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ZAYKOV, S.T.0 kand.takhn.nauki KRAVTSOV, P.Ya., inzh.
Using ore-line briquets in converter process. Izobr.v SSSR 2
no.91l6-17 S 157. (MIRA 10:10)
(Bessemer process)
ZAYK(Ar S T kand# tekhns~nauk; XIKIFORfjVp a.r.1 KOVAL', VoTeel
===-4wiry.. P.S.
Working out nomogram for the calculatlon of,additlow during
tho convorter smalting proosod, Mat, i gornorud, prcm,, uo*4&
25-29 n-4g 165. (HIM 18 110)
Con verter lout -alloys oten I v th r, i o'b I w7i for weld.ed et m,,~ urc,
Avtom. svar. 17 no.2.43-48 F ~64. (IIIHA 17:9)
1. Ukrainskiy Institut metalllov (for', Dobruskina. Zaykov,
Folldman). 2. Itistitut oInktru3vnr?,II. Yo.b. Pntmi~; AN*Ukr~>S11
(for Asnis, Nazaronka).
Role'!;f'-manganese in oxygen-blown cast iron during Ux convert-or
process. -- Mot, 1 -21 Y -JO '63. (PIPA 17:1)
_gornorud. prom. no.3:17 q
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatel'skly inatitut inetallov.
----- ------- - --- ----
FUDIKOVp Drdtrly Wovolodovich; RUDIIISKIY, Ntr Snnoylovichi
BELIM.U., Mikhail Lfvovi,,h* ZAYKOV S,T. otv. red.;
LIBURVAN: S.S.. red.i-A-va.; takhn. rod,
(Operation of ateel pnuring-ladlen Atli raws3d liningiRk-
spluatataiia stalerazlivochrqkh kovshoi a nabivnoi futerov-
koi. Kbarlkov, I-letti-DurgizzIat, 1962. 62) p. (MIRA 15:7)
(Opon-heartli furnaces-Equipment and supplies)
ZAYKOV, Solomon Tevovich; CMMCHE21KO, T.I., red.; SIIMTAt S.M., tekbn,
[flow, technology 1n converter stoolmaking] Novaia tekhnologila v
konvertornam proizvodatve stali. Kiev.9 GosAiC--vo tekhn.lit-ry
USSR, 1961. 157 p. (Bessemer process) (MIRA 1 5;1)
8/137/61/000/010/00 V056
AMIOM 1, Z&YkOV#A,_3t,, XrAvtnoys Yijall Isrohits, 0, 1,
Tilut Assimilation of-melting new steel grades in oonvortors with Msen
?MMICALt, Referativr47 zhurn&l#..Xet&l1urSiya,, no, 106. 1961,-36,, abstract 101240,1'
25 27)
TEV. At the,'plant. Imeni Petrovskiy and "Krivoroshotall" the following rim-
ming -steel grades are now being malted, in oonvertate with 02 bl"ti.. T - for,Aele-
gravit viral B-08 (SV-08) and, OB -08A (SV-08A) for. 6le4troda wire "(S_UV._,to.
0, 040%~ arA up to 0.030%),.K-2, K-3, X-O.for small iron w~rsl IC-5 and- KP-62
(WR-62), fot- or-ine railes. W,20 (25028) low-alloy steal.-for reinforcement VIV41 of
profile.- Further enlargement. of the assortment:waa studied,, n&qsljr Ishe
moltirg of --hlgh-quality- OB -08A, (BV-OIA2j K-10 and K-:20.PIPS steslu:: I~ wAG"'fq4XI4
that when converting cast iron with S0,05%, steal with 6 4 0,030% qij,be ob:T
Uined,,if the slag is removed twice and fluorepar (2 kg/-t of sleel)*is added,
T~re repeated slag ;!emoval extends- the melting time by 15 and reduces thj
Card 1/2
Assimilation of malting new steel grades in... A006/A101
yield by 0.7 - 1.2%. Further Investigations showed that SV-OBA steel Gan be melted
from castiron with 8 4 0.05% and Hn > 1.5% if only fluorspar,is used without re-
moving the p,dmary slag, X-10 end X-20 pipe steel wits melted. Teeming was per-
formed by the eypho n method into molds with risars. The ingot %eight was 4,20
4.45 to The steel oontained,0,0091% (01, 0,0065% [N] and 4.69 ml/100 8 CH). All
the moobanioal and toohnological tests of the pipm speoimens yielded satisfaotory
[Abstracte0s notet Complete translationi
Card 2/2
M _K
Konferentaiya po fiziko-khimicheakim osnovam proizvodatva stall. 5th,
Moscow, 1959.
Miko-khImicheskiye oanovy proitvodetva stall; trudy konferentali
(Phyalcochemical Bases of Steel Making; Transactions of the
FifZh Conference on the Physicochemical Bases of Steelmaking)
Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 512 p. Errata allpWorted.
3. 700 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency., Akademlya nauk MR. Institut metallurgii imard
A. A. Baykova,
Responsible Ed.: A.M. Samarin, Corresponding Member, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. D. Rozenteveyg.
Tech. Ed. V. V. Mikhaylova.
Card 1116
Phy alcochotnical flamea of (Unt.)
PURPOSE: T'his collection of articles is Intended for engineers and
technicians of metallurgical and machine-bullding plants, senior
students of schools of higher education, staff members of design
bureaus and planning Institutes, and scientific research worktra.
COVERAGE: The collection contains reporta presented at the fifth
annual convention devoted to the review of the phyalcochemical bases
of the steelmaking process, These reports deal with problems of the
mechanism and kinetics of reactions taking place in the r4olten metal
in steelmaking furnaces. no following are also discussed: problems
Involved In the production of alloyed steel, the structure of the Ingot,
the zgechanlism of solidification, And the converter steelmaking
procroo. The articles. contairi conclusions drawn from the results
of experimental studies, and are accompanied by references of which
most are Soviet.
