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PETUXHOV, Rem Mikhaylovich; ZAVIYALOVA, A.N.p red. (14ethod of the economic evaluation of the vear and operational life of machinery] Metodika ekonomicheakoi otsenki iznoea i srokov sluzhby mashin, Mookvap Ekono- mikap 1965. 163 p. (14IRA 18s3) F SWINSKrf 'Vladimir Samuiloviob. Prinimal uchastiya AVZRWKH, A.Ya. kind. khim* nauk; WOM I.I,-'doktor ekon. vauk, 0 retsensent; ZAVIYALOVA A,N'## rod# [Economics of now production] Uonomika novykh proisvodaty. Moskva, Elconomika., 1965. 213 p. (MIRA l8s4) M FOSTNIKOV, Vladimir Ivanovich; RAZUMOV, Ipplit Mikhaylovich; ZAVIYALOVAP A.N., rod. (Atom-4c energy in the nationiLl econoqrj its economics and use] Atomnaia anerglia v nerodnom khoziaistva; akonomika i opyt primenonlift. Mookva, Ekonomlkap 1964 174 Ps (146 1712-1) WHODKIN, Igor' Arkad'yovich; ZAVIYALOVA,.A.Ii.p.reld. (Economics and plannirg in the rubber industryl Ekononika i planlrovanie rezinovoi prou7shlennosti. Moskva, Ekono- mika, 1964. 204 P. (MIRA 17:7) SHCHURIN Aloksoy O~igorlyavicbj STIKOLIKKOVi Boris Yakovlovichj ZAVIYAIDVA) A.N., redq MOZGALEVSKAYA, S.A., mlad. red.; POVOMAREVA - t~akbn. red.; GERASIEOVA, Ye.S.j, -tekhn. A.A.p red. [The technical,, im~ustrial and financial plan of the enter- prises of local significanc-e]-Tekhpromfinplan predprilatii mestnogo znacheniia. Moskva., Ekonomizdat, 1963. 295 P. (MIRA 17:4) tw ZAVIYAU)VA, A. P* ZavIyalova., A. P. "Chemical and toxicological nature of the Lipoprotein which produces alimentary-toxic alexiap" Trudy K~jybfshsvak. goo. mod. in-ta, Vol. 1, 1,948j, p. 262-70 SO: U-2888p Letopis Zhurnalinykh Stateyp No. 1, 1949 mynovA, ASP*) A. 'I'. PS-*TPLPVUM, Arch. sci. hiol- 32, 61-7 (1932) 7,AVIYAU)VA, A.Yu.; ZAVOYALOV, G.I.; PRILEMAYEVA, N*Ao Broadening of the zarcury X2537 R resonance llne In the prenence of some Camplex lZolecules. lzv. vys, ucheb. zave; fiz. no.5:3-7 (111RA 17: 11) 1. Krasnodarskiy pedagogichoskiy institut imeni 15-1~tiya Vaesoyu2- nogo Leriinskogo kommunistic4--iskogo soyuza molodezhi. ~Ra~q iRV qio~ ZAVIYALOVO 0.1.1 ZAVYAWVA, AoYuo Investigating the absorption spectra of mercury vapors in.the reglon of A 2537 1 in the presence of vapors of certain a irlts. lzvays-ouchebizany-fiz- --no-4:168-171 VURA 14:10) 1. Krasnodarokiy pedagogichenkiy Inatitut Ineai 15-lotiY4 Vsesoyuznogo Leninakogo kommunistichaskogo noyuza wlodozhi. (Mercury-Spectra) (Spitita-Spectra) VALEYEVp 4.14.1 GOLEV91u.D,; GOIZVA9 Z.N. j GOWVK09 R.Ys.; 7AV7ALQVAj--AjA.; ZAMSK3X9 B.A.; ZVEIM, Ye.A.1 LIMSK]Yv F.A. ; MANGUSHEVt I.Kh.; MKrZLER9 M.Kh.; 14UTOVKIIIy V.A.; TWDAKOV., Ya.D.; RUKOr;UOV, B.P.j KWANOVt G.M.; EMI119 Z.I.; ZUDIN9 B.A. v red.; BORUNOVp N.I. j tekho. red. [Adjustqont and operation of equipment In thl Vovo-UMskii Heat am Electric Power Plant) 11aladka i ek4V1u4tatsIIa oborudovaniia, na Novo- Ufimskoi, TETs. Yoskval Gos. onerg. izd-vog 1961.0 175 P. (KIRA 14:9) 1. (BasbUria-Electric power p4ants) (Bashkiria-He4ting from contr;i'stations)- ~777 7 ~W IAVIYALOVAj LF. 1. ng of WintOr WM44 "Incroad the R-ovistanca- Selecting Seedn From Plants Which Have Chirvived Uonkings" Cand Agr Scis All-Union Inat of Plant Groving, VASKhNILj Leningrad, 1953, (RZhBiol, No 6, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institution@ (n) .SOs Sum.,No,521, 2 Jun 55 T-MUT, V, ~,., ZAVIYALOVA, LAI Problem of side effects of liptodol In bronchography. Boy.mad.19 no.11:76-77 Ag 155, KRA 8.-10) 1. Its kafedrygospitallnoy torapii (zav,-prof, L.S.Shvarts) Saratovskogn meditsinskogo instituta, (BRONCHI, radiograpbr contrast media, iodized oils. side effects, allergy) (CONTRAST MIA, injurious effects *' Iodized oils in bronchograpby. causing allergy) (ALIMM to iodized oils in bronchogr4pby) 4, llt,'~-'~-.-!---'~;'~--g;~] 7AVIYALOVA, I.A. (Suratov) Mechanism of the therapeutic effect of penicillin in Intra- tracheal administration,, 34 no.8:71-73 Ag 156. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. L.S.Shvarts) Saratovskogo maditainakogo Inutituta. (LUNGSo abscess ther., penicillin, Intratracheal adminJ (PENICILLIN, ther. use lune, abscess, Intratracheal admin.) (ABSCHUSO ther. penicillin in lung abscess, intratracheal admin.) i', g- g Riv. ZAVIYALOVA,,.,I,. A. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) F'On the Change in the Broncf~~ During Pulmonary Pyosis (clinical and Morphological Data)." Saratov, 1957. 