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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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SMALO' Pawol, KIKIRLA, XarLan, HRZYGLOD~ Stanislaw and
Inio oFijiiiiii~;ss; KlInLk&
adomia Modycana, Military Hodi-
rt Prof. Dr. mod. P. SBGAL) and
Military Hospital (SapLtal W*3-
ators Drq M. JUXIBLA)
"On the Coexistaftoo of the familiar roxisi air Pigmentary Begen-P
oration of the Retina with Kartagenor T riads. Coss Report.00
Warsaw, PolskL Tynodnik Lakarski. Vol 18s No 23, ) Jun 63,;
pp 809- 120
Abstracts (Authors' znglish summary modifi*4] Au;'3ore report
a came a Kartagonor triedst -;~Lgmsntary degeneration air ths :1,
retina, I and congenital aatar& 7hey,'"view briefly the i
literature of this Problems and not* thwit the Changes ob-
served in this syndrome are always due to developmental 4i.!
fficulty or dogen ratLve changes, and way therefore have cc%-
W04 pathological, :lemon to with the classical, symptoms of the
Kartagoner triads. There or's 21,referenose, about evenly di-
vided botweem Polish, Gem&&, and Western pablications.
...... . ....................... .. . ...... ............ . .. ..........
Antiglobulin consumption and 40111fiffloo .0 3 6e tests '[n the
diagnosis of SYStemic Jupus erythemitcaus. arch. ned.
wewnet. 35 no.711019-1024 165.
1. Z I Kliniki C orob Wewnetrznych AM w v
,h Au (Kierownik:
doe. dr. med. K. Jasinski) i z Zakladu i Patolol,,icznej
AM w Poznaniu (Kierownik: doe. dr. ined. P. ryel).
"Central Register of Chemical Literature in 'the Documentation Center of the
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry in Glivice." P. 43. "Technical-Scientific
Conference of the Polish Acadeuy of Sciences Concerning the Gheralcal Treatment
of Coal." P. 44, (PRZO.'YSL CM, ~:ICZIff, Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan. 1954, War9zawa,
SO; Monthly List of F4st European Accessions, (EEAL), LC. Vol. 4,
No, 1, Jan. 3.955 Uncl.
Is 16 lye "XIIJU awn a 1, slums 11111111041141044141 G'ja
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USSR Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Ap-
plication. Food Industry#
Ref Daur Khimiya) No 3) 1957, No 103197
Author- Zeromski, Z.
Inst :'C'N~Otg
Title An Evaluation of Polish Cheeses
Orig Pub Przegl. mleczarski, 1956, Vol 4) No 5, 19-23
Abstract A commission of specialists has evaluated 147 specimens
of various types of chee-ses of Polish manufacture submit-
ted by 131 plants; 28% of the samples were classed in
class 1, 46% in class I1,, and 21% in class 111; 5% of
the samples were returned for farther processing. It has
been established that the dominant defects fell into the
following categories: sub-t3tandard taste and odor, molds,
structure, consistency, color, appex-ance, and defective
Card 1/2
USSR Chemical Technology. Chemicca Products and Their Ap- 1-30
plication. Food Industry.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10397
Abstract paraffin coating. The commission found that 91.9% of the
samples submitted met the State Standard on salt content
and that 47% of the sainples showed deviations from the Sta-
te Standard on fat corrtent; high moisture was observed in
48-95% of the samples.
Card 2/2
------------------------ ---------------
4( Tfwt
'-W"WQ0 OnAwladczenja
Inst Prrv,
POLMD / Chemical Technology. Food Industry. H-26
Abs Sour., Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 79464.
Author Zeromski, Z.
Inst ~09 ~Ve ;_
Title The IV-th Evaluation of Cheese Quality in PNR
ff-olish Peoplets Republia7.
Orig Pub: Przegl. mleczarski, 1957, 5,.No 11, 10-12.
Abstract: These are the results on the evaluation of the
quality of' cheeses produced in PNR. The evalua-
tion was conducted by the In-ut and Central Ad-
ministration of Dairy Industry.
ZEROV.D.K., redaktor; KCT0V,H.I.q professor, doktor biologichnikh hauk;
M.V., professor. doktor biologichnikh nauk; VISYULIMA,O.D.
kandidat biolcigichnikh nauk; RARBARICH,A.I., kandidat biologiefinikh
nauk; KRILOVSIKA.N.S.,.tekhredaktor
BOBO family, A# LBarbarich and othere. Flora URSR no.6:5-300 154.
(HIBA 8:11)
1. Diyant-y chlen Akademii nauk URM (for Zerov)
ZIMOV,D.K., redaktor; KMOV,K.I.. professor, doktor biologichnfth naiik;
~,M.V., professor, doktor biologichnikh nauk; VISYULINA.O.D.
kandidat biologichnikh nauk; BARBARICH,A.I.. kandidat b1ologichnikh
naik; KRILOVSIKA,NiS., tekhredaktor
Legume family. A.I.Bembarich and others. Flora URSR no.6001-5573
154. WRA 8: 11)
1. Diyonly chlen Akademii nauk URSR (for, Zvrov)
PorelU ulophylla (Staph.) D. Zerov comb.nova in the U.S.S.R. flora.