-Card 2118-
Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.) SOV/5411
Zaykov, S. T. Using Lime-Iron-Ore Briquettes for Processing Pig
rFo-nin With Oxygen [Blast) 319
Popell, S. I., and G. F. Konovalov. Removing High -Temperature
Melting Inclusions From Rimmed Steel 325
Volkov, S. )~e, and A. M. Samarin. Effect of Deoxidation on the
Desulfurization of Steel 331
Buitakov, D. K. Effect of Hydrogen on the Separation of Sulfur in
.the Structure of the Cast Steel 337
Rostovtsev, S. T. , D. 1. Turkentch, V.I. Baptlzmanskiy, and K. S.
Prosvirnin. Nonmetallic Oxide Inclusions in Rail Steel Made in a -
Converter 344
Card 12 /16
V.~ ~7
Mastering the -kJ of now brands of steel in acid com-
verters. Hetallurg 5 no.8s15 Ag 160. (JaBA 13:7)
1. Ukrainakiy institut motaIlov i savod ime Petrovskogo.
(Beisemer process)
---------- --
Zaykov, S.T ,KFavtsov,_F.Ya., Lifshits, S.I.
T ITIR Putting Into Production R~w St6el Oradea Malted in Oagen Converters
PERIDDICALI 146tallurg, 1960, No. 8, P. 15
The following ateol.grades are now being produced In oxyg6n rprr,-
0 _Elant-, rit. g I
v rterv at ths Plant, Im-ni Potrqvqk:4~y and the Kri Ir RoZ rr!,n it
NO 8 (SV08), r-t.STA, t -3) , VCT. U.VKS*.,O) steel and k I I I ed 25F 26
(25~3 S), 35r(_ (3-- C; SV08A), K10 and K4'~)
32 .)GS) , VCT. 5 (YS t. 5), V 06 2 (KR62.), C 0 8 A (
pipe steel. 'In SvO8A steel the permtssible sulfur and phosphorus content li~ not,
OV er-O 030%. The prodtiction of oxygen convertersteel with a low P and S --:.ntent
le, rol. by exper"mental invest1gations
thpLt at~,ol wlib st amf4r nonterit below 0.03% may be obtiihed,-cr
taining 0.05% S, llais fa attained by ropoat,~d remml of tht ifltAg and the
addition of fluor5par !.n jmn amn,-tmt. of 2 kg/t of metal, However, the ropeatid
drawing-off the nlag 1mre%.qes thc, melfAng t!me by 15-20% and r-duces the yield
by 0.7-1.24. K10 wid KZ-() p1po tteol War- m-31t~:d In wi oxygp-n c~,nvt-rter. The
Cm-d 1/2
.ting Irt,, T'rc-Aucticn Ncw SUel Grados Mc-Ited -,'n Oxygen Converters
finlAt-d proluct met 1 ,~ht; 'r~,quln~ments t:.~ atandards and Uie gas- ,,cntent was 1-cw.
"thr, roll.Irg of the *clankz '--ito seaml-cas pipes was easily po;-elble. '11're pilpe
tests prcved Eatll-npa-~t~-ry.
A83CCIATION: Mkralns?ly ln3t~tut wetaIlicw (Ukrainian Institute of Ka-~als),
U-vod lmenl Pcatr,%vEkc-g-- (Plant imen! Fetrovsklyj
Car-I 2/2
ZAYKOV$ VAL' -oye-; 711MULTH, V.I.;
Using oxygen-blo,,m converter steel in automobile !.ranufacture.
Mat. i gornorud. prom.-no.4:26-31 il-Ag 164.
(HrRA 38:7)
GAMTON, Ye -ii Oeorjiyevic4;.,7
V90 7 ATXOT,-.S*Tof otv,red.; SYMATSKAYA,
Ye.K., red.izd-va; ANER913T, S.P.,
'ESIag ramoval from open-haarth furnace slag Pockets] Udslania
shlaka iz chlakovikov.xartanovskikh poohal. 1harOkovp Oom.
nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnol matellurgii,
196o. 137 P. (MIRA 1317)
(Open-~hearth furnaces--Zquipment and supplies)
Z19YArd I/
ij I.
Using ore-limestone briquettes in a converter process. Izv. AN SSM
Otd. takh. im no.12;78-80 D 957. (KIRA 1111)
(Bessemer process)
N1 75 17, "It",
ZAYKOV. S#T.o kand. tokhn, nauk; KOROBOY, I.I., loth.; NOSTEIMSKIT,
JMAVTSOV. P-YS-# tnich.; LMJIITSo S,1,0 kand, tekhn.
nauk; RURDISM. P.S.. Inch.; MOT, T.D.. lazh.
Using limsoton4-oro brtquett4s during oxygen blast through pit-.
iron in convortors. Biul. TS1111CM no. 10:15-21 1513. WRA 11:7)
(Bassemor proc6su)
LI 2
AUTHORS: Goncharenko, N I .Zaykov, S.T. Kravtsov, P,Ya,,
Umnov, V.D. (E a'r
TITLFj; Use of ore-limestone briquettes in convertors.
(Primeneniye rudoizvestnyakovykh briketov v konverternom
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh,
Nauk, 1957, No.121 PP-78-80 (U6SR).
~ABSTRACT: Uae of oxygen in convortora with baoic lining, permits
----------------procerLsing-of--opon hearth --pig- containing- -ul)-- t0-0. 30%-
and up to 0.08% S. Therefore acceleration of the process
of formation of liquid lime-iron slag during the blowing,
which lasts only 12 to 15 minutes, is of great importance.