12 Pp 19 am. (Min of Health USSR RSFSR, Saratov State Medical Inst), 260 coploa (KL, 27-57, 109) 6f - ZJIVIYALWA, Iruida A1nk-no,-,evwi Of tha Chull-co, of tho Illmllellita (clinical and ,ll0ij)hDcorlcul datt-L). Dic~sertation for candidate of a -edical. science def-Tac. Chair of Fospital.theraneutics p-of. L.S. Slivati-r.), histolo(-Z,(head pm-f. Koblov), and pLthoilocical wlat-)ry (heud Prof. A.11. i'Mt/mov). .2laratov 10,57. L-ledical Institute, 77 r? -1 ~f el) r 8 .2 U09RIMorphology jot lful slid b-Im-1 Normal wid Iteapikaitory System.' Ab.a Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 190, 1234o Author i Zavyrlova) I-A# Inst : Title Bronchial Changes in Pulmonary Suppurative Processes (Cli- nical and Morphological Data). Orig Pub Avtoref. dis. Kand. mod. n.) Saratovak. mod. in-t, Garatov, 1957. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 -ZA)rIYALOU, -&a 8-iotent In blood press=e affectrA b7 -vitamins B1 arA B121 Kaz.Med. shur. 40 no.3.,59-60 ltv~Te 159. (HIERA 12: 11) 1. Is kufedr7 gospitallnoy terapit lechfaka (zav. prof.L.S. Shyarts) Suratovokogo mediteinskogo Instituta. (BLOOD PRESSUIM) (THIAMINN) (CYANOCOBAIAMIUM) ZAVIYALOVA, I. A. Cand Mod Ocl -- "Comparative evaluation of certain nothods of surgical 'treatment of triohinsis and torsion of t4ids in traohoma/and m v.11-1- 4tw"414- - I;aj-410= of following operations." Saratov, 0 tion of 4be causes VAWMIW4RICO 1961 (Saratov State Med Inst). (KL,,4-61, 209) -34S-- ZAVIYALOVAP I.A,, assistent Bronzo dinoano complicatod by coma (adrenal crialo) Kaz. mod. zhur. no',1:50-51 Ta-F,63. 001A~ 16:8) 1. Kafedra, gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. L.S.Shvarts) lachobnogo falcultteta Saratovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ADDISON'S DISEASE) (COM) UP YAWYA, I OA. (Saratov) Changes In the inn-wvation of the bronchi In lung sunura- .tionj abatract..I.A, Z"tIALOVA. Kan. mod. zhur, no,1:108 Ja-F'61 (MIRA 16:11) ACCESSICH NR.- AR4015474 8/0169/63/000/012/13042/BO42 Gcofizika, Abe 12B251 SOURCE, HZh 'AMIOR; 'ZM~Y'T ~Msx* N. I. Sergeyevat 0* 0. Trj!rZ: Resultant wind of the Soviet Arctic FCITED SaMCE: Tr. Arkt. i Antarkt. n.-I. in-ta, v. 253o 1963, 138-151 -TOPIC TAGS: reaultant wind, arctic wind currente,-SovietArctic, air transport.. meridional transport, middle tropo9phere, upper troposphere, troposphere, zonal ;transport, prevailing wind, scalar wind speed TRANSIATION: The mean monthly and yearly values of the resultant wind for al.titudes of 0, 0-5, 1, 3, 5, and 7 km, the stabilitycoefficient (the relation of the speed of the resultant wind to the mean scalar wind speed), and verticle profiles were =i-calcu:late&_-accorA1ng-to-aorologica-iDbsermtions-at,-1-5-Amtic qtwtions for the ~_period_fx= 1935/36 to 1952/0-and at 10 stationsfor the-period. from 1947 to 1956i These regions were separated out according to the distribution of the resulting currents in the Arctic: a western (Berents and Kara Seas), a central (Laptev and ,!East Siberian Seas), and an eastern (Chukchi and Bering Seas) region. A steady J/2 t0 M, 7.-M- "Z' 7- 7~57 _17TE ~ACCFMJOII KH: ARW15474 Asouthern meridional transport predominates during the autumn-winter period in the lower troposphere over the Arctic with the exception of the eastern region, where ,the resultant wind has a northern component, and the western region. Above 2-3 km lover all of the Soviet Arctic a tendency for a predominance of zonal transport is jobserved. In the apring-su r period over the greater part of.the Soviet Arctic, in the lower and partially in -the middle troposphere, Mther intensive outward flow ::is obeerved in the eastern part of the Kara See and in the western part of the Lap- tev Sea, and in July, also over the Bering Sea. The currents acquire a western com- ponent fju an altitude of 3-4 km. In the middle and upper troposphere (from the limited data on hand) a zonal transport prevails throughout the year. A. Buz. ~DATE ACQ: 09jan64 SM COM AS,, PH ENCL: 00 Mar, H&WBWMMI - : i- - :- . I", , ~. ~. ~ _i'~.P '4 frw ~4 -zaN4V 1"l; r iu' '2 ZAV!YA-WVA, 1. N. ZAVIYALDVA' I. N.--"On the Theox-f of Structure of Intrusions Constructed on the Basis of a Face-Centered Cubic Lattice." Tomsk State V imeni V. V. Kuybyshev. Omsks 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Phyaicomathematical Sciences), SO: KnizMM Letopiel. No. 27,, 2 July.1955 s./o8i/61/ooo/oo3/oo1/o1q A166/A129 AUMORs Zavoyalova, I. N. T11W: Bonding forces in binary interstitial structures constructed on the basis of a face-centered cubic lattice PERIODXCAL: RefArativnyy zhurnal. lOdmiya, no. 3, 1961, 31, abstract 3B181. (Tr. Omskogo mashinostroit. In-ta, 1959, no. 3, 69 - 87) TEXT: Born's methods of crystal lattice theory (Born, M., and Geppert-Mayer,. M., "Solid'State Th66ry" -'ONTI--11938) were used to-study the conditions for the realization of binary interst1iial atructures formed by consecutive filling of the spaces in the metal's cubic-face'~-centered lattice with metallold atoms. A study was made of structures 6ion"taining-'in-terstices either only in octahedral or only in .tetrahedral*spacei (stxiict~i al types Fe4~, NaCl, Cu~O, CuF, CaF and a type char- acterized by inte'r'stitia1`p*dftIble6 situated In the centers of,?