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- ------------ Termographic characteristics of marls--fr-o-d-the-7Awroolye-fka deposits, -ka d site RA0 TSement 96 no.4;0-10 ji-Agf ,6o. (ulak ifal (Karl) -SIDOCHENK.O., I.M.; ZAVGORODNIYI N.S. Producing H70011,and "Soon types of portland cement. roement 27 no.3:19-20 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Pnrtland cement) ZAVWRODIIIXP V.S,) inall.1 SIDOORKROp I.M.p inisho Production of high.-otrongth cement at the Awrooleyka cement acmbine# Much. soob. RIITSemonta no,'l2s24..27 161. (141RA 15:7) 1. Amvroaiyovokiy tsomentwly kombinat, (Awrosiovka-Camont) SIDOCHEUKOJV I.M., inzh.; ZAVGORODNI.Y, H.S., Who; ROSIA N.A., inzho -system of open-pit minin of vol%l# mrl. Gorabur. no.5:20-22 11 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Amvrosiyevskiy-tsementnyy.kombinat,-Amvrosiyevka,,_Stalinskoy oblasti. (Strip mining-Cold weathe conditions) arl) ZAVGORMNIY, N .9 MHEDLOV-IIETIIOSYAII O.P.; SIDOCHFNKO,,- I.M.; STRELKOVA,, I.S. Determination of slags and gypsum in cements by the thermographic method. TSement 28 no.2:13--15 ~~-Ap 162. WIRA 15:8) (cement) SIDOCIIENKO, I.Mo-, -ZAVOOftODNIY, N.S.; REYGAUZ FIll Lo-v#- Some defects in design. TSement 27 no.4:13-14 JI-Ag 61. (MIRA 14- 8) SIDOGRENKO, I.M., 1!.S., lnzh.; 14ASHKOVICH, M,L, inzh.; PZYITGAUZEU, L.V., inzh.; Frf-JKIII, V.D., lnzh.; SHTEY124AN, Ye.Ye., lnzh, Introduce the system of the automatic control of clinker firing. TSoment 30 no. 2:15-17 Mr-Ap 164. .(MIRA 17:5) 1. Amvrosiyevskiy tsomentny-y kombinat i LSPNIJ tresta "Sevzapmon- tazhavtomatika". 'it 16 O"JO MOM, ;Z,AVVwaLw! 0 A o* 4 WID MTHOD Nit THIC PlWai=Ag OF STAND,VW SUUMAJ GF, Pk"4- 00 J11i ANGANAU. S.F. z& I. Zxvodakaya laboratoriya, 1949, 0,o a , ~ , 11 YAM - "it 25, 363-3MMe ~In Rmsim). The stabilizqtion of pp eo solutions of potassium permanganate of strength 0.1-0.05N in lose .. I thxh 3 hr.* with kaolin Is described,-S.X. T muwt mm WWI .1 0- 0 -.5 04, 111 A 441411 Lw W All to tr-4-4---j , y-, ~~, 1, a to 0 of 4 A N ~.1 a If 0 MM I o 0 41 0 Is 0 a a0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 1: 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0-010 0 0 CO-4 -0- 0 ; -4 o 00 0 wo 4 o o 0 o 0 o 0 * Vo v0 . too too ZAV60RODR, S. F. 15. use la th. of Anjov-tical Abet. S 17:g~ Ir k-liV04), deter- minatiork d manialiate by hydroly-is to' W(nOj by ,Tan. 1,954 rm,111% of Cop 1(l SO, tic., 4.4,03 low results ex t ---&-anu ral _h"hQ I'loV ou ffUf%;",V. 8, SMITH GALKILAp,Ye.l.;-ZAVGORCMIlYp-S.Fe Use of sodium tripolyphosphate for determining the calcium and magnesium content in river and mineral waters* Iab.delo 7 no.1106-38 11 161. (MIRA 3-4:10) 1. Yafedra neorganichoskoy i analitichookoy khimii Rostovokogo- na-Donu meditsinakogo instituta. (SODnM TRIPIESPHATES) (WATER- -XIALYSIS) GAIXINA, Ye.l.; ZAVGOHOPNIYO S.F. Determinatton of calcium and winezium in the blocd eer--= using ocdium t-ripolyphosphate. Vcp. md. khim. 9 ro.2t20?-209 14r-Ap 163. (MIRA 17.8) 1, Kafedra noorganicheckpy i aiaUticheakoy khimli Rostovskceo- na-Donu meditsinskogo inotituta. A ACC=Iaf- im: AP033426 Z/0055/64/OV;/OCV;/0271/0274 AUMCIR: Zav~tqva# N. TITIB: The refractive index of Cd5b in the noigbborhoca of the absorption oaga SaMCE: cholhoslovataldy fixicheski zhurnal, v. 14, no. 4, 1964, 271-274 ly TOPIC TAGS: cadmium antimmide, rof'rective index,, absorption edge,, priam, frequency dependence ABSMCT Fig. I of the Bnclosure -si= zes,tho results of an experiment in which trze priom method was exploited to measure the refractive index of cadniun catimonido at r8m tempc~aturo in the region of the.absorption eko (2.3 to 3.1.V)4 Tile-indox-v=-daterminc4-th~ough measurement of the angle 8 by wbich a be= of parallel rays ~= deflected froa~ 1~ts the prism and through calculatioa according to Snell's law sin((X + sin a Card 1/4 ~C=S:10,1 IM: AP4033426 where a is the ariale or rersation cc the prism. 7aree prisms, each of whose 3~efractive edges were parallel to ciao of the crystallographic axes, were' ut fr= the same p-type,CdSb monocrystal (Impurity concentratiom n x !Z~% =73) ana then ground and optically polished. A surface' of 10 x 8 mm was irradiated, vith a :* 10 deg# The radiatioa source was a Nernst filament chopped with a frequency of 200 cyz. The detecting equilreftt, attached to the moving ~xm of a Zeiss SGO 1o1 gonicmeter, conzistea of a Glan-Maapsoa polarizer an& an UP lens. The PbS cell, located belov the diaphragm slit into which the lens focused the beam, was connected to an amplifier with a synchronous detector. Mie anzle vaz reaa by a microscope froa the sectione& circle of the gonlometer. The -s~- -ma~xift-=--obaerved--near-the-absorpti-on edge for all tbree axes haxmonizes e -the-measured.-values 0- -of-reflectica-R-vas-- -From -th6 calcit!~Lied` accordizig to. e',z4jatjorwbIp----, 1)2 R + 1P rd ACCESSION M: AP4033426 7ne valuos of R ford the a, b,. and a axe-3 at-0 va-400 to 50 - ev. range 'between This is in good agroament-with the "luo of 42~ founiL in two wit aviouo Papara ed loyin -a-different methol U - yr by tha author P IT an error. of +VA., it dooo n" adroavith the veluo of 2i-07 (n - 2.7) found by F. EmaxUa and E. Mller (J. ra-chem. Soo. io8.. i9k io48),-but the disereMay is explAined, by the effect of ourface Jzyors pmsent aa the s=ples employe& in that previous study.-Nalues for..the dielectric constant gver the same eneri;y range varied frca 20-22 to 23-51- ASSCSICATIM: Institute of Solid State Acad. Sei*, Prague SUBI-EETIED: 190at63 DATE ACQ: 92YayO~ MICL: Ol SUB CCDE: GIP NO M7 SOV: 000 Onm: 008 Card 3/4 7 77 77, 7 - 1~ 4"zzR 'UMPOMYST ;fITT"T, ACCESSION NR: AP4033426 ENCLOSUREs L 0 ig lit Card 4/4' -41 ""A 'i UZYMOV, Vladimir Vasillyevich, inzh.1 BOLYAYEV, Ivan Favlovich, kand.- tekhn.nauk, dotsent- NAZIKYAN, Artem Georgiyevich,, kand.tekhn.nauk; Simultaneous use of analog, and digital computers in studying processes in electrical machin6so Izve vyso ucheb, zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.l: 13,24 163, (MIRA 16:5). 1 Nachallnik laboratorii elektronnykh jchislitel'nykh mashin Novo- charkaoskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo inatituta elektrovozootroyeaiya (for Kleymnov). 2. Kafedra alektriebeskikh maohino apparatov, matematidheakikh i Behetnoreahayushchikh priborov L ustroystv Novocherkasqkogo politekhnicheskogo inatituts, (for Bolyakev, Nazikyan). 3. Starshiy inzhener laboratorii vychislitelf kh mashin Novochet- kanskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Zazzen). (Eleotri"C machirerg) (Electric machinery.:-Electromechanical arAlogies) ZAWOROUMp P.Ye. LEBEWS L.V. (Lmingrad,, Botkinskaya ulop do 21o ~"107i Plastioaurgery o? the axillary artery using a lavean prosthania,o Test. khirs, 91 no.7e72-73 JV63' (MIRA l6zl2l) 1. Tz fakulltatskoy khirurgicheskoy klInIki (naebaltnik - profs VSH,Sitenk) Voyennoo-meditsinakoy ordena lenina akademii imeni S.MAirova. GALUSHKOO V.P.; ZAVVsMUDNYA je F.; RODAKO YUOPO Cathodic reduction of some sparingly soluble cobalt compounds.' Zhur. prikl. khim* 36 no.-10:2349-2351 0 165. (MIRA M12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvonnyy univermitet imeni 300-letiya vosooyedinaniya Ukrainy s Roaaiyey, Submitted Nov. 12,, 1963. A 1,. j A 41 m&u iRM ro Wd" 00 V, Za 7,fkdy It A Na, 2, 41 W( I=) Immm"y In Flo it) has two fraind to be X "" Wi" CSIAIVIC in 11w sddn~ rtactim of varims C04. "WO with 2-butm [a) 4041 2. Ivnicne (M). The jftft~Lof red 11g0 facreAM4 the Im4yawrizittg eftert of Go akfiN and thus intertem with *tha adda. r""im. The mte of the coa4ensation I reactifort of Okfins wkk 0 tertiary C atom with WWS in the 0 Premixt of I is d"wd an semnt of The pdymerizins a&-tka of I on shese-okli:ts, Tba followitiS nttfs weiv 09 fortned in pod ykid when H wu heated at 971 with Acolf. MCOJI. PtCO111, CIIICICOJI. CC4CYhI1, (IfChC)l. succittic, s6l, d-tartatic ar4l, 11solf. phthalic New, rcsp,, in the pftxmv of 1; VICII zoo 00 (mr)Nlr, b"a 1113-131 dl* 0AW, aj: IAO-13; A* FICJffO.Cl1r)Mr, Isry 1ALS". d.16 OJM-,J. 1.440), A, CsIfsCfI(CJfm)OXCIf*Clf(CHs)t. livot M) 4-P ill' 00 I)XV0, soW JAVA; IttCff(OxCjlx1Nfe. to., 110ifult, d',8 IJM12, 4V IA2P2; 1K1tCIf(,OCCCWMe. bm.4 IWA* dl* 112482 mV 1.4411); Rt1fcCIfO_,CC(hCM%Ie 0 , 4 1 ; Ft bmo 221-2.3 , V O.WW, XV IAZIJO CIIWCI?#)#, bro,4 :MA-7*, dj* 0.9713, xV J.4.1W; (fit's JfOrCCH(O1`I))t. N 145-60' d14 1 (432 W '400 4410; StCH(ORONfe. I)rw.I :V' 1.41)W; C4If,(CGCHbIeRt).. 106 I-W-62 . d1.4 j.# ;,40 0 NfeCOAC, th, W-8.5', d.14 OMMA.). mV 1.39.1A. wu chtnined from AcOll on cmderimlitm with 2-me4hyl- 'if I Pruptac In the pmwwv fA I at room tel . to YkId hemi no TSICT *14 go fqWTmI at NO Ormt?, 1401- 1. 1 w;1 j (()Ac)Pl, his& 137-IJUS", d." 0"19 a 1410 waA so 1kWW t:0 0 .* !11 &$I.;LA II904d fft4n ACOll Cn COIUhIM $411 f 11 ~ - I - tw- p( L, to 0 vwlujted that Ong meshtml tif obtsuninig ; 1 f 6 1. s it's 0 1 "terit try direct &MO, IW old. WW* to tArtiall In the foreti. to IfL., -;. 11 _. ;o0 Ctk'd,14 111to Ittay IV XF411tcd 14 Induat G, H. it 4 1, #A I I . W 0 1 d W 1 41 4 nnsog 1 11;4 0 " a a 4n4' ot :;o 0 e o 0 0 9 0 0 0 410 0 0 Is g 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 Of 1; %; -.w 7 -,i R 6 di ,A sig B L4 ~ ~09=6c"W Ale peartelift WHO 1/ 0 Its -Sam duadds we *Wb#d La a = "0 0 10 - Zavgamdaff. - J. Gm. CUM. (U 16. V -3(1944) 16 ,l -ten mmmmv7)_-CTc~ do p . m VAC raw* W*tb ccwi : fe _. C1,CCOJI tv" at W in th4 about o f firs, ck 00 (104a C.). 