Bot.zhur.[Ub~oj 3-1 no".4:70-72 154. 8:,,1)
1. Institut botaniki AN UM, viddil sporovikh roolluo
LAZARENKO. Andrey Sozontovich; SHILO,V.N., redaktor; ZEROV,D.K., redaktor;
SIVACIIENKO,Ye.K., -tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Guide to the moss (is (Musci) of the Ukraine) Opredelitell listvennykh
mkhov Ukrainy. Izd. 2-oe, perer. i dOD. Kiev, lzd-vo Akademii nauk
Ukrainskoi SSR 1955. 465 p. (MR.U 9:2)
1. Daystvitel'nyy chlen AN USO (for Zerov)
Basic trends in the development of the vegetable kingdom. Bot.
zhur.[Ukr.] 12 no.2:3-16 '55. (MLRA 8:10)
14 Institut botaniki, Akademii nauk URSR
(Ph;rlogeny (Botany))
Diotribution of xerothemophilic.liverworts in'the Ukrainian S.S.R.
KODILIVSKIY, Yakov Samuilovich; AAO.VQA" akademik, otvetstvennyy rodaktor;
GRUDZINSKAYA, O.S., redektor izdatall stva; ROMMINA, N.F.,
tekhaicheokiy redaktor
[The history of Russian embr7ology of higher plants] Istorlia
otechdotvannot embriologii vysehikh rastepii. Kiev, Izd-vo
Akademii nauk USSR, 1956. 201 p. (MLILI 9: 11)
1, Akademiya nauk USSR (for Zerov)
KHOLODDTY, Hikolay Grigorlyevich;.BELOKONI, LPO'i redaktor; ZFA.ROV D.X
redaktor; OJIANMO. A.S., redaktor; POGMNYAK, P.S.,-r-ed-a-k-f-owr'~U
RUBBNCHIK. L.1.. redaktor; SHILO, V.N., redaktor izdatelletva;
SIVACHENKO, Ye.K.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[selected wor'~s; in three Volumes] labrannye trudy: v trekh tonakh.
Kiev. Izd-vo Akademli nauk USSR. Vol.92. [Works on the physiolocy.
of plants] Raboty po fiziologii rastenii, 1956- 388 p. (HLRA 1).11)
KHOIODgff, Kikola,7 Grigorl7evich; BELOKON', I#P., rodaktor; ZAROV, M.,
redaktor; OXAIMM, A.B., redaktor; P(GREBNM, P-r--.-r-`;&w:or;
RUBENCHIK, L.I., redaktor;YMMIROVSKIT, R.14., redaktor; SIVACM-
ED, Ye.K., tokhnicheskiy rodaktor...
(selected work-s in three volumes] Izbrann7e trudy v trekh tomakh.
Kiev, Izd-vo Akademii nauk USSR. Vol.l. LWorks on plant ph7siolo-
gy) RaboV po fisiologii rastenii. 1956. 478 p, (MLR& 9-.6)
Mosses of steppe of the Arademy of Sciences of the
Ukrainian S.S.R. Ukr.,,2:78-84 156.(MIRA 9:9)
1.Xnetitut botaniki AN lj:~!,R, Viddil sporovikh roslin.
KHOLODMYT. Nikolay Grigorlyevich; BELOKONI, I., radaktor;-
. & MD.I.,
redaktor; OKARINKO, A.S., radaktor; POGRIBUTAK, S.. re i2r;
rjBZNCHlt, ]'A.I., redaktor; SHILO, I.N.. redaktor Isdatelletva;
SITAGHKNKO, Te.L., takhnichaskiy redaktor
[Selected works; in,.thres volumes] Isbrannye trudy; v trekh tomakhe
May, ~ Iad-vo Akad.nauk USM. Tol.3 [Works on microbiology sind
plant ecology) Raboty po i1kroblologil i skologli rasteall. 1.957&-
525 P. 10-.7)
(Microbiology) (Botany-Acalogy)
Development of 'research on the history of flora and paleobotany
in the Ukrainian S.Sek. duiing the last 40 years (1917-1957).* 14 no 1 306-41 '57, (MIRA 10:10)
(Ukraine-Botanical research)
ar;i:t ; mv.7-7i
fni re I . . . .il 1, ii"~
BARBARICH -A.L[BarbarychOA I kand. biol. nauk; BRADIS~,Ye.M.,
doktor biol. nauk; VISMINA, O.D., doktor biol, nauk;
VOLODCHFNKO, V.S.j DODROCRAYEVA) b.M.p,kand, biol. nauk;
KARNAUKH, Ye,D.; KkINA) ZJ., kamd.,biol. nauk; KOTOV,
...M.I.I.doktor.biol. nauk; KUZNETSO'7A G.0.(KuznPtsovaj.H.O.]P
kand. biol. nau~; bLYANITSKOVAI- L.G.'[0lianits'kap L.11.];
014tL'.CIIUK, T.Ya,):ku-nd,i..I)iol. nuu),q-POYAIIKQVA, O.M.;
PROKUDIN, Yu.M., doktor biol. nault- PROTOPOPOVA, V~V.;
(Khrzhanovalkyi.,~,V.H.10, doktor biol. nauk: ZEROV. D.K.-I
akademik, otv, red.,0NISRQIENKO,-L.I., red.