On the suggestion of the Ukrainian Institute of Metals
(Ukrainskiy Institut Metallov) several series of
experiments were made in the shops of the imeni Petrovskiy
Works and the Yenakiyevo Works substituting iron ore
and limestone by ore-limestone briquettes. The speeding
up of the procese of slag formation if such briquettes
are used is attributed to the larger specific surface
-and the good mixing of the limestone and ore Which,before
briquetting,are crushed to a cizo of 1 to 3 mm. For
Card 1/3 making the briquettes, rich powdory.iron ore with a low
Uso of ore-limestone briquettes in convertors. 24-12-17/24
conteD.t of silica is used, In one of the Works two
r3orioti of oxporimontal mg1to wero made (60 melts,
molting temperature 1250 C) with ore-limontona briquatton
of the following composition: 27-12% F 38.74% FeaO3
2.5% S1021 21.44% CaO, 0.72% MgO~ 0.94 A1203t
0.12% Mno,, 0.02% P? 0.022% S. The slag formation is
so rapid that slag specimens taken from the convertor
three minutes after the beginning of the blowing period
were perfectly homogeneous in spite of the fact that
they contained 32% CaO; the data given in Table 3 indicate
that the basicity of the slag after three minutes blowing
remained almost constant and this proves the full and
rapid dissolution of the limestone in the slag. Rapid
slag formation and a high reaction ability was also
proved in the experiments at the Yenakiyevo Metallurgical
Works. Due to the higher fluidity of the slags obtained
with a briquette variant, the bauxite consumption is
reduced by 55 to 6(Y16 and the specific consumption of
liquid pig-iron is also lower, resulting in an increase
in output of 1 to 1,6% and a reduction of the specific
Card 2/3 oxygen consumption. Thus, ore-lime briquettes substituting
-ore limestone- briquettes i t 24-12-17/24
Use of n conver ors.
all the admixtures used at present represent fundamentally
a slag forming mixture and a cooling agent and such a
substitution leads to simpler and easier operation of
convertor shops.
There are 3 figures and 4 tables.
SURAITTED: April 19, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
ZAYKOV, Solomon Tevovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LIFSHITS, S-rveliy
nauk; VALIKOVp BoG.) inzh.,
retuenzarit; CHURAGIMIKO, T.I., red.izd-va; BEREZOMp
V.N., tekhn. red.
IStoolmalting in wqgon-blown convertors) Vyplavka stall v
kislorodnykh konvertorakh. Kiov, Goslekhizdat USSR, 1963.
181 P. (MIRA 17: 2)
ACC NR' ARG035198 /~V] SOURCE: coriE . TJR/0124/66/000/009113075/13076
AUTHOR: Gofman, A. D. V. L; Semenova-Tyan-Shanskaya, A. V.
TITLE: Calculation of ship maneuverability in wind conditions
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Melchanika, Abs. 9B509
REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. In-ta vodn. transp., vyp. 81, 1965, 21-36
TOPIC TAGS: ship, wind, navigation equipment, ship navigation
ABSTRACT: Two maneuvers of a ship exposed to wind conditions are examined:
the movement of a ship along a straight course, and the turning of the ship on the
sarn espot. In the first case, the problem is to determine the dangerous wind
direction, the maximum velocity of the wind blowing from the dangerous direction,
and dur.,,ng which the ship can still move along the given route; the reversal angle
of the steering unit, the drift angle and the sailing speed needed to achieve this.
ItAs furthermore assumed that the characteristics of the above-water part of the
ship are given as coefficients of the aerodynamic forces In the coupled coordinate
s~lklkpls system. It is also assumed that the hydrodynamic characteristics of the
Ship are presented in the form of position hydrodynamic- forces in the coupled
Card 1/3
A%-'- NKI AR5035198
coordinate systems. The performance characteristics of the ship's propeller and
helm unit are given In the form of a load factor of the complex from the useful
haulage a,.iQ(pV,1j2)F,, as a function of the relative action X-VIDn
in the form of the load factor of the complex for the transverse force
Of,_Y?(PV,1j2)Fv as a function of (th e reversal angle 0 and the
drift angle a having constant value) and in the folom of the haulage drop coefficient
of the complex q. as a function of the reversal angle 0. Certain recommendations
,.are presented concer ning the approximate determination of the aerodynamic
characteristics of the above-water parts of the hull, the hydrodynamic character-
istics of the hull and also of the propeller and helm aggregate. The solution of
the problem presented in a dimensionless form. The method of calculating the
maneuver if given. The second case examines the maneuver during which the ship
does not advance, but must turn against the action of the wind, with the assistance
of propellers and helms. It is then supposed that the propellers eliminate for the
ship the longitudinal motion, and that the angle of the wind drift is cr = -90
degrees. When formulating the equations for the ship's equilibrium, the value of
the -speed of drift Vin compression with the absolute* witid'velocity Va is disregard-
ed. It is considered that the absolute and relative wind velucities are equal, i. e.
Va = Vk In the first approximation, the equations of equilibrium of the shipare
CaN 213-
AC-1- Nil,
solved in the assumption that the drift speed of the ship in log movement is low,
and that the prop -ell er -and helm aggregate -are performing under mooring condi-
tions, while the value of its maximum transverse force is known. Ift this case
erous driftangle
the maximum velocity of the endured wind Va, the most danp
__(P dan and th-e- drift -speed V are determined. Calculations are then made
in tabular form for the entire range of angles from- 0 to- 180 degrees. As a
result, the dangerous angle T dan is determined, which corresponds to the
minimurn spood of-tho wind undurod by tho ahip. In tho sooond approximation,
with the angles of vevornal and tho performanco conditlowl of the propeller and
helm aggregate being known, the equation of tho longitudinal movement of the shipi
issolved.- Anexamplo Is given ofthe calculation ofmanouvers examinedinthe
case of a-loaded scrial vessel 670 ia presented as an examplo. V. Ye. Pyatetskly.
[Translation of abstract] [GC)
SUB CODE: 13, 04/
-use of mineral fertilizers in the gray forest soils of Havosibirsk
Province. Trudy Biol.- inst. Sib. otd. AN SSS no.12tlO8-116 f64.-
(MIRA 18:7)
Y K ON A _n 1, rA"
L.A . ,
1 n f o r c s L
P-,-, twol All
Ow. O'b
jol og i chl?b 1-Y
t; r-A 9
Method for restoring the eyebrovs following extensive burns.