~ree_ribs radiating from one node) and permittifig"m6n6parametric solution of the problem. Study of the realization conditions was"odrri6d'out'both for the ionic law of interabtion according to Born's bino'mial-fo"rmulik, and also for the case of a bond of mitallic 4: nature. Structures of the first (Fe4N) and last structural types were found to iwe'. Card 1/2 am. TA MM TV, b AM 4 M 2 W w. Q V~ k p r R 12 -A,A) 0 1/61/000/00,3/061/019 Bonding forces in binary interatitial-atruoturea... A166/AUx) prodominatingly non-lonlo foroos (mot*11.1c nature). An increase In the number or intoratitial-p4rtiolen r0ducos the chances tor-the, roalization of the corrospond- -ing structures. VaCl'6tructural types can be realized with both.types of bonding. In the author's opinion,"thi'bohding forces in interstitial phases of tho NaCl type have a metallic nature and are mlnly central forces. The greater atundance of structures of thin type*in comparison with the two preceding types is expla.4ned by* its energetic advantage. In*otruotures of the Cu2O type non-dentral-covalent for- coo prod"Minate,. due__t6.tho, stru6ti.Are*sI small crystal- numbers. Interstitial pluize structures of the CuP and'CaF-typd &'re characterized mainly by topic bondings, al- though bonding forcen-of a me illic nature arealso tolerated. The low number of CuP and CAF2 struoture'q' among the interstitial phases Is obviously due to the In- fliE~dbllity of'the rooirements Imposed by the stability coWit-jons (the *Iattic a Is potential energy minimum) on the parameters of the law of interaction. Summary by A. Levin (Abstraoterla notee Complete translation) Card P,/2 '77 V. Y 'GONCHAROVA,l V.I,; Z&VOYAWTA, I.H.; PBMVA. I*A,; ROWIOV, V.V.; RYVICINA, ___v.B,--- 04, Some problems in the hydrologyj.~of swamps. Trudy 001 no.60.-43-76 '57. (Swampa) (HydrolW) (KIRA lOtl2) IL 'T Resultant wind over the Soviet Arctic. Trtdy AJAITII 253:138~15jl 16". (1-fiRA 17:11) gi g ZAVIYAI O)VA# I&V o Ac-ess nry minerala of th6 Eoituy Magri-Ir. cl--Sl. 1 pm~-,ftz. no.6c68-82 164. (?, 1, Inatitut goologli i gcofiziki Sib4rfklr)t NovooiWrak. TINTYUSHINA, 14.S-., ZAVITAIOVA. K.I. Rupture of the oplenic capsule In a newborn with erythroblastosis fotalis. Akuoh. I gin. 34 no.0109 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11;9) 1. lz rodillnogo doma stantaii XWbyahev (glavnyy vrach N.Ta. Takovlova). (SPLEF.24-RUPIFURN) (MYTHROT)LASTOSIS IrETALIS) Z ihr K'ANd `MKv-T*-[Bw*, Tedl~- ZAVIYAWA---L- (translator) Bjrt~place of the vindfi;'(Translated from Wgllsh), Znaneella 35 no.6:38-42 -Te 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (AleutO (Aleutian Islands) ,9AMONOV, G,V.; VF-DDJFTEVA,-.VJ.j ZAV~'!RM&., 1,_N~; VIKHOUVA, T.A. 'gorptun 13C topllol-11i" -,~Mon 0- hikf~gora with I t i WRA 1511l) VNVICILLIN) (ION EXCHANGE) UNIT" Pl~ ~Q ZAVOYALOVA, L,L.; IVOYLOV, A.S. Effect of the Dize of particler, on the results of quantitative X-ray phano armlynis. Zav. lab. 31 no.8086-9W) 165. (MIRA 18-9) 1. Irkutakly gmudariotvanriyy redlklkh motai'Lov. UIT K AV YAT OqA ;';*Vol ;!C)t,T-atnTkj 1)(XIORAGII ft.'.O n-Ind-1)UY I rl P Coo o 1.3 arzinn Ing in tho homp and ji,!-e J.Muntrr. T'SNIIIN 15:51,40 161. (mirtA 1834) -wa A(j'P.FOiNVjEV- A-1-- nlrx-17,hly naucbn t ik$-KA IYALOVA, L,,V.p adshiy j 4 6) yy W rudn nauchnyy volvililk Technical or.A, ~-r:,onomdc boie of the optim= stancard dimensions of centrJNge a,-.3-aning vvlrln~-- f r the manufacturo of twine yarn* llauch.-13 01 . -uztr T~-"Nl i '.1,11.31;-.60-07 161., (MIRA 18:4) ZAVIYALOVAO-LoV.,, mlatbhiy nanchnyy !lotruvinik; Prinimali uchantiyes _--- IOKOVA, R.V.j VALOV# B.I., mladshiy naucbnyy ootrudnik Continuous line for tho proparation of ohort jute fibers for spinning. Nauch.-issl.trudy TSNIILV 17s98-113 f62. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy naue,hno-issledovatelfskiy institut legkogo i takatillnogo maahin'ostroyaniyR (for Karkovit). 2. TSentrallnvy muchno- ipsladovatolvokiy institut promyeblannootl lubynnykh volokon, Momkva (for Valov). 7- IOZHITHITOVA, z.9., ROLIX, TeeN.; Yvaumat q.0.1 BUTORIKA. I.T.1 ZATITALOVA, M.A.; KANOT, N.M. Second lantagrad nunialpal conference of young surgeons. TestAbIr. 