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Internal Fields In the Orthorhombic 7-1108 Modification of BaTIO SOV/70-4-6-9/31, that defines thefteld along the X axis in terms of equal dipoles-p and coordinatea X z of 1-th I 9 1'eyt' dipole, Is red6ced,:substitutin h hvee sums, for the.sake of-brte'fness, by h ) h ) h In cubic and,tetragon Ial BaTiO h xx Xz Z' are equal to zero.,:UsIng various.calxHlatfon mRhods the authors proved.that h In monoclinic" BaTIO is vanishingly small relatlAyto h and can be dlsr~garded, while h remains about tA6 same as in cubic BarjjO . Thus df6,o,le moments Pk for each projection upon IN,Z). Card 2/5, axis become defined by:. P. Cos NJ et 4 -aT (h ji)jk) k-t k-1 where k 1,2 5 Is number of unlike atoms In the unit cell; e is charge of. a k-type ion; a and are edgelengths ~fmonoclinic cells;, (f Is stru cure factor wh6seimagnitude equals the.1MEd inten.scity af.fecting I-th atom in the sublattice formed by k- type atoms; W is angle between I axis and k- type dipo.le~; Internal Fields in the Orthorhom'bic 77108 Modification of BaTIO SOV/70-4-6-9/31 3 (PI ej,+ Pi ;,,,-too Pj 100 % P, *100 % xx ps BA -0.08 0.08 0,12 1,3 1.3 -1.3 1,3 0 0 Tt -3.60 3.60 5,09 -15,0 t5.7 -5.3 5,3 -9.7 9.7 Og ~0.44 2.62 2,60 -t2,3 57,1 ~-8,3 49,0 -4.1 7,2, Oil -0,47 0,47 0,67 -13,8 13,8 -0.0 9,0 -4,8 4,8 Ollt -2,62 0.44 2,60 - 57, t 12,3 -49,0 8,3 -7,2 4.0 Assistance of,the late G. I. S kanavI Is acknowledged. There :are 3 figures; 3 tables; and 11 references, 4 U.S., 3 Soviet, 2 German, 2 Danish. The U.S. references are. 0 Shirane, Ii. Danner, R. Pe pinsky, Phys, Ref.) 105$ il~856, 1957; J. C. Slater, Phys., Rev., 78, 748, 1950; S. TrLebw asser, J. Phya. Ch.em. Solids, 3, 1/2, 53, 1957; H. 11 . Wleder, Phys. Rev.j Card 4/5 1955. 50) SOy/,72-25-2-27/78 AlUTIORS. Gollder,,G. A.,.,Zhdanov, G.-S. Levina, V. M., Novosellskaya, G. N., Shugam Ye_,_ A. TITLE;' The Use of X-Ray Phase Analysis-in Chemical Technolo(.,,y (Priv meneniye rentgenovskogo fazovogo analiza v khinicheakoy tekh~- nologii) .PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya~Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Ur 2, pp 181 182:(USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper lists the results of,inventigations carried out by.the laboratories of the plants "Svobodnyy trud", Yaroslavl i GIPI40 JRYeAO "Krnsnyy k-himik", Leningradp Fiziko khim-ichenkiy'institut im. L. Ya. Yarpova (Phynlco- Chemical,Inatitute:imoni L. Ya. Karpov) and othor!-. A standard domestic-X-ray apparatus was usod. Since the X-ray -.s, it phase analysis has a low sensitivity for lmpurltir~ should not be used for determining small amounts of impurities (less than 1-3%). 6 analyses of different substances are -described: 1) A study oj titanium dioxide aimed at determining the optimum production conditions of rutile. 2) In the cane Card 1/2 of a lead oxide it was found by X-ray analysis that the The.-Use of X-Ray Phase Analysis in Chemical Technology ''BOV/32-25-2-27/78 Yellow: 00otanoe did not correspond to the itnual red tetra- gonal modification of PbOj but to the yellow rhombic modifica- tion, and that,the,color was due to a polymorphous change. 3),BY means of X-ray analysis it was possible to simplify the productioncontrol of active pyrolusite of the GAP. 4) Examinations of domestic and foreign recording tapes were carried out to determine the dispersion degree of.the iron oxidei,5) Moreovor, the production of thiourea was controlled with regard to dicyan-diamide. 6) The X-ray analysis was also successfully used in the examination of luminophores, and can also-be applied for the examination of other substances (e.g. catalysts). ASSOCIATION: Nauchno,-issledovateltakiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Research Institute of Physical Qtemi st ry imeni L. Ya. Karpov) Card 2/2 Hut I rag Is IE A4 I Fif it rip t far lot Put TL r.g WSR ~82504 S/07o/6o/oo5/oo4/oo4/0l2 6o Rl 24 The Atomic Aa Structure of Certain Com 0 s of Bismuth.and ; An,timony:~ structlire'u . BiCs is s ethic onduct ing and has, the SbCs -structure', (cubic)Iwith a 9.324 A For-the B12K, B12 Rbf I 'Bi Cs Seri es increasing cell size is linearly accompanied.,by increasing T .(temperature of onset of,super.conductivity). Sb-Rb SbRb has a complox,structure and SbRb is isomorpouns 3 with BiRb and'haS a,~ 6.29, c 11*17 . 3 4A Bi-Sr and Bi.,Baf Tho'former is cubic, CU Au type, withal 3 a 5 O~2 ~,.',and the tetragonal with a 5.188 and c 5.i57 but is isostructural. 2)-, Alloys -of Bi,with group'8 tra,nsition metals. I Bi-Rh ' The. compounds: Bi Rh, , BiRh p and y- Bi Rh appear, 2 4 1 to exist but P-Bi4Rh" has an orthorhombic cell (a = 11-52, b 90031,c 4.21*,X) and a structure apparently analogous to Bi Ni. The composition is therefore probably Bi Rh4' 31 Car,d 2/4 82504 S /070/60/005/004/004/012 13UE;'Rn The Atomic Structure of CertaEn m o ds of Bismuth and Antimony ...Three compounds have- been found in this system and the general lines of the p4aae diagram are apparent. ~Sb-lr The existence of Sb Ir Sb Ir and SbIr have been t 2. established* Co,:Sb Rh'and Sb Ir are 16omorphous. The structures- of Sb Co Sb Rh and Sb Ir are isomorphous and 2 similarto that of a-Bi Rh. Such isomorphism does not pertain 2 in the Sb 2M series*, The superconducting transition temperatures of the va rious; ma torials are tabulated and.di scussed in terms 1'~ of their cell sizes* ~There are 5 figures 7 tables and 36 references: 5 English, 5 German and 26'Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. M.V.~,Lomonosova (Moscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov)- SUBMITTED: February 239'1960 Card 4/4 '7-7- 07(k ?F'19.0 5/07o/60/005/oo4/oo9/012 f368.S. Solovi AUTHORS- Venevtsev, Yu. Yev. S.P. S.A. and Bezus, YeiVal,1van Va., V.V., L Kapyshevi~.A.G. TITI(E: Crystal Chemical investigations of Substances with the Per6vskit f Structure Which Has Special 0Type o Dielectric Pro erties~l PERIODICAL: ~Kristallogr_pfiya' 1960, Vol. 5, No* pp 62o 626 TEXT: In BaTiO \~ he.die'le'ctrically-active ion is the Ti but.- ~in,PbTiO 'It is the Pb ion.. The (Pb,Ba)TiO Bystem may, there~ 3 3 fore,. be expected to show peculiarities,where these two effects interact. The variation in structure, dielectric and piezo- el ectric ~ prop ert i es is -not. -continuous from one end-member,to the other* Experlmentally, solid solutions ifith_'7, 9, 111 14 and 24 wt.,% PbTiO 'showed anomalies not explicable as due to -toss Of MO.