Xhlrurgiia no.8:82-86 Ig 161. (MIRA 150)
-I%, Sverdlovokogo mauchno-4ssledovatAlokogo inotituta travma-
tologii fortopedii--(dirt - Z#Po labegina).
no. 2:15-17
pondylitis. Vept. oft. 73
I-ridocyclitis in ankYlOsirW3
(141RA 14: 1)
i* xi, -
ZATf(OVA,-X,,V. kand.tred. nauk
No-,r advances in methods for reconstructing the eyelid and
conjunctival sac following traumas. Testooft. ra.3:17-22
161. (IM. 1419)
I* Svordlovskiy nauchno-isoledovatel'okiy inotitut tramatologii
i ortopodii MWsterstva zdravookhranonlya RSFORe
Reconstruction of the eyelid with acutely formed pediole flap
graft. Aota obir. plast. 5 no.2:133,-146 163m
1" Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute for Traumatology and
Orthopedics, Sverdlovsk (U.S.S,R.).Director: Z.P. Lubegina, Cand.
State of the fundus,ocull in Bpastlo paralysis and athetonin.
Eksp. issl. po fiziol., biokhimo i fam. no.3t79-82 161.
(MIRA 16:12)
1, Sverdlmkiy nauebno-issleda7atel'skAy institut travmato-
logii 1. ortopedii. Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSF8R.
kand, med. nauk
Method of penetrating singls-stage blepharoplasty b7 mems of
Filatov's rcrtmd tube graft and free mucosa. Oft. shur. IS
no.72439-440 1163 WRA 1724)
1* Iz Svordlovskogo nau0mo-Issledovatellskogo Institut-a trav-
matologii-i ortopediiMininteretva.zdravookhranoniya RSFSR.
ZA-ROVAp 14.Va
Reconstructim of eyelidsp conjunctival sac and orbit w"'-%,
" 4
a tubed Filatov flap, Acta chir. plast. (Praha) 6 no.W33-
145 '64,
1. Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute of Trairmtology
and'Ofthopaedics, Sverdlovsk (U.S.S.R.) Directors Z.P.
looobeghina, Cand.1-Ted. Se,
Clinical use in ophthabw1ogy of bomocartilage preserved b7 deep
refrigeration* Vestoft. to.6:77-430 161. (KM 14:12)
It Overdlovskiy nauebno-issledovatellekiy inatitut travmatologii i
UYKOVA. H.V.. klinichaskly ordinator
Bilateral fat embolism of the central artery,of the retina in
fractures of the long shaft bones. Tastoft. 69 no.5.-91-92 5-0 156.
MRA 9:12)
1. It Svar&lovskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta voistano-
vitellnoy khirurgit, travmatologii i ortopedii (dir, - nauchnyy
rudkovoditell chlea-korrespondent Akademit maditsinskikh nauk SSSR
4 a elm
,z ;,s-- -I 141~
ZAYKOVA, M. V., Cand Med Sai -- (diss) "Methods of the
surgical treatment of traumatic dacryocy6titis
15 PP (Plin of Health RSFSR. Ch i u kState-Mod Inat) 200'copies.
12-58, 102)
TOKASHIVSX&Up A.G.-,kandidat-maditainakikh tauk; ZATKOVAI M-Alinichaskiy
Canaliculorhinosto--q used as an effective method In treating
trail-tic dacryocystitio. Vast. oft. 70 no.1:32 Ja-F '57
(HLRA 10:5)
1. Sverdlovskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut voestanovitallnoy
khirurgii, travmatologil, I ortopedii (dir.-nauabnyy rukovoditell
chlon-korreepondent A= SSSR prof. F.R. Bogdanov)
traum., canaliculorhinostomy) (Rus)
(HOSE, surge
canaliculorhinostomy in traum. dacryocystitio) (Ras)
ZAYrOVA, 11.v.
"w"Ireatment of traumatic dacryocystitis combined with sinuitis.
oft, zhur. 13 no.6054-358 158. (MIRA 12:1)
L lit Ovordloviskogo muolmo-inal. liwiituta voki4tnnoyttallnoy klitritrAti#
travmtolorii i ortopedil.
XROL'p N.G*q dotsent, ZkYKOVA, N,V,, tauchW sotrudnik
Physiological investigation of the *old* and "nev" functions
of a nalivary gland folloving trAnoplnntation of Stemen's duct
to the conjunctivnl eac In xorophthalmia. Oft.zhur. 13 no.331755-178
158 (MIRA 11:6)
1. Iz Inboratoril klinichookoy fiziologii Sverdlovskogo nauchno-
insledovateltekogo instituta vosetnnovitellnoy khtrurgii, tremmato-
logii i ortapodile
Numbero of sprouts and seedlIngo in Ooma mlodow p~qtocoemsez of
Dot. shurf---14 no. 1211720-1723 - 1) 159,,
(141RA 13110
1. Botanicheekly institut im. V.L.Komrova Ikkademil, nauk SSSR,
(Karelia-Paotures and'oeadowe)
Changes In some neadow phytocoonoses in Karelia ucder the In-
fluence of mineral fertilizers and tfie sowing of grass seed.-Izv.
Ear. I Kol'*fjl.AK.SSSR no.4*.114-122 '58- (KIRA 12:5)
1. institut lena Karel'Rkogo filiala AN SSSR.
