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20-5-24/60 The Synthesis of Pblygrganoaluminum Siloxanes.Exchange. Decomposition 'Reaction Between Sodium Salts of Alkyl-Silantriole, and Aluminum Chloride. The',investigationa showed that on,the occasion of organic solvents, ' the interaction of chloroaluminum with sodium salts of phenyl-ailan- troil,ethyl.ailantroil androith thedisodium salt of 1,3,5-triphonyl -1,3,5-trimothyl silanoxanottho formation of the substances mentio- ned in the title proce6dd according to j)attarn:C6H;Si(O11)8ONa+A1.Cl3 " ---'~C H 5'(011) 073 AI+SNaOltn/c6H5S'(OH)3/3kl-- 6H53i( )01 1 + % e i M - e RU ing polymers represent colid,brittle,glass-li reaul +nH20. otanoespsoluble in benzenepalcohol and acetono.On the 0ocasion of the evaporation of their solutions there develop transparent films on solid surfaces.The sodium salts of alkyl-silantriols used by the authors in the exchatge decomposition reaotion,wore synthetized by the influence of an equimolecular amount of caustio soda upon.poly.- organosiloxaneo.These,sodium salts represent solid crystalline oub- stances containing crystallization water.According to the amount of ,crystallization water these substances are soluble in alcohol and acetone.Experimental part with the usual data.(3 Slavic references.) ASSOCIATION Institute for Elemontary-Organic Gompounds of the Academy of Science PRESF11TED BY of the U.S.S.R. 13UBYkITTED 101AILABLE Librtiry of Congress. ar C id ~/2 ZFIDAN A. A.., ANURIMIOV) K. A.) "The Synthesis of Polyorganometalosiloxanes and the Investigation of their properties,,-, paber,submitted at the Symposium on Organic and Nonsilicate Silicon Chemistry on 12th-14th May 1958, Dresden. 1. The reaction of metals- sodium, magnesium and aluminum- with organosilanols- diethylsilanediol, 1,3-dihydronrtetraethj1l- dinilo- xane and polyphenylsiloxane resins, is under investigation. It will be shown that -the above compounds react with the metals under anhydrous conditions with the formation of metal-siloxane (metal-oxygen-ailicon) linkages. 2. The reactivity of the silanols is dependent on the stability of their hydroxyl. groups. Compounds which easily iLmdergo condensation do not react with metals. Compounds which have stable hydroxyl groups react easily with metals. 3. It will be shown that by the action of aluminum chloride on the sodium salts of phezWl- and ethylsilanetriols and of 1,3,5-tririethyl-43, 5-triphenyltrisiloxane,, polymers are formed- the polyorganoaluminouiloxanea. Abstract: B-3,108,944 (Encl.) AUTHORSs Andrianovt K. APj-Zhdanov# A#A# SOV/62-58-6-24/37 TITLEt The.Synthesis of Te traki r-rT;rG'6j1- oil oxy) Titanium and Tetrkkis-(Viethyl-Silo 'xy)-Tin (Sintez tetrakia-(trietilsilokai) titanaA tetrakis (frietilailokbi) olova) :PERIODICALs Izvestiya, Akademii nauk 355H, Otdoloniye khimichookikh nailk, 1958P Nr 6tzpp. 779-780 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The synthesis.of-siiicon-organic titanium derivatives are dealt,with by several scientific papers. In the course of the present report fle authors dencribe the syntheais of triethyl-ailoxy titanium and tetratriethyksiloxy tin brout-ht about by the'exchange,reaction of godium-trieth.yj-." silanolate with tetrachlorotitanium and zinc chlorides 4(C H ) SiONa + SnCl C H Sn t 4NuCl- S'01 ---> 1( 2 5 3 2 5 3 4 4 Further data relating to the investigation of the reaction as well as to the interaction between sodium triethylsilanol~te , and other halides are intended to be discussed by the authors. in a paper.V)-follow. There are 5 referencest 3 of which are Card 1/2 Soviet. AUTHORSi Andria anov A. A. SOV nov, K., A.., Zhd /62-58-9-9/26 "~.TITLE: The Reaction of etals With Hydroxyl-Containing Organo- silicon Compounds (0 vzaimodeystvii metallov s gidroksil- soderzhashchimi kremneorganicheskimi soyedineniyami) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya,Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk9 1958, Nr 9, pp 1o76 1079 (USSR), ABSTRACT: In the previous papers the authors showed that triethyl- silanol can react.with aluminum to form aluminum with the liberation of hydrogen. The high reactivity of hydroxyl-containing organosilicon compounds toward metals can only be explained by the fact thatthe silicon atom in these compounds exhibits a high degree of polarizability. The authors were interested in investigating the reactivity of several polymers of brganosilicon compounds which had hydroxyl groups a t the silicon atom. It was found that in the reaction of these compounds with metallic sodium, magnesium, and aluminum that hydrogen was liberated and a metal Card 1/2 ailoxane was formed. The reactivity of the siloxy-con- The Reaction of Metals With Hydroxyl-Containing SOV/62-58-9- 9/26 Organosilicon Compounds taining organosilicon compounds depends upon the re- sistivity at these hydroxyl groups. Compounds which enter into intermolecular condensation reactions easily do not react with metals. On the other hard, hydroxyl groups which are resistive to condensation reacti6ns react relatively easily with metals. There tire 6 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademji nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemen'0.-orgsnic Compoundsp AS USSR) ..SUBMITTED: FebruarY 5, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHCRSe Andrianovo K. A., Corresponding Member 2o-ii&.6-21/43 of the AS USSR, Zhdanov, At A.s Asnovichp E* Z. TITLE: On,the Synthesis of Infusible but Soluble Polymers (0 sinteze neplavkikh, no rastvorimykh polimerov) PERIODICAL'. Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR,.1958, Vol- 118, Nr 6, pp. 1124~.1127 (VIRSR). ABSTRACT: ThOt, fusibility and solubility of polymers in organic solvents are considered to be dependent on the molecular structur4a of the chains. Polymers with a linear structure are soluble and meltable by heating, rigardless of their molecular weight. The branching of the chain, viz'. the formation of laced (pabit4u structures and spatial structures makes the polymer lose-. This dependence concerns allpolymers, The author3 tested the synthesis of pol,,~mers-which were readily soluble'in non-lo'r slightly-oolar aolvents but which did not malt, when: heated. The results obtained by thourough invostigas tions-show that no polymers with the aforesaid propertins can be obtained with the production of cyclic poly-organo-ailaxanes. Card 1/ 4 A general composition of the polymers x which corm (C05S'Olj5) on the Synthesis of Infusible but Soluble Polymers 20-118-6-21/43 responds to a cyclic structure of the golecules) was proved during the hydrolysis of phenyltrichlorosilane. Such po4mers, however, are soluble in organic solvents and melt when heated. A long lasting heating of the polyphenyL~siloxanes at 25ooC and above.6'auses an increase-of the melting temperatures, but the polymer loses its solubilityat the same time. The polymeric molecule grows Apparently in first line due to bursting of the rings and their polymerization under the formation of structures which are laced, For increasing the melting-temperature -of the complicated eyelid polyphenyl-siloxinem., aluminum was introduced into the molecule of the polymer.Aluminum-siloxane reacts with phenyl-trihydrox3r-silane by precipitating water. A further cons densation at the cost of the hydroxyli-groups under formation a polymer with a molecular weight of 599o, a content of hydroxyl- groups of 5j5o/o And A ratio Si: Al 0 4,1. The obtained aluminum- phenyl.