78 ao.lt140-145 Ja 157. (KM 10:3) ~(SURGXRT) 771 :436SIi i c i ne - infectious Diseases Feb 51 of ?Iaguc- XM: Treatment of P.-!==N 'he Combination Methcsd (With- of -treptc;-_ycin~," N. K. -,av",sa- C=== icat ions I-KX'J in ""Clin Med- "116] ke-d" Vol- =-, No 2, up 'N-~l lit t -cent 2y rr!=ary puln nary plague was In- Ux ver ca-se of infection ended in death. Z1. I N 'N . _7hu_,.ov-Verezhnikcv , N. I,-mnovsY_Iv and L. Uroda developed nev c=b:lna- I on =~c-thod of treat=ent whAlch, a,"- h:v4.ji n f a _U i1b le ( 2 death's proved- to be ' "*L E 'I . az shown by several clinical Infectious Diseases Feb 51 C3.91,e itt-d in thiE. instance. Authoz- bad pill - ~33-v -ague and c-,=ed herself by this method. ter, she plirposely infecte%l herself 1, n.j foxmd 1-Unt the disease took a much UIld- ~-ourse, J..e., cextain amt of immunity vza& 661*.W 1 sned . Me question in regaz-d to inmunitty b3-11 been s-)Iv--d until the new treat=ent vas tr iced, becaus-en all patients died. Lflpor:. .(,wed by refi!~rencesj 18Z T _~B (;onoral Problat~a of Patholo-gy,- Whoph the Infectious Process. Abe Jour, i Ref, Zh,-Biol., No 20.1958, No 7618 Author f Makorovskaya, Loll., Kjtakhina, Z.D.-,- Zavyalova, H.K. Diohull, Inst I Title i The Intluenoe of Medicated Sleep on the Course of Experi- mental Plague in Guinea Pigs. Orig Pub x Tr. Rostovsk. No Do goo. n.-i. Protivoohum IN-TA 1956, 10, 42-43 Abstract t Guinea Pigs received MO of B. Pestis, utrain 177, subcu- taneously, 45 minutes after the administration of thiopen- tal sodiwa or urethan. - Sleep had no-.curative aotion o4 the course of the diseases all the animalo died. The average Card a 1/2 RDZUOVt A.Aq KMfMj A*A,; ZAVITAU)VAg 5.19; IUSTOTALOV,.V.L. Production and Report No,lt Y' I lorpbo o6cal charateristics and culture properties of the fuqgum Caphalosporim ' Antibiotiki 4 no,6tl3-l8 N-D 159. (NMA 13:3) 1. Rootovskly-na-Donu. nauchno-looledovatellskiy protivochumW institut. (ANTIBIOTIGS chem.) % SHUKOT-VERYMNIKOV, N.N., prof.; ZATIYALOTA, N.K., The Immuimology of plague. Report N,*027t Results and prospects of treatment of primry pulmonary plague, 111n. med. 37 no.12:33-37 D"59. (MIRA 13W I.Jz Inatituta eksperimentalinay biologii AMR SSSR (direktor - prof. I.N. Mayekly) i Goeudaretvannogo nauchno-looledovateliskogo protivochumnogo instituta (direktor A.K. Shishkin). 2. DayetTitell- IVY chlen AMR SSSR (for Mukov-Verephnikov). (LUNGS) U1. A~ 'RrW ROZHKOVO A.A.; KANTCHUKH, A,.A.-,ZAVIYALOVA, N.K.; FUSTOVAL4DV, ~I-L, Separation, purificationp and antibacterial propertied of caphalas- porin. Antibiotiki 5 no.1:9-14 -Ta~F 160. (KIPA 11-20: 7) 1. Rostovokiy-na-Donu nauc~no-issledovatellskiy protivochumn~7 institut. (CEPHALOSPORIN) i'S IVAN r I'MR/Chwistry of HL&44olecular Oubatanceap F Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - xhimiya...No, ig.. 1956.* 61709 Authort Mikhaylov., H. V.,, ZavIyalova, W. N. Inatitutiant None Title: On'the Nature of Structurization and Properties of Concentrated Viscose Solutions Original Periodical: Zh. PrikI. khimii, 1956,, 29, No 1,, 97-105 Abstract: A study of the dependence of-total andstructural viscosity of con- centrated viscose Wtiors on the concentration of cauatic soda and on the amount of alkali boun& to the free OR-groupa of the xanthogenate "aOff). Use van made of viscose samples havinga from -8 --tor--14f_and -va-Ao u-s--ki0ja/cellulose ratfos. For aU theftpcoses so obtained were determined su=ative _Y(CS2 + NaOH), total structural viscosity of concentrated viscose soluticms and viscosity of dilute solutions. By potentiometric titration off viscose with silver nitrate uoinga silver electrode Card 1/2 VISSR/Ch-WistrY Of HIgh-Molecular Substances, F i - Abst J(1,irnals Referut. Zhur - Khiniya, No 19, 1956, 61709 Abstracts dete=lnstjon vaB made of Ir(CS2 + -NaOH)*, 1-1,; was found that sum- mative 'r(CS2 t N%0H) depends upon the ratio FaOH/cellulose, and not on the absolute values of RaPH concentration in the viscose. It was found that, maximum magnitude of ~(02 + Xa0H) for the given v~.acDses In 300 with a VaOlf/cellulooe ratio of 1-3 and that the clu-ies of depandence of total structural viscosity of the viscose -,2pon the Nao-Tf/cellulose ratio have a minimum. Minima of total strx-Aural viscosity Z ccmcentrated viscose solutions vith a NaOH/ cellulose ratio of 1.1-1,3 ar,3 attributei by th* authors to replace- m6nt of OR-p-oups by alkali anA which results in a sbarp Ae- c,.