(Y-arelia-Pasturas and meadows)
~ I ~ 7 ~ ~ I , , , *:,~ I . ,
"I ~ ~ ~ --', ~-l -,~ 7-V .-, ~ s ~ ;
r I
r.rl,,tic Fro", of
53. 5
SO: SIM 432, 5/5
,~ ~,: i j,"'! " ? ~
Y _V'
AUTHORSj Shur, Ya. S.f Abells, V.1t., Z&ykovaj Ve A* 48-8-17/25
TITLEt On the Part Played by the Closing Domains in Processes of
Technical la'gnatization (0 roli zamykayuohohikh oblastay v
protsessakh tekhnicheskogo namagnichivaniya)
PERIODICAL: Izvesti:~& AN SSSR# Seriya. Fizicheakaya, 1957P
Tol. 21, !!r 8) pp. 1162-1167 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The following magnetic domaina are distinguished in this
papers Basic domains$ which extend over the entire thickness
of ferromagnetica in thin crystals; the slosing domains, which
are situated on the edge of the sample or on its surface, in
which the magnetic current of the basic domains in closed,
and sub-domains - particularly closing domains - which form
before defeotive places, where the uniformity of magnetization
is disturbed. In the chapters MhA sha of closing domains
and their connection with natural crystallographic anisotropy
the statement is made that, if the surface of the sample is
parallel to one of the directions of the light magnetization#
no closing domain in formed on the surface, and ouch a domain
can be found only at the ends o? the basic domains. On the
boundarl-ofth-ef lat -ample the closing domains form as tri-
-angles. This was di",losel- for-the-firet--time -by -IAndau. &rd-
Card 16 Lifshitso (In this pitper vt-srious kinds of occurrence of
7 1
On the Part Played by the
Technical Magnetization
Closing Domains in Processes -of --48-8--17/25
closing domains are further described which are ascribed as
*drop "comb"* "pine tree"y "stem" etc*) . In the chapters
The dependence of the shape of closing domains on the thickness
" i1o'nof 16' -closing
of the sample the change in the forma
domains from a 100 -thickness of the sample up to 5 is
dencribed, and it is said that the particularly thin samples
under 5 have no more olocing domAinn of tits ourfAce. In tits
ohaptert Modification of the shape of olosin domains in the
case of an elantic extension of the eamDle it is said thAt,
correaponding to the increase of the force causing extension
of-the sample parallel to the orientation of magnetizationt
the magnetio structure becomes gradually aimplified until
ri nPLll"_goes__ove3z_:Lnto the extinguishing closing doaain.
In the r4apters Transformations in cloo
by, an in _ as a of I of the ma netj field it is
of iihifting-the-
fields the
Card 2/3
that in
bbundaries of the basic domain take place and, if a closing
_aomai~nis en cou-nter-ed-, --this - boundary-vattishes. -The -aame,-how-
every occurs again as soon as the place of this domain is
passed* After the definite completion of the process (with
growing intensity) these boundaries vanishp but the closing
domains remain. With a further increase of intensity the
On the Part Played by the Closing Domains in Processes of
Technical Magnetization
-closing strong fields,
whore they also vanish. In the chapters Transformation of the
closing domainsduringthe decrease of the intensity of the
magnetio field a process that is inverse to the above de-
scribed one is found to occur, but transformations here take
placo in comparatively weaker fields, The closing domains
partly- go-over -into the baoic-domaine-by -nagativere-magnet-_
state of definite magnetization the process of magnetization
is described on the ring-shaped sample (in order to avoid
magnetization of the edge). In this case it was possible, on
the occasion of final magnetization, to determine the basic
domains, and, (in special cases), also inversely charged
bas3,o domains, which may be explained b- the remaining effec'
of re-magnetization-
There are 11 figures and 8 references, 7 of which ar2 Slavic,
AVAILABLEt Librax7 of Congress
Card 3/3
-, ~ "'I~ ~F- ,- ~ .. ..
- -W..
ml 'Val
16 -wf K_
~.c 00 __
obf..'so 0
"a Aug 1j"1 jol ~v x
v v
--ig v 40 1:1 Or
0, 1 V I ;5 3 1
1..-, %"z jit a
Za.-. v a is is 43
J 3
H d- .3 - I -
74 *;r
AUTHORS: Shurl Ya S. and Zaykova, V. A. SOV126-E-3-23/32
TITLE: On the Influe;1ce 'o-f__i;-_1a__JT-:Lz-ttre-jses on the Magnetic
Structure of Silicon Iron Crystals (0 vliyanii
uprugikh napryazheniy na naEnitnuyu struIA-turu
kristallov ~xemnisto~,~o zheleza)
PERIODICAL: Fiz ika Metdllov i-
PP 545-555 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The aim of the work described In this paper was to
establish general relations governing the chan;-es in
the ma6netic structure of silicon irorx crystals under
the effect of elastic stresses. By means, of the method
of powder patterns the changes were investigated in the
mas:netic structure of such crystals caused by elastic
strotchinS of the crystal as a function of the raaZnitude
force _t1w --type --of- -the initi al-Mab-ne tic
structure- and the _~)rientatio.n -of - the stresses relative
to--tho- cryi.--ta-l-loeraphic- directions -in the cryotal, The
lnvesti~,,ationq viere carried ou-1; on course cryotal
specimens of iron coritaining--3.5% Si,~v-ihereby the
Card 1/4 dimensions of the individual crystals varied betWeerl
0.5 and 5.0 niii. The specimens consisted of 30 =i lonG,
rot, Te.1 n-
On---the-- Influenoe-of.-Blastic--St -0 ~thie - Magnetic--- Structure --of
~_Silicon -Iron -Crystals
mm wide, 0.1 to 0. 2 iam -thick strips With various
aryntallogrtiphic orlontations of the surface. The
aurface treatment (inechanical and oloctrolytic polishin6)
and the preparation of the rangnetic suspensions was the
same as In earlier described work of Shur and Ads
(Ref 4). The powder patterns were observed by means of
a microscope. The stretching of-the specimens was
effected b:~ means of a specially designed instrument, a
photo of which is reproduced in Fig.l. In this the
npacimon la fixed betwoon "ho- clampo of a opring, (I ii, tio-
motor which is attached to the stund of a microacope;
the stretching of the specimen was effected by means of an
electric motor-driven screiv which compressad tl,.e spring
of the dynamometer. It was thus possible to obtain a
continuous loadInS and unloading of the Investigated
specimens and to determine the load from the deflection
of the dynamometer pointer. The applied loads did not
cause plastic deformation o-L^ the specimens. The
observation and photo6raphing of the powder patterns
Card 2/4 effected at magnifications of 180 to 300 timeo. Some of
On the Influence of Elastic Stresses on the hla6netic Structuro of
Silicon Iron Crystals
the thus produced photographs are reproduced in Figs.2-9.