-ailexaneeis a colorless,, brittlei vitreous substance which does notmelt with heating up to 5ooOC and does not sihter either (figure'l). It'is readily soluble in. benzene, toluene, acetone, ethanol, chlorobenzehe and carbon tetrachloride, yet insoluble in petroleum ether and -white spirit. Though the content of OH-groups in the polymer decreases from 5,53 to 2,70/o with a heating at Card 2/4 15oOC for lo hours (reference 1), its solubility remaini uno On the Synthesis of Infusible but Soluble Polymers 20-1184-21/43 changed. Thesolubility in acetone is preserved also with heating at 2ooOC for.4 hours, With an action of heat of 3oo0C for 15 minutes, it is soluble in 850/o. in the case of a lonu ger lasting heating at 2ooOC and with a 15 minutes lasting heating at 4oo'and 5oocC, the solubility gets completely lost, The constants and the chemical analysis (table 1) are given. An empirical'formula.for.a term'of the concerned polymer is given. A spatial structure of the polymeric molecule seerw impossible) whereas such a term is a constituent of a complex cyclic or vo= lumetric-polymeric molecule. Polvaluminun-ethylailoxane was synthesized analogously. With equal properties as polyaluminum- phenylsiloxane it does notLMelt with heating (figure 1). The solubility of the former'in various,solvents at various tempen ratures is shown in table 1. Polyaluminum-ethylsiloxane*loses its solubility more rapidly. An experimental part with.usual data follow There are 1 figure, 1 table, and. 2references, Card 3/4 50) . AUTHOR: Zhdanov SOV/30-59-1-2 /57 Candidate of Chemical 9 %._ ~ So on cats TITLE:, Cratkiya soobshcheniya) Scientific Conference News in Brief (I . on Organosilicon Compounds (Nauchnays konforentoiya po kremnty- organicheskim soyadineniyam) PERIODICAL:, Vestnik Akademli nauk SSS-Ro 1959, lir 1, PP 115 -117 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference was organized by the Association of I'Jerman Chemists in Dresden (German Democratic Republic), may Scientists from the following countries partiApated: the,German Democratic Republic, the German Federal Republic, the USSR aad Czechoslovakia. R. MUller (R. Myuller), (Dresden), director of the Institute for Organo- silicon and Organofluorine Compounds reported in his opening address on the increasing scientific and technical importance of the investigated class of chemical compounds. F.Renglein (Karlsruhe) spoke about the synthesis of polymers containing groups the type of which is shown. G. Kolschtitter (Darmstadt) Card 1/2~ dealt in his report with theinvestigation of'the surfaces News in Brief. Scientific Conference on Organosilicon SOV/3o-53-1-29/57 compounds of compositions which form In the case of processing hydrated silicagel by the effect of trimethyl chloroeilane' The dele- gates of the Soviet Union D. N, Andreyev, M. 0. Voronkov, -A. A. Zhdanov, D. Ya. Zhinking N. S. Laznov, N. S. Nametkin, V. A. Ponomarenko reported on papers which had been published in Soviet'periodicals already at an earlier time.After the conclusion of'the conference R. MUller received the Soviet delegates and showed them the laboratories and equipment of the institute under his direction. They also undertook an excursion to Leipzigv Berlin and Potsdam which was organized by the Association of German Chemists. Card 2/2 5M- A.UTHORS: Andrianov, K * Ae, A*j sov/62-59-3-13/37 Kazakovat A' A TITLE: Synth Iesis of.New,Polymers With Inorganic Chains of Molecules novykh polimerov a neorganicheskimi tsepyami molekul) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, 11r 39 pp 466-471, (USSR) A13STRACT: In thepresent paper some reactions of the formation of new polymers with mineral chains of molecules containing aluminums titanium,-phosphorus, and oxygen atoms were investigated. By means of double decomposition ofsodium ethyl silanolate with ti.tanium-tetrachloride as wellas'of sodium trimithyl silanolate with titanium tetrachloride and aluminum chloride .dodecamethyl-titanoxy-tetrasiloxane, dodecaethyl-,titanoxy- and nonamethyl alumoxy-trisiloxane weresyn- thesized. In the investigation of tho hydrolytic stability of nonaethyl-alumoxy-trislloxane it was found that during hydro-7 lysis a simultaneous formation of polyorganosilylalumoxanes polymers withthe elomentary group of the formula -Card 1/2 5-0) AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. Lot .507/79-29-4-53/77 Kazakova,Af, A. TITLE; 'Synthesis of the Polymers With Inorganic Molecule Chains (Sintez polimerov a noorganicheskimi tsepyami molekul). I.Polyorganosiloxyphosphoaluminumoxans (I.Poliorganosiloksifos- foralyumoksany)~ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii) 1959, Vol 29, Nr 4, pp 1281 1284 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In continuation of the preceding report (Ref 1) the investiga-- tions under review show that the polyalkylailoxyaluminum phos- phates are.obtained V the polycondensation of the tris-(trial- kylsiloxy)-aluminum with or ano-phosphosilicon compounds ac- cording to schemes 1) and 2~. The nature of the resulting poly- mere depends.on the nature of the organic radical in the sur- rounding.trialkyloiloxane groups, By the condensation of tria- -(triethylailoxy)-aluminum with triethylailoMhosphinic acid or tris- (triethylsilyl)-phosphate at 200-2200 polymers were ob- tained which changed to an unsoluble, not meltablet and solid state above the afore-mentioned temperature. Under the same Card'113 conditions solidp not meltable, and unsoluble products were ,Synthesis of the Polymers With Inorganio Molecule BOV/79-29-4-53/77 Chains. I.Polyorganosiloxyphosphoaluminumoxans alsoobtained by the use of trimethylsiloxyphosphinic acid. In, confirm the scheme mentioned 2 mole of tris-(triethyl- siloxy)-aluminum were condensed with 1 mol of triethylailoxy- phosphinic acid.~In this way the condensation produot (III) Of low molecular weight was obtainedl hexaethyldisiloxan6 and wa- ter were eliminated in quantities scheme 2. The analysis of the product corresponds to the formula given in scheme 2. By the same condensation, which wasl in this casel carried out with equimolecular quantities, solid polymers of the composition 0 R SiO- -Al-O..P-0- lRdenoting H or SiR 'were. obtained. 3 3 Osin3 OSiR Powder,,not meltable products which were, at the same time,in- soluble in organic solutions resulted from the, condensation of Card 2/3 tris-(trimethyls'iloxy)-aluminum with trimethylailoxyphosphinic -5 (3) AUTHORS I Andrianov, K'. --A. g, Odinetsy I. A01 SOV/79-29-5-21/75 ...Zhdanov, A A. TXTLEt On the:Aeadtion.of.Acylatlon of A~ylaliphatic Disiloxanes: reaktsii atailirovaniya arilalifaticheaki%h disiloksanov),' (0 'Synthecis of Bis-(4#4Acatobentyl)-tetrfLmethyl-disiloxane (Sintez bis-(4,4tatsetobenzil)-tatranatildisiloksaiia) .:PERIODICALt Zhurnal obshchey,khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Ur 5, ~Pp 1499-1503 (USSIO ABSTR.ACTt' The-authors concluded fro.m the forination of benzyl.methyl chlord--silanes and acylation of b6nzyl-trimethyl silane that . ...the Priedel-Orafte redotion,may, be sucoewifully Aprlied to the ensyl alloxane,derivqtives in which the synihesis of varldue.b ' aromatio.nuolous is separated,from the silicon atom by the methy1d'fie, group* ExperimieAts indicated,that berfzyl-dimethyl- chloro~-Sllane is not destroyed in thepresence of aluminum,. chlorido-and can be used as initial product for tho cynthenin of ~is-(acetobenzyl)-tetrametliyl..