- NaNbO undergoes several phase transitions in a 3 short temperature interval. Dielectric and optical observations give transitions-at.-366,.;470, 520 and 640 %. X-ray data contra- ~dict all but,the first of these. Polycrystalline material was Card 1/4 82509 s/o-7o/6o /005/004/009/0-1,2 E132/E36o tions of Substances with the Perov- Crystal Chemical Investiga skite Type of Structure'Which Ha-,;, Special Dielectric in. -operties :studied by X-ray methods up to 700 *C and transiSions at 360, 0 _43o, 4,7o,'520 a d 6 n 40 C were found. Below 36o G NaNbNO is 0 ~o 3 monoclinic with :a, c b and P '> 90 Ce ~Above 360 C itis . I :0 monoc'Und.c. with a c b and, P > 90 C (true. symmetry orthorhombi~a)# The transition from ortharbombic to tetragonal is not, at_360 but at 430:OC. The X-ray method is no less sensitive thanithe,optical and dielectric methods. an examinatIon of solid,solutions BaTiO -(Ca,Sr)(Zr,Sn)O 3 3' it7 is.concluded~that, other,things being equal, the Curie ~'temperature of perovskite-type ferroe.lectrics is higher. the smaller: is the period-of the lattice and the higher isthe polar-inability of the active cation. BiTiO wi... th added Bi 0 Cr 0 and B1,20 A1.20 has been 3 9"3# 2 3 3,r 3 synthesised,~and specimens~shoed properties like those found-in BaTiO contain ng Bi Ti 0 - i 4 3 12: Card 2/4. S/07060/005/oO/m/012 Crystal Chemical Investigations 5 ances with the Perov- ~.skite Type~of Structure Which Has, Special Dielectric Properties andspecimens in. thesystem PbTiO -BiFeO have been 3 3 :synthes1sed The former h as a rhombohodral distortion (a ~= 3-g63. OL 89 0 241) and a susceptibility about 80" At.200 ~C the susceptibility has amaximum of about 1200. In the solid solution,7091. by wt. of BiFeO there is also 3 a tetragonal mo,dification... The Curie point of BiFeO appe&r,s 3 to be higher than that of- PbTiO 3. General methods forcalculating the internal field have.been developed,for structures of any.dipole configurations. ~These have been applield-,to the orthorhombic structure of CaTiO.,* Hgre, the'Anternal. electric field is zero at the T1 sites6 'There, are 29,references; .2~Japanese (in English), 8 English, 2 international, I Swls3,.l German and .15 Soviet. Card 3/4 ir 85994, S,L4LOCI S/070/60/005/005/018/026/XX E13 2/S160 AUTHORSs Vorontsova,.L.G., Zvonkova, Z.V., and Zhdan,,iv,_G.S. TITLE: An. -rax-DgWr-minatilon of the Crystal Structure of Raratolyl4isulphidp PHRIODICALs Kristallografiya, No-59 PP-698-703 TEXT: The unit -cell of 'crystals of CH3-C6H4,S--S,CO)+-GH3 r -C2 with a = 34.861 b = 5 77 is monoolinieg space Z. . oup, P21 21 7969 9v Z 2 d 1.2L~ and A lel9s obs. cale. V.A. Xoptsik,bas detected a piezoelectric effect in single crystals. ,~The 010 Patterson projection.was-dalculated to locate the heavier. -Slatoms, The interpretation of *,the various S-8 peaks was:better accomplished.from the z) section calculated with 763 P(X1 +1 reflexions. The 01O.Fourier projection-was calculated using the signs from the 8 atoms and showed 7 carbon atoms resolved and 7 ,.v ery blurred-1he model ofthe structure thus found (where the choice of S positions mighthave been made from three possibilities).was confirmed by an A priori electron density projection with signs 4,eri,ved from an application of the method, 6/070/60/00 5101816261X1 B132/Ei6o An,X-ray Determination.of the Crystal Structure.of Diparatolyldisulphide of statistical-inequalities" Seven stages of refinement were then carried out giving thefollowing (xz) atomic parameters; Sl (0.2021:,0-141); 82 (0. 273 0.127); 03 (0-985, 0.327); IC5 (0-815, 0. .331:) ;C7 .01.0297 ~0.158); C8 (0-329~ 0.346);. C9 (0-3731 0.359);. Clo (0 .4131 00510); C12 (0-456, 0-825); Cji+~ (0.318 0.1+78). y a 0.307; - 62~912 0-240$ 0.296 S2 Clo.. 'C6t are not resolved in ~The pairs C, and C C)+'a4d Cll and C13 2 this.,pro~ection as they are, less than 0.7 1 apart. The 61-82 distance was found to be 2006 t 0.02 1 from the three-dimensional line synthesis P(0.0711 y, 0). The final reliability factor for the ~MOO layer was R = 0,26,, The bond angles at the 3 atoms are 1070, The planes.of the benzene rings are at 91+0 to ea oh -Card Z/31 87603 s/m/WoWoO/001/009 E132/E36o X-ray Structure Analysis of the Super, conduct ing .,Compound P-,Bi Rh. -31 The space group might be Pnma or Pn2a Using Patterson on a trial.set,of atomic positions was derived and an projecti s a-c.-Fourier~projection was calculated. The final atomic positions are (xfy,z)-.s- Bi (0.402, 0.25, 0. 1810); Bil, (0.102, 045, ~Bilii (0.201, 0.75, o.386.), Rh (0.402, 0.75, 0.618) The R-factor for the hot zone is 19.8% neglecting any temperature factor. It is concluded ''that the space groupmust be 16 Pnma cil D2h The generla.1, similarity of this compound with Ri N.1-auggests that the strutture proposed for the latter 3 is-probably correct, The.coordination polyhedra round the three Bi.atoms are .0ifferent. Bi has 12 neighbours, Card 2/3 84996 Method.of ~Calculating. Inner1lectrie Fields in S/048Y60/024/010/005/033 '!Complicated Dipole Structures and Their 2013 13063 -Application to CaTiO the com ute CTP6,RA Center . of MGU) with -' r (Strela). The calculation of ~p the CaTiO shows.that the distribution of fields in this com- 3 pound depends only little on.the polarizability of Ca ions. It is all Ahe more' dependent-, however,'on the effective ion charge, up to the change of'the signs of-the'fields acting upon the oxygen ions although th e qualitative picture remains unchanged. The fields acting upon CA ions are only little varied'in this connection. In all of the six cases examined the fields~are considerably smalle- than is the case with,the. compounds In this case, As may be seen from the 3, structure symmetry, thefield acting-upon the Ti ions is exactly vanish- -ing. In BaTiO and PbTiO (Refs.z8 and 9)p on the contrary, fields -of 3 3 maximum-strength act.upon the Ti,ions-. The'baoic difference between the -in.the piezoelectrie'ABO compou ...f ields in CaTiQ and nds related to it is connected with the fact that in the latter the octahedra are greatly while they arenearly CaTiO The relationship 3* Card.2/4 ea trigity L~Xhich -,took:place -in lmo6cow' frolo laut are I I Lgure - and.1 2 ref erences V,'C Soviet ?ION: - 'Fiziko mioh-e~' ASSOCIA, kk iy. nit ui~*`_ ca rd 3 _-25 ~to..30j 1960 ~,,Vhe. re V).. 