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December 31, 1967
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MEMO Kim, YKER) D,M.; ZEVINp L,S#; KONSTAMINOV., I.Ye.; ALEMEYEV, VRA. Use of a proportional counter for X-ray diffraction amnlyses. Izv. AN SSSR*- ~* Ser. fiz. 26 no.3:388-394 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2) lo 111auchno-issledovatel'skiy institut slyudy., asbestotzementnykh izdeliy i proyektirovaniyastroitellstva prodpriyatiy alyudinoy promyshlemosti i Moakovskiy inzhanerno-fizicheskiy Institut. (Counting devices) (X rays-Diffraction) UVIN, L.S,;; VOROBS "P, A, O.V. Methods of studying the toxture3 of thin coatings. Zav.lab. 28 no.6:694,697 762. (11 MI 15:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'sIdy institut stekla. (Motallic films) UR1036316610021002/0380AG383 ACC NRt AYOUQ7(2t.)2~ (Al _G_. S.-;,-Drlova -7ye *-M-. zc~ -3 JAUTHOR: Bogdanova,... ORG State'-,Glass ns tjt,e sudarstvennyy institut stekla) TITLE: Amount of the crystalline phase as a function of haeat treatment 1:1 conditions in Migrocrystalline glasses (Pyrocerama)60f the $10 -AI203-____- BaO-TIO2 systemt~? SOUROE: ANSSSR. Neorganicheskiye materialy, V ~no.2 , J 96 -380-383 TOPIC, TAGS:,.:, glass Propelty, X ABST AOT: The article reports a study of the dependence on I., e at treat- me-at conditions of the amouht of 'the crystalline p1lave In mAcrocrystaJ.- line gla2scs Oflnoveral different Compositions, Iii -which Vk.-,ie product of Orvqltallizatlo~6is only beta celsian, and -the properties of Wicuo micro-: 6i d to , line Glasses. The composition ot the glasses corresponde 05-i 85 iieight % celsian. The aim of the vork was invest1gation 3f the-'j3OS8_;__ ibility of controlling the irt. a- ___6on en o- _..b~eta celsian In the m1avocrystalline -1ven-,-system TU t Ws glaaserj ~ia,, determined by qdda-Utative x-ray analyals. A f1p;ure sho the dependence ol the amount:of beta celslan on the heat treatm6ut tein P7 jerature. 1/2 TIDO: I A r,42.6q Card S/048/62/026/003/(1;081/015 B152/B102 AUT"HORS: Kheyker, D. M., Zevin, L. S., Konstantinov, I. Ye., and Alekseyev, V. A. TITLE: Application of a proportional counter to x-ray di*,~fract-ion studies PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziches'lcaya, v. 26, no. 3, 1962, 388-394 TEXT: By applyine.a proportional counter the authors wert able to reduce the relative background level in roentgenograms. The counter had beryllium side windows and was filled with a mixture of xenon (300 mm 116) and isopentane (30 mm H&). The amplitude resolution 2.3' N is the number of initial ion pairs produced by one quantum) for CuK. was 13 -,"a, and the efficiency for the same line was 72 ~-. A bloc:k diagram of the experimental device is shown ill Fig- 5. The amplification factor 5 should be of the order of 10 and the noise amDlitude should not exceed 1/1.0 of the signal amplitude. In order to reduce the back6round level, Card 113. S/048/62/026/003/008/013 Application of a -proportional'-.. B152/B102 a preamplifier (factor 14) is connected in 3e-riesito the counter. The CuKa and FeKa fluorescence lines are separated without additional. changes.* The FeK and CoK pulses can be separated only when a channel is displaced and the CuX rate is lowered. CoK and CuK are not separable. On a a inserting a 0-filter also CuK and CuK could be resolved. The investiga- tion shows that roentgenograms can be improved when the backgroui.-.d pulses arb,*~~uniformly spread, over the amplitudes. The collaboratore; oT the 3KB of x~-ray tubes, above all M. 1. Teuman and Ye. M. Fridman, are thanked for their assistance in the construction of the counter body. There are 7 figures, 3 tables, and 8 references: 2 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as follows-.. P. J. Black, J. B. Porsyth, J. Scient. Instrum., 36, no. 9, 392 (1959); A. R. Lang, J. Scient. Instrum., JI, no. 3, 96 (1956); Jun-ichi Chikawa, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, .15, no- 4, 602 (1960); W. Parrish, T. R. Koller, Rev'. .Scient. Instrum., -27, no. 10, 795 (1956). Card 2b. S/048/62/026/003/'008/013 Application of a proportional... B152/B102 ASSOCIATION: NIIasbesttsement, Aloskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut (ScientificResearch Instituti: of Asbestos and Ceme'-,it, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) Fig. 5. Block diagram of the experimental device for the proportional counter: -W proportional counter, (2) high-voltage rectifier "Orekh", -2 (USh-2), (4) base am lifier ~W-10 (M-10) ~3, preamplifier of ~'b -1 (6) intensimeter KC (ISS),' 5 differential discriminator AA90-1 (AADO 7 automatic recorder )-!.f'-Og (EPP-09)~ (8). scaler, (9) electromechanical counter. r 4 sip 501 I 4V L --------- Fig. 9 Card 3/3 GOV/70-4-3-24/32 .AUTFIORS: Zevin,,L.S. and Leyzerzon, M.S. TITLE: On the Question of the Position of the Potassixua Ion in the Structure of Mica PERIODICAL: K.ristallografiya,.1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, PP 422-423 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An electron density synthesis: Pz ~F Cos z 00t, was made forthree specimens of phlogopite. TWO wore -Aldan phlogopites (hardand.hydrated) and the other a, synthetic fluor-phlogopite. The, OOOL inte:nsities were measured with a URS-501 diffractometor. Absorption corrections were included. Test syntheses.with, F values were also made for the two cases: 1Y K :atoms half-way between silicate sandwiches (z =.0'!-50Y. and k 2) K atoms in between the 0 atoms of the upper and lower sandwiches (z = 0.42 and 0.58). The, objiact of the k Card 1/2 'Que SOV/70-4--3-24/32 On th6 ation of the Position of the Potassium lon in the Structure of Mica exerciso. was to distinguish experimentally between these hypothes es. In case 1) the K-0 distances are all about 3.1 A which is larger than the stun of the ionic radii (2-7 X), whereas in ease 2) the K ion vrould be in close contact with the 0 atoms on one side. The .resillts shoed quite decisively that z 0-50 . The considerable,series termination effects do not affect this conclusion. There are I figure and 5 referenaes., of which are Soviet and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: NII ASBESTTsEMENT -SUBMITTED: December'19, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/20-120-4-45/67 AUTHORS: Berkovich, T..M., Kheyker, D. M., Gracheva, 0. 