[Key for the identification of plants in-the Ukraine] Vyz-
nachryk roslyn Ukrainy. Nyd. 2. vy'pr. i dop. Kyiv, Urozhai,
1965. 876 P. Nim A:9)
1. Akademiya nauk URSR,-Kiev. Instytut,botaniky. 2. AN IRr.SSR-
(for'Zerov). 3.-Moskovzkayn sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya
im. K.A.Timiryazeva (for Khrzhanovakiy).
1. AkbLdemiya nauk lUkr,SSR (for zerov).
,ttm vg~
ZIEROV., Dplitriy Konstantinovich; A.E. doktcr b.Jol. nauk.,
[Flora of liverworts and sphagnum moss0s] lechinoch-
nykh i sfahnovykh mokhiv UkraixW. Kyiv, Vyd-vo 'Naukova
dumka,[' 1964. 354 P. '(MIRA 1,7.?)
ILI 9m 9M~~'
MODILE;VSK.TY, Yakov Samuilovich- ZEROV D K. akademik, otv. red.;
SOLOVIYEVIA, A.I., recT-.,. ill JA-.,
(Cytoombx7ology of higher plants) TSitoembriologiia vyB-
shikh rastenii; sovremennoe sostoianie. Problewj., Kiev
Izd-vo AN USSR, 1963. 370 p-A NIRA MA
1. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Zerov).
ZEROV, D.K., akademik, otiri red.., ANMINHUXy-M.D., redAzd-va;
--DAKM.10, Yu,7B., tekhno red.
(Problems of pbysiology, cytoembryology and flora of the
Ukraine] Pytannia, fiziologiij, teytoembriologii i flory
Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd -vo AN URSR, 1963. 222 p.
(MIRA 17:2)
1. Akademiya nauk URSRj Kiev. Instytut botaniky. 2. Aka-demiya
nauk Ukr.M (for zerov).
(Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of botanical terminology
and nomenclature] Russko-ukrainskii slovarl botaniche-
skoi terminologil i nomenklatury. Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN
Ukr.SSR, 1962. 340 P. (MIRA 16:11)
(Russian longtinge-Diationariea--Ukrainian)
AFANAS YEVY D. Ta. ; BARBARICHO A. 1. Barbarych, A. I. IERQY,_D.,K_- akad..,;
V.L.(Shchitkivalkap VA.]; BILOSHTANp A.P., red.-
leksikograf; SKUTSKAYA, N.,P.[Skutstka, N.P.], red.;
KADASHEVIGH, 0.0.(Kadashe"oh, O.O.J. tekhn. red.
(Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of botanical terminology and
nomenclature) Roafis1ko-ukrainalkyi slovnyk botanichnoi
terminologil i notenklatury. Xyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk USRS,
1962. 340 P.. (MIRA 16;4)
1. Akademiya,nauk Ukr. SSR (for Zqrov).
(Russian language-Dictionai~ies--UkraiAlan)
za-~Ovl D.K., akadomikj otv. red.; BILOXIIII, I.F.,, kand. biol. naukj
9ARBAR Cll,.AI.(Barbarych
red., I _, A.I., rad,; WIMIRAITUK.,
Ye.M., red.; SIMIX, K.14.[Sytnykv K.14.], red.; KOVAL', V.Aa)
red.;,LISOVITS', OJI.[Lysovets9, OJI.], tekhn. red.
(Yearbrolc of the Ukrainian Botanical Society) SbcboricbxWk,,
Nyivp Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR. Vol.3. 1962. 130 p.
NIRA 15:11)
1. UkraiDalke botanichne tovarystvo. 2. Akademiya nauk
Ukr.SSR (for Zerov).
MSYUK, lladezhda Prok 4 'ikj oty.
horovna;ZMOV, D.K., An 6m-
(Brahinalkyl, L.P.]. rcZl~-- -arsivAcHimo, Ye.K. LGivachenko,
(Protococcales of thelakes of West Ukrainian Polesyel Pro'd'okokovi
vadoroati'ozer zakhidnoukrainalfc6ho Polissia. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.
nauk URSR, 1958. 43 (MIRA 12:9)
1. i's USSR (for Zerov).