7! T,, ~z tend ~U Fig T . . -unit,"d G, C&TiO _ 3. 4 i~' c ard 4 4996 ~`W ~Y~,n /048 ONO' o 605(6o BOI 3 B063 V" 11 VNIJ v,4 j :14 ill T.-I if Sri j r q-, p at The author was.for many years director~of,;the Crystal Structure Laboratory.of:.the,Fiziko-khimicheskiy.ins,titut im. L. Ya. Karpova (physic ocrh e M i e a 1Institute imeni L. Ya..Karpov), The book re- kleats, his 'Scientific activity at that institute and.. according to his -Pref ac6,,--- gives a fuller presentation-of data on the atomld:and electron struoture of matter and the forces of in- teratomic.and intermolecular interactions than is the case in of:handbooks and monographs on solid-state physion. The author thanks.tbe following personas. Academician N. V, Belovj Professor V.I. Arkharov -Professor K. P. Belov, Professor M, I., Zakharova, Professor V. A. Fabrikant, reviewers; the author's scientific coworkers Aspirants V. V. Zubenko, V. Ya. Dadarev., S. P. Solovlvev, N. i.,Rannev; senior laboratory assistants S. Fleyer, P.,-F. Kirsanova, L. D. Osipova; and 0. S. Golldenberg, editor of the,Izdatellstvo Moskovskogo Universiteta (Moscow Uni- versity Publishing House). The references are arranged In the Bibliopaphy according-to chapter and chapter seations. There are,,354 references MoatlyL Soviet and English. Card 2/9 91 - , I I 1 0 0- u j lit jo -i j I jail, 151 NJ U1111 .1j I- W ;I b .01 -.1 ff KAYA-p--Yi-.G-. ~EDULOVP- S-.Aq- VFM'VTSF4V I-YV-.N-.-jZHDAVOV)-G-.S--i ~SWHEVS 20021L /61/006/001/002/011 5/070 41 ~'3 d~ 0) , E032/E314 AUTHORS: Solovlyevq~ S. P. UVenevtsev, Yu.W., Zhdanov,e'G.Sj and Ivanova ~VV. Calculation of,'Internal Electric Fields in, TLE Crystals (CaTiO 3 PERIODICALt. ~Kristallogkafiya, 1961, voi. 6. No. 1 j pp. 78 8.5 :TEXTs~ .~In.a previouspaper (Ref, 13) the present.autho:rs,' gave anlaccount. of a general method for the calculation.of internal f ield,s in. structures having an arbitrary dispostion -the presentloaper is to apply this of dipolesi.. The aim ot method to the'ealculation of fields in the antiferro-electric odel based on the real dipolestructure of CaTio using a m strltcture~reported by Kay and Baily in Ref. 14. In the method'described by''the present authors in Ref. 13, it is -assume'd that the,.Oblarinabilities and effective ion charges j .#re known. The,polarisabilities of Ca and 0 ions,y;r6 taken - 1*10 10 book by Kittel.' (Ref. 15) (a from the . Ca T Card 1/5 _777:77 7 20024 s/o7 o/61/006/00-1/002/011 11;032 /E314 Uzi, Calcu ation -o f Internal ectri c T4ible 1 Variant a 2 10 cm; V/ 3:_ oJection Axis pr CGSE zt-esu ' f1poem. 111111, as 2RCA.. GO *CA; 20 t'0 a C vc, t.10-0! cm; !CA w 1.0 cyl w 2,0 too 1.0 ATI 2-0 OCS - 'T1 - 2-5 4, so CA#) Ocs -' 1.0 C088i e 60 -t.0 st)-1.0 00 - w-1.0 *0 - -f.0 .0 COSKI 10 ~-~(!Ldop M - V X I -~;-O 0708 - , -0,06 -0007 2 -0, 0720 _0 " (MO 0,6072 CA 0 0 0 : -0 1 0 1 0 0,494 0,75t 0 W 0,601 05F -,0,422 . I X Y~. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0., 0, 0 0 0 r 0 0,767 0 0,870 -0 2. 477 0,792' 0 ' 1 0 0 t~o 0,0245 0,-302 "0.4991 OOM O'OwG w-0 oil ca rd A/5 ij() X y (1.470' 0"$46-j 2 .,O 92 8 0578' 1 6 0 4890 ,544*" i It -089 7 04 0 _0 880 -4.942 i z 0,570 519 0: -0,0258 -0. 52D i~,, ; " -V~,i 2791 070/61/006/003/002/009 ~Z.021/E435 d/ 1/3 :.'AUTHORS$ Vencitsev, Yu.N*',~;Bohdarenko, V.S., Zhdanov, M&I Chkalova, V.V.. and Stember, N.G., ..TITLE.- Anomalous changes in the lattice parameters, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (Ha, Pb)T'03 solid solutions PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya,..1961, Vol.6, No.3, pp-375-380 Samples were.prepared from chemically pure titanium dioxide and barium and leadcarbonates. X-ray investigations showed that solid solutions of (Ba, Pb)T103 had a tetragonal- distorted cell of the.perovskite type. Results of precision measurements on the parameter of the call are-given in Fig.1, 'Where changes in lattice parameters and volume are plotted against weight % PbT1031 The curv'es-are not continuous and there are sharp changes at 5.5, 9.2,~ 11,2 and 13.5% PbTiO-4. Fig,la shows the periods ofAhe crystal lattice c and a; ?19'.116 shows C/al _:F ig.16 shows the volume.:v of the elementary cell against -weight %',,PbT103- , The'results of,measurements of the dielectric -constant. c against temperature (*C) are shown in Fig.2 (the, curves'correspond,to the % PbT103). The values,or Card 1/7 22791 S/07o/6i/oo6/o03/0O2/009 .,Anomalous changes ... E021/E435 _the~dielectric constant at the Curie point emax are plotted against concentration (wt.%) PbTiO in Fig-3. There are sharp maxima -at 5,'5,: 9.2, .11 and 13-7'?. PbTi03- The curves in Fig.2 enab.1 e the Curie point and the positions, of the second and -third ,,phase .'transf ormat ions. to be found,, 'On the basis of these measurements the phase-diagram at the BaTiO 3 rich end can lie drawn AFi 8A).~ The change in the piezo-modulus d33 with composition ~is_ shown in Fig.5-, There are maxima at,5 5., 1111.2 and 13.5 wt.*% PbT "03- The.obtained data,agree in many respects with.those of previous work,when commercially pure materials were used. . The results, as well as_publisheddata, lead to the conclusion that the observed anomalies are characteristic of the solid solutions of Pb)T103 and they may be.due to the dirrerencas in the of,the barium~andjead titanates. A change in the type of ferroelectrically activel,cations probably taken place in the concentration~range of 114 to 1.35 wt.% PbT103 when the second and ,the third hase transitions,*which are characteristic for barium p titanate, teased to exist. Other observed anomalies are also ,.attributed to the differences in the properties of the titanatea of Parium.,and lead. Acknowledgments are expressed to Senior 'Card 2/7 26646 S/070/61/006/005/004/011 El,32/E56o It, 7~ 00 (//44, AUTHORSa F6dulov, S.Aos, Venevtsev, Yu. N,j Zhdanov G,, S. and Rez, I.SQ. TTTLEa X-ray crystallographic and electrical studies of .,specimens of the system PbTIO B*ZrO 3- 3 PERIODICAU~ Kristallografiy~, 1961, Vol,,6, No.5, pp.681-685 Hitherto the system PbTiO BaZrO has hardly been S udied. The PbTiO synthesized had ~ tetragoaally-divtorted 3 crovskite structure with a = 3,899 and c 4~11' P 75 giving c/a 1.o65. The.BaZrO was 'cu b1c With a 4,190 These agree with previously pIublIisheA data, (For,~O ki. ?,legaw, Proc. Phys. Soc 58,, A-33, 1946), Fig.1 shows.the variation of cell dimensions wlt~ composition for intermediate compo s I ti ons, in the continuous series of solid solutions -obtainedd The vlolijme changes without discontin- uity. The two phases'appeared to co-exist over the componition range ~to 40% (by weight), At the high PbTiO end of tile 37-5 composition range, measurements of the, 0 electric Lngltant WerIe hindered by the high conductivity. 