1.? , Zevin, L. S., Kupreyeval N. I. TITLE: Inv676tigation of the Properties of' Calcbm Hydrosilicates (Issladovaniye evoystv gidrosilike,tov kalltsiya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadem ii nauk SSSRt 1958, Vol. 12o, Nr 4,.PP-853-856 (USSR) Al 23STRACT: Several authors based their explanations of the Dakicular features of the technical properties (strength, ;hrinking) of binding materials on the conceptions concerning the phase composition,,the structure and the existence of.individual calcium hydrooilicates In the hydrated concrete. However, the data-jbtained by different authors concerning the individual calcium hydrosilicates do not always agree with each other. In order to obtain a clear picture of the phase composition of complicated systems of hydrosilicates a comprehensive phase analysis must be employed. In this connection the knowledge of such constants of hydrosilicates as the interplanar epttcing~ the line intensity in X-ray diagrams, the temperature and the jard 1/4 magnitude of thermal effects, the position of the! absorption SOV/20-120-4-45/67 Inventigation of the Properties of Calcium Hydrosilicates bonds in the-infrared spectra and similar data .':a necessary. Apart from these data an understanding of tile technical properties of-the individual hydrosilicates must be reached if thp development of production methods of materials with prescribed properties is intended. In the Institute "Asbest- tsement" a number of the most important hydrosilicates was synthetized, and their properties were studied. The X-ray diagrams (Fig 1) were recorded by means of CuKa radiation -ith a nickel filter on a diffractometer of the type UPC-50I vith a Geiger counter. The curves of thermal differential analysis and of weight losses oi, heating (Fig 2) were de- termined on a thermalbalance. The absornti-on 9 eotra in the p infrared range (Pig 3) were taken*on a INS-11 spectrometer, Electron microscope images were obtained with a microscope EM-3 with an electron-optioal scale factor of 3900. The hydj~osilicate C S11 (A) which is formed in the hydration of nd oncr ?e and which leads to a reduction. of the vprtla c e strength of autoclave products, w&s synthesized by a hydro- thermal treatment of a mixture of CaO with quartz sand mixed at a ratio of'20 at 175 0 during 72 hours. The hydrosilicate Card 2/4 C 2SH(C) was formed after an identical treatment of 70 hours SOV/20-120-4-45/67 Investigation of the Properties of Calcium Hydrosilicates duration. Low-bnsicity*hydrosilicates CS11(B) with a fiber-like texture of a basicity of from 1,25-0,8 play an important nart in the autoclave hardening of sandy oemente and low-basicity lime-sand mixtures. Together with tobermorite they are the cause for the high strength of these ninevals. They were produced by a hydrothermal 0treatment of v mixture of CO- and silicagel (1:1) at 175 9 for 1, 2 and 3 hours or for from 6 - 6 hours. The hydronilicate C 48 11 (tobermori-te) was syn- t1mized from CaO and quartz sand (;,9:1) at 1750, and a heat- ing for from 12 - 48 hours or of 7 days. Hydrosilicate of flint CSH(A) was produced from CaO and quartz skind with a 2 value 8f C/S - 0,8 + '18 of water at a pressure of 100 k9/om at 175 p for from 14 to 60,days. Theexperiments showed thet the reaction of the formation of hydrosilicatee is consider- ably slomed down Irk presned samples at a steaming in auto- claves as compared to the reaction of the name initial com- ponents taken as a suspension. In spite of the exist-;ng evi- aence (Ref 11) stating that among calcium-hydrosilicata.9 tobermorite has the greatest crushing strength, the experi- Card 3/4 ments of the authors show, that the flexure strength of the SOV/2o-120-4-45/67 InvestiCation of the Properties of Calcium Hydrosilicaten namples does not increase with growing content of tobermorite. It can be supposed that the flexure strength of fiber-like Structures in by no means inferior to that of platc-like structurea, which was proved. "here are 3 figures and 11 ref- erencen, 3 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: February 5, 1958, byP. A. Rebinder, 'Memberp Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: December 13, 1957 1. Calcium silicates--Properties 2. Calcium silicat s--Phase studies 3. Calcium silicates--Analysis C..-d 414 ZEVIN, L.S -MNSKIX, M.M.; MUKER, D.M.; PANCHMIKO, Yu.M. Diffractometrie-methods in precislon mensure"nts of the parameters of elementary 6911s. K#IatALII*CraftU 6 no.3:348.-356 MY6-Je 161. (14IRA ll+: 8) 1. N11asbesttsement i Moskovskiy gositdarstve,nnyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (x mays-Diffraction) (Cry."tallography) ZEVIN, Lev Saulovich; IMEYKER2 Daniel' Molsoyedeb [X-ray nothods of Investigating.u1building materiall) Rentgenovskie, metody issledovaniia atroitelInykh M'a- terialov. Moskvaj StroUzda-t,, -2965. 36111. (MI 191-1) m. P- M-P-Mm" BOGDANOVA, G.S.; ORLOVA, Ye.M.; ZEVIN, L.S. Phase composition of pyrocerams in the system SiOl) Al-10-2 BaO - TO Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat..l no.31t2ong-201~ N t65, 18,12) 16 Gosudarstvennyy nauohno-issledovatellski.y institut stekla. Submitted Juxie 2., 1965. SOROKIN G.M.; OLEYNIK, I.P., doktor ekon. nauk,,- RYABUSHKIN, T.V., doktor ekon. nauk; DUDDISKIY, I.V., kand. ekon. nauk~ MIROSHNICWXKO, B.P. kand. ekon.nauk; SERGEYEV, V.P., kand., ekon. nauk; TARNOWIY, 0.1., kand. ekon,, nauk; STOROZHEV, 1I.I., kand. ist. nauk; KONOVALOV, Ye.'A., kand. ekon. nauk; GERTSOVICH, G.B., kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, K.I., kand. ekon. nauk, red., -ZEVIN, LZ, red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.N.,, red.; PAK, G.V., red.~ GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. (The building of communism in the U.S.S.R. and cooperation among the socialist countries]Stroitellstvo kommunizma v SSSR i sotrud- nichestvo sotsialisticheakikh stran. Pod obshchei red. G.M.Soro- kina. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 334 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirowy sotsialistiche- ,skoy sistemy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for- Sorokin). (Communist countries-Foreign economic relations) 24(2), 24M AUTHORt Zevin' V. Ya. SOV/56-36-1-17/62 TITLE: The Spectrum of the Frequencies of Double Spin Resonance in the Centers of the Coloration of Alkali-Halogen Crystals (Spektr chastot dvoynogo spin-rezonansa na tsentra.'&- okraski shchelochno-galoidriykh kristallo-i) PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichaskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 116-128 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author determinee the dependence of double spin-resonance frequencies on the orientation of a crystal in ail external static magnetic field for U _;, F+.- and M7centers of alkali.- 2 2 halogen crystals# Such an investigation is of importance because no direct experimental proof is available for the structure of some electron localization centers. The author first investigates the spin-Hamiltonian of the interaction between a localized electron and the magnetic moment of the lattice nucleus as well as a simplification of th4a Hamiltonian. The t,hird part of the paper deals with U - centers. There i proof of the fact exists, by the way, indirect experimenta Card 1/3 that the absorPtion-U 2- band in KOI is due to the prosence of The Spectrum of the Frequencies of Double Spin SOV/56-36-1-17/62 Resonance in the.Centers of the Coloration of Alkali-Halogen Crystals hydrogen.atoms in the space between the lattice nodos. The. author determines the frequencies of double spin retionanoe which occur in the interaction '-twoen the electrcn~of a U2- center and the 8 xioighbort:I.,b nuclei. The hydrogen. atom is, in this connection, assumed to be in the center of the cube. The F+- center, which is discussed in the following 2 chapter, forms a eyatem consisting of 2 negative vacancies and an electron, which are located in an ion crystal.. Formulas are written down for the frequencies of spirt-nucleus transitions, which are due to the interaction of the spin of the localized electron and the magnetio moment of tha k-th nucleust these formulas relate to centers in the plane (100) in the 2 s symmetric case. Next, the respentiva results obtained by g.;culating the freque-neies for the asymmetric model of a -er of this paper T~ (~,!nter axe investigated. The last chap. discusses the M- oenter.s. Like in the case of the F 2- center, two models,of the M-center, viz. a symmetric and an unsymmetric Card 2/3 The Spectrum of the Frequencies of Double Spin SOV/56-36-1--'17/62 Resonance in the Centers of the Coloration of Alkali-Halogen Crystals one, are calculated. Even in the symmetric case considerable differences are to be expected between the frequencies of the ions of a given group, because the ions in such a group have different positions with respect to the M-center. The author thanks M, F. Deygen for supervising work. There are ~,i figures, 3 tables, and 13 referenoest 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION% Brestskiy gosudaretvannyy pedagogicheakiy institut (Brest State Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: May 17 1958 Card 3/3 BONN 91491,11 MINN.= 84k, 2 2 S/056/60/039/004/040/048 o 3,11' 110j 116dj B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Deygen, M. F., Zevin, V. Ya. TITLE: Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Local Electron Centers in Non- metallic Crystals PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 400), PP. 1126 1137 TEXT: It was the.purpose of the present paper to develop a,theory of spin-lattice relaxationi~f local,electron centers in nonmetallic crystals located in a strong magnetic fieldl.In the introduction, the author;3 . discuss the theory by Waller (Ref. 1), who assumed that the spin-lattice relaxation in strong magnetic fields is due to a change in the interatomic spacings caused by therinal lattice vibrationsT This theory does, ho ever, not suit a~l cases. In the present paper, the authors cionsider the ::pin- lattice relaxation as being caused by a change in the energy of the con- tact interaction between the spin of a localized electron and a nucleus, which is caused by thermal lattice.vibrations. This relaxation mechanism has always a relaxation time i (Ref, J) which correspondn to a proi-eas Card 1/3 84422 Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Local Electron S/056/60/039/004/040,1()40 Centers in Nonmetallic Crystals B006/BO56 in which a re-orientation of the nuclear spin occurs simultaneously, which compensates the change in angular momentum. There also exists another relaxation mechanism which is due to the re-orientation of the electron spin without corresponding re-orientation of the spin of those nuclei which cause the hyperfine structure of the paramagnetic absorption lines of local electron centers (relaxation time Ts)~ This division of relaxation mechanisms is reasonable also from the experimental viewpoint (for non- metals). The theory is developed in all detail for crystals in which the wave function of the localized electron can be chosen in atomic orbit approximation. The relations obtained may be considerably simplified by studying an F-center; for a M-type crystal, a practical example it) calculated; and for an P-center of such a crystal, the maxi ,mum and minimum relaxation times are numerically determined (corresponding to the maxim= and minimum sound velocities). If the two sound velocities in KCI are Vlong (4.47--3.05).105cm/see and v trans ~ (1-76 - 2.90).105 cm/sec, the authors obtain the relaxation times 7 . = 7.6/T min and i = 87/T min. min max For T =14 OK and H = 3000 Oe, -(min 1.9 min and -E... 22 min result. Card 2/3 84422 Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Local Electron S/056/60/039/004/040/048 Centers in Nonmetallic Crystals B006/BO56 I. M. Dykman is mentioned. There are 12 references, 5 Soviet, 1 Japanese, 1 German, 1 British, and 4 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics cf the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya ~S-R). Brestskiy podagogicheskiy institut ~Bres:E Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTEDt April 29, 1960 Card 3/3 20]Jjl S/181/61/00j/002/039/050 NROO 10 It B102/3201 ~iUTHOR: Zev,in,'.V.. Ya.