-eaae in the interactton between macromolecules of cellulose xexthc-gerrAt-1 due Ajo raptiwe v-f- hydrogen bonds. Ftirther increase in vfscogity with increaging NuOll/cellulase ratio takes place due to decreased salutility o.~ the xanthogenate. T)ie absence of a miril-mim rn the curve of dept-ndence of the viscosity of a dilute solut~,-,n (Q.?%) ef vlle-~;~~se up,~~ the NaOlycellulose ratio, is due -In the cpinior, of a-,ithcira to interaction between ma,:rcoole- cules and thf--j~i, cAjL-,;, Lnt,~ ijpherical structures. Ca--d 2/2 ZAV YALMAj, N. N. 711MTLOY, N.V. Study of the chemical stability and structure formation of concontrated viscous solutions at elevated temperatures. Zhur. prikl.khim. 30 no.l-.136-i42 Ja 1574 (MM 10:5) (Cellulose) (Viscositt) (Chemical strilcturs) iul, 77M AUTHORS: Zavlyalova, N.N., Mikhaylov, N.V. SOV/69-20-6-6/15 TITLE: Factors Determinin- the Structural-Yochanical Properties of Viscose Solutions Zo-faktorakh, oprodolyayuohchilkh struk- turno-makhanicheakiye avoystva viskoznykh raotvorov) PERIODICALt Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 20# Nr 6, PP 708-712 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The qualities of artificial fibers depend on the cellulose concentration in the viscous solutioncRof f Ion the de- gree of polymerizstion of the cellulose in the fiber fjl'ef 27, and on the formation conditions ZR-ef g. The concentration ofoC -cellulose, the NaOH/cellulose ratio, and the maturity are here investigated. Figure 1 shows the relation between deformation with time and shear stress. Figure 2 shows that the higherthe maturity of the viscous solutions the greater the effective viscosity. The relative viscosity of solutions with different Naoll/celluloao ratios, not always changes with the maturity Ind (Figure 3Y.--The influunce ur muLarity -----often -ouncols -the- influonco.--of -the .11aOH/callulorio relation. and of thed~ -cellulose concentration, which in due to the appearance of new stable bonds. The stability of the struc- ture in spinning solutions has a direct effect on the fiber Card 1/2 formation. The greater the stability, the greater are the 2i '~VT:,' RIA Factors Determining the - Structural-YachanicaII.Properties of Vincoae Solutions difficulties In fiber formation. Spinning solutions should have low maturity values. Thore are 3 graphat I.tablo, and 8 roferoncoat 7 of which are Soviet and I Gorman. ASSOCIATIOU:_ Nauchno-issledovatolfskiy institut iukusstvennogo volokna g. Mytishchi ("cientificAlonearch Inatitute of Ai-tiricial, Fiberup in Mytishchi) SUBMUTTED: July 18, 1957 1. Synthetic fibers--Production 2. Synthetic fiber.9--Propertics .3. Cellulose-Properties 4. Solutions-Properties Card 2/2 filmy1wo N.V.-L ZAVIYAI4)VA-, 11.11. Zffect of the temperature and ripening index on t6 structure of viscose solutions and on fibeT formation# Khtmo volok* no*2: 10;-47 '59. ()dRA 12:9) loVseeoyuzW nauchno-iseledovateltakiy Institut iskusstvannogo volokma, (Rayon) HIIH&ylooy, IF.V.; ZAVITAWTA#- N-N-; GOROACURVA, M Gradient method Of determining the specific gravity of synthet1c fibers, Xhim.voloke w.l.,19-22 160o (MM 1396) 1. V60eOyuzrqy muchno-lealedovatellokly Inatitut lakusetyannogo Volokmas (Textile fibers. Synthetic) (Specific gravity) Irzid BENA, Eduard; GOSKOVICH, Irzhi. (Hoskovec Jirij; SUTIMAR- Stikarp Ari); ZAVIYALOVA, T.P,f translator]; BCGDANOVICIJ~ L.A.p kand. mod.7-na-uY,--re-&.-- -[Psychology and physiology of an automobile driver] Psikho- loglia i fiziologiia shofera. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 190 P. tmiwk, 18W ZAV f YALMA T. P. VOROBOYEVA, A.A.. kandidat takhnlcheskM nerlkt ZAKA N.D., kandidat telchnichaskikh nmk-, ZAVITWT rateengent; MG]ffv, M.Ye.. profeasor, doktor ihoe marmfactu"I Hatertalovedeale obuvtogo prois- vodatya. Hooky&. Gon. nanchno-takhn. ltd-vo Kintaterstvt prowyahlen- nykh tovaroy shirokogo potrablentle SSSR, 1953. 219 P. (KrRA 7:7) jShos industry) T, ~g -ljT'MMK 'g,' m ZAV IIALOVAp T,P, -'Results and prospects of the operations of the shoo industry, Kozb,,-obuv,,- prom. 5 no.3:1-3 Mr 163. (MIRA 146:3) 1. Plavnyy spetoialist koahomnno-obuvnogo otdola Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR, (Shoo,industry) ZAVITALOVA, T.P., kand.ined.vaak Trentment of hip fraLaturo In children. 