It was found that elastic stretching may bring about
considerable changes in the magnetic structure of,cryi3tals
of silicon iron; these changes depend on the magnitude of
the stresses, the type of the initial ma6netic structure
find the orientation of the stresses -relative to the
crystallographic directiuns in the crystal.. Changes--in,
oundaries, changing -th -e-dinensiona-- -and ~-cessatioh- -of
--additional -are aT- and --also of
e -change h-
_--mabne-tio structure, he --t e magnetic structure--
caused- -by t thr
ension-In jelastic range may be irreversible.
The obtained reBults can be explained qualitatively if it
is assumed that,as a result of the elastic stresses,a
redistribution taken ons
ere e boundary enerGy has a minimum value and in the
direction of easy me~gnetisation, which is near to the
direction of thete~.fbcce,mW
.,t ~.~on wal be=e still easier.
Card 3/4 In some cases the vector of-spontaneous maSnetisation may
On the Influence of Elastic 6tres-ses on the lia-Sne-b-4-C St.'ructure of
Silicon Iron Crystala
al axiq of the crystal to tho
turn- from the tetrai~on,
direction of tbe xltl'elchijl~ 3bud nts Yu,11.1jilagasyla skiy
L' e I n E,
and Yc.-D._Kuzmin participated in the experimental work.
ore-are ~3=of_-w h=a
Soviet, 3 Engliab.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov.Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR
(Institute of Metal Physics )Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc.,
SUBM-ITTED: August 21, 1957
1.,Silicon iron crystals--Kagnetic properties 2. Electrolytic polishing
--Applicati6ns 3. Silicon iron crystals--Stresses 4. Silicon iron
---crystals--Test results
C ard 4/4
T The Change of the Magnetic Structure of Iron Silicate Crystals
.Under the Action of Elastic Strain (Izmanoniye magnitnoy
struktury kristallov kremniatogo zheleza pod deystviyom
uprugikh napryazheniy)
PERIODICAM Izvoetiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Beriya fizicheakaya, 1958,
Vol 22, Nr 1OP-PP 1185 - 1189 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs In the present paper the authors investigated the change
of the magnetic structure under the action of elastic
tension-stresses. They intended to find general rulas
governing the change of the magnetic structure of ferro-
--magnetic - cry at ale -in-the-case :of ;Tone- aided -elastic --stress.
The investigations resulted the following: Under the influ-
once of an elastic stress considerable changes In the magnetic
-,structure of iron silicate crystals taken place. These
T -change a- -are - repro sentect.- byt-Ahe -shif -t boun arias, the
change of-Atiho--suppleminting-anA b-ou-ndary domainal -and the--,--
-change-_bf_the type of the megnet ic structure. They lopend
on the-strain.value, on the nature of the,original magnetic
at ructure, --a-nd. -on-the- orientation of-the strain with respect
The Change of the Magnetic Structure of Iron BOY/48-92-10-5/23
Silicate,Crystals Under the Action of Elastic
to the crystallographic axes. The change of the magnetio
structure of the crystal 'with varying strain is irreversible.
~U~alitatively the results-may be explained As followas It
~io assumed that-under the influence of elastic atrain an
orientation of I into the direction of the strain takes
place; the domaIns with minimum values of the boundary
energy becomes diqplaced in.the.crystall the tetragonal
axis which is nearest to the orientation of tl~q strai-n
becomes the-orientation-of--the --- w- magnetization. - It may
be assumed that the change of the magnetic structure under
the action of elastic strains will exhibit qualitatively the'
same character also in other weakly magnetic materials. rjals
is especially trme of triaxial ferromagnatio materials.
There are 2 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
SOCUT-1-Ors--7--instilut fizikimetallov Akademii-nauk SSSR (Institute of
..-metal- Physics IAS-USSR)
Card .,2/9
Shur, Ya. S.,-Luzhinsksys, M. G.j BOV/48-22-20-18/23
of Magastostriotive
Receivers on- Their Magnotostriotivo Charaotoristic-s--(0-
savisimosti ohuyetvitallnosti magnitostriktsionnykh
priyomnikov,ot ikh magnitnykh kharakteriatik)
PERIODICALt Ityestiya, Akademii nvuk SSSR. Soriya fitiohookaya, 1958,
~Vol 22, Nr-10, py 1259 -1262 (USSR)
IBSTRAM According to theoretical calculations (Hof@ 1 - 3) the
sonaitivity of the magnstostriotive receiver can be
r*3j&Ud - to the-magnot1t;-.1haraotoristion of the
material of the rooeiyor,as foXIowei
emax-,-,)4,., (Boyt.)y- (2)
e a (3)
Card 113
BOY/48-22- 0-18/23
On the Dependence ijf the Sensitivity of
'Nagnotostrictive Receivers on Their Magnstostrictive
The symbols-denotot e sensitivity, /fo~_apparent permeabil-
ity, a- magnotostriation, B - induction, Aeio- saturation
,magnetostriction, Is - saturation magnetize, n,,4c- initial
permeability, a - maximum sensitivity of the receiver
at a aertain opfflum value of the induction of the polariza-
tion B In the present 'paper the above-mentioned
theoreffS;l relations and their possible application in the
selection of the material for magnetostriotive receivers
were checked by experiment. Materials with widely differing
magnetic properties were investigated. The measurements
showed that atter different treatment the allo.,-s exhibited
widely differing magnetic properties and sonsitivitieei From
experimental data can be seen that in the case of a modifios-
tion of the magnetic state of the conoerned receiver its
sensitivity varies according to formula (1). The relations
(2) and (3), whioh relate the maximum values of the reo3iver
sensitivity of various alloys, are satisfied lose exactingly.