'The Ing of the conductivity was a linear function of I/T..(the absolute tomperature)o Th a Card, 1/11 10- 26651, S/07o/61/006/005/009/011 AUTHORS: 'Fedulov S. A.,, Irenevtsev, ~Yu.K,Zhdanov, G.S., and Smazhevskayaq Ye.G. TITLE., High-temperature.X-ray and thermakraphic studies of. bismuth ferrite PERIODICAL: Kristallografiyap 1961, vol.60 No.59 PP. 795 796 -In,previounipapers, Ref 01 (1.S. Rez.,Tezisy dokl. '..-Tretlyagolsoveshchaniya p0 segnetoelektrichestyu,"Abstracts of i, .--thle Third Conference on Farroelettricmlls Izd-vo AN 55SR, p.51, J960) and. Ref.2 (Yu.N. VenevtseV5 G.S. Zhdanovo S.P. So'lovoyev, Y.e'Va.BezuzsV4V*.Ivanova, ~S~A. Fedulov, A.G. Kapyshev) Kriatallografiya, Voi.j, 4,' 62o, .196o) the present authors at &I. reported:the existence of the compound DiFe,03 With perovskite ~ype.ntrutture, and that this compound is a ferra- s levtrLi,,-: having a higher Curia, tenip43ratur# than load titanate. -solid solutions Tha Cilrie.temperature of BiFe0j. and also of the the.'system PbT'03-BiFeO-t ca nnot, be determined from dtelec,tric'measu:~tmantz owing to the'high conductivity of the specimens. The present-authors have therefore carried out high Card-1/4 S/07o/6i/oo6/oo5/oo9/Oll :H ligh -temperature X-ray and E032/E.114 'temperature X-ray and thermographic studies of BiFeOx. Specimens were prepared from a mixture o'f D'203 and P0203 by Boating' thom to 800'.OC for, one hour.and subsequently repeating this process. The X-ray.photographs.,were,.6btaine,d with copper radiation and the 8PKA-.IJL4 (VRKD-114) camera (dfaigned at the Physicochemical 'Institute imeni L..Ya. Karpov). The synthesized specimens consisted,of.a single phase'and.had a rhombohedral distorted cell of the perovskite type with A 3.963 1 and a = 891 Aff,% .,The.latter in in agreement with the resultis reported in Ref.2 (room temperature)* Figol shows the variation of a and a. vith Analysis of,the X-ray photographs obtained led to ..,.:the conclusion that at 700 OC~the 13'F003 began to decompose and weak.lines belonging to a second phase Appeared. The. -.daaomposition is an irreversible process. The thermographic study was carried out with the .4id:of the YV%TA-59 (UKTA-58) apparatus. -2 shown the thermogram obtained for OiFeO3, It follows from F ig the form.of,the differentialcurve (A), the.contraction curve (Y) and the weight-loo's.curve (18) that up to about 850 OC no phase .,transformations occur in the specimen. In-the temperature ranges Card 2/ 4 IV* two I S/07o/6i/oo6/co5/oo9/Ol1 Ifigh-temporature X-ray~And E0321/Ellik 875-9.30 OC, 970-1030 OC and 1030-1090 OC endo-thermic effects ifeie - observed and there was an appreciable contraction, of the specimen which became noticeable immediately after the endothormic effect near 875-930-.OC. It in concluded that the Curio temperature of BiFOO3 shotild be greater than or equal to 850 OC. BiFCO can therefore be used as a basis for ferroolectric zolid solNions with high Curio temperatures. In addition, this substance will be useful. in the development' of materials which have both magnetic and forroolectrie properties. Acknowledgments are expressed to V.I. Rivkin and:Yu.M. Tor pov for assistance in the ~-~~,-thormographic studies. There aro,2 figures and 4 Soviet references., tut im. L. Ya. Karpova ~.ASSOCIATION: Fizilzo-.1chimichleskiy insti 0-hysicochemical Institute-imeni L.Ya. Karpov) ~-SUBMITTED% January 20, 1961 'Card 3/4 S/07o/61/oo6/006/002/008 E132/E135 :~AUTHORS: ~_Zhdanov, G.S. and Kuz min,. R. N. TITLEj The structures of the compounds or the isomorphous group M2, namelys CoSb2, RhSb2, IrSb2 and a-RhD12 PERIODICAL% Kristallograf iya, v. 6, no.6, 1961, 872-881, TEXT: By X-ray single-crystal methods the structures of the above compounds have been determined. The dimensions of the unit cells, were found to be an shown in Table 1, and the atomic parameters:.(space group P21/c - arsenopyrite structure) as shown in Table 4. The probable errors in the atomic parameters are albout,0.020. The metal atoms are each surrounded by six Sb atoms in a distorted.octahedrone The Sb-atoms are 4-toordinated (in distorted -tetrahedra) each by 3 metal.atoms and one Sb atom, The interatomic distances of nearest and second nearest neighbours are listed, I.M. Rumanova and B.K. Vaynahteyn arementioned . 3 n the a rticle. There are 6 figures, 51tables and 21 references: 13 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. :The four most recent English language references.'r'ead an follows: Card, IN-2- 3230h ~S/020/61/141/00010/019' B103/B101 ~AUTHORS~ SerebryanskiyP -V. T*,, Epellbaum, V. A., and Zhdanov, G. S. TITLEs The constitution diagram of the aluminum boron system PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141~ no-At ig6ip 884 886 TEXT: 'The Al'- B system:was Ptudied, since literature data as to~its constitution diagram are con radictory. A contact-free high temperature. BHT - 1 thermal analysis (up to 2800 C) was obtained by means of the A (VNTA-I),apparatus devised by N. A. Nedumov (ZhFKh, I , 184 (1960)),. Pressed-rodle'to.of 5 g were prepared from Al (purity 99.9W and B (purity-99.5%), melted In purified helium in corundum or BeO crucibles cooled at a rate of 20 deg/min. Fig.1 shows that the Al - B system ~.,is complex-and contains several peritectoid transformations. The :,-variation.o'fihe lattice period of Al remains within the limit of error. Thus x-ray data-cannot be used to make conclusions as to the solubility of Bin Al. :The data found differed from those of W. Hofmann and W. J Ini che', (Ref t Zal., 280 1 (1936)). Al as well as AlB 2 Card 1 ------------------ .32 011 15 0~61/141/004/010/0 V02 19 The constitution diagram of, B103/B101 are present in,specimens containing up to 1% of B. With a higher per- centage of B, M-AlB 12 (the tetragonal, modification of "graphitoidal' 0 boron") is contained besides AlB 2 Theperitectic.line at 975 C corres- ponds to .the decomposition of AIB AlB Al. At low temperatu- 12 resvthe-alloys are not In equilibriumi, sinoeo~-AIB,~ is found in quanti-. j ties, increasing with increasing B contents AIB, crystallizes in the form oIf thin hexagonal lamellas of:.bronze color, Its lattice constants aret 11 3-01 R; c - 3.26 2. The' 3.02 gl Cm pyanometric density meanured is Al ando(-AlB were found in specimens quenched from 1000 -,1400 C. It ~12 0 was, not possible to ex8lain the nature of the transformations at 1450 C. The peritedtic.a.t,1550 C corresponds, to the formation of #-AlB 121 the 1fdiamond-like boron"..'