~disiloxane. The benzyl- 4imethyl-bhloro silane was prepRred according to the Grigziard reaction from dimethyl-diohloro-silane~ and benzyl magnesium Card 1,13 chloride., The synt~etic,bio-(aoot-obenzyl)-tatramethyl- ------------- On the Reaction 'of Acylation of.,Arylalilohatic SOV/79-29-5-214/75 .Disildxanes. Synthesis of,.Bii-(4,4-Acetabonzy~)otdtramethyl-disiloxe-ne disiloxane.has the properties of. aliphatic-aromatic ketones and - f o'rm a'the dinitro-phonyl hydrazone In which case the Teaction!proseeds via both onrbonyl-qr9ups. On oxidation of. the bia-(acetobenzyl)-tetramothyl-disiloxane with sodium %,yVobr0mid4 in alkali, the toluic 'acid is fornea Which'irras -ot'its mothyl enter. A comraratively idebtified in1he form easy'separation of.the benzyl carb6xy-trroup is connected with the'displace-ment of the reactivity in the sy3tem of the .,oonjueated nuclear bondaft.In consequence of it-a decieaae of -the elQctron density on the.silicon nucleus and subnequent rupture of the Si-c-bond-takes place under the influence of nucleothific agents ~ When -using, alkaline 'T)o+,asziu:,i solution, the~oxldation is complete,an.d.tere~hthalic acid is formed. The formatibn'of t~e p.;-toluic and-terephthalic acid indicates that1h4.aceto-groupcomes into para-position with respect to the methylene gtoup durinC the Prieael-Crafts reaction. Properties of the compounds synthenized are given'in the table., There are I table and 6 rdfaroncesp 4 of which are Soviet, ..Card 2/3 50) SOV/79-29-8-57/81 AUTHORSt Andrianov, K. A.,-Odinetsq V. A., Zhdanov, A. A. TITLEt On the Acylation Reaction of the Aryl Aliphatic Disiloxanes. II. Synthesis of Silioon-organic Aromatic Ketones and Di- functional Kletooarboxylia Acids PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obehohey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Wr 8, :pp2 7o2 27o6 (uSSR) ABSTRACT t As the authors showed in a previous paper (Ref 1), benzyldi- . methylahlorosilane easily reacts with acetic anhydride~in the presence of AM while bis-(4-acetobenzyl)-tetramethyl- 3 disiloxane is-formed with a yield of 50%. In the prese nt .. .paper this reaction was used in the synthesis of.silicon di- carboxylic-acid and aromatic ketones. Benzy1dimethylehloro-. silane and the acylating compounds (succinic acid - phthalic anhydride and benzoylc~loride) were used as a basis (Scheme 1). -By means of the reaction the best yield was achieved in a benzene medium (50-60%).,The acylation of benzyldimethyl- chlorosilane with benzoylchloride leads to the aromatic di- Card 1/2 ketone according to scheme 2. Bis-(benzoylbenzyl)-tetramethyll- pn the Acylation Reaction of the Aryl Aliphatic Diailoxanes.SOY/79-29-8-57/81 II~ Synthesis of Silicon-organic Aromatic Ketones and Difunctional Keto-, carboxylic Acids. disilo,xane was-preoipitated (40%). It forms easily the di- nitrophenylhydrazon.e which contains 11-44 % nitrogen, and thus indicates-the presence of two ketone groups in themolecule of the synthesized,compound. The molecular refraction of this siloxane was found to be 4 units higher than that cf E. Warrick (Ref 6).(A. Do Petrov (Ref,5) found it to be higher by two units in 4-substituted silanes with one group). The data ob-,that the acylation of benzyldimethylohlorosilane is also possible 'with the anhydrides of the dicarboxylio acids and the acid,ohlorides~of the monocarboxylic acids without a noticeabledestruction of the compounds taking part in the reaction ,under the influence of hydrogen chloride ' The pro- perties of,the compounds obtained are given in the table. There are I table and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademft nauk SSSR (Institute.of Elemental.Organio Compounds of the Academy of Sclences, USSR) SUBMITTEDt July 11, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/80-32-2-52/56 'AUTHORSt Andrianov, K.A.79 Zhdanovp A.A## Kashutinal E.A. ~'TITLE:. 'Synthesis of Derived Molecular Di(triethylailoxy)-Lead With Lead,Hydroxide and Its Interaction With Titanium Tetrachloride ASintez molekulyarnogo proizvodnogo di(trietiloiloksi)svintsa a gidrookii1y.u evintsa i yego vzaimodeyetviye is chetyrekh- khloristym-titanom) PERIODICALt Zhurnalprikladnoy khimilp 1959, Vol XXXII, Nr 2, PP 463-464 (USSR) ABSTRACTs During.the development of new methods for the synthesis of trialkylsiloxymetals of the general formula (R,SiO) aosynthesis for tetra(,trieihylsiloxY)titanium from di(trie hylsil xy)-lead and titanium tetrachloride was found. The various steps of 1he-experiment are described. .1hers, are 3 referencesp 2 of which are Soviet and 1American. SUBMITTEDs ;ApAl 24, 1958 .Card a (2,3) ''AUTHORS: 'Andrianovp X.4j,:0orreaponding Member sovI26-i26-6-3216( AS USSRp Zhdanov A, Aty Kashutinaq E. A. TITLE; Synthesis of Triethyl Siloxy Derivatives of Vanadium and Antimony (Sintez trietilailoksiproizvodnykh vanadiya i surfmy) PERIODICAL:. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 6,, 'pp 1261 1263 US. R) ABSTRACT: Among the syntheses for the produotion of compounds of type ency of the netall which, Meb wheren denotes the val (R Sio) . , n ' are known at present# the interaction reaction of the trialkyl silanolates of sodium and of some other metals in of speoial interest (see scheme)..These monomers have an Si-O-Me bond and the.synthesis of polymers which have alternating metal or oz- ygen atoms in the main chain is direatly conneoted with their synthiaia. By the method, illustrated by the above schemev the authors synthesized for the first time the following compounds:' a) tetrakia-(trimethvl-,ailoxy)-titanium (Ref 1)1 b) tetrakis- trakis-(tri- -(dimethyl-phonyl-ailox )-titanium (Ref 3)j c) t y ethyl-ailoxy)-titanium (Ref 2), and d) tetrakis- triethyl-ei- 7 -Card I loxy)-tin (Ref 2). In the present paper the above mentioned Synthesis of Triethyl,,Siloxy Derivatives of Vanadium SOY/20-126-6-32/67 and Antimony metood was further developed forthe synthesis mentioned (000 schemee).'The experiments carried out.produced yields of 60- 70A 'of the 'theoretically possible yields. The lead-triethyl- -ailanolate (Ref 4) showed a considerable reactivity: by the ao- tion.ofl titanium-tetraohloride or of II vanadium oxychloride on its complex compound the following was formed: I Tetrakis- -(triethyl-ailoxy titanium or II trio-(triethyl-siloxy)-vanao~ date (see schemes~_. These reactions which were investigated by the authors with the titanium-tetra- or vanadium- -oxychloride, are,of general importance for the production of trialkyl-ailyl-derivativea of various elements. The investiga- tions of the infra-red spectra of some of the compounds-synthe- sized (by N. *'Gashnikova in the Vaesoyusnyy elaktrotekhnicheakly institut im. V. I. Lenins, - All-Union Electrotechnical Insti- tute imeni V. 1, Lenin),proved the characteristic oscillation frequences of V008i(c H ))3 which are mentioned in the papero 2 5 ''Tablell shows properties of the materials synthesized among others also of tria (triethyl-ailoxy)-stibine. There are I rd 2/3 table and 4 Soviet ;eferences. International Symposium ou maormajecul" CA4012tky.' !"Fow. 1960., lakulyarnay kniall 33M. alsepozium PC makrONO Mesbdunaroda lady I AV'tcr*fOrgtY- dok Moskva. I -It; LZ=ya 1060 S.. Go MaOrostolatcular 3ektalya LU. (Internktional 3 f-h-Istry Hold.In MOSCOW, June Papers and AN 3=, 19601 3ususaaes) Section tMoscow. lmd-TO. 469 p. 55,000 cop as panted. Tech. U. s P. 3ponscang Agencys Its Intermatlansa Union of Furs and Applied Chemistry. I stry. ponsulasloo an K&crOm0 OCULIAr ly- PURP=s This book is intendbd for chemists Interested Irk PQ the synthesis or b140 molecular mertzation reactions and couna, =a is section nx or a nuitzvoucae work contain- US Pape", an xftcx locular chemistry. The ArUcl*& In ven*ral deal with the kinetics of polyzerIzation reactions. the anthaglig of polymer*, *.S.. ton ex- Change realms, r materials, etc., methods of car- a2yzIng polym satlan "aations, properties and chemical Interactions of blo molecular materials. 'and the'arrocts or varloas factors an YolrutazatUrL amd* Znha gagradation or high mCj&Ou3Ar compognds. ~, No peracnalitias am mentioned. :3~ _V10, articles. 