(Ukraine, Western-21gae)
W-WO "W'' a- 0 All a
VLASYUIC, P,A., akademik;-,.ZZR akademik; PSMICHVff, P.D., akademik;
ROMAMMO, I.N,., akademik..otystetvennyy red.; MOVdHLY. *.A.;
RODIONG7, S.P.; TYLEM, N.A.; MAVYDOT, G.K., kand. elcon. nank;
KUGUXA10. 1.A., kafid. ekon. rtauk; BIMIKOV, V.S.- YAM, A.D.;
GRUDZINSKAU, O.S., red*; YURGHISHIN, V.4: takhn. reA.
[Nat,ural conditions and resoixrcea of the Poleaye; tmnsactions of
the Conference on Problemscf the Development of the Productive
Forces of the Ukrainian.?oleis ],Il;irodnye usloviia, i reoursy
Polealia; tradv konferentoii po voprosam razvItila prolzvoditell-
nykh ail Polestia USSR. Kiev. Pt.11. 1958. 123 P, ~(MM& 11:7)
1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Rada p*o vyvehennin produktivnykh sy-1.
2. AkDAemiya nauk USSR (for Vlasynk, . Z~arov). ~3. Ukiainakaya
akaqemiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh pauk (for Vlasyuk, PahenichM7,
Romanenko). 4. Voesoymnaya, akademiya,seltakokhozyaystvennykh nauk
imeni V. I's. lenina (for Vlasynk), 5. , Chlon-korrespondent Vqesoyuz-
noy akadamil sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni T.I,'.Ienina (for
RomanenkOe 6. 'Chlen-ko'rrespondent akademii nauk USSR (for Movchan,
Rodionov, T~ulenev). 7. gamestitell nachaltnilmotdela evodnykh
peropektivnykh planov.Gosplana USSR (for Berezikar),* 3. &challnik
podo'tdola aellskogo khozyaystva otodela ovodnykh perepekbivnykh planov
Gbaplana USSR (7bdun),
(Foleare-watural resources)
ROWZNKO, I.N.., akademik, otvetstvennyy red.; VLASTUX, P.A., akmdemik, red.;
_ZIHOY,-D,K., akademik, red.; RODIONOT, S.P., red.; TTUOHN, N.A.,
red.; PSHENICHNTT, P.D., akademik, red.; DAVTDOV, G.M., kand. skon.
nauk,red.; KUGUKALO, I.A., kand. ekon. nauk. red.; BMMIkOv, V.S.,
red.; FEDUH. I.D.. red.; KOZAKWICH. T.A., red,. tzd-va; SIVAGELINKO,
Ye. K.. tekha. red.
[Problems in the economy of Polesye; transactiOns of a conference]
Voprosy ekonomiki Poles'lia; trudy konferentaii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.
nauk USSR. Vol. 4. 1958. 134 p. (MIRA 11:10)
1. oaferentsiya po-vopro sam razvitiya proizvoditellnykh oil
Poleelya USSR. 1955- 2i Akadiamiya nauk USSR~(for Vlaeyuk, Zerov,).
3o Ukrainakaya Akademiya sell skokbozyaystvennykh nauk (for Vlasyuk,
Romanenko, Pahanichnyy). 4. vaesoyuznaya Akadamiya sell okokbozyay,-
stvennykh nauk im. v.roLenina (for Vlasyuk). ,:,. Ghlei~-korresipondent
Vaesoy-uzuoy Akedemil sellskokhozyaystvenuykh nauk .lm. V.I.Lenina,
(for Romanenko). 6. Chlen-karreeponient Akadefliii nauk USSR (for
Rodionov. Tyulanev). 7. Zameatitell nachallrlika otdela ovodnykh
perepektivnykh planov Gooplana Soveta Ministrov USSR (for Berezikov).
8. Nachallnik podotdola sellskogo khozyaystva i zagotovok otdola
avodn.vkh perepektivnvkh platiov aellskogo khoz;yaystva Gooplana
Soveto Ministrov USSR (for Fedua),
(Poleve-Ecodomic conditions)
l.Inatitut botaniki AN TIRSR, viddil sporovikh roalin.
-';~,-ZZROT, D.K.. -'~SHCHEKIRA, N.O.
Ivan Fedorovich Shmallgauzen; on the 60th.eanivarsar7 of the
publication of his "Floras of central and couthern Russia, the
Crimea, and Northern Caucasus". 14 no.4:92-99 157.
(MIRA 1111)
Phmllgauzen, Ivan FedQrovich, 1849-1894)
IM111 1 1-6 , I&I-MIM-g ---Jag,~
Zerov, K. K.- "An investigation of the vegetation overgrowth of t lie Dnieper River in
the middle of its courses" (Based on data from the prognosis of overgrowth of the
Central Dnieper reservoir) Tr-ldy In-ta, gidrobiologil. (alcad. nauk Ukr. SSR, No. 23,
1910o p. 36-5h (Kn Ukranian, resuui in Rtissian), - BibliogI A items
SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53, Uetopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, ito. 16, 1949).
mov, K. K.
Plant growth in water bodies along the lower Dnieper and possibliq
changee in their vegetation in connection with the conetruction of
the Kakhovka Reservoir. Trudy Inat.gidrobiol. AN URSR no-31 153.