8.0 g. jwtw 42 1 S. Bp#gtto R*v met a 00 V bmw ta 51-20 to yidd 79C iyd~jrkllfwdsaWe Im ' U SA 1 -100 -W* 1hr.;.thcy&wrbmCo69% & - e i km 00 s* M COW NJ kw;g in a 34w. m cKm c a r be 104- d I L m2az W r M4 V 1. ((w Ifi 69. in few b. 1734% 416-0~ we* woo 4 #raw 004440 U 6 IV go 0, 0 1 a ad a v 0 1 a 4 0 a a a si; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a c 4 A-L-k- J~. ~74 I 0.11MI-Itz 11-- =t*d Is ortak R"4U" Itte of -- 4d c7, MASILO wok orpok At #dds ift p"mt" of ktom domwe and 4 00ovAlL J.GM. ckw. (U.&&R.l m 4ZV44 O")ISO ' w-vary); d. C-A.". MI.-Tborsto 00 a.0 of rosodon of nvkAczwa wilth a.CCObH ba the 00 wKwest Ma bcomm. but the ow of "A=WjA.lWWJM 60044 POWYACS tkO tUdIM fW see SmAst rowtko cA Acott is cmdy adectril by 11%4. tKT."Rof al any WAVeist at W-2'. U. M. 9, r* JUL! too slow sl"911-4 0 d" 04 .40 a. -T AV 40 AS a , N OR a a cut 1,63 IM A I It IW 0i6 0 1 Ar W9 a 01 1 v pr 0 P- 10 a0-0 0 WA 0-0-0 0a 0 a 4 0 to 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 lei 0 00 #AP t 12600-66 EWT (a) ACC NRo Apw=16 SOME CWZ: UW0286/65.70-700102 0101 101 AUT110hSt Isidorovp Vo Vol Akunovp Ve L Dubinskiy, M. G#j Z4vadskiz G. ve; lonnakov, Y-u. T..j Lurlye, ti, YU or, ti, U. 1.,- Nonanko, _N._Y~.j Plavako, A. U.1 V. it., Sid -ffa 5 S.1 Titov, F. P. Khalev, -UDG-- shchovoll, A. S.; Zavgor,o,dn y No So ORGg none TITLE: A reactor for combined pulverizing and burning of a material,, such an cement# in a high temperature ran stream. Glass eO, No. 11A69 SOURM Byulleten' izobrateniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965j, 101 TOPIC TAM cement, thurmal reactor ABSTRAM This Author Certificate presents a reactor for combined pulverizing and burning of a material, such aa comont, in a KiGh tovj)oraturo gas stream. To provide automatic regulation of the burning and calcification tim for the material in the reactor# the latter in made in the shape of a flatp lonticular dhambers Hozzlen of the combustion chambers are built into the piripheral circle of the lentioular chamber and at an angle to ita radii, An opening in the center of the chamber bottom is used to discharge the finished burned producto 80 CODEs SUBM DATZI 24MAy6l lav crodni. S. V. . noron f luoride nit a ca" in oremlc elluintry. IV, Cordonsation oLL,'_ianoj --lui J. an, Chomo.)k (TJSSR)~ Vol. 16p I" -., pp. !495 1504 .45 C he., iAbs., Vol. 41o p. 5477-C A -77777 oe A scove dowide as a CIWTN 12 egjsv~c dammm'"U7 tv W. d1j.1 (VOW. ev I IJIS; W41O)i PA it#", b MOP- 00 A CAudAUSSOOS at p%4XWd witil S V. ) J_ Gee (Im iv Ut t St V d1v IQ QM. 6',! 1 .4;W i VW w 4*fyi w 4%1)dp#.s,4 L i6~F 93IN mW I MOS u ~~ d11 1 0 . . t . a e , . . v~mtuat~ . . , ee it 16. 14251-IUMIM)(Is kutska). cf. C.A. in CCL it" brtxM4a (qvpamtly atano. and dib"wAdn) BYs.Rilf), lend 2-Wierw m ectartted i d of whkb the fallowlag arm hdxtcd to a stote of ca_?v~m- tate j1do s s4t4ot crxAW tatockirt and Ilm atitt. was og Koff I kb i h r tivv put' d 4Z L an eva. w t U or I he dc*hwd %catp., dki w , v d , av I mm; mano-EW dert". of the etbm j." 0 1. - toWwtd bir thr tkWA tMallemat. 91TV OW Pkfi(4'c rrv wm* ttat OWLftd. but (VA4 rift"MkIn set Obt4imd uctil; (W aWid proloco wm WUtt41 by COO. Of the &IU. v". by MO m Pert. other. Evit, " -10' ON to- 30 t t 81 i t4z w- Wy(f4"yt Ain. N.a 126-7*. tqt.', m I.FM Ittil (I W I #4"yf mt. W)* ta", th.- 21' 1"70 LY L=1 Th s . on pirm me ". mvert Sellop pv* In 72 hn, up to 1 . e tioctim is 1 , , It., 0* alkyfphcaM type and $/a ithet tnw. At L repteledled as form". Ph M + UtCH.Clisfe (1) tooveake eam to 9D% in 24 hre. with an Tb i ld lk = : PhMIfMcCIfJJ*, - IIOCJI.Cll&IeClftMe (1f; If + I M CII ( 0 s more cam t. e Obcoo eft y W I r l 1 creas 67 Its d to I t Pholf d l i - emms e XIIX eWfoCIjUtC1jj t% N. f th Wk i f k h 4 god - . e e ou ene ra o tt a ; oUained w fowrr*d the yk(d by wm 34%. momly at tht taptuse of 74'% b L i amurate coast o ( rod onAt e in. t ere we 2m? 41efinite yield tWo an rwh ly1m In a givva vin. Sev . ower drop to the heealic: odoct we ng -t. I- 100 to 5% resulted in - X"h t f 0 g G. M. KovAitooff t ca & rom .'. Ys ia . t A W A 1" the t mbsm"Y-1-TrO ykI4 of the pbcncAks. retortion *86 Cons ft - " 1, s4 pvv 324.1 ~Alw4vv and .0 -._ + - - I -- ALAI 294% pbead-type Products, FAMAM ma. OF Th t d MEWS- le e . "d were always round but natMenti vadom products did not coutdo any disaWitutcd Ma- taish eod w"t identified m4wyip"d, b. 228- J l L~'Jtl ~L_ L"Alt'" C""KATOrt qvd~m 81-41A, 144400 .40 P.. 44t v 16 F I* Ail; W a AV 11, W a of a a mr x a It to 01 1 YO a 41 6 0 010 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 *,misolo 0 goo 0 : 006 000 90 .00 .06 000 -00 us* 4*0 Goo Coo ago goo fee V*e see CFO 45 I #6W 911MARV go 0 vliAil Get a" Ali 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 C 0 0 0 16 .6 ~' ~4116 '011 ~-''C a 0 0 6 0 0 Q 0 S * 0 * OLS S I I VA 1 14 1 _A J a*(** elsocide Cdaliff is WIlewd.clami0y, V lidnj S Coculewdom cd Pb$cW WO r". ____ . 00 'Cken. Rosslim); Cf. -00 C.A. 41, 5477c.-Amikae (emotiolly, 2ralew), a by-firixtuct oif [Aboilty systhdic rUtAW prefuction. wits JJ stud led ass sWfft of A110601010. TIS43"W(twilun Got from butsidleme production was fractiouted to ykid a fraction. b. 36-7'. 40% amylene. wW a fraictim, 00 A co b 3")* coots. 7V Tht former 1350 E:) In 2 V06, ClIell was 436 cc. or In ClICIA t t., at -Is, and AU4WC(l (a z(aW owelglit, when the plild. .06 piperykne teftalitomide was (11tcred off isood the washed and dried emykne bromide was distd., Ing =1 S. 1 #61-2*. This was slowly addeA to abotICS, suspension MT, Z. Una 1. .1,, to yktd the amylent (1) h 34 V, djlQ.0472,x'p*I,3,78. PbOJI (MAS.), ace. hi"xio, *0 ffind 24.5 C. 1. mixed In the coW. at @d, sh4kr" coo until homacearot" and allowed to stAnd"Mh1s. until flit 0 0 rewtion wa3compkie, yieldittl a itc-Aw Pk d4erfractloa, 6~ -b. 213-43*, 67.W., d.'*-g 0,03"AM, nit$ 1.49W- coo I .&112 (brominat I,= to M give dibrowidts. b# 120-9* dif-6 1.4122-1.4852, xj?-' and tracts a jec-Aws tee-awylpkesyl Met (0); the phtnolk products COO (mist. of PhOll and joyni1pbelsol), b. 1W-2"" Com'L ze 0 prW 11%, Repetition the above with b"ting to 20 1w. gave 40% ether-Ig produchvipally NO 0 11, b. 271-00. d! 0.93d",V. 6. NJ? 1. 1,6W7 (bcominatiou o( whkh g6" iWforafs, bg 160-W., moo d,19 phenolic (tutiou, charadabod i A $4.111.0 ki r QN, via-, O"Or INJO44 44 U ~11F-110; I it to P ss ff a "(w i-i 0 00 --- 0 v-T -T I14ST OF 01MAX C10,11STRY, AGAD 5`01 USSH ZAVGOWDN1Y, 5. V. - "Investigation in the Field of ReactJonz of U-n- saturated Compounds In the Prosorice of- a lbron Fluorido Catalymt. Sub 25 Nov 52p Inst of Organic Cherdstry, Acad Sci U,'SR. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctorates in Chemical Sciences). -SO: Vechernana Moskva Janrary4ccember 1952 IY A .1 . v -S. V., TOM EV., V. and PAM XIN YA "Pronent Trands In Using Boror. Flwride In Catalytic Trnwiforration of Hydro carbons," Usp. Ithim,., 213 No-4s 195" ZOG010MI11 so Ve "Interaction of ethyl etherate of boron fluoride with organic carboxylic acids and with phenol." (p. 1781) 0% 'roijrnnl of CAnnra (Zhurnal Obshchei Kbimii) 22 S -1 Ch ry icides SSR/Chem stry - Germ' Nov 52 Insecticides ~Catalyst in Organic' Chemis- loron Fluoride a,~, a try: VI. The Reacti 1 of o-Chloro Phenol With on CYclohexene," S. V~ Zavgorodniy, Voronezh Statel Lab of Org Chem ~!'Zhur Obshch Khlp"',Vol 22, No 11, PP 1995-1997 Alkylbalogenophenols band alkyl ethers of.halo- genophenols -have strong germicidal and - Insecti-I ,~6.1dal properties andliherefore are of definite 'Interest. They are -U IsUally obtained by the hal,6- eanatIon of alkyl-'phpnols or alkylphenyl ethers and more rarely bi~the action of sics or alkyl 238T'30~ balides on balogeaoph6nols. The dire Ict, alkyla-t of halogenophenols vith olefins has hardly, ~b6in investigated.!; "The reaction of o-chloro i)henbl vith cyclol~exene at rocm temp, and in the loresence of the caiai~st, boron f2uoride ethyl ~Li-ther 'adduc., results'lonly -in the formation of the'cy~-Iobexyl of o-chloro p o ether hen 1. There! ~ii significant polymerization of cyclohexene atr: :the temp of a boilingliwater bath. Cyclohexyl dither of o-chloro phen6l is quite stable and is, i6t.isomerized in the']presence of boroti fluoride, ethyl ether adduct~when heated for 8 hrs at 120-~~ .14o0 23BT30~~ E, t2 Z A,! Chardetil Abst. to of nic chem4". Vol. 48 No. 9 r n-MUll dJ. ~Gm S.S. I " I'lay 10 M.W. L),-&t C.A. 47, SW7&. 1954 H. L. li. Org-3nicChoMi,gtry .: ": ~; ;. ~ 1,%, :.. ~ ~ ~ 1, , i.; , i . -.. , . , , - ; -, , S~;F , ~~ .I , , , 'Z ~r, -, , , ";' i~ -, :, ,,I I , 1:1 - i~, , : .2: I- : 1. , , .4 j - ~ y - ., --" I i !L ; - , , , '. ~j 1 ~I ; - , - -, - -g ,, -. - ". 1- ~ , , , , - ~,- 13. r, . I . r , -, ~ .1 1 ! ~ L , '. i. ,!.. ;~ , , - - ~, .