7 ikov, and S. S. Medv*dev v ~ koih v .0 A --- R~ zir~& ortW A41d and"P-or= on 4=-Vre Cadatloo of Aydrocarbons and Aydrocarbon Polymer* 364, Zoacy- 7 V.. and D_ KU;q-v::2*Z (Mn). ZZ047 of the a., 36-ma organio Ortanoolomental Compounds an the Thormal Degradation or Polyvinyl Chlorldo 372 Z. uttler, and P. &relsn (Czechoslovakia). ly-E-Cagrol"tan an a Result of Ex-, Ch4ants, GaCtIO12 Between A&Lds Boa" 380 Neutralization or Residual Catmayst " Polydiwtkar ljajox=e; Effect Of Thermal Neutroalzatloo an the Therms' 3tabillty or the Folvmr VtR 7- TA&r%oo=a&cxoaa! DegraAatlon or Polyesters. 3tudy or De. trodation R"ations ror Difrgrect Types of Ljng&r Polyesters 4" IE92 ~M_ B. 17 1.dvanzov "lose --Poly"r C mazens" 414 L; 0. In-vestisation 51-M-EfrZolt"y of Inn'bitarm or Rubber =4atloo at Varl- T1119 Wgn-k'ang (UM). Sech".jan *T __ the, Prozeetiv Action of Benzene 111nex During the Radio- : of PQlj t7 433 and A. 1~r~-_v (UMA). On Lhe Eydro- .y or f lymers With Zmarganic and CO. 1. 'Vo, opolynal tIcp Durlog.the fretclas or $t Solutions 334 and U_A=9X_(VSV). 1 W M M l E I 1. of A A. .-f C. lulase, by :ft%ft1nd 344 67947 SOV20-130-1-2q169 AUTHORSs Andrianov, K. A.9 Corresponding Member AS USSRa Zhdanov, At A" :Odinetag Yo As TITLEt Chloromsthylation~.f iryl-aliphatioDielloxano6. Synthesis of Uh l - oromethylbeni Idimethyloblorosilans and Its Derivatives PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii,~auk,-SOSRj, 19009,Vol 130g Nr I pp 75-78. (VSS10 ABSTRACTs The authors proved that 'the chloranethylation. of the bentyl group ' aasefully used for thesynth4sis bound,io -,aili4o-n can 146 4ue mentioned inf'.the,oubtitlejese Scheme). This reaction proceeds well in fuming,hydroohlorio.aold. Paraform ia used as an agent of ohl6rgmethylation.,.Tbe.ohl.bromethyle6tion in the presence of zinc t~ 6hiorl ,do-ia'aQcompar4ed by,~secondary processes. They form viscousl yl-!-methane g ups (see noxidiaitillible pr4duqte,coataiping.diphen ro 86b'ome)~.I'Tb~.le6lation,.')Ot-,Purb~chlo:comethylbenzyldimethylehloro- silani from the rie"adtion, mixture was',atta'Jued'by hydrolysis with excess"Wator'whilotho Ajoilorane',mixture was oplit by strong sultUtio'a6id~,in ,thel;~rerjeiioe of,ammonium chloride (see Scheme). . The'tqtal'yield ~n~ohloromethylberzyldimethylehlorosilane was 60% of 'the benzyldim4thylohlord'silans reacted, and 30/; of the qilantity used respectively. Direct;fractionation of the chlorqmothylation , Card 1/2 vacuum delivered sm"aller. produots purified with the, - ---------- Chloromethylation of Ax7l-aliphatic Disiloxanne. BOV/20-130-1-20/69 Synthesis of Chloromethylbersyldlnethylohlorosilane and Its Derivatives yields.,The end product obtained had all pro.?erties of the alkylohlorosilane halideo. By bydrolysis with waterp it readily forms,the disiloxanea Bis-(chloromethylbonsyl)-tetramethyldi- siloxane was isolated as a consequence of this reaction ( see Scheme). By the action of potaselum acetate on this latter substance in aa6tio-medium, bie-(ace,3*xymithylbe~l)-tatramethyl- disiloxane was formed. On hydrolysis of the latter compound# the JK acetate group is split off. In the first 'stage, bis-(oxymethyl- benzyl)-tatramethy1disiloxane develops which aftaiwards decomposes by the catalytic aotion of the alkali during distillation. Toluyl methanol and polydImethylelloxanes with functionai and groups as shown in the scheme are probably formed. Table I shown the properties of the nubatanoes syntheetzed. A.V. ToDchivey and X. S. Nametkin are mentioted in the paper. There are 1 table and 8-iaferenoes, 5 of which are Soviet. September 30, 19W Card 2/2 87861 S/191J60/000/005/007/020 Ito B004/BO64 AUTHORSt Andrianov, K. A.t Zhdanov, A. A., Baksheyeva, T. S. 11 ------------- TITLE: Synthesis of Organosilicon Oligomers Containing Oxyphenyl Groups PERIODICALs Plasticheskiye, massy, 1960, No. 5, pp. 18 21 TEXT: Aim of the -13resent study was the synthesis of organosilicon pol- H H 3 ymers with end groups of the following structures -0-9 0 OR. 3~ iH H3 Synthesis was carried out in.two stages. First, organosilicon oligomers with butoxy end groups were.produced. They were reacted with dihydroxyl- diphenyl propane. Phenyl-tributoxy silane, phenyl-methyl dibutoxy silane, and dimethyl-dibutoxy,.ailane were the initial compounds used. They resulted from esterification of the respective chloro silanes. The oligomers with different degree of polymerization were produced by partial hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of I mole of dimethyl-dibutoxy silane with 0.5 moles Card 1/3 47881 Synthesis of OrganosiliaonMigomers 3/19 60/000/005/007/020 Containing,Oxyphenyl aroups B004YB064 of water yielded, in the.presence of EC1, the dimer in a 73 % yiold. 41moles of dimethyl-dibutoxy.silane yielded, with ~ moles of water, 41:0etramiers 50 % hexamer,wai obtained from 6 moles of dimethyl-dibutoxy silane and' '5 moles o.f water. Partial hydrolysis of 1 mole of phenyl- tributoxy sflan; with 11 mole of water gave an 66 % yield in polyphenyl- butoxy siloxane on heating in.the presence of HC1. Phanyl-met-hyl dibutoxy silane was polymerized in'thesame w*ay, but, in the presence of NaCH. Thecomposition determined by equationA - nAn - m) was confirmed by elementary analysis (A - number.of silicon atoms in the polymer chain, n number of-moles of the substance subjected to hydrolysis, m - number of.moles of water used for hydrolysis). The oligomers with butoxy end groups were reacted, in the presence of Na- or Al butylate, with dihydroxydiphenyl propane. The, ratio of components waa 1sI. 1--n-butoxy- polydimethyl siloxane yielded a polymer with the degree of polymerization 246,- 1-n-butoxy-polyphenyl-methyl siloxane gave a polymer whose dogree of.polymerization was 2468. Determination of the butanol set free during the reaction showed that the reaction proceeds up to a yield of 80 The resulting organosilicon compounds which contained the end group Card 2/3 ~/190/60/002/007/011/017 B020052 AUTHORSt Andrianov,.K. -A.O~Zhdanov, A- A, TITL.Ht Inv.e stigation of .the Polymerization of Polyorganobiloxanes Under the Influence of Polyaluminum Ethyl Siloxanes PERIODICALs Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedineniyat 1960, Vol, 2, No* 7t PP, 1071-1076 .'TEXTs Theauthors foundthat poly'aluminum organosiloxanes reduce the re. action:time of thepolymerization of polyorganosiloxanes obtained from trifunctional, and bi- and trifunctional monomers. The reaction time of the polyorganosiloxane polymerization in dependence on'the-amount of the polyaluminum organosiloxane 'introduced, was investigated to explain the rules governing the above polymerization, Polymers produced by cohydro- lysis of methylchloro silane and phenyl trichloro silane, methyl tri- acetoxy silane, and phenyl.acetoxy silane (polymer 1-A were used for this,investigation. Polyaluminum siloxane A_ 16 (Refo 1~ was used as catalyst. Table I gives the 'tharacteristice of the polymers used. Fig. Shows the dependence of the polymerization time on the amount of the Card 1/3 Investigation of the.Polymerization of Poly- S/190J60/002/007/011/017 organosiloxanes Under the Influence of B0201BO52 :-,Polyaluminum Ethyl,Biloxanes added polymer A-160 Already with.0.5~ of the polymer A-16# a considerable reduction of-the polymerization time was found*:Pige 2 shows the dependence of the polymerization time of a 99% mixture of 1- X (I-Kh) and 1% of A-16 on the amount of dimethyl aniline and pyridinet respectively. Tho amount ~of the tertiary amine addition also reduoes the polymerization.time of the polymers 1-Kh and 1-A (Figs- 4,5)- For the evaluation of the maxims of the curves shown in Figs. 2 and 3,'the molar ratio between tertiary amine and aluminum in the mixtures invehtigat6dp:.wds calculated for points cor- responding to the maximum value of the polymerization.time (Table 2), The maximum polymerization time in all cases approximately corresponds to the equimolar ratio between the amount of the amine addition and the aluminum in the polymer molecule. The mechanism of the interaction between poly- aluminum ethyl siloxane and the organosilicon. polymer was explained by- the data obtained. Finally#,the syntheses of poly-mars 1-Kh,' I-Ap and A-16 are described. Their elementary composition is given in Table 1, The de- .termination of the polymerization time is also described, respective results being graphically presented in Figs, 1 to 5. There are 5 figures# 2 tablesp and 1 Soviet reference. .card 2/3 3/661/61/000/006/051/081 D235/D302 AUTHORS: Zhdanov, A.: A,and Andrianov, K. A. ---------- TITLE: Polyorgano-mbtallo-siloxanes and polyorgano-siloxy-,me- talloxanes At_ SOURCE. 