.This phase was obtained in pure sta. e when spe- cimens containing up to.82. %'of B were quenched from 1600 C, It crystallizes in the form of long tetragonal prisms or bipyramids and is -Card 2//.57 32304 S/02 611141100410101019 The cons,titution diagram of, B103YBIOI yellow to brown,, Their chemical analysis resulted in percentages ofs -82.98 B and 16.,85 Al (sometimes differing from stoichiometry- 86.0 and 14-1 resp.),. The temperature range of,6-AlB,2 to 1550 - 166o 0 C. When cooled gradually it is converted to o~-AIB This conversion is not 12 completed on slow, but insufficient cooling. In specimeno.quenched from 0 1700 1750 C AIBIO was.foundi black,pyramidal crystals having a pycno- metric density of _. 2~172 9/OM3 and B and Al contents - of -r9.8 and 119.8% .,respectively.. The temperaturerange is. 1660 18500C, AlB 10 forms equally c4-AlB on gradual cooling. quenching from 1850 2070'C and slow 12 'cooling,of the alloy-82.5% B + 17.,,5% Al results inc*-AlB with the 12 lattice periods a 10-15 c -.:14,~29 anda pyonometric density of g/cm3. o~-AIB is found in alloys containing 82.5'- 93% of B And is 12 a solid solution of Al in B.: Seven alloys containing 4 - 30% of Al and 96: 70 of B -as amorphous,boron,were melted in an electric arc Card 3// 3230h S/020/61/141/004/010/0119 The constitution diagram of B-103/B101 -furnace in helium atmosphere-to' check the above-mentioned data. Their analysis differed from the~charge composition owing to the evaporation of both components. Specimens containing up to 02%.of B consisted of Al and 93%,of B contained.only d--AlB The B melted- 129 those with 8Z 12 ~was rhombohedral and had parameters of the hexagonal eel measured by reflection from the angles 78071 and 78 058.11 a s- 10-95 ii c - 23-76 consistent with.Ref. 13, see below)~, Betwer 93 and 100%, only,rhombo- hedral boron was found 'which had c - 23-87 at 93%. Presumably, this is connected with.the formation of the solid solution of Al in B. There are 1 figureand 13-referencess .6.Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The three refer- ences to:English-language,publications redd as follows$ Ref. 91 P. Cotter, Am. Mineralogistv.~Uv 781 (1958); Ref. 121 C. P. Talley,.S. La .-Placap Ben Postp Act-a crystallogr.p.13, 271(ig6o); Ref, 13t D. E. Sandso J. L. Hoard, J. Am~ Chem. Soo.,-12,5582 (1957). ASSOCIATIONs, ~Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- chemical,Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) Card 4 )47U S/070/62/007/001/002/022 E032/E314 OL /V 0, (2/s. AU ORS: Ayubimov, N.N.9 Venevtsev, Yu.N. and Zhdon2v, G.S. TITLE: and CdTiO Internal electric fields in NaTaO 3 3 crystals PERIODICAL-.,~ Kristall.ografiya, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 12 19 TEXT: The aim of,the present calculations was to obtain some information on the electrical properties of the above crystals. It is stated that.they have not been extensively investigated and that the publishe&information is to some extent:conflictingoi.Thus, GqA. Smolenskiy (Ref. I - Dokl.AN SSSR, 85, 985, 1952; 'RefP2 - Zh.telchno fiz., 20, 137f 1950 and Ref- 3 -~Dokl. ANSSSR, '110, 11059- 1950) reported that CdTiO 3 'Was a ferro-electric with a Curie point at 50 60 OK, while J.K. Hulm, DoT, Matthias and,EsA. Long (Ref. 4 Phys* Rev* 79, :885t 1950) did not rind these propertius~ According to the experimental-results of B.T. Matthias (Ref,, 5 - Amer.Phys.Soc.' 24, 28, 1949:and Ref.:6,- Phys-Rev., 75, 1771, 1949), NaTao 3 should be:regardedes a ferro-electric, while V.A. Isupov Card 1/.3 S/07o/62/007/001/002/022 Internal electric fields .... E032/E314 (Ref., 8 Izv. AN SSS.R. Ser..fiz., 22, 15011, 1958) describes it -as"quasi-ferro-electrido In-order to resolve these difficulties, the present authors calculate the internal Plectric fields of the above structures at room temperature. Use is made of a modified ''form of Eq. (10) in the paper by S.P. Solov1yev, Yu.V. Venevtsev -and G.S. Zhdanov.(Ref. 10 - Kristallografiya, 5, 1960, 7,18) in order to abbreviate the calculation3. The structural coeffic:knts of CdTiO were calculated by P.P. Ewald's method (Ref. 11 3 ~253, 1921 .Ann4 Phys.,'64'. using the Strela computer. Each structural coefficient was determined to four decimal places. The procedureused by the authors enabled them to reduce the Mumber of,points for which the coefficientshad to be evaluated from 34 to 15. Thereare 9 structuralcoefficients for each -of these 15 points. 'Of the resulting total number of 135, there bare 74 which are equal to zero. The authors have used this calculate the dipole moment of the superstructure -,cell and found its antiparallel components, The dipole moment and the contribution of ions to the spontaneous polarization Card 2/5 5/070/62/007/001/002/022 Internal electric fields -18 are given:~(in units of 10 ESU) in Table 5.- The internal -8 fields (in units of 10, V/cm), the spontaneous polarization andA,he structural distortion-of.various crystals of type ABO are given in Table 6. It- is stated that further capful'' 3 s'tudies of the structural, dielectric and other characteristics of,these substances are n'ecessaiy. Acknowledgments are expressed to S P. Solov'Yov for.advice and T.A.'Osipova for evaluating the structural sums. There are 6 tables and 17 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The four latest English- language references are:~ Refo 4 (quoted in.text); Ref. 7 H.F. Kay, J.L. Miles - Acta crystallogr., 10, 213, 1957; Ref.. 12 H.F.,Kay, P.C. Baily - Acta crystallogr., 10, 219, 1957 and Ref. 151- J.R. Tessman, A.He Kahn, W. Shockley-, Phys. Rev., 92j,890, 1953. ASSOCIATION:~ Piz1kG_khjmiche9kiy institut im. L*Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical,Inatitute im. L*Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: February .15, 1961 Card 3/5, :'El32/z435 ..AUTHORS; Zhdanov 'G -klakov, A# I.