- Spin -1attice-relax6tion-of localized electrons (Raman effect of acoustic phonons) Fizika r -tverdogo tela, v-, 1961t 599-6o6 TEXT: The work-under consideration here is i:n continuation of a previous, investigation conducted by the'-author together with M. F. Deygen (Ref. 1., ZhETF, 391 1126, 1960) on single-phonon relaxation processes, and deals with, a theoretical consideration'of two-phonon processes. The author chiefly con- sidered the spin-lattice relaxation caused in a strong magnetic field by the Raman effect of acoustic-phonons with a magnetic contact hyperfine interac- tion of the spin of a localized electron with the spins of the nuclei.sur- rounding the latter. Premises and definitions are the sane as in Ref. 1. The wave function of local-electron centers is written in adiabatic approxi- mation under the presuppoeition of a stron- magnetic field. It iE the product of three wave functions: the wave function-of the electron sub- I and the systeia T(r) the heavy subsystem (product of oscillator functionsi Card 1/5 20141 s/181/61/003/0021/039/050 Spin lattice ... B102/B201 spin wave' function. -proceeding from the Hamiltonian of the contact hyper- fine4interaction of the spin of the'localized electron (averaged over the wave function of the electron, subsystem A a R the author.examined the temperature dependence of I ~(' )12 the transition probabilities at T4 9 and T >Q. (0 - Debye-temperature of the crystal, radius vector.of the 1-th nucleus which is displaced from its position ofe-quilibrium, S, L, are the spins of the electron and of the 1 1-,th nucleus, respectively,,,a1 87tV111/3sil, V is the Bohr magneton, is the nuclear magnetic moment. Summation is done over-the N nuclei'of the nearest neighborhood of the localized electron. Formula Ik y At*. P 4( -it exp T, 7 (y) J, d2 h (7) 0 long lexp WI-) - I Card,2/5 201hl S/18 61100~100210:391050 Spin lattice ... B1 02YB201 is obtained, f or the-. robability of r e-orient ation of the electron spin from a state with a projec,tion',.onto the magnetic field 1.41 W +1/2, into the state 0 ~~ I . . . I S with M -1/2 and simult'aneous Raman effect of phonons. In this formula S 2 is the mbLximuin value of the spin factorytith-half-integral Mt (ik + (R0' 2 integral one.has fo,put 1),-'A a )I is_the~ k;.'f Ik. is k k C.T. kit k, constant of the h 6racti'n'of the spin of alocalized electron yperfine int 0 with the k-th nucleuel-a kG/h, v is the soundLX is a f ormal parameter, V 0 max velocity, is def ined. by ijp, l ong -4-2 (ED) V1 da-for the totality of the ind:ce. -fo The subscript (i) stall 9 srp (it j). st pt q'). ForTO one obtains 00 2 P NT/h) 3 f x,exp x T(xkT/h) dxj here, P denotes the factor 0 .0 0 (exp x. Card 3/5,. 202~1 S/181/61/003/002/0, 1;91050 Spin lattice B102/B201 which in' (7) comes~ before the integral. If I(xkT/h) is expanded into a 2 a series, one obtains.-P.,, P (k/h)3T7(c - C T + C T4 Thus, at 0 0 1 2 a,sufficiently low temperaturej P r T>G one obtains + T7. FO P P (kg/h)3(T/O ~1'6axv )dVj a rough estimation of the integ;ral + 0 0 gives (9 V, d V fVI- N(N' - 1) 4 A 111,aCl-type lattice is considered for an f max, 1 51 2 1 0 example and numerical calculations are performed.for F centers of KC1, with only the first coordination sphere of the-F center being taken into account. When assuming that v (4-47-3-05)-1o5 cm/see and v long t~ans -~2.9-1.7*105 cm/sec, one obtains P+ 0.946 - 10'. T31(7), (16), I(T) 205 (0.1 T)If (7). qard 4~5 20141 S/181/61/003/002/Q301/050 Spin lattice B102/B201 where f(T) denotes a sign-changing series, f(T) - 1, for T - 0, It is thus found that for T,-A00K the relaxation due to Raman effect of acoustic phonons is more conside~_able than the single-phonon relaxation, If the u-per limit P value is taken for vlo,g and v trans' one obtains T4rfl5oKi at room tempera- ture (T . 291 OK) and a 0- I A one obtains for the spin-lattice relaxation time T = 1/2P+ -J~ -C4 20110-5 sec. For T>Q, T=-4,-10 _5 sec. In reality, how- ever, T is about 8.5 times as large, since ar, = 2-.4 A, There are 11 refer- ences: 5 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet.-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Brestskiy pedag6gicheskiy institut (Brest Pedagogical Insti- tute) SUBMITTED: July 2, 1960 Card 5/5 S ACCESSION NR:' A~4041691 S/0181/64/006/007/1946/195 AUTHORSs- Zevin, V. Ya.; Shahina,'_ LEs On the thegry -of paramaqn~tic 'resonance"in zero and'inter- IT T mediate magnetic fields LAOURCE; Fizika tver'dogo te1a,,v..6,_no. 7,.,1964, 1946-1955 TAGSi electron parami netic 'resonance, energy level,.,eigen-' ag .1 hector, spin, wave function,,dipole transition, hyperfine structure 3 STRACT: In order to-h~ip id6ntify the additior;al EPR lines that appear in zero and in intermed.