~. iT, C An "I N lK TOPGRIYLT,A.V.; ZAVGOROIMIY,S.V.,; PAUSHKIN,Ya.M.; SHUrKIN,M.I., radaktor; ZZIZMVA.Ye.T., takhnicheekly re- 4aktor [Boron fluoride and its compounds as catalyzers in organic chemistry] Ftoristyi bor i ago soedinentia kak katalizatory v organicbaskoi khImii. Roskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 356 P. (HLRA 9:4) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shuykin) (Boron fluoride) Z- USSRI Organic Chemistry - Synthetic organic chemistry Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, n684 E-2 Author : Zavgorodniy S.V., Vakhtin V.G. Inst : -Vo-rone-zh University Title : Alkylation of Anisole with Beta-Amylene in the Presence of Catalysts Ethyletherate of Boron Trifluoride and Boron Fluoride Compound of Ortho-Phosphoric Acid Orig Pub : Tx:. Voronezhak. un-ta, 1956, 42, No 2, 37-39 Abstract- On- --alkylation- of anisole - (1) -with - beta-amylene (11) in pretidnce of BY 3'H3PO4 were obt.ained 4-see-amylanisole (III) as principal reaction product, 2-see-amylanisole (IV) and diamylanisoles (V). Alkylatioa In the presence of BF etherate results i.n lower yields. To 9-5g 3 R 3PO4saturated with 5.2 g BF3 ) are added 27 9 1, and at/^-)200, are added', within 1.5 hours, 35 g II. After 14-16 hours washed with wa- ter, 5% NaR CO3, dried (to 1700 driving off I and II), yield of Card 1/2 USSR/ Organic Chemistry - Synthetic organic chemistry E-2 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 4) 1957, 1i684 alkylate 62%; contains 80% 111, BP 104-106'/5 mm, n2OD 1.5164, d~o 0.9584; 16% unpurified IV, BP 95-980/5 mm, n2OD 1.501-2, d20 0.9330, and ^-)4% V. On oxidation of III with 5% HN03 4 there was obtained 4-CH 30C04 COOH, and. on oxidation of IV an acid of MP 105-1070. Card 2/2 fut AUTHORSt Zavgorodniy., S. V.j end Kryuchkovas V. 0. 79-2-.12/58 TITLE: Boron Fluoride as a Catalyst in Organic Chemistry. Part 13. Alkylation of 2- and 4-Bromophenole with Pseudo-Butylene and Cyclohexone in the Presence of BY H?O-A, and BF3- WOO Catalysts (Ftoristyy bor kak. 11 1. Alkilirovaniya 2- 14- katalizator v 9r*ganicheskoy khimli. f bromofenolovpaevdobutile om i taiklogeksenom v priautstvii katalizatorov BF3.H3F04 i BF3.0005)2~ PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obahchey Khimiit 1957, vol 27) No 2# pp. 330-333 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTs Investigation wags conducted to determine the &Ikylation of 2- and 4,bromo phenols with pseudobutylene and cyclohexone in the presence of two boron fluoride catalysts. It is shown that the alkylation of 2-bromophenol with pseudobutylene leads to the formation of phenol Ta--Aucts or mixture of other and phenol products. In all other-cases the authors obtained only eater type compounds. The alkylation products derived are identified as: secondary-butyl-2-bromophenolp secondary-butyl ether of 2-bromopbenol., secondary-butyl other or aeoondai7~.Wtyl...2-bromophanolj cyclohexyl eater of 2-bromophenolp secondu7-butyl other of /+-bronophenal, secon&a7 butyl Card 1/2 ether,, 2-secondary-butyl-4,-bromophenol and cyclohexyl ester of 4,bromo- phenol. The effect of the molar ratios of reapnts cnd catalystap and Boron Fluoride an a Catalyst in Organic Chemistry, Part 13. 79-2-12/58 effect of time and temperature on the total yield of other and phenol baae compounds is described in a table. 1 table. There are 4 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: The Voronezh State University PRESWED BYt SUBMI=t March 1, 1956 AVAI LABIX Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTLHOR VDOVTSOVL YE.L.0 UVGORODNIY S.V. ?A - 3152 TITLE Aliqlatiox of Diane 4dra4&rbonx.AlkerqlLti*1 of knisole By Piperyleze, (Alkilizov AJjs aromatichaskikh sayedinonly d4yono i uglerodoro. dAut. Alkesiltrovanlis anizola piperilenon. -fteeMILT PERIODICA1 Daklady Aktdeall Irauk USSR,1957,yol 113PIr 3oPP 59#-593 .0.8 R.) Reselyed 411957 Reviewed A1957 ABSTUCT A systematio investigation of the reaction on the occasion of the alkylation of the aromatic oar* with pyperilene (a by-produot obtai. ned when produsing synthetio rubber by tho-Lebodev method) wto car- ried out for the puVoss of duteraining the reaotirity of pleryleas from a double-funational sombinatim By the example of aniaoi it is shown to be possible to alkylizo the aromatic core with piperyloneg viso with a yield of 56 - 92%~of the theoratioal quantities of peA- tall anisole. The anisol* was selseted as the first *xpoTimental ob. jeat because It represents thosi substaness Vhich have a sufficient amevmt of movable hydrogens in order in this way to avoid the use of SAargetio Gatalysers and thus also a Polymerization of the pioryloneo Molecular compounds of boron fluoride,wero tried out as eatalyzerso With.s.11 these astalyzers the alkylation process suppresses the pa- lymerlza"oa of the pi*rTI#Aoo ;Results are, mhovA together in for2 of a table. Tho-struoturs of the postenilo anisoles was proved* Pon- Card 1/2 tenilanisole was obtained In the presence of DE3.0(C215)2 and is in Alkylation of Aromatis Compounds By Dions lVdrocarbons. ?A 3152 Alkanylation of Anisole By Piperylene. its basic mass a 4-(n-molh*XYPh&AYI)-Penton-2(11) vhiah Is men- tionsd In publiostions as an intermediate produot In the synthesis 2g3-to.(A-orlphanyl)-pentanse The products ottained by alkylation ia the presence of BF R PO 37 9 PO appar*ntly coAsist es- sentially of The exyorlmouls are do- (111th I table sad 7 819vie refor0nods)- ASSOCIATION State VnIv*raity of Toromesh PUSENTIM BY TOPOMET A.V.j Member of the Asedeny SUBMITTIM 15-11A956 AUILABLE Library of CoWess Card 2/2 79-28-5-37/69 AUTHORS: Zavgorodniyj S. V., Sigovp 0. V., Bayevt 1. Fo TITLE: esis of 1#4-Diisopropylbenzehe and Some of its Conversions (Sintez 1,4-diizopropilbenzola I nekotoryye yego prevrashcheniya) I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vol, 28, Nr 5, ppd 1279 - 1284 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present work the alkylation of the isopropylbenzene with propylene in the presence of BF 30 H3PO4 waa dealt with,. When using these three compounds at equimolar ratios (4 : I : o,26) at 98 - loo0C the lo4-diisopropylbenzene was obtained in a yield of 73~o (at 52 to 550C - 19%). The oxidation of the IP4-diisopropylbenzene (in liquid phase) with atmoslbwic oxygen in the presence of various stimulators In mono- and dihydrogen peroxide was investigated. During some time of this oxidation an accumulation of peroxide to a certain maximum takes place, on which the decomposition begins and the amount ~Card 1/3 decreases. At 11o0C such a maximum is reached after 12-14 hours, 79-28-5-37/69 Synthesis of 1,4-Diisopropylbenzene and Some of its Conversions at 8500 after 2o-4o hours, depending on the stimulators. The stimulator mixture, consisting of manganese resinate and cobalt acetate with an addition of calcium hydrogen peroxide stimulates oxidation much more than the first two, taken singly. The addition of sodium ste~arate to the mixture accelerates the oxidation and makes it possible to obtain 51% hydrogen- peroxide at 850C during 17 hourof whereas without stRarate onlY 33% result at 11oOC during 16 hours, on which the decom- position of the peroxide ptarts. Calcium-hydrogen-peroxide also accelerates the oxidation and strengthens the hydrogenparoxide which leads to a deeper oxidation. The oxidation is mainly directed to the formation of monohydrogen peroxide of the diisopropylbenzene in the cleavage of which in acidous medium the 4-inopropylphenol forms in a yield of 9o%. Partially also dihydrogen peroxide of the diii3opropylbenzone forms which Card 2/3 then splits into hydroquinone. There are 2 figures) 1 table Wd 5 "fereuceet 4 of vhich a" Soviet. ASSOC"IOR: Vomzzh- State Unimrsity M AUTAORS: Zave,,orodniyj S. V., Shvetsova, Lo S. SOV/79-26-10-C/6o TITLE: Alkylation of loopropyl Benzene With Pceudobutylenie In the Presence of BF 3'H3PO 4(Alkilirovaniye izopropilbonzola paevdobutilenom v pristitstvii BF 3'H3 PO4 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr lo, pp 266a - 2670 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper the authors already showed that the molecular compound BF 3'H3PO4 proves to be a~h ighly active catalyst in the alkylation of benzene kith psAido- butylene. In connection herewith they alco atfqmpted to alkylate isopropyl benzene in this way ;Y In thi6Icase the reaction took place with more difficul ; Ise he yields of the alkylation products were smaller. A-mixture of isopropyl-aeo.-butyl benzenes wan formed which'con- visted of about 91% para and 9~5 ortho isomers. The Most favorable conditions with the highest yields of ioopropyl- neo.-butyl benzenes are offered by the molar ratios of. inopropyl benzene, pacudo butylone and catfilyst of Cnrd 1/2 3-3,5:1:002-0,3, the temperature of 50-600, and the "j- 'Alkylation of Isopropyl Benzene With Pseudobutylene in the Presence of BF H PO 3' 3 4 SOV/79-28-lo-6/6o introduction velocity of pseudo butylene of 1,6-20 e/hour. In the case of a larger amount of the catalystf thle yi-ld of isopropyl-sec.-butyl benzenes decreases; it also decreases if there are more thqn 3 mole Inopropyl benzene per 1 mole pseudo butylone, oven with a larger quantity of the catalyst. A considerable role Is also played by the veaotion temperature. The-yiold of inopropyl-seo.-butyl benzenes is, for instance, 18~6 at 200,'47% at 300--350 and 55cit at 50-600. At 1000 thR~paeu'do butylene in not readily absorbed by the mixture, with the cataly.94 also gradually losing its activity, which again cauoon a aivall yield. There are 1 table and 2 reforencen, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) AUT.'