- "7X-ray investigation of the radial,distribution in amorphous solid solutions _S-AnS3, PERIOD14CAL: Kristallografiya, V-7, no,*4 1962,,555-559 :.~Evaporated layers were obtained by heating elemontary As.,, ''and S to 90O'0C for' several hourx* Specimens were prepared with 5, 1, 4, 5, 10'A rid 15 at % As. They werd'examined by- ~diffractom r -50M (URS-50I) 'using a.monochromator of eta ".Yec pentacrithritol and Cu radiation. The maximum count rate from the specimen wi s-about~14000-counts/min. The decay of the amorphous phasii and.the appearance of the crystalline one was .."..-followed by heaiing,the specimen to 110*C. '-The scattering turves were inverted to give the radial density curves by the .,computeiA?5trela1t.:.. Discussion'.of these curves leads to a Model of theprocess'. I 5piral chains are: envisaged an proposed by Frij~s:_for.amorphous'S,.~.,: As stabilize's these chains by forming cross lizik* between them but,.at the same time favours the formation of c t~talllno,regioas. If there is less than one atom ry Card 1/2 L - S/07o/62/007/oo4/003/di6 X-ray investigation E132/E435 ...of As per,turn of the spiral then~the structure remains plastic, this is.,up to~1O__12%.As,,__._the,As atoms appear not to interact ~it'h eachlother. ~.4bove''U%'; 'thw. maitorial becomes more rigid and, on annealing,-.tends towards the.structure of amorphous A5253 The results obtained,agree with measurements of the viscosity of melts of,S-+ An. There' are AW I table. ASSOCIATIONS:, Moskovskiy. gosudaretyennyy universitet rsity imeni im ~,'M.V Lomonoso-~& (Moscow State UniVe M.Y.Lomonosov) .,qauchnyy institut udobreniy i insektofungisidov im, Ya,V,Samoylova (Scientific Institute for Pertilisers and Insecto-Fungicides imeni YEL.V.Samovlov) vIr. s/i26/62/0 3/001/0011/018 021/E580 AUTRORS -Zhu ra vl ev j, N.N., Zhdnnov, 'G..j and Smirnovn, Ye.M. C, TrrLE: study orternary solid solutions on the basis of su 1) ercondmic t i ng ~ 'compounds PERIODICAL. Flzika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.13, no.i., 1962, 62-70 TEXT: 'The aim of the )resent woric was to f ind alloys vi th, ivide regio ns. of sol-id.- solubility, based on sliperconducting compounds with a nickel-arsenide structure, in order to s tudy the change in superconductivity on partial substitution element of the binary comp ind by n third. , The following ystem 3 weee inves tigintedt i*,tni-Ptsh. PtBi-PtPb, NiBi-NiSbI NIBI-RhBil PtHi-PdBi, PdSb-PdI)i'j NiBi-VtBi, NiHi-MnBi, PtBi-r-InDi, PtBi-PtSn,: J, l3tSb-PdSb, Ptgb-CoSb*',,' Alloys were.prepnred from 99.98% Bif Pt and 9 9 0'9 Pbl', 99.:95% Sn electrolytic Ni nnd Mi sponge.Pd. Malting .was cnrried ou t in a, quartz flask in ~racuo. Ii tre nt eat . . -nent swere also Z fldski Super- , carried,quart 0 . . , conducting properties' were..studied :on samples of dinmeter. 1-5- 5 mm, and :20-30 A I' the alloy mm length* m.wera investignted by .X-ray ..6rd 1/2. )7699 5/126/62/013/oWooVo22 E193/E383 AUT"JORS.- Zhuravlev, N#No Zhdanov, ~G.S-'and Smirnova, um bismuth alloys in the TITLE: nvettiration 'of :platin 10 to 50 a t platinum-concontration range IIZRIODICALt Fizika metallov i metallovedeniyo, V-13, no# 1962, 536 545 + 1 plate T EXT Thoobject of the present invastigation was to obtain more precise data on the*cause of instability of PtDi and PtBi 2 and ultralow temperatures. To this end the constitution of Pt-Di alloys containing 10 - 50 at -50' Pt was studied by hardness measurements and by thermal, metallographic and,X-ray diffraction:analysis. The results of thermal analysis are reproduced.'in,fig. 1 showing the constitution diagram of of the.Pt-Bi-system, the,eircles,and crosses representing, respectively, data obtained in the course of the present and earlier investigations (Ref. 4 - N.N. Zhuravlev and L. Kertes ZhETF,:1957, 32, 1313). 'Other results can be Bummarized as follows. 0 1) As a'result of a peritectic.reacti6n at 685 C a y-phas e Card 1/6 11"IMM alm-wo S/126/62/013/001k/00-7/022 Investigation'of *44* E193/E383 1;3 Corniodin-alloys containing- between 35 and 50, at.% Pt, his 0 -phase-undergoes a eutectoid transrormation at, about 570 C9 deconposing to yield PtBi and PtBi 2 'Pt3i, has th o. nicRol. Ara onido structuro with lattice parameters 4.315 and P 5,490 IcX -Bi alloys of a The superconductive properties of cast Pt C C_i'? as 3. 'tion I-Lear to PtBi are associated with the presence of the "L'a 6r 0are three allotropic modifications of PtBi ;oL-PtBi 2 .2 Ath a cubic'structure (a 6.683 1W P-PtBi2 crystallizing nal.singony in tr~go (a 6.597 a 6.17 RX); y = PtBi ~vrithla c ompl'ex structure.- Tho difroroncos observed in the bahaviourof PtBi at Ultralow temperatures must be attributed t o the exist one a of these three nodifications, those stable at hi-h temperatures being responsible for superconductive 'Card 2/V _-Z 0198 S/051/62/013/004/019/023 E0302/E514 AUTIIOR~ orona, ",I: Vartsner, V Yu.M. and Zhdanov G S -TITLL: Observatioi~ of the crystal 5 electron microscope ~P It', R 10 D I C.',.L: Optilta i spelciroskopiya' V-13; no-4 1962 605-607 ~It'~is noted that cibservations of crystal faCos are usually. carriedout A%ri t1i complicated instruments 11ri th a remolution, of 10 A or b6,tttr. Although the microscope tM-5 has a 'nominal resolution of 2U lot, i ts, electron-optical parameters are such that it ts possible,, in- fact, to obtain a resolution of the order of. In view of thist the autlyors deci'ded to use it to repeat the.observations of ~,Ienter ~Proc. Aoy. t;o~c A236, 119, 1956) awl oassett, r'senter and Pashly (Froc. Roy.' .15oc:lt A21161 345, 1958; J. Phot. ~ Sci. , 6c), lqjq). The condensing and intermediate' -i-netic ZM-7 lenbes incorporated a f ixed m. stigmator from the 'microscope. - The uta,~;Ilification Was X5300 or X.6700 at an acc.clera- ting voltage of 66 kv. A figure is reproduced showing,the micro- Photograph of a copper phthalocyanin crystal in which the (001) pl~uws, which are,at a Oisti-aico of 12.6 A, are clearly resolved. Card 1/2 S/048/62/026/o03/oo6/o15. X-ra- determination