One of the reasons for this disagreement might be errors in
Card 2/3 the experimental determination of various ch&racteriaties.
On:therDspendence of the~seus__itiylty of:_~
.~Xagnetostrictive Receivers on TheirmagnetostrictiTO
The-rusults-show_that when-formuls, (3) is smployed an
-_---approximate compexativi-4-st-imation-of- the -sensitivity of
1--can be-given if- the- _Y&lueP d' I'
are known. --Detailed results of this work aret p4blisho&u1n
3. Th --3-figures and-3'references, 1 of
are are
which is Soviev-.---
ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut fisiki mat4llov Akademii,nauk.633H -(Institute of
metal PhysioNOA3 USSR)
91 V3 00 01 YJ 1 /5"5, 0--/x) S/126"60/0-10/003/003/009/XX
I q 9201/E391
AUTHORS Zaykovas. V.A. an4,
TITLE; Causes of'Rise-~oUthe Coercive-For-c'e on-Reduction
of~Thickness of Ferromagnetic Sheets
PERIODICAL t - 'Fizika metallov i -metallovedeniye, 196o, voi. 10,
No 3, - pp 3 50 558,
TEXT: It is known (Refs. 1-.6)-that-in sufficiently thin
sheets of soft magnetic materials the coercive force it
depends markedly on the sample thickness d the thinner the
sample, the higher Hc 0 'The present authors studied the
.dependence of the coercive force on the sheet thickness using
monocrystals and polycrystals of silicon iron (3-0 Si) and of
permalloy-78. The sample thickness was reduced by electrolytic
e'tching or by cold rolling with subsequent high-temperature
annealing in vacuum. The coercive force was measured with a
sensitive astatic magnetometer. The authors determined also
the temperature dependence of the coercive force of silicon
iron polycrystals. Powder-pattern method was used to study the
S/126'6o Io/oo3/oO3/oO9/xx
I c Kn a a ~-%_
f --the CoOiM _jRpduc-tion of I
iyi~:Jorce on
ot Ferromagnetic sheets
domain structure and its changes on reduction of-Oample thicknesm
in silicon iron mon3cry_stals. Some of the results are given
in Figs. 2-8.(Fig. I shows schematically magnetic "charge"
distribution in ferromagnetic crystals). Figs. 2-5 give the
H = f(d) dependences for permalloy-78
~on (Fig. 2) and silicon
monocrystals (Figs. 3-4 and Curves I and 2 in Fig. 5),
~.and polycrystals (Fig..,59_Curve 3). The domain structure of
silicon iron monocrystals is shown in Figs. 6 and 7; in Fig. 7
the four photomicrographs represent changes in the domain
-structure-on-gradual red~,ctio "of trmsample thidness, from (P g. 7a) to 0.00 _0. 6
given the temperature-dependence (-200to 500 C) of ti
for silicon iron samples of various-thicknonsen,-1twax
concluded that the rime of the toorcive force with decreaBe
of the thickness of magnetically soft ferromagnatic sheets was
due to an increase of the magnetic leakage fields at the
Card 2/3
Dymamics.of th ayield of meadow phytocenoses In connection
with ecological conditions and the application of fortilizero.
Bat, zhur,49--noo4i 58%75q2_--Ap 164,0 NIRA DO)
1. Inctitut biologiJ. Ural'skogo.filiala ANSSSR, Petrozravodsk.
- -f- - , f-ml
Disturbance of thehomogenoity of magnetization Intensity within
ferromagnetic domains.- Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.-fiz. 28 no. 3:553-
558 Mr 161## (MIRA 17:!0
1, Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR,
" 7 ~ ~ , :4; - " ; ! ~ ! i :. f
- - ---- -- ---
atjoo -ftel
340 -X*OtT
X,940. A'.N, 3r,,QLt1 01 18VTO)a
A C'10"A OLVA,
$4.0 S . 3,910 19641 tif-a
-1a, 0 P. 0 'rot . a
vrv"03V $101:1 140P26tt-ate OT1, VOTTO01116 q 1tLOO31 COO TP01
S OjrJ6 nottc, t,
lot OIN 4UG 01, Soto
e$ NCS44111al ro%%% tm
.30 60VA tvks t tsa tioos tttl' lot Oft
N14. Otto IQ a of %Yke 10 16 '1010 400ASPA",
yasa 1. tro to attork. 11 vito 024 a 9.
oo3vj ti, Ph,$ ott. -rev 1061re
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I of. VSAV t$at to
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S Jtxx etty vja~et .1,01l'ir
,o%~J.a + t
ors ts just, 0, tw&
-te*J 1~apef A%CA vt 01 SrA .5 016 'TrOA -A61 viat
tAe to'A -A tto
Irv 0t tot%1111
Tato __ rtjres VAO "to ottoU 'p l je
40?a of. J%xp - *A~. 11vai - 49.vvew
Os 'top. t%cro 0 t1t%
O,t%s We
k 01
OSSIL a', j260O 9#14, ia. No Ito%
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to 6 a
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.00,sal. b3oviod 00 06 64lua
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InAtI41 - could. be ncrQ4170d - In go (-0
seen _t
largo.. 0 Crow or, bo,
rov one Iroh, br,
I a ri I hp_0ttM,,_rl0_V04 I ed - byrittlo, t-N-RU119- dom s -------
th ocauso the aPIn4 4ro'lnoo Powder na 6t oiiPoa 0.nd h0acdo.