-dRS: ~gK&2r2~~~ and Sideltnikova, V. Is 20-1-27/58 TITLE: The Alkylation of Diphenyl by Pseudobutylene In the Presence of thr. Catalyst BF."Y04 (Alkil-irovaniye difenfla psevdobutilencri v priautato v1j katalizatora 1IF3.113POll) PERIODICAL: DokladyMI SSSRI 1958., Vol. 118, Nr 1, pps 96-98 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The authors studied this reaction in different molar ratica of the two substancen and the catalystj without solvent and dissolved in CC3~jl at 5o-1-oo0C- It was proved.that this reaction takes place in mol-ax ratics I. - 4 : 1 1 0.,2 - 0,,3 and yielets monobutyldipherqls. as maiii producta. Besides at 700C and above an isomerization of psaudo- butylene to isobutylene taker, place and a mixture of p-secondrbutyl-0 diphenyl. develops. Their relative quantities depend on the temperature and on other factors. When the ratio of the two reacting substances and of the catalyst is,2 ! I : 0.,2 and when the temperature is, go0r, the total yield of monobutyldiphenyl amounts to 36j80/'6 of the tbeon retically possible. The relative content of p-aecond-butyldiphenyl and p_tert._butyldipbeWl ia 740/o and 260/o respectively. Tbe most favorable conditions under which monobutyldiphenyls- with a 58.~6o'o/o Card 114 yield form-and amount up to 920/o in the result of alkylation, aret The Alkylation of Dipherjyl by Pseudobutylene in the Presence of the 20-1-n/58 Catalyst BF3 "YOW the ratio of diphenyl. ; pseudobutylant : catalyst a 1175 : 1 19 0125, a temperature of 9oOC and the speed of the introduction of pseudobu- tylene 2.5-3 liters per hour, The reduction of the quantity of catau lyst to 0~13 Lol under the last-mentioned conditions diminishes the yield of monobuty1dipheny13 to 32 O/o. The Increase in the quantity of diphenyl, to 3 and 4 Hol per I Mol poeudobutylene reduces the yield of monobutyldiphenyin to L9-290/o. But now the polybutyldiphenyls are absent In the result of alkyintion, The ratio of the reacting subs stances and the catalyst 1 : I : 0,2 leads to a-)13-45 O/o yield of monobutyldiphenyls: and a 7-80/o yield of pol;ybutyldipheriyls of the theoretically possible yields. In a CC14-solution the alkylation pro= ceeds; very slowly and in molar ratios of the reacting substances and the catalyst of 1. '. 1 *0 0:15j I *- I ', 0.0., 3 ; I 1 0.,3 it gives yields of monobuty1dipherrili 12p U and 180/o of the theoretically ones. An experimental part with the usual data follows. The constants and yields of the monobromidoB of the two above-mentioned p-butyldiphenyls and the self-oxidation as well as the splitting up of the hydroperos xide of p-,second.-butyldiphenyl are described* There are I table, and 4 references, 3 of which are Slaviv. Card 2/10 'Cot.. \(O R'6 IV, AWSOVA, Z.V.; ZAVGCRODNIY, S.V. Alkylation of anioolo and phanetole by isobutylene In t~4 PQ#& Zhu-.obkhim. 32 no.11;3502-3505 prosence of BF v . H - N, 162, (MM 15:11) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnickeekiy institut, (Anisole) (Phenstole) (Propene) A.M.)* ZffILIITAP R.I.J FURTICIIEVI" R.F.; SIV.TAIbVo V.P,; ZAVGOROD?fIY S V t-ynthesin and autoxidation of isopropyleyclohexy:Lbenzenes Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no*9;2954-2957 8 '62- (MIRA 115:0- 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (C=ene) (Oxidation) NOVIKOVI I.N.1 ZAVGORODNIY, S.V. Autaxidation of p-dicyclohezilbenzene. Dokl.AN SSSR 148 no.4s853-855 F 163. WRA 1614) 1. Kiyevskly politekhnicheskly inatitut. Predstak~eno sk-e-ge-mikaft A.V.Topohiyevym. (Benzene) (oxidation) ZAVGORODITIY, S.V.*; IRDOUTNA, T.G.; SHUIVJMR. A.Y4, Boron fluoride as a catal7st in organic chemistr7. Part 14: Alkylation. of toluene and ethylbenzone by popmdobntylone. Trudy VGU 57:107-116 159o (MM 13:5) (Butane) (Tolune) (Beasene) m - 7AAVGORODHIY S ~ Boron fluoride as a catalyst in organic chemistry* Part 15: AUVIation of naphthalene by olefina from by-produate of the synthetic rubber industry. Trudy VGU 57:117-131 159- (KIRA 13:5) (Naphthalene) (Olefins) ZOGORODITTY, S.V. ----------- Boron fluart4a as a catalyst In organic chemistry, Part 16: Alk~lation of gualacol and phonetoln by poeudobutylona. Trudy VGU 57:133-140 159. (MIRA 1315) (Guaiacol) (Phenqtole) (Butene) 5 (3) AUTHORS: Zavgorodniy, S. V., Kryuchkova, Y. G. SOY/79-29-4-64/77 TITLE; Alkylation, of 4-Bromophanol With Propylane And P-Amylene in the Presence of the ICatalyats BP3 HPO4and BF3 0(02H5)2 [AlkilirovaniYe 4-bromf enola propil enom i P-amilenom v prisutstvii katalizatorov BF3 H3 PO4 1 BF3 0(C 2HN PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey kbimiij 1959t Vol 29, lir 41 Pp 1340 - 1343 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier investigations (Refs 1-0s, In the present paper the authors investigated the alkylation of 4-bromophanol with propylene in the presence of BF 100 and 3 4 with P-amyleno in the presence of BF 3 O(C2H02 and BF3 HPO4 in 4-bromo- carbon tetrachloride without solvents. It was found that phenol yields with propylene and P-amylene in the presence of BF3H 3PO4 and BF31O(C 2H5)2 only ether products. Two compounds, the isopropyl other of 4-bromophenol (1) and the isopropyl ether of isopropyl-4-bromophenol (II) are obtained with propylene. A Card 113 secondary amyl ether of 4-bromophonol (III) was obtained with __ ___ - - 1-1- 1.";. 1, i i ~-! .: ", ' -~i; ;a~z' '7~4' :' 1, Alkylation of 4-Bromophenol With Propylene and BOV/79-29-4-64/77 P-Amylene in the Presence of the Catalysts BF 3 HPO4 and BF3 O(C2H5)2 P-amylene. The molar conditions of the reaoting compounds and the catalyst 2:1:C,2 are for the alkylation of 4-bromophenol with propylene in the presence of BF3 H3PO th best &t 300 and . t,ise in the case of slow addition of propylen Ids of (I) and (11), 48 and 141A respectively). These products resulted in the same total yield'(62%) in the molar ratio 1:2:0?15 of 4-bromo- phenol, propylene, and catalyst. In this case, however, con- siderable quantities of resin are producea and the yields in (1) and (II) amount to 37 and 25~ respectively. The temperature rise up to 500 increases the resin formation and reduces con- siderably the yield in alkylation products* The application of CCI, as solvent reduces the resin formation as well as the yield in I) and (II). Further data are given in table 1. The alkyla- tion0f 4-bromophenol with P-amylene in the presence of BF 3 HPO4 in a carbon tetrachloride solution is at room temperature accom- panied by a polymerization, The yield in ether (III) is here not Card 2/3 higher than 4qa- In the presence of BF 3 O(C2H 5)2 in the same k1kylation of 4-Bromophenol With Propylene and SOY/79-29-4-64/77 P-Amylene In the Presence of the Catalysts BF 3 HPO4 and BF O(C H .3 2 5)2 solution thereaction procooda more smoothly and the yield can be'inoreased up to 7Z under a certain optimum molar ratio. An intensive resin formation takes place without solvent. The in- fluence of the reaction duration and other conditions of the reacting compounds and the catalyst is illustrated in table 2. There are 2 tables ana.6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State'" University) SUMITTED: FebruarY 5P 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/79-29-5-8/75 AUTHORS: Zavgorodniy, S. V., Volkov, R. 11. TITLE; Alkylation of p-Diisopropyl Benzene With Propylene in the Presence of the Catalyst BF 3'H3PO4 (Alkilirovaniye p-diizopropilbenzola propilanom, v prisutetvii katalizatora,BF 3#H 3PO 4) PERIODICAM Zhurnal obshchey khimiit 1959, Vol 29, lir 5t pp 1447 - 1449 (USSR) AD15TRACT: In the present paper the alkylation of p-diisopropyl~ benzene with propylene in the presence of the oatalyst BF 3*H3PO4 in the temperature range 3 - 105 0 and at a ratio of ~-diiaopropyl bon- zene, propylene and catalyst 1-5tl: 0-1 - 0-5 was investigated. Triisopropyl benzenes and tetraisopropyl benzene were found to be formed, Trii~uopropyl benzenes represent a mixture of 19294- and 1,3,!5-t4dsopropy1 benzenes. Their relative content in the mixture is 80-82 and 18 - 20dillp respectively. According to the conditions:the total yield is 53-84%. The yield in 1,2,4,5- tetraisopropyl benzene is 5-25r/L Optimum conditions for the alkylation were determined as followsi the molar ratio of n- Card 1/2 diisopropyl benzene - propylene - oatalyst 3 1 1 : 0-3p Alkylation of p-Diisopropyl Benzene With Propylene SOV/79-29-5-8/75 in the Presence of the Catalyst BF H PO 30 3 4 tomperaturo 60 0, rate of propylone introduction 1-5 1/h and subsequent mixive of the reaction mixture for 40 minutes. Under those conditiona 81~j triisopropyl benzenes and 15%, 1029495- totraisopropyl benzerie are obtained. In thin case other pro- ducts are formed to practically no extent. As can be ooen from the table the yield is considerably influenced by the quantity of the catalyst. There arc 1 table and 2 references# 1 of vhich is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Voronezhokiy gosudarstvennyy univereitet (Voronezh State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED; April 11, 1958 S/153/60/003/005/005/016 B013 ZB056 AUTHORS: Zavgorodniyj S.V.t Novikovt I.N. TITLE., Autooxidation of p-Diisopropyl Benzene PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimi che skaya tekhnologiya, 1960~ Vol-. 