(HLRk 7:8)
(Dnieper River--Botany) (Botany--Dixioper River)
(Kakhovka Reeervoir--Botany) (Botamy~--Xakhovkm Reservoir)
Ya.V., redaktor; NOVOUN, V.A., rodaktor; VLLDIXIEOV, V.I.,
koktor biolo4chmskikh nauk, rodaktorl KRYMIS, B-V., kandidat
biologichookikh nauk, rodaktorl AIZU07, kandidat kbimichooltikh
nauk, redaktor; MIROV, K.K., kandidat biologichookikh nauk,
(Hydrochomical obaractorlstios of the lower roaches of the Dnieper
and InVdots Rivers and a prognosis of conditions of lakhovka
Reservoir] GidrokhImichookila khAraktoriatiks nivorlov rok.
Dnepm i Ingulltma, i prognos reshiza Kakhovskago i,odokhranili-
shah&. Kiev, Isd-vo Akedomil nauk Ukrainskol SO, 1954. 103 p.
(Akademila nauk LM.- Kiev. Instytat h1droblologii, Trudy. n0.30).
(Wa S1:5)
I..Chlon-korroopondent AN UOR (for Boll, Roychan)
(Dnieper River) (Ingulots River) (gRkhovks Reservoir)
-Principal features of the formation of vegetation in the Kakhovka
Reservoir during the three years of its existence.
17 no-l-3-11 '60. (MML 13:6
1. Institut gidrobiologii AN USSR.
(Kakho4ita Reservoir-Presh-vater flora)
fTopachevslkyi, 0 V.], doktor biol. nauk, glav. red.;
ROLL, Ya.V., red.ideceased]; MOVCHAN, V.A., red.;
VLADIMIROV, V.I.[Vladyuqrov, V.I.], dolctor biol. nauk,
red.; VIIIOGRADOV, K.O.[Vynohradov, K.O.), doktor biol.
naukj red.; TSEYEB, Ya.Ya.---ioktor Iiol. nauk, red.;
SALINIKOV, M.'Ye [Sallnykov, M.N.], kand. biol. nauk,
red.; AIEAZOV, O.M., kand. khim. iauk,, red.; ZEROV, K.K.,
kand. biol. nauk, red.
iSome problenz of the phyoiologt of digeDtion and
metabolism in.fishes] Deiaki pytannia fiziologii tav-
lennia ta obminu rechovyn u ryb. Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSR,
1962. 115 P. (its Pratsi) (MIRA 17-11)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Yemchenkop Roll,
TOFACHEVSKIY, O.V.[Topachevslk-ji, O.V.), glav. red.; MOVCHA-11, V.A.,
red.; AT1.!AZOV, 0 11., doktor geo,rr. nauk, red.;
VLADIMIROV, V.I.Nladynyrov, V.I:, doktor biol. nauk, red.;
VINOGRADOV, K.O.[Vlrnohradov, K.0 ), doktor biol. nauk, red.;
TSEYE3, Ya.Ya.LrTSeeb, IA.IA.), doktor biol. nauk~ red.;
SALINIKOV, M.Ye.[&illnykovj M.IE.]. kand. biole nauk, red.;
ZEROV, K.K., kand. biol. nauk., red.
(Desna River within the boundaries of the Ukraine; sanitary-
lWdrobiological and bydrochemical characteristics] Desna v
mezhakh Ukrainy; sanitarno-hidrobiologichna ta hidrokhimichna
kharakterystv.ka. Ygivp Vyd-vo "Itaukova dumka~" 1964. 158 p..
(MIRA 17:7)
1. fikademiya nauk Zff. W. Kiev. Instytut hydrobiologii. 2. Chlon-
korrespondent AN Ukl,-#SSR (for Topachevskiy). 3. Vsesoyuznya
akademiya sell skokhc):7aystvemWkh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina I
chlen-korrespondG,-it,AN Ukr.SSR (for Movchan).
TSEYEB, Ya.Ya.; ROLL, Ya.V. [deceased ];__Z.M Ktjjj VLAD114IROVA, K.S.
[.Vl ~ . _QV,_-
adymyrova.. K.S.]; OLIVARI,-6.A.[Oli:~ari, H.A.]; MUCH,
[Maliarevstka, 0 IA ]; CHO"RNOGORKNKO, M.I.(Chernohorenko,
M.I.); LITVINOVA: M:O.[Lytvynova, M.O.]; ANDRIYCHUK~ MoD.,
[Kakhovka Reservoin a hydrobiological outline] Kakhovslke
vodoimyshche; hidrobiblogichnyi narys. I~Yiv, Naukova dumka,
1964. 303 P. (MM 17:8)
1. Akademiya nauk URSH, K:Lev. Instytut hidrobiologii.
Chemistry and restoration. Priroda 52 no.6:104-106 163.
KRA 16:6)
1. Gosudarstvennaya teentrallnaya khudozhestvenno-restwrratsJ.onnaya
masterskaya, Moskva.