40 n0.4;44 A-AC 159 (HIP JOINT--YUCTURSS) (MIRA 1312) ZAVIYALOVI T P -- (Nazzantp la* Volko7a, d#22,, k-r.6) Treatment of supracondylar fractureo of the A(rulder in children. Tost.khir. no*/+sZ7-29 161. (MM 144) 1. Iz detakago otdoleniya (sa7. - kand.mcdonauk T,,Pe rAvIyalova) Kazanskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta travmatologij j ortopedn., ZAVIYAIDVAl,T.P,, kandemedenauk ChMdtbrlstics of the treatment of diapbyseal fractures of the leg bones in children. Vest.khir. 89 no.8t2O-23 Ag 162 iKIRA 15tlO) 1. Iz Kazanskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta trumatologli l,ortopedli (d1r. --kind. med. nauk U,Ya.Bagdanovich). (LEG-FRACTURE) Iqnj. n.eid. nauk Qa.,-F~.r ul. Volkwa, d.2,-!, ki.61' ...9,49 -53 (dir. 1. Tz Kazanskf,,go Ir-stitiji,~1 ~IT I . med. nauk U.Ya. Bogdanovich). Am - - -ZAVIYAIOVA, V. 37486s, Was (K 23-1,e-141yu ~*Iosk. Avtozavoda I=. Stalina) Sme-na, 1949, 11o. 22, B. 8-9. I - SO: letopis' Zhumallnykh btatey, Vol* 7o 1949 L 0 VF) V I PHASE I BOOK EflWrUTION BOV/4345 Gromova., Antonina Nikiforovnap Valentina Xvanovna ZavIyalova'* and Vladimir Konstantinovich 1(brobov lzgotoylenlye detaley iz.listovi profiley pri soriynom proizvodstve Namfacture of Parts from Sheets and Shapes in Lot Production) 140seovp Oborongiz) 1960. 343 P. Errata slip inserted. .4#500 copies printed, Reviewer: B.S. BeXinp Engineer; Ed. (Title page): V.V. Boyt"vp Professor; Ed. (Inside book): V. Ya. Shekhter,, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of PubUshing Housei L.I. Sheynfayn; Tech. Fd.s N.A. PuMlikova; Xanaging Ed.*. 8.D. Krasillnikov.. Engineer. PURME., This book Is intended for engineers and technicians,primarily those employed in the aircraft industry,as a manual for planning and developing manu- facturing processes and designing proper equipment; it may be useful to students at schools of higher education and tekhnikams. CTMUGE: The authors present the theoretical fundamentals of forming parts frcm sheets and shapes and describe mechanized sheet-cmd ahape-forwingprocesees in Card-t/-6- Mwrafacture of Parts from Sheets (cont.) SOV/4345 lot manufactuxe as adapUd for the aircraft 4"&, try. They also discuss mothid-e. of bending shapes and oheeta on. roU-tnwbendera, various methods of stretch- torming of sheets and shapes and rubber-die forodng methods of deep dravimg. Vic. editor's notep written by Professor V.V. Boytsovy emphasizes that more than ten years havo passed since the publication by A.N,, Oromova of her comprehennive mnograph on prepareLtory stamping operations In the a1rcraft industry. In the veantlxw., great progress In this field has been achieved abroad ivid, In tAq USSR. where tunidtntified] scientific and research institutes and industrial plants ' have given particular attention to the problems of mechanization of preparatory- stamping work in the aircraft Industry. The present book attempts to bring-up----- to-date the information on this subject-andL-to--point-out-,the--ft&dam-en-t-a-l- trends o:~~_;Y-~chaniza,tion-of-suck-OI)d s.-. There are 45 references: 39 Soviet and 6 ----Eng,L1sn. TABIB OF COMMITS: ---Editor s Alote 3 Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Elements of the Plastic Deformation Theory 9 1. Forces and stresses 9 2. Physical natm of deformation 10 PTIKHTOV111KOVp R.V.; ZAVIYALOVAp V.I.; NAVAGINp YU.S., inzh.j retsenzent; red. (Sheet-metal work by explosion] Shtampovka liato-vogo metalla vzryvom. Moskva, Izd-vo nVashinostroonie," 1964. 173 p. (MIRA 17:6) DOLMATOV, Yu.D.; Prinimali uchnstiyes ZAVIYALOIA, V.I.; it MISEI~KqA.,- V.D,; XONOVALOvs Y.K. Rapid 4athod-of' detoWning-the diopersion.composition of titanium dioxida pipents. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.6952-53 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Cholvabinskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iseledovatel'iskogo .i prcyektnogo instituta lakokrasochnoy promyshlennosti. (Pigments-Testing) (Titanium oxides) (IIIIIIIINICIfiv KOY4.1 ZS~XALQU,-XAjl P(f-IYANOV.~')rAYA, 0 H.; KIIINI-PIAKOV, A.Va Sti-litigrnp1q, of tl-,-j Carbontfermia rwdlxwinta of the Lvc."t Trudy UkrNIGRI no.501~-232 16). 38:3) -71 --!U M ZAVYALOVA, Ta.A.- Stratigraphy and distribution of t-he Icwer Viss%n cedim-entz c f th - e Imov Caboniforous trough. Trudy Ukrt[rGRI no.5.2240-245 163. (MIRA 1823) &IM&W16RUTA GX; ZAVI TO&A* New data on the- Carboniferous In the -northwestern part of-Tolym' Province. TrudT UkrNIGRI no.1:28-31 1590 12:12)' .(Volyn' Province-Coal geology) ZAVITAIOVA, TO.A. Forcminifera in the Tourmai stage of the Lvov trough. Trud7 UkrITIGau. no.1:174-179 '59- (WRA 12t22) (Lvov Province-Foraminifem, Fossil) __jmg ,~E& Kock 10 -~V` 01.11.~ 40M,-, Mr-31 it 1A U A WAN Zavlyalova, To. A. *In vestigation of the work of the brushing machtne,m Soobshch. i raferaty (Vsasoyuz. naueh.