3 9 No - 5, pp. 863 867 TEXT- The possibility of oxidation of p-diisopropyl benzene, forming in -the alkylation of benzene with a propane - propylene mixture in the presence of BF 3*H3PO4 into hydrogen peroxides, and subsequent cleavage of the monohydrogen peroxide-into p-isopropyl-phenol, and of the dihydro-,/ k:en peroxide into hydroquinone, was studied in this paper. Autooxidation of p-diisopropyl benzene at 850, 1100, and 1300C in the presence of diisopropyl benzene hydrogen peroxide and manganese resinate with alkaline additionso as woll an cleavage of the hydrogen peroxides into correspond- Ing phenols, was studied for thic purpose. It was shown that the rate of oxidation of industrial p-diisopropyl benzene dopenda on itn purity. NaOH, KOH, Ca (0H)2 and Na 2CO3 were used as additionn. These materials are Card 113 Aut,ooxidation of P-Dii0opropyl Benzene 3/15 ~60~003/005/005/016 BOT 05 only little effective in themselves, and have all about the same effect. Their addition (0-5 -1 g per 1 mole of diisopropyl benzene) to the manganese reninate, however, initiates the autooxidation process, and permits a deep-reaching oxidation of the hydrocarbon up to the hydrogen peroxide. Autoozidation becomes specially intensive if p-diisopropyl benzene is preoxidized in the presence of alkaline additions up to a content of 2 - 3~* hydrogen peroxide in the solution. Manganese resinate cr diisopropyl benzene hydrogen peroxide is subsequently added, and oxi- e.ation is continued withthe blowing-through of air. Under such conditions, a maximum hydrogen peroxide concentration of;76.'/o was pbtained within 44 hours at 110 � 20C. The experiments showe4 that p-diisopropyl benzene dihydrogen peroxide is only precipitated if the hydrogen peroxide con- centration in the hydrocarbon solution is higher than 40%. It may be assumed that in the oxidation of p-diisopropyl benzene, monohydrogen peroxide is formed first. Not until this has reached a certain concentra- tion does it begin to oxidize into p-diisopropyl benzene dihydroeen peroxide. The cleavage of the dihydrogen peroxide proceeds most smoothly with concentrated sulfuric acid in ether, the highest hydroquinone yield being obtained here. Strong resinification can be observed with dilute Card 2/3 Autooxidation of p-Diisopropyl Benzene s/i53/6o/oO3/0O5/0O5/O16 B013[B058 uric -acid. ..By- -reproduction of pure dihydrogen peroxide, 96% of p-di-(,A,oV-_oxy-isopropy f)- -be-nz en,e-w-a-o ___ obtain-ed-in-the-form-of white- .noodleo,with a molting point of 1400C. Figa.1 - 3 show the effect of the purity of diinopeopyl bonzoneg tomporature, ond various.admixtures on the rate -of oxidation* M. Xruthalov and V,V& Podorova aro mentionel. Thore are 3 figures,-2 tables an(1--5'8oviet references. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.Kafedra irganicheskW khimii (Voronezh State UniverBity.Department of Organic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: February 17,1959 Card 3/3' KRYUCUK07At V.Q,; ZAV(;OI?DDIIIY, $.V. Alkylbalophenoxyac.atic acids. Zhur.ob.khtm. 30 no.3i 1747-1748 W 160. (MIRA 13:3) 1, Voronsibekly osudarotvonMy univernitat, Vcatic 4CM) KRYUGHKOTA, V.G.L_UVGORODMIY, S.T. AlkIlation of 4-bromoonsisole by propylene, poeudobutylene, and cyclohexens in the presence of B'3-"3PO4- Zhux.ob.khim. 30 n'0,6;1929-1932 Je 160& (MIRA 13:6) 1. Toronezhakiy gosudarstvennyy universitete (Anisole) (Alkylation) 8561o B/079/60/030/007/026/039/XX 21003, W~3' 11.21 BOOI/BO66 AUTHORS: Zavgorodniy, S. V., ZaXtsev, B. A., Yel'ohinov, D. P. TITLE: kryl-alkylation of PhenoAWith Styreneland a-?Aethyl Styrene PVRIODICAL., Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No- 7, pp. 2196-2199 TEXT: The aryl-alkylation of phenols with aryl olefine has so far been given little attention, In spite of the practical importance of Its reac- tion products (Ref. 1). The authors studied the reaction of phenol with styrene and a-methyl styrene, using the ethyl etherate of boron fluoride 3- 2 5)20 and boron fluoride with 75% orthophoophoric acid as catalysts, __(C H In both cases ar yl alky _p_he_n_o'_1_s__ r6jult ed -.--Styrene -gave -a -mix ture -of - mono- aryl and diaryl alkyl phenols (32 .. 60% yield, according to conditions), a-methyl styrene p-hydroxy-diphenyl-dimethyl methane (60%), and a small quantity of resinous products whose composition could not be determined. In both cases, aryl-alkylation is accompanied by polymerization of the aryl olefins, which is the main reaction in the case of styrene. a-afethyl styrene is more stable to polymerization, and Is partially dimerized (in Card 1/2 85610 Aryl-alkylation of Phenol With Styrene and 3#9/60/030/007/026/039/XX a-Mothyl Styrene BOOI/BO66 addition to the formation of resinous polymerization products) to give the crystalline 1,1,3-trimethyl-3-phonyl indan which distills over together with p-hydroxy-diphonyl-dimethyl methane. The beat yie14 of hydroxy-diphen- yl-methyl methane was obtained at a molar ratio of 2 : I : 0.06 between pher.ol gtyrene, and the ethyl etherate of boron fluoride, at a temperature of 95-~7 and with a reaction time of two hours. In the reaction of phenol with a-methyl styrene in the presence of the above etherate, the best yield (60%)-of p-hydroxy-diphen~l-dimethyl methane results at a molar ratio of 3 1 ; O-15v at 80-83 and with a reaction time of nine hours. Thiii reaction may be represented in the general form: BF -O(C It ) I 21, R R HO - +CH2-C C:> HO- (R - 11 or CH 3). There are 2 tables and 2 referencest I Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION! Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959 F ZATOOROMU, S.V.; SHAUKUDYA, Y.G. Autooid on of P -ethyl- socebutylbousens. Zbw.obekbix. 30 no-7:2402-2406 JI 160. (MM 1337) t 1. Voronesheldy*gosudArstvemW universitats Owaseas) Is 84874 S/079/60/030/010/010/030 B001/B075 AUTHORS: Shalganova, V. G. and Zavgorodniy, S. V. TITLE: Autooxidationlof Secondary p-B-u-ty-ltoluene PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 3223-3226 TEXT: The authors studied the autooxidation of p-sec-butyltoluene and carried out a quantitative determination of the products of acid splitting of hydrogen peroxide, as well as of the products obtained from a complete oxidation of p-see-butyltoluene. The oxidation took place at different temperatures.Autooxidation carried out by means of atmospheric oxygen in the presence of manganese resinate, caustic soda, and other additions, proceeds most conveniently at 110 0C. It was shown that in the presence of manganese reBinate and alkali the oxidation of the secondary butyl radical proceeds 1o8 times more easibr than that of the 'primary methyl group, and 1.2 times more eWly than on the addition of sodium stearate or cobalt acetate. The main productsof oxidation are p-methyl acetophenone, p-tolylmethylethyl carbinol, and p-seo-butyl benzoic acid. It was found Card 1/2 -"~T-P-44P 84874 Alitooxidation of Secondary p-Butyltoluene 3/079/60/030/010/010/030 BOO1/BO75 that p-sec-butyl benzoic acid can be oxidized with atmospheric oxygen to form p-acetyl benzoic acid in a 30-51o yield, The oxidation rate of p-sec- ~butyltoluene at 1100C.under,different conditions is illustrated in a fig- ure. Experimental data are given in Tables 1 and 2. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 11 references: 9 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhakiy gosudarstvenn y univereitet (Voronezh State University SUBMITTED: November 4, 1959 Card 2/2 87523, S/079J60/030/012/003/027 IZ09 B001/13o64 AUTHORS: Kryuchkovap V. G. and Zavgorodniy, S. V. TITLE: Alkylation of 2- and 4-Anisole Chloride With PentenG-1 in the Presence of BF 30 113PO4as Catalyst -PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obBhohey khimii, 1960, Vol- 30, No. 12, pp. 3869-3871 TEXT: For several years the authors have studied the alkylation of phenol halides and anisole halides with olefins in the presence of boron fluoride catalysts. Alkylation is a very convenient method of synthesiz- ing interesting alkyl halide phenols which have hitherto been hardly ac- ,ansaible ta la!~oratovy. Thi3 13 a continuation of previous studies de- af; ribing the rtz~altr. of alkylatimig 2- Ar,1 4-anlsf~li wish ;,antana-l In tho praoonoo of B?,.sH~POI a* catalyst. In cont.rait tht raac--Ion 4-aninolo 6h1oride vifIl fo~ylenq, Cyalo~JeXg:1.e. InA 4-giz.'_ 0014 bromlda ivlth propylone, an4 cyclohaxong (Hof. 1), only anitiola uhloridoti otres obtlilflott. ;!,-aijtot)lq 0111ot,144 eAlky1n4ol with plentono-1 1-5 times more readily than 4-ani"olo ahlorlda untlar u1milar contlitiona. The molar ratidd 30:00 between 2-phenol chlorido, pontene and tho caltaly;~t, -Card 1/2 Alkylation of 2- and 4-Anisole Chloride With Pentene-1 in the Presence of BF 3&H3PO4 as Catalyst 87523 S107916010301040210031027 BOOIIB064 and a temperature of 40 0C proved to be the optimum conditions under which the 4-sec.-amyl-2-anisole chloride yield %as 66~o. To synthesize 2-sec.