of symmetry ... B10010 temperature, and thatK and,Bi, and/or Na and Bi are statistically distributed in the sites of the elementary cell with the coordination umber 12. Splitting of some lines was observed, but could not be measured n accurately. CrK radiation and an'PKA-143 WD-143) camera (produced at the FKhI.imeni L. Ya. Karpov) were.therefore used. The following lattice constants were determined from the'splitting of the line with 2 2h 8 :-(x Bi ')TiO 'is tetragonal with a 3-913 0.003 1 0;5 95 3 - 0- 03 V 0.1 + 0.15 R3; (Ha Bi TiO is rhombohedral 3.993 0-5 T 3 with a 3*- a a. + 0.1 %3. Fu 891 + 0.002 9 36 3', V - 5 - rthermore, ce con OC was 4eter- the change in the latti sitante with temperature UP to 500 Mined for (K-. Bi )T*0 At 2700C the tetragonal passes over into a 0 5 0 5 3 pseudocubio phase, The slightly diffuse lines make more accurate determ.inam tion impossible. On the bAdia of previous conclusions (Ref. 41 Yu, If- VeneVtsav, 0. S. Zhdanov, Izvo Ax essR. Ser. fiz., ~Li, 2275 (1957)) the distortion can be assumed to be tetragonal. The cubic phase occurring from 4100C onward makes the radiographs clearer. The authors thank V. A. Isupo,v .:who supplied the sampleeo There is I figure. aid 2/3 04ej62/026/003/007/015 S/ /a 00 1 J Yj ..B1 17/B102 Fedulov,-S. A. Venevtsev, Yu. 'N. 1h1anoy G. S-, and Dzhmukhadze, D.~ F. _~.'.-TITLE: X-ray and electrical analysis of the system PbTiO LaFeO 3 PERIODICAL: ,Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheekaya, v. 26, no. 3, .1962, 357 361 TEXT: This aper was the VII Hauohno-tekhnicheskoye p soveshchanive po primeneniyu rentgenovykh luchey k issledovaniyu materialov (7th Scientific-teohnioal Conferenoe on the Use of X-rays for the 'Examination''of Materials) held in Leningrad from June 22 to.29, 1961. The LaFeO was studied by means of X-ray and electrical system PbTiO 3 3 ::analysis.: The specimen were prepared by double annealin C~ preliminary annealing at 800 1100 0 final annealing at 1100 - 1460 for one hour each) in lead oxide vapor. X-ray analysis was made with CuKa and FeKa radiation: in PkY-1 14 (RKU-114) andP-Z-143 (RKD-143)(Cameras (designed at the Fiziko-khimicheaki-y institut im. L. Ya. Karpova Physicochemical Card 1/# 3)/048/62/026/003/007/015 and electrical analysis ... B117/BI02 Indtitute imeni L. Ya. Xarpov)~.. The dielectric constant *as measured at 450 kops by aI.,13e-1,(Y.V-1).Q-meter, electrical conductivity wao measured 'by a 11'3M-4 .(MOM-4) bridge. The results obtained by X-ray analysis agree with those in.other publications# The system PbTiO LaFeO forms a 3 3 of solid'solutions which at room temperature occur in three modifications:. tetragonall pseudomonoolinic I, and paeudomonoclinio V~- --II. Specimens LaFeO 3 content higher than 56/a showed a hyperfind. structure, of the 'lines whose intensities increased with the LaFeO 3, concentration. The elementary cell volume of solid solutions (Pb,La)(TiIFe)O ~3 4ed:reased with increasing IaFeO concentration. This became especially 3 ;.~distinct in the:region of tetragonal modification and can be explained by specific eleictrostriative properties of PbTiO According to the or PbTiO and LaPeO from their con es activation energy determined-f duotivitl 3 3 (with relatively high values)i these compounds were classified as semi- conductors. The temperature dependences of conductivity of solid solutions as functions lo (I/T) had a complicated.oourso when the LaFeO g f 3 Card 2/5 S/048/62/026/003/007/015 X-ra and electrical analvsiO.. B117/B102 Content was increased This indicates a change in the conductivity mechanism of, solid, solutions according to their compo3ition. At certain temperatures, corresponding to~the phase transition points, salient points .:.,:were observed on these straight lines. A phase diagram (Fig. 5) was set .up on the,baoia of the data obtained. Comparison of the data obtained for PbTiO -,LaFeO with'those for PbTiO - BiFeO showed that in %;ontrast to 3 3 3 PbTiO -BiFeO in. which the Curie temperature rises when BiFeO is added, 3 3 3_ ~the Curie temperature decreases in PbTiO Lareo when the LaFeO 3 3 -concentration is increased. Probably the main reason thereof is the different polarizability of'the La and Bi ions compared with the polarizability of the Pb 'ion.. The different ionic radii of Bi (1.20 1) and La (1-04 1) probably do not influence the behavior of the Curie temperature. Presumably they are the main reason~of the different sequence of the phases'. The jelatively high temperature of the magnetic transformation of LaFeO (_ 570 C) in part of the solid solutions in its neighborhood also 3 suggest magnetic properties. -The authors thank Ye. G. Smazhevokaya for her help. There are.5 figures and 13 references: 8 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. Card 3/5 6q_ lik S/053/62/076/002/002/00C B117/B104 AUTHORS __ZhAanov,~, G. 0, and Ozerov, R. P.~ TITLE: Neutron diffraction study of magnetic materials PERIODICAL: US'pekhi fizicheskikh nauko v. 76,,no. 2, 1962t 239 282 1EXT This is a survey' on progresses achieved in the field of neutron diffraction 'study of magnetic materials. It was written on the basis of.a lecture on "magnetic 'struc tuxes" t read on the occasion of the plenary meeting of the VII'Soveshchaniye po primeneniyu rentgenovskikh luchey. k iseledovaniyu materialov (7th Conference on the Use of X-rays in the ,Examination of Materials), held in Leningrad on June 19, 1961. The. survey summarizes studies of,magnetic structures, dealing with the following ~problemw: magnetic neutron scattering; determination of magnetic moments of atoms; magnetic structure of transition'metals and of.some compounds; magnetic critical and-small-angle scattering of neutrons; neutron scattering from apin, wavea;,magnetic scattering of conduction electrons. .,The authors point out that.8tudien of magnetic structures are of Importance for getting a betterinsight into the elementary structure of Card, 1/2.- B/053/62/076/002/002/004 Neutron diffraction study... B117/B104 matter, for furthe r.d ev elop ment of thesolid-state theory and for important practical fields of application. Ye. S. Fedorov, V. 14, Bykov, Ye. I.Kondorskiy, V. L. Sedov, R. A. AlikhanoV, G. Avakyanto,.S. V. Maleyev, D. A..Yevtu.shenko, R. Z. Levitin, Yu. A. Izyumov, M. A. Ginzburtr,. Sh. Sh. Abellski.y, Ye. A. Turov, A.