(Art objects-Conservation and restoration)
Studying the jointworm alialcida(genus Hamolita Motsch) and
chalcids parasitic pests of some grazaineous plants of the
western provinces of the Ukraine. Visnyk**K,, un, no*2*
Ser. biol. no.2:1+7-49160. (I-MU 16.8)
'AUTHORS: Levin, u.A. and Zerova, M.V. Sov/106-58-2-1/16
TITLE: Tuning Error in a Pulse-signal Receiver Using a.f.c.
With a Diode-phantastron Control Circuit (Oshibka v
nastroyke priyemnika impul'snykh signalov pri primenenii
AFCh s diodno-fantastronnoy skhemoy upravleniya)
PERIODICAL: Blektrosvyazl, 1958, rqr 21 pp 3 - 11 ~USSR).
ABSTRACT: The input signal is mixed with a local oscillation
whose frequency may be controlled by a voltage. The output
of the mixer is fed via a tuned amplifier to a discriminator,
the cross-over frequency of the discriminator and the centre
frequency of the amplifier being the same. The voltage
pulses out of the discriminator are amplified and fed to the
diode-phanta5tron circuit. In the absence of discriminator
output, the phantastron produces a saw-tooth voltage waveform,
causing the local oscillator -to "search" over the frequency
scale. The grid of the phantastron is returned to earth via
the diodes connected as a d.c. restorer. Discriminator pulses
appearing across the diode produce a negative voltage which
stops the search. The anode voltage of the phantastron is now
dependent on the voltage at its grid and behaveslike an
ordinary "integrator". The following assumptions are made in
Tuning Error in a IPulse-signal Receiver Soir/106-58-2-1/16
Using a. f.c. with a Diode-
phantastron ControlOircuit
the analysis of the circuit:- within the working limits, the
discriminator characteristic, the control characteristic of
the local oscillator and the anode-grid relation of the pbant-
astron valve when used as an amplifier are all linear; the
pulses are rectangular; distortion suffered in transit through
the narrow-band and video amplifiers are neglected; the diode
characteriatio is piecewise linear. Since the relations in
the rest of the loop are independent of time, interest is
centred on the behaviour of the control circuit. Analysis of
the circuit of Figure 4 yields equations (9) and (10) which
des--,rite the vay in which the Grid voltage of the- hantastron
varies in the interval between pulses. Eqs.(13), Ut~) and (15)
give the deviation of local oscillator frequency from nominal
value and the time-rate of change. Because of the periodic
nature of the signal, the local oscillator frequency will also
have a saw-tooth variation. The tuning error is defined as
the peak deviation of local oscillator frequency from the
cross-over point of the discriminator and is given by Eq. (20.
This error will be the less, the hiGher the video gain and
Tuning Error in. a Pulse.-sign'a.'j'. Receiver Using a. fc. with a'
phantastron Control Circuit~
discriminator slope, the greater the ratio of pulse-length
to charge time of capacitor 01 s the smaller,the ratio of
repetition period to discharee time of 01 0 When the
tuning error is large, it is sometimes advisable to displace
the(rossover frequency of the discriminator away from the
.nominal amplifier band-centre.
There are 7 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
SUBMITTED: March 4. 1957
Uard 3/3 1. Electronic equipment--Performance 2. Electric circuits--AnalyBis
3. Electron tubes--Control systems
'ACC NRt-AM600323) Monograph Uq/
Belavin, Oleg Vasillyevich; Zerova, Margarita Vladimirovna
Modern methods of radio navigation (Sovremennyye aredstva radionavigatsii) Moticow,
Izd-vo "Sovetsk9ye radio"o 65i 0279 p. illus.; biblio. Errata slip inserted.
9,300 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: spacecraft navigation equipment, radar tracking, radar system, doppler
tracking, artificial satellite orbit, orbit parameter
PURFOSE AND COVERAGE: This book views the principles of operation of modern radar
devices and systems and describes.their basic characteristics. Special attention is
given to radar systems designed to secure guidance of cosmic flight instruments.
Methods are given for determining orbit parameters by measuring navigational dimen-
sions with statistical determinations. Variants of schemes for units or radar devices
are given as well as estimates of measurement precision. This book in recommended as
a text for student6 of radio technology specialties in aviation institutes, and it
can also be useful to engineers working with radar devicea.
TABIZ CF CONT=, i (abridged)s
6h L Determining orbit parameters,of artificial Earth satellites by measuring one
L,;igational dimension-5
Card 1/2 UDG-621.396.981(a75)
-Acc _NR, AY,6003233
Ch. IL Determining orbit parimeters of artificial Earth satellites by measuring.
several navigational dimensions-27
Ch* Ill. Radar tracking systems of artificial Earth satellites-39
Ch. IV. Determining the position of the flying appaxatua by signala fromtho arti-
ficial Earth satellite-87
Ch. V. Doppler meters of the velocity vector--103
Ch. VI. Radar ast-ronavigation devices--171
Ch. VII. Vertical-incidence radar--192
Ch. Vill, Hyperbolic phase systems without signal modulation-207
Ch. IX. Phas6 systems with signal modu~ations-241
Suppl. to ch. 2. Estimates of the precision of measurement of orbit parameters by
measuring three navigational dimensions--~263,
SUB CODE.: 17) 2S UBM DATE; -2,lAug65/. ORIG REFN 052 OTH REF: ~025
~MIMI I V i 6 R-~ R~~ 9. ..........