-i'ate magnetic fields, the authors cal- culate the energy levels,',the eigenvoctora,,the spin wave functionst', and the magnetic-dipgle,trcin,6itions'for two interacting spihs inthe presence of axial',symmetrys for tho'case when,one of the equal to 1/2 apa the other '.sptn As arbitrary.' A detailed analysis is made of the probabili~y,df,,ror6-field'tran'sitions between levels F-7; "'ACCESSXON UR: AP4041601 i of the hyperfine structure of a paramagnetic center in v4ew of the interest that attaches"to, field-free resonan ce in th~ region below, microwave frequenc~y. Expressions for tl~e energy IeVels'and for the spin wave functionsar6 aiso obtained for the 'case when the. smaller. -.of the -spins is eq%al -6'unit~ 4.', "The small perturbationg that bri about super'-hfa splitti~g'are brief-iy diicusse"do Tl~~ r4l3ults'caA J)e *useful not only in*iiivestigatio'ns of'field-4ree ieso~ance 'at the hyperfine structure,"but In. calculations of ~the magnetic sum-4-pti- bility and analysis'of.e:kchangrd-interaction between paramagnetic centers. "The authors are grateful to Professor H. P. Deygen for reviewing the manuscript;~ Orig.% art,haas'.3' figures and 20 for'MA_ las. fAssociATrOUS Kiyevskiy'politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiev Pol~te6nic; InstitutO, ;4 SUBMITTEDt:- 02Jikn64 NCLS' R, 4 ['BUD 60DE: 4iRP-~'SoVt 003t OTMR% 01 N Card_ __.V2 DBYGEN, M.F.; MAYEVSKIY, V.Mm; ZETIN, V.Ya,; VITRIKHOVSKIY, 14.1. Electron paramagnetic resonance of Mn2+ ions in CdS. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.9:2756-2761 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSRp Kiyev. ZEVTN, V.Ya.; SHANINA, B.D, Theox7 of paranagnetic resonance in zero and Intermediate magnetiL fields. TUz. Lver. tela 6 no.7:1946-,1955 J1 164. (MIRA 17110) I* Kiyeva'kly politekhnicheskiy institut. -, Card 3/3 Frequency spectra of double electron-nuclear spin-resonance on paramagnetic defects-in crystals. Fiz.tver.iela 4 no 2:47j'&-484 F 162. iKM, 15:2) 1. Brestskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy inatitut imenJ. A.S.Fushkina. (Paramagnetic resonance and i-laxation) (Crystalis-Spectra) (&ystals-DofectP) IMM I , ~ -'M- VOMR-MMMON-vin UNPAS MOM Iff-WIMIUMMI-I M BOOM% .RMA V~M S/m/62/004/002/029/051 BlOIJBI02 AUTHOR: Zevin, V. Ya. TITLE: Frequency spectra of double electron-nuclear spin :resonance at paramagnetic crystal defects PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo,,telat v. 4p no. 2, 1962p 478-484 TEXT: Proceeding from papers of G. Feher (see below) on.double efeotron- nuclear spin '-resonance (DSR), the results are generalized foil systems with a-dipole-dipole Interaction of the same order.of magnitude as, or stronger than, the contact interaction. On the -strength of previous' papers ('ZhETF1 36, 116, 11959; ZhOSI niv 660, 1957), the spin Hamiltonian of the magnetic hyperfine interaction of,an electron (hole) localized in the crystal is simplified by introducing the symmetry group G(k) which contains one axis of rotation. The spin Hamiltonian of hyperfine interaction with the k-th: nucleus acquires the form (2) Ask ok Dj~~ [61,9) Card S/18,1/62/004/002/029/051 Frequency spectra of double BIOI/BI02 S' Ik' k~ are the spins and.magnetic moments of electron (hole) and nucleus, respectively; a 2 being the wave k (89/3)("k/SlAY (Qk function of the local electron (hole); DkI is the dipole-dipole.ooefficie.ni4 and Qk is the radius vector. Assuming a strong magnetic field and introducing a Iquantization axis) one finds' HM' 8 Ma -'Y.JP P-1 A is the unit. vector along thequantization axis; I-# is the projection k n k of the spin of the k-th,nucleus onto this axis; are the direction kp cosines of n k;and MS is the quantum number of the projection of.the electron spin onto the field H. For the energy levels, ope obtains X. k11 'k nk) (5), where 7~11 k(""knk) are the eigenfunctions' Card'2/4 Ow 34239 91, 62/004/002/029/051 Frequency spectizik of-doubls,... B101 102 of the ope.rator--In k, and ?~S(Ma) is the wave function of.the electron spin. In a r-f magnetic field R the system is perturbed by the operator '2~(Ak/1k)T,1k' The selection rules. for the magnetic dipole transitions k are found from Eq. (5), and for the DSR frequencies it follows from.Eq..(3) that =1M hv,:: ak 4- D;j 6#k (I - 7 - (7) XI in the case of axial symmetry, where Dkj Sk pkH -4- ok -i- Dt, The angular dependence of can be determined by changing Ithe orionta- k tion of relative'to the crystalo~ For P he transition k"ifMSIK'-z1 ak t Card 3/4 Y(239 8/181/62/004/002/C'29/051 Frequency spectra of double... BIOI/B102 frequencies depend-only on the dipole-dipole interaction. According to H. Woodbury a-ad G. W. Ludwig (s ee below), it is'demonatrated how it is possible-to ascertain whether an atom is located at the lattice site of a diamond-type lattice or eymmetrically in the interstice. IA. F. Deygen As thanked for a discussion. There are 11 references: 4 Soviet and - 7 non-~doviet. The four most recent references to English-languago publica- tions read as follows: G. Peher, Phys. Rev., jjA, 1219, 1959; 11. Lord, Phys. Rev. Let.9 1.9 170:1958; W- C. Holtong H. Blum, C. P. Slichter, Phys. Rev. Let.,.~, 197 1960; H. Woodbury, G. W. Ludwigt Phys. Rev-j 1179 102" 1960. ASSOCIATION: Brestskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheakiy institut im. A. S. Pushkina (Brest State Pedagogical Institute imeni A-15. Pushkin) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1961 Card 4/4 ---------- --- I-Ig I I zaw ~'Ttq%i ZEVIN V. Ya. Superfine dipole-dipole spin-lattice relaxation of local elactron centers, Fiz, tver, tels. 3 no. 3:910-917 Mr 161. (MM 14:5) 1e Brestskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) V. Ya. , Cand. Phys-Math. Sol. (dies) "SUDer-Thin inter- ZEVIN) action In Para-magnetic R~sonance and Back-3creen Relaxation of Locall Electron Centers in Crystals." Minsh, lnr--l, 9 pp (Acad. of Sol. BSSR,Combined Council of Institute of Physics, InGt. of Mathemotios end Computer Technique and Dept of.Solid- State Physics and Semi-conductors) 200 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 2 5 1) ZEVINS V. Ya. Spin-lattice relaxation of localized electrons (Rwm diaperajon of acoustical phonons). Fiz. tver. tale. 3 no.2:599-606 F 161. (MIRA 24:6) 1. Brestskly pedagogichaskiy Inatitut. (Iattice theory) F ~ TARASOV fl;~!. Ctrrlpedia thornC.