- amyl-4-aniaole chloride in a 54% yield, the molar ratio of the reagents and the catalyst duet be 4:1:0.29 and the temperature 400C. A temperature between 20 and 60 C has no.essential effect upon the yield in alkylation products. The ratios of the reagents of 4:1 to 2:1, and the amounts of catalyst between 0.1 - 0.3 per I mole pentene-1 bear also no influence upon tbo yields. Tho'beat results are obtained when the calculated amount of anicolo ohlorido in at once added to tho catalyst and when pentene-I Is slowly added to this mlxture* When pontene-I is mixed with a part of anieole chloride, the yield in alkylation produoto io lower* There are 2 tables and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Voronezhskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet 'Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: February 4j 1960 Card 2/2 87524 S/079J60/030/012/004/027 S' 30LOO FoolIB064 AUTHORS: Kryuchkoval V. G. and Zavgorodniyp S. V. TITLE- Demethylation of Alkyl Halide Anisoles PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol- 30, No- 12, pp. 3872-13873 TEXT: The authors demethylated several alkyl halide anisoles hitherto lit- tle investigated. This paper does not d1ocano the rate of demothylation and the finding of the. boot reaction. conditions, but the synthesis of alkyl hultdo phonolo. Novortholeua,- the roaulto obtainad laud to Intoreating con. aluaiona on the behavior of the anitiole group toward hydriodio itaid Lind hydro-, bromio acid. It van found that all monoulkyl aubatituted o- and p-fluoro anisoles and o- and p-ohloro anisoles can be domethylatod into the correspond- ing alkyl halide phenols when heated with HI or HBr for a longer time; this demethylation, is, however, not quantitative- 4-alkyl-2-anisole halides demothylate more readily. Among the 14 alkyl halide aniaoloo, 4-sec.-amyl- 2-fluoro aninole demethylato moot readily to 4-nec,amyl-2-fluoro phenol (86% yield) (Table), 2,6-dialkyl-4-anisole halides do not demethylate with Card 1/~ 875?4 Domethylation of Alkyl Halido Anivolon 01079160103r,,101210041027 BOW/Bo64 HI and HBr under ordinary conditions; the reason is the blocking-of the methoxy group by the two alkyl radicals which are in ortho position to it. At continuous heating of 2-cyclohexYl-4-ohloro anisole with HI, besides demethylation also a splitting off of the chlorine atom takes place, which instead of the expected 2-cyclohexYl-4-chloro phenol leads to 2-cyclohexyl phenol. There are 1 table and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 February 4, 1960 - . . . I ~ .-1.1-111-17 1_-!1-1-.--Tj~f,i~-- . M,;._..__.,__.,. .--- - Vl__ S/079/60/030/012/011/027 BOOI/BO64 AUTFORS. Shalganova, V. 0. and Z TITLE: Autooxidation of 4-sec.-butyl-o-xylene PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 12, PP. 3964-3967 TEXT: The authors investigated the autooxidation of 4-Bee.-butyl-o-xylene M with atmospheric oxygen at 1100C in the presence of manganese resinate, combined with Ca(OH )2 , NaOR, Na2COP sodium atoarato, cobalt acetate. The compound was oxidized up to the maximum concentration of the hydroperoxide or the complete vanishing of the-latter from the reaction mass. The maxi-, mum*concentration of hydroperoxide was found to depend on the type of the admixture and the amounts of manganese resinate. The maximum concentration of hydroporoxide (13 %0) in caused by the autooxidation of butyl xylene (1) in the presence of resinate and Doda with the following products forming from the reaction mass until the complete vaniehing of hydroperoxide: 3v4.-dimethyl acetophenone (11); o-xylenol-(1p2,4) (III); 1,2-dimothyl- phonyl-mothyl-othyl carbinol (IV)j 2-mothyl-4-aoc,butyl- and 2-mothyl- Card 113 Autooxidation of 4-00c.-butyl-o-xylane S/079/60/030/012/011/0-27 BOO1/BO64 5-Dec.-butyl benzoic acid (V); 2-methyl-4-sec.-butyl- and 2-mothyl-5-nec.- butyl benzyl alcohol (VI). The oxidation of (4-sec.-butyl-o-xylene) in the presence of manganese resin~te, sodium atoarate, and calcium hydroxide with atmospheric oxygen (10 I/h) in a timo of 60 h gave a 25-8 ~o yield of oxidation products. The products (II-VI) form at a molar ratio of 3.75 : 1 : 3 : 5.65 : 2-5. The yield of the oxidation product was 32.3 in the presence of resinate, cobalt acetate, sodium stearate, caustic soda, and calcium hydroxide. The products III-VI) were obtained in a molar ratio of 7-5 : 1 : 3 : 26 : 4. From the composition of the oxida- tiort products it may be concluded that in the oxidation of 4-sec.-butyl- o-x3,lene all three radicals are oxidized, under the formation of a hydro- peroxido mixture: 2-methyl-4-sec.-butyl benzyl (VII), 2-methyl-5-sec-- butyl benzyl (VIII), and 3,4-dimethyl-a-methyl-a-ethyl benzyl (IX) which were all identified by their reduction to alcohols. The time of oxidation of all three alkyl radicals depends on the character of the additions. Among two methyl groups, the one in para position to the sec.-butyl group oxidizee more readily than the other. The sec.-butyl radical. oxidizes in tho presence of manganeno roninate, oodium atottrate, and calcium hydroxide twice as rapidly as the methyl radical. Thure are 2 tablei and Card 2/3 Autooxidation of 4-sec.-butyl-o-xylene S10791601030101210111027 BOOl/BO64 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: Januaryll, 1960 Card 3/3 1~4 7~2 6 0 0 68991 .AUTHORS: Topchiyev, V., kcademiciany S/020/60/i3l/02/033/071 Kryuchkova, V. G., Zavgorodniy, S. V. BO11/BOO5 l TITLEs e in the Alkylation of 4-Fluorophanol With Propylen and Cyolohexen Presence of the Catalysts BF 3 9H 3PO4 and BY3.O(G2R5)2 PERIODICAM Dolklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 20 PY 329-311 (USSR) ABSTRACTs As the reaction of fluorophenols with olefins bad been negleoted in publications, the authors studied the reaction mentioned in the title In continuation of their previous papers. 4-fluorophenol reacts more intonstly than obloro- and bromophonols. Together witb olefins (with propylene) it forms a rather cor-plex mixture of pro- duota, loopropylfluorophonolisopropyl other is alwayst isopropyl- fluorophenol sometimes, formed besides the 4-fluorophenolisopropyl ether.-The yields in individual products depend on the nature and quantity ofthe ostalyet, the temperature, and the molar ratios of the reagents. Thus, only others are formed In the prenence of BP3'O(C2H5)2 at 600 whereas phenol products are missing, at least In noticeable quantities. In the presence of BY *H3pO41 the yields h e temperature bet- in phenol compounds are the higher, the higher ween 46 and 700-The beat conditions for a formation of 4-fluoro- Card 1/2 phenolisopropyl ether (506 yield) are% molar ratio of fluorophenol, 68992 Alkylation of 4-Fluorophonol With Propylone and s/o2o/60/131/02/033/071 Cyclohexene in the Presence of the Catalysts BOll/BOO5 BF 3OH3PO4 and BF3'0(C2H5)2 propylene and BF3;H3p0j - 31110-4 and 400; the same for isopropyl- 4-fluorophenoliso ropy other is, 511'0-3 and 600 (36% yield), and 0 for isopropyl-4-fluorophenol 3sls-,0.2 and 700 (38% yield). Table 1 lists these results. One product .Only - 4-fluorophanoloyclohoxyl ether --la formed from 4-fluorophenol with cyclohexane in the pre- senoe of BF3-H3PO4 with a yield of 70-7% of the theoretical one. Already after the lot distillation of the alkylate, the product has a boiling limit of 2-30 (Table 2). The compounds of the ether type were identified by splitting into corresponding phenols and transformation of the phenols into phenoxy acetic acids. Table 3 shows the physical and chemical constants of the ;rroducta obtained. There are 3 tables and 6 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Voronezhokly goaudarstvonnyy universitst (Voronezh State Universi- ty)- SUBMITTIMs November 19, 1959 Card 2/2 0 0 AUTHORS: TITLE: S/020/60/132/03/28/066 Boll/booe Volkovp R, Kinetic Peculi,arities.of the IookropX1 Xzlene Autoxidation in the Liquid Phase PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 19609 Vol. 132, No. 3, pp*- 591-594 TEXT: In this paper the authors continued the previous investigations (Ref. 1). They now studied the problem mentioned in the title on polyalkyl benzenes with neighboring substituenta. o-xylene Mt 4-iso- propyl-o-xylene (II)i 3-isopropyl-o-xylene (III), 2-isopropyl-p-xylene (IV), 4-isopropyl-m-xylene (V), 2p5-di-ioopropyl-p-xylene (VI) and o-eymene (VII) were investigated. It was determined that y-laotones (phthalide-derivatives) also develop during the autoxidation of these substances, besides alcohols, ketonesp acids etc. From (I) there forms in the presence of 0.6 Mol-~ cobalt acetate; o-toluio aoid, 5-e% of phthalidep and 2-5% mixture from toluyl aldshyde and tolyl carbinol. The highest concentration of hydroperoxide does not exceed 1-1-5%- Card 1/3 Kinetic Peculiarities of the Inopropyl 3/02 6011321031281066 Xyle-me Autaxidation in the Liquid Phase BO i I Y11OO8 A rather complex inixture develops from (II) at the oxidation. It can be ,seen from Table I that the yield of lactones amounts to approximately 5% of the oxidized hydrocarbon. Other products with two oxidized groups develop in noticeable quantities at an intensity of the oxidation of over 30%- (III)-(V) are very slowly oxidized in the presence of manganese resinateo Cobalt acetate and cobalt isopropyl teluylene accelerate the process considerablyo It was not possible to direct the proooss by these two catalysts towards the predominant formation of hydro peroxides, since these decompose very quickly in the presence of cobalt salts. (VI) could oxidize at 1100C within 7 hours with 6 mg/Mol mangs.nese resinate and 10 mg/Mol soda up to a 14 concentration of hydro peroxides, The ioopropyl-group can be oxidized in II) almost 4 times more easily than the CH3-groupy but in (IV) and ~V) the total rate of oxidation of the groups placed side by side in only 1-3-1-7 times greater than that of the individually placed groups, owing to sterio hindrance. Fig. I shows the kinetics of the oxidation products of (V) at 1300C in the presence of 1 Mol-% cobalt i8opropyl toluylate, as well as of (IV) at 1600C. The rate of the introduction of