ACC NR. -AT6037046 SOURCE CODE: -:UR/0000/66itOOO/000/i)078/0096
--'AUTHOR: Zerova, M. V. (Candidat of technical sciences, Docent)
iORG: none
ITITLE: Transformation of the- -frequency spectrum when a'pulse-phasemodulated signal
ipasses through a delay system and an amplifier which is switched by the inpul: undelay-
~ed signal
!SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Teoriya i tekhnika radiolokatsii (Radar theory
land techniques); sbornik statey, no. 1. Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1966, 78-96
,TOPIC TAGS: Dopplerradar, pulse phase modulation, frequency conversion
ABSTRAC`r: The article considers the time structure and the frequency.spectriun of a
signal at the output of a device consisting of a delay circuit and an amplifier which
~is switched by the pulse-phase.modulated input signal. It is assumed that the input
signal consists of an infinite sequence of rectangular pulses of duration -(P, with a
time position given by.the expression
At,,; Q
At =ATs1n2kT.;
Card 1/2 UDC: 621.396.962.23(OL~)
lis the wobbulation frequency. Expressions are derived which make it possible to find
any component of the output signal frequency spectrum. The nature of this frequency
spectrum is affected by the delay time of the input signal. As an example, the varia.
tion in the constant component and inthe amplitude ofthe first, second and third hai
Monic. wobbulation frequency as a function of the delay time, is considered. In this
case only the intensity of the spectrum components varies when going from one: period !
another. Orig. art. has: 8 figures,12S formulas.
SUB CODE: 17,09/ SUBH DATE: 1SJul66/ ORIG REF; 003/ OTH REF:. 002
j Card -2/2
1-9 _MQ
AUTHORt Zerova, M.V.
TITLE: The Capture Processes in an A.F.C.SyBteul with Diode-
Phantastron Control Circuit in -the Transition from a
Search Regime to Automatic Tuning (Protsessy
ustanovleniya v sisteme apch s diodno-fantastronnoy
skhemoy upravleniya pr-i per-ekhade--ot pa-takovogo
rezhima k avtopodstroyke)
PERIODICALt Elektrosvyazl, 1959s Nr-~iq PP 32-40 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The circuit (Ref 1,2) can be described by the block
diagram of Fig 1; a control circuit is shown in Fig 2
and waveforms in Fig 3. The D-.~-,azj-ant article is devoted
to the transition from search to foll-i-g; it is assumed
that during this time the signal remains at a fixed
frequency. Eq I (from Ref 1) gives two exprassions, the
first is for the deviation of a local oacillato_r frequency
from a steady-state value at the end of the X-th period,
in terms of that at the beginning of a period; the
second expression is an anal-:)guus one for the rate oLr
change of the local oscillator frequency. Fig 4 shows
diagrammatically the frequeaj,,y deviation of a local
Card 1/3 oscillator during the search ragime, it corresponds to
The Capture Processes in an A.F.C.SyEtem with Diode-Phantastron
Control Circuit in the Transition from a Search Regima to Automatic
the amplitude of the pulse at the output of the
amplifier equalling the vol".age across the input
condenser to the phantastron. The exact course of the
transient response dependH on th,:; initial conditions,
that is, the initial freq,--rney dsviation. Eq 5 in a
general expression for the tr~n,-:;Lmt response, the
exact form of th~% response depends or, the relative
values of ap aklo- ak2.; when a akI the response is
4".1,1 tha spaed rking is
always monotonic., When a of w,
greatest, for this condition Vxfz response is g:Lven in
Fig 5 for various time constan+f,. Wher. a >1 A1.2t three
other cases may,ariset the signal may be captured
after a damped oscillation, a continuous oscillation
may develop or the signal may be captured temporarily,
then finally lost for good. When a lies between the
values of the other two coefficients 11, is possible for
the signal to be lost but there is very wide latitude in
Card 2/3 the clioice of circuit time tonstants. The values of the
The Capture Processes in an A.F C.System with Diode-Phantastron
Control Circuit in the Transiti;n from a Search Regime to Automatic
a-coefficients are defined at the top of pago 36. The
author thanks Professor G.A.Levip for valuable advice.
There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet*references.