-insled in-t zerna i produktov ago pererabotki), &scow, 1949t-p. 58-61 SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stateyo No. 25, 1949). R. %j~ !4 "'t ~'j~ ~!,-p i--114~4, NXVI 05 ZAVIUWVA -TuiPi-- PMKMOV# -Iolo - lkaperation, of snow in northern Kazalas tan. Zrudy YazNIG~J no.l5sl24-136 160.- (MIRA 14tl) (Knaukhatan-Snow) Ohoporation) .A AW t ~a ZAVIYALOVA, Yu.P, ,Study of maximum wind velocities. Trudy KazNIGMI no.22:5-36 165. (MIRA 18:11) 3 ij .1 ! I Z I n A flev'standard for wood particle boards. Der. pro=. 12 no.10s:L-2 0 061e (KIRA 16, io) i.TMYBV, N.A.; LE TA, K.B.; ZATYALISWA, N.P. (Ifoskva) cortisone and 4esozycorticosterone-on, the, inclusion of lycine labeled with radloonrbon Into Proteins In liver nectiona W"ith summary In Ingliehl. Probl. ando'k. I gorm. I no.6:13-21 f K-D ~7. 04IRA 11:3) 1. Islaboratorii nervnoy I gormanal!noy regulyateli blokhimichaskikh piotsessov.(sav.-prof. N.A.Tudayev) Instituts biologichookoy I maditainskoy khtmil (dir.-deystvitellnyy chlen AMR SSSR Prof. V.V. Orokbovich). (CMTISONB. affectst ----on liver proteins- inco oratlon-of glycins Inbeled with radiocarbon in vitro Ks) ..-(CORTICOSTIRONZ, effecte,same) MTOM , metabolism, liver, eff. of cortisone & DOC on Incorporation into proteins In vitro, radiocarbon laboled(Rug) (PROTEINS, metabolism, liver off. cortisone & DOG on gl~ycino incorporAtion in 'vitro, (Rue) W M , metabolism, glycine incorporation into proteins in vitro, off. of cortisone & DOG) ZAVTIZKIN$ Seleniua rectifiers. Prom. koop. no.$.*19 Ky 156. (MLRA 9.,g) 1,Takhnoruk artell Nuzradlow. (Mectric current rectifiers) Hamm" '3 ~J N INA A 0 t, 4 00 00 00 Soladw Add otrvctt~rwd-A 00- Sep 449 (211.6 00 1ju Artigla dtactwell fa 0 0 Vista" c gressive Activation Inth gar ' ~ itiso WesupWor" tho kl 000 bons in their relatkoft to th AA flo 1 ut"d spocies ad each seri w ,*4 adorptlow Of it* $01 .4 . J : The 'dwiptgas Loatherm o tgopgr won watered At a 'r a s c4crospon4ft 990"'J" so"PUM vq%ba, The cown tan al Ncti" resurnoo carto scti witlan and umir ad-rpu :41 t, I L ott'ALLVPW AL C111#61WE C&MOSC I ON A ) 104", -4 tN. D 13 ctiwo sts owittk"'Worlo bon adk e es 41,46 f atwo ftyn,*" scuao m as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, A- -00 as .00 -Carbom Ortil text jr-, .0s , wF nm- .00 .4110 in wWch;j morfoa of birth 4081n .00 S4110cw4cop", W "01C . 4savorretvve CC caftbuKU44 d r4dw" CAT' c(AM401=6 cO OxtrulAw 94 C*i;*N- thonscas- t di b o ow Acoor al 4tar ft with vASWO $t"4 m0l"T'" lodasedw WSM for All CArbo" at SOIC In a *ids ?Attrl'll 01 009 #A w vacwm Method a, boftleft *A chaw 1A ftrue 0 1* the pratess al pr%lossive char"torlstIc 33) so 00 0 ~iill a -firms Is 3 0 9 00 0!0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a & 0 0 C U it a A 00 -0 0 0 144citiftottlom of vuet "a4 by a labcowatcory m*Uw4, 00 ' s -00 0 wid)- Iney 'All lypw PlOult 2j J41 f" 1111 V ( d h fth A to "Iff lOW41 lot 4fiVitkit jjjtQ J*.P ll-A-04 O It 111 ( ' J M lwf lilgbt .* tUrk q4tor wiwil MAO willb Ph4ftift I 11 1 6 i l l -00 a ci "to, is of .4. Ow dr4)p col N 4)1 v of J'at is ititet anti filght-cubegil whems if 0.54" bow wilb I/ fl t O iulk fl 41 A N l T k I 00 at #- w A wA . * dr K al, v! ' O, i4 OUI 0 wffjcwtkt~ Ai S f . 0 j r . ), C.4111 00 so .4 so - 400 00 % u a xt so it 0 to 1, a f 4c x 111 a f IF IN If 5i e 0 : of 00 0 * a 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 a of 0 00 0 0 4 0009,40 0 0 099 0 0 4 0 0 0 0010 004 so 9 0 v 0 0 0 4 0 q 1 0 It$ "M FI~ U-i- . . . . . . 4:, 1'~ V I, ii'MV. qvU RNA ~Z 1 "U". 593"g, - .-. are 1h, tableg. jils4 7, 1-- ZAVYAZKINg P.G. Corrosionand erosion Protection of chemical equll=ent. nwanoatroitel, no.5-.15-17 My 162. (KM 15:5) (Protective coatirwo) V,8; A' nt ~1- TETERUK2 G.I.; ZAVYA P.G.; ALIYEVt T.M.; ALIYEV, A.G.; !fLIK-SHAhll!TA7AFOV, -- Um --R-A A.M.; AMJLIS, B.K.; BARTENEV, G.M.; YELIKIN, A.I.; KOSTIN, V.I.; 191ARM-FID111, S.I.; SEEPGETEVp A.I.; VARTANOVO S.M.; L.I.; MOIDDTSOV, A.A.; SHM-ELEV, N.V.; ROVINSKIY, M.I.; ABRAMOV, U.N.; YEROFEYEV, L.V.; RYAKHIN, V.A.; ZELFNIN, A.N.; BERIDIAN, I.L. Patent certificates for Soviet inventions. Stroi. trubopruv. 9 no.5: 35-36 W 164. (!rIRA 17:9) A od 1I 1'r, a J V 7,51 I) L T, PI, -, in- urtr~,r1o.,.cluranis rblitcrrin:3. k4UFA 160) (mv, X If 13t T. R, 600* Pr-119010" of Ailirtm '%rtts of 111kh Initial owl v, X., Hey 1.954, T6#4 ty%(0111. metalo-1490henical 60 1 lutocol OtA AIMOWAI rao"tt on 1""gil0k, ~X'71MAMY In I;P;, NJ& Tablo, gtaplj, miciogtaoit, Ji.i. I ProportI891 11 rd. I IrA .1 MARMSMICZ, Mieczyalaw.; GROYECKI, Jan; ZAWADA AlekBander Application of textured transformer tape for the production of magnetic cores. Wlad elektrotech 30 no.10:331-337 0 162. 