-lea nf the Arcit-ic Ccean. Report No.5. Trudy M0111 259t"429-240 164. (MI'MIL 17;2,2) ZEVINAp G.B. Fouling in the White Sea. Truc~r InBt. okean. 70352-71 163. Thoracic cirripeds in the fouling of the Black Sle'ao Ibid..*72-75 ~(MIRA 171:7) . - - - I- -- - - - - - -.- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - --- -- --I ZEVINA, G.B.; TAIll."OV., N.I. Fauna of thoracic cirril4ds on tho continenW-1 coa~st r-, fs o -i t h, - eastern Asia. Trudy Inst. Ikenn. '70:76-100 163, (MIRA 1,:7) ON U~, Z., 1111k, G.B., Calld Bio Sci -(,lies) ships and on the 6aspian sea." 'Yos, 1958. 15 PP ,,Acad Sci USSR). 110 copies (KLS (Inst of OceanoloEy 20-58, 95) MAUVICH, I.I.; ZEVIITA, G.B. Materials on the joligochaete fauza of Rybinsk Reservoir.,'Prudy Biol. sta. 'Borokm n0.3:399-406 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Rybinsk Reservoir--Olligochaota) --ZIVINA G B ~blluske Mytilaefer l1neatus (Gwlln) "d Dreipsena polymorpha Fall. as overgrowth organisms in the Caspian Sea. Izv. AN Turk.SSII no.4: 57-62 158. (MRA 11:10) 1. Institut zoologii I parasitologii AN TurX-6enskoy SSR. (Caspian Sea-McIbisks) ZEVINA Fouling of ships docked in the Kola Gulf (Barents Sea). Okeanologlia 2 no.1:126-133 '62. (MIR& 15:2) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. (Kola Gulf--Fouling of ship bottoms) "M 77 7- 961 3(9) SOV/26-59-7-1.6/55 AUTHOR: Zevina, G.B. TITLE: New Organisms in the Caspian Sea PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 7, pp 79 - 80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article lists new organisms which made their way into the Caspian Sea during the last 5-6 years by clinging to ship hulls. This was made possible by the opening of the Volga-Don Canal. New crayfish, jellyfish, crabs, algae, and pearlweeds from a3, far as North America are now dwelling in the Caspian Sea. The article mentions the names of B.M. LogvirLejako, A.D. Ziniova, and R.k. Kudinova-Pasternak. Theve are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Instetut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Oceanography of the AS USSR, Mos-cow) Card 1/1 -NIVINA, GoB. Fouling of hydraulic structures in the Caspian S,-.a. Trudy Inst. okean. 49-65-96 161 1~:1) (Caspian Sea-Plarine fouling) ,,__~IA, G.B STAROSTIN, IN. Qualitative and quantitative changes in fouling in the Caspian Sea following the opening of the Volga-Don Canal. Trudy Inst~ okean. 49:97-107 '61. 15:1) (Caspian Sea-Marine fouling) Z_FVt-FEVF-R, Mle PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5395 Bol'shakov, Konstantin Vasillyevich, Sergey Aleksandrovich Vorobl- yev,,,Mikhail.Abramovich Dymshits, Leonid Yefimovich Yefimenkop and Mikhail Yeleazarovich Zevlever Modernizatsiya metallorezhushchikh stankov; iz opyta kharlkovskikh zavodov (Modernization of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools; From the Experience of Kharikov Plants) (Kharlkov) Khar1kovskoye 11mizhnoye izd-vo., 1960. 163 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,600 copies printed. Eds.: S. A. Voroblyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dcrjnt, and I. P. Lyalyuk; Tech. Ed.: M. 1. Limanova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for workers and technical personnel dealing with metal cutting. COVERAGE: Experience gained by [technically) advanced Kharlkov enterprises in the modernization of lathes, vertical boring mills., planers and shapers, drilling machines, gear-cutting Card_.~. 74 Modernization of Metal-Cutting (Cont.) SOV/5395 machineso grinding machines, and other metal-cutting machine tools Is discussed. Concrete examples are given which demonstrate the economic effectiveness of equipment modernization. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ch. I. Basic Trends in the Modernization of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools 6 The reduction of cutting time 7 The reduction of setup time 9 Automation of the machining cycle 10 Increasing the process adaptability [of machine tools) and the procurement of needed types of machine tools for. factories. 12 Increasing the service life of machine tools 14 Card--Z/-5- Z94IMEJEWY A. The trackless system of opencaat mining. p. 124. PRZB3IAD GORNICZY. Stowarzyszenie Ilaukolwo-Technicne Inzynierow i Technikow. Gornictwa, Katowice, Poland, Vol. 15, No. 3, March, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI)j LCj Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959, Uncl. ZEWIL'RZF.JEW.. A., mgr,,, inz. What less expensive- coal, crude ollp natural oil or electricity? ,ohn A1,111o.22.7-9.-le (40 ZAGOSKINA, Yq.D.; SIJKORSKrY, K.P.; ZEVINA, A.N.,, otv. red.; VORONKOV, M.I., red. (Recommended mathematics curriculum for the second half of the 1962-1963 school-year (grade-5-to 11)J Primernyl plan raboty po matematike vo vtorom polugodii 1962-1963 uohebnop.0 goda (V-XI.klassy). Moskva, 1963. 83 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moscow. Gorodskoy inatitut usovershppstvovaniya uchiteley. 2. Direktor Hoskovskogo gorodskogo instituta usovershenstv(j- vaniya uchiteley (for Zevina). (Mathematics--Study and teaching) A ZEY, A. N- "ll'olanosis of Tomatoes and Yeasures to. Combat It it) the Bashkir 1MR." Author's al~cltract of a dizisertatlon submAteCl at the Cmsk Agricultural Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Orsk, lF55- (Dissertatio,n for the Degree of Candidate in Apricultural -CiE!jlCeS) SO: Knizhnaya Letcpis No 1, 1956 qftrlga~- 400--X WELD ASSINBLY OF �Ljkj W-UrIORK OF H1011 BUILDITIGS (IV RUSIUAN) M.H. Sakhnovskii andhA. D.