SUBMITTED: 31st January 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: ArD*&r-M"-,r--WW-7-
-TITLE: TheTransient Procesa Caused by a Change in Signal Frequency
in an AFC System with a Diode-Phantastron Control Circuit
(Perekhodnyy protsess v sisteme APM, s diodno-fantastronnoy
skhemoy upravleniya, obuslovlennyy izmen,aniyem chastoty
PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazlp 1958.,,,Nr,ll,, pp,,18-28 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The block diagram-is shown in Fig.1 and the arrangement of
diode and given in Fig.2. The behaviour
of this type of circuit is different for positive and
negative control signals from the video amplifier,, and in
this article only the first type of change is considered as
being the more interesting. The basis of the study is the
results obtained in a previous article by the author (Ref.1)
in which the diode characteristic was approximated by a
stepwise-linear curve which enabled the connection to be
.ostablished between system conditions at the and of the
n-l and n-th periods. -The point of departure Is the
Card 1/4 linear transformation (1). Here Af is the deviation
SOV/106 -68 -11 -3/12
The Transient Process Caused by a Change in Signal Frequeney in an
AFC System with a Diode-Phantastron Control Circuit.
of frequency from~its nominal value, d,&fg/dt is the rate
are constant
of change of frequency and
Card 2/4
all ... a23
ooefficients.dependent on the parameters of the systems
This transformation may be suaaintly expressed in terms of
the matrix A. - It also follows that tile connection between
tho states of the system at the ends oj,.' the n-th period
and initially is given by All. To determine this tran's-
formation it is convenient to transform coordinates. The
elements of the converting matrix are found by solving the
equation system (2). The basic equation of the af.c.,
system is given by (3), (4), (5) and (6) while tfte matrix
elements are in (8). Eq.(12) describes the trLfL._jSient
process in the circuit when there is a step-change in
signal frequency,, while (13) estimates the variation in
rate of change of frequency during the process. The
response is aperiodie when the roots of the characteristic
equation 91 and 92 are positive and less than unity.
If 019L Ov then the,number of periods required to
reduce the nitial detuning by a factor 14 is given by the
-The Tran.rient Process Caused by a Change in Signal Frequency In an
AFC Sy~;zem with a Diode-Phantastron Control Circuit.
,expression for n (near the foot of p.23). If
01= 9 the corresponding formula is (16). This latter
condRion for- the roots is only fulfilled if (17) for .&
is satisfied. Fig.3 shows the number of periods n for
detuniag correction as a function of a for various values
of *--( coefficient a,
and 10. The greater the
the more rapirly does the syst6.m approach the steady-state.
The operating speed of the system is increased for an Increase
in system gain, the ratio T/RC2, the ratio tVT~5 and
TI/T. If the transient response is permitted 0 have an
overshoot, two important oases may be distinguishki.
1. When a > 1. The maximil frequency deviation ooeurring
,is (18). It is evident from Figs.4 and 5 that a consider-
able overshoot occurs, and In practioe this leads to a
reduction in operating speed. 2. Ikk .4 a -_ 1. The
equation for the transient process is (19), the maximum
frequency deviation"., (21), the n=ber of periods, n
to reduce detuning by a factor /-t is in Fige6. The
Card 3/4 magnitude of the overshoot increases with the initial
The Transient Process Caused by a Change in Signal Frequency in an
AFO System with a Diode-Phantastron Control Circuit.
frequency deviatio n, the system gain, the ratio VA02o
the ratio t T3 and the ratio T /T The author then s
Professor GY tevin for his valuaile'advioe. There are
7 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
SUBMITTED: January 31, 1958.
.Card 4/4
2. USSR (600)~.
I ;. _tI(jv L. It
IlInter,,ntlng Fungi, New to the USSR on tho Pontic Azaloa (Asalea paten
Potanichnty Zhurnal MT USSR (Botanical Journal of the Acad Sci Ukrainimi SSIR),
Vol 8, ',,To 2, -1951, PP 7.5-79.
9. Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXI, Issuel. Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, PT).121-13Z. Unclasrifled.
Fungus diseases of species of the maple on the right bitnk of the Mcrainlan
s.S.R. Bot.zhur.[U!crj 9 no.1;27-52 152. WHA 6:11)
1. Institut botaniki AkLdemii nauk Ukraino'koi HSR, Viddil mikologii.
(Ukraine--Maple--Diseaiee andpeats) (Diseases and post a--Maple-
Ukraine) (%-aine-Fungi, Pathogenic) (Fungi. Pathogenic--Ukraine)
-lzs -caused by species of Kyco-
9 no-3:55-65 152.
(MA 6:11)
~Al RSR,
mips and posts)
Fangus disences of ash on the right bunk region of the V.,mainion S.S.IL
Bot.zhur.[Uk-r.] 10 no.1:2,3-36 153. 1 (MMU 6:8)
Mraine--Ish (Tree)--Diaeases and poets) (Diseases and peota-
Ash (Tree)--Ukraine)
Effect of mycorhizal fungi found in oak groves of the steppe ort the
development of oak seedlings in a vegetative experiment. Bot.chur.
[Ukr.] 10 no.2:32-45 153. (MMa, 6:6)
1. Instytut botaniky AN URSH. Viddil mikologiyi
(oak) (Mycorhissa)