1. Instytut Metalurgii Zelaza, Gliwice. MARKUSZMCZ,, Mieczyslaw; GROYEGKI, Jan; qka or Application of cold-Tolled traxwfcrmr tape in-the production of mapetic cores, WW ~eldktrotechn 30 no*101331-337 0 162& 1. Instytut MoUlurgii. Zolaza., Gliwic4D* ------------ MMSZEWICZ,, Mieazyolaw;..GlTWYZCKI, Jan; UWAPA, Alakaaabr C-type trwisfawr coren produced from toxtured ragnotic stripon, wanizopormr-tM. Przogl telakom 34 no.8s228-234 Ag 162. 1# Instytut Motalurgii Zelaza,, Gliwica. mgr Experiments In fixing now production Indicators In Iron metallurgy, Wiad hut 15 no.2.Oa3l3-)17 0 164. .1. -N Z4WADA, Edward., mgmAnz. The ~IPIOLFA ~Work~ow-, achie"monts and plans. Farmaoja Pol MI JI no.17/18:399-406 8 1620 1,-.-Dyroktor Naozelny Zjodnoozonia-Przomyolu Farmacoutycznogo FOLFA. tr 14,1~ 13 v U4 POLAND/Chemical Technology. Chadcal Products and Their Appl,,ication. General Questions. Abn Jour: Rof Zhur-Xhim., NO .13, 1958, 4355,1,. Author Zawada E. Inst Title :,Concerning the Conditions of Development of the Polish Chemical Industry. Orig Pub: Przem. chem., 1957, 13, No 3, 129-131. Abstract: The reasons of the.ingaing of the Polish cherdeal industry behind, the level of the large European countriea. Availability of ample natural renources and cheap electric power is the main prerequisite of a rapid development of Polish chemical industry. As concerns the supply of raw materials, the primary adverse factor is the lack of domestic petroleum resources. Card 1/1 ZAdADA- L Trends and topics of the ratio nal ization of work in the most neglected fields. 12* PORZFJML GASTONOMICZ11Y. Vol. 11) no. 6j June 19569 Warnawa) Poland) ~ SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiom (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. RAIIR.I~ tv 4-'A-~'UDA, J. Methods of popialtarizir-T rationalizeirs' sinUevement's. P.12. 'L G 0'1~" Y ',~idmailctwa Cospodarcze) Fft~~, Af,TRO! U -:I N a 11 Vol. UP no. 4, 10)r. 1-956 1100f~fllitohn Ll tit, f1.1, f"IIR I 0 . MINI W V"'2R-12, AI.E. I li~ " . :~ . "),t, ~ ~4 , - )-, 'I _p; . . ZAWADA, Maria Rupture of the BrAll Intestine consecutive to blunt Injury of the abdomen. Polski Vrzegl. chir. 28 no.4*401-406 Apr 56-, 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Krakowis. Kierownik: prof. dr. K, Michajda, Krakow, u1. Kopernike 21 (11, KlIn. Chir. A.M.). (ABMM121, wounde and, injuries, blunt injo cousing-rupt. of small intestine (Pol)) (INUSTINE, S%1ALL, rupture, I caused by blunt abdom. inj. (-Pol)) (WOUOS AVD IUMMICS, abdom.* blunt inj. causing tupt. of small intestine (Poi)) Him ZAVADA., VAria, Clinico-statiatical atudIOS an perforated gastric and duodenal ulcer. Polo przegl, chir. 35 noe1211327-1335 D163 1, Z II Kliniki Chirurgiemej AM v Kraktviff (kierownik: prof. dr. J. Oazacki). 1-1 Mm T-- .~:'8 ZAWADA, Maria Spontaneous - rupture- of Ahe- aneuryan of thesplenie.arter7. ~Polski -przegl.--chir. -34-no-4:309-311 162. 1. Z I YaWki Chirurgiamej AM w Krakowie Kierowniks prof. dr J. Oazaoki. (ANEURYSM compl) (SPLENIC ARTERY die) :"41 6.1 V UiR ZAWADA, Maria 41~- A~ute diaeases of the abdominal cavity according to data of the Second Surgical Clinic during 1952-1956. Polski przegl. chir. 31 no. 10:1083-1091 Oct 59. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgiesnej A. go w Krakowle Kierownik: prof. dr K. HicheJdas . 013POW1, ACM. atatist.) ZAWADA,-Maria; GEDLICXA, Otmar Ilate results of the surgical troatment of acute perforated gastric-and duodenal ulcer. Pole przegl. chir. 37 no.112110- ini N 1 65 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chir-urgicznej AM v Krakowie (Kierowniki porf. dr. J. Oszacki). LENCZYK, Maria; ~AWSk, ~ia Hemipelvectony. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.ntnic)-1221 N 1 65. 1, Z Inntytutu Onkologii Oddzial w Krakowie (Dyrektors prof. dr. it. Kolodziejoka) i -A 11 Kllniki Chirurgicuej AM v Krakowie (Kierownikt prof. dr. J. Oazacki), TM IM %ZAWADAp Hep liz -0 Development of combustion traction by the-Polish State Railroads. Przegl-koleJ mechan 14 no*3.6 [3-41 of cover 14r,t62* 7i ii BAK, Stefan; MOUZAL, Harlan; SIM, Irenal VAT-M. Plesard; WADA, Maria Vivo of antibiotics and cbewtherapautice In sechanical Intestinal obstruction. Polski prsegl. chir. 28 no.le. 27-48 Jan 56. 1. Z 11 Kliniki. Chimrgicznej A. X. w Krakowle Itermmiki proft Dr. X. KIchejd& L s I Zakladu Mikrobiologit Lalmrsklej & A. K. w Krakowle-Kierowulk: prof. dr. Z. Prsybylkievies Krakow, lopernits 40, 1 K11n. ChIr. (INTISTINAL OBSTRUCTION, ex"r. off. of Postop. chenother. (Pol)) (CHIMOTHIRMoln various die., s2por. Intastinal obstruct, (Pol))