- A. Berdyshev, I, N. VlaBov, V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich, B. V. Karpenkop A. V. Shubnikov are mentioned. There are 38 figures, 8 tables, and 116 references: 23 Soviet and,93 non-Soviet. The four.most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: J. P. Burger, M. A. Taylor, Phya. Rev. Lett. 6, 185 (1961); M. K. Wilkinson, E. 0. Wallan,,H. R. Child, J. W., Cable, Phys. Rev. 121, 74 (1961); T. Riste,,A. Wanic, J. Phys. Chem. Solids.17, 318 (196TT; N. G. Backlund, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 20,' 1 (1961). ~Carid 2/2 l ctric e al conductivity and R 0 Pol mer K T 00K cm, ohm S/020/62/143/005/013/018 BlOl/BllO v m m c I U 290-350 -10 4 .6 Ifi 290-500 2.10 o.6 Co, 400-500 '10 16 7 .10 0. 7 II P-C H 6 4 290-425 7-10 0:4ii b" pop-(C 6 2 290-450 5-10 0 60 0.36; it (CH 2)6 -13 1 2-10 .72 -C H p 6 4 -460 12 9-10 -3 1,10 0.58, ,P~ (CH )2- 6 4 380-1460. -12 .3, 010 3 o.62 if (CH 2 6 00-460 12 1 47 10 -3 5-10 .76 t . CH2)2~ -460 400 _J3 8#10 ~j 10-3 0-74 Card'3/5 S/020/62/1,45/006/007/015 B182/BIO2 AUTHORS." Kieelevj 5'. V.# Ozerov, R. P., and Zhdanovp G S TITLE: Determination of the magnetic order in the f~rroelectric Bireo neutron diffraction patterns 3 . 0 PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145# n 6, 1962, 1255-1258 TEXT: 'Perovskite of type, BiFeO 'has ferroolectric properties. On the 3 other hand, compounds of.the perovskite type ABO (with B F Mn) show e 3 ferromagneti c., and antiferromagnetic'rroperties. The existence,of a magnetic order in BiFeO is'now verified by comparing -two neutron. 3 h'tak n at 6000C shows coherent,diffraction diffra6tion patterns, one'of.whic e ' e other taken at. 'peaks as would be expected from a cubic lattice whilst th room temperature'shows the same peaks in addition to reflections in posi- ti ons where one would not, expect them on the basis 6f the chemical r f th The magnetic nature of struotu e o e unit 6611. these peaks is.. identiffed by the t empe ratu re, dependence of their inten6itiesi aNeel Card 1/3 I ~. '. I , -., j : ., . - .. . i lillulilliffilifilt-I R1,111--al 11101,11111 ;'Itl Junto, la-m I I m)/WP60/E?F(n)-2/T/-aMP(t) IJP(c) JD/JQ/GG L 22121-66 EWT (1) ZVT ACC M: Ar6oo4921 SOURCE CODE: UP/CO56/66/050/001/OD69/W75 AUTHOR: Rog takin Yu. Ya.; virncvt;~e~v Inskaya, Yu. Ye.; Tqma h o~l P- ~t tmo V V. Zhdanov Go So ORG-. Physicochemical. Institute- imi L. Ya. Karpov (Piz 1kc- khimicheakiy institut) TITLE: On the character of dielectric and magnetic properties Of DiFeO3 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fizlki. v. 50,, no. 1, 1966p 69-75 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth compou~ad ferroelectric.material,, dielectric property) solid solution, Curie point Neel temperature, magnetic property ABSTRACT: Ibis is a continuation of earlierwork by the authors on DiFeOl (ZhMT ..v 46 1,021,,_l964). in:,Yuw .-,of-the.contradictory reports on the properties of i especially D FeO3, respect~to ts ferroelectrie properties, the authors ana. 3,vze the published data and in addition carried out a mor en~deta ed Investigation of the dielectriev'rogerties and the stnkture of D1FeO3 j ad range4f tem. ith4 peratures, as well as of aolid solutional"of this subetanc ~FeX/Obl/203- Particular attention is paid to the 400--~OOC region, and to the solia a-016tion. The polycr7stalLine samples for the investigation were prepared by the usual ce- ramic techniques. The dielectric constant and the loan angle were measured at I Card 1/2 D 22121-M, ACC MI Ai~(=4921 Mes by the coaxial-line-method ~Othet properties of BiPeOsIn addi' Op tibnA6 the- -large Irrterhal -fields band large spontaneous polarization, were abigh Curie temperatur e (850C)p and the absence of nonlinear properties at room tempera- ture. An analysis of all the published data and the present re8U1t3 shows that in spite of the fact that the spontaneous eleetric polarization of BiFe% is very high, so that no diel at ic bysteresis loops could be obtained, this substance is ferroelectric IZOLIa fo 9 Vari e sons r this conclusion are discussed. An analysis of the magnetic properties ow the Neel temperature (370C) also shows that BiFeO3 has compensated ferromgnetiom in addition to ferroelectricity. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. MW CODE: 20,07/ SUB14 DAM VAIq65/ -ORIG REP: 022/ OTH IREF: 002 7 ODE UR/6 Ai/66/008/634/102 SOURCE C I ne 'ORG: none L TITLE: Direct ob6ervatlon of :,,onif-riqa".-7: ctnfi -ry-,t,11 zat'lon 0" me re Ury SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, nc. 'L?66. ele(-.tron m1crosco TOPIC, TAGS: me re u ry, vap o r c,:;nd -~ n:-,;i - 1,,, t, r,-; .Particle collision/EllmisKop I ele~t,roti ABS7THACT lnammicn as mcst r he irc w n f th ii', r C~ --I E. r rc-nle, aut;-~c).,:- C of merc-,-~ry on car-lon f1l7r-io 3cope, with resolu'.-Ion 1 -- 1.5 n- vapor pressure near the obje--t wa-,, 2 x 10 -8 mm Hg, depending on the evacuation con(-A11t-,,(-ns. 11- "C 1/2- SOURCE CODE: UR/0128/65/000/009/003010031 AUTHOR:__Spektorova, S. 1. (Sagineer); Zhdanov, G. a. (Kaginest) ORG: none TITLE6. -'Electric-redistancis OUIR und sill Leon alloys Tj SOURCE: ~'Lite roizvodstvop~ no,':9 1965, ~0-31 ynoye p TOPIC TAGS.- electric reststance*--alumfimum base-alloy# silicon containing alloy, electric motor / AL2 Al-Si alloy, AL9 Al-Si alloy ABSTMCT-. The article presents the results oC an InvestigatWn of the magnitude and scatter of electric resistivity p as a function of, primarily, the chemical -omposition and structure of Al-Si alloys, since p is an important factor in de- termining the suitability of these alloys as rotor linings. p was measured in by neanE of an lIZ03 double-measuring-bridge device for specimens of four alloys (Fig. 1) (1 and 2 are non-inoculated alloys, 3 and 4 are alloys inoculated with Na~.l before and after annealing, respectively). It was found that, beginning with r 3% Si, the mean p of Al-Si alloys decreases after inoculation. Aluminum AVOOO aughly L con- tained less than 0.05%Si and re and the ufximal st(atter of its p was +2% of the mean (Fig. 2) whereas for the alloyt AL21kntk.AL9,1 owing to their high Si content and 0.15%-0.20% Fe content, the scatter of p was greater because of their heteroge- Card 1/4 UDC:_ 669.715.-337.311,3