-Zejirq Avto. Bolo (Itolding) , V. 21, MvLrw- 1960, P. 18-19. Possibility of attaching horizontal braces t6tho body or colwins in tW:. fr=owork of -hiZ'4 buildings without use of the "overhead' violdin position.. Dptimua &P.P bvtwoon bracu ard coluawilo indicatndo Steel backings noro found more a plica"Re thdn asbostos or SaeEer. (K C,erorr,l, T 268 Cus *R!t~ ZEVIN, G. Ya. and BAYANOVA, M. G. "Material Connected With the Diphtheria Epidemic in the Towns of Frunze and Osh," Trudy Institute, Epidemiologii i IMrobiologii Ministerstva Zdravoohhraneniya Kirgiz-' skoy SSR, Frunze, Vol 1, 1951, pp 24~25- ZEVIN, G. Ya. -"Experiments With the. Shick Reaction With Respect to the Antidiphtheria. Immunity of Groups of Children in~the Town of Fnmze," Trudy Instituta Epidemiologii i Mikrobiologii 14inisterstva Zdravookhraneniya Kirgizakoy SSR) Faulze) Val 1) 1951, 26, 27- u S~S. 549.136.4 1 L(mcut's a( sue=!!U,-!m VL ik,-Ar cmilwilw h(c ly Or"m drmtum of am Umm-gm A=($m. am nu.1wica -vie 'T '. mi don af 81~Pd. L -- A S zlw~j~uv AND N. N. ZHURAVLEv. 7-~Xl The dimcnslam of A-2 4--0.01 add 1021 35':~ IW. T~4 spda imup f& C21cm, pab, I I - 5 F/cmi and Z - 4. Tho It azd Pd atom w ja tm pa= of **==Uy WiLh ft pwit-tam (X.. P. g),. to iijaw of P-BILPd ard BM&A MAMAY f r4 hi l Ub f f s top J14a c e tabl gadog o ormatiod a f Fft- m a9 p bpr ~jLj r M and L, 65 0hure. "Iferh, InAt.: Xfrmt~, AW I he ulti: Ai 38. ~?W 4. of 6a1 Abotracts Chemi X-MY, an-13y; of ro" carbUt art runintan as SU U P_ ~%Y -25: 1954 C unit-S dare 914"j. Le.-equiv. to B4C, Th ~ nW: bIL'th rMead e t tio f th ii i f ti i r rjenerar, andYllYAWL1 s a us o mLtis unso vat a e t C u , y cell can be explabied t,y formsition of ~ wlid,schm~ I of'd6-1,. - ' Chemistry A placement, rather than: of the intrujion, ~ type", Most likely is the displacement of pam of C atoths i n- lb POSiLIMIS' ' -by atoms. - The latter, -possessing assume linear valence configu'rAlba analogous to that' and an increase of R.cwtent In -A'unitctil Wso x, UJ would call for increase -in- uU-- est., change occursAn $PCcuuvits (I Cie~ carbide -that -have - least amt. of B in soln~ 1be limitina frinuu1i of siolid f-Wn'. - 2 - . arnatum" 1 - Ivittz the greatest content of B W.B..sC, hot it f ~ not hic --trily- of solid soUis. throughout'the ~intirvftl nm~ Z- ' 1 1 , Introduction of 0- bita simiLlr structures,&.:~ take place, ~exclu&d. since C) forms zinivalar, r4ther than lit kuce_~, le"f va structures gt"tile'ex- pease 471 ti P't G is K Vlacq1t," .0 ---------- ---------- 51-6-20/25 AUTHOR: . Zevin, V. Ya.. TITLE: The Spin-Hamiltonian for Interaction of a localized Electron in a Crystal with Magnetic Nuclear Moments. (Spin-gamill.tonian vzaimodeystviya lokalizovannogo elektrona v kristalle s magnitnymi momentami.5rader.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol, III, Nr. 6, pp. 660-664. (USSR) ABSTRACT: Studies of paramagnetic resonance in F-centres of alkali-halide salts and in donor impurities in .silicon show that at sufficiently low temperatures broadening of paramagnetic resonance lines is essentially due to the interaction of a localized electron with magnetic moment* of nuclei of the crystal (Refs-1-3). It was therefore of interest to find the spin-Hamiltonian for such an interaction. First a general expression for this Hamiltonian is obtained and then the author discusses the case when Card 1/2 the smoothed wave-function of an impurity centre is 51-6-20/25 The Spin-Hamiltonian for Interaction of a Localized Electron in a Crystal with A%gnetic Nuclear Moments. spherically symmetrical. Expressions for the coefficients of the spin-Hamiltonian are obtained and the appropriate spin-Hamiltonian for an F-centre is discussed. The paper is entirely theo*cetical. The author thanks M. F* Deygexx for directing, this work. There are 5 references, of which 3 are Russian and 2 English* SUBMITTED: June 26, 1957. AVAIIABLF,: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Deygen, IA. F,$ Zovin, V. Ya. SOV156-34-5-13161 TITLE; The Dependan,,e of the Hyperfine Structure of F-,Gen+,ers on the 0iientation of the Crystal in an External Magnetic Pield -1 overkhtonkoy struktury F-tsentra ot oxiyentatsil (Zuvisimoat kristalla vo vneshnem magnitnom pole) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikl', 1958* .Vol. 34;, Nr 5, PP, 1142-1147 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Taking into account the results of previous pap(trs, the autho'rs find a generaI expression for the spin interaction between an F-center electron and the angular moments of the first and second coordinational spheres surrounding the nuclei by using the continuous and orbital models of F-centers in KC1 type lattices. The investigation of the anisotropy of the coeffi- cients of the spin Hamiltonian leads to a good consistency with the results obtained by G, Felier (Feyer)ls experiments, First, the explicit form of the spin Hamiltonian of the interaction of the localized electron in a crystai. with the magnetic moment of the k--th nucleus of the lattice is given. The authors take into account the interaction with the nuclei Card 113 of the first and second coordination spheres, as this inter- The Dependence of the Hyperfine Structure of SOV56-34-5-13/61 F-Centers on the Orientation of the Crystal in an External MaCnetio Field action is the most essential one. The form of the V-function dei)ends on the model of the F-center. In the cas.. of the continuous model (using the method of the eff..-C.tive, mass and the appro imation of atrona coupling) one may write T(r)zc where y(r) denotes the wave function that k kPk(Qk) is spherically symmetric with resnect to the lattice defect. TIC(Qk) denotes the atomic 4s-tvactlons of K and C17. The authors then give an explicit expression for them -function taking into account the COntTibution of the first and of the second coor- dination spheres and also of the central ion Cl". This ex- pression is specialized for the model of the F-i-enter. The authors first investigate the hyperfine interaction of , the F-center electron with one of the nuclei of the first coordinate sphere, The corresponding expression for Hk is Given explicitly, The authors then derive the spin Hamiltonian of the hyperfine interaction of the F-center electron with the Card 2/3 chlorine nucleus of the second coordinate sphere. Some differ- The Dependence of the Hyperfine Structure of F-Centers SOV/56-34-5-13/61 on the Orientation of the Crystal in an External Magnetic Field ences between the results of this paper and thos~i obtained by Felier.