'Khimiy i p,rakticheskoye primenoniye kur onn e o,~ jani c he s- soyedineniy; trudy konferentaii, no. 6: Do1clady, K diskuseii, reisheniye. II Vses. konfer. po khimii. i p krei~neorg. soyed., Len. 1958. L(.,nJn6rad rakt. prim. - Izd-vo AN 8SSRI 1561 220-224 'oVe TEXT A d'i se ssion of-the a 3' u paper (this publicoti on, no. 2 1,00)'s and N. P. Orlov (IKhS All 33SR, grad) , S. ~.X. Borisovi(VNIISK~~Leningrad) and M. G. Voronko*v (MiS AN SSSR, Leningrad). The following points are di.9cassed- Thernol and hydrolytic stability of the bonds silicon-oxygen-mattal; intro- duction of the elem nts magnesium and zinc into the siloxane sttruc- e ture; the formation. of oly-diethyl-alumina-siloxane; reazons for p riors; ..the-increase in thermal stability obtained by the aut. thermal Card 1/3 S/661/61/000/006/051/081 Polyorgano-metallo-siloxanes ... D235/D302 and hydrolytic stability.of poly-org'ano-titaniurq siloxanes. The thermal stability of the bonds Si-.O-M is fairiy hi,,h und a co=pound tj h as (R'SiO )Ti is h dr lized only,very slowly by water. Tiagllle- SUO Y 0 kJ reactYllie aluminum with hydroxyl containing silicon compounds to give hydrogen and the siloxane polymer containint, maoe-,, m. Re-~ 0 Au, ference is made -to a Viberg and Katnslav whera poly-di- ethyl-alumina-siloxane is obtained by reacting. the metal %-.rilth di- ethyl siloxane at 3100C; the authors only obtained a 1.5 - 2c.- yield ~by such abreaction. Alkaline hydrolysis of dimethyl-siloxane with -aluminum chloride in the.ratio ~Si-Al of 3:1 to 45:1 leads to the ..formation of gel-like polymers and in the ratio Si-Al of 60:1 to 100:1 to +1 ibbers, co-polymere similar, o poly-dimethyl-siloxana rt but the exterior is~frequently.gummy. Thermal stability of poly- organo-titanium-siloxanes is.considerably higher than for the alu- minum compounds. The bond -Si- 0_'Ti has higher thurr,,.al :jtability than the compounds'with a siloxano bond due to the offect of oxygen on Si-C'under the.actibn of titanium. The hydrolytic stability depends on,the nature of the radical connected to silicon and the molecular structure. Derivatives from elements of group V possess the greatest Card 2/3 S/079,/61/031/001/018/025 T.18114. 24019 B001[B066 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A.,,Zhdanovt A. A-j Khanat%shVill, L. It., and Shapatint A. S. 'TITLE: Reactions of Aluminum Isopropylate With SomeOrgano- phosphorus Compounds, PERIOPICALs Zhurnal obshohey khimiij 1961, Vol. '.31 ,No. 1, pp. 224 228 TEM The authors studied the,-zreaction of aluminum isopropylate with the acid chlorides of meihyl-m-cresoxy phosphinic acid and dimethyl phosphinic acid, in order to use them as initial products for the synthesis-of polymers with inorganic molecular chains. One of the initial organo phosphorus compounds, the acid chloride of methyl-m-cresoxy phosphinic acid, was obtained by reaction of methyl phosphinic acid dichloride with m-cresol at 120 - 1400C, 0 CH Ll + m CH C CH P Rol (1) 3 2 3 6H4OK .3 CH M 4 3 Card 1/3 81484 Reactions of Aluminum Isopropylato With Some S/079/61/031/001/018/025 Organophosphorus Compounda BOOI/BO66 As by-product,leonsiderable'quantities of di-m-oresyl ester of methyl. phosphinic acid Iare-formed. Higher excess of the diohloride of methyl phosphinic acid gives a larg 6 yield of the chloride of mothyl-m-cresoxy phosphinic Acid and a low yield of the afore-mentioned by-product. The reaction of the chloride of:methyl-m-cresoxy-phosphinic acid with aluminum isopropylate was expected to proceed according to the following equation: 0 C1 ;H C H + WOO H iso (i-C3H Al-O-P\ 3 3 \,,OC~H CH 3 17 C3H7Cl + 70)2 dc H CH -M 4 3- 6 4 3 However, isopropyl chloride, also the isopropyl-m-cresyl ester was separated.which Islindicative of side reactions. At an elevated reaction temperature (140 - MOO still more complicated compounds resultedl which renders the separation of individual reaction products very difficult. To confirm the assumption on the course of reaction, tris(methyl-m-cresoxy-phosphinoxy)aluminum was synthesized. The reaction was carried out at'90 - 1000C to avoid separation of the cresoxy group. Under these conditions, tria(methyl-m-cresoxy-phosphinoxy)aluminiim resulted in a yield of'59 isopropylehloride in a yield of 67 which. Card 2/3 Reactions of Aluminum Isopropylate With Some 3/079/61/031/001/018/025 Organophosphorus Compounds Booi/Bo66 oonfirmed~the predicted course of reaction. The reaction of dimethyl phosThinio acid with aluminum isoprop ylate takes place according to equati n (5): 0 POH + (i-C 3H70)3Al (1 -03 H7 O)2Al-O-P(CH3)2 + i-C 3H7 OH. This is confirmed by a,,nearly quantitative separtiion of isopropyl alcohol (99'%). According towultimateanalysist the product distilling from the reaction mass-at 1640C corresponds to dimethyl-phosphinoxy-(diisoprbpyl) aluminum which is conta.minated. The vitreous,, colorless product is soluble ill common aromatic solvents. G. B. Ravich and I. F. Manucharova are thanked for their cooperation...There are.1 figure,and 10 references: Soviet,2 British# 2 German, and TCzech6slovakian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology) SUBMITTED; February 20, 1j60 Card 3/3 31193 S/079/61/031/012/007/011 D258/D301 ~AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Zhdanov,- A.A., and Odinet8, V. A. TITLE; The addition of aromatic derivatives to vinyl methyl diohlorosilane PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 31, no, 12, 19619 4033- 4038 VEXT,.- The authors showed that.theaddition of either berzene, to- luene, chlordbenzeneor diphenyl to vinyl methyl dichlorosilane yields the corresponding (0-aryl ethyl)-methyldichlorosilanes and also a higher boiling by-product; ArH + OH2 - CHSi(OH 3)C12 A101 .;3.ArCH2 CH2si(CH 3)C1 2 ... (1). The by-product was isolated in the case of benzene and identified as bie-(2-dichloromethyl silyl ,ethyl)-benzenet formed on further reaction of the primary product with a second molecule of the silane: Gard 1/3 311913 3/079/61/031/012/007/011 Th-e-addition of aromatic D258/D3O1 A101 C H CH CH Si(CH )Cl + PH CHSi(CH )C1 1 5 2- 3 2 3)S'( 02, 2 6 2 2 3 2 2( CH C H (2) 6 4 The primary addition products were converted to the corresponding silane diols by acetylation with CH COOK and subsequent hydrolysis. The infrared-a ectra of all these diols confirm the presence of 1258 cm- Si-CH groups aromatic nucleus and of SiOR .,groups-(830 - 880 cm The authors conclude that the phenyl com- pound adds on in the B-position (with respect to Si). The syn- theses ofthe primary addition products are then described: The melting points of the benzene,"toluene, chlorobenzene and di- phenyl derivatives were 80-81, 709 89-919 and 132-1346C reapec- tively. There are 4 figuresi 1 table and 3 references: 1 Soviet- .bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as.followe; G. H. Wagner, D. L. Bailey, A. H. Card 2/3 37775 5r I 1 10. S/661/61/000/006/0613/081 D247/D302 AUTHORS; Konstantinova, N. G., Zhdanov, A. Andrianov, K. Sharov, IA. Ya., Kyutnd-T-;, M7 Wo 4ainid~Zzakharov, A. A. e 1 cquer coatings based on silico-organic, TITLE Thermostabl a polymers SOURCE: Khimiya i prakticheskoye,primeneniye kremneorganiches- kikh soyedineniy;l,trudy konferentaii, no. 6: Doklady, diskusaii, resheniye. II Vses. konfer. po khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Len. 1958. Leni,ngrad,.,- Izd-vo 'AN SSSR119619 296-299 TEXT: Astudy was made...of the thermostability of several lacquer.