a CO--Q_ --y._ProvI-do--
- -4;W14 _11 -- - 11411Y -somo
Cro4,&, ned _-Z -4ru '1940ti
$--and- norO. Aa th --Partial tlux.-0 --- Uld jLUrfa ad t zation-
. AhQ
the JjqtU1.4 0- M4gn A' I c0 In 0 spi
-rOvorsai. 10q4ro ujjkV-----4 -vortIco
"to ocC ------- An(jd_-~ Qtjzj1l9 f I -w1 thin. t. P41ttorn - a-
urs-1 _Wd d6~ -Ciro
Th -0-5- -0 n-t a cent -crystal
Mod h - ---- - OnOtratos mo or04BQ, 0 - These
"Obso. "t - - -.-er of tho re doopl # j-1--thusi -redlMill
9r -in
OW Invo Vorto;c Y to thJ ncli, g
0411; is correot--- __1 __ Cry4tlil
P1nn6-p4.r - OPIke -dji - - - - and - 4
MIN 11larkod
a O,rVoC1 410 alit - - Yevo -rj 0 pl-nilly- n,
41101- tC , I 4PQII~ domain,,
-1 to to bo -& a;- -the--jW Orfiectic., or ih ZA tj -on SP14
p Cox, ** t this I
(!,Mae enotIO ax1a; 8h e wall Ato nucleus 1
tt tInn .4. In, a cobalt . Toul
AU no chaj2ge ____ ` h6._d0_z=3 _d__havo----_0t-auch-a- 0n-0 the
ot - IvIth increa'I 112 opposit, SPIke I
2rvopy n9 temn. CO am _.P01Rrt...q. _cxzain w1th
-_j __ -- - -- ;:
ob- -
Internal r1b t0._ -1 and n0.0 or4ture h a 14tu wire obs erved
C, 4180 1t194 - ju
-Jentati -
- 0 C1 iire a conc
.and d
crea a- till
-8 - -cry's t.1-J
ur ac aor 0 atu 00 nits ba.
Ca rd 2/3 Inils- terprwa of resulting
t1on 13 64ppo a
-NR. -AP4023406
-by the--fact -that---tho.--contrast - of- the--donaims-'as -obsi6rvad --- with the Ionitudinal-F.'err
effect, as well as that of the spots on the basal plane as observed wit;i the polt'r
Karr effect, decroased -with. increasing. temporatura* This Increase in spin disoricn-
tation- with increasing temperature could be diio-to-increasing__Inllucnce-of- cry Istil-
Iritpurfoot ions - an - the, crystal- anisotropy -docroas-46s
Tho magnotos trio t Lon of silicon
'iroh-ir~ -, the __ CiOOI directionI-which o4ould,vanish in an ideal crystal, -i~as-fcund to
dop and.strongly --- an.-the annealing -process --t-6--which-ihe-crystal had been subjected.
:The:less thoroughly annealed specimens showed greater magratostriction and less per-
ifeot:domain structure. This indicates departure from uniform magnetization within
-the domains due to.crystal
L~ -the -departuro -from_homoganal-t a --fhe -w gnat U4-t a wi th in thia- 4 no-is proraqui-
_O-varioug -proparti6s ~of gerromagnatio-matorials.
7 Qrigkart.has: 4 igurw
ASSOCIATION: Institut-fiziki metallov Alcademi i nauk SSSR (Ins ti tuto of T)W405. Of
Motalsi AcadazV of Scienoess MR)__
_SUSMITTM:-_00 ;-:DATE ACQ-, 1OAprG4 LXCL: 00
SUB A-I REP SOV: 002 000
Organization of tho research on the surface inpmvement:of meadow
vegetation in Karelia, Bot.zhur. 47 no.2:229-2)1 F 162.,
-XRA 15:3)
I* Institut biologii Karel' skogc -filiala AN SSSR, Petro,,savodsk._,____
(Karelia! __P i~ Meadows
5/i26/62/033/00 4/00~/o
AUTHORS:, Zaylcova, V.A Shur,~ Ya.S. and Fn'laleyov, G.A-.
TITLE: On'the dependence of the magneti'c properties on the
thickness of ferromagnetic sheets
PERIODICAL: Fizikn metallov i metallovedeniye, v.13, no.4, 521-528
TEXT: The dependence of the .'magnetic propertleb on the
tbickness of the sheet (0.1 - 0.005 min) was investigatud for
.66-peratalloy and perminvar (23110 Co, 4304 Ni, rest Fe) in the
netically-is tropic as-well'as in the magneticeilly-textured
States. From the 11 sheet, rings 40 _x 29 ~tiun werq cut and annealed
,-Aa'a vacuum. of 10- tant fig at ll00'*C'* To obtnin differing surfaces
0 n. a yj a r t~-o f-t-h was covered with nluminium-oxide powder,
other with n-.-fine --euapdJ-ftsi-on-of__thj-5 powder in~ acetone. After
i1nnealing, the surface of the rings -ann~--al-a-d-under-41 umirsium-oxide
Powder was found to b 6-67-0
a-covered with mounds', whils t tile
the other specimens remained almost complately undistorted.
Specimenu were subjectod to thermomechanical treatment in a
circular magnetic fiold of 1.8 Oe no as to obtain material witli
ti-io axis of-easy magnetization parallel to the aurfaco. The
-.Card 1/~
On the dependence of the magnetic ... S/i26/62/013/004/'005/022
mc-kgnetic propertiets were measured ballistically on toroidal
specimens consisting of 2-10 rings of equal thichness. The
tipecimens were placed into a thin perapex holder, which a1.010
carried the metering coil, to prevent defornintion. It was Tound
that -Ln these alloys forvintion of a magnetic texture for wh1ch
Is in the do-oiains is parallel to the surface of' the specimens hall
less influer-ce on the 11 (d) curves than in silicon inon The
c Vt3
Etc _ual values measured for isotropic' (H Y and textured 6ITMO
c c
sheets of thicknesses d between 0.1 and 0.005 mm are given in
t-be table. The increaae in H c with decreasing sheet thickness
is attributed to the cliarges produced at the-surface of the
specimen by the spins of the boundary zone, which in thin specimens
increase the density of the boundary energy. Apparently, this
machaniem is valid for all. forrontagnutics for which K