(Feyer) are mentioned. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet. , ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics, AS Ukr SSR) SUBMITTED: November 10, 1957 1. Perturbation theory 2. Crystals-Magnetic factors 3. Crystals --Lattices 4. Mathematics-4pplications Card 3/3 DEYGAW, N.Y.*,-ZKVINO V.Ya. Weat of the orientation of crystals and an external magnetic field on the hyperfiue structure of F-centers [with summary'Lu Englishl. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz- 34 lio.5:1142-1147 Vq 1_93 6) 1. Institut fizild Akademii nauk M=ainskoy SSR, (Crystal latticed) (Potai3sium chloride--Magnetic properties) TAUSOVO II.I.;_ZRVINA,, G.B.- PkVIOVSKIY, Ye.N., akadem iko glavv*tr red.; BYKHOVSKI-Y. R. e.,, red.; VINOGROOV, 3-S-, ied.; SHTAM3VBM, A.A., red.; $TPJ&O**- A*A*, red.; SARGRWA# G-I,. red. izd-va; SHIRROVA. A*V*# tekhn, red.' [Barnacles (nirripedia thoracica) in-the seasof the U.S.S.R.] Uso-' nogie raki (Cirripedia thoracica) morei SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo almd. nTik- SSSR, 1957. 263 P. (Fauna SSSR, no.69). (RDA 11-03) 1. Direktor Zoologichaskogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavloveldy). (Girripedia) . ....................................................... ffplan Sea. Trudy Gldrobiol. (Ships-Paintiog) IN 'I'' I 'I -I I NOW M. M. IN Wl. C.- I'MORS, Em AM M,=j BRODSKIY. K.A.; VIRKE'NS, M.A.; VOWDGHEKO*: IT.I.; GALKIN, Tu.I.,; GURITAHOVA, Te.F.; DOG1;L' V.A.; DITAKODDY, A.M.; ZBVIIIA, G.B.; IVAWV, A.T.; KIRITAX)VA, Te.S.; Z)BYAKOVA,-ZwT.;_KDwN:T1M1.; KONZHUKOVA,Te.D.; KOROTKEVICII, V.S.;KLYUGE, G.A.; LOZINA-LOZINSKIY, L.K.: LOWMNA, N.B.; NAUROV, D.V.; PERGAMENT, T.S.; RWHITNYAX,, V,V.; SAVELOYEVA, T.S.; SKARLATO, O.A.;,SOKOLOV, I.I.; STIUMOV, A.A.; TARASOV, N.I.; USHAKDV, P.V.; SHCHIORINA,Z.G. YAKOVLETA, A.?,f.;*USMOV. P.V., obahchi)r rukovoditall; PAVIDVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; STR = OVO A.A. redaktor; BRODSKIY, K.A.. redaktor; ARONS, R.A., tokhnichaskiy redaktor. [Atlas of invertebrates of the Far East seas of the U.S.S.R.] .Atlas beepozvonachnykh dallnevoBtachrqkh moral SSSR. Moskva, !:;d-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1955. 24o p., 66 plates. (mLRA 8:io) 1. Akademiya nallk SSSR. Zoologicheskly institutr (Soviet Far East--Invertebrates) AUTHORt ZEVINA,G.B. PA - 3374 TITLES Cirr[p__ed_a_._7('Balanus improvious Darwin and B.eburneus Gould)in Overgrowths on Ship-Bottoms and Hydrotechnical Constructions of the Caspian Sea) (usonogiye raki (Balanus improvisus Darwin i B.eburneus Gould)v obrastaniyakh sudov i gidrotekhnioheakikh aooruzbeniy Kaspiyskogo morya Russian). PERIODICALS Doklady Akademii Luk SSSR, Vol 113, Nr 2v PP 450 - 453j 1957 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTS Cirripeds are the most common components of overgrowthe on sea-going vessels. On the ship bottom they are often carried into regions far away from their original domain, where, under favourable conditions, they can propagate and colonize new regions. Thus Balanus eburneU8 came from North America into the Black Sea, many other organisms from the southern hemisphere into the northern one etc. The Caspian Sea turned out to be especially favourable for the naturalization of several intervertebrates and a few fishes from the Black Sea. Thus, the B.improvieus (1955) came, here from the Black Sea through the Volga-Don-Canal. In '1956 also Balanus eburneus was found here (on stakes and buoys in 'the Kraanovodek-bay and on wooden stakes of the Orguohinakiy.-island, Card 1/3 here in connection with Balanus improvisus). Balanas imp:,-ovisus Cirripeds. PA - 3374 is obviously distributed all over the sea. kn exception is the Baku-bay where the water contaminated by mineral oil obviously is ,pian specimens not suited for ciftipeds. When comparing the Cas of-both kinds with those from the Black Sea some differences be6ame evident: Balanus improvisus shows solid, thickwalled shells and is considerably larger, which apart from its vast distribution gives evidence of favourable conditions prevailing here. Balanus eburneus colonizes in the Kraonovodak-bay on shells of the mollusk Mytilaster lineatus (also imported) and is smaller than specimen from the Black Sea. It might during the short period not have been able yet to attain its maximum size. In the Caspian as well as in the Asov Sea Falanue improvisus competes with Mytilaster lineatus in finding room to settle on vacant sur- faces. Balanus improvieus is frequently found on ships, whereas Balanus eburneus occurs more rarely. The cirriped overgrowths do not only retard the speed of ships but also intensify the corrosion of the hull. They cur. through the paint with the sharp edges of their shells and give seawater access to the metal. Whbn growing they shove away the layer of paint and thus penetrate under the paint. The phenomenon of these crustaceans in the Caspian Sea makes it necessary to apply an anti-overgrowth paint with an admixture of DDT if necessary, as a coating for Card 2/3 ships and buoys. Cirripeds. P1 3374 (1 Illustration, I schedule, 10 citations from Slav publications) ASSOCIATIONs Institute -for Oceanology of the Academy of Science of the USSR PRESENTED BYi II.SHMALGAUZENf Member of the Academy, SUBMITTEDs AVAILkBLEi Library of Congress Card 3/3 BARASHKOV, G.K.j ZEVINAp G.Bo Mass development of Teredo magotara Hanley (Teredinidae~ 14611usca) in the Zalenotakaya Bay of the Barents Sea, Zool. zhur. 43 nc.8s 1238-1240 16-4. (141RA 17:11) 1. Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheski7 institut i Inatitut okeanologii AN SSSR, Moskra. ZEVL, Jirl, dr, Education for a millon people. Latecky obzor 9 no.3.69 Mr 165. Jiri, dr. Is a collision or aircrAft with 1-1rds dangerous7 cky obzor 9 no.4:88-89 Ap 165. 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