- painted materials on the basis of different film-forming substan- ces. The silico-organic resin K-47 was modified by the use oforga- nic polymers to give a hard I oold-drying coat of increased thermo- stability. The metallic Isurface and its preparation was found-to- have a great influence on thq~adhesion, the protective properties and the thermostability of the coatings. In the discussion, the Card 1/2 61/138/002/020/024 2209 B103YB220 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A~ Corresponding Member AS USSRp and ''Zhdanov A.4.' TITLE: m r Polyoondensation as a ethod of p oducing polydialkyl 6116xane and polyaluminum dialkyl ailoxane elastomers PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk,SSSR. Doklady, v. 138f no. 2t 1961, 361-362 TEXT: A new.mathod of synthetizing polydialkyl siloxane elastomers having chains is discussed. It is based on the polycondensa-. tion of bi-funational oligomers with bi-funational silicoorganic monomerso This prooese-takes.plaoe in 2 stages: 1) production of oligomers by the known methods (see diagram no. 1);~2) polycondensation or heterofunctional polycondensation of the monomers produced, whereby elastomers of high molecular weight are.formed. Of the elastomers having inorganic principal chains and.framing organic radicals only polydimethyl siloxane elastomers including modifications are known. Up to-the present, it has not been possible to produce e 'lastomers by hydrolysis and polycondensation or by heterofunctional polycondensation of different bi-functional monomeral the Card 116 8/020/61/138/002/020/024. Polyodndeneation an a method of producing..* B103/B220 side reactions caused the formation of linear as well as.oyclic products. The characteristic of the:method described by the FAuthore in based on the faot,that in the.two-stage process mentioned.the formation of cycles of low,molecular weight in the final stage is impossible., The oligomers subject to polycondensation have suoh.a degree of polymerization that ring formation becomes Impossible. From elaBtomers produoed by this method) types of rubber can be produced by vulcanization, which have properties analogous tothose of standard,polydim6thyl siloxane rubber. Furthermore, the authors Ptated that differently~high polycondensated a,&)-dihydroxy polydimethyl siloxanes undergo:the following reaotionu, whereby linear ..~,polymers are formed with atoms of aluminum, titanium, or boron in the in- organio,polymer chain-, aluminum:butylate gives VCH (0C Hq) 01 3)25'0128[A' 4 with a molecular weight.of 30000; tributoxy boron given -[(CH 3)2S'0335 [B (0C4 H90 molecular weight-,34000i tetrabutoxy titanate gives L(CH H ) 01 Dependent on the functional end groups 3)ZS'01351~'_(004 9 ofthe oligomerat thepolyoondensation can proceed with formation of various products of low molecular weight (see diagram no. 2). The 'Card 216 ~3/020 MIJ8/002/020/024 Polycondensation as a method of producing... B103 B220 Polymers produced by the~authore are-elastic solable substances with a molecular weight of 100000,to 2,00000. Those having a metal atom in the chain are highly reactive due to the retaining of the functional group, atthe metal atom.' The rubber ma:terialop thus obtained, are similar to those produced,from polydimethyl siloxanes, but have still better Propertieea'- aqw-dichloro polydimethyl siloxanes were produced bythe abovementione,d"Methodes K. A Andrianov,:V. V. Severn B G. Zavin 41 Izv. AN SSSR, OKhNj being printed)$ Cl[(cII ~'S'ioj Si (CH 3 2 41 3)2C' Therefrom,-.oli produ gomers were ced with siloxane chains of various lengths ~.from which a,io-dihydropolydimethyl siloxanes.were obtained by hydrolysis. 'These siloxanes were produced equally from dimethyl diacetoxy siloxane. Mention is made of white soot Y-333 40 (U-333 40) and of the method of determining.the molecular weights by Terentlyevy which isp however, not explained in detail. The polymer L(C6 H)(CH )3iOAl (00 H9) 0]. was 5 3 4 produced from phenylmet.hyl diacetoxy.silane with aluminum butylate. There are 1 table and 5 referenoess- 3 Soviet-bloo and'2 non-Soviet-bloo. The 1,tworeferences to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 2s J. P. Hydey J. Am. Chem. Boo-P 75, 2166 (1953); Ref. 31 T. Takiguchil Card 3/6 23837 3/020/61/136/002/o20/024 Polyoondensation as a method of producing.#. B103/B220 Bull. Chem. Boo. Japan, 32, 556 (1959). ..ASSOCIATIONs Institut.elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR:(Institute of Element4l-organio Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR) z--4 S/06 61/000/007/0C4/009 -'t' 17 0 2521h BI 17YI3215 AUTHOR,t Zhdanov, A. A#O,Andrian6vp K& A.# and Bogdanova, A. A,' TITLEs Reaction.of aluminum chloride with dialkyl oyclosiloxanes PERIODICALs' Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, not-7s' :1961t 1261 1266 TEXTt -The.interaction of aluminum chloride with dimethyl- and diet4yl eyblosiloxanes was investigated in a study of the methods of producing polyalumo-organ.osiloxanea#. Alflask with mixery thermometer# rooooler, and cooling vessels for collecting thereaction produot.e. were used for-the experiments. It was found that aluminum chloride riaote easily with dimethyl- and diethyl cyclosiloxanes at equimolecular.ratios. Crystallino reaction products are formed which.are quantitatively sublimated in vacuo. In the'examinationof the reaction mixture obtained by reaction between t 00trethyl oyclotetraoiloxane and aluminum chloride (mixing 'iMe I10 hr at. 120 C), the following reaction ProductSrW8re is8latedt 1~3-diohloro tetramethyl disiloxane# boiling point: 32, 360C ~10 mm IP5-dichloro trisiloxaneg boiling point, 72 75 Go 10 mm 197-dichloro octamethyl tetrasiloxane, boilingrpoints go - 95 C 10 MM)l a Card 1/4 S/062/61/000/007/OC4/009 Reaction of aluminum chloride ... B117/B215 crystalline substance, boiling points 152 0 153"C, of the empirical composition 0 H- 0 C1 Si k1 The formation of theae products in the e 24 6 , y 4 3' reaction mixture followed the scheme 2 [(CIr +3AlCl --)G H 0 01 Si Al + 2C I Si 001 3)2B'01 4 7 3 -8 24 6 5 4 3 4 12 2 2 The crystalline substance-of...the above empirical formula showed a constant composition in repeated sublimation. On the basis of analytical data and studies it may be assumed that the respective substance contains, a complex,aluminum.ohloride molecule. The reaction between alumigum 0 chloride and hexamethyl cyclotrisiloxane (mixing times 6 hr at 50 - 60 C) is similar to the previous one, with the only difference that besides the crystalline substance also dimethyl dichlorosilane and highest ato - dichloro poly.siloxanes.are.formed. This process may be expressed by the scheme 2 [(CH + 3 A101 C H 01 Bi Al + 2C H Biel 3)2S'O1 3 3 - 8 2406 5 4 3 .2 6 2* Similar ethyl derivatives were isolated in the reaction between alum num chloride and oo'taethyl cyclotetrasiloxane (mixing times 11 hr at 120~ C) Card 2A 25214 8/062J61/000/007/004/009 Reactionlof aluminum chloride B117/B215 13-diohloro.tetraethyl,,dioiloxanej boiling points 85 0 - 9009 00 mm), 0 1:5,dichloroboxaethyl tribiloxanet boiling points 124 - 131 C (10 MM)l 0 0 Ig4-diohloro octaethyl tetrasiloxanes boiling points 131 C 145 C (10 mm); a crystalline substance which is sublimated at 225 6a - 2330 CS melting points 112,'C (unstable), of the empirical composition C H 0 Cl Si Al . The stritntures of.the crystalline substances are 6 61n5 811miloar . both.hses. An icienticalo crystalline substance of the above composition and highest polydiethyl siloxanes