derivatives-up to the order three (in the neighborhood of A and B the third derivatives of u can possess poles of the order 1), and whiob natiefies the conditionj Card 1/3 5/140/60/000/004/002/006 C111/033 On a Boundary Value Problewfor an EquatioA of Mixed Type and of Order Your proof-of existence* Let~D and D ~be the parts of D,, where y--ro or Y