air was Card 2/3 Kinetic Peculiarities of the Isopropyl .3/020/60/132/03/28/066 Xylene Autoxidation in the Liquid Phase BO11/BO08 I 1/min. The composition of the oxidation products of (IV) and (V) is givon in Table 2. It follows therefrom that lactonee develop at a conaiderable rate already in the earliest phases. More than 50% lactonee,the oxidation of (VI)t (III) and (V11) give also high yields. Basod on the ranultoo the authors come to the oonolunion that tho main cauoe of the high yield of lactonealliae in the ioomerization of the free radical (no* Scheme). Here ar 1 figuret 2 tables# and 5 referenoonp of which are Soviet. ASSONATION: Voronezhakiy goeudaretvannyy universitet (Voronezh --- State University) PRESHNTED: January 8, 1960,-by A. V. Topchiyevp Academician SUBMITTED: January 81 1960 Card 3/3 TCFCHMV, A.T., akademik; XUUCHKOVA, T.G.; UTGORODNIT, S.T. Allwlation of 2-chloroonloole b7 prop7lane, oyoloboxene in the presence of 27.y0 & DDkIAX BSSR 3 4 DALAN SSSR 133 n0-3:617-619 JI l6o. (MIRA 13t7) 1. Institut neftekbimicbeekogo sinteza, Akodemii nauk SSSR L Voronezhakiy goeudaratyenmyy universitat. (Anisole) (Allwlation) 86465 S/020/60/133/004/037/04OXX B016/BO54 AUTHORS: Volkov, R. N., and Zavgorodniy, S. V. __TITLEj The Character of Alkylation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Olefins in the Presence of BF H PO 3 3 4 PERTODICALs Doklady Akad6mii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133# No. 4p pp. 843-846- TEXT: The authors.reporl, on the investigatio n of the- following alkylation reactions in the,presence of the catalyst BF 3 'H3PO41 of benzene by propylene, cyclohexene, as well as a- and -isobutylene; of binary mixtures of toluene and benzene$ ethyl benzene, cumenep as well as o-, m-t and p-xylene by the same olefinal of a mixture of benzene and ethyl benzene, cumene, and the xylenes by,butylenes and cyclohexene; of a mixture of m-xylene.with secondary and tertiary butyl benzene by propylene and '~ -butylene; of benzene mixed with tert, -butyl benzene by cyclohexene; of cumene, diisopropyl benzene, and a mixture of the latter with benzene, by Card 1/4 86465 The Character of Alkylation of Aromatic S/020/60/133/004/037/04OXX Hydrocarbonaby Olefins in the Presence B016/BO54 of BF 3*H3PO4 propylene. These experiments were made to check the assumption saying that the presenoe of alkyl groups in the benzene ring strongly activates the subotitution reaction only if the attacking agent has a considerable positive charge. The authors performed the alkylation an it is described in Ref. S. They made special experiments to determine the effect of de- alkylation on the composition of the alkylate. They proved that only hydrocarbons with tertiary butyl groups are noticeably dealkylated. The rate of this process only depends on the concentration of the substance to be dealkylated, and on temperature. Table I shows the alkylation results of the benzene - toluene mixture. Hence, the authors conclude that neither the reaction conditions nor the ratio of the reagents can strongly influence the reaction rate of toluene. The same applies 'to the alkylation of~-o-the-r--hydrocarbonf~_~y propylene, n-butylene, and cyclohexene. Only in the roaotion of benzene and -i-ts h-o-m-o-lo-guen-wi-th-inobu-tylgne temperature and duration of the experi ment exerted some Influence in thi Table 2 given the relative reactivities of benzene homologues to varioua Card 2/4 The Character of Alkylation of Aromatic S1020160113310041037104OXX Hydrocarbons by Olefins in the Presence B016/BO54 of BF 3*H3PO4 olefine. The catalyst BF 3'H3PO4does not produce a strong 4isproportiona- tion of primary and secondary alkyl radicalsj nor does it form any "special complexes" during alkylation. Table 3 shows the composition of the alkylation products. Hence, the authors conolude that the relations of the rate oonotants of nucaeaDive reactions do not depend on the intensity of alkylation of an aromatic hydrocarbon. Therefore, it is possible to fore- _--cast-the- composition of--the-alkylate---with-relativd -dcc-ura_c_y__. Theau-thars-- mention the phenomenon of hyperconjugation, but do not discuss it. For an interpretation of several rules observed by them, they must assume that the alkyl groups are an obstacle not only in ortho-, but also in meta- and para-substitutions. Generally speaking, alkyl benzenes can reaut faster (than with benzene) only with such olefins that are polarized by the catalyst, and form ions with a highly effective charge, which are con- centrated on the reacting carbon atom. Finally, the authors point out that the rupture of the n-bond proceeds (,,radually during the formation of a bond with the aromatic ring. This is confirmed by the difference in Card 3/4 8646,5 The Character of Alkylation of Aromatic S102 60/133/004/037/04GXX Hydrocarbona by Olefins in the Presence B016YB054 of BF 3*H3PO4 relative reactivities of alkyl benzenes and u- and IN-butylene. Thero are 3 tables and 9 references: 8 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATIONt Voronezbskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) PRESENTED- March 19, 1960, by A. V. Topchiyev, Academician SUBMITTED: March 19, 1960 Card 4/4 8h690 8/020/60/134/004/015/023 M6/Bo6o AUTHORS: Topchiyev, A. V., Academician, Volkov, R. N., and Zavgorodniy1-~-S-' V-.. TITLE: A~Study of the Rules Governing the Alkylation of XjLenes With PS2fflen~elin Presence of Br3'H3P04 PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk 988R, 196ot vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 844 847 TEM. The rules governing the alkylation of 0- (1), m- (II), and p-xylene (III)-with propylene in the presence of BF H PO have not been studied 3 3 4 by previous researchers (Ref. 2), nor have their yields of isopropyl xylene been higher than 52%. The authors of the present paper made a I'll, re, time of re- systematic study of the effects of catalysticoncentmba4*tempnlatt; action, and molar ratio of reagentT--U-P--0-n-fFi-e yield and the composition of the alkylation product of (I) - (III). In doing so, they established ,the conditions under which it is possible to obtain a 90% yield in Card 1/4 A Study of the Rules GoIverning the Alkylation S/02o/60/134/oo4/o15/023 of Xylenes With Propylene in Presence of B016/BO60 BF3-113POI isopropyl xylenes, and clarified the kinetic characteristics of the re- action. Alkylation and fractional distillation were performed in the same way as-shown in Ref- 3. The propylation of (I) gives rice to 4-isopropyl- -o-xylene (IV), 3-isopropyl-o-xylene (V), and 4,5-diisopropyl-o-xylene (VI), while (II) yields 4-isopropyl-m-xylene (VII), 5-i8opropyl-m-xylene (VIII), 2-isopropyl-m-xylono (IX), 4,6-diisopropyl-m-xylene M, and 2,5-d.iieopropyl-.m-xylene (XI). The monoalkylate of (111) oxclunively consists of 2-isopropyl-p-xylene (XII), while its dialkylate mainly con- sists-of 21,5-diisopropyl-p-xylene (XIII). Table 1 contains the principal constants of the resulting compounds and the xylene8 employed in the process. Heretofore, there was no description of M and (VI) to be found in publications. The authors describe the methods of identifying the icomorB. Theywere oxidized to form benzene polycarboxylic acid, and examined both refractometrically and by means of infrared absorption spectra,. The authors further describe the separation of benzene tricarb- oxy-1'LC--acidB-, -and- that-o f-their-eB-ters. The dilactone of 2,5-di-((A-oxy- -isopropyl)-terephthalic acid was obtained from.(Xllr)-by-o-)t-l-dation-~--- -- Card 2/4 84690 A Study of the Rules Governing the-Alkylation 3/020/60/13VOOV015/023 ,of Xylenes With Propylene in Presence of Boi6/Bo6o BF3 *H 3PO4 Moreover, isopropyl xylenes were also identified by self-oxidation. Results obtained fro m some experiments on xylene propylation are shown in Table 2 and include composition of reaction mass, yields, ratio of apparent rate constants of the alkylation. of isopropyl xylenes and initial xylene (r = k2A1 ). It may be seen from Table 2 that an increase in temperature and in the concentration of BF 3*H3 PO4 reduces the relative formation rate of products resulting from secondary alkylation, an had already been established previously by the first-named author jointly with N. V. Kuranhev and Ya. M. Paushkin (Ref. 7). The rules governing the iso- meri:sation of polyalkyl benzenes are formulated as follows: the migration V, of the isopropyl group has an inner-molecular character, and chiefly occu:rs whenever there are alkyl radicals in the positions 2,3, 2,4, or 2,3,,5 relative thereto. These rules, in addition to explaining the charac- ter of the orientation of substituents, allow the process to be controlled in such a way that the substances desired can be obtained with highest yields. There are I figure,.2 tables, and 9 refereitces: 8 Soviet and I US. Card,3/4 no A Study of the Rules Governing the Alkylation 6/020/60/13VOOV015/023 of Xylenes With Propylene in Presence of B016/Bo6o BF.X.H PO 3 4 ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh.State University) SUBMITTED: April 29, 1960 Card 4/4 Olt' 26288 3/190 61/093/008/ool/0,19 0 D B1199B.220 AUTHORS: Rayevskiy, A. B., Kryuchkova, V4 G., Zavgorodniy, S. V. TITLE: Effect of alkyl halophenola on the polymerization of styrene PERIODICAL: Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedineniyal v. 3, no~ 8, 19611 1121-1124 TEXT: The inhibiting effect of-~henol derivatives on the polymerization of styrene and its dependence on the structure of the phenol derivatives were atudied. The compounds mentioned in the legend of the figure were synthe- cited to this and. Aniaole.halidea were alkylated by olefinp in the pro- Bence of BF 3' R3PO4 and BF3-O(C.2H5 )2 -at 6000. Domethylation of the anisolo alkyl halides obtained was performed in the presence of H1, HBr, and acetic anhydride. Commercial styrene was purified from hydroquinone by treatment with 20% KOHj dried over Al 0 and distilled in a nitrogen flow. Thj..molar 2 3 " 3 '%~,I!, ~ ratio of styrene to inhibitor was 5,10 :1. For comparison, otyren'e! was polymerized without inhibitor.. The polymer content P was calculated from the refractive index: P - (2.05-n 20 _ 3.17)-103. Results: 1) The nature Card 1/4 S/190/61/003/008/001/019 Effact of alkyl halophenols on B11O/B220 of the halogens and their position influences the inhibiting effsotj 2) 2-alkyl-4-halophenole are stronger inhibitors than 2-halogen-4-alkyl phenolst 3) fluorine derivatives are stronger inhibitors than chlorine derivatives; 4) 4-fluorophenols show an increasing inhibiting effect in the sequence: 2-seo-butyl-; 2-oyolohexyl-; 2-sec-amyl-; 2-icopropyl-4-fluoro- phenol; 5) the inhibiting effect of 4-chlorine derivatives increases con- versely$ 6) the nature of the alkyl radical has no essential effect in the case of 4-alkyl-2-halophenolai 7) Since phenol derivatives have an inhib- iting effect only in the presence of 0 2f the compounds studied did nolt show such an effect in the polymerization of styrene in 'a nitrogen atmosphere. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 7 references. 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet . The most important references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 1: E. 0. Edwards, Go F. P. Harriso Chem. Ind., 1955, 6251 R-ef.2t So G. Food, J. ohem. Boo., 1940t 48. Ref.6: USA Patent 2p 221 809, 1940. ASSOCIATION: Zavod sintetichaskogo kauohuka. imo So Ho Kirova (Synthetic Rubber Works imeni So go Kirov).Voronozhakiy gosudarstvennyy universitat (Voronezh State University)- Card 2/4 KRYUCIIKOVA, V,G,j ZAVGORODNIY,_.4a,- AU71ation of 4,,-cbloroanisole by propylwo, pueudobutylene., and cyciqUexene in the presence of thk catalyst BFI *HjPO4& Izv&v7a* ucheb,zav,; khim,i khimotekhe 4 no@2:92-93 61, (MM 14:6) 1. Voronezhakiy gosudaratvennyy univernitotp ka-fodra organicheskoy khInii. (Anllnolo) (Alkylation) B I 10 B203 / AUTHORS: javgorod.R4f__�.! .. K,_, Sigoval V. I. TITLE; Synthesis of I-ethYl-4-isopropyl benzene and Some Of its conversions PERIODICAL: eniyo Khimiya i Izvestlya vyashikh uchebnykh zaved - khimieheskaya tekhnologiya$ v. 49 no- 1# 1961v 99-101 TEXT; In the alkylation of ethyl benzene with propylene (I) and isopropyl alcohol (II) in the presence of BF 3 H3POV mainly I-athyl-4-isopropyl benzene is fo rmed (polyalkyl benzenes 7~o maximum). With M, l th ti f i l f d j 0#2,-0#3 molen mum o re e o e op BF H PO are requ one; per mo propy 3' 3 4 yield (69A of . 1 the theory) is obtained with the ratio: 3 moles of ethyl benzene - I mole of propylene - 0.3-moleil of catalyst. With (II)o 0-5-1 moles of BF 3'H3PO4 are required per mole of ieopropyl alcohol; the optimum yield (61~o of the theory) is obtained with the ratio; 2 moles of ethyl benzene 1 mole of isopropyl alcohol I mole of catalyst, and at Card V55 ~tn 3/153/61/004/001/004/009 Synthesis of l.-ethyl-4-isopropyl ... B110/B203 86-900C. Alkylation with propylene and BF 3*H3P04 at the molar ratios 4 : 1 : 0.3 and I . I -. 0.2 proceeds slowly at 53-550C (yield 2Wo of the theory). At 1000C, the reaction proceeds vigorously, the catalyst being thrown out of the reaction mixture. 0-5 and more than 2 moles of ethyl benzene per mole of isopropyl. alcohol gives only 5ry/a of the theoretical yiel.d. Nitration of i-ethyl-4-isopropyl benzene proceeds readily. Excess bromine gives pentabromo ethyl benzene. Nitric acid oxidizes to terophthalic acid. In autooxidation with atmospheric oxygen in the presence of manganese resinate, cobalt acetate, and calcium hydroxideg mainly the a-oarbon of the ethyl radical is affected, and the hydroperoxide ,of (%-mothyl-p-isopropyl benzyl is formed. Maximum hydroperoxide con- oent,ration is attained after 2-4 hr (Fig. 1), then decomposition sets in. With the use of proper amounts of suitable alkali additions, the authors obtained UP to 37~ of hydroperoxides in the reaction mass after 20 hr. Thenj.decomposition by 112804 mainly gives p-ieopropyl phenol. Initial 1 0 substances were: industrial ethyl benzene (boiling point - 135-136-5 C) 20 20 d4 0.6655, nD 1-4950); propylene produce d by dehydration of :Card 2111" 511531611004100110041009 Synthoeia of 1-etl'YI-4-isoProwl B1IOfB2O3 inopropyl alcohol; and freshly prepared BF 3* If3PO 4# Alkylation was performed by the mothod earlier described by the first author (Ref. 1: S. V. Zavgorodniy et. al.; Zh, obehohey khimiij 26f 2180 (1956)). Results are tabulated. l-Ethyl-4-isopropyl benzene is formed almoot -exclusively (values obtained: boiling point - 193-194OC; 20 20 d4 . o.8626; n D _ 1-4927' MRD - 49-8; calculated: 49.4; published 0 20 20 data: boiling point - 1-94 C; d 0,8625; nD - 1.4927). The follow- 4 ing derivatives were prepared: (1),Pentabromo ethyl benzene by bromina- tion with Br2 in the presence of Al chips at 00C (white powder, MP - 137-138-50C). (2) Mononitro-ethyl ioopropyl benzene (34.5% Yield) by nitration with mixed acid. Highly viscous liquidp mp - 136-1370C 20 20 at 3 mm Hg; d 4 . 1.0535; d D 1-5338. Found: M - 192.5 C11H 15 N02; calculated: M - 193.0, Oxidation with HI-103givea nitro-terephLiialic acid (yellow platelets, mp - 263-2650C (from alcohol)). (3) Terephthalic acid by prolonged heating with 25~ HNO 3 to weak boilingp identified by Card 315- S/ 15 31611004100110041009 Synthoois of I-e-'Whyl-4-isoProPY1 B110/B203 conversion with CH OH and concentrated H 3 2c?04to the dimethyl ester of terep"Ithalic Etold (mP = 139 1400C). Autooxidation of I-ethyl-4-isopropyl benzene with atmospheric oxygen proceeded in the prouenoo of mangancee reninate and alkali additions to a decrease of the hydroperoxide con- centration in the reaction mass. Tile concentration was iodometrically determined every 2-4 hr (Fig. 1). On decomposition with H 2soV the hydroperoxide of any concentration yielded p-isopropyl phenol (long, white needles, mP~- 57-50C (from potr.)Ieum-other)) besides considerable amounts of resin. With CH 2CICOOH, p--isopropyl phenoxy acetic acid is formed (small, whita needles, mp = 600C# publiahed; mp = 8100). Th-re are 2 fibrures, 1 table, and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non. Soviet-bloc. The reference to the Englioli-language publication reads as follows: C. E. Weloh, G. F. flonniont J. Amer. Chem. Soo.t L, 2603 (1941). .Card 4/5 3/153/61/004/001/006/009 B11O/D2O3 AIJTHORSt Zavgorodniy# S.V.9 Gonsovskayaq T.B* TITLEs Benzene alkylation with olefine of ecrubber exhaust gases in the divinyl produotion by the Lqbedev method PERIODICALt Izveatiya vysohikh.uohebnykh zavedoniy, Xhimiya. i khimi- cheskays, tekhnologiyap va 4# no# Ir 19619 128 - 131 TEXTt In contrast to the 'Alkylation of aromatics with individual olefinst the alkylation-vith olefin mixtures has only been dealt with In the book by M.I. Dalin (Ref. 91 Alkilirovaniye benzola olefinamip Oookhimizdat, Mti 1957). It is of special interest since olefin mixtures are obtained in the chemical industry, e.g., 13-15% of ethylene and propylene in the scrubber exhaust gas in the divinyl production according to S.V. Lebedev .during rubber synthesis. They could boused for the produution of large quantities of valuable for synthesis ethyl and isopropyl benzenes instead of fuels. Fo'r this purpose, the authors studied the benzons alkylation with ethylene and propyleno of the scrubber exhaust gas in the presence of AM 2* H2 PO 49 AlCl3t AlCl2-R304 and BF30H,PO4 Favorable conditions Card~- 1/y a/153/61/0O4/OO1/oo6/oo9 Benzene alkylation with ... B110/B203 yiolded a quantitative utilization of olefins (mainly ethylene and isopro- pylene). Ain is the most efficient catalyst. Optimum ratio benzene/ /olefin/cataly2t - 2-5/l/0-05. Optimum temperature - 76-800c, gas velo- city - 4-5- 5 lZhr. Heret the yield of isopropyl benzene (I) is 90%, that of ethyl benzene (11) 70%, referred to propylene or ethylene absorption. -The fraction of M in the alkylate is 32% , that of (11) 51%. Ethylene conversion' - 77%, propylene conversion m 89%. The efficiency of AICI 2* *H2PO4 and LIC12*HSO 4- is worse than that of AM 30 With the use of BY3 ON3PO 40 benzene was only propylated (Tables I and 2). With 0.05 moles of AIC12*HSO 4 and Oo10 moles of A1C120H,?O 4 per mole of olefin, the pro- pylation rate is high up to 35 OCp isopropyl ben2ens being mainly formed# In the eth7lation, hexaethyl benzene is also formed (8-260 in the alkylate). Higher amounts or catalyst and increase in temPerature to 50 - BOOG In- crease the ethyl benzene formatioav and reduce slightly the i9opropyl for- matio-d. Here, almost no hexastbyl benzene ie formed, Thiophefte-frae ben- zene was used. After divinyl adsorption with eth 1 alcoholl the scrubber exhaust gas (3-6 % of the alcohol passing through~ contained 12-15% of Card 2/y 7777 N