were obtained in the reaction between aluminum chloride and hexaethyl cyclotrisiloxane (mixing time, 5 hr at 8000., Conclusion: Rupture of the cycle takes place in the interaotionlof aluminum chloride and the above cyclic dialkyl siloxanesq and a-chloro- W-dichloro alumoxydialkyl polysilox- anesare formed. The latter then separate ajW -dichloro polysiloxanea and form cyclic compoundes.1-chloro-313i5,5-tetramethyl cycloalumo- disiloxane and 1-chloro-30,5,5-tetraethyl cycloalumodisiloxane. These compounds werelioolated and characterized in the form of com- plexes with aluminum chloride. There is I non-Sovist-bloc reference. Card 3/4 KORSHILK, V.V.; VINOGRADOVA, S. -V.j FRUNZE, T.M.j GRIWVAp I ZHDANOV A A MOZGOVA''K.K,.,- KRO14 i 0 'GAUZ) Ye.S., red.izd-va,- VA S' 17MMIRO P *G. to [Chemistry aid technology of synthetic macromolecular.compoundes Haterocyclia'~4*pounds],.'Khimiia i tokhnologiia sintatichaskikh Vy8ok=olsku1iarnykh soedinenii. (1,eteratsepnye soedineniia; Moskva; Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1940 721 p. (Itogi nauki: Khimicheakie nauki, no.7) (mIRA 3J+: 11) ~Chlen-korrespondent, AN SSSR (for Korshak). ~(Macrowlecular cornpounds) compounds) 27491 S/062/61/000/009/006/01~, 8 Ila B1171BI01 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A.p Zhdan ovi A, -'A. Iand Odinetef V. As. -TITLE: Synthesis of liquid lin-hexamethyl-poly(phenyl-athyl)-methyl siloxanes and investigationrof their properties PERIODICAL: -Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9v 1961v 1615-1624, TEXT: The lowest-molecularmembers of the polymerhomologous-series of i,n-h7examethyl-poly(phenyl-'ethyl)-methyl s"iloxan'es were synthesized-and their properties studied. Thework was undertaken to study the dependence of the polar properties of theseliquid organo-silicon polymers on various polar substituents at the benzenexing. The polar properties were studied on the basis' of the of viscous flow and the temperature dependence of the viscosity.- The flowing initial substances were used forthe synthesie, (phenyl-ethyl methyl-dichloro silane (C H C H (CH )SiCl , b.p. 900-9200 (5 mm'99~)p (tolyl-ethyl)-methyl-di- 6 5 2 4 3 2 chloro silane,(CH 3C6H4 C2H 4(CH3)SiCl2, b.p~i 1030-10500 (2 mm Hg), (chloro- Card 11/6 27491 8/062/61/000/009/006/014 Synthesis of liquid 1jn-hexamethyl- B1171BI01 phenyl-pt~yl)-~ethyl-dichloro silane* a H (CH )SiCl2p b.pe_ -4 2 4 3 1240-1-2'60C (2 M'm Hg).- The synthesis a theoaliflompoundb is described in Ref. 11 (K#*A. Andrianov et al,.~Zh~- imii (in print)). The liquid polymers were obtained bylthe ~biit'hy drolysis of toluene solution of mixtures of these compoundsmith trime"thyl-chloro silane (b.p. 580-590C) at 90-950C., Polymers of varying degreeslof polymerization, according to the reactant ratio, may be,isolated'from~the reaction mixture (Table I)- Hydrolysis of ethereal solution of (phenyl).-methyl-dichloro silane yielded clic polymers also:, tri(phenyl-ithyll)-trimethyl cyclotrisiloxane c rC6 H5C2H4(CH3)SiO], and totra(phenyl-et.hyl)-tetramethyl cyclotstrasiloxane 1C6H5C2H4 (CH 3)"'014 - Evaluation.of the.,infrarea spectra of the compounds investigated indicates that the addition of the vinyl aromatic nucleus takes place in P position? giving P-substituted derivatives. The density of the liquids was determined pyonometrically. Viscosity measurements were carried out by standard methods with an Oetwuld-Pinkovich viscosimeter. Data on the activation energy of viscous flow and the temperature coefficients of the viscosity are shown in Table 2. It was found that for the lowest-molecular members of the homologoua series the Card 216 7 r S/062/62/000/003/008/014 B117/B144 A.5. P/ P7 0 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K#:AF1 -A ~ot and Kashutina,E A. TITLE: Synthesis of ~o-lyorganosiloxano-oligomerswith terminal lonate ma groups PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 355R. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, noi 3t 1962, 454-456 TEM, The joint hydrolysis 'of dimethyl-diethoxy silane and (diethyl thyl)dimethyl-ethoxy silane was studied, Dimethylchloromethyl- malonylme ethoxy silane synthetized by the method described by K. A. Andrianov and M. A. Golubenko (Ref. 4: Dokl. AN SSSR 112, 257 (1957)), boiling pplnt 131-1330C, dimethyl-diethoxy silane, boiling point 112-1160C and freshly distilled malonic.ester were used. The reaction was shown to take a smooth course in slightly acid medium,without cleavage of ethoxy groups in malonic eater rests. Polyorganosiloxane-oligomers with terminal malonate groups are formed here... Investigation of infrared spectra of the compounds ..produced showed.that the malonic ester residue is not added to the 0 xygen atom, but 'to the carbon atom. The following compounds were synthe ti zed: .--Card .1 5/062/62/000/003/008/014 Synthesis of,polyorganosilbxane-oligomere*~o B117 /B 144 (diethylmalonylmethyl) dimet'hylethoxysilanef C H 0 Si, yield 42 clear,. 10 19 4 20 20 colorless liquid, boiling,point 120-1230C (5 mm Ha n 1.4312, d 1-00581 D 4 -MR 71-29; 1,3-bis-(diethylmalonylmethyl)tetramethylailoxane, C H 0 20 38 9 2' 93 Yield 78-4 %,,cleari colore a liquid, boiling point 184-1880C (2 mm Hg), 20 20 ..1-4425t d 1-0588, MR 119-94;,1,5-bis-(diethylmalonylmethyl) nD 4 hexamethyltrisiloxane, C28'44010 Si 31 heavy, colorless liquid, boiling poinV 20 20-234cc (7-13 mm Hg) n2 1. CI I 4363, 0425, MR 138-93; 1,7-bis- D 4 (diethylm lonylmeth 1)ootamethiltetrasilaxane, C Si , clear color- a Y 24H5 0 11 4 0 26 2. less liquidp boiling point 2142-12550Q (8-10 mm Hg), nD 1-4338, d 4 1-0375? MR 157-56; 1 17-bis (diethylmal'onylmethyl)octadecamethylnonasiloxaneI 20 a H Si n 1.425 d20 1.0190, LIR 250-66; 1,37-bis-(diethyl- 34 800~16 9 D of 4 malonylmethyl)octatricontamethylnonadeoasiloxane, C H 0 Si clear, 19P 20 20 54 140 26 -viscous liquid, n d 1.0068f Al N. S. Leznoy and D 1o4165f R434-40- 4 Card-- 2/3-_...I_.':I . . . .. . 11 If tot ~~WiIJP 16635 s/o62/62/000/004/004/013 BIIO/B1O1 AUTHORSs Andrianov, K,A., and Zhdanov, Ae A. r= ~TITLE% Polyboron dimethyl ailoxanes .-PERIODICALs. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh n6ukp no. 4, 1962, 615-619 TEXT: Polyboron dimethyl a iloxanes, which are of interest as slastomers (molecular~weight 200,000-400,000), were produced by heterofunctional polycondensation as described by the,authors (Dokl. AN SSSR 134, 361 (1961)). In the first staget,326 g 1.1 moles) of octamethyl cyclotatrasiloxa Ine was tolomerized,in the presence of 2-37 9 (0-0184 moles) of dimethyl dichlorosilane in anautoclave for 4 hre at 2000C. The resultant substance, 79 9 of,colorless,,viscous U,w-dichloro polydimethyl siloxane.(Clsi(CH 3)20 [Si(CH 3)2 0] 705 i(CH P201) was hydrolyzed in acetone and benzene-by means of sodium bicarbonate, whereby 72 g of colorleas, viscous o(f(,J-dioxy polydimethyl siloxane, [(CH Sio] was 2 m obtained. ..The molecular weight of the compound was oalculated from Card 1/# :9 ~,F --l I - i_.,. S/062/62/000/004/004/013 'Polyboron dimethyl siloxanes B110/B101 -association, The characteristic viscosity of the roaetion mixture of (4-dioxy polydimethyl.siloxane and tributoxy boron does not increase at 200C at ratios of 10 or.10. Measurements of viscosity showed that the removal of the resulting butanol with carbon dioxide accelerated the reaction. After 30-min heating at 2000C, the specific viscosity of the 8% solution increased to 0,946, butanol being obtained in a quantity of 43% of the theoretical amount. The gel-like, polymeric substance, which is soluble in polar and apolar solvents, was also formed after 30-40 min heating at 15000 in vacuo. Its vitrification temperature (-1250C) and yield point (-5000) were established by thermomechanical investigations. It is elastic on sudden deformation, capable of springbacks on shocks, but flows under slow stress as in the case of polyaluminosiloxanes, coordination bonds are assumed toexist between oxygen andboron atoms in the siloxane chainst Card 4/5 37h03 5/062/62/000/005/005/008 B110/B101 /5-9c~ os- AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A.,,and Zhdanov, A. A.' IIITLE;~ Synthesis of po~raluminoorganosiloxanes with molecules of a periodic network structure PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 5, 1962, 837 840 TEXT: The polycondensation,of,a,Q-dioxypolydimethy1 siloxanee (K. A.,; Andrianov et al. (Dokl. AN.5.53R 134, 1347 (1961)) with aluminum butylate vras investigated. When the components were'in a proportion 30, the followihg"reaotion took 2000c, Clls~ 0 Isi (CIWI 0172 ll AI(OC,11,)3+3110 -~i-o li Al 0 ISI (Clip)$ 0171 It + 3Cjll,0lj In'the first stage of.polyco ndensation, the intrinsic viscosity changed very slowly, increasing from 0.05~ to 0.092 within 48 ~re. This indicateal the formatiQn of a branched oligomer with a central aluminum atoms whereby, Card 1/4 S,/062/62/000/005/005/008 Synthesis of ~po3Vaiumiriodrganosiloxanes ... B110[B101 rease in viscosity from 0.092 to 0.263 during polycondenvation for I nc 32 hre. At a ratio. 1:1, linearpolycondensation takes places At (0C,11,), + HO ISI (CHs): 0172 11 At - 0 JSI (CI13)sOI71-Al 0 [SI (CHj)s 0113-w-Al0+ C&1160H oc,~ If, OC4116 This results from the change,in viscosity during polyconden&ation at 180 and 2000C. At 2000C, viscosity rises from 0.092 to 0.164 after pollycon- densation for 14 hrs, but at a ratio 30 this value is only reached after 72 hrs. At room temperature, the 3:1 polymer with an intrinnic viscosity and ether, but of 0.263 is very elastic, soluble in benzene, toluene, 0 becomes insoluble when kept on at a temperature of 200 C., It 0 is.elastic over a wide range and has a vitrification temperature ofv-60 C. The high' elasticity of its periodic network structure is due to the large spacing flexibility of theAlatoma and the.,considerable of the polydimethyl room temperature, the linear molecule is elastic, siloxane chaifts. At readily soluble in organic solvents, and has a wider range of elasticity than 'the network polymer.- There~arei 3 figures. Gard )/4 38718 9/191/62/000/007/005/011 B124/BI44 AUTHOR.S., Andrianov, K. -A.,_~4 ~anov, ~A. A~. :11TLE Some peculiarities in the structure of polyorgan6ailoxanes and polyorganometal ailoxanee Placticheakiye massy, no. 7, 1962, 24-27 Froblems.concerning the structure of polyorganosiloxanes and polyorganometal siloxanes are discussed on the basis of earlier papers by the authors and in publications from the USA. The flexibility of. Si-O-Si bonds surrounded by organic groups is proved by the formation of cyclic compounds (e.g. octamethyl oyclotetrasiloxane) -in the hydrolysis of aqueous dimethyl dichlorouilone solutions, the.eize of the resulting ring being dependent on the type of organio. groups on the Siatom. Cyclic polymers of the structure Card 116 I S/191j62/000/007/005/011 Some peculiarities in the structure ... B124/BI44 are formed in the synthesis of polymers with inorBanic chain moloculeD by hydrolysis and condeneation. Polyalumaphenyl- or polyalumoethyl siloxanes: R R R R -0-sj-o-Sj-O-SI-O-SI-O-AI- OH: 01A 0 0 16.5 10.5 10.5- l' from the cb .reau hydrolyeis of phenyl trichlorosilane or ethyl trichloro- silane with AlCl3f as well as.from reactions of Cl 11 011a. with 6 5S'(OF')2 1 2CS04)3 they a re readily soluble in organic solvents and do not melt at 700OC; their s I tructure may be stated as.follows: R R S 0 0 SI Al \ /l\ Card 416 b R 0 0 S/191/62/000/007/005/011 Sbme peculiaritiou in the structure B124/BI44 Polytitanophdnyl ailoxanen with the struoturet 0 R 0 R 0 \S. Si i 0 Si, Ti. 0 R 0 0 0 are also formed in the cohydrolysis of phenyl triohlorooilane or phenyl sodium oxydihydroxysilane with'TiC1 A, similar structure was determined 4* for polytitanoethyl- and polytitanomethyl siloxanea. This also occurred in polvareenophenyl ailoxane of cyclolinear structure obtained by cohydrolyeis of AsCl and phenyl trichlorosilane, as well as in poly- phenyl siloxane synthesized from phenyl. trichlorosilane. Thus it has been proved that the synthesis of the polymers here mentioned proceeds via cyclic compounds with functional-groups which react with one another ~o Card 5/6 ACCESSION NR:' AT4033984 sloooo/63/000/000/0045/0052 VAUTHORI, Zhdanov,.A. A.,,. Andr I anov, K., A. .~'TITL9: Mechanlord of formation of A) contalilng silicones In the reaction of_ aluminum butylate with dialkyV, (alkyaryl) dIacetoxy9I lanes CE Get kom6l kulyarny*ye so edinent a (Heterochain macro- s ar6tsepny*ye.vy*so 6 y y 'molecular compounds); sbornik statay. Moscow, lzd-vo "Nauka.11 1963, 45-s2 TOPIC TAGS*:' aluminum butylate, polymer, silicone, acatoxysilane, butyl acetate, aluminum containing silicone, dimethyidlacetoxystiane, phenylmethyidiacatoxysilane. diethyidiacetoxysitaine, trimethylacetoxystiane, polycondensation, heterorunctional polycondensation, acetate grotip, acatoxy group, butoxy group, polyorg nosi)oxane u ABSTRACT: Mixtures of aluminuih b tylate (I; bep, 296-297c/24 mm) with phenyl- methy)dlacetoxysilane (11; b.p. 127C/7 mm, acetate group (49-78%). dFethy).diace- toxysilane (111; b-P, 95-97C/20 mm; a9 58-52%), dimethyldlacatoxysi lane (IV; b.poi 65-67C/.20 mm; ag 66-76%) or trimethylacetoxysilane (V; bop, 102-105C/ag 45.18%), were heated in an oil bath to'200C and kept at that temperature for 30 hours to study the formation of polymets containing the Si.O-Al bond. Reaction withilb III and IV proceeded rapidly at 140-160C, with formation of a polymerproduct j (Al-contalnlng sll 'Icona).and precipitation of butyl acetate* Dimethyidibutoxysi- Card 1/2: . . 0, , I I I I -r --, - ~7 7~ ~ . a ., , I i I ill 'I. ill=, 1,111.1-19 ACCESSiox NR: Ap4o35102 8/0191/64/000/009/0023/0026 A.34.; Andrianov K. A. Ba"heyevaj. T. Be; Polikimin No Ai; AUZHOR 'ZbdAwv#- P lavitr,47j. MO, MI. TITIZ*., lnveatl~ption of ths'propertles of ors''='Goilicon polymers containing hydro5' henyl &oupa& SOURCE:~ Plasticheakiye massyr*,0 no. 5..., 1964 00-26 TOPIC ~06: silicon polvwr) hydroxyphi4yl containing siloxane, eater e.reiction, polymer chain grovth,, di~henylolpropane., polyphenylbutox3r- Siloxaqao dianoi: rcaction product,, mol4od compa''teitionj.pbysical property) mechanical-. property#, crejoi liWmge, polymerizatioix The4eaction of forming org ano silicon compounds containing the hydroxy- p enyllgroupp end the properties of the proiuA polymers were inventigated. The hydro enyl group can be introduced into th~ siloxano chain by ester interchanSe _of'thq diphen*1pMane (diane) with orgwosilicon polymers or oligomqra contain- ing bu;_ x7 grovps~oa the silicon atom., -If the olicamer has only teminal butoxy SroUYS Iths pw?,~ct formed VIU have di=e gropps at the ends of the chain, If the -A t.11, ACCESSION NRs S/0190/64/006/1005/0940/0944 AP4037291'- AUTHOR: ZhdanoV At 9 AndrLanov, K. As$ Kazakova# A* A* 'I ~-Baksheyavao To So;, 110' ~TITLZt Poly Oro with inorganic backbone, Synthesis of polYorgano ','phosphoroalu mLnoxones SOURCE I Vy*sokooolekulyarny*ye soyedinenLya, v, 6, no# 5# 1964 940-944 TOPIC TAGSt polymers, inorganic backbone containing polymer,~pho phorus containing polymer, alumLaum,containLng polymer, alumLnoxanet 1 rganophosphoroaluminoxanel, aluminum containing polymsthylpho#-',j-- PO YO IV phonate, aluminum othylateg aluminum butylate, diethyl methylphos- phonatep dLbutyl methylphoaphonateg diphanyl methylphosphonate, polycondensationt methylphosphonyl chloride ABSTRAM 'The reaction of aluminum alcoholates with some derivade, .'j,,tivas.,of methylphosphonic acids and the properties of